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Please submit the text of your article and tables (if any) in MS Word format. The following are a set of compulsory
rules to be followed for submission.

The text should be strictly in Times New Roman font.
Font size 12, headings 16, sub headings 14.
Line spacing should be 1.5-spaced.
Leave 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, left and right.
The article text must be double-columned.
Alignment of the text being justified.
Page numbers of manuscript should start from page 1 at the right hand corner.
The article must not exceed 2500 words. (Abstract may be 250 words separately)
Do not design or format any page. Do not add headers or footers.
There is no need to indent the first line of a paragraph.
Please mention Review Article below the article title for all review articles.

Please note that an article failing to adhere to the preceding rules will be immediately eliminated from


Apart from the chapter title, use headings as Main heading 1. Sub-headings,1.1. Sub sub-headings 1.1.1, and so on
Tables: Up to four tables are permitted.
Tables must be prepared separately in MS Word.
Xeroxed tables will not be accepted.
Students are encouraged to prepare tables themselves rather than pick up from the reference articles.
Include Source Reference for each Table. Tables should be referenced in the text, for example, (see
Table 1.1) or Table 1.1 shows..

Up to four figures are permitted.
Figures include photographs (or half-tones), line artwork as well.
Each figure should bear title at the bottom of figure. Include Source Reference.
Figures should be referenced in the text, for example, (see Figure 1.1) or Figure 1.1 shows..
are numbered by Arabic numerals which are included must be explained in the corresponding figure
Figures that provide little information and are not discussed in the text should not be included.

Please make sure that the photographs included are of the highest possible resolution.
Do not reduce resolution of images taken from a digital camera. Bad quality material will be rejected
and may affect the understanding of your article.


Please note that the following formats are only suggestions to help improve your manuscript and are not to be
compulsorily followed as the RULES previously mentioned.


Introduction (a brief opening to your topic)
Methods (details regarding experiments carried out & materials used)
Results (experimental results)
Discussion (an understanding regarding the experiments and their relevance to the topic)
Benefits/Applications (Current uses/benefits of the concerned discussion over its prototypes)
Conclusion (A direction and purpose to the entire article)
Future Prospects (hypothesis regarding its probable uses)

Introduction (a brief opening to your topic)
Case studies & their critical evaluation (experiments performed of concern to the topic, their relevance, results,
Discussion (an understanding the topic as a whole)
Benefits/Applications (Current uses/benefits of the concerned discussion over its prototypes)
Conclusion (A direction and purpose to the entire article)
Future Prospects (hypothesis regarding its probable uses)

Proper and adequate referencing is extremely important.
A good review article would require to have at least 25 genuine references. Internet sources as references
should be strictly avoided.
References should be cited in appropriate places within the article. References are to be given as
superscripts in the text of the manuscript.
The list of the publications is typed in separate pages in which names of all authors should be indicated.
The references are numbered in the order they appear in the text.
Refer to the style of citing references as given below.

Published book author/s, Book title, Editor, publisher, location, year (see example below)

1. Johnson W, Impact Strength of Materials, London, Arnold, 1972.
Journal article - authors, title of paper, journal, volume (issue) (year) pages. (see example below)
Chirwa E C, Theoretical analysis of tapered thin-walled metal inverbucktube, Int J Mech Sci, 35(3/4) (1993)

2. Conference paper - authors, title, conference, location, publisher, year. (see example below)
Ibitolu E O and Summerscales J, Acoustic emission source location, 2nd Int conf Testing, Evaluation and Quality
Control of Composites, Sevenoaks, Butterworths Scientific, 1987.

3. Newspaper articles or nonscientific magazine- authors, title of article, title of periodical, date. (see
example below)
Suplee C, Infinitesimal Carbon Structures May Hold Gigantic potential, The Washington Post, Dec 2, 1996.

4. Thesis- author, title of thesis. level of thesis, degree-granting institution, location of institution, year of
completion.(see example below)
Jones P J, Electron Transfer in Titanium Dimers, M S Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 1986.
Internet source (Web site)- author (if any). title of site. URL (accessed date). (see example below) 6. ACS
Publications Division Home Page. (accessed Jan 1998).

Permissions clearance: Any material for which original authors/publishers permission is needed and not obtained
will be excluded.

The following criteria could be a part of the evaluation process for publishing and selection of the best article of
the ones published. Please make a note.

Body of review
Referencing style


Please submit this as the front page of each hard copy of your manuscript.
Use this as a final check for your soft copy as well. Please tick mark in front of every question in the

Fill up the following details (Put a cross if not applicable):

Tile of Article:
Name of Authors:

Course & Year of Study:
Author 1:
Author 2:
Contact Details:

(Use the same to email soft copy)
Email ID Author 1:
Email ID Author 2:
Contact No. Author 1:
Contact No. Author 2:

Is the text times new roman font, size 12, tile -16, sub title - 14?
Is the line spacing 1.5?
Is the article double columned?
Are the pages numbered sequentially?
Are the paragraphs clearly separated, with a suitable number of headings?
Are the references complete and consistent with the text?
Is the text saved in MS Word?

Are the figures numbered correctly and consistent with the text?
Are the figures referenced correctly?

Are the tables numbered correctly and consistent with the text?
Are the tables referenced correctly?

Are the references given in standard format?
Are the reference numbers put in the text at appropriate places?
Are the references given for EACH Table?
Are the references given for EACH Figure?

Have you retained back-up copies of all files?
Have you sent TWO hard copies and ONE soft copy of the article to us?

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