TheSun 2009-11-04 Page02 Ong Sacks Four Mca CC Dissidents

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2 theSun | WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 4 2009

news without borders

IN Asri: My
was in
TOMORROW! inviting Appointed …
(from left) Lim,
Muslims Tan and Chua
to think
pg 4

Ong sacks four

MCA CC ‘dissidents’
by Giam Say Khoon mount importance. Position in the party is
There is good law and bad secondary to all of us.
law, and it is quite misleading “I have the most to lose as I was an ap-
KUALA LUMPUR: Four MCA president-ap- pointed CC member and I am also a deputy
to say that because something is finance minister. But for the good and image
pointed central committee (CC) members
stated in a law, it must be followed. who opposed the Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat- of the party, I have no choice,” he said.
We must do a test to see whether Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek’s Greater Unity Chor said Ong had not shed his lone-
the law is just.” Plan (GUP) were sacked yesterday. ranger style and “he still acts unilaterally
The four, all aligned to the CC-appointed without much consultation”.
– Edmund Bon,
Chairman of the Bar Council’s deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong He said the best way to resolve the
Constitutional Law Committee Lai, are organising secretary Yoo Wei How, crisis was through fresh elections as who
Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Chor Chee ever wins in the election must be given the
Heung, Datuk Chai Kim Sen and Gan Hong mandate to lead.
Su. Ong, in a press conference, defended
his action to remove the four, saying it was decisions. It (ROS’s decision) is not in ac-
Datuk under MACC In place, Ong has appointed Chua’s son
and Labis MP Tee Yong, Petaling Jaya Selatan unfair to say that (they were sacked) “as it
was just a reshuffle in the CC”.
cordance with the party constitution.”
Liow, who was flanked by Wee and
MCA chief Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai and
probe goes missing former Perak assemblyman Tan Chin Meng
as CC members.
“The CC acknowledged their contribution
to the party but we need to include more
Chew, said some of the CC members were
shocked with the president’s decision to
by Tim Leonard Following a letter yesterday morning from leaders from the grassroots,” he said, add- sack the four appointed CC members. the Registrar of Societies (ROS), ruling that ing that the decision was part of the annual “The unity plan should be inclusive
Chua was still the legitimate deputy president review of their appointments. of everybody but four CC members had
PETALING JAYA: A businessman under probe by after the outcome of the Oct 10 extraordinary Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha was the only become the victims even before the plan
the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) general meeting (EGM), Liow now reverts to vice-president who was present at the press can be implemented.
for a multi-million ringgit corruption case has gone his position as vice-president. conference. The other vice-presidents are “The president was not sincere to re-
missing. The 2,307 delegates to the EGM had Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen, who is abroad, Tan solve the crisis and the Greater Unity Plan
The businessman, who holds a Datukship and passed a motion of no confidence against Kok Hong, Liow, Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee is not a plan to reunite the party but a plan
has strong political connections, is believed to have Ong with a 14-vote majority while rejecting Ka Siong and Women chief Datin Paduka to eliminate his political rivals,” he said.
fled the country when he learnt that he was to be Chua as deputy president with a 74-vote Chew Mei Fun. Liow also lamented that Ong had “in-
arrested and produced in court last week. majority. Ong also announced the appointment sulted” him when the president told the
A senior MACC official told theSun the probe However, the party constitution states of Lim Hong Sang as the new legal bureau press on Monday that he was among the
was initiated almost a year ago and it involved of- that elected central leaders can only be re- chief to replace Datuk Leong Tang Chong. few MCA cabinet ministers and deputy min-
ficers from the investigations department and the moved from office in an EGM by two-thirds He also said Deputy Information, Com- isters who were briefed about the plan.
commission’s Anti-Money Laundering unit. of the central delegates. munications and Culture Minister Senator He reiterated that he was not told about
“Based on initial investigations, the suspect had Heng Seai Kie is replacing Lee Wei Kiat as the contents of the plan.
In a press conference, Chor said he and
worked closely with bank employees to carry out the new information and communication Meanwhile, reinstated deputy president
three others received termination letters
the corrupt practices,” said the official. bureau chief. Chua said the removal of the CC members
for unknown reasons in the morning when
The official also revealed that a few others are He said the post of party organising was the prerogative of the president.
Sacked … they were preparing to attend the 1pm CC
expected to be detained in connection with the secretary will be filled soon. “It is a traditional practice to review the
case. But the official declined to comment if those (from top) meeting.
Gan, Chor, “He (Ong) has appointed three new In a separate press conference, Liow said appointments of the CC members because
involved included politicians.
Chai and members to fill the vacancies. On one hand, he reserved his right to seek court declara- it is clear that the tenure for appointed CC
Based on information received by theSun, the
Yoo he (Ong) talks about unity, on the other tion on his status as deputy president. and presidential council members is only
sum involved is close to RM10 million, making it one
hand, he is getting rid of those who oppose He stressed that Article 174 of the party for a year,” he said when met after the CC
of the biggest corruption cases in the country.
his views. constitution had allowed the CC to interpret meeting.
MACC got a big break in the case when a bank
employee spilled the beans on the modus operandi “We feel it’s revenge for supporting the outcome of the Oct 10 EGM and in the “I had never complained when my men
and those responsible for manipulating the financial the requisitioning of another EGM. We are subsequent CC meeting, it had elected him were removed and they (the four sacked
system through corrupt practices. only sacked because we are appointed CC as the new deputy president. CC members) should never complain about
The MACC is seeking the Interpol’s help to locate members,” said Chor. “Section 18(C) of the Societies Act disal- it. I respect the decision of the president,”
the Datuk. “The wellbeing of the party is of para- lows the ROS from interfering with party he added.

Hu Jintao, Susilo to visit 2014. Susilo will be accorded a state

welcome at Parliament Square, have
ample business opportunities along
the way. Furthermore, both Malaysia
the performance of all its representa-
tives. “I have warned all state assembly
PM meets ministers on
Malaysia next week an audience with Tuanku Mizan and and Turkey have a special relation- representatives and MPs, whose per- Friday to gauge KPIs
PUTRAJAYA: President Hu Jintao of hold talks with Najib. – Bernama ship with Iraq,” he said. – Bernama formance are not up to the mark, that SHAH ALAM: Datuk Seri Najib Razak
China and President Susilo Bambang they will be replaced,” he said. will meet all the cabinet ministers on
Yudhoyono of Indonesia are scheduled Malaysia invited Anwar apologises for Friday to gauge the performance of
to visit Malaysia next week, Foreign
Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said to rebuild Iraq weaknesses in PKR Datuk Wahid’s graft their respective ministries based on
the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
yesterday. PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia has been KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Keadilan Rak- case postponed again and National Key Result Areas (NKRA).
He said Hu will be here on Nov 10 invited to rebuild war-torn Iraq and yat adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim KUALA LUMPUR: The hearing of a Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri
and 11 to reciprocate the state visits to assist in ensuring the people of Iraq adopted an apologetic tone yesterday corruption case involving former Muhyiddin Yassin said it was in line
China by Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Syed enjoy a normal life again, Foreign in admitting there were “some flaws” Immigration director-general Datuk with the firm commitment of the prime
Putra Jamalullail in 2005, when he was Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman in its candidates, referring to Port Wahid Md Don was postponed minister to change the quality of life of
the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and Yang said here yesterday. Klang assemblyman Badrul Hisham again yesterday. the people in the country by raising the
di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Speaking at a joint press Abdullah who quit PKR to be a Barisan Sessions court judge Rosbia- effectiveness of the government since
Abidin who had attended the official conference with Turkish Foreign Nasional-friendly representative. hanin Ariffin postponed the hearing assuming the premiership in April.
opening of the Beijing Olympics in Minister Prof Dr Ahmet Davutoglu, “We admit there are some flaws to Dec 2 after being informed that “We can’t play around, (we) must
August last year. Anifah said Iraq had invited not in our candidates. We admit that the defence counsel Datuk V. Sitham- be serious. We want to prove that
Hu will be accompanied by his wife only Malaysia but also Turkey to selection process before March 8 baram was on sick leave. no matter what the situation is, the
Liu Yongqing, a 140-member delega- help rebuild the country, which was different. We admit that in that Wahid, 56, is alleged to have re- Barisan Nasional (BN) is a party that is
tion and 80 journalists. was heavily bombarded by Allied situation there were candidates who ceived RM60,000 from businessman more credible, capable in resolving (the
Anifah said Susilo will begin a two- forces in the ouster of former Iraqi were chosen and did not show worthy Datuk Low Chang Hian to speed up problems of the people) and helping
day visit to Malaysia on Nov 11, his president Saddam Hussein. performance and qualifications,” he the approval of visas for 4,337 Bang- to champion the cause of the people,”
first visit abroad after having taken his “We feel that maybe it is beneficial told reporters at Parliament lobby. ladeshi workers at his house at Jalan he said at a gathering with the deputy
oath of office as the Indonesian presi- for us (Malaysia and Turkey) to work However, Anwar said with this expe- Lembah Ledang, Jalan Duta, at about prime minister at the Senior Citizens’
dent for a second term, from 2009 to together in this venture, creating rience, Pakatan Rakyat is taking note of 10.15 on July 10, 2007. – Bernama Club, here. – Bernama

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