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Internship Report of BBA (Marketing)

Toyota Motors Multan

Submitted By:
Muhammad Waqas
Session (2010-2014)
Submission date o internshi! re!ort:
Se!tember 201#
$e!artment o B%& Multan
3-Internship Certificate
' (ould li)e to dedi*ate my all eorts o ma)in+ this Toyota internshi!
re!ort to my +reat ather ,(ho al(ays moti-ated and en*oura+ed me in ea*h
ste! o my lie and ' *an.t e-er or+et those !re*ious moments (ho ' ha-e
s!ends (ith him/
' (ould li)e to say than)s to Mr 0halid Mu+hal (Mana+er 1ustomers relations
$e!artment), (ho su!!orts me to *om!lete my re!ort and tau+ht me all te*hniques o
*ustomer.s *om!laint and handlin+/
' am -ery mu*h than)ul to Mr/ 2lta-&r34ehman (5M mar)etin+ $e!artment o Toyota
Multan motors) that hel!s me a lot (ith ull sin*erity to *om!lete my internshi! re!ort/
' am also -ery mu*h than)ul to Mr/1h/ 2shra (5M sales and ser-i*e $e!artment) (ho
+uides me to -isit all $e!artments/
' am really than)ul to Mr/ Muhammad 'mran 2)htar (67$ in*har+e, TWSM), (ho
+uided me *om!letely re+ardin+ -aluable inormation or this re!ort and brie me
mar)etin+ resear*h !hiloso!hies
2lso Than)s to Mr/ 4ana 8ara9 and &mar 8ara9 (Sales E:e*uti-e), (ho trained me
dealin+ and handlin+ *ustomers and !ro-ided me the inormation o ne( laun*hes o
1ars (ith sales inormation/
2t the end ' am than)ul to all team members in*ludin+ sta (ho *or!orate (ith me in
ea*h de!artment to +i-e me the )no(led+e, !ro*edure and (ay o o!erations in entire
or+ani9ation o Toyota/
!-"#ec$ti%e s$ar&
Toyota is one o the ;ar+est *om!any in the (orld that )no(n or its (orld *lass
manua*turin+ *om!any/ 't (as my dream to (or) and +et trainin+ to in-ol-e and +et
e:!erien*e to learn this (orld *lass *ar manua*turin+ or+ani9ation/
Toyota has the net(or) o dealershi! all round the (orld, it (as my honor to (or) or
Toyota Multan motors (hi*h is lo*ated in my *ity Multan/ 't has mar)etin+, sales,
ser-i*es and s!are !arts de!artments (hi*h (or) ei*iently and ee*ti-ely in multan
' ha-e mentioned in my re!ort dierent a*ti-ities belon+s to sales and ser-i*es (hi*h
ina*t sho(s ho( it (or) (ith dierent *ustomers and meet their demands o *ars/
' ha-e done my ei+ht (ee)s internshi! at Toyota Multan Motors Bosan 4oad/
Mar)etin+ de!artment o Toyota Multan motors is !erormin+ -arious mar)etin+
un*tions or the !romotion o !rodu*ts and ser-i*es/ These un*tions in*lude the mar)et
se+mentations, tar+et mar)etin+, !rodu*t !lannin+, de-elo!ment, and !ositionin+,
!romotional strate+y/ Sales de!artment res!onsibility is to de-elo! sales/ Some o the
a!!ro-al in*ludes introdu*in+ ne( !rodu*ts, s)ill inno-ation,
Toyota Multan Motors *ontinuously im!ro-in+ its ser-i*es and !ro-ides ne( !rodu*ts as
a leadin+ *ar manua*turin+ o <a)istan, in this (ay, Toyota Multan motors ma)e sure
the satisa*tion o their *ustomer as (ell their em!loyees/
'-(a)le of Contents
<a+e =
1: Title !a+e 1
The name o the or+ani9ation
The name o internee, student '$, session
The date o the inal re!ort
6ame o the &ni-ersity
2: ;etter o under ta)in+ 2
#: 'nternshi! *ertii*ate s*an *o!y #
4: $edi*ation 4
>: 2*)no(led+ement >
?: E:e*uti-e Summary ?
": Table o *ontents "
@: A-er-ie( o the Ar+ani9ation B
i/ Brie history
ii/ 6ature o the or+ani9ation
iii/ <rodu*t lines and brand !ortolio o the or+ani9ation
i-/ Strate+ies o brandin+ used by the or+ani9ation
-/ ;ist o main *lients
-i/ ;ist o main *om!etitors
B: Ar+ani9ation Stru*ture 1?
i/ Ar+ani9ational hierar*hy *hart
ii/ 6umber o em!loyees
iii/ 'ntrodu*tion o all the de!artments
i-/ 1omments on the or+ani9ational stru*ture
10: <lan o my internshi! !ro+ram 21
i/ 2 brie introdu*tion o the bran*h
ii/ Startin+ and endin+ dates o your internshi!
iii/ 6ames o the de!artments in (hi*h you +ot trainin+
11: Trainin+ <ro+ram 24
i/ $etailed des*ri!tion o the o!erationsCa*ti-ities !erormed by the de!artment
ii/ $etailed des*ri!tion o the tas)s assi+ned to you
12: Stru*ture o mar)etin+ de!artment #0
i/ $e!artment hierar*hy
ii/ 6umber o em!loyees (or)in+ in the Mar)etin+ de!artment
iii/ Mar)etin+ o!erations
1#/ 8un*tions o the Mar)etin+ de!artment ##
i/ Se+mentation strate+y
ii/ Tar+et mar)etin+ strate+y
iii/ <rodu*t !lannin+, de-elo!ment D mana+ement
i-/ <ositionin+
-/ <ri*in+ strate+y
-i/ $istribution strate+y
-ii/ <romotional strate+y
14: Stru*ture o Sales $e!artment 4#
i/ $e!artment hierar*hy
ii/ 6umber o em!loyees (or)in+ in the sales de!artment
iii/ Sales o!erations
1>: 8un*tions o Sales $e!artment 4>
i/ Sales methodolo+y
ii/ Ty!e o sellin+ li)e !ersonal sellin+, door to door sellin+ et*
iii/ Sales returns !ro*edures
1?: 1ustomer Ser-i*es $e!artment 4"
E <ro*ess o de-elo!in+ relations (ith *ustomers
E Te*hniques o retainin+ *ustomers
E Te*hniques o attra*tin+ ne( *ustomers
E Ways o handlin+ dierent )inds o *ustomers li)e urious *ustomers, !roblem
1reatin+ *ustomers et*
1"-1riti*al 2nalysis >1
1@: SWAT analysis o the or+ani9ation in the business se*tor >2
1B: 1on*lusion >4
20: 4e*ommendations or 'm!ro-ements >>
21: 4eeren*es >?
22: 2nne:es >"
*-+%er%iew of the +rgani,ation
i- Brief .istor&

$esi+ned or style, en+ineered to !erorm, all Toyota and $aihatsu -ehi*les oer outstandin+ Te*hnolo+y or a su!erior
dri-in+ e:!erien*e

The Toyota motor *or!oration is a Fa!anese *ar manua*turer, (hi*h is the (orld.s
se*ond lar+est manua*turer rom 5eneral motors, re+ardless o this a*t it is ran)ed irst
in terms o !roitability, its net (orth and re-enue *olle*tion/ 't (as ounded in 1B#" as a
subsidiary o Toyota industries/
'n the late 1Bth *entury, a Fa!anese Sa)i*hi Toyoda in-ented Fa!an.s irst !o(er loom or
te:tile industry/ 'n 1B1@, Sa)i*hi ounded the Toyoda S!innin+ D Wea-in+ 1om!any,
and (ith the hel! o his son, 0ii*hiro Toyoda, his dream *ame true to ma)e an automati*
loom in 1B24/ 2ter T(o years, he established Toyoda 2utomati* ;oom Wor)s/
0ii*hiro ado!ted inno-ations in nature by his ather, es!e*ially durin+ his -isits to
Euro!e and the &/S/ in the 1B20.s, he started ta)in+ interest in the nas*ent automoti-e
industry, Sa)i*hi Toyoda re*ei-ed or sellin+ the !atent ri+hts o his automati* loom, and
0ii*hiro laid the oundations o Toyota Motor 1or!oration (TM1), (hi*h (as
established in 1B#"/ Started 8rom looms to *ars, the Toyota su**essul e:!erien*e has
been sha!ed by e:tendin+ the boundaries o outstandin+ -ehi*les manua*turer all around
the (orld/
6o( Toyota is one o the (orldGs lar+est automobile manua*turers, sellin+ o-er B
million models in 200? on all i-e *ontinents o the (orld/ 2lso To! 10 8ortune 5lobal
>00 enter!rises, Toyota ran)s amon+ the (orldGs leadin+ +lobal *or!orations and is !roud
to be the most admired automa)er/
Toyota in <a)istan:
'n <a)istan, 'ndus Motor 1om!any is ha-in+ sole distributorshi! o Toyota and $aihatsu
Motor 1om!any or assemblin+, mar)etin+ and manua*turin+/
'ndus Motor 1om!any ('M1) is a Hoint -enture bet(een the Iouse o Iabib , Toyota
Motor 1or!oration Fa!an (TM1) , and Toyota Tsusho 1or!oration Fa!an (TT1) or
assemblin+, !ro+ressi-e manua*turin+ and mar)etin+ o Toyota -ehi*les in <a)istan
sin*e Fuly 01, 1BB0/ 'M1 is en+a+ed in sole distributorshi! o Toyota and $aihatsu Motor
1om!any ;td/ -ehi*les in <a)istan throu+h its dealershi! net(or)/
The *om!any (as in*or!orated in <a)istan as a !ubli* limited *om!any in $e*ember
1B@B and started *ommer*ial !rodu*tion in May 1BB#/ The shares o *om!any are quoted
on the sto*) e:*han+es o <a)istan/ Toyota Motor 1or!oration and Toyota Tsusho
1or!oration ha-e 2> J sta)e in the *om!any equity/ The maHority shareholder is the
Iouse o Iabib/
'ndus Motor *om!anyGs !lant is the only manua*turin+ site in the (orld (here both
Toyota and $aihatsu brands are bein+ manua*tured/
Iea-y in-estment (as made to build its !rodu*tion a*ilities based on state o art
te*hnolo+ies/ To ensure hi+hest le-el o !rodu*ti-ity (orld-reno(ned Toyota <rodu*tion
Systems are im!lemented/
ii- /at$re of +rgani,ation
Toyota Motor 1or!oration (TM1) ori+in in the *ountry o Fa!an is the (orld.s lar+est
auto manua*turer, oerin+ a ull ran+e o beautiul and latest -ehi*les desi+n models/
Toyota not Hust sellin+ auto motors, but also ensures ater sales and ull ser-i*e o their
*lients (ith ull dierent ran+e o (arranties/ Toyota builds dealer net(or)s to sell these
*ars and to do ser-i*es/ Ensure dealers are sui*iently trained and *an deli-er e:*ellent
ser-i*es to *ustomer
Toyota is at the heart o +lobal manua*turin+, a *om!any that has +ro(n (ithin "0 years
to be*ome the (orld.s se*ond lar+est -ehi*le manua*turer, (hi*h sho(s the +reat
interest o reliability and ull trust rom the *ustomers o Toyota or many years/ The
*om!any (anted to inte+rate ba*) oi*e systems and e:ternal sour*es o inormation
re+ardin+ -ehi*le data to ensure *ontinues eed ba*) and im!ro-ement/
Toyota Motor *ustomi9ed the system to meet its unique needs, (hi*h enabled the
*om!any to automate many day-to-day !ro*esses and *ontinuous im!ro-ement in their
iii- 0rod$ct lines and Brand 0ortfolio of the +rgani,ation
'M1Gs <rodu*t line in*ludes ? -ariants o the ne(ly introdu*ed Toyota 1orolla, Toyota
Iilu: Sin+le 1abin 4:2 and 4 -ersions o $aihatsu 1uore/ We also ha-e a (ide ran+e o
im!orted -ehi*les/
The Toyota Multan Motors is oerin+ all lo*al and im!orted Toyota -ehi*les, (hi*h
*onsist o three !arts lo*al assembled *orolla -ariant, lo*al assembled *uore ($aihatsu)
-ehi*les, and im!orted -ehi*les li)e, <rado, land *ruiser, *oaster, and im!orted double
*abin I';&K/ Thus by the abo-e deinition all these three !arts sho(s the attention, use
and !hysi*al obHe*ts and are satisyin+ the *ustomers needs and (ants/ 'n su*h a (ay (e
*an say these !arts as !rodu*ts/
<rodu*ts oered by the Toyota Multan Motors:
10$ (*om!lete )no*)ed do(n) assembled *orolla
10$ (lo*al) assembled *uore ($aihatsu)
1B& (*om!lete built in unit) im!orted -ehi*les
C1D (2ocal) Corolla
Toyota Multan Motors is oerin+ lo*al assembled *orolla 1#00 ** (ith !o(er !a*),
!o(er steerin+, ele*troni* *ontrol units (ith added ad-anta+e o 2BS bra)e system
(hi*h means antilo*) bra)in+ system/ This is -ery unique system in (hi*h (heel are not
lo*)ed (hen bra)ed suddenly and *an mo-e easily ri+ht or let (ith *ontrol *on-enien*e/
There are @ dierent *olors oer in *orolla, (ith !ri*e ran+e rom 12, #B,000 to 1@,
21,>00 in*ludin+ dierent horse !o(er se!arately/ E/+/ K;', 5;', 2;T'S, 2/A$ et*/
C1D (2ocal) C$ore
Similarly Toyota Multan Motors is oerin+ lo*al assembled *uore @>0 ** (ith automati*
-ariant also, *uore is a best -ehi*le or small amily, there are @ dierent *olors oer in
*uore, (ith !ri*e ran+e rom >, ?B,000 to ", 1B,000/
CB3 (Iiported) 4ehicles
The Toyota Multan Motors !ro-ides im!orted -ehi*les to *ustomers/ 8or e:am!le the
*ustomer (ants to add the ne( lu:urious thin+s in their -ariants su*h *ustomers are
treated (ith su*h ty!e o lu:ury -ehi*les and !ri*e ran+e is rom ? million to 1> million/
E/+ Terios, 2-an9a, <rado, 1amry, ;and *ruiser et*/
i%- 5trategies 3sed )& (o&ota
5o$rce Brand 5trateg&
Toyota uses this brand strate+y/ This )ind o strate+y is -ery *lose to umbrella brand
strate+y (ith one e:*e!tion is that e-ery !rodu*t has a dierent brand name under the
sour*e name/ Ane !rodu*t starts and +ets sub-di-ided into sub-s!e*ies +i-in+ hem
dierent names/ $ierent names are +i-en to dierent !rodu*ts to ulill dierent
!romises and *ommitment/ Ea*h and e-ery !rodu*t (ith a dierent name *arries one
s!e*ii* *ontra*t/ The !o(er o the Sour*e brand su!!orts the os!rin+ until they be*ome
established and (ell )no(n by its o(n *hara*ter brands in their o(n ri+ht/ The sub-
brands or the os!rin+ be*ome so stron+ o(in+ basi*ally to stren+th o the sour*e that a
!oint *omes (hen the sour*e ta)es the ba*) seat and os!rin+ emer+e as the main brands
be*ause o their o(n !romise and (ell re!ute/ This situation ma)es the Toyota to be
more !o(erul in the sense o oerin+ more sub brands in the mar)et (ith the same
standard, (ell re!ute and as usual standard o quality and standard (ith reliable ser-i*es/
8or e:am!le: Toyota *orolla, Toyota 1amry et*/
4- Main Clients
1or!orate se*tor
Business !ersons
4i- Main Copetitors
'n <a)istan:
6-+rgani,ational 5tr$ct$re
i- +rgani,ational hierarch& chart
ii- /$)er of "plo&ees
1?" em!loyees
<4A8';E A8 EM<;ALEES
iii- Introd$ction of all Departents
The Toyota Multan Motors is !ro-idin+ dierent !rodu*ts and ser-i*es to its *ustomers
throu+h the ollo(in+ de!artments/
2**ounts de!artment
2dministration de!artment
Ser-i*e de!artment
<arts de!artment
1ustomer 4elations de!artment
Mar)etin+ de!artment
Acco$nts Departent
6ame $esi+nation Fob Status $e!artment 6o/
Mali) 2srar 2hmad 1EA <ermanent 2dministration 1
2lta-ur-4ehman Mana+er Sales <ermanent Sales 1
Ma9har Suleman $y/Mana+er Sales <ermanent Sales 1
MaHid 6aeem Butt $y Mana+er ;easin+ <ermanent Sales 1
Athers Sales sta <ermanent Sales 11
1h M 2shra 5M Ser-i*e <ermanent Ser-i*e 1
Athers Ser-i*e Sta <ermanent Ser-i*e 101
1h 2 Sattar Sr Mana+er <arts <ermanent <arts 1
Athers <arts Sta <ermanent <arts 14
Muhammad 'qbal Mana+er 2dmin <ermanent 2dmin 1
Athers 2dmin Sta <ermanent 2dmin 1@
Muhammad Fa-ed Mana+er 2**ounts <ermanent 2**ounts 1
Athers 2**ount Sta <ermanent 2**ounts B
Mr/)halid Mu+hal Mana+er 14 <ermanent 14 1
Athers 14 Sta <ermanent 14 2
Muneeb 2hmad Mana+er Mar)etin+ <ermanent Mar)etin+ 1
Athers 4e*o-ery Sta <ermanent Mar)etin+ 2
Total 1?"
The res!onsibility o this de!artment is 1olle*tion, summari9ation, Boo))ee!in+,
a**ountin+, auditin+ and re!ortin+ o inan*ial inormation about -arious de*isions
throu+hout an or+ani9ation/ The de!artment tra*es *osts, re-enues, or !roits to the
indi-idual mana+ers (ho are !rimarily res!onsible or ma)in+ de*isions about the *osts,
re-enues, or !roits in question and ta)in+ a*tion about them/
The de!artment is doin+ u!date and maintains a**ountin+ re*ords, in*ludin+ those (hi*h
*al*ulate e:!enditures, re*ei!ts, a**ounts !ayable and re*ei-able, and !roit and loss/
Adinistration Departent
2dministration de!artment !erorm a broad ran+e o duties in -irtually e-ery se*tor o
the e*onomy/ They *oordinate and dire*t su!!ort ser-i*es to or+ani9ations as di-erse as
insuran*e *om!anies, *om!uter manua*turers, and +o-ernment oi*es/ These (or)ers
mana+e the many ser-i*es that allo( or+ani9ations to o!erate ei*iently, su*h as
se*retarial and re*e!tion, administration, !ayroll, *oneren*e !lannin+ and tra-el,
inormation and data !ro*essin+, mail, materials s*hedulin+ and distribution, !rintin+ and
re!rodu*tion, re*ords mana+ement, tele*ommuni*ations mana+ement, se*urity, !ar)in+,
and !ersonal !ro!erty !ro*urement, su!!ly, and dis!osal/
5er%ice Departent
Ser-i*e de!artment is res!onsible or ta)in+ the -ehi*les or maintenan*e and deli-er on
time, ser-i*e de!artment in*lude a -ery *om!rehensi-e (or)sho! re+ardin+ dentin+ D
!aintin+ and this (or)sho! is also a(arded the best and (ell !lanned (or)sho! by 'ndus
Motor 1om!any
5pare 0arts Departent
This de!artment is res!onsible or runnin+ a !roitable and ei*ient s!are !arts
de!artment/ They are res!onsible to a**om!lish obHe*ti-es throu+h !ro!er !ur*hasin+
!ro*edures, in-entory *ontrol, stain+, se*urity, !ri*in+, mer*handisin+, dis!layin+ and
ad-ertisin+/ The !rimary res!onsibility o the s!are !arts de!artment is to ser-i*e
C$stoer Relations Departent
1ustomer relations de!artment is ba*)bone o Toyota Multan Motors/ 2ll inquiries and
*om!laints re*ei-in+ and resolutions ha-e done by *ustomer relations de!artment/
1ustomer relations de!artment is res!onsible o-erall im!ro-ements o entire dealershi!
and *ontinue the 02'%E6 (*ontinuous im!ro-ement) !ro*ess, quality *ontrol, and
system im!lementation/
Marketing Departent
'n Toyota Multan Motors, the main res!onsibility o the mar)etin+ de!artment is to a*t as
the Gboundary-s!annerG bet(een the *om!any and its (!otential) *ustomers/ 'n other
(ords, it has ensure the *om!any *reates -alue or *ustomers (Ge:!lorationG), and *a!tures
this -alue or itsel (Ge:!loitationG), (hile sustainin+ it(e/+/ throu+h maintainin+ brand
equityC*ustomer retention)
i%- Coents on the +rgani,ational 5tr$ct$re
'n the de!artmentali9ation o Toyota, ' obser-e and noti*e that all the de!artment (or) as
a team to a*hie-e the +oals and obHe*ti-es/
Chain of coand
Toyota +ot a system to ollo( line authority/ There is a hierar*hy *hart that ollo(s the
relation o u!!er and lo(er mana+ement o Toyota/
5pan of control
2ll the de*isions start rom the 1EA and then +oes urther ollo(ed by the other
de!artment a**ordin+ to their !oli*ies/
The main lon+ terms obHe*ti-es and annual obHe*ti-es li)e tar+et mar)et, strate+ies and
sales tar+et are !erormed and im!lemented by to! le-el mana+ement/
With the hel! o all de!artments, the im!lementation ta)es !la*e/
The mana+ement o all de!artments ully !erormed the tas) and assi+ned (or)
indi-idually (ith the hel! o their de!artment sub-ordinates and *o-(or)ers.
78-0lan of internship progra
I- Brief introd$ction of & )ranch
Toyota Multan Motors (as established in 1BB2/ They are the sole dealers o 'ndus Motor
1om!any ;imited, 0ara*hi (manua*turers o Toyota D $aihatsu -ehi*les in <a)istan),
in Multan di-ision or the Sales, Ser-i*e and S!are <arts o the *om!lete ran+e o Toyota
and $aihatsu -ehi*les/

5E6E42; '68A4M2T'A6
1om!lete ran+e o <a)istan assembled and im!orted Toyota D
$aihatsu -ehi*les (1orolla, Iilu: 4:2 D 4:4 Sin+le D $ouble
1abin, ;and 1ruiser and $aihatsu 1uore, et*/) at oi*ialC*ontrol
1ar inan*in+Cleasin+ a*ility throu+h -arious ban)s and leasin+
2ttra*ti-e MBuyba*)M arran+ement (here you *an e:*han+e used
<a)istan assembled 1orolla or $aihatsu *ar (ith a brand ne( one
by only !ayin+ the dieren*e bet(een the !ri*e o ne( -ehi*le
and -alue o your old *ar
S!e*ial !a*)a+e or *or!orate *ustomers (ith leet orders o > or
more -ehi*les
1om!limentary on-site deli-ery a*ility or *or!orate *lients
2ttra*ti-e ater-sales !a*)a+e o e:tended (arranty D (or)sho!
dis*ount *ou!ons

AC.I"4"M"/(5 9 A:ARD5
'SA B002C'SA B000-2001 *ertii*ation (8irst Toyota $ealershi! in <a)istan to +et
this quality *ertii*ation)
<roessional Mana+ement 2(ard (1BBB - 2000)
Best in ser-i*e - 1entral 4e+ion (1BB>-B?, 1BB?-B", 1BB"-B@,1BBB-00,200#-2004)
Best in !arts - 1entral 4e+ion (2000-01,2001-02, 2002-0#)
Best in sales - 6ation(ide (2002-0#)
Best in sales - 1entral 4e+ion(200#-04)
Best in 1ustomer Satisa*tion(1S') - 1entral 4e+ion (1BB@-BB)
Best in 1ustomer Satisa*tion (1S') - 6ation(ide (1BBB-00)
2mon+ to! # !ur*hases o 'M1 !arts
2mon+ the irst 4 dealershi!s o <a)istan to +et Toyota Ser-i*e Mar)etin+ (TSM)
ii- 5tarting and ending dates of & internship
' started my internshi! at Toyota Multan motors 8rom A*tober 2@
, 2010 till
$e*ember 2@
, 2010
iii- /aes of the departents in which I got training and d$ration of &
1) 1ustomers relations de!artment
2) Sales $e!artment
#) Mar)etin+ $e!artment
4) Ser-i*es $e!artment
>) S!are !arts $e!artment
$uration o my trainin+ (as the day o startin+ o the -ery irst day until the last day
o my internshi!/
77-(raining 0rogra
i- Detailed descriptions of the operations<acti%ities perfored )&
the departents in which I worked;
5er%ice Departent
Ser-i*e de!artment is res!onsible or ta)in+ the -ehi*les or maintenan*e and deli-er on
time, ser-i*e de!artment in*lude a -ery *om!rehensi-e (or)sho! re+ardin+ dentin+ D
!aintin+ and this (or)sho! is also a(arded the best and (ell !lanned (or)sho! by 'ndus
Motor 1om!any/ This de!artment is res!onsible or runnin+ an ei*ient and !roitable
ser-i*e de!artment/ The de!artment is also res!onsible or ma:imum !rodu*tion,
*ontrollin+ *osts, buildin+ a loyal *lientele, sustainin+ +ood em!loyee relationshi!s,
settin+ and obtainin+ sales and !roit obHe*ti-es and maintainin+ ser-i*e re*ords/
The ser-i*e de!artment is res!onsible or the !ro!er maintenan*e and re!air o o(ner
-ehi*les/ The ser-i*e de!artment has done a hi+h *a!ability or !erormin+ o!erations
Mri+ht the irst time,M as a means to inluen*e *ustomer satisa*tion, o(ner loyalty and
dealershi! !roitability/ The de!artment !ro-ides on-the-Hob trainin+ to te*hni*ians as
a!!ro!riate, and *ondu*t inormal e-aluations (ith te*hni*ians/ Ser-i*e de!artment Iel!
ensure *ustomer satisa*tion by hel!in+ te*hni*ians !ro!erly dia+nose te*hni*al !roblems
and dire*t !ro!er re!air !ro*edures/ $e-ise and use systems or o-erseein+ (or) in
!ro+ress, monitor to maintain re*ords o *omeba*) re!airs to ensure re!air and te*hni*ian
in-ol-ed/ 2lso monitor e:!ense *ontrol eorts/ $e-elo! and *ontrol systems or
a!!ro!riate use o sho! su!!lies, !rote*t *om!any equi!ment rom thet and abuse,
ensure !ro!er maintenan*e o all equi!ment and maintain in-entory o essential and
s!e*ial tools or *urrent and !ast model years/
5pare 0arts Departent
This de!artment is res!onsible or runnin+ a !roitable and ei*ient s!are !arts
de!artment/ They are res!onsible to a**om!lish obHe*ti-es throu+h !ro!er !ur*hasin+
!ro*edures, in-entory *ontrol, stain+, se*urity, !ri*in+, mer*handisin+, dis!layin+ and
ad-ertisin+/ The !rimary res!onsibility o the s!are !arts de!artment is to ser-i*e
*ustomers/ They are )no(led+eable about s!are !arts and able to use the s!are !arts
*atalo+ues/ They are *a!able o dealin+ intelli+ently (ith *ustomers both in !erson and
on the !hone/
The s!are !arts de!artment in Toyota Multan Motors is res!onsible or Sell s!are !arts
o-er the *ounter to (holesale and retail *ustomers/ 1ondu*t re+ular tele!hone soli*itation
on assi+ned (holesale a**ounts, Iandle tele!honi*ally s!are !arts orders or (holesale
and retail, <romote additional s!are !arts sales by su++estin+ related items, seasonal
lines, 1lean, re-ise, and u!date s!are !arts dis!lays as dire*ted, $etermine *orre*t s!are
!arts numbers and M!i*)M s!are !arts or orders re*ei-ed, 2rran+e or deli-ery or
shi!ment o s!are !arts as required, <re!are and *ost s!are !arts in-oi*es, !ro!erly
identiyin+ eli+ible (holesale *ustomers, to Iel! maintain orderly s!are !arts sto*),
monitor re+ular s!are !arts in-entories and the sele*tion o s!are !arts or return under
the s!are !arts obsoles*en*e !rote*tion !ro+ram
1ustomer satisa*tion and sales are is the to! res!onsibilities o the s!are !arts
de!artment they !ro-ides mer*handise, su!!lies or inormation or all *ustomers, both
e:ternal and internal, (hile aidin+ in the a*hie-ement o de!artment and dealershi! +oals
and obHe*ti-es/
C$stoer Relations Departent
1ustomer relations de!artment is ba*)bone o Toyota Multan Motors/ 2ll inquiries and
*om!laints re*ei-in+ and resolutions ha-e done by *ustomer relations de!artment/
1ustomer relations de!artment is res!onsible o-erall im!ro-ements o entire dealershi!
and *ontinue the 02'%E6 (*ontinuous im!ro-ement) !ro*ess, quality *ontrol, and
system im!lementation/
This de!artment is res!onsible or !ro-idin+ e:*ellent *ustomer ser-i*e and maintainin+
+ood !ubli* relations/ 1ustomer relations de!artment are also res!onsible and
a**ountable or mana+in+ the WinnerGs 1ir*le em!loyees at their res!e*ti-e site/ 'n
addition to this they are (or)in+ *losely (ith the 8ield Mar)etin+ Mana+ers in the
de-elo!ment and the e:e*ution o both lo*al and *or!orate mar)etin+ !lans (hi*h
in*lude !romotions, loyalty initiati-es and entertainment, 8or this !ur!ose the de!artment
+i-es dierent ads in ne(s!a!ers, dis!lay the banners and also +i-e Hin+le on 8M radio
and oer s!e*ial dis*ount on +ettin+ a!!ointment beore the -isit at dealershi!/
The de!artment is also res!onsible or $e-elo! and *ontrol de!artmental bud+et by
monitorin+ the use o o-ertime, tra*)in+ o s*heduled hours and mana+in+ all o!eratin+
e:!enses, et*/
Monitor the e:e*ution and *oordination o both lo*al and *or!orate mar)etin+ !ro+rams
as (ell as the !lannin+, !resentation and trainin+ o these !ro+rams to all site !ersonnel/
Monitor the de-elo!ment o the site sales !ro+ram/ Wor) *losely (ith the lo*al 5rou!
Sales 1oordinator to im!lement the a!!ro-ed !ro+rams/
<romote and maintain the utmost inte+rity and hi+hest *aliber o *ustomer ser-i*e/
Ensure that the *ustomer ser-i*e ben*hmar)s that ha-e been set are maintained and stri-e
to im!ro-e u!on them/ 'm!lement and *oordinate site entertainment !ro+rams/
4es!onsible or mana+in+ !re!arin+, !lannin+ and ore*astin+ the de!artment bud+et/
Maintain a *lean and sae (or) en-ironment/ 1om!ly (ith saety !ro*edures in*ludin+
use o any required saety and identiy and re!ort unsae !ra*ti*es or *onditions/
Marketing Departent
'n Toyota Multan Motors, the main res!onsibility o the mar)etin+ de!artment is to a*t as
the Gboundary-s!annerG bet(een the *om!any and its (!otential) *ustomers/ 'n other
(ords, it has ensure the *om!any *reates -alue or *ustomers (Ge:!lorationG), and *a!tures
this -alue or itsel (Ge:!loitationG), (hile sustainin+ it(e/+/ throu+h maintainin+ brand
equityC*ustomer retention)
' other *om!any em!loyeesCde!artments do not shareCha-e little time or a G*ustomer
o*usG, the mar)etin+ de!artment should brin+ *ustomer in!ut into the ne( !rodu*t desi+n
!ro*ess, dete*t *han+in+ *ustomer !reeren*es, *om!any o!!ortunities and *om!etiti-e
threats, re+ularly monitor *ustomer satisa*tion and retention, de-elo! and e:e*ute
mar)etin+ mi: strate+ies, and the nitty-+ritty o mar)etin+ resear*h and mi: ta*ti*s (e/+/
!ri*e !romotions)/
This de!artment is also monitor the re*o-ery amount rom the *or!orate se*tor, and
*he*)s the outstandin+ amounts due to the *om!anies/
ii- Detailed description of the tasks assigned to e
' ha-e !erormed dierent tas), (or) and small !art o essential res!onsibilities, (hi*h
hel!ed me a lot in ma)in+ me *onident and learn so mu*h that made me eel !ra*ti*al
and *omortable durin+ my internshi! in Toyota/
'n the ollo(in+ de!artment, ' (as assi+ned to !erorm dierent small a*ti-ities, (hi*h
hel!ed me a lot in learnin+/
$urin+ stayin+ at 1ustomers relations de!artment, ' (as obser-in+ *ustomers beha-ior
to(ards as)in+ inquiries or sales !ur!ose -isit *lients (hi*h ater s!endin+ some time, '
+ot a**ustomed to deal (ith them and started to ta)e eed ba*) o *ustomers, inquiry
handlin+ and +i-in+ ne*essary inormation or ne( laun*hes o -ehi*les/
' also used to ta)e !i*tures (hile deli-ery ne( -ehi*les (hi*h is a !art o sellin+ ne(
With the hel! o Mi*rosot (ord -ersion, ' (as assi+ned to tas) maintenan*e reminder
letter o re+ular or loyal *ustomers and sendin+ birthday (ish *ard on the birthdays o
*ustomers to Toyota re+ular *ustomers to ma)e sure they )ee! in their mind Toyota
remind them on their unor+ettable moments/
'n ser-i*e de!artment, my e:!erien*e (as to deal (ith those *ustomers, (ho need
maintenan*e, ser-i*e or need re!air o their -ehi*les/
't (as quite dii*ult, but ' (as eelin+ mu*h ha!!y to be (ith those (ho Toyota *all
ad-isor (hi*h *he*) the *ar by means o me*hani*al !roblem and then ma)e the
quotation or estimation or re!airs/
' (as ilin+ !ro-isional re!air order (ith the hel! o ad-isor/ 'n *ase i *ustomer need
maintenan*e, ' ta)e the a!!ointment and then re!ort to ad-isor or urther re!airs or
*he*) u!/
2!!ointment in ad-an*e boo)in+ o *ustomers or re!air -ehi*les (as also a !art o my
assi+ned tas)/
'n re!air order orm, ' had to ma)e sure the *orre*t entry o *ar maintenan*e and in *ase
i additional inormation in*omin+ maintenan*e or re!air to be needed, then it (as
ne*essary or me to ta)e *are o *ustomer and inorm them or u!*omin+ re!air o -oid
(arranty *autions/
'n mar)etin+ and sales de!artment, ' (as too mu*h deli+hted to deal (ith dierent
*ustomers as ' )ne( that it.s a !art o my MB2 s!e*iali9ation to be a +ood sales
Mar)etin+ de!artment deal (ith dierent *ate+ories o *ustomers in*ludin+ leasin+,
inan*in+, boo)in+ ne( -ehi*les et*/ $ierent *ustomers +o throu+h dierent sta+es to
!ur*hase ne( *ar/
'n leasin+ a *ar, ' dealt (ith a *ustomers to obtain ne*essary do*uments to ulill the
requirement o leasin+ a *ar (hi*h in*ludes 8B4,6T6, demand drat in a-or o '6$&S
MATA4S, 6'1 *o!y and a *om!any !ur*hase order i its rom *ommer*ial or business
!ur!ose !ur*hase( authori9e (ith a *om!any letter head)/
2lmost same a*ti-ities (ere related to assi+ned a tas) or me in sales de!artment, (hi*h
in*lude to sho( a ne( -ehi*les in the sho(room o Toyota to dierent *lients, *ustomers
satisa*tion and *on-in*e them or Toyota or their e:*ellent standards, sales and ater
ser-i*e (ith ull *onident and reliability and de*rease un*ertainty situation, i *ustomer
is little *onuse or in the middle o de*ision/
1ustomers are al(ays ma)e sure (hate-er -ehi*les they buy, it must be ha-in+ all the
qualities and *omort, (hi*h they required and my duty is to +i-e them that assuran*e/
2lthou+h ' didn.t ha-e mu*h )no(led+e re+ardin+ sales, but still ' (as (ith e:!erien*ed
sales !erson all the time (hile dealin+ *ustomers, obser-in+ them and tried to handle
*ustomers in *ase o the absen*e o sale !erson o Toyota/
' had to ma)e tour o allo*atin+ area to meet !ros!e*ti-e *ustomers to ma)e sure '
al(ays be there, (hen *ustomers need my hel! and *an +i-e them ull !roto*ol and (arm
(el*ome ne( *lients/
' (as most o the time (ith sales !erson and hel! them or daily re!ort !re!aration sales
a*ti-ities in sales de!artment to ulill all sales a*ti-ities/
2ny ne( *ar, (hi*h enter and store in a sho( room, ' had to *he*) and ma)e sure all
ne*essary distan*e and s!a*e ha-e been !ro-ided in bet(een the *ars and then ma)e it
ready or dis!lay !ur!ose/ 't (as enHoyable and deli+ht ull e:!erien*e to deal (ith the
*ustomers and stayin+ near sho(room dis!lay (ith brand ne(, 9ero meter beautiul
Toyota *ars/
'n S!are !art de!artment, it (as quite ne( e:!erien*e and ' learnt a lot (ith Mr/ 6asir ('n
*har+e o s!are !art de!artment and data entry)/ Iere ' ha-e to re*ei-e the shi!ment o
s!are !arts rom small bo:es to bi+ *arton de!end u!on the requirement and in-entory
order and i: those in-entory items in a small, medium and lar+e 9one/
't (as bit hard Hob or me to ba*) and orth (ith an in-entories but ' (as moti-ate enou+h
to learn and that thin+ made me quite stron+ that ' am (or)in+ or a (orld multinational
or+ani9ation and it.s a bi+ e:!erien*e that (ill *ount to(ards buildin+ my *areers and
then ' didn.t ste! ba*) and e-en mo-e urther to *ontinue hel! (ith my *o-(or)er durin+
re*ei-in+ ne( in-entory rom re*ei-in+ area/
' had to arran+e and dis!lay in-entories in a number o series and -erti*al stora+e, stora+e
by !rodu*ts in one line !rodu*t, hea-y !arts stored do(n, se!arate lo*ation or ea*h !art
number, store (ithin easy rea*h, should *ontrol irre+ular *ontrol o stu, and )ee!
stora+e by means o mo-ement/
't (as a !art o my Hob is to ma)e sure (hile ' am !uttin+ in-entories in a shel, it should
be in order and *orre*t !la*e or im!ro-ed ei*ien*ies, *leanliness, dis*i!line,
standardi9e a !ro*ess o a*hie-in+ o!eration and in an or+ani9in+ manner and ma)e sure
to dis*ard unne*essary item or +arba+e time by time to maintain (arehouse/
' (as )ee! ollo(in+ in-entories in order o re*ei-in+, then storin+, then issuin+,
dis!at*hin+, and ater that shi!!in+ it/
$is!at*hin+ means in term o Toyota (arehouse is sendin+ s!are !arts into the mar)et or
sellin+ !ur!ose, (hi*h has to +o throu+h Toyota dealers/
Iere ' (as res!onsible to or+ani9e in-entories in term o re*ei-in+ 9one, storin+ 9one,
lar+e 9one, medium 9one, small 9one, buer 9one and o!erational 9one/
7=-5tr$ct$re of the arketing departent
i- Departent .ierarch&
ST4&1T&4E A8 M240ET'65 $E<24TME6T
Mar)etin+ D 4e*o-ery Iead
Mar)etin+ Mana+er
2ssistant Mana+er
ii- /$)er of eplo&ees working in the arketing departent
'n Toyota multan motors, there are 1> sta members (or)ed or mar)etin+
iii- Marketing +perations
Toyota is stron+ly *onsidered mar)etin+ o!erations un*tions in a mar)etin+
Co-ordination with other departents
With the *o-ordination o all other de!artments, the mar)etin+ de!artments ma)e
sure mana+in+ all as!e*t o business to +ro( !roitably/

Monitor and eas$re the arket
Toyota mar)etin+ de!artment mana+ement ha-e im!lemented the mar)etin+
stru*ture in an or+ani9ation in su*h a (ay to monitor and measure the mar)et
Funior E:e*uti-es
Sales 8or*e
+ro(th, ad-ertisin+ bud+et, (or) on !roHe*ts, team (or) !lannin+, and
ad-ertisin+ *am!ai+n results (hi*h sho( and ha-e +reat systemati*ally im!ro-in+
ee*ti-eness and ei*ien*y/
Ad%antage of great re%ol$tion of we) technolog&
Toyota is also ta)in+ ad-anta+e o +reat re-olution o (eb te*hnolo+y su*h as
dis!lay ad-ertisin+, sear*h mar)etin+, (ebsite mana+ement, and e-mail
mar)etin+, (hi*h !lays a -ital role these days or the mar)etin+ o!erations
>oc$ses on anal&tical work
The Mar)etin+ A!erations +rou! o*uses on analyti*al (or) su*h as bud+etin+
and !lannin+, !roHe*t mana+ement, e:e*ution o re!etiti-e tas)s, mana+in+ data
and systems, and !rodu*in+ dashboards and re!orts/
3sing latest technological tools and ethods
'n Toyota, mar)etin+ o!eration is a ormal set o !ro*ess usin+ latest
te*hnolo+i*al tools and method and the mar)etin+ mana+ement mana+e the
mar)etin+ bud+et, !roHe*ts, !eo!le, and s*hedules that ultimately !rodu*e some
mar)etin+ asset (e/+/ *ollateral, billboards, or (eb !a+es)/ These !roHe*ts require
both *reati-e and analyti*al a*ti-ities and ty!i*ally ma)e u! the lar+est amount o
time the mar)etin+ or+ani9ation s!ends on (or) or better results/
&se both *entrali9ed and de*entrali9ed mar)etin+ o!erations:
Toyota use both *entrali9ed and de*entrali9ed mar)etin+ o!erations un*tions/
The or+ani9ations and mana+ement ha-e reali9e the im!ortan*e o de*entrali9e
mar)etin+ o!erations/ 'ne*t its an e:*ellent (ay o brin+in+ and retain *ustomers
by mean o system to mana+e !roHe*ts *onsistently, a (eb de!artment may
mana+e the (ebsite and email te*hnolo+ies, and a dire*t mar)etin+ +rou!
mana+es the *onta*t database to remind and monitor *ustomers eedba*) at all
73->$nctions of Marketing Departent
I- 5egentation strateg&
Ane o the bi++est a*tor o Toyota to +et su**ess and *a!ture the bi+ share in a mar)et is
to ulill indi-idual need o auto *ar on the basis o understand their *ustomers and ind
(ays and means to satisy their (ants/ Toyota *hooses a -ery *areul resear*h on
mar)etin+ and se+mentation strate+ies althou+h it.s not !ossible to ulill ea*h indi-idual
*ustomers need and (ant and to understand all but still Toyota ha-e identiy dierent
+rou!s and dierent se+ments o the same )ind on the basis o hard (or)in+ mar)et
resear*h team (or)ers and mar)etin+ mana+ers/
There are some maHor se+mentation strate+ies (hi*h Toyota ollo(s:
?eographic segentation
This se+mentation di-ided by the mar)etin+ de!artment o Toyota into dierent
+eo+ra!hi*al lo*ations/ 8or e:am!le *ontinents, *ountries, states, !ro-in*es and re+ions/
't hel!s a lot to Toyota mar)et mana+ers to su++est in a *ountry to either manua*ture, or
assemble or to e:!ort auto -ehi*le on the basis o *ustomer.s satisa*tion and mar)et
0s&chographics segentation
Based on so*ial *lass, !ersonalities *hara*teristi*s and liestyle, Toyota ha-e tar+et and
desi+n small *ars to bi+, e*onomy *ar to lu:ury *ar de!end on the liestyle
Beha%ioral segentation
This se+mentation based on *ustomer.s need and subsequent rea*tion to those needs or
to(ards the intended !ur*hase o the !rodu*t, (hi*h is *losely related to the brand
loyalty/ 1ost ee*ti-eness in terms o beneits, *ir*umstan*es res!onsible or the
!ur*hase, (hether the *ustomer is a re+ular, a irst timer or and has the !otential to
be*ome a *ustomer, and (hether the readiness to buy/ Toyota has s!e*ially e:!anded its
business in all around the (orld by this se+mentation by +i-in+ ater sales and ser-i*e
(ith e:*ellent quality *ars (ith reasonable !ri*e and uel *onsum!tion/
Deographic segentation
Toyota has ull o*used its mar)etin+ se+mentation strate+ies to *a!ture and tar+et its
*ustomer on the basis o amily, a+e, +ender, in*ome, o**u!ation, edu*ation and
ii- (arget Marketing 5trateg&
The mar)etin+ lo+i* by (hi*h the business unit ho!es to a*hie-e its mar)etin+ obHe*ti-es/
Toyota tar+etin+ strate+y is to identiy its tar+et mar)et irst, and then de-elo! mar)et
strate+ies to see ho( their *om!etitors doin+ in the rele-ant mar)et/ Toyota see)s more
)no(led+e to its *om!etitors to !ro-ide better ser-i*es than its *om!etitors/
Ma)e sui*ient ad-ertisin+ *am!ai+ns to tar+et the *ustomers by usin+ dierent
ad-ertisin+ methods means radio, T7, ma+a9ines, ne(s !a!er et*/
Toyota train and tea*h dierent te*hniques and methods to the sales or*e team and +i-e
enou+h a(areness o their latest auto *ars te*hnolo+ies to ma)e sure they *an satisy the
*ustomers and +i-e a!!ro!riate ans(er to the questions arises by the dierent *ustomers/
Toyota ma)e sure that they identiy the *ustomer in dierent means by o*us on
*or!orate se*tors, ban)in+ se*tor ,business se*tor, industrialist, and landlords by ado!tin+
su*h strate+ies that Toyota attra*ts and ma)e more *ustomers/
C$stoer foc$s;
1/ 1or!orate se*tor
2/ 'ndustrialist
#/ Business !ersons or landlords
iii- 0rod$ct planning@ de%elopent 9 de%elopent
The Toyota (ay o !rodu*tion (as dis*ussed throu+hout the (orld, (ith lots o resear*h
bein+ underta)en/ The *om!anyGs su**ess is mainly due to the im!lementation o the
7- (o&ota 0rod$ction 5&ste
Toyota <rodu*tion System, also read as Thin)in+ <rodu*tion System, ma)es use o the
ollo(in+ -ital elements, namely:
;ean Manua*turin+
<ull System
2ean Man$fact$ring
;ean !rodu*tion is aimed at the elimination o (aste in e-ery area o !rodu*tion
in*ludin+ *ustomer relations, !rodu*t desi+n, su!!lier net(or)s and a*tory mana+ement/
'ts +oal is to in*or!orate less human eort, less in-entory, less time to de-elo! !rodu*ts,
and less s!a*e to be*ome hi+hly res!onsi-e to *ustomer demand (hile !rodu*in+ to!
quality !rodu*ts in the most ei*ient and e*onomi*al manner !ossible/
<rin*i!les o ;ean Enter!rise:
%ero (aitin+
%ero in-entories
*ut bat*h si9es
1ut a*tual !ro*ess times
Shrin)s lead times
4edu*es times
Multi!lies in-entory turns
Fust-in-time is a manua*turin+ !hiloso!hy !ioneered by Toyota in 1B"0s/ 'tGs a method
o (aste elimination by (hi*h the in-entory le-els are minimi9ed/ The heart o F'T is
0anban, Fa!anese (ord or *ard/
F'T im!lementations in*lude:
'n-entory redu*tion
Smaller !rodu*tion lots and bat*h si9es
Nuality *ontrol
1om!le:ity redu*tion and trans!aren*y
Waste minimi9ation
0ai9en is the lean manua*turin+ term or *ontinuous im!ro-ement/ 'n use, 0ai9en
des*ribes an en-ironment (here *om!anies and indi-iduals !roa*ti-ely (or) to im!ro-e
the manua*turin+/
Em!loyin+ 0ai9en means:
im!ro-e !rodu*tion
4edu*e (aste
'n*rease em!loyee in-ol-ement
'n*rease *ustomer satisa*tion
Fido)a, a term used in ;ean manua*turin+, meanin+ Mautomation (ith a human tou*hM/ 't
is a quality *ontrol !ro*ess used in the Toyota <rodu*tion System (hi*h a!!lies the
ollo(in+ our !rin*i!les:
$ete*t the abnormality
8i: or *orre*t the immediate *ondition
'n-esti+ate the root *ause and install a *ountermeasure
2 Fa!anese term meanin+, Msi+nalM/ 't is one o the !rimary tools o F'T system/ 't si+nals
a *y*le o re!lenishment or !rodu*tion and materials/ 't maintains an orderly and
ei*ient lo( o materials throu+hout the entire manua*turin+ !ro*ess/ 't is usually a
!rinted *ard that *ontains s!e*ii* inormation su*h as !art name, des*ri!tion, quantity,
et*/ The *ard *ontains,
'nstru*tion or !rodu*tion and *on-eyan*e
7isual *ontrol tool to *he*) or o-er !rodu*tion and to dete*t irre+ular !ro*essin+
Tool to !erorm )ai9en
The !rodu*tion line is sto!!ed i there is a !roblem some(here in the line/ E-ery
em!loyee is em!o(ered to sto! the !rodu*tion on indin+ a dee*t/ This is done to
!re-ent the dee*ti-e items rom !assin+ to the ne:t sta+e/ 2ndon ele*tri* boards (ill
hi+hli+ht the lo*ation (here the dee*ti-e !art is lo*ated, and hen*e, *an be attended/
0$ll 5&ste
&nder a G!ushG system, there is little o!!ortunity or (or)ers to +ain (isdom be*ause they
Hust !rodu*e a**ordin+ to the instru*tions they are +i-en/ 'n *ontrast, a G!ullG system as)s
the (or)er to use his or her head to *ome u! (ith a manua*turin+ !ro*ess (here he or
she alone must de*ide (hat needs to be made and ho( qui*)ly it needs to be made/
4e-en+ineerin+ has been a maHor a*tor or the su**ess o Toyota/ 1onsider a Toyota
model, (hi*h is ne(ly introdu*ed in the mar)et, ailed to im!ress the mar)et/ The ne:t
Toyota strate+y (ill be to re-en+ineer the model, i/e/, *om!letely alter the ailed model
usin+ the same !rodu*tion a*ility/ This method is not !ra*ti*ed at 5eneral Motors and
8ord/ An*e a 5M C 8ord -ehi*le ails in the mar)et, the (hole manua*turin+ a*ility or
manua*turin+ the model is s*ra!!ed and the em!loyees are oten !ushed out o the
*om!any/ This results in loosin+ the )no(led+e +ained at +reat *ost/
5$perior (echnolog& 9 B$alit&
2ll Toyota !rodu*tion a*ilities are desi+ned in su*h a (ay so as to ensure le:ibility, so
that Toyota !rodu*tion a*ilities around the (orld *ould easily add C s(it*h ne( models
or ram!-u! !rodu*tion o e:istin+ models (ithin a short !eriod (hile ensurin+ the to!
quality traditionally asso*iated (ith the Toyota brand/ 4obots are used (idely in mass
!rodu*tion/ By allo(in+ the *hoi*e o either !eo!le or robots de!endin+ u!on
!roitability, the !rodu*tion line oers the le:ibility to handle e-erythin+ rom lo(-
-olume to mass !rodu*tion/
ToyotaGs quality *ontrol durin+ !rodu*tion ensures that the *orre*t materials and !arts are
used and itted (ith !re*ision and a**ura*y/ This eort is *ombined (ith thousands o
ri+orous ins!e*tions !erormed by team members durin+ the !rodu*tion !ro*ess/
Team members on the line are res!onsible or the !arts they use/ They are ins!e*tors or
their o(n (or) and that o *o-(or)ers/ When a !roblem on any -ehi*le is s!otted, any
team member *an !ull a ro!e - *alled an andon *ord - strun+ alon+ the assembly line to
halt !rodu*tion/ Anly This !ro*ess in-ol-es e-ery team member in monitorin+ and
*he*)in+ the quality o e-ery *ar !rodu*ed/ (hen the !roblem is resol-ed is the line re-
5M ta)es #4 hours or !rodu*in+ a -ehi*le (hile Toyota does it in 2" hours, sho(s the
te*hni*al su!eriority o Toyota/
.&)rid 4ehicles
The hybrid *ars mar)et is on u!s(in+ and is +ro(in+ -ery ra!idly/ 2meri*a s!ends on
+asoline e-ery minute is about O200,000/ There is an in*reased demand or the Iybrid
-ehi*les all round the (orld es!e*ially in the &S due to the ollo(in+ reasons:
'n*reased uel !ri*es
En-ironmental a*tors
Iybrid en+ines ha-e been touted as a (ay to ma)e automobiles more uel ei*ient and
less *ostly to run/ Toyota +a-e more em!hasis in de-elo!in+ hybrids (hile 5M and 8ord
*on*entrated on de-elo!in+ S&7s (S!orts &tility 7ehi*les)
The (orldGs automa)ers are no( embra*in+ hybrid -ehi*les in an eort to mat*h ToyotaGs
su**ess and +i-e *ustomers more o!tions to *ombat hi+h +as !ri*es/
't is or sure that (ith !rodu*t !lannin+, su!erior de-elo!ment in te*hnolo+y, best
industry !ra*ti*es and e:*ellent mana+ement, Fa!anese auto maHor is +i-in+ a run or the
auto industry, (hi*h is dominated by the 2meri*ans/ 'mminent is the dayP the day Toyota
(ill be the lar+est automobile manua*turer o the (orld, sur!assin+ 5eneral Motors/ 2ll
*redits to the !rodu*t !lannin+, de-elo!ment, mana+ement and the te*hni*al inno-ation,
(hi*h made the Fa!anese sail throu+h the rou+h (aters, a Hourney that started in 1B## and
is still *ontinuin+/
i%- 0ositioning
't is a method and a !ro*ess o transmit and *reate the ima+e, im!ression or identity in the
mind o tar+et *ustomers and tar+et mar)et/
Toyota mar)et un*tion de!artment has su**essully transmitted and *reated a beautiul
im!ression o Toyota brand (ith ull de-otions and (ith +reat mar)etin+ team eorts,
(hi*h resulted today )no(s e-ery one ha-in+ an e:*ellent ima+e o Toyota not e-en Hust
in a tar+et *ustomer.s mind, but also those (ho is indented to buy an automobile/ Toyota
mar)et de!artment has !ositi-ely inluen*e the !er*e!tions throu+h enli+htened strate+i*
(+C+(A A5 A BRA/D;
The !ositionin+ o a brand is done )ee!in+ in mind (here the *om!any (ants the !eo!le
to see the brand and (here e:a*tly do they (ant the brand to +o/ The !ositionin+ is an
im!ortant !art o the 5lobal 7ision o the *om!any/
Toyota.s Brand 1ommuni*ation tal)s about QMo-in+ 8or(ardR
This ta+line embodies the s!irit o *onstant inno-ation on the !art o Toyota/ 't lends the
asso*iations o quality and te*hnolo+i*al *a!ability to the brand/
'n 'ndia Toyota has a ta+line QNuality 4e-olutionR (hi*h si+niies unmat*hed quality/
(o&ota Brand 0ositioning;
E MaHesti*
E Nuality
E 1ommitment
To im!ro-in+ so*iety
E 'nno-ation in Te*hnolo+y
(o&ota Brand Iage;
2 di!sti*) study indi*ates that !eo!le asso*iate Toyota (ith:
E Nuality
E 7alue or money
E 4eliability
The reasons or its su**ess *ould be attributed to the ollo(in+ a*tors:
E Su**essul brand - Toyota has de-elo!ed a trusted brand based on quality, +ood
!erorman*e and or bein+ en-ironmentally riendly/
E Inno%ation - Toyota is at the oreront o *ar manua*turin+ inno-ation/ 't (as the
irst *ar manua*turer to embra*e lean manua*turin+ ()no(n as Toyota <rodu*tion
System) (hi*h is a aster, more ei*ient !ro*ess (hi*h leads to less (aste *om!ared to
the traditional bat*h and queue method o manua*turin+/ 't also a!!lied F'T (Fust in
Time manua*turin+) and smart automation/ Toyota has mo-ed to a +lobal manua*turin+
<ositionin+ is ho( a !rodu*t a!!ears in relation to other !rodu*ts in the mar)et/ This
means to *om!are the !rodu*t (ith the *om!etitors and thus Toyota has outstandin+
!osition in the tar+et mar)et/ <ositionin+ is a !er*e!tual lo*ation/ 'tGs (here Toyota *ars
it into the mar)et!la*e/ Ee*ti-e !ositionin+ !uts Toyota irst in line in the minds o
!otential *ustomers/ ThatGs (hy itGs so im!ortant or Toyota to transorm their !assion
into a mar)et !osition/ ' Toyota doesn.t deine their *ars, a *om!etitor (ill do it/ The
!rimary elements o (hi*h the mar)etin+ de!artment does or Toyota !ositionin+ are:
0ricing; 's *ar a lu:ury item, some(here in the middle, *hea!S
Nuality: Total quality is a mu*h used and abused !hrase/ But is the *ar (ell !rodu*edS
What *ontrols are in !la*e to assure *onsisten*yS $o Toyota ba*) quality *laim (ith
*ustomer-riendly +uarantees, (arranties, and return !oli*iesS
5er%ice; $o Toyota oer the added -alue o *ustomer ser-i*e and su!!ortS 's Toyota *ar
is *ustomi9ed and !ersonali9edS
Distri)$tion; Io( do *ustomers obtain ToyotaS The *hannel or distribution is !art o
<ositionin+ is Toyota.s *om!etiti-e strate+y/ WhatGs the one thin+ ma)es Toyota bestS
WhatGs unique about Toyota !rodu*t or ser-i*eS Toyota al(ays identiies their stren+th
and uses it to ta)e number one !osition in the tar+et mar)et/
%- 0ricing 5trateg&
The !ri*e is the *ost that a buyer !ays or a !arti*ular item/ <ri*in+ is determined by a
number o a*tors in*ludin+ mar)et share, *om!etition, material *osts, !rodu*t identity
and the *ustomerGs !er*ei-ed -alue o the !rodu*t/ <ri*in+ (ill -ary due to demo+ra!hi*s/
2dditionally, the !rodu*t.s !ri*e (ill also be inluen*ed by the *om!etiti-e or*es around
the *om!any/ The !ri*e !oint (ill also be *on*ei-ed by *onsiderin+ the *hoi*es that it
*ould be: lu:urious, ine:!ensi-e, or somethin+ in bet(een/
Toyota has built its re!utation not only by !rodu*in+ hi+h quality -ehi*les at aordable
!ri*es, but the brand and mar)etin+ s)ills they use throu+h ta*tul !ri*in+ strate+ies/
Toyota has dierentiated their !ri*es rom the traditional !ri*in+ set u! o many o the
other automobile ma)ers/
Sin*e 200#, Toyota has ta)en o-er to be*ome the (orldGs number t(o *arma)er and they
are not -ery ar behind 5M1, the number on &S *arma)er/
Toyota belie-es the role o !ur*hasin+ is throu+h lon+ term and stable !rodu*tion o
quality !rodu*ts at the lo(est !ri*e in a ast and timely manner/ The main obHe*ti-e o
administerin+ !ri*es (ithin any *om!any in the automobile industry is !roitability and to
*onsistently in*rease ei*ien*y in their !rodu*t line/ The traditional !ri*in+ strate+y is
ormulated into the *ost T !roit U sellin+ !ri*e/ When auto *om!anies ma)e *han+es and
im!ro-ements, *ost o !rodu*tion in*reases *ausin+ the sellin+ !ri*es to +o hi+her/
1om!anies normally do not (ant to *ut their tar+eted return and thereore the *osts are
!assed on to the *onsumer to maintain their !roit mar+in/ Toyota ta)es on sli+htly
dierent a!!roa*h (ith sales - oriented obHe*ti-e/ 2lthou+h the -ariables are the same,
the ormula is adHusted strate+i*ally into the sellin+ !ri*e - *ost U !roit/ Toyota irmly
belie-es that its mar)ets and *onsumers is (hat determine the sellin+ !ri*e/ Waste
elimination is +i-en to! !riority (hi*h redu*es *ost and by *ontinuously redu*in+ these
ty!es o *osts, it (ill result in !erse-erin+ the *om!anyGs !roit +ro(th/
4i- Distri)$tion 5trateg&
2 distribution strate+y deines ho( you are +oin+ to mo-e !rodu*ts rom !oint o
*reation to !oints o *onsum!tion, in a *ost-ee*ti-e manner/
$istribution strate+ies are sets o interde!endent or+ani9ations in-ol-ed in the !ro*ess o
ma)in+ a !rodu*t or ser-i*e a-ailable or use or *onsum!tion/
Distri)$tion Channel
'ndus Motor 1om!any Iead Ai*e 0ara*hi Main Bran*hes o 1ities
Sales or*e 1lients
The ollo(in+ are the bran*hes, (hi*h are !erormin+ the distribution o Toyota.s
'ndus Motor
1om!any <ort Nasim authority 0ara*hi
" bran*hes in
0ara*hi 0ara*hi
oi*e 'ndus
*om!any $eense *ommer*ial area ;ahore
? bran*hes in
;ahore ;ahore
oi*e 'M1 1-B,1
8loor, a(an a-enue 'slamabad

# bran*hes in
'slamabad 'slamabad
Multan 2 bran*hes Multan
8aisalabad 1 bran*h 8aisalabad
5uHran(ala 1 bran*h 5uHran(ala
Iyderabad 1 bran*h Iyderabad
Sial)ot 1 bran*h Sial)ot
Mardan 1 bran*h Mardan
$/'/0han 1 bran*h $era 'smail )han
Nuetta 1 bran*h Nuetta
2/0ashmir 1 bran*h 29ad )ashmir
Ea*h bran*h has its o(n sales or*e to distribute the Toyota.s <rodu*ts/ Su*h sales or*e
(or)s (ithin the *ity/ Su*h em!loyees are *ontrolled under the re+ional oi*es/ The
re+ions a!!oint these em!loyees, and re+ions +uide, moti-ate, and +a-e the in*enti-es to
su*h em!loyees/
4ii- 0rootional strateg&
Mar)etin+, ad-ertisin+ and sales are the undamental ne*essities and )ey elements to the
su**ess o a business/ Mar)etin+ is about a su**essul business !ros!e*ts that in-ol-es
!romotin+ sales !ro*esses throu+h ad-ertisin+ to rea*h and !ersuade the *ustomers/
$ierent strate+ies li)e !ubli* relations, inter!ersonal intera*tion and net(or)in+ V all +o
into this *ate+ory/
$esi+n a !ubli* relations strate+y that you (ill ollo( beore, durin+, and ater the
The solution !resents a *om!rehensi-e !romotional strate+y or Toyota 1orolla (hi*h
in*ludes sales !romotion strate+y, !ubli* relations strate+y, ad-ertisement and the media
to be ad-ertised on/
Toyota 1hooses a tar+et mar)et and ormulatin+ the most a!!ro!riate !romotion mi: to
inluen*e it/
There are i-e main !romotional tools (hi*h Toyota mar)etin+ de!artment ollo(s:
Sales !romotion
<ersonal sellin+
1om!any (ebsite
Bro*hures are also one o the !romotional a*ti-ities, it *onsists o dierent models,
!ri*es, *olors, s!e*ii*ations, do*uments required rom *ustomers, and other ne*essary
;o*ally throu+h the <am!hlet, the <am!hlets are +i-en to the (al)-in *ustomers or the
Banners and )ill)oards
This is also one o the (ays to !romote the !rodu*ts and ser-i*es o Toyota/ The Banners
are !asted at the door o Bran*hes and dealershi!/
74-5tr$ct$re of the 5ales Departent
i- Departent hierarch&
ii- /$)er of eplo&ees working in the sales departent
There are #0 em!loyees (or)in+ or sales de!artment o Toyota multan motors/
iii- 5ales operations
't is an inte+rated business mana+ement !ro*ess throu+h (hi*h the e:e*uti-eCleadershi!
team *ontinually a*hie-es o*us, ali+nment and syn*hroni9ation amon+ all un*tions o
the or+ani9ation/ The sales o!erations in*ludes an u!dated sales !lan, !rodu*tion !lan,
in-entory !lan, *ustomer lead time !lan, ne( !rodu*t de-elo!ment !lan, strate+i*
initiati-e !lan and resultin+ inan*ial !lan/
2 !ro!erly im!lemented sales o!erations hel!s routinely re-ie(s *ustomer demand and
su!!ly resour*es and Qre-!lansR quantitati-ely a*ross an a+reed rollin+ hori9on/ The re-
!lannin+ !ro*ess o*uses on *han+es rom the !re-iously a+reed sales and o!erations
!lan/ While it hel!s the mana+ement team to understand ho( the Toyota a*hie-ed its
*urrent le-el o !erorman*e, its !rimary o*us is on uture a*tions and anti*i!ated
results/ Toyota has an inte+rated business mana+ement !ro*ess use the sales o!erations
!ro*ess to monitor the e:e*ution o the *om!any.s strate+ies/
8un*tion o settin+ the o-erall le-el o a*ti-ities to best satisy the *urrent !lanned le-els
o sales !lan and ore*asts/The bran*h oi*es o Toyota Multan motors sele*t the sales
or*e, their sele*tion is based on inter-ie( *ondu*ted in the dealershi!/
2ter sele*tion o sales or*e Toyota Multan motors !ro-ides the trainin+ !ro+ram/ The
trainin+ !ro+ram is *ondu*ted in the dealershi!/ Trainees +et the inormation about
!rodu*ts, !ri*in+ strate+ies, distributions, !romotions, *om!etitors and *ustomer.s
o*uses, and tools and te*hniques to sale the !rodu*ts/
The Toyota Multan Motors oers monthly i: salary 4s/ @,000 !lus in*enti-es to the
sales or*e/ 'n*enti-e is based on the !erorman*e o em!loyees/ 8or e:am!le, i the
em!loyee sales the *orolla abo-e 10 units than the in*enti-e (ill be W >00C-ehi*le/
"#pert power;
The Toyota Multan Motors !ro-ides the latest inormation to the sales de!artment by
*ondu*tin+ the +et to+ether in the rele-ant bran*hes/
E-aluation o sales or*e:
't is the !oli*y o Toyota Multan Motors that ea*h sales !erson is required to sale not less
10 -ehi*les in one month/ Thus sales or*e is e-aluated by this standard/ Sales or*e is
also e-aluated by the *om!etition amon+ the *o-(or)ers/
75->$nctions of 5ales Departent
i- 5ales Methodologies
The main un*tion o a sales de!artment is to attra* and retains *ustomers &se o
te*hnique o sales and sale strate+y is an a*ti-ity that is desi+ned to hel! boost the sales
o a !rodu*t or ser-i*e/ This *an be done throu+h an ad-ertisin+ *am!ai+n, !ubli* relation
a*ti-ities, , a ree +it *am!ai+n, a tradin+ stam!s *am!ai+n, throu+h demonstrations and
e:hibitions, throu+h !ri9e +i-in+ *om!etitions, throu+h tem!orary !ri*e *uts, and throu+h
door-to-door sales, !ersonal sales letters, and emails/
Toyota sales de!artment usually ollo(s the sale !oint method (hi*h is indi*ated belo(:
Toyota *om!etiti-e strate+y
1onsumer attitudes and buyin+ !atterns
Brand strate+y
2ter sales and ser-i*e (arranties
2d-ertisin+ strate+y
2d-ertisin+ strate+y urther mo-e to(ards:
<ri*e dis*ountin+
5it (ith !ur*hase oers
Mail in oers and rebates
<remium oers
5rou! !romotions
;oyalty in*enti-es
;ast year model rebate oer
ii- (&pe of 5elling like personnel selling@ door to door selling
Toyota uses -arious tools to *arry on its mar)etin+ eorts su*h as dire*t mar)etin+,
!romotional *am!ai+ns and !ersonal sellin+/ $ire*t mar)etin+ is done throu+h *ir*ulatin+
!rinted materials su*h as bro*hures and !am!hlets and holdin+ laun*hin+ *eremonies and
un*tions/ <ersonal sellin+ is done mainly on an institutional le-el and the sales or*e is
e:tensi-ely trained or this !ur!ose/ <romotional *am!ai+ns the most *ommonly used are
the !rint medium ho(e-er the ele*troni* medium is used sometimes/ The *am!ai+ns are
*ondu*ted by Toyota alon+ (ith the -arious dealersP ho(e-er the inal a!!ro-al is rom
the *om!any itsel/ 2 dealer (ithout the a!!ro-al o Toyota *annot e-en laun*h an
iii- 5ales ret$rns proced$res
' the *ar is not in sto*), then usually it ta)e one to t(o months or ad-an*e boo)in+,
2d-an*e boo)in+ *an be *an*el on request (ith ne*essary do*uments to si+n and ull
amount reund !oli*y has ado!t by Toyota/ ' any *ustomer or any reason (qould li)es
to *an*el its boo)in+ order, then he has to *an*el the order beore the deli-ery noti*e or
dis!at*h the *ar rom the head oi*e/
't has a orm to ill u! and some other ne*essary do*umentation or re*ord and Toyota
reund the ull amount to *lient/
The sale o the *ar *an return beore to hand o-er to *lients, but on*e all the ne*essary
do*uments (ith dis!at*h noti*e issued by the irm or dealer to Toyota main head oi*e,
than it *an not *an*el the order/
7!-C$stoer ser%ices departent
i- 0rocess of de%eloping relations with c$stoer
Sin*e *ustomers are the X)in+ o the business,. Toyota !ut -alue in buildin+ +ood
*ustomer relationshi!s/ An*e *ustomer relations de!artment identiy the !otential
*ustomers in term o establish *onne*tions, the *ustomers relations de!artment )ee! turn
them into loyal *ustomers (ho *ontinue doin+ business (ith Toyota and brin+ more
!eo!le into the brand/
5ood *ustomer relationshi!s dri-e the business to su**ess/ Toyota Fust ma)es !eo!le
belie-e in their *ustomer relations team eort.s ability to satisy their needs and ulill
their e:!e*tations as (ell as in their auto *ars and ser-i*es/ 'n the !ro*ess o indin+
!eo!le (ho (ould belie-e in Toyota, *onsider ma)in+ a relationshi! (ith them and
Toyota (ill not ha-e to s!end hu+e amounts o money Hust to attra*t more *ustomers/
4elationshi!s (ith *ustomers are de-elo!ed o-er time and are not built o-erni+ht/ 't is
not a one-time e:!erien*e (ith *ustomers/ That is (hy Toyota ee*ti-e *ustomer
relations !lans in*lude strate+i* a*ti-ities that entail buildin+ +ood *ustomer relationshi!
a!art rom de-elo!in+ the !rodu*t or addin+ a ne( !rodu*t line to the mar)et/ Belo( are
some hel!ul te*hniques or Toyota in buildin+ *ustomer relationshi!s/
>oc$s on to )$ild the network of c$stoers
Toyota has a desire to +ro( more and e:!and its o!erations/ Ane (ay to a*hie-e it is to
build the net(or) o *ustomers/ The Toyota *ustomers relation de!artment do not Hust
o*us on !romotional a*ti-ities and ad-ertisin+ !ro+rams but also ta)e !ositi-e eorts to
e:!and the net(or) o *ustomers E:!and *ustomer.s *onne*tions by *ondu*tin+ business
seminars, attendin+ Toyota e-ents and res!ondin+ to business in-itations, and +ettin+
e:!osed to the !ro+rams o the so*iety/ Sin*e net(or)in+ is a lon+-term in-estment,
ma)e sure to !la*e -alue in a relationshi! on*e it is ormed/
1eep in (o$ch with C$stoers Reg$larl&
Toyota al(ays ta)es eed ba*), monitor *ustomers ater sales and +i-es a(areness on
ne( *ar laun*h/ 1ustomers may *ome and +o or some reasons, e-en (ith the most loyal
o *ustomers/ That is (hy on*e *ustomers relations de!artment ha-e built a relationshi!
(ith them, do not end rom there/ The !ro*ess is *ontinuousP a *ustomer.s relations
de!artment *onstantly *ommuni*ates (ith their *ustomers/
Make a follow-$p after sales
8or e:istin+ *ustomers, Toyota !ro-ides them (ith the latest u!dates o ne( -ehi*les and
any o mar)etin+ !ro+rams/ 't is also a (ay o edu*atin+ them (ith the latest mar)et
trends and )ee!in+ them u!-to-date (ith auto industry te*hnolo+y/
ii- (echniD$es of retaining c$stoer
Ane o the im!ortant o!erations a*ti-ities o Toyota *ustomer.s relation de!artment is to
use dierent te*hniques o retainin+ *ustomers so that the *om!any )ee!s ali-e and
+i-in+ ser-i*es on re+ular basis/ 8ollo(in+ tools and te*hniques use to retain *ustomers
by Toyota:
1olle*t as mu*h inormation as !ossible on ea*h o its *ustomers/ Monitor them,
ta)e eed ba*) and !ro-ide ser-i*es and ma)e sure ulill (arranties and re*all in
*ase o trouble/ 4es!onded ast and +i-e ei*ient and riendly ser-i*es (ith ull
4e!eatedly ma)e sales or*e team a(are o the -alue o ea*h *ustomer/ Ensure
this ta)in+ *are (ill be a !art o any sales trainin+ they re*ei-e/ Both sales team
and em!loyees o ser-i*es de!artment must be made a(are o this a*t/
1ustomer relation de!artment al(ays try to ma)e sure that entire mana+erial sta
a(are o *lient !roblems/
The trainin+ in*ludes that do not allo( any *ustomer to Hust (al) a(ay/ Tal) to
himCher on the tele!honeP ma)e !ersonal -isits, in order to ind out the reason or
his MHum!in+ shi!M/
4e(ard, en*oura+e and issues a!!re*iation letters to the sales or*e team, oi*e sta and
em!loyees in the *ustomer ser-i*e de!artment or their nurturin+ ties (ith loyal
iii- (echniD$es of attracting new c$stoer
To *reate ne( *ustomers, Toyota -alue the !ast *ustomers and ulill all the *ommitments
and ater sales ser-i*es (arranties, (hi*h is a +ood si+n or Toyota re!utation and ha-e a
+ood im!a*t and same time (ord o mouth !lays an im!ortant role to attra*t ne(
Toyota belie-es on 0ai9an (*ontinues im!ro-ement) by means o te*hnolo+y, desi+n,
*omort and saety and +i-e a(areness to the !otential and tar+et *ustomers usin+
ollo(in+ tools and methods o ad-ertisin+:
(4@ Radio and Maga,ines;
Ane o the most im!ortant tools o ad-ertisin+ use by mar)etin+ and sales de!artment to
attra*t ne( *ustomers/
Bro*hures are also one o the !romotional a*ti-ities, it *onsists o dierent models,
!ri*es, *olors, s!e*ii*ations, do*uments required rom *ustomers, and other ne*essary

;o*ally throu+h the <am!hlet, the <am!hlets are +i-en to the (al)-in *ustomers or the
Banners and )ill)oards;
This is also one o the (ays to !romote the !rodu*ts and ser-i*es o Toyota/ The Banners
are !asted at the door o Bran*hes and dealershi!/
Media releases;
Media releases are a +reat (ay to transmit inormation about ne( laun*hes, ne( models
!rodu*t, and ser-i*es to the lar+e amount o !otential *ustomers/
(o&ota :e)site design and /etworking;
Toyota (ebsite is an im!ortant tool to attra*t ne( *ustomers/ 2ll the ne( te*hnolo+ies
and laun*hes o ne( models and *ars *an -ie( by ne( *ustomers to +et useul
inormation re+ardin+ Toyota line o !rodu*ts (ith all )ind o sales and ser-i*es
inormation is a-ailable on line/ 2d-an*e boo)in+ a*ility is a-ailable on line to attra*t
and *on-enien*e/
Memorable e-ents held by Toyota mar)etin+ and sales de!artment !lays a tremendous
roll to attra*t ne( *ustomers (hi*h in*ludes e:hibitions and ne( laun*h *eremonies/
i%- :a&s of handling different kinds of c$stoers like f$rio$s c$stoer@
pro)le creating c$stoers etc
Toyota belie-es that *ustomer is al(ays ri+ht/ To !ro-ide better ser-i*e and *om!laints,
Toyota *ustomers relation de!artment +i-e e:*ellent trainin+ to sales and ser-i*e
de!artment em!loyees to handle all )ind o urious and !roblem *reatin+ *ustomers,
S!e*ial trainin+ and *ustomer.s relation mana+ement o*us on the em!loyees (ho ha-e
dire*t intera*t (ith *ustomers to !ro-ide ull satisa*tion and trust on Toyota auto
-ehi*les and ser-i*es/
8ollo(in+ ti!s ha-e been im!lemented by the *ustomers relation de!artment o Toyota to
ma)e sure all the *ustomers should +et satisa*tion (ith ull Hustii*ation and attention by
;isten and +i-e attention qui*)ly:
S!e*ial trainin+ o resist and *ontrol the tem!tation to ar+ue (ith the *lients/ 'nstead as)
questions to +et to the bottom o the situation/ What is the *ustomer really u!set aboutS
Sho( the *lient that Toyota s!e*ial *arin+ sales !ersons really understand the situation
rom the *lientGs !ers!e*ti-e/
'n *ase o mista)e or ault:
' the em!loyees a+ree that it (as a mista)e, they i: it immediately or do (hat they *an
to satisy the *lient and a!olo+i9e/ We all *an ma)e mista)es at times/ They *he*) to see
i there is anythin+ in their ser-i*e !ro*edure that *an hel! to a-oid a similar mista)e
2et (he know &o$ 3nderstand
1ustomers li)e to )no( that businesses understand e:a*tly (hy they are u!set/ ;isten to
the *ustomer.s *om!laint than !olitely reiterate the situation to them to illustrate you
ully *om!rehend/ Bein+ understandin+ is a +reat (ay to diuse the situation (ith an
an+ry *ustomer and be+in to ma)e amends/

In case of cople# sit$ation
8ind out (hat a*tually ha!!ened/ $oes it need to be i:edS Ias the *lient misunderstood
somethin+S 5i-e yoursel time to i+ure out a air resolution/
5i-e the *lient *hoi*e o !ossible resolutions
Io( to be made this ri+ht (ith the *lientS 6e+otiate a (ay that (or)s or both/
Sometimes Hust i:in+ the !roblem is sui*ient/ 2t other times the *lient is loo)in+ or
somethin+ else/ ;oo) or an equitable resolution and try to ma)e satisy by doin+ a*t, not
Hust (ith the (ords/
Reed$cate the client when necessar&
S!e*ial trainin+ has been !ro-ided by the Toyota *ustomer relations de!artment to set
*lientGs e:!e*tations/ They ma)e *lear about (hat *ustomers *ould e:!e*tS Iel! the
*ustomer to understand the !ro*ess no( to +uard a+ainst uture misunderstandin+s/
0no( that i one *lient *om!lained there are others eelin+ the same (ay/
What do you need to do to address the !roblem (ith the othersS Who else mi+ht ha-e
been ae*ted in the same (ayS

(hanks to C$stoers
2s !ainul as they *an be *om!laints rom *lients oten let you )no( e:a*tly (here you
need to (or) to im!ro-e your !ra*ti*eCbusiness/ Still Than) Them/ 't may seem odd but
than) *ustomers or their honest and dire*t eedba*) no matter (hat it is/ Without it, you
ha-e no idea i you are deli-erin+ the e:!erien*e and le-el o ser-i*e your *ustomers
(ant and it !ro-ides an o!!ortunity to im!ro-e/
>ollow $p
8ollo( u! (ith those (ho *om!lained to be sure they are ully satisied/
7'-Critical Anal&sis
8irst o all, ' am so +lad that it is an end o my MB2 de+ree !ro+ram, (hi*h (as my
dream that *ome true/
'ts true that the theory, (hat (e study in the !ro+ram o MB2 rom our uni-ersity is
ha-in+ mu*h dieren*e as *om!are to the !ra*ti*al and e:!erien*e lie but ' (ould say
one thin+ here is that the studies (hat (e ha-e is mostly about ideal en-ironment and
situations and they e-ol-e rom the Euro!e and 2meri*an *ultures and so*iety resear*h
and de-elo!ment/
' am not *om!letely satisied (hate-er (e had studied durin+ our MB2 !ro+ram as
*om!are to that e:!erien*e, (hat ' sa( and learn in TALAT2/
The irst thin+ (hat ' obser-er is the intera*tion (ith the !eo!le (ho (or) in the ield/
The beha-ior, attitude and dealin+ o (or)ers and em!loyees in*ludin+ to! mana+ement
are entirely dierent as (e studied/
Se*ondly, it.s dii*ult to handle the *urrent situation dealin+ (ith dierent *lients at a
time es!e*ially (hen *lient is an+ry and that time (e ha-e no alternati-e other than to
)ee! silent/
1o-(or)ers, (or)ers and mana+ement are not as *omortable (or)in+ to+ether as (e
ha-e studied in our boo)s/
2ll the de!artment em!loyees usually do not eel *omortable sharin+ business !roblems
and they eel that it mi+ht be their insult i they ha-e to as) any questions or hel!/
Toyota is a bi+ or+ani9ation and here ' sa( that the mana+ement tried to ollo( those
rules and re+ulations (hi*h TALAT2 (ants to be im!lement to ha-e the standards,
(hi*h here they are quite su**essul/
' also obser-e that usually instead o hel!in+ or the ne( *omer in our or+ani9ation, the
em!loyees do not *o-o!erate as mu*h as they su!!ose to do/
'ts may be they eel !ani* that their !osition mi+ht be snat*h (ith some body else or ne(
ones and that thin+s ma)e them eelin+ not to hel! or *o-o!erate as they should do/
But o-erall, e( o the to! mana+ement and e( o the other sta (or)ers a!!re*iate me
and made me eel *omortable and ' reali9e that not all !eo!le +ot the same mentality and
still !eo!le are there, (ho (ants other to be su**essul/
My !oint o -ie( here is that learnin+ theory is not Hust sui*ient/ Ia-in+ !ra*ti*al
e:!erien*e is a bi+ dieren*e (or)in+ (ith others to ha-e !atien*e, abilities,
inter!ersonal s)ills and need *ommuni*ation s)ills/
5:+( anal&sis of the organi,ation
Brand ima+e o Toyota (orld(ide
7ery stron+ auto -ehi*le industry !osition is based u!on a number o a*tors
in*ludin+ a di-ersiied !rodu*t ran+e, hi+hly tar+eted mar)etin+ and a
*ommitment to lean manua*turin+ and quality/ The *om!any ma)es a lar+e ran+e
o -ehi*les or both !ri-ate *ustomers and *ommer*ial or+ani9ations/
WorldGs se*ond lar+est *arma)er (ith ?/"@ million units/
Toyota <a)istan is in the list o hi+h automated dealershi! li)e Fa!anese standards
!ro-idin+ qui*) and modern (or)sho! ser-i*es throu+h ully *om!uteri9ed
Mar)et leadershi!
E:*ellent dealershi! net(or) (orld(ide (ith easily a-ailable s!are !arts/
Iu+e in-estment (ith e:!ensi-e i:ed *osts and hi+h *ost o trainin+ and
retainin+ labor/ 'n *ase i *ar mar)et e:!erien*es a do(n turn then *om!any *ould
see o-er *a!a*ity/ An the other hand the *ar mar)et e:!erien*e an u!turn then
*om!any may miss out on !otential sales due to under *a!a*ity be*ause it ta)es
time to a**ommodate/ This is a bi+ !roblem (ith hi+h -olume *ar manua*turin+
li)e Toyota/
2l(ays *har+e the !remium !ri*e to the *ustomers/
Mana+ement *ontrol by the lo*al !artners and dealers/
'n <a)istan, Toyota tries to eel at ease (ith +ood loo)in+P (ell dress, ri*h and
edu*ated !eo!le and the !oor loo)in+ *ustomers eel some bit stran+e in the
en-ironment o the dealershi!/ Toyota <a)istan em!loyees should try to
a**ommodate beha-iorally all ty!e o *ustomers/
$eli-ery o *ar ta)es months or ad-an*e boo)in+ o *ustomer.s a-orite *olor o
its *hoi*e/
'ntrodu*tion o hybrid -ehi*les (en-ironment riendly -ehi*les) by Toyota based
on te*hnolo+i*al de-elo!ed hel!s in*reases *ar sales due to oil !ri*es in*reases/
'n-estment in hybrid 4D$ by Toyota hel!s or sellin+ its te*hnolo+y to other
motor manua*turers li)e 8A4$/
Toyota has laun*hed its ne( 2y+o, (hi*h is tar+eted at the street(ise youth
mar)et Xurban youth. mar)et and *a!tured the nature o dan*e and $F *ulture in a
-ery *om!etiti-e se+ment/
/'n *ase o ailure o *om!etitor ne( laun*h usually hel!s Toyota brand more
S(it*hin+ diesel mar)et to(ards !etrol and 165 mar)et/
Toyota a*es tremendous *om!etiti-e ri-alry in the *ar mar)et/
1ontinues *om!etition in*reases (ith ne( entran*e *omin+ rom 1hina, South
0orea and ne( !lants in Eastern Euro!e/
Mo-ement in the !ri*e o ra( material su*h as rubber, steel and uel are !otential
threats or Toyota/
5o-ernment redu*es the e:*ise duty on im!orted *ars/
;o( in-estment rom the ne( !roHe*ts results de*reases !ur*hasin+ !o(er o
*ustomers in the *urrent e*onomi* situation/
' ha-e *on*luded that Toyota is really (or)in+ (ell/ 't has a (ell re!uted or+ani9ation
ha-in+ +ood *ontrol o human trainin+s to tea*h (ith +ood te*hniques/
The te*hnolo+y is really a!!re*iated by me, (hi*h Toyota uses to manua*tured *ars and
also the sales and mar)etin+ de!artment (or)in+ (ell to +i-e an e:*ellent ima+e o
Toyota in a mar)et/
Toyota is an old multinational or+ani9ation (ith e:*ellent *ontrollin+ and mana+ement
+lobally and it is !ro-e by Toyota that e:*ellebnt mana+ement (ith same quality and
same standards ha-e been im!lementin+ su**essully/
The en-ironments are too !roessional to (or) inside Toyota and the ser-i*es (hi*h are
!ro-ided by (hole team and mana+ement is really ollo(s the standards/
The -ehi*les (hi*h Toyota !ro-ide is really one o the (orld *lass ran)in+ in a *ars and
e-en in <a)istan ' obser-e that !eo!le eel mu*h !roud buyin+ and )ee!in+ Toyota *ars,
(hi*h sho(s the ima+e o Toyota and sho(s e:*ellent re!utation o (or) and ser-i*es/
't (as my e:*ellent e:!erien*e to (or) (ith one o the to! ran)in+ or+ani9ation in the
(orld(TALAT2) and its +ood or me to im!lement urther in my *areer the +ood thin+s
and !roessionalism (hate-er i learnt in Toyota and ' (ould li)e to )ee! a!!lyin+ in my
urther !ra*ti*al lie/
=8-Recoendations for Ipro%eent
Should o*us more to +i-e a(areness to *ommon !ubli* or ne( laun*hes and
models o *ars/
't is also !ossible to attra*t or retain *ustomers by in-estment in ne( te*hnolo+y
li)e e:!ress maintenan*e !a*)a+es (hi*h *an ma)e the ser-i*es qui*)er, easier,
*ost ei*ient and more le:ible/
Should e:!and more dealershi! in remote areas be*ause ' obser-e that *ustomers
ha-e to *ome rom too ar areas/
Must im!ro-e em!loyee loyalty/
Must im!ro-e *ommuni*ation +a! bet(een em!loyees and *ustomers/
Should im!ro-e *o-ordination in bet(een de!artments/
Should +i-e a(areness about leasin+ and *redit a*ilities (hi*h Toyota oers to
the *ustomers/
Try to be riendlier (ith *ustomers, (hen they enter inside so that they *an inish
their hesitation/
Sales !eo!le should be in uniorm (ith !ro!er name ta+ on it, (hi*h ' (as
missin+ in them/
;a)e o s)illed (or)ers on dealershi! be*ause o lo( (a+es/
Salaries should be a!!ro!riate and sui*ient to ma)e em!loyees satisied, (hi*h
is )ey to su**ess/
Mr/ Sohail Shei)h, Mana+er 1ustomer 4elations
Mr/ Ma9har Suleman, $e!uty Mana+er 1or!orate
Mr/ MaHid 6aeem, $e!uty Mana+er ;easin+
Mr/ 1h 'mran, 'n*har+e 6e( 7ehi*le Sales
Mr/ Toqeer, Ser-i*e 2d-isor
Mr/ ;uqman P1ustomer Ser-i*es E:e*uti-e
<ersonal data *olle*tion throu+h the sta o dealershi! durin+ trainin+ !eriod
<ersonal meetin+ (ith the head o Mar)etin+ $e!artment
Bro*hures, Banners, <am!hlets and orm o a!!li*ations
2nnual re!orts o dealershi!

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