Antonym LP

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Michelle Lee

Elementary Inclusive Preservice Program Lesson Plan

Lesson title: Word study - Antonyms
Grade/age level: 1st
Date (intended teaching date): Wednesday 04/02/14

Learning Objective(s)
What do you want students
to know, understand, or be
able to do as a result of this

Student will understand that words have opposite meanings to them. They will be
able to increase their word knowledge. They will also be able to visualize the
opposite words.

Focus: I can create a flip book of antonyms.
I like to write the focus statement on the board at the beginning of every instruction
so that the students and I are all on the same page in regards to our goal for the next
Evidence for
Where will you look
(product, performance,
documentation you create,
etc.) for signs of student
What will you look for?
What are your criteria?
(examples of statements or
actions that would show the
particular kinds of
understandings, learnings,
&/or skills you are after?)

Students should be able to find the antonym to the given words. They should
understand that it means the opposite or complete different meaning. Students
should also be able to visualize the difference in meanings by creating illustrations
for the words.
Why are you teaching this
lesson? What connections
does it have to standards?
Does it connect to students
interests, strengths, and

Students were introduced to antonyms earlier in the week and I think this activity is
a great opportunity to get students thinking about more antonyms and to add them
to their repertoire.
Prerequisite Knowledge
What prior knowledge are
you counting on? Will this be
a problem for any of your
students and if so, what will
Students have read a poem on antonyms that included some opposites, and have
visualized it in their poetry notebooks.
An improvement would be to provide more background knowledge leading up to
this lesson. Students knowledge of antonyms was limited to the poem and some
you do?

other basic ones they knew (ex: hot/cold). Therefore, in the final product, I didnt
find much variety other than the ones we went over as a class.
Learning Experience
In each section below, specify the sequence of instructional activities. Consider how you will
manage materials, bodies, and time. Use small boxes to indicate time.

Starting It
How will you invite students
into the learning experience?

Boys and girls, we were introduced to antonyms earlier in the
week. Remember, antonyms mean words that are opposite.
For example, an antonym for happy is sad. Lets read over
our poem on antonyms and remind ourselves of some more
antonyms. (Read poem echo reading)
We are going to think of some more antonyms that we can
add to our vocabulary by creating a flip book. (Demo how to
create the flipbook) We are going to create flaps. On the
outside of the flap, we will write a word. On the inside of the
flap, we are going to write and illustrate the antonym of that
word. (Show example). Remember to leave some spaces
between the words down the column because we need to cut
between them. I will provide you with the words you will
write (show them list). The remaining two words, I want you
to challenge yourself and think of your own word and its
Words: happy, up, hot,

Doing It
Outline your sequence of
instructional moves including
participation structures,
materials, intellectual
resources, and time allotted.
Is there a product or
performance you will be
expecting students to
-Students dismissed to their tables. Materials will be passed
out once they are at their desks.

Finishing It
How will you bring students
to closure with this learning
experience and connect it to
future learning?

-If time remains, students may share their crafts. They will
also be encouraged to find some in their reading material and
keep a working list of them in their notebooks.

What accessibility and
participation challenges have
you taken into account and
The making of the flipbook is quite challenging. Therefore, I chose to keep the
class at the rug and do a demo with all of them. In other words, they will be making
the craft with me step by step. Materials need to be prepared and instructions should



how have you addressed
them? (material and human
resources, sequence of
be kept very simple.
Materials Needed

Colored paper, paper, scissors, coloring material

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