Creating A Cleric

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ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.

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A cleiic seives a gou anu, in so uoing, uefenus
anu heals companions with uivine magic, while
aimeu with a weapon anu a symbol of that gou.
Cieating a Cleiic
When you cieate a chaiactei whose fiist class
is cleiic, you gain these benefits.
!"#$#%& !()*+%,-.%/ +1 to youi Wisuom,
Stiength, oi Constitution scoie. You use
Wisuom to cast spells anu Stiength to make
melee attacks. A high Constitution pioviues
extia hit points.
0%12%#.3 4#% 56#.%+/ 8 + youi Constitution
!2,62 1.( 07#-$( 5268#9#-.9#-+/ All aimoi
anu shielus
:-1;6. 5268#9#-.9#-+/ Basic weapons,
uaggei, anu simple missile weapons

You can make a cleiic quickly by following
these suggestions.
0*33-+%-( <19=326*.(/ Piiest
0*33-+%-( 0;-9#1$%&/ Bivine magic specialist
0*33-+%-( >?*#;,-.%/ Chainmail, shielu,
mace, sling, Su sling bullets, holy symbol, flask
of holy watei, auventuiei's kit, anu belt pouch
containing 14 gp anu 8 sp

!"# %&#'(%
)*+,-. /+012 3+4* 5%
&*4*6 788+29 788+29 :-.;< %6+<< =*+8;>*<
1 +2 +2 +0 8ellglous knowledge, ulvlne Maglc, uelLy, 1urn undead
2 +2 +2 +0 -
3 +2 +2 +0 -
4 +2 +2 +0 -
3 +2 +2 +0 -
6 +3 +3 +1 -
7 +3 +3 +1 -
8 +3 +3 +1 -
9 +3 +3 +1 -
10 +3 +3 +1 -

%&#'(% 3?#&&3 ?#' 57@
A3,*66< ,*> 5+BA
&*4*6 C D E F G H
1 S 1
2 4 2
S 4 2 1
4 4 2 2
S 4 2 2 1
6 4 2 2 2
7 4 2 2 2 1
8 4 2 2 2 2
9 4 2 2 2 2 1
1u 4 2 2 2 2 2

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Class Featuies
A cleiic gains the following class featuies.
4#% @#9-/ 1u8 pei cleiic level
4#% 56#.%+/ 1u8 (oi S) + youi Constitution
mouifiei pei cleiic level gaineu
Level 1: Religious
As a cleiic, you have knowleuge not only of
youi chosen faith, but also of othei wiuespieau
faiths, uaik cults, the woikings of magic, anu
the celestial anu fienuish iealms.
<-.-8#%/ You gain tiaining in the Knowleuge
skill. Choose the fielu of knowleuge fiom the
following options: aicana, foibiuuen loie, oi
Level 1: Bivine Nagic
As a cleiic, you leain to uiaw on uivine magic
thiough piayei anu ancient iites. You use this
powei to cast potent spells that smite youi
enemies anu uplift youi fiienus.
<-.-8#%/ You can cast a numbei of cleiic
spells pei uay baseu on youi level, as noteu in
the Cleiic Spells pei Bay table. Wisuom is youi
magic ability scoie.
!"#$$ &'#"('()*+,- You must piepaie youi
spells befoie casting them. Aftei a long iest,
you can piepaie a numbei of spells by
spenuing time in piayei. You choose these
spells fiom the cleiic's spell list. Piepaiing youi
spells iequiies time spent in piayei anu
meuitation: at least one minute pei spell level
foi each spell you piepaie.
You can piepaie one spell foi each spell slot
you have. Thus, at 1st level you can piepaie
one 1st-level spell. In auuition, you always have
piepaieu the uomain spells gianteu by youi
ueity that aie appiopiiate foi youi level.
Bomain spells uo not count against the numbei
of spells you can piepaie each uay.
.(/)*,0 ( !"#$$- When you cast a spell, choose
one of youi piepaieu spells anu use a spell slot
of that spell's level oi highei. Aftei you cast the
spell, you lose the use of that slot until you
piepaie spells again, but the spell is still
consiueieu to be piepaieu.
You can use youi spell slots to cast any
combination of spells you have piepaieu, as
long as you iespect the level limit. Foi example,
if you have 1$#// anu 23'# $*04) 5+3,6/
piepaieu anu have two 1st-level spell slots
available, you can cast each spell once oi cast
one of those spells twice.
7())$#8*#$6 .+,2#,)'()*+,- You have tiaineu
to maintain youi focus even in the chaos of
battle. When you aie concentiating on a spell,
taking uamage cannot bieak youi
9+'6/ +8 &+5#'- Some spells iequiie you to
speak only a few woius in oiuei to cast them.
Such a spell is maikeu as a woiu of powei in its
When you use an action to cast a woiu of
powei on the cleiic's spell list, you can use the
same action to take anothei action immeuiately
aftei casting the spell. The othei action cannot
involve casting a spell, activating a magic item,
oi uoing anything that iequiies you to speak.
:*)3($/- You can peifoim any cleiic spell as a
iitual, pioviueu you have the spell piepaieu
anu it has a iitual veision.
;(0*2 <))(2=/- When you make a magic
attack using a cleiic spell, you use youi
Wisuom mouifiei foi the attack ioll, anu auu
the bonus fiom the Nagic Attack column in the
Cleiic table.
!(>*,0 ?4'+5 @./- When a cleiic spell that
you cast oi a cleiic featuie that you use calls foi
a saving thiow, the save BC equals 1u + youi
Wisuom mouifiei + youi save BC bonus (as
noteu on the Cleiic table).
Level 1: Beity
The ueity you seive oi the philosophical
system you auopt giants access to uivine magic,
anu fiom it you uiaw the magical eneigy you
neeu to cast spells.
<-.-8#%/ Choose a ueity. Seveial ueities aie
pioviueu heie: the Lifegivei, the Lightbiingei,
the Piotectoi, the Tiickstei, anu the
Waibiingei. Youi choice of ueity giants you
vaiious special abilities, incluuing spells that
aie associateu with the gou's uomain of
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influence. If you have a uomain spell that uoes
not appeai on the cleiic's spell list, the spell is,
nonetheless, a cleiic spell foi you.
The ueity choices aie iconic appellations
iathei than specific ueity names. Bepenuing on
youi BN's campaign, these ueities might have
any of many uiffeient names. In effect, each
ueity piesenteu heie is a template that can be
useu foi a numbei of gous fiom myth anu
vaiious B&B woilus.
The Lifegivei
The Lifegivei takes a vaiiety of foims, all of
them involving giowth, feitility, anu healing.
This ueity is usually female anu is sometimes
an eaith mothei, a foiest spiite, oi a gieat
ocean oi iivei. The Lifegivei might appeai as
Bemetei of the 0lympian pantheon, Isis of the
Phaiaonic pantheon, Fiigga of the Asgaiuian
pantheon, Chauntea of the F0Ru0TTEN REALNS,
Beoiy of uREYBAWK, oi Nishakal of
As a uevotee of life, you can fostei health anu
healing in the people you attenu. Youi piayeis
can cause wounus to close anu sickness to faue.
Youi uivine pation uiges you to cleanse the
woilu of suffeiing anu to pioviue aiu to those
in neeu.
Life spiings up anu blooms aiounu the
paiagons of youi faith. Stoiies tell of blesseu
cleiics who live foi centuiies without suffeiing
aches, ills, oi the iavages of age. Some aie saiu
to be able to heal with a glance, to cause
witheieu ciops to spiing back to life wheie
they walk, anu to uull the physical anu
emotional pain of anyone who sees them.
The Lifegivei is most often lawful goou,
neutial goou, oi chaotic goou.
@6,1#. 0;-$$+/ You always have the
following spells piepaieu, pioviueu you aie
able to cast spells of the given level.

&*4*6 5-I+1. 3,*66
1 !"#$ &'()* +,"-./
2 !"#$ 0,.$#1*$ +,"-./
3 !"#$ /$#',"/ +,"-./
4 !"#$ !#'*'!1& +,"-./
3 01// !"#$ +,"-./

@#+9#;$- 68 A#8-/ When you cast any of the
Lifegivei's uomain spells, the spell iestoies
auuitional hit points equal to 2 + the spell's
!%B:#$$ 0;-$$+/ While you have the 23'#
A*,+' 5+3,6/ oi the '#/*/)(,2# spell piepaieu,
you can cast it without expenuing a spell slot.
The Lightbiingei
The Lightbiingei is a sun ueity, whose
followeis aie infuseu with iauiant light anu the
powei of the sun's seaiing heat. This ueity is
sometimes the iulei of a pantheon anu is often
poitiayeu as the sun itself oi a chaiioteei who
guiues the sun acioss the sky. The sun's uaily
couise means that the Lightbiingei can
embouy piinciples of iebiith oi ienewal, but
some sun ueities aie the sun at high noon,
looking uown upon the moital woilu to
pionounce juugment anu buin away evil. The
Lightbiingei mouels Apollo of the 0lympian
pantheon, Re-Boiakhty of the Phaiaonic
pantheon (also calleu Ra oi Boius-Re), Fiey
anu 0uui of the Asgaiuian pantheon, Peloi anu
Pholtus of uREYBAWK, anu Lathanuei anu
Amaunatoi of the F0Ru0TTEN REALNS.
The Lightbiingei entiusts you with the sun's
powei so you can become a beacon of light in a
uaikeneu woilu. You biing light wheievei you
go, chasing away shauows anu buining away
uaikness. Youi piayeis can biing foith sunlight,
which you might focus into buining iays oi let
loose to shine its wholesome light.
The most uevoteu anu enlighteneu followeis
of the Lightbiingei shine with theii own innei
light. Cieatuies of uaikness anu ueath cowei in
the piesence of the mightiest of youi faith,
unable to beai the biightness of theii
The Lightbiingei is most often lawful goou,
neutial goou, chaotic goou, oi lawful neutial.
@6,1#. 0;-$$+/ You always have the
following spells piepaieu, pioviueu you aie
able to cast spells of the given level.

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&*4*6 5-I+1. 3,*66
1 !,001-.
2 /2'#'*"1& +$12,-
3 /!,#!)'-( #13
4 .'4'-$ 2,+$#
3 5&10$ /*#'6$

@#+9#;$- 68 %7- 0*./ When you cast any of
the Lightbiingei's uomain spells, the spell ueals
iauiant uamage equal to 2 + the spell's level to
cieatuies of youi choice within 1u feet of you.
!%B:#$$ 0;-$$+/ While you have the 23'#
A*,+' 5+3,6/, the $*04), oi the $(,2# +8 8(*)4
spell piepaieu, you can cast it without
expenuing a spell slot.
The Piotectoi
The Piotectoi is a gou of uefensive stiength, an
unyieluing foice that guaius against the foices
of evil. Sometimes the Piotectoi is a maitial
ueity, usually male, who stanus as the iueal foi
sentinels anu palauins. 0thei times the
Piotectoi is piimaiily a gou of community,
often female, who embouies the community's
cohesiveness anu iesponsibility to piotect anu
caie foi each othei.
Examples of the fiist aspect incluue Athena
of the 0lympian pantheon, Beimuall of the
Asgaiuian pantheon, Beiioneous oi Nayaheine
of uREYBAWK, Belm of the F0Ru0TTEN REALNS,
Palauine of BRAu0NLANCE, anu Noiauin, gou of
uwaives. Examples of the community aspect of
the Piotectoi incluue Bestia of the 0lympian
pantheon, Bathoi of the Phaiaonic pantheon,
Fiigga of the Asgaiuian pantheon, Eluath of the
F0Ru0TTEN REALNS, Beiei oi Neiikka of
uREYBAWK, anu Yonualla, gouuess of halflings.
The Piotectoi entiusts you with the stiength
anu enuuiance to piotect the innocent so that
you can become a beacon of hope in a uaikeneu
woilu. You piotect the weak fiom the wickeu,
anu nothing stiis youi iighteous fuiy so much
as witnessing haim biought to those youi gou
calls you to piotect.
The most uevoteu anu enlighteneu followeis
of the Piotectoi aie bulwaiks of uefense in a
violent woilu. Nany seek to take the fight to
the enemy, uelving into uungeons to ioot out
thieats befoie they can spieau. 0n the euge of
civilization, the Piotectoi's cleiics oiganize
uefenses, tiain local militias, anu biing justice
to a lawless lanu.
The Piotectoi is most often lawful goou,
neutial goou, oi lawful neutial.
@6,1#. 0;-$$+/ You always have the
following spells piepaieu, pioviueu you aie
able to cast spells of the given level.

&*4*6 5-I+1. 3,*66
1 /1-!*"1#3
2 1'.
3 .'/2$& 01('!
4 .$1*) +1#.
3 *#"$ /$$'-(

@#+9#;$- 68 %7- 526%-9%62/ When you ioll
initiative, you can give youiself anu any
cieatuies of youi choice within Su feet of you a
+2 bonus to the ioll.
!%B:#$$ 0;-$$+/ While you have the 23'#
A*,+' 5+3,6/ oi the '#/*/)(,2# spell piepaieu,
you can cast it without expenuing a spell slot.
The Tiickstei
The Tiickstei is a gou of tiickeiy anu thieves, a
mischief-makei anu instigatoi who stanus as a
constant challenge to the accepteu oiuei
among both gous anu moitals. 0nlike most
othei ueities, the Tiickstei is often poitiayeu
as an animal, such as a iaven oi a fox, as well as
a shapechangei who can auopt any foim at will.
The Tiickstei is often also a gou of luck, eithei
goou oi bau.
Examples of the Tiickstei incluue Beimes of
the 0lympian pantheon, Bes of the Phaiaonic
pantheon, Loki of the Asgaiuian pantheon,
Beshaba oi Cyiic of the F0Ru0TTEN REALNS,
0liuammaia oi Zagyg of uREYBAWK, anu uail
ulitteigolu, gou of gnomes.
As a followei of the Tiickstei, the woilu is a
gianu game to you, which you play to get what
you want. Subteifuge, pianks, anu theft aie
often the tools you use, iathei than uiiect
0f all the ueities, the Tiickstei coveis the
wiuest moial giounu. A chaotic goou
expiession of the Tiickstei is a libeiatoi anu
fieeuom fightei. The evil foim of the Tiickstei
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uelights in muiuei anu wealth gaineu by any
means. Stanuing in the miuule of these two
extiemes, the chaotic neutial expiession of this
gou is a capiicious fiee spiiit.
The Tiickstei is most often chaotic goou,
chaotic neutial, oi chaotic evil.
@6,1#. 0;-$$+/ You always have the
following spells piepaieu, pioviueu you aie
able to cast spells of the given level.

&*4*6 5-I+1. 3,*66
1 /1-!*"1#3
2 /'&$-!$
3 5&3
4 .'0$-/',- .,,#
3 *$&$6'-$/'/

@#+9#;$- 68 C2#9=-2&/ You gain tiaining in
one skill of youi choice: Bluff, Bisguise, oi
Sneak. You also gain pioficiency with finesse
weapons anu simple anu maitial iangeu
0nce eveiy 1u minutes, you can magically
tuin invisible as an action. The invisibility lasts
until the stait of youi next tuin oi until you
attack oi cast a spell.
!%B:#$$ 0;-$$+/ The A*,+' *$$3/*+, spell is
auueu to the list of u-level cleiic spells that you
know. While you have it piepaieu, you can cast
it without expenuing a spell slot.
The Waibiingei
Wai has many manifestations. It can be
gloiious, making heioes of oiuinaiy people. It
can be uespeiate anu hoiiific, moitals' woist
tiaits wiit laige on the battlefielu, with acts of
ciuelty, malice, anu cowaiuice eclipsing those
instances of excellence anu couiage. In eithei
case, the Waibiingei watches ovei waiiiois
anu iewaius them foi gieat biaveiy. Nany
pantheons have two gous that fill the iole of
the Waibiingei, iepiesenting opposite iueals of
waifaie: Athena anu Aies of the 0lympian
pantheon, the biotheis Beiioneous anu Bextoi
of uREYBAWK, anu Tyi anu Tempus of the
The Waibiingei attiacts a wiue iange of
inuiviuuals. You might be a couiageous heio, a
bolu champion who inspiies otheis to fight the
goou fight. 0i you might see the battlefielu as
youi temple anu offei violence as piayeis to
youi ueity. Whatevei youi connection to
waifaie, you excel in battle anu impiove those
who fight at youi siue.
Paiagons of youi faith giow moie anu moie
like the ueity they seive oi the iueal of waifaie
they upholu. Nost tales of the legenuaiy
followeis of the Waibiingei poitiay them as
poweiful geneials oi wai chiefs, leauing hoiues
in conquest oi musteiing aimies to uiive off
invaueis. They aie often saiu to inspiie couiage
oi beiseik fuiy in those who fight besiue them.
The shout of such a cleiic can stiike teiioi in
enemies, anu tales aie tolu of battles won
without a single blow stiuck, as aimies quaileu
anu fleu befoie the wiath of a mighty champion
of the Waibiingei.
@6,1#. 0;-$$+/ You always have the
following spells piepaieu, pioviueu you aie
able to cast spells of the given level.

&*4*6 5-I+1. 3,*66
1 bless
2 splrlLual weapon
3 prayer
4 dlvlne power
3 flame sLrlke

@#+9#;$- 68 %7- :12"2#.3-2/ You gain
pioficiency with maitial weapons anu heavy
!%B:#$$ 0;-$$+/ While you have the 23'#
A*,+' 5+3,6/ oi the '#/*/)(,2# spell piepaieu,
you can cast it without expenuing a spell slot.
Level 1: Tuin 0nueau
The gous aie the shepheius of the ueau. When
a living cieatuie uies, its soul passes on to an
afteilife in the iealms of the gous. Foi this
ieason, all ueities have stiong uictates
iegaiuing the unueau. uoou anu neutial ueities
exhoit theii followeis to senu such cieatuies to
theii final iest, while evil ones commanu theii
cleiics to use the ueau as ieciuits, willing oi
unwilling, to seive theii cause.
When you tuin the unueau, you attempt to
cow them with a uisplay of uivine might. You
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can holu unueau cieatuies at bay, oi even
uestioy them if you aie poweiful enough.
Cleiics who follow evil ueities can insteau
choose to uominate anu contiol such cieatuies.
<-.-8#%/ As an action, you can attempt to
tuin unueau cieatuies. Roll 1u1u pei cleiic
level. The total ueteimines the amount of hit
points woith of unueau that can be affecteu by
youi tuining attempt.
@#/)'+B#6 +' :#13=#6- Each unueau cieatuie
within Su feet of you that has hit points equal
to oi less than one-thiiu of the total is
uestioyeu. If you aie evil oi woiship an evil gou,
the cieatuie is insteau iebukeu.
A iebukeu unueau cieatuie becomes youi
thiall. It must obey youi veibal commanus,
which it unueistanus, anu it cannot willingly
haim you. The cieatuie can make a BC 1S
Intelligence save eveiy 24 houis to bieak fiee.
A minuless unueau cieatuie uoes not get this
saving thiow; it is unuei youi contiol until it is
uestioyeu oi until it is contiolleu by anothei
effect, such as anothei cleiic iebuking it.
The iebukeu cieatuie uses youi cuiient hit
points to ueteimine the iesult of a tuin attempt
against it while it is within 1uu feet of you.
?3',#6- Each iemaining unueau cieatuie
within Su feet of you might be tuineu. Staiting
with the unueau cieatuie that has the lowest
cuiient hit points, subtiact the cieatuie's hit
points fiom the total, befoie moving on to the
cieatuie with the next lowest hit points. A
cieatuie's hit points must be no moie than the
iemaining total foi that cieatuie to be tuineu.
A tuineu cieatuie is affecteu foi 1 minute oi
until it takes uamage fiom an attack oi a spell.
It must spenu its tuins tiying to get as fai away
fiom you as it can. It cannot willingly move
within Su feet of you (unless theie is nowheie
else it can move), it cannot take ieactions, anu
it can use its actions only to hustle oi to tiy to
escape fiom an effect that pievents it fiom
C+ D88#2)- An unueau cieatuie that has moie
hit points than the total is unaffecteu, anu you
cannot attempt to tuin that cieatuie again foi
24 houis.

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Buiability anu unequaleu weapon masteiy help
the fightei uominate a battlefielu.
Cieating a Fightei
When you cieate a chaiactei whose fiist class
is fightei, you gain these benefits.
!"#$#%& !()*+%,-.%/ +1 to youi Stiength,
Bexteiity, oi Constitution scoie. You neeu
Stiength oi Bexteiity foi weapon use anu
Constitution to help you withstanu punishment.
0%12%#.3 4#% 56#.%+/ 1u + youi Constitution
!2,62 1.( 07#-$( 5268#9#-.9#-+/ All aimoi
anu shielus
:-1;6. 5268#9#-.9#-+/ All weapons

Youi backgiounu, specialty, anu fighting style
can easily be woven togethei to cieate a
flavoiful chaiactei. Suggesteu backgiounu anu
specialties can be founu unuei each fighting
style to help you make a fightei quickly.

!"# =(J"!#'
)*+,-. #K,*>81<*
&*4*6 788+29 512* %6+<< =*+8;>*<
1 +3 1d4 LxperLlse, llghLlng SLyle
2 +3 1d6 Maneuver
3 +3 1d6 -
4 +4 2d6 Maneuver
3 +4 2d6 -
6 +4 2d6 LxLra ALLack
7 +4 2d6 -
8 +4 2d8 Maneuver
9 +3 2d8 -
10 +3 3d10 Maneuver

Class Featuies
A fightei gains the following class featuies.
4#% @#9-/ 1u1u pei fightei level
4#% 56#.%+/ 1u1u (oi 6) + youi Constitution
mouifiei pei fightei level gaineu
Level 1: Expeitise
Youi extensive weapon tiaining makes you
ueauly on the battlefielu. You uemonstiate
youi maitial expeitise in the way you move,
stiike, paiiy, anu uouge when peifoiming youi
piefeiieu fighting techniques. This expeitise is
iepiesenteu by uice anu maneuveis that you
can use in battle.
<-.-8#%/ You gain a single expeitise uie, a u4.
You can spenu an expeitise uie to use a
maneuvei that you know.
You must be able to take actions to spenu an
expeitise uie. At the enu of each of youi tuins,
you iegain all of youi spent expeitise uice. As
you gain levels, the size of the uie incieases
(fiom a u4 to a u6, foi instance), anu you gain
auuitional uice, as noteu on the Fightei table.
At 1st level, you know the Beauly Stiike
maneuvei. Youi fighting style gives you
auuitional maneuveis.
Level 1: Fighting Style
Youi combat tiaining involveu stuuying a wiue
iange of weaponiy. Youi natuial talent,
inteiests, anu skill encouiage you to focus youi
tiaining in a paiticulai fighting style that
expiesses youi masteiy on the battlefielu.
<-.-8#%/ Choose a fighting style. Seveial
options aie piesenteu heie. At specific levels,
youi chosen style gives you a new combat
Youi fighting style is like that of a
swashbuckling fencei, focusing on mobility anu
0*33-+%-( <19=326*.(/ Noble
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.
u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards 8
0*33-+%-( 0;-9#1$%&/ Skill specialist
0*33-+%-( >?*#;,-.%/ Stuuueu leathei
aimoi, iapiei, light ciossbow, 1u ciossbow
bolts, auventuiei's kit, anu 6S gp

&*4*6 /+.*;4*>
1 Sprlng ALLack
2 1umbllng uodge
4 Clanclng 8low
8 LlghLnlng 8eflexes
10 CpporLunlsL
Youi fighting style is uefensive, focusing on
piotecting youiself anu youi allies anu keeping
enemies at bay.
0*33-+%-( <19=326*.(/ Knight
0*33-+%-( 0;-9#1$%&/ Enuuiance specialist
0*33-+%-( >?*#;,-.%/ Chainmail, shielu,
longswoiu, hanu ciossbow, 2u ciossbow bolts,
auventuiei's kit, anu 29 gp

&*4*6 /+.*;4*>
1 roLecL
2 arry
4 Composed ALLack
8 CreaL lorLlLude
10 CpporLunlsL
Youi fighting style centeis on the use of iangeu
weapons, such as the bow, the ciossbow, oi the
0*33-+%-( <19=326*.(/ Soluiei
0*33-+%-( 0;-9#1$%&/ Ambush specialist
0*33-+%-( >?*#;,-.%/ Leathei aimoi,
shoit swoiu, longbow, 2u aiiows, auventuiei's
kit, anu 7u gp

&*4*6 /+.*;4*>
1 reclse ShoL
2 Sprlng ALLack
4 Composed ALLack
8 uanger Sense
10 volley
Youi fighting style is aggiessive, focusing on
felling youi enemies befoie they have a chance
to huit you.
0*33-+%-( <19=326*.(/ Soluiei
0*33-+%-( 0;-9#1$%&/ Enuuiance specialist
0*33-+%-( >?*#;,-.%/ Chainmail,
gieatswoiu, hanu ciossbow, 1u ciossbow bolts,
auventuiei's kit, anu S gp

&*4*6 /+.*;4*>
1 Clanclng 8low
2 Cleave
4 Sprlng ALLack
8 CreaL lorLlLude
10 Whlrlwlnd ALLack
You tiain to piepaie youiself foi the myiiau
hazaius anu uangeis aheau. You can uefenu
youiself anu apply youi physical might to
ieliably bieak uown uoois, lift gates, benu bais,
anu peifoim othei feats of physical might.
0*33-+%-( <19=326*.(/ Soluiei
0*33-+%-( 0;-9#1$%&/ Enuuiance specialist
0*33-+%-( >?*#;,-.%/ Chainmail, shielu,
longswoiu, 4 javelins, auventuiei's kit, anu S9

&*4*6 /+.*;4*>
1 arry
2 uanger Sense
4 MlghLy LxerLlon
8 CreaL lorLlLude
10 Whlrlwlnd ALLack

CreaLlng ?our Cwn SLyle
?ou can creaLe your own flghLlng sLyle by plcklng
maneuvers from Lhe compleLe llsL. AL 1sL, 2nd,
4Lh, 8Lh, and 10Lh level, you galn a new
Level 6: Extia Attack
Youi piowess allows you to execute a seiies of
quick stiikes, which lessei waiiiois woulu
have a haiu time ieplicating.
<-.-8#%/ 0nce pei iounu, when you make a
weapon attack on youi tuin, you can make a
seconu attack as pait of the same action. If you
have movement iemaining, you can move
between the attacks.

ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.
u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards 9
Nonks aie masteis of unaimeu combat. They
tiain in small, isolateu monasteiies wheie they
puisue peisonal peifection thiough action anu
contemplation. Nonks have no neeu foi
weapons anu aimoi because theii ielentless
piactice has alloweu them to unlock theii
physical anu spiiitual abilities.
While all monks aie lawfulthe focus anu
uiscipline neeueu to mastei theii aits uemanus
iigiu ueuicationthey vaiy among goou,
neutial, anu evil alignments. Lawful evil monks
aie schemeis anu conqueiois. The insiuious
Scailet Biotheihoou of uREYBAWK is the most
notable example of an evil monk tiauition in
B&B. Lawful neutial monks focus on innei
masteiy anu caie little foi the woilu at laige.
Lawful goou monks aie tiieless champions of
the common folk.
!$#3.,-.%/ A monk must be lawful goou,
lawful neutial, oi lawful evil. You cannot entei
oi continue to gain levels in this class if you uo
not have one of those thiee alignments.
Cieating a Nonk
When you cieate a chaiactei whose fiist class
is monk, you gain these benefits.
!"#$#%& !()*+%,-.%/ +1 to youi Wisuom oi
Bexteiity scoie. You neeu Wisuom to impiove
youi special monk abilities anu Bexteiity foi
unaimeu combat.
0%12%#.3 4#% 56#.%+/ 8 + youi Constitution
!2,62 1.( 07#-$( 5268#9#-.9#-+/ None
:-1;6. 5268#9#-.9#-+/ Club, uaggei, hanu
axe, light ciossbow, longspeai, quaiteistaff,
sling, speai

You can make a monk quickly by following
these suggestions.
0*33-+%-( <19=326*.(/ Commonei
0*33-+%-( 0;-9#1$%&/ Ambush specialist
0*33-+%-( >?*#;,-.%/ Quaiteistaff, uaggei,
light ciossbow, 2u bolts, auventuiei's kit,
caltiops, climbei's kit, silk iope (Su feet), anu
belt pouch containing 74 gp anu 8 sp

!"# /LMN
)*+,-. #K,*>81<* 3+4* 5%
&*4*6 788+29 512* :-.;< %6+<< =*+8;>*<
1 +3 1d4 +1 LxperLlse, kl (1/day), Mlndful uefense, MonasLlc 1ralnlng, Way of Lhe llsL
2 +3 1d6 +1 undaunLed SLrlke
3 +3 1d6 +1 kl (2/day)
4 +4 2d6 +2 Maneuver
3 +4 2d6 +2 urlLy of 8ody
6 +4 2d6 +2 kl (3/day)
7 +4 2d6 +2 Clear Mlnd, Maneuver
8 +4 2d8 +2 -
9 +3 2d8 +3 kl (4/day)
10 +3 3d10 +3 Maneuver

ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards

Class Featuies
A monk gains the following class featuies.
4#% @#9-/ 1u8 pei monk level
4#% 56#.%+/ 1u8 (oi S) + youi Constitution
mouifiei pei monk level gaineu
Level 1: Expeitise
Youi extensive tiaining makes you ueauly on
the battlefielu. You uemonstiate youi maitial
expeitise in the way you move, stiike, anu
uouge. This expeitise is iepiesenteu by
maneuveis that you have masteieu.
<-.-8#%/ You gain a single expeitise uie, a
u4. You can spenu an expeitise uie to use a
maneuvei that you know.
;(,#3>#'/- At 1st level, you know two
maneuveis, Fluiiy of Blows anu Step of the
Winu. You gain an auuitional maneuvei at 4th,
7th, anu 1uth level, which you choose fiom
the monk's maneuvei list.
E/*,0 DF"#')*/# @*2#- You must be able to
take actions to spenu an expeitise uie. At the
enu of each of youi tuins, you iegain all of
youi spent expeitise uice. As you gain levels,
the size of the uie incieases (fiom a u4 to a u6
foi instance), anu you gain auuitional uice as
noteu on the Nonk table.
!(>*,0 ?4'+5/- Some of youi maneuveis
call foi a saving thiow. If a maneuvei calls foi
a saving thiow, the BC equals 1u + youi
Wisuom mouifiei + the save BC bonus noteu
on the Nonk table.
Level 1: Ki
Ki is an eneigy that flows thiough all living
things. Youi intense tiaining anu unmatcheu
mental focus allow you to uiaw foith this
eneigy anu channel it into extiaoiuinaiy
<-.-8#%/ 0nce pei uay, you can use youi ki.
You gain an auuitional uaily use of ki at Siu,
6th, anu 9th level.
You gain paiticulai ki abilities as you gain
levels. If a ki ability calls foi a saving thiow,
the BC equals 1u + youi Wisuom mouifiei +
the save BC bonus noteu on the Nonk table.
Level 1: Stunning Stiike
When you hit a cieatuie with an unaimeu
attack, you can expenu a use of youi ki to tiy
to stun that cieatuie. The cieatuie must
succeeu on a Wisuom saving thiow oi be
stunneu until the enu of youi next tuin. A
cieatuie that is a nonhumanoiu oi of a size
laigei than youis makes this saving thiow
with auvantage.
Level S: Wholeness of Bouy
As an action, you can expenu a use of youi ki
to magically iegain hit points equal to youi
monk level + youi Wisuom mouifiei.
Level 1: Ninuful Befense
You use intuition anu youi sense of youi
suiiounuings to piotect youiself fiom haim.
You move a moment befoie an enemy attacks
oi steel youiself befoie a spell affects you.
<-.-8#%/ While you aie weaiing no aimoi
anu aie not using a shielu, youi Aimoi Class
equals 1u + youi Bexteiity mouifiei + youi
Wisuom mouifiei.
Level 1: Nonastic Tiaining
Youi uifficult tiaining placeu gieat uemanus
on you anu alloweu you to achieve an
unmatcheu level of masteiy in some skills.
<-.-8#%/ You gain tiaining in two skills of
youi choice: Balance, Climb, Escape Aitist,
Listen, Sneak, Spot, oi Tumble.
Level 1: Way of the Fist
You have tiaineu in the ait of unaimeu
combat anu excel at fighting without weapons.
<-.-8#%/ Youi unaimeu stiike functions as
a finesse weapon with which you have
pioficiency. It ueals 1u6 bluugeoning uamage.
Level 2: 0nuaunteu Stiike
Youi commanu of youi ki has alloweu you to
attune youi stiikes so that they oveicome
youi enemies' iesistances.
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards

<-.-8#%/ Youi unaimeu stiike counts as
being magical, auamantine, colu iion, anu
silvei foi the puiposes of oveicoming
Level S: Puiity of Bouy
The ki that flows thiough you pioviues an
inuomitable uefense against uisease.
<-.-8#%/ You aie immune to uisease.
Level 7: Cleai Ninu
Youi masteiy of the ki eneigy within you
giants you a neaily impeivious mental
<-.-8#%/ You cannot be chaimeu oi

ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards

Rogues use skill, stealth, anu theii opponents'
vulneiabilities to get the uppei hanu. Rogues
biing veisatility anu iesouicefulness to an
auventuiing paity, having the knack foi finuing
solutions to just about any pioblem they face.
Cieating a Rogue
When you cieate a chaiactei whose fiist class
is iogue, you gain these benefits.
!"#$#%& !()*+%,-.%/ +1 to youi Stiength,
Bexteiity, oi Intelligence scoie. You use
Bexteiity to sneak up on foes, to avoiu uangei,
anu to attack using finesse weapons anu many
missile weapons. Some iogues favoi Stiength,
since it is impoitant foi melee combat anu
maneuveiing aiounu the battlefielu. A iogue
who focuses on finuing tiaps neeus a high
0%12%#.3 4#% 56#.%+/ 6 + youi Constitution
!2,62 1.( 07#-$( 5268#9#-.9#-+/ Light
:-1;6. 5268#9#-.9#-+/ Basic weapons,
finesse weapons, anu all simple anu maitial
missile weapons

0*33-+%-( <19=326*.(/ uuilu thief
0*33-+%-( 0;-9#1$%&/ Skill specialist
0*33-+%-( >?*#;,-.%/ Leathei aimoi,
iapiei, 2 uaggeis, shoitbow, quivei of 2u
aiiows, auventuiei's kit, climbei's kit, thieves'
tools, anu 26 gp

!"# 'LJO#
)*+,-. #K,*>81<*
&*4*6 788+29 512* %6+<< =*+8;>*<
1 +2 1d4 LxperLlse, 8ogue Scheme, 1hleves' 1ools
2 +2 1d6 -
3 +2 1d6 -
4 +2 2d6 Maneuver
3 +3 2d6 -
6 +3 2d6 -
7 +3 2d6 Maneuver
8 +3 2d8 -
9 +3 2d8 -
10 +4 3d10 Maneuver

ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards

Class Featuies
A iogue gains the following class featuies.
4#% @#-/ 1u6 pei iogue level
4#% 56#.%+/ 1u6 (oi 4) + youi Constitution
mouifiei pei iogue level gaineu
Level 1: Expeitise
Youi extensive tiaining makes you one of the
most skilleu auventuieis. You typically apply
youi expeitise when you attempt tasks
ielateu to youi knowleuge, expeiience, anu
skills. You might also apply this tiaining to get
the uppei hanu against youi foes. This
expeitise is iepiesenteu by uice anu
maneuveis that you can use in anu out of
<-.-8#%/ You gain a single expeitise uie, a
u4. You can spenu an expeitise uie to use a
maneuvei that you know.
You must be able to take actions to spenu
an expeitise uie. At the enu of each of youi
tuins, you iegain all of youi spent expeitise
uice. As you gain levels, the size of the uie
incieases (fiom a u4 to a u6, foi instance),
anu you gain auuitional uice, as noteu on the
Rogue table.
At 1st level, you know the Skill Nasteiy
maneuvei. Youi iogue scheme gives you
auuitional maneuveis to use with youi
expeitise uice.
Level 1: Rogue Scheme
Success comes to you in ways otheis uon't
expect. You have an angle, a plan to help you
succeeu no mattei how high the ouus aie
stackeu against you. Youi iogue scheme
uesciibes how you uo what you uo, the
auvantages you have, anu the ways you get
the bettei of those who stanu in youi way.
<-.-8#%/ Choose a iogue scheme. Seveial
scheme options aie piesenteu heie: aciobat,
enfoicei, iake, thief, anu tiickstei.
At 1st level, you gain tiaining in all the
skills listeu in youi scheme, anu you choose
one of its maneuveis. At 4th, 7th, anu 1uth
level, you gain an auuitional maneuvei of
youi choice fiom the scheme.
You have focuseu youi tiaining on peifecting
youi balance, agility, anu quickness. You
move with giace as you flip, tumble, ioll, anu
uouge. You might be a cat buiglai, cieeping
acioss iooftops anu scaling walls to steal
valuables in haiu to ieach places.
Alteinatively, you weie a peifoimei in a
ciicus, peifoiming amazing physical stunts.
0=#$$+/ Balance, Climb, Escape Aitist,
D1.-*E-2+/ Contiolleu Fall, Sneak Attack,
Tumbling Bouge, vault
You know how to make thieats anu back
them up. You iauiate menace, unneiving youi
foes anu possibly even making youi
companions uncomfoitable. You might be a
hulking biute oi you might just know how to
get otheis to back uown.
0=#$$+/ uathei Rumois, Intimiuate, Sleight
of Banu, Sneak
D1.-*E-2+/ 0ppoitunist, Paiiy, Sneak
Attack, Spiing Attack
You aie a uuelist anu swashbucklei, though
you might be moie conceineu with looking
impiessive than actually piacticing youi
combat maneuveis. Youi battlefielu is
typically outsiue of a tavein, piefeiably with
an auuience that can appieciate youi style
anu elegance. Aftei all, one must not simply
win a fight. 0ne must look goou uoing it.
0=#$$+/ Balance, Bluff, Peisuaue, Tumble
D1.-*E-2+/ Paiiy, Sneak Attack, Spiing
Attack, Tumbling Bouge
You aie a ciiminal. You might be a buiglai,
banuit, cutpuise, oi some othei foim of
scounuiel. Wheievei youi talents lie, you go
youi own way anu often put youi own
inteiests fiist. You aie most at home in
society's seeuy unueiwoilu, iubbing elbows
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards

with otheis who shaie youi uubious iegaiu
foi law anu oiuei.
0=#$$+/ Bisable Bevice, Listen, Sleight of
Banu, Sneak
D1.-*E-2+/ Bangei Sense, Lightning
Reflexes, Sneak Attack, Tumbling Bouge
A cheat, oppoitunist, oi ne'ei-uo-well, you
use youi skills to get the bettei of people you
meet, whethei you'ie lifting a puise fiom a
meichant in a maiketplace oi conning a iube
out of haiu-eaineu pay.
0=#$$+/ Bluff, uathei Rumois, Peisuaue,
Sleight of Banu
D1.-*E-2+/ Bangei Sense, Befensive Roll,
Iion Will, Sneak Attack

CreaLlng ?our Cwn Scheme
CreaLlng a rogue scheme ls easy. AL 1sL level,
plck any four skllls and any maneuver LhaL you
quallfy for. AL 4Lh, 7Lh, and 10Lh level, plck a
new maneuver LhaL you quallfy for.
Level 1: Thieves' Tools
Thieves' tools aie youi most impoitant piece
of equipment. The wiies, files, clamps, anu
othei tools help you finu youi way thiough
lockeu uoois anu past the ueauliest tiaps.
<-.-8#%/ You aie pioficient with thieves'

ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards

Wizaius aie the masteis of aicane magic. They
cast spells of iolling fiie, aicing lightning, oi
cieeping shauow, anu moie. Theii mightiest
spells can change one substance into anothei
oi altei a cieatuie's foim, open pathways to
othei planes of existence, oi even kill with a
single woiu.
Cieating a Wizaiu
When you cieate a chaiactei whose fiist class
is wizaiu, you gain these benefits.
!"#$#%& !()*+%,-.%/ +1 to youi Intelligence
oi Constitution scoie. You use Intelligence to
cast spells, anu a high Constitution pioviues
extia hit points.
0%12%#.3 4#% 56#.%+/ 6 + youi Constitution
!2,62 1.( 07#-$( 5268#9#-.9#-+/ None
:-1;6. 5268#9#-.9#-+/ Baggeis, slings,
quaiteistaffs, anu light ciossbows

You can make a wizaiu quickly by following
these suggestions.
0*33-+%-( <19=326*.(/ Sage
0*33-+%-( 0;-9#1$%&/ Aicane magic
0*33-+%-( >?*#;,-.%/ Robes, quaiteistaff,
spellbook, auventuiei's kit, 64 gp, anu 8 sp

!"# )(P7'5
/+012 )*+,-. 3+4* 5%
&*4*6 788+29 788+29 :-.;< %6+<< =*+8;>*<
1 +3 +2 +1 Wlzardly knowledge, Arcane Maglc, 1radlLlon of Wlzardry
2 +3 +2 +1 -
3 +3 +2 +1 -
4 +4 +2 +2 -
3 +4 +2 +2 -
6 +4 +2 +2 -
7 +4 +2 +2 -
8 +4 +2 +2 -
9 +3 +2 +3 -
10 +3 +2 +3 -

)(P7'5 3?#&&3 ?#' 57@
A3,*66< ,*> 5+BA
&*4*6 C D E F G H Q R S T DC
1 3 1 - - - - - - - - -
2 4 2 - - - - - - - - -
3 4 2 1 - - - - - - - -
4 4 2 2 - - - - - - - -
3 4 2 2 1 - - - - - - -
6 4 2 2 2 - - - - - - -
7 4 2 2 2 1 - - - - - -
8 4 2 2 2 2 - - - - - -
9 4 2 2 2 2 1 - - - - -
10 4 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - -

ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards 16
Class Featuies
A wizaiu gains the following class featuies.
4#% @#9-/ 1u6 pei wizaiu level
4#% 56#.%+/ 1u6 (oi 4) + youi Constitution
mouifiei pei wizaiu level gaineu
Level 1: Wizaiuly
You have collecteu a wiue vaiiety of knowleuge
peitaining to magic, the occult, anu othei loie.
<-.-8#%/ You gain tiaining in the Knowleuge
skill. Choose the fielu of knowleuge fiom the
following options: aicana, foibiuuen loie,
natuie, oi sciences.
Level 1: Aicane Nagic
Aicane magic peimeates the cosmos. Wilu anu
enigmatic, vaiieu in foim anu function, it uiaws
many stuuents who seek to mastei its
mysteiies, anu some who aspiie to become like
the gous, shaping ieality itself. You have chosen
the wizaiu's path to magical masteiy, an
appioach iequiiing keen intellect anu mental
uiscipline to mastei the complex foimulas useu
to appiehenu aicane powei anu focus it into
As a wizaiu's appientice, you compile a
spellbook, which contains the spells taught by
youi mastei, youi notes on how to wielu magic
safely, anu the mystical foimulas you have
uiscoveieu in libiaiies. Youi spellbook contains
all the aicane knowleuge you neeu to piepaie
youi spells.
<-.-8#%/ You can piepaie spells fiom
youi spellbook each uay. 0nce you cast those
spells, they aie gone until you piepaie them
again. You can cast a numbei of wizaiu spells
pei uay baseu on youi level, as noteu in the
Wizaiu Spells pei Bay table. Intelligence is
youi magic ability scoie.
!"#$$1++=- You have a spellbook containing
the spells that you know. The book staits with
thiee 1st-level spells anu foui u-level spells of
youi choice fiom the wizaiu's spell list.
Each time you gain a wizaiu level, you can
auu a numbei of spells to youi spellbook equal
to youi Intelligence mouifiei (minimum 1). You
choose the spells fiom the wizaiu's spell list,
anu each one must be of a level that you can
cast, as noteu in the Wizaiu Spells pei Bay
table. 0n youi auventuies, you might finu othei
spells that you can auu to youi spellbook (see
the "Youi Spellbook" siuebai).
!"#$$ &'#"('()*+,- You must piepaie youi
spells befoie casting them. Aftei a long iest,
you iegain all youi spell slots, anu you can
piepaie spells fiom youi spellbook. You can
piepaie a spell of youi choice foi each spell slot
you have, pioviueu you have a slot fiee that is
of the spell's level oi highei. You can piepaie
the same spell in multiple slots.
Piepaiing spells iequiies you to stuuy youi
spellbook anu memoiize the incantations anu
gestuies you must make to cast the spell,
taking at least one minute pei spell level foi
each spell you piepaie. If youi spellbook is
unavailable when you piepaie spells, you can
piepaie only the spells that you piepaieu the
uay befoie.
.(/)*,0 *, <'A+'- Casting most wizaiu spells
iequiies piecise movements that aie
impossible while constiaineu by aimoi, so you
cannot cast a wizaiu spell while weaiing aimoi,
unless the spell specifies that it uoes not
iequiie any somatic components.
.(/)*,0 ( !"#$$- When you cast a spell, you
can cast any of youi piepaieu spells. Aftei you
cast the spell, it vanishes fiom youi minu, along
with its slot.
:*)3($/- You can cast any spell in youi
spellbook as a iitual, pioviueu that the spell
has a iitual veision.
;(0*2 <))(2=/- When you make a magic
attack using a wizaiu spell, you use youi
Intelligence mouifiei foi the attack ioll, anu
auu a bonus to that ioll baseu on the Nagic
Attack column in the Wizaiu table.
!(>*,0 ?4'+5 @./- When a wizaiu spell that
you cast oi a wizaiu featuie that you use calls
foi a saving thiow, the save BC equals 1u +
youi Intelligence mouifiei + youi save BC
bonus (as noteu on the Wizaiu table).
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards 17
Level 1: Tiauition of
Each wizaiu piactices magic as pait of a
tiauition of wizaiuiy. The tiauition you weie
taught as an aspiiing wizaiu colois youi
magical caieei.
<-.-8#%/ Choose a tiauition of wizaiuiy.
Seveial options aie pioviueu heie: the battle
magic, illusion, anu acauemic tiauitions.
Youi choice of tiauition giants you vaiious
special abilities, typically incluuing at-will
spells anu a signatuie spell.
<)G9*$$ !"#$$/- At-will spells aie so simple foi
you to cast that you uo not neeu to expenu
eneigy to use them, so you can cast them ovei
anu ovei. You piepaie an at-will spell like a
noimal spell, but when you cast it, the spell is
not expenueu.
!*0,()3'# !"#$$/- When you cast a signatuie
spell that you have piepaieu, you can ietain
some of its powei. If you uo so, you iegain the
ability to cast the spell in 1u minutes anu
iegain it again eveiy 1u minutes aftei casting
the spell until the enu of youi next long iest. If
you have moie than one signatuie spell
piepaieu, you can ietain the powei of only one
of them each uay.
You leaineu youi magic in an enviionment of
intense stuuy, ielentless piactice, anu peei-
ievieweu scholaiship. 0thei tiauitions of
wizaiuiy teach magic in a less iefineu anu
caieful enviionment. Though othei wizaius
have masteieu ceitain specializations, wizaius
of the acauemic tiauition aie able to mastei
neaily any spell. The fiist magical acauemies
weie founueu by the elves while the human
iace was in its infancy, anu many of these
institutions still exist. Some aumit humans anu
membeis of othei iaces, anu some uo not.
Bumans have founueu theii own acauemies,
anu some iival the ancient elven onesnot
least because they aie moie open to innovation
anu expeiimentation.
When you cast spells, youi utteiances anu
gesticulations aie smooth, pioficient, anu
economical. Youi meticulous spellcasting
ieveals the piouu tiauition of youi scholastic
When people in the woilus of B&B speak of
wizaius, they usually mean piactitioneis of
acauemic magic. Wizaius themselves
sometimes iefei to membeis of this tiauition
as scholastics.
!%B:#$$ 0;-$$+/ While you have any u-level
wizaiu spell piepaieu, you can cast that spell at
0;-$$ D1+%-2&/ You have an auuitional spell
slot of the highest spell level that you can cast.
Battle Nagic
You stuuy a magical tiauition populai in times
of wai, when shocking anu uestiuctive uisplays
of powei aie iequiieu to win battles, no mattei
the cost. Spells of wai iequiie powei, anu you
mastei spells, paiticulaily fiom the school of
evocation, that uiaw upon hiuuen souices of it.
You fiequently tap such souices in the Innei
Planes, wheie unlimiteu eneigy boils, waiting
to be tappeu anu shapeu. You piobably stuuieu
magic in a militaiy enviionment unuei haish
tiaineis, piacticing the spells you leaineu in
stiessful situations. Battle magic is typically a
human tiauition, shapeu by what elves woulu
call typical human impatience.
Youi spellcasting is quick anu uiity,
impiecise by the stanuaius of the acauemic
tiauition, but effective nonetheless. When you
uiaw upon evocation magic, youi skin takes on
a vestige of the eneigy of youi magic: hot to the
touch when you evoke fiie, colu as ice when
you evoke colu, haloeu in tiny spaiks when you
evoke lightning, anu so on.
Piactitioneis of battle magic aie known as
battle mages, wai mages, oi evokeis.
!%B:#$$ 0;-$$+/ While you have any of the
following spells piepaieu, you can cast it at
will: 13',*,0 4(,6/, A(0# ('A+', anu /4+2=*,0
0#3.1%*2- 0;-$$/ You can cast )43,6#'5(>#
as a signatuie spell.
0;-$$ C19%#9#1./ When you cast an aicane
spell that causes uamage in an aiea of effect,
you can pick a numbei of cieatuies in the aiea
up to the spell's level + 1. Those cieatuies take
no uamage fiom the spell when you cast it, but
they aie not piotecteu fiom any of the spell's
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2012 Wlzards 18
othei effects, incluuing uamage uealt by the
spell latei.
You stuuy magic that uazzles the senses,
befuuules the minu, anu tiicks even the wisest
folk. As an illusionist, you aie skilleu at
allowing otheis to see what they wish to see.
Youi magic is subtle, but when combineu with
youi keen minu, youi illusions can biing an
entiie kinguom to its knees. You might have
stuuieu unuei a piivate tutoi, peihaps a
uisgiaceu scholastic oi a ioguish scounuiel, oi
in a small gioup of likeminueu wizaius. Among
the gnomes, howevei, stuuy of illusion is eveiy
bit as foimal as the acauemic tiauition is
among humans anu elves.
Illusionists have something of a sinistei
ieputation, owing to theii penchant foi tiickeiy.
Some illusionists ievel in otheis' suspicion,
casting themselves as mysteiious figuies. 0thei
illusionists piefei to keep a low piofile anu
might nevei ieveal theii stuuy of this tiauition.
!%B:#$$ 0;-$$+/ While you have any of the
following spells piepaieu, you can cast it at
will: A(0# 4(,6, A*,+' *$$3/*+,, anu /4+2=*,0
0#3.1%*2- 0;-$$/ You can cast 2+$+' /"'(B as
a signatuie spell.
!291.- @-9-;%#6./ When you cast the A*,+'
*$$3/*+, spell, you can choose two of its options
iathei than just one.
The BC foi a check oi a saving thiow against
any illusion spell you cast is incieaseu by 2.

?our Spellbook
1he spells LhaL you add Lo your spellbook as you
galn levels reflecL Lhe arcane research you
conducL on your own, as well as lnLellecLual
breakLhroughs you have had abouL Lhe naLure of
Lhe cosmos. ?ou mlghL flnd oLher spells durlng
your advenLures. A spell you flnd ls normally
recorded on a scroll or ln a Lome.
%-,B1.0 + 3,*66 1.8- 8U* :--9V When you flnd
a spell, you can add lL Lo your spellbook lf lL ls of a
level you can normally casL, lf lL appears on Lhe
wlzard's spell llsL, and lf you can read lL (some
spellcasLers use secreL alphabeLs and clphers Lo
record spells).
Copylng a spell lnLo your spellbook confers
knowledge of Lhe spell Lo you. 1he process
requlres boLh 1 hour and 30 gp per level of Lhe
spell. 1he cosL represenLs maLerlal componenLs
you expend as you experlmenL wlLh Lhe spell Lo
masLer lL.
'*,6+21.0 8U* :--9V ?ou can use Lhe
procedure for copylng a new spell lnLo your
spellbook Lo reconsLrucL a losL spellbook or Lo
make a backup copy. 8uL lf you Lry Lo re-creaLe a
losL spellbook, you can only add Lhe spells LhaL
you have prepared. lllllng ouL Lhe remalnder of
your spellbook requlres you flnd new spells Lo do
so, as normal. lor Lhls reason, many wlzards keep
backup spellbooks ln a safe place.
!U* :--9W< &--9V ?our spellbook ls a unlque
compllaLlon of spells, wlLh lLs own decoraLlve
flourlshes and margln noLes. Where you learned
maglc, your LradlLlon of wlzardry, how you prefer
Lo organlze your knowledge, how much coln
you've devoLed Lo Lhe maLerlals, and Lhe
ouLcome of your laLesL advenLure are all facLors
bearlng on your spellbook's appearance.
?our spellbook mlghL be a plaln buL funcLlonal
leaLher Lome you recelved as a glfL from your
masLer when you sLruck ouL on your own, a flnely
bound gllL-edged Lome you found ln an anclenL
llbrary, or even a loose collecLlon of noLes
scrounged LogeLher afLer you losL your prevlous
Lome ln a mlshap. WlLh your uM's permlsslon,
Lhe book mlghL be someLhlng sLranger, such as
splrallng 8rallle-llke paLLerns decoraLlng Lhe
lnslde of a shleld, marklngs eLched across Lhe
surface of a crysLal sphere, or LaLLoos marklng
your flesh.

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