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Dilruba Haider & Zahidul Abedin
Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction
Solution xchange !angladesh
Dear "adam#Sir
sasrai %&'( TH )ATH T% SA* TH )'A&T ARTH. A&D %&'( TH )ATH T% &D
*+%'&C A$A+&ST ,%"&- CH+'DR& ------ A''. A&D TH )ATH T% &D H.&$R-
D+SASTR- C'+"AT CR+S+S. sasrai is an a//roach aims to bring signi0icant change in
mindset- attitude and beha1ior. ach indi1idual across the globe must in a 0eeling- thinking
and /racticing-2e must sa1e resources 0or our old age also 0or our next generation. sasrai is
an a//eal to all 3let4s 2e /ractice sasrai li1ing- be less consuming- be keen in as less as
/ossible consum/tion. ,e must /resent a habitable earth to our next generation 2ho
ha1en4t ex/loited an5 resources 0rom earth. Road ma/ to2ards the im/lementation o0 the
.nited &ations "illennium Declaration - sasrai brings into 0ocus Six "D$s- 67 time-bound
targets and 89 :uantitati1e indicators.
A sinkhole, also known as a sink, snake hole, swallow hole, swallet, doline, or cenote, is a
natural depression or hole in the Earth's surface caused by karst processes for
example, the chemical dissolution of carbonate rocks or suffosion processes in
sandstone. Sinkholes may vary in size from to !"" metres #$.$ to %,""" ft& both in
diameter and depth, and vary in form from soil'lined bowls to bedrock'ed(ed chasms.
Sinkholes may be formed (radually or suddenly, and are found worldwide. )he different
terms for sinkholes are often used interchan(eably.
Yes Tidal River Management (TRM) TRM needed but first of all We need End
High Tide of NGO owners !orru"tion and Ensure NGO #taffs Rights$ %lease
"onder on the "oints& #hare with the field wor'er and write on this$ This is
more urgent than !()lone #helter$ *n absen)e of this all effort )om"elled to be
0ebruary %", %"$
1r. Su2it 3umar 4ebsarma
SAA5/ 1eteorolo(ical 5esearch /entre #S15/&
A(ar(aon, 4haka
4ear Sir
7eed intensive research on followin( topic. Stop 789 staff slavery, ensure their
ri(hts, End 789 owners: corruption. ;ook till today no 789 staff or owner are at
Shaba(h S<uare, 7o embassy upload any photo of Shahba(h. =ecause none of those
(entleman expect our freedom, they elon(ate our slavery. Some embassies in
=an(ladesh everyday upload some photo in facebook to show their fund achievement.
)hey are like 789 owner our 0armer:s potential use as their own achievement. >sn:t
0lattery, 0arce, Exploitation?
4o they really believe in @uman 5i(hts?
0arid Ahmed
Swiss A(ency for 4evelopment and /ooperation #S4/&
Embassy of Switzerland
=anani, 4haka
1ahbuba 7asreen
Aniversity of 4haka
A@1 5ezaul 3abir
1ohammad Abdul Bazed
4irector 8eneral
4epartment of 4isaster 1ana(ement
1inistry of 4isaster 1ana(ement and 5elief #1o415&
1ohakhali, 4haka
Sarah BA4E'AC>/E;;A
1ana(in( Editor,
)he Anited 7ations 9ffice for 4isaster 5isk 5eduction #A7>S45&
1>E% ' ch de =alexert .', ' office "'!, /hDtelaine, /@'%, ' 8eneva, Switzerland
Sarah Bade'Apicella Ewade'apicella6A7.958F
1s. 7i(er 4il 7ahar
/limate and 4isaster 5esilience 4epartment
>slamic 5elief =an(ladesh
A.@.1 5ezaul @a<
3amal @osain
/omprehensive 4isaster 1ana(ement Cro(ramme >>
1ohakhali, 4haka
Shantana 5ani @alder
/omprehensive 4isaster 1ana(ement Cro(ramme >>
Abdul ;atif 3han I Shaila Shahid
/omprehensive 4isaster 1ana(ement Cro(ramme #/41C >>&, 4haka
latif.khan6cdmp.or(.bd, shaila.shahid6cdmp.or(.bd
A 1 7asir Addin
Action Aid
0arid @asan Ahmed
Swiss A(ency for 4evelopment and /ooperation #S4/&
A@1 Shamsul >slam 4ipu
Speed )rust
dipu6speedtrust.or(, president6prodipan'bd.or(,
0erdausur 5ahman
Alam(ir >slam ;ablu
Sama2 Cro(oti San(stha
)he /E9
8lobal 5i(hts
%"" -th Street 7B, Suite !"%
Bashin(ton, 4./. %""$!
)o, Ed 3in(, Editor, 5)//
ek6rtcc.or(, 2p6rtcc.or(, pc6rtcc.or(
1s. 4ilruba @aider
/ommunity 0acilitation /oordinator
Solution Exchan(e =an(ladesh
dilruba.haider6undp.or(,, w2p6w2pnet.or(,,,,, editors6yesma(azine.or(,
editorial6prothom', zhkhan6ti'ban(ladesh.or(,,,
atikulha<ue6(,, mirzakhaled%""", shashankas6(,
riadh.mds6(, subindupaul6(, Eshamshir,!%6yahoo.comF, ha<,,,, Eadvocacy6ti'
ban(ladesh.or(F,, editors6yesma(azine.or(, Eben(, Eworldnews6nhk.2pF,,Eeditor6ipsnews.netF, Einsidestory6al2azeera.netF,,,,, kadern(o6(,
latif.khan6cdmp.or(.bd, nasim.aziz6iucn.or(, shashankas6(,,
khalid.shiblee6(, razwan.nabin6bd.bbcmediaaction.or(, ramesh.2alan6one.un.or(,,, abarua6oxfam.or(.uk, nayeemHH"-6(,
dusdhaka6(, mahinGJ,,, amirulbd!$,
dipu6speedtrust.or(, president6prodipan'bd.or(,, nasim.aziz6iucn.or(,
shantana.halder6cdmp.or(.bd, Ewade'apicella6A7.958F,, d(6ddm.(
ek6rtcc.or(, 2p6rtcc.or(, pc6rtcc.or(, 7urul 3abir Enurulkabir6(mail.comF, =ulbul Ahsan
Ebulbulahsan6(mail.comF,, w2p6w2pnet.or(,,
info6pmo.(, Eaddldi(ccrcid6police.(ov.bdF, Eaddli(cid6police.(ov.bdF, Eaddli(sb6police.(ov.bdF,
Ead(%6rab.(ov.bdF, Eai(cr6police.(ov.bdF, Eai(cr%6police.(ov.bdF, Eai(cr$6police.(ov.bdF,
Eai(crJ6police.(ov.bdF, Ed(rab6police.(ov.bdF, Edi(chitta(on(6police.(ov.bdF, Edi(cr6police.(ov.bdF,
Edi(crwcid6police.(ov.bdF, Edi(sb6police.(ov.bdF, pccmp6police.(,
Erabh<bd6yahoo.comF,, Erabbd6yahoo.comF, Erab%bd6yahoo.comF,, dainikinani6(, himcharidesk6(,
dainandin.cox6(, newscoxsbazarbani6(, shaptahikbudhbar6(,
Eazkerban(ladesh6(mail.comF, Eazkermymensin(h6yahoo.comF, EbakinG$"%""%6yahoo.comF,
Eeditor6amadershomoy.comF, Esadhinson(ita6yahoo.comF, Ebssnews6bssnews.netF,
Ebssnews%6yahoo.comF, Ebulbulahsan6(mail.comF, Edaily.sunshine6(mail.comF,
Edailyamardesh6yahoo.comF, Edailysabu26yahoo.comF, Edailysonardesh6(mail.comF,
Edailyswa2an6yahoo.comF, Edailysylhetsan(lap6(mail.comF, Edelowar2ahanbd6(mail.comF,
Edeshban(la6(tlbd.comF, Eeditor6thedailystar.netF, Eeditorial6kalerkantho.comF,
Esondhy.nsu6(mail.comF, Eha<ue6berlin.comF, EinfoGweeklyekota6yahoo.comF,
Einfo6kalerkantho.comF, Erashid.farzana6yahoo.comF, Ekaberys6yahoo.comF,
Emahfuza2asmine6(mail.comF, Emanabzamin6yahoo.comF, Enahiduttar6yahoo.comF,
Enaiyer.fatema6(mail.comF, Enasimsampan6(mail.comF, Enewa(ebd6(lobal'bd.netF,
Enews.amaderra2shahi6(mail.comF, Enews6independent%J.tvF, Enewsroom6bdnews%J.comF,
Enewstoday6dhaka.netF, Ealam(irGsabu26yahoo.comF, EreetuGsattar6yahoo.comF,
Ereportin(6thedailystar.netF, Erezwan6ti'ban(ladesh.or(F, Esabu2alam(ir6yahoo.comF,
Esamakal6(mail.comF, Esan(baddesk6(mail.comF, Edcathena6yahoo.comF,
Esonali.san(bad6yahoo.comF, EsondhyGzfGnsu6yahoo.comF, Eswadeshsan(bad6yahoo.comF,
Esylheterdak6yahoo.comF, Etaalash6(roups.facebook.comF, Etaalash6independent%J.tvF,
Eti6transparency.or(F, EtusharGabdullah6yahoo.comF, Euttorpurbo6(mail.comF,
;etter served to followin( participants. Each of them write to /limate and 4isaster
5isk 5eduction, Solution Exchan(e =an(ladesh, 4haka cdrr'bd6solutionexchan(e' Anfortunately none of them answer to my appeal. > am not sure why they are
actin( like deaf and dumb as corrupt 789 owner and >789 personnel do.
Serial Cerson Email
" 1r. Saber @ossain /howdhury, 1ember of Carliament, =an(ladesh
Katiyo San(shad
"% 1r. 5ezaul 3arim /howdhury, E4, /oast )rust, =hola reza.coast6(
"$ 1s. 4ilruba @aider
/ommunity 0acilitation /oordinator
Solution Exchan(e =an(ladesh, A74C, 4haka
"J 1r. )arikul >slam, Early 5ecovery 0acility, A74C, 4haka islam.tarikul6undp.or(
"H 1r. 1uhammad Atikul @a<ue, /entre for Carticipatory
5esearch and 4evelopment, 4haka
"! 1r. 1d. ;okman =huiyan, 4ept. of Soil, Bater and
Environment,Aniversity of 4haka
". 1r. 1d. Amirul @ossain,0lood 0orecastin( and Barnin(
/entre #00B/&
=an(ladesh Bater 4evelopment =oard #=B4=&, 4haka
"- 1r. Anwar Lahid, =an(ladesh Bater 4evelopment =oard
#=B4=&, 4haka
", 1r. 1ahin Al 7ahian, 4ushtha Shasthya 3endra #4S3&, 4haka mahinGJ,
" 1r. Leeshan @asan, 4haka zeeshan.6(
1r. 1izan 5 3han, 7orth South Aniversity, =an(ladesh
% 1r. 1d. 4anesh 1iah, >nstitute of 0orestry I Environmental
Sciences, Aniversity of /hitta(on(
$ 1r. Abdullah Al 5azwan, ==/ 1edia Action, 4haka
J 1r. 5amesh 3umar Kalan, /limate /han(e /ommunity, Solution Exchan(e,
7ew 4elhi, >ndia
H 1r. Shashanka Saadi, 4haka shashankas6(
! Ed 3in(, Editor, 5)//
ek6rtcc.or(, 2p6rtcc.or(, pc6rtcc.or(
ek6rtcc.or(, 2p6rtcc.or(,
. 1r. 7asim Aziz, >nternational Anion for /onservation of
7ature#>A/7&, 4haka
- 1r. Shakil 3han, 5e(ional 4evelopment Clannin( and
1ana(ement, )echnical Aniversity, 4ortmund, 8ermany
, 1r. 1d 3halid @ossain, 5esearcher, Australia khalid.shiblee6(
%" 1r. Lakir @ossain 3han,
/limate 0inance 8overnance Cro2ect, )>=
% 1r. Lahidul Abedin, A74C, 4haka, zahidul.abedin6undp.or(
/limate and 4isaster 5isk 5eduction, Solution Exchan(e
=an(ladesh, 4haka
7asim Aziz, >A/7, 4haka nasim.aziz6iucn.or(
1r. Saber @ossain /howdhury, 1ember of Carliament
=an(ladesh Katiyo San(shad
1r. 5ezaul 3arim /howdhury, E4, /oast )rust, =hola
1r. )arikul >slam, Early 5ecovery 0acility, A74C, 4haka
1r. 1d. ;okman =huiyan, 4ept. of Soil, Bater and Environment,Aniversity of 4haka
4haka, loko-Hnu6(
1r. 1uhammad Atikul @a<ue, /entre for Carticipatory 5esearch and 4evelopment,
1r. 1d. Amirul @ossain,0lood 0orecastin( and Barnin( /entre #00B/&
=an(ladesh Bater 4evelopment =oard #=B4=&, 4haka
1r. Anwar Lahid, =an(ladesh Bater 4evelopment =oard #=B4=&, 4haka
1r. 1ahin Al 7ahian, 4ushtha Shasthya 3endra #4S3&, 4haka
1r. Leeshan @asan, 4haka
1r. 1izan 5 3han, 7orth South Aniversity, =an(ladesh
1r. 1d. 4anesh 1iah
>nstitute of 0orestry I Environmental Sciences
Aniversity of /hitta(on(
1r. Abdullah Al 5azwan, ==/ 1edia Action, 4haka
1r. 5amesh 3umar Kalan, /limate /han(e /ommunity, Solution Exchan(e,
7ew 4elhi, >ndia
1r. Shashanka Saadi, 4haka
1r. 7asim Aziz, >nternational Anion for /onservation of 7ature#>A/7&, 4haka
1r. Shakil 3han, 5e(ional 4evelopment Clannin( and 1ana(ement, )echnical Aniversity,
4ortmund, 8ermany
1r. 1d 3halid @ossain, 5esearcher, Australia
1r. Lakir @ossain 3han,
/limate 0inance 8overnance Cro2ect,
)ransparency >nternational =an(ladesh
Eid 1ubarak
1r. Lahidul Abedin, A74C, 4haka, zahidul.abedin6undp.or(
1s. 4ilruba @aider, /limate and 4isaster 5isk 5eduction, Solution Exchan(e =an(ladesh
We really commend the works TIB is doing to ensure transparency and accountability in climate finance
governance in Bangladesh. I was engaged in developing a briefing note on a related issue in 2008 when we
started the discussion on climate financing in Bangladesh. The briefing note titled !"limate change adaptation
financing managing a transparent and pro#poor fund in Bangladesh! proposed a $ational Board on "limate
"hange %und for governing climate change finance and activities. &ou can find it at
http''www.solutione('repository'bd'cdrr'")2*#res+#eng.pdf. ,lthough it is an old paper- hope
you would still find it useful.
4ear Sir
8reetin(s from sasrai'1ovement
Bould you please ask all our honorable forum members have an effective initiative to reduce the
food waste within her+his limit? ;et:s start it in our own house, fans, office. Bould you please
ask all ' ;et's we try to save one )aka+dollar+pound+yen ........from our daily use, consumption,
expenditure, ;ANA5O combat the /;>1A)E /@A78E, 8;9=A; BA51>78 and the se<uences.
Clease have an effective plan to stop the 0ood waste in developed country that could
ensure better service for the Coorer. As of %", .$ billion tons of food, about one
third of the (lobal food production, is lost or wasted annually. ;oss and wasta(e occurs
on all steps in the food supply chain. >n low'income countries, most loss occurs durin(
production, while in developed countries much food P about "" kilo(rams #%%" lb& per
person and year P is wasted at the consumption sta(e.
Be should be decided what we desire ' Slaver ;ike Supporter or @onest committed
Borker or thinker. ;et:s we all be keen to read ourselves how much we are democratic
or Autocratic?
)he discussion on the current <uery must be very useful for any current and future
livelihood and a(ricultural pro2ect implementation. 5elief activities are executed post
cyclone and many or(anizations implement livelihood and+or recovery pro2ects after
emer(ency situation is over. Anfortunately many a times these rehabilitation works are
not very effective since they seldom address the affected people:s real needs. )here
are some local plant varieties which could help the people in the coastal+saline area to
recover soon. A(ricultural research could help develop some improved varieties of
these local fruit species which can endure hi(her salinity that can be planted ri(ht
after cyclone.
1r. 7aimul >slam
4ear Sir
)he climate crisis has baffled 8lobal community. 7ature:s behavior has been re(ularly
irre(ular and erratic. )he basic securities of food, water, ener(y, livelihood and human
lives are hi(hly threatened. 0indin( the climate resilient livelihood option is really tou(h
and it needs deep ponderin( as well as much trial. 3nowin( nothin( about pro2ect (oal
and ob2ective, bud(et, duration, man power and their skill, types of activities
desi(ned+planned ' puttin( comment or su((estion re(ardin( Q/limate 5esilient
;ivelihood 9ptions: compared providin( description of an elephant by a blind. Oour
information doesn:t visualize the pro2ect mode whether it is to address runnin( problem
#conventional pro2ect implementation& or more.
4oes your pro2ect intend to address the apprehended sea level rise that mi(ht affect
the country by inundatin( coastal areas of =an(ladesh ' ecosystems, water, a(riculture
and food production? Experts opine that one meter sea level rise may dislocate about
$H million people from coastal districts by the year %"H", if not earlier. )hese may
create severe problems for rural livelihood, local, re(ional and sectoral development
such as a(riculture, water and health. )he emer(in( climate refu(ees will put enormous
pressure on the urban economy and infrastructure as well as on basic services such as
water supply, power, health, sanitation and demand for ener(y.
>f we really mean Q/limate 5esilient ;ivelihood 9ptions:, it needs intensive lon( term
Area =ased /opin( 4evelopment #A=/4& plan. >t should focus+encompass each and
every villa(e. A pro(ram is needed to be desi(ned accordin( to (eo(raphical, physical
and economical status of each villa(e. 1y minor experience opines many successful
pro2ects implemented but community is in the same position. > think this is the peak
time to have a pause and ponder for needed work and avoid the conventional pro2ect
implementation or completion. >f we consider the last $" years pro2ect across the
country P prominent feature+activities was same other than pro2ect head. Earlier it has
been observed that pro2ect implemented for the or(anization sustainability or staff:s
2ob continuation in the name of community development. So far > am informed that
=4C/ is a renowned and responsible or(anization. Oou cannot implement any pro2ect like
ordinary 789 with money makin( mood in the name of community development, disaster
risk reduction and so on.
>dentifyin( saline tolerant species in a(riculture, fisheries, livestock and plant needs
lon( term incessant+tenacious research of scientist based on peoples: voice. )o (et the
needed peoples: voice we must have a lon( term effort from expert for patiently
hearin( and discussion. Anfortunately our experts are not used to stay in the rural
area. )hey are always visitant that doesn:t accrue desired path for any work or pro2ect.
>n the name of baseline survey what we do is completely abortive. /ollectin(
information by field workers is also same.
/onsiderin( my observation > am to say, to find the Q/limate 5esilient ;ivelihood
9ptions: first and foremost 2ob is brin(in( si(nificant chan(e in mindset of each
individual and community. Each and every individual must have belief and confidence
that R> must face my problem throu(h optimum utilization of available resources and
time.: Each household should be veteran climate crisis fi(hter. And to (et this we must
invest laborious effort of experienced+expert field worker, need continuous,
constructive dialo(ue, discussion havin( mindset of sharin( the experience, and honor
the differences. >n absence of said mindset and belief ' distribution of cow, poultry,
saplin(, sewin( machine, food item, microcredit #last $$ years accomplished& wouldn:t
breed any result. Oes it is (ood to show in television, video but contribute little in
poverty or risk reduction or combat climate crisis.
0inally > like to conclude that each development worker should be pra(matic and
prudent. 9r(anization would be keen and responsible to uphold the pro(rams, activities
that really needed for the betterment of community, nation and humanity. 789s will
come up with appropriate, purposeful, lo(ical plan and action. Be all should be keen to
initiate lon( cherished mindset and work to(ether that could put a footprint of a next
(eneration friendly earth. And our first consideration must be tomorrow, future, next
(eneration not the present or(anization earnin(+sustainability or staff nourishment.
@ope the best for all. Clease let me informed about your opinion.
1r. 1d. Lahidul Abedin
5esearch Associate
/limate and 4isaster 5isk 5eduction #/455&
Solution Exchan(e =an(ladesh
>4= =haban, 4haka
1ob* S--".- JJJ%
Email* zahidul.abedin6undp.or(, dilruba.haider6undp.or(,,

Date May 12, 2002 (August 29, 2001 World Vision Diary)
Dhaka 3
Sub udge !ourt "itle suit 12#$2002
)esult of .ong three year process and si( years waiting
/r.$a0mul ,, willingly offers that he desired to be witness in favor of me.
1aid to advocate up to /ay ++- 2002
2elf +0-000 3 *-000 4 +*-000 5I6bal +0-0007
2alahuddin 2-000 4 2-000
2eptember 0*- 200+ diary World 8ision
/ay +9-2002 total B:T 28-000 given to ,dvocate
2elf +;-000
,lamgir ++-000
2alahuddin +-000
Total initiative taken by /r. <a0i %ar6ue with the help pf /r. ,lamgir
/ahuya and Bagchi provided fund = Taka >00
,dvocate /r. 2alahuddin- )abiul and )e0aul
2,1,1 - G Avwg mePq Kg AcgvwbZ ew
dviK mvneK KvDmvi, ivqnvb,Rvnvxi gviZ GmQ | Mvgi nvwg,
wRqvD! " Zv## Ki!| $w!K Mv" gvb%&iv wevq 'evi K(v e! wb) *+vgx,
Kbvi mvgb )v,QZv# Acgvb Ki!|
ew, gvi -vevi .q ivZ wMq ivZ# cvw!q G!|
1r. Abu Bali 5a(hib @assan
4epartment of A(ricultural Extension


wcq m%/
0.,Qv Rvbeb| cK1i mgq, evR2, Kg3x m4-v " Z5vi 6Zv, KvRi
7ib #Zvw bv 'Rb wi8 RbMvw9K R!evq% mgmv mnb:x!
RxweKvqb mnvqZv cvbi Rb gZvgZ cvb A;Rbi nvwZi e<3bv
'qv ne wKbv 'm K(v# evievi gb D5wK w,Q| #Zvg7 bvbvb
cK1 ':i bvbv A=! bvbv m4M>< bvbv Dcvq?c@wZ Ae!A+b 0i
KiQ| Avgvi 6B8 Aw.CZv G# '), cK1 *+v(3K nqQ wKDE cK1
':& gvb%&i mvwe3K Ae*Fvi cwieZ3b -%e GK2v bRi Avmbv| Gi
DGi weCRbiv gb Kib ev e!b cwieZ3bi Rb iKvi xH3 mgqi|
wKDI Avgvi cK1 mg%n *+1 mgqi| mgq GmQ c(g G# mgmv
mgv7vbi| Avwg Rvwbbv Avcbviv Gi Rb KZwb 7i wK wK
KvR Kivi K(v '.eQb| wm$i " Av#!vi ci AbK# AbK md! cK1 ':&
Ki b%Zb cK1 nvZ wbqQb, Avcbviv" Avi" GKw2 cK1 wb,Qb|
KvR?bvg GK2v# vwi8 wegvPb, %)3vM?R!evqJ KB5wK nLvmKi<
ev mgvR DbMqb| vwi8, %N-, bvix " w:0 wb)3vZb, mvgvwRK Ae6q
evOQ# AcwZiv7 MwZZ| Ge4 Avcbviv c%bivq GK b%Zb cK1 0i
R!evq% mgmv mnb:x! RxweKvqb mnvqZv Kivi A(3 Avwg )v e%wK
Zv n,Q P G!vKvi gvb%&K R!evqJ RwbZ mgmv mg%n mgv7vb 6
Kiv ev m6g Kiv| RxweKv wbwQZ Kivi Rb c(g c7vb :Z3 ewi ev
cwievii Avq eRw@ Kiv| Gi Rb Pv# G!vKvi me3*Eii mK! gvb%&i
'.Zi G# we:Svm RvMZ Kiv hvi hv AvQ Zv w`q ki gvKvejv
KiZ ne| A(3vT gvb%&i KvQ eZ3gvb mgq I m`i me3vGg
eenvi wbwQZ KiZ ne| G# !6 me3*Eii cwZw2 gvb%&i gvbwmK
" AvPiw<K cwieZ3b# DbMqbi c(g " c7vb :Z3 e! Avwg we:Svm
Kwi| cv#!2 cK1 ev*Eevqb Kv! G# KvR KZ2BKB mAUe Zv Avcbviv#
Avcbviv ') VWW cwievii K(v e!Qb Zv KZ2BKB Kv)3Kwi Zv Avgvi
'ev7Mg bq| Ge4 G# VWW cwievii Avw(3K Ae*Fvb wK Zv Avcbviv
e!bwbX Giv wK mAYbM KZ&K bv wi8Rb| :i )veZxq cK1 Mwiei
wbq# nq (vK| wKDE mAYbM KZ&Ki mAY mg%n DTcvb:x! bv
KiZ cvi! wi8Rbiv KvR Kivi m%)vM cve 'Kv(vqX Avevi wi8Rb Zvi
6B8 Rwg2BKB cix6v g%!K dm! eenvi KiZ mnR )vebv| cK1 '(K
bvbvb mn)vwMZvi Av:Svm wq eenvi Kivbv mAUe n!" Zv *Fvqx

cK1 G!vKvq gvb%&i gvbwmK " AvPiw<K cwieZ3b Avbqbi Rb me3*
Eii gvb%&i mv( weCRbi [7)3:x! nq c%bN c%bN K(vcK(b AZxe
Riwi| mv7vi<ZN gv> c)3vq Avgiv weCRbi cv>vZ Pv#bv ev
cv>vZ cvwibv| Avevi K\vwPT Zv5iv 'M!" *+1 mgq Ki<xq
mAYwK3Z mewKQ%i Dcm4nvi 2vbb| )v wKQ% Kiv nq ev Kivi K(v e!v
nq, Avgiv GK2B '-qv! Ki!# '-e '), Mvgi ACRbiv Zv AbK AvM#
KiQ ev AbKvb cK1 ':i Ab 'Kvb A4: KiQ ev KiQ|
!e<vZv mnb:x! RvZ " dm! wb73vi< Avi" xH3 mgqi cqvRb| Gi
Rb Pv# KZw&weCvbxi xH3 mgqi wbiDEi cP9v| Gi Ab%cw*FZ
Avgiv wKQ%# Av:v KiZ cvwibv| AZGe Avcbvi cK1 G!vKvi me3*E
ii mK! gvb%&i mgmv I mgvavb mAYwK3Z gvbwmK " AvPiw<K
cwieZ3b# c(g " c7vb !6 n"qv DwPT e! Avwg gb Kwi| G#
cwieZ3b *+v(3K n! gvb%& wbRi c( wbR -%5RZ DvMx ne|
AvgviK Ae:# *]ib iv-v cqvRb ') 07%gv^ P!gvb Kv! ev wbK2
.we&T wbq wPDEv cm%Z cK1 Avgvi 'Kvb KvR Avmebv| w6<
cwQgv=!i GK bvgx vgx m4*Fv gv!xK, 'e: 'Rvi M!vq e!wQ!b w:0i
'!-v cOv bv n!" Zvi cK1 _W Rb w:w6KvK _` gvm 'eZb wqQ G"
Kg cv"bv bq| Av:vKiwQ RvZxq " AvDEvR3vwZK c)3vq G mK! wPDE
vi Aemvb H2e mwZKvi DbMqbi Rb GK2B mgq wbq wPDEv
.vebv Ki KvR Kiv ne| 07% gv^ wbRi eZ3gvb Avq evOvbvi wPDEvi
*Fvb Avgvi mDEvbi Rb m%ai .we&T iPbvi .vebvK *Fvb 'e|
Even the Cresident of >ndonesia couldn't escape Kakarta's floodwaters. @ere
he is, pants rolled up in floodin( that swamped his home. )hat's bad enou(h '
but now more monsoon rains are expected later this week. %H people have lost
their lives and almost "",""" people are displaced. Clease S@A5E if you a(ree
that we can't wait for any more cities to (o under water before we have the
climate action we need.

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