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... through Bertha Dudde

The difference
between knowedge! and reai"ation! ....
The degree of reai"ation corre"#ond" to the "ou!" degree of
$aturit%. &ou "houd not confu"e reai"ation! with $ere
knowedge' for %ou can ac(uire the atter inteectua% a" we) it
can also corre"#ond to the truth if %ou acce#t it fro$ tho"e who
ha*e aread% attained reai"ation ....
But it need not $ean reai"ation! for %ou (uite %et' for on% when
%ou ha*e reached a certain high degree of o*e wi %ou be abe
to #enetrate the knowedge!' it wi co$e ai*e in %ou' then it wi
a"o #ro*ide %ou with in"ight' and thu" %ou wi regain the "tate
which %ou once *ountari% abandoned b% ha*ing re#aced the
ight with darkne""' thu" ha*ing o"t a reai"ation.
+cade$ic knowedge about ,e and ,% -ature' about the
de"tined #ur#o"e of %our e.i"tence a" hu$an being" and about
,% #an of /a*ation concerning the return of the "#irit" i" not
"ufficient .... for %ou won!t under"tand e*er%thing a" ong a" %ou
don!t de$on"trate the "aid degree of o*e which guarantee" %ou
an inner ight' the working of ,% "#irit within %our"e*e" .... &et
reai"ation! i" the "ign that the di*ine attribute"' which are
buried within %our"e*e" a" ong a" %ou are de*oid of o*e' are
co$ing through again ....
Realisation is light' which %ou ha*e to regain in order to
beco$e be""ed' #ro*iding %ou desire ight during %our earth%
e.i"tence. For %ou can a"o i*e a o*ing wa% of ife without
e.#eriencing an% de"ire for knowedge) in that ca"e the ight of
reai"ation wi "udden% #er$eate %ou when %ou di"card %our
earth% bod% and enter into the "#iritua kingdo$.
+ "#iritua%0awake #er"on' howe*er' $u"t to be abe to
differentiate between knowedge! and reai"ation! .... 1e "houd
not e(uate inteectua knowedge with reai"ation'
but he "houd a"o know that true reai"ation de$and" a high
degree of o*e and #ro*e" that %ou hu$an" can con"ider
%our"e*e" fortunate if %ou are introduced to #rofound knowedge
and thereb% attain realisation .... The atter aread% "ignifie"
that %ou are entering %our origina "tate' in which %ou were
#er$eated b% ight and o*e' in which %ou had not %et faen #re%
to darkne""' but in which %ou "ti e.i"ted a" a hu$an being a"
ong a" %ou were "ti i$$ature' that i"' in which %ou were "ti
"#iritua% unenightened.
2 can ne*er #ea"e a hu$an being with the ight of reai"ation if
he doe" not e.hibit the #rere(ui"ite which #er$it" the working of
,% "#irit .... For My Spirit i" the #art of ,e which i$#art" thi"
reai"ation to %ou hu$an"' which $ake" knowedge acce""ibe to
%ou which %ou can under"tand' which $ake" %ou ha##%' which
enighten" %our "#iritua "tate' which cear% et" %ou reai"e a
correation" and thu" it can be con"idered to be e*idence of an
ad*anced $aturit% of "ou ....
True reai"ation wi awa%" be gaddening' and it can ne*er be
confu"ed with a $a"" of knowedge which i" not under"tood
becau"e ,% "#irit i" a" %et unabe to work' e*en though the
inteect ha" acce#ted thi" knowedge. 2n that ca"e it
ne*erthee"" re$ain" dead knowedge which i" worthe"" for the
$aturing of a "ou. +nd then #eo#e can on% be cautioned not to
ac(uire "uch knowedge' for a o*ing wa% of ife i" nece""ar% fir"t
in order to bring thi" knowedge ai*e.
3o*e i" nece""ar%' for it "ti$uate" the "#irit within the hu$an
being to co$e ai*e' and on% then wi it kinde a true ight' on%
then wi knowedge! beco$e reai"ation!. On% then wi the "ou
ha*e reached a #articuar degree of $aturit% which wi ift the
"#iritua darkne"" .... on% then wi it be #o""ibe to "#eak of a
ight which iu$inate" the hu$an being fro$ within and gi*e"
hi$ cear reai"ation about a "#iritua occurrence"' about the
*er% fir"t beginning and the uti$ate goa of e*er%thing in
e.i"tence' and about the $eaning and #ur#o"e of hu$an ife on
earth ....
+nd a" "oon a" the hu$an being ha" co$e to thi" realisation'
a" "oon a" he can under"tand e*er%thing' he wi a"o under"tand
,% -ature and fu% a##reciate ,% eterna #an of /a*ation' for
then he wi know the correation"' he wi "ee e*er%thing bright%
and cear%' and then there wi be no other goa for hi$ but to
achie*e hi" origina "tate again' in which he wa" ha##% .... 1e
wi whoehearted% "tri*e toward" unification with ,e and a"o
achie*e it and return to ,e' fro$ Who$ he once originated ....
4ubi"hed b% friend" of new re*eation" of God 52nfor$ation'
downoad of a tran"ated re*eation"' the$e0booket" at6
5 htt#677en.bertha0dudde.org7

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