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8 theSun | WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 4 2009

news without borders

China World leaders urge Karzai

with molecular
to wipe out corruption
KABUL: President Hamid chief Ban Ki-moon led world he had told Karzai in a tel- insurgency.
Karzai prepared for a second powers in congratulating ephone call. UN chief Ban met Karzai
term of office yesterday Karzai. Karzai “assured me that and Abdullah amid a concert-
BEIJING: Chinese cuisine, famous for dump- with US President Barack But the US president he understood the impor- ed diplomatic push to bring a
lings steamed in bamboo baskets and Peking Obama telling him to wipe said he had told his op- tance of this moment but ... quick end to chaos that has
duck slow-cooked over wood from fruit trees, out corruption and world posite number to make “a the truth is not going to be undermined Western efforts
seems a far cry from the high-tech equipment Supporters leaders urging him to unify much more serious effort to in words, it’s going to be in to cultivate democracy in
used in so-called molecular cuisine. of Karzai Afghanistan. eradicate corruption” while deeds,” Obama added. Afghanistan eight years after
But Dong Zhenxiang, owner of the Da in Herat, Karzai was declared calling for a “new chapter” Earlier the White House a US-led invasion.
Dong restaurant in Beijing which is a leader western president for another five in cooperation between the declared it would begin “hard IEC chief Azizullah Lu-
of the trendy culinary movement here, says Afghanistan, years after the cancellation two countries. conversations” with the new din, a Karzai appointee who
fresh techniques can only improve traditional share of a run-off by the country’s “This has to be point in president, with Obama ex- oversaw a fraud-riddled first
Chinese cooking. sweets election commission, which time in which we begin to pected to make a decision on round, said the decision had
“Importing new cooking skills is aimed at after he was followed the withdrawal at write a new chapter based whether to deploy thousands been made in line with the
improving, enriching and promoting Chinese declared the weekend of his only chal- on improved governance,” more troops “in the coming provisions of Afghan elec-
cuisine. Molecular gastronomy is only one of president for lenger, Abdullah Abdullah. Obama said weeks”. toral law and constitution
those skills,” said Dong, whose establishment another term Obama and UN Former foreign min- and was “consistent with the
also serves platter upon platter of classic roast on Monday. ister Abdullah Abdullah high interest of the Afghan
duck. quit the contest on Sun- people”.
Molecular cuisine, a phrase ascribed to a day, saying there were British Prime Minister
scientific approach to gastronomy, seeks to no safeguards against Gordon Brown, whose
investigate and explain the chemical reasons a repeat of widespread country is the second biggest
behind the transformation of ingredients. fraud that resulted in contributor of foreign troops
The trend was on full view when hundreds the throwing out of in Afghanistan, telephoned
crammed into a chic Beijing art gallery for dem- nearly a quarter of Karzai to urge him to plot a
onstrations given by chef Albert Adria of elBulli, votes cast in August. course of national unity.
the Spanish restaurant seen as the world leader Karzai’s anointment Nato powers France and
in the molecular cuisine movement. by the Independent Germany urged Karzai to
“It is amazing. We got 13,000 emails for this Election Commission work with his defeated rival
event,” said Irish chef Brian McKenna, who followed intense dip- to end the political strife.
organised the two classes in Beijing’s trendy lomatic pressure and Congratulations also
798 district, as well as a dinner staged by Da sought to draw a line came from Pakistan and
Dong which wrapped up at the weekend. under two months Russia, which said the elec-
“There is a passion for cooking here that is of political chaos in tion had “opened the way
incredible,” Adria said. a war-torn nation for the formation of the new
Fu Yongjun, a cooking consultant for Unilever where 100,000 Nato national government, whose
Foodsolutions who was one of the hundreds to and US troops are great task is the problem of
see Adria in action in Beijing, eagerly snapped battling an increas- stabilising conditions in the

photos of his kitchen acrobatics. ingly violent Taliban country.” – AFP

“I am very interested in molecular gastron-
omy. I think this is a high standard in Western
food – very fresh and secret,” Fu said.
But Adria, whose Costa Brava restaurant
in April was crowned best in the world for the
fourth year running by Restaurant Magazine,
US to push Myanmar for free, fair elections
bristled at the label “molecular cuisine” for his
innovative work. YANGON: A delegation of senior Kyi, who has spent 14 of the last ogy and labour in New York supremo who has led the country
“That is a label they have stuck on me,” he US officials arrived in Myanmar 20 years in some form of deten- in September after Washington for the last 17 years.
said. “I don’t cook ‘molecular’ – I know what I’m yesterday for Washington’s high- tion, today. announced it would pursue Critics of the regime say it
doing and I want to make wonderful dishes.” est-level talks with the reclusive The United States has said little deeper engagement to try to spur could be using the US visit for
– AFP military regime in 14 years. ahead of the two-day visit, widely democratic reform. its own gain, to try to give le-
The Obama administration’s seen as exploratory dialogue to Campbell has rejected calls by gitimacy to its democratic “road
move to engage the junta appears see how sincere the notoriously critics to ease restrictions on trade map” and show key ally China,
focused on pushing for free and distrustful generals are about and investment in the former its economic lifeline, that it is not
fair elections next year, although democratic reforms. Burma, insisting dialogue would its only friend.
analysts say the rapprochement “The US wants to suss out “supplement rather than replace Than Shwe’s snub is be-
is as much about geopolitics and whether or not they have a the sanctions regime”. ing seen as an indicator of the
the growing regional influence of genuine dialogue partner,” said A government source in generals’ commitment towards
China. Sean Turnell, a Myanmar analyst Naypyidaw said Campbell, the reforms and a sign of whether
Assistant Secretary of State at Australia’s Macquarie Univer- highest-ranking US official to the US engagement can really be
Kurt Campbell leads the delega- sity. visit Myanmar since Madeleine effective.
tion meeting the junta in its new “The overtures towards warm- Albright in 1995, was expected to Thakhin Chan Tun, a retired
capital Naypyidaw before travel- ing ties with the US have come meet with government ministers diplomat commented on the new
ling to Yangon for talks with de- from officials lower down and the and senior junta figures, includ- development: “We can’t expect
tained Nobel laureate Aung San US is trying to get a feel of how ing Prime Minister Thein Sein. any tangible immediate results ...
Suu Kyi and her National League committed the generals are.” “But he’s not likely to meet the Than Shwe is the one who makes
for Democracy (NLD) party. Campbell met Myanmar’s senior general,” said the source, all the decisions on all important
Campbell is due to meet Suu minister of science, technol- referring to Than Shwe, the junta policy issues.” – Reuters

briefs spiracy to provide material support

to a foreign terrorist organisation
Largest, most before has there been a cruise
ship as large and as expensive
and possession of a firearm in expensive cruise ship to build as the Oasis. Right now
2006, a court official said. almost ready construction and fitting out of
The Singapore Police said Naidu HELSINKI: A thin layer of ice the US$1.4 billion (RM4.9 billion)
Singaporean faces was arrested on Sept 22 following covers the teak wood deck of vessel is underway at the Aker
US trial over Tamil a US extradition request. the cruise ship Oasis of the shipyard in Turku, Finland.
He is alleged to have conspired Seas at the moment. But the Over 2,000 people are
Tigers arms case with another Singaporean, Haniffa cold weather is just one of the working on the 360m-long and
SINGAPORE: A Singaporean Osman, now serving a 37-month US challenges a visitor will need to 71m-wide ship. It boasts of the
opposition party member will be jail term, for trying to buy weapons overcome if they want to visit biggest freshwater swimming
extradited to the United States and for the Tamil Tigers, who were the vessel. pool at sea, 24 restaurants and
tried for allegedly trying to supply routed by Sri Lankan troops in May, But the later this month the a park area the size of two foot-
arms to Sri Lanka’s defeated Tamil the Straits Times reported. flagship of the cruise company ball pitches. The ship can take up
Tiger rebels, officials here said The newspaper added that the Royal Caribbean International to 6,296 passengers and 2,160
yesterday. US charges correspond to Singa- should be ready to set sail. On crew. The Oasis will begin its
Businessman Balldev Naidu, 47, pore’s laws against financing of that day the world will have a maiden voyage to the Caribbean
is facing six charges including con- terrorist groups. – AFP few more superlatives: Never on Dec 1. – dpa

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