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Name: _______________________ Comparing Texts

by Lill Pluta
It's not my fault I ate that fly.
Im just a rhizome sprouting up in the spongy Carolina bog.
Not enough nitrogen to keep a long tall green thing like me gro!ing...
so I turne" to a life of tri#kery.
$y hinge" traps gro! in pairs
green as #lo%er outsi"e tragi# %ermilion insi"e.
&ure" by ne#tar the six'leggers light
triggering one.. t!o.. hairs an"...
*oor little bugs.
They thought I" be their sna#k
but no! they are
by Lill Pluta
,e think of meat'eating plants as something rare an" exoti# gro!ing in far a!ay jungles.
-o!e%er the .enus /lytrap is nati%e to the bogs of North an" (outh Carolina in the 0nite"
(tates. Colle#tors ha%e en"angere" the plants. No! the plants are gro!n in greenhouses.
1ou #an e%en or"er flytrap bulbs or rhizomes o%er the Internet. This #arni%orous plant from the
Carolinas has be#ome a hot topi# for s#ien#e fair proje#ts.
.enus /lytraps "o not get enough nutrients from their nati%e soil. 1ou #an think of the inse#ts
they eat as %itamin supplements. ) .enus /lytraps lea%es are shape" like #lam shells. Inse#ts
are attra#te" by the bright re" #olor but tiny sensiti%e hairs insi"e the leaf lay a trap. ,hen
an unfortunate inse#t ben"s these hairs the leaf snaps shut. Then the flytrap oozes flui"s that
"issol%e the trappe" inse#t lea%ing the har" exoskeleton behin".
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Name: _______________________
by Lill Pluta
1. Tell !hether ea#h fa#t #an be learne" from rea"ing the poem the arti#le or both.
2n ea#h line belo! !rite the !or" poem article or both.
________________________ .enus /ly Traps gro! in the bogs of the Carolinas.
________________________ $ost green plants nee" nitrogen'ri#h soil to sur%i%e.
________________________ ,hen a .enus /ly Trap #at#hes an inse#t it releases
flui"s that "issol%e the inse#t.
2. ,hat are rhizomes3
3. &ine 4 of the poem says 5green as #lo%er outsi"e tragi# %ermilion insi"e.6
If you rea" the arti#le #arefully you #an "is#o%er the meaning of the !or"
%ermilion. ,hat is the "efinition of %ermilion3
a. poisonous
b. "ea"ly
c. re" #olor
d. light green
4. ,hy "o .enus /lytraps nee" to eat inse#ts3
5. ,hat is the purpose of the tiny hairs on a .enus /lytrap's lea%es3
Super Teacher Worksheets -
by Lill Pluta
1. Tell !hether ea#h fa#t #an be learne" from rea"ing the poem the arti#le or both.
2n ea#h line belo! !rite the !or" poem article or both.
both .enus /ly Traps gro! in the bogs of the Carolinas.
poem $ost green plants nee" nitrogen'ri#h soil to sur%i%e.
aticle ,hen a .enus /ly Trap #at#hes an inse#t it releases
flui"s that "issol%e the inse#t.
2. ,hat are rhizomes3
Rhi!ome" ae #e$u" %lytap bulb" o oot".
3. &ine 4 of the poem says 5green as #lo%er outsi"e tragi# %ermilion insi"e.6
If you rea" the arti#le #arefully you #an "is#o%er the meaning of the !or"
%ermilion. ,hat is the "efinition of %ermilion3 c
a. poisonous
b. "ea"ly
c. ed colo
d. light green
4. ,hy "o .enus /lytraps nee" to eat inse#ts3
#e$u" %lytap" $eed to "uppleme$t thei diet" becau"e the "oil" they &o' i$ ae "o
5. ,hat is the purpose of the tiny hairs on a .enus /lytrap's lea%es3
(he hai" ae ti&&e" that help the %lytap "e$"e i$"ect".
Super Teacher Worksheets -

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