NGO-Nurturing Grim Openly

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NGO Nurturing Grim O...
Authored by Mr. Nilkantha Such...
6.0" x 9.0" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Color on White paper
60 pages
ISBN-13: 9781481882989
ISBN-10: 1481882988
Unsustainable human consumption and production systems are driving changes in average
temperatures and weather patterns, "abnormal" is increasingly becoming the norm.
Nurturing Grim Openly
(aimed at revitalize the rethinking)
In Bangladesh most probably the NGO (Nurturing Grim Openly) emergence is the
second biggest catastrophe after the liberation war nation face - Misleading illusion
of doing wellbeing in broad daylight, while the truth is deviating. Conscious ones are
silent spectators as usual; some are paid to while the others are made to. Through
this, the most powerful and creative young force are led to extreme hopelessness.
The price already paid may rise to infinite. Scrutiny and research can surprise us
more, but for that the initiatives are there to be taken.
NilKantha Suchinta
NGO is an organization consist of following Character
01. Lion/lioness : ED/Owner of the NGO (one person)
02. Hound : 2
and 3
man of the NGO (02 person)
03. Fox : Accountant (01 person)
04. Panther : Characterless young lady 2/3 (can attack anyone but never fox)
work as entertainer for donor and power holder
05. She goat : Number based on the strength or project availability of the
organization (completely slaver and deprived in each step)
Salient Feature of the NGOs in Bangladesh
01. Chief/ED should be same position up to last breath
02. Never pay dues
03. Chief/ED always right whatever do
04. Accountant Hindu
05. Chief/ED Foot/boot leaker to the Terror, Hooligan and Power holder Hitlar to the
06. Plead for transparency but maintain top secrecy about office decision
07. Accounts section always Secret and Protected
08. Chief/ED expert for all subject and need foreign tour for more expertise
09. Owner enjoy high cost food, flat and car staff cannot afford 2time low cost food even
Any one from any corner of globe could add point here considering her/his national status.
This is based on Bangladesh culture.
NGO Trade Mark in Bangladesh
Naming of the Book
NGO is short form of Non Government Organization. Now NGO is the perfect word and much
known word to Bangladeshi people. Expert opine the word NGO and Mobile Phone is the
most used and known English word among Bangladeshi people. Any illiterate from any
corner of the country know these two words and known about the functionalities. The
central cause of happening - Expert opines that, these two things offer vulnerability to the
poorers much more than any other disaster could. Desperate propaganda, intellectual
disability and slavery mentality of so-called civil society has done this.
Regarding NGO one illiterate lady told Oh man NGO is some unknown person come to us
and become friend within a short time. Female or male come to us, ask to gather anyones
courtyard, talk few and ask to form organization and ask to pay small amount as saving. We
do accordingly and by one month we get loan from them. No matter where loan money
spent we have to pay their installment regularly. But it is not possible to continue the
payment yearlong. We have to go other NGO for loan for continuing installment. Most of the
women in the village loanee of 3/5 NGO and pay total to those what they earn. In long run
they have to sale their homestead and one dark night they have to start for any unknown
City life for rootless families how much fair anyone could assume. Also in the city there are
some NGOs who have to take loan from them and have to depart the living area again. This
is the life blessed by NGO for the poorer.
Little bit upper class people or poorers son who by chance educated, come as NGO staff.
And they are never paid properly. First three to six months staffs are happy with new job.
Repeated exploitation makes them disheartened first. Subsequently they become unhappy
but find no way to escape. Day by day the frustration climbs and they become cynic. But
they have to utter the fair listening slogan good governance, human rights etc to the mass
Villagers frustrated, Staffs disheartened owner skeptic. NGO owner earned lot but well
known that staffs and villager hate them. They are clear enough that whenever staff or
villager heard their name - utter a distrustful or shameful word against it. But greed is
untamable. Totality breeds grim for all and mounting day by day. Considering this
phenomenon group of people decided to rename the NGO is Nurturing Grim Openly.
Corruption and frustration mounting people in power or policy maker are well known but
horrified. And NGOs bring forth grim for each - owner to poorer.
Phenomenon is same for national, international NGO and UN body. Actuality compelled the
staffs and society to be in consensus NGO stand for Nurturing Grim Openly thats a
risk less and reckless venture for south to north and Promoting New form of Slavery.
Capitalizing the Bangladesh liberation war wretchedness on mass people - emerged a group
of philanthropist. They entered the scene under the veil of philanthropy, relief material for
the vulnerable family. Relief was eye wash or initial investment for long term exploitation
business. They prepared themselves for microcredit business. And ultimate goal was just to
exploit mass people in the name of voluntary service or philanthropy. If there is any study -
compare the amount spent as relief and amount accrued from interest and savings form the
poor last one would be much more higher. 1972 to 1990 number of this voluntary
organization was not so high. Following 1991 cyclone the number grew dramatically like
Portion of our intellectual, politicians, professor, media leader were die-heart supporter of so
called voluntary organization/microcredit business agency. Sometimes some of those civil
society members were in position to show that microcredit is one sorts of relief to the poor
villager. Microcredit profiteer has been showing poorer are the beneficiary of their service.
In fact those civil society members are the real beneficiary of so-called development or
philanthropic activity in Bangladesh till today and would be till the corruption could run. Now
it is clear poorer in third world are the donor to rich or and upper class who eat up every bit.
This upper class is NGO owner, high official and consultant. International bodies deploy that
upper class member in different name and designation. Poorer are always in lower position
and compelled to act as slaver. They are dejection bonded and become intellectually disable.
If there is someone still Ok but he/she have to act as a disable.
To continue the corruption they adopt several slogans like Human Rights, Women Rights,
Child Rights, Disable Rights, Dignity for All, Poverty Free Society, Community Empowerment,
Skill Development, Good Governance and so many. But none of our civil society could see
that with a few exceptions no NGO pay to staff as per contract, as per project budget. NGO
staffs slavery such a strong that they work to build Garments factory labor association but
they cannot think that they have no association to raise their voice.
Initially our government employee was utterly against this philanthropy venture being
threatened they might loose their monarchy on mass people by this new initiative. But some
clever ICS, CSP official were very keen to promote this swindler venture. The very entrance
of ICS, CSP in the venture cool down the government officials murmuring regarding new
venture. In course of time some clever government officials seeking benefit share and
venture owner accept it to get them as their supporter. Finally both the party joined their
hand and start exploitation desperately. Omnivorous government official became the active
partner of corrupt venture.
The propaganda was such a strong that - Microcredit became the panacea for poverty
alleviation being supported by government machinery and blessed by national and
international media. Micorocredit promoter firstly came as successful man next became
celebrity. And celebrity used as corrupt and corporate terror.
Develop country people used this celebrity and used for their corporate
hijacking/picpocketing. Mr. Younus and Grameenphone business is the example. Under the
banner microcredit success donor agency successful to show the mass people all non-
governmental activities were successful and highly philanthropic. Donor and their local agent
NGO owner were more than successful to show that they were unparallel fighter of poverty
Under this propaganda educated youth came here to be sharer of success. Millions came
and invest their valuable day night labor. It is revealed that nothing happened to the poor
except becoming a slaver. The fake Philanthropist (NGO owner) became a rich man,
enjoying costly car, flat, luxury, different types of business finally they are successful man
and celebrity blessed by the national and international media. Someone became celebrity.
NGO business in Bangladesh created space for the corrupt in both side. In the develop
country a group of corrupt collecting fund from good soul individual showing that they are
peoples lover or server and doing lot to establish social justice or make poorer sufferings
free. In Bangladesh corrupt receiving fund (portion) and certifying the develop country
corrupt that `those corrupt are peoples lover.
Presently NGO is simply a risk less business in the name of development service. This might
be defined so-called Service Business. The role of different international body is really
mysterious - they always support corrupt, criminal, swindler, liar, profiteer, and womanizer.
If there is any study in Bangladesh it will prove - project implemented by the international
body produce nothing for the mass people. Only the visible result some youth lost character
[old proverb -`character loss is everything loss]. In this female are highly vulnerable.
The total benefit might be counted few individual get job, earned some money in exchange
of her/his valuable life. In international and UN body employee enjoy AC vehicle in the same
time they have to sale their ethics and norms, maculated/damaged their character for the
life. The development activity in Bangladesh could be defined - Corruption Promotion or
Tension Creation Venture and total benefit goes to firstly some foreigner (so-called
expert???) secondly cheat, swindler NGO owner [AZAHAR]. And these Azahars are far more
harmful for the nation than any other sworn enemy.
Mass people opine [NGO owner says - Ask not what we elite and powerful can do for you --
ask what you can do for we newly elite and powerful with foreign money. Who cares what
you bloody fool poorer utter.
NGO Rhyme]
Appeal to the Reader
Reverend reader my humble submission to you all this book contain information could be
considered as a single stone chips in construction of a highway. My objective is just to kick-
start the discussion about a fatal pandemic that seriously affecting the national progress,
normal living of mass people and sensible person in the society specially the youth maker of
next generation life. Person in a position to utter against this corruption venture, frightened
to open mouth being afraid of media terror, afraid of corporate terror, ashamed of their pals
Prime intention of this book is just to ignite youth group to get the fact thoroughly, ornately
that could contribute to revitalize the rethinking regarding so-called development business,
social business, social trading or social terrorizing.
I do hope the special attention of national and international good souls. Hope they would
organize themselves to conduct study what a big loss Bangalee nation has to count for this
NGO corruption venture. How this misleading fatal venture exploits the youth force and
converted their productivity absolutely abortive. This NGO is far more harmful than any
infectious epidemic a nation might face. NGO worst venture is far more harmful than
HIV/AIDS or drug addiction or arsenicosis in Bangladesh. 40 years killed from our national
life. Who will pay for this ----------and how we will be addressed by our next generation to
be silent to this disaster?
To do betterment of community, nation and humanity need rethinking, we must devise a
fine tune model that could do something in real term. One excellent example in Bangladesh
is Quantum Foundation Bangladesh. They mobilize local fund and their accounts is open for
all. Founder Mr. Shaheed Al Bokhary Mohajatak [called Guruji] declared anyone from any
corner of globe could see their accounts any time. It should be the way to serve the
humanity in real term. Mobilizing external fund, feeding media and policy maker trying to be
hero may bring personal success not for the community. Mr. Dalailama urged `planet need
not successful person more, desperately need peace maker, story teller.
USA mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, on December 17 in Newtown,
Connecticut teaches global community, WE MUST "inspire us to be better, more
compassionate and caring toward other people." Central cause of Climate Threat is our
Consumption that breeds unsustainable production that breeds Hooter World and thats
the Hungry World, Disastrous world and World of stress. If we feel the need of Warning
Free World for our next generation we must have bridle on our consumption. We must
accept - `HOW MUCH LESS CONSUMING I COULD BE. In absence of sasrai feeling,
thinking and practice we cant offer a habitable earth for our next generation.
AI Amnesty International
CD Country Director
EC European Commission
HRW Human Rights Watch
IR Islamic Relief
PC Project Coordinator
WJP World Justice Project
Root Cause of NGO Emergence in Bangladesh
a. Corrupt and Impotent Government
b. Immoral, Imprudent and Money monger literate class
c. Desperate unethical propaganda about the NGO activity success by the
national and international media.
Corrupt, Cheat, Liar, Tout, Burglar in the NGO sector named AZAHAR
NGO emergence reinstates the Killer, Corrupt, Cheat, Liar, Tout, Burglar,
NGO emergence is a New Looting Class in Bangladesh
Rich people paying Rich people to tell Middle Class people to blame Poor people.
Fighting for Peace is like screwing for virginity.
NGO Slavery
Sometimes the chains that prevent us being free are more mental than physical.
Religion Veiled NGO Processing Raliban in Bangladesh
NGO hero turned as Corporate Terror Grameenphone
Human Rights enforcing agency is Just an Statue
Donor always in favor of Corrupt NGO Owner
NGO Rhymes
NGO owner never pay Dues
Case Study
a. Chittagong based NGO
b. Chittagong Hill Tracts/Tribal Headed NGO
c. Monga Area women Headed NGO
d. Dhaka based NGO
Need Prudence Ponder
Comment on NGO in facebook
Comment on Rohingya Refugee Corruption Venture in facebook
Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen....from daily expenditure, luxury just
remind self, save a bit, reserve, preserve, conserve resources. Lets start for the
Greatest with the least ------------
a. A six-year-old California girl named McKenzie Steiner who organized and
supervised drives to clean up the beach in her community.
b. Couple Joynal Abedin and Lal Banu - he from pulling rickshaws and she
from working in a clinic, have set up a small charitable hospital and a free
coaching centre in their village Hashadia of Paranganj union in Mymensingh,
c. Oseola McCarty, who after seventy-five years of eking out a living by
washing and ironing, gave $150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi
to endow a scholarship fund for African-American students.
Religion Veiled NGO
Processing/Creating Raliban in Bangladesh
Even a foolish or ignorant clearly realize that to be caring towards humans and material
need not any religious cover or flavor. At least nowadays there are no pretentious native
NGOs in Bangladesh like that. Unfortunately British government giving license, take care to
those religious flavored NGOs. They are aided quite handsomely and frequently by European
Commission. And these aids are used to kindle conflicts in the society, nation. British are
paying to send troops to Afghanistan to stop Taliban but they are also aiding these Taliban
based people to Bangladesh from Pakistan to conspire and form Raliban in Bangladesh
through NGO Islamic Relief worldwide and MuslimAid.
European Commission provides fund to strengthen Rohingya Refugee corruption and crime
at CoxsBazar and Chittagong through Islamic Relief Worldwide, MuslimAid, ACF some other
NGO. Government official are undone before them. If any of you have opportunity ask
UNHCR chief to show comparison between Salary and Facility enjoyed by their Staff and
Facility provided to the Refugee. Rohingya Camp is a very good spot to enjoy undue facility
by some particular person. The Rohingya Camp at Teknaf and Ukhiya could be defined as
the Corruption Generation Spot (CGS). Some British and USA people come here in the name
of study and service providing they could be designated as Corruption Promoter/Adviser.
Rohingya Refugee cannot speak or write Bangla but they could communicate in English with
those visitor. In the Rohingya Camp Each Mazi (Leader) possess minimum 10 wife and they
could visit any house any time. This is the type of Muslim.
Rohingya Refugee Rehabilitation
Local communities/General people of Teknaf opine no gentleman left Myanmar. Only the
immoral, fraudulent, thief, hooligan came here. The story stated by the Rohingya Refugee is
absolute lie. Several UN body, INGOs and NGOs has come to extend their humanitarian
services for the Rohingya. More than one 10 million people live in different city more
vulnerable position than Rohingya but some donor are more concerned about those
April 24, 2010
The Country Director (CD)
Islamic Relief Worldwide Bangladesh
Subject: In the Name of Rohingya is it humanitarian service or encouraging corruption
Dear Sir
Please be informed
01. You and your esteemed organization Islamic Relief absolutely failed to ensure
staff security at Leda, Unregistered Rohingya Refugee Camp, Teknaf,
Coxsbazar, Bangladesh.
02. April 24, 2010 around 04:00/04:30 Mr. Alamgir, Project Coordinator Islamic
Relief Worlwide phoned (88 01711 979 726) me. I am informed Mr. Alamgir
attacked/bit by local criminal in collaboration with Rohingya Mazi and last four
days he is imprisoned his residence and not visiting Leda site. Local criminal led
by Chairman Hnila taken oath to bit him again. They claiming sewing machine
from him which couldnt be justified in anyway .
03. These criminals doing the same business in collaboration with Rohingya Corrupt
leader - last 2/3 years. And European Commission funding same place
MuslimAid, ACF, Islamic Relief, Solideritee working there that nourish the
criminal, dacoit, hooligan that enhancing corruption in the country. And
jeopardizing our fragile economy and environment/life and livelihood of
community of Southeast coast of Bangladesh.
04. These criminals/criminal group attacked me two time. Local people opine for the
first attack MuslimAid PC Mr. Sarwar and his team was the planner, donor and
adviser. They tried to prove that IR is not capable to run the project and EC
should fund them. And they are getting fund from EC right now.
05. On very two day of attack my bosses from Dhaka office were at Teknaf. And
they left Teknaf didnt visit me. Person without feeling for colleague deployed
for humanitarian service, what a mockery mystery?
06. This Rohingya business is really a mysterious subject. Today Mr. Alamgir Project
Coordinator Islamic Relief Worlwide phoned me stated that he is in quest of
doctors for MuslimAid project. Just 3/4 months back this MuslimAid official were
his sworn enemy - mystery?
07. MuslimAid hired Rohingya Mazi and local hooligan to humiliate Mr. Alamgir and
his team. Accordingly Rohingya Mazi and local hooligan performed their job
bit me led by Mr. HK Anwar, Chairman Hnila Union January 24, 2010. Islamic
Relief Worlwide filled police case at Teknaf Thana, against the criminal on that
day and within one week Mr. Thomas Oldfield Project Manager/former British
Army Member went for an indemnity contract with Chairman and stop pursue
the case - mystery?
08. After one week Mr. Alamgir/Mr.Thomas gave 100 000 BDT to the Chairman
Hnila in the name of water purchase. EC money spent to purchase illegal goods
in illegal way. Forest land, canal owner local criminal? - mystery?
09. Resultant criminals trying to bit Alamgir and after this they will bit MuslimAid PC
and all other no doubt. NGOs and European Commission running
Humanitarian Service (?) Business. Staffs are victim. Is there any remedy?
Where is LGI leader, OC, SP, DC and other?
10. Who is the foolish could believe that you and European Commission personnel
dont know the game. Do both of you have mission to humiliate Bangalee in the
name Rohingya humanitarian service? What is the fault/liability of poor
Bangalee staff?
11. Mr. CD your organization paid me contract salary. Being humanitarian service
providing organization IR and European Commission should pay me for the
mental torture by the criminal, dacoit, hooligan that happened due to immoral,
unethical, impotent, careless administrative philosophy, step and feelings for
staff of You, Your IR and EC.
12. You and European Commission personnel just ponder for few minutes if
someone illegally bit you during office work what would be the mental situation
of you, your wife, your issues, And I have those. Who will pay to me, my sons
and my wife?
13. Moreover if you come to realize that your organization/employer
silent/indifferent to your sufferings. Further more they have good relation with
criminals (Mr. Thomas&Alamgir role) and they offer big package to the
14. Mr. CD role of you, IR, EC appears to me you are ready to give the criminals
your one hand/eye even. Your only the desire is humanitarian service
(business?). And to run humanitarian service you could bow down to any crime
and criminal.
15. Mr. CD you did everything to me whatever needed to sustain your Business. OK,
business by your name at Teknaf is over. Over the period Mr. Bagmar, Mahfuz,
Mr. Thomas, Alamgir, Chairman Anwar and his group paid/nourished in different
way in different form.
Please let me know when and how I could be paid? If not why you could be
defined better than 1971 Pakistani army member/Razakar or present Dhaka City
land/river grabber.
Kindest regards
SM Farid Uddin Akhter
Former Project Officer
LEDA Rohingya Refugee Camp
April 24, 2010 around 04:00/04:30 Mr. Alamgir Project Coordinator Islamic Relief
Worlwide phoned me. He stated that last four days he is not going to Leda Rohingya
Camp. Local criminal led by Chairman Hnila taken oath to bit him. In response to
why, he stated that criminals claiming sewing machine from IR. He added that he
has stock of some sewing machine and portion distributed among the poor. The
word poor in the camp is mysterious. All the Rohingya Mazi are poor most. Mr.
Motalab is one mazi, as per his statement he is solvent farmer in Myanmar, his
daughter and son employee of WFP or some other UN body there. He visited
Canada, KSA several time. He cannot write bengali here he is fluent in writing,
reading, speaking english. Whenever someone declare relief list would be prepared
headed the name of 12-26 Mazi. MuslimAid developed some lady Mazi (local people
opine brothel leader) ensure gender balance. Mazi Faiz, Alichan, Ayub etc each of
them got minimum 10 declared wife. But they have right to visit any house any time
they are upholding women rights.
Why MuslimAid develop maximum leader? Why - straight answer of local
community to make percentage collection easier.
The behavior of Rohingya community always like a rebellion child. They could do anything,
anytime, any place those are socially hatred. They are always unruly mob. Only local terror
could manage them. Some disable is there always in sniff for quarrelling. These people one
to all are criminal but few dominant-called Mazi.
Ladies with Borkha (black veil for whole body) could be nude in front anybody any place.
Ladies always with abusive language. They could address father any person anytime and
instantly could say, she is raped by that person.
Government law and order enforcing agency has become the beneficiary of Rohingya
criminal. People involve here are quite mysterious. Today Mr. Alamgir stated that he is in
quest of doctors for MuslimAid project. Just 3/4 months back this MuslimAid official were his
sworn enemy. Mr. Alamgir Project Coordinator-IR call me phone- 01711 979726
European Commission (EC) indifferent to Bangalee sufferings but very kind hearted to local
and Rohingya hooligan, ruffian - Why
Mr David Hill, Attach, Head of Office Mr Awal Abdul, Programme Officer - repeatedly
informed about the crime, corruption and criminal of Islamic Relief Worldwides (IRW),
MuslimAid officials, Rohingya Refugee Camp Leda, Hnila, Teknaf - act as blind and deaf
Islamic Relief Worldwide high official also blind, dumb and deaf to colleagues, gentleman
suffering. They were aimed at passing time anyway and goods purchasing. Cause
purchasing brings benefit. No matter what humiliation/sufferings for other field level staff.
European, Pakistani or Bangalee all high official crazy for money in the name of
humanitarian service keeping a prayer room in the office and prayer mat in the office room.
They are more horrible than Local Teknaf crook. IRW high official very much kind to other
by mouth, by heart they are callus, most vindictive. May be they have a thought that EC
providing money for nourishing/forging corrupt and crime, lets have some share being
Mr. Thomas Oldfields (former British army member) means of living is killing. He has come
as humanitarian service provider. Most of IRW staff assume, yes he provide service
preferring women folk. And if they are from ACF and UNHCR service is better.
Why European Commission (EC) provide fund to Islamic Relief, MuslimAid, ACF etc to
nourish Hnila, Teknaf crooked, Rohingya hooligan, ruffian.
We could imagine
a. They are very kind to Rohingya Refugee
b. EC not clear about Rohingya Refugee or their activity thoroughly
c. Their idea serving Rohingya is holy business
d. Bangaldesh southeast coast environmental degradation is not their concern
e. They are careless to the Bangalee populace
f. Keep under threat Bangladesh and Myanmar government
g. They like to have mini Mafia circle at Teknaf Coxs Bazar
Mr. Fadlullah Wilmot
Country Director
Muslim Aid
Dear Sir
Thanks for your response after long awaiting.
Plz go through the following statement
I hope you will find the scenario. To know furthermore you need to visit Teknaf
Having an open mind and keen observation.
Hope the best.
May 22, 2010 11:35 PM
Please inform me of any corruption in my organization
Fadlullah Wilmot
Country Director
Muslim Aid
May 14, 2010
The Country Director (CD)
Islamic Relief Worldwide Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Subject: Compensation for mental torture November 2009 to February 2010
Dear Sir
16 days have passed. No response from you or your representative. I am not sure why? You
dont care to answer? Since first week of November 2009 its observed you and all other
high official of you dont care about discipline, principle, just/justice. A rational organization
cannot follow such a barbarous way of running. Any rational organization/person must
clarify own position to any citizen if someone raise the question. In your case this is totally
different. In case of your fault you act like deaf and dump. Is it the Islamic value upholding
your organization that you have written everywhere? In practice you, none of your colleague
uphold Islamic value, rather you humiliate the Islamic value. May be you, your
organization are here to do this. Expert opine you are assigned humiliate Islam and Muslim
across the globe like Laden, Taliban etc.
Someone opine Islamic Relief Worldwide and its sister organization MuslimAid, WAMY,
ACF are here having same vision and mission. And missions are 01. Develop a Mini Mafia
circle at Teknaf in collaboration with Rohingya and Local Terror/corrupt/dacoit 02. Assist
Rohingya and local criminal to keep Bangladesh and Myanmar government under threat of
internal disorder by the terrorist that going on in Afganistan and Pakistan 03. Islamic Relief
Worldwide, MuslimAid and WAMY have important agenda humiliate the Muslim and Islam
globally. Anyway European Commission is trapped knowing less or influenced by the god
father of terrorist organization providing fund. In anyway your face is unveiled - MuslimAid,
ACF getting fund. After two year when this faces unveiled WAMY, Solidareti will come or
some other organization else. Certainly someone will influence some donor - European
Commission or other arrange fund for continue the corruption and criminal nourishing at
southeast coast of Bangladesh.
Well, being a poor man I cannot think what you, European Commission and other influential,
donor, criminal will do/implement. My concern is unbearable mental torture November 2009
to February 2010. And that happened due to your careless, impotent, imprudent and
unethical administration and organizational policy. If you claim that you are a simply honest
organization no need to be humanitarian organization or Islamic Value upholding, you must
compensate . And I hope your good office will settle it immediately. And I hope your
explanation by 15 days of receiving the letter.
Kindest regards
SM Farid Uddin Akhter
Former Project Officer
LEDA Rohingya Refugee Camp
April 25, 2010
The Country Director (CD)
Islamic Relief Worldwide Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dear Sir
Please be informed right now I have received a phone from Teknaf.
Gentleman stated that Mr. Mostak Program Manager IR on behalf of you scolds Mr. Alamgir.
Mr. Alamgirs liability is he informed me about the incident/accident. Being former colleague
he has every right to inform me. He has every right to share his feelings to anybody, He is
providing service to IR and he is not a slaver. Sometimes some of your high official act to
someone in that form and that need strong monitoring * If IR like to keep the lock on staffs
mouth that wouldnt be justified, fair. To run the humanitarian service/business you would
abuse Human rights, how come? I believe none of reasonable EC personnel would agree
with this. And I believe person having minimum honor to Humanity, Human Rights, Islamic
or any religious values cannot accept it. If your good office allows such unfair thought you
cannot write that `We Uphold Islamic Value rather you could write `we uphold
capitalist/feudal value.
Actually I got the message from many other sources - my former colleague and villagers
about the incident before Alamgirs information. But I was indifferent to that dirty chapter of
Teknaf. You just think whenever Teknaf memory rise in mind the scenery visualize to me
the Local/Rohingya criminal, dacoit, hoodlum of Leda shouting, scolding me and all other
staff, taking away the material from the site in front of us and we are undone, silent. 10
Ansar member enjoying our vulnerability standing beside. Sometimes someone making
phone call to our foreign expert Mr. Thomas Oldfield, he is coming with costly car, laptop,
phone set, making call to some foreigner, visiting ACF ladies and leaving very hurriedly. The
situation is same, remaining the same. This is really surprising he or none of your head
office bosses visit OC, SP & DC. Mr. Thomas&Alamgir visited frequently Mr. HK Anawar,
Chairman, Hnila Union. Local people opine Mr. Anawr is the root prompter of whole money
making drama. Is he out of law or IR got fear to visit Government office/official? Why -----?
Why you would go to support anywhere else like thief.
You could claim that Government office/official couldnt work properly though provide
100/200 litre oil to them monthly. Why you didnt visit other. Your high official visit tourist
spot Teknaf enjoy nice Parjatan Motel-Netong, precious car and food and leaving Teknaf
what benefit to the field staff. Your all luxury, enjoyment bought in exchange of Leda
Project Officials unendurable mental torture and labor. Why those Dhaka official didnt visit
SP, DC. How they couldnt visit assaulted colleague? Why you all afraid of government
office. is there any mystery? You all are highly caring to Rohingya criminal and absolutely
careless to Bangalee Leda site official. Is it the humanitarian service, Human Rights
upholding? Does Islam teach it? Any gentleman philosophy allows or teaches it. All those
question chase me and no answer.
Dear Mr. CD Your officia have honor to those person who could say give me money
otherwise I will bit you. And local/Rohingya criminal evaluated you all perfectly and problem
would be persistent. I hope your kind attention to address aforesaid issues and comment
about my yesterday and todays letter. You please arrange penalty payment to me for
unwanted/undue mental torture. Please forward my letter to IR, MuslimAid, ACF and
European Commission Head Office. Let them decide the correct path in the light of any
humanity upholding values, belief, culture, norms, ritual etc or Islam/Christianity value.
Kindest regards
SM Farid Uddin Akhter
Former Project Officer
LEDA Rohingya Refugee Camp

*Here is one example Some of STV personnel were visiting the site and I was walking with
them. Suddenly Mr. Alamgir PC came to me having message from Mr. Thomas. He stated
that he is advised by Mr. Tom to tell me that I have no enough work and I should leave the
site at once. Prior to this 4/5 hours I have to perform different activities that needed for STV
assignment, requirement. Mr. CD I was in charge to implement same time project at
Sandwip, Hatiya and Nijhumdwip 1987 1989 that funded by British and Swiss Red Cross.
May be on that time your foreign expert Mr. Thomas was School boy. In your good office he
is paid 10/15 time of me. Is it the humanity, Islamic Value, Human rights- you uphold?
Within four months He did better than me allocate hospital room to ACF without
consultation with doctors and other colleagues, Talk more with ACF ladies and advice you to
sack/promote someone that created disharmony among the staff. And that
instigate/invigorate Local/Rohingya criminal, dacoit, hoodlum and your Leda office
staff/gentleman tortured in multidimensional way. Could you show any other benefit to the
project by Mr. Thomas Oldfield?
** MuslimAid country director visiting market beside our Leda accompanied by Mr. David.
His gesture, posture was as if MuslimAid provided fund for construct the market, shop and
purchase material for that shop. There is a big signboard MuslimAid market. And that is
completely false. Market is private initiative. MuslimAid keeping signboard here on contract
with Mr. Abul Kasem (Land Owner) paying 1000 BDT monthly. And this amount not
regularly paid. And this is the nature of foreign expert. And EC giving fund to them.
Sustainability of NGO means - earn profit.
To earn profit NGOs/INGOs have to endorse different mood and motive that couldnt be
defined fair. This is universal truth that once someone acknowledges unfair way to earn, it is
tough to stop easily or bridle. At Teknaf - situation going on that way.
At a glance anyone could see quality of deployed manpower. In maximum case staffs are
low quality. Crime invites crime.
Indemnity Contract
Signed between 01. Mr. HK Anwar Hnilla 02. Mr. Thomas Oldfield, Projec Manger IR (former
British soldier) & Mr. Alamgir Project Coordinator-IR. Prior to this Indemnity Contract Mr.
Alamgir used to give me all the documents of the project other than purchase (critiques
opine there is some hidden interest of Mr. Ali, Alamgir, Thomas, Mostak and Dr. Saidul).
When I came to informed about the contract I asked Mr. Alamgir for contact paper and he
answered You are not entitled for this.
From: Unnayan Protharok Bhabna <>
Date: May 14, 2010 12:46 AM
Subject: < 3rd Letter - In the Name of Rohingya - Is it humanitarian service or encouraging
Mr Stefan Frowein Ambassador and Head of Delegation
Mr Andrew Barnard First Secretary and Head of Section
Mr David Hill Attach, Head of Office
Mr Awal Abdul Programme Officer
Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh
House 7, Road 84, Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Subject: Please help me to get my compensation - In the Name of Rohingya - Is it
humanitarian service or encouraging corruption [Letter served to following recipient]
Head Office: 19 Rea Street South, Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 6LB, United Kingdom,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>,,,,, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, leonor. ribeiro-da-,,,,, maria-begona.sampedro-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <>,
NGO hero Turned/Used as a Corporate Terror Grameenphone
Novemeber 14, 2012
The Manager
Customer Service
Subject: Arrange payment of my due 110-120 BDT as early as possible.
Dear Madam/Sir
Please be informed my prepaid SIM (01716 739 275) was closed for long time due to my
resident network problem. There was 110 -120 BDT balance when it was stopped. Today I
went to recharge it customer care center personnel informed me that amount lost and I
have to pay 50 BDT to start it again. I am not sure how it could happen. This is really
surprising. I don't believe your data base is too weak. Some of my friends inform me in case
of post paid you send legal notice after 2/3 years. Being a poor customer I cannot do such.
I hope your kind action to pay my balance as early as possible.
SM Farid
Phone 01553 748 354
During payment please consider
01. Mental torture getting message
02. Time for writing letter
03. My time spent Google search for your and BTRC address
04. Consumption of electricity, internet modem etc.
Grameenphone Customer Service [T20121114003JS060]
Dear Sir / Madam, 10:19 PM (9 hours ago) November 14, 2012
Greetings from Grameenphone Limited!
Thank you for your e-mail. Please make sure that all the necessary information including your mobile
number and any other contact number have been provided. This will help us to resolve your query
and get back to you as soon as possible with proper feedback. Please also consider the attachment
size which should be maximum 2 MB.
Best Regards, Customer Service Grameenphone Ltd.
Grameenphone Customer Service [T20121114003US060]
10:54 PM November 14, 2012
Dear Sir / Madam,
Greetings from Grameenphone Limited!
Thank you for your e-mail. Please make sure that all the necessary information including your mobile
number and any other contact number have been provided. This will help us to resolve your query
and get back to you as soon as possible with proper feedback. Please also consider the attachment
size which should be maximum 2 MB.
Best Regards, Customer Service Grameenphone Ltd.
Answer from Grameenphone
Dear Mr. SM Farid Uddin Akhter,
Greetings from Grameenphone Limited!
At first, please accept our sincere apology for this delayed response. We would like to thank you for
taking your valuable time to write to us and informing this important issue.
In reply to your email please be informed that after getting your email we took the complaint with a
lot of priority and double checked your number lot of times. We have found that your connection was
inactive due to not using this connection for a long time. In such case, if there is any balance, FnF
numbers or any other Value added service available then those services will be omitted from the
system. Therefore, we are extremely sorry to inform you that we cannot able to adjust your previous
balance. We always want our customers to stay connected with us in every aspect and use our
services without any interruption. However, in spite of the truthful willingness to deliver best service
to our customers, it is not always possible for us due to some unavoidable circumstance. We
earnestly hope you would understand the matter.
We hope that you will find this email useful and adequate. Thank you in advance for your
understanding and relying on Grameenphone. Please feel free to contact us for any further query
along with your contact number.
Best Regards
Iqbal Mahabub
Customer Service
Grameenphone Ltd.
November 27, 2012
Mr. Iqbal Mahabub
Customer Service
Grameenphone Ltd.
Dear Sir
Thanks for your response at least. Your letter indicates that you wouldnt pay previous balance BDT
110 -120. In prepaid system your data base is weak ie when you have to pay other you forget
everything. Regarding postpaid you could remember everything able to sent legal notice, How come.
Your argument is nice and anyone could treat it as an old joke `When someone ask for dues, Person
become deaf.
My dear Sir isnt it kidding? Why someone wouldnt define it your argument is just Corporate
Hijacking/Pick Pocketing? In first letter you were informed due to your network problem I have to be
disconnected. Well, this is again appeal to pay my due as early as possible.
SM Farid
Phone 01553 748 354
During payment please consider
05. Mental torture getting message
06. Time for writing letter
07. My time spent Google search for your and BTRC address
Consumption of electricity, internet modem etc
On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 4:40 PM,
Dear Mr. Farid,
Greetings from Grameenphone Limited!
Thank you for writing to us again. Prior to all, please receive our heartiest apology for the delayed
response. In response to your email, we cordially express our deepest sorrow for your loss. Please
note that, every balance you recharge has a limited validity and in your case, the balance was not lost
due to lack of validity but the account itself was reset. This does not imply that the balance you left
had usable validity rather it implies that the balance was no longer usable for further consumption.
Even if you had that balance added to the account after reconnection, it would not be possible to use
it anymore. Moreover, this is to be noted that a postpaid account is completely different from that of
a prepaid. In a postpaid connection, customers consume a certain amount first and then they need to
pay for it and hence there is no issue of validity here. Whereas, a prepaid balance is purchased first
by the customer and later he/she consumes it. Therefore, any amount that is lost due to reconnection
is non refundable. Hopefully we could make it clear enough to understand this time. We appreciate
the effort you took to write us. We will be glad to serve you in near future as well.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and relying on Grameenphone. Please feel free to
contact us for any further query along with your contact number.
Best Regards,
Shahria Alam Khan
Customer Service
Grameenphone Ltd.
December 02, 2012
Mr. Shahria Alam Khan
Customer Service
Grameenphone Ltd.
Dear Mr. Shahria Alam Khan
Thanks for your answer again. You just repeating same story that contain the central fact
you wouldnt to pay my balance BDT 110-120. Do you like to say that you are in double
standard? Regarding customer right you are indifferent and for own interest 100% eagle
eyed. Isnt it abuse of customer/consumers right? Isnt it defined Corporate Hijacking/Pick
I do hope being a reputed organization you shall maintain same standard and you shall uphold the
customer/consumers rights, pay my due including other incidental cost cited below as well as shall be
caring to all customer rights.
I hope the justice from you and your renowned organization

SM Farid
Phone 01553 748 354
During payment please consider
01. Mental torture getting message
02. Time for writing letter
03. My time spent Google search for your and BTRC address
04. Consumption of electricity, internet modem etc
The Manager
Customer Service
Grameenphone Ltd.
Subject: Compensation for grabbing money without service
Dear Madam/Sir
Plz be informed
May 11, 2010 7:23 AM - you wrote
Dear Sir / Madam,
Greetings from Grameenphone Limited!
Thank you for your e-mail. Our customer manager will get back to you soon with proper feedback.
15 days have passed. I dont know the meaning of your soon. You bearing the name Grameen/
GrameenBank cannot spare one hour for rural poor to realize the installment. Took away the shed of
house, Handi, Patil even. But none are capable now to touch your Tower gate. And you are big terror
now in our country sucking blood of nation, earning in indiscrimination. This is the social trade
you and Your Dr. Younus running.
May 09 -26, my observation you are completely irresponsible, your staff are inefficient, careless or
captive, may be you also captive. May be you have sold yourself in exchange of some money that
getting you monthly. How shameful? How you show face to your issues, wife, parents and
community? Why do you visit Mosque/Mandir/ Pagoda/ Church? You are nothing more a Chinese
machine Telenor/Grameenphone using it for the profit.
8th Letter May 21, 2010
The Manager
Customer Service
Grameenphone Ltd.
Subject: Compensation for grabbing money without service
Dear Madam/Sir
Plz be informed
By and large, corporations of the 21st century have come to realize that their obligations to
societies in terms of corporate social responsibility are fourfold: economic, ethical,
altruistic and strategic. Meeting these four responsibilities is crucial to their survival in their
various markets and industries; it also requires them to rewrite their previously less socially
responsible business models in order to do so.
Please ponder on prudently what you doing? How long you are able to continue your
terrorism. Do you believe that none would come to realize about your fraudulent business?
7th Letter May 17, 2010
The Manager
Customer Service
Grameenphone Ltd.
Subject: Compensation for grabbing money without service
Dear Madam/Sir
Greetings from Unnayan Protharok Bhabna
Situation insist to ask - are you a corporate terror? Please stop your Corporate Terrorism
Please go through the following write up and realize your efficiency, behavior, status in customer
service. And let me know when and how you reimburse the compensation. And have special initiative
to develop the help line and service centre personnel.
Your letter and I am waiting for `customer manager will get back to you soon. I couldnt
understand the word `soon that you used. May 17, 2010
May 11, 2010 7:23 AM
Dear Sir / Madam,
Greetings from Grameenphone Limited!
Thank you for your e-mail. Our customer manager will get back to you soon with proper feedback.
Please make sure that all the necessary information including your mobile number and any other
contact number has been provided in your e-mail so that we can resolve your query as soon as
possible. And please also consider the attachment size which should be maximum 2 MB.
Thank You,
Customer Service
Grameenphone Ltd.
N.B. - This is an auto-generated acknowledgement.
May 11, 2010
By what name Grameen Phone internet service could be defined
!!! Draccula !!! Vampire !!!
GP SIM 01730 411 794 unlimited April 09, 2010 to May 09, 2010 minimum 22 days out of
service. Answer from service centre is very easy `We are sorry. May 09, 2010 to address
the problem SIM 01730 411 794 unlimited converted into limited GP-6 and money paid
accordingly. At 7:30 pm from help line Mr.Chayan advised me, to get the connection you
need to activate the SIM and done accordingly. But there was no service. After half an hour
from help line Ms.Adithi informed your SIM activated two time and to get the connection
you need to pay BDT 350 again.
I am not in a position pay BDT 350 instantly. And I am out of service. Who will
compensate my loss of last months service and this two day being connection less?
Is it the Social Service our honorable Nobel Laureate Dr.Younus wish to run for the
sake poor or nation? Is it the way forward for achieving the digital Bangladesh? May I
file suit against GP. No journalist coming to circulate my vulnerability because News Paper
owner earn big amount from GP. Where is the customer right or individual right? Where is
justice? Who could rescue undone like me?
Last 18 days I am writing about this corporate terrorism/terrorist. Situation illustrates GP
could file defamation suit against me and demand 100 million BDT. Undone customer will be
victim again. I think there is no remedy and present world leader caged to this system.
Certainly most of the GP employee also in same position but cannot utter a sound. Now
someone could cry Oh, democracy/capitalism where the flourishing that all leader,
Professor, intelligentsia, journalist, educationist have seen thy face and preaching us
regularly to salute. And we all compelled to salute and praise the crocodile tears for us of
the great man like Dr.Younus !!! And 92% Bangalee would be graved and their poverty
would be in museum. And Poors souls would see far-away their poverty in museum.
Hardcore/ultra poor of Bangladesh to honorable USA president Mr.Obama each are caged
in corporate terrorism/terrorist. In no way corporate terrorism/terrorist are better than
fundamentalist across the globe. Fundamentalist torture/exploit the humanity utterly
corporate terrorism/terrorist does same like a ghost.
NB. Is there any journalist help me, circulate the message. Is there any human
rights organization that favor me file suit against this exploitation and realize my
!!! Social Business of Dr.Younus !!!
Dear Friends/Partners
Please remember how helpless you felt you trying repeatedly for internet connection but response
Cannot find port
Scanning port
Connecting internet
Failed to connect internet.
Your boss, friends, family waiting for your progress report, message any important work.
Grameen phone/Dr. Younus desired to keep the poverty in museum. Is it the way? Do they like to
teach us in primitive/middle age there was no internet business and globe inhabitant
were happier. In our country there is another easy answer, ~ you must accept trouble,
dealing with machinery.
I dont know what will be the answer in this regard. Last two years I have received two answer from
Citycell Zoom and Grameen Phone 01. Fiber Optic cut in Bangladesh 02. Fiber Optic cut in
Turkey Italy. Well there might be cut or not and no immediate remedy. We have to wait next 100
year for immediate remedy, digital Bangladesh, see the Dr. Younuss poverty in the museum.
My question why I should pay them without service. Without any service - person receiving/take
away money from general mass defined Terror/Mastan/Hijacker/ Robber/Burglar etc. How this
corporate body categorized? Or they will be simply defined grabber - like land/river grabber in Dhaka
and other city/town/Char or they will be follower of RAZAKAR, ALBADOR.
NB. Is there any journalist help me, circulate the message.
April 23, 2010
Since last Saturday April 17, 2010 I have tried connection minimum 10 times daily. 7 days 70 times I
have to watch Cannot find port, Initializing, Connecting Internet, Connecting device, failed to connect
Internet. Who will pay me for this annoyance? Due to this annoyance I have to shout with my sons
resultant hot talk with my wife and finally failed relation last four days. Any sensible man could
imagine the loss. I am not such a big personality like Dr. Mohammad Younus, no lady would come
forward to say feel free I love you.
Plz tell me what is the way forward.............................?
April 23, 2010
Mobile phone Internet Business Company-Please compensate my loss.
You are careless, immoral, and treacherous to your customer. Last 5 days my modem 01730 411 794
is out of service. Plz let people know about your monitoring system for your service to each customer
and compensate plan for low quality service. Who will be answerable for fraudulent business? Would
you beg pardon for your deceitful business? If it is not how you could be defined better than
Razakar/Albadar/Pakistani army Member?
You helping government make the country digital or dreadful, disgusting?
NB. Is there any journalist help me, circulate the message.
April 22, 2010
Mobile phone Internet business company-Please compensate my loss.
It seems to me regarding internet service you are careless. Last 5 days my GP SIM 01730
411 794 unlimited is out of service. Plz let people know about your monitoring system for
your service to each customer and compensate plan for low quality service. Who will be
answerable for fraudulent business? Would you beg pardon for your deceitful business? If it
is not how you could be defined better than Razakar/Albadar/Pakistani army Member?
You helping government make the country digital or dreadful, disgusting?
April 22, 2010
Mobile Phone Business Organization
Subject: Please compensate our loss.
Dear Madam/Sir
We are highly grateful for your service. In case of internet service you receive your money 100%. It
seems to me regarding service you are careless, last 5 days my modem is out of service. Would you
deduct 5 days money from my monthly bill (40x5=200BDT)? And how you compensate the loss due
to mental suffering and late/disturb in my normal work. Do you have plan and budget for this? How
your CSR/legal adviser help me to recover my loss. Where I could file a suit against you and how long
it may take to realize my total loss?
If you are not in a position to compensate me Would you be defined money monger? And how you
could be defined better than the land/river grabber of Dhaka city?
Hope your prompt answer and action.
NB. Plz let me know about your monitoring system for your service to each customer
and compensate plan for low quality service. Who will be answerable for fraudulent
business? Would you beg pardon for your deceitful business? If it is not how you
could be defined better than Razakar/Albadar/Pakistani army Member?
April 22, 2010
Grameen Phone
Subject: Please compensate my loss.
Dear Madam/Sir
We are highly grateful for your service. In case of internet service you receive your money 100%. It
seems to me regarding service you are careless. Last 5 days my modem is out of service. Would you
deduct 5 days money from my monthly bill (40x5=200BDT)? And how you compensate the loss due
to mental suffering and late/disturb in my normal work. Do you have plan and budget for this? How
your CSR/legal adviser help me to recover my loss. Where I could file a suit against you and how long
it may take to realize my total loss?
If you are not in a position to compensate me Would you be defined money
grubber/monger/maker? And how you could be defined better than land/river grabber of Dhaka city?
Hope your prompt answer and action.
NB. Plz let me know about your monitoring system for your service to each customer
and compensate plan for low quality service. Who will be answerable for your
fraudulent business? Would you beg pardon to the nation and give back for your
deceitful business/service/activity? If it is not how you could be defined better than
Razakar/Albadar/Pakistani army Member?
Letter served Corporate Terrorism of Grameenphone/Telenor, <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>,<>, <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, muntamin.mujtaba@islamicrelief-,
NO response from any recipient from the Telenor or Human Rights Agency
Human Rights Enforcing Agency Simply statue
Transparency International, Human Rights Watch, UN Human Rights Commission, Amnesty
International, WJP etc is just statue. Sometimes their email is non-functioning. They rarely
acknowledge the letter. Behaviors of those organizations dictate the letter sender that they
are in more vulnerable position that NGO staff of Bangladesh. All the letter the book contain
each one send to named Rights Upholding agency but no response and remedy from them.
June 8, 2012
Mr. Chris Sanders
Transparency International
Please help me to get my due. Furthermore please have initiative to disclose the
corruption in development sector. It is observed that most of the donor provide fund
in developing country specially in Bangladesh are corrupt. NGOs (Nurturing Grim
Openly/optimistically) that become monster and staffs are slaver. Donor
representative dictated by Caritas evil staff and some Indian consulting house or
they are tuned to be corrupt. Under these circumstances it need thorough checking
and controlling of development sector in Bangladesh also European donors office
etiquette and road map. Here you could get glimpse. Please feel free to ask if any
NGO Rhyme
Mr. Dennis Bours
Team Leader SEA Change CoP
Ensure NGO staffs security that could ensure the desired Development
Dear Madam/Sir
Please be informed...........
NGO worker are highly de-motivated as they are not secured with their job, income, facilities
finally unwanted behavior of NGO owner. In Bangladesh one person CEO/ED is owner of
NGO and she/he is the all in all for implement any order/rule. She/he is like Royal Bengal
tiger of Sundarbans able to kill (sacked) anyone anytime. If we look at NGOs in Bangladesh
we could realize it easily. Having own insecurity individual cannot serve properly.
The microfinance program going on in country but it is waiting for blast that might happen
anytime. I am not sure about other country. Yes microfinance earning lot and total facility
going to the NGO owner (in different form) and fixed portion going to the PKSF. Under this
situation a thorough study needed to bring security feeling among the staff. Otherwise all
the plan taken by anyone may breed zero result.
Please be informed many Europe based organization help developing country effort/NGO
strengthen their effort in climate change adaptation. Lets we ponder on present scenario on
fund receiver. Organization might be categorized
01. NGO owner/headed by internationally known personality
02. Missionary linked NGO (by the CARITAS staff)
03. NGO linked with by network with internationally known personality
The reality in the field
01. Internationally known personality have little opportunity to look after her/his work
and quality of work is not up to the mark. Because she/he is busy with visiting
different country to deliver lecture. Totality portrait dire mentality for other to the
needed development.
02. Missionary linked organizations do nothing in the field but making report hiring
consultant for 1/2 month. Some of them monitored some Indian organization that
completed by some newly graduate or incapable to see real happening. But their
fund flow is regular being contacted with some corrupt CARITAS staff. Being bearing
Christian identity CARTAS STAFF enjoy the facility and creating mess in development
03. NGO networked with internationally known personality indifference to perform their
work as per plan because principal organizations performance quality is not up to
the mark.
Considering the above fact there need significant change in funding policy. EU country and
organization must decide their way to fund
a. Whether it is for New Imperialism/Promote NGO staffs Slavery
b. It is in real term climate change adaptation.
Two purposes cannot be served in the same time. We do believe this is the peak time to
find real working organization. Lets first try to survive on earth ie reduce climate changing
factor. Aftermath we could decide who will lead the earth. If there is no drastic action or
policy we would be on the way to making grave for us and next generation by our own
Letter served
Transparency International,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Donor always in favor of Corrupt NGO Owner
NGO European & Indian Social Criminal Production Venture
Cordaid and donors fund contribute in creating new form of Slavery in Bangladesh
Coastal Area based NGO ED SI Kabir [Petty Christian supported], Letter written to SI
Kabir, his director Mr. Mirza, Sumon and Masud is in Bangla. Correspondence with SI Kabirs
donor CordAid, Netherland given here.
April 13, 2012
Mr. Marlou Geurts
Project Officer
P.O. Box 164402500 BK The Hague
The Netherlands,
Subject: Help me to get my due
Dear Sir
Please be informed it is two and half month passed making several request I am failed to
realize my due salary from Mr. SI Kabir, Executive Director INDAB. Since January 2012 my
salary is due. I hope your kind attention and action to get the said amount as per contact
accordingly as soon as possible.
SM Farid
Action Researcher-CMDRR
Letter from Marlou Geurts
April 19, 2012
I have forwarded your message to Mr. Kabir, asking him for a response.
Regards from Marlou
April 19, 2012
Mr. Marlou Geurts
Project Officer
P.O. Box 164402500 BK The Hague
The Netherlands
Dear Sir
Thanks for your action and instant response. I hope Mr. Kabir would open his mouth by his
director Mr. Mirza or Mr. Sumon. During the payment generally Kabir act like deaf and
dumb. My earnest request to please keep eye on his action. He used to do same for long
time with all staff.
April 26, 2012
Mr. Marlou Geurts
Project Officer
P.O. Box 164402500 BK The Hague
The Netherlands
Dear Sir
No response from INDAB owner Mr. SI Kabir. It indicates not only staff he has also little care
to the donor even. Being lack of ethics, principle, morality and grabbing poorers money they
are distracted. So far I am informed most of your beneficiaries (NGO owner) are in same
practice. Unfortunately donor nourished these people loving (?) group supported by the
donor. Evaluator sends by you also act same way. Totality reveal Corruption Reduction
Project should placed first of Disaster Reduction.
Considering total situation mass people NGO (Nurturing Grim Openly) means a safe
reckless business where owners earn money within the short time with tiny investment. Just
gratifying some corrupt Christianity Labeled Caritas staff cunning NGO owners earn money
safely. Look at one equation SI Kabir deployed in position Action Researcher for 03 months
(salary not paid) but rest amount not backed to the donor. Remember that you are not
informed about this. If anybody look carefully, will find - field activity, performed not but
money exhausted (grabbed by the owner). In this process SI Kabirs cousin Mr. Anis took
away more than 10000000 (crore) by 7 years provided by you. Just count how much SI
Kabir grabbed and how much by your total beneficiary NGO owner.
Time demand first of all you should be decided regarding your beneficiaries. Who is
potential and how thieves would be controlled. It is clear Caritas proposed Miserreor, Andre
Hilfe and CordAid fund not functioning as per donor demand. And this is true for other
donors also.
Certainly each individual across the globe would agree donors shouldnt provide fund for
NGO owners consumption. And this irresponsible funding breeds a new form of Slavery in
Bangladesh. And these slaver are most potential portion of nation youth group.
Situation demand - please try to draw the end of ugly situation and help me to get my
Letter from Marlou Geurts
April 26, 2012
For your information.....
I hope this issue can be solved shortly.
Regards from (Ms!) Marlou
-----Original Message-----
From: Marlou Geurts
Sent: donderdag 26 april 2012 9:11
To: 'S.I. Kabir'; 'indab'
Cc: Astrid van den Berg; Mariet Mulders
Subject: FW: 03. Help me to get my due
Importance: High
Dear Kabir,
Earlier I forwarded you a message of SM Farid concerning outstanding payments. I might
have used wrong e-mail address, as I only used the general INDAB mail address
Please look into this issue and send me your response as soon as possible.
Regards from Marlou
May 02, 2012
Ms. Marlou Geurts
Project Officer
P.O. Box 164402500 BK The Hague
The Netherlands
Dear Marlou Geurts
Thanks for your initiative. I am not sure what may happen. NGO (Nurturing Grim Openly)
owners are wild for money making excluding few. One expert opines these people are highly
skilled producing plea to the villager, staff, government and donor. The owner, 2IC and
accountant of a third grade NGO in Bangladesh possess minimum 2 flat and three plot in the
city. In the same time if you ask about the provident fund for staff only few could show it.
And this is also uncertain because none could assume what would happen after death of
NGO owner and their wife, brother in law, sister in law, sometimes nephews are monster to
the staff. Each staff compelled to salute them politely as lieutenant to general or prisoner to
jailor, but utter silently bloody demon. Young staffs are little bit free those are in middle age
their situation is really horrible. They have to act just slaver but no escape from humiliation.
It seems this is their great sin that they are coming to the office. Office is owners ranch and
S/he is the Queen/Monarch here and none to dispute her/his corruption,
They are crueler than Hitler to the staff and kitty to the donor. They create plea naming
donor and NGO Affairs Bureau. INDAB owner Mr. SI Kabir claimed that he had to offer
10,00000 BDT to the Caritas Bangladesh staff get the fund for CMDRR and FREEDOM
project. So fund received from CordAid for said two projects is his personal property or
money. He could do whatever he think/like/desire. Poor staffs have to comply with most
obediently. Mr. Anis was Mr. SI Kabirs cousin and acting as 2IC and took away 10000000
(crore) or more according to Mr. SI Kabir. This is not the case in INDAB or PGUK same for
other CordAid beneficiary those who getting directly or via any EU based organization.
The situation is also same for other international or UN body working in Bangladesh. There
is none to listen or stare at the corruption/autocracy/dictatorship of Country
Director/Resident Representative/National Project Director. There is no court/police to listen
the victim. Today I have seen a notice from Human Rights Watch regarding our political
crisis. Unfortunately they cant made statement against these torture or corruption or
anomalies. If someone write to them there is an easy answer prepared earlier for them, `we
cannot uphold personal matter. Many human rights enforcing agency working in the country
none of them raise voice against this. This is really mysterious. If you look last 10 years
report of our local media printed/electronic scarcely seen report about NGO staff sufferings.
The vivid example is that day laborer to highest most officials/professionals have association
in the country. But there is no association of development professional or worker. Why?
What happened to them around one million educated. Why they have no voice. Are they
slaver to their employer???????????? Any rational being would wonder, but this is true.
There are so many consultant, expert and specialist in the development field. None of them
could realize the cruelties to their fellow junior colleagues by the NGO owner or a novice
lady nearest to the Country Director/Resident Representative/NPD. What an incredible
phenomenon here? It needs a very big and serious study. I think you could uphold this.
This study is far more needed than disaster reduction. Because this Development Deception
is one of the most hazardous disaster for Bangladesh. Time will come and must. Certainly
someone would come up with this. And they would find that most disastrous disaster after
liberation for Bangladesh is Development Deception.
Would you please ask Human Rights Watch or any other agency that talk about the Human
Rights and Claim that they are Rights enforcing agency
Why NGO staffs have no association?
Where is the mechanism of staff welfare?
Who look after the NGO staff salary structure?
What happened if someone dies in any accident?
What is the old age security of NGO staff?
Who knows how NGO staffs are tortured?
If staffs need no Association why NGO owners need it?
Is it - that universal truth Nobody is care giver for poorer?
Nurturing Grim Openly NGO
NGO owners are monster,
In the name of poverty, rights and disaster
Exploit the donor and villager,
Absolutely they are Profiteer.
NGO owners association & network builder
Strengthen them to make money and do torture.
Staffs are undone, Poorer
There is none to take care.
Lets have initiative,
Get the NGO staffs situation Positive.
Need a serious and thorough Study,
That must reveal the path to create the desired Savior.
European & Indian Social Criminal Production Venture
May 26, 2012
Am I to opine European & Indian are Social Criminal Producer?
Mr. Marlou Geurts
Project Officer
P.O. Box 164402500 BK The Hague
The Netherlands,
Dear Marlou
Your silence regarding SI Kabirs corruption and audacity chase me in deep attention. Mass people in
Bangladesh are highly undone, vulnerable before the corrupt like SI Kabir, Azahar, Arun, Shipu,
Monawara, Rahima, Anwara etc. Are you free from this? Please ponder about your report to the
donor ie individual donate you for the betterment of the poorer believe you are capable, efficient,
purposeful to manage the fund. And accordingly you make the report and provide to them. But reality
is you, your organization and other donor body report is absolutely lying. Your assistance or fund
cannot serve or never rich the poor. Some urbn cheat, swindler, fraudster NGO owner and some
government official enjoy it. And total money spent in evil purpose that create hazard for mass people
and enslave some youth those are educated by mass people tax.
If you claim that you are collecting fund to introduce or strengthen the New Capitalism or enslaving
the NGO owner and their staff I have nothing to say. Could you tell have you ever made your report
to your subscriber in that way? I think not. If not you are also liar like our NGO Owner. And your
fellow monitor or evaluator Mr. Manash, Bindiya, Janet of ASK India also same liar or corrupt. And
some agency working as your sub-contractor getting fund from you distributing other they also
providing fund to other NGO they also your follower or liar. Accordingly we could say total NGO game
is lying and exploiting business.
After 20/30 years you declare we Bangalee are corrupt that said about Dr. Younus by the Telenor and
Netherlands embassy. But nobody utter there how many or Netherlands or European and Indian are
connected or beneficiary or player of this corruption. Please be noticed I wrote several time about the
Corporate Terrorism of Grameenphone to Telenor. But no response. I wrote to Telenor group CSR
chief to arrange fund to file a suit against the Corporate Terrorism of Grameenphone. There was no
response. I wonder they cant maintain minimum courtesy saying whether letter received or not. They
act as deaf and dumb like Cheat NGO Owner nourished by CordAid Fund.
Dear Marlou
Do you believe that none of next generation European would realize your corruption?
Certainly some one would realize and reveal totality. How you all would be addressed. Is it
Cheat, Albador, Alshams, Liar, Swindler, Razakar AZAHAR. European next generation
certainly ashamed by your careless fraudulent performance and that breed deceiver/azahar
in Bangladesh. Same fate will come for Indian. In the name of religion or missionary you
nourish evil and devil and Indian assisted you. European and Indian history plagued by your
performance why only Bangalee Azahar, Arun, Monowara, Shipudas, Anwara, Luthfar,
Sanowara, Prodip, Khalil, Kamal, Kader, SI Kabir, Anis, Prodeep, Rahima Masud, Mizan,
Rahima, Rafique, Tarek, Jahed, Mujib, would be blamed? We Bangalee must take the action
against these corrupt. What about you European Indian? Who will punish you? Dont think
corruption would go unpunished. Nature shall take it by own course.
You see we did it 1971. After 40 years war criminal under process, to be punished. And after
few year these Social Criminal NGO Owner would be punished. You and some of other donor
staff shall come as witness. And I will go to Europe as witness. And I will describe the story
of you Social Criminal Producer or Donor or Wrong Religion Preacher.
Please forward the letter to your colleagues, fans and other donor agency. If someone brave
to challenge the running situation I will be happy. And I am investing my time aimed at the
end of New form of Slavery, Social Criminal Production. And Social Criminal Production
needed to be addressed before the Disaster Risk Reduction.
Amnesty raps govt for 'unlawful killings' Amnesty accuses UN of 'failed leadership'
June 07, 2012
Mr. Marlou Geurts
Project Officer
P.O. Box 164402500 BK The Hague
The Netherlands,
Dear Marlou
Your silence is really inexplicable. I am not sure, is it your first experience that NGO
owner wouldnt carry your order or direction. So far my idea if it wouldnt be first
and you would be sanguine that Cheat NGO owner Kabir would be like Azahar,
Monowara, Anwara, Luthfor, Shipu you wouldnt write to me that problem solved
shortly. Still I am not in a position to comment Cheat Kabir wouldnt follow your
direction. If he doesnt follow your direction than - it is your first information, these
NGO owners are cheat absolutely and in the name of humanitarian service they just
running a risk less business. May be Ms. Bindiya and Janet Joe are unknown but I
am sure (based on telephonic discussion between Kabir & Manash) Mr. Manash is
perfectly aware and he is sometime share cropper of Cheat NGO owner or so called
network leader.
This situation revealed
01. CordAid failed to utilize the donor money properly
02. CordAid was absolutely unknown they are gripped by some fraudster, devil
named NGO owner
03. CordAid produced bogus report to their donor or government in previous year
04. CordAid team is incapable to utilize the collected fund
05. Evaluator or monitor from India too weak to find that there was no work in
the field.
06. Or ASK India hide the reality being partner fraudulence work of Cheat Kabir
and Other
Under this circumstance any one would be in conclusion that CordAid management
failed in every aspect in selecting a. NGO, b. Monitor or Evaluator C. Selecting NGO
network. I am not sure how it would be defined - continue the work, being failed in
all aspect. Is it corruption? Transparency International made the list of country
in corruption headed by Bangladesh. Do they find your corruption or they are also
unknown that CordAid supported NGOs are corrupt and report produced is fake to
their donor.
Dear Marlou
Based on this situation CordAid must reorganize their role and activity. If you spoil
the money of some good soul, individual from Netherlands and Europe I think it
would be one of the great sycophancy/duplicity. Still I believe you are not like some
Cheat NGO owner of Bangladesh `collect money in the name Humanitarian service
and use of those funds for own purpose or benefit.
Please let me know what about my due from Cheat SI Kabir-INDAB. If you are
completely failed ie he doesnt follow your direction what would be your or CordAid
role I have the right to know. And in that case what is the next step from my part
you should say.
I hope you wouldnt keep silence like Cheat SI Kabir-INDAB.
CordAid careless to ensure NGO staffs Rights. Rather they support Cheat NGO owner
NGO -Nurturing Grim Openly/optimistically
Mr. Marlou Geurts
Project Officer
P.O. Box 164402500 BK The Hague
The Netherlands,
Lutherse Burgwal 10
Postal Code: 2512 CB
Subject: Cordaid fund contribute in creating new form of Slavery in Bangladesh
Dear Madam/Sir
Please be informed
Your vision statement
We are an agency that is guided and inspired by the principles from the Catholic social
teachings: human dignity, solidarity, subsidiarity (changing society from the bottom up)
and the shared responsibility for common goods.
Unfortunately your fund in Bangladesh, humiliate human dignity, just booming slavery of
youth in new form. Your fund provides facility for Mr. Kabir INDAB, Prodip PGUK or some
NGO (Nurturing Grim Optimistically) owner and some other those who functioning as
commission agent of CORDAID in Bangladesh. None of your fund is in development track or
function for DRR. Mass people desire your urgent action.
These organizations doing nothing but getting fund regularly with the help of some corrupt
Caritas Staff. To get the fund ASK-India also contributor, cause being monitor or evaluator
they completely failed to find the reality. Last November 2011 Ms. Bindiya and Janet of ASK-
India visit Bangladesh monitoring purpose, unfortunately they were not capable to realize
that Mr. Kabir&Prodip doing nothing in the field staffs are used just to show they do work.
And staffs are here have nothing to say about their daily work.
As staffs have no work they are not paid properly and NGO owner cut percentage from their
monthly salary. They are here just as slaver. Mr. Kabir arranged river/boat journey for two
hours and shown working area (Bedey Community) at night which is just five minutes
working distance from the office of Babugonj.
In Bangladesh CordAid provided fund serve only some NGO owner. This is nothing more
than enriching Mr. Kabir, Anis & Prodip and some others asset holder. In the same time the
fund creating frustration among the youth those who deployed as staff in NGO. Your fund
provoking youth to be corrupt (example is Mr. Anis of INDAB, Mr. Kabir claimed that Mr.
Anis took away more than crore) and promoting new form slavery of some youth from
Barisal or wherever your fund goes.
Mass people of Barisal opine, under this circumstances please decide your role for those
organizations. Please note that CMDRR project School Program Officer (INDAB) lost her job
being pregnant. I dont know how you will justify it. This is also true that this position filled
only for 5/6 months out of 36. Could you tell me rest money utilized. You could get vivid
picture from the staff of PGUK and INDAB. Mass people believe that your valued
organization wouldnt provide fund for continuing or flourishing the corruption of NGO
01. You must have note that you provide fund to some organization act as local donor
aimed at proper utilization of fund they also unable to maintain the fund properly
because most of the NGO owner are corrupt and these corrupt are privileged to get
fund from everywhere lobbying by the corrupt Caritas staff. The story is same for
other donor like Miserior, AndheriHilfe etc.
02. 90% of present fund receivers directly and indirectly have no work in the field.
Unfortunately your monitoring service nothing but a performing yearly schedule.
Story of your fund attached here in Bengali.
03. Some of your fund receiving organizations staff believe having these sorts fatal
information you never stop fund rather increase cause you are not lover of justice
and supporter of new imperialism.
Mass people opine-NGO owner says - Ask not what we elite and powerful can do for
you -- ask what you can do for we newly elite and powerful with foreign money.
Who cares what you bloody fool poorer utter.
NGO Rhyme
01. Azahar Razakar, great deceiver
Look at your letter
To serve letter
Zia, Habib, Biplob and IDO-Mizans name user
And you make them pardon beggar
You are cunning Azahar
Do always like Razakar and land Grabber.
Lot of people know you as crooked and clever
Lastly thats made you whore supplier
Observer opine, getting wife older
You could push even your daughter.
Cheat Azahar be aware
This is Peak time to stop flattery forever.
Money monger Azaher
How long run a flatterer?
Hope you shall find a way to be better.
And no cost incur there
Just need not to be a Liar.
02. Deceiver Azahar
You are not alone here
Another three found, certainly many other
Recent discover - at Gaibandha he is Mr. Luthfar
Named him Monga Luthfar.
Deceiver Azahar you are happier
Having information on new flatterer
He is at Gaibanda and two chamcha there
They might be defined practitioner
Behavior shows swindler type still lower
Named them Khalil brother.
No matter, day by day your group getting bigger
Relax, maynt be punished sooner like Mostaq Khodaker
Having support from Shabby donor,
But definitely you cheat - punished like Albodor, Razakar.
03. NGO owner monster, fraudster,
Development worker slaver
Jointly generate disaster for poorer
And mass people are undone, sufferer.
Unfortunately authority deaf and dumb
So called donor or their local agent praised by some leader
Nation caged to so called donor and leader
Civil society! Thats act like a beggar.
Nation to utter - Alas!
Where our savior?
04. Come on, Lets go! Go Go Go
We bunch of thieves on higher seats
Lets use our power and spread our shits
Behind the screen, the siren sings
They call of catastrophes, Uttering peace for countries
Come on, Lets go! Go Go Go
Lets make our fortune all this June
Its for the leaders who cares country will be starving soon
While we are building castles on the moon
We all ourselves harmless, We say we save you soon.
For the poors will write our songs
While their dying bells are gonna ring, ding, dong
We are the leaders, Lets lead our youngs
Teach them to watch some porns
And act like monks
Lets make youngs weak, this is how roll
Come on, Lets go! Go Go Go
February 04, 2011 news on microcredit
Grameen Bank - Govt sends letter to embassies, donors
The Greatest misfortune for Bangalee. Specially for leader and learned person. They have to
ask some foreigner what they could could see by her/his own eyes. To know about the
contribution of microcredit none to depend on other. I believe our learned and leaders still
have some relation in any remotest village and very easy to know what is what. If it is
observed by this time all relation of leaders are settled Gulshan please go to Manikgonj,
Horgoj ask Izaton, Belaton or their neighbor. Why we need to depend on film maker. Is our
learned and leader weaker than that film maker ? Could we stop this worthless gossiping?
Microcredit ! Microcredit !
Isnt you a great profit?
Someone say mega feat
Certainly, Certainly Loan Sharks enjoy it.
Microcredit ! Microcredit !
Do you believe it?
Loan Sharks are crazy a bit
To probe you poverty hit.
Microcredit ! Microcredit !
You are a mega feat
Tell frankly who grasp it
Yes, yes Loan Sharks and supporter get and enjoy it.
Microcredit ! Microcredit !
Expert opine mega feat
Isnt you have every wit
Rich group Eat up every bit.
Dr.Younus stated that commercialization of microcredit has been a terrible wrong turn of
microcredit. In Bangladesh it happened in the name of sustainability of NGOs and apex body
Palli Karma Shayak Foundation (PKSF). This is a irony of fate poor are destined to be
Discoverer become a Beggar
Wrong turn of micro-credit more to say or yet to say reality
We must accept nothing is perfect
Why we are greedy to enjoy the reputation of perfect performer
We all are part performer
To achieve any fair we need many performer
For a delicious dish we need many ingredient
Morality, civility, honesty, simplicity, sincerity triumph ultimately
Micro credit Profit for few (NGO owner, Cell phone company) Misery for Mass
Is NGO (Nurturing Grim Openly) Supplementary or New Version of New Imperialism
NGO Rhyme

NGO owner never pay Dues
Chittagong based NGO
ED, Mr. Tarek Jawad [Indian Origin]
Mr. Shaim was media of Contact
Dear Shaim
Hope you are fine. Yesterday at least 7 times I tried to reach you over phone and
failed. May at 11:00pm I got a ring from your phone failed to hold on as I was not in
the room. Soon after I make call two times but there was no response. Plz let me
know how you are now.
Dear Shaim
I know better, asking money is not fair. Being a poor I compelled to do this. Near
about two months have passed. I dont know what to say or do.
Plz let me know the status.
Hope the best.
July 18, 2009
Dear Shaim
Just two month have passed.
May be It cannot be defined as fair behavior or attitude. I don't know why I am
treated in such a bad manner.
I hope your immediate answer.
Hope the best.
July 29, 2009
Dear Shaim
Hope you are fine with everything now.
I am yet to get any information. Most probabbly last week you told that everything
will be sttled by this week.
This is really painful and shameful for me.
How it could be happened ?????????????
Hope the best for you
At last Mr. Tareq came with taka 5000.
September 04, 2009
Dear Shaim
I am sorry. My poverty disturbing all. Yesterday Mr. Tareq came and gave me Taka
5000 and stated he will be again on 8/9
of this instant. After May 18
he came
September 03 ie after four month. I am not sure when said 8/9
of September will
Shaim he also complained again my write up is not accepted. I was unable utter any
word because I am sick. I could not assume his thinking, mentality. Plz be sincere to
your work and be in good health. Dont forget to help me by October 03,2009.
Hope the best.
October 10, 2009
Dear Shaim
Hope you are nice with family and office. Mr. Tarek-BISAP committed to meet September
09, 2009 and today October 10, 2009. Plz think May mid to October mid.
Furthermore Mr. Arun Chakma ED, ALO Khagrachari committed to meet October 2005 and
still he is on the way of coming. And Mr. Tarek, Arun Chakma are the great development
worker. Could we believe that nobody could realize this moral fiber? Do they think all are
foolish in the humankind? What history will learn our future generation?
Hope the best, much love, stay safe.
November 24, 2009
Dear Shaim
Hope you are fine in all aspect.
Mr. Tarek told me he will be at my residence 9th September But didn't told which
year. He yet to come. I don't know how the behavior defined. Plz take care, hope
the best.
December 17, 2009
Dear Shaim
How you and family. What about yourson.
Is Mr. Tarek conac with you?
When he would pay my due? Plz ask him what he thinking?
I need to know the answer.
Hope the best for you.
Date: Nov 24, 2009 8:26 AM
Subject: Plz let me know the latest status
March 28, 2010
Dear Shaim
Greetings. Sorry to disturb you.
Hope you are fine with your family, fan and office. It is a big question to me where is
Mr. Tareq. September 2009 told, coming very soon. And till the time waiting for his
arrival. How it could be defined as gentleman behavior. Would you take any
Hope the best, much love.
NB: What happened to NGO owner. Mr. Tareq, Arun, ALO, Khagrachari, SPACE-
Azahar, Dhaka, JAKAS-Joypurhat, IDO, Mizan-Jessore . These theif are trying for
other development? Could BBC organize a discussion on this?
May 21, 2010
Dear Shaim
Greetings. Sorry to disturb you.
Hope you are fine with your family. May be one year have passed. Is Mr. Tareq in
position pay my due?
Hope the best.
July 02, 2010
Dear Shaim
Greetings. Sorry to disturb you.
How you, son and family.
What about Mr. Tareq?
Is he still in same position?
Could he remember me or his due?
Is it the good character of all NGO owner?
Hope the best.
July 25, 2010
Dear Shaim
Greetings. Sorry to disturb you. How you and family. What about those gentlemen?
Are they OK now? Do they remember their debt?
Please tell them now to pay my due.
Hope the best.

Chittagong Hill Tracts/Tribal Headed NGO
ED Arun Chakma (Mukul Chakma)
From: Unnayan Protharok Bhabna <>
Date: Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 9:32 PM
Subject: Plz arrange due payment directly to Mr. Farooque Chy
To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, porasona@prothom-,
Subject: Plz arrange due payment directly to Mr. Farooque Chy
Dear Mr. Arun
ED, ALO-Khagrachari
I am sorry for your inconvenience. I made call minimum six time and given my land phone
031 2855 382, mobile 01553 748 354. You failed to make call. Certainly you are busy but
keep silence in such a manner is unwanted, unexpected. Ok I have nothing to say more.
Four year have passed you please arrange to pay the due immediately and directly to Mr.
Farooque Chy is better. I believe you will be careful about the reputation of you and your
organization and our relation, and help me to be your friend as before.
Hope the best.
July 25, 2010
Dear Mr. Arun Chakma
ED, ALO Khagrachari
Please make due payment to Mr. Farooque Chy. 5 years is enough time. You cannot claim still you
are in problem. Please try to delete your name from the list of Cheat, tout, fraud etc. I am poor man I
cannot pay the amount from my pocket. Mr. Kanti is no more it might happen to you. I think you
dont like to die as fraud.
Hope your cooperation make free from blame.
October 02, 2009
Dear Mr. Arun
Plz take urgent action.
Plz don't compel me to inform other about the matter.
Hope your kind cooperation.
February 21, 2010
December 17, 2009
Mr, Arun
ED, ALO, Khagrachari
How you like to be introduced infront of next generation? Thief, tout, flatterer?How
your daughter's husband will defined you? Do you believe that nobody will come to
know that you behave in dirty way?
Please contac with Mr. Farooque Chy and pay him as soon as possible.
Hope your kind cooperation.
Date: Nov 24, 2009 8:17 AM
Subject: Plz arrange due payment directly to Mr. Farooque Chy
November 24, 2009
From: Unnayan Protharok Bhabna <>
Date: Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 6:59 AM
Subject: Plz arrange due payment directly to Mr. Farooque Chy
Dear Mr. Arun Chakma
ED, ALO-NGO, Khagrachari
You are acting as deaf and dumb. It is a very old story in our country. There was Cheat in a
village and deceived many credulous person. After a certain time someone asking for dues.
The Cheat was advised by his lawyer act as deaf and dumb in front of all creditors. I believe
you position is not the same. And you are not such a foolish to adopt such old trick.
This is four years 16 days Mr. Farooque Chy waiting for your payment. I hope you shall
make the payment to him directly immediately. Otherwise I will be compelled to inform
about your Cheating Business to district and upazila administration of Khagrachari as well as
all NGO chief.
I believe you shall be careful about our relation and your reputation. I hope your kind
cooperation to avoid unwanted situation.
October 18, 2009
Dear Mr. Arun Chakma
Please be kind to think on above subject.
Please be cautious to our relation and your reputation.
If you act as deaf and dumb some other people come to know how you
I hope your prudence.
Gareeb,, <>,,,,,,,,,,selimkhan@prothom-,,,,,
Monga Area women Headed NGO
Pallybadhu ED Ms. Monowara Talukder
AKOTA ED Luthfar Director Khalil
Pallybadhu and AKOTA Unity for Duplicity
"Talk doesn't cook rice."
01. July 05, 2010,
02. July 08, 2010,
03. July 17, 2010,
04. July 23, 2010,
05. July 25, 2010,
06. July 27, 2010,
07. July 29, 2010,
08. August 01, 2010,
09. August 05, 2010,
10. August 12, 2010
Having 10 reminders Pallybadhu and AKOTA ladies and gentleman are same. They are really
professional in SWINDLER VENTURE
August 12, 2010
Ms. Monowara Talukdar, ED, Pallybadhu
Mr. Luthfar & Khali, ED & Co-ED, AKOTA
Subject: Payment of Dues
Dear Lady and Gentleman
Its a matter of great regret for me - I am compelled to state unwanted truth before
you repeatedly. Dialogue and discussion performed lot, you failed your commitment
minimum 5 times (Willingly or not, who knows) now pay my dues by 19
of this
instant. You could deposit it to Bank Account or send it by courier that provided you
last month.
Dear Lady and Gentleman I am a poor pedestrian and you are respected ED, Co-ED.
I confidently believe that you would be caring enough to your honor and reputation
and take purposeful step. In absence of this I will be compelled to inform other and
this wouldnt be accepted to you and me.
I hope your kind cooperation to uphold your honor and reputation.
August 09, 2010
Dear Habib
I was waiting for phone call from you or Mahbub. At night Mr. Shogat informed me
you are depositing total money on Thursday August 12 after arrival of Ms.
Monowara/ED. You know better that was not expected as per telephonic discussion
with you and me at night August 06 that you are making part payment. I am not
sure what Ms. Monowara/ED desire. Totality doesnt show gentleman behavior.
Please remember if the situation going on that way you and Mahbub would be
humiliated more in front of several people. And in this early age you shouldnt bear
the name like Mr. Luthfar, Khalil (ED&Co-ED) of AKOTA and Ms. Monowara, ED of
Situation is really shameful and painful.
NB. Habib (son in law - Ms. Monowara, ED, Pallybadhu)
July 17, 2010
Ms. Monowara Talukder
ED, Pallybadhu Kallyan Sangsta
Dear Madam
Welcome to our Gaibandha office. Please find a letter with Mr. Mahboob that given before
leaving the office July 02, 2010. I hope you will see it immediately. Hope effective
cooperation get the money tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
My home address given here for honorable AKOTA gentleman that could be used for
sending money by courier service.
SM Farid Uddin Akhter
PHONE: +88 031 2855 382
July 23, 2010
Ms. Monowara Talukder
ED, Pallybadhu Kallyan Sangsta
Dear Madam
I am in need of your comment regarding AKOTA payment. I was in thinking that I will get
the money by the courier service latest July 20
according to Mr. Khalils of AKOTA
statement on 30
June 2010.
Hope your kind cooperation to get the money as early as possible.
Hope the best, much love.
July 24, 2010
Ms. Monowara Talukder
ED, Pallybadhu Kallyan Sangsta
Dear Madam
You stated a story about two female staff of AKOTA. According to you they raise complain
to donor against the Albador character of luthfor. I dont know character of those female
staff. Just think they were the friend of your daughter/sister or your daughter/sister. And
Luthfor, Khalil did same to them that they have shown their character to me and you are
simple observer. In case of me you are mediator and have some power. Being
simple/undone observer what would be your suggestion/advice to those female staff.
Most probably you know that some NGOs working for women rights compelled female staff
to have undue/unwanted relation with the donor personnel. Primarily staffs are highly
thrilled having close relation with those external, sometimes having costly snacks, lunch,
dinner and AC car. Staffs think they are enjoying their rights that are not provided by their
parents and nation or any other Bangalee. After certain interval they come to realize the
reality and have feeling of undone. There is none to rescue them from the vicious or vices
circle. Under this unendurable situation they compelled to be burst into tears and
Considering last two months story how could you sure that this Mr. Luthfor-Khalil was not
that very person. At least to me their statement was not fair in anyway. May be their fate
brought them us and hidden story will find the light. This story needs to be described to Ms.
Farjana journalist, corrupt should be punished duly.
Please let them send my money today without any excuse. Hope your kind cooperation.
Holy Sabe-E- Barath
Wish the peace, prosperity, sustainable living and environmental justice for organism in
Annihilation, eradication of corruption criminal, crook, deceiver, swindler
July 27, 2010
Ms. Monowara Talukder
ED, Pallybadhu Kallyan Sangsta
Dear Madam
Phone call from Mr. Khalil AKOTA around 2: 00 pm. He questioned me how much money
they need to give me. He did same June 30
and told having discussion with you send
money by courier. Today he stated having discussion with his boss he will phone me
immediately. It is 08:00 pm and no phone. May be phone will come at the end of August.
AKOTA received their due work June 13
and being gentleman they should make payment
by June 15, 2010.
At the end of July Mr. Khalil AKOTA asking how much they need to pay and he needs to
discuss with his boss. This behavior in no way could be defined fair. If development worker
act in this way whats wrong with land grabber?
I hope your prompt action to settle the matter. I dont like to bear mental torture with such
unfair person and behavior.
Hope the best.
July 29, 2010
Ms. Monowara Talukder
ED, Pallybadhu Kallyan Sangsta
Dear Madam
Thanks lot.
Today Mr. Shougat able to draw the money from Mutual Trust Bank that Cheque given for
May 1
week. I am in need of money acutely.
You please
a. arrange some money for me
b. receive money from AKOTA
And account transfer the money in -Mr. Anisur Rahman -34000 492 National Bank Ltd,
Chawkbazar, Ctg
Hope your kind cooperation.
NB. Please confirm me what AKOTA will do. Do they bloody cheat, tout and burglar?
If so please report it to the DC Gaibandha or I could inform it other high Official
August 01, 2010
Ms. Monowara Talukder
ED, Pallybadhu Kallyan Sangsta
Dear Madam
Most probably you are at Gaibandha. I dont know the status of AKOTA payment. If still
situation is same that you stated July 28th they are not receiving your phone call, please
send someone by bike to talk with Mr. Khalil and Luthfar to contac and receive the money.
June 15
to till date their behavior to you and me cannot be defined fair.
So far I could remember as per your discussion you are the AKOTA committee member. I
believe none should have relation with person like Mr. Khalil and Luthfar. Relation with such
people put down your position.
My earnest request please realizes the amount from them. If they continue same behavior
submit an application to the DC-Gaibandha and send me photocopy of that.
Hope your kind cooperation. <>, <>,
Story on Monga area NGO ED and official
How shameless and hatred these so called gentleman
AKOTA is an NGO of Gaibandha. Ms. Monowara ED PBKS took me to them and I have to
complete their concept writing work by 13
of June 2010. I wouldnt be doing their work if
Monowara wouldnt be their friend or the middle man. I have to spent time 01. Five time
meeting 02. Four full days (excluding work for concept writing) lost for them. They
committed to receive me on June 28
morning as per telephonic discussion on June 27
Today June 30, 2010 over phone I asked Mr. Khalil what is the status. He stated they are
yet to be decided where they should apply and they didnt come to receive me on said date.
How surprising statement a man could made. Is it the NGO face of Gaibandha? I am not
sure how much area people affected and how much these ED and higher level official are
affected by Monga.
Having shameless and sloppy comment I requested Mr. Khalil to made payment for concept
writing at 10:00 am today June 30, 2010. Gentleman was committed to inform me regarding
payment after discussion with his ED Mr. Luthfar. Unfortunately I have to phone again at
4:15 pm to Mr. Khalil. First time he cut my call and second time received. He stated
honorable ED Mr. Luthfar out of Gaibandha and couldnt made payment in his absence.
This is really surprising to me Mr. Khalil didnt make call to me on 27
to June 30, 2010
morning, He supposed to make call by 6:30pm June 27
that he is not coming to take me
on 28
June morning and today by 10:30 am after discussion with his ED they wouldnt pay
money today.
He has every right to charge phone call. If it is true, he has no authority/capacity to spent
two minute call money why he comes to discuss with other person. I believe none of the
garment labor of our country is in such a position. Monga area NGO official are less
capacitate than a garments labor. How funny?
Payment due to me that Ms. Monowara should arrange
Two concept writing
5 time meeting with AKOTA
June to July 1
four days waiting
Mental torture by the ill behavior of AKOTA gentleman.
Ms. Monowara Talukder should pay me gross fifty thousand. At least she could remember
the Monga affected behavior of AKOTA - unified flattery. Oh. Azahar is everywhere.
August 01, 2010
Mr. Luthfar
Dear Sir
Please be informed since June 15th to August 01, 2010 you and Mr. Khalil proved
yourself you are Azahar in the development field. You make AKOTA is a deceitful
business institution of Luthfar & Khalil. I dont know how many are deceived by you
since inception of this fake development business.
Well you could do whatever you like please provide me due payment for concept
writing, several meeting with you and your colleague, finally spending four days
(June 28
to July 1
) for your work.
I hope your kind cooperation to settle the matter immediately that contributes to
keep smooth working progress of AKOTA and me.
AKOTA is an NGO and your attitude indicate AKOTA means - unified flattery
Appeal cooperation for publishing a book on `divergence in the development
Dear Development Colleague
Please be informed we like to publish a book based on eye observation in the development
field day by day happening. I am a Gareeb/poor pedestrian cannot afford needed fund. You
please help me providing information you have and fund within your limit. We believe it
would contribute in strengthening right to information and reducing sufferings of the NGO
field staff.
We like to explore/reveal the misdeed in the development field aimed at kik-start a dialogue
that contribute to ensure safety, security, mental peace and better implementation. And this
is only the way to move toward sustainable development.
NB. If any of you like to edit and publish own name you are most welcome, <>,,,, <>,
<>, <>,,
<>, <>,<>, <>,
<>, <>,
Please try to extend our help as much as possible for flood victim of two neighboring country
Pakistan, India!/group.php?gid=8450962401&ref=ts
Very beginning my request was to you all please dont be a clever/liar to me.
I am afraid of lying and cunning
Way to avoid this - clearly spelled out rights and responsibilities
Get the money earlier
Unfortunately craftsmanship in sycophancy makes me fool
Luthfor, Khalil and Monowara Talukdar real swindler
Annihilation, eradication of corruption criminal, crook, deceiver, swindler
most of the NGO owner worst than Garments factory owner, act as
This is the time to raise voice against NGO, INGO and some so called donor. There behavior,
attitude like monster, vampire. Our NGO worker has no scope for showdown on the road
like garments facory or any other factory or peoples from any other trade. They are undone
infront of NGO owner or some so called foreign expert. Person knowing nothing coming as
expert in maximum field and honest worker those are not expertise in servitude highly
Specially our media personnel should be keen to reveal the fact for the betterment of the
nation, future generation. We must have national policy for recruitment, termination,
promotion and offering designation and salary.
Letter Served,,,,,,,,, <>,,, <>,, "Obidul
Haque" <>,,,,,,,, <>,, "Journalist"
<>,,,,, <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,
<>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "shahodul oo" <>,,,,,
<>,, <>,,,,,,,,,,,,, "sarpv" <>,,, <>,,,,,,,,, <>,, "Akota" <>,,,,,,,,,,,,, b-,, <>, biplob@dnet-,,,,, "cdd" <>,,,,,,, "Debesh Dash" <>, "Harshal
Deshmukh" <>,,,
Ms. Monwara 01711 830689
Mr. Habib 01733 104619
Mr. Mahbub 01746 720029
Mr. Khalil 01727 591344
Dhaka based NGO ED Azahar Omnivorus
From: Unnayan Protharok Bhabna <>
Date: Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 12:40 PM
Subject: All Cheat, corrupt, Culprit, Criminal, Cunning, Burglar, Azahar in NGO development
field - be careful about Gareeb Farid"
From: Unnayan Protharok Bhabna []
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 8:54 PM
To:;;; zia sader; Biplob
Subject: Mr. Azahar, ED-SPACE, Send my due BDT 262500 by first week of February 2008
Dear Mr. Shishir
Thanks for your nice message. You are trying to avoid the responsibility. Everybody do try
this.. Situation of the development field is dire and has the potential to grow
much worse. Look so many people opening SHOP in the name of NGO like Azahar
and exploiting peoples resource in different form. These weed needed to be
Someone comments as if new in Bangladesh or Planet, never heard about Cheat, corrupt,
Culprit, Criminal, Cunning, Burglar, tout, liar etc. Please don't send the mail to me, I don't
like to listen this sort of story etc.
You are telling not to involve in the case. NGO affairs bureau yet to comment yes or no.
Executive committee member also same. Durnite Domon Comission also same. High official
from NGO forum Dr. Nazmul telling that, 'I don't know Azahar.' Mr. Zia, Biplob stated that
Azahar is their great teacher, worked 19 years with NGO forum and lost job along with Ms.
Clara and Raihan due to Gareeb's destructive work (process monitoring). High official from
PKSF telling that, 'I don't know Azhahar and have no authority to say anything to Azahar.'
But Azhar getting fund from PKSF (someone opine by the special blessing of some high
official of PKSF Azahar enjoying the PKSF facility). If the situation is same, how NGOs, Nobel
Laureate and Government claim that they are on track to creating safety net for the poor. Is
it the example of safety net for poor/Gareeb? Situation shows that Azahar/Azahar Cader
created strong cheating web that sucking blood of NGO worker and growing bigger.
Mr. Zia stated, "I am innocent, Azahar's younger brother got my password from my personal
diary and circulated the letter using my name." Mr. Biplob stated, "Please, I beg you pardon,
before leaving Bangladesh I was in money crisis, Azahar compelled me to circulate his letter
in my name, doing this I got my due salary from Azhahar." According Mr. Habib SUKUS,
Luthfar NGF, Mizan IDO .................etc may state, "we were compelled to circulate Azhar's
letter for the sake of our organization." This is the honesty level of these people.
Would you comment how country name could be bring down TIB list ?.
Considering the above story could we define the Azahars organization SPACE is not an NGO.
As Azahar stand for Cheat, corrupt, Culprit, Criminal, Cunning, Burglar, tout, liar in the
development field.
SPACE stand for - Satan Promoting Alliance & C Empowerment (C stand for Cheat, corrupt,
Culprit, Criminal, Cunning).
Dear Mr. Shishir
Please think over one point, if this Azahar and SPACE grows bigger what a horrible
situation may be placed. Azahar would try to create a trap for anyone even Prime Minister.
You see PKSF is well known smart organization in the country and this is trapped by the
Azahar. In the same way Japanese (JADE) talent is trapped by him. May be this is why Mr.
Zia and Biplob Promanik taken Azahar as their great teacher.
Dear Mr. Shishir
Being a rational person you shouldn't and none should be escapist. Please come forward
and initiate needed step to punish Azahar/Azhar Cader and their shop/web SPACE. This is
the time to raise your voice against corruption. Inform 'Anti-corruption
commission (Durnite Domon Comission)' about corrupted and criminals. Our
country cannot be a place of corrupted criminals. Make our country free from
Hope your nice time and cooperation. GAREEB
Ms.Shamima Rahman 01717198 229, 01670 372504, Ms. Roksana Zaman 01712 016638, Ms. Tania
01711 900114, Ms. Asma 01913 916 898 PvKwi nvivbv Kgx Prof Jalal, Mr.Jahangir, Bablu
Chy,Tofan Barman, Aslam, Radyan, Ashraf Shishir,Tanvir and Ms. Shamima, Asma, Rakhi, Tania,
Tanvir, Shishir 01716091679, Bithi
Your subject needed to be reframed "All Cheat, corrupt, Culprit, Criminal,
Cunning, Burglar, Azahar in NGO development field - be careful about Gareeb
Dear Mr. Zia
Greetings. Thanks for your nice circulation. You are the fifth victim (Balir Panta) of Azhar.
Please find attach file 08 letter. In number z-01 you have defined NGF ED Mr. Luthfar. In
number z-02 Mr. Aslam defined your great young Azahar. Please try to define yourself now.
I am sure you are pressurized by your some NGO owner to circulate the letter. I could
realize the pressure. According to you Tout, Liar Luthfar also compelled to circulate letter
like you. Accordingly Mr. Habib ED-SUKUS, Mr. Mizan ED-IDO, Mr. Tofayel country
representative JADE. Mr. Tofayel pressurized by several days weeping before him by your
great Azahar. Three ED SUKUS, NGF&IDO did it only for money. You have done to meet
greed of some NGO owner. And this is why TIB corruption list prepared headed by
Dear Mr. Zia you have brought another example UPI "Action research on Micro-credit
Financing for Watsan & improve participatory approach in hygiene & sanitation promotion
project under UPI". Yes I was responsible for process monitoring. There were three PNGO
selected by your great Azahar. One PNGO sacked during project period due to corruption,
rest two still Azahars partner NGF and JAKAS. Project evaluated on 2004 by a three member
team and two member were nearest and dearest to Azahar. People opine Azahar getting
PKSF by the special blessing of one of those two. UPI didn't publish the report till today and
compelled to say project should be halt immediately. Ms. Clara, Raihan, Azahar none
agreed to sit/talk before the evaluation team. And these three great (?) lost their job
from respective organization. Please try to learn and realize who is who.
Dear Mr. Zia Yes I am destructive. Look at national poet Nazrul "Ami cyclone, tornado -----
bulldoze everything." Yes I am learned from that philosophy. I am destructive for Cheat,
corrupt, Culprit, Criminal, Cunning, Burglar, Azahar. I never kiss the foot of corrupt like
Azahar, Luthfar, Habib, Mizan, and You. Only for a job and some money I never in crouching
and never will be.
Dear Mr. Zia (you will find three-magor issues i.e; i) female related blames; ii) Money
misuses; iii) Strong criticism against prayer (Namaz), which is the most religious sensitivity
of the Muslim community ) I never uttered single word against NAMAZ. Yes I told and will
tell in future about the mockery of Your great Azahar and Luthfor and their group with
NAMAZ. Being a muslim I should protest it should be more utterly and you all also being a
responsible and reasonable person.
Dear Mr. Zia may be you left NGF/Luthfor 2/3 years back and able to utter "he is tout and
liar." Now you seek another job and would say what regarding Azahar, Habib, Mizan or
Luthfor or the person by whom you are pressurized to circulate the letter
Dear Mr. Zia Azahar wrote January 17, 2008 and December 1
I would recognize your good cooperation for conducting a 5 daylong training course and
some supports at the initial stage of November 2007.
Office Note December 1
It is my pleasure to inform you that I am going to a field trip to Jessore, Satkira and
Naogaon starting from December 07 to 12, 2007. During the period of my absence in the
office Mr. SM Farid Uddin Akhter, Program Specialist will be the In-charge of the office. He is
requested to work in consultation with all the senior level staffs of SPACE. All are requested
for extending all out cooperation to him for smooth carrying out his duties and
responsibilities during the mention period
In January writing Azahar trying to established that his organization received service from
me only for training 1
week of November. After this there was no service. Now you think if
there is any problem why your great Azahar declaring in office note? In the same time you
see the declaration two ED SUKUS & IDO in training class is very starting of my joining
they came to realize that Gareeb is very harmful and destructive for SPACE. What do you
say now? Certainly you have a question now 'Who is the biggest?" Azahar, Habib, Mizan or
Luthfor or the person by whom you are pressurized to circulate the letter.
Dear Mr. Zia your circulation subject is "be careful about Gareeb Farid." Most probably your
great Azahar wanted to advise his fellow friend and wrote "All Cheat, corrupt, Culprit,
Criminal, Cunning, Burglar, Azahar be careful about Gareeb Farid." Mr. Zia please see
patiently letter forwarded by Azahar.
Thanks lot Mr. Zia.
Hope your and your 5/6 EDs better journey on the way of morality and civility.
NB. Ms. Shamima, Asma, Rakhi, Tania, Prof Jalal, Mr. Jahangir, Bablu Chy, Tofan Barman,
Aslam, Radyan compelled to leave the organization for the same. For total information you
could contact Ms.Shamima Rahman 01717 198 229. 01670 372504, Ms.Roksana Zaman
01712 016638, Ashraf Shishir 01716091876 former acting ED/2IC and accountant of the

Need Prudence Ponder
Honesty, morality and civility less government/regime adopt so many plots to divert the
focal point of mass people from their cruelty, malice and vice. Self dependent Bangladesh,
Illiterate free Bangladesh and Poverty free Bangladesh was the illusory slogan. To impede
the prosperity of just born country; enemies from inside and outside connived and created
this misleading mirage for the people. Invariably, gestation of NGOs occurred through the
mask of good-will and humanity. To beleaguer the prosperity and wellbeing of the nation
was their foremost desire.
In 1978, the holding government declared the Kishoregaunj district as illiterate free. But,
even a two decade later, in 1998; a village named Shundorkona of Sadar Upazila was found
in the district where no one is able or literate enough to put a pen for the signature.
NGOs are given gargantuan amounts constantly by both native and foreign enemies of the
nation. With money they buy up the media and the cunning CSP (Civil Servants of Pakistan)
and BCS officials. These CSPs take meals in five star hotels and buys Comilla Khaddr (cheap
cloth) to introduce them as a mass peoples savior. Totality is just plea with the mass
For the poverty alleviation NGO brought microcredit and it bring forth several profiteer and
loan shark. National and international media made them hero firstly, consecutively celebrity.
This celebrity used for corporate terrorism. People of Bangladesh were poor. Being attacked
by the NGO they became Poor and Loanee. This two adjective bring forth next adjective
immediately rootless. Subsequently they compelled to add many adjective before their name
viz slum dweller, terror, hijacker, mastan, drug seller and so on.
NGOs are portrayed as givers with open eyes everywhere. The media worked so good that
many NGO owners are seen to become a hero in a fortnight. This hypocritical media let to
the birth of foreign NGOs. And foreign means a bit too much. They pay too much; they give
facilities of luxury private cars and etc. This high salary and luxury cars are for backstabbing
their own country; lots of young ones dont seem to know or care. The foreign NGOs start to
play with our independence and culture on the context of that opportunity.
NGOs in Bangladesh initiated with pretension of love and humanity. But we all are sure that
only love for humans is not enough for a civilization to survive. Love should be for any living
being even for a piece of torn paper that is a non living thing. If we dont have sufficient
care and love for each and every piece of material human civilization wont exist. To keep an
sound planet for our future generation no matter which part of the world, which nation,
which religion, which clan, which race each person should be responsible towards every
surrounding resources.
It is clear to even a foolish and ignorant that to be caring towards humans and material
needs not any religious cover or flavor. At least nowadays there are no pretentious native
NGOs in Bangladesh like that. Unfortunately the British government is giving license and
taking care to those religious flavored NGOs. They are aided quite handsomely and
frequently by European Commission. And these aids are used to kindle conflicts in the
society, nation. British are paying to send troops to Afghanistan to stop Taliban in the same
time aiding these Taliban hearted people to Bangladesh from Pakistan to conspire and form
Raliban through NGO Islamic Relief worldwide and MuslimAid.
We do hope special attention all concern to be caring to the next generation friendly planet,
immediate halt of corruption venture in the name of NGO. We believe civilized person of the
world raise voice against all sorts of crime and corruption that could end the poverty,
hunger and disaster. UN authority and staff would be pondering about the equal facility for
each development worker across the globe. During the environment and disaster risk
reduction activity local NGO staffs go by bicycle and UN and other donor staff need very big
AC Car. We think this phenomenon could be judge again. We do hope none of the
development worker would be in thinking that she/he is special representative from almighty
and need special care, facility and service for them.
Finally we like to add and hope that hypocrisy in development disappeared. If we really
mean environment, climate change, global worming, disaster risk reduction, fight for poverty
and hunger must devise our mindset that ensure harmony in our word and action.
Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption,
expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the

fb comment about NGO
01. Net benefit of NGO (Nurturing Grim Openly/optimistically)s
Poor Remain Poor - Educated Youth become Unproductive Slaver
Bangladesh. Until and unless we able to ensure the rights of NGO field staff we cannot
expect any result in DRR. And it is true for across the globe.
03. Ladies and Gentleman
Greetings. In Bangladesh NURTURING GRIM OPENLY [NGO] serving as EUROPEAN AND
04. Why NGO staffs have no association?
Where is the mechanism of staff welfare?
Who look after the NGO staff salary structure?
What happened if someone dies in any accident?
05. Please Read & Introduce the BOOK - [NGO-Nurturing Grim Openly] Bangladesh
Published based on the concept of the Great Socrates `I cannot teach anybody anything I
can only make them think. NGO creating intellectually disable, cripple, incapable youth
class. Yes nobody believe in Human Rights. All are eye wash. Poor must decide their own
path.Mr. Younus, Abed, Farook, Shafiq and PKSFFhakruddin, Salehuddin, Khalikuzzama
Do they believe in Rights? Believe in NGO Staffs Rights. If they, why NGO staffs have no
07. Why there is NO TV Talk Show on
Grameen Bank and Grameen Phone Staff Termination
Under the banner of Grameen Bank Nirjatito Karmi Parishad (forum of repressed employees), they
also demanded that all the activities of the bank be made public.
08. NGOs Promoting New Version of Slavery now it is European Indian Corruption Venture
And Bangladeshi Youth are Slaver
09. There is no way to include the voice of Poorest. Till today NGO owner given their voice
aimed at own Profit in the name of Poor. There is none to listen the Voice Poor or Deprived
or any honest NGO staff. Sometimes someone of media write something that also benefits
the rich/NGO owner.
NGO owner monster, fraudster,
Development worker slaver
Jointly generate disaster for poorer
And mass people are undone, sufferer.
Unfortunately authority deaf and dumb
So called donor or their local agent praised by some leader
Nation caged to so called donor and leader
Civil society! Thats act like a beggar.
Nation to utter - Alas!
Where our savior?
11. Our Girl and Women contribute lion part for the family and community being
deprived from all sorts of facility. Even NGO staff women are in highly vulnerable
position. None of them are paid as per contact not only with the donor even with
Individual. There is none to look after this deprivation. Some NGO owner compelled
them to be involved in undesired activity. NGO owners Exploit the peoples potential.
Yes visitor come and leave see the decorated function and village, Cannot see/realize
the reality. 33 years have passed situation worsening day by day. In Bangladesh
VENTURE. Absolutely Risk less AND RECKLESS Trade in Bangladesh going on. You
see NGO staffs have no Platform raise their voice where Garments labor have it.
Need urgent Action.
fb comment about Rohingya
01. Our earnest request to all concern
Please End the Rohingya Refugee Corruption Venture (RRCV)
02. Could U define why Rohingya Never Attack European-Pakistani Policy Maker
they attack undone Bangalee staff and Teknaf Hooligan, Ruffian attack guided by
Chirman HK Anwar, under Bad-ee MP do attack - Outer district staff.
Rohingya never attack Local NGO staff, INGO Bangalee Staff those who have no
power. But same person work as whore supplier to Pakistan, European Policy maker.
And all Whore monger is gentleman here. And ACF hire same character.
Islamic Relief, MuslimAid, ACF, Soliderity-----all are same with different name.
03. My Dear Sister, Brother and Friend
Greetings - Please support and ask your friend to put their comment and join the movement
against NGO owners corruption. Ask them all to first Click on Like. Corruption
NGO(Nurturing Grim Openly) owner are humiliating and demoralizing our all voluntary
initiative. NGOs has become European and Indian Corruption Venture in Bangladesh.
04. Is it the Process of Creating RALIBAN in Bangladesh
The Newage reported that - Intruders change tactics to sneak into Bangladesh by
Abdullah Juberee Teknaf
05. Lieutenant Colonel Zahid Hasan. said that they had already strengthened security and
overnight patrol in the area after the latest development along with keeping a sharp eye on
the localities. He said that a large syndicate was behind the continued intrusion and they
had identified the syndicate. Actually this ring is doing business using the crisis on the other
side of the border and is instigating people to trespass into Bangladesh, he said.
06. European Commission provide fund to strengthen their corruption and crime at
CoxsBazar and Chittagong through Islamic Relief, MuslimAid, ACF some other NGO.
Government official are undone before them. If any of you have opportunity ask UNHCR
chief to show comparison between Salary and Facility enjoyed by their Staff and Facility
provided to the Refugee. The Rohingya Camp at Teknaf and Ukhiya could be defined as the
Corruption Generation spot. Some British and USA people come here for study and service
providing they could be defined as adviser for Corruption Adviser.
07. Rohingya Refugee Corruption Venture (RRCV);postID=6669166412074683564
08. We should put our responsible comment. Intellectual exiled from reality - Enjoying all
facility sitting Dhaka City - Please hold your tongue. I am not sure who made comment
Bangladesh Should remember 1971 - But I am sure she/he don't aware about reality or
she/he is biased by International Corruption Venture.
Myanmar Head of State Started her trip without any solution Why Bangladesh should be
worried for her citizens Shelter. Is she going to receive Nobel of Peace Prize? Is it a
Surprise? Is it surprise for global community? Is any international media would raise it? No,
absolutely not because all are slaver to the money holder.
09. I don't believe killing going or People suffering Arakan/Myanmar as they are Muslim.
This is absolutely another game to create unrest some particular community and blame
someone that they are Terrorist. This is just for creating Political Turmoil and under this
someone would gain. Please observe with patience who is that Profiteer?
10. Please don't give religious flavor in Arakan/Myanmar Problem. This is a created game by
the power holder. And they do it everywhere. Unfortunately we become emotional and they
come to blame us for their created trap. In Afganistan Taliban and In Bangladesh someone
is trying to create RALIBAN by this Rohingya Refugee. And this is a the peak time to decide
our appropriate role. Our government should be strict in the policy .....................
11. My Special Request to Mr. Jafar Iqbal Have initiative
Role of Our Media on Rohingya Refugee Corruption Venture (RRCV)
Different Daily organized Round Table discussion on different issue. Please someone tell
them to organize same on RRCV. In this session those who worked at Rohingya Camp they
will be speaker and our Intellectual will be listener. International body representative could
put their question in written. We could get a good book from this and global community
would be benefited. Please have initiative. Is there any NGO here could do for the
betterment of our nation.
New age
12. What is the responsibility of Myanmar Leader Aung San Suu Kyi Peace Nobel
Laureate(?) Without agreeable solution of Arakan Riot how she can start her pleasure Trip.
Why not HRW ask her to settle it immediately. Why international communities DONT ask
her about this? The international media Known to BBC, VOA, Alzajeera had they raise any
question about this? What agenda could be more important than stop killing?
13. Is Rohingya Refugee Corruption Venture (RRCV) Ended ???
Apparently it seems but not it may be initiated, revitalized anytime any moment because this
is highly profit making business.
14. Please Stop the Rohingya Refugee Corruption Venture (RRCV);postID=6669166412074683564
15. Oh our leader from all party please, please be free from your power occupying thinking.
Have passion and patience. Please lend your few days for the nation. Please forget your
business and power for few days. Make the nation free From the Curse Of NGO Owner -
European - Indian Corruption Venture.
16. Rohingya Refugee Corruption Venture (RRCV) again placing with new face
This is really misfortune for us some of our honable intellectual not being informed about
the fact but pleading for Rohingya Refugee. Are we all well known about our Bangladeshi
Rootless and Roofless people staying in the city and rural area? Do we have any duty to
them? Rather we could put pressure specially on political leader to create pressure on
Government for this Not Rohingya. Rohingya Refugee is absolutely International
Corruption Venture in collaboration with some Bangladeshi Corrupt. You see it is reported
30000 Rohingya displaced only 1500 hundred came to Bangladesh Coast. Where is other?
Back Cover
Unsustainable human consumption and production systems are driving changes in average
temperatures and weather patterns, "abnormal" is increasingly becoming the norm.
USA mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, on December 17 in Newtown,
Connecticut teaches global community, WE MUST "inspire us to be better, more
compassionate and caring toward other people." Central cause of Climate Threat is our
Consumption that breeds unsustainable production that breeds Hooter World and thats
the Hungry World, Disastrous world and World of stress. If we feel the need of Warning
Free World for our next generation we must have bridle on our consumption. We must
accept - `HOW MUCH LESS CONSUMING I COULD BE. In absence of sasrai feeling,
thinking and practice we cant offer a habitable earth for our next generation.
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