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4 3 2 1 0 Score
Registration Student can
effectively switch
registers without
problem when
necessary; active
awareness of head,
chest, and falsetto
voice registers and
the differences
between them
Student has trouble
between registers;
student maintains
awareness of the
Student needs to be
prompted when
approaching a
register switch, and
needs to be
reminded how to fix
switching of register
Student is unaware
of differences
between register
and lacks the
memory of how to
distinguish registers
Student did not
effectively reach the
upper or lower ends
of a register to
attempt a switch in

Tuning Pitch is always on
point and in the
center of the
consistent use of
breath control to
maintain steady
Pitch is consistently
in the center of the
frequency; almost
consistent use of
breath control to
maintain steady
Pitch detunes as
note is sustained;
breath control is
semi-consistent in
use for maintaining
proper pitch
Pitch has little to no
sustain in tuning;
breath control is
inconsistent in
maintaining pitch
Breath control is
non-existent for
pitch sustaining;
student has little to
no understanding of
how to tune a single


3 2 1 0 Asides (doesnt
affect score)
Text Singer takes breaths
at consistently
moments in breaks
of the text; singer
meaning of each
word in text
Singer takes breaths
almost always
consistently at
moments in breaks
of the text; singer
understands the
meaning of most
Singer is aware of
when to take
breaths at
appropriate times
but is inconsistent
to enact; singer
knows little to no
meaning of the text
Singer is unaware of
appropriate points
to breathe in the
music; singer is
unaware of text
meaning in a poetic
or translated sense
Did singer mark
breaths in music?

Y / N

Did singer write in
translations of text?

Y / N / X

Dynamics Singer consistently
uses dynamic
contrast to stress
important moments
in the text; singer
consistent with
matching volume to
mood of text
Singer is aware of
how to use dynamic
contrast but is
inconsistent when
enacting; singer
volume to the mood
of the text
Student is
inconsistent with
how the voice is
throughout a
particular section or
phrase of the piece
Singer is unaware of
how to modulate
volume within a
particular phrase of
the piece
Are dynamic
markings written in
the score the same
as what the student
sang? Or at all?

Y / N / none

Facial Singer consistently
marries facial
content to mood
and dynamic of
Singer is mostly
engaged with facial
expression content
Singer is not
engaged with face
throughout entire
phrase or section
Student does not
engage facial
expression even
when prompted;
unaware if student
understands what it
means to emulate
the text through
facial expression
Is student capable
of facial
outside of a musical

Y / N


Technical Skills
Criteria Assessment Comments
Posture Student can align head atop the A.O joint.

Y / N

Student keeps knees bent while singing

Y / N

Student relaxes and levels shoulders

Y / N

Student can explain a technique that engages healthy singing

Y / N

Vowels Student demonstrates an [u] vowel with the following:
proper tongue placement on floor of mouth
space within the mouth
smallest lip space
without a diphthong
Student demonstrates an [o] vowel with the following:
proper tongue placement near floor of mouth
circling of finger in front of mouth to simulate spin
without a diphthong
Student demonstrates an [i] vowel with the following:
proper tongue tip placement against front teeth
small lip space
Student demonstrates an [e] vowel with the following:
full resonance feeling in the mask
without a diphthong
Student demonstrates an [a] vowel with the following:
a large open space
bright sound within the mask

Diction Student can effectively define:
[ ] The meaning of a shadow vowel
[ ] how the articulators function for consonants
[ ] How the articulators function for consonants
[ ] Can give an example of a voiced consonant
[ ] Can give an example of an unvoiced consonant

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