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Organizational Communication

Assignment No. 03
Presented to. Dr.Abdul Basit
Presented by. Muhammad Usman
Registration No.1432-113010
Question: Write a note on styles of
There are four styles of communication
1) tell
2) sell
3) confer
4) join
The first two styles are used when
oAll the required information is available
o Information is understandable without any help
o A loical! orderly or a quic" decision is required
The last two styles of communication are used when
omore information is required
ocritical evaluation or the opinions are required from the audience
othe communication want to involve audience in the discussion
Tell style:
In tell style of communication the communicator only wants to deliver
the information# $e is havin complete information and want to
convey the information to the audience# The communicatior spea"s
%&'%() in total conversation while the audience only spea"s ('1&)
li"e if they have any questions
If a teacher deliverin the lecture about some topic# $e will convey
his lecture to the students in the whole period! the audience will just
listen and at the end if they have any questions in their mind! they will
as" at the end of the class#
Sell Style:
In sell style of communication! we want out audience to respond
differently# *e already "now about the information but we want to
"now from the audience in their own way# It depends upon the
convincin power of the communicator that how well he can convince
his audience in favor of his aenda or whatever he is sellin# In this
style there is +&',&) participation by the communicator and 3&'4&)
by the audience#
If the manaer wants to launch a project ! he presents in the annual
eneral meetin of the company in front of the -. and all the other
officials of the company! if he convince them and his project is
approved by them! then it will be a positive e/ample of the sell style
of communication#
Confer Style:
In confer style! information is required from the audience! the
communicator is not havin information and he wants to "now from
the audience sittin around# It is totally reversed from the tell style#
The information is required from the audience side#
The common e/ample of the confer style is the atherin of the
social roups which are wor"in for the betterment of specific society#
In this case they are both communicators and audience for one
another# 0ach roup shares their e/periences and the problems of
the society for which they are wor"in# In this way they will et
information about many societies# This type of atherin is mostly
called 12onference3#

Join Style:
In this style of communication! the communicator is totally unaware
about the objective and he will ather all the information from the
audience# In this way he can ather a lot of information from the
audience# In join style! the participation of the communicator
decrease to only ('1&) and the audience spea"s %&'%() in the
communication process# This is very interestin type of
communication in which the communicator ets the whole information
from the audience#
Ta"e an e/ample of 4$5 student! who has iven a tas" to research
on relevant topic# 6ow the student doesn7t have "nowlede about the
iven topic# $e will be iven a lon span of time for research# 6ow he
will o into the field and try to et the information from every possible
way he can# Then at the end he will have a lot of information and
creates his own theory# This shows that how effective this style of
communication is#

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