Management Development at Ciba Geigy

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Management Development at Ciba Geigy:

What is Management Development?

Any attempt to improve current or future management performance by imparting
knowledge, changing attitude or increasing skills.
At the early stage of the management development at Ciba Geigy A separate staff unit
was created called executive development a whose role was to assure a supply of
ualified managers for the line management position. .
At the early stage of the management development program the system we developed
!orked mainly with the executive group within each company where the immediate
preoccupation with succession was highest. After that Ciba"Geigy expanded the process
to reach young generation of high potential in the organi#ation and to increase the supply
of them over time.
Management Development Structure
$.%anagement development staff unit consist of $& people.
'even of them works in management education, running and organi#ing in"house and
external training course.
(thers ) are dealing with succession planning, recruitment, *ob rotation and %+ plans.
,.Central management development program emphasi#ed on ,$-- employees.
.his program is provided for three types of management position.
$. 'enior /xecutive of .op %anagement
,. .he potential executives at lower and middle management position.
0. 1ine %anagement
Objectives of CibaGeigys Management Development:
$.2lanning executive succession for the whole group on the basis of corporate ,divisional
and group company %+ planning reports,
,.3dentifying potential executives and plan their next development steps4
0.%onitoring the uality and age structure of each units executive and potential
executive population.
&.'etting up career moves and *ob rotation for both executive and potential executive
totaling about 0-- per year.
5.Coordination of moves of obsolete executive into new positions to give them new
incentives and added motivation
6./ducational development of all executives and the potential executives through the
internal in house and external 7business school8 management Course.
!he role of Management "evelopment:
$.Conceptual i.e 2olicy and system development
,.2edagogical i.e Assignment and coordination of management training activities.
'o the three basic things of Ciba"Geigys %anagement development program are
a.%+ plan
b..raining 2rogram of %+
andc.%+s role in executive appointments.

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