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Why Common Rail?

Flexibility in injection and valve operation
Simplified mechanical system
Safety through redundancy and simplicity
Higher efficiency than conventional engines
Many possibilities to reduce emissions

Direct mechanical gear drive
Generates 1bar fuel oil pressure !ith high efficiency fuel pumps "jer# type$
Generates %bar servo oil pressure !ith reversible oil pumps "axial piston type$
&umps' capacity ensures redundancy in case of failure
Storage and distribution of 1bar fuel oil and %bar servo oil
(uilt)in damping of pressure !aves due to large volume
*nsures stable pressure !ith simultaneous injection of + no,,les at full load
-o moving parts ) no maintenance re.uired

/-0*12/3- 13-2435 6-/2:

Shapes injection pattern
*nables individual operation of every single no,,le
*nsures precise fuel
amount injected to each cylinder
&rovides flo! out safety of common rail

7857* 81268234:
Hydraulic piston for valve actuation
Separates fine filtered servo oil from standard system oil
&revents flo! out of servo oil rail
&revents dirt from entering fine filtered oil system
S659*4 48/5 7857*:
2he Sul,er 4ail 7alve is a bi)stable valve !ith s!itching time of less than 1 ms
6sed as pilot valve for injection and exhaust valve actuation
S!itching %bar :micron filtered control oil
1losed loop control for valve position
Fuel and Servo Oil Sy!em
4edundancy in Fuel &umps
4edundancy in Servo 3il &umps
4edundancy in Supply 5ines
4edundancy in /njection -o,,les
*xample ;42)flex<;2)(
Failure of one fuel pump reduces available po!er to =:> of full load
Failure of one servo oil pump still enables 1> load
WECS Sy!em a "er !oday
4edundancy in control modules
4edundancy in cran# angle sensors
4edundancy in signal busses
4edundancy in po!er supply
(ac#)up system !ith ?safe values'
RT-#lex "e$i#i$ a#e!y #un$!ion%
Monitored fuel oil spillage
/njection @ exhaust valve timing monitoring
1ran# angle sensor monitoring
Safety valve in supply unit for fuel system
Shut do!n valve in common rail for fuel system
A*B F*8264*S 3F 42 F5*C
1ommon 4ail for fuel and servo oil system
&recise volumetric fuel injection control
1ontrol of individual fuel injection valves
/deal for heavy fuel oil: separation of fuel from pilot valves
Fuel supply pumps based on Sul,er four)stro#e injection pumps
7ariable injection rate shaping and free selection of injection pressure
Stable pressure level in 1ommon 4ail and supply pipes
Smo#eless operation at all operating speeds
5o!er steady running speeds of 1>rpm of 41
4educed part load fuel consumption
4educed maintenance re.uirements by simpler engine setting
4educed maintenance cost through precise volumetric fuel injection control
leading to extendable 2(3s
Higher availability by extended integrated monitoring
Higher availability by redundancy in pumpsD piping and electronicsE
42)flex system concept !or#s fine
Some FteethingG problems solved
1re! is operating the engine !ithout assistance since May %%
1omplete inspection after <+4hrs sho!ed very lo! !ear figures on engine
parts inclE 42)flex system
1omplete inspection after 1<'++4hrs still sho!ed very lo! !ear figures
Most components modified after first inspection sho! good results at second
8ll findings introduced on engines in productionE

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