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SWE 626 Team 2

Hotel Management System

Software Requirements Specification
Prepared by
Team 1
Version: !"!# Date: $2%!!%2$$2#
Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
Ta&le of 'ontents
! (ntro)uction *
1.1 Purpose 3
1.2 Scope 3
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations. 4
1.4 Overview 4
2 T+e ,-erall Description .
2.1 Product Perspective 4
2.1.2 Software Interfaces
2.2 Product Functions 4
2.3 ser !"aracteristics #
2.4 Apportionin$ of %e&uirements #
2.# Assumptions and Dependencies #
* Specific Requirements 6
3.1 '(terna) *nterfaces +
!.1.1 "ser Interfaces #
!.1.2 Software Interfaces #
!.1.! Hardware Interfaces #
!.1. $ommunication Interfaces %
3.2 Functiona) %e&uirements ,
3.3 -onfunctiona) %e&uirements .
!.!.1 Performance Requirements &
!.!.2 'ogical (atabase Requirements &
!.!.! (esign $onstraints 1)
!.!. Standards $ompliance 1)
!.!.* Reliability 1)
!.!.# +,ailability 1)
!.!.% Security 1)
!.!.- Maintainability 1)
!.!.& Portability 1)
. '+ange Management /rocess !!
0 Document 1ppro-als !!
#.1 /eam One Approva) 11
#.2 /eam /wo Approva) 11
6 Supporting (nformation !!
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1ebruary 112 2))2f
Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
! (ntro)uction
T/e following subsections of t/e Software Requirements Specifications 3SRS4 document
pro,ide an o,er,iew of t/e entire SRS.
!"! /urpose
T/e Software Requirements Specification 3SRS4 will pro,ide a detailed description
of t/e requirements for t/e Hotel Management System 3HMS4. T/is SRS will allow for a
complete understanding of w/at is to be e5pected of t/e HMS to be constructed. T/e
clear understanding of t/e HMS and its6 functionality will allow for t/e correct software to
be de,eloped for t/e end user and will be used for t/e de,elopment of t/e future stages of
t/e pro7ect. T/is SRS will pro,ide t/e foundation for t/e pro7ect. 1rom t/is SRS2 t/e
HMS can be designed2 constructed2 and finally tested.
T/is SRS will be used by t/e software engineers constructing t/e HMS and t/e /otel end
users. T/e software engineers will use t/e SRS to fully understand t/e e5pectations of
t/is HMS to construct t/e appropriate software. T/e /otel end users will be able to use
t/is SRS as a 8test9 to see if t/e software engineers will be constructing t/e system to t/eir
e5pectations. If it is not to t/eir e5pectations t/e end users can specify /ow it is not to
t/eir li:ing and t/e software engineers will c/ange t/e SRS to fit t/e end users6 needs.
!"2 Scope
T/e software product to be produced is a Hotel Management System w/ic/ will
automate t/e ma7or /otel operations. T/e first subsystem is a Reser,ation and ;oo:ing
System to :eep trac: of reser,ations and room a,ailability. T/e second subsystem is t/e
Trac:ing and Selling 1ood System t/at c/arges t/e current room. T/e t/ird subsystem is
a <eneral Management Ser,ices and +utomated Tas:s System w/ic/ generates reports to
audit all /otel operations and allows modification of subsystem information. T/ese t/ree
subsystems6 functionality will be described in detail in section 2=>,erall (escription.
T/ere are two en users for t/e HMS. T/e end users are t/e /otel staff 3customer ser,ice
representati,e4 and /otel managers. ;ot/ user types can access t/e Reser,ation and
;oo:ing System and t/e 1ood Trac:ing and Selling System. T/e <eneral Management
System will be restricted to management users.
T/e Hotel Management System6s ob7ecti,es is to pro,ide a system to manage a /otel t/at
/as increased in si?e to a total of 1)) rooms. @it/out automation t/e management of t/e
/otel /as become an unwieldy tas:. T/e end users6 day=to=day 7obs of managing a /otel
will be simplified by a considerable amount t/roug/ t/e automated system. T/e system
will be able to /andle many ser,ices to ta:e care of all customers in a quic: manner. T/e
system s/ould be user appropriate2 easy to use2 pro,ide easy reco,ery of errors and /a,e
an o,erall end user /ig/ sub7ecti,e satisfaction.
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Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
!"* Definitions2 1cronyms2 an) 1&&re-iations"
SRS A Software Requirements Specification
HMS A Hotel Management System
Sub7ecti,e satisfaction A T/e o,erall satisfaction of t/e system
Bnd users A T/e people w/o will be actually using t/e system
!". ,-er-iew
T/e SRS is organi?ed into two main sections. T/e first is T/e >,erall (escription
and t/e second is t/e Specific Requirements. T/e >,erall (escription will describe t/e
requirements of t/e HMS from a general /ig/ le,el perspecti,e. T/e Specific
Requirements section will describe in detail t/e requirements of t/e system.
2 T+e ,-erall Description
(escribes t/e general factors t/at affect t/e product and its requirements. T/is section
does not state specific requirements. Instead it pro,ides a bac:ground for t/ose
requirements2 w/ic/ are defined in section !2 and ma:es t/em easier to understand.
2"! /ro)uct /erspecti-e
T/e HMS is an independent standAalone system. It is totally self contained.

2"!"! Har)ware (nterfaces
T/e HMS will be placed on P$6s t/roug/out t/e /otel.
2"!"2 Software (nterfaces
+ll databases for t/e HMS will be configured using >racle -i. T/ese databases include
/otel rooms and customers information. T/ese can be modified by t/e end users. T/e
room database will include t/e room numbers and if t/ey are ,acant or occupied. T/e
customers information database will contain all t/e information of t/e customer suc/ as
first name2 last name2 number of occupants2 assigned room2 default room rate3may be
c/anged42 p/one number2 w/et/er or not t/e room is guaranteed2 credit card number2
confirmation number2 automatic cancellation date2 e5pected c/ec: in date and time2 actual
c/ec: in date and time2 e5pected c/ec: out date and time2 amount owed by customer2 and
abbre,iated customer feedbac:.

2"2 /ro)uct 3unctions
Reser,ation and ;oo:ing System
+llows for typing in customer information
Has a default room rate t/at is ad7ustable
Includes a description field for t/e c/anged rate
@/en a customer c/ec:s in2 t/e room number will be c/anged to occupied in t/e
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Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
+bility to modify a reser,ation
@/en no rooms are a,ailable and a customer would li:e to e5tend t/eir reser,ation
t/eir information will be placed in a database and w/en t/ere are rooms a,ailable
t/e first customer on t/e list will /a,e t/e room
@/en a customer c/ec:s out t/e amount owed is displayed
If t/e internal cloc: states t/at is a customer6s time to /a,e c/ec:ed out and
customer /as not c/ec:ed out2 adds an e5tra nig/t to amount owed and pro,ides a
Records t/at room is ,acant
Records payment
+llows for space to write customer6s feedbac:
Trac:ing and Selling 1ood System
Trac:s all meals purc/ased
$/arges t/e current room as necessary
<eneral Management Ser,ices and +utomated Tas:s System
Reports generated to audit /otel occupancy2 future occupancy2 room re,enue2 and
food re,enue
B5ception reports listing e5ceptions to t/e normal cost
+llows addition2 deletion and modification of information on rooms and rates2 menu
items and prices2 user profiles
$reation of users and assigning passwords
2"* 4ser '+aracteristics
Bducational le,el of HMS computer software A 'ow
B5perience of HMS software A Cone
Tec/nical B5pertise A 'ittle
2". 1pportioning of Requirements
T/e audio and ,isual alerts will be deferred because of low importance at t/is time.
2"0 1ssumptions an) Depen)encies
= T/e system is not required to sa,e generated reports.
= $redit card payments are not included
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1ebruary 112 2))2f
Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
* Specific Requirements
T/is section contains all t/e software requirements at a le,el of detail2 t/at w/en combined
wit/ t/e system conte5t diagram2 use cases2 and use case descriptions2 is sufficient to
enable designers to design a system to satisfy t/ose requirements2 and testers to test t/at
t/e system satisfies t/ose requirements.
*"! E5ternal (nterfaces
T/e Hotel Management System will use t/e standard input.output de,ices for a personal
computer. T/is includes t/e followingD
*"!"! 4ser (nterfaces
T/e "ser Interface Screens are described in table 1.
Ta&le !: Hotel Management 4ser (nterface Screens
Screen 6ame Description
'ogin 'og into t/e system as a $SR or Manager
Reser,ation Retrie,e button2,e reser,ation2 cancel reser,ation2
modify reser,ation2 c/ange reser,ation2 ad7ust room rate2 accept
payment card
$/ec:=in Modify room stay 3e.g.2 new credit card42 c/ec:=in customer 3wit/
or wit/out a reser,ation42 ad7ust room rate2 special requests2
accept payment card
$/ec:out $/ec:out customer2 generate bill
Hotel Payment +ccept payment for room and food
Room Ser,ice.Restaurant $reate order2 modify order2 ,iew order2 cancel order2 generate
meal bill
$ustomer Record +dd or update customer records
+dminister Rooms +,ailability and rates
+dminister "ser $reate2 modify2 and delete usersF c/ange password
+dminister Meals $reate2 modify2 and delete meal items and prices
Reports Select2 ,iew2 sa,e2 and delete reports
*"!"2 Software (nterfaces
T/e system s/all interface wit/ an >racle or +ccess database.
*"!"* Har)ware (nterfaces
T/e system s/all run on a Microsoft @indows based system.
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1ebruary 112 2))2f
Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
*"!". 'ommunication (nterfaces
T/e system s/all be a standalone product t/at does not require any communication
*"2 3unctional Requirements
1unctional requirements define t/e fundamental actions t/at system must perform.
T/e functional requirements for t/e system are di,ided into t/ree main categories2
Reser,ation.;oo:ing2 1ood2 and Management. 1or furt/er details2 refer to t/e use cases.
1. Reser,ation.;oo:ing
1.1. T/e system s/all record reser,ations.
1.2. T/e system s/all record t/e customer6s first name.
1.!. T/e system s/all record t/e customer6s last name.
1.. T/e system s/all record t/e number of occupants.
1.*. T/e system s/all record t/e room number.
1.#. T/e system s/all display t/e default room rate.
1.#.1. T/e system s/all allow t/e default room rate to be c/anged.
1.#.2. T/e system s/all require a comment to be entered2 describing t/e reason
for c/anging t/e default room rate.
1.%. T/e system s/all record t/e customer6s p/one number.
1.-. T/e system s/all display w/et/er or not t/e room is guaranteed.
1.&. T/e system s/all generate a unique confirmation number for eac/ reser,ation.
1.1). T/e system s/all automatically cancel non=guaranteed reser,ations if t/e
customer /as not pro,ided t/eir credit card number by #D)) pm on t/e c/ec:=in
1.11. T/e system s/all record t/e e5pected c/ec:=in date and time.
1.12. T/e system s/all record t/e e5pected c/ec:out date and time.
1.1!. T/e system s/all c/ec:=in customers.
1.1. T/e system s/all allow reser,ations to be modified wit/out /a,ing to reenter all t/e
customer inforamtion.
1.1*. T/e system s/all c/ec:out customers.
1.1*.1. T/e system s/all display t/e amount owed by t/e customer.
1.1*.2. To retrie,e customer information t/e last name or room number s/all be used
1.1*.!. T/e system s/all record t/at t/e room is empty.
1.1*.. T/e system s/all record t/e payment.
1.1*.*. T/e system s/all record t/e payment type.
1.1#. T/e system s/all c/arge t/e customer for an e5tra nig/t if t/ey c/ec:out after
11D)) a.m.
1.1%. T/e system s/all mar: guaranteed rooms as 8must pay9 after #D)) pm on t/e
c/ec:=in date.
1.1-. T/e system s/all record customer feedbac:.
2. 1ood
2.1. T/e system s/all trac: all meals purc/ased in t/e /otel 3restaurant and room ser,ice4.
2.2. T/e system s/all record payment and payment type for meals.
2.!. T/e system s/all bill t/e current room if payment is not made at time of ser,ice.
2.. T/e system s/all accept reser,ations for t/e restaurant and room ser,ice.
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1ebruary 112 2))2f
Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
!. Management
!.1. T/e system s/all display t/e /otel occupancy for a specified period of time 3daysF
including past2 present2 and future dates4.
!.2. T/e system s/all display pro7ected occupancy for a period of time 3days4.
!.!. T/e system s/all display room re,enue for a specified period of time 3days4.
!.. T/e system s/all display food re,enue for a specified period of time 3days4.
!.*. T/e system s/all display an e5ception report2 s/owing w/ere default room and food
prices /a,e been o,erridden.
!.#. T/e system s/all allow for t/e addition of information2 regarding rooms2 rates2 menu
items2 prices2 and user profiles.
!.%. T/e system s/all allow for t/e deletion of information2 regarding rooms2 rates2 menu
items2 prices2 and user profiles.
!.-. T/e system s/all allow for t/e modification of information2 regarding rooms2 rates2 menu
items2 prices2 and user profiles.
!.&. T/e system s/all allow managers to assign user passwords.
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1ebruary 112 2))2f
Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
*"* 6onfunctional Requirements
1unctional requirements define t/e needs in terms of performance2 logical database
requirements2 design constraints2 standards compliance2 reliability2 a,ailability2 security2
maintainability2 and portability.
*"*"! /erformance Requirements
Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality.
T/e load time for user interface screens s/all ta:e no longer t/an two seconds.
T/e log in information s/all be ,erified wit/in fi,e seconds.
Gueries s/all return results wit/in fi,e seconds.
*"*"2 7ogical Data&ase Requirements
T/e logical database requirements include t/e retention of t/e following data elements.
T/is list is not a complete list and is designed as a starting point for de,elopment.
8oo9ing%Reser-ation System
$ustomer first name
$ustomer last name
$ustomer address
$ustomer p/one number
Cumber of occupants
+ssigned room
(efault room rate
Rate description
<uaranteed room 3yes.no4
$redit card number
$onfirmation number
+utomatic cancellation date
B5pected c/ec:=in date
B5pected c/ec:=in time
+ctual c/ec:=in date
+ctual c/ec:=in time
B5pected c/ec:=out date
B5pected c/ec:=out time
+ctual c/ec:=out date
+ctual c/ec:=out time
$ustomer feedbac:
Payment recei,ed 3yes.no4
Payment type
Total ;ill
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1ebruary 112 2))2f
Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
3oo) Ser-ices
Meal type
Meal item
Meal order
Meal payment 3;ill to room.$redit.$/ec:.$as/4
*"*"* Design 'onstraints
T/e Hotel Management System s/all be a stand=alone system running in a @indows
en,ironment. T/e system s/all be de,eloped using Ha,a and an +ccess or >racle database.
*"*". Stan)ar)s 'ompliance
T/ere s/all be consistency in ,ariable names wit/in t/e system. T/e grap/ical user
interface s/all /a,e a consistent loo: and feel.
*"*"0 Relia&ility
Specify t/e factors required to establis/ t/e required reliability of t/e software system at
time of deli,ery.
*"*"6 1-aila&ility
T/e system s/all be a,ailable during normal /otel operating /ours.
*"*": Security
$ustomer Ser,ice Representati,es and Managers will be able to log in to t/e Hotel
Management System. $ustomer Ser,ice Representati,es will /a,e access to t/e
Reser,ation.;oo:ing and 1ood subsystems. Managers will /a,e access to t/e
Management subsystem as well as t/e Reser,ation.;oo:ing and 1ood subsystems. +ccess
to t/e ,arious subsystems will be protected by a user log in screen t/at requires a user
name and password.
*"*"; Maintaina&ility
T/e Hotel Management System is being de,eloped in Ha,a. Ha,a is an ob7ect oriented
programming language and s/all be easy to maintain.
*"*"< /orta&ility
T/e Hotel Management System s/all run in any Microsoft @indows en,ironment t/at
contains Ha,a Runtime and t/e Microsoft +ccess database.
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1ebruary 112 2))2f
Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specifications
. '+ange Management /rocess

$/anges to t/is document may be made after appro,al from t/e pro7ect manager and t/e
client appro,al officer.
0 Document 1ppro-als
0"! Team ,ne 1ppro-al
000000000000000000000000 000000000000
Sandra ;usi:.Reita Si::a (ate
0"2 Team Two 1ppro-al
000000000000000000000000 000000000000
'isa 1errett (ate
6 Supporting (nformation
+ system conte5t diagram as well as use cases and use case descriptions /a,e been
de,eloped in separate documents.
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1ebruary 112 2))2f

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