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Rohan. A. Kaka (B.COM, MBA - Marketing)

J - 23 Balaji Avenue,
Judges Bungalow Road,
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad
#ujarat, $ndia
%mail Address : rohan&a&a8'()ahoo*+om
,obile -o* ./! ///83 2/83
0o obtain a +hallenging position in an) estimated organi1ation, where m) edu+ation and +apabilities would most
2ull) +ontribute to growth, pro2itabilit) and the meeting o2 all )our +orporate 3bje+tives*
#ujarat 0e+hnologi+al 4niversit), Ahmedabad
5Admission 0hrough #6%07
,BA, ,AR8%0$-# 2! !2
'*3' 69$
#ujarat 4niversit) 2/,
-ara)ana 6ollege o2 +ommer+e, Ahmedabad
:%63-; 6<A::
#ujarat Board 2=, >$R:0 6<A::
#ujarat Board 2?, :%63-; 6<A::
;ipti :hah@s :po&en %nglish and 9ersonalit) ;evelopment
#ood ,anners and 9ersonalit) +ourse 2rom Ahmedabad ,anagement Asso+iation
,: 322i+e 2rom :4- $->3A:$:
0all) 2rom 0all) A+adem)
6on+ept :elling 5>ield Bor&7
9remium 9rodu+t :elling 50o)s $ndustr)7 5$n house :elling7
%du+ation :elling 5>ield wor&7
:ummer $nternship 0raining in AA!I TO-!(&I+ A! REAL E(TATE CO* at Cead 322i+e 2or :hantigram
0ownship in ,ar&eting ;epartment
0oo& training, how real estate wor&s, and :elling, ,ar&eting and 6ustomer servi+e related to Real estate and got to
&now about +orporate +ulture
E*+ERIE!CE ,ro./ Lt0 2345 to +re'ent6
Bor&ing as a >ield :ales %De+utive in >uture learning and ;evelopment <imited at Eonal o22i+e Ahmedabad
Bor& 9ro2ile
0o ,anage the :ales 9eople
0o train :ales 9eople and to deplo) them at target areas
0o get new ideas 2or generating enFuiries
0o +ounseling the students and to +onvert them
0o map the +at+hment areas
0o get an appointments 2rom 9rin+ipals o2 :+hools and 6olleges 2or the :eminars
0o provide in2ormation through +ondu+ting seminars at target areas
0o ma&e 6hannel 9artners
0o 6o ordinate with Add Agen+ies and 9ress
0o ma&e ,$: Reports
0o loo& a2ter the a++ounts o2 sales people and to maintain other 2ield eDpenses
Re7ian$e Retai7 Lt0 1O$to8er 2342 to 23456
Bor&ing as a :ales 6onsultant in 9remium 48 based Camle)s 0o) :tore at Ahmedabad
Bor& 9ro2ile
Bel+oming +ustomers G $ntera+ting with +ustomers to &now their reFuirements
:elling high value produ+ts to bring average transa+tion high
;oing demos to attra+t +ustomers
Adding more sales b) ta&ing 2uture reFuirements o2 +ustomers
0o loo& a2ter Replenishment o2 sto+&
Candling +ash till and +ustomer servi+e des&
#iving personal :hopping %Dperien+e
(ta'h +ro%otion' (er9i$e' +9t Lt0 1O$to8er 2344 to O$to8er 23426
Bor&ed as a Business ;evelopment %De+utive at Ahmedabad
Bor& 9ro2ile
Candling two verti+als o2 +ompan)H Retailing G >ran+hisee
0o sell the +on+ept o2 +ompan) to +ustomers
,eeting with Retailers and +lients
0o tie up with retailers
0a&ing appointments o2 :pe+i2i+ +lients to eDplain the model o2 +ompan)
;ail) Bor&ing Report
#iving more ideas to improve business
#ood 6ommuni+ation
9un+tualit) G Conest)
6hallenging wor&
6reating new ideas
#ather:' !a%e : Anil* 6* 8a&a
ate o; Birth : 23I!I!/8'
!ationa7it< : $ndian
Lang.age' : %nglish, Cindi, #ujarati
&o88ie' : <istening to ,usi+, Judging people and Reading >i+tion :tor) Boo&s
Marita7 (tat.' : :ingle
+a''/ort !o H AC;A3=8??!!

9la+eH JJJ** Aou@re sin+erel),
;ateH JJJJ Rohan 8a&a

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