XtremeTether Manual

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!"#$%&" (% !

Congiatulations on youi puichase of !"#$%$&$"'$#, auvanceu
wiieless iemote contiol BSLR cameia tetheiing system.

Please visit the following websites to obtain iegistiation anu
installation instiuctions, useis manual, anu fiee XtiemeTethei apps:

visit us on the web at http:www.xtiemetethei.com

)*+(,##,(-%*. /"0-+(/,(-%*. 1+"/+ &,*1,#2


3% ,$(-4,(" 5%1/ 6"4-$"2 email us with youi uevice seiial numbei anu coue to: infonslogic.com

7/"" 8(/"&"3"(9"/ :;;+2

<,$ ="+>(%;?@,;(%;2

To install aftei uownloauing, simply uouble click on the file to install it, then, uiag the
app to the Application foluei.

Bownloau the fiee app foi iPhoneiPau fiom the apple stoie

You will be notifieu when the fiee app becomes available

You will be notifieu when the fiee app becomes available


C+"/+ <,*1,#

D%;5/-09( E FGHI JKL@%0-$ M,&,-$,. !"+( )*6-"+N :## /-09(+ /"+"/4"6
Congiatulations on youi puichase of XtiemeTethei, a wiieless iemote contiol BSLR tetheiing
system foi select BSLR cameias.

8(/"&"3"(9"/ O",(1/" 9-09 #-09(+2

Wiieless live view of youi cameia view finuei
Wiieless changing of cameia settings such as white balance, IS0, Shuttei speeu, F-Stop anu moie
As you shoot, images wiielessly uploaueu, saveu, anu uisplayeu in the app
Wiieless biowseviewuploauuelete imagesmoviesfolueis on the caiu in youi cameia
Wiieless panning anu tilting of youi BSLR cameia
BASIC sciipts allows you to contiol youi cameia using youi own piogiam
Built in inteival-o-metei foi time-lapse, BBR, stacking, motion time lapse
Bigh speeu photogiaphy with 4 channels, tiiggei with sounu, light, lasei, motion, infiaieu etc
1Su built in special photo euiting effects lets you touch up youi images in the app
Infinity moue lets you keep shooting without youi cameia iunning out of memoiy
Follow me featuie automatically pans youi cameia to follow you
Shoot fiom the cameia oi wiielessly fiom the app
Novie iecoiuing (anu wiielessly monitoi movie being iecoiueu) foi selecteu cameias
Contiol youi cameia iemotely fiom the inteinet
0ne uevice woiks foi uiffeient cameia mouels

C+"O1# O%/2
0nueiwatei Photogiaphy
Remote photogiaphy
Aiial Pole
Stop Notion
Notion Time Lapse
Bigh Speeu Photogiaphy
Wilu Life
Spoits Action
Aichitectuial Real Estate
Self Poitiaits


Befoie using XtiemeTethei, it must be iegisteieu ovei the inteinet.

Registiation is impoitant in oiuei to get notifieu of fiee anu fiequent softwaie upuates.

To iegistei follow these steps:

1. Connect youi uevice (iPhone, iPau, NAC, Anuioiu, PC etc) (% (9" -*("/*"( using WiFi oi
wiieu netwoiking. Nake suie its JQ3 connecteu to XtiemeTethei netwoik.

2. Stait the XtiemeTethei app. If its not alieauy iegisteieu it will uisplay the iegistiation
scieen. If it uoesn't show the iegistiation scieen, skip this step anu the app is ieauy to use.

S. Entei the 16-uigit seiial numbei that is on the bottom on the uevice, oi on a papei incluueu
in the packaging. The seiial numbei is case sensitive anu consists of letteis anu numbeis.

4. Fill in all the othei infoimation incluuing name, email auuiess, cameia mouels you have etc.

S. Click REuISTER to iegistei youi uevice

P"0-+(/,(-%* (/%1R#" +9%%(-*02

If you get an eiioi uuiing iegistiation, please check to make suie you aie inueeu connecteu
to the ,$(1,# -*("/*"( anu JQ3 to XtiemeTethei wiieless oi wiieu netwoik.

Please check to make suie you enteieu youi seiial numbei coiiectly incluuing uppei case
anu lowei case letteis.

Check youi fiiewall settings, it may block the app fiom communicating ovei the inteinet, anu
pieventing the iegistiation.

8(/"&":$$"++%/5 D,R#" S-(

The XtiemeAccessoiy cable kit allows you to wiielessly pan anu tilt youi BSLR cameia, anu enables
high speeu tiiggeiing using exteinal sensois such as lasei, sounu, motion, light oi custom sensoi.

Accessoiy cable is a kit that neeus to be assembleu befoie use. Assembly is quick, fun, easy anu
takes just a few minutes. Skip this if youi cable comes alieauy assembleu. Beie is the S-( A,/(+ @-+(2

CP0 boaiu
Tiiggei cable
0SB cable
PanTilt Cable
Plastic housing
Bousing covei


K("; H L D%**"$( (9" &1#(-$%#%/"6 (/-00"/ $,R#" (% (9" DAC R%,/6
Plug the coiiesponuing tiiggei cable wiie coloi into the coiiesponuing CP0 boaiu pins

D,R#" D%#%/ DAC R%,/6 ;-* ="+$/-;(-%*
Black uiounu uiounu
uieen +Sv Sv
Biown Au Analog Channel u (Signal u) INP0T
Reu A1 Analog Channel 1 (Signal 1) INP0T
0iange A2 Analog Channel 2 (Signal 2) INP0T
Yellow AS Analog Channel S (Signal S) INP0T
White B4 Bigital Channel u (Tiiggei u) 00TP0T
uiay BS Bigital Channel 1 (Tiiggei 1) 00TP0T
Puiple B6 Bigital Channel 2 (Tiiggei 2) 00TP0T
blue B7 Bigital Channel S (Tiiggei S) 00TP0T

K("; F2 D%**"$( (9" A,* 3-#( $,R#" (% (9" DAC R%,/6
Plug the coiiesponuing pan tilt cable into the coiiesponuing CP0 boaiu pins

D,R#" D%#%/ DAC T%,/6 A-* ="+$/-;(-%*
Reu uNB
White vIN
uieen BS
Yellow B11
Black B1u
Blue B9

K("; I2 A#10 (9" &-*- $%**"$(%/ "*6 %O (9" CKT ,R#" -*(% (9" DAC R%,/6

K("; U2 A1( DAC R%,/6 -*(% 9%1+-*0
Let the 0SB cable hang out the fiont of the housing, the Pan Tilt cable hang out the back enu, the
tiiggei cable hang out the siue wheie the notch in the siue of the housing is locateu.

K("; V2 A#,$" (9" $%4"/ -* ;#,$" R5 ,#-0*-*0 (9" $%4"/ *%($9 B-(9 (9" 9%1+-*0 *%($9. (9"*
-*+"/( ,*6 (-09("* (9" +$/"B+

K("; W2 D%**"$( A,* 3-#( $,R#" O/%& (9" ,++"&R#"6 :$$"++%/5. (% A,* (-#( &%(%/-X"6 9",6

A%B"/ C; Y,/6B,/"

8(/"&"3"(9"/ T,(("/5

By iemoving the bottom covei of the XtiemeTethei tiansmittei, you will be able to access the
batteiy compaitment. Please make suie the unit is 0FF befoie ieplacing the batteiy.

To chaige tiansmittei, plug a 0SB cable into the micio 0SB poit next to the powei button, anu the
othei enu into youi computeis 0SB poit, oi the 0SB wall chaigei incluueu.

Z"*"/,# Y-*(+ [A#",+" P",6\]2

XtiemeTethei tiansmittei neeus chaiging if the powei light tuins ieu.

Be suie to keep XtiemeTethei fully chaigeu, especially if its connecteu to accessoiies like the
pan tilt heau oi XtiemeAccessoiy cable. A low tiansmittei batteiy may pievent it fiom piopeily
poweiing othei uevices connecteu it ovei the 0SB poit causing them to woik pooily oi

It may be necessaiy to use a ;%B"/"6 0SB hub when connecting ceitain accessoiies to
XtiemeTethei in case XtiemeTethei is not fully chaigeu.

K"((-*0 1; 5%1/ $,&"/, O%/ -*-(-,# 1+" B-(9 8(/"&"3"(9"/

Set the focusing switch on youi cameias LENS to AF (Auto Focus)

Set youi cameia to <:JC:@ (N) moue

=-+,R#" Auto-Powei 0FF in youi cameia's menu, so that youi cameia uoes N0T tuin off
automatically while connecteu to XtiemeTethei.

The main iuea when tuining on XtiemeTethei tiansmittei is that it shoulu be tuineu on @:K3..
:73^P eveiything else has alieauy been wiieu up, connecteu to it, anu tuineu on alieauy.


The following uesciibes how to connect the XtiemeTethei to youi cameia, anu also how to connect
the XtiemeCable Accessoiy.

8(/"&"3"(9"/ _ D,&"/,

If you just have an XtiemeTethei tiansmittei anu youi cameia only, follow these steps:

1. Tuin all equipment 0FF
2. Tuin youi cameia 0N
a. Set cameia to manual moue (N)
b. Cameia lens set to AF
c. Bisable auto powei off timei in youi cameias menu
S. Connect one enu of a 0SB cable to youi cameias 0SB poit.
4. Connect the othei enu of the 0SB cable to the XtiemeTethei 0SB
poit next to the Etheinet connectoi in the fiont
S. Tuin XtiemeTethei tiansmittei 0N

To tuin on XtiemeTethei tiansmittei, sliue the onoff switch to the 0N position. veiify that all the
lights come on gieen biiefly, then, only one gieen leu will be on foi aiounu 2u seconus until it staits
up completely.

When the netwoik leu tuins gieen, XtiemeTethei tiansmittei is ieauy to use.

!:PJ)JZ: If the 0SB cable connection to youi cameia is loose, it will cause inteimittent
communication with the cameia, anu may cause the tiansmittei to keep iebooting because of it
making it appeai to malfunction. In this case please make suie the 0SB cable has a goou connection.

8(/"&"3"(9"/ _ D,&"/, _ :$$"++%/-"+

If you aie using the XtiemeTethei with the XtiemeAccessoiy cable anu the pan tilt motoiizeu heau
follow these tuin on steps:

1. Tuin all equipment 0FF
2. Tuin youi cameia 0N
a. Set cameia to manual moue (N)
b. Cameia lens set to AF
c. Bisable auto powei off timei in youi cameias menu
S. Tuin 0N the motoiizeu PanTilt heau
4. Connect the XtiemeAccessoiy cable to the Pan tilt heau
S. Connect the 0SB enu of the XtiemeAccessoiy cable to a 0SB hub
6. Connect youi cameia to the same 0SB hub
7. Connect the upstieam 0SB poit fiom the B0B to XtiemeTethei 0SB poit.
8. Tuin XtiemeTethei tiansmittei 0N

Pan Tilt
Bub Powei
A ()*$#$+ 0SB hub may be neeueu if the tiansmittei's batteiy is not fully chaigeu.
Siue photo above shows unpoweieu 0SB B0B being useu with Pan Tilt cable.
8(/"&"3"(9"/ :;;

XtiemeTethei tiansmittei when tuineu 0N, will geneiate its own wiieless 8u2.11 bgn WiFi
netwoik, geneiating a netwoik IB of the following foimat


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 16-uigit coue is the same as the seiial numbei on the stickei on the bottom of
the XtiemeTethei uevice.

Befoie iunning the XtiemeTethei app, attach youi uevice (iPau, iPhone, NAC, Anuioiu, PC etc) to
the XtiemeTethei wiieless netwoik IB shown above.

0se youi uevices contiol panel oi WiFi settings, to attach youi uevice to the wiieless XtiemeTethei
netwoik IB. The initial passwoiu will be the same 16-uigit seiial numbei that you enteieu uuiing
iegistiation. You can change the passwoiu latei using the app, using the App Settings.

Aftei attaching youi uevice to the XtiemeTethei wiieless netwoik, iun the XtiemeTethei App.

When the app staits it automatically tiies to connect to the XtiemeTethei uevice anu the cameia,
anu will uisplay a R1+5 R%` in the centei of the scieen while uoing so. Please wait until the busy box
goes away befoie uoing anything. When the busy box biiefly uisplays "connecteu", means it has
uiscoveieu anu attacheu to the XtiemeTethei tiansmittei anu cameia.

If you want to use the app in %OO#-*" &%6" (foi example to ieview oi euit pictuies alieauy taken, oi
euit sciipts) then click the $,*$"# button in the busy box so that it will not continuously tiy to
connect to the XtiemeTethei tiansmittei.

As soon as the app connects, it will fiist uownloau all the cameia settings wiielessly fiom the
cameia. This may take a few seconus uepenuing on the numbei of settings in youi paiticulai
cameia. Foi example some Nikon cameias has ovei Suu uiffeient settings so it may take a while,
most canons have much less.

8(/"&"3"(9"/ 3%%#R,/
We have tiieu to make all the apps foi uiffeient platfoims look anu woik the same way. We have
uesigneu the app menu to use a !"#"!$! &!'$#( ') *+,--# *.&+- in oiuei to maximize the aiea
useu to view youi pictuies.

All of the contiols anu menus can be accesseu fiom a single toolbai, which
is uisplayeu by clicking on the $,&"/, -$%* on the backgiounu of the
scieen, in the uppei left oi uppei iight coinei.

Nost of the contiols anu buttons aie self-explanatoiy.

3%%#R,/ K1&&,/5 [6"(,-#+ O%##%B]2

IS0 - Change youi cameias IS0 setting
WB -Change youi cameias white balance
S - Change youi cameia shuttei speeu
A - Change youi cameias Apeituie
Live view - See a live viueo stieam of youi cameias view finuei
REC - Recoiu a movie
Play - Select a viueo uploaueu fiom the cameia to be playeu back
Taiget -Automatically pantilt youi cameia to follow subjects
Focus - Change the focus of youi cameia
Captuie Image - Take a pictuie.
Files on Cam - Bisplay files anu folueis contains in cameia caiu
ualleiy - Bisplay the filespictuies alieauy uploaueu fiom the cameia
Settings on cameia - Bisplay the full list of settings on youi cameia
Effects - Bisplay a list of imaging effects
App settings - Bisplay the settings foi the app
Pan Tilt - Bisplay the contiols foi panning anu tilting
Bistogiam - Show the histogiam foi the image being uisplayeu
Sciipts - Time-lapse, BBR, Bigh Speeu Photogiaphy, Custom Sciipts
Cam Batt - Shows the peicent chaige of the batteiies in the cameia

)<AQP3:J3 JQ3^2 Because each cameia woiks in a uiffeient way, not all featuies aie available
yet foi all cameias. We aie constantly impioving the app to suppoit all featuies in all cameias, anu
fiequently ielease upuateu veisions of the app.

0nce the App is connecteu to the XtiemeTethei tiansmittei, you can now wiielessly contiol youi
cameia, stait taking pictuies, see the full iesolution images in the app as you shoot, anu a live view
viueo stieam of youi cameias viewfinuei wiielessly iight in the app.

By connecting XtiemeTethei to a netwoik, you coulu contiol youi cameia fiom anywheie in the

:;; T,+-$+
The app shows the basic cameia settings on the backgiounu of the scieen, such as IS0, White
Balance, Shuttei Speeu, anu Apeituie. Cameia settings can be changeu wiielessly fiom the app.

Foi example to change the IS0 setting on the cameia fiom the app (cameia in manual moue)

1. Click oi tap on the IS0 button in the tool bai.
- The app will wiielessly iequest a list of available IS0 settings fiom the cameia (you will
biiefly see the busy box uuiing this time). The app then uisplays the list of available IS0
settings it ieceiveu fiom the cameia.
2. Select the uesiieu IS0 setting fiom the list by tapping oi clicking on it. The app will then
wiielessly iequest the cameia to change to the selecteu IS0 setting.

You can change othei cameia settings such as white balance, shuttei speeu, anu apeituie, the same
way by clicking on the coiiesponuing buttons fiom the toolbai. The toolbai buttons give quick
access to the most often-useu basic cameia settings.

If a setting is changeu at the cameia itself, eithei manually by a usei at the cameia, oi changeu by
the cameia itself (because of automatic moue), aftei a few seconus the app will automatically
upuate its uisplay to show the new setting without you uoing anything.

)<AQP3:J3 JQ3^2 In ceitain moues, the cameia will not allow some settings to be changeu fiom
the app. Foi example if the cameia is in fully automatic moue, anu you tiy to change the shuttei
speeu foi example, the cameia may ieject the change anu the app will uisplay an eiioi. Similaily
othei cameia moues such as shuttei piioiity oi apeituie piioiity, foi example, the cameia may not
allow you to change ceitain settings in those moues. The app can only iequest the cameia to change
the setting, but the cameia has the final say as to weathei it allows you to change a paiticulai
setting at a paiticulai time oi a paiticulai cameia moue.

If you aie an auvanceu usei anu want to change cameia settings othei than the basic ones (IS0, WB,
Shuttei Speeu, Apeituie), click oi tap on the "Settings on cameia" icon. This will iequest anu uisplay
all cameia settings soiteu by categoiy. As mentioneu befoie, some cameias like an auvanceu Nikon
has maybe ovei Suu settings, anu will take a few seconus to uownloau fiom the cameia.

)<AQP3:J3 JQ3^2 When all the cameia settings aie uisplayeu, its veiy easy to click aiounu
exploiing anu changing settings ianuomly. Since the settings aie "live" meaning any changes maue
on the app, aie instantly changeu wiielessly on the actual cameia as well. So clicking aiounu anu
ianuomly changing settings can easily change lots of settings in youi cameia leaving it in an
unknown state (since you may not iemembei what you ianuomly changeu). ueneially, only
auvanceu useis who know exactly what they aie uoing shoulu use this menu.

Some items in the auvanceu cameia settings menu aie foi infoimation only anu cannot be changeu.
Foi example if you tiy to change the setting foi "type of lens" connecteu to the cameia fiom the app,
the cameia will ieject this anu the app will uisplay an eiioi, similaily many othei settings aie foi
infoimation puiposes only.

K9%%(-*0 T,+-$+
The app initially is set up so that as you shoot, the images aie automatically uploaueu wiielessly
fiom the cameia, stoieu, anu uisplayeu inthe app. You can shoot fiom the cameia itself oi the app.

To shoot fiom the cameia, simple piess the shuttei button on the cameia itself as you noimally uo,
each pictuie taken will be automatically uploaueu wiielessly anu uisplayeu in the app. This is useful
in a photo shoot wheie the photogiaphei shoots fiom the cameia, anu clients can watch the full
iesolution images appeaiing on a laige NAC monitoi oi on an iPau.

While shooting fiom the cameia, it is not necessaiy to wait until each image is uploaueu befoie
taking anothei pictuie, you can keep taking multiple shots anytime you want, anu the images will be
queueu up anu uploaueu to the app in the backgiounu while you keep shooting.

To shoot wiielessly fiom the app, click oi tap the "Captuie Image" button fiom the tool bai. The
image will again be uploaueu anu shown in the app.

As the images aie uploaueu anu stoieu on the uevice (iPhone, iPau, NAC, Anuioiu, PC etc), you can
specify a custom album wheie you want those images to be stoieu on the uevice.

Foi example, you aie a photogiaphei with many clients thioughout the uay, as you go to each client,
you can specify a new album to stoie all photos taken foi that client.

To specify an album, tap oi click on the App Settings button in the toolbai, then scioll uown to
album, tap on that anu entei the name of the album you want new images to be stoieu in. Then
when you go to a uiffeient client, simply change the album name, anu images taken foi that client
will be stoieu automatically in that album. When using PC oi NAC, the images will be stoieu in the
Bocuments!XtiemeTethei!Youi Album Name foluei.

To ieview the images alieauy taken, click oi tap on the ualleiy icon in the toolbai. Thumbnail
images will be uisplayeu, soiteu by album (oi foluei on NAC oi PC), then simple select one to see
the full iesolution image in the app.

XtiemeTethei app has ovei 1Su built in imaging effects, uepenuing on platfoim; NAC may have a lot
moie effects to choose fiom than an iPau, oi iPhone foi example. Aftei selecting an image to euit,
click oi tap on the Effects button in the toolbai. A list of available effects is uisplayeu. 0n a NAC the
"Quick Effects" selection uisplays a set of pie-canneu effects that you can use quickly.

)<AQP3:J3 JQ3^2 Poitable uevices like iPau, iPhone, Anuioiu, have limiteu memoiy, anu may
not be able to apply ceitain effects to laige images. If this is attempteu, the app can easily iun out of
memoiy anu teiminate. In this case, please use the fiee laptop oi uesktop veision of the app, which
has much moie memoiy to hanule laigei images.

@-4" a-"B

XtiemeTethei app allows you to see a live viueo stieam of youi cameias viewfinuei wiielessly in
the app. To enable live view, click oi tap on the Live icon in the toolbai. You shoulu now see a live
viueo feeu of youi cameias viewfinuei in the app.

Live view featuie is veiy cameia uepenuent. This featuie may not be suppoiteu in some cameias,
anu othei cameias must be in NAN0AL moue foi it to woik. Some cameias may iequiie switches oi
menu settings on the cameia to be set a ceitain way befoie live view will woik.

A,* 3-#(

This woiks with the Bescoi NP1u1S6u motoiizeu pan tilt heau, anu allows you to pan anu tilt youi
cameia wiielessly. Click oi tap the PanTilt icon on the toolbai. The pan tilt contiol will be
uisplayeu. To pan oi tilt youi cameia, piess oi click anu holu on the button in the centei of the
contiol, then uiag aiounu the contiol to wheie you want to pan oi tilt. The uistance away fiom the
centei you have uiaggeu contiols the speeu. The fuithei away fiom the centei you have uiaggeu,
the gieatei the speeu. When the contiol is ieleaseu the panning oi tilting will stop.

Foi smooth staits anu stops, you can contiol the acceleiation anu ueceleiation of the panning anu
tilting. To change the acceleiation click oi tap on the App Settings icon in the toolbai, then scioll
uown to acceleiation oi ueceleiation setting. The setting vaiies between 2 anu 2SS. Setting 2 is the
slowest, anu 2SS the fastest. The slowest acceleiation means it will take a much longei time to
ieach the maximum panning speeu, acceleiating veiy slowly, oi will take a longei time to stop aftei
ieleasing the pan tilt contiol foi ueceleiation.

a-6"% P"$%/6-*0

To iecoiu a viueo, click the Rec icon in the toolbai, to stop the viueo iecoiuing, click the same
button again. The viueo iecoiuing featuie is veiy cameia uepenuent, anu is not suppoiteu in all
cameias. Cuiiently mostly Nikon is suppoiteu, but some Canons woik too to some uegiee.

Theie aie two ways to iecoiu a viueo:

J,(-4" a-6"% P"$%/6-*0 <%6"2
Native viueo iecoiuing is useu when the cameia alieauy has viueo iecoiuing capability, anu is
suppoiteu by the app. In this moue, the cameia actually uoes the viueo iecoiuing, anu the app can
monitoi the viueo being iecoiueu wiielessly.

@-4"a-"B a-6"% P"$%/6-*0 <%6"2
If the Native viueo iecoiuing is not suppoiteu foi youi cameia, oi the app, oi youi cameia uoesn't
have viueo iecoiuing capability at all, you may still iecoiu viueos using if Live view is suppoiteu foi
youi cameia. With live view viueo iecoiuing, the app itself iecoius the viueo iathei than youi
cameia. This basically means that the live view viueo stieam is stitcheu togethei by the app to
cieate a viueo iecoiuing. To tuin on this methou of iecoiuing, enable Liveview viueo iecoiuing in
the App Settings. This featuie is suppoiteu in many moie cameias than the Native viueo iecoiuing
moue, since as long as live view is suppoiteu a viueo can be iecoiueu.


Click the histogiam button to see a histogiam of the image being uisplayeu. ueneiating the
histogiam takes some piocessing time, which may affect the speeu when useu with the live view
viueo uisplay. Click the histogiam button again to tuin it off.

D,& T,(

The peicent of chaige left on the batteiies in the cameia is uisplayeu neai the Cam Batt icon. This
infoimation is automatically upuateu peiiouically. Clicking the button will cause it to upuate


To focus the cameia iemotely, click the Focus icon in the toolbai. Focusing only woiks while in live
view moue. Theie aie thiee focus settings allowing you to focus neaiei oi faithei. Theie aie thiee
settings foi focusing neaiei, anu thiee foi faithei, each setting has a gieatei step size. To auto focus,
select the miuule setting, this will cause the cameia to uo an autofocus opeiation. You can also auto
focus by tapping on the image backgiounu while in LIvE vIEW moue. This is not suppoiteu in all

3/,$>-*0 b :1(% 7%##%B

TiackingAuto follow is an $,($#-%$."/0 featuie that woiks with the pan tilt featuie, to
automatically pan anu tilt the cameia to tiack objects in the viewfinuei. To opeiate this featuie,
O-/+( tuin on the #-4" 4-"B moue (oi viueo iecoiuing moue). 39"* tap oi click on the Tiacking icon.
The tiacking contiols will be uisplayeu.

Auto follow woiks by tiacking specific colois you select in the viewfinuei. So foi example if you
want it to follow you while you walk aiounu, oi automatically follow a paiticulai object, be suie that
object has a uiffeient coloi fiom any othei colois in the suiiounuing aiea. Foi example a biight ieu
coloi wheie no othei ieu coloi is piesent in the scene.

While the tiacking contiol is uisplayeu, tap oi click on the spot in the contiol pieview winuow that
has the coloi you want tiackeu. A iectangle will appeai aiounu the pait of the image that will be
tiackeu. If it keeps tiacking the wiong object, manually aujust the ieu, gieen, oi blue settings, anu
the uelta, until it locks on to what you want tiackeu.

Set the speeu of the panning anu tilting that you want, if you set the speeu too fast, then it will easily
oveishoot, anu constantly pan back anu foith aiounu the image. The app tiies to keep the
objectcoloi being tiackeu in the centei of the fiame by panning oi tilting the cameia. You can
contiol how much off ueau centei the object can move befoie the cameia stait panning by selecting
the peicentage off centei. Then click the tiacking button to stait the actual tiacking. It will only
tiack while the tiacking winuow is open. This can also woik uuiing movie moue.

10$/2$ #$%$%4$# that this is an $,($#-%$."/0 featuie that may not woik 1uu%

a-6"% A#,5R,$>

To playback a viueo that was iecoiueu, click the viueo playback icon on the toolbai. A galleiy of
viueos that weie iecoiueu will be uisplayeu. Select the one you want to play then click the play
button. In the case of the NAC oi PC, simply uouble click on the viueo filename to be playeu.

D,;(1/" )&,0"

To take a pictuie fiom the app, click the captuie image button in the tool bai. The image will be
taken anu uploaueu to the app. If the cameia is set to bulb moue, to take a pictuie click anu holu the
button to holu open the shuttei. Release the button to close the shuttei.

If you uon't want the images automatically uploaueu aftei they aie taken, click oi tap in the App
Settings icon in the toolbai, then scioll to the Auto 0ploau setting anu tuin it off. When this is
tuineu off the images taken by the cameia will stay on the cameia caiu anu not uploaueu to the app
automatically. You can still uploau the images latei by clicking on the Files 0n Cam icon in the
toolbai to see the files on the cameia caiu, then uploau oi uelete any oi all of them.

:;; K"((-*0+

To change settings foi the app itself, tap on the App Settings icon in the tool bai. A list of settings
will be uisplayeu.

IS0 commanu - This sets the commanu to senu to the cameia to fetch the IS0 settings
Shuttei Speeu Commanu - This sets the commanu to senu to the cameia to fetch the Shuttei Speeu
White Balance Commanu - This sets the commanu to senu to the cameia to fetch the White Balance
Apeituie Commanu - This sets the commanu to senu to the cameia to fetch the Apeituie
view Finuei Commanu - This sets the commanu to senu to the cameia to contiol the live view
Batteiy Level Commanu - This sets the commanu to senu to the cameia to fetch the batteiy level
Connect to IP Auuiess - This sets the IP auuiess of the XtiemeTethei tiansmittei, this will cause the
XtiemeTethei uevice to change its IP auuiess
Album Name - This sets the Album name, oi foluei name to stoie all new images coming into the app
PanTilt Acceleiation - This sets the acceleiation of the motoiizeu pan tilt heau when staiting to move,
oi speeuing up
PanTilt Beceleiation - This sets the ueceleiation of the motoiizeu pan tilt heau when stopping oi
slowing uown
Novie stait commanu - This sets the commanu to stait anu stop movie iecoiuing moue
Nove stait commanu value - This sets the value to tait the movie iecoiuing
Auto 0ploau - Contiols if images aie automatically uploaueu fiom the cameia as they aie taken
Auto Betect - Sets if the commanu names aie automatically set uepenuing on the cameia being useu
0se Pieview foi movie iecoiuing - Sets the movie iecoiuing moue to live view when iecoiuing movies.
Auto uploau only }Pu - When set, will only uploau }Pu type images uuiing shooting. If the cameia is set to
RAW+}Pu, only the }Pu will be uploaueu, the RAW will still be in the cameia anu can be uploaueu latei.
Infinity Noue - When Set, will allow you to keep taking pictuies anu not iun out of cameia caiu memoiy
(only woiks foi }Pu on some cameias).
Show uiiu - Bisplays an oveilay giiu on top of the pictuies
Show 0veilay - Bisplays the cameia settings on the backgiounu (IS0, WB, Speeu, Apeituie)
Nonitoi viueo - When Set, allows the viueo being iecoiueu in Native moue to be monitoieu. Some
cameias will not allow the viueo to be iemotely monitoieu, foi those cameias tuin this setting off foi
smoothei opeiation.
Bownloau Baiuwaie0S - Bownloaus an upuateu 0S fiimwaie fiom the inteinet
Bownloau BaiuwaieAPP - Bownloaus an upuateu App foi the Fiimwaie fiom the inteinet
Piogiam haiuwaie 0S - Causes the uownloaueu Fiimwaie 0S upuate to be flasheu into XtiemeTethei
Piogiam haiuwaie APP - Causes the uownloaueu Fiimwaie APP upuate to be flasheu into XtiemeTethei
Remote ieboot - This causes the XtiemeTethei tiansmittei to be iemotely iebooteu
Change XtiemeTethei passwoiu - Changes the wiieless WiFi passwoiu of the XtiemeTethei uevice
AttachBetach To existing Wiieless Netwoik - This allows XtiemeTethei to attach to an existing wiieless
netwoik, oi to uetach fiom all wiieless netwoiks. Foi example if you have an existing wiieless netwoik
in youi stuuio oi home, you can make XtiemeTethei attach to that netwoik. This is useful because while
attacheu to XtiemeTethei, in this moue you can still biowse the inteinet, uploau photos to the inteinet
noimally. Without this moue eveiy time you want to connect to the inteinet, you woulu have to fiist
uisconnect fiom XtiemeTethei, then ieconnect to oui existing netwoik, which is veiy inconvenient.

K"((-*0+ Q* D,&"/,

If you aie an auvanceu usei anu want to access auvanceu cameia settings, click oi tap on the
"Settings on Cameia". This will iequest anu uisplay all cameia settings soiteu by categoiy. As
mentioneu above, some cameias like an auvanceu Nikon has maybe ovei Suu settings, anu will take
a few seconus to uownloau fiom the cameia.

When the settings aie uisplayeu, select which one you want to change then tap on it to change it.

)<AQP3:J3 JQ3^2 In ceitain moues, the cameia will not allow some settings to be changeu fiom
the app. Foi example if the cameia is in fully automatic moue, anu you tiy to change the shuttei
speeu foi example, the cameia may ieject the change anu the app will uisplay an eiioi. Similaily
othei cameia moues such as shuttei piioiity oi apeituie piioiity, foi example, the cameia may not
allow you to change ceitain settings in those moues. The app can only iequest the cameia to change
the setting, but the cameia has the final say as to weathei it allows you to change a paiticulai
setting at a paiticulai time oi a paiticulai cameia moue.

Some items in the auvanceu cameia settings menu aie foi infoimation only anu cannot be changeu.
Foi example if you tiy to change the type of lens fiom the app, the cameia will ieject this anu the
app will uisplay an eiioi, similaily many othei settings aie foi infoimation puiposes only.


The Sciipts icon has settings foi inteival-o-metei (time-lapse), BBR, Cieating anu euiting custom
sciipts, anu foi high speeu photogiaphy.

^6-(-*0 K$/-;(+
To euit a sciipt, click oi tap on the sciipt icon on the tool bai. All sciipts that you cieateu will be
uisplayeu in a list. To euit a sciipt, clicktap on the name in the list.

P1* - staits executing the sciipt
K(%; - Stops the sciipt
@%%>1; - Bisplays a list of cameia paiameteis that you can change in youi sciipt.
D#",/ ="R10 - cleais the uebugging infoimation winuow.

The uebug aiea at the bottom of the sciipt euiting winuow, allows you to see the output fiom youi
sciipt that is iunning on the XtiemeTethei haiuwaie. Foi example if you have a PRINT statement in
youi sciipt, it will actually piint iemotely to this winuow, even though it's actually iunning on the
XtiemeTethei haiuwaie.

If you stait iunning a sciipt, then uisconnect youi app oi uevice, fiom the XtiemeTethei netwoik,
the sciipt will continue iunning on the XtiemeTethei haiuwaie. When you ieconnect again to the
XtiemeTethei netwoik, any output fiom the sciipt will automatically be shown in this winuow
again, but the sciipt will continue to iun until you hit the stop button, oi the sciipt natuially

XtiemeTethei sciipts aie actually ueiiveu fiom BASIC piogiamming language, with extensions to
contiol the cameia anu panning anu tilting. With the sciipt, you can use vaiiables to get, set, anu
manipulate cameia paiameteis using BASIC vaiiables. Please see the sciipting uocument foi a full
list of cameia functions.

To access the inteival-o-metei foi time lapse, BBR, oi auvanceu biacketing, tap oi click on the
Sciipt icon in the toolbai, then select Time Lapse fiom the menu.

The time lapse scieen will allow you to take a seiies of pictuies, with a uelay in between each
pictuie. As each pictuie is taken, you can change any cameia paiametei, oi pan the cameia a ceitain
amount between each shot.

Initial Belay - The time to wait befoie staiting the whole piocess
Belay between shots - Numbei of seconu to wait aftei each pictuie is taken
Numbei 0F Shots - Numbei of shot gioups to take. When uoing BBR, one shot can incluue
multiple BBR shots taken with uiffeient settings.

BBR check box - When checkeu will peifoim BBR, meaning each "shot" will compiise of a
numbei of shots wheie each shot has a uiffeient cameia setting.
BBR paiametei - ueteimines which cameia paiametei to vaiy. Click the button next to BBR
paiametei to select which cameia paiametei you want to vaiy such as shuttei speeu, IS0,
white balance, apeituie. You can vaiy any of the hunuieus of cameia paiameteis.
Initial Inuex oi value - sets the staiting point of the above paiametei. Foi example if you
want to stait vaiying the IS0 fiom 1uu, then click the button next to this paiametei to select
the staiting point
Step - Set the step size to vaiy the above paiametei
# Steps - Set the numbei of times to step this paiametei foi each "shot"
Sweep Paiametei value - when checkeu, this means you aie changing a value anu not a
paiametei inuex.

Bulb Noue check box - When checkeu allows you to use bulb moue when taking each shot,
this allows you to manually set the exposuie time you want. To use this moue you have to set
the cameia to bulb moue BEF0RE you stait the inteival-o-metei.
Bulb exposuie time - Sets the bulb exposuie time in seconus

Pan Tilt check box - when this checkbox is checkeu, will incluue panning anu tilting in the
Continuous - When checkeu will keep panning anu tilting between each shot as one
continuous motion. If this is not checkeu, the panning anu tilting will stait anu stop between
each shot.
Pan Speeu - Sets the panning speeu
Tilt Speeu - Sets the tilt speeu
Acceleiation - Sets the acceleiation
Beceleiation - Sets the Beceleiation
Notion Buiation - Sets the length of time to pan oi tilt, aftei which it will stop. This is
ignoieu if continuous moue is checkeu, the motion will not stop until aftei the time lapse is
Belay Aftei Notion - This gives a uelay time allowing the panning anu tilting motion to stop
completely befoie taking the next pictuie.

Buiing the opeiating of the inteival-o-metei - you can monitoi its piogiess using the uebug
winuow at the bottom of the Time lapse winuow. To cleai the messages click the cleai button.

Staits the inteival-o-metei

Stops the inteival-o-metei - multiple clicks may be iequiieu to stop it

K,4" ,+ D1+(%& K$/-;(
When this is clickeu, will geneiate an euitable sciipt to match the cuiient settings in this uialog box.
This will give you a nice staiting point if you want to geneiate youi own custom sciipt. Foi example
the basic time lapse only allows you to vaiy one cameia paiametei while uoing BBR, maybe you
want to vaiy multiple paiameteis, oi pan oi tilt in multiple uiiections while uoing the time lapse. To
uo that you can mouify the sciipt to uo almost anything you want.

Aftei this button is clickeu it will ask you foi a name foi you new sciipt, entei a new name anu click
ok. The new sciipt will be auueu to the list of sciipts. To euit the sciipt, exit the time-lapse scieen
then click on the sciipt name to euit it.

7-#"+ Q* D,&"/,

Click on oi tap "Files 0n Cam" icon in the toolbai in oiuei to see all the files anu folueis on the caiu
in youi cameia iemotely. Click on a foluei to go into that foluei, files aie listeu along with the file
size, type, file name anu othei infoimation. To view anu uploau any file fiom the cameia to the app
wiielessly, simple uouble tap on the file name to uploau the file anu view the full iesolution image,
which will be automatically stoieu on the app in the pie-selecteu album oi foluei. You can uploau
any file incluuing RAW, }Pu movies etc.

To uploau all files in that foluei click on uploau all button.

To uelete all the files in that foluei, click the uelete all button.

To see thumbnails of the files click on the thumb nails button at the top of the files winuow.

Y-09 K;""6 3/-00"/-*0

The Accessoiy cable has a built in 4 channel high speeu tiiggeiing system that can be useu foi high
speeu photogiaphy. You can attach vaiious sensois to tiiggei a combination of 4 cameias oi 4
flashes. Sensois can be light sensois, sounu, lasei, motion, oi any othei sensoi you want.

To access the high speeu tiiggeiing settings, tap oi click on the sciipts icon fiom the toolbai, then
select Bigh Speeu tiiggei fiom the menu. The scieen above will be shown.

All uelay values (pie-aim uelay, Tiiggei Buiation, Post Tiiggei uelay) aie in units of Suu
micioseconu inciements. Foi example if you set the Tiiggei Buiation to S, then the uuiation of the
tiiggeieu output will be S * Suu = 1Suu micioseconus.

ulobal Noue - Allows you to combine the output of all channels into channel S.
N0RNAL - Anu0R functions aie uisableu
ANB - When ALL aimeu channels aie tiiggeieu, channel S's output will be tiiggeieu also
0R - When ANY aimeu channels aie tiiggeieu, channel S's output will be tiiggeieu also
Channel u, 1,2,S - Allows you to select the channel whose settings you want to change
Auto Pulse 0utput - Automatically cieates a pulse at the output of the selecteu channel baseu on
pie-aim uelay time (pulse off time) anu channel Buiation (pulse on time), which contiols the
pulse iate.
Aimeu - Aims the selecteu channel
Auto-ieaim - Aftei the channel tiiggeis, it automatically ieaims so it can tiiggei again
Pie-Aim uelay - this is the uelay befoie the tiiggeiing system staits
Tiiggei count - this is the numbei of times to tiiggei befoie the output of the tiiggei changes
Tiiggei thiesholu - this is the AB thiesholu tiiggei point fiom the exteinal sensoi
AboveBelow Thiesholu - This selects weathei the tiiggei signal has to go above oi below the
tiiggei thiesholu to cause a tiiggei
Post tiiggei uelay - This sets the uelay aftei the tiiggei happens until the tiiggei output is
Tiiggei output polaiity - This selects weathei the output will go high oi low when tiiggeieu
Tiiggei uuiation - This ueteimines how long the tiiggei output pulse will last

P",6 D9,**"# button will ieau the analog to uigital voltage at the tiiggei inputs anu uisplay that
value fiom as a numbei between u anu 2SS

Senu button will senu all the tiiggei settings to the XtiemeAccessoiy cable causing it to aim oi
uisaim the vaiious channels that you set fiom this scieen.

Y%B 6%"+ -( B%/>c

Each tiiggei channel is numbeieu fiom u to S (4 channels total). Each channel has an analog input
anu a uigital output.

When a channel is enableu (using the app) the haiuwaie constantly watches the voltage at the
analog input. When the voltage ciosses the thiesholu, it geneiates a tiiggei signal at the
coiiesponuing uigital output, which can be useu to tiiggei a flash oi cameia oi anything else.

The analog input voltage is conveiteu to a uigital value between u anu 2SS. Wheie u coiiesponus to
u volts, anu 2SS coiiesponus to the maximum voltage of S-Sv. All othei values coiiesponu to
voltages in the miuule between u to Sv.

Rathei than using the actual voltages, the app uses the conveiteu uigital values to set the thiesholu
tiiggei levels.

So foi example if the thiesholu weie set to 128 (half way between u anu 2SS), this woulu have an
equivalent thiesholu voltage of 1.Sv (half way between u anu Sv)

!:PJ)JZ: The maximum voltage that can be applieu to the analog input is S to S v, if you apply a
ieveise voltage oi a voltage highei than Sv, you iisk uamage to the accessoiy uevice.

0se the app to set up the tiiggeiing paiameteis, such as thiesholu value (u to 2SS), tiiggei above oi
below the thiesholu, the output tiiggeiing polaiity, tiiggei uelays etc.

D%**"$(-*0 K"*+%/+ (% (9" )*;1(

Each sensoi is connecteu between giounu anu the uesiieu analog channel input.

Foi example if using the Aiuuino sounu sensoi, you just neeu to connect thiee wiies: giounu, +Sv
anu the sensoi output to one of the channel inputs.

1. Connect the giounu fiom the sensoi to the giounu of the tiiggei cable (see the table)
2. Connect the +Sv fiom the tiiggei cable to the vCC oi + input of the sensoi.
S. Connect the output fiom the sensoi, to the Analog input channel u.

3/-00"/ Q1(;1(

The uigital tiiggei output can go low oi high when tiiggeieu (selecteu using the app). You can
connect the output to a ielay, opto-couplei, oi some othei uevice to tiiggei a flash oi cameia foi
example, oi connect it to the input of anothei tiiggei channel.

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