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What do I have to know

before buying and owning

a solar photo-voltaic (pv) system
This is a free chapter from the solar energy book:
How to choose the best
solar system and financing offer
for you
- part -
general information and residential solar
Available now on Amazon: http:!!www"ama#on"com!dp!$%%H&'(')*
This is THE solar energy book for anyone who uses electricity. It explains solar from the
perspective of an everyay user. It is a step by step guie showing people how solar is beneficial for
!eviews from Amazon:
" Easy to unerstan an in etails with purpose. #
" This book contains exactly what I always wante to know about solar% how I can benefit from the
iea an it actually mae me feel smart because I finally &ET IT' #
" I feel better e)uippe to make an eucate ecision about my energy nees in the future. #
(opyright an Traemarks
This publication is (opyright ,+*- by $ichael .acia% Hi Energy /eople.
All rights reserve. 0o part of this book may be reprouce or transferre in any form without the
written permission of the author.
1isclaimer an 2egal 0otice
This book is for eucational an informational purposes only. It is not an offer or recommenation
of any kin. This book is not legal or accounting avice an shoul not be interprete in that
manner. The accuracy an completeness of information provie herein an opinions state herein
are not guarantee or warrante to prouce any particular results. The avice an strategies may not
be suitable for every iniviual an every location. The author shall not be liable for any loss
incurre as a conse)uence of the use an application% irectly or inirectly% of any information
presente in this work.
3or recommenations an avice on energy systems an financing please contact Hi Energy /eople
or the author.
Table of +ontent
,bout the author
What do I have to know before buying and owning a pv system
.inancing / 0 aspects of financing to focus on:
Installation and commissioning
The -ntire 2olar -nergy $ook
,bout the author 3ichael $acia
$ichael is the founer of Hi Energy /eople% an energy pro4ect management an pro4ect finance
consultancy with extensive experience in istribute generation solar energy an big inustrial%
utility scale pro4ects. $ore information: http:!!www"hienergypeople"com!
$ichael can be contacte via email: michael4hienergypeople"com
What do I have to know before buying and owning a pv system
Installing a solar pv system is a multistage process that involves a number of intertwine activities.
The system you install has to be properly engineere% gri connecte 5if it6s an on7gri system8% an
installe in a way that guarantees its performance for the longest perio of time possible.
The activities involve can be groupe into the following stages: permitting9licensing% engineering%
financing% procurement% installation9commissioning an finally% operating. :ou on6t have to eal
with all of the aspects of the pro4ect evelopment by yourself. There are solar companies that offer
turn7key services an are willing to help you through any an all stages of the process. Here are the
key issues to focus:
1epening on local regulations% the re)uire permits may inclue: builing permits% gri connection
permits% a gri connection agreement% a //A with the utility company to eliver excess solar energy
to the gri% an a license for energy generation. It is important to know who is responsible for
getting the permits an licenses ; you or the solar company you hire< :ou shoul also be aware of
any formalities that nee to be fulfille an any time frames for those activities.
At the en of the ay% what ultimately matters to you is how much energy the system will generate.
This shoul be etermine uring the engineering phase an then verifie. The amount of energy
generate by each system is ifferent. 3or example% the tilt of the panels affects whether more or
less energy is generate an how much space is neee for the installation. The system can be
optimize to generate more energy in total% throughout the year or to prouce more in the summer
or in the winter. It can be optimize to generate more uring the morning or the evening% an if
re)uire% a specific power consumption re)uirement.
The more efficient the panels% the more they allow for generation of energy within the same surface.
There are ,++=p panels an >,?= panels available on the market. The same space can yiel @+AB
more energy then. $ore efficient panels are usually more expensive% so this trae7off between
energy prouction an installation costs has to be taken into account.
$ake sure the engineering ocuments you receive are stampe by appropriate% )ualifie people%
such as professional engineer% an can be inclue into the permit application. /lease remember the
same thing with electric installation. $ake sure the esign meets all stanars re)uire by the
energy company an the relevant builing coe.
.inancing / 0 aspects of financing to focus on:
5*8 =hat is the payment scheule you have with the solar company that engineers an installs your
system< In general% payments shoul reflect the progress mae with the pro4ect. /ayments shoul be
mae upon completion of clearly efine results% milestones% such as the completion of engineering%
obtaining all necessary permits% elivery of e)uipment to site% installation% commissioning% etc.
/aperwork is very important. =ithout the right ocument% no one will pay you for the energy. $ake
sure final payment is irectly relate with commissioning an with the utility company% or other
relevant authority% accepting the installation an written confirmation that it will pay you money for
the energy generate.
5,8 If you are financing your system with a loan check% what re)uirements that have to be fulfille
in orer for the bank to release the milestone payments< $ake sure the solar company you work
with knows these conitions an accepts them. Also% check for your payment start ate an
payment scheule. (heck to see if payments will be covere by savings you make on your energy
bill. 3inally% what are the options an costs of early payoff of your loan% or if you sell the property.
5>8 $ake sure you know about any an all solar incentives available to you. Ask your local solar
companiesC They will know which programs are currently available. $ake sure you unerstan an
know how to provie all re)uire paperwork to be eligible for grants% tax creits% an 3IT or a net7
metering scheme.
Dometimes% when there is a public support program for solar systems% there is a list of e)uipment
that is eligible. 0ot all systems can receive it. This recently happene in $alta. In orer to receive a
grant for solar installation% the system ha to be installe by an authorize company 5a government
agency8 an only authorize e)uipment coul be use.
Dourcing the right e)uipment is crucial for a system6s efficiency an reliability. How can you tell
the ifference between goo or ba pv system components< They might look the same% but it6s all in
the ata sheet' Here is list of things you shoul check 7 within the ata sheets of specific pieces of
e)uipment 7 before buying a solar pv system:
5*8 /anels
=hat is the panel6s efficiency< =hat is the peak capacity of the panel% meaning% what is the
maximum power the panel can generate% in watts E=F< The higher the peak capacity% the
higher the )uality.
=hat is the performance guarantee of the panel< In a performance guarantee% the
manufacturer states how many years a panel will efficiently generate energy. It also states
what the performance of a panel will be as a percentage of initial output. 3or example% the
performance guarantee might be ,? years at G+A. That means a ,-+= panel will still
generate *H,= after ,? years.
=hat is the prouct warranty 5against workmanship an material efects8<
Is there an insurance policy for the prouct performance an warranty< The insurance policy
shoul cover the entire perio of the warranty an performance guarantee. It is extra security
for you because you are then covere even if the manufacturer is no longer able to fulfill its
Are the panels teste against weather conitions< The ata sheet shoul inclue information
regaring the profile of the panel 7 anoize aluminum for example% makes panels resistant
to salty mist. It will also contain information regaring whether it was teste against hail an
if it has passe a mechanical loa test.
Are all moules iniviually teste for actual efficiency an energy generation<
1o panels meet the re)uirements as state in the E0 IE( stanars for solar panels an
safety stanars<
Are the panels esign to eal with partial shaowing<
=hat is the current conition an experience of the manufacturing company<
5,8 Inverter
=hat is the conversion efficiency of an inverter< Higher efficiency means more electricity
can be effectively utilize. High )uality inverters have efficiency of HGA.
=hat is the warranty< Is there a warranty extension option<
Is there a single inverter for a number of panels or a number of micro7inverters for each
pane< $icro inverters are% in general% consiere a better option for small size installations
such as houses.
5>8 $ounting system
=hat is the mounting structure mae of 5preferably aluminum8<
=hat is the weight of the structure 5this may be very important% as with steel roof eck8<
1oes the mounting structure re)uire roof perforation<
5-8 $onitoring system
Is monitoring offere with a system<
Is it on7line<
1oes it provie remote 5internet8 access<
(an it provie automate notification of events<
5?8 1( cabling
Is the cable eicate to solar systems<
Is it esigne for outoor use< How many years<
=hat is the breakown voltage<
=hat are the energy losses of the cable<
Installation and commissioning
Installation of a well prepare solar pro4ect shoul be fast an easy. Dtill% pay attention to who has
responsibility for the installation site an the ownership transfer. 3or example% who takes
responsibility for the pro4ect uring the installation< =ho is responsible for the materials an
e)uipment when they are on site but not yet installe< =hen are ownership an any relate risks of
the system transferre to you< .efore or after commissioning< 1oes the installation company have
a construction risk insurance policy<
After successful commissioning% there are still several thing that re)uire your interaction with your
chosen solar company relate to operating your new system. Iey aspects inclue: warranty 7 what
oes the warranty cover% for how long< =hat is the warranty for the electric works% cabling< =hat
is the guarantee reaction time for your warranty claim< Is there a local warehouse with
replacement e)uipment available<
1oes the company offer monitoring an maintenance services< Are those obligatory in orer to
keep the warranty<
The -ntire 2olar -nergy $ook
If you are still reaing% you might like the full version of this book. It covers the entire process of
going solar% step by step. It explains why solar is goo for your money% what size system you nee%
how to finance it% what is k=p% //A an crow7funing.
The book is available now on Amazon: http:!!www"ama#on"com!dp!$%%H&'(')* at the price
e)uivalent of only two or three large cappuccinos from the famous coffee company with the green
Here is the Table of (ontents from the full book:
3orewor by the author $ichael .acia
=hat kin of solar are we talking about<
=here can this book can be use<
=ho can benefit<
=hat you shoul know to go solar
The green revolution
=hy is everyboy so excite about solar<
The revolution is here
1istribute &eneration B Dolar J &A$E (HA0&E!
How will the future of energy look<
KI% everyone will have solar. Do what<
Douns very nice an kina Dtar Trek but it6s too expensive... isn6t it<
Are there any isavantages of solar<
=hat about ownsies<
Afforable vs. (heap
Assets vs. 2iabilities
Are there better technologies than solar<
How solar can work in the real wor
Energy is crucial
A case stuy
(urrent energy situation
Dolar resources
0ew pv systems
3inancing $alta
How solar can work for you
How much o you really spen on energy<
(onverting liabilities into assets
=hat is the best time to go solar< Dhoul I wait for the solar prices to go own<
KI% :ou convince me. .ut what are my financing options<
Traitional financing
/ro4ect finance
!enting out your rooftop or lan
(row7funing an peer7to7peer financing
How can you tell if solar makes sense for you<
Dolar incentives
Dolar grants
&eneration support
How much solar o you nee<
Annual energy prouction
How much space o you nee< .
How much your space is worth<
=hich financing offer is best for you<
How to calculate a rate of return on a solar system with a //A<
How to calculate the the rate of return for a solar system bought with cash<
How to calculate a rate of return on a solar system finance with loan<
(omparing the financing options
=hat o I have to know before entering into a //A
=hat o I have to know before buying an owning a pv system
3inancing ; > aspects of financing to focus on:
Installation an commissioning
How to pick a company to work with
&oing solar step by step

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