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Smith Consulting

Kudler Fine Foods

Kudlers Frequent Shopper
Technical Architecture
System Design
Project Sponsor Smith Consulting
Submission Contact Name Cody Mercer
Submission Contact Title IT Project Lead
Submission Contact Phone 210-246-2!
Submission Contact Fax 210-246-2!
Submission E-Mail
Date Submitted to
_________________________________________ ____________
Smith Consulting Director Signature Date
_________________________________________ ____________
Smith Consulting Technical Lead Signature Date
_________________________________________ ____________
Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
Sumission Contact Signature Date
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
Tale o! Contents
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Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
". #ntroduction
-udler %ine %oods recently has de=ised a ne> 'rogram re$erred to as the ?%re&uent Sho''er Program? that 'er$orms
the ca'a#ilities o$ trac@ing customer 'urchases and a>arding loyalty 'oints #ased on the amount o$ the gi=en
'urchase0 Moreo=erA the 'urchases #y the customers >ill #e trac@ed and through the accumulated loyalty 'oints may
#e redeemed $or high-end gi$t items to include airline $irst-class u'gradesA s'ecialty $ood itemsA #asic -udler %ine
%oods itemsA and other ser=ices or 'roducts that >ill #e 'ro=ided #y -udler %ine %oods 'artnershi's0 The 'rinci'al
dri=e #ehind the %re&uent Sho''er Program aside $rom the loyalty 'oint system is to maintain customer satis$actionA
'ro=ide incenti=e $or increased customer 'urchasesA esta#lish greater customer relationshi'sA and also to increase
-udler %ine %oods re=enue B?Sales C Mar@eting?A 2010D0
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
). *ard:are System Design Section
The hard>are re&uirements $or -udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program >ill #e #ro@en do>n into t>o increments0 The
ne> >arehouse that >ill house the 'roducts and su''lies relati=e to the %re&uent Sho''er Program >ill #e in San
)iegoA Cali$ornia0 This ne> $acility >ill 'ro=ide $or a >arehouse en=ironment that >ill maintain the 'allets o$
su''lies and 'roducts @no>n as the ?Pallet Staging "reaA? the second hal$ o$ the >arehouse >ill #e the o$$ice s'ace
>here the majority o$ the em'loyees >ill conduct the day-to-day o'erations in re$erence to in=entoryA trac@ing
'urchasesA ordering su''liesA and all other attri#utes a$$iliated >ith the -udler %ine %oods %re&uent Sho''er
)." *ard:are System Chec;list
*ard:are System Chec;list %esponses < Select all that apply
Domain Controller
Server - Specifications
7um#er o$ Ser=ers* 2
Processor "rchitecture* 64 :it
Processor Cores* <uad
2"I) Su''orted* 5es
Mirroring Su''orted* 5es
Clustering Su''orted* 5es
CP; Ty'e* Intel
CP; S'eed* 204 91E
"mount o$ 2"M* 69:
Web Server - Specifications
7um#er o$ Ser=ers* 1
Processor "rchitecture* 64 :it
Processor Cores* <uad
2"I) Su''orted* 5es
Mirroring Su''orted* 5es
Clustering Su''orted* 5es
CP; Ty'e* Intel
CP; S'eed* 204 91E
"mount o$ 2"M* 69:
Database Server - Specifications
7um#er o$ Ser=ers* 1
Processor "rchitecture* 64 :it
Processor Cores* <uad
2"I) Su''orted* 5es
Mirroring Su''orted* 5es
Clustering Su''orted* 5es
CP; Ty'e* Intel
CP; S'eed* 204 91E
"mount o$ 2"M* 69:
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
Desktop Hardware Platforms
7um#er o$ )es@to's* !
Processor "rchitecture* 64 :it
Processor Cores* <uad
2"I) Su''orted* 5es
CP;s* 2
CP; Ty'e* Intel
CP; S'eed* 800
"mount o$ 2"M* 69:
Hard Wired Router- Specifications
7um#er o$ 2outers* 1
2outer Ty'e* Cisco
Standards* I444 !0208A I444 !0208u
Security* SPI %ire>allA )4S and 8)4S 4ncry'tion $or IPSec
3"7 Ports* 2 F 10,100M#'s
L"7 Ports* 4 F 10,100M#'s
Computer onitors ! Specifications
7um#er o$ Com'uter Monitors* !
"s'ect 2atio* 16*/
:rightness* 2+0 cd,m2
MaF 2esolution* 1/20 F 10!0
Gideo %ormat* 10!0' B%ull1)D
Printer ! Specifications
7um#er o$ Printers* 2
6ut'ut Ty'e* Color
:lac@ Print S'eed* ;' to 1 ''m
Color Print S'eed* ;' to 4 ''m
Color Print <uality* 2400 F 600 d'i
Wireless Router- Specifications
7um#er o$ 3ireless 2outers* 1
2outer Ty'e* Lin@sys
Security* 64-#it 34PA 12!-#it 34PA 3P"2-PS-A 3P"-PS-A
3P"-4nter'riseA 3P"2-4nter'riseA 3PS su''ort
3P",3P"2* 3P"2
Ports* 1 F 10,100M 3"7H 4 F 10,100M L"7
L4)s* Po>er F 1A "I2 F 1A 3"7 F 1A L"7 F 4
"irewall- Specifications
7um#er o$ %ire>alls* 1
%ire>all Ty'e* 7etgear
Ty'e* 3ired
MaFimum ;sers* ;nlimited
Ports* 2 F 10,100,1000M 3"7 I 4 F 10,100,1000M L"7 2J-4+
3ired S'eed* 10,100,1000 M#'s
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
Switc#- Specifications
7um#er o$ S>itches* 1
%ire>all Ty'e* )-Lin@
S>itch Ty'e* 2ac@mount
Standards* I444!0208A I444!0208uA I444!0208a#A I444!0208F
7et>or@ Management Ty'e* ;nmanaged
Jum#o %rames* 5es
Ports* 24 F 2J4+
S'eed* 10,100,1000M#'s
M"C "ddress* Ta#le
Wirin$ - Specifications
Cat-6* +00 $t0
Cat 6 :lue 4nhanced ++0M1E Patch Ca#le
%eatures* Category 6 4nhanced ++0 M1E TI",4I"+6!:02;TP
;nshielded T>isted Pair PGC Jac@et 24 "39 4 Pairs Su''orts
9iga#its 10,100,1000
%i#er 6'tic* +00 $t0
:4L-I7%2%402LL-08M /0!4 $t )u'leF 6'tic %i#er Ca#le
Ty'e* %i#er 6'tic
Connector "* 2 F LC Male
Connector :* 2 F LC Male
R"%D &Radio "re'uency %dentifier(
7um#er o$ 2%I)* 1
%re&uency* ;1%
Style* 9un 9ri'
7et>or@* 3I%I!02011:,9A :luetooth
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
).) *ard:are System Description
The -udler %ine %oods %re&uent Sho''er Program >ill re&uire a total o$ $our 'rimary ser=ers0 T>o ser=ers >ill
'ro=ide $or the ca'a#ility o$ -udlers chie$ domain controllers that >ill esta#lish em'loyee account in$ormationA
account logonA 'ass>ord =eri$icationA mail eFchange re&uirementsA and also to create and delete accounts through
"cti=e )irectory0 " data#ase ser=er >ill ser=e as the 'rinci'al data#ase con$iguration management relational to all
customer transactionsA 'urchase trac@ingA in=entoryA and su''ly re&uirements0 Moreo=erA a >e# ser=er >ill host the
lin@ #et>een the %re&uent Sho''er Program gra'hical user inter$ace used #y -udler customers to =eri$y the
consistently u'dated in$ormation su''lied #y real-time data u'dates and -udler em'loyee in'ut0 "dditionallyA the
o$$ice 'ortion o$ the >arehouse >ill maintain the hard>are to include the hard>ired Cisco 2outerA 7eatgear
%ire>allA )-Lin@ S>itchA and more than 1000 $eet o$ $i#er o'tic and Cat-6 ca#ling0 The 'allet staging area o$ the
>arehouse >ill ma@e use o$ the 2adio %re&uency Identi$ier B2%I)D that >ill scan the #arcodes on all merchandise
'allets and 'ic@ed u' #y the Lin@sys 3ireless 2outer and $ed directly into the data#ase ser=er and continually re=ise
re&uisite in$ormation0
1. $et:or; System Design Section
The customary net>or@ to'ology em'loyed #y -udler.s >arehouse $acility >ill u'hold a Mesh con$iguration0 The
o$$ice $acility >ill house the s>itchA hard->ired routerA eight 'ersonal com'utersA and the $our ser=ers0 The 'allet
staging area >ill connect to the 'rimary net>or@ in$rastructure =ia a >ireless router located in a sa$e location >ith
the s'ace0 Princi'al data >ill #e $ed #y a T1 line su''lying 10+8 m#'s $rom the Internet Ser=ice Pro=ider BISPD0
1." $et:or; System Chec;list
$et:or; System Chec;list Applicale
)udler "ine "oods Ware#ouse
*etwork +ocation
San )iegoA Cali$ornia
)udler "ine "oods ,ase Sales
*etwork +ocations
La JollaA Cali$ornia
)el MarA Cali$ornia
4ncinitasA Cali$ornia
)udle rWare#ouse *etwork -opolo$y
Mesh Con$iguration
)udler ,ase Sales *etwork -opolo$y
La Jolla ( Linear Con$iguration
)el Mar ( Linear Con$iguration
4ncinitas ( Linear Con$iguration
Electronic Commerce
Credit Card
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
.ffice Ware#ouse *etwork Re'uirements
7um#er o$ Ser=ers* 4
7um#er o$ 1ard-3ired 2outers* 1
7um#er o$ %ire>alls* 1
7um#er o$ S>itches* 1
7um#er o$ )es@to' Personal Com'uters* !
7um#er o$ Monitors* !
7um#er o$ Printers* 2
Supplies/Pallet Sta$in$
Ware#ouse *etwork Re'uirements
7um#er o$ 3ireless 2outers* 1
7um#er o$ 2%I)* 1
Server ! ,rand/Style
:rand* 1P
Series* ProLiant )L8!0 9
Model* +!/1+2-001
Ty'e* 2ac@
2ac@ 1eight* 2;
Processor* CP; Ty'e Intel Keon 4+620 4 core 2040 91E
Personal Computer ! ,rand/Style
:rand* )4LL Ins'iron 620
Memory* 69: ))28 +009:
Gideo Card* Intel 1) 9ra'hics 2000
Ty'e* 1ome , 1ome 6$$ice
Processor* Intel Core i+-2820 80091E
Processor Main %eatures* 64 #it <uad-Core Processor
Computer onitors ! ,rand/Style
:rand* )4LL
"s'ect 2atio* 16*/
:rightness* 2+0 cd,m2
Contrast 2atio* 1000*1 , 000000*1 BdynamicD
MaF 1-Gie> "ngle* 10
MaF G-Gie> "ngle* 160
)ot Pitch , PiFel Pitch* 0026+ mm
MaF 2esolution* 1/20 F 10!0
Gideo %ormat* 10!0' B%ull1)D
Color Su''ort* 160 million colors
2es'onse Time* + ms
)is'lay Positions "djustments* Tilt
Signal In'ut* )GI-)A G9"
Printer ! ,rand/Style
:rand* Samsung
6ut'ut Ty'e* Color
Laser Technology* Laser
:lac@ Print S'eed* ;' to 1 ''m
Color Print S'eed* ;' to 4 ''m
Color Print <uality* 2400 F 600 d'i
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
1.) $et:or; System Design Description
The ne> -udler >arehouse $acility located in San )iegoA Cali$ornia >ill ser=e as the @ey #ase $or holding the
%re&uent Sho''er Program interrelated customer 'roducts and items0 The su''lementary -udler sales locations are
in La JollaA )el MarA and 4ncinitas >here the greater 'art o$ -udler customers ma@e their 'urchases0 6nce the >e#
user-inter$ace is de=elo'ed and esta#lished added 'urchasing ca'a#ilities shall #e 'ermitted0 "ll 'allets containing
-udler 'roducts that >ill #e stored in the 'allet staging area o$ the >arehouse >ill enca'sulate a #ar code that >ill
#e scanned #y the 2%I)0 Moreo=erA this in$ormation >ill #e $ed directly into the data#ase system in the o$$ice
$acility o$ the >arehouse0 The -udler em'loyees that >or@ in the o$$ice >ill conduct the #ul@ o$ their >or@ $rom
their 'ersonal com'uters that >ill #e connected to the 'rimary ser=ers0 Moreo=erA all ser=er in$ormation cou'led
>ith the >arehouse $acility >ill connect to the other relata#le data su''lied #y the secondary -udler sales locations0
The data storage cloud created and maintained #y the >arehouse.s 3e# Ser=er and )ata#ase Ser=er >ill su''ly
real-time in$ormation to -udler em'loyees and -udler customers >ho ha=e created an account0 1ence$orthA all
re'ortsA $ormsA $ilesA in=entory s'readsheetsA e-mailsA and other signi$icant in$ormation may #e 'rinted out #y one o$
the t>o >ireless 'rinters in the o$$ice $acility o$ the >arehouse0
1.1 $et:or; Design Diagram
(. So!t:are System Design Section
"ll o$ the ser=ers and client 'ersonal com'uters related to the -udler %ine %oods %re&uent Sho''er Program >ill
sustain a de$inite o'erating system0 )e'ending on the s'eci$ic ser=er >ill dictate >hich eFacting ser=er o'erating
system >ill #e maintained0 Moreo=erA the client-side o$ the client,ser=er net>or@ con$iguration >ill retain a singular
o'erating system0 The s'eci$ied -udler %ine %oods %re&uent Sho''er gra'hical user inter$ace 'rogram that >ill #e
de=elo'ed >ill $ollo> a S'iral Methodology so$t>are de=elo'ment li$ecycle0 The 'rimary 'rogram >ill #e >ritten in
the Ja=a language and >ill also re&uire the de=elo'ment o$ "cti=eK controls along >ith other Ja=a a''lets
o#ligatory to the 3e# ser=ices 'ro=ided #y -udler %ine %oods0
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
(." So!t:are System Design Chec;list
So!t:are System Chec;list Applicale
Software Codin$ +an$ua$es
"cti=eK Controls
Ja=a "''lets
Server .peratin$ Systems
Microso$t 3indo>s Ser=er Standard 200! 22SP1 64-#it
Processor B64-#itD* 104 91E BF64 'rocessorD
1ard )is@* 82 9: or greater
Memory* +12 M: 2"M
6'tical )ri=e* )G)-26M
Microso$t 3indo>s 3e# Ser=er 200! 22SP1 64-#it
Processor B64-#itD* 104 91E BF64 'rocessorD
1ard )is@* 82 9: or greater
Memory* +12 M: 2"M
6'tical )ri=e* )G)-26M
Server Software
Microso$t SharePoint 2010
Processor B64-#itD* 104 91E BF64 'rocessorD
1ard )is@* 82 9: or greater
Memory* +12 M: 2"M
Client *etwork .peratin$ Systems
Microso$t 3indo>s Pro$essional SP164-#it
Processor B64-#itD* 104 91E BF64 'rocessorD
1ard )is@* 82 9: or greater
Memory* +12 M: 2"M
6'tical )ri=e* )G)-26M
Client *etwork /pplications
Mc"$ee "nti=irus Plus 2012
%ore$ront 4nd'oint Protection 2010
Microso$t "Eure
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
Desi$n met#odolo$y S'iral Process
(.) So!t:are System Design Description
The -udler %ine %oods %re&uent Sho''er Program >ill host Microso$t 3indo>s Ser=er Standard 200! 22 on the
t>o 'rime domain controllers $or "cti=e )irectory ser=ices0 Moreo=erA 3indo>s Ser=er and "Eure >ill create the
needed cloud com'uting in$rastructure demanded #y the %re&uent Sho''er Program0 The >e# ser=er >ill occu'y the
o'erating system Microso$t 3indo>s 3e# Ser=er 200! 220 Through the Microso$t 3indo>s 3e# Ser=er 200! 22
o'erating systemA Microso$t SharePoint 2010 >ill #e installed on this ser=er to create the >e# ser=ices $or the
-udler %ine %oods %re&uent Sho''er Program0 Microso$tLs 3e# Ser=er 200! >ill su''ly the com'any >ith the
a#ility to host >e#sitesA >e# a''licationsA and >e# ser=ices used #y the %re&uent Sho''er Program0 SharePoint >ill
s'ecialiEe in the ca'a#ilities necessary to de=elo' the >e# ser=ices that >ill @ee' -udler em'loyees u'-to-date on all
related in$ormation such as critical tas@ingA $ile sharingA document managementA and other #usiness-related entities0
The client 'ersonal com'uters in the o$$ice sector o$ the >arehouse >ill use Microso$t 3indo>s Pro$essional SP1
as its main o'erating system0 "dditionallyA the client PCs >ill ha=e the mal>are anti=irus security 'rograms Mc"$ee
"nti=irus Plus 2012 and %ore$ront 4nd'oint Protection 2010 $or the 'ur'ose o$ threat detectionA security
managementA and re&uired security u'dates and 'atches0
0. Dataase System Design Section
The data#ase system used #y the %re&uent Sho''er Program >ill 'ro=ide the central means to trac@ingA in=entoryA
'roduct accounting in$ormationA customer 'urchase trac@ingA re>ard 'oint statusA and all other a''lica#le data
interconnected to the -udler customers such as nameA addressA and 'hone num#er0
0." Dataase System Design Chec;list
Dataase System Chec;list Applicale
Database Server .peratin$ System
Microso$t S<L Ser=er 200! 22
Processor B64-#itD* 104 91E BF64 'rocessorD
1ard )is@* 82 9: or greater
Memory* +12 M: 2"M
6'tical )ri=e* )G)-26M
Database Server Software
Microso$t S<L "Eure
Processor B64-#itD* 104 91E BF64 'rocessorD
1ard )is@* 82 9: or greater
Memory* +12 M: 2"M
Data /ccess ! Connectivity et#od 6#ject Lin@ing and 4m#edding B6L4,):D
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
S0+ +an$ua$es
Transact S<LBT,S<LD
0.) Dataase System Design Description
-udlers data#ase trac@ing system >ill use the Microso$t S<L Ser=er 200! 22 o'erating system0 "ll shi'ments that
either enter or lea=e the 'allet staging area shall #e trac@ed and monitored #y a #arcode on each 'allet0 This #arcode
also re$erred to as the 2%I) tagA >ill #e trac@ed #y the 2%I) scanner and all tag and scan in$ormation >ill #e
immediately entered into the data#ase system0 This in$ormation >ill #e real-time data instantaneously u'dating
ser=er data#ases u'on #eing scanned0 1ence$orthA this in$ormation that has #een entered >ill also u'date the >e#-
#ased inter$ace created #y SharePointA Microso$t S<L "EureA and the ne>ly created customer user-inter$ace0
Microso$t S<L "Eure is a 'rogram that enhances the ca'a#ilities o$ scala#le cloud data#ase com'uting >ith =ery
little administration ser=ice re&uirements0 Through Microso$t S<L "Eure integrationA migrationA eF'ortingA and the
im'orting o$ data is made seamless through the use o$ Microso$t "Eure0 Im'lementing Microso$t "Eure >ith "Eure
S<L >ill create cloud com'uting technicalities such as such as data u'dates and transactions #eing secureA accurateA
and easy to manage >ith rationaliEed 'rocesses0
0.1 ,ntity %elationship Diagram
5. 'ser6#nter!ace System Design Section
There are t>o $acets to the user inter$ace used #y the -udler %ine %oods %re&uent Sho''er Program0 6ne user-
inter$ace >ill #e the -udler Customer user-inter$ace and the other >ill #e used #y the -udler 4m'loyees0
5." 'ser6#nter!ace System Design Chec;list
'ser #nter!ace System Chec;list Applicale
Customer "re'uent S#opper /ccess
"Eure %re&uentSho''er 3e# Portal
/vailable Customer ,rowsers
Internet 4F'lorer /
Co'yright 2012 ( Smith Consulting Print )ate* +,10,2014
-udler.s %re&uent Sho''er Program Technical "rchitecture )esign
Page 18 o$ 1/
Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
9oogle Chrome
Client Connection Speed
Minimum* 10+ M#'s
2ecommended* 8-2+ M#'s
obile Hardware Platforms
Smart Ta#let* iPad
<uantity* 2
Smart Phone* iPhone
<uantity* !
Employee Connection Speed
Minimum* 10+ M#'s
2ecommended* 8-2+ M#'s
5.) 'ser6#nter!ace System Design Description
The -udler em'loyees >ill use the user inter$ace created #y SharePoint 2010 along >ith the conjunction o$
Microso$t "Eure0 Microso$t "Eure 'ro=ides $or ca'a#ilities signi$icant to the sho''er re>ard 'rogram such as only
'ro=iding s'eci$ics lin@ed to customer 'urchases and transactions #ut also 'ermits $or the em'loyees to 'er$orm
security 'racticesA daily #ac@u'sA custom documentationA re'ortsA and other cloud com'uting 'rocesses0 " customer
a''lication shall #e >ritten in the Ja=a 'rogramming language that >ill ser=e as a user-inter$ace in=ol=ing the
%re&uent Sho''er Program data#ase and >e# ser=er system0 It >ill $ollo> a S'iral So$t>are Li$e Cycle and
incor'orate the $unctionality o$ Microso$t "EureA "Eure S<LA and SharePoint0 Moreo=erA customer-related
in$ormation >ill #e monitoredA u'datedA and =eri$ied =ia the Ja=a de=elo'ed >e# accessed user-inter$ace0 Microso$t
SharePoint and Microso$t 3e# Ser=er >ill create the >e#-#ased user inter$ace that >ill 'ermit customers to in'ut
=alua#le in$ormation such as nameA addressA 'hone num#erA and 're$erred 'roducts in a secure manner >hile also
#eing a#le to re=ie> their 'ast transactions and other 'urchase history0 Customers >ill #e a#le to use his or her smart
ta#let or smart 'hone at any time to log-on and e=aluate such in$ormation0 "dditionallyA a customer may =ie> his or
her in$ormation $rom the con=enience o$ their home =ia a la'to' or 'ersonal com'uter >ith the hel' o$ Internet
access and a >e# #ro>ser0 -udler >arehouse em'loyees shall each #e granted a com'any iPhone and those >or@ing
in the 'allet staging area >ill ha=e an iPad each that >ill #e used $or =eri$ication and u'date 'rocesses cou'led to the
customer user-inter$ace0
7. 8uality Control System Design Section
There are t>o increments to the <uality control as'ect com'ulsory to the %re&uent Sho''er Program0 " &uality
control 'ortion >ill a$$ect the so$t>are de=elo'ment and im'lementation and the other >ill consist o$ the
net>or@,hard>are installation $acet0 1ence$orthA there >ill #e multi'le 'hases associated >ith each increment o$ the
<uality control 'ortion0
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
7." 8uality Control System Design Chec;list
8uality Control System Chec;list Applicale
System %nte$ration -ec#nolo$ies
3e# Ser=ices
Secure %TP
Secure 1TTPS
Software -estin$ P#ases
4rror 1andling
Software 0uality %mplementation
0uality Control
7.) 8uality Control System Design Description
6nce the o$$icial user-inter$aces are de=elo'ed $or #oth the -udler Customer and the -udler 4m'loyee a series o$
&uality control chec@'oints >ill =eri$y and assess u' to the acce'tance o$ not only the user-inter$ace #ut also the
net>or@ in$rastructure0 )uring the actual creation and de=elo'ment o$ the user-inter$aces certain $actors associated
>ith so$t>are engineering and so$t>are li$ecycles shall #e ac@no>ledged and re=ie>ed0 "ccording to :raude C
:ernstein B2011DA the authors state these s'eci$ic elements in mention to so$t>are &uality im'lementation*
10 Su$$iciency - Satis$ies all o$ the design s'eci$ications $or this element
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
20 2o#ustness - 2eco=ers $rom all anomalous e=ents as >ell as can #e eF'ected
80 %leFi#ility - "s easily ada'ta#le to reasona#le changes as can #e eF'ected
40 2eusa#ility - ;sa#le in all reasona#ly related a''lications >ithout modi$ication
+0 4$$iciency - Satis$ies s'eed or data storage re&uirement >ith reasona#le margin
60 2elia#ility - 6#=iously >ill achie=e re&uired mean time #et>een $ailure
0 Scala#ility - Is an outstanding #asis $or a =ersion >ith much larger sco'e
!0 Security - 7o @no>n manner o$ #reaching security is @no>n
Moreo=erA the net>or@ and hard>are installation >ill 'rocess and document all $ormida#le in$ormation concerning
&uality control chec@s indis'ensa#le $or a''ro=al and acce'tance0 Such 'rocess >ill
10 "ssess ( 2is@ analysis are conducted and e=aluated
20 Plan ( 4ach 'hase o$ the im'lementation >ill incur a 'lan o$ action
80 :uild ( The net>or@ in$rastructure >ill #e #uilt
40 Test ( The net>or@ in$rastructure >ill #e tested
+0 Im'lement ( all datesA timesA milestonesA cost >ill #e re=ie>ed and analyEed
60 "cce'tance ( The net>or@ in$rastructure >ill acce'ted #y -udler %ine %oods
"$ter the so$t>are has #een de=elo'ed and de'loyed along >ith the $inaliEation o$ net>or@,hard>are
im'lementation the $inaliEed testing re&uirements shall #e carried out on #oth the user-inter$ace and systems
net>or@ in$rastructure0
10 System
20 Integration
80 Per$ormance
40 Load
+0 Stress
60 4rror 1andling
0 Security
!0 Plat$orm
The a''lication de'loyment >ill #e initiated through 1TTPS and %TP 'rotocols to the added -udler locations once
$inaliEed testing e=olutions ha=e #een conducted and acce'ted #y -udler %ine %oods0
2. Security System Design Section
There >ill #e three ty'es o$ security elements $undamental to the success o$ the %re&uent Sho''er Program0 6ne
as'ect 'ertains to the security 'ractices essential to maintaining -udler 4m'loyee,Customer 'ersonal in$ormation0
"dditionallyA the re&uirement $or secure online transactions including u'datingA =eri$ying 'roduct dataA 'urchasesA
and transactions =ia the >e# user-inter$ace >ill demand security 'ractices0 Moreo=erA -udler em'loyees using the
L"7,3"7 >ill re&uire account authenticationA a=aila#ilityA and integrity0 %inally the 'hysical security o$ the
>arehouse com'ound >ill ha=e to adhere to strict 'hysical security 'ractices0
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
2." Security System Design Chec;list
Security System Chec;list %esponses < Select all that apply
Software Security "undamentals
)ata 4ncry'tion
Coo@ie 4ncry'tion
Privacy Re'uirements
Identity and "ccess Management
Security Software
Mc"$ee "nti=irus Plus 2012
%ore$ront 4nd'oint Protection 2010
P#ysical Security "undamentals
9ate 9uards
%enced 4nclosure
Interior,4Fterior "udi#le "larms
Gideo Cameras
Electronic Commerce
-ey management
2.) Security System Design Description
Multi'le elements a$$iliated >ith security 'ractices >ill #e set $orth and strictly maintained to ensure all elements
a''lica#le to -udlers %re&uent Sho''er Program 'reser=e $lourishing attrition 'rinci'les0 Concerning em'loyee
security 'ractices all -udler em'loyees using the L"7,3"7 that ha=e accounts >ill adhere to 'ro'er 'ro$essional
standards including ade&uate login and 'ass>ord 'olicies along >ith 'ro$essionalism >hen accessing the >e#0 "ll
client PC.s >ill run Mc"$ee "nti=irus Plus 2012 to routinely scan the L"7 $or dangerous emailsA online threatsA
mal>areA =irusesA and #ugs0 The %ore$ront 4nd'oint Protection 2010 >ill act as a su''lementary security $eature to
consolidate des@to' security 'ractices such as antimal>are detectionA =ulnera#ility #loc@ingA net>or@ tra$$ic
#rea@do>nA and 'rotocol analysis0 "ccording to Schneider B2004DA the author states these essential $actors in
re$erence to e-commerce that are necessary to guarantee austere 'ractices*
10 "=aila#ility ( Pro=ide deli=ery assurance $or each transaction
20 Integrity ( In$ormation must #e enclosed in digital en=elo's to =eri$y and detect altered data in transit
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
80 Secrecy ( The 're=ention o$ unauthoriEed indi=iduals $rom reading emailsA #usiness 'lansA credit card
in$ormationA online 'urchase transactionsA and all other con$idential in$ormation0
40 7on-re'udiation ( 'ro=iding $or end-to-end =eri$ication o$ sender and recei=er o$ a''lica#le transactions or
other related in$ormation0
+0 -ey Management ( Secure distri#ution and @ey management to accommodate secure communication and
order transactions0
60 "uthentication ( 'ro'erly identi$ying intended reci'ientsA clientsA and ser=er communication through the
use o$ digital signatures and certi$icates0
The majority o$ these 'rocesses >ill #e com'leted and carried out #y Microso$t "Eure0 Microso$t "Eure is 're-
installed >ith encry'tion and security $eatures that >ill monitor and ma@e certain in$ormation stored >ithin the
cloud that is allied >ith 'ersonal customer in$ormation >ill #e 'rocessedA storedA collectedA disclosedA and
disseminated in accordance >ith ;nited States Security Practice la>s0 "dditionallyA a Secure Soc@et Layer BSSLD
certi$icate >ill con$irm secure transactions o=er the internet0 Physical security measures in re$erence to the actual
>arehouse com'ound >ill enca'sulate a $ence surrounding the $acility >ith t>o gate guards 'osted >ith one at the
'rimary entry 'oint and the other guard constantly ro=ing0 The security guards >ill maintain a 12-hour >atch
rotation0 Moreo=erA security cameras >ill monitor the interior and eFterior o$ the com'ound0 "ll ser=ers >ill #e
sa$eguarded in a ci'her loc@ed air conditioned room >here access shall #e granted only to a''ro=ed and authoriEed
'ersonnel that occu'y the 'ro'er clearance le=el00
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Technical "rchitecture Su#mission $or %re&uent Sho''er Program
9. %,F,%,$C,S
:raudeA 40 J0 C :ernsteinA M0 40 B2011D0 So$t>are engineering* Modern a''roaches B2nd ed0D0 John 3iley C SonsA
4=erettA 90 )0 C McLeodA 20 B200D0 So$t>are testing* Testing across the entire so$t>are de=elo'ment li$e cycle0
1o#o@enA 7J* 3iley0
Microso$t0 Windows /1ure0 2etrie=ed $rom htt'*,,>>>0microso$t0com,>indo>saEure,>indo>saEure,de$ault0as'F
Sales C Mar@eting0 B2010D0 2etrie=ed $rom
SchneiderA 90 P0 B2004D0 4lectronic Commerce* The Second 3a=e B+th ed0D0 :ostonA M"* Course Technology
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