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Norwegian Language and Society Autumn 2012

Dear students

Welcome as a new student at the Norwegian Language and Society one-year-programme.

The first day of your life as students at Nordland University starts Monday 13
of August at
10 oclock at Auditorium 14. You have received specific information about the first week for
the International Students from International office. It is very important information to be
given at 10 oclock! You have to go to this information!
Orientation meeting specific for Norwegian Language and Society is Monday 13
at 14.00 at
room A103.

This letter is about the Programme, the electives and how to register. You find more
information about the Programme here

Courses offered in the autumn semester on Campus are:
o NO135L Norwegian grammar and language, 20 ECTS
Compulsory attendance at lectures!
First lecture Wednesday 22
of August.
Written school exam 3
of December
o PO106S Norwegian politics and policy, 10 ECTS
First lecture Tuesday 23
of October
Written school exam 10
of December
Special information about the Norwegian Language course
Look at the specific information-letter from the Norwegian-teacher, Kit Stver, attached to
this mail.
How to register?
In order to gain status as student at University of Nordland (UiN) all students, need to
register every semester. Student registration for the autumn semester starts on the 2
August and lasts until the 10
of September. Student registration for the spring semester
starts on the 1
of December and lasts until the 31
of January.

To be registered please visit our home page in English (English at the top to the right). When
this page appears, click study start and then how to register.

All students need to activate their student status through Selvaktiviseringsportalen (self-
activation) which appears on this page. You will be asked for your username (your student
number) and your date of birth (year, month, day) Click neste (next) and a new window will
appear with your personal data. If wrong data, send an e-mail to , or confirm
to proceed. In the new window that appears, you add a password of your own choice,
minimum 8 or maximum 12 figures, letters or letters/figures in combination. Click the button
confirm and you will get a new window which you should print out (skriv ut) and keep. After
printing click ferdig (finished). Doing so, you have registered and saved personal data and
your password. You will now have access to the needed systems to start your studies:
StudentWeb and Fronter.

After Self-activation the next step for students is to log on to StudentWeb to finish their
registration process. In StudentWeb all students must accept their educational programme,
register themselves and control their personal and study information. Note that this is
important, and has to be done every term. You can find a link to StudentWeb web pages
( in the menu to the right or by using
this direct link:

When you enter the StudentWeb page it will show in Norwegian. Log in where it says
Plogging med brukernavn og password and click the Logg inn button. You will now
enter a page where you should enter your username (studentnumber) and password (use
the password you choose in the self-activation portal). After clicking Login (or Logg inn)
you should enter your personal StudentWeb page. First set the language to English on the
bottom left of the page. After setting language, choose Registrations on the menu to the
left. Enter the page where it says Individual educational plan 1. Here you should state that
you have read and understood the laws and regulations for students at BUC. Proceed to the
Individual Education Plan part 2. As a student at Bod University College you are signed
up for an education plan, and you can here see which courses you are registered for this
semester. Check your educational plan and see if it is correct. If needed, make the necessary
changes (move subjects to another year etc. if you wish to study part time), and Confirm
plan. You have now accepted your education plan. In the page Registrations for classes
and exams you can see which exams you are now enlisted on, and if needed, make the
necessary changes. The last page in the registration process is the address page. Here you
can check what email, phone numbers and home address we have registered on you. It is
important that you keep this page up to date, so BUC and your teachers can get in touch
with you. Please remember to also add your country code to your phone number.

How to find information about exams in StudentWeb?
Click the Status link on the left side menu, and choose Exam registrations or Exam
results. Remember: if you are not enlisted to an exam in a subject, you will not have access
to Fronter.

In summary, StudentWeb enables the students to:
Check signed up courses, exams and results
Choose electives
Withdraw from courses and exams
Change the semester of exam if the exam is held at a later time
Get to know the result of the exams
Change address, e-mail, phone number etc.

StudentWeb is easy to use, but if you have any questions or problems during the log in or
registration, please send an e-mail to
Fronter (ClassFronter)
So how then to find Fronter? On our home page in Norwegian, you will see Fronter to the
right side of the window. You will have an option of sprk (language) and you will have to
write in your user name (use your student number) and your chosen password.

When you get access to Fronter, you will have an option to the left, saying choose room.
Here you find the courses that you are signed up for this term.
If you miss any courses, then you are not signed up! Send an e-mail to or to get help!

If you have any questions, most answers will be found at

You will all be invited to counselling at my office. I send you an email, and well find a time
that is ok for us both!

Kind regards,

Synnve Dalmo Tollli
NO135L Norwegian grammar and language PO106S Norwegian politics and policy
Monday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Friday
Time 08.15 - 11.00 11.15 - 14.00 08.15 - 10.00 2 t 2 t 3 t
09.15 - 11.00 12.15 - 14.00 12.15 - 15.00
Week Room Room Room Room Room
34 First lecture
43 E144 E144 E144
44 E144 E144 E144
45 2443 2443 2443
46 E144 2443 E144
47 2443 2443 2443
49 Written Exam NO135L Monday 3rd of December
50 Written exam PO106L Monday 10th of December
Norwegian for foreign students NO135L, 20 credits

Welcome to the Norwegian course!

This course (NO135L) starts Wednesday 22
of August 2012 and has its final written exam
December 2012. NO135L is a beginners course, but the progress is relatively fast, and by
October most of instruction will be in Norwegian. Only students who pass the exam are
allowed to continue on the advanced course (NO218L).

It is vital that all students follow all classes and do all homework from the very beginning of
the course, this applies also to those who already know some Norwegian.

We will have our first class in week 34. Before that, you should all do the following:
Buy Ny i Norge tekstbok and Ny i Norge arbeidsbok. Both written by Gerd Manne
and Glin Kaurin Nilsen. You must have the latest edition.
Work with chapter 1 in Ny i Norge tekstbok. Make sure you understand all words (use
dictionary). Practise correct pronunciation by using the cd that is enclosed to the
Do chapter 1 in Ny i Norge arbeidsbok. You can skip exercises 6 and 7.
You will also need a dictionary.

Im looking forward to meet you!

Kit Stver

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