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Anima Mundi:

Awakening the Soul of the World

Published in Sufi Journal,
Issue 67, Autumn 2!
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
God redeems humanity,
but nature needs to be redeemed by human alchemists,
who are able to induce the process of transformation,
which alone is capable of liberating the light imprisoned in physical creation.
The world is a liing s!iri"ual #eing$ This was unders"ood #y "he an%ien" !hiloso!hers
and "he al%he&is"s who re'erred "o "he s!iri"ual essen%e o' "he world as "he anima mundi(
"he )Soul o' "he *orld$+ They regarded "he *orld Soul as a !ure e"hereal s!iri" di''used
"hroughou" all na"ure( "he diine essen%e "ha" e&#ra%es and energi,es all li'e in "he
Throughou" his"ory our unders"anding o' "he world as a liing #eing wi"h a s!iri"ual
essen%e has dra&a"i%ally %hanged$ Pla"o unders"ood "ha" )"he %os&os is a single Liing
-rea"ure whi%h %on"ains all liing %rea"ures wi"hin i"$+
*hile "his "radi"ion was %arried
on #y "he /nos"i%s and la"er "he al%he&is"s( "he -hur%h 'a"hers i&aged a world "ha" was
nei"her diine nor sa%red$ A "rans%enden" diini"y was "he sour%e o' all %rea"ion( and
hu&ani"y lied in e0ile 'ro& heaen in a s"a"e o' sin$ This do%"rine %rea"ed a s!li" #e"ween
&a""er and s!iri"( %ausing "he world "o #e seen as se!ara"e 'ro& i"s %rea"or$
The unders"anding o' "he world as sa%red resur'a%ed 'ro& "i&e "o "i&e oer "he ne0"
%en"uries$ 1n "he /o"hi% reial o' "he "wel'"h %en"ury( and la"er in "he Renaissan%e( "he
%rea"ed world was #rie'ly seen "hrough "he i&age o' "he *orld Soul$ 1n "heir %a"hedrals
"he /o"hi% ar%hi"e%"s re'le%"ed "heir ision o' a sa%red order wi"hin %rea"ion "ha" #elongs
"o "his 'e&inine diine !rin%i!le$ The *orld Soul ani&a"ed and 'or&ed na"ure a%%ording
"o diine !ro!or"ions( whi%h "he ar%hi"e%"s( &asons( s%ul!"ors( and s"ained glass ar"is"s
i&aged in "heir %rea"ions$
Again during "he Renaissan%e na"ure was #rie'ly seen as a liing s!iri"ual essen%e3
1' &edieal "heology had re&oed /od "o a wholly "rans%enden" s!here( "o "he
Renaissan%e Pla"onis"s na"ure was !er&ea"ed #y li'e( diini"y( and nu&inous &ys"ery( a
i"al e0!ression o' "he *orld Soul and "he liing !owers o' %rea"ion$ 1n "he words o'
Ri%hard Tarnas( )The garden o' "he world was again en%han"ed( wi"h &agi%al !owers and
"rans%enden" &eaning i&!li%i" in eery !ar" o' na"ure$+
1n "he Renaissan%e "he *orld Soul was unders"ood as a s!iri"ual essen%e wi"hin %rea"ion(
guiding "he un'olding o' li'e and "he %os&os$ 1n "he words o' "he Renaissan%e !hiloso!her
/iordano 5runo( "he *orld Soul )illu&ines "he unierse and dire%"s na"ure in !rodu%ing
her s!e%ies in "he righ" way$+
The *orld Soul was also "he %rea"ie !rin%i!le "ha" "he
Renaissan%e ar"is"s sough" "o %hannel in "heir wor7$ Their ar" was #ased u!on "he sa&e
sa%red !ro!or"ions "hey saw in na"ure( and "hey unders"ood "he i&agina"ion as a &agi%al
!ower "ha" %an )lure and %hannel "he energies o' "he anima mundi$+
The Renaissan%e le'" us grea" wonders o' ar" and "he i&agina"ion$ 1" was a #rie'
'lowering( howeer$ The or"hodo0ies o' "he -hur%h re-es"a#lished "he s!li" #e"ween
&a""er and s!iri"( and "he rise o' s%ien%e #egan "o i&age "he na"ural world as a &a%hine
whose dise&#odied wor7ings hu&an #eings %ould ra"ionally unders"and and &as"er$ The
&agi%al world o' %rea"ie &ys"ery in'used wi"h diine s!iri" #e%a&e a drea& #elonging
only "o !oe"s and "he la#ora"ories and sy&#oli% wri"ings o' "he al%he&is"s$
The al%he&is"s %on"inued "o e0!lore "he anima mundi$ *hile "he -hur%h loo7ed 'or ligh"
in "he heaens( "he al%he&is"s sough" "he ligh" hidden in &a""er$ They unders"ood "ha"
"here was a sa%red essen%e in "he 'a#ri% o' %rea"ion( whi%h "hrough "heir e0!eri&en"s and
i&agina"ion "hey wor7ed "o release$ 8or "he al%he&is"s "he anima mundi is "he diine
s!ar7 in &a""er( "he )!hiloso!hi%al 9er%ury(+ whi%h is "he )uniersal and s%in"illa"ing 'ire
in "he ligh" o' na"ure( whi%h %arries "he heaenly s!iri" wi"h i"$+
Al%he&y is %on%erned wi"h "urning lead in"o gold( li#era"ing "he ligh" hidden in "he
dar7ness)"he 'iery s!ar7s o' "he world soul( i$e$ "he ligh" o' na"ure : dis!ersed or
s!rin7led "hroughou" "he s"ru%"ure o' "he grea" world in"o all 'rui"s o' "he ele&en"s
The al%he&is"s also unders"ood "ha" "here is a %onne%"ion #e"ween "he
anima mundi and "he soul or inner&os" se%re" o' &an$ The sour%e o' "he wisdo& and
7nowledge o' "he all-!erading essen%e o' "he anima mundi was )"he inner&os" and &os"
se%re" numinosum o' &an$+
1n "he las" %en"ury -arl =ung redis%oered "he wisdo& o' "he al%he&i%al opus and showed
how al%he&i%al sy&#ols i&age "he !ro%ess o' inner "rans'or&a"ion "ha" %an release "his
hidden ligh"$ =ung di''eren"ia"ed #e"ween "wo 'or&s o' s!iri"ual ligh"3 lumen dei( "he ligh"
!ro%eeding 'ro& "he s!iri"ual real& o' a "rans%enden" /od( and lumen naturae( "he ligh"
hidden in &a""er and "he 'or%es o' na"ure$ The >iine Ligh" &ay #e e0!erien%ed "hrough
reela"ion and s!iri"ual !ra%"i%es "ha" gie us a%%ess "o our "rans%enden" sel'$ The Ligh" o'
Na"ure needs "o #e released "hrough inner al%he&y so "ha" i" %an wor7 %rea"iely in "he
The "radi"ion o' al%he&y rein"er!re"ed in"o "he language o' inner "rans'or&a"ion is a 7ey
"o hel! us "o li#era"e our na"ural ligh" and "o "rans'or& "he world$ The al%he&i%al ligh"
hidden in dar7ness is our own ligh"( whi%h is also "he diine s!ar7 wi"hin &a""er$ Our
na"ural ligh" is !ar" o' "he ligh" o' "he *orld Soul$ This al%he&i%al unlo%7ing o' &a""er
%an #e asso%ia"ed wi"h 'reeing( or awa7ening( "he world soul( "he anima mundi$ As a
&i%ro%os& o' "he whole( "he indiidual %an !ar"i%i!a"e dire%"ly in "he al%he&i%al !ro%ess
"ha" li#era"es "his ligh"( a ligh" "ha" is needed "o unders"and "he &ys"eries o' %rea"ion and
"he ways o' wor7ing wi"h i"s &agi%al na"ure$ *i"h "he lumen naturae we %an on%e again
learn how "o unlo%7 "he se%re"s o' na"ure( so "ha" we no longer hae "o a""a%7 and des"roy
"he na"ural world in order "o surie$
Al%he&y is our *es"ern "radi"ion o' inner "rans'or&a"ion$ Su'is hae always 7nown a#ou"
"he inner !ro%ess o' al%he&y$
One o' "he early Su'i &as"ers( >h@-l-N@n( was des%ri#ed
as an al%he&is"( and a grea" "wel'"h-%en"ury Su'i( al-/ha,,alA( "i"led one o' his &os"
i&!or"an" #oo7s The Alchemy of Happiness$ Su'is hae &as"ered "he al%he&y o' "he
hear"( "hrough whi%h "he energy o' loe "rans'or&s "he indiidual "o reeal "he ligh"
hidden wi"hin "he dar7ness o' "he nafs or lower sel'$ They deelo!ed a de"ailed s%ien%e
'or wor7ing wi"h "he %ha&#ers o' "he hear" "o e''e%" an inner "rans'or&a"ion "ha" gies "he
way'arer a%%ess "o "he ligh" o' his "rue na"ure$ This wor7 does no" #elong Bus" "o "he
indiidual( #u" %an hae a dire%" rela"ionshi! "o "he whole o' %rea"ion and "he hear" o' "he
world$ On%e we re%ogni,e "he &ys"erious %onne%"ion #e"ween our own inner&os" essen%e
and "he soul o' "he world( we %an use "he "ools o' inner "rans'or&a"ion "o wor7 dire%"ly
wi"h "he soul o' "he world( "o hel! "he anima mundi reeal i"s diine ligh" and awa7en$
As a resul" o' =ungCs wri"ings on al%he&y( we hae #egun "o unders"and "he na"ure o' "he
inner al%he&i%al wor7$ The wor7 on "he al%he&i%al lead"he prima materia( "ha" whi%h
is )glorious and ile( !re%ious and o' s&all a%%oun" and is 'ound eerywhere+
is "he
wor7 on "he shadow( "he reBe%"ed and una%7nowledged !ar"s o' our !sy%he$ The
!hiloso!herCs s"one( "he gold &ade 'ro& "he lead( is our own "rue na"ure( "he Sel'$ Ra"her
"han a "rans%enden"( dise&#odied diini"y( al%he&y reeals a diine ligh" "ha" e0is"s in "he
ery de!"hs o' our !sy%he$ This ligh" hidden in dar7ness( "he lumen naturae( is also our
ins"in%"ual sel' and na"ural way o' #eing( whi%h un"il i" is reealed is %oered oer #y
!a""erns o' %ondi"ioning and "he layers o' "he 'alse sel'$
*ha" is "he di''eren%e #e"ween "he ligh" dis%oered in "he de!"hs o' "he !sy%he and "he
ligh" o' our "rans%enden" diine Sel' gli&!sed in &edi"a"ion or o"her e0!erien%esE It is
the same light e0!erien%ed in di''eren" ways$ The Su'is 7now "ha" "he 5eloed( "he sour%e
o' all ligh"( has #o"h an i&&anen" and a "rans%enden" Fuali"y$ He who& we loe is #o"h
)nearer "o hi& "han his Bugular ein+ and )#eyond een his idea o' "he #eyond$+ The Sel'(
)larger "han large and s&aller "han s&all(+ has "he sa&e dual Fuali"y$
The yogi dee! in &edi"a"ion and "he al%he&is" in his la#ora"ory are see7ing "he sa&e
ligh"( "he sa&e diine na"ure$ Eery"hing "ha" we e0!erien%e has a dual na"ure( a
&as%uline and a 'e&inine as!e%"( and "he sa&e is "rue o' "he ligh" o' "he Sel'$ 1" %an #e
e0!erien%ed in i"s &as%uline 'or& as a !ure "rans%enden" ligh"( %ons%iousness wi"hou" "he
%ons"ri%"ions o' "he !sy%he or "he !hysi%al world$ 1n &edi"a"ion we %an 'irs" gli&!se and
"hen res" in our e"ernal and in'ini"e na"ure( and %o&e "o 7now a reali"y no" de'ined or
%ons"ri%"ed #y our #ody or "he &ani'es" world$ This is a reali"y o' ligh" u!on ligh"( our
%olorless and 'or&less essen%e$
*e %an also %o&e "o 7now our diine na"ure in i"s 'e&inine( e&#odied na"ure( as "he ligh"
o' #eing( our na"ural wisdo&( "he gold o' our "rue na"ure$ 1n "his ligh" we e0!erien%e and
7now "he diine wi"hin %rea"ion( "he way our 5eloed reeals Hi&sel' in a &ul"i"ude o'
'or&s( ea%h 'or& a di''eren" e0!ression o' His in'ini"e #eing$ *e see how ea%h %olor(
ea%h s&ell( eery "as"e( een eery "hough" and 'eeling( is a uniFue e0!ression o' "he
diine$ 1n "his way we %o&e "o 7now Hi& in His %rea"ion in a way "ha" is hidden in "he
"rans%enden"$ 1n "his reela"ion we see "ha" ea%h "hing is uniFue and "ha" all "hings are
one( and we dis%oer "he rela"ionshi! o' "he !ar"s "o "he whole"he in"er%onne%"ed
wonder o' %rea"ion$ *e see "he ri%h "a!es"ry o' li'e and 7now "ha" i" is one 5eing
reealing 1"sel' in so &any ways$
1' we are no" "o re&ain in "he !aradig& o' duali"y( liing our inheri"ed s!li" #e"ween
&as%uline and 'e&inine( s!iri" and &a""er( we need "o a%7nowledge #o"h o' "hese as!e%"s$
*e %anno" a''ord "o 'ollow "he 'oo"s"e!s o' "he !a"riar%hal -hur%h 'a"hers and see7 only a
"rans%enden" ligh"( loo7 only "owards heaen$ *e also need "o 7now "he ligh" hidden in
&a""er and unders"and "he &agi% o' %rea"ion "ha" i" reeals$ *e need "o 7now "he
&ys"eries o' %rea"ion as %ele#ra"ed in "he &os" sa%red "e0" o' "he al%he&is"s( "he E&erald
Ta#le"( a""ri#u"ed "o Her&es Tris&egis"os3
*ha" is #elow is li7e "ha" whi%h is a#oe( and wha" is a#oe is li7e "ha" whi%h is #elow(
"o a%%o&!lish "he &ira%les o' "he one "hing$
The ligh" hidden in &a""er is "he one ligh" e0!erien%ed wi"hin "he &ys"ery o' %rea"ion( "he
hidden "reasure reealed "hrough "he dan%e o' &ul"i!li%i"y$ The %rea"ion o' "he &ani'es"
world is a reela"ion o' "he hidden na"ure o' "he diine( as e0!ressed in "he hadith( )1 was
a hidden "reasure and 1 longed "o #e 7nown( so 1 %rea"ed "he world$+ 5u" we %an only
e0!erien%e "he wonder and 7now "he "rue na"ure o' "his reela"ion "hrough "he ligh"
hidden wi"hin i"$ =us" as He has hidden His se%re" wi"hin us)9an is 9y se%re" and 1 a&
his se%re"+so has He hidden Hi&sel' wi"hin His %rea"ion$ So&e"i&es( in &o&en"s
a&ids" "he #eau"y or glory o' na"ure( in "he as"ness o' "he s"ars or "he !er'e%"ion o' "he
early &orning dew on a 'lower( we gli&!se "his wonder$ The ligh" hidden in &a""er
#rea7s "hrough and we s"and in awe #e'ore our -rea"or( as re'le%"ed in "he words o' "he
!oe" /erald 9anley Ho!7ins3
The world is %harged wi"h "he grandeur o' /od$
1" will 'la&e ou"( li7e shining 'ro& shoo7 'oil$
Through "his ligh" we %an awa7en "o "he diine na"ure o' li'e and e0!erien%e "he real
#eau"y o' His reela"ion$ There is only one ligh")as a#oe so #elow+and ye" in His
%rea"ion He reeals Hi&sel' in a way "ha" is no" reealed #y His "rans%enden" ligh"( "he
Lu&en >ei$ *ha" is "rue 'or "he -rea"or is also "rue 'or us who are )&ade in His i&age$+
The ligh" "ha" is dis%oered in "he de!"hs o' "he !sy%he( "hrough "he wor7 on "he shadow
and "he inner al%he&i%al o!us( reeals !ar" o' our diine na"ure "ha" is hidden 'ro& a
!urely "rans%enden" %ons%iousness$ *e %o&e "o 7now oursel' and our 5eloed in a new
way$ 8or ea%h o' us "his reela"ion is uniFue$ Par" o' "he wonder o' %rea"ion is how she
o''ers a di''eren" e0!erien%e "o ea%h o' usH een "he sa&e a!!le "as"ed #y "wo !eo!le will
#e a di''eren" e0!erien%e$ Through His ligh" we %an see li'e as i" really is( in "he
uniFueness o' our own e0!erien%e o' i" and no" Bus" "hrough "he eils o' our !roBe%"ions(
and so "as"e "he diine uniFueness o' ea%h &o&en"$ A" "he sa&e "i&e we e0!erien%e "his
uniFueness as !ar" o' a grea"er oneness$ *e see "he "hreads "ha" %onne%" "oge"her all o'
li'eH we see how ea%h !ar" re'le%"s "he whole$
*hoeer %anC" see "he whole in eery !ar" !lays a" #lind &anCs #lu''H
A wise &an "as"es "he Tigris in eery si!$
1n our dee!er 7nowing we unders"and "his dee! %onne%"edness o' all o' li'e$ And ye" "he
-hur%h( "he rise o' *es"ern s%ien%e( and a growing %ul"ure o' &a"erialis& hae
e''e%"iely #anished "he anima mundi 'ro& our %olle%"ie i&agina"ion( un"il( in "he words
o' =ung( )&an hi&sel' has %eased "o #e "he &i%ro%os& and his ani&a is no longer "he
%onsu#s"an"ial scintilla or s!ar7 o' "he Anima Mundi( "he *orld Soul$+
How %an we
redee& "his rela"ionshi!( re%rea"e "his %onne%"ion in our i&agina"ion and inner wor7E
How %an we re"urn our ligh" "o "he *orld SoulE
On%e we &a7e "he si&!le a%7nowledge&en" "ha" we are a !ar" o' "he whole( "hen a
%onne%"ion is &ade #e"ween our ligh" and "he world$ *e &a7e "his %onne%"ion wi"h our
%ons%iousness and wi"h our i&agina"ionH "hen "hrough "his %onne%"ion our ligh" #egins "o
'low$ 1n "his way we #egin "o redee& "he wor7 o' "he whole$ These %onne%"ions %rea"e
!a"hways o' ligh" "ha" 'ind "heir way "hrough "he dar7ness o' "he %olle%"ie !sy%he$ =us" as
in our !ersonal !sy%he( "here are #lo%7s and !la%es o' resis"an%e "o "his 'low o' ligh"H and
"here are also !la%es o' !ower( %rea"ii"y( and une0!e%"ed Fuali"ies$
The *orld Soul is no" a 'i0ed or de'ined su#s"an%e( #u" a liing su#s"an%e &ade ou" o' "he
ho!es( drea&s( and dee!es" i&aginings o' hu&ani"y and o' all %rea"ion$ This is "he ho&e
o' %rea"ionCs %olle%"ie &e&ories and "he &y"hs o' hu&ani"y$ Here are "he ar%he"y!es and
!owers "ha" de'ine our li'e$ Here are hidden !la%es o' &agi%al &eaning( !la%es where
drea&s %an %o&e in"o #eing$ *e hae lied 'or so long in "he s"ar7 #arrenness o' a
ra"ional lands%a!e "ha" we hae 'orgo""en "he !o"en%y "ha" lies #enea"h "he sur'a%e$
8lowing "hrough "he !a"hways %rea"ed #y our %ons%ious %onne%"ion "o "he anima mundi(
our ligh" will 'ind i"s way "o !la%es o' !ower "ha" are wi"hin "he world( !la%es where
dee!er layers o' &eaning are wai"ing "o %o&e alie$
*e !resen"ly see "he &a"erial world as so&e"hing a!ar" 'ro& ourseles( a solid and
enduring o#Be%" wi"hou" li'e or &agi%$ Li7e "he seen"een"h-%en"ury s%ien"is"s who
de%ided ani&als had no 'eelings and "hus %ould #e disse%"ed wi"hou" su''ering( we 'eel
'ree "o in'li%" our will u!on our world( !illaging i" 'or our own gain wi"hou" any "hough"
"o "he su''ering and da&age we are su#Be%"ing i" "o$ -augh" u! in our &a"erialis"i% dries(
we &ay no" re%ogni,e "ha" "his i&age o' "he world is an illusion( an insu#s"an"ial drea&
"ha" %an easily al"er or dissole as new 'or%es %o&e in"o !lay$ As our ligh" &a7es i"s
%onne%"ions wi"hin "he *orld Soul( i" will a%"ia"e so&e o' "hese 'or%es( energies "ha" are
wai"ing "o li#era"e "he world 'ro& "his des"ru%"ie illusion$ *e 7now how "his wor7s in
our own al%he&i%al Bourney( how wha" we 'ind #enea"h "he sur'a%e %hanges our alues in
une0!e%"ed ways( how %onne%"ions are "hen &ade and syn%hroni%i"ies o%%ur "ha" #e'ore
would hae #een un#eliea#le$ As we &a7e "hese %onne%"ions( we will #egin "o see "ha"
"he world and our own seles #o"h are &ore &agi%al "han we 7now$
This wor7 o' %onne%"ing our ligh" "o "he world does no" need "o #e done "hrough a &ass
&oe&en"( or #y &illions o' !eo!le$ 8or %en"uries a 'ew al%he&is"s held "hese se%re"s o'
inner "rans'or&a"ion agains" "he !ower'ul 'or%es o' "he -hur%h and es"a#lish&en"$ The
real wor7 is always done #y a s&all nu&#er o' indiiduals$ *ha" &a""ers is "he leel o'
!ar"i%i!a"ion3 whe"her we dare "o &a7e a real %o&&i"&en" "o "he wor7 o' "he soul$ Inli7e
"he al%he&is"s liing in "heir la#ora"ories( we do no" need "o gie u! our ordinary ou"er
li'eeeryday li'e %an also #e a ne%essary #alan%e and !ro"e%"ion agains" "he s"range
delusions so easily %rea"ed #y "he inner world$ 5u" we do need "o re%ogni,e "ha" "here is a
%er"ain wor7 "ha" needs "o #e done( and "ha" we %an no longer s"and on "he sidelines and
wa"%h our %olle%"ie drea&s s!in ou" o' %on"rol$
Our %ul"ure &ay hae isola"ed us wi"hin our indiidual sel'( se!ara"ed us 'ro& "he &agi%
o' li'e#u" on%e again "his is Bus" a sur'a%e &irage$ *e are all %onne%"ed and !ar" o' "he
liing su#s"an%e o' %rea"ion$ *i"hin eery %ell o' our #eing( eery s!ar7 o' %ons%iousness(
we hae a 7nowing o' oneness$ Our own inner Bourney %anno" #e se!ara"e 'ro& "he
Bourney o' "he whole$ An inner Bourney se!ara"e 'ro& "he whole is no real BourneyH i" is
Bus" ano"her illusion %rea"ed #y an ego "ha" wan"s "o !ro"e%" i"sel'$
The su#s"an%e o' our soul is !ar" o' "he 'a#ri% o' li'e( "he "a!es"ry o' %rea"ion in whi%h are
woen "he uni%orns and &ons"ers o' our drea&s as well as "he s7ys%ra!ers o' our %i"ies$
The inner and ou"er worlds are no" se!ara"edes!i"e all "he e''or"s o' our ra"ional %ul"ure
"o hae us #eliee "hey are$ The re%en" dra&as o' "erroris& hae on%e again #rough"
de&ons in"o our liing roo&s( and we sense "here is nowhere really sa'e 'ro& "hese
shadows$ 5u" we do no" need "o si&!ly #e i%"i&s o' "hese ar%he"y!al nigh"&ares$ 5y
eo7ing "he real &agi% "ha" %o&es 'ro& wi"hin( we %an wor7 "o #alan%e "he ligh" and "he
dar7( and %rea"iely !ar"i%i!a"e in %hanging "he drea&s "ha" de'ine our %olle%"ie li'e$
The ligh" o' "he *orld Soul is wai"ing "o #e used "o %onne%" us wi"h "he inner !owers "ha"
#elong "o &a""er and "o li'e i"sel'$ The real world is an en%han"ed !la%e( 'ull o' &agi%al
!owers wai"ing "o #e used$ And( as "he al%he&is"s unders"ood( "he anima mundi is a
%rea"ie 'or%e3 )i" is "he ar"is"( "he %ra'"s!erson( "he Jinner VisionC whi%h sha!es and
di''eren"ia"es "he !ri&e &a""er( giing i" 'or&$+
The *orld Soul is no" Bus" a !sy%hologi%al or !hiloso!hi%al %on%e!"$ 1" is a liing s!iri"ual
su#s"an%e wi"hin us and around us$ =us" as "he indiidual soul !erades "he whole hu&an
#eingour #ody( "hough"s( and 'eelings"he na"ure o' "he *orld Soul is "ha" i" is !resen"
wi"hin eery"hing$ 1" !erades all o' %rea"ion( and is a uni'ying !rin%i!le wi"hin "he world$
The al%he&is"-!hysi%ian Tho&as 5rowne saw i" as )"he Iniersal S!iri" o' Na"ure( "he
anima mundi or *orld-Soul res!onsi#le 'or all !heno&ena and whi%h #inds all li'e
9arsilio 8i%ino saw "he *orld Soul 'lourishing eerywhere3
The soul is all "hings "oge"her: And sin%e i" is "he %en"er o' all "hings( i" has "he 'or%es o'
all$ Hen%e i" !asses in"o all "hings$ And sin%e i" is "he "rue %onne%"ion o' all "hings( i" goes
"o "he one wi"hou" leaing "he o"hers$ :There'ore i" &ay righ"ly #e %alled "he %en"er o'
na"ure( "he &iddle "er& o' all "hings( "he 'a%e o' all( "he #ond and Bun%"ure o' "he
The soul o' "he world !er&ea"es all o' %rea"ion li7e sal" in wa"er$ The !hysi%al world is
"he denser !lane( and wi"hin i" and sus"aining i" is "he reali"y o' "he soul( whi%h %on"ains
"he Higher 1n"elligen%e "ha" is "he %rea"ie and ordering !rin%i!le o' li'e$
This diine in"elligen%e is in eery"hing$ 1" is "he s!ar7 wi"hin &a""er( "he ligh" wi"hin a
hu&an #eing$ *hen we isola"e oursel' 'ro& our own soul( we deny oursel' %ons%ious
a%%ess "o "his ligh"( "o i"s guidan%e and in"elligen%e$ Then our li'e #e%o&es wi"hou"
&eaning or !ur!ose( )a wal7ing shadow: signi'ying no"hing$+ *i"hou" real !ur!ose( our
li'e is Bus" a !hysi%al e0is"en%e$ *hen we re%onne%" wi"h our soul( "he &agi% and &eaning
o' li'e %o&e alie #o"h wi"hin us and around us$
Our real gi'" "o li'e is an awareness o' i"s !ur!ose$ *hen we are aware o' li'eCs !ur!ose(
"he ligh" o' "he soul shines in our li'e( and i"s se%re" hidden wi"hin "he world %o&es alie$
And "he ligh" "ha" is wi"hin us is wi"hin eery"hingH i" is )a" "he %en"er o' all "hings$+
*hen our ligh" %o&es alie wi"hin us( i" %o&es alie wi"hin all o' %rea"ion$ 1" reeals "o
%rea"ion i"s "rue !ur!ose$ A" "he !resen" "i&e our %olle%"ie %ul"ure sees li'e !ri&arily
'ro& a &a"erial !ers!e%"iewe worshi! "he god o' %onsu&eris&( &a7ing a%Fuisi"ion
our li'eCs goal$ *e are i&!risoned wi"hin &a""er$ *e hae 'orgo""en "he sy&#oli% and
sa%red &eaning o' "he ou"er world$ Aliena"ed 'ro& our soul( we hae aliena"ed %rea"ion
'ro& i"s dee!er &eaning$ And #e%ause we hae denied "he world i"s diini"y( i" is slowly
The real al%he&i%al wor7 is "o li#era"e %rea"ion 'ro& "his i&!rison&en""o awa7en li'e
"o i"s &eaning$ *e hae "o 'ree "he ligh" "ha" is wi"hin us and wi"hin "he world$ A
"rans%enden" i&age o' "he diine will only gie us a%%ess "o a "rans%enden" ligh"$ *e need
"he ligh" hidden in &a""er( "he gold "ha" is wi"hin lead$ *hen "his ligh" %o&es alie wi"hin
li'e( i" %an %hange "he !a""erns o' %rea"ion and %rea"e "he 'or&s o' "he 'u"ure "ha" will
#ring li'e #a%7 in"o har&ony$ 1" %an &ani'es" i"s uni'ying na"ure$
The al%he&is"s unders"ood "he na"ure o' "his ligh"3
1" is "he 'a"her o' eery &ira%ulous wor7 in "he whole world$$$
1"s !ower is !er'e%" i' i" is %oner"ed "o ear"h$
*or7ing wi"hin "he world( "his !ower is "he ligh" and !ower o' "he diine &ade &ani'es"$
The ligh" "ha" is wi"hin our own !sy%he is "he ligh" wi"hin "he anima mundi$ 1n "he de!"h
o' oursel' we dis%oer "his essen"ial oneness$ This is "he sa&e awareness as "he yogiCs
reali,a"ion "ha" oneCs "rue na"ure and un%hanging sel' (atman) is "he Iniersal Sel'
(Atman)$ *ha" is wi"hin us is wi"hin eery"hing$ On%e we unders"and "his "ru"h( we s"e!
ou"side o' "he !ara&e"ers o' our indiidual sel' and %o&e "o reali,e "he !ower "ha" is
wi"hin us$ This shi'" in awareness is a ery si&!le s"e! "ha" has !ro'ound %onseFuen%es$
19A/1N1N/ THE *ORL>
A" "he &o&en"( "he world is aslee!( su''ering "he drea&s o' hu&ani"y( whi%h hae
#e%o&e a nigh"&are o' dese%ra"ion and !ollu"ion$ 1n our hu#ris we hae 'orgo""en "ha" "he
world is &ore "han our %olle%"ie !roBe%"ions( "ha" i" is &ore &ys"erious and s"range "han
our ra"ional &inds would li7e us "o #eliee$ Luan"u& !hysi%s has reealed a 'luid and
un!redi%"a#le world( in whi%h %ons%iousness and &a""er are no" se!ara"ewhe"her a
!ho"on o' ligh" #ehaes as a !ar"i%le or wae de!ends u!on "he %ons%iousness o' "he
o#serer$ 5u" we re&ain wi"hin "he i&ages o' New"onian !hysi%s3 &a""er "ha" is dead(
de'ina#le( and solid( and %ons%iousness "ha" is o#Be%"ie( sa'ely dior%ed 'ro& "he
!hysi%al world$ 9a""er and s!iri" re&ain s!li"( and we %on"inue in "he !a"riar%hal 'an"asy
"ha" we %an hae %on"rol oer our world$
As we hae already seen( "he !hysi%al world was no" always e0!erien%ed as so isola"ed$
9any %ul"ures hae #een &ore %on%erned wi"h "he rela"ionshi! #e"ween "he worlds$ 1n "he
&edieal i&agina"ion "he !hysi%al world was Bus" one !ar" o' "he /rea" -hain o' 5eing$
9edieal %a"hedrals i&aged a sy&#oli% and geo&e"ri% rela"ionshi! #e"ween "he di''eren"
!ar"s( wi"h "he &a,e "ha" sy&#oli,ed our Bourney "hrough "his world( &irroring "he rose
windowCs i&age o' a higher reali"y o' ligh"$ 1n "he Su'is& o' 1#n JAra#A( "he worlds were
seen as %onne%"ed #y "he sy&#oli% world o' "he i&agina"ion( whi%h a%"s as a #ridge or an
)in"er&ediary #e"ween "he world o' 9ys"ery (Jalam al-ghayb) and "he world o' Visi#ili"y
(Jalam al-shahadat)$+
1n "heir re"or"s and %ru%i#les "he al%he&is"s were wor7ing no" Bus" wi"h %he&i%al
su#s"an%es #u" also wi"h "he inner energies o' li'e$ Their sy&#oli% wri"ings des%ri#e #o"h
"he &i0"ure o' "in%"ures and "he &arriage o' "he 7ing and Fueen( "he union o' sun and
&oon$ The al%he&is"s "oo7 "heir wor7 seriously( 7nowing "he real res!onsi#ili"y
They 7new "ha" "hey were wor7ing wi"h a se%re" su#s"an%e in li'e( )&er%ury+
or )Fui%7siler(+ a %a"alys" "ha" %an "rans'or& wha"eer i" "ou%hes$ The way "heir
%he&i%als %hanged and "rans'or&ed i&aged how li'e %an #e %hanged wi"h "he %orre%"
&i0"ure o' ingredien"s$ They 7new "ha" &a""er and s!iri" are no" se!ara"e$ 9odern s%ien%e
is now reealing "he sa&e "hing "o us$ Me" how "he inner and ou"er worlds rela"e( and how
our %ons%iousness a''e%"s "he !hysi%al world( re&ain 'or us s"ill a grea" &ys"ery$
On%e we surrender our sa'e %on%e!" o' a se!ara"e( s"a"i%( and de'ined world( we o!en "o a
&ore dyna&i% reali"y in whi%h li'e is an energy 'ield wi"h whi%h our %ons%iousness and
un%ons%ious in"era%"3 a !ulsa"ing 1ndraCs Ne" #eing %on"inually woen #y "he soul(
"hrough whi%h our %ons%iousness "a7es on 'or&( our drea&s %o&e in"o #eing$
*e need "he &agi%al !owers wi"hin na"ure in order "o heal and "rans'or& our world$ 5u"
awa7ening "hese !owers would &ean "ha" our !a"riar%hal ins"i"u"ions will lose "heir
%on"rol( as on%e again "he &ys"erious inner world will %o&e in"o !lay( releasing 'or%es
on%e unders"ood and used #y "he !ries"ess and sha&an( whose e0is"en%e "he !a"riar%hal
world has 'orgo""en$ The s%ien%e o' "he 'u"ure will wor7 wi"h "hese 'or%es( e0!loring how
"he di''eren" worlds in"errela"e( in%luding how "he energies o' "he inner %an #e used in "he
ou"er$ The sha&an and "he s%ien"is" will wor7 "oge"her( "he wisdo& o' "he !ries"ess and
wisdo& o' "he !hysi%ian renew "heir an%ien" %onne%"ion$
5u" "he 'irs" s"e! is "o awa7en "hese !owers( no" Bus" indiidually #u" 'or "he whole world$
*e are &oing in"o a glo#al era( and any real %hanges need "o #e &ade glo#ally$ 1' we "ry
"o gras! !owers 'or our own indiidual use( we ris7 des%ending in"o #la%7 &agi%( whi%h
is "he use o' inner !owers 'or "he !ur!oses o' "he ego$ Our ne0" s"e! in eolu"ion is "o
reali,e "he !ri&al "ru"h o' oneness and "o reuni"e our indiidual ligh" wi"h "he whole$
The wor7 !ioneered #y =ung has gien us a%%ess "o "he s%ien%e o' al%he&y( reealing "his
hidden !ar" o' our *es"ern eso"eri% "radi"ion$ Psy%hologi%al "e%hniFues hae #een
deelo!ed "o hel! reeal an inner world o' energy( !ower( and %rea"ie !o"en"ial$ *e no
longer need "o s"ay lo%7ed in "he sur'a%e world$ 5u" our "enden%y has #een "o "a7e "his
a%%ess 'or our indiidual seles( our own inner Bourney( and no" reali,e i"s larger
Real al%he&i%al wor7 was always 'or "he sa7e o' "he whole$ 1n our inner Bourney( our own
al%he&i%al !ro%ess( "o wor7 'or "he sa7e o' "he whole &eans "o a%7nowledge "he
di&ension o' "he anima mundi$ The ligh" we dis%oer in our own de!"hs is a s!ar7 o' "he
*orld Soul( and "he world needs "his ligh" in order "o eole$ *hen we &a7e "his
%onne%"ion in our %ons%iousness and our i&agina"ion( we #egin "o %hange "he 'a#ri% o'
li'e$ The al%he&is"s 7new "he !o"en%y o' "his s!ar7( "his !hiloso!hi%al &er%ury$ The sa&e
su#s"an%e "ha" "rans'or&s our indiidual sel' is "he !ri&ordial world-%rea"ing s!iri"( "he
)uniersal and s%in"illa"ing 'ire in "he ligh" o' na"ure( whi%h %arries "he heaenly s!iri"
wi"h i"$+ *hen we li#era"e i" wi"hin ourseles #u" do no" %lai& i" Bus" 'or ourseles( solely
'or our own inner !ro%ess( we %rea"e %er"ain %onne%"ions "hrough whi%h "his energy %an
'low in"o "he %ore o' li'e$ *e !ar"i%i!a"e in "he al%he&i%al wor7 o' li#era"ing "he anima
mundi$ This is "he 'irs" s"e! in "he wor7$
*ha" does i" really &ean( "o li#era"e "he anima mundiE 1n our indiidual al%he&i%al opus
we e0!erien%e "he e''e%"s o' 'reeing "he ligh"( energy( and %rea"ie !o"en"ial "ha" lie wi"hin
us$ *e 7now how "his li#era"ion %an radi%ally %hange our ision and e0!erien%e o' li'e$
*e are "a7en in"o a di''eren" di&ension o' our sel'( and li'e #egins "o &agi%ally o!en
doors "ha" #e'ore were %losed or hidden$ O' %ourse "hese %hanges are no" always wha" we
&ay wan""hey do no" 'ul'ill our sur'a%e desires( #u" "hey hae a dee!er &eaning and
!ur!ose$ So&e"hing wi"hin us awa7ens and "he li'e o' "he s!iri" #egins$ The al%he&is"s
unders"ood "ha" "he indiidual is a &i%ro%os& o' "he whole( and "ha" wha" %an ha!!en "o
ea%h o' us %an ha!!en "o "he world$
*hen "he ligh" o' "he soul re"urns( a grey world o' drudgery #egins "o s!ar7leH "he
&ul"ihued Fuali"ies o' %rea"ion #e%o&e isi#le$ 1ns"ead o' "he endless !ursui" o' !leasure(
li'e #e%7ons us on a sear%h 'or &eaning3 "he %olors o' li'e s!ea7 "o us( "elling us "heir
s"ory( singing "o us "heir song$ The &usi% o' li'e re"urns( a &usi% "ha" is %rea"ion alie$ A
real dialogue #e"ween our inner sel' and our ou"er li'e #egins "o un'old as we dire%"ly
!ar"i%i!a"e in "he hidden &ys"ery o' li'e %o&ing alie3 i" %o&es alie wi"hin oursel' and
wi"hin "he world$ 1n "he ligh" o' "he soul "he #arriers #e"ween inner and ou"er dissole(
and we no longer hae "o dig #enea"h "he sur'a%e 'or so&e se&#lan%e o' !ur!ose "o our
The ligh" o' "he soul re"urning "o "he anima mundi will 'ree us 'ro& "he s"ranglehold o'
&a"erialis&( #e%ause i" will awa7en us "o di''eren" Fuali"ies wi"hin li'e( gie us di''eren"
drea&s "o 'ollow$ 1n "his ligh" we will see li'e di''eren"lyH a di''eren" world will #e%o&e
isi#le$ *hen &a""er is dead and "he soul is aslee!( we are easily sedu%ed #y "he
a""ra%"ions o' &a"erialis&3 we see no"hing else "o 'ul'ill us$ 5u" we 7now in our own
Bourney how we %an suddenly #e awa7ened "o a di''eren" reali"y "ha" was always around
us and ye" hidden 'ro& sigh"( a world "ha" does no" #elong "o #uying and selling #u" "o "he
&ys"ery o' "he soul$ Then a sense o' wonder and awe re"urns$ The sa&e %an ha!!en wi"h
"he world$ *e are longing "o !ar"i%i!a"e in a li'e "ha" is &ul"idi&ensional and 'ull o'
#eau"y ra"her "han Bus" !ursuing our own !leasure$ *ho would no" "urn 'ro& lus" "o loeE
The ligh" o' "he soul is "he s!iri" wi"hin &a""er "ha" &a7es li'e dan%e$ 1" awa7ens us "o "he
si&!le Boy o' wha" is3
i "han7 Mou /od 'or "his &os" a&a,ing
day3'or "he lea!ing greenly s!iri"s o' "rees
and a #lue "rue drea& o' s7yHand 'or eery"hing
whi%h is na"ural whi%h is in'ini"e whi%h is yes
(i who hae died a& alie again "oday(
and "his is "he sunCs #ir"hdayH"his is "he #ir"h
day o' li'e and o' loe and wings3and o' "he gay
grea" ha!!ening illi&i"a#ly ear"h)
This is "he world in"o whi%h we were #orn$ Een our %i"y s"ree"s and sho!!ing &alls are
alie in a way "ha" is !resen"ly eiled$ -rea"ion is s!ar7ling in so &any ways( "hough i"s
s!e%"ru& o' %olors is a" !resen" only !ar"ly isi#le$ *e hae %rea"ed a !rison o'
&a"erialis&( #u" i" is Bus" an illusion$ 1' we le" li'e s!ea7 "o us( i" will show us "he way "o
unlo%7 "his door( !ull down "hese walls( dissole "his nigh"&are$ There are 'or%es wi"hin
li'e &ore !ower'ul "han our %or!ora"ions and !oli"i%ians$ And "hese 'or%es do no" !lay #y
"he rules we hae %rea"ed$ *i"h laugh"er and a glin" o' &is%hie'( "hey %an rearrange our
Our world is !resen"ly aslee!$ 1"s &agi%al !owers are 'or "he &os" !ar" dor&an"( #u" "hey
are !resen"( wai"ing "o #e used "o "rans'or& our world$ *e hae %on'ined &ira%les "o "he
sa'e"y o' s&all een"s( #u" "he whole world is &ira%ulous$ *e &ay "al7 a#ou" "he )&ira%le
o' li'e(+ #u" we !la%e "his &ira%le wi"hin "he sa'e %on"ainer o' wha" we e0!e%" "o ha!!en$
*e do no" dare "o re%ogni,e "ha" a real &ira%le is "he une0!e%"ed( "he diine wa7ing u! in
li'e$ *e &ay "ry "o #lo%7 o'' "his di&ension "ha" is !ure Boy and ligh"( "o re&ain wi"hin
"he %on'ines o' our egos and e0!e%"a"ions$ 5u" "o do "ha" is "o deny "he diini"y o'
%rea"ion( deny "ha" "here is an 1n"elligen%e %on"inually re%rea"ing "he world a%%ording "o
diine !rin%i!les "ha" are #eyond our ra"ional unders"anding$
On our indiidual inner Bourney we #egin "o gli&!se "he wor7ings o' our soul( how i"
hel!s "o %rea"e our ou"er li'e in an o'"en-&ira%ulous way( as well as rearranging our inner
seles$ As we "urn away 'ro& "he ego "owards "he soul( we see &ore o' i"s !ower and
!ur!ose$ 1"s ligh" is "he ordering !rin%i!le in our liesH i" %an %rea"e har&ony ou" o' "he
dis!ara"e as!e%"s o' our !sy%he( #ring "he &andala o' "he Sel' in"o #eing$ Through "he
wor7ings o' "he soul we #egin "o hae an ou"er li'e in #alan%e wi"h our inner sel'$ 1" is no
di''eren" 'or "he world$ The anima mundi is "he ordering and %rea"ie !rin%i!le in
%rea"ion$ *i"hou" her !resen%e we e0!erien%e only "he 'ra%"ious ele&en"s o' our egos( "he
greed( inse%uri"y( and !ower dyna&i%s "ha" are so isi#le in our %on"e&!orary lands%a!e$
*hen her ligh" is awa7ened( "hen she %an #ring "he world in"o har&ony and #alan%e$ This
si&!le and radi%al "ru"h was 7nown "o "he al%he&is"s3 i" is "he ligh" hidden in &a""er "ha"
will redee& "he world$
S"e!han Hoeller( /nosis3 A =ournal o' *es"ern 1nner Tradi"ions (ol$ ?( Su&&er 1D??)$
Ti&aeus 2G>2-21A1( &lato's Timaeus( "rans$ 8$9$ -orn'ield$ 1ndiana!olis3 5o##s-
9erill( 1D6D$
There is a "radi"ion "ha" &edieal s"ained-glass &a7ers were "augh" #y al%he&is"s how
"o use glass "o "rans'or& ligh"$
>aid 8ideler( The %oul of the (osmos !$12?$ Ri%hard Tarnas( The &assion of the
)estern Mind( !$ .12$ New Mor73 Har&ony 5oo7s( 1DD1$
/iordano 5runo( (ause, &rinciple, and nity( "rans$ =a%7 Lindsay( !$ ?1$ (Transla"ed #y
=a%7 Lindsay$ New Mor73 1n"erna"ional Pu#lishers( 1D;4$
Al%he&i%al "e0" Fuo"ed #y -$ /$ =ung( (ollected )or*s( ol$ ?( !ara$ 2??$
-$ /$ =ung( (ollected )or*s( ol$ 14( !ara$ 2<.$
See =ohn E#erly( Al-+ima, The Mystical Islamic $ssence of the %acred Art of Alchemy$
Hillsdale NM3 So!hia Perennis$ .GG4$
The Hermetic Museum( 1312( Fuo"ed #y Edward Edinger in The Anatomy of the &syche(
!$ 11$ See also Vaughan-Lee( (atching the Thread( !$ ;; ''$
Luo"ed #y Edinger( Anatomy of the &syche( !$ .21$ Her&es Tris&egis"os is "he
)!a"ron+ o' "he al%he&i%al ar"$ A%%ording "o legend( "he original E&erald Ta#le" was
'ound in "he "o&# o' Her&es Tris&egis"os #y Ale0ander "he /rea"$ )1" is "he %ry!"i%
e!i"o&e o' "he al%he&i%al opus( a re%i!e 'or "he se%ond %rea"ion o' "he world( "he unus
&oems and &rose of Gerald Manley Hop*ins( )/odCs /randeur$+
/hali#( "rans$ =ane Hirsh'ield( The $nlightened Heart( ed$ S"e!hen 9i"%hell( !$ 1G6$
(ollected )or*s( ol$ 11( N <6D$
>aid 8ideler( The %oul of the (osmos, !$ 1GG$
Paul Os7ar Kris"eller( The &hilosophy of Marsilio "icino( !$ 1.G$ (New Mor73
-olu&#ia Iniersi"y Press( 1D42)$
Her&es Tris&egis"os( The $merald Tablet( 4 Q 6$
)There'ore you should %are'ully "es" and e0a&ine "he li'e( %hara%"er( and &en"al
a!"i"ude o' any !erson who would #e ini"ia"ed in "his Ar"$+ The Hermetic Museum( .31.$
Luo"ed #y Edward Edinger( Anatomy of the &syche( !$ <$
E$E -u&&ings( %elected &oems -./0--.12( )i "han7 Mou /od 'or &os" "his a&a,ing$+

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