How To Increase Internet Speed in Windows 7

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How to Increase Internet Speed in Windows 7

De-allocate the Bandwidth Limit

When it comes about increasing Internet speed in Windows OS, the first and
foremost way, that is used by many, is de-allocating the bandwidth limit. By default,
the Windows allocates some bandwidth limit, which results in slow Internet
connection. By removing that limit, you can surely increase your Internet speed in
Windows 7. e-allocating the bandwidth limit is !uite simple. "ust follow the below
given steps.
In the Run Dialog Box of your Windows, type gpedit.msc. Dont know how to bring
Run Dialog box? Just press Windows+R.
A new window will open up !o "ake you sure that you are on the right tra#k, I ha$e
pro$ided the s#reenshot of that window below

In the abo$e s#reenshot, you #an see there is an option na"ed % Administrative
emplates!. Just #li#k on it, and then #li#k on "#etwor$!.
&ro" the "enu that expands on #li#king %'etwork, look for the option % %oS &ac$et
Sched'ler!. (li#k on it 'ow #li#k on Limit reserva)le )andwidth. &ollowing is the
s#reenshot of Window that will #o"e up

(ele#t the radio button next to option %)nabled 'ow in the Bandwidth *i"it +,-,
type ./ 0eah, thats 1ero
2li#k on Apply to sa$e the settings 'ow 3ust restart your Windows 4
!he Internet speed is in#reased
#lso chec$ out this post% 5ow to &ix 6Windows 4 'ot 7enuine8 )rror

*se S+ (& ,ptimi-er

&he speed of Internet is the speed by which your '( sends and receives pac$ets of
data through your networ$. Of course, this speed depends on the networ$)s strength,
but along with that, it also depends on the &('*I' (onfiguration Settings. &han$s to
S+ &(' Optimi,er software that help us in twea$ing the &('*I' settings in the way
so that we can have ma-imum Internet speed. &his software is used by many, and all
of its users admire it. Below are the steps to be followed to use S+ &(' Optimi,er.
If you dont ha$e (7 !29 :pti"i;er with you, then #onsider getting one fro" this
Installing this software is <uite easy After Installing, 3ust run it 5ere is the
s#reenshot of user interfa#e of this a"a;ing software

As you #an see in the abo$e s#reenshot, there is a slider Drag it to the point whi#h is
speed pro$ided by your Internet (er$i#e 9ro$ider
Also, there is an option %:pti"al that lies at the botto" right side =ake sure to
sele#t the radio button next to it
2li#k on %Apply 2hanges to sa$e the settings that you 3ust "ade
Restart your 92 for the #hanges to take effe#t
.ou might also li$e to read out this post% 5ow to In#rease Windows 4 (tartup (peed

(lear All Browsing Data

&he Internet speed also depends on the way you use it. If you are a user who daily
clears the old browsing data, then chances are high that you are getting the
ma-imum performance from your browser. If you don)t care about the old browsing
data, then you yourself are one of the reasons why Internet speed in your Windows 7
is slow. .ou should ma$e it habit to clear all browsing data. It)s hardly tas$ of few
minutes. If you thin$ that doing this tas$ manually is head aching process, then you
can automate it by using a software named ((leaner. With this, you can delete all of
your browsing data, coo$ies, temporary files etc., with /ust single clic$. #s this
software ma$es the clearing tas$ easy, therefore it is used by hundreds of thousands
of users. .ou can download ((leaner fromhere.
If you li$ed this post, then you might also be interested in this post% Best Windows 4
(peed >p (oftware.

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