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How To Mac

Setting up a Network with the Yamaha 01X, Motif XS and Mac computer
mLAN TOOLS for Macintosh ersion 1!"!0 #Noem$er "00%&
Motif XS w'mLAN1()" * Operating S+stem ersion 1!,,!--, .)))1/01 2irmware ersion 1!03
Setup the Motif XS
4ress 56T.L.TY7
4ress 5217 8)N)9AL
4ress 5S217 A6TO LOA:
)nsure that the .)))1/01 :rier ; mLAN
.f not, change the setting, then press 5STO9)7 to write this preference to +our 2<ash 9OM
You wi<< need to re$oot the Motif XS for this setting to take p<ace!
Ne-t, +ou want to make sure that the M.:. communication is set to mLAN=
4ress 56T.L.TY7
4ress 52,7 >ONT9OL
4ress 5S2"7 M.:.
)nsure that the M.:. .N'O6T ; mLAN
4ress 5STO9)7 to write this preference to +our 2<ash 9OM!
Setup the 01X
4ress 56T.L.TY7
4ress 5?NO@ /7 A!>L?
4ress 5?NO@ 17 )NA@L)
Se<ect Y)S #5?NO@ %7&
Bust to the right of the screen press the :OAN :.S4LAY arrow to iew 4A8) " of "
4ress 5?NO@ 17 .NT)9NAL to set the 01X to use its .NT)9NAL >LO>?
You wi<< $e offered different operating samp<e ratesC 2or this e-amp<e, press 5?NO@ 17 .NT11!1kDE
4ress 5.NT)9NAL7 to se<ect the .nterna< Mode
Setup +our Macintosh computer=
8o to A44L.>AT.ONS F 6T.L.T.)S F A6:.O M.:. S)T64
Set the A6:.O :)G.>) as shown to use the mLAN N)TAO9?
How To Mac (continued)
On upper too< $ar of +our Mac c<ick on the mLAN icon and <aunch the 89A4D.> 4AT>D@AY
Dere we wi<< setup the three iews= Aord ><ock, M.:. and Audio! Se<ect the A>L? iew #Aord ><ock&
H Dere we are going to make the 01X the Master c<ock! @+ far this is the most f<e-i$<e setup $ecause $+ making
+our mi-er the master c<ock, +ou can use the 01X and the Motif XS ia firewire without the computer haing to
$e on or present!
H6se the 5TA@7 ke+ on +our computer to moe the high<ight to the different Nodes! You want to high<ight the 01X
H ><ick on the +e<<ow I1 MST9J #One Master& icon on the too< $ar to se<ect the M.:. iew!
How To Mac (continued)
Se<ect the M.:. iew
H Dere we wi<< patch the 01X #top'purp<e& to the computer #<eft'pink& with , Kpatch ca$<esL! To do so on the 01X
node, c<ick on the word O6T to open the patcha$<e connectors!
H ><ick in the empt+ c<ear space Must to the right of 1N a ca$<e Mack wi<< appear
H Ahi<e ho<ding down the 5SD.2T7 ke+ on +our OA)9TY c<ick in the c<ear space Must to the right of the num$er ,N
this wi<< read+ , Macks
H ><ick on the word .N on the >omputer Node #Streaming :rier& and comp<ete the connection $+ c<icking in the
space Must to the right of the num$er 1N this wi<< connect the , Macks to the first , .N46TS of the computer!
.n this fashion, connect the first , O6TS from the >omputer Node $ack to the .N of the 01X! Ahen iewing the
8raphic 4atch$a+, the O6T Kca$<eL wi<< match the co<or of the source! So a<wa+s fo<<ow signa< O6T46T to .N46T!
>onnect the / O6T Macks of the Motif XS to the (th, 3th and %th .N46T on the computer
>onnect the (th, 3th and %th O6T of the >omputer to the .N of the Motif XS!
Shown $e<ow=
How To Mac (continued)
Se<ect the A6:.O iew
H Dere we wi<< route the audio signa<s as fo<<owsC and . shou<d mention +ou hae f<e-i$i<it+ in routing this! 2or
this e-amp<e, we wi<< connect the 1( audio outputs of the Motif XS to the first 1( mLAN .N46TS on the 01X *
these wi<< appear in the 01X as KmL1PmL%L and KmL0PmL1(L
. wi<< mention this now $ecause it is er+ important to understand this num$ering s+stem=
The first % input channe<s to the 01X are ana<ogC repeat, the first % inputs of the 01X are ana<og and the+ are
seen on the $ack pane< of the 01X! These do not show up as .N46TS on the 8raphic 4atch$a+!4atching to the
ana<og inputs is done with rea< #ana<og& ca$<esC So on the front pane< of +our 01X, find the M.X)9'LAY)9 row
of $uttons=
Notice ne-t to the green L!)!: +ou wi<< see $uttons <a$e<ed= 51*%7, 50*1(7, 513*"17 and 5MAST)97
>hanne< K1*%L are ana<og input channe<s
>hanne<s K0*1(L and K13*"1L are the si-teen mLAN #:igita<& inputs as seen in the A6:.O iew of the 8raphic
Ahen +ou press $utton 51*%7 * +ou wi<< see in the screen >D1, >D", >D/, >D1, >D,, >D(, >D3 and >D%
Ahen +ou press $utton 50*1(7 * +ou wi<< see in the screen mL1, mL", mL/, mL1, mL,, mL(, mL3 and, mL%
Ahen +ou press $utton 13*"1 * +ou wi<< see mL0, mL10, mL11, mL1", mL1/, mL11, mL1,, and mL1(
Last<+, <etLs connect a stereo pair from the >omputer node to the 13th and 1%th mLAN input on the 01X! The
purpose of this connection is it is responsi$<e for de<iering stereo audio direct<+ to +our MON.TO9 S4)A?)9S!
Ahen the 5MON.TO9 A'@7 Mode $utton is <it, +ou wi<< $e a$<e to monitor signa< from +our :AA! Ahen the
5MON.TO9 A'@ $utton is not <it +ou wi<< $e monitoring the interna< 01X mi-er!
.mportant= @e sure to connect +our monitor speakers to the MON.TO9 O6T L'9 Macks on the $ack pane< of the
01X #not the ST)9)O'A6X O6T&
>onnect "1 Audio O6Ts from the 01X Node to "1 .Ns on the computer! Shown $e<ow=
How To Mac (continued)
These "1 O6T46TS from the 01X represent the % ana<og channe<s and the 1( mLAN channe<sQ
9ead+ to 8o
Now that +ou hae created a 8raphic 4atch that networks +our Motif XS, +our computer and the 01X=
><ick A44LY
The 8raphic 4atch$a+ wi<< negotiate with the nodes and esta$<ish this setup! This setup wi<< remain so once +ou
power down and power up again * the <ast configuration wi<< $e reca<<ed, so +ou on<+ hae to do this once!
Doweer, as +ou wi<< discoer +ou can sae this setup #and others that +ou might create& on +our computer!
There is no one setup for eer+thing! So +ou wi<< $e creating different patches for different situations
8o to 2.L) F SAG)
8ie the Setup a name * it wi<< $e gien the e-tension I!m<cJ #mLAN >onnection&
You wi<< on<+ need to reca<< it if +ou change something!
)-p<anation of the M.:. 4O9T connections=
The 01X communicates with the computer on , different 4orts as fo<<ows=
4ort 1 * this port is resered to contro< +our :AA software
On the 01X 4ress 56T.L.TY7
4ress 5?NO@ 17 9)MOT)
4ress 5?NO@ 17 * 5?NO@ ,7 to se<ect +our :AA 9)MOT) target
The 01X acts as a 9)MOT) >ONT9OL surface * a<<owing +ou to contro<, edit and manipu<ate the most popu<ar
:AAs and gies +ou motoriEed faders for an un<imited num$er of audio and M.:. tracks #in $anks of %&!
4ort " * this is the M.:. A .N'O6T Macks on the $ack pane< of the 01X!
An+ M.:. modu<e or additiona< deice +ou want to connect to the network can $e p<ugged in here with a standard
pair of ,*pin M.:. ca$<es!
4ort / * this is the M.:. @ .N'O6T Macks on the $ack pane< of the 01X!
An+ M.:. modu<e or additiona< deice +ou want to connect to the network can $e p<ugged in here with a standard
pair of ,*pin M.:. ca$<es!
4ort 1 * this is resered for the ST6:.O MANA8)9 01X )ditor that a<<ows +ou to remote contro< and edit +our
01X from +our computer!
4ort , * this is resered as the 8)N)9AL 9)MOT) contro< which can $e used to contro< a M.:. modu<e #sa+
+ou had a Motif*9ack unit and wanted to se<ect sounds or contro< +our Motif XS from the screen of the 01X& or it
can $e used to contro< S>)N) reca<<s from +our ke+$oard if +ou are on stage and want to operate the mi-er
from an e-terna< deice <ike a seRuencer!
The Motif XS communicates with +our computer on / separate 4O9TS, as fo<<ows=
4ort ( going into and $ack out of the computer * is seen as the Motif XSLs first port #4O9T 1& * this is used for
music performance communication
4ort 3 going into and $ack out of the computer * is seen as the Motif XSLs second port #4O9T "& * this is used for
when +ou want to 9)MOT) >ontro< +our :AA from the front pane< of the Motif XS
4ort % going into and $ack out of the computer * is seen as the Motif XSLs third port #4O9T /& * this is used when
+ou want to connect an e-terna< M.:. deice to +ou :AA simp<+ using the ,*pin Macks on the $ack pane< of the
XS to de<ier M.:. signa< into +our :AA and items routed on this port from the :AA wi<< simp<+ go O6T ia the
,*pin M.:. O6T Mack on the $ack pane<!
How To Mac (continued)
)-p<anation of the A6:.O connections=
The Motif XS has 1( audio $us outputs! Ahen +ou are routing signa< from the Motif XS +ou can do so on a per
4A9T $asis, using the O6T46T S)L)>T parameters! The A6:.O patch$a+ is a creatie too<! Learn to operate it
as such! There is no one setup that wi<< work in a<< situation! .ndeed, +ou ma+ at times on<+ need a stereo
Left'9ight output from the Motif XS! At times +ou ma+ want to route indiidua< audio tracks from +our :AA
through the 01X in order to use its e-ce<<ent )O, )ffects, or compressors
You ma+ find +ourse<f dee<oping different setups for Tracking, and others for Mi-ing downC it is as f<e-i$<e as
the most professiona< s+stems and wi<< sere +ou we<<!
8ood LuckQ

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