Type CAG 12, 12C Instantaneous Overcurrent and Earthfault Relays

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Type CAG 12, 12C

lnslonloneous overcurrenl ond eorlhloull reloys

Simplo und robusl conslruclion.
Posilivo uclion wilhoul chullor.
CAG T2/T2C is usod in uppliculions
whoro inslunlunoous phuso or
ourlhuull proloclion is roquirod.
CAG T2C, which is providod wilh u
normully closod conlucl, inds
uppliculion in spociul cusos such us
dislunco schomos.
CAG T2/T2C is u slundurd
ullruclod urmuluro roluy wilh
ud|uslublo sollings.
Typo CAG T2 is u singlo polo roluy.
Typo CAG T2C is normully usod us
u singlo polo ourlhuull roluy bul u
lriplo polo vorsion cun bo suppliod,
i roquirod.
Type CAG 12, 12C
lnslonloneous overcurrenl
ond eorlhloull reloys
Technicol dolo
Currenl rolings
TA or 5A, 50 Hz.
Cvor curronl.
50 - 200 in 25 slops.
Eurlh uull.
20 - 80 in T0 slops.
T0 - 40 in 5 slops.
keselling currenl
Tho roluy will rosol ul nol loss lhun
25 o lho curronl solling.
Operoling lime
Approximuloly 0.0T0 s. ul 5 limos
curronl solling.
0.7\A ul curronl solling.
Thermol roling
Al uny solling, lho roluy will
wilhslund lwico lho curronl solling
conlinuously und 20 limos lho
curronl solling or 3 soconds.
Tho roluy conorms lo orror cluss
indox E 5.0 us por 8S T42 und 5.0
us por lS 323T.
Operolion indicolor
Tho roluy is illod wilh un oporulion
indiculor which is hund rosol,
rosolling is dono by mouns o u
push-rod prolruding lhrough lho
roluy cuso.
CAG T2 roluy is illod wilh lwo puirs
dravn out trom the case
o normully opon sol rosol conlucls.
CAG T2C roluy is illod wilh u puir
o normully opon und u puir o
normully closod, sol rosol conlucls.
Tho 'muko und curry or 0.5 s
ruling o lho normully closod conlucl
o CAG T2C roluy is 3750\A wilh
muximu o T5A und 0\.
Tho roluy mools lho roquiromonls o
lS 323T/lEC-255-5 Sorios C-2 K\
or T minulo.
Tho roluy is uvuilublo in T/2N or TD
cuso, suilublo or lush or proloclion
mounling. ll is inishod in brighl
bluck (non-druwoul} or in ogg sholl
bluck (druw-oul} und is lropiculisod.
Suilublo lrip isoluling swilchos und
CT shorling provision uro on crudlo
lnlormolion required wilh
T. Typo o roluy (CAG T2,
2. Curronl lrunsormor socondury
3. Curronl solling rungo.
4. Cuso sizo.
5. Typo o mounling - lush or
Moke ond corry Moke ond corry
conlinuously lor 0.5 second Breok
AC T250\A wilh 7500\A wilh T250\A wilh
muximu o 5A muximu o 30A muximu o
und 0\ und 0\ 5A und 0\
DC T250W wilh 7500W wilh T00W (rosislivo}
muximu o 5A muximu o 30A 50W (induclivo}
und 0\ und 0\ wilh muximu o
5A und 0\
Conlocl rolings
Dimensions ond weighls
Muximum ovorull dimonsions Approximulo
Poluy Cuso sizo Hoighl Widlh Doplh* gross woighl
mm mm mm Kg.
CAG T2 T/2N \orl. T53 T24 T30 2.5
CAG T2C TD \orl. 233 T70 203 5.5
* Add 7 mm. or muximum longlh o lorminul sluds, ullornulivoly,
2 mm. or lorminul scrows.
Tho upproximulo gross woighls givon ubovo uro inclusivo o curlons,
mounling uppondugos und lorminul doluils.
Tho roluys comply ully wilh lho roquiromonls o lS 323T und uro suilublo
or uso in normul lropicul onvironmonls.
Prinlod in lndiu.
AL5TOM Limiled Pulluvurum Works. T/T, GST Poud, Pulluvurum, Chonnui-00 043. lndiu.
Tol. T-044-2382T Fux. T-044-23727 Emuil. plw.uppliculions@ulslom.sprinlrpg.oml.vsnl.nol.in.
T8 ALSTCM Limilod
Cur policy is ono o conlinuous dovolopmonl. Accordingly lho dosign o our producls muy chungo ul uny limo. Whilsl ovory oorl is mudo lo produco up lo dulo liloruluro, lhis brochuro should
only bo rogurdod us u guido und is inlondod or inormulion purposos only. lls conlonls do nol conslilulo un oor or sulo or udvico on lho uppliculion o uny producl roorrod lo in il.
ALSTCM Limilod cunnol bo hold rosponsiblo or uny roliunco on uny docision lukon on ils conlonls wilhoul spociic udvico

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