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3 Write a story about being alone

I did not know why I was lying on my parents bed, but I was just. In the mirror, I could see myself wearing a
white chemise that was so short and transparent that it made me look more naked than if I were wearing nothing
at all. I looked at the door only and felt my heart beat faster than that of a racing horse as Kim Soo-Hyun, the
Korean star walked up to me, wearing nothing but a white towel. His masculine body was so well sculpted,
revealing six packs of tight abdominal muscles.oh my God I became horny immediately.
Fiona, take away your clothes, I want to play with you. Kim said. While I was disrobing myself, Kim leaned
over and gave me a deep and passionate kiss. His fingers travelled down across my stomach down to my groin.
He began small rotations with his fingers while still kissing me. Aaaah, I was so aroused. As my pussy became
wetter and wetter, he vigorously forced his finger deep within me, sending shivers to my spine. So wet. he
said. So good it feels, dont stop. I teased.
After a while, I couldnt hold stimulation from his fingers anymore. My body cried out and pleaded for released
as he sped up his rhythm. Stop, AaaarghpleaseI cant take anymore! I begged as my pussy muscle
contracting with involuntary spasms. I like it when you beg me, Fiona. Kim said.
Ding DongDing Dong The door bell was ringing. I found myself lying on the sofa as I blinked my eyes.
Fuck, it was a dream, all the scene vanished like a puff of smoke. The door bell kept ringing. Reluctantly, I
changed my skirt and opened the door, the one-thousand-and-five-hundred-Ringgit, fire and soundproof, seven-
foot-high solid door. Luckily it was my aunt. She came here just to deliver the lunchbox to me as my parents
wouldnt be home till night. She did not come in, of course.
As I glanced at the digital clock it read 1:28p.m. My fucking aunt woke me up from an exciting erotic dream I
was having. Thanks god, my parents werent here, if not, I would had been killed by my strict parents. As I sat
down on the sofa, I felt my skirt was moistened again and the familiarity of the warm afterglow between my
thighs. Fuck! I stained my dads expensive crocodile leather sofa! Never mind, pouring coffee on it would
superimpose my cum stain. My intelligence was not for nothing, but I was still horny!
I was supposed to be studying for tomorrows exam, but I couldnt concentrate and kept thinking of the
muscular Kim Soo-Hyun and feeling horny. The flame of lust kept burning, I opened the browser on my iPad
and searched for webcam site where I could watch brawny men wanking. I scrolled down the list till I found a
link of someone who looked like Kim and clicked on it. An image of a handsome Korean man came up. He was
looking into the webcam with a very cheeky smile. He then adjusted the webcam so it was showing his naked
muscular abdomen and the lower part of his body, with his face right at the top of the screen. His jeans was
slightly unzipped, awaiting his fist.
I could feel my heart throb faster as he slid his hand down his stomach and straight into his jeans. He grabbed
his large cork with one hand and the other pulled his jeans down slightly. He wasnt wearing any underwear. He
started stroking his cork slowly, just like I wanted him to do, and watching me. More aroused I became as I
watched his fist pumping up and down in front of me. I watched him as he stared my eyes, inducing me to
follow his lead.
I slid my hand down into my skirt. Being home alone meant that I didnt have to wear underwear. I was wet
already. I found my clit via the tip of my index finger and started cycling slowly just like his hand movement. I
was so turned on. My finger kept its rhythm as did his fist. I then inserted one of my fingers into my pussy. The
palm of my hand was now softly banging against my clit as my finger moved in and out of me. I could feel my
clit enlarging as my palm brushed against it.
His hand movements started getting faster and faster and my own hand sped up too to follow his rhythm. I was
so wet now. Then I could feel orgasm starting to build up within me, I was about to cum
Aaaaaaaah, I could feel my pussy muscles starting to contract involuntarily. It was time. I pushed my finger
deeper inside as I continued banging my palm against my hard clit. Suddenly, I could feel a very intense
pleasurable pulsing occurred within my pussy. Aaaaargh! I moaned out loudly and my body traitorously
exploded in an intense body-shattering orgasm as a shot of cum squirted from my pussy. Mmmmm Holy fuck.
I turned off my iPad after the sensational release. With hours to go before my parents got home, I began to clean
up the mess and had myself showered. After the cleanup, it was time to do physics revision for tomorrows
exam. By the way, Im a bit nerdy and am a good girl in my parents eyes. They would never ever think that
their daughter would be so horny.

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