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Olga Abundis Miles

834 Thornbranch Dr. Houston, TX 77079

Email: Olga.miles! " #hone: $83%& '%4"()4)
Bilingual EducatorTrainerCoac! "ossessing ten "lus #ears $%&'( e*+erience ,ith teaching,
mentoring an- .ostering relationshi+s on aca-emic an- +ersonal gro,th conce+ts. /-0ocate o. cultural
-i0ersit! an- +ossess a global min-"set. 1nter-isci+linar! instructional coach ,ith e*cellent ,riting s2ills.
Highl! le0el o. ethics, integrit! an- moral character +rotecting con.i-ential in.ormation. 3ature, +ragmatic
in-i0i-ual, ,ho has the ca+abilit! to act u+on goo- 4u-gment managing critical issues 5uic2l!. 6ias .or
action an- the .ortitu-e to challenge the status 5uo ,ith a high sense o. urgenc!7 a results an- team
oriente- lea-er ,ho is asserti0e, calm an- +roacti0e. 8rant ,riter ,ith e*+ertise ser0ing on e-ucational
,riting teams.
Master o* Educational Leaders!i"
The 9ni0ersit! o. :aint Thomas, Houston, TX, 8ra-uation " E*+ecte- ;ul! %0(4
Bac!elor o* International Business Ad+inistration, 1TE:3, 3onterre!, 3e*ico, (994.
Ho. to +a/e business .it! A+ericans" Tulane 9ni0ersit!, <e, Orleans, =/
Ho. to +a/e business .it! Euro"eans" Ecole :u+ereur -u >ommerce, =!on, ?rance
Te*as Earl! >hil-hoo- to .ourth gra-e bilingual Elementar! E-ucation %004
> on 8i.te- an- talente- instruction
#ro.essional e-ucator
s2ille- at -e0elo+ing an-
a-0ising stu-ents
aca-emicall! an- .or
+ersonal gro,th.
>oache- an- mentore-
.ello, teachers.
1nitiate an- anal!@e
research -ata .or
teaching an-
learning. Aesearch
resources .or re0ie,.
6i"lingual e-ucator.
:cience curriculum ,riter.
=anguage /rts curriculum
,riting ca-re. 8rant ,riter.
1nternational business
1nstructional lea-ershi+
6usiness e-ucator.
1ntegrate learning
mo-alities ,ith
instruction, an- a-0ising.
>om+uter literac!
instruction. Ten !ear
e-ucational career.
E*cel, Bor-, #o,er
#oint. 3el-
technolog! a-0ances
to e-ucation
materials in
classroom setting.
team member. <ominate-
teacher o. the !ear.
E-ucate stu-ents on
com+uter literac!, business
e-ucation, +ersonal goals
an- aca-emics.
Resu+e o*2 Olga Miles 0age 3
S"ring Branc! IS)5 6est.ood Ele+entar#5 Houston5 T4 3&&7,"resent
Interdisci"linar# Instructional Coac! " 3&%3,0resent
Direct the -e0elo+ment, im+lementation an- o0ersight o. learning an- -e0elo+ment curriculum an-
all relate- initiati0es. 3anage an- im+ro0e the +ro-ucti0it! o. e-ucation7 -etermine an- monitor
the -esign, +lanning, im+lementation an- +resentation o. trainingC-e0elo+ment +rograms.
Ae0ie, organi@ational",i-e nee-s to -ri0e training initiati0es, i-enti.! an- arrange suitable training
solutions .or em+lo!ees an- acti0el! im+lement e..ecti0e metho-s to e-ucate teachers an- enhance
/ssess training initiati0es7 in-enti.! an- arrange training solutions7 im+lement metho-s to e-ucate
an- enhance +er.ormance. 1-enti.! s+eci.ic areas o. abilit! an- -e.icienc! le0els. Bor2 in
collaboration ,ith sta.. an- teachers. #rescribe in-i0i-ual instruction +lan.
#ro0i-e mo-eling an- coaching to aca-emic su++ort teachers an- in-i0i-ual an- grou+ instructors.
3anage classroom o+erations +resenting e*+ertise in >urriculum De0elo+ment.
3a2e recommen-ations to management an- mo-i.! +rograms as nee-e- in or-er to a-a+t to the
changes that occur in the ,or2 en0ironment.
Acco+"lis!+ent2 Teacher o. the Dear .or %0(3 E Aeci+e .or :uccess Organi@ation. :uccess.ull!
im+lemente- +rograms to increase teacher +er.ormance through mo-eling, coaching, an-
+ro.essional -e0elo+ment. #la!e- 2e! role im+ro0ing stu-ent gra-es.
Ele+entar# Science Inter8ention S"ecialist5 3&&9,3&%3
<ominate- Teacher o. the Dear. :cience curriculum ,riter. 1nstructional lea-ershi+ team member.
1nstructe- small grou+ inter0ention +rogram .or stu-ents. Taught ,hole class lessons.
Aes+on-e- to in5uiries, an- -esigne-, collecte- -ata, re+orting, an- monitore- stu-ent +rogress on
-istrict assessments. >ollaborate- an- ,or2e- e..ecti0el! ,ith 0arious teams.
Engage- in ongoing +ro.essional gro,th to sta! current in ne, -e0elo+ments in the .iel-.
Acco+"lis!+ents2 :cience scores consi-erabl! im+ro0e- throughout the -istrict +ost ne, science
curriculum im+lementation.
Certi*ied Bilingual Teac!er5 3&&7,3&&9
> on Elementar! $E>"4bilingual& an- 6usiness E-ucation.
Aes+onsible .or -ocumenting teaching an- stu-ent +rogressCacti0itiesCoutcomes7 +ro0i-e- metho-s to
su++ort an-Cor rein.orce classroom goals in the home7 +ro0i-e- a sa.e an- o+timal learning en0ironment.
De0elo+e- a++ro+riate lesson +lans an- utili@e- instructional techni5ues7 e0aluate- stu-ents le0el o.
English .luenc! an- +ro0i-e- timel! .ee-bac2 to stu-ents, +arents an- a-ministration regar-ing stu-ent
+rogress, e*+ectations, an- goals.
/s Team 3ember o. the =anguage /rts >urriculum ,riting team instrumental -esigning +rograms to
increase stu-ent +er.ormance. >ontribute- s2ills to the TeacherFs a++raisals committee.
:er0e- as #artici+ant on the 1nstructional =ea-ershi+ Team.
Acco+"lis!+ents2 <ominate- Teacher o. the Dear.
S"ring Branc! IS)5 Houston5 T45 Su++er 3&%%
6riter Consultant *or Science 1,3
#re+are- curriculum .or :cience G"%. Aesearche-, anal!@e- -ata an- recommen-e- materials .or
:cience stu-ents.
Acco+"lis!+ents2 >on-ucte- materials re0ie, .or science -ata .or Te*as E-ucation /genc!
A--ILIATIONS 3ember o. Ga++a Delta #i, %0(3"+resent

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