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Publications of Albright Appointees


Compiled by S. Gitin and H. Flusfeder

The following 1,351 articles, monographs, books, reviews, theses and dissertations
were written by 209 Albright Appointees, based on their research at the Institute.
Between 1980-2000, 209 Appointees were awarded 393 Fellowships.

Aref Abu-Rabia: Research Fellow, 1986/87 (Tel Aviv University)
Education Development among Bedouin Tribes of the Negev Desert. Pp. 117-
128 in Hagar's Well. Bi-National Conference on Education of Holland and Israel,
Yeroham, December 14-19, 1986, eds. L. Dasberg and S. Bamberger, Yeroham,
Yeroham Education Center, 1987.

Melissa Aubin: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1999/00
(Florida State University)
The Byzantine Remains from the Sepphoris Acropolis. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 50/3 (2000): 15-16.

Marwan F. Abu Khalaf: Senior Fellow, 1996-98; 1999/00 (Al-Quds University)
Islamic Art Through the Ages: Masterpieces of the Islamic Museum of al-
Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem. Jerusalem: Emerezian, 1998.
The Holy Places: Introduction (with Yitzhak Reiter and Marlen Eordegian).
Pp. 95-97 in Jerusalem: Points of Frictionand Beyond, eds. M. Ma`oz and S.
Nusseibeh, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2000.
Between Divine and Human: The Complexity of Holy Places in Jerusalem
(with Yitzhak Reiter and Marlen Eordegian). Pp. 99-153 in Jerusalem: Points of
Frictionand Beyond, eds. M. Ma`oz and S. Nusseibeh, The Hague: Kluwer Law
International, 2000.

Mitchell Allen: Research Fellow, 1989/90; 1991-93 (University of California, Los
Mediterranean Trade. In The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, ed. B.M.
Fagan, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Contested Periphery: Philistia in the Assyrian World-System. Ph.D.
dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles (submitted).


Review: D. Neev, N. Bakler and K.O. Emory, Mediterranean Coasts of Israel
and Sinai: Holocene Tectonism from Geology, Geophysics, and Archaeology. Coastal
Management Journal 17 (1989): 75-76.

Susan Heuck Allen: George A. Barton Fellow, 1988/89 (Brown University)
Rare Trojan Grey Wares in Cyprus. Report of the Department of Antiquities,
Cyprus (1989): 84-87.
Trade and Migration? Grey Burnished Wheelmade Wares of the Eastern
Mediterranean. American Journal of Archaeology 95/2 (1990): 298.
Late Bronze Age Grey Wares in Cyprus. Pp. 151-168 in Cypriot Ceramics:
Reading the Prehistoric Record, eds. J. Barlow, D. Bolger and B. Kling, Philadelphia:
University Museum, 1992.
Trojan Grey Ware at Tel Miqne-Ekron. Bulletin of the American Schools of
Oriental Research 293 (1994): 39-50.
Northwest Anatolian Grey Wares in the Late Bronze Age: Analysis and
Distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean. In Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology,
ed. P. strm, P. strm Forlag (forthcoming).

Adele Asher: Research Fellow, 1993/94 (University of South Africa)
Judah and Her Neighbors in the 7th Century BC. Ph.D. dissertation,
University of South Africa, 1997.

Walter E. Aufrecht: Senior Fellow, 1983; Annual Professor, 1985/86; Senior Fellow
(Social Sciences and Humanities, Research Council of Canada Fellow), 1990/92
(University of Lethbridge)
The Ammonite Language of the Iron Age. Bulletin of the American Schools of
Oriental Research 266 (1987): 85-95.
A Corpus of Ammonite Inscriptions. Lewiston, Ontario: Edwin Mellon Press,
Some Observations on the berlieferungsgeschichte of the Targums. Pp. 77-
88 in Textual and Contextual Studies in the Pentateuchal Targums (Targum Studies
1), ed. P.V.M Flesher, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992.
An Edition of the Targums of Kings (in preparation).
A Corpus of Phoenician Inscriptions (in preparation).

Carolina A. Aznar: Research Fellow, 1995/97 (University Complutense of Madrid)
El impacto asirio en la expansin de los fenicios hacia Occidente. El caso de
Tell Abu Hawam (Haifa, Israel): la rampa septentrional. Memoria de Licenciatura
(Masters thesis), University Complutense of Madrid, 1996.
Study of Stratum III of Tell Abu Hawam (Haifa) through the Analysis of
Square T11 (Excavations of 1985-1986, Mission Archologique de Tell Abu Hawam).
Memoire, cole Biblique et Archologique Franaise de Jrusalem (1995-1996),


Tell Abu Hawam y la cronologa del periodo del Hierro en el Mediterrneo
Oriental. Replanteamientos a la luz de las excavaciones de 1985-1986. Gerion (in
Introduction to the new edition in Spanish of Biblical Archaeology by G.E.
Wright, Madrid: Ediciones Cristiandad (in press).

Jere L. Bacharach: Council of American Overseas Research Centers Advanced
Multi-Country Research Fellow (USIA/NMERTA), 1994/95 (University of
CAORC Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
45/3 (1995): 10.
Marwanid Umayyad Building Activities: Speculations on Patronage.
Muqarnas XIII (1996): 27-44.

Marta Balla: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1998/99 (Technical University of Budapest,
The Search for the Manufacturing Center of Edomite Pottery as Found in
the Iron Age II Fortress of `En Hazeva in the Arava of Israel, by Means of Neutron
Activation Analysis. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 49/3 (1999):

Tristan Barako: Research Fellow, 1997/98; United States Information Agency Junior
Research Fellow, 1998/99 (Harvard University)
The Seaborne Migration of the Philistines. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 49/3 (1999): 10.
The Philistine Settlement as Mercantile Phenomenon? American Journal of
Archaeology 104 (2000): 1-14.
The Seaborne Migration of the Philistines. Albright News 6 (in press).
The Seaborne Migration of the Philistines. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard
University (in press).

Uzi Baram: George A. Barton Fellow, 1993/94 (University of Massachusetts)
AIAR George A. Barton and CAARI Anita Cecil O'Donovan Fellow Report.
American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 44/1 (1994): 6-7.
Questions and Answers for the Material Culture of Cyprus: The Sixteenth
through Nineteenth Centuries. Pp. 125-134 in Visitors, Immigrants, and Invaders in
Cyprus, ed. P.W. Wallace, Altamont, N.Y.: Institute of Cypriot Affairs, State
University of New York at Albany, 1995.
Notes on the Preliminary Typologies of Production and Chronology for the
Clay Tobacco Pipes of Cyprus. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus,
(1995): 299-309.
Material Culture, Commodities, and Consumption in Palestine, 1500-1900.
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1996.


Historical Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology of the Mediterranean. Pp. 424-
425 in The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, ed. B.M. Fagan, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1996.
Entangled Objects from the Palestinian Past: Archaeological Perspectives for
the Ottoman Period (with L. Carroll). Pp. 137-160 in Breaking New Ground for an
Archaeology of the Ottoman Empire: A Prologue and a Dialogue, New York:
Plenum/Kluwer Press, 2000.

Aileen Baron: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1983/84 (California
State University at Fullerton)
Iron Age Research at Tel `Ira. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 35/7 (1984): 2-3.

Eleanor Ferris Beach: Post Doctoral Fellow, 1992/93; George A. Barton Fellow,
1994/95 (Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN)
Barton Fellow's Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
45/4 (1995): 5-6.

Celia J. Bergoffen: Research Fellow, 1986/87; Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1987/88
(New York University)
Some Cypriote Pottery from Ashkelon. Levant 20 (1988): 161-168.
A Comparative Regional Analysis of the Late Cypriote Pottery from Southern
Canaan and Egypt. Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1989.
`A Comparative Analysis of the Late Cypriot Pottery from North Sinai and
Egypt and its Implications for the Study of Patterns of Trade in the Late Bronze Age.
P. 293 in Early Society in Cyprus, ed. E. Peltenburg, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University
Press, 1989.
Two 'Chocolate-on-White' Vessels from Enkomi. Report to the Department of
Antiquities, Cyprus (1990): 51-54.
Overland Trade in Northern Sinai: The Evidence of the Late Cypriote Pottery.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 284 (1992): 59-76.
The Proto White Slip and White Slip I Pottery from Tell el Ajjul. In White
Slip Ware: A Conference in Honor of Malcolm Wiener, October 29-30, 1998, ed. I.
Todd, Nicosia: Leventis Foundation (in press).
The Base Ring Pottery from Tell el Ajjul. In The Chronology of Bichrome
Wheel-made Ware and Base-Ring Ware, ed. P. strm, Stockholm: The Royal
Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (in press).

Andrea Michelle Berlin: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1984/85 (University of Michigan)
Hellenistic and Roman Coarse Ware. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 36/4-5 (1985): 6-7.
The Hellenistic and Early Roman Common-Ware Pottery from Tel Anafa.
Ph.D. dissertation, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan, 1988.


Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, Preliminary Report, 1990. Pp.112-128 in
Caesarea Papers, ed. R.L. Vann, Ann Arbor, MI: Journal of Roman Archaeology
Supplement Series 5, 1992.
Italian Cooking Vessels and Cuisine from Tel Anafa. Israel Exploration
Journal 43 (1993): 35-44.
Excavations at Tel Anafa II i: The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery: The Plain
Wares and the Fine Wares (with Kathleen Slane), ed. S. Herbert, Ann Arbor, MI:
Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement Series 10.2, 1997.
From Monarchy to Markets: The Phoenicians in Hellenistic Palestine. Bulletin
of the American Schools of Oriental Research 306 (1997): 75-88.
Between Large Forces: Palestine in the Hellenistic Period. Biblical
Archaeologist 60/1 (1997): 2-57.
The Pottery of Strata 5-8. Excavations at the City of David, Area G, Directed
by Yigal Shiloh, Qedem, Jerusalem: Hebrew University (forthcoming).

Carel Bertram: CAORC Advanced Multi-Country Research Fellow, 1995/96
(University of California-Los Angeles)
Council of American Overseas Research Centers Advanced Multi-Country
Research Fellows Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 46/4
(1996): 16.

Piotr Bienkowski: Annual Professor, 1999/00 (Liverpool Museum)
Southern Jordan and the Negev in the Iron Age: Developing a New Model.
American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 50/3 (2000): 7-8.
Notes on the Manufacture of the Late Bronze II Pottery from Lachish Area P.
In The Excavations at Lachish, ed. D. Ussishkin, Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press
Discussant Comments on Papers by R. Kletter and H. Nur el-Din. In The
Transmission and Assimilation of Culture in the Near East: Conference Proceedings,
Jerusalem, February 28-March 2, 2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ed. J.
Clarke, Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
Review: B. MacDonald and R.W. Younger, Ancient Ammon. Leiden: E.J.
Brill, 1999. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (forthcoming).

Gerald M. Bilkes: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow,
1997/98 (Princeton Theological Seminary)
Coinage and Economic Development in Persian Period Palestine. American
Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 48/3 (1998): 24-25.
Archaeological Evidence of the Impact of Coinage on Palestine during the
Persian Period. Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton Theological Seminary (in preparation).


Jeffrey A. Blakely: Annual Professor, 1996/97 (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Analysis and Publication of Tell el-Hesi: Fields I and III. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 47/4 (1997): 19.
Resurrecting Dead Digs. Pp. 71-93 in Archaeologys Publication Problem,
vol. 2, ed. H. Shanks, Washington, D.C.: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1999.
`Behold Water! Tell el-Hesi and the Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts
8:26-40) (with Fred L. Horton, Jr.), Revue Biblique 110 (2000): 56-71.
Petries Pilaster Building at Tell el-Hesi. Pp. 66-80 in The Archaeology of
Jordan and Beyond: Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer, eds. L.E. Stager, J.A.
Greene, and M.D. Coogan, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2000.
Rebuilding the School that Albright Built. Pp. 125-217 in An ASOR Mosaic:
A Centennial History of the American Schools of Oriental Research, ed. J.D. Seger,
Atlanta: American Schools of Oriental Research (in press).
A New Bowl Form of the Seventh Century from Southern Judah (with
Seymour Gitin) (in preparation).
Tell el-Hesi: The Iron Age (Fields I and III) (with Ralph W. Doermann, Fred
L. Horton, Jr., John Spencer, and Lawrence E. Toombs), Tell el-Hesi 5, ed. K.G.
OConnell, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns (in preparation).
Reviews: I. Eshel and K. Prag (editors), Excavations by K.M. Kenyon in
Jerusalem 1961-1967: The Iron Age Cave Deposits on the South-east Hill and
Isolated Burials and Cemeteries Elsewhere. Oxford: The British School of
Archaeology in Jerusalem/Oxford University Press, 1995. Bulletin of the American
Schools of Oriental Research 306 (1997): 92-94.

Sandra Blakely: George A. Barton Fellow, 1996/97; National Endowment for the
Humanities Fellow, 1998/99 (University of Southern California)
Daimones, Mettalurgy, and Cult. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan,
Trade, Cult, and the Mythic Imagination: The Aegean and the Levant in the
Late Bronze and Iron Ages1400-700 BC. Albright News 4 (1998): 8-10.
Smelting and Sacrifice. In Proceedings of the Conference on Metals in
Antiquity (forthcoming).
Reading the Forge: Production, Religion and Semiotics in the Aegean
Marketplace. In Proceedings of the Conference on Trade and Production in
Premonetary Greece (forthcoming).

Elizabeth Bloch-Smith: George A. Barton Fellow, 1983/84; Research Fellow
1986/87 (University of Chicago)
Death and Afterlife in Ugarit and Israel (with Mark Smith). Journal of the
American Oriental Society 108/2 (1988): 277-284.
Judahite Burial Customs and Beliefs about the Dead. Sheffield: Sheffield
Academic Press, 1992.


Review: M. Garsiel, The First Book of Samuel: A Study of Comparative
Structures, Analogies and Parallels (Hebrew). Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47 (1985):

Hanswulf Bloedhorn: Senior Fellow, 1999/00 (German Protestant Institute of
Masada. Pp. 971-972 in Der Neue Pauly VII, eds. H. Cancik and H.
Schneider, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1999.
The Synagogue. Pp. 267-297 in The Cambridge History of Judaism III. The
Early Roman Period (with Gil Huettenmeister), eds. W. Horbury, W.D. Davies and
J. Sturdy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Tempel der hellenistischen und rmischen Zeit in Iudea-Palaestina. Zeitschrift
des Deutschen Palstina-Vereins (in preparation).
The Architectural History of Jerusalem from the Chalcolithic to the Beginning
of the Osman Period (with Klaus Bieberstein and Robert Schick [an expanded version
of the 1994 German edition]) (in preparation).
Die Kirchen Jerusalems: Geschichte, Tradition, Archologie 4-12 Jh (with
Klaus Bieberstein) (in preparation).

Joanne Bloom: George A. Barton Fellow, 1982/83 (Bryn Mawr College)
Barton Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 6
(1983): 11-12.
The Fortlet of Rujm Beni Yasser (with S. Thomas Parker). Pp. 447-456 in The
Roman Frontier in Central Jordan: Interim Report of the 'Limes Arabicus' Project
1980-1985, ed. S.T. Parker, Oxford: British Archaeological Reports International
Series 340 (ii), 1987.
Samoe, Priest and Teacher of Wisdom (Michael Avi-Yonah Memorial
Volume) (with George M.A. Hanfmann), Eretz-lsrael 19 (1987): 10*-14*.
Appendix: Bibliography of George M.A. Hanfmann, 1971-1986. American
Journal of Archaeology 91 (1987): 264-266.
Material Remains of the Neo-Assyrian Presence in Palestine and
Transjordan. Ph.D. dissertation, Bryn Mawr College, 1988.

Robert Boling: Annual Professor, 1980/81 (McCormick Theological Seminary)
Holy Warfare and the Rule of Ethic: Every Inspired Scripture Has Its Use.
Pp. 187-200 in Tantur Yearbook 1980-81, Jerusalem: Tantur Ecumenical Institute,
Joshua: Translation, Notes and Commentary (with Introduction by G. Ernest
Wright). Anchor Bible vol. 6, New York: Doubleday, 1982.
Levitical History and the Role of Joshua. Pp. 241-261 in The Word of the
Lord Shall Go Forth. Essays in Honor of David Noel Freedman in Celebration of His
Sixtieth Birthday, eds. C.L. Meyers and M. O'Connor, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns,


Levitical Cities: Archaeology and Texts. Pp. 23-32 in Biblical and Related
Studies Presented to Samuel Iwry, eds. A. Kort and S. Morschauser, Winona Lake,
IN: Eisenbrauns, 1985.
Reviews: J. Alberto Soggin, Judges: A Commentary. Biblical Archaeologist
(1982): 126-127; Robert P. Carroll, From Chaos to Covenant: Prophecy in the Book
of Jeremiah. Interpretation (1983): 206-208.

Oded Borowski: Annual Professor, 1987/88; Dorot Research Professor, 1991/92;
Annual Professor, 1995/96; Associate Fellow, 1998/99 (spring) (Emory University)
Revisiting the Site 72 Cemetery. Lahav Newsletter 43 (1988): 1-2.
Chronique archologique: Tell Halif et Kh. Khuweilifeh (Lahav), 1986 (with
Joe D. Seger). Revue Biblique 96/2 (1989): 220-222.
The Iron Age Cemetery at Tell Halif. Pp. 13*-20* in Eretz-lsrael 23 (Biran
vol), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1992.
The Iron Age Cemetery at Tell Halif. Qadmoniot 95-96 (1992): 89-92
Dorot Professor's Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
42/3 (1992): 4-5.
The Iron Age Cemetery at Tell Halif. Pp. 559-560 in The New Encyclopedia
of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, ed. E. Stern, Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society, 1993.
Lahav Research Project: 1992 Season, Part I, Starkville, MS: Mississippi
State University, Cobb Institute of Archaeology (1993) (submitted).
Notes and News: Tell Halif, 1992 (with Paul Jacobs). Israel Exploration
Journal 43 (1993): 66-70.
Lahav Research Project and NASA: 'Together Again' (with D. Lee, F. Miller,
and T.L. Sever). Lahav Newsletter 56 (1994): 2.
Tel Halif, 1992 (with Paul Jacobs). Hadashot Arkheologiot 109 (1994): 101-
102 (Hebrew).
Finds from the Iron Age Cemetery at Tell Halif, 1988. `Atiqot 25 (1994): 45-
Tel Halif1992 (with Paul Jacobs), Excavations and Surveys in Israel 14
(1995): 110.
The Pomegranate Bowl from Tell Halif. Israel Exploration Journal 45
(1995): 150-154.
A Penetrating Look: An Experiment in Remote Sensing at Tell Halif (with
James Doolittle). Pp. 27-36 in Retrieving the Past: Essays on Archaeological
Research and Methodology in Honor of Gus W. Van Beek, ed. J.D. Seger, Winona
Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns; Starkville, MS: Mississippi State University, Cobb Institute of
Archaeology, 1996.
AIAR News: Albright Fellows Study Tour of Jordan. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 46 (1996): 4.


Annual Professors Report. Have Dominion Over Every Living Thing: The
Daily Use of Animals in Ancient Israel. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 46/3 (1996): 9-10.
Every Living Thing: The Daily Use of Animals in Ancient Israel. Walnut
Creek, CA: AltMira Press, 1997 (hardback); 1998 (paperback).
The 1992 Season at Tell Halif (with Paul Jacobs). Revue Biblique (submitted).
Tell Halif (Israel) and its Place in History. In States and Cultures in the
Ancient World, Tianjin, Peoples Republic of China: Tianjin People's Publishing
House (in press).
Tell Halif--Field III, vol.IV. Lahav Research Project Publications (in
For Everything There is a Season: Daily Life in Ancient Israel. Walnut Creek,
CA: AltaMira Press (in preparation).
Review: V. Fritz, The City in Ancient Israel, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic
Press, 1995. Biblical Archaeology Review 23/3 (1997): 19-20.

Baruch Brandl: Research Fellow, 1997-01 (Israel Antiquities Authority)
A Scarab in Gold Mount. Pp. 52-56 in Tel Miqne-Ekron, Report of the 1995-
1996 Excavations in Field XNW: Areas 77, 78, 79, 89, 90, 101, 102. Iron Age I by N.
Bierling, ed. S. Gitin, Jerusalem: Ekron Limited Edition Series 7, 1998.
A Seventh Century B.C.E. Scarab. Pp. 414-418 in Tel Ira, A Stronghold in
the Biblical Negev, ed. I. Beit-Arieh, Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, Institute of
Archaeology Monograph Series, 1999.
Two Ramesside Scarabs from Jatt (Tel Gat Carmel). `Atiqot 37 (1999):17*-
Two First-Millennium Cylinder Seals from Bethsaida (et-Tell). Pp. 225-244
in Bethsaida, A City by the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee, vol. 2, eds. R. Arav and
R.A. Freund, Kirksville, MO: Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1999.
Various Finds from Iron Age II and the Persian Period (Eighth-Fourth
centuries BCE.). Pp. 187-210 in Ramat Hanadiv Excavations. Final Report of the
1984-1998 Seasons, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2000.
Two Scarabs from Horvat `Eleq. Pp. 537-542 in Ramat Hanadiv Excavations.
Final Report of the 1984-1998 Seasons, by Yizhar Hirschfeld, Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society, 2000.
Bullae with Figurative Decoration. Pp. 58-74 in Excavations at the City of
David 1978-1985, Directed by Yigal Shiloh, vol. VI: Inscriptions, Qedem 41, ed. D.T.
Ariel, Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2000.
A Persian-Period Phoenician Glass Scaraboid from Cave 2 near the Holyland
Hotel, Jerusalem. Atiqot 40 (2000): 25-31.
Erani (Tel); Sheikh Ahmed el-Areini; Gath (Tel). Pp. 166-167 in
Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, eds. A. Negev and S. Gibson, New
York: Continuum (in press).


Aaron Brody: George A. Barton Fellow, 1992/93; Dorot Research Fellow, 1993/94;
United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1995/96; Post-Doctoral
Fellow/White-Levy Program for Archaeological Publications, 1998/99 (Harvard
Barton Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
43/2 (1993): 2.
Maritime Religion of the Canaanites and Phoenicians: Aspects of the
Specialized Sacral Beliefs and Practices of Levantine Seafarers. Ph.D. dissertation,
Harvard University, 1996.
USIA Junior Research Fellow's Report: Maritime Religion of the Canaanites
& Phoenicians: Aspects of Specialized Sacral Beliefs and Practices of Levantine
Seafarers. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 46/4 (1996): 13.
Each Man Cried Out To His God: The Specialized Religion of Canaanite
and Phoenician Seafarers. Albright News 2 (1997): 5-6.
Each Man Cried Out To His God: The Specialized Religion of Canaanite
and Phoenician Seafarers. Harvard Semitic Monograph Series 58. Atlanta, GA:
Scholars Press, 1998.
Canaanite Mortuary Ritual: A Case Study of Structural Tombs from Late
Bronze Age Ashkelon. In Ashkelon Excavation Report Series (in preparation).
Tel Akko: Final Report on the Bronze and Iron Age Levels in Area H
(in preparation).
From the Hills of Adonis through the Pillars of Hercules: Recent Advances in
the Material Culture Study of Canaanite and Phoenician Civilization. In The House
that Albright Built: The Albright/ASOR Symposium Volume, Boston Conference, 1999
(in press).
Structural Tombs from Late Bronze Age I Ashkelon: A Case Study in the
Archaeological Detection of Mortuary Ritual. Ashkelon Final Reports 1, Winona
Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns (in press).
The Patron Deities of Canaanite and Phoenician Seafarers. In Tropis, vol. VII,
VIIth International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquities, ed. H. Tzalas,
Piraeus: Hellenic Institute for the Preservation of Nautical Tradition (in press).

Steven Brooke, Research Fellow, 1996/97 (Florida International University)
Views of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. New York: Rizzoli International,
Views of Jerusalem and the Holy Land (exhibition catalogue). Miami Beach,
FL: Bass Museum of Art, 1998.

Daniel C. Browning: Research Fellow 1988/89 (Southwestern Baptist Theological
The Textile Industry of Iron Age Timnah and its Regional and Socioeconomic
Contexts: A Literary and Artifactual Analysis. Ph.D. dissertation, Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary, 1988.


Spinning and Weaving. In Holman Bible Dictionary, ed. T. Butler, Nashville,
TN: Holman, 1991.

Nicolo Bucaria: Research Fellow, 1994/95 (Instituto Siciliano di Studi Libraici,
Palermo, Sicily; Curator, Sicilia Judaica Exhibition, 2000)
Antichi anelli e sigilli giudaici in Sicilia. Sicilia Archeologica 87-88-89
(1995): 129-134.
Sicilia Judaica. Guida alle antichit giudaiche della Sicilia. Palermo:
Flaccovio, 1996.
L'archeologia giudaica in Sicilia. Pp. 44-49 in Materia Giudaica 3. Bollettino
dellAssociazione per lo Studio del Giudaismo, Bologna: Italian Association for
Jewish Studies, 1997.
Antiche lucerne giudaiche in Sicilia. Pp. 259-269 in Gli ebrei in Sicilia dal
Tardo antico al Medioevo, ed. N. Bucaria, Palermo: Flaccovio, 1998.
Dui pari di pumi dargento. Larte ebraica in Sicilia. Kalos 2 (in press).
Ebrei e Siciliani: una storia difficile da scrivere. Pp. 33-42 in
Multiculturalismo, frammenti, confluenze e prospettive mediterranee, eds. R. Bivona
and G. Igonetti, Napoli: Arte Tipografica Editrice (in press).

Stephanie Budin: Samuel H. Kress Joint Athens/Jerusalem Fellow, 1997/98
(University of Pennsylvania)
The Origins of Aphrodite. American Schools of Oriental Research 48/3
(1998): 22-23.
The Origins of Aphrodite. Ph.D. dissertation (University of Pennsylvania) (in
Creating a Goddess of Sex. Pp. 315-324 in Engendering Aphrodite: Women
and Society in Ancient Cyprus, eds. D. Bolger and N. Serwint, ASOR Archaeological
Reports, 7/ CAARI Monographs 3, Boston, MA: ASOR, 2002.
Minoan Asherah? In The Transmission and Assimilation of Culture in the
Near East: Conference Proceedings, Jerusalem, February 28-March 2, 2000, ed. J.
Clarke, London: Council for British Research in the Levant (submitted).
The Origins of Aphrodite. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press (in press).

Robert J. Bull: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1980/81 (Drew
Caesarea Maritima: The Search for Herod's City. Biblical Archaeology
Review 8/3 (1982): 24-41.
The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima. Preliminary Reports on
Microfiche, 1971-1978. Madison, NJ: Drew University Institute for Archaeological
Research, 1987.
The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima: The Ninth Season, 1980 (with
Edgar Krentz and Olin J. Storvick). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental
Research Supplement 24 (1987): 31-55.


Theodore W. Burgh: Research Fellow (Fulbright), 1998/99 (University of Arizona)
`Do You Hear What I Hear? A Study of Musical Instruments and Musical
Activity in Iron Age Israel/Palestine and Surrounding Cultures of the Ancient Near
East. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona, 2000.

Nephi Bushman III: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1986/87 (University of Arizona)
Beth Shan Valley Project. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
39/3 (1988): 7, 13.

Charles E. Carter: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1989/90 (Duke University)
A Social and Demographic Study of Post-Exilic Judah. Ph.D. dissertation,
Duke University, 1992 (accepted for publication in the Journal for the Study of the
Old Testament Monograph Series).

Miriam Cheryl Chernoff: Research Fellow, 1983/84 (Brandeis University)
The Archaeological Material from Tel el-Ifshar, Israel. A Diachronic Study of
Agricultural Strategies during the Third and Second Millennia B.C.E. Ph.D.
dissertation, Brandeis University, 1988.
Natural Resource Use in an Ancient Near East Farming Community.
Agricultural History 66/2 (1992): 213-220.
Preliminary Report on Botanical Remains from adir Hyk, Turkey (1994
season) (with Taska M. Harnischfeger). Anatolica 22 (1996): 159-179.
Dynamics of Cereal Production at Tell el-Ifshar, Israel, during the Middle
Bronze Age (with Samuel Paley). Journal of Field Archaeology 25/4 (1998): 397-416.
Cereal Cultivation at Tel el-Ifshar, Israel during the Middle Bronze Age

Lisa Cole: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1998/99
(University of Arizona)
This Little Canaanite Went to Market: A Modern Approach to the Ancient
Economy of the Southern Levant in the Late Bronze Age. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 49/3 (1999): 11.

Eugene Collins: Senior Fellow, 1984/85 (Malone College)
Researching Iron II Pottery at Albright. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 37/1 (1985): 4-5.

Sidnie White Crawford: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1989/90;
Dorot Dead Sea Scrolls Fellow, 1990/92 (Harvard University)
Report from the Albright. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
40/3 (1990): 4-5.


4QDtn: Biblical Manuscript or Excerpted Text? Pp. 13-20 in Of Scribes and
Scrolls, eds. H. Attridge, J. Collins and T. Tobin, Lanham, MD: Catholic Society of
America, 1990.
The All Souls Deuteronomy and the Decalogue. Journal of Biblical Literature
109 (1990): 193-206.
Progress Made Toward Publishing the Dead Sea Scrolls. Biblical
Archaeologist 53/3 (1990): 170.
Important Features of Four Deuteronomy Manuscripts from Cave IV,
Qumran. Revue de Qumran (1991): 57-58.
Aesora; Arphaxad; Bagoas; Balbaim; Bectileth; Belmain; Bethulia;
Betomasthaim; Chabris; Charmis; Chelleans; Chelous; Choba; Chusi; Cyamon;
Elkiah; Esdraelon; Gothoniel; Kola; Kona; Melchiel; Ocina; Ox; Oziel; Rakkath;
Rakkon; 'Remeth; Raphaim; Rassis; Rissah; Rithmah; Rumah; Salamiel; Sampsames;
Sench; Shaalim; Shahazumah; Shepham; Shepher, Mount; Sur; Tadmor; Tahath;
Taralah; Titans; Ummah; Zaanannim; Zimri. In The Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed.
D.N. Freedman, New York: Doubleday, 1992.
4Q364 & 365: A Preliminary Report. Pp. 217-228 in The Madrid Qumran
Congress: Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls,
Madrid, 18-21 March, 1991, eds. J. Trebolle Barrera and L. Vegas Montaner, Studies
on the Texts of the Desert of Judah II, Madrid/Leiden: Universidad Complutense/E.J.
Brill, 1992.
Esther. Pp. 131-137 in The Woman's Bible Commentary, eds. C. Newsome
and S. Ringe, Louisville, KY: John Knox/Westminster, 1992.
In the Steps of Jael and Deborah: Judith as Heroine. Pp. 5-16 in No One Spoke
Ill of Her: Essays on Judith, ed. J.C. Vanderkam, Early Judaism and Its Literature,
vol. 2, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992.
Three Deuteronomy Manuscripts from Cave IV, Qumran. Journal of Biblical
Literature 112 (1993): 21-40.
Three Fragments from Qumran Cave IV and their Relationship to the Temple
Scroll. Jewish Quarterly Review 85 (1994): 259-273.
4QReworked Pentateuch: 4Q364-367, with an appendix on 4Q365a (with
Emanuel Tov). Pp. 187-196, 319-334 in Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XIII,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Pp. 7-8; 15-34; 45-54; 71-74; 117-133 in
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XIV, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Amram, Testament of; Angelic Liturgy; Cairo Geniza; Community;
Community Rule; Copper Scroll; Damascus Document; Dead Sea Scrolls; Elim;
Florilegium; Habakkuk Commentary; Hodayot; Hosea Commentary; Lies, Man of;
Lies, Prophet of; Maskil; Meals; Mebaqqer; Micah Commentary; Mystery; Nahum
Commentary; Paqid; Pesher; Qahat, Testament of; Rank; Revenge; Teacher of
Righteousness; Temple Scroll; Testimonium; War Scroll; Wicked Priest; Words of the


Heavenly Lights; Zadok. In Dictionary of Biblical Judaism, New York: MacMillan,

James H. Charlesworth: Annual Professor, 1998/99 (Princeton Theological
Anguine Iconography in the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Museum and
Biblical Exegesis. Liber Annus XLIX (1999): 431-442.
Caves of Enlightenment: Proceedings of the American Schools of Oriental
Research Dead Sea Scrolls Jubilee Symposium (1947-1997), ed. J.H. Charlesworth,
North Richland Hills, TX: BIBAL, 1998.
The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Hebrew Bible and Qumran. The
Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls, vol. 1, North Richland Hills, TX: BIBAL, 2000.
The Millennium Guide for Pilgrims to the Holy Land. North Richland Hills,
TX: BIBAL, 2000.
The Serpent: A Good or Evil Symbol. Anchor Bible Reference Library, New
York: Doubleday (in press).

Claudine Dauphin: Senior Fellow, 1988/89 (Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, France)
Er-Ramthaniyye: Surveying an Early Bedouin Byzantine Pilgrimage Center in
the Golan Heights. Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 8 (1988-1989):
Roman and Byzantine Settlements in Ancient Gaulanitis. Palestine
Exploration Quarterly 8 (1989): 85.
Golan Settlement Pattern Survey-1988. Hadashot Arkheologiot 94 (1989): 5-6
Landscape Archaeology at Er-Ramthaniyye in the Golan Heights (with
Shimon Gibson). Pp. 35-45 in Archologie et Espaces, Actes des Xe Rencontres
Internationales d'Archologie et d'Histoire d'Antibes 18-20-21 Octobre 1989,
Antibes: Juan-les-Pins, 1990.
Golan Survey-1988 (with Shimon Gibson). Israel Exploration Journal 41
(1991): 176-179.
Ancient Settlements and Their Landscapes: The Results of Ten Years of
Survey on the Golan Heights (1978-1988) (with Shimon Gibson). Bulletin of the
Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 12 (1992-1993): 7-31.
Dora-Dor: A Station for Pilgrims in the Byzantine Period on Their Way to
Jerusalem. Pp. 90-97 in Ancient Churches Revealed, ed. Y. Tsafrir, Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society, 1993.
Encore des Judo-Chrtiens au Golan? Pp. 69-84 in Early Christianity in
Context. Monuments and Documents. Essays in Honour of Father E. Testa, OFM, eds.
F. Manns and E. Alliata, Jerusalem: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Collectio Maior
38, 1993.
Paysages antiques du Golan. Archologia 294 (1993).


De l'Eglise de la Circoncision l'Eglise de la Gentilit: Sur une nouvelle voie
hors de l'impasse. Liber Annuus XLIII (1993): 223-242.
Villages deserts juifs et chrtiens du Golan. Archologia 297 (1994): 52-64.
De l'Eglise de la Circoncision l'Eglise de la Gentilit: Nazarens et
Ebionites. La Terre Sainte 4 (1994): 180-186.
Exploring Ancient Settlements and Landscapes in the Golan: The Results of
Ten Years of Survey (1978-1988) (with Shimon Gibson). Cathedra 73 (1994): 3-25
The Byzantine City of Dor/Dora Discovered (with Shimon Gibson). Bulletin
of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 14 (1994-95): 9-38.
Plerinage ghassanide au sanctuaire byzantin de Saint Jean-Baptiste Er-
Ramthaniyye en Gaulanitide. Pp. 667-673 in Akten des XII Internationalen Kongress
fr Christliche Archologie, Bonn, 22-28 September 1991, Jahrbuch fr Antike und
Christentum Ergnzungsband 20/2, Mnster: Aschendorffsche Verlangsbuchhand-
lung, 1995.
Sur la route des plerinages byzantins en Terre Sainte, la basilique de Dor. La
Terre Sainte (1996): 84-93.
Paiens, Juifs, Judo-Chrtiens, Chrtiens et Musulmans en Gaulanitide: les
inscriptions de Na'aran, Kafr Naffakh, Farj et Er-Ramthaniyye (with S.P. Brock, R.C.
Gregg and A.F.L. Beeston). Proche-Orient Chrtien 46 (1996): 3-4; 305-340.
On the Pilgrim's Way to the Holy City of Jerusalem: The Basilica of Dor.
Pp. 145-165 in Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation, ed. J.R. Bartlett, London:
Routledge, 1997.
Dor Church, 1994. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 156 (1997): 56-57 (Hebrew).
Notes and News Dor, Byzantine Church, 1994. Israel Exploration Journal
47 (1997): 121-127.
Dor, the Church. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 18 (1998): 36-37.
La Palestine Byzantine: Peuplement et Populations. Oxford: British
Archaeological Reports International Series 726, 1998.
From Apollo and Asclepius to Christ: Pilgrimage and Healing at the Temple
and Episcopal Basilica of Dor. In The Origins of Christianity. Essays in Celebration
of the 75th Anniversary of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Jerusalem, ed. F.
Manns, Jerusalem: Franciscan Press (in press).
Dora/Dor, and Samaria and the Mediterranean Coast. In Encyclopedia of
Early Christian Art, ed. P. Corby Finney, New York (in press).

J.P. Dessel: W.F. Albright Fellow, 1984/85; Richard J. Scheuer Fellow, 1985/86
(University of Arizona)
The Early Bronze III in Southern Palestine. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 37/3 (1986): 12.
An Iron Age I Figurine from Tell Halif. Bulletin of the American Schools of
Oriental Research 269 (1987): 59-64.


Notes and NewsTell el-Wawiyat (with Bonnie Wisthoff and Beth Alpert
Nakhai). Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987): 181-185.
Urban Dynamism in Third Millennium Southern Palestine. Ph.D. dissertation,
University of Arizona, 1991.
Tel Miqne-Ekron: Field IV (1985). A contribution to Field IV Report 1985-
1995, by Yossi Garfinkel, Trude Dothan and Seymour Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition
Series 11, ed. S. Gitin, Jerusalem: Albright Institute (in preparation).

Tamas Dezso: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1997/98 (Eotvos Lorand University,
The Neo-Assyrian Empire and the Conquered Lands: The Mechanism of
Assyrian Military Expansion. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 48/3
(1998): 21.

Chip Dobbs-Allsopp: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1997/98
(Yale University)
Commentary on the Book of Lamentations. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 48/3 (1998): 19-20.
Linguistic Evidence for the Date of Lamentations. Journal of Ancient Near
Eastern Studies 26 (1998): 1-36.
The Rape of Zion in Thr 1. 10 (with Tod Linafelt); The Enjambing Line in
Lamentations: A Taxonomy (Part 1); The Effects of Enjambment in Lamentations
(Part 2), Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 113 (in press).

Ralph W. Doermann: Annual Professor, 1984/85; National Endowment for the
Humanities Fellow, 1984/85 (Trinity Lutheran Seminary)
Excavation Reports 1984. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
36/2 (1984): 14.
Excavation Reports 1984. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
36/4-5 (1985): 15.
Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation: Tell el-Hesi. Pp. 129-156 in
Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation: Essays in Memory of D. Glenn Rose, eds.
L.G. Perdue, L.E. Toombs and G.L. Johnson. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1987.
Report of the Joint Expedition to Tell el-Hesi for the Department of
Antiquities of Israel. Season of 1983 (with Valerie Fargo), Jerusalem: Israel
Antiquities Authority, 1983.
Tell el-Hesi, 1983 (with Valerie Fargo). Palestine Exploration Quarterly 117
(1985): 1-24.
Eight Seasons at Tell el-Hesi. Trowel and Patish 2 (1987): 1-4.
Cyrus, Conqueror of Babylon: Anointed (by the Lord) or Appointed (by
Marduk)? A Re-examination of Conflicting Perspectives. In Proceedings of the
Eastern Great Lakes and Midwest Biblical Societies, Vol. VII, 1987.
Tell el-Hesi: The Iron Age Structures (in preparation).


Trude Dothan: Senior Fellow, 1994-00 (Hebrew University)
Tel Miqne-Ekron: The Rise and Fall of a Philistine City (with Seymour
Gitin). Qadmoniot 105-106 (1994): 2-28 (Hebrew).
Tel Miqne-Ekron: The Aegean Affinities of the Sea Peoples (Philistines):
Settlement in Canaan in Iron Age I. Pp. 41-59 in Recent Excavations in Israel: A View
to the West, ed. S. Gitin, Dubuque, IA: Archaeological Institute of America
Monograph 1, 1995.
An Early Phoenician Cache from Tel Miqne-Ekron. Pp. 147-150 in Eretz-
lsrael 25 (Aviram Festschrift), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1996 (Hebrew).
Tel Miqne (with Seymour Gitin); Philistines, Early Philistines. Pp. 310-311 in
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, ed. E.M. Meyers, Vol. 4,
New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Initial Philistine Settlement: From Migration to Coexistence. Pp. 148-161 in
Mediterranean Peoples in Transition, eds. S. Gitin, A. Mazar and E. Stern, Jerusalem:
Israel Exploration Society, 1998.
An Early Phoenician Cache from Ekron. Pp. 259-272 in Hesed ve-Emet,
Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs, eds. J. Magness and S. Gitin, Atlanta: Scholars
Press, 1998.
The Pottery. Pp. 20-49 in Tel Miqne Ekron, Excavations 1995-1996, Field
XNW: Iron Age I, by N. Bierling, ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 7,
Jerusalem: Albright Institute and Hebrew University, 1998.
Reflections on the Initial Phase of Philistine Settlement. Pp. 145-158 in The
Sea Peoples and Their World: A Re-Assessment, ed. E. Oren, Philadelphia: University
Museum, University of Pennsylvania, 2000.
Bronze and Iron Objects with Cultic Connotations from Philistine Temple
Building 350 at Ekron. Israel Exploration Journal (in press).
The Aegean and the OrientCultic Interactions. In Symbiosis, Symbolism and
the Power of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel and their Neighbors From the Late
Bronze Age through Roman Palestinae, Proceeding of the Albright-ASOR Centennial
Symposium, 2000, Jerusalem (in press).
Tel Miqne-Ekron: An Iron Age I Philistine Settlement in Canaan. In The
Archaeology of Israel, Peoples and Cultures of Ancient Israel: Recent Archaeological
Discoveries, ed. D. Small, Sheffield: Sheffield University Press (in press).
An Ivory Decorated Lid from Tel Miqne-Ekron. In Eretz Israel 27 (Tadmor
Festschrift), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2002 (Hebrew) (in press).

Thomas B. Dozeman: Senior Fellow, 1998/99 (United Theological Seminary,
Dayton, OH)
The Literary Function of Geography in the Formation of the Pentateuch.
American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 49/3 (1999): 16-17.


Elbieta Dubis: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1997/98 (Jagiellonian University,
Cracow, Poland)
EBI Megalithic Structures (Dolmens) in Palestine. American Schools of
Oriental Research 48/3 (1998): 22.
EBI Megalithic Structures (Dolmens) in Palestine. Ph.D. dissertation,
Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland (in preparation).

Julie A. Duncan: George A. Barton Fellow, 1987/88 (Harvard University)
Dead Sea Scrolls Research at the Albright Institute. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 39/3 (1988): 6-7.
Deuteronomy Fragments from Cave IV at Qumran. Ph.D. dissertation,
Harvard University, 1989.

J. Kenneth Eakins: Annual Professor, 1983/84 (Golden Gate Baptist Theological
Jerusalem: Excavation Highlights, Summer, 1983. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 35 (1984): 3-4.
Jerusalem: More Excavation Reports, 1983. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 35 (1984): 5-6.
Tell el-Hesi: The Muslim Cemetery in Fields V and VI/IX (Stratum II).
Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1993.

Jennie R. Ebeling: Research Fellow (Fulbright), 1998/99 (University of Arizona)
Archaeological Remains of Everyday Activities in the Ancient Near East:
Ground Stone Tools in Bronze and Iron Age Palestine. In Daily Life in the Ancient
Near East: Proceedings of the Midwest Region Meeting of SBL, AOS, and ASOR,
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1999, eds. R.E.
Averbeck, M.W. Chavalas and D.B. Weisberg, Bethesda, MD: CDL Press

Douglas Edwards: Senior Fellow, 1992/93 (University of Puget Sound)
The Socio-Economic and Cultural Ethos of Lower Galilee in the First
Century: Implications for the Nascent Jesus Movement. Pp. 53-74 in The Galilee in
Late Antiquity, ed. L.I. Levine, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992.
Religion and Power: Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greek East. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Robert Eisenman: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1985/86
(California State University, Long Beach)
James the Just in the Habakkuk Pesher, Vol. 33, Studies Post-Biblica. Leiden:
E.J. Brill, 1986.


The Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians. Rockport, MA: Element, 1996
(reprint of the above monograph and other articles).
James the Brother of Jesus. New York: Penguin, 1998.

James Engle: Senior Fellow, 1992/93 (Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Harrisonburg,
Senior Fellowship Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
43/3 (1993): 8-9.

Douglas Esse: Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1985-87 (University of Chicago)
Notes and News: Ashkelon, 1985-1986 (with Lawrence E. Stager). Israel
Exploration Journal 37 (1987): 68-72.
Secondary State Formation and Collapse in Early Bronze Age Palestine.
Pp. 81-96 in L'Urbanisation de la Palestine l'ge du bronze ancien, ed. P. de
Miroschedji, Colloque d'Emmaus. British Archaeological Reports International Series
527, 1989.
Reviews: E. Stern, Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian
Period 538-332. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 47 (1988): 190-191; D.P. Cole,
Shechem I: The Middle Bronze IIB Pottery. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 47
(1988): 283-285.
The Archaeology of Palestine in the Bronze Age, An Update and Expansion
of The Archaeology of Palestine, by G.E. Wright. In The Bible and the Ancient Near
East, ed. G.E. Wright, 1961. Prepared for the Hebrew Scriptures and Cognate
Literature section of the Society of Biblical Literature, ed. JoAnn Hackett (in press).

J. Cheryl Exum: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1980/81; Post-
Doctoral Fellow, 1983/84 (Sheffield University)
The Theological Dimension of the Samson Saga. Vetus Testamentum 33
(1983): 30-45.
You Shall Let Every Daughter Live': A Study of Exodus 1: 8-2:10. Pp. 63-82
in The Bible and Feminist Hermeneutics, ed. N.C.A. Tolbert, Semeia 28, Chico, CA:
Scholars Press, 1983.
Isaac, Samson, and Saul: Reflections on the Comic and Tragic Visions (with
J.W. Whedbee). Pp. 5-40 in Tragedy and Comedy in the Bible, ed. J.C. Exum, Semeia
32, Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1985.
A Mother in Israel': A Familiar Figure Reconsidered. Pp. 73-85 in Feminist
Interpretation of the Bible, ed. L.M Russell, Philadelphia: Westminster, 1985.
Deborah; Jezebel; Michal; Nurse; Sarah; Ehud; Delaiah; and Delilah. In
Harpers Bible Dictionary, San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1985.
Editor, Tragedy and Comedy in the Bible. Decatur, GA: Scholars Press, 1985.
The Mothers of Israel: The Patriarchal Narratives from a Feminist
Perspective. Bible Review 2/1 (1986): 60-67.


The Tragic Vision and Biblical Narrative: The Case of Jephthah. Pp. 59-83 in
Signs and Wonders: Biblical Texts in Literary Focus, ed. J.C. Exum, Semeia Studies,
Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1989.
Tragedy and Biblical Narrative: Arrows of the Almighty. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Review: D.M. Gunn, The Fate of King Saul: An Interpretation of a Biblical
Story. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43 (1981): 621-622.

Zbigniew T. Fiema: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1999/00
(University of Helsinki)
Southern Jordan and the NegevComparative Studies in Byzantine Urbanism
and Ecclesiastical Architecture. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
50/3 (2000): 9-10.

Edwin Firmage: Research Fellow, 1987/88 (University of California at Berkeley)
RK (with Jacob Milgrom). Theologisches Wrterbuch zum Alten Testament 6
(1987): 380-384.
The Biblical Dietary Law and the Concept of Holiness. Supplement to Vetus
Testamentum 41 (1990): 177-208.
RWM (with J. Milgrom). Theologisches Wrterbuch zum Alten Testament 7
(1990): 425-431.
Zoology (Fauna). In The Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. D.N. Freedman, New
York: Doubleday, 1992.
The Definite Article in Phoenician. Maarav 9 (in press).

Alysia Fischer: Endowment for Biblical Research Fellow, 1995/96; United States
Information Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1996/97 (University of Arizona)
Strength-testing Glass: The Hellenistic/Early Roman Corpus of Sepphoris,
Israel. Pp. 111-115 in The Practical Impact of Science on Near Eastern and Aegean
Archaeology, eds. S. Pike and S. Gitin, Archetype Publications Ltd., London, for the
American School of Classical Studies, Athens: Wiener Laboratory Monograph 3,
Ancient Glassmaking Technology at Sepphoris, Israel (with W.P. McCray
and W.D. Kingery). Journal of Archaeological Science (in press).

Paul Fitzpatrick: Research Fellow, 1995/96 (Ecole Biblique)
The Lord's Pleasant Planting: Vine, Vineyard and Grape in the Religious
Experience of the Authors of Isaiah. In Mmoire, Ecole Biblique, 1997.

James N. Ford: Research Fellow, 1997/98 (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Ugaritic Prophylactic Magic: Texts and their Place in the Ancient Near
Eastern Magical Tradition (KTU2 1.96). Ph.D. dissertation, Hebrew University,


Ernest S. Frerichs: Annual Professor, 1982/83 (Brown University)
Editor, Goodenough on History of Religion and on Judaism (with Jacob
Neusner), Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986.
Editor, Judaic Perspectives on Ancient Israel (with Baruch A. Levine and
Jacob Neusner), Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987.
Editor, The Bible and Bibles in America. Society of Biblical Literature
Centennial Series, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988.

Glenda Friend: Endowment for Biblical Research Fellow, 1995/96 (Baltimore
Hebrew University)
Textile Production at Tell Gezer and Tell Halif: The Development of Iron Age
II Cottage Industries. M.A. thesis, Baltimore Hebrew University, 1996.
Masada. Pp. 428-430 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near
East, ed. E.M. Meyers, Vol. 3, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Tell Taannek 1963-1968 III/2: The Loomweights, ed. K. Nashef, Birzeit:
Birzeit University, Palestinian Institute of Archaeology, 1998.

Ida Frohlich: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1996/97 (Pazmany Peter Catholic
University, Hungary)
A qumrni szvegek magyarul [The Texts of Qumran in Hungarian translation,
with Introduction and Notes]. Studia Orientalia 1, Piliscsaba: Pzmny Pter Katolikus
Egyetem, 1998. (Second enlarged edition: Piliscsaba, Budapest: Pzmny Pter
Katolikus Egyetem: Szent Istvn Kiad, 2000.)
Narrative Exegesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Pp. 81-99 in Biblical Perspectives:
Early Use and Interpretation of the Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Proceedings
of the First International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea
Scrolls and Associated Literature, 12-14 May 1996, eds. M.E. Stone and E.G. Chazon,
Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah XXVIII, Leiden: Brill, 1998.
Stories from the Persian King's Court. 4Q550 (4prEsthar/a-f). Acta Antiqua 38
(1998): 103-114.
Qumran Names. Pp. 294-305 in The Provo International Conference on the
Dead Sea Scrolls. Technological Innovations, New Texts, and Reformulated Issues, eds.
D.W. Parry and E. Ulrich, Leiden: Brill, 1999.

Neil Shozo Fujita: Senior Fellow, 1990/91 (Iona College, New Rochelle, NY)
Biblical Monolatry. Bible Today (1992).

Yosef Garfinkel: Research Fellow, 1989/90, 1991/92 (Hebrew University)
Bone and Metal Straw Tip Beer-Strainers from the Ancient Near East (with
A.M. Maeir). Levant 24 (1992): 218-223.
A Late Neolithic Seal from Herzliya (with Felix Burian and Erion Friedman).
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 286 (1992): 7-13.


Ali, Tel; Gesher; Jordan Valley (Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods); Sha'ar
Hagolan; Shunah, Tell esh-; Yiftahel (Neolithic Layers). Pp. 53-55; 492-493;
811-814; 1340-1342; 1378-1379; 1512-1513 in The New Encyclopedia of
Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, ed. E. Stern, Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society/Carta, 1993.
Ethical Problems in Interdisciplinary Research. P. 482 in Biblical
Archaeology Today, 1990, eds. A. Biran and J. Aviram, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration
Society, 1993.
The Yarmukian Culture in Israel. Paleorient 19/1 (1993): 115-134.
The 'PPNC' Flint Assemblage from Tel Ali. Pp. 543-562 in Neolithic
Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent. Studies in Early Near Eastern
Production, Subsistence and Environment 1, eds. H.G. Gebel and S. K. Kozlowski,
Berlin: Ex Oriente, 1994.

Brian K. Garnand: Samuel H. Kress Joint Athens/Jerusalem Fellow, 1998/99
(University of Chicago)
Barbarians at the Borders: The Maintenance of Hellenic Ethnic Identities in
the Ancient Mediterranean World. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
49/3 (1999): 9.
Barbarians at the Borders: The Maintenance of Hellenic Ethnic Identities in
the Ancient Mediterranean World. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago (in

Shimon Gibson: Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1996-98 (Palestine Exploration Fund/Israel
Antiquities Authority); Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1998/99 (Israel Antiquities Authority);
Independent Researcher, 1999/00
A Note on T.E. Lawrence as Photographer in the Wilderness of Zin (with
Rupert Chapman). Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 94-102.
Landscapes of Eretz Israel in the Photographs of Edelstein (1892-1910)
(with Eli Schiller). Ariel (1996): 119-120, 295-314 (Hebrew).
Eretz: The Geographical Magazine from Israel 52 (May-June 1997) (issue
dedicated to the Palestine Exploration Fund).
The Original Form of Barclays Gate (with David M. Jacobson). Palestine
Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997): 138-149.
Officers and Gentlemen. Eretz 52 (1997): 19-25.
T.E. Lawrence: Photographer in the Wilderness of Zin (with Rupert L.
Chapman). The T.E. Lawrence Society Newsletter 41 (1997): 1-3.
The Holy Land in the Sights of Explorers Cameras. Pp. 235-248 in
Jerusalem in the Mind of the Western World, 1800-1948. With Eyes Toward Zion,
Vol. V, eds. Y. Ben-Arieh and M. Davis, Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
Water Cisterns. Pp. 16-19 in Water Installations in Antiquity, eds. S. Gibson
and D. Amit, Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, Booklet No. I, 1998.


Irrigation Agriculture in the Central Highlands. Pp. 36-38 in Water
Installations in Antiquity, eds. S. Gibson and D. Amit, Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities
Authority, Booklet No I, 1998.
Ancient Technology (with David Amit), Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities
Authority, Booklet No. II, 1998.
Lime Kilns in North-east Jerusalem and in the Modiin Region. Pp.18-19 in
Ancient Technology, eds. S. Gibson and D. Amit, Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities
Authority, Booklet No. II, 1998.
Charcoal Burners: A General Introduction. Pp. 20-22 in Ancient Technology,
eds. S. Gibson and D. Amit, Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, Booklet No. II,
Tombs and Burial Customs in Northern Israel (with M.Aviam), Jerusalem:
Israel Antiquities Authority, Booklet No. III, 1998.
Conrad Schick and the Palestine Exploration Fund. Ariel (1998): 130-131; 64-
68 (Hebrew).
The Jewish-Christian Tomb from the Mount of Offence (with Gideon Avni).
Revue Biblique 105 (1998): 161-175.
The Modiin Excavation ProjectIntroduction; H.Tittora, The Central Hill;
Hill B (The East Slope); Bir Main: Hill C (C); Barfilya: Road 15 (South); El-Burj
BarfilyaThe Hinterland: Ha-Shimshoni Compound. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 108
(1998): 94-95; 99; 106; 112; 114; 115-116 (Hebrew).
An Unknown Church with Inscriptions from the Byzantine Period at Khirbet
Makkus near Julis (with Fanny Vitto and L. Di Segni). Liber Annuus XLVIII (1998):
Town and Country in the Southern Carmel: Report on the Landscape
Archaeology Project at Dor (LAPD) (with S. Kingsley and Joanne Clarke). Levant
XXXI (1999): 71-121.
British Archaeological Institutions in Mandatory Palestine, 1917-1948.
Palestine Exploration Quarterly 131 (1999): 115-143.
Landscape Archaeology and Salvage Excavations in Modiin. American
Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 49 (1999) 1: 16-17.
Suba (Belmont) Landscape Survey. Council for British Research in the
Levant News, Jerusalem 2 (2000): 5.
Jaba Village Ethnoarchaeological Research Project (with Jamal Bargouth).
Council for British Research in the Levant News, Jerusalem 2 (2000): 6.
ModiinA Project of Landscape Archaeology. P. 18 in Proceedings of the
Twenty-Sixth Archaeological Conference in Israel, 2000, Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society/Israel Antiquities Authority, 2000.
Conrad Schick (1822-1901), the Palestine Exploration Fund and an Archaic
Hebrew Inscription from Jerusalem. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 132 (2000):
The Modiin Excavation Project. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 20
(2000): 68*-88*.


The Archaeological Setting and the Surrounding Landscape (with Shimon Dar
and Joanne Clarke). Pp. 21-32 in Belmont Castle: The Excavation of a Crusader
Stronghold in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, eds. R.P. Harper and D. Pringle, Oxford:
Council for British Research in the Levant, 2000.
Jerusalem, Ben Hinnom Valley (with B. Zissu and J. Tabor). Hadashot
Arkheologiyot 111 (2000): 70*-72*, 94-96 (Hebrew).
Agricultural Terraces and Settlement Expansion in the Highlands of Early
Iron Age Palestine: Is There Any Correlation Between the Two? In Studies in the
Archaeology of the Iron Age of Israel, eds A. Mazar and G. Mathias, Sheffield:
Sheffield Academic Press (in press).
More Light on the Cave of John the Baptist. Research Report. CBRL 2001:
Newsletter of the Council for British Research in the Levant (in press).
Jaba Village Ethnoarchaeological Research Project (with Jamal Bargouth).
Research Report in CBRL 2001: Newsletter of the Council for British Research in the
Levant (in press).
Sataf. Hadashot Arkheologiyot (Excavations and Surveys in Israel) 112 (in
Editor, Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land. (with Avraham
Negev) (revised and updated edition), New York: Continuum (in press).

Mordechai Gichon: Senior Fellow, 1993/94 (Tel Aviv University)
The Limes Palaestina in the Time of Diocletian. Pp. 212-242 in Studies in the
Archaeology, History and Geography of Eilat and the Aravah, Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society, 1995 (Hebrew).
Stirrup and Strainer Jugs from among the Finds at En Boqeq. Pp. 307-313 in
Eretz-Israel 25 (Aviram Festschrift), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1996
How Did Masada Fall? Pp. 143-152 in Judea and Samaria Research Studies
1995, ed. Y. Eshel, Kedumim-Ariel: College of Judea and Samaria, Research Institute,
The Pottery of the Roman and Later Periods. In The Aravah Valley Survey,
ed. B. Rothenberg (submitted).
Limes Palaestinae, Strategic and Tactical Concepts. Acta of the XVI
International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies (submitted).

Garth H. Gilmour: Research Fellow, 1990/91 (Hebrew University); George A.
Barton Fellow, 1994/95 (University of Oxford)
Mycenaeans in the East? An Assessment of the Contacts Between the
Mycenaean World and the Southern Levant in the Late Bronze Age. M.A. thesis,
Hebrew University, 1991.
Mycenaean IIIA and IIIB Pottery in the Levant and Cyprus. Report of the
Department of Antiquities, Cyprus (1992): 113-128.


Albright Research Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 42/1 (1992): 4-5.
Aegean Sanctuaries and the Levant in the Late Bronze Age. Annual of the
British School at Athens 88 (1993): 125-134.
The Archaeology of Cult in the Southern Levant in the Early Iron Age: An
Analytical and Comparative Approach. D. Phil. dissertation, University of Oxford,
Aegean Influence in Late Bronze Age Funerary Practices in the Southern
Levant. Pp. 155-170 in The Archaeology of Death in the Ancient Near East, Oxbow
Monograph 51, eds. S. Campbell and A. Green, Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1995.
Barton Fellow's Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
45/4 (1995): 6.
Early Israelite Religion During the Period of the Judges: New Evidence from
Archaeology. Kaplan Centre Occasional Papers Series 1, Cape Town: Kaplan Centre
for Jewish Studies and Research, University of Cape Town, 1997.
The Nature and Function of Astragalus Bones from Archaeological Contexts
in the Levant and Eastern Mediterranean. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 16/2 (1997):
The Archaeology of Cult in the Ancient Near East: Methodology and
Practice. Old Testament Essays 13/3 (2000): 283-292.
Foreign Burials in Late Bronze Age Palestine. Near Eastern Archaeology
The Archaeology of Cult in Early Iron Age Palestine. Leiden: E.J. Brill (in

Seymour Gitin: Professor of Archaeology, 1979--; Director, 1980-1993; Dorot
Director, 1994--, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research
Co-author, Tel Miqne (Ekron) Excavation ProjectSpring 1981 Field Report
(Field INE) (with Trude Dothan), ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 1,
Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University, 1981.
Notes and NewsReport from Jerusalem. Biblical Archaeologist 44/2 (1981):
Co-author, Tel Miqne (Ekron) Excavation ProjectSpring 1982 Field Report
(Field INE) (with Trude Dothan), ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 2,
Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University, 1982.
Notes and NewsTel Miqne (Ekron) 1981 (with Trude Dothan). Israel
Exploration Journal 32 (1982): 150-153.
Chronique ArchologiqueKh. el-Muqana (Tel Miqne) (with Trude Dothan).
Revue Biblique 89 (1982): 235-238.
Tel Miqne (Ekron) 1981-82 (with Trude Dothan). Hadashot Arkheologiyot
(1982): 34-36 (Hebrew).
Notes and NewsReport from Jerusalem. Biblical Archaeologist 45/1 (1982):


AIAR Director's Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 1
(1982): 9-13.
Albright Institute Director, S. Gitin, Reports on 1981-82 Activities. American
Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 3 (1982): 6-11.
Tel Miqne (Ekron) Report of the 1981-82 Excavation Seasons (with Trude
Dothan). American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 6 (1983): 12-17.
Notes and NewsTel Miqne (Ekron) 1982 (with Trude Dothan). Israel
Exploration Journal 33 (1983): 127-129.
AIAR Activities during 1982-83. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 6 (1983): 5-9.
New Improvements at the Albright Institute Jerusalem. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 8 (1983): 6-9.
Tel Miqne (Ekron) 1981-82 (with Trude Dothan). Excavations and Surveys in
Israel 1982, Vol. 1 (1984): 74-75.
Tel Miqne (Ekron) 1984 (with Trude Dothan). Hadashot Arkheologiyot 84-
85: 39-40 (Hebrew).
Albright's New Excavation Project. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 35/4 (1984): 14.
Albright Honors Oldest Archaeological Fellow. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 35/6 (1984): 8.
The International Congress on Biblical Archaeology. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 35/6 (1984): 1-3.
3000 at Albright in Busy 1983-84. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 35/7 (1984): 12-13.
Contributor, Tel Miqne-Ekron ExcavationReport of the 1984 Excavations
Field IIISE by B.M. Gittlen, ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 3, Jerusalem:
Albright Institute/Hebrew University, 1985.
Chronique ArchologiqueKh. el-Muqana (Tell Miqne-Ekron) (with Trude
Dothan). Revue Biblique 92 (1985): 408-413.
Tel Miqne (Ekron) 1984 (with Trude Dothan). Excavations and Surveys in
Israel 1984, Vol. 3 (1985): 78-80.
Stratigraphy and Its Application to Chronology and Terminology. Pp. 99-107
in Biblical Archaeology Today: Proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical
Archaeology, Jerusalem, 1984, ed. J. Amitai, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society,
Notes and NewsTel Miqne, 1984 (with Trude Dothan). Israel Exploration
Journal 35 (1985): 67-72.
Dramatic Finds in Ekron. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
36/3 (1985): 2-3.
Report from the Albright Director. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 36/4-5 (1985): 9-12.
AIAR Scholars. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 36/4-5
(1985): 6.


Contributor, Tel Miqne-Ekron ExcavationReport of the 1984 Excavations
Field INE by A. Killebrew, ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 4, Jerusalem:
Albright Institute/Hebrew University, 1986.
Notes and NewsTel Miqne, 1985 (with Trude Dothan). Israel Exploration
Journal 36 (1986): 104-107.
Contributor, Gezer IV: The 1969-71 Seasons in Field VI. "The Acropolis."
Text and Plates (principal author and editor W.G. Dever), Annual of the Nelson
Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 1986.
On the Origin of Pottery from Tel Miqne-Ekron (with Jan Gunneweg, Isadore
Perlman and Trude Dothan). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
264 (1986): 3-16.
Tel Miqne-Ekron, 1985 (with Trude Dothan). Hadashot Arkheologiyot 87
(1986): 35-36 (Hebrew).
Tel Miqne-Ekron, 1985 (with Trude Dothan). Excavations and Surveys in
Israel 1985, Vol. 4 (1986): 72-74.
Iron Age Research Group Formed in Jerusalem. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 37/3 (1986): 10.
Notes and NewsTel Miqne-Ekron, 1986 (with Trude Dothan). Israel
Exploration Journal 37 (1987): 63-66.
Tel Miqne-Ekron, 1986 (with Trude Dothan). Excavations and Surveys in
Israel 1986, Vol. 5 (1987): 74-77.
The Rise and Fall of Ekron of the Philistines (with Trude Dothan). Biblical
Archaeologist 50 (1987): 197-199.
Urban Growth and Decline at Ekron in the Iron II Period. Biblical
Archaeologist 50 (1987): 206-222.
Tel Miqne-Ekron in the 7th c. BC: City Plan Development and the Oil
Industry. Pp. 81-94 in Ancient Oil Industry in Eretz-lsrael and its Environs, Haifa
University and the Israel Oil Industry Museum Conference publication, Haifa: Haifa
University, 1987.
Albright Institute Announces 1986-87 Research Projects. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 38/3 (1987): 11.
Albright Institute Announces 1987-88 Research Projects. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 39/1 (1987): 8.
Chronique ArchologiqueKhirbet el-Mukannah (Miqne-Ekron), 1985-1986
(with Trude Dothan). Revue Biblique, Vol. 95 (1988): 228-239.
Olive Oil in Antiquity Conference. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 39/4 (1988): 9-10.
Tel Miqne-Ekron: A Type Site for the Inner Coastal Plain in the Iron II
Period. Pp. 23-58 in Recent Excavations in Israel: Studies in Iron Age Archaeology,
eds. S. Gitin and W.G. Dever, Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research
49, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1989.


Editor, Recent Excavations in Israel: Studies in Iron Age Archaeology (with
W.G. Dever), Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 49, Winona
Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1989.
Reviews: Recent Library Acquisitions of the Albright Institute. Bulletin of the
American Schools of Oriental Research 274 (1989): 81-95.
Incense Altars from Ekron, Israel and Judah: Context and Typology. Pp. 52*-
67* in Eretz-lsrael 20 (Yadin Memorial Volume), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration
Society, 1989.
Ekron of the Philistines: How They Lived, Worked and Worshipped for Five
Hundred Years (with Trude Dothan). Biblical Archaeology Review 16/1 (1990): 20-
Ekron of the Philistines, Part II: Olive Oil Suppliers to the World. Biblical
Archaeology Review 16/2 (1990): 32-42, 59.
The Impact of Urbanization on a Philistine City-State: Tel Miqne-Ekron in the
Iron Age II Period. Pp. 277-284 in Proceedings of the Tenth World Conference of
Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1989, ed. D. Assaf, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society,
Letter to the Readers. Biblical Archaeologist 50/3 (1990): 123.
Cultic Inscriptions Found in Ekron (unsigned report) (with Trude Dothan).
Biblical Archaeologist 53/4 (1990): 232.
Gezer III: A Ceramic Typology of the Late Iron II Persian and Hellenistic
Periods at Tell Gezer. Text, Data Base and Plates, Vol. III, Annual of the Nelson
Gleuck School of Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 1990.
AIAR Director Reports on Activities During Gulf War. Biblical
Archaeologist 54/1 (1991): 52-53.
The Albright's Spring Program, 1991. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 41/2 (1991): 3-4.
Tel Miqne (with Trude Dothan). Pp. 997-1004 in The New Encyclopedia of
Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, ed. E. Stern, Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society, 1992 (Hebrew).
Last Days of the Philistines. Archaeology 45/3 (1992): 26-31.
Philistine Silver and Jewelry Discovered at Ekron (unsigned report). Biblical
Archaeologist 55/3 (1992): 152.
The Albright Announces New Program for 1992/93 Academic Year.
American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 42/3 (1992): 7-8.
News from the Albright. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
42/4 (1992): 3.
New Incense Altars from Ekron: Typology, Context and Function. Pp. 43*-
49* in Eretz-lsrael 23 (Biran Festschrift), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1992.
Ekron (Tel Miqne) (with Trude Dothan). The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol.
1, ed. D.N. Freedman, New York: Doubleday, 1992.


Scoops: Corpus, Function and Typology. Pp. 99-126 in Studies in the
Archaeology and History of Ancient Israel in Honour of Moshe Dothan, eds. M.
Heltzer, A. Segal and D. Kaufman, Haifa: Haifa University Press, 1992.
Seventh Century BCE Cultic Elements at Ekron. Pp. 248-258 in Proceedings
of the IInd International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, 1990, eds. A.
Biran and J. Aviram, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993.
Miqne, Tel (Ekron) (with Trude Dothan). Pp. 1051-1059 in The New
Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, ed. E. Stern, Vol. 3,
Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993.
Perspectives on Israel. The Development of Archaeology in Israel: A New
Research Agenda. W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem.
Pp. 43-46 in The State of Archaeology: An American Perspective, ed. M.E. Lane,
Occasional Paper No. 1, Council of American Overseas Research Centers,
Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institute, 1993.
Tel Miqne-Ekron (with Trude Dothan). American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 43/3 (1993): 5.
News from AIAR (unsigned report). American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 43/3 (1993): 7.
Ekron of the Philistines: The Rise and Fall of a Seventh Century BCE Neo-
Assyrian Vassal City State. Orient Express 1, Institut d'Art et d'Archeologie,
Sorbonne University, Paris (1994): 20-21.
How Philistine Culture Disappeared. Ariel 100-101 (1994): 157-165
Ekron of the Philistines (with Trude Dothan). Qadmoniot 105-106 (1994):
2-28 (Hebrew).
Last Days of the Philistines. Arqueologia Prehistorica del Proximo Oriente 3
AIAR NewsDirector's Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 45/1 (1994): 7-8, 10-11.
Cultural Resource Management in Israel. In Occasional Papers 2, Council of
American Overseas Research Centers, Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1994
Tel Miqne-Ekron in the 7th Century BCE: The Impact of Economic
Innovation and Foreign Cultural Influences on a Neo-Assyrian Vassal City-State.
Pp. 61-79 in Recent Excavations in Israel: A View to the West. Reports on Kabri,
Nami, Tel Miqne-Ekron, Dor and Ashkelon, ed. S. Gitin, Archaeological Institute of
America Colloquia and Conference Papers No. 1, Dubuque, IA: Archaeological
Institute of America, 1995.
Editor, Recent Excavations in Israel: A View to the West. Reports on Kabri,
Nami, Tel Miqne-Ekron, Dor and Ashkelon, Archaeological Institute of America
Colloquia and Conference Papers No. 1, Dubuque, IA: Archaeological Institute of
America, 1995.


Editor, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem: Project
Descriptions of Albright Appointees 1994-1995. Bulletin of the American Schools of
Oriental Research 298 (1995): 69-78.
Contributor, Tel Miqne-EkronReport of the 1994 Excavations, Field IISW,
The Olive Oil Industrial Zone, by D.B. MacKay, ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition
Series 5, Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University, 1995.
Editor, Solving Riddles and Untying Knots. Biblical, Epigraphic and Semitic
Studies in Honor of Jonas C. Greenfield (with Z. Zevit and M. Sokoloff), Winona
Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995.
Formulating a Ceramic Typology: The Late Iron II, Persian and Hellenistic
Pottery Corpus at Tell GezerA Case Study. Pp. 75-107 in Retrieving the Past: Essays
on Archaeological Research and Methodology in Honor of Gus W. Van Beek, ed. J.D.
Seger, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996.
Tel Miqne-Ekron in the 7
Century B.C.: City Plan Development and the Oil
Industry. Pp. 219-248 in Olive Oil in Antiquity (Israel and Neighboring Countries
from the Neolithic to the Early Arab Period), History of the Ancient Near
East/Studies, Vol.VII, eds. D. Eitam and M. Heltzer, Padova: Sargon srl, 1996.
New Philistine Finds at Tel Miqne-Ekron. Biblical Archaeologist 59/1 (1996):
Contributor, Tel Miqne-EkronReport of the 1985-88 Excavations, Field INE,
Areas 5, 6, 7, The Late Bronze Age, by A.E. Killebrew, ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited
Edition Series 6, Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University, 1996.
Letter of Appreciation to Stuart and Laina Swiny. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 46/1 (1996): 1.
News from Jerusalem. Albright News 1 (1996): 2, 4.
Editor, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem: Project
Descriptions of Albright Appointees 1995-1996. Bulletin of the American Schools of
Oriental Research 303 (1996): 79-93.
Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Vol. 1: 62-63; Glueck, Nelson,
Vol. 2: 415-416; Tel Miqne (with Trude Dothan), Vol. 4: 30-35; Philistines (Late),
Vol. 4: 311-313 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, ed.
E.M. Meyers, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
The Neo-Assyrian Empire and Its Western Periphery: The Levant with a
Focus on Philistine Ekron. Pp. 77-104 in ASSYRIA 1995. Proceedings of the 10th
Anniversary Symposium of the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, Helsinki,
September 7-11, 1995, eds. S. Parpola and R.N.L. Whiting, Helsinki: University of
Helsinki, 1997.
A Royal Dedicatory Inscription from Ekron (with Trude Dothan and Joseph
Naveh). Israel Exploration Journal 47/1-2 (1997):1-16.
Contributor, Tel-Miqne Ekron Excavation Report of the 1995-96 Excavation
Field X, Iron Age I, by N. Bierling, ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 7,
Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University, 1997.


News from Jerusalem. Albright News 2 (1997): 2, 8; 3 (1997): 2, 12.
Philistia in Transition: The 10th Century and Beyond. Pp. 162-183 in
Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries B.C.E.
Proceedings of International Symposium, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1995, eds. S.
Gitin, A. Mazar and E. Stern, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1998.
Editor, Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth
Centuries B.C.E. Proceedings of International Symposium, Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, 1995 (with A. Mazar and E. Stern), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society,
Ekron Identity Confirmed (with Trude Dothan and Joseph Naveh).
Archaeology 51/1 (1998): 30-31.
The Philistines in the Prophetic Text: An Archaeological Perspective.
Pp. 273-290 in Hesed ve-Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs, eds. J.
Magness and S. Gitin, Brown Judaic Studies 320, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998.
Editor, Hesed ve-Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs (with. J.
Magness), Brown Judaic Studies 320, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998.
News from Jerusalem. Albright News 4 (1998): 3-4, 11-12.
Celebrating the Publication of Hesed ve-Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S.
Frerichs, eds. J. Magness and S. Gitin. Albright News 4 (1998): 5.
Ekron of the Philistines in the Late Iron Age. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 49/1 (1999): 11-13.
Ekron, a Late Philistine City: The Impact of the Neo-Assyrian Empire in the
Century BCE. Pp. 561-568 in Proceedings of the First International Conference on
the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Rome, 1998, eds. P. Matthiae et al., Rome:
University of Rome, 2000.
A New Type of Dedicatory Inscription from Ekron (with Mordechai Cogan).
Israel Exploration Journal 49/3-4 (1999):193-202.
Ekron of the Philistines in the Late Iron Age II. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 49/1 (1999): 11-13.
Editor, The Practical Impact of Science on Near Eastern and Aegean
Archaeology (with S. Pike), Archetype Publications Ltd. London for the American
School of Classical Studies, Athens: Wiener Laboratory Monograph 3, 1999.
News from Jerusalem: Albright Expands Its Program. Albright News 5
(2000): 3-4, 11-12.
In Memoriam: Sa`id Freij, 1941-2000. Albright News 6 (in press)
News from Jerusalem: Albright Celebrates the Past and Plans for the Future.
Albright News 6 (in press).
The Tel Miqne-Ekron Silver Hoards: The Assyrian and Phoenician
Connections (with Amir Golani). In Hacksilber to Coinage, ed. M. Balmuth, New
York: American Numismatic Society (in press).
Miqne (Tel; Muqanna, Khirbet el-) (with Trude Dothan). In Archaeological
Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, eds. A. Negev and S. Gibson (revised and updated
edition), New York: Continuum (in press).


The Four-Horned Altar and Sacred Space: An Archaeological Perspective.
In Sacred Time, Sacred Space (Archaeology and the Religion of Israel), ed. B.M.
Gittlen, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns (in press).
Neo-Assyrian and Egyptian Hegemony over Ekron in the 7
Century BCE: A
Response to Lawrence Stager. In Eretz-Israel 27 (Tadmor Festschrift), eds. I. Epheal,
P. Machinist and A. Ben-Tor (in press).
The House That Albright Built. In The House That Albright Built: The
Albright/ASOR Symposium Volume, Boston Conference, 1999 (in press).
Co-author, Tel-Miqne EkronReport of the 1995-96 Excavations Field INE,
Areas 35, 37, 38, 67, 68, 69, 100, North Slope Iron Age I Early Philistine Period (with
Mark Meehl and Trude Dothan), ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 8,
Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University (in press).
Co-author, Tel Miqne-Ekron Report of the 1994-95 Excavations Field IV, Iron
Age II, the Neo-Assyrian Type Temple Complex (with Steve Ortiz and Trude Dothan),
ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 9, Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew
University (in press).

Barry Gittlen: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1988/89 (Baltimore
Hebrew University)
The Late Bronze Age 'City' at Tel Miqne-Ekron. Pp. 50-53 in Eretz-Israel 23
(Biran Festschrift), eds. E. Stern, T. Levi, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1992.
Three Seals from Tel Miqne (in preparation).
A Late Bronze II Burial at Tel Miqne (in preparation).
The Late Bronze Age Cypriote Imports at Tel Miqne (in preparation).
A 7th Century BCE Leg Burial Assemblage from Tel Miqne (in preparation).

Kathryn Gleason: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1995/96
(University of Pennsylvania)
Ruler and Spectacle: The Promontory Palace. Pp. 208-227 in Caesarea: A
Retrospective after Two Millennia, eds. A. Raban and K. Holum, Leiden: E.J. Brill,
The Promontory Palace at Caesarea: Final Studies. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 46/3 (1996): 10.
Gardens in Preclassical Times, and Gardens of the Hellenistic and Roman
Periods. Pp. 382-387, Vol. 2 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near
East, ed. E.M. Meyers, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Gardens of the Roman Near East. Albright News 3 (1997): 8-10.
The Promontory Palace at Caesarea Maritima: Preliminary Evidence for
Herods Praetorium. Journal of Roman Archaeology 11 (1998): 23-52.
Gardens of the Roman East. In Gardens of the Roman Empire, ed. W.
Jashemski (in preparation).


Amir Golani: Research Fellow, 1991-97 (Hebrew University); Research Fellow,
1997-00 (Israel Antiquities Authority)
The Jewelry and the Jeweler's Craft at Tel Miqne-Ekron during the Iron Age.
MA. thesis, Hebrew University, 1996.
Late Iron Age II Basket Pendants in the Mediterranean Region: Origin,
Distribution, Chronology and Significance. In The Transmission and Assimilation of
Culture in the Near East, ed. J. Clarke, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Three 7th-Century BCE Hoards of Silver Jewelry from Tel Miqne-Ekron
(with Benjamin Sass). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 311
(1998): 57-81.
Three Silver Jewelry Hoards from Tel Miqne-Ekron. Pp. 987-999 in
Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Phoenician and Punic Studies,
Cadiz, Spain, 1995, Cadiz: University of Cadiz, 2000.
The Tel Miqne-Ekron Silver Hoards: The Assyrian and Phoenician
Connections (with Seymour Gitin). In Hacksilber to Coinage, ed. M. Balmuth. New
York: American Numismatic Society (in press).

Jonathan Golden: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow,
1995/96 (University of Pennsylvania)
USIA Junior Research Fellow's Report: Leaving the Age of Stone: The
Origins and Development of Copper Production in the Southern Levant, c. 4700-3500
BCE. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 46/4 (1996): 12.
The Dawn of the Metal Age: Social Complexity and the Rise of Copper
Metallurgy during the Chalcolithic of the Southern Levant, circa 4500-3500 BC.
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1998.

Azriel Gorski: Research Fellow, 1996-00 (Hebrew University); Weizmann Institute
of Science Fellow, 1996/97
Date PalmA Cordage Fiber Easily Confused with Jute. Pp. 80-82 in
Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of European Fibres Group, London: European Fibres
Group, 1996.
PhytolithsAn Overview. Israel National Police, August, 1996.
Prevalence of Human Tuberculosis in a Medieval Population of Lithuania
Studied by Ancient DNA Analysis (with Marina Faerman, Rimantas Jankauskas,
Hillel Bercovier and Charles. L. Greenblatt). Ancient Biomolecules 1 (1997): 205-214.
Material Residues on Stone Tool Edges: Is Optical Microscopy Missing an
Opportunity? The Microscope 45/3 (1997): 89-93.
A Microarchaeological Study of Tel Miqne-Ekron. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 47/3 (1997): 15.
Detecting Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA in Medieval Skeletal Remains
from Lithuania (with Marina Faerman, Rimantas Jankauskas, Hillel Bercovier, and
Charles L. Greenblatt). Pp. 371-376 in Tuberculosis Past and Present, eds. G. Palfi et


al., Hungary: Budapest & Szeged, Golden Book and Tuberculosis Foundation, 1999.
Microscopic Analysis of Ancient Fibers: Problems of Identifying Date Palms.
Pp. 33-35 in The Practical Impact of Science on Near Eastern and Aegean
Archaeology, eds. S. Pike and S. Gitin, London: Archetype Publications Ltd. London
for the American School of Classical Studies, Athens: Wiener Laboratory Monograph
3, 1999.
Analysis of Microscopic Material and the Stitching of the Dead Sea Scrolls: A
Preliminary Study. In Historical Perspectives: From the Hasmoneans to Bar Kokhba
in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium
of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature,
27-31 January, 1999. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, Vol. IV, eds. D.
Goodblatt, A. Pinnick and D.R. Schwartz, Leiden: E.J. Brill (in press).

Susan L. Graham: George A. Barton Fellow, 1997/98 (University of Notre Dame)
Jerusalem in Early Jewish-Christian Debate. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 48/3 (1998): 23.
Jerusalem in Early Jewish-Christian Debate. Ph.D. dissertation, University of
Notre Dame (submitted).
Irenaeus (Oxford conference paper). In Studia Patristica (in press).
Justinians Jerusalem. American Society of Church History (forthcoming).

Jonas Greenfield: Senior Fellow, 1993-95 (Hebrew University)
Keret's Dream: dhrt and hdrt. Bulletin of the School of Oriental (and African)
Studies 57 (J.E. Wansbrough volume) (1994): 87-92.
'atta porarta be`ozka yam (Psalm 74:12a). Pp. 113-119 in Language,
Theology and the Bible: Essays in Honour of James Barr, eds. S.E. Balentine and J.
Barton, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Apocryphes, pseudepigraphes et livres etranges de Qumran. Les Manuscrits
de la Mer Morte: Les Dossiers d'archologie 189 (1994): 58-59.
Babatha's Ketubba (with Yigael Yadin and Ada Yardeni). Israel Exploration
Journal 44 (1994): 75-99.
The First Manuscript of the Aramaic Levi Document from Qumran
) (with M. Stone). Le Museon 107 (1994): 257-281.
Babatha's Property and the Law of Succession in the Babatha Archive (with
H. Cotton). Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik 104 (1994): 211-224.
The Wisdom of Ahiqar. Pp. 43-52 in Studies in Old Testament Wisdom and
Related Literature: Essays in Honour of J.A. Emerton, eds. J. Day et al., Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995.
The Names of the Zodiac in Aramaic and Hebrew. Pp. 95-101 in Au carrefour
des religions: Mlanges offerts Phillipe Gignoux, Res orientales 7, ed. R. Gyselen,
Bures-sur-Yvette: Groupe pour ltude de la civilization du Moyen-Orient, 1995.


The Receipt for a Ketubba (with Ada Yardeni). Pp. 197-208 in The Jews in
the Hellenistic/Roman World. Studies in Memory of Menahem Stern, eds. A.
Openhaimer, Y. Y. Gafni and D. Shvvarts, Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 1996.
An Astrological Text from Qumran (4Q318) and Reflections on Some
Zodiacal Names (with Michael Sokoloff). Revue de Qumran 16 (1995): 507-525.
A Deed of Gift in Aramaic Found in Nahal Hever: Papyrus. Yadin 7 (with
Yigael Yadin and Ada Yardeni). Pp. 383-403 in Eretz-lsrael 25 (J. Aviram volume),
Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1996 (Hebrew).
The Second Manuscript of the Aramaic Levi Document from Qumran
) (with Michael Stone). Le Museon 109 (1996): 1-15.

Dennis E. Groh: Annual Professor, 1981/82 (Garrett-Evangelical Theological
The Centrality of Soteriology in Early Arianism (with Robert Gregg). Studia
Patristica, Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 128
(1984): 305-316.
The Late Roman Fine Wares of the Gush Halav Synagogue. Pp. 139-166 in
Excavations at the Ancient Synagogue of Gush Halav, Meron Excavation Project
Vol. V, Excavation Reports of the American Schools of Oriental Research, eds. E.M.
Meyers, C.L. Meyers and J.F. Strange, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990.
Review: Eric M. Meyers and James F. Strange, Archaeology, the Rabbis and
Early Christianity, Nashville, 1981. Anglican Theological Review 64 (1982): 393-397.

Robert D. Haak: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1990/91; Annual
Professor, 1992/93; 1997/98 (Augustana College, Rock Island, IL)
At the Borders of the Text: Comments on Michael Fishbane's Biblical
Interpretation in Ancient Israel. Biblical Research 35 (1990): 44-50.
NEH Fellow's Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
41/4 (1991): 5-6.
Habakkuk Among the Prophets. Supplement to Vetus Testamentum 44, eds.
E. Nielsen and A. Lemaire, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1991.
Altar. The Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. D.N. Freedman, New York:
Doubleday, 1992.
Albright Field Trip to Turkey (with Beatrice St. Laurent). American Schools
of Oriental Research Newsletter 43/1 (1993): 5-6.
Albright Annual Professor Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 43/3 (1993): 8.
Tribute to Gosta hlstrm; Cush in Zephaniah. Pp. 37-38; 238-251 in The
Pitcher is Broken: Memorial Essays for Gosta W. hlstrm, eds. S.W. Holloway and
L.K. Handy, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995.
Altars; Noth, Martin. Pp. 80-81, Vol. 1, and 169-170, Vol. 4, in The
Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, ed. E.M. Meyers, New York:
Oxford University Press, 1997.


Habakkuk. In Eerdmanns Dictionary of the Bible, ed. D.N. Freedman, Grand
Rapids, MI: Eerdmanns, 2000.
Reviews: Klaus Seybold, Nahum Habakuk, Zephanja (Zrcher
Bibelkommentare AT 24.1) Zurich, 1991, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 55 (1993): 773-
774; Yehousha Gitay, Isaiah and His Audience, Assen: Van Gorcum, 1991,
Bibliotheca Orientalis 50 (1993): 477-479.

Rachel Hallote: George A. Barton Fellow, 1991/92 (University of Chicago)
Burial Practices and Their Implications for Social Organization in the Middle
Bronze Age Southern Levant. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1994.
Mortuary Archaeology and the Middle Bronze Age Southern Levant. Journal
of Mediterranean Archaeology 8/1 (1995): 93-125.
Tombs, Cult and Chronology: A Reexamination of the Middle Bronze Age
Strata of Megiddo. In Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in
Memory of Douglas L. Esse, ed. S. R. Wolff (in press).
Reviews: A. Kempinski and R. Reich (eds.), The Architecture of Ancient
Israel from the Prehistoric to the Persian Periods. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55
(1996): 228-230; A. Ben-Tor (ed.), The Archaeology of Ancient Israel. Journal of
Near Eastern Studies 56 (1997): 134-137.

Baruch Halpern: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1983/84 (York
The Resourceful Israelite Historian. The Song of Deborah and Israelite
Historiography. Harvard Theological Review 76 (1983): 379-402.
The Emergence of Israel in Canaan. Society of Biblical Literature Monograph
Series 29, Chicago: Scholars Press, 1983.
Culture and Texts of Biblical Authors. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 35/7 (1984): 14-15.
The Excremental Vision. The Doomed Priests of Doom in Isaiah 28. Hebrew
Annual Review 10 (1986): 109-121.
Brisker Pipes than Poetry: The Development of Israelite Monotheism. Pp. 77-
115 in Judaic Perspectives on Ancient Israel, eds. J.A. Neusner, B. Levine and E.S.
Frerichs, Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987.
Yau(a), Son of Omri, Yet Again. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental
Research 265 (1987): 81-85.
The First Historians: The Hebrew Bible and History. San Francisco: Harper
& Row, 1988.
The Blood-and-Iron Gods of Iron-Age Israel. In The Bible and the Ancient
Near East Revisited, eds. J.A. Hackett et al., Decatur, GA: Scholars Press (in press).


Gordon J. Hamilton: Endowment for Biblical Research Fellow, 1984 (Harvard
Development of the Earliest Alphabet. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University,
Palaeography of the Earliest Alphabet. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 36/4-5 (1985): 3.
Development of the Early Alphabet. Harvard Semitic Monographs. Decatur,
GA: Scholars Press (in press).
Reviews: G.E. Mendenhall, The Syllabic Inscriptions from Byblos, Beirut:
American University of Beirut, 1985. Journal of Biblical Literature 106 (1987): 693-
695; O. Keel and S. Schroer, Studien zu den Stempelsiegeln aus Palstina/Israel:
Band I, Freibourg: Editions universitaires, 1985. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50
(1988): 502-503.

James W. Hardin: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow,
1994/95 (University of Arizona)
An Analysis of the Utilization of Domestic Space in Iron Age II Settlements
Based on Artifact Variability in Room Fills and Floor Assemblages from Tell Halif.
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona (submitted).

Michael Hasel: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1995/96 (University of Arizona)
Domination and Resistance: Egyptian Military Activity in the Southern Levant
during the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron I Transition. Ph.D. dissertation, University of
Arizona, 1996.
The Military Interaction of Egypt with the Southern Levant during the Late
Bronze/Early Iron Age Transition. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
46/3 (1996): 12, 21.
A Bibliography of the Writings of Gerhard Franz Hasel. Andrews University
Seminary Studies 34/2 (1996):169-186; reprinted in Sahmyook Theological
Review 3 (1995): 328-347.
La ubicacion de la Tecoa de la poca de Hierro y los Estudios de Amos.
Theologika 11/1 (1996): 138-159.
A Textual and Iconographic Note on prt and mnt in Egyptian Military
Accounts. Gttinger Miszellen 167 (1998): 61-72.
Domination and Resistance: Egyptian Military Activity in the Southern
Levant, 1300-1185 B.C. Probleme der gyptologie 11. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1998.
Reviews: A. Ben-Tor, ed, The Archaeology of Ancient Israel, New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1992. Andrews University Seminary Studies 33/3 (1995): 290-
292; G.F. Davies, Israel in Egypt: Reading Exodus 1-2. Journal for the Study of the
Old Testament Supplement Series 135, Sheffield, England: JSOT Press, 1992.
Andrews University Seminary Studies 34/1 (1996): 112-114; P.D. Merling and L.T.
Geraty, Hesban After 25 Years, Berrien Springs, MI: Horn Archaeological Museum,
1994. Andrews University Seminary Studies 34/1 (1996): 134-136; V. Fritz, An


Introduction to Biblical Archaeology. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
Supplement Series 172, Sheffield, England: Journal for the Study of the Old
Testament Press, 1994. Andrews University Seminary Studies 35/2 (1997): 266-267.

Sharon Herbert: Research Associate, 1981/82 (University of Michigan)
Editor and Principal Author, Tel Anafa I i-ii: Final Report on Ten Years of
Excavation at a Hellenistic and Roman Settlement in Northern Israel. Journal of
Roman Archaeology Supplement 10, 1994.
Editor, Tel Anafa II i: The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, Principal Authors
Andrea Berlin and Kathleen Slane. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 10,
Editor, Tel Anafa II ii: The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery: Glass, Lamps and
Other Finds. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 10 (in press).

Larry G. Herr: Annual Professor, 1993/94 (Canadian Union College, Alberta,
Annual Professors Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 44/3 (1994): 5.
Albright Sinai Trip. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 44/3
(1994): 6-7.
The Bronze and Iron Ages at Tell el-'Umeiri, Jordan. Qadmoniot 28/2 (1995):
83-89 (Hebrew).
Published Pottery of Palestine (with W. Trenchard). Atlanta, GA: Scholars
Press, 1996.
Periodization. Pp. 267-273 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the
Near East, Vol. 4, ed. E.M. Meyers, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Urbanism at Tall al-`Umayri during the LBIIB/Iron IA Transition. Pp. 145-
155 in Urbanism in Antiquity: From Mesopotamia to Crete, eds. W.E. Aufrecht, N.A.
Mirau and S.W. Gauley, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement
Series 244, Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.
Tell el-`Umeiri and the Madaba Plains Region during the Late Bronze-Iron
Age I Transition. Pp. 251-264 in Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to
Early Tenth Centuries B.C.E., Proceedings of International Symposium (In Honor of
Trude Dothan), eds. S. Gitin, A. Mazar and E. Stern, Hebrew University, Jerusalem:
Israel Exploration Society, 1998.
The Settlement and Fortification of Tall al-'Umayri in Jordan during the
LB/Iron I Transition. Pp. 167-179 in The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond: Essays
in Honor of James A. Sauer, eds. L.E. Stager, J.A. Greene and M.D. Coogan, Winona
Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, Harvard Semitic Museum Publications, 2000.
An Overview of the 1992 Season of the Madaba Plains Project at Tall al-
Umayri. Pp. 3-6; Excavation and Cumulative Results at Tall al-Umayri. Pp. 7-20;
The Pottery. Pp. 185-203 in Madaba Plains Project 4: Excavations at Tall al-'Umayri


and Subsequent Studies, eds. L.G. Herr et al., Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews
University Institute of Archaeology, 2000.
The History of the Collared Pithos at Tell el-'Umeiri, Jordan. In Studies in the
Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse, ed. S.
R. Wolff, University of Chicago Press (in press).
Review: U. Huebner, Die Ammoniter (with Walter Aufrecht). Journal of the
American Oriental Society (submitted).

Richard S. Hess: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1985/86 (Loyola
Personal Names from Amarna: Alternative Readings and Interpretations.
Ugarit Forschungen 17 (1985): 157-167.
Divine Names in the Amarna Correspondence. Ugarit Forschungen 18
(1986): 149-168.
Peoples and Places: Historical Geography in the Amarna Correspondence.
American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 37/4 (1986): 13.
Tribes, Territories of (Israelite). Pp. 907-913 in International Standard Bible
Encyclopedia, ed. J. Orr, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1988.
Cultural Aspects of Onomastic Distribution in the Amarna Texts. Ugarit
Forschungen 21 (1989): 209-216.
Hebrew Psalms and Amarna Correspondence from Jerusalem: Some
Comparisons and Implications. Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 101
(1989): 249-265.
Reviews: Z. Kallai, Historical Geography of the Bible: The Tribal Territories
of Israel. Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1990): 335-337; J.F.
Drinkard et al., eds., Benchmarks in Time and Culture. Journal for the Study of the
Old Testament 43 (1989): 124-125.

Brian Hesse: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1984/85 (University of
Alabama at Birmingham)
Animal Bone Archaeology. From Objectives to Analysis (with Paula
Wapnish), Washington, D.C.: Taraxacum, 1985.
Ancient Flocks and Barnyards. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 37/1 (1985): 10-11.
Animal Use at Tel Miqne-Ekron in the Bronze Age and Iron Age. Bulletin of
the American Schools of Oriental Research 264 (1986): 17-27.
Appendix FFaunal Remains (with Paula Wapnish). Pp. 207-230 in Tel
Miqne-Ekron. Report of the 1984 Excavation, Field INE/SE by A.E. Killebrew, ed. S.
Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 4, Jerusalem: W.F. Albright Institute of
Archaeological Research/Hebrew University, 1986.
Appendix FFaunal Remains (with Paula Wapnish). Pp. 227-250 in Tel
Miqne-Ekron. Report of the 1984 Excavation, Field IIISE by B.M. Gittlen, ed. S.


Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 3, Jerusalem: W.F. Albright Institute of
Archaeological Research/Hebrew University, 1986.
Preliminary Report on the Faunal Remains from the Sites of Kanaf and
Qazrin in the Golan (with Paula Wapnish), Israel Antiquities Authority, 1986
Animal Remains from the Sacred Precinct at Tel Dan (with Paula Wapnish),
Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology-Hebrew Union College, 1986
Urbanization and the Organization of Animal Production at Tell Jemmeh in
the Middle Bronze Age Levant (with Paula Wapnish). Journal of Near Eastern
Studies 47/2 (1988): 81-94.
The Detection of Chronological Mixing in Samples from Stratified
Archaeological Sites (with Arlene Rosen). Pp. 117-129 in Recent Developments in
Environmental Analysis in Old and New World Archaeology, ed. R.E. Webb, Oxford:
British Archaeological ReportsInternational Series 416, 1988.
The Contribution and Organization of Pastoral Systems (with Paula
Wapnish). Pp. 29-41 in Early Israelite Agriculture, ed. .S. LaBianca and D.C.
Hopkins, Occasional Papers of the Institute of Archaeology 1, Berrien Springs, MI:
Andrews University, 1988.
Pig Lovers and Pig Haters: Patterns of Palestinian Pork Production. Journal of
Ethnobiology 10/2 (1990): 195-225.
Faunal Remains from Tel Dan: Perspectives on Animal Production at a
Village, Urban and Ritual Center (with Paula Wapnish). Archeozoology 4/2 (1991): 9-

Paula Hiebert: Research Fellow, 1989/90 (Harvard Divinity School)
Psalm 78: Its Place in Israelite Literature and History. Th.D. dissertation,
Harvard University, 1992.

Theodore Hiebert: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1989/90
(Harvard University)
NEH Fellow's Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
41/2 (1991): 5.
Nature and Ecology. Pp. 549-551 in The Oxford Companion to the Bible, eds.
B. Metzger and M.D. Coogan, New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
The Yahwist's Landscape: Nature and Religion in Early Israel. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1996.
Rethinking Traditional Approaches to Nature in the Bible. Pp. 23-30 in
Theology for Earth Community: A Field Guide, ed. D.T. Hessel, Maryknoll, NY:
Orbis, 1996.
Re-Imaging Nature: Shifts in Biblical Interpretation. Interpretation 50 (1996):


The Human Vocation: Origins and Transformations in Christian Traditions.
Pp. 135-151 in Christianity and Ecology, eds. D.T. Hessel and R.R. Ruether,
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000.
Creation, Fall and Humanitys Role in the Ecosystem. In Towards a
Sustainable Creation: An Anabaptist Contribution. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press (forthcoming).

Nicolle Hirschfeld: George A. Barton Fellow, 1995/96 (University of Texas at
The Bureaucracy of Trade in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean.
American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 46/3 (1996): 21-23.
Ways of Exchange in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean: The
Evidence of Marked Vases. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 42 (1997-
1998): 212-213.
Potmarks of the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean. Ph.D. dissertation,
University of Texas at Austin, 1999.

Steven W. Holloway: George A. Barton Fellow, 1994/95 (American Theological
Library Association)
Haran; Moon, New Moon. In Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, eds. D.N.
Freedman, A.B. Beck and A.C. Myers, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000.
Porch Lights in Neo-Assyrian Temples. Revue assyriologique et
d'archologie orientale 90 (1996): 27-32.

Michael M. Homan: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1998/99 (University of California, San
A Tensile Etymology for Aaron: `ahrn hlon. Biblische Notizen 95
(1998): 21-22.
To Your Tents O Israel: Tensile Architecture in the Hebrew Bible and the
Syro-Palestine Archaeological Record. ASOR Newsletter 49/3 (1999): 8.
Booths or Succoth? A Response to Yigael Yadin. Journal of Biblical
Literature 118/4 (1999): 691-697.
To Your Tents, O Israel!: The Terminology, Function, Form, and Symbolism
of Tents in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East. Ph.D. dissertation, University
of California at San Diego, 2000.
The Nine Commandments (with David Noel Freedman and Jeffrey C.
Geoghegan). New York: Doubleday, 2000.
To Your Tents, O Egypt, Canaan, and Israel: An Ancient Formula for Council
Disbandment. Ugarit-Forschungen 31 (1999-2000) (in press).
Divine Warriors and Sacred Tents: Ramesess Military Camp as the Model
for Yahwehs Tabernacle. Biblical Archaeology Review (in press).
Sex in Tents in Ancient Near Eastern Literature (submitted).


Melvin Hunt: Merrille Fellow, 1979/80; Research Associate, 1980/81 (University of
California at Berkeley)
The Tell Qiri Pottery. Pp. 139-223 (Chapter 7) in Tell Qiri: A Village in the
Jezreel Valley, eds. A. Ben-Tor and Y. Portugali, Qedem 24, Jerusalem: Hebrew
University, 1987.

Laszlo Hunyadi: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1998/99 (Lajos Kossuth University,
Debrecen, Hungary)
The Logical Aspects of the Prosody of Biblical Hebrew. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 49/3 (1999): 13-14.

Paul F. Jacobs: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1984 (University of
St. Thomas)
Notes and NewsTell Halif: 1983 Season. Israel Exploration Journal 34
(1984): 197-200.
Tell Halif. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 1985, 4 (1985): 40-41.
Tell Halif/Lahav 1983 Season. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 36/4-5 (1985): 4-5.
Early Bronze Group Meets at Albright. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 36/6 (1985): 7.
Cows of BashanA Note on the Interpretation of Amos 4:1. Journal of
Biblical Literature 104/1 (1985): 109-110.
Tell Halif: Prosperity in a Late Bronze Age City on the Edge of the Negev.
Pp. 67-86 in Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation (Memorial Volume for D. Glenn
Rose), Atlanta, GA: John Knox, 1987.

Longina A. Jakubowska: George A. Barton Fellow, 1986/87 (Bryn Mawr College)
The Urban Bedouin: Sedentarization of Nomads in the Negev. American
Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 39/2 (1988): 4-5.

John Jarick: Research Fellow, 1987/88; George A. Barton Fellow, 1989/90
(University of Melbourne)
Et Nova et Vetera et cetera (Song of Songs 7:13 and Matthew 13:52).
Ormond Papers 5 (1988): 211-216.
Gregory Thaumaturgos' Paraphrase of Ecclesiastes. Abr-Nahrain 27 (1989):
Gregory Thaumaturgos' Paraphrase of Ecclesiastes. Atlanta: Scholars Press,
Aquila's Koheleth. Textus 15 (1990): 131-139.
An 'Allegory of Age' as Apocalypse (Ecclesiastes 12:1-7). Colloquium 22/2
(1990): 19-27.
A Comprehensive Bilingual Concordance of the Hebrew and Greek Texts of
Ecclesiastes. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1993.


William Jobling: Senior Fellow, 1991/92; Dorot Research Professor, 1992/93
(University of Sydney)
Aqaba-Ma'an Survey. In Archaeology in Jordan, by Bert de Vries, American
Journal of Archaeology 95/2 (1991): 268-270.
Nabataean and North Arabian Writing Systems: History and New
Approaches. Pp. 33-41 in Languages of the World/Sprachen der Welt, 1991.
Aqaba-Ma'an Survey. In Archaeology of Jordan, by Bert de Vries, American
Journal of Archaeology 96/3 (1992): 523-524.
Dorot Research Professor Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 42/4 (1994): 4.
The Aqaba-Ma'an Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1988-1990. Syria
70/1-2 (1993): 27-28.

Alexander Joffe: Research Fellow, 1987/88; George A. Barton Fellow, 1989/90
(University of Arizona)
Report of the George A. Barton Fellow. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 41/1 (1991): 6.
Early Bronze I and the Evolution of Social Complexity in the Southern
Levant. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 4 (1991): 3-58.
Settlement and Society in the Early Bronze I-II Southern Levant:
Complementarity and Contradiction in a Small-Scale Complex Society, Monographs
in Mediterranean Archaeology 4. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993.
Beth Yerah. Pp. 312-314, Vol. 1; Tell el-Far`ah North. Pp. 303-304, Vol. 2;
New Archaeology. Pp. 134-138, Vol. 4; Palestine: The Bronze Age. Pp. 212-214, Vol.
4 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, ed. E.M. Meyers,
New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Egypt and Syro-Mesopotamia in the 4
Millennium: Implications of the New
Chronology. Current Anthropology (2000): 113-114.
Late Chalcolithic/Early Bronze I Settlement Patterns, and Early Bronze II-III
Settlement Patterns. In Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Southern Levant, Rome:
Contributi di Archeologia Orientale, Universita Degli Studi di Roma (forthcoming).
Reviews: B. MacDonald, The Wadi el Hasa Archaeological Survey 1979-
1983, West-Central Jordan; M. Haiman, Map of Har Hamran-Southwest. Bulletin of
the American Schools of Oriental Research 285 (1992): 90-94; Eretz-lsrael 21 (Ruth
Amiran Volume) Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1990. Journal of Near
Eastern Studies 53/3 (1994): 217-220.


Barbara L. Johnson: Director of Field Trips, 1987/88; National Endowment for the
Humanities Fellow, 1987/88; Senior Fellow, 1988-96 (Harvard Research Associate-
Ashkelon Fellow); Senior Fellow, 1997-00 (Independent Researcher)
The Pottery. In the Dating of Ancient Water-wells by Archaeological and 14C
Methods: Comparative Study of Ceramics and Wood (with I. Carmi et al.). Israel
Exploration Journal 44/3-4 (1994): 190-198.
Ashkelon: Wine Emporium of the Holy Land (with Larry Stager). Pp. 95-109
in Recent Excavations in Israel: A View to the West, ed. S. Gitin, Archaeological
Institute of America Colloquia and Conference Papers 1, Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt
Publishing, 1995.
Roman-Late Roman/Byzantine Pottery from the Bath House. Ashkelon I, by
L.E. Stager et al. (Harvard Semitic Museum Series: Studies in the Archaeology and
History of the Levant), Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns (in press).
Imported Pottery of the Roman and Late Roman Periods. Ashkelon II, eds.
L.E. Stager and J. D. Schloen. (Harvard Semitic Museum Series: Studies in the
Archaeology and History of the Levant), Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns (in press).

Lisa C. Kahn: George A. Barton Fellow, 1993/94; United States Information Agency
Junior Research Fellow, 1995/96 (University of Tulsa)
Barton Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
44/1 (1994): 4-5.
Beer and Brewing. Pp. 90-91 in The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, ed.
B. M. Fagan, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Herod's Temple to Roma and Augustus at Caesarea Maritima: The
Architectural Evidence. Pp. 130-145 in Caesarea Maritima: Retrospective After Two
Millennia, eds. A. Raban and K.G. Holum, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1996.
USIA Junior Research Fellow's Report: The Glass from the Caesarea
Maritima Vault Project. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 46/4
(1996): 11.
The Temple of Roma and Augustus at Caesarea Maritima: Hellenistic, Roman
and Local Influences. Pp. 1123-1142 in Proceedings of the Howard Gilman
International Conference on Hellenic and Jewish Arts, Delphi, Greece, June 1995,
Ramot Publishing House, 1998.

John Kampen: Senior Fellow, 1992-94 (Bluffton College, Bluffton, OH)
A Fresh Look at the Masculine Plural Suffix in CD 4:2 I. Revue de Qumran
16 (1993): 91-98.
The Matthean Divorce Texts Reexamined. Pp. 149-167 in New Qumran Texts
and Studies: Proceedings of the First Meeting of the International Organization of
Qumran Studies, Paris, 1992, ed. G. Brooke, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994.
The Sectarian Form of the Antitheses Within the Social World of the
Matthean Community. Dead Sea Discoveries 1 (1994): 338-363.


Co-Editor and Contributor, 4QMMT and New Testament Studies. Pp. 129-
144 in Reading 4QMMT: New Perspectives on Qumran Law and History (with M.
Bernstein), Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1996.
Co-Editor and Contributor, 'Righteousness' in Matthew and the Legal Texts
from Qumran. Pp. 461-487 in Legal Texts and Legal Issues. Proceedings of the
Second Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Cambridge,
1995. Studies Presented in Honor of J. Baumgarten (with M. Bernstein), Leiden: E.J.
Brill, 1997.
Communal Discipline in the Social World of the Matthean Community. Pp.
158-174 in Communal Life in the Early Church: Essays Honoring Graydon F. Snyder,
ed. J.V. Hills, Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 1998.
The Diverse Aspects of Wisdom in the Qumran Texts 1. Pp. 211-243 in The
Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years: A Comprehensive Assessment, eds. J. C.
VanderKam and P. Flint, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1998.
The Significance of the Scrolls for the Study of the Book of Matthew. Pp.
157-169 in The Dead Sea Scrolls Fifty Years After Their Discovery, eds. L.H.
Schiffman, E.Tov and J.C. Vanderkam, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2000.
Ethics; Matthew, Gospel of. Pp. 272-276; 525-529 in Encyclopedia of the
Dead Sea Scrolls 1, eds. L.H. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam, New York: Oxford
University Press, 2000.
Aspects of Wisdom in the Gospel of Matthew in Light of the New Qumran
Evidence. Pp. 227-239 in Sapiential, Liturgical and Poetical Texts from Qumran:
Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran
Studies, Oslo, 1998, eds. D.K. Falk, F.G. Martinez and E.M. Schuller, Leiden: E.J.
Brill, 2000.

Ellen Kenney: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1997/98; USIA Council of American
Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country Fellow, 1997/98 (New York University)
Untitled report on research. American Schools of Oriental Research 48/3
(1998): 22.
The Architectural Patronage of the Mamluk Governor Tankiz al-Nasiri in
Jerusalem. Ph.D. dissertation, New York University (in preparation).

Ann Killebrew: Dorot-Miqne Fellow, 1983-90; Research Fellow, 1990-92; James A.
Montgomery Fellow, 1992/93; United States Information Agency Junior Research
Fellow, 1993/94; Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1994/95; Research Fellow, 1995-97
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem); Research Fellow, 1997-99 (University of Haifa);
Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1999/00 (University of Haifa)
Wadi Sayakh: A Geometric Kebaran Site in Sinai. (with O. Bar-Yosef).
Paleorient 10 (1984): 95-102.
Qasrin Excavations1982-1984. Israel Exploration Journal 35 (1985): 289-


Comparison of Neutron Activation and Thin Section Analysis on Late Bronze
Age Ceramics from Deir el-Balah (with P. Goldberg, B. Gould and J. Yellin). Pp.
341-351 in Proceedings of the 24th International Archaeometry Symposium, eds. J.S.
Olin and M.J. Blackman, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986.
Tel Miqne-Ekron ExcavationsReport of the 1984 Excavations Field INE/ISE,
ed. S. Gitin, Jerusalem: Ekron Limited Edition Series 4, Albright Institute/Hebrew
University, 1986.
Ancient QasrinSynagogue and Village (with Z. Maoz). Biblical
Archaeologist 51 (1988): 5-20.
Rediscovering the Ancient GolanThe Golan Archaeological Museum (with
S. Nemlich). Biblical Archaeology Review 14 (1988): 54-64.
Approaches to Reconstructing the Ancient Potter's Craft during the Late
Bronze and Iron Ages in Eretz Israel. M.A. thesis, Hebrew University, 1989.
QatzrinReconstructing Village Life in Talmudic Times (with S. Fine).
Biblical Archaeology Review 17 (1991): 44-57.
Pottery from Dabiyye. '`Atiqot 20 (1991): 66-73.
Qasrin: The Village. Pp. 1222-1224 in The New Encyclopedia of
Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, ed. E. Stern, Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society/Carta, 1993.
Stable Isotopes of Carbon and Oxygen as a Possible New Tool for Estimating
Firing Temperatures of Ancient Pottery (with A. Nissenbaum). Israel Journal of
Chemistry 35 (1995): 131-136.
Samuel H. Kress Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 45/3 (1995): 9.
Tel Miqne-Ekron: Report of the 1986-1987 Excavations, Field INE: Areas 5,
6, 7, The Bronze and Iron Ages, Text and Data Base (Plates, Sections, Plans), ed. S.
Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 6, Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew
University, 1996.
Aegean and Aegean-Style Material Culture: Diffusion or Migration? Pp. 159-
170 in The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium: Proceedings of the 50

Anniversary Symposium, Cincinnati, 18-20 April, 1997, eds. E. Cline and D. Harris-
Cline, Liege: Universite de Liege, 1998.
Ceramic Craft and Technology during the Late Bronze and Iron I Ages: The
Relationship between Pottery Technology, Style and Cultural Diversity. Ph.D.
dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1998.
Late Bronze and Iron I Cooking Pots in Canaan: A Typological,
Technological and Functional Study. Pp. 83-126 in Archaeology, History and Culture
in Palestine and the Near East, Essays in Memory of Albert E. Glock, ed. T. Kapitan,
Atlanta, GA: American Schools of Oriental Research, 1999.
Aegean-Style Early Philistine Pottery in Canaan during Iron Age I: A Stylistic
Analysis of Mycenaean IIIC:1b Pottery and Its Associated Wares. Pp. 233-254 in The
Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment, ed. E.D. Oren, Philadelphia, PA: The
University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, 2000.


Bones Artifacts; Cosmetics; Leather Goods; Wooden Artifacts. Pp. 102-103,
148-149, 477-479, Vol. 1; 987-989, Vol. 2, in Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls,
eds. L.H. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Petrographic Analysis of Late Antique and Islamic Fine and Coarse Wares
from Qasrin (with Naomi Porat). Pp. 127-141 in The Practical Impact of Science on
Near Eastern and Aegean Archaeology, eds. S. Pike and S. Gitin, Archetype
Publications Ltd. London for the American School of Classical Studies, Athens:
Wiener Laboratory Monograph 3, 2000.

Philip J. King: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1985/86 (Boston
An Archaeological Commentary on the Eighth Century Prophets. American
Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 38/2 (1987): 7.
Amos, Hosea, Micah: An Archaeological Commentary. Philadelphia:
Westminster Press, 1988.
The Marzeah Amos Denounces. Biblical Archaeology Review 15/4 (1988):

Ralph Klein: Senior Fellow, 1998/99 (Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago)
David: Sinner and Saint in Samuel and Chronicles. CurTM 26 (1999): 104-
The Ironic End of Josiah in Chronicles. Pp. 116-127 in For a Later
Generation (George Nickelsburg Festschrift), eds. R.A. Argall, B. Bow and R.
Werline, Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, 2000.
Do the References to High Places Support the Auld Proposal? Journal for the
Study of the Old Testament (in press).
Hermeneia. In Chronicles 1. Minneapolis: Fortress (in preparation).

Wade R. Kotter: George A. Barton Fellow, 1987 (Townson State University)
Re-Analyzing the Tell Beit Mirsim Collection. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 39/1 (1987): 9.

Hayim Lapin: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1996/97 (University
of Maryland at College Park)
Regional Geography and Social History in Northern Palestine in Late
Antiquity. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 47/3 (1997): 7-8.

Eric C. Lapp: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1992/93; Research Fellow, 1993/94; United
States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1994/95 (Duke University)
Jdische Tonlampen aus der Sptantike im Landesmuseum Mainz. Zeitschrift
des Deutschen Palstina-Vereins 108/2 (1992): 171-173.
Jewish Archaeological Evidence from the Roman Rhineland. Journal of
Jewish Studies 44 (1993): 70-82.


Clay Oil Lamps. Pp. 217-224 in Sepphoris in the Galilee: Crosscurrents of
Culture, eds. R.M. Nagy et al., Winona Lake, IN: North Carolina Museum of Art,
DCP Spectrometry, Pp. 117-118, Vol. 2; Metallurgy: Artifacts from the
Persian through the Roman Periods, Pp. 15-20, Vol. 4 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of
Archaeology in the Near East, ed. E.M. Meyers, New York: Oxford University Press,
The Archaeology of Light: The Cultural Significance of the Oil Lamp from
Roman Palestine. Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 2000.

Erik Larson: Dead Sea Scrolls Fellow (Dorot Fellow), 1992/93 (New York
Dorot Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 43/2
(1993): 3-4.
Qumran Apocryphal Texts. Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1995.

Egon H.E. Lass: Research Fellow, 1986-94 (Harvard Research Associate)
Survey of Wells, National Park, Ashkelon, Jerusalem: Geological Survey of
Israel 56, 1989.
Quantitative Studies in Flotation at Ashkelon, 1986-1988. Bulletin of the
American Schools of Oriental Research 294 (1994): 23-38.
Lost in the Maze: An Alternative Method of Designing Matrix Diagrams.
Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 15 (1997): 41-49.
Anomalous Archaeomagnetic Directions and Site Formation Processes in
Israel (with Rob Sternberg et al). Geoarchaeology 14/5 (1999): 415-439.
Matrix Diagram Design. In Ashkelon I, Monograph of the Harvard Semitic
Museum, Boston: Harvard University (in press).
Quantitative Studies on Flotation. In Ashkelon I, Monograph of the Harvard
Semitic Museum, Boston: Harvard University (in press).
The Wells of Ashkelon. In Ashkelon I, Monograph of the Harvard Semitic
Museum, Boston: Harvard University (in press).
An Archaeomagnetic Study of Two Hearths from Kebara Cave, Israel (with
Rob Sternberg). Kebara excavation report (in press).

Scott Layton: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1988/89 (University
of Chicago)
A New Interpretation of an Edomite Seal Impression. Journal of Near Eastern
Studies 50 (1991): 37-43.

Zvi Lederman: George A. Barton Fellow, 1991/92 (Harvard University)
An Iron Age I Village at Khirbet Raddana: The Excavations of Joseph A.
Callaway. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1999.


Gunnar Lehmann: Post Doctoral Fellow, 1994/95 (German Protestant Institute of
Archaeology, Jerusalem)
Survey of the Ahihud Map. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 20 (1995): 110
Zum Stand der Archologie in Palstina. Pp. 241-250 in Zwischen Euphrat
und Indus: Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Vorderasiatischen Archologie, eds. K.
Bartl, R. Bernbeck and M. Heinz, Baghdad: Deutsches Archologishes Institut,
Abteilung, 1995.
Grabungen und Archologischer Rundgang. Merian, Jerusalem, Dezember-
Heft, 1995.
Bericht ber den Survey im Hinterland von Akko (with Martin Peilstoecker).
Pp. 31-39 in Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts fr
Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes 4, ed. V. Fritz, Hannover: Antje
Wunnenberg Pfeufer, 1995.
Untersuchungen zur spten Eisenzeit in Syrien und Libanon: Stratigraphie
und Keramikformen zwischen ca. 720 bis 300 v.Chr. Altertumskunde des Vorderen
Orients 5, Mnster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1996.
Kh. e-Nabi Bulus. Hadashot Arkheologiyot (in press).
East Greek or Eastern Levantine? Simple Painted Decorated Pottery in the
Eastern Levant during the Achaemenid Period. In Greek Presence or Greek Presents:
The Meaning of Pre-Hellenistic Greek Imports in the Levant, ed. J. G. Waldbaum (in
Review: A. Biran and J. Aviram, eds., Biblical Archaeology Today, 1990,
Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Biblical Archaeology,
Jerusalem, June-July 1990, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993.
Orientalistische Literatur-Zeitung 90 (1995): 522-529.

Justin Lev-Tov: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1996/97;
Research Fellow (Miqne Fellow), 1997-99 (University of Tennessee)
Pigs, Philistines, and the Ancient Animal Economy of Ekron from the Late
Bronze Age to the Iron Age II. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
The Animal Economy in the Iron Age I, Based on the Faunal Remains from
the Field I NE East Slope, Tel Miqne-Ekron. In Tel Miqne-Ekron: Report of the 1995-
1996 Excavations in Field INE East Slope, by Mark Meehl, Trude Dothan and
Seymour Gitin, ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 8, Jerusalem: Albright
Institute/Hebrew University (in press).
Late Prehistoric Faunal Remains from New Excavations at Tel Ali (Northern
Israel). In Archaeozoology of the Near East IV, eds. M. Mashkour, H. Buitenhuis, and
A.M. Choyke, The Netherlands: ARC Publications, Center for Archaeological
Research and Consultancy, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (in press).


Thomas E. Levy: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1982/83 (Negev
Museum); Assistant Director of W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research,
The Chalcolithic Mortuary Site near Mezad Aluf, Northern Negev Desert: A
Preliminary Study (with David Alon). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental
Research 248 (1983): 37-59.
The Chalcolithic Mortuary Site near Mezad Aluf, Northern Negev Desert:
Third Preliminary Report, 1982 Season. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental
Research Supplement 23 (1983): 121-135.
The Emergence of Specialized Pastoralism in the Southern Levant. World
Archaeology 15 (1983): 15-36.
Notes & News: Shiqmim, 1983 (with David Alon). Israel Exploration
Journal 33 (1983): 272-274.
Shiqmim (1982-1983). Chronique Archeologique (with David Alon). Revue
Biblique (1984): 219-226.
Archaeological Sources for the History of PalestineThe Chalcolithic Period.
Biblical Archaeologist 49 (1986): 83-108.
Social Archaeology and the Chalcolithic Period: Explaining Social
Organization Change during the 4th Millennium in Israel. Michmanim 3 (1986): 5-20.
Computerizing the Albright: A Progress Report. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 37/3 (1986): 3.
Annual Meeting & New Publication Series of the Israel Prehistoric Society.
American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 37/4 (1986): 3.
Editor and Principal Contributor, Shiqmim IStudies concerning Chalcolithic
Societies in the Northern Negev Desert, Israel (1982-1984). British Archaeological
Reports International Series 356, 1987.
International Colloquium Held at Emmaus near Jerusalem: The Urbanization
of Palestine in the Early Bronze Age. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 83/3 (1987): 7-8.
Comment on `M. Leone: Potter, and P. Shackel, Toward a Critical
Archaeology (with N.A. Silberman). Current Anthropology 28 (1987): 296-297.
Review: M.A. Kenworthy et al., Preserving Field RecordsArchival
Techniques for Archaeologists and Anthropologists, Philadelphia: University
Museum, University of Pennsylvania, 1985. Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987):

Jack P. Lewis: Senior Fellow, 1983/84 (Harding College)
Noah and the Flood in Jewish, Christian and Muslim Tradition. Biblical
Archaeologist 47 (1984): 175-176.
James Turner Barclay, Explorer of Nineteenth-Century Jerusalem. Biblical
Archaeologist 51 (1988): 163-170.
The Days of Creation: An Historical Survey of Interpretation. Journal of the
Evangelical Theological Society 32 (1989): 433-455.


William Francis Lynch, Explorer of the Dead Sea. Near East Archaeological
Society Bulletin, N.S. 37 (1992): 2-9.
Claude R. Conder, Surveyor of Palestine. Near East Archaeological Society
Bulletin, N.S. 39-40 (1995): 41-47.
Reviews: Steven D. Fraade, Enosh and His Generation: Pre-Israelite Hero
and History in Post Biblical Interpretation, SBLMS 30, Chico, CA: Scholars Press,
1984. Journal of Biblical Literature 105 (1986): 736-737; Lloyd Bailey, Noah: The
Person and the Story in History and Tradition, Columbia, SC: University of South
Carolina Press, 1989. Biblical Archaeologist 55 (June 1990): 120.

Gloria London: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1983/84 (University of Arizona)
Decoding Designs: The Late Third Millennium B.C. Pottery from Jebel
Qa'aqir. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona, 1985.
Homage to the Elders. Biblical Archaeologist 50 (1987): 70-74.
Pre-Patriarchal Society: Homage to the Elders. Pp. 137-143 in Community
and Culture, ed. N. Waldman, Philadelphia: Gratz College, 1987.
Identification of Individual Potters of Past and Present. In Bijdragen Tot de
Technologische Studie van Het Aardwerk, Gallo-Romeins Publication 34, Tongeren:
Gallo-Romeins Museum, 1987.
The Organization of the Early Bronze II and III Ceramics Industry at Tell
Yarmouth: A Preliminary Report. Pp. 117-124 in Yarmouth 1, Rapport sur les Trois
Premires Campagnes de Fouilles Tel Yarmouth (Isral), 1980-82, ed. P. de
Miroschedji, Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1988.

Jack R. Lundbom: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow; Albright Senior
Fellow, 1997/98; Albright Senior Fellow, 1999/2000 (Clare Hall, University of
Commentary on Jeremiah. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
48/3 (1998): 19.
Haplography in Jeremiah 1-20 (with David Noel Freedman). Pp. 23-38 in
Eretz-Israel 26 (Frank Moore Cross Volume), eds. B. A. Levine et al., Jerusalem:
Israel Exploration Society, 1999.

D. Bruce MacKay: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1993/94 (University of Toronto)
Samuel H. Kress Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 44/4 (1994): 9.
Tel Miqne-Ekron, Report of the 1994 Excavations Field IISW: The Olive Oil
Industrial Zone of the Late Iron Age II (7
c. BCE). Ekron Limited Edition Series 5,
ed. S. Gitin, Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University, 1995.
Ethnicity and Israelite Religion: The Anthropology of Social Boundaries in
Judges. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 1997.


Jodi Magness: George A. Barton Fellow, 1984/85; James A. Montgomery Fellow,
1985/86; Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1986/87; Research Fellow (Mellon Fellow),
1987/88 (University of Pennsylvania)
The Byzantine Pottery of Judea. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 37/3 (1986): 6.
Samos; Samothrace; Philippi. In the Illustrated Dictionary and Concordance
of the Bible, eds. G. Wigoder et al, New York: Macmillan, 1986.
The Pottery from the 1980 Excavations at Ma'on (Nirim). Pp. 216-224 in
Eretz-Israel 19 (Michael Avi-Yonah volume), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society,
1987 (Hebrew).
A Typology of the Late Roman and Byzantine Pottery of Jerusalem. Ph.D.
dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1989.
Some Observations on the Roman Temple at Kedesh. Israel Exploration
Journal 40/2-3 (1990): 173-181.
The Walls of Jerusalem in the Early Islamic Period. Biblical Archaelogist
54/4 (1991): 208-216.
Jerusalem Ceramic Chronology circa 200-800 C.E. Sheffield: Sheffield
Academic Press, 1992.
Late Roman and Byzantine Pottery from Areas H and K; The Byzantine and
Islamic Pottery from Areas A2 and G1. Pp. 149-186 in Excavations at the City of
David, Directed by Yigal Shiloh III, eds. A. De Groot and D.T. Ariel, Qedem 33,
Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1992.
Arms and the Man. Biblical Archaeology Review 18 (1992): 58-67.
A Reexamination of the Archaeological Evidence for the Sassanian Persian
Destruction of the Tyropoeon Valley. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental
Research (1992): 67-74.
Blessings from Jerusalem: Evidence for Early Christian Pilgrimage. Pp. 37*-
45 in Eretz-lsrael 25 (Aviram volume), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1996.
The Chronology of Early Greek Pottery: New Evidence from Seventh-
Century B.C. Destruction Levels in Israel (with Jane Waldbaum). American Journal
of Archaeology 101 (1997): 23-40.
The Late Roman and Byzantine Pottery from the 1979 Excavations Against
the North Wall of Jerusalem. `Atiqot (submitted).
The Pottery from Beit Loya. In Qedem, eds. Y. Tsafrir and J. Patrich,
Jerusalem: Hebrew University (submitted).
Early Archaic Greek Pottery from Tell Batash (Timnah). In Qedem, ed. A.
Mazar, Jerusalem: Hebrew University (in preparation).

Dale W. Manor: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1988/89 (University of Arizona)
An Archaeological Commentary on the Josianic Reforms. Ph.D. dissertation,
University of Arizona, 1995.


Laura B. Mazow: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow,
1997/98; Research Fellow (Miqne Fellow), 1999/00 (University of Arizona)
Intrasite Spatial Analysis, Activity Areas and Social Organization: Ceramic
Assemblage Variability at Tel Miqne-Ekron in the Iron I. Ph.D. dissertation,
University of Arizona (in preparation).

Thomas McCollough: Senior Fellow, 1991-94 (Centre College, Danville, KY)
Amuleto Contro la Malaria (with Beth Glazier-McDonald). Archeologia Viva
Sepphoris (Sippori), 1994 (with James Strange, Dennis Groh and Thomas
Longstaff). Israel Exploration Journal 44 (1994): 216-227.
An Aramaic Bronze Amulet from Sepphoris (with Beth Glazier-McDonald).
`Atiqot XXVIII (1996): 161-165.
Editor, Archaeology and the Galilee: Texts and Contexts in the Graeco-
Roman and Byzantine Periods (with Douglas Edwards), Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press,
Transformation of Space: The Roman Road at Sepphoris (with Douglas
Edwards); Magic and Medicine in Byzantine Galilee: A Bronze Amulet from
Sepphoris (with Beth Glazier-McDonald). Pp. 135-142; 143-151 in Archaeology and
the Galilee: Texts and Contexts in the Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Periods, ed. with
D. Edwards, Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1997.
Social Magic and Social Realities in Late Antique Sepphoris. In The Galilee
in Late Antiquity II, eds. E.H. Meyers and R. M. Nagy-Martin, Durham, NC: Duke
University Press (in press).
Theodoret of Cyprus' Commentary on the Minor Prophets: The Importance of
Archaeology for Establishing Audience and Intent. Journal of Early Christian Studies
Social Magic in Late Antique Galilee: A Silver Amulet from Sepphoris (with
Beth Glazier-McDonald). Journal of Roman Studies (submitted).

Mark W. Meehl: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1988/89; James A. Montgomery Fellow,
1989-91 (Johns Hopkins University)
AIAR Field Trip to the Southern Negev. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 40/2 (1989): 7.
Recent Excavations at the Third Wall. Biblical Archaeologist 53 (1990): 169.
A Stratigraphical Analysis of the Unpublished Iron I Materials from Tell
Taannek in Light of Recent Jezreel Valley Excavations. Ph.D. dissertation, Johns
Hopkins University, 1996.
Tell Taannek 1963-1968 I/1: The Iron Age Stratigraphy. Birzeit: Palestinian
Institute of Archaeology (forthcoming).


Petr Melmuk: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1997/98 (Charles University, Czech
Problem of Fortification of Jerusalem in 1 C.E. Ros Chodes 12 (in press).
North Israel Kingdom. Carolinum 2000 (in press).
Albright Institute in Jerusalem and Its Activity. Theological Revue 4
Caesarea Maritime during the Rule of Herod the Great (submitted).
What We Know about Bethsaida in the Jesus Era (submitted).
Evolution of Writing in Prebliblical and Biblical Times (submitted).

Esther M. Menn: Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1999/00 (University of Virginia)
Praying King and Sanctuary of Prayer I: David and Temple Origins in
Rabbinic Psalms Commentary (Midrash Tehillim). Journal of Jewish Studies (in
Praying King and Sanctuary of Prayer II: Davids Deferment and the
Temples Dedication in Rabbinic Psalms Commentary (Midrash Tehillim). Journal of
Jewish Studies (in press).
Reconstructing Temple Origins: David as Temple Founder in Rabbinic
Literature. In Studies in Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity 8, ed. C. Evans,
Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press (in press).

Jacob Milgrom: Senior Fellow, 1995-97 (Emeritus, University of California-
The Most Basic Law in the Bible. Bible Review 11/4 (1995): 17, 48.
The Alien in Your Midst. Bible Review 11/6 (1995): 18, 48.
Lex Talionis and the Rabbis. Bible Review 12/2 (1996): 16, 48.
A Husband's PrideA Mob's Prejudice. Bible Review 12/4 (1996): 21.
The Water Libation in the Festival of Booths. Bible Review 12/6 (1996): 18,
Further on the Expiatory Sacrifices. Journal of Biblical Literature 115 (1996):
The Changing Concept of Holiness in the Pentateuchal Codes with Emphasis
on Leviticus 19. Pp. 65-75 in Reading Leviticus, ed. J.F.A. Sawyer, Sheffield:
Sheffield Academic Press, 1996.
Law and Narrative and the Exegesis of Leviticus XIX: 19. Vetus Testamentum
46 (1996): 544-548.
Encroaching on the Sacred Purity and Polity in Numbers 1-10. Interpretation
5 (1997): 241-253.
The Resident Hireling. Pp. 10-13 in A Light for Jacob (J.S. Licht Memorial
Volume), eds. Y. Hoffman and F.H. Polak, Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1997.
Philo the Biblical Exegete. Pp. 79-83 in Wisdom and Logos (D. Winston
Festschrift), Studica Philonica Annual IX, eds. D.T. Runia and G.E. Sterling, Atlanta,
GA: Scholars Press, 1997.


The Blood Taboo. Bible Review 13/4 (1997): 13, 46.
Jubilee: A Rallying Cry for the Oppressed. Pp. 28-32 in The Jubilee
Challenge: Utopia or Possibility? Jewish and Christian Insight, ed. H. Ucko, Geneva:
World Council of Churches Publications, 1997.
A Rallying Cry for the Oppressed. Bible Review 13/6 (1997): 16, 48.
The First Fruit Festivals for Grain and the Composition of Leviticus 23: 9-21.
Pp. 81-89 in Tehillah Le Moshe (Moshe Greenberg Festschrift), eds. M. Cogan et al.,
Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1997.
Leviticus 26 and Ezekial. Pp. 57-62 in The Quest for Context and Meaning
(J.A. Sanders Festschrift), eds. C.A. Evans and S. Talmon, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997.
Booths According to Leviticus XXIII. Pp. 81-85 in Lasset uns Brcken
bauen The XVth Congress of the International Organization of the Society of the
Old Testament, Cambridge, 1995, eds, K.D. Schunk and M. Augustin, Frankfurt-am-
Main: Peter Lang, 1998.
On Decoding Very Large Numbers. Vetus Testamentum 49 (1999): 131-132.
The Antiquity of the Priestly Source. A Reply to Joseph Blankinsopp.
Zeitschrift fr die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (1990): 111-120.
Some Postulates of the Jubilee. A Pragmatic Solution of Universal Iniquities.
Pp. 15-19 in Debt and the Jubilee, ed. J.M. Bonzin, Geneva: Observations de la
Finance, 1999.
Does H Advocate the Centralization of Worship? Journal for the Study of the
Old Testament 88 (2000): 59-76.
Leviticus 17-22. The Anchor Bible 3a. New York: Doubleday, 2000.
Leviticus 23-27. The Anchor Bible 3b. New York: Doubleday, 2000.
Reviews: R. Knierim, Text and Concept in Leviticus 1-9: A Case in
Exegetical Method,Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1992. Journal of the American Oriental
Society 115 (1995): 320; D.W. Swanson, The Temple Scroll and the Bible: The
Methodology of IIQT, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995. Journal of the American Oriental
Society 117 (1997): 218-219; P.J. Budd, New Century Bible Commentaries: Leviticus
Journal of Semitic Studies 43 (1998): 368-370; J. Berlinerblau, Pp. 592-593 in The
Vow and the Popular Religious Groups of Ancient Israel: A Philological and Social
Inquiry, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.

Robert D. Miller II: Research Fellow, 1995/96; Kress Fellow, 1996/97; Montgomery
Fellow/ Program Coordinator, 1997/98 (University of Michigan)
A Social History of Highland Israel in the 12th and 11th Centuries B.C.E.
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1998.
The Socio-Political Nature of Israelite Society at the End of the Eleventh
Century BCE. American Schools of Oriental Research 48/3 (1998): 24.
Daily Life in the Days of Samuel. Holy Land 19/3 (1999): 3-6.
Ephraim; Ebenezer; Jokmeam; Jokneam. In Eerdmans Dictionary of the
Bible, ed. D.N. Freedman, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000.
Tales from the Archive. Albright News 6 (in press).


Modeling the Farm in Early Iron Age Israel. In Daily Life in the Ancient Near
East, eds. R.E. Averbeck, M.W. Chavalas, and D.B. Weisberg, Bethesda, MD: CDL
Press (in press).

Jolanta Mynarczyk: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1999/00 (Research Centre for
Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Fine Wares at Tell Keisan during the Persian and Hellenistic Periods: The
Pattern of Importations. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 50/3
(2000): 17-18.
Hellenistic Fine Wares at Tell Keisan: A Pattern of Importations. In
Cramiques hllnistiques et romaines. Productions et diffusion en Mditerrane
Orientale (Chypre, Egypte et cte Syro-Palestininne): Actes, Colloque 2-4 Mars,
2000, Lyon (submitted).
Regional Wares at Tell Keisan in the Hellenistic Period: Pottery for Table and
Personal Use. EtTrav 19 (submitted).

Daniel B. Monk: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1991/92 (Princeton University)
An Aesthetic Occupation: Architecture, Politics, and the Menace of
Monuments in Mandate-era Palestine, 1917-1929. Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton

James A. Muhly: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1981/82
(University of Pennsylvania)
How Iron Technology Changed the Ancient Worldand Gave the Philistines a
Military Edge. Biblical Archaeology Review 8/6 (1982): 40-54.
Co-editor, Early Metallurgy in Cyprus, 4000-500 BC (with Robert Maddin
and Vassos Karageorghis). Proceedings of International Congress, Larnaca, Cyprus,
1-6 June 1981, Nicosia: Pierides Foundation, 1982.
The Nature of Trade in the LBA Eastern Mediterranean: The Organization of
the Metals Trade and the Role of Cyprus. Pp. 251-269 in Early Metallurgy in Cyprus,
4000-500 BC. Proceedings of International Congress, Larnaca, Cyprus, 1-6 June
1981, eds. J.D. Muhly, R. Maddin and V. Karageorghis, Nicosia: Pierides Foundation,
Kupfer. Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archologie
VI/5-6 (1983): 348-364.
Metal Working at Athienou (with Robert Maddin and Tamar Stech). Pp. 132-
140 in Excavations at Athienou, Cyprus, 1971-1972, eds. T. Dothan and A. Ben-Tor,
Qedem 16, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1983.
Iron Objects from Massada: Metallurgical Studies (with R. Knox, Robert
Maddin and Tamar Stech). Israel Exploration Journal 33 (1983): 97-107.
The Beginnings of Iron Metallurgy in Antiquity. Qadmoniot 17 (1984): 2-11


Beyond Typology: Aegean Metallurgy in Its Historical Context. Pp. 109-141
in Contributions to Aegean Archaeology: W.A. McDonald Festschrift, eds. N.C.
Wilkie and W.D.E. Coulson, Minneapolis, MN: Center for Ancient Studies, 1985.
A Steel Pick from Mt. Adir in Palestine. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 44
(1985): 41-51.
Metallurgical Studies on Artifacts from the Tomb near Enan. (with Tamar
Stech and Robert Maddin).`Atiqot 17 (1985): 75-82.
Sources of Tin and the Beginnings of Bronze Metallurgy. American Journal
of Archaeology 89 (1985): 275-291.
Tel Michal: Metal Finds (with Polly Muhly). Pp. 267-295 in Excavations at
Tel Michal, Israel, 1977-1980, eds. Z. Herzog, G. Rapp, Jr., and O. Negbi,
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1989.
Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Metal Artifacts from Arad (with Robert
Maddin and T. Stech). In Early Arad III, ed. R. Amiran (in press).

Kenneth V. Mull: Research Fellow, 1980/81; Annual Professor, 1988/89 (Aurora
Hittite Treaty Forms: Basis for Sinai Covenant. Adult Leader (1981): 11-13.
The Book of Deuteronomy. Adult Leader (1981): 23-79.
The Brandeis-ASOR Program. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 1 (1981): 4-5.
Archaeology and Biblical Faith. Adult Leader (1982): 23-26.

Robert A. Mullins: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow,
1997/98; James A. Montgomery Fellow/Program Coordinator, 1998-00 (Hebrew
The Excavations at Tel Rehov: The Chronology of Iron Age II. American
Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 49/1 (1999): 7-9.
Rehov (Tell); Sarem (Tell es-). Pp. 433-435 in Archaeological Encyclopedia
of the Holy Land, eds. A. Negev and S. Gibson, New York: Continuum (in press).
Beth Shean in the Late Bronze Age. Ph.D. dissertation, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem (in preparation).
Tel Beth Shean I: The Middle and Late Bronze I-IIA Periods. Qedem,
Jerusalem: Hebrew University (in preparation).
The Stratigraphy and Architecture of Strata 1-4 in Area B at Tel Rehov. Tel
Rehov I, ed. A. Mazar, Qedem, Jerusalem: Hebrew University (in preparation).
Over and Under Bible Lands: An Archaeological, Historical and Satellite
Atlas of the Bible (with Michael M. Homan and Jeffrey C. Geoghegan), Grand Rapids,
MI: Eerdmans (in preparation).

Elaine A. Myers: George A. Barton Fellow, 1999/00 (University of Toronto)
Archaeological Study of Caesarea Maritima: An Annotated Bibliography.


Pp. 65-101 in Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Caesarea Maritima
(Studies in Christianity and Judaism 8), ed. T.L. Donaldson, Waterloo, ONT: Wilfred
Laurier University Press, 2000.
Essenes; Ituraeans; Hermon; Qumran. Pp. 168-169; 248-249; Pp. 225-226;
420-422 in Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, ed. A. Negev and S. Gibson (in press).
Ituraeans and the Cult and Stelae of Har Sena`im. Albright News 6 (in press).

Hani Nur-el-Din: Research Fellow, 1989-93 (University of Strasbourg); Research
Fellow, 1993-96 (Institute of Islamic Archaeology, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem);
Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1997-00 (Department of Archaeology and History, Al-Quds
University, Jerusalem)
Palaces in Palestine during the Bronze Age. Ph.D. dissertation, cole
Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, 1997.
The Development of the Broadroom House during the Early Bronze Age and
Its Chieftain Architectural Concept in Palestine. Pp. 1225-1232 in Proceedings of the
First International Conference on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Rome
May 18-23, 1998, eds. P. Matthiae et al., Rome: University of Rome, 2000.
The Four-Room House: A Re-Examination. In The Transmission and
Assimilation of Culture in the Near East: Conference Proceedings, Jerusalem,
February 28-March 2, 2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ed. J. Clarke, Oxford:
Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

Kevin G. O'Connell: Annual Professor, 1980/81 (John Carroll University)
Letter to Associates. At/One/Ment, Newsletter of the Graymoor Ecumenical
Associates (1980): 3.
ObituaryHarry Thomas Frank. Israel Exploration Journal 31 (1981): 134
ObituaryDavis Glenn Rose. Israel Exploration Journal 32 (1982): 76
Davis Glenn Rose (1928-1981): In Memoriam. Biblical Archaeologist 45
(1982): 54-55.
The List of Seven Peoples in Canaan: A Fresh Analysis. Pp. 221-241 in The
Answers Lie Below: Essays in Honor of Lawrence Edmund Toombs, ed. H.O.
Thompson, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984.
Exodus; Gershom; Gershon; Ham (unsigned); Jethro; Mixed Multitude
(unsigned); Plagues; Yam Suph. In Harpers Bible Dictionary, ed. P.J. Achtmeier,
San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985.
Continuity and Change in Israel's Covenant with God. Bible Review 1/4
(1985): 46-55.
Pentateuchal Sources in Exodus: A Reappraisal. Proceedings: Eastern Great
Lakes and Midwest Biblical Societies 5 (1985): 1-20.
Editor, Tell el-Hesi: Modern Military Trenching and Muslim Cemetery in
Field I, Strata I-II, by L.E. Toombs. Excavation Reports of the American Schools of


Oriental Research: Tell el-Hesi 2, Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University
Press, 1985.
Editor, Tell el-Hesi: The Site and the Expedition. (author of Introduction and
Conclusion) (with B.T. Dahlberg). Excavation Reports of the American Schools of
Oriental Research: Tell el-Hesi 4. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1989.

John W. Olley: Senior Fellow, 1985/86 (Baptist Theological College of Western
`The Many: How is Isa 53:12a to be Understood? Biblica 68 (1987): 330-
`RighteousnessSome Issues in Old Testament Translation into English. The
Bible Translator 38 (1987): 307-315.

Steven M. Ortiz: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow,
1994/95; George A. Barton Fellow, 1995/96 (University of Arizona)
The 11/10th Century BCE Transition in the Aijalon Valley Region: New
Evidence from Tel Miqne-Ekron Stratum IV. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona,
Archaeology of the Land of Israel. In Dictionary of New Testament
Background, eds. C.A. Evans and S.E. Porter, Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press,
Ashdod; Athach; Ather; Besor; Cabbon; Chitlish; Cozeba; Dilean; Makaz;
Shikkeron; Ephes-Dammin; Enaim; Gederah; Gederoth; Gibbethon; Iphtah. In
Eerdmans Bible Dictionary, ed. D.N. Freedman, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000.
Tel Miqne-Ekron ExcavationReport of the 1994-96 Season Field IV and
Field V NE/NW: Late Philistine Iron Age II, Temple Complex (with Seymour Gitin
and Trude Dothan), ed. S. Gitin, Ekron Limited Edition Series 9, Jerusalem: Albright
Institute/Hebrew University (in press).
Field Reports: Preliminary Report of the 1994 Excavation Season in Field IV,
Tel Miqne-Ekron (submitted to the Israel Antiquities Authority); Preliminary Report
of the 1995 Excavation Season in Field IV, Tel Miqne-Ekron (submitted to the Israel
Antiquities Authority); Khirbet Zeitah al-Kharab G-38/1999 Field L: The Lower Tel
Field Report (submitted to the Israel Antiquities Authority); Preliminary Report of the
1996 Excavation Season in Field IV, Tel Miqne-Ekron (submitted to the Israel
Antiquities Authority).

David I. Owen: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1988/89
Neo-Sumerian Texts from American Collections. Rome: Unione Accademica
Nazionale, 1991.
The 'First' Equestrian: An Ur III Glyptic Representation. Acta Sumerologica
13 (1991): 259-273.


Tie Her Up and Throw Her into the River!: An Old Babylonian Inchoate
Marriage on the Rocks (with R. Westbrook). Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie 82/2 (1992):
Review: F. Yildiz and T. Gonii, Die Puzris-Dagan-Texte der Istanbuler
Archologischen Museen, Teil II: Nr. 726-1379 (Freiburger altorientalische Studien
16), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Weisbaden GMBH, 1988. Die Welt des Orients 22
(1991): 182-183.

Nava Panitz-Cohen: Research Fellow, 1997-00 (Hebrew University)
The Pottery Assemblages of Tel Batash-Timnah Strata IV-III (10

Centuries BCE). M.A. thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1999.
Timnah II (Tel Batash). The Iron Age II Finds (with Amihai Mazar), Qedem
42, Jerusalem: Hebrew University (in press).
The Pottery Assemblage and Objects from the Gezer Tombs Excavated by
Weill (with Aren Maeir), British Archaeological ReportsInternational Series (in
The Middle Bronze, Late Bronze Age and Iron Age I Pottery Assemblages
from Tel Batash-Timnah (Strata X-V) (with Amihai Mazar), Qedem, Jerusalem:
Hebrew University (in preparation).

Miriam Peskowitz: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1992/93 (Duke University)
Investigation of Material Culture Related to Textile Production in Roman and
Byzantine Palestine. Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 1994.

James L. Phillips: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1996/97; Annual
Professor, 1999/00 (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Remarks on Seasonality and Sedentism: Archaeological Perspectives on Old
and New World Sites. Pp. 217-225 in Identifying Seasonality and Sedentism in
Archaeological Sites: Old and New World Perspectives, ed. T. Rocek and O. Bar-
Yosef, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.
A Collection of Bone Tools from Old Excavations at el-Wad and Kebara.
(with Anna Belfer-Cohen and Iman N. Saca). Palestine Exploration Quarterly 110/2
(1998): 110-123.
The Upper Paleolithic Settlement of the Levant. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 50/3 (2000): 8-9.
Prehistory. Pp. 403-411 in Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land,
eds. A. Negev and S. Gibson, New York: Continuum (in press).
The Use of the Chaines Opratoires Approach in the Upper Paleolithic Period
of Sinai. In Written in Stone: Multiple Dimensions of Lithic Analyses, ed. P.N.
Kardulias and R. Yerkes, New York: AIA Special Publications (in press).
Recent Excavations at the Site of Erq-el-Ahmar (with Iman Saca). Antiquity
(in press).


Tomasz Polaski: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1999/00 (Jagiellonian University,
Crakow, Poland)
The Peoples of Syria and Canaan in Theban Private Tomb Painting. The
Scenes of Tribute. Pp. 193-210 in Les Civilisations du Bassin Mditerranen:
Hommages Joachim liwa, Universit Jagellonne, Institut dArchologie, 2000.
Two Persian Princesses: Pantheia and Rhodogoune. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 50/3 (2000): 18-19.

Thea A. Politis: Samuel H. Kress Joint Athens-Jerusalem Fellow, 1999/00
(University of Reading, U.K.)
Granulated Jewelry in the Bronze Age: Some Technical, Stylistic, and Social
Considerations. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 50/3 (2000): 13-
Selected Technological, Iconographic and Stylistic Studies of Mediterranean
Bronze Age Jewelry. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Reading (in preparation).

Pavol Raka: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1996/97 (Charles University, Prague, Czech
IshchaliA Social Analysis of the Temple Complex and Its Place in the
Cultural Context of the Ancient Near East in the Second Millenium BCE. American
Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 47/3 (1997): 11.

Walter E. Rast: Annual Professor, 1982/83; National Endowment for the Humanities
Fellow, 1982/83; Annual Professor, 1994/95 (Valparaiso University, IN)
Albright Institute's Annual Professor's Report. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 4 (1982): 3-4.
Processing Site Materials and Preparing the Final Report. American Schools
of Oriental Research Newsletter 35/1 (1983): 4-5.
Habakkuk and Justification by Faith. Currents in Theology and Mission 10
(1983): 169-175.
Preliminary Report of the 1981 Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan
(with R.Thomas Schaub). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 254
(1984): 35-62.
Bab edh-Dhra' and the Origin of the Sodom Saga. Pp. 185-201 in
Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation, eds. L.G. Perdue, L.E. Toombs and G.L.
Johnson, Atlanta: John Knox, 1987.
Bab edh-Dhra. Excavations in the Cemetery directed by Paul W. Lapp (1965-
67) (with R.Thomas Schaub), Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1989.
Through the Ages in Palestinian Archaeology: An Introductory Handbook.
Philadelphia: Trinity Press, 1992.
The Annual Professor Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 45/3 (1995): 8.


Bab edh-Dhra. The Early Bronze Age Town (with R.Thomas Schaub) (in

Stephen A. Reed: Dorot Dead Sea Scrolls Fellow, 1990/91 (Ancient Biblical
Manuscript Center, Claremont, CA)
The Dead Sea Scrolls Inventory Project: Fascicles: Fl: Qumran Cave I; F2:
Qumran Minor Caves; F3: Murabba'at; F4: Qumran Cave 4 (4QI28-186); F5: Qumran
Cave 4 (4Q482-520) Baillet; F6: Qumran Cave I I; F I 1: Khirbet Mird; F 1 2: Wadi
ed Daliyeh; F7: Qumran Cave 4 (4QI-127) Biblical; F8: Qumran Cave 4 (4Q521-575)
Staroky; F9: Qumran Cave 4 (4Q364-481) Strugnell; F10: Qumran Cave 4 (4QI96-
363) Milik; F13: Wadi Seiyal, Nahal Hever, inter alia, Claremont, CA: Ancient
Biblical Manuscript Center.
Jerusalem Report. The Folio 10/3 (1990).
Dorot Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 40/3
(1990): 5, 8.
Survey of the Dead Sea Scroll Fragments and Photographs at the Rockefeller
Museum. Biblical Archaeologist 54/1 (1991): 44-51.
Reviews: R.W. Klein, Ezekiel; Carroll Stuhlmueller, Rebuilding Hope.
Religious Studies Review 17/1 (1991): 61; 63; Paul Joyce, Divine Initiative and
Human Response in Ezekiel. Religious Studies Review 17/3 (1991): 255; Walter T.W.
Cloete, Versification and Syntax in Jeremiah 2-25. Religious Studies Review 17/4
(1991): 351.

David Reese: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1998/99 (Field
Museum of Natural History, Chicago)
Ground-down Conus Mediterraneus Shells; A Corpus of Shells; Incised
Scapula and Other Bones; Worked Astragali; Ostrich Egg Shells. In the
Tel-Miqne-Ekron Object and Material Culture Volume, Ekron Limited Edition Series
13, ed. S. Gitin, Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University (submitted).

Alexandra Retzleff: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1999/00 (University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Theater in the Near East: A Study in the Development of Form and Function
in the Roman and Byzantine Periods. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 50/3 (2000): 13.
The Orchestra Space in Theaters of the Roman and Byzantine Near East.
Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (submitted).

Arlene M. Rosen: Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1985-87; National Endowment for the
Humanities Fellow, 1987/88 (Geological Survey of Israel); Post-Doctoral Fellow
1988/89 (Israel Antiquities Authority)
The Detection of Chronological Mixing in Samples from Stratified
Archaeological Sites (with Brian Hesse). Pp. 117-129 in Recent Developments in


Environmental Analysis in Old and New World Archaeology, ed. R.E. Webb, British
Archaeological Reports International Series 416, Oxford: Tempus Reparatum, 1988.
Ancient Town and City Sites: A View from the Microscope. American
Antiquity 54/3 (1989): 564-578.
Microartifacts and the Study of Ancient Societies. Biblical Archaeologist 54/2
(1991): 97-103.
Early Bronze Age of Tel 'Erani: An Environmental Perspective. Tel Aviv 18
(1991): 192-204.
Phytoliths as Indicators of Irrigation Farming. Pp. 281-287 in Prhistoire de
l'agriculture: Nouvelles Approches Exprimentales et Ethnographiques, ed. P.
Anderson Gerfand, Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1992.

Steven A. Rosen: Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1985/86; National Endowment for the
Humanities Fellow, 1986/87 (Negev Archaeological Survey)
The Potentials of Lithic Analysis in the Chalcolithic of the Northern Negev.
Pp. 295-312 in Shiqmim I, ed. T.E. Levy, British Archaeological Reports International
Series 356, Oxford: Tempus Reparatum, 1987.
The Chipped Stone Industry at Shiqmim: Typological Considerations (with
T.E. Levy). Pp. 281-294 in Shiqmim I, British Archaeological Reports International
Series 356, Oxford: Tempus Reparatum, 1987.
Editor, Mitekufat Haeven 20 (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) (with
Avi Gopher) (1987).
The Archaeology of Nomadism in the Negev Highlands. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 38/3 (1987): 6.
Finding Evidence of Ancient Nomads. Biblical Archaeology Review 14/5
(1988): 46-53.
Brief Notes on the Origins of Pastoral Nomadism: A Case Study from the
Negev and Sinai. Current Anthropology 29/3 (1988): 498-506.
Preliminary Analysis of the Egyptian Component of the Chipped Stone
Assemblage at Tel Erani. Israel Exploration Journal 38/3 (1988): 105-116.
The Analysis of Early Bronze Age Chipped Stone Industries: A Summary
Statement. Pp. 197-227 in L'Urbanisation de la Palestine a l'ge du Bronze ancien,
ed. P. de Miroschedji, British Archaeological Reports International Series 527 (i),
Oxford: Tempus Reparatum, 1989.
The Lithic Assemblage from the EB Site at Har Horsha. `Atiqot 20 (1991):
The Lithic Assemblages from Nahal Mitnan. `Atiqot 22 (1993): 62-70.
A Note on the Flint Assemblage (Ashdod). Pp. 117-121 in `Atiqot 23 (Ashdod
V: Excavations of Area G), ed. M. Dothan, Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority,
Lithics After the Stone Age: A Handbook of Stone Tools in the Levant. Walnut
Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 1997.
Brief Notes on the Chipped Stone Assemblage from Tel Wawiyat (submitted).


Michael Rosenbaum: Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1996/97 (Brandeis University)
The Study of Biblical Hebrew Syntax from a Functional Perspective.
American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 47/3 (1997): 14.

Ann Roshwalb: Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1985/86; Senior Fellow, 1987/88 (Tel Miqne-
Ekron Excavation Project)
The Late Neolithic in the Lower Nahal BesorThe 1929 Macdonald
Excavations and Survey. Pp. 139-152 in Shiqmim I, ed. T.E. Levy, British
Archaeological Reports International Series 356, Oxford: Tempus Reparatum, 1987.
Computer Catalogue of Albright Artifact Collection (in-house document),
Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Pottery from the 1981 and 1982
Excavation Seasons at Tel Miqne-Ekron; and Flaked Stone Tools from the 1981 and
1982 Seasons of Excavation at Tel Miqne-Ekron (submitted).

James Ross: Senior Fellow, 1983/84 (Protestant Episcopal Seminary in Virginia)
1`Bibliography of the Early Bronze Age in Palestine. Pp. 315-354 in
Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation: Essays in Memory of D. Glenn Rose, eds. L.
Toombs et al., Atlanta, GA: John Knox Press, 1987.

Susan Rotroff: Senior Fellow, 1999/00 (Washington University, St. Louis, MO)
A New Type of Beehive. Hesperia 20: 176-177 (in press).
A Moldmade Bowl. Hesperia (in press).
West Slope in the East. In Cramiques hellnistiques et romaines:
Productions et diffusion en Mditerrane orientale (Chypre, gypte et cte syro-
palestininne): Actes, Colloque 2-4 Mars, 2000, Lyon (forthcoming).
Athenian Hellenistic Pottery: The Plain Wares (in preparation, volume in
The Athenian Agora series).
Review: A. Leonard, Ancient Naukratis, Excavations at a Greek Emporium in
Egypt, II, Part I: The Excavations at Kom Geif. Bulletin of the American Schools of
Oriental Research 318 (2000): 81-84.

Yorke M. Rowan: Council of American Overseas Research Centers Advanced Multi-
Country Research Fellow (USIA-NMERTA), 1994/95; United States Information
Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1999/00; National Endowment for the Humanities
Fellow, 1999/00 (University of Georgia)
Ancient Distribution and Deposition of Prestige Objects: Basalt Vessels
during Late Prehistory in the Southern Levant. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas
at Austin, 1998.
Pedestalled Basalt Bowls of the Chalcolithic: New Variations (with E.C.M.
van den Brink and Eliot Braun). Israel Exploration Journal 49/3-4 (1999): 161-183.


The Ground Stone Assemblage. In Salvage Excavations at the Early Bronze
Age IA Settlements at Azor, by A. Golani and E.C.M. van den Brink. `Atiqot 38
(1999): 30-32.
Appendix A: Chalcolithic Basalt Vessels. In Town and Country in the
Southern Carmel: Report on the Landscape Archaeology Project at Dor, eds. S.
Gibson, S. Kingsley and J. Clarke. Levant 31 (1999): 109-111.
Cult, Cache, or Commodity? Comparison of Intentional Artifact Deposits as
Symbolic Practice during Late Prehistory in the Southern Levant. American Schools
of Oriental Research Newsletter 50/3 (2000): 10-12.
Prismatic Blades and Periodization: The Case of the Fourth Millennium BCE
`Cave of the Warrior. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palstina-Vereins 117 (in press).
Ground Stone Assemblage. In Salvage Excavations at Ashkelon-Afridar Site
E., by A. Golani. `Atiqot (in press).
Grinding and Pounding Stones, Stone Vessels, Maceheads, Palettes,
Decorative Objects and Related Finds (with Thomas E. Levy, David Alon and Yuval
Goren). In Archaeology, Anthropology and Cult: The Sanctuary at Gilat, eds. D. Alon
and T.E. Levy, Leicester: Leicester University Press (in press).
Basalt Bowls and Ground Stone Assemblage. In Three Chalcolithic Burial
Caves at Shoham (North), Lod Valley, eds. E.C. M. van den Brink and R. Gophna,
Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority Reports (in press).
The Ground Stone Artifacts. In Tell en-Assawir, Excavations of the Wadi
Rabah through Early Bronze Age Levels, ed. E. Yannai, Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities
Authority Reports (in press).

Iman N. Saca: Research Fellow, 1998/99; United States Information Agency Junior
Research Fellow, 1999/00 (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Understanding Variability of Upper Paleolithic Traditions in the Southern
Levant. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 50/3 (2000): 16.
Variability in Upper Paleolithic of the Arid and Semi-arid Areas of the
Southern Levant. In The Transmission and Assimilation of Culture in the Near East:
Conference Proceedings, Jerusalem, February 28-March 2, 2000, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, ed. J. Clarke, Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
Recent Excavations at the Site of Erq-el-Ahmar (with James L. Phillips).
Antiquity (in press).
Variability and Change in the Upper Paleolithic of the Levant. In The Upper
Paleolithic in the Near East: Recent Advances (with James L. Phillips), ed. N. Goring
Morris and A. Belfer-Cohen, Oxford: Oxbo (in press).

Benjamin A. Saidel: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow,
1993/94; George A. Barton Fellow, 1998/99 (Harvard University)
USIA Junior Research Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 44/4 (1994): 9-10.


Lifeways of Nomadic Pastoralists during the Early Bronze Age in the
Southern Levant. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1998.
Chronological and Spatial Issues in Arid Zone Archaeology. American
Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 49/3 (1999): 7.
Matchlocks, Flintlocks and Saltpetre: The Chronological Implications for the
Types of Firearms used by the Bedouin during the Ottoman Period. International
Journal of Historical Archaeology 4/3 (2000): 191-216.
Deserted Campsites and Extinguished Hearths. Near Eastern Archaeology 63/
3/4 (in press).
Issues of Cultural and Chronological Visibility among Arid Zone Populations:
Pottery from the Camel Site in Mizpe Ramon, Israel. The Camel Site in the Negev, ed.
S.A. Rosen (in press).
Reviews: D.T. Potts, Araby the Blest. Studies in Arabian Archaeology,
Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies Publications 7,
Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, Museum Tusculanum Press, 1994.
Mediterranean Languages Review VII (in press); New Insights into Ancient and
Modern Pastoral Nomads. Religious Studies Review 23 (1997): 349-353.

Seth Sanders: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1998/99
(Johns Hopkins University)
Writing, Ritual and Apocalypse: Studies in the Theme of Ascent to Heaven in
Ancient Mesopotamia and Second Temple Judaism. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 49/3 (1999): 12.
From Ritual to Apocalypse: Ascent to Heaven in the Ancient Near East and
Second Temple Judaism. Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, 2000.

Issa Sarie: Research Fellow, 1998-00 (Al Quds University, Jerusalem)
Neolithic Collapse in the Levant: Viewed from Dental Enamel Hypoplasia (with
Saladin Al-Abbasi). American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Annual Meetings Issue),
25 (1998): 62-63.
Area C: The Middle Bronze I-II Earthen Rampart of Jericho. In Quaderni di Gerico:
Scavi a Gerico, 1997, Relazione preliminare sulla prima campagna di scavi e prospezioni
archeologiche a Tell es-Sultan, Palestina, eds. N. Marchetti and L. Nigro, Roma: Universit
di Roma, 1998.
Preliminary Report on the First Season of Excavation of the Italian-Palestinian
Expedition at Tell es-Sultan/Jericho (with N. Marchetti and L. Nigro). Palestine Exploration
Quarterly 130/2 (1998): 1-24.
Patterns of Paleodiet and Bio-cultural Practices of Neolithic Ain Ghazal Inhabitants
in Jordan (with Patricia Smith). Faculty Research Day Hebrew University Faculty of
Dental Medicine (2000): 19.


Robert Schick: United States Information Agency Islamic Studies Fellow, 1995/96;
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1996/97; Islamic Studies Fellow,
1996-00; Annual Professor, 1997/98 (Institute of Islamic Archaeology, Al-Quds
University, Jerusalem)
Christianity at Humeima, Jordan. Liber Annuus 45 (1995): 319-342.
The Monastery of Saint Aaron (with Glen Peterman). Annual of the
Department of Antiquities of Jordan 40 (1996): 473-480.
Southern Jordan in the Fatimid and Seljuq Periods. Bulletin of the American
Schools of Oriental Research 305 (1997): 73-85.
The Quran Manuscripts of the Islamic Museum, al-Haram al-Sharif,
Jerusalem (with Khader Salameh). al-`Usur al-Wusta 10/1 (1998): 1-3.
The Archaeology of Palestine/Jordan in the Early Ottoman Period. ARAM 9-
10 (1997-1998): 563-575.
Palestine in the Early Islamic Period. Near Eastern Archaeology 61 (1998):
Preliminary Report of the al-Humayma Excavation Project, 1995, 1996, 1998
(with John Oleson et al). Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 48 (1999):
Al-Ramla in the Writings of Mujir al-Din al-`Ulaymi al-Hanbali. Pp. 30-32 in
Ramla: The Development of a Town from the Early Islamic to Ottoman Periods, eds.
S. Gibson and F.Vitto, Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 1999.
The Islamic Holy Places in 19th Century Jerusalem. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 49/1 (1999): 19-20.
Northern Jordan: What Might Have Been in the Madaba Mosaic Map. Pp.
227-229 in The Madaba Map Centenary, eds. M. Piccirillo and E. Alliata, Jerusalem:
Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, 1999.
The Christians in Jerusalem in the Early Seventh Century A.D. Pp. 219-230 in
Patterns of the Past, Prospects for the Future. The Christian Heritage in the Holy
Land, eds. T. Hummel, K. Hintlian and U. Carmesund, London: Melisende, 1999.
The Image Destroyers. Archaeology Odyssey 2/5 (1999): 40-47.
Nu`man ibn `Abdu al-Qasatli. The Forgotten Surveyor of Western Palestine.
Journal of Palestinian Archaeology 1 (2000): 28-29.
Jerusalem in the Byzantine Period. In Jerusalem Before Islam, eds. R. Schick
and Zeidan Kafafi, Amman: The Royal Academy for Islamic Civilization Research
Christianity in Southern Jordan in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods.
Pp. 581-584 in Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan 7, Amman:
Department of Antiquities of Jordan (forthcoming).
The Sites and Monuments of Islamic Jerusalem: A Documentary History.
Beirut: German Oriental Institute (forthcoming).
Archaeology and the Quran. In The Encyclopedia of the Quran, Leiden: E.J.
Brill (forthcoming).
Kasr Mushash. In the Encyclopedia of Islam, Leiden: E.J. Brill (forthcoming).


Reviews: Ibn al-Murajja, The Merits of Jerusalem, Hebron, and Syria, ed. O.
Livne-Kafri. al-'Usur al-Wusta 7 (1995): 45-46; M. Piccirillo and E. Alliata, Umm al-
Rasas Mayfaah I. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 302 (1996):
94-96; Tharwat 'Ukasha, The Art of al-Wasiti Based on the Maqamat of al-Hariri
(Fann al Wasiti min khilal Maqamat al-Hariri); Rashid Sa'd Rashid al-Qahtani, The
Pious Endowments of the Sultan al-Ashraf Sha'ban on the Two Sanctuaries (Awqaf al-
Sultan al-Ashraf Shaban 'ala al-Haramayn); Muhammad Al-Arna'ut, Mu'atiyat 'an
Dimashq wa Bilad al-Sham al-Janubiya fi Nihayat al-Qarn al- Sadis 'Ashar -
Waqfiyat Sinan Basha (Information about Damascus and Southern Bilad al-Sham at
the End of the 16th Century - the Waqf Document of Sinan Pasha; Sayyid Maqbul
Ahmad, A History of Arab-Islamic Geography (9th-16th Century A.D.); al-'Usur al-
Wusta 8 (1996): 25, 44-45; K. Bieberstein and H. Bloedhorn, Jerusalem: Grundzge
der Baugeschichte vom Chalkolithikum bis zur Frhzeit der osmanischen Herrschaft.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 303 (1996): 101-102; R.
Hendrix et al., Ancient Pottery of Transjordan; L. Herr and W. Trenchard, Published
Pottery of Palestine. Liber Annuus 46 (1996): 422-424; Lutz Ilisch, Sylloge Numorum
Arabicorum Tubingen, Palaestina. Journal of the American Oriental Society 117
(1997): 592-593; A.Khalil, and R.Heacock, The Frankish Wars and Their Influence
on Palestine; M. Hiyari, Al-Quds fi Zaman al-Fatimiyin wa-al-Faranjah (Jerusalem
in the Time of the Fatimids and the Franks); Muhammad Munis Ahmad `Awad,
Fusul Bibliyughrafiyah fi Tarikh al-Hurub al-Salibiyah (Bibliographic Chapters on
the History of the Crusades); Muhammad Mulnis Ahmad `Awad, Al-Zalazil fi Bilad
al-Sham Asr al- Hurub al-Salibiyah (Earthquakes in Bilad al-Sham at the Time of the
Crusades); Al-`Usur al-Wusta 9 (1997): 22-23, 25, 50; J. Prawer and H. Ben-
Shammai, The History of Jerusalem. The Early Muslim Period 638-1099. Bulletin of
the American Schools of Oriental Research 312 (1998): 92-93; Faruq Sa`d, Risalah fi
al-Khatt wa-Bary al-Qalam li-Ibn al-Saigh (The Treatise on Calligraphy by Ibn al-
Saigh); Khaled Marrar, Maqam An-Nabi Musa The Shrine of Prophet Moses. A
Historical and Archaeological Study; Ahmad Rajab Muhammad `Ali, Al-Masjid al-
Haram bi-Makkah al-Mukarramah wa-Rusumihi fi al-Fann al-Islami (The Masjid al-
Haram in Mecca and its Depictions in Islamic Art); `Asim Muhammad Rizq,
Khanqawat al-Sufiyah fi Misr fi al-`Asrayn al-Ayyubi wa-al Mamluki (Sufi Khanqahs
in Egypt in the Ayyubid and Mameluk Periods). al-`Usur al-Wusta 10 (1998): 29-30,
61-62; Oleg Grabar, The Shape of the Holy. Early Islamic Jerusalem. Journal of the
American Oriental Society 120 (2000): 108-110.

David Schloen: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1997/98 (University
of Chicago)
The 604 BCE Destruction at Ashkelon. Ashkelon III, ed. L.E. Stager, Winona
Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns (forthcoming).


William M. Schniedewind: Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1992-94 (Brandeis University);
Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1996/97 (University of California-Los Angeles)
Textual Criticism and Theological Interpretation: A Pro-Temple Tendenz in
the Greek Text of Samuel-Kings. Harvard Theological Review 87 (1994): 107-116.
History or Homily: Toward Understanding the Chronicler's Purpose. Pp. 91-
97 in Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies: Division A: The
Bible and its World, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1994.
The Word of God in Transition: From Prophet to Exegete in the Second
Temple Period. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 197.
Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1995.
Are We His People? Biblical Interpretation during Crisis. Biblica 77 (1995):
The Dialect of the Elisha-Elijah Narratives: A Case Study in Northern
Hebrew (with Daniel Sivan). Jewish Quarterly Review 137 (1997): 303-337.
Society and the Promise to David: The Reception History of 2 Samuel 7:1-17,
New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Ulrike Schorn: Research Fellow, 1990/91 (University of Erlangen, Germany)
Reuben and the Israelite Twelve-Tribe System. Redactional Studies on the
Importance of Jacob's First-Born. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Erlangen, 1995.
Ruben und das System der zwlf Stmme Israels. Redaktions-geschichtliche
Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des Erstgeborenen Jakobs. Beiheft zur Zeitschrift fr
die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 248, Berlin-New York: De Gruyter & Co., 1997.

Eileen Schuller: George A. Barton Fellow, 1980/81 (Harvard University); Senior
Fellow, 1995/96 (McMaster University)
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible. The Bible Today 3 (1983): 102-106.
Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran: A Pseudepigraphic Collection.
Harvard Semitic Studies 28, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986.
4Q380-4Q381: Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran. Pp. 90-99 in The Dead
Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of Research, eds. D. Dimant and U. Rappaport, Jerusalem:
Yad Ben Zvi, Center for the Study of Eretz-Israel and its Yishuv, 1989.
A Bibliography of the Hodayot, 1948-1996 (with Lorenzo Ditommaso).
Dead Sea Discoveries 41 (1997): 55-101.
Jerusalem in de Dod-Zeerollen. Interpretatie 4 (1997): 18-22.
The Use of Biblical Terms as Designations for Non-Biblical Hymns and
Prayer Compositions. Pp. 207-222 in Biblical Perspectives: Early Use and
Interpretation of the Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls, eds. M. Stone and E.
Chazon, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1998.
Hodayot, 4Q427-4Q432. Pp. 69-232 in Qumran Cave 4: XX, Poetical and
Liturgical Texts, Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XXIX, Part 2, Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1999.


Choon Leong Seow: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1986/87
(Princeton Theological Seminary)
Israelite and Judaean Theophoric Names in the Inscriptions from Syro-
Palestine. Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1984.
Myth, Drama, and the Politics of Davids Dance. Harvard Semitic
Monograph 46, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989.
The Ineffable Name of Israel's God. Bible Review 7 (1991): 49-50.
Am; Face; Lim; Torah. Pp. 42-44 in Dictionary of Deities and Demons, eds.
K. van der Toorn et al., Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995.

Ilan Sharon: Research Fellow, 1986/87 (Hebrew University)
Models for Stratigraphic Analysis of 'Tell Sites. Ph.D. dissertation, Hebrew
University, 1995.

Susan G. Sheridan: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1997/98;
Senior Research Fellow, 1998-00 (University of Notre Dame)
Bio-cultural Reconstruction of a Jerusalem Ossuary: A Synthesis of History
and Biology in an Assessment of Human Adaptability. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 48/3 (1998): 20.
New Life the Dead Receive: The Relationship between Human Remains and
the Cultural Record for Byzantine St. Stephen's. Revue Biblique 106/4 (1999): 574-
Every Knee Shall Bend: Liturgical and Ascetical Prayer in V-VII Century
Palestine (with Michael Driscoll). Worship 74/5 (2000): 453-468.
The Vessels of the Potter Shall Be Broken: Material Culture from the
Tombs of St. Stephen's Monastery (with Kelly Coblentz Bautch, Richard
Bautch and Gabriel Barkay). Revue Biblique 110 (2000): 1-35.
Childhood Health at Pueblo Grande: An Assessment of Adaptation in a
Classic Period Hohokam Community. In The Classic Period Hohokam of
Pueblo Grande, ed. D. Abbott, University of Arizona Press (in press).
Saints and Martyrs. In Land of Sorrow, Land of Joy: 2,000 Years of
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, ed. W. Broughton, Jerusalem: Aviv
Publishing (in press).
Morbidity and Mortality in a Classic-period Hohokam Community. In
Ancient Burial Practices in the American Southwest, eds. D.R. Mitchell
and J. Brunson-Hadley, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press (in press).
Reviews: M. Small, Our Babies, Ourselves, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University
Press, 1999. American Anthropologist (in press); Yizar Hirschfeld, Qedem 38,
Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1999. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (in press).


Stephen J. Shoemaker: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1999/00
(Florida State University)
The Kathisma Church and the Origins of the Cult of the Virgin in Early
Byzantine Palestine. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 50/3 (2000):

Ilona Skupinska-Lovset: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1999/00 (University of Lodz,
Architectural Decoration in Roman Period Settlements on the Northern
Shores of the Sea of Galilee. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 50/3
(2000): 19-20.
A Basalt Lintel Discovered at Et-Tell/Bethsaida. Archeologia Warsaw (in

David Small: Dorot Fellow, 1983/84; National Endowment for the Humanities
Fellow, 1984/85 (Lehigh University)
New Research on Greek and Roman Architecture in Palestine. American
Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 37/1 (1985): 11.
Late Hellenistic Baths in Palestine. Bulletin of the American Schools of
Oriental Research 266 (1987): 59-73.
Toward a Competent Structuralist Archaeology: A Contribution from
Historical Studies. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 6 (1987): 105-121.
Phasing Masada's Architecture. Levant 22 (1990): 139-148.
Initial Study of the Structure of Women's Seclusion in the Archaeological
Past: Structural Dynamics in Islamic Communities. Pp. 291-302 in Gender in
Archaeology, eds. D. Walde and N. Willows, Alberta: Calgary University Press, 1992.
Editor, The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past/Interpreting the
Present (with Neil Silberman), Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.
Introduction (with Neil Silberman); Group Identification and Ethnicity in the
Construction of the Early State of Israel: From the Outside Looking In. Pp. 15-32;
267-287 in The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past/Interpreting the Present,
eds. D. Small and N. A. Silberman, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.
Architecture in Ancient Greece, Oxford: Oxford University Press (in press).

Mark Smith: Research Fellow, 1983/84; Annual Professor, 1986/87; Post-Doctoral
Fellow, 1988-90; Dorot Dead Sea Scrolls Fellow, 1990/91 (Yale University)
The Magic of Kothar wa-Hasis, the Ugarit Craftsman God, in KTU1.6 VI 49-
50. Revue Biblique 91 (1984): 377-380.
Baal's Cosmic Secret. Ugarit-Forschungen 16 (1984): 295-298.
Divine Travel as a Token of Divine Rank. Ugarit-Forschungen 16 (1984):
Interpreting the Baal Cycle. Ugarit-Forschungen 18 (1986): 313-339.


Biblical and Canaanite Notes to the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice from
Qumran. Revue de Qumran 12 (1987): 585-588.
The Ugaritic Baal Cycle: A Commentary. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 39/3 (1988): 6.
Death and Afterlife in Ugarit and Israel (with Elizabeth Bloch-Smith).
Journal of the American Oriental Society 108/2 (1988): 277-284.
The Structure of Psalm LXXXVII. Vetus Testamentum 38 (1988): 357-358.
Death in Jeremiah IX, 20. Ugarit-Forschungen 19 (1988): 289-293.
The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990.
The Origins and Development of the Waw-Consecutive: Northwest Semitic
Evidence from Ugarit to Qumran, Harvard Semitic Studies 39, Atlanta: Scholars
Press, 1991.
The Levitical Compilation of the Psalter. Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche
Wissenschaft 103 (1991): 258-263.
The Waw-Consecutive at Qumran. Zeitschrift fr Althebraistik 4 (1991): 161-
4Q462 (Narrative) Fragment 1: A Preliminary Edition. Revue de Qumran 57-
58/15 (1991): 55-77.
Converted and Unconverted Perfect and Imperfect Forms in the Literature of
Qumran. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 284 (1991): 1-16.
The Ugaritic Baal Cycle I. Introduction with Text, Translation and
Commentary of KTU 1.1-1.2. Vetus Testamentum Supplements 55, Leiden: E. J. Brill,
Qumran Cave 4 XIV: Parabiblical Texts, Part 2 (co-authored with Magen
Broshi et al., in consultation with J. VanderKam). Pp. 137-214 in Discoveries in the
Judaean Desert XIX, Oxford: Clarendon, 1995.
The Theology of the Redaction of the Psalter: Some Observations. Zeitschrift
fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 104 (1992): 408-412.
The *qatala Form in Ugaritic and Hebrew Narrative Poetry. Pp. 787-805 in
Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual,
Law and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, eds. D.P. Wright, D.N. Freedman and
A. Hurwitz, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995.

John R. Spencer: Annual Professor, 1984/85; United States Information Agency
Summer Scholar in Residence, 1995 (John Carroll University)
Census; Isaiah; Isaiah, Book of; Levi; Levites; Tree of Life. In The Illustrated
Dictionary and Concordance of the Bible, ed. G. Wigoder, Jerusalem: Jerusalem
Publishing House; New York: Macmillan, 1986.
Touring Roman and Byzantine Sites in the Galilee. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 37/3 (1986): 5.
Six Months at the Albright. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 37/4 (1986): 5.


PQD, the Levites and Numbers 1-4. Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche
Wissenschaft 110 (1998): 535-546.
EB Animal Figurines at Tell el-Hesi (forthcoming).
The Material Culture Finds from the Iron Age at Tell el-Hesi (forthcoming).

Beatrice St. Laurent: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1992/93;
United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1993/94 (Wellesley
College); Senior Fellow 1994/95 (Jerusalem)
Albright Field Trip to Turkey (with Robert Haak). American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 43/1 (1993): 5-6.

David A. Stacey: Research Fellow, 1988/89 (Institute of Archaeology, University
College, London)
The Archaeology of Early Islamic Tiberias. Ph.D. dissertation, University
College, London, 1995.

James F. Strange: Senior Fellow, 1996/97 (University of South Florida)
The Sayings of Jesus and Archaeology. Pp. 291-305 in Jesus and Hillel:
Comparative Studies of Two Major Religious Leaders, ed. J.H. Charlesworth,
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1997.
Reviews: S. Dar, Settlements and Cult Sites on Mount Hermon, Israel:
Ituraean Culture in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, Oxford: British
Archaeological Reports International Series 589, 1993. Bulletin of the American
Schools of Oriental Research (1996): 100-101; L.Hoppe, O.F.M., The Synagogues
and Churches of Ancient Palestine, Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1993. The
Catholic Historical Review LXXXII/3 (1996): 493-494.

Frederick M. Strickert: Senior Fellow, 1995/96 (Wartburg College, Waverly, IA)
Philo on the Cherubim. Pp. 40-57 in The Studia Philonica Annual: Studies in
Hellenistic Judaism, ed. D. Runia, Brown Judaic Studies, Atlanta: Scholars Press,
Bethsaida: Home of the Apostles. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press,
The Dying Grain Which Bears Much Fruit: John 12:24, the Livia Cult, and
Bethsaida. In Bethsaida: A City by the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee, vol. 2, eds.
R. Arav and R. Freund, Kirksville, MI: Truman State University Press, 1999.
2 Esdras 2:11 and the Destruction of Bethsaida. Journal for Pseudepigraphic
Study (in press).
Bethlehem 2000: A Historical and Cultural Survey of the City of Jesus' Birth.
(with Mitri Raheb) (submitted).
The Reference to Bethsaida in 2 Esdras 2:11. In Bethsaida: A City by the
North Shore of the Sea of Galilee, vol. 3, eds. R. Arav and R. Freund (forthcoming).


John Strugnell: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1981/82 (Harvard
NEH Fellow John Strugnell Reports on Research Project. American Schools
of Oriental Research Newsletter 6 (1983): 10.
An Unpublished Halakhic Letter from Qumran (with Elisha Qimron). Israel
Museum Journal 4 (1985): 9-12.
An Unpublished Halakhic Letter from Qumran (with Elisha Qimron). Biblical
Archaeology Today (1985): 400-407.
Miqsat Maase Ha-Torah, Qumran Cave 4V. Discoveries in the Judaean
Desert X (with Elisha Qimron), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Michael O. Sugerman: Samuel H. Kress Joint Athens/Jerusalem Fellow, 1995/96
(Harvard University)
Samuel H. Kress Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 46/1 (1996): 5-6.
Webs of Commerce: The Archaeology of Ordinary Things in Late Bronze Age
Israel and Palestine. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 2000.

Marvin A. Sweeney: Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1987/88; Dorot Research Professor,
1993/94 (University of Miami)
The Book of Habakkuk. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
39/2 (1988): 6.
Habakkuk. Pp. 739-741 in Harper's Bible Commentary, eds. J.L. Mays et al.,
New York: Harper and Row, 1988.
Isaiah 1-4 and the Post-Exilic Understanding of the Isaianic Tradition.
Beiheft zr Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 171. Berlin and/or New
York: Walter de Gruyter, 1988.
The Wilderness Traditions of the Pentateuch: A Reassessment of Their
Function and Intent in Relation to Exodus 32-34. Pp. 291-299 in Society of Biblical
Literature 1989 Seminar Papers, ed. D. Lull, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989.
Structure, Genre, and Intent in the Book of Habakkuk. Vetus Testamentum 41
(1991): 63-83.
A Form-Critical Reassessment of the Book of Zephaniah. Catholic Biblical
Quarterly 53 (1991): 388-408.
Concerning the Structure and Generic Character of the Book of Nahum.
Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 104 (1992): 364-377.
Habakkuk, Book of. Pp. 1-6 in the Anchor Bible Dictionary vol. III, ed. D.N.
Freedman, New York: Doubleday, 1992.
Sargon's Threat Against Jerusalem in Isaiah 10: 27-32. Biblica 75 (1994):
Parenetic Intent in Isaiah 31. Pp. 99-106 in Proceedings of the Eleventh World
Congress of Jewish Studies, ed. D. Assaf, Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies,


Formation and Form in Prophetic Literature. Pp. 113-126 in The Future of
Old Testament Interpretation: Essays in Honor of Gene M. Tucker, eds. J.L. Mays,
D.L. Petersen and K.H. Richards, Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1995.
The Critique of Solomon in the Josianic Edition of the Deuteronomistic
History. Journal of Biblical Literature 114 (1995): 607-622.
Jeremiah 30-31 and King Josiah's Program of National Restoration and
Religious Reform. Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 108 (1996): 569-
Isaiah 1-39, with an Introduction to Prophetic Literature. Forms of the Old
Testament Literature 16. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1996.
Prophetic Torah in the Book of Isaiah. Pp. 50-67 in New Visions of Isaiah,
eds. R.F. Melugin and M.A. Sweeney, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
Supplement Series 214, Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press,
Jesses New Shoot in Isaiah 11: A Josianic Reading of the Prophet Isaiah. Pp.
103-118 in A Gift of G-d in Due Season: Essays on Scripture and Community in
Honor of James A. Sanders, eds., R. Weis and D. Carr, Journal for the Study of the
Old Testament Supplement Series 225, Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old
Testament Press, 1996.
Davidic Polemics in the Book of Judges. Vetus Testamentum 47 (1997): 517-
Twenty-two Articles on prophecy and prophetic literature in The Oxford
Dictionary of the Jewish Religion, eds. R.Z. Werblowsky and G. Wigoder, Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1997.
The Major Prophets. Pp. 69-94; 221-224 in The Hebrew Bible Today, eds.
S.L. McKenzie and M.P. Graham, Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1998.
Zephaniah: A Paradigm for the Study of the Prophetic Books. Currents in
Research: Biblical Studies 6 (1999): 119-145.
Structure and Redaction in Jeremiah 2-6. Pp. 200-218 in Troubling Jeremiah,
eds. A. R. Diamond, K. OConnor and L. Stuhlman, Journal for the Study of the Old
Testament Supplement Series 260, Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old
Testament Press, 1999.
The Twelve Prophets. Berit Olam: Studies in Hebrew Narrative and Poetry.
Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press/Michael Glazier, 2000.
Sequence and Interpretation in the Book of the Twelve. Pp. 49-64 in Reading
and Hearing the Book of the Twelve, eds, J.D. Nogalski and M.A. Sweeney, SBL
Symposium Series 15, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2000.
Habakkuk. Pp. 668-670 in HarperCollins Bible Commentary, eds. J.L. May et
al., New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2
edition, 2000.
Jeremiah. In Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, ed., D.N. Freedman, Grand
Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000.
King Josiah of Judah: The Lost Messiah of Israel. Oxford and New York:
Oxford University Press (in press).


Review: Theodore Hiebert, God of My Victory: The Ancient Hymn in
Habakkuk, Harvard Semitic Monographs 39, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986. Journal of
Biblical Literature 107 (1988): 309-311.

Hamdan Taha: Senior Fellow, 1996-00 (Palestinian Department of Antiquities)
Khirbet Belameh: Exploration of the Water System. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 47/3 (1997): 14.

May O. Talbot: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1994/95 (University of California, Los
The Dura-Europos Synagogue Paintings: Reevaluating the West Wall
Iconography. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California-Los Angeles (submitted).

Lynn W. Tatum: Research Fellow, 1983/84 (Duke University)
From Text to Tell: King Manasseh in the Biblical and Archaeological Record.
Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 1988.
King Manasseh and the Royal Fortress at Horvat 'Uza. Biblical Archaeologist
54 (1991): 136-145.
Water Tunnel. Hezekiah. Biblical Illustrator 22/3 (1996): 65-68.
Temple Idol Worship in Yahweh. Biblical Illustrator (in press).
Manasseh; People of the Land. In Eerdmanns Dictionary of the Bible, ed.
D.N. Freedman, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmanns (in press).
The Apostate King: Manesseh in the Biblical and Archaeological Record,
Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press (in press).

Tamas Turan: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1997/98 (Center for Jewish Studies,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)
Aspects of the Jewish Judicial System and Procedure in Late Antiquity.
American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter 48/3 (1998): 21.
Aspects of the Jewish Judicial System and Procedure in Late Antiquity. Ph.D.
dissertation, Center for Jewish Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Columbia
University, Hebrew University).

J. Glenn Taylor: George A. Barton Fellow, 1985/86 (Yale University)
The Two Earliest Known Representations of Yahweh. Pp. 557-566 in Ascribe
to the Lord: Biblical and Other Studies in Memory of Peter C. Craigie, eds. L.
Eslinger and J.G.Taylor, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement
Series 67, Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1988.
The Solar Deity in Ancient Northwest Semitic Literature: An Investigation of
the God Sp/ms in Texts from Ugarit, the Bible and Qumran. Ph.D. dissertation, Yale
University, 1989.


Yahweh and the Sun: Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for Sun Worship
in Ancient Israel. Pp. 308 in Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement
Series 118, Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1993.
Was Yahweh Worshipped as the Sun? Biblical Archaeology Review 20/3
(1994): 52-61, 90-91.

Joan Markley Todd: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1982/83 (San
Jose State University)
NEH Fellow Studies Mid-East Amber. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 35/5 (1984): 10-11.
Editor, Special Issue on Studies in Baltic Amber of the Journal of Baltic
Studies XVI/3 (1985).
Introduction: Studies in Baltic Amber. Journal of Baltic Studies XVI/3
(1985): 185-191.
Baltic Amber in the Ancient Near East. Journal of Baltic Studies XVI/3
(1985): 292-302.
Vico and Collingwood on 'The Conceit of Scholars' (with Joseph Cono).
History of European Ideas 6/1 (1985): 59-69.

Franois Valla: Senior Fellow, 1986/87 (Centre de Recherche Franais de Jrusalem)
Les premiers sdentaires de Palestine. La Recherche 19 (1988): 578-585.
Les premiers hommes au pays de la Bible. Exhibition catalogue, Antibes:
Muse d'Histoire et d'Archologie, 1988.
A propos du Kbarien gometrique de la terrasse d'Hayoni (Fouilles D. Henry
1974-75). Pp. 255-273 in Investigations in South Levantine Prehistory, eds. B.
Vandermeersch and O. Bar-Yosef, British Archaeological Reports International Series
497 (1989).
Notes propos de quelques foyers natoufiens de Mallaha (Eynan) Isral (with
K. Lechevallier). Pp. 293-302 in Nature et fonctions des foyers prhistoriques, eds. M.
Olive and Y. Taborin, Mmoires du Muse de Prhistoire d'Ile de France 2, 1989.

Peter Vargyas: Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1998/99 (Janus Pannonius University,
Pecs, Hungary)
Money in the Ancient Near East Before and After Coinage. American Schools
of Oriental Research Newsletter 49/3 (1999): 15-16.
The So-called Pre-monetary Use of Silver in the Ancient Near East and the
Silver Hoards from Tell el-`Ajjul. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
50/3 (2000): 20-21.
Silver and Money in Achaemenid and Hellenistic Babylonia. Pp. 513-521 in
Assyriologica et Semitica: Festschrift fr Joachim Oelsner, eds. J. Marzahn and H.
Neumann, Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Band 252, Mnster: Ugarit-Verlag,


Babylonian Interest Rates: Werent They Annual? Pp. 1095-1105 in Studi sul
Vicino Oriente Antico dedicati alla memoria di Luigi Cagni, Napoli: Istituto
Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, 2000.

Andrew G. Vaughn: Research Fellow (Fulbright Fellow); 1993/94 (Princeton
Theological Seminary)
An 'Official' Seal Impression from Lachish Reconsidered (with Gabriel
Barkay). Tel Aviv 22 (1995): 94-97.
The Chronicler's Account of Hezekiah: The Relationship of Historical Data to
a Theological Interpretation of 2 Chronicles 29-32. Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton
Theological Seminary, 1996.
Lmlk and Official Seal Impressions from Lachish (with Gabriel Barkay). Tel
Aviv 23 (1996): 61-74.
New Readings of Hezekian Official Seal Impressions (with Gabriel Barkay).
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 304 (1996): 29-54.

Anna de Vincenz: Post-Doctoral Fellow (Miqne Fellow), 1999/00 (Hebrew
Two Stamped Syrian Mortaria from Shuni. Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel
Archaeological Society 16 (1998): 71-74.
The Ceramic Finds from Ramat Denya. `Atiqot (submitted).
Early Islamic Ceramics from Ramla. `Atiqot (submitted).
Shuni-Mayumas. A Model of an Archaeological Park in Israel. Pp. 123-124 in
Centenary of Mediterranean Archaeology at the Jagiellonian University 1897-1997,
Krakw: Instytut Archeologii UJ, 1999.
Ein Europischer Archopark am Beispiel von Park Jabotinski-Shuni in
Israel. Pp. 459-460 in Archaeology of the Bronze and Iron Age: Proceedings of the
International Archaelogical Conference Szzhalombatta, 3-7 October 1996,
Budapest: Archaeolingua, 1999.
The Pottery From Ein Gedi. Roman-Byzantine-Mamluk. Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society (in press).
The Oil Lamps from Givat Gonen. `Atiqot (submitted).
The Pottery from Ein Lavan. `Atiqot (submitted).
The Pottery Assemblage from the Western Wall Plaza. `Atiqot (submitted).
Two Pottery Assemblages from Hurvat Nana. `Atiqot (submitted).
Pottery Assemblage from Bat Galim-Haifa. `Atiqot (submitted).
Clay Tobacco Pipes from Ramla. `Atiqot (submitted).
The Ceramics of the Roman Theatre at Shuni. `Atiqot (submitted).
The Pottery from Beit Jimal: Campaigns 1994/1996/1997/1998. Rome:
Universit Pontificia Salesiana (in press).
The Pottery Assemblage from Khirbet Jiljil. Rome: Universit Pontificia
Salesiana (forthcoming).


The Pottery Assemblage from Hurvat Raqit. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University
(in press).
The Pottery Assemblage from Ramla-Little Holland. `Atiqot (submitted).
Temple Mount Excavations: The Pottery from the Peristyle-House. Jerusalem:
Hebrew University (forthcoming).
Temple Mount Excavations: Pottery Assemblage from an Industrial Building
of the Early Byzantine Period. Jerusalem: Hebrew University (forthcoming).
A Clay Tobacco Pipe from Ramla-Filastin. London: British Museum
The Pottery Assemblage from a Byzantine Monastery on Mt. Scopus-
Jerusalem. `Atiqot (submitted).

Jane C. Waldbaum: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1989/90;
Dorot Research Professor, 1990/91 (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Two Attic Sherds. P. 243 in The Madaba Plains Project: The 1987 Season at
Tell el-'Umeiri and Vicinity and Subsequent Studies, eds. L.G. Herr et al., Berrien
Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1991.
Report of Dorot Research Professor. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 41/3 (1991): 5-6.
Early Greek Contacts with the Southern Levant, ca. 1000-600 B.C.: The
Eastern Perspective. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 293
(1994): 53-56.
The Chronology of Early Greek Pottery: New Evidence from Seventh
Century BC Destruction Levels in Israel (with Jodi Magness). American Journal of
Archaeology 101 (1997): 23-40.
Greeks in the East or Greeks and the East? Problems in the Definition and
Recognition of Presence. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 305
(1997): 1-17.

Carey E. Walsh: United States Information Agency Junior Research Fellow, 1996
(Harvard University)
Wine Production and Consumption in Ancient Israel. Albright News 1 (1996):
Wine Production and Consumption in the Domestic Economy of Ancient
Israel during the Iron Age II Period. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1996.
USIA Research Fellow's Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 46/4 (1996): 10.
The Fruit of the Vine: Viticulture in Ancient Israel. Winona Lake, IN:
Eisenbrauns, 2000.


Paula C. Wapnish: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1984
(Smithsonian Institution)
Animal Bone Archaeology: From Objectives to Analysis (with Brian Hesse),
Washington, DC: Taraxacum, 1985.
Appendix FFaunal Remains (with Brian Hesse). Pp. 227-250 in Tel Miqne-
Ekron. Report of the 1984 Excavation, Field IIISE by B.M. Gittlen, ed. S.Gitin, Ekron
Limited Edition Series 3, Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University, 1986.
Appendix FFaunal Remains (with Brian Hesse). Pp. 207-230 in Tel Miqne-
Ekron. Report of the 1984 Excavation, Field INE/SE by A.E. Killebrew, ed. S. Gitin,
Ekron Limited Edition Series 4, Jerusalem: Albright Institute/Hebrew University,
Preliminary report on the faunal remains from the sites of Kanaf and Qazrin in
the Golan (with Brian Hesse) (submitted to the Israel Department of Antiquities and
Animal Remains From the Sacred Precinct at Tel Dan (with Brian Hesse)
(submitted to the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology-Hebrew Union
Urbanization and the Organization of Animal Production at Tell Jemmeh in
the Middle Bronze Age Levant (with Brian Hesse). Journal of Near Eastern Studies
47/2 (1988): 81-94.
The Contribution and Organization of Pastoral Systems (with Brian Hesse).
Pp. 29-41 in Early Israelite Agriculture, ed. .S. LaBianca and D.C. Hopkins,
Occasional Papers of the Institute of Archaeology 1, Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews
University, 1988.
Faunal Remains from Tel Dan: Perspectives on Animal Production at a
Village, Urban and Ritual Center (with Brian Hesse). Archaeozoology 4/2 (1991): 9-
Beauty and Utility in BoneNew Light on Bone Crafting. Biblical
Archaeology Review 17/4 (1991): 54-57.
Archaeozoology: The Integration of Faunal Data with Biblical Archaeology.
Pp. 426-442 in Biblical Archaeology Today, 1990, Proceedings of the 2nd
International Congress of Biblical Archaeology, eds. A. Biran and J. Aviram,
Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993.

Darren Weening: Dorot-Miqne Computer Fellow, 1991/92 (University of
You and Your Locus Sheet: A Guide for Diggers (with D.B. MacKay), ed.
W.E. Aufrecht, Jerusalem: W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, 1992.


Theodore W. Williams: Research Fellow (Fulbright Fellow), 1999/00 (University of
Review: T.L. Thompson, The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth
of History, Basic Books, New York, 1999. Near Eastern Archaeology 62/4 (1999):

E. Jan Wilson: Research Fellow, 1990/91 (Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio);
Post Doctoral Fellow, 1993/95 (Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem)
Sibilant Rivalry? Akkadica 70 (1990): 28-40.
Ugaritic `d and an Unusual Use of Sumerian ID. Akkadica 74/75 (1991): 48-
'Holiness' in Ancient Israel and Mesopotamia: The Concepts Behind qds,
KU3 and ellu. Ph.D. dissertation, Hebrew Union College, 1992.

Bonnie Wisthoff: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1985/86; James A. Montgomery Fellow,
1986/87 (University of Arizona)
Notes and NewsTell el-Wawiyat (with Beth Alpert Nakhai and J.P. Dessel).
Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987): 181-185.
Israelite and Canaanite Cult: An Archaeological Study of Continuity. Ph.D.
dissertation, University of Arizona (in progress).

Samuel R. Wolff: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1987/88
(University of Chicago); Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1988-90 (Harvard Research
Associate); Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1990-92 (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev);
Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1991-93 (Israel Antiquities Authority); Senior Fellow, 1993-00
(Israel Antiquities Authority)
Archaeology in Israel. American Journal of Archaeology 95/3 (1991): 489-
538; 97 (1993): 135-163; 98 (1994): 481-519; 100 (1996): 725-768; 102 (1998): 757-
Excavations at an Early Armenian Monastery in the Morasha Neighborhood
of Jerusalem (with David Amit). Qadmoniot 26/1-2 (1993): 52-56 (Hebrew).
Neutron Activation Analysis of Pottery from Motya. Motya II, ed. B.S. J.
Isserlin, 1993 (submitted).
Jerusalem, Third Wall (Area D) (with David Amit and A. Gorzalezany).
Hadashot Arkheologiyot 100 (1993): 68-71 (Hebrew); Excavations and Surveys in
Israel 13 (1995): 80-83 (English).
An Armenian Monastery in the Morasha Neighborhood, Jerusalem (with
David Amit). Pp. 293-298 in Ancient Jerusalem Revealed, ed. H. Geva, Jerusalem:
Israel Exploration Society, 1994.
Ein Hagit. Senior Fellows Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 44/3 (1994): 7.


Oleoculture and Olive Oil Presses in Phoenician North Africa. Pp. 129-136 in
Olive Oil in Antiquity (Israel and Neighboring Countries from the Neolithic to the
Early Arab Period), eds. D. Eitam and M. Heltzer, Padova: Sargon srl, 1996.
A Second Temple Period Tomb on the Shu'afat Ridge, North Jerusalem.
`Atiqot 29 (1996): 23-28.
Archaeology in Israel. American Journal of Archaeology 100 (1996): 725-
En Hagit, En Safafa, and Jerusalem, Khirbet el-Burj. Excavation and Surveys
in Israel 16 (1997): 59-60; 61; 97.
Spectroscopy. P. 68 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near
East 5, ed. E.M. Meyers, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Ironian Casseroles from Nizzana and Iskandil Burnu, Turkey. Israel
Exploration Journal 47 (1997): 93-96.
A Jewish Ossuary from Gophna. Pp. 149-156 in Proceedings of the Judea and
Samaria Research Studies 6th Annual Meeting, Ariel, March 1996, ed. Y. Eshel,
Kedumim-Ariel: College of Judea and Samaria, 1997 (Hebrew).
An Iron Age I Site at 'En Hagit (Northern Ramat Menashe). Pp. 449-454 in
Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE in
Honor of Professor Trude Dothan, eds. S. Gitin, A. Mazar and E. Stern, Jerusalem:
Israel Exploration Society, 1998.
Tel Megadim (Tel Sahar). Hadashot Arkheologiyot 108 (1998): 31-33
Tel Hamid (with Alon Shavit). Excavations and Surveys in Israel/Hadashot
Arkheologiyot 109 (1999): 68*-70* (English), 104-107 (Hebrew).
Tel Hamid. Excavations and Surveys in Israel/Hadashot Arkheologiyot 110
(1999): 55*-56* (English), 73-74 (Hebrew).
Iron Age Pottery. Pp. 529-536 in Ramat Hanadiv Excavations. Final Report
of the 1984-1998 Seasons, ed. Y. Hirschfeld, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society,
`Isfiya. Excavations and Surveys in Israel/Hadashot Arkheologiyot 111
(2000): 21* (English); 27-28 (Hebrew).
Editor, Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in
Memory of Douglas L. Esse, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilizations/ASOR Book
Series, Chicago/Atlanta: Oriental Institute/American Schools of Oriental Research (in
Production Centers of Collared-Rim Pithoi from Sites in the Carmel Coast
and Ramat Menashe Regions (with Anat Cohen-Weinberger). In Studies in the
Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse, ed. S.R.
Wolff, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilizations/ASOR Book Series, Chicago/
Atlanta: Oriental Institute/American Schools of Oriental Research (in press).
Excavations of Kokh No. 5, Qarantal Ridge. `Atiqot (in press).
Excavations at the Third Wall, Jerusalem: Stratigraphy (with David Amit);
Byzantine Pottery. `Atiqot (submitted).


Excavations of Cave No. 1, Qarantal Ridge. `Atiqot (submitted).
En Hagit. A Middle Bronze Age III and Iron Age I Village in Northern Ramat
Menashe: Final Report. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority Report Series
The Wadi Rabah and Chalcolithic Remains from Tel Dover (with Ianir
Milevski et al.). `Atiqot (submitted).
Tel Dover: The Late Bronze and Iron Age (with Amir Golani). Atiquot
Reviews: P.Gros, Byrsa III. Classical World 82/6 (1989): 117; Benichou-
Safar, Les tombes puniques de Carthage. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental
Research 265 (1987): 91-93; R. Barnett and C. Mendleson, eds., Tharros: A
Catalogue of Material in the British Museum from Phoenician and Other Tombs at
Tharros, Sardinia. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 51/2 (1992): 149-151; S. Moscati,
ed., The Phoenicians. Israel Exploration Journal 43 (1993): 276-279; E. Lipiski, ed.,
Phoenicia and the Bible. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
299/300 (1995): 127-128.

Haddon Wright: Research Fellow, 1995/96 (MacQuarie University, NSW, Australia)
Lead Isotope Analysis as a Tool in the Source Determination of Iron Ores and
Artefacts from Ancient Israel. Ph.D. dissertation, MacQuarie University (in

J. Edward Wright: J. Henry Thayer Fellow, 1986/87 (Brandeis University); Post-
Doctoral Fellow, 1995/96 (University of Arizona)
The Cosmography of the Greek Apocalypse of Baruch and its Affinities. Ph.D.
dissertation, Brandeis University, 1992.
Baruch: An Ideal Saga. Pp. 193-210 in Go to the Land I Will Show You:
Studies in Honor of Dwight W. Young, eds. J.P. Coleson and V. Matthews, Winona
Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996.
1995-96 Postdoctoral Fellow's Report. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 46/4 (1996): 9.
The Social Setting of the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch. Journal for the Study
of the Pseudepigraphy 16 (1997): 83-98.
Ezekiel in the Synagogue Paintings from Dura-Europos. Pp. 101-112 in The
Apocryphal Ezekiel, eds. M.E. Stone, B.G. Wright, and D.Satran, Early Judaism and
Its Literature, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 2000.
The Early History of Heaven. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press,
From Scribe to Seer: Baruch ben Neriah in History and Tradition, Studies on
Personalities of the Old Testament 56, Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina
Press (in press).


The Death of Ezekiel in the Ezekiel Panel of the Dura-Europas Synagogue. In
Apocryphal Ezekiel, eds. M.E. Stone and B.G. Wright, Atlanta: Scholars Press
Reviews: B. Nitzan, Pesher Habakkuk: A Scroll from the Wilderness of
Judaea (1QpHab); Text, Introduction and Commentary, Jerusalem: Bialik Institute,
1986 (Hebrew). Catholic Biblical Quarterly 51 (1989): 532-533; Heinz Feltes, Die
Gattung des Habakukkomentars von Qumran (1QpHab), Wrzburg: Echter, 1986.
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 51/3 (1989): 533-535.

Stephen V. Wyrick: Senior Fellow, 1992/93 (California Baptist College, Riverside,
Gehenna; Ibleam; Naphath-Dor; Elah; Baasha; Lod; Ono; Harod; Kishon;
Shunem. In Eerdmanns Dictionary of the Bible, ed. D.N. Freedman, Grand Rapids,
MI: Eerdmanns, 2000.

John Y.H. Yieh: George A. Barton Fellow, 1989/90 (Yale University)
The Role of Teacher in the Qumran Community and in the Rabbinic Academy
at Yavneh: A Social Historical Study. Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University.
George A. Barton Fellow Report. American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter 40/4 (1990): 5.

Ziony Zevit: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1986/87; Senior
Fellow (Guggenheim), 1994/95 (University of Judaism, Los Angeles)
Underground Religion. American Schools of Oriental Research Newsletter
39/2 (1988): 2-4.
Onomastic Gleanings from Recently Published Judahite Bullae. Israel
Exploration Journal 38 (1988): 227-234.
The Common Origin of the Aramaic Prayer to Horus and of Psalm 20.
Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1990): 213-228.
Timber for the Tabernacle: Text, Tradition, and Realia. Pp.*136-143 in Eretz-
lsrael 23 (A. Biran volume), Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1992.
Editor, Solving Riddles and Untying Knots: Biblical, Epigraphic, and Semitic
Studies Presented to Jonas C. Greenfield (with Seymour Gitin and Michael Sokoloff),
Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995.
Philology, Archaeology, and a terminus a quo for P's hatta't Legislation. Pp.
29-39 in Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near
Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, eds. D.P. Wright,
D.N. Freedman and A. Hurvitz, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995.
ReportReligions of Ancient Israel: A Synthesis of Parallactic Approaches.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 298 (1995): 74.
Jonas C. Greenfield: An Appreciation (Hebrew). Pp. 25-30 in Lezikro Shel
Chayyim Yonah Greenfield: Devarim Sheneemeru Bemle'at Sheloshim Lemoto,
Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1996.


The Earthen Altar Laws of Exodus 20:24-26 and Related Sacrificial
Restrictions in Their Cultural Context. Pp. 53-62 in Texts, Temples, and Traditions: A
Tribute to Menahem Haran, eds. M. Fox et al., Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996.
The Religions of Ancient Israel. A Synthesis of Parallactic Approaches.
London/New York: Continuum (in press).

Mark Ziese: Research Fellow, 1996/97 (Andrews University)
The Pottery of Early Bronze Age Tell Taannek. American Schools of Oriental
Research Newsletter 47/3 (1997): 16.

Jeffrey Zorn: Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1991/92; Post Doctoral Fellow, 1994/95;
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1995/96 (University of California,
Tell en-Nasbeh in the Iron Age: A Re-evaluation. Ph.D. dissertation,
University of California at Berkeley, 1992.
Nasbeh, Tell en-. Pp. 1098-1102 in The New Encyclopedia of
Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land vol. 3, ed. E. Stern, Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society, 1993.
Mesopotamian-style Ceramic 'Bathtub' Coffins from Tell en-Nasbeh. Tel Aviv
20 (1993): 216-224.
Two Rosette Stamp Impressions from Tell en-Nasbeh. Bulletin of the
American Schools of Oriental Research 293 (1994): 81-82.
The M(W)SH Stamp Impressions and the Neo-Babylonian Period (with
Joseph Yellin and J. Hayes). Israel Exploration Journal 44 (1994): 161-183.
Estimating the Population Size of Ancient Settlements: Methods, Problems,
Solutions and a Case Study. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
295 (1994): 31-48.
Scanning Pottery Profiles. Center for the Study of Architecture Newsletter 7/4
(1995): 7-9.
Three Cross-Shaped 'Tet' Stamp Impressions from Tell en-Nasbeh. Tel Aviv
22 (1995): 98-106.
Tell en-Nasbeh: The Ceramic Dating of Strata 1 to 5. American Schools of
Oriental Research Newsletter 46/3 (1996): 12-13.
The Date of a Bronze Vase from Tell en-Nasbeh. Tel Aviv 23 (1996): 209-
Bade, William F.; Tell en-Nasbeh. P. 262, vol. 1; Pp. 101-103, vol. 4 in The
Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, ed. E.M. Meyers, New York:
Oxford University Press, 1997.
An Inner and Outer Gate Complex at Tell en-Nasbeh. Bulletin of the
American Schools of Oriental Research 307 (1997): 53-66.
A Legacy of Publication: William F. Bade and Tell en-Nasbeh. Biblical
Archaeology Review 23/4 (1997): 68-69.


More on Mesopotamian Burial Practices in Ancient Israel. Israel Exploration
Journal 47 (1997): 214-219.
Mizpah: Newly Discovered Stratum Reveals Judahs Other Capital. Biblical
Archaeology Review 23/5 (1997): 28-38.
The Dating of an Early Iron Age Kiln from Tell al-Nasbah. Levant 30 (1998):
New Insights from Old Wine Presses (with Carey Welsh). Palestine
Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 154-161.
Indiana Zorn and the Web Site of Tel en-Nasbeh. Near Eastern Archaeology
61 (1998): 257.
This Old Site: Issues in the Reappraisal of Early Excavations. Pp. 59-70 in
Archaeologys Publication Problem, vol. 2, ed. H. Shanks, Washington, DC: Biblical
Archaeological Society, 1999.
A Note on the Date of the `Great Wall of Tell en-Nasbeh: A Rejoinder. Tel
Aviv 26 (1999): 146-150.
Mizpah of Benjamin. In Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans, 2000.
... as for me, I will dwell at Mizpah.' Recovering Ancient Judah's Other
Capital. Biblical Archaeology Review (in press).
Tell en-Nasbeh. In The Archaeology of the Levant: Encyclopedia, Garland
Publishing Inc. (in press).
Wedge- and Circle-Impressed Pottery: An Arabian Connection. In Studies in
the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse, ed.
S. R. Wolff (in press).
Three Unpublished Wine Presses from Tell en-Nasbeh (with Carey Walsh)



The W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem is the oldest
American research center for Ancient Near Eastern Studies in the Middle East.
Founded in 1900 as the American School of Oriental Research (ASOR), it was
renamed in 1970 after its most distinguished director, William Foxwell Albright.
Today, the Albright is one of three separately incorporated institutes affiliated with
ASOR, the others being in Amman and Nicosia. The present Albright facility was
constructed in 1925, with additions made in 1930 and major renovations completed in
1985. Located 500 meters north of the old walled city of Jerusalem, it is within easy
walking distance of the Ecole Biblique, the British, German and Spanish Schools of
Archaeology, the Institute of Islamic Archaeology, the Hebrew Union College-Nelson
Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology, the Hebrew University, the Rockefeller
Museum and the Israel Antiquities Authority. This grouping of scholarly resources is
one of the heaviest concentrations of human, bibliographic and artifact resources in
Ancient Near Eastern Studies.

For the past 102 years, Albright/ASOR has provided students and scholars with an
unparalleled international cultural environment and a unique program which spans the
broad spectrum of Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Each year, Albright Fellows,
primarily from the United States, Canada, Europe, Israel and the Palestinian Entity,
exchange information and ideas with hundreds of other and foreign local researchers,
including those from other countries of the eastern Mediterranean basin. Dedicated to
the advancement of the study of the literature, history and culture of the ancient Near
East, including the disciplines of the Archaeology of Palestine and Biblical Studies,
the Albright continues to be a major research center and to strive for excellence in

Now, as in the past, the Albright Institute provides a wide range of programs and
facilities for pre-doctoral and post-doctoral research, as well as an information-sharing
program and field work experience, for more than 3,000 persons. These include an
annual series of lectures, reports, seminars, workshops, field trips, social events, and
support for 24 ASOR-affiliated and Albright-assisted excavation and publications
projects. It also includes a publications program, an extensive research library,
workshops and living accommodations. The Albright Institute jointly sponsors with
the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem the long-term Tel
Miqne-Ekron excavation and publications project.


Chair, Daniel Wolk, Rye, NY
President, Sidnie White Crawford, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Vice-President, John Spencer, John Carroll University, University Heights, OH
Treasurer, J. Edward Wright, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Secretary, Jodi Magness, Tufts University, Medford, MA;
(Comptroller, Samuel Cardillo, Philadelphia, PA)
Robert Blinken, New York, NY
Joan R. Branham, Providence College, Providence, RI
Vivian Bull, Linfield College, McMinnville, OR
John Coleman, White Plains, NY
Thomas R. Cox, III, Stamford, CT
JP Dessel, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Norma Dever, Tucson, AZ
Raymond Frankel, Los Angeles, CA
Ernest S. Frerichs, Dorot Foundation, Providence, RI
Patty Gerstenblith, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, IL
Eugene Grant, New York, NY
Robert Haak, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL
Sharon Herbert, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Peter Machinist, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Carol Meyers, Duke University, Durham, NC
Shalom Paul, Hebrew University-Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem
Norma Ritterspach, Indianapolis, IN
Jonathan P. Rosen, New York, NY
Richard J. Scheuer, Larchmont, NY
Lee R. Seeman, Great Neck, NY
Lydie Shufro, New York, NY
Mark Smith, New York University, New York, N.Y.
Marian Scheuer Sofaer, Palo Alto, CA
Ron Tappy, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, PA
Jane Waldbaum, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Ziony Zevit, University of Judaism, Los Angeles, CA
Walter E. Aufrecht, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Robert J. Bull, Drew University, Madison, NJ
Edward F. Campbell, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL
Edward E. Cohen, Philadelphia, PA
William G. Dever, Bedford Hills, NY
David Noel Freedman, University of California-San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Norma Kershaw, Mission Viejo, CA
John H. Marks, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
George Mendenhall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Eric Meyers, Duke University, Durham, NC;
Kevin OConnell, The Jesuit Center, Amman, Jordan
Joe D. Seger, Mississippi State University, MS;
Lawrence Stager, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Paul Steinberg, Hebrew Union College, New York, NY
Seymour Gitin


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