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CHY-101 Chemistry 3 0 2 4

Version No. 1.1

Prerequisite Basic Chemistry at 12th Standard or equivalent level.

1. To give an insight into the fundamentals of Chemistry
2. To prepare them for further specialization in different
areas of Chemistry
3. To make them understand the importance of Chemistry
Expected Outcome: Students will be able to get an understanding of the different
areas of Chemistry. This will prepare them to make further
choices in the second semester based on their aptitude.
Module I Introduction to Atomic Structure (9 classes)

Atomic Structure
Structure of the Atom, Introduction to Periodic Table,
Evolution of Atomic Theory, Bohrs and Rutherfords models,
Thomsons plum pudding model, Rutherford-Geiger-Marsden
Experiment, Planck-Einstein Relationship, Black body
radiation, Plancks constant; Bohrs postulates; Matter-Energy
interactions involving hydrogen atom; quantum states; electron
orbital transitions; s, p, d, f, orbitals; electronic configuration
based on quantum states; Bohr-Sommerfield Model, Quantum
numbers; Balmer and Pfund Series, Rydberg Equation; Stern-
Gerlach Experiment; Aufbau Principle; Paulis Exclusion
Principle; Hunds Rule; Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle;
Wave- Particle duality; Schrodinger Equation; Simple
Harmonic Oscillator; Particle in a Box.
Module II Introduction to Chemical Bonding ( 8 classes)

Chemical Bonding
Covalent Bond; sigma and pi bond; single, double and triple
bonds; Ionic Bond; Octet stability; Lewis dot structure ;
; CO; Valence Bond Theory;
Periodic trends of chemical properties; Inter-molecular and
Intra-molecular bonding (Hydrogen Bonding, Van Der Waals
forces, London Forces, etc); dipole moment; polarizibility of
molecules; Metallic bonding. Band theory of solids;
conductors; semiconductors; insulators; Crystal Systems;
Examples on property variations based on lattice structure.
Module III Nuclear Chemistry (3 classes)
Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Fusion, Half Life, Mass Defect,

Nuclear Chemistry

Astro-chemistry (Reactions in Stars, Mechanism of decay of
Stars); Carbon Dating
Module IV Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics & Solubility
(5 classes)

Chemical Kinetics &
First Law, Second Law, Third Law and Zeroeth Law of
Thermodynamics, Enthalpy, Entropy, Gibbs Free Energy, First,
second and zero order reactions; Arrhenius Equation, Le-
Chateliers principle; Acid-Base equilibrium; Factors affecting
solubility; properties affected by complexation; Theory of
precipitation; Applications of precipitation in water treatment.
Module V Organic Chemistry, Photochemistry & Organometallic
Chemistry (6 classes)
Organic Chemistry,
Photochemistry &
Introduction to IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds; E
and Z configuration; R and S configuration (in brief);
Organometallic Chemistry, 18 electron rule, ligands such as
CO, phosphine, ethylene; Co-ordination complexes; Color,
Magnetism; Introduction to Photochemistry; Photochemical
reactions of organic molecules (Electrocyclic reactions, Norrish
reactions; photoisomerization, Zimmermans Rearrangement)
Module VI Chemistry of Life Processes (5 classes)

Chemistry of Life
Introduction to Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins, Amino acid
structures; Nucleic acids; peptide bonds; RNA, DNA double
helical structure; Phosphodiester bond in DNA; Single strand
DNA, Introduction to Enzymes and Co-enzymes.
Text and Reference Books
1. General Chemistry by Ebbing & Gammon. (Text Book)
2. General Chemistry by Robinson, Odom & Holtzclaw. (Text Book)
3. Organic Chemistry by Solomons and Fryhle
4. Physical Chemistry by Atkins and Atkins
5. Radioactivity, Ionizing radiation and Nuclear Energy
Basic textbook for undergraduates by Jiri Hla and James D Navratil
6. Principles of Biochemistry by Lehninger
7. Organometallic Chemistry by R.C. Mehrotra (available online)
8. Inorganic Chemistry by J.E. House

Mode of Evaluation Written Examinations, Quizzes, Assignments,
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of Approval by the Academic Council:

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