Kuja Dosha

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Kuja Dosha is also called Manglik , Manglik Dosha , Mangal Dosha , Bhauma Dosha etc.
Kuja Dosha is formed hen Mars sits in s!ecific houses in the "ashi chart. So he influences
some !articular houses #$ his !lacement and as!ects. %here are s!ecific rules to check for Kuja
Dosha hile there are other factors hich #reak or eaken this. Kuja Dosha is said to kill the
s!ouse, #ut actuall$ it does not ha!!en this a$ ala$s. De!ending on the strength of the Dosha,
it creates different scale or kinds of !ro#lems accordingl$.
&t is generall$ said that in a chart '&rres!ecti(e to male or female nati(e) *hen Mars is found in
an$ of the houses +, ,, -, ., +/ 0 Kuja Dosha forms. Some South &ndian astrologers also take the
/nd house in addition 0 hile most do not agree to this. 'Mars in second can indicate #old or #itter
s!eech, or using slang ords etc.)
Mars is a !lanet of #attle, ar and fight. He is %amasic in nature and #elongs to the caste of
arriors 'Kshatri$a). He in general is fond of fights, #attles and is gi(en to anger. %hat is h$, (er$
naturall$, hen he takes o(er the marital matters, he likes to !ut 1uarrel, fight and 2#attle2 in
marriage, hich distur# marital ha!!iness. Mars is also he !lanet of o(er se3 dri(e, too much
#oldness, and too fierce in nature 0 all of them are against a !eaceful marriage.
%he actual reason #ehind h$ these houses !roduce Kuja Dosha should #e understood logicall$.
%hat is h$ & am gi(ing house #$ house e3!lanation 0
Mars in the +st house 0 Mars is a !lanet of #oldness, and kind of dictator in nature. %hat is h$
Mars in ascendant can make a !erson too #old, aggressi(e, or too dominating. He might ant to
#e the all in all in his famil$, hile not !a$ing a good attention to hat others 'Or his s!ouse) are
sa$ing. He ill #e easil$ in(ol(ed in fights and ill e3!ress himself rather directl$. He might #e
also of short tem!er. %his causes the major !ro#lem.
Mars ill also as!ect the houses , 4Ha!!iness, famil$ life5, - 4S!ouse, married life5 and . 4Marital
tie5 and thus create !ro#lem in all these areas ith ease. He ill 1uickl$ create fights on
unim!ortant issues.
Mars in the ,th house 0 %he !lanet of #attle is in the house of famil$ life, so #attle in famil$6 Mars
de!ri(es the nati(e from domestic harmon$, there are misunderstandings among the famil$
mem#ers. Mars ill cast his ,th as!ect on the -th house of s!ouse and marital life. &n ,th house
Mars loses his strength for direction and creates more and more trou#le in famil$ life.
Mars in the -th house 0 %here ill #e clash and unha!!iness in married life and this is !erha!s
the orst of all Kuja Doshas 0 a direct hit. Mars is a !lanet of a#use and (iolation and Mars #eing
in -th house (er$ !ossi#l$ can gi(e (iolation in married life. &n a female chart it might gi(e
!h$sical or e3cessi(e mental torture from the hus#and. %here ill #e also fight for the dominating
!oer, and there might #e lack of harmon$ in the se3ual issues. %he se3ual and emotional needs
of the !artners might not match or might ha(e a great difference. Mars might gi(e o(er se3ual
desire 7 sickl$ se3ual desire to the nati(e or to his s!ouse and create mess in marital life for this
issue. &t might gi(e a short tem!ered s!ouse.
Mars in the .th house 0 %he .th house rules marital tie, from the .th house e see the !ossi#ilit$
of death of the s!ouse. Mars is the !lanet of accident, o!eration, assault from ea!ons and
#leeding etc. 0 all of the things are ruled #$ .th house. So #eing in the .th house, Mars ill #e
(er$ eager to de(elo! these tendencies. He might cause death of s!ouse, !ossi#l$ through
accident, o!eration or an$ other misha!s. %hus it can indicate an earl$ death of the s!ouse. .th
house is also a house of hidden issues 7 immoral acts and Mars here can make the nati(e 7
s!ouse #e in(ol(ed in hidden and sinful acts. *hen the$ come forard, storm #los in married
Mars in the +/th house 0 +/th house rules all kinds of losses and also the #ed !leasure, i.e.
se3ual enjo$ment. Mars here can gi(e a nati(e sickl$ desires, or illegal unions ith other !eo!le.
Again, Mars ill as!ect the -th house ith it2s .th as!ect.
8ounters to Kuja Dosha
%here is no need to #e reall$ terrified if Mars is found in the houses +7,7-7.7+/. %here are man$
facts that can counter or e(en nullif$ the Dosha. %he most !o!ular a$ to nullif$ this Dosha is to
find a !artner or s!ouse ho has the same Dosha. &t is #elie(ed that if #oth the !artners ha(e this
Dosha, then the Dosha is nullified. 93!erience shos that this might #e true.
Hoe(er, there are certain facts in the chart itself that nullif$ the Dosha.
: ;ordshi! is a (er$ im!ortant fact here to consider. <or the nati(es 8ancer and ;eo, Mars is (er$
#enefic #eing a =oga Karaka. <or nati(es Aries and Scor!io, for #eing the ascendant lord he ill
do good, on the other hand for ruling a Dusthana, he ill not #e !urel$ #enefic. <or a >isces
nati(e, he #ecomes the ?th lord as ell as a mild killer 4Maraka5. Hoe(er, Mars ill undou#tedl$
!roduce strong Kuja Doshas to the ascendants he is a malefic for. 4@irgo for an e3am!le.5
: According to Dr. B. @. "aman, Kuja Dosha nullifies in the folloing conditions 0
a. &f Mars is in /nd house in an$ of the signs of Mercur$, i.e., Aemini or @irgo. #. &f Mars is in ,th
house in on sign, i.e., Aries or Scor!io. c. &f Mars is in -th house in e3altation or de#ilitation, i.e.,
8a!ricorn or 8ancer. d. &f Mars is in .th house in an$ of the signs of Ju!iter, i.e., Sagittarius or
>isces. e. &f Mars is in +/th house in an$ of the signs of @enus, i.e., %aurus or ;i#ra. f. &f Mars is
in an$ house in A1uarius or ;eo.
Hoe(er, some hold the o!inion that these conditions though eaken the Dosha, #ut does not
com!letel$ nullif$. & feel that it might #e correc
%he !osition of @enus and Mars is (er$ im!ortant in judging marital relations. Mars hose
element is fire rules marriage. *here he is #adl$ situated or associated in the horosco!e of a
male or female, it follos that the sacerdotal fire gets e3tinguished soon. Such unfa(oura#le
situation goes under the name of Kuja Dosha.
&t must #e noted that in determining marriage ada!ta#ilit$ #eteen to !arties, there are se(eral
elements of much more im!ortance than Kuja Dosha. And the e(il influences accuring from the
#ad !osition of Mars is onl$ one of the se(eral elements.
&t is unfortunate that throughout South &ndia es!eciall$ in the %amil areas, much is made of the
so0called Kuja Dosham and this #ug#ear has #een the means of destro$ing the ha!!iness of
man$ families #$ !re(enting marriages otherise (er$ eligi#le and an3iousl$ ished for. So far as
our hum#le e3!erience goes it is onl$ in the Kerala Sastra that mention is made of Kuja Dosha.
%he stanCa runs thusD Dhana ($a$echa !athale jamitre chashtame kujaE Strinam #harthru
(inasamcha #harthunam stri(inasanam. %his meansD 0 F&f Mars is in the /nd, +/th, ,th, -th and
.th houses in the horosco!e of the female, the death of the hus#and ill occurE similar situation in
the hus#and2s horosco!e causes the death of ife.F
%he ;agna re!resents #od$, the Moon, mind and @enus, se3ual relations. %herefore, the houses
ha(e to #e reckoned ith reference to all the three, (iC., ;agna, Moon and @enus. %he dosha
4e(il5 is considered eak hen it e3ists from ;agna, a little stronger from the Moon and still more
!oerful from @enus.
%he second house signifies famil$E the telth re!resents comforts and !leasures of #ed. %he
fourth rules sukha or ha!!iness. %he se(enth indicates hus#and and eighth re!resents longe(it$
of the ife or hus#and. Hence the !osition of Mars in these houses is su!!osed to !roduce this
!eculiar dosham or e(il. &f Kuja Dosham o#tains in the horosco!es of #oth the #ride and
#ridegroom, the dosham gets cancelled. %here are, of course, man$ good com#inations hich
assure marital felicit$ and much im!ortance need not #e gi(en to Kuja Dosham.
Aranting that Kuja Dosham is a factor hose occurrence should not #e ignored, there are
antidotes hich are not generall$ knon to the rank and file of Hindu astrologers. %he e3ce!tions
areD Mars in the /nd can #e said to #e #ad !ro(ided such /nd house is an$ other than Aemini
and @irgoE in the +/th the dosha is !roduced hen such +/th house is an$ other than %aurus and
;i#ra in the ,th house Mars causes dosha !ro(ided the house falls in an$ sign other than Aries
and Scor!ioE hen the -th is other than 8a!ricorn and 8ancer, the dosha is gi(en rise toE and
Mars gi(es #ad effects in the .th, !ro(ided the .th is an$ other than Sagittarius and >isces. &n
A1uarius and ;eo, Mars !roduces no dosha hatsoe(er. %he dosha is counteracted #$ the
conjunction of Mars and Ju!iter or Mars and the MoonE or #$ the !resence of Ju!iter or @enus in
the ascendant.
%hus, it ill #e seen that Kuja Dosha does not deser(e that consideration hich is no #eing !aid
to it. &n the consideration of marriage ada!ta#ilit$ there are (arious other factors hich should #e
carefull$ e3amined.
*e ha(e dealt a#o(e fairl$ e3hausti(el$ ith the 1uestion of marriage ada!ta#ilit$ and ha(e tried
to a(oid contro(ersial issues as the #ook is intended for the common man ho ishes to take
ad(antage of the astrological rules to his #enefit.

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