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Chapter 2

Problem Solutions

Decimal Binary Ternary Octal Hexadecimal
32 100000 1012 40 20
33 100001 1020 41 21
34 100010 1021 42 22
35 100011 1022 43 23
36 100100 1100 44 24
37 100101 1101 45 25
38 100110 1102 46 26
39 100111 1110 47 27
40 101000 1111 50 28
41 101001 1112 51 29
42 101010 1120 52 2A
43 101011 1121 53 2B
44 101100 1122 54 2C
45 101101 1200 55 2D
46 101110 1201 56 2E
47 101111 1202 57 2F
48 110000 1210 60 30
49 110001 1211 61 31
50 110010 1212 62 32

- 2.1 -
Decimal Quaternary Quinary Duodecimal
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 10 4 4
5 11 10 5
6 12 11 6
7 13 12 7
8 20 13 8
9 21 14 9
10 22 20 A
11 23 21 B
12 30 22 10
13 31 23 11
14 32 24 12
15 33 30 13
16 100 31 14
17 101 32 15
18 102 33 16
19 103 34 17
20 110 40 18
21 111 41 19
22 112 42 1A
23 113 43 1B
24 120 44 20
25 121 100 21
26 122 101 22
27 123 102 23
28 130 103 24
29 131 104 25
30 132 110 26
31 133 111 27

- 2.2 -
2.3. (a) 1 1 (b) 1111 (c) 11 11 1
1101 1001 1100.01
1001 +_____
111 +________
10110 10000 10010.00

(d) 111 11 (e) 111 (f) 1 11

11.011 111.01 0.1110
10.111 +_______
11.10 +0.1011
110.010 1010.11 1.1001

2.4. (a) 00 (b) 001 (c) 0110 1

/1/01 /1
1 /0
/01.1 1
110 -_______
1011.0 -_______
111 1110.1 101.11

(d) 0 0 (e) 01 0 (f) 0 1

1 /.01 1
/01 1011
10.10 -________
11.1010 -_______
10.11 1.0011 1000.01

2.5. (a) 10111 (b) 11011

110 ×_____
00000 11011
10111 11011
10111 00000
10001010 _________

(c) 1010 (d) 101.1

____ ×11.01
10 10 1 011
000 0 00 00
1010 101 1
1100.10 _________

2.6. (a) ________

10.1 (b) ____________
1010)11001.0 10101)10000101111
____ -______
101 0 11000
0 -10101
0 11111

- 2.3 -
2.6. (continued)
(c) ___________
110.101 (d) ____________
101 1.01
110)100111.110 101.1 )111101.1 11
110 -1011
111 10001
___ -_____
11 1 110 1
0 -101
110 1 0 11
___ -1
0 11
0 0

2.7. (a) 1 1 (b) 11 1 (c) 120

2012.0 220.12 2
1102.1 +_______
121.20 -12121
10121.1 1112.02 211

(d) 012 1 (e) 120.21 (f) 12202

1 20
/.12 ×______
122 ×_____
2121.20 1011 12 10211 1
2110.22 10111 2 12202
12021 102111
100221.02 1122000.1

(g) _________
210.2 (h) ___________
1 2.02
1012)221200.1 212.1 )11111.2 12
____ -_____
1110 1220 2
____ -1201
210 1 12 0 12
1 -12
0 12
0 0

2.8. (a) Quaternary

a+b b
0 1 2 3
0 0 1 2 3
1 1 2 3 1:0
2 2 3 1:0 1:1
3 3 1:0 1:1 1:2
Notation: x:y denotes carry digit x and sum digit y.

- 2.4 -
2.8. (continued)

a-b b
0 1 2 3
0 0 1:3 1:2 1:1
1 1 0 1:3 1:2
2 2 1 0 1:3
3 3 2 1 0
Notation: x:y denotes borrow digit x and difference digit y.

a×b b
0 1 2 3
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 3
2 0 2 1:0 1:2
3 0 3 1:2 2:1
Notation: x:y denotes carry digit x and product digit y.

(b) Octal

a+b b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1:0
2 2 3 4 5 6 7 1:0 1:1
3 3 4 5 6 7 1:0 1:1 1:2
4 4 5 6 7 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3
5 5 6 7 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4
6 6 7 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5
7 7 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6
Notation: x:y denotes carry digit x and sum digit y.

- 2.5 -
2.8. (continued)

a-b b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 1:7 1:6 1:5 1:4 1:3 1:2 1:1
1 1 0 1:7 1:6 1:5 1:4 1:3 1:2
2 2 1 0 1:7 1:6 1:5 1:4 1:3
3 3 2 1 0 1:7 1:6 1:5 1:4
4 4 3 2 1 0 1:7 1:6 1:5
5 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:7 1:6
6 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:7
7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Notation: x:y denotes borrow digit x and difference digit y.

a×b b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 0 2 4 6 1:0 1:2 1:4 1:6
3 0 3 6 1:1 1:4 1:7 2:2 2:5
4 0 4 1:0 1:4 2:0 2:4 3:0 3:4
5 0 5 1:2 1:7 2:4 3:1 3:6 4:3
6 0 6 1:4 2:2 3:0 3:6 4:4 5:2
7 0 7 1:6 2:5 3:4 4:3 5:2 6:1
Notation: x:y denotes carry digit x and product digit y.

- 2.6 -
2.8. (continued)
(c) Hexadecimal
a+b b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 1:0
2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 1:0 1:1
3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2
4 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3
5 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4
6 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5
7 7 8 9 A B C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6
8 8 9 A B C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7
9 9 A B C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8
A A B C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9
B B C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9 1:A
C C D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9 1:A 1:B
D D E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9 1:A 1:B 1:C
E E F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9 1:A 1:B 1:C 1:D
F F 1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9 1:A 1:B 1:C 1:D 1:E

Notation: x:y denotes carry digit x and sum digit y.

- 2.7 -
2.8. (continued)
a-b b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A 1:9 1:8 1:7 1:6 1:5 1:4 1:3 1:2 1:1
1 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A 1:9 1:8 1:7 1:6 1:5 1:4 1:3 1:2
2 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A 1:9 1:8 1:7 1:6 1:5 1:4 1:3
3 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A 1:9 1:8 1:7 1:6 1:5 1:4
4 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A 1:9 1:8 1:7 1:6 1:5
5 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A 1:9 1:8 1:7 1:6
6 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A 1:9 1:8 1:7
7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A 1:9 1:8
8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A 1:9
9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B 1:A
A A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C 1:B
B B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D 1:C
C C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E 1:D
D D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F 1:E
E E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1:F
F F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Notation: x:y denotes borrow digit x and difference digit y.

- 2.8 -
2.8. (continued)

a×b b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
2 0 2 4 6 8 A C E 1:0 1:2 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:A 1:C 1:E
3 0 3 6 9 C F 1:2 1:5 1:8 1:B 1:E 2:1 2:4 2:7 2:A 2:D
4 0 4 8 C 1:0 1:4 1:8 1:C 2:0 2:4 2:8 2:C 3:0 3:4 3:8 3:C
5 0 5 A F 1:4 1:9 1:E 2:3 2:8 2:D 3:2 3:7 3:C 4:1 4:6 4:B
6 0 6 C 1:2 1:8 1:E 2:4 2:A 3:0 3:6 3:C 4:2 4:8 4:E 5:4 5:A
7 0 7 E 1:5 1:C 2:3 2:A 3:1 3:8 3:F 4:6 4:D 5:4 5:B 6:2 6:9
8 0 8 1:0 1:8 2:0 2:8 3:0 3:8 4:0 4:8 5:0 5:8 6:0 6:8 7:0 7:8
9 0 9 1:2 1:B 2:4 2:D 3:6 3:F 4:8 5:1 5:A 6:3 6:C 7:5 7:E 8:7
A 0 A 1:4 1:E 2:8 3:2 3:C 4:6 5:0 5:A 6:4 6:E 7:8 8:2 8:C 9:6
B 0 B 1:6 2:1 2:C 3:7 4:2 4:D 5:8 6:3 6:E 7:9 8:4 8:F 9:A A:5
C 0 C 1:8 2:4 3:0 3:C 4:8 5:4 6:0 6:C 7:8 8:4 9:0 9:C A:8 B:4
D 0 D 1:A 2:7 3:4 4:1 4:E 5:B 6:8 7:5 8:2 8:F 9:C A:9 B:6 C:3
E 0 E 1:C 2:A 3:8 4:6 5:4 6:2 7:0 7:E 8:C 9:A A:8 B:6 C:4 D:2
F 0 F 1:E 2:D 3:C 4:B 5:A 6:9 7:8 8:7 9:6 A:5 B:4 C:3 D:2 E:1

Notation: x:y denotes carry digit x and product digit y.

2.9. (a) 11 1 (b) 0233 (c) 1111 1

31213(4) /3
1 //
00/12(4) 466735(8)
23102(4) -_________
33321(4) +__________
120321(4) 30031(4) 1064564(8)

(d) 6775 (e) 1 1 (f) C5 AF4

//605(8) 8C9F65(16) /
(8) +374B27
(16) -47E3C89
321643(8) C3EA8C(16) 8E473CA(16)

- 2.9 -
2.10. (a) 101101.1(2) = 1×105 + 0×104 + 1×103 + 1×102 + 0×101
+ 1×100 + 1×10-1
5 4 3 2
/ 1×2 + 0×2 + 1×2 + 1×2 + 0×2

+ 1×20 + 1×2-1
= 32 + 0 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 + 0.5
= 45.5(10)

(b) 110111.101(2) = 1×105 + 1×104 + 0×103 + 1×102 + 1×101

+ 1×100 + 1×10-1 + 0×10-2 + 1×10-3
5 4 3 2
/ 1×2 + 1×2 + 0×2 + 1×2 + 1×2

+ 1×20 + 1×2-1 + 0×2-2 + 1×2-3

= 32 + 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 0.5 + 0
+ 0.125
= 55.625(10)

(c) 2110(3) = 2×103 + 1×102 + 1×101 + 0×100

3 2 1
/ 2×3 + 1×3 + 1×3 +1×3

= 54 + 9 + 3 + 0
= 66(10)

(d) 12021.1(3) = 1×104 + 2×103 + 0×102 + 2×101 + 1×100

+ 1×10-1
4 3 2 1 0
/ 1×3 + 2×3 + 0×3 + 2×3 + 1×3 + 1×3

= 81 + 54 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 0.333...
= 142.333...(10)

(e) 362(8) = 3×102 + 6×101 + 2×100

2 1
/ 3×8 + 6×8 + 2×8

= 192 + 48 + 2
= 242(10)

(f) 1475.2(8) = 1×103 + 4×102 + 7×101 + 5×100 + 2×10-1

3 2 1 0
/ 1×8 + 4×8 + 7×8 + 5×8 + 2×8

= 512 + 256 + 56 + 5 + 0.25

= 829.25(10)

- 2.10 -
2.10. (continued)
(g) 2C3(16) = 2×102 + C×101 + 3×100
2 1
/ 2×16 + 12×16 + 3×16

= 512 + 192 + 3
= 707(10)

(h) AD.E(16) = A×101 + D×100 + E×10-1

1 0
/ 10×16 + 13×16 + 14×16

= 160 + 13 + 0.875
= 173.875(10)

2.11. (a) 42(10) = 4×101 + 2×100

/ 100×1010 + 10×1010

= 101000 + 10
= 101010(2)

(b) 78.5(10) = 7×101 + 8×100 + 5×10-1

1 0
/ 111×1010 + 1000×1010 + 101×1010

= 1000110 + 1000 + 0.1

= 1001110.1
(c) 201(3) = 2×102 + 0×101 + 1×100
2 1
/ 10×11 + 0×11 + 1×11

= 10010 + 0 + 1
= 10011(2)

(d) 21.2(3) = 2×101 + 1×100 + 2×10-1

1 0
/ 10×11 + 1×11 + 10×11

= 110 + 1 + 0.101010...
= 111.101010...(2)

(e) 204(8) = 2×102 + 0×101 + 4×100

/ 10×1000
2 + 0×10001 + 100×10000

= 10000000 + 0 + 100
= 10000100(2)

- 2.11 -
2.11. (continued)
(f) 56.3(8) = 5×101 + 6×100 + 3×10-1
1 0
/ 101×1000 + 110×1000 + 11×1000

= 101000 + 110 + 0.011

= 101110.011(2)

2.12. (a) 11010(2) = 1×104 + 1×103 + 0×102 + 1×101 + 0×100

4 3 2 1
/ 1×2 + 1×2 + 0×2 + 1×2 + 0×2

= 1×121 + 1×22 + 0×11 + 1×2 + 0×1

= 121 + 22 + 0 + 2 + 0
= 222(3)

(b) 73.2(8) = 7×101 + 3×100 + 2×10-1

1 0
/ 21×22 + 10×22 + 2×22

= 2002 + 10 + 0.020202...
= 2012.020202...(3)

(c) 75(10) = 7×101 + 5×100

/ 21×101 + 12×101

= 2121 + 12
= 2210(3)

(d) 3D(16) = 3×101 + D×100

/ 10×121 + 111×121

= 1210 + 111
= 2021(3)

- 2.12 -
2.13. Using the polynomial method of converting 225(b) to
225(b) = 2×102 + 2×101 + 5×100
2 1
/ (2×b + 2×b + 5×b )
= 89(10)

Solving the quadradic 2b2+2b-84=0 for b:

b = +6 or -7
Since the base of a number system is defined as the number
of symbols in the system, the base must be positive.
ˆ b = 6

2.14. (a) Remainders Integers

163÷2=81 1(10)/1(2) 0.75×2=1.50 1(10)/1(2)
81÷2=40 1(10)/1(2) 0.50×2=1.00 1(10)/1(2)
40÷2=20 0(10)/0(2)
20÷2=10 0(10)/0(2)
10÷2= 5 0(10)/0(2)
5÷2= 2 1(10)/1(2)
2÷2= 1 0(10)/0(2)
1÷2= 0 1(10)/1(2)
ˆ 163.75
(10) / 10100011.11(2)
Remainders Integers
202÷2=101 0(10)/0(2) 0.9×2=1.8 1(10)/1(2)
101÷2= 50 1(10)/1(2) 0.8×2=1.6 1(10)/1(2)
50÷2= 25 0(10)/0(2) 0.6×2=1.2 1(10)/1(2)
25÷2= 12 1(10)/1(2) 0.2×2=0.4 0(10)/0(2)
12÷2= 6 0(10)/0(2) 0.4×2=0.8 0(10)/0(2)
6÷2= 3 0(10)/0(2)
3÷2= 1 1(10)/1(2)
1÷2= 0 1(10)/1(2)
ˆ 202.9
(10) / 11001010.111001100

- 2.13 -
2.14. (continued)
(b) Remainders Integers
163÷3=54 1(10)/1(3) 0.75×3=2.25 2(10)/2(3)
54÷3=18 0(10)/0(3) 0.25×3=0.75 0(10)/0(3)
18÷3= 6 0(10)/0(3)
6÷3= 2 0(10)/0(3)
2÷3= 0 2(10)/2(3)
ˆ 163.75
(10) / 20001.2020
Remainders Integers
202÷3=67 1(10)/1(3) 0.9×3=2.7 2(10)/2(3)
67÷3=22 1(10)/1(3) 0.7×3=2.1 2(10)/2(3)
22÷3= 7 1(10)/1(3) 0.1×3=0.3 0(10)/0(3)
7÷3= 2 1(10)/1(3) 0.3×3=0.9 0(10)/0(3)
2÷3= 0 2(10)/2(3)

ˆ 202.9
(10) / 21111.22002200
(c) Remainders Integers
163÷8=20 3(10)/3(8) 0.75×8=6.00 6(10)/6(8)
20÷8= 2 4(10)/4(8)
2÷8= 0 2(10)/2(8)
ˆ 163.75
(10) / 243.6(8)
Remainders Integers
202÷8=25 2(10)/2(8) 0.9×8=7.2 7(10)/7(8)
25÷8= 3 1(10)/1(8) 0.2×8=1.6 1(10)/1(8)
3÷8= 0 3(10)/3(8) 0.6×8=4.8 4(10)/4(8)
0.8×8=6.4 6(10)/6(8)
0.4×8=3.2 3(10)/3(8)
ˆ 202.9
(10) / 312.714631463
(d) Remainders Integers
163÷16=10 3(10)/3(16) 0.75×16=12.00 12(10)/C(16)
10÷16= 0 10(10)/A(16)
ˆ 163.75
(10) / A3.C(16)

- 2.14 -
2.14. (continued)
Remainders Integers
202÷16=12 10(10)/A(16) 0.9×16=14.4 14(10)/E(16)
12÷16= 0 12(10)/C(16) 0.4×16= 6.4 6(10)/6(16)
ˆ 202.9
(10) / CA.E66

2.15. (a) Remainders

11100010÷11=1001011 1(2)/1(3)
1001011÷11= 11001 0(2)/0(3)
11001÷11= 1000 1(2)/1(3)
1000÷11= 10 10(2)/2(3)
10÷11= 0 10(2)/2(3)

0.1101×11=10.0111 10(2)/2(3)
0.0111×11= 1.0101 1(2)/1(3)
0.0101×11= 0.1111 0(2)/0(3)
0.1111×11=10.1101 10(2)/2(3)
ˆ 11100010.1101
(2) / 22101.21022102
(b) Remainders
11100010÷1000=11100 10(2)/2(8)
11100÷1000= 11 100(2)/4(8)
11÷1000= 0 11(2)/3(8)

0.1101×1000=110.1000 110(2)/6(8)
0.1000×1000=100.0000 100(2)/4(8)
ˆ 11100010.1101
(2) / 342.64(8)
(c) Remainders
11100010÷1010=10110 110(2)/6(10)
10110÷1010= 10 10(2)/2(10)
10÷1010= 0 10(2)/2(10)

- 2.15 -
2.15. (continued)
0.1101×1010=1000.0010 1000(2)/8(10)
0.0010×1010= 1.0100 1(2)/1(10)
0.0100×1010= 10.1000 10(2)/2(10)
0.1000×1010= 101.0000 101(2)/5(10)
ˆ 11100010.1101
(2) / 226.8125(10)
(d) Remainders
11100010÷10000=1110 10(2)/2(16)
1110÷10000= 0 1110(2)/E(16)

0.1101×10000=1101.0000 1101(2)/D(16)
ˆ 11100010.1101
(2) / E2.D(16)

2.16. (a) Remainders Integers

10112÷2=1202 1(3)/1(2) 0.1×2=0.2 0(3)/0(2)
1202÷2= 212 1(3)/1(2) 0.2×2=1.1 1(3)/1(2)
212÷2= 102 1(3)/1(2)
102÷2= 12 1(3)/1(2)
12÷2= 2 1(3)/1(2)
2÷2= 1 0(3)/0(2)
1÷2= 0 1(3)/1(2)
ˆ 10112.1
(3) / 1011111.0101
(b) Remainders Integers
10112÷22=102 21(3)/7(8) 0.1×22= 2.2 2(3)/2(8)
102÷22= 1 10(3)/3(8) 0.2×22=12.1 12(3)/5(8)
1÷22= 0 1(3)/1(8)
ˆ 10112.1
(3) / 137.2525
(c) Remainders Integers
10112÷101=100 12(3)/5(10) 0.1×101=10.1 10(3)/3(10)
100÷101= 0 100(3)/9(10)
ˆ 10112.1
(3) / 95.33

- 2.16 -
2.16. (continued)
(d) Remainders Integers
10112÷121=12 120(3)/F(16) 0.1×121=12.1 12(3)/5(16)
12÷121= 0 12(3)/5(16)
ˆ 10112.1
(3) / 5F.55

2.17. (a) 7 7 1 . 1 7 2(8)

8 8 8 8 8 8


9 9 9 9 9
1 F 9 . 3 D(16)

(b) 1 2 1 3 . 4(8)
8 8 8 8 8


9 9 9 9
2 8 B . 8(16)

(c) 2 7 4 2 . 2 2 6(8)
8 8 8 8 8 8 8


9 9 9 9 9
5 E 2 . 4 B(16)

(d) 3 4 4 6 . 5(8)
8 8 8 8 8


9 9 9 9
7 2 6 . A(16)

2.18. (a) 3 7 . 5(8)

9 9 9


- 2.17 -
2.18. (continued)

(b) 4 5 . 1(8)
9 9 9


(c) 6 1 . 3(8)
9 9 9


(d) 7 2 4 . 0 6(8)
9 9 9 9 9


2.19. (a) 1 C . 3(16)

9 9 9


(b) F 2 . C(16)
9 9 9


(c) 4 5 0 . B(16)
9 9 9 9


(d) 8 E A . 5 9(16)
9 9 9 9 9


- 2.18 -
2.20. Algorithm to convert between base-3 and base-9:
1. Form blocks of 2 digits of the base-3 number starting
at the radix point and working both right and left,
adding leading and trailing 0's if necessary.
2. Replace each block of 2 digits by its equivalent digit
in base-9.
The conversion for 21021.112(3) is

9 9 9 9 9
2 3 7 . 4 6(9)

2.21. (a) Let N be the r's-complement of N. Therefore,
N = rn - N
The r's-complement of N is
rn - N = rn - (rn - N) = (rn - rn) + N = N
- be the (r-1)'s-complement of N.
(b) Let N Therefore,
N = rn - r-m - N
The (r-1)'s-complement of N- is

rn - r-m - -
N = rn - r-m - (rn - r-m - N)
= (rn - rn) + (r-m - r-m) + N
= N

2.22. 1's-complements:

(a) 108 - 10-0 - 10111011 = 01000100

(b) 109 - 10-0 - 101110100 = 010001011

(c) 106 - 10-0 - 101100 = 010011

(d) 107 - 10-0 - 0110101 = 1001010

(e) 103 - 10-2 - 010.11 = 101.00

(f) 105 - 10-3 - 11011.100 = 00100.011

(g) 106 - 10-3 - 100101.101 = 011010.010

- 2.19 -
2.22. (continued)
(h) 107 - 10-3 - 1010110.110 = 0101001.001


(a) 108 - 10111011 = 01000101

(b) 109 - 101110100 = 010001100

(c) 106 - 101100 = 010100

(d) 107 - 0110101 = 1001011

(e) 103 - 010.11 = 101.01

(f) 105 - 11011.100 = 00100.100

(g) 106 - 100101.101 = 011010.011

(h) 107 - 1010110.110 = 0101001.010

2.23. 9's-complements:

(a) 106 - 10-0 - 285302 = 714697

(b) 105 - 10-0 - 39040 = 60959

(c) 106 - 10-0 - 059637 = 940362

(d) 106 - 10-0 - 610500 = 389499

(e) 104 - 10-2 - 7142.89 = 2857.10

(f) 104 - 10-4 - 5263.4580 = 4736.5419

(g) 104 - 10-3 - 0283.609 = 9716.390

(h) 103 - 10-4 - 134.5620 = 865.4379


(a) 106 - 285302 = 714698

(b) 105 - 39040 = 60960

(c) 106 - 059637 = 940363

(d) 106 - 610500 = 389500

- 2.20 -
2.23. (continued)
(e) 104 - 7142.89 = 2857.11

(f) 104 - 5263.4580 = 4736.5420

(g) 104 - 0283.609 = 9716.391

(h) 103 - 134.5620 = 865.4380

2.24. r's-complements:

(a) 104 - 0120.21(3) = 2102.02(3)

(b) 103 - 101.120(3) = 121.110(3)

(c) 103 - 241.03(5) = 203.42(5)

(d) 103 - 031.240(5) = 413.210(5)

(e) 103 - 407.270(8) = 370.510(8)

(f) 104 - 0156.0037(8) = 7621.7741(8)

(g) 103 - 83D.9F(16) = 7C2.61(16)

(h) 105 - 0070C.B6E(16) = FF8F3.492(16)


(a) 104 - 10-2 - 0120.21(3) = 2102.01(3)

(b) 103 - 10-3 - 101.120(3) = 121.102(3)

(c) 103 - 10-2 - 241.03(5) = 203.41(5)

(d) 103 - 10-3 - 031.240(5) = 413.204(5)

(e) 103 - 10-3 - 407.270(8) = 370.507(8)

(f) 104 - 10-4 - 0156.0037(8) = 7621.7740(8)

(g) 103 - 10-2 - 83D.9F(16) = 7C2.60(16)

(h) 105 - 10-3 - 0070C.B6E(16) = FF8F3.491(16)

- 2.21 -
2.25. Using 1's-complements:

(a) N1 = 1101101 6 N1 = 1101101

N2 = 0110110 6
- = + 1001001
+ N 2 _________
1 0110110
+ _______1

(b) N1 = 010100 6 N1 = 010100

N2 = 110000 6
+ N2 = + 001111

(c) N1 = 10010.00111 6 N1 = 10010.00111

N2 = 00101.11000 6
+ N2 = +_____________
1 01100.01110
+ ___________1

(d) N1 = 10110.0100 6 N1 = 10110.0100

N2 = 01011.1101 6
- = + 10100.0010
+ N 2 ____________
1 01010.0110
+ __________1

(e) N1 = 01101.1011 6 N1 = 01101.1011

N2 = 10110.1100 6
+ N2 = + 01001.0011

(f) N1 = 00101.100100 6 N1 = 00101.100100

N2 = 11010.010011 6
+ N2 = + 00101.101100

Using 2's-complements:

(a) N1 = 1101101 6 N1 = 1101101

N2 = 0110110 6 + N2 = +_________
/ 0110111

(b) N1 = 010100 6 N1 = 010100

N2 = 110000 6 + N2 = + 010000

- 2.22 -
2.25. (continued)
(c) N1 = 10010.00111 6 N1 = 10010.00111
N2 = 00101.11000 6 + N2 = +_____________
/ 01100.01111

(d) N1 = 10110.0100 6 N1 = 10110.0100

N2 = 01011.1101 6 + N2 = +____________
/ 01010.0111

(e) N1 = 01101.1011 6 N1 = 01101.1011

N2 = 10110.1100 6 + N2 = + 01001.0100

(f) N1 = 00101.100100 6 N1 = 00101.100100

N2 = 11010.010011 6 + N2 = + 00101.101101

2.26. Using 1's-complements:

(a) N1 = 0s10110 6 N1 = 0s10110

N2 = 0s01101 6
+ N2 = +_________
1 0s01000
+ _______1

(b) N1 = 0s010111 6 N1 = 0s010111

N2 = 0s110100 6
+ N2 = + 1 s001011

(c) N1 = 0s110.1001 6 N1 = 0s110.1001

N2 = 0s011.0100 6
+ N2 = +____________
1 0s011.0100
+ __________1

(d) N1 = 0s10101.1 6 N1 = 0s10101.1

N2 = 0s10101.1 6
+ N2 = + 1 s01010.0

- 2.23 -
2.26. (continued)
(e) N1 = 0s101.11000 6 N1 = 0s101.11000
N2 = 0s010.01011 6
+ N2 = +_____________
1 0s011.01100
+ ___________1

(f) N1 = 0s010111.10101 6 N1 = 0s010111.10101

N2 = 0s111010.11000 6
- = + 1 000101.00111
+ N 2 ______________

Using 2's-complements:

(a) N1 = 0s10110 6 N1 = 0s10110

N2 = 0s01101 6 + N2 = +_________
/ 0s01001

(b) N1 = 0s010111 6 N1 = 0s010111

N2 = 0s110100 6 + N2 = + 1 s001100

(c) N1 = 0s110.1001 6 N1 = 0s110.1001

N2 = 0s011.0100 6 + N2 = +____________
/ 0s011.0101

(d) N1 = 0s10101.1 6 N1 = 0s10101.1

N2 = 0s10101.1 6 + N2 = +___________
/ 0s00000.0

(e) N1 = 0s101.11000 6 N1 = 0s101.11000

N2 = 0s010.01011 6 + N2 = +_____________
/ 0s011.01101

(f) N1 = 0s010111.10101 6 N1 = 0s010111.10101

N2 = 0s111010.11000 6 + N2 = + 1 s000101.01000

- 2.24 -
2.27. Using 9's-complements:

(a) N1 = 7842 6 N1 = 7842

N2 = 3791 6
- = + 6208
+ N 2 ______
1 4050
+ ____1

(b) N1 = 265 6 N1 = 265

N2 = 894 6
+ N2 = + 105

(c) N1 = 508.3 6 N1 = 508.3

N2 = 094.7 6
+ N2 = +_______
1 413.5
+ _____1

(d) N1 = 073.68 6 N1 = 0.73.68

N2 = 538.90 6
- = + 461.09
+ N 2 ______

(e) N1 = 427.08 6 N1 = 427.08

N2 = 089.30 6
- = + 910.69
+ N 2 ________
1 337.77
+ ______1

(f) N1 = 0804.20 6 N1 = 0804.20

N2 = 3621.47 6
+ N2 = + 6378.52

Using 10's-complements:

(a) N1 = 7842 6 N1 = 7842

N2 = 3791 6 + N2 = +______
/ 4051

(b) N1 = 265 6 N1 = 265

N2 = 894 6 + N2 = + 106

- 2.25 -
2.27. (continued)
(c) N1 = 508.3 6 N1 = 508.3
N2 = 094.7 6 + N2 = +_______
/ 413.6

(d) N1 = 073.68 6 N1 = 073.68

N2 = 538.90 6 + N2 = + 461.10

(e) N1 = 427.08 6 N1 = 427.08

N2 = 089.30 6 + N2 = +________
/ 337.78

(f) N1 = 0804.20 6 N1 = 0804.20

N2 = 3621.47 6 + N2 = + 6378.53

2.28. Using 9's-complements:

(a) N1 = 0s546 6 N1 = 0s546

N2 = 0s232 6
+ N2 = +_______
1 0s313
+ _____1

(b) N1 = 0s384 6 N1 = 0s384

N2 = 0s726 6
+ N2 = + 1 s273

(c) N1 = 0s326.4 6 N1 = 0s326.4

N2 = 0s087.2 6
+ N2 = +_________
1 0s239.1
+ _______1

(d) N1 = 0s076.23 6 N1 = 0s076.23

N2 = 0s209.40 6
+ N2 = + 1 s790.59

- 2.26 -
2.28. (continued)

(e) N1 = 0s406.9 6 N1 = 0s406.9

N2 = 0s406.9 6
- = + 1 593.0
+ N 2 _______

(f) N1 = 0s063.40 6 N1 = 0s063.40

N2 = 0s240.36 6
- = + 1 759.63
+ N 2 ________

Using 10's-complements:

(a) N1 = 0s546 6 N1 = 0s546

N2 = 0s232 6 + N2 = +_______
/ 0s314

(b) N1 = 0s384 6 N1 = 0s384

N2 = 0s726 6 + N2 = + 1 s274

(c) N1 = 0s326.4 6 N1 = 0s326.4

N2 = 0s087.2 6 + N2 = +_________
/ 0s239.2

(d) N1 = 0s076.23 6 N1 = 0s076.23

N2 = 0s209.40 6 + N2 = + 1 s790.60

(e) N1 = 0s406.9 6 N1 = 0s406.9

N2 = 0s406.9 6 + N2 = +_________
/ 0s000.0

(f) N1 = 0s063.40 6 N1 = 0s063.40

N2 = 0s240.36 6 + N2 = + 1 s759.64

- 2.27 -
2.29. A=0s1000110 A=1s0111010
B=1s1010011 B=0s0101101
(a) A+B (b) A-B = A+B
A = 0s1000110 A = 0s1000110
+ B = +___________
1s1010011 + B = + 0 s0101101
/ 0s0011001 0s1110011
= = =
(c) B-A = B+A (d) -A-B = A+B
B = 1s1010011 A = 1s0111010
= =
+ A = +___________
1s0111010 + B = + 0 s0101101
/ 1s0001101 1s1100111

2.30. A=0s601.7 A=1s398.3
B=1s754.2 B=0s245.8
(a) A+B (b) A-B = A+B
A = 0s601.7 A = 0s601.7
+ B = +_________
1s754.2 + B = + 0 s245.8
/ 0s355.9 0s847.5
= = =
(c) B-A = B+A (d) -A-B = A+B
B = 1s754.2 A = 1s398.3
= =
+ A = +_________
1s398.3 + B = + 0 s245.8
/ 1s152.5 1s644.1

2.31. A=0s1010110 A-=1 0101001

B=1s1101100 B-=0 0010011
(a) A+B (b) A-B = A+B-

A = 0s1010110 A = 0s1010110
+ B = +___________
1s1101100 + B = + 0 s0010011
1 0s1000010 0s1101001
+ _________1

- 2.28 -
2.31. (continued)
(c) B-A = B+A -+B
(d) -A-B = A -

B = 1s1101100 - =
A 1s0101001
+ A = +___________
1s0101001 -
+ B = + 0 s0010011
1 1s0010101 1s0111100
+ _________1

2.32. A=0s418.5 -=1 581.4

A s
B=1s693.0 -=0 306.9
B s
(a) A+B -
(b) A-B = A+B
A = 0s418.5 A = 0s418.5
+ B = +_________
1s693.0 + B = + 0 s306.9
1 0s111.5 0s725.4
+ _______1
(c) B-A = B+A -+B
(d) -A-B = A -

B = 1s693.0 - =
A 1s581.4
+ A = +_________
1s581.4 -
+ B = + 0 s306.9
1 1s274.4 1s888.3
+ _______1

2.33. (a) 100001010011 (b) 011001000010 (c) 101110000110

8 5 3 8 5 3 8 5 3

(d) 100100010000010101000 (e) 100100101000110

8 5 3 8 5 3

2.34. (a) 8 9 5 8 3
(b) 5 6 2 5 0
(c) 7 2 6 1

- 2.29 -

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Decimal - - -- --
7635 8324 834 2 864 1
0 0000 0000 0000 0000
1 0101 0111 0101 0111
2 1001 0010 1011 0110
3 0010 0100 0100 1011
4 0111 1001 1010 1010
5 1011 0110 1111 0101
6 0100 1011 1001 0100
7 1000 1101 1110 1001
8 1101 1000 1000 1000
9 0110 1111 1101 1111

- and 864
The 8324 --1 codes are self-complementing.

2.36. In order to represent the decimal integer 1 in a code

having all positive weights, one of the weights must be a
1; while to represent the decimal integer 2, the weight of
2 is needed or another weight of 1 so that 2 can be
represented by 1+1. Since there are no negative weights,
the decimal integer 9 can only be represented if the sum of
the weights is at least equal to 9.

- 2.30 -
2.37. Assume two weights exceed 4. Then, only two weights, say,
wi1 and wi2, are less than or equal to 4. With these two
weights it is necessary to encode the decimal digits 0, 1,
2, 3, and 4 by assigning binary digits 0's and 1's to the
ai's in the formula a1wi1+a2wi2. Since there are only four
ways of making this assignment, the five decimal digits can
not be represented. Thus, no more than one weight can
exceed 4.

2.38. Divide the weights of the code into two groups: those which
are used in the representation of the decimal digit 0 and
those which are not used in this representation. Let the
sum of the weights in the first group be Ewi and the sum
of the weights in the second group be Ewj. Clearly,
Ewi=0. By the definition of a self-complementing code,
those weights which are not used to represent the decimal
digit 0 must be used to represent the decimal digit 9.
Hence, Ewj=9. Combining these results, Ewi+Ewj=9.

2.39. Assume three weights are negative and only one weight is
positive. There can exist at most 9 non-negative
combinations of the four weights. Therefore it is
impossible to represent the ten non-negative digits which
must be coded. Hence, at most two weights can be negative.

2.40. (a) 011100101101100110000

9 6 0

(b) 101100001010111011001
X + Y

(c) 1000011110111111001001100101
C o d e

- 2.31 -
2.41. (a) 101100101011100000110011
2 8 3
which is represented by B2B833 in hexadecimal.

(b) 010110101011110110110001
Z = 1
which is represented by 5ABDB1 in hexadecimal.

(c) 01000010011010010111010011110011
B i t s
which is represented by 426974F3 in hexadecimal.

2.42. (a)

Decimal 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Position
digit 2 4 2 p3 1 p2 p1 Format
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
3 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
5 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
6 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
7 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
8 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

- 2.32 -
2.42. (continued)

Decimal 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Position
digit b p4 b4 b3 b2 p3 b1 p2 p1 Format
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
4 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
5 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
6 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
7 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
8 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
9 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Position
b8 b7 b6 b5 p4 b4 b3 b2 p3 b1 p2 p1 Format

(a) 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

(b) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

(c) 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

2.44. (a) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Position

0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Received code group
1=001 which indicates position 1 in error.
Transmitted code group: 0011001

(b) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Position
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Received code group
1=000 which indicates no error.
Transmitted code group: 1111000

- 2.33 -
2.44. (continued)
(c) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Position
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Received code group
1=110 which indicates position 6 in error.
Transmitted code group: 1001100

2.45. (a) Position: 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Format: poverall b6b5p4b4b3b2p3b1p2p1
Code group: 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1

(b) If errors occur in bit positions 2 and 9, the received

code group is 11110101101. Using the received code
group, the overall parity bit is correct. The binary
check number is c*
1=1011. Since c*4c*
3c* 1…0000 and
the overall parity bit is correct, a double error has

2.46. Upon comparing each pair of code groups, the minimum

distance of this code is found to be three. Therefore, it
can be used for double-error detection or single-error

- 2.34 -

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