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Advocate (1 John 2:1); Almighty (Rev. 1:8; Mt. 28:18); Alpha and Omega (Rev.

ega (Rev. 1:8; 22:13); Amen (Rev. 3:14); Apostle of our Profession (Heb. 3:1); Atoning Sacrifce for our Sins (1 John 2:2); Author of Life (Acts 3:15); Author and Perfecter of our Faith (Heb. 12:2); Author of Salvation (Heb. 2:10); Beginning and End (Rev. 22:13); Blessed and only Ruler (1 Tim. 6:15); Bread of God (John 6:33); Bread of Life (John 6:35; 6:48); Bridegroom (Mt. 9:15); Capstone (Acts 4:11; 1 Pet. 2:7); Chief Cornerstone (Eph. 2:20); Chief Shep-
herd (1 Pet. 5:4); Christ (1 John 2:22); Creator (John 1:3); Deliverer (Rom. 11:26); Eternal Life (1 John 1:2; 5:20); Faithful and True (Rev. 19:11); Faithful Witness (Rev. 1:5); Faithful and True Witness (Rev. 3:14); First and Last (Rev. 1:17; 2:8; 22:13); Firstborn From the Dead (Rev. 1:5); Firstborn over all creation (Col. 1:15); Gate (John 10:9); God (John 1:1; 20:28; Heb. 1:8; Rom. 9:5; 2 Pet. 1:1;1 John 5:20; etc.); Good Shepherd (John 10:11,14); Great Shepherd (Heb. 13:20); Great High Priest (Heb. 4:14); Head of the Church
(Eph. 1:22; 4:15; 5:23); Heir of all things (Heb. 1:2); High Priest (Heb. 2:17); Holy and True (Rev. 3:7); Holy One (Acts 3:14); Hope (1 Tim. 1:1); Hope of Glory (Col. 1:27); Horn of Salvation (Luke 1:69); I Am (John 8:58); Image of God (2 Cor. 4:4); Immanuel (Mt. 1:23); Judge of the living and the dead (Acts 10:42); King Eternal (1 Tim. 1:17); King of Israel (John 1:49); King of the Jews (Mt. 27:11); King of kings (1 Tim 6:15; Rev. 19:16); King of the Ages (Rev. 15:3); Lamb (Rev. 13:8); Lamb of God (John 1:29); Lamb With-
out Blemish (1 Pet. 1:19); Last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45); Life (John 14:6; Col. 3:4); Light of the World (John 8:12); Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5); Living One (Rev. 1:18); Living Stone (1 Pet. 2:4); Lord (2 Pet. 2:20); Lord of All (Acts 10:36); Lord of Glory (1 Cor. 2:8); Lord of lords (Rev. 19:16); Man from Heaven (1 Cor. 15:48); Mediator of the New Covenant (Heb. 9:15); Mighty God (Isa. 9:6); Morning Star (Rev. 22:16); Offspring of David (Rev. 22:16); Only Begotten Son of God (John 1:18; 1 John 4:9); Our Great God
and Savior (Titus 2:13); Our Holiness (1 Cor. 1:30); Our Husband (2 Cor. 11:2); Our Protection (2 Thess. 3:3); Our Redemption (1 Cor. 1:30); Our Righteousness (1 Cor. 1:30); Our Sacrifced Passover Lamb (1 Cor. 5:7); Power of God (1 Cor. 1:24); Precious Cornerstone (1 Pet. 2:6); Prophet (Acts 3:22); Rabbi (Mt. 26:25); Resurrection and Life (John 11:25); Righteous Branch (Jer. 23:5); Righteous One (Acts 7:52; 1 John 2:1); Rock (1 Cor. 10:4); Root of David (Rev. 5:5; 22:16); Ruler of Gods Creation (Rev. 3:14); Ruler of
the Kings of the Earth (Rev. 1:5); Savior (Eph. 5:23; Titus 1:4; 3:6; 2 Pet. 2:20); Son of David (Lk. 18:39); Son of God (John 1:49; Heb. 4:14); Son of Man (Mt. 8:20); Son of the Most High God (Lk. 1:32); Source of Eternal Salvation for all who obey him (Heb. 5:9); The One Mediator (1 Tim. 2:5); The Stone the builders rejected (Acts 4:11); True Bread (John 6:32); True Light (John 1:9); True Vine (John 15:1); Truth (John 1:14; 14:6); Way (John 14:6); Wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:24); Word (John 1:1); Word of God (Rev. 19:13)
Jesus Christ
St Peter & St Paul
Bishops of Rome
AD 67 to AD 668
Founded the Church in Rome,
Linus was their first successor.
Judas Iscariot
Judas Iscariot
James Matthew Andrew Simon Philip Thomas Bartholomew James the Less Judas Thaddeus
Polycarp also was not only instructed
by apostles, and conversed with many
who had seen Christ, but was also, by
apostles in Asia, appointed bishop of
the church in Smyrna, whomI also
sawin my early youth, for he tarried
[on earth] a very long time, and, when
a very old man, gloriously and most
nobly suffering martyrdom, departed
this life, having always taught the
things which he had learned fromthe
apostles, and which the Church has
handed down, and which alone are
true. To these things all the Asiatic
churches testify, as do also those men
who have succeeded Polycarp down to
the present time...The true knowledge
is the doctrine of the apostles, and the
ancient organization of the Church
throughout the whole world, and the
manifestation of the body of Christ
according to the succession of bishops,
by which succession the bishops have
handed down the Church which is
found everywhere.
Irenaeus, Against Heresies A.D. 189
He cannot be reckoned as a
who succeeds no one...
For he who has not been
ordained in the Church can
neither have nor hold to the
Church in any way...
How can he be esteemed a
who succeeds to no one,
but begins from himself?
For the true shepherd remains
and presides over the
Church of God by
successive ordination...
St. Cyprian Of Carthage,
Letter To Magnus, A.D. 250
Ap o s t o l i c
Su c c e s s i o n
Tamayo y Tamayo
246. Roman Catholic Cardinal Sebastio Leme da Silveira Cintra, Ordained a Bishop, Gois, Brazil, 24, June 1911, Elivated to
Cardinal of So Sebastio do Rio de Janeiro, 30 June 1930.
247. Roman Catholic Bishop Benedito Paulo Alves de Souza, Ordained a Bishop, 21 April, 1918, Esprito Santo, Brazil.
248. Roman Catholic Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa, Ordained a Bishop, 8 December 1924, Botucatu, Brazil. On June 29, 1961
he consecrated:
249. Roman Catholic Bishop Salomon Ferrez. In December 1959, Pope John XXIII received the married ex-Anglican priest
consecrated as a bishop of the Igreja Catlica Apostlica Brasileira into the Roman Catholic Church. Married with seven
children, Bishop Salomo Barbosa Ferraz was not re-ordained upon his reception Upon being named Titular Bishop of
Eleutherna on May 10, 1963 he was not re-consecrated. He made his submission to Rome and was accepted with full
Episcopal functions. Bishop Ferrez also participated at the second Vatican Council. He addressed the council on the
morning of October 29, 1962 with 2,227 Fathers present. Pope Paul VI appointed him as co-adjutor to the Archbishop of
Sao Paula, Brazil. Bishop Ferrez died on May 13, 1968, a Roman Catholic Bishop. On May 29, 1951 he consecrated:
250. Bishop Manoel Ceja Laranjeira, Bishop Ferraz consecrated Manuel C. Laranjeira for the Igreja Catlica Apostlica
Brasileira in 1965. On August 15, 1965 he consecrated:
251. Msgr. Benedito Pereira Lima who in turn on August 1, 1966 consecrated:
252. Msgr. Dom Jose M. Machado who in turn on December 2, 1967 consecrated:
253. Msgr. Dom Oscar Osweldo Cairoli Fernandez who in turn on April 29, 1973 consecrated:
254. Msgr. Michael Stafero who in turn in November of 1976 consecrated:
255. Archbishop Rainer Laufers of Canada who in turn on April 30, 1977 consecrated:
256. Leonard J. Curreri who in turn on October 4, 1979 consecrated:
257. Peter Paul Brennan who in turn on March 3, 1985 consecrated:
258. R. Augustin Sicard who On Sunday, September 17. 1995, with seven bishops in intercommunion shared each of their lines
of Apostolic Succession by mutual subconditione consecration through the communal proclamation of the Nicene Creed,
the Invocation of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands and anointing with Holy Chrism, with the intent to impart,
subconditione, the grace of Episcopal Consecration. In this service, The Right Reverend Michael D. Owen received two
lines of Apostolic Succession not previously held, one of those being a direct Roman Catholic line through the Catholic and
Apostolic Church of Brazil, which was passed on through the Most Reverend R. Augustin Sicard.
On October 5th, 1995 The Right Reverend Michael D. Owen was the Chief Consecrator for,
259. Russell McClanahan who in turn on January 5, 2007 consecrated:
260. Charles Travis, who in turn on April 7th, 2008 consecrated:
261. David D. Scott, who in turn on April 13, 2012 consecrated:
262. Mario Tamayo y Tamayo to become the Auxiliary Bishop for Cali, Colombia
1. Pope Linus, Elected Pope, 67
2. Pope Anacletus, Elected Pope, 79
3. Pope Clement I, Elected Pope, 92
4. Pope Evaristus, Elected Pope, 99
5. Pope Alexander I, Elected Pope, 106
6. Pope Sixtus I, Elected Pope, 114 or 119
7. Pope Telesphorus, Elected Pope, 126
8. Pope Hyginus, Elected Pope, 136/138
9. Pope Pius I, Elected Pope, 140
10. Pope Anicetus, Elected Pope, 154
11. Pope Soter, Elected Pope, 166
12. Pope Eleuterus, Elected Pope, 174
13. Pope Victor I, Elected Pope, 189
14. Pope Zephyrinus, Elected Pope, 199
15. Pope Callixtus I, Elected Pope, 217
16. Pope Urban I, Elected Pope, 222
17. Pope Pontian, Elected Pope, 21 July 230
18. Pope Anterus, Elected Pope, 21 November 235
19. Pope Fabian, Elected Pope, 10 January 236
20. Pope Cornelius, Elected Pope, 6 March or 13 March 251
21. Pope Lucius I, Elected Pope, 25 June 253
22. Pope Stephen I, Elected Pope, 12 May 254
23. Pope Sixtus II, Elected Pope, 30 August 257
24. Pope Dionysius, Elected Pope, 22 July 259
25. Pope Felix I, Elected Pope, 5 January 269
26. Pope Eutychian, Elected Pope, 4 January 275
27. Pope Caius, Elected Pope, 17 December 283
28. Pope Marcellinus, Elected Pope, 30 June 296
29. Pope Marcellus I, Elected Pope, May 308
30. Pope Eusebius, Elected Pope, 18 April 309 or 310
31. Pope Miltiades, Elected Pope, 2 July 311
32. Pope Sylvester I, Elected Pope, 31 January 314
33. Pope Mark, Elected Pope, 18 January 336
34. Pope Julius I, Elected Pope, 6 February 337
35. Pope Liberius, Elected Pope, 17 May 352
36. Pope Damasus I, Elected Pope, 366
37. Pope Siricius, Elected Pope, December 384
38. Pope Anastasius I, Elected Pope, 27 November 399
39. Pope Innocent I, Elected Pope, 401
40. Pope Zosimus, Elected Pope, 21 March 417
41. Pope Boniface I, Elected Pope, 4 September 422
42. Pope Celestine I, Elected Pope, 422
43. Pope Sixtus III, Elected Pope, 31 July 432
44. Pope Leo I, Elected Pope, 29 September 440
45. Pope Hilarius, Elected Pope, began 17 November 461
46. Pope Simplicius, Elected Pope, 468
47. Pope Felix III, Elected Pope, 13 March 483
48. Pope Gelasius I, Elected Pope, 492
49. Pope Anastasius II, Elected Pope, 24 November 496
50. Pope Symmachus, Elected Pope, 19 July 514
51. Pope Hormisdas, Elected Pope, 20 July 514
52. Pope John I, Elected Pope, 523
53. Pope Felix IV, Elected Pope, 526
54. Pope Boniface II, Elected Pope, 530
55. Pope John II, Elected Pope, 2 January 533
56. Pope Agapetus I, Elected Pope, 535
57. Pope Silverius, Elected Pope, 8 June 536
58. Pope Vigilius, Elected Pope, 29 March 537
59. Pope Pelagius I, Elected Pope, 556
60. Pope John III, Elected Pope, 561
61. Pope Benedict I, Elected Pope, 2 June 575
62. Pope Pelagius II, Elected Pope, 579
63. Pope Gregory I, Elected Pope, 3 September 590
64. Pope Sabinian, Elected Pope, 13 September 604
65. Pope Boniface III, Elected Pope, 19 February 607
66. Pope Boniface IV, Elected Pope, 25 September 608
67. Pope Adeodatus I, Elected Pope, 13 November 615
68. Pope Boniface V, Elected Pope, 23 December 619
69. Pope Honorius I, Elected Pope, 27 October 625
70. Pope Severinus, Elected Pope, 28 May 640
71. Pope John IV, Elected Pope, 24 December 640
72. Pope Theodore I, Elected Pope, 24 November 642
73. Pope Martin I, Elected Pope, 5 July 649
74. Pope Eugene I, Elected Pope, 10 August 654
75. Pope Vitalian, Elected Pope, 30 July 657
76. Pope Adeodatus II, Elected Pope, 11 April 672
77. Pope Donus, Elected Pope, 2 November 676
78. Pope Agatho, Elected Pope, 27 June 678
79. Pope Leo II, Elected Pope, 17 August 682
80. Pope Benedict II, Elected Pope, 26 June 684
81. Pope John V, Elected Pope, 685
82. Pope Conon, Elected Pope, 21 October 686
83. Pope Sergius I, Elected Pope, 15 December 687
84. Pope John VI, Elected Pope, 30 October 701
85. Pope John VII, Elected Pope, 1 March 705
86. Pope Sisinnius, Elected Pope, 15 January 708
87. Pope Constantine, Elected Pope, 25 March 708
88. Pope Gregory II, Elected Pope, 19 May 715
89. Pope Gregory III, Elected Pope, 11 February 731
90. Pope Zachary, Elected Pope, 10 December 741
91. Pope Stephen II, Elected Pope, 26 March 752
92. Pope Paul I, Elected Pope, 29 May 757
93. Pope Stephen III, Elected Pope, 1 August 768
94. Pope Adrian I, Elected Pope, 1 February 772
95. Pope Leo III, Elected Pope, 27 December 795
96. Pope Stephen IV, Elected Pope, 22 June 816
97. Pope Paschal I, Elected Pope, 25 January 817
98. Pope Eugene II, Elected Pope, 11 May 824
99. Pope Valentine, Elected Pope, 31 August 827
100. Pope Gregory IV, Elected Pope, October 827
101. Pope Sergius II, Elected Pope, January 844
102. Pope Leo IV, Elected Pope, 10 April 847
103. Pope Benedict III, Elected Pope, 29 September 855
104. Pope Nicholas I, Elected Pope, 24 April 858
105. Pope Adrian II, Elected Pope, 14 December 867
106. Pope John VIII, Elected Pope, 13 December 872
107. Pope Marinus I, Elected Pope, 16 December 882
108. Pope Adrian III, Elected Pope, 17 May 884
109. Pope Stephen V, Elected Pope, September 885
110. Pope Formosus, Elected Pope, 6 October 891
111. Pope Boniface VI, Elected Pope, April 896
112. Pope Stephen VI, Elected Pope, 22 May 896
113. Pope Romanus, Elected Pope, August 897
114. Pope Theodore II, Elected Pope, December 897
115. Pope John IX, Elected Pope, January 898
116. Pope Benedict IV, Elected Pope, 1 February 900
117. Pope Leo V, Elected Pope, July 903
118. Pope Sergius III, Elected Pope, 29 January 904
119. Pope Anastasius III, Elected Pope, April 911
120. Pope Lando, Elected Pope, July or August 913
121. Pope John X, Elected Pope, March 914
122. Pope Leo VI, Elected Pope, June 928
123. Pope Stephen VII, Elected Pope, 15 March 931
124. Pope John XI, Elected Pope, March 931
125. Pope Leo VII, Elected Pope, 3 January 936
126. Pope Stephen VIII, Elected Pope, 14 July 939
127. Pope Marinus II, Elected Pope, 30 October 942
128. Pope Agapetus II, Elected Pope, 10 May 946
129. Pope John XII, Elected Pope, 16 December 955
130. Pope Benedict V, Elected Pope, 23 June 964
131. Pope Leo VIII, Elected Pope, 6 December 963
132. Pope John XIII, Elected Pope, 1 October 965
133. Pope Benedict VI, Elected Pope, 19 January 973
134. Pope Benedict VII, Elected Pope, 10 July 983
135. Pope John XIV, Elected Pope, December 983
136. Pope John XV, Elected Pope, August 985
137. Pope Gregory V, Elected Pope, 3 May 996
138. Pope Sylvester II, Elected Pope, 2 April 999
139. Pope John XVII, Elected Pope, 16 May 1003
140. Pope John XVIII, Elected Pope, January 1004
141. Pope Sergius IV, Elected Pope, 31 July 1009
142. Pope Benedict VIII, Elected Pope, 18 May 1012
143. Pope John XIX, Elected Pope, May 1024
144. Pope Gregory VI, Elected Pope, 5 May 1045
145. Pope Clement II, Elected Pope, 25 December 1046
146. Pope Benedict IX, Elected Pope, October 1032
147. Pope Damasus II, Elected Pope, 17 July 1048
148. Pope Leo IX, Elected Pope, 12 February 1049
149. Pope Victor II, Elected Pope, 13 April 1055
150. Pope Stephen IX, Elected Pope, began 3 August 1057
151. Pope Nicholas II, Elected Pope, 24 January 1059
152. Pope Alexander II, Elected Pope, 30 September 1061
153. Pope Gregory VII, Elected Pope, 22 April 1073
154. Pope Victor III, Elected Pope, 24 May 1086
155. Pope Urban II, Elected Pope, 12 March 1088
156. Pope Paschal II, Elected Pope, 13 August 1099
157. Pope Gelasius II, Elected Pope, 24 January 1118
158. Pope Callixtus II, Elected Pope, 1 February 1119
159. Pope Honorius II, Elected Pope, 21 December 1124
160. Pope Innocent II, Elected Pope, 14 February 1130
161. Pope Celestine II, Elected Pope, 25 September 1143
162. Pope Lucius II, Elected Pope, 9 March 1144
163. Pope Eugene III, Elected Pope, 15 February 1145
164. Pope Anastasius IV, Elected Pope, 9 July 1153
165. Pope Adrian IV, Elected Pope, 4 December 1154
166. Pope Alexander III, Elected Pope, 7 September 1159
167. Pope Lucius III, Elected Pope, 1 September 1181
168. Pope Urban III, Elected Pope, 25 November 118
169. Pope Gregory VIII, Elected Pope, 25 October 1187
170. Pope Clement III, Elected Pope, 19 December 1187
171. Pope Celestine III, Elected Pope, 21 March 1191
172. Pope Innocent III, Elected Pope, 8 January 1198
173. Pope Honorius III, Elected Pope, 18 July 1216
174. Pope Gregory IX, Elected Pope, 19 March 1227
175. Pope Celestine IV, Elected Pope, 25 October 1241
176. Pope Innocent IV, Elected Pope, 25 June 1243
177. Pope Alexander IV, Elected Pope, 12 December 1254
178. Pope Urban IV, Elected Pope, 29 August 1261
179. Pope Clement IV, Elected Pope, 5 February 1265
180. Pope Gregory X, Elected Pope, 1 September 1271
181. Pope Innocent V, Elected Pope, 21 January 1276
182. Pope Adrian V, Elected Pope, 11 July 1276
183. Pope John XXI, Elected Pope, 13 September 1276
184. Pope Nicholas III, Elected Pope, 25 November 1277
185. Pope Martin IV, Elected Pope, 21 February 1281
186. Pope Honorius IV, Elected Pope, 2 April 1285
187. Pope Nicholas IV, Elected Pope, 22 February 1288
188. Pope Celestine V, Elected Pope, 5 July 1294
189. Pope Boniface VIII, Elected Pope, 24 December 1294
190. Pope Benedict XI, Elected Pope, 22 October 1303
191. Pope Clement V, Elected Pope, 5 June 1305
192. Pope John XXII, Elected Pope, 7 August 1316
193. Pope Benedict XII, Elected Pope, 20 December 1334
194. Pope Clement VI, Elected Pope, 7 May 1342
195. Pope Innocent VI, Elected Pope, 18 December 1352
196. Pope Urban V, Elected Pope, 28 September 1362
197. Pope Gregory XI, Elected Pope, 30 December 1370
198. Pope Urban VI, Elected Pope, 8 April 1378
199. Pope Boniface IX, Elected Pope, 2 November 1389
200. Pope Innocent VII, Elected Pope, 17 October 1404
201. Pope Gregory XII, Elected Pope, 30 November 1406
202. Pope Martin V, Elected Pope, 11 November 1417
203. Pope Eugene IV, Elected Pope, 3 March 1431
204. Pope Nicholas V, Elected Pope, 6 March 1447
205. Pope Callixtus III, Elected Pope, 8 April 1455
206. Pope Pius II, Elected Pope, 19 August 1458
207. Pope Paul II, Elected Pope, 30 August 1464
208. Pope Sixtus IV, Elected Pope, 9 August 1471
209. Pope Innocent VIII, Elected Pope, 29 August 1484
210. Pope Alexander VI, Elected Pope, 11 August 1492
211. Pope Pius III, Elected Pope, 22 September 1503
212. Pope Julius II, Elected Pope, 1 November 1503
213. Pope Leo X, Elected Pope, 9 March 1513
214. Pope Adrian VI, Elected Pope, 9 January 1522
215. Pope Clement VII, Elected Pope, 19 November 1523
216. Pope Paul III, Elected Pope, 13 October 1534
217. Pope Julius III, Elected Pope, 7 February 1550
218. Pope Marcellus II, Elected Pope, 9 April 1555
219. Pope Paul IV, Elected Pope, 23 May 1555
220. Pope Pius IV, Elected Pope, 25 December 1559
221. Pope Pius V, Elected Pope, 7 January 1566
222. Pope Gregory XIII, Elected Pope, 13 May 1572
223. Pope Sixtus V, Elected Pope, 24 April 1585
224. Pope Urban VII, Elected Pope, 15 September 1590
225. Pope Gregory XIV, Elected Pope, 5 December 1590
226. Pope Innocent IX, Elected Pope, 29 October 1591
227. Pope Clement VIII, Elected Pope, 30 January 1592
228. Pope Leo XI Elected Pope, 1 April 1605
229. Pope Paul V Elected Pope, 16 May 1605
230. Pope Gregory XV Elected Pope, 9 February 1621
231. Pope Urban VIII Elected Pope, 6 August 1623
232. Pope Innocent X, Elected Pope, 15 September 1644
233. Pope Alexander VII, Elected Pope, 7 April 1655
234. Pope Clement IX, Elected Pope, 29 March 1644
235. Pope Clement X, Elected Pope, 29 Apr 1670
236. Pope Benedict XIII, Elected Pope, 29 May 1724
237. Pope Clement XIII, Elected Pope, 16 July 1758
238. Cardinal Bernardino Giraud, Ordained a Bishop, 26 Apr 1767
239. Cardinal Alessandro Mattei, Ordained a Bishop, 23 Feb 1777
240. Cardinal Pietro Francesco Gallef, Ordained a Bishop,
September 12. 1819
241. Cardinal Giacomo Filippo Fransoni, Ordained a Bishop,
December 8, 1822
242. Cardinal Carlo Sacconi, Ordained a Bishop, 8 June, 1851
243. Cardinal Edward Henry Howard, Ordained a Bishop, 30 June, 1872
(Secretary to Pope Leo XIII)
244. Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro, Ordained a Bishop, 8
December 1882
245. Roman Catholic Cardinal Joaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque
Cavalcanti, Ordained a Bishop, Gois, Brazil, 26 October 1890.

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