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Vice. Admiral John M.

(Note: Direct correspondence from Admiral McConnell to
Ron Garneq Producer- Stargate Productions, September, 200-5)
l'lere is the full text of the message I.received from Jl -'l think the time has come
lo share it rvith yor.r. It rvas alio a revelalion to Dan according to him-
As received via teler 02MAY040630U- aullrorized directly from the rvorking I2
IV{AY 2004
It has been delennined that an ans\.\rer to your genuine human question about
Danny should be provided- Danny has been the unrvitting star in the release of
r,ras delermined important lon-e before lte *,as born- In 1958- as
of an infonnation exchange progran established four years prior. the jrod
rvas later to rneet u'itlr Dann-v informed the United Stales goyernment of a need to
establish regular treaties leading up lo a culminalion of a human time loop
paradox- 54.v-ears later. in 2012.I'he tinring of his information r.vgs ddvsn Sy
numerology. Once infornred. representatives of the rvorking group established by
Presiderrt Truman confirmed it by the
jrod's governme,tt's The
beings fronr Orion confirmed the infonnation in 1967 and an imrnediate meeting
r.v-as held at White Sands beirveen all three groups. Unknorvn to us at that time-
tlre-"- had established a base sonre l5 light
a!\.aJi, in our 1958.
In i97i. in the last y'ear of a l5 y'ear sampline agreenrent. grandfatlrered by 9
of abduction-s that had already taken place. Danny'u'as taken by Crain
fanrily agreement to help presen'e the future" rvhile plaf ing as a child in a
California park. Many other children \\jere taken as u'ell. He has believed, to this
time, fhat he u,as taken as a random sample and is onlv being told of the truth
[oda1'. rvith this lette-
During the 1976 treat), conference it rvas deterrnined tlrat Damy may be placed in
a position for later disclosure of sensitive information regarding the paradox.
depending on lris Iife direction- During that sanre year
was introduced to
the Los Angeles Microscopical Society. via a ph.v*sician'rvith close 1ies, and so
rvas brought into-the external sphere of our influences. Those influences branched
out during his tenure in England and we rvatched as he came to a.decision on rvhat
side he l\,as on. He chose the fulaji's direction and not that of the llluminati.

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