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Up Lower

I ssue Date


LS Round
by Cathy Zhang

Festival of Words

The Festival of Words
was a week-long
activity. It was on the
of March.
There was a Spelling
Bee. Each classroom
had its own Spelling Bee
to see who would go to
the preliminary round.
When it was your turn,
the teacher will call out
a word and you had to
spell out the word.
For example: Teacher:
Student: Ancient. A-N-
C-I-E-N-T. Ancient.
The judges check if you
have spelled the word
correctly. If not, you had
to go sit down. That
meant you couldnt go
to the final round. If you
were correct, you could
go into the final round.
You only got one
chance. In the final
round, you had to do
the same, until everyone
but one person is sitting
down. That person wins.
The grades 1-2 were one
group, grades 3-5 were
the another group,
grades 6-8 were another
group, and grades 9-12
were the final group.
There were medals for
the finalists!
There was also an
ongoing story. One
grade started the story,
and another grade
continued it.
Example: 1
Once upon a time...
grade: The
boy lived in...
grade: They
sent him to...
The final story was read
in the theater.

There was also a Word
Wall. All the grades
participated. They had
to think of a descriptive
word that best describes
their teacher-- a word
you often misspell.
Somebody put the word
up on the wall. A list was
created and given out.
The Reading Buddies
was also an activity of
the Word Festival. The
Upper School (including
Middle School) buddied
up with the Lower
School. The Upper
School read a book of
their choice. It was a
good way of joining our
school together.

Coming Up

QISS Art Show
May 24
Sports Day
June 11

Recently, I interviewed
the office person called
Ms. Alice Xu. She
works hard for our
school. I think almost
everyone in our school
knows who Ms. Alice is
but unfortunately,
many people at this
campus don`t get to
talk to her. I wrote some
awesome, fantastic, and
terrific questions to ask Ms.
Alice, so please read
Roy: What is your job at the
Ms. Alice: School
Roy: What was your job
Ms. Alice: It is my 1
Roy: Why do you like
working at QISS?
Ms. Alice: Our school is
simple, so it makes me happy
and I like to play with the
Roy: How many years have
you been working in QISS?
Ms.Alice: 8 years.
Roy: Where were you born?
Roy: Zaozhuang, Shandong.

Roy: What name are
you planning for your
Ms. Alice: I am still
working on a name.
Roy: In our campus,
who is your buddy?
Ms. Alice: I can`t
choose because I have
so many buddies!
Roy: What types of
food do you like?
Ms. Alice: Spicy food.
Sour food.
Roy: What movies do
you like?
Ms. Alice: The
Roy: What company
made your phone?
A: Apple company

As you can see, Ms. Alice is
terrific, fantastic, kind, and
helpful! We like Ms. Alice!
QISS Spotlight
by Roy the Cheese

Healthy Snacks are
good for you and
delicious too!

The healthy shark
bar is happening every
Friday .It is super
successful, because
there are many people
who come even before
recess. Theres also a
long line. Do you like
the idea of a snack bar? I
love it. We sell seaweed,
long crackers, short
crackers, tropical juice,
popcorn, barley packs,
pears, apples, and
yogurt. The most famous
snack is the tropical
juice, because it is sold
out the fastest.
The creators of the
Healthy Shark Bar are
the student council
members, Mall, Cathy,
Megan, Oskar, Danny,
Diana, and Elia. Oskar
saw the Upper School
students selling junk
food, so we decided to
make a healthy snack
bar. We decided the
location, which is on the
first floor. Then we had
to come up with a name.
I made up the name and
everybody agreed. That
is how we came up of
the idea of making a
snack bar.
So remember to bring
your money. You can
bring twenty Kuai and
get many things. Lets
stay healthy, Sharks!

The Healthy Shark Bar
by Elia Parlanti Kobayashi


My Trip to
by Andy the Ham

Recently, I went to Universal Studios in Singapore. It was fun to play there on all
the fun stuff, like the roller coaster. The roller coaster is very scary and very
dangerous. It is 3 floors high and if you fall out you will die. Still, it is fun. I saw
the roller coaster from where I had lunch, which was special too because I had a
hamburger with French fries and a water bottle that looked like a dinosaur with a
big horn.
Next, I went to the Singapore Flyer. It is the worlds tallest, largest rotating
wheel. It takes 30 minutes to go up and down. We can see the F1 racing track
from the highest point of the rotating wheel. I was a little scared and even my
Dad was afraid of heights.
The Singapore Zoo is a place that we can see animals. There is a day zoo and a
night zoo. I bought a ticket for the night zoo, but I didnt use it because I didnt
have time to also play in the sky park. In the day zoo there are many animals
and plants. I saw someone feeding a cheetah. They threw meat to the cheetah
and it ran quickly to get some food. It was exciting to see because it was the
first time I have ever seen a cheetah run.
The hotel I was sleeping in was Marina Bay Sands. It is a 5 star hotel with the
worlds tallest outdoor sky park. It looks it has a gigantic ship on top and it has
a free laser show around 6 o clock that everyone in Singapore can see. There
are more hotels in Singapore but none like Marina Bay Sands.
Interesting facts about Singapore: It is possible to use a car to travel to
Malaysia from Singapore. It is warm there in winter, fall, spring, and summer.
The warmest seasons are Spring and Fall.


Do you know any strange
plants or scary plants that
eat insects? Would you
like to put your fingers
inside the plant? I would
tell you dont put your
finger inside scary plants
because they eat insects.
The first dangerous plant I
know is a plant called
aPitcher Plant. Pitcher
plants look like a pitcher
to most people. If an
insect is very thirsty, it
will look everywhere until
it finds water. Many
insects get eaten because
they thought the pitcher
plant is a pitcher full of
water. When they get to
the top of the pitcher
plant, they slip into the
pitcher plant and fall
because the top part is
slippery. They are killed
by the chemicals inside
the plants.
The second dangerous
plant is a big flower that
smells of rotten meat so
that flies will go inside
and be killed and eaten.
The third plant is a plant
with spiky thorns that
looks scary. It smell like
rotten meat also. It has
chemicals that can kill
flies so if an insect goes
into any of these they will
be killed by the
Remember not to touch
dangerous plants.

The Dangerous Plants
by Megan Mou

The Danish Viking
Ship in the Atlantic
By: Norah Mou G4
On, April 23, 2014 at 9:00am a
Danish Viking Ship launched from
New York, U.S.A. People were
amazed that they were on the T-
Unsinkable! The president named
this ship the T-Unsinkable because
people believed that the ship cant
sink because of the clever design.
Unfortunately, they were all
wrong: all ships can sink. The
average citizen didnt think that
this could happen, so years
passed and they still used the
Viking ship as though it was the
best treasure in the whole world.
People were all so happy because
they could ride the ship for
months and months until they
reached land. Maybe you are
wondering where the ship would
stop. Well, as I said, this ship is
launched from New York, U.S.A.
and stops in between Morocco and
Guineas border in Africa. This
news is so famous that the Danish
Viking Ships television also has
this news too.
One day at 12:00pm there was a
huge greenish mountain that
appeared in the middle of the
ocean! What the heck? said one
of the crew watching on top of the
smokestacks. But, there were no
way not to bump into the greenish
mountain because of the speed.
They were going too fast.
What the heck? Help!!! said the
captain and then they bumped into
the greenish mountain! Minutes
later everything was still. The
captain stands up behind
somebody's backbut right then
the ship suddenly stopped in the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Every passenger on the ship was
shocked that it stopped in the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean. All of
a sudden, a third class passenger
said, If the ship stops and the
ship goes under the ocean what
should we do? Everyone on board
began to worry about these
questions too.
All at once, the captain walked in
a small room just big enough for
two people and a few machines to
control the gigantic vessel. At that
moment, the captain said to the
man in the control room: Now
send an SOS to all the ships near
us because I think we are
sinking. The captain dashed out
of the control room and headed to
the servants, waitresses, and
cooks on the ship.

Quickly get all of the life vests
and hand them out to the
customers on board. Go quickly!
Go! The servants, cookers, and
waitresses hurried over to get the
life belts. A few minutes later, the
director of the ship returned and
saw all of the passengers had
their life belts on. Minutes
dragged, all the passengers on
board had reached the top of the
ship, but one side of the ship went
down the freezing water in the
Atlantic Ocean.
When the boss of the ship saw it,
some people had already slipped
down in the water and died. He
said, Everybody on this ship, line
up to get on the life boats. Those
who cant get on the life boats will
have to jump out of the ship and
swim for their life. As the captain
said that, less than half of the
passengers went on life boats and
the rest jumped from the ship and
into the Atlantic Ocean. In the
cold, freezing water they all died.
The people on the lifeboat arrived
at an island and lived happily ever
after. But the people in the
Atlantic Ocean died and all of the
people who were on the ship never
forget this thing until the day they


The Food
by Megan Mou
Do you know what will
happen if an animal
dies? It will affect the
food chain. For
example, in an forest
food chain, if all the
wolves and other
predators of deers
died, then

the deers will over
populate and they
wont have enough
food. (They are
herbivores.) They will
eat any vegetable that
is green. But other
herbivores wont have
food to eat. Soon they
will all die because of
hunger. Plus, the forest
will have no more
green colors only
brownish colors.


ing Vessel
Did you know
what happened to
the Malaysia
airplane? It
disappeared while
flying to Beijing,
China. I writing a
fiction story about
a disappearing
vessel based on
this news.
A long time
ago, a vessel that
looked like the
Titanic was made.
Scientists were
sure that the
vessel couldnt
sink this time. That
year, the new
vessel was going
to the U.S.A from
China. The trip will
last for one year,
because the
vessels highest
speed is only
100km/hour so that
the ship wont
bump into any ice
Finally, it was
time for the vessel
to start the trip and
thousands of
people bought
tickets to go on the
vessel to go to
The vessel
started to move
toward the huge
continent, North
America. The first
night on the vessel
people celebrated.
The second night
on the new vessel,
people saw an ice
berg and to be one
hundred percent
sure that they
would be safe, all
the people went on
the life boat
including the
person who is
driving the vessel.
A strange
thing happened.
The ice berg
disappeared and
the new vessel
disappeared, too!
All the people were
astonished by the
strange sight.
When they got
back on the land,
they found out that
they were in
Malaysia. They
found the police
and explained
what happened.
The police trusted
them, so the police
told the news to
the people in the
police station.
Years later,
people began to
spread rumors and
stories about what
happened that
year when the
One of the stories
was that there was

a magic hole under
the vessel so when
the vessel fell into
the hole, the hole
closed and the
vessel went to an
alien planet in
another galaxy.
Another rumor
was that the vessel
flew through the
sky and landed in
another ocean.
One year later,
in the middle of the
Pacific Ocean the
vessel appeared.
They know this
because the
satellite saw the
vessel. People
started to spread
rumors again but
these rumors were
different from
before. For
example, one of
the rumors was
that an alien drove
the vessel back in
the air and it
landed in the
Pacific Ocean and
the alien called
another alien to
drive a UFO here.
One minute later,
the alien arrived
and took the other
alien with him back
to their planet.
Years passed
quickly and at last
the vessel just
appeared and
Nobody ever found
out what

Sad News in Asia
By Roy the Cheese
Do you know what happened in Jindo, South Korea, on April 16
? The 11
from Danwon school decided to go on a field trip to Jeju island. They took a
Sewol boat to Jeju. Island. 476 people went on the Sewol boat, 325 of those people
were from Danwon school students. The ship is said to have taken on water from
a sharp right turn and started to sink when it hit something in the water.
Everyone in South Korea now feels so sad for the ship passengers. The latest
update on May 3
is 248 people are dead, 72 people are missing, and 174 people
have been rescued. South Koreans didn`t have a very good Easter, because we
had to worry for that ship in our church. For me, the Korean ferry was more
tragic than the boat titanic. I love some people inside the boat who showed
compassion very much. For example, Nam Yun Cheol, who was a Danwon
high school teacher, took off his rescue jacket and gave it to his favorite students
and said even if I die, I wish that you do not die. And, he is dead. Another
example, is Choi Hye Jeong 25 years old).
She was another Danwon high school teacher,
too young to die. She just finished college last
year. She really wanted her students be safe so
Ms. Choi sent a smart phone message: Don`t
worry, you`ll be safe to cool off her students`
feelings. She tried to find her students, but she
couldnt. By the time she gave up, she was so
tired and she passed away.
Because of the ferry disaster, a total of 16 people were arrested. 15 out of 16 people
will stay in jail for 1 year. One of those people is the ship`s captain who may have
to stay for the rest of his life. President Obama came to Korea to help the Koreans.


ELL Bookmarks
by Cathy Zhang
I interviewed Ms. Ruth for her ELL Bookmarks:
Q1: Why do you like bookmarks?
A1: They are special, and they inspire me to read more.
Q2: How do you make bookmarks?
A2: You can use patterns, or use a piece of tag board and cut it into any shape
you want, write, draw, and color.
Q3: How long have you been collecting bookmarks?
A3: 20 years
Q4: Which one is your favorite?
A4: Its in a shape of a Vietnamese girl. I lived in Vietnam for 8 years, so it reminds
me of that country.
Q5: Do you think using bookmarks will get students to read more?
A5: Yes, because bookmarks remind you its time to read.
Q6: Why do you think that bookmarks are a good tool to use?

A6: When you pause in a book, you use the bookmark to mark where you read so
Many students came to my room to make bookmarks and they enjoyed doing

My Spring Break
By Cathy Zhang
For my break, I stayed in Bellevue, Washington. I also went to Tacoma, Seattle,
Gig Harbor, Mercer Island, and Killarney. Here is my Diary about my break:
Saturday, 29 March:
My family went to visit Charles Wright Academy (CWA) in Tacoma, Washington.
The school was gigantic! The playground had monkey bars, two slides, a climbing
net, three plastic zip lines, a swingy set of many plastic circles tied to bars, some
climbing bars, spiral climbing bars, and curved climbing bars. A woman named
Bevin toured us through the school. My brother loved the music set in there. The
theater was bigger than four rooms! It was a good school.
Sunday, 30 March:
My family went to see some houses in Mercer Island, Killarney, Seattle, Gig
Harbor, and Bellevue. I saw 2 deer beside a house in Killarney. A log
camouflaged them so I couldnt see them at first. I also learned how to speak
Duck. I used that method to lead two ducks up into a yard by saying Quack!

Quack! Then, a female duck hopped onto a step, and I could see its webbed
feet! Then, my brother flapped his arms at the ducks and they flew away. I also
looked at a video about an eagle that lived in a fir tree RIGHT IN THE YARD OF A
HOUSE I WENT TO! I went to a house with three kitties too: Luna, Bubbles, and
Symba. Luna is female and Symba is male. Bubbles is an Egyptian Mao. Shes also
the friendliest. Another house had a dog named Jack. He clawed at the front
door when we wanted to go in. Then, he was taken away and put into a laundry
room. :)!
Monday, 31 March
Today, we drove to the Space Needle, but I was amazed that it was NOT the
tallest building in Seattle. It is the 7
tallest though, and I enjoyed going up and
down the elevator because I could see what was below me. I also found N, NE, E,
SE, S, SW, W, and NW on the floor. The top rotates so slowly that you dont feel it! I
also read on a poster that some acrobats walked around the outer ring of the
Space Needle in 2006 or 2007. I also bought 16 Space Needles and a baseball in
the gift shop. The view was fantastic! I also went to the Pike Place Market and
bought milk, raspberries, apples which they call Grapple, and two yarn balls: one
pink yarn and one blue yarn. My brother bought a book called Steampunk, a
mask, and he wanted to look at some antique clothes. The market was very big
and busy!
Tuesday, 1 April
My parents said that I had to go to visit The St. Thomas School. The one who sat
with me while I was doing the test was really nice. She greeted us warmly at the
door and said that my mom and dad could sit down and rest while I did the test. I
was really nervous on whether I would get accepted by this school or not. Then,
HOORAY! The school sent a message that told us I could go. But its up to us to
decide whether I want to go to this school or not. After all, it was kind of fun to
visit the school. After the test, my parents and I took a walk in Medina Park and
saw ducks and a teeny, tiny little stream. I said Quack! and the ducks followed
I had a great vacation!


Meet the Press!! From left: Andy Park, Roy Choi, Megan and Norah Mou,
Cathy Zhang, Elia Parlantii Kobayashi

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