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GAP FILLING EXERCISE: Complete the gaps with only one suitable

A DNA fingerprint __of___ "#$ every active criminal in Britain will be
taken _________ "%$ part of government plans ___________ "&$ a wide-
ranging overhaul of the criminal justice system, the rime !inister said
#n his first public announcement ____________ "'$ returning from
holiday, $ony Blair promised to deliver a courts system fit for the %&st
century" Addressing police officers in 'ent, in southern (ngland, he accused
the courts of being run for __________ "($ own convenience and promised
to ensure that victims, witnesses and police giving evidence would receive
more respect"
!r Blair declared the justice system archaic, saying it hindered police
efforts to keep up ____________ ")$ organised crime, and announced a
&)* million package to e+pand the DNA database" According to a
government spokesman, the database should hold more than three million
samples e,uivalent _________ "*$ almost the whole criminal class of the
.# think we _______"+$ effectively got a &/th century justice system in a
%&st century world,. the rime !inister said"
.0e have totally failed to keep ____________ ",$ to date with the fact
that we have got major organised crime operating in a completely different
way to 1) or 2) years ago,. he said"
!r Blair stressed that he was ________ "-$ favour of so-called 3ero
tolerance and wanted a law-abiding society based on courtesy _________
"%#$ others"

$he #ndependent
For 1uestions %.%#2 3omplete the 4ollowing arti3le! 5se only one wor 4or ea3h spa3e!
/he e6er3ise begins with an e6ample "#$!
A DNA fingerprint __of___ "#$ every active criminal in Britain will be taken
__A4________ "%$ part of government plans ____567________ "&$ a wide-ranging
overhaul of the criminal justice system, the rime !inister said yesterday"
#n his first public announcement ___4#N8(_________ "'$ returning from holiday, $ony
Blair promised to deliver a courts system fit for the %&st century" Addressing police
officers in 'ent, in southern (ngland, he accused the courts of being run for
___$9(#7_______ "($ own convenience and promised to ensure that victims, witnesses
and police giving evidence would receive more respect"
!r Blair declared the justice system archaic, saying it hindered police efforts to keep up
___0#$9_________ ")$ organised crime, and announced a &)* million package to e+pand
the DNA database" According to a government spokesman, the database should hold more
than three million samples e,uivalent __$6_______ "*$ almost the whole criminal class of
the -'"
.# think we __9A:(_____"+$ effectively got a &/th century justice system in a %&st
century world,. the rime !inister said"
.0e have totally failed to keep __-__________ ",$ to date with the fact that we have
got major organised crime operating in a completely different way to 1) or 2) years ago,.
he said"
!r Blair stressed that he was ___#N_____ "-$ favour of so-called 3ero tolerance and
wanted a law-abiding society based on courtesy _$60A7D4;$6________ "%#$ others"
/he lnepenent

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