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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

UNRESTRICTED Document ID : SP-1176 ERD !7-!"#

$ul% "!!! &'l'n( )e% :
Non-De*truct've E+am'nat'on
,men-ment*.Supplement* to
,S/E 0P1 Co-e Sect'on 1#
Acceptance Criteria
Examination Personnel
Liquid Penetrant Examination
Magnetic Particle Examination
Radiographic Examination
Ultrasonic Examination
This document is the property o Petroleum !e"elopment #man$ LLC% &either the 'hole nor any part
o this document may (e disclosed to others or reproduced$ stored in a retrie"al system$ or transmitted in
any orm (y any means )electronic$ mechanical$ reprographic recording or other'ise* 'ithout prior
'ritten consent o the o'ner%
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Authorised For Issue
Signed +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
UER )#TT,-*
C.!/ Materials and Corrosion
The ollo'ing ta(le lists the our most recent re"isions to this document% !etails o all re"isions prior to
these are held on ile (y the issuing department%
1er*'on No. Date ,ut4or Scope . Remar)*
Version -%0 01,02,00 #TT,-1 Reormatted and updated text o ER!302304
Re"% -$ &o"% -556%
July 2000 SP-1176 i
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
,ut4or'*e- &or I**ue ...................................................................................................................'
1. Intro-uct'on.............................................................................................................................1
". Spec'5'cat'on 5or Non-De*truct've E+am'nat'on.................................................................."
,ppen-'+ , 6lo**ar% o5 De5'n't'on*7 Term* an- ,88rev'at'on*............................................9
,ppen-'+ 0 ,men-ment*.Supplement* to ,S/E Sect'on 1.................................................:
,rt'cle 1 - 6eneral Re;u'rement*.............................................................................................:
,rt'cle " - Ra-'o(rap4'c E+am'nat'on......................................................................................<
,rt'cle : - Ultra*on'c E+am'nat'on /et4o-* &or In-Serv'ce In*pect'on...............................=
,rt'cle < - Ultra*on'c E+am'nat'on /et4o-* &or /ater'al* ,n- &a8r'cat'on...................1!
,rt'cle 6 - L';u'- Penetrant E+am'nat'on..............................................................................1"
,rt'cle 7 - /a(net'c Part'cle E+am'nat'on............................................................................1:
,ppen-'+ C Re5erence*............................................................................................................17
U*er Comment &orm................................................................................................................1>
July 2000 SP-1176 ii
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This speciication gi"es the minimum technical requirements or &on3!estructi"e
Examination$ 'here the applica(le Code has (een designated (y the Company as ASME
7oiler and Pressure Vessel Code$ Section V )generally reerred to in this speciication as
This speciication replaces ER! 02304$ &on3!estructi"e Examination$ issued in &o"em(er
-556 and gi"es amendments and supplements to ASME V%
1.2 Changes to the Specification
This speciication shall not (e changed 'ithout appro"al rom the Custodian$ the 8elding
.unctional !iscipline /ead )C.!/*$ UER )#TT,-*$ 'ho o'ns this speciication% 9 you thin:
any part o this speciication is not correct$ 'rite your comments on a copy o the User
Comments .orm% The orm is included as the last page o this speciication% Send the copy
'ith your comments and personal details to !CS%
July 2000 Page 1 SP- 1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
2. Specification for Non-Destructive Exaination
This Speciication gi"es the minimum technical requirements or &on3!estructi"e
Examination 'here ASME V is the applica(le Code designated (y the Company )or the
applica(le Code reerenced (y a Construction Code,Speciication designated (y the
2.1 Specification !e"uireents
The scope o this speciication is limited to the ollo'ing non3destructi"e examination )&!E*
Radiographic Examination
Ultrasonic Examination
Liquid Penetrant Examination
Magnetic Particle Examination
These &!E methods shall (e used to detect surace and internal discontinuities in (ase
materials$ 'elds$ and a(ricated parts and components%
&on3!estructi"e Examination shall (e conducted in accordance 'ith the ASME 7oiler and
Pressure Vessel Code Section V$ -55; Edition plus -555 Addenda$ as amended and
supplemented (y Appendix 7 o this speciication% The amendments and supplements gi"en
in Appendix 7 ha"e (een necessary to incorporate special P!# requirements%
The Clause num(ering in Appendix 7 ollo's that o ASME V% Clauses o ASME V that are
neither amended nor supplemented (y this speciication shall apply in their entirety%
2.2 Process De#ivera$#es
Process deli"era(les comprise rele"ant &!E reports$ produced and endorsed in accordance
'ith this speciication%
2.% Process &'ner(s !esponsi$i#it)
The o'ner o this speciication$ #TT,-$ as C.!/ 8elding$ is responsi(le or authorising all
proposed de"iations or amendments to the speciication and or the instigation o periodic
re"ie's and updates in accordance 'ith Clauses -%4 and 4%2%
2.* Perforance +eve#s , Indicators
&ot applica(le to this speciication%
2.- Perforance .onitoring
&ot applica(le to this speciication%
2./ Effective period
The requirements o this speciication shall remain in orce indeinitely unless superseded (y
an authorised re"ision%
2.0 !evie' and Iproveent
This speciication 'ill (e re"ie'ed and updated once e"ery three years% The re"ie' authority
'ill (e UER )#TT,-$ C.!/ Materials and Corrosion*%
July 2000 Page 2 SP-1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Appendix A 1#ossar) of Definitions2 3ers and A$$reviations
The definitions, terms and abbreviations of ASME V apply, with the following additions:
Compan% Petroleum !e"elopment #man LLC%
Contractor The party that carries out all or part o the design$ engineering$
procurement$ construction$ commissioning or management o a
pro<ect$ or operation or maintenance o a acility% The Company
may underta:e all or part o the duties o the Contractor%
Corporate &unct'onal
D'*c'pl'ne ?ea-
The person responsi(le or the discipline to 'hich the standard
U*er The Company$ Consultant or Contractor 'ho uses this
*4all 9ndicates a requirement%
*4oul- 9ndicates a recommendation%
ma% 9ndicates a possi(le course o action
,S/E American Society o Mechanical Engineers
,SNT American Society or &on3destructi"e Testing
0S 7ritish Standard
C&D? Corporate .unctional !iscipline /ead
CS@IP Certiication Scheme or 8elding 9nspection Personnel
DCS !ocument Control Section )#T7,4*
D@DI !ou(le 8all !ou(le 9mage
D@SI !ou(le 8all Single 9mage
EN European Standard )Europ=ische &orm*
II@ 9nternational 9nstitute o 8elding
IAI 9mage >uality 9ndicator
ISO 9nternational #rganisation or Standardisation
/?B Megahert?
NDE &on3destructi"e Examination
PCN Personnel Certiication in &on3destructi"e Testing
T, Technical Authority$ as deined in ER!300304 and @U3424%
@PS 8elding Procedure Speciication
July 2000 Page SP- 1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Appendix 4 Aendents,Supp#eents to AS.E Section 5
Artic#e 1 - 1enera# !e"uireents
3-126 1enera#
Add the following:
&!E shall (e perormed only (y Company registered &!E Contractors )Category @A*% &!E
acti"ities shall (e controlled and documented in accordance 'ith SP3--2-%
Unless speciied other'ise (y the Company$ all &!E o 'elds shall (e carried out 'ith the
'eld at am(ient temperature%
3-1*6 !e"uireents
Replace existing text as follows:
All non3destructi"e examination personnel shall (e qualiied and certiicated or the method
o &!T to (e carried out in accordance 'ith 9S# 52-4$ to &!T Le"el 4 or higher% The roles
and responsi(ilities o &!T personnel shall (e as deined in the le"els o competence in 9S#
52-4% Personnel certiied to AS&T )S&T3TC3-A* Le"el 99 are accepta(le pro"ided that the
certiying Le"el 999 &!T Engineer has (een appro"ed (y the Company%
Equi"alent inspection and &!T qualiications e%g% CS89P,PC& Tester,Practitioner,
9nterpreter )8elds*$ Le"el 4$ may (e accepted at the sole discretion o the Company%
Personnel qualiied to AS&T Le"el 9 or equi"alent shall (e used only as assistant to a Le"el 99
perorming &!E%
3-1-6 Procedure
Replace paragraph c! with the following:
All &!E perormed under this speciication shall (e done to an appro"ed 'ritten procedure%
The Procedure shall (e re"ie'ed and endorsed (y the &!E ContractorBs AS&T Le"el 999
personnel (eore su(mission to the Company or appro"al%
The Contractor shall perorm a Procedure >ualiication test to the satisaction o the
Company% All qualiication tests shall (e 'itnessed (y a Company TA3A )or higher*% The
Company may engage a third party agency to carry out inspection on its (ehal% 8here an
inspection agency has 'itnessed the testing$ the agency shall also issue a Certiicate o
Conormance$ 'hich states that the testing practices 'ere in compliance 'ith ASME V and
this speciication%
8here rele"ant$ the testing o a 8PS qualiication may (e used or &!E procedure
qualiication% Pre"ious test records may also (e used to support a procedure% The procedure
shall (e re"ie'ed and appro"ed (y a Company TA34 )or higher* (eore any &!E is perormed
on each Pro<ect% At least one copy o each qualiied procedure shall (e readily a"aila(le to the
ContractorCs &!E Personnel or their reerence and use%
3-176 Eva#uation
Replace existing text with the following:
The acceptance standards or these &!E methods shall (e as stated in the reerencing Code
Section and as speciied in rele"ant Company Standards%
July 2000 Page ! SP-1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Artic#e 2 - !adiographic Exaination
3-226 1enera# !e"uireents
3-221 Procedure !e"uireents
3-221.1 Cop#iance 'ithout a 8ritten !adiographic Procedure.
Replace existing text with the following:
Radiography shall (e carried out to an appro"ed 'ritten procedure only% The procedure shall
(e re"ie'ed and endorsed (y the &!E ContractorBs AS&T Le"el 999 (eore su(mission to the
Company or appro"al%
3-22* S)ste of Identification
Replace existing text with the following:
Each radiograph shall ha"e the ollo'ing inormation inherent 'ithin the ilm structure to
ensure tracea(ility% This shall (e achie"ed (y using lead letters and num(ers% The inormation
shall include+3
The Contract num(er%
8eld num(er or identiication%
Repair num(er%
8elderBs num(er%
&ominal diameter o pipe%
8all thic:ness or pipe schedule%
3-22- .onitoring Densit) #iitation of !adiographs
Replace existing text with the following:
Measurement o ilm density shall (e made (y a densitometer ha"ing a range o 0 D E% The
instrument shall (e cali(rated to manuacturerBs recommendations The cali(ration records
shall (e a"aila(le or re"ie' (y the Company%
3-2%6 E"uipent And .ateria#s
3-2%1 Fi#
3-2%1.1 Se#ection
Add the following
Ultra3ine or ine3grain high contrast ) !E$ !2 or equi"alent* ilm shall (e used in con<unction
'ith lead intensiying screens%
3-2%2 Intensif)ing Screens.
Add the following:
Lead intensiying screens shall (e used on all @amma ray exposures and all F3ray exposures
requiring more than -40 :V% The thic:ness o the screens )(oth ront and (ac:* shall (e
July 2000 Page " SP- 1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
3-2%% Iage 9ua#it) Indicator :I9I; Design
Replace existing text incl"ding table! with the following:
8ire type penetrameters shall (e used to determine radiographic sensiti"ity% The
penetrameters shall (e selected and utilised in accordance 'ith E& E643-% The selected 9>9
model shall co"er the 'ire thic:ness ranges listed in the ta(le (elo'%
@all t4'c)ne** IAI Ran(e EN :6" - 1#
G 1mm
1 to -2mm
-; to E1mm
H E1mm
-4 3 -;
-0 3 -6
06 3 -4
0- 3 02
3-2/6 Ca#i$ration
3-2/1 Source Si<e
Add the following:
9ridium -54 sources shall ha"e a physical si?e o not greater than AxAmm%
3-206 Exaination
3- 202 !adiation Energ)
3-202.1 =-radiation.
Add the following:
F3ray Radiography shall (e carried out using 400$ 410 or A00 :V equipment$ the po'er
supply (eing pro"ided (y a generator%
7attery operated F3ray equipment may also (e used 'ith prior appro"al o the Company% A
ully charged spare (attery pac: shall al'ays (e a"aila(le on site as replacement%
3-202.2 1aa !adiation.
Add the following:
8here examination using @amma radiation is permitted$ the source shall (e 9ridium -54%
The maximum strength shall (e A0 curies in accordance 'ith the limitation in the P!# /SE
Sources o higher strength shall not (e used on site 'ithout 'ritten appro"al rom the
3-276 Eva#uation
3-272 !adiographic Densit)
3-272.1 Densit) +iitations.
Replace existing text with the following:
July 2000 Page 6 SP-1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
.or @amma ray exposures the ilm density shall (e (et'een 4 and A%1 measured in the portion
o ilm (eing interpreted% 8hen F3ray is used then the density shall (e (et'een -%; and A%1%
Vie'ing conditions shall conorm to the requirements o E& 411;0 )identical to 9S# 11;0*%
3-27% I9I Sensitivit)
Add the following:
Radiographic Sensiti"ity shall (e equal to or (etter than that speciied in the applica(le code%
.or the !8!9 technique$ the diameter o 'ires employed shall (e (ased on the nominal
dou(le 'all thic:ness o the specimen%
.or the !8S9 technique$ the diameter o 'ire shall (e (ased on the nominal single 'all
thic:ness o the specimen%
.or 'eldments$ the thic:ness o external 'eld reinorcement and internal 'eld protrusion
shall (e included in the sensiti"ity calculation%
3-27- 1eoetric >nsharpness +iitations
Replace existing text as follows:
The geometric unsharpness shall not exceed the ollo'ing "alues+
Material Thic:ness )mm* Ug Max )mm*
G 10
10 D 21
21 3 -00
H -00
3-27/ Eva#uation $) .anufacturer
Add the following:
Radiographs shall (e interpreted and the report endorsed (y a radiographer qualiied to a
minimum o 9S# 52-4 &!T Le"el 4 , AS&T Le"el 99 or PC&,ERS qualiied radiographic
interpreter and then su(mitted to the Company TA3A or appro"al%
3-2?6 Docuentation
3-2?1 !adiographic 3echni"ue Docuentation Detai#s
Replace existing text with the following:
All radiographs shall (e accompanied (y a test report% As a minimum the report shall include
the ollo'ing inormation+
- 8eld identiication num(er
- RadiographerCs identity
- 8elderCs num(er)s*
- !ate o exposure
- Code , speciication
- Location o ilm
July 2000 Page 7 SP- 1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
- Type o ilm
- Radiographic procedure num(er
- 8hether original 'eld or repair
- /eat treatment condition
- 8all Thic:ness)es*
- Radiographic technique
- 9>9 type and si?e
- Sensiti"ity achie"ed
- @eometric unsharpness
- !ensity achie"ed
- Location and type o any la's disco"ered
- Conclusion 3 accept or re<ect 'ith respect to applica(le speciication%
July 2000 Page # SP-1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Artic#e * - >#trasonic Exaination .ethods For In-Service
3-*26 1enera#
3-*22 Personne# !e"uireents
Replace second sentence of existing text as follows:
Personnel perorming this examination shall (e qualiied to 9S# 52-4 &!T Le"el 4 or
equi"alent in accordance 'ith Section T3-E0 o this speciication% Additional testing o
personnel$ using appropriate test pieces and procedures$ should (e considered to "eriy the
minimum deect si?e and nature o deects that can (e detected%
3-*%6 E"uipent.
3-*%1 Instruent !e"uireents
3-*%1.1 3)pe
Add the following:
The speciic ultrasonic unit )ma:e and model*$ pro(e type and cali(ration (loc:s to (e used
shall (e speciied in the procedure or Company appro"al% Cali(ration (loc:s should (e 9983
V-$ 9983V4 or step 'edge type%
3-*-6 Procedure !e"uireents
Replace the first sentence of the existing text with the following:
Ultrasonic Examination shall (e carried out to an appro"ed 'ritten procedure% The procedure
shall (e re"ie'ed and endorsed (y the &!E ContractorBs AS&T Le"el 999 (eore su(mission to
the Company or Appro"al%
Procedures shall (e qualiied in accordance 'ith Section T3-10 o this speciication%
3-*?6 !ecords
3-*?* !eport
Add the following:
8hen corrosion monitoring o piping systems and static equipment is carried$ out the data
shall (e entered in the report ormat sho'n in Attachment - o this speciication to acilitate
entry o the data into the PACER 3 Corrosion Management System%
Iey points monitored shall (e identiied on rele"ant isometric dra'ings or piping systems
and on schematic diagrams or static equipment%
!etailed s:etches o any corrosion or other deects noted shall (e recorded and attached 'ith
the ultrasonic inspection report%
July 2000 Page $ SP- 1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Artic#e - - >#trasonic Exaination .ethods For .ateria#s And
3--26 1enera# !e"uireents
3--22 8ritten Procedure !e"uireents
Replace first sentence of existing text with the following:
Ultrasonic Examination shall (e carried out to an appro"ed 'ritten procedure% The procedure
shall (e re"ie'ed and endorsed (y the &!E ContractorBs AS&T Le"el 999 (eore su(mission to
the Company or appro"al%
Procedures shall (e qualiied in accordance 'ith Section T3-10 o this speciication%
3--%6 E"uipent and Supp#ies
Add the following:
See also Section T3EA- o this speciication%
3--*6 App#ications
3--*1 .ateria# Product Fors
3--*1.1 P#ate
Add the following:
>uality grades o erritic steel plate and general lamination chec:s shall (e carried out as per
7S 1556%
9n edge testing scanning shall co"er -00J o the area in a (and o minimum 10 mm rom the
cut edge%
3--*2 8e#ds
3--*2.0 Exaination of 8e#ds
3--*2.0.2 Scanning
Add the following:
&ominal pro(e angle 'ill (e E1$ 60 and 20% Each 'eld shall (e examined 'ith at least t'o
dierent pro(e angles%
Selection o pro(e angle shall (e dependent on local 'eld geometry% A third pro(e angle may
(e used at the discretion o the technician or 'hen required (y the company%
3--?6 !eports And !ecords
3--?% Exaination !ecords
Replace the existing text with the following:
July 2000 Page 10 SP-1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
.or each ultrasonic examination the ollo'ing inormation shall (e identiied and recorded+
Ultrasonic procedure num(er
!ate o examination
Examination personnel 9dentity$ le"el and signature%
Ultrasonic examination equipment%
Cali(ration sheet identity
8eld identiication and location
8elding process
&!E speciication%
Surace condition%
Acceptance criteria%
8all thic:ness and length o 'eld examined%
/eat treatment condition%
#riginal or repair 'eld%
Map or record o discontinuities assessed%
Conclusion 3 accept or re<ect according to Speciication%
July 2000 Page 11 SP- 1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Artic#e / - +i"uid Penetrant Exaination
3-/26 1enera#
3-/21 Procedure
3-/21.1 Initia# Procedure
Replace the first sentence of the existing text with the following:
Liquid Penetrant Examination shall (e carried out to an appro"ed 'ritten procedure% The
procedure shall (e re"ie'ed and endorsed (y the &!E ContractorBs AS&T le"el 999 (eore
su(mission to the Company or appro"al%
3-/%6 E"uipent
3-/%1 Penetrant .ateria#s
Add the following:
All penetrant material shall (e aerosol applied%
The ma:e and (rand o the penetrant$ de"eloper and cleaner to (e used shall (e speciied
indi"idually in the procedure or Company appro"al%
3-/*6 !e"uireents
3-/*1 Contro# of Containants
Add the following to the end of the first paragraph:
The required certiication shall (e a"aila(le or re"ie' (y the Company%
3-/-6 Procedure , 3echni"ue
3-/-1 3echni"ues
#elete the first paragraph "p to the colon and replace with the following:
&ormally a colour contrast )daylight "isi(le* penetrant shall (e used 'ith the penetrant
processes listed% .luorescent penentrants shall (e used only on special applications 'ith the
prior appro"al o the Company%
3-/?6 Docuentation , !ecords
Add the following:
The test report shall (e prepared and contain as a minimum the ollo'ing inormation+
Procedure num(er
!ate o examination
Examination personnel identity$ le"el and signature%
8eld identiication
Type o consuma(le
July 2000 Page 12 SP-1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Acceptance criteria , standard
Si?e and location o any deect ound
Acceptance or re<ection 'ith respect to acceptance standard
July 2000 Page 1 SP- 1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Artic#e 0 - .agnetic Partic#e Exaination.
3-026 1enera#
Replace the first sentence of the existing text with the following:
This procedure is intended to (e limited to applications 'here la's (rea: the surace o
erromagnetic materials%
9t should not (e assumed that magnetic particle examination is capa(le o detecting su(3
surace discontinuities%
3-0-6 Procedure , 3echni"ue
Add the following:
Magnetic particle examination shall (e carried out to an appro"ed 'ritten procedure% The
procedure shall (e re"ie'ed and endorsed (y the &!E ContractorBs AS&T le"el 999 (eore
su(mission to the Company or appro"al%
3-0-1 .ethod of Exaination.
Replace the existing text with the following:
Examination shall (e done using the continuous magnetic lo' method (y the application o a
permanent yo:e magnet unless prior appro"al is o(tained rom the Company or other
methods% The magnet shall remain in position 'hile the examination medium is applied and
'hile excess examination medium is (eing remo"ed%
3-0-2 3echni"ues and .ateria#s.
Add the following to the first paragraph:
8hen liquid in: is used as the testing media$ the suraces to (e examined shall (e painted
'ith a contrasting paint or strippa(le lacquer appro"ed (y the Company%
Replace the second paragraph incl"ding listed items! with the following:
Magneti?ation shall (e carried out (y the yo:e technique%
3-0-% .agneti<ing Fie#d Ade"uac) and Direction.
Replace the first paragraph with the following:
8hen it is necessary to "eriy the adequacy or direction o the magneti?ing ield$ this shall (e
done (y means o a 7urmah3Castrol Strip positioned on the surace to (e examined% This
indicator consists o a crac:ed strip o Mu3metal encased in thin copper%
8hen using this indicator$ a suita(le lux or ield strength is indicated 'hen a clearly deined
line o magnetic particles orm across the copper ace o the indicator$ 'hen the examination
medium is applied simultaneously 'ith the magneti?ing orce
3-0/6 Ca#i$ration of e"uipent
3-0/2 +ifting Po'er of @oAes
Replace existing text as follows:
July 2000 Page 1! SP-1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
The Magneti?ing orce o the yo:es used shall (e chec:ed prior to start o a ne' contract or
'hene"er a yo:e has (een damaged$ (ut as a minimum once e"ery A0 days% Records o
"eriication shall (e a"aila(le or re"ie' (y the Company%
Each permanent magnet yo:e shall ha"e a liting po'er o at least --:gs at the maximum
pole spacing that 'ill (e used% 9 a magnet ails to lit the test (loc: satisactorily$ then the
magnet shall (e returned or re3magneti?ation and the num(er logged%
3-006 Exaination
3-00/ @oAe 3echni"ue
3-00/.2 .agneti<ing Procedure.
Replace existing text, incl"ding $ote, with the following:
.or this technique permanent magnet yo:es shall (e used%
3-0?6 !ecords
Add the following:
Each report shall contain the ollo'ing inormation as a minimum +3
Procedure num(er
Examination personnel identity$ le"el and signature
8eld identiication
Method o magneti?ation
!ate o inspection
Type o inspection medium
Applied magnetic ield strength
/eat treatment condition o 'eld
8hether original 'eld or repair )# or R*
.la's detected and locations
Acceptance criteria , Speciication
Conclusions + Acceptance or re<ection 'ith respect to the speciication
July 2000 Page 1" SP- 1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Attachent 1 - >#trasonic Inspection !eport For
Petroleum Development Oman
Ultrasonic 9nspection Report &o% Sheet o
9nspector+ Location+
Tag &o%+ Ser"ice+
7aseline 9nspection+ Kes,&o Total Line !istance )m%*+
Pro(e Type+ 9n Ser"ice K,&$ )i & see Ser"ice !escription%*+
Pro(e !iameter+ Couplant Type+
Min% Allo'a(le Thic:ness+ Retirement Action Thic:ness+
Equipment Type L Method+
!escription o Plant+
9nspection Point
9dentity$ !iameter and
)rom maniold or gl$
rom 'ell i oil,'ater*
Iey Point
)as per Piping
&ominal 8all
Additional 9normation
)!eect Si?e etc%*
Remar:s and Comments+
Ser"ice !escription + PR#!%,LTS!%,STS!%,A7!%
#perating Pressure+ Maximum #perating Pressure +
July 2000 Page 16 SP-1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
Appendix C !eferences
9n this speciication$ reerence is made to the ollo'ing pu(lications% Unless speciically designated (y
date$ the latest edition o each pu(lication shall (e used together 'ith any amendments%
PDO Stan-ar-*
Technical Authorities System
&on3!estructi"e Examination )Amendments,Supplements to ASME Section V*
@uideline or @ranting Technical Authority System
Speciication or >uality Assurance o !esign$ Construction and Engineering
/ealth$ Saety and En"ironmental Manual
/SE Manual
,mer'can Stan-ar-*
ASME 7oiler and Pressure Vessel Code$ 3 Section V$ &on3!estructi"e
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&on3!estructi"e Examination$ Recommended Practice or &on3!estructi"e
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0r't'*4 an- European Stan-ar-*
Speciication or acceptance le"els or internal imperections in steel plate$ strip and
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Requirements )9S# 11;0+ -5;1*
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E& E643-
E& 411;0
Internat'onal Stan-ar-*
&on3!estructi"e Testing 3 >ualiication and Certiication o Personnel 9S# 52-4
July 2000 Page 17 SP- 1176
Non-Destructive Examination Version 1.0
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