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Dheka Bakti Krisnamurti Winarno
Muhamma! Mas%kur Rinan!ar
Ra'hmat *ikran
Nowadays, the increasing scarcity of fossil fuels makes the high price of fuel oil. With rising fuel prices
automatically needs of the more expensive one tariff price of electricity (TDL !ecause many power plants in
"ndonesia are still using diesel fuel. #rice of electricity per kwh will further increase with the increasing scarcity
of fuel from year to year. This will result in people not !e a!le to have electricity when there is no su!sidy from
the government or the pu!lic can en$oy the power with the power of government su!sidies are higher. Therefore
there are some solutions from the government to address this pro!lem, including putting new power plants with
low fuel and use electricity more wisely or more efficient use of electricity.
%ne recommended solution is the government&s savings in electricity usage. %n the 'arth (our program
launched !y the government each dated )arch *+ that unused power outage at each homes and !usinesses in
the evenings for + hour, the government can save a su!sidy of * trillion rupiah. 'arth #ower #rogram aims to
make people aware of the importance of saving electricity, although only + hour. Therefore the design of smart
homes need to !e made to electricity savings not only for + hour will !e !ut as long as continuous. ,o expect
su!sidies from the government for electricity will !e smaller while the government to !uild new power plants
with cheap fuel. This smart home design will automatically turn off unused electrical or power off when no one
is coming into the room in the house. This smart house designs will not change a lot of home design, this design
change only the input power supply network output )-. (miniature circuit !reaker to set the whole house and
changing the input power supply that led to their room if it will regulate electrical energy in each room .
The working principle of the smart home is simply turn off and turn on the electricity in the house or room
automatically. ,o as to make ordinary homes into smart homes need to use components such as selector
switches, relays, auxiliary contactors and contactor. With the selector switch, the household electrical appliance
which can !e set to continue living such as refrigerators and dispensers. ,o that when the selector switch is
selected to the position of power tools, then the e/uipment will not die even though no residents. 0elay serves as
attorney1energi2e (activators contactor. ,erves as an auxiliary contactor driver&s latch (lock contactor. While
the !reaker or contactor to function as a power supply connector. ,o with a simple design and components that
are very easy to get, then the smart home is easily applied to every home and companies that were using a
regular grid.
Smart house is one o/ some so00utions /or us to raise u1 the ener2% sa3in2 1ro2rams& It
has a 3er% sim10e i!ea or !esi2n so the #orkin2 1rin'i10e /or the Smart 4ouse 5ust 'an 6e
a110ie! more easi0% then& The !esi2n o/ Smart 4ouse has some !i//erents #ith other e7istin2
automati' insta00ation8 so in other #a% it makes some s1e'ia0 6ene/its /or the 'ostumers& The
'han2in2 /rom or!inar% house into Smart 4ouse #i00 2reat0% 6ene/it the resi!ents an!
2o3ernment #ho are #orkin2 on ener2% sa3in2& With the 'ost o/ -9&9998: Ru1iahs o/
1ur'hasin2 the 'om1onents8 the #orkin2 1rin'i10e /or the Smart 4ouse 5ust 'an 6e a110ie!&
Go3ernment is a 1art that most 2et the im1a't o/ the Smart 4ouse& It #as on'e a110ie! to The
Earth 4our Pro2ram ( turn o// ; 0i2hts /or an hour)8 #here the 2o3ernment 'an sa3e the
e0e'tri' ener2% as mu'h as ) Bi00ion Ru1iahs& An! #ith the Smart 4ouse8 e3er% homes take
not on0% turn ; 0i2hts o// 6ut a0so a00 o/ the e0e'tri' e<ui1ments that unuse! as 0on2 as it has
no resi!ents&
As #e kno# that8 the in'reasin2 s'ar'it% o/ /ossi0 /ue0s makes the hi2h 1ri'e o/ it&
With the rise in /ue0 1ri'es8 automati'a00% resu0t in the 1ri'es o/ nee!s 6e more e71ensi3e su'h
as the 1ri'e o/ e0e'tri'it% (TDL) 6e'ause man% 1o#er 10ants in In!onesia are sti00 usin2 !iese0
/ue0& Pri'e o/ e0e'tri'it% 1er kWh #i00 /urther in'rease #ith the in'reasin2 s'ar'it% o/ /ue0
/rom %ear to %ear& The 'ase #i00 'ause 1eo10e not 6e a60e to en5o% the e0e'tri'it% i/ there is no
su6si!i+e! o/ the 2o3ernment or another #a% the 1eo10e are a60e to en5o% the e0e'tri'it% #ith
the hi2her su6si!% o/ the 2o3ernment& There/ore there are some so0utions /rom the
2o3ernment to so03e out this 1ro60em8 in'0u!in2 1uttin2 ne# 1o#er 10ants #ith 0o# 'ost /ue0
an! use e0e'tri'it% more #ise0% or ha3e to 6e more e//i'ient /or usin2 e0e'tri'it%&
There/ore8 throu2h the Earth 4our Pro2ram that is 3er% su11orti3e to the
im10ementation o/ ener2% sa3in28 The smart 4ouse #ere 'reate! a !esi2n that 'onte7t 3er%
#e00 1ro3i!e enou2h 3ariation /or us& So #ith a sim10e !esi2n an! 'om1onents that are 3er%
eas% to 2et8 then the smart home is easi0% a110ie! to e3er% home an! 'om1anies that #ere
usin2 a re2u0ar 2ri!& Sim10e8 isn=t it > An! o/'ourse this Smart 4ouse #i00 6ene/it man%
1eo10es /or sa3in2 the ener2% an! 'ou10e! #ith a sma00 'ost to 1a% the e0e'tri'it% in ea'h
month an! 3er% 6ene/i'a0 a0so /or the 2o3ernment& Where the 2o3ernment is 'urent0%
s1arkin2 the ener2%:sa3in2 1ro2ram 'ause o/ the s'ar'it% o/ /ue0 an! oi0&
,& ?om1onents re<uire!
The #orkin2 1rin'i10e o/ the Smart 4ouse is 5ust 2et in to 1o#er on an! 1o#er o// the
ener2% in the house automati'a00%& So that /or the smart house !esi2n8 it on0% nee!s to use
some 'om1onents su'h as selector switch8 334 56- relay8 contactor (it nee!s #hen 0ar2e
users o/ e0e'tri'a0 1o#er) an! mini push !utton. A00 o/ the 'om1onents are 3er% easi0%
a3ai0a60e in stores at an a//or!a60e 1ri'e& Ta6e0 , to sho#s the s1e'i/i'ations o/ the
'om1onents #ith /ee !etai0s&
Tabel 1 Component lists for the Smart House
o& ?om1onent s1e'i/i'ations Price
, , (one) Se0e'tor s#it'h #ith t#o 1ositions Rp. 10.000,-
;;9 @A?8 - A (!e1en!in2 1o#er users)
; , (one) Re0a% ;;9 @A?8 - A (!e1en!in2 1o#er users) Rp. 15.000,-
) ; (t#o) mini push !uttons KA?A9BTP.C ;;9 @A? 2 x @ Rp. 5.000,- :
Rp. 10.000,-
- , (one) 'onta'tor ;;9D).9 @A?8 ,B A Rp. 150.000,-
(uses #hen 0ar2e users o/ e0e'tri'a0 1o#er)
C ?ir'uit #irin2 ;;9 @A?8 , A R1& C&999
;& Workin2 Prin'i10e
The #orkin2 1rin'i10e o/ this !e3i'e are automati'a00% turn o// the e0e'tri' 1o#er #hen
no one at home8 e7'e1t /or some e0e'tri'a0 e<ui1ment in the house that 'an not 6e o//
(essentia0 e<ui1ment) an! turn on the 1o#er #hen the 'on!ition is o11osite #ith the a6o3e
one& This !e3i'e #orks 6% use the main /un'tion o/ a push !utton that is insta00e! in the ke%
ho0e o/ the /ront !oor o/ house an! the ke% ho0e o/ the se'on!ar% 0o'k /or the !oor o/ house&
When it 2ets some 1eo10es8 the house ho0!er ma% not 0o'k the !oor or the se'on!ar% 0o'k in a
#a%& So #hen there are some 1eo10es in that house8 the push !utton is !isener2i+e! i/ the !oor
is un0o'ke!& But #hen the% 0o'k the !oor insi!e o/ house8 6oth o/ push !uttons #hi'h are
insta00e! in the ke%ho0e o/ the !oor an! in ke%ho0e o/ the se'on!ar% one are ener2i+e!& It
means that #hen no 1eo10e in the house8 the house ho0!er shou0! 6e 0o'k the 1rimar% ke%
#ithout the se'on!ar% one& So on0% one push !utton that a3ai0a60e in the ke% ho0e is ener2i+e!&
The #orkin2 1rin'i10e o/ this a!3i'e 'an 6e e710aine! throu2h a sin20e 0ine 'ontro0 0oo1
as sho#n in Ai2ure ,&
220 VAC
SW 1 Relay
h SW 2
!o! "##e!tial
$i%&re 1.
Single line
control loop
SW, is the
push !utton that is
insta00e! in the
main ke%ho0e o/
the !oor8 SW; is
the push !utton
that is insta00e! in
the ke%ho0e o/ the
se'on!ar% one o/
the !oor& The non:
essentia0 0oa! is
2oin2 to 6e o//
#hen SW, is
ener2i+e! or the
house ho0!er 0o'ks
the !oor outsi!e&
Whereas non
essentia0 0oa! is
not 2oin2 to 6e o//
#hen SW, is not
ener2i+e! or the
house ho0!er are in
house& In other
'on!ition it 'an 6e
ha11en to non
essentia0 0oa! that
is not 2oin2 to 6e
o// #hen SW, an!
SW; are
ener2i+e!8 or the
house ho0!er 0o'ks
the !oor insi!e&
,witch selector
#orks as an o1tion
/or teh house
ho0!er to automate
the essentia0 0oa!
or not&
o/ this
!e3i'e on
the /ront
!oor 'an 6e
seen in
Ai2ure ; an!
'&a!% '&a!%
%re!(el )&!ci
$i%&re 2. Location of mini push button installation
$i%&re *. The Smart House automation Loop
The 'han2in2 /rom or!inar% homes into Smart homes #i00 2reat0% 6ene/it the resi!ents
an! 2o3ernment #ho are #orkin2 on ener2% sa3in2& With the 'ost o/ -9&9998: Ru1iahs o/
1ur'hasin2 the 'om1onents8 the #orkin2 1rin'i10e /or the Smart 4ouse 5ust 'an 6e a110ie!&
Go3ernment is a 1art that most 2et the im1a't o/ the Smart 4ouse& It #as on'e a110ie! to The
Earth 4our Pro2ram ( turn o// ; 0i2hts /or an hour)8 #here the 2o3ernment 'an sa3e the
e0e'tri' ener2% as mu'h as ) Bi00ion Ru1iahs& An! #ith the Smart 4ouse8 e3er% homes take
not on0% turn ; 0i2hts o// 6ut a0so a00 o/ the e0e'tri' e<ui1ments that unuse! as 0on2 as it has
no resi!ents& So this Smart 4ouse is as one o/ so00utions /or ener2% sa3in2 at home
e3enthou2h the o//i'e&
Di//eren'e 6et#een this Smart 4ouse !esi2n an! some e7istin2 automati' insta00ation is
this series has been designed so that the residents can not manipuate the !or"ing o# the
automatic circuit$ As an e7am10e8 in the hote0 room !oor 'ar!s #ith the automation8 so that
#hen there is no o''u1ant in the room automati'a00% 1o#er e0e'tri' e<ui1ments o//8 it means
that the% 'an mani1u0ate it use the other kin! o/ 'ar!s to kee1 e0e'tri'a0 e<ui1ments
a110ian'es turnin2 on e3enthou2h no o''u1ants in the room& But #hen #e use this Smart
4ouse automation 0oo1 !esi2n8 the o''u1ants 'annot manni1u0ate it !ue the push !utton
switch (the a'ti3atin2 1o#er too0) is insta00e! in the main ke%ho0e& In the other /un'tion or #e
'an sa% as the se'on! /un'tion o/ the Smart 4ouse automation 0oo18 the occupant %ust no
needs to repace the oc" on their door$ &t is rea' di##erent #rom the automation o#
using door cards !hich has to change the atch !ith a "e' door automation&
With the 'ost o/ !esi2n an! insta00ation as #e00 as e//e'ti3eness in mani1u0atin2
!i//erent automation #ork in the 'on3ersion o/ the Smart 4ouse8 so the !esi2n o/ this Smart
4ouse #i00 6e more rea!i0% a110ie! 6% the 1u60i'& Be'ause this Smart 4ouse #i00 6ene/it
man% 1eo10es /or sa3in2 the ener2% an! 'ou10e! #ith a sma00 'ost to 1a% the e0e'tri'it% in
ea'h month an! 3er% 6ene/i'a0 a0sa /or the 2o3ernment& Where the 2o3ernment is 'urent0%
s1arkin2 the ener2%:sa3in2 1ro2ram 'ause o/ the s'ar'it% o/ /ue0 an! oi0&
,& The #orkin2 1rin'i10e o/ the Smart 4ouse are automati'a00% turn o// the e0e'tri' 1o#er
#hen no one at home8 e7'e1t /or some e0e'tri'a0 e<ui1ment in the house that 'an not 6e
o// (essentia0 e<ui1ment) an! turn on the 1o#er #hen there is the resi!ent& Whre it
nee!s some o/ 'om1onents su'h as selector switch8 334 56- relay8 contactor (it nee!s
#hen 0ar2e users o/ e0e'tri'a0 1o#er) an! mini push !utton.
;& The 'on3ersion /rom the or!inar% house into Smart 4ouse #i00 'ost on0% Rp$ ()$)))*+
,()$))) Rupiahs- /or 1ur'hasin2 the 'om1onents are 3er% easi0% a3ai0a60e in stores&
)& Di//eren'e 6et#een this Smart 4ouse !esi2n an! some e7istin2 automati' insta00ation is
this series has 6een !esi2ne! so that the resi!ents 'an not mani1u0ate the #orkin2 o/ the
automati' 'ir'uit& An! the se'on! 6ene/it is the o''u1ant 5ust no nee! to re10a'e the
0o'k on their !oor& It is rea00% !i//erent /rom the automation o/ usin2 !oor 'ar!s #hi'h
has to 'han2e the 0at'h #ith a ke% !oor automation&

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