Disseration Notes

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Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, selecting, and on boarding a qualified person
for a job. The stages of the recruitment process and developing some person specification; the sourcing
of candidates by networking, advertising, and other search methods; matching candidates to job
requirements and screening individuals using testing (skills or personality assessment); assessment of
candidates' motivations and their fit with organizational requirements by interviewing and other
assessment techniques. The recruitment process also includes the making and finalizing of job offers and
the induction and on boarding of new employees.
Depending on the size and practices of the organization, recruitment may be undertaken in-house by
managers, human resource generalists and/or recruitment specialists. Alternatively, parts of the process
may be undertaken by either public-sector employment agencies, commercial recruitment agencies, or
specialist search consultancies.

Recruitment and selection are the important things to build a good workforce in the working environment of
the company.Recruitment is an Act of seeking prospective new employees or members for an
organization.Recruitment is a vital function for an organization to maintain
Selection is a preference from among choices. The act of choosing between or among a variety of options or
alternatives. The process by which various factors or mechanisms determine and modify the reproductive
ability of a genotype within a specific population. Based on the source, the writer conclude that selection is a
process in which members of a population perform at different rates, due to either natural or human-
influenced factors. Selection has a result, characteristics that found from the organisms within the population
in the society.Recruitment and Selection Procedure sets out how to ensure as far as possible, that the best
people are recruited on merit and that the recruitment process is free from bias and discrimination.
Recruitment and selection allow management to determine and gradually modify the behavioral
characteristics and competences of the workforce. According to the slide from the Lecturer, The recruitment
and selection process is a series of hurdles aimed at selecting the best candidate for the job. The firms or
companies of course want their employees to be well-prepared and suite for the criteria on the job.

Once a definition for Generation Y has been developed, the next step is to identify the best way to attract, recruit and
retain them. This includes answering questions such as:
What is the best way to attract key talent?
What are the factors graduates look for in companies?
What actions can a company take to engage graduates?
Attracting represents the first stage. This involves understanding the mediums graduates are most likely to use to
inform themselves about career opportunities when they start looking for jobs.
This is followed by Recruitment. When the graduate has decided to apply, the company must ensure the review
process is as efficient as possible to minimise the risk of losing key talent. Not only is the candidate reviewed but the
employer is as well, this being a two-way evaluation.
Once a graduate has been recruited, two issues evolve. The first is, having identified the graduates recruited as key
talent for a company how does the company convince them to stay for more than the short term? Does it involve
attractive pay packages or is it a question of creative freedom or greater Work-Life Balance? Conversely the
position of the company must also be considered. Will the costs of maintaining graduates outweigh the benfit?

Proposed Research Objective
Our selection process is based on a structured and systematic approach, which is proactive,
detailed and target oriented.
Mapping position specific competencies including job title, deliverables, principal accountabilities
and other relevant details.

Evaluating candidates with the aim of determining a profile match with the job, their career
aspirations and suitability in the context and culture of client organisation. In addition to personal
interviews, we selectively use psychometric assessment tools such as MBTI.

Detailed Reference Checks on candidate(s) who have been selected for hire, before the offer is
formally extended. If required, we could also help conduct a background check on these
candidates, through appropriate agencies.

Key word:- Recriutment process in IT Sector
Brief Summary of Proposed Finding:-
The recruitment strategy should follow the recommended standard structure. It helps the team
to keep the focus and the final strategy covers all needs of Human Resources. It is dangerous to
have the strategy, which is not complex. When Human Resources starts to fill gaps, it is always
about long discussions with line managers. The strategy has to be as complex as possible.
Chapter Scheme

Chapter 1: Introduction

A brief introduction about the recruitment process in IT sector in India. The stages of the recruitment process
include: job analysis and developing some person specification; the sourcing of candidates
by networking, advertising, and other search methods; matching candidates to job requirements
Chapter 2: Literature Review

Chapter 3: Need for the study

Chapter 4: Methodology

Chapter 5: Sampling

Chapter 6: Data Collection

Chapter 7: Plan of Analysis

Chapter 8: Findings of the Study

Chapter 9: Suggestions & Recommendations

Chapter 10: Further scope for future study

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