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Human Body Systems

Understand human body systems and their relationship to

Key Concepts
Describe the structure and function of the human
skeletal system.
Describe the structure and function of the human
muscular system.
Describe the structure and function of the human
nervous system.
Human Skeleton
Consists of both fused
and individual bones
supported by ligaments,
tendons, muscles, and
It supports organs,
anchors muscles, and
protects organs such as
the brain, lungs, and
Fuse During Growth
Newborn Baby
Has over 270 bones.
Adult Human
Has 206 bones.
Two Different Sections
Appendicular Skeleton
The appendages.
Functionally for locomotion
and manipulation of objects.
Axial Skeleton
Composed of the central axis
of the human body.
Functionally provides
The joints between
bones permit
Movement is powered
by skeletal muscles
attached to the bones,
and coordinated by the
nervous system.
Skull protects the brain..
Vertebrae protects the spinal cord.
Rib cage protects the heart and lungs.
Blood Cell Production
The skeleton is the site of red and white blood cell
production in the red bone marrow.
A disease which lowers
the bone mineral
density and leads to an
increased risk of
Key Concepts
Describe the structure and function of the human
skeletal system.
Describe the structure and function of the human
muscular system.
Describe the structure and function of the human
nervous system.
Muscular System
Movement of the body, maintains posture, and
circulates blood throughout the body.
Consists of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles.
Skeletal Muscles
Striated muscle tissue responsible for movement and
Controlled by the Somatic nervous system, that is
controlled voluntarily.
Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by
bundles of fibers known as tendons.
They also have elastic properties and an ability to
function as springs.
Smooth Muscle
Controlled by the autonomic nervous system and are
Found within the walls of blood vessels, digestive tract,
respiratory tract, the skin, and the iris of the eye.
Heart Muscle
Striated muscle fibers are laterally connected to each
other. Responsible for pumping blood throughout the
Controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which
means that it is involuntary.
Key Concepts
Describe the structure and function of the human
skeletal system.
Describe the structure and function of the human
muscular system.
Describe the structure and function of the human
nervous system.
Nervous System
Network of specialized
cells called neurons that
coordinate actions and
transmit signals
between different parts
of the body.
The nervous system
consists of two parts,
central and peripheral.
Central Nervous System
Contains the brain, spinal cord, and retina.
Peripheral Nervous System
Consists of sensory neurons, clusters of neurons called
ganglia, and nerves connecting them to each other and
to the CNS.
Somatic Nervous System
Part of the peripheral nervous system.
The SNS is associated with voluntary control of body
movements via skeletal muscles.
Autonomic Nervous System
Part of the peripheral
nervous system that
acts as an involuntary
control system that
functions unconsciously.
The ANS affects heart
rate, digestion,
breathing, salivation,
perspiration, and
diameter of pupils.
Enteric Nervous System
Functions independently in controlling the digestive
Bundles of fibers from the brain and central cord that
branch repeatedly to every part of the body.
Neurons send electrochemical signals to other cells
along thin fibers called axons.
Sensory Neurons
Activated by physical stimuli on them.
Send signals that inform the CNS of the state of the
body and the external environment.
Motor Neurons
Connect the nervous system to muscles.
Stimulate muscles causing them to contract.
Central Neurons
Make all of the input and output connections with other
Key Concepts
Describe the structure and function of the human
skeletal system.
Describe the structure and function of the human
muscular system.
Describe the structure and function of the human
nervous system.
Skill Check
1. The function of the skeletal system is to
a) supports organs
b) anchor muscles
c) protects organs
d) all of the above.
Skill Check
2. The three types of muscle are
a) skeletal, cardiovascular, and smooth.
b) heart, lung, and skeletal.
c) skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.
Skill Check
3. The somatic nervous system (SNS) is
a) voluntary and controls skeletal muscles.
b) involuntary and controls things like heart rate.
c) the independent system that controls digestion.
Skill Check
1. The function of the skeletal system is to
a) supports organs.
b) anchor muscles.
c) protects organs.
d) all of the above.
Skill Check
2. The three types of muscle are
a) skeletal, cardiovascular, and smooth.
b) heart, lung, and skeletal.
c) skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.
Skill Check
3. The somatic nervous system (SNS) is
a) voluntary and controls skeletal muscles.
b) involuntary and controls things like heart rate.
c) the independent system that controls digestion.

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