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Raheel Ahmed Mobin Ahmed

M: +965 96636496
Objective: A challenging middle manager assignment with a reputed manufacturing company in
Versatile Production Engineer with 5+ years of rich experience in production planning coordination
!upply "hain #nventory $ %ogistics operations in the &iddle East $ #ndia'
Experience of wor(ing in a state)of)the)art plant for *anufacturing PE+ prefor*s $ closures *eeting
international standards'
!(illed in developing and i*ple*enting production plans to deliver targeted daily $ wee(ly
production to *eet custo*er re,uire*ents and deadlines'
#n depth (nowledge of inventory *anage*ent and inventory control to *anage the inventory to
opti*u* level for *axi*u* utili-ation of space
.ell versed in *onitoring *anufacturing processes *aintaining ,uality $ cost targets' /dept in
identifying opportunities and i*ple*enting *easures for continuous i*prove*ents in *anpower $
*achine perfor*ance and productivity'
Proficient in planning $ *onitoring inventories $ consu*ption of *aterials *aintaining utili-ation $
stoc(s at opti*u* levels'
Experienced in O0#O1 Enterprise 0esource Planning !olution and co*plying with the re,uire*ents
of 2/""P #!O 33444: 3445 #!O 5446:3447 and 8!!"'
9eft in coordinating with clients planning purchase 0$9 and production depart*ents to resolve
issues and achieve predefined objectives'
Proactive results driven professional with excellent co**unication coordination planning and
execution s(ills'

!" is one of the largest and fastest growing manufacturers of premium #uality !$% preforms & closures
with a current capacity of '()) % per month. "t speciali*es in a wide range of in+ect moulding preforms
and closures for the mineral water ,ottling industry. http-//
Manager Planning S!""l# Chain &ay 346: to date
0eport to: ;eneral &anager
&a(e "rod!$%ion "lan according to di&"a%$h "lan to fulfil the custo*er re,uire*ent on ti*e
&aintain inventory to o"%im!m le'el to run the plant efficiently
Prepare (ill o) Ma%erial for all ite* according to the custo*er<s specific re,uire*ent
0eview dail# "rod!$%ion re"or% to ensure the production adheren$e %o %he "lan
Plan for the "re'en%i'e main%enan$e according to the man!)a$%!rer re$ommenda%ion without
disturbing dispatch schedule given by custo*er'
+rac( all the in$oming and o!%going good& mo'emen% till destination'
Co ordina%e with the other de"ar%men%& for s*ooth functioning of the business
0aheel /h*ed &obin /h*ed: Page * of +
Ensure Cleanline&&, -#giene and &a)e%# in the plant according to ISO ../// and -ACCP
/ssess the %raining need and provide the training
Se% goal& for the &!b ordina%e& to reach the targets for *axi*i-ing the co*pany<s profit'
Prod!$%ion Planning Engineer /pr 3466 to &ay 346:
0eport to: ;eneral &anager
&anage the "rod!$%ion "lanning )!n$%ion to achieve targets aligned to custo*er re,uire*ents'
9evelop mon%hl# 0ee1l# "rod!$%ion &$hed!le&' &onitor a$%!al "rod!$%ion "er)orman$e and
follow up with the production tea* for re,uired $orre$%i'e a$%ion& in case of variances fro* plan'
Prepare dail# 0or1 order& based on priorities and deadlines and generate dail# "rod!$%ion
"oordinate with other functions = &ale& mar1e%ing, $!&%omer &er'i$e, RD, "!r$ha&e = and
ensure achieve*ent of all business plan objectives'
Prepare &$hed!le& )or "ro$!remen% o) ra0 ma%erial& and *onitor stoc(s to assure opti*u*
inventory levels'
&onitor production operations ensuring &hi""ing o) ea$h order a& "er $!&%omer re2!iremen%&'
"reate bill o) ma%erial& 3(OM4 )or ne0 "rod!$%&'
Prepare "lan% main%enan$e "lan& and *onitor i*ple*entation'
"onduct ISO ../// in%ernal a!di%& and follow up closing of observations>1"0s
Prod!$%ion Planning Engineer ?ul 3447 to &ar 3466
0eported to: Production Planning &anager
9eveloped "rod!$%ion "lan& and dail# 0ee1l# &$hed!le& to achieve targeted production levels'
&onitored $ controlled *anufacturing processes to *aintain $ri%i$al "arame%er& 0i%hin "re&$ribed
Participated in the develop*ent evaluation and i*ple*enting *easures to im"ro'e man!)a$%!ring
"ollaborated with planning $ design tea*s to i*prove overall plant efficiency and productivity
through i*prove*ents in la#o!% o) e2!i"men%, de&ign o) 0or1)lo0, !%ili5a%ion o) man!)a$%!ring
&"a$e, "rod!$% de&ign and %ooling'
&onitored and ensured o"%im!m !%ili5a%ion o) man"o0er resources'
Provided in"!%& )or managemen% de$i&ion& li(e esti*ates of production ti*e staffing re,uire*ents
and related costs
Planned and *aintained in'en%orie& a% o"%im!m le'el&'
TATA STEEL LTD .ire 9ivision @orivali &u*bai In "lan% Engineer Trainee = 6ire Te$hnolog#
De"ar%men% Oct 344A to &ar 3447: "onducted studies of %0P" strands stress strain analysis of
steel wires and torsion in /"!0 wires'
PGD(A O"era%ion& Managemen% !y*biosis "entre for 9istance %earning Pune = in progress
PG Di"loma in S!""l# Chain Managemen% &#+ Bniversity Pune = in progress
(E Prod!$%ion Engineering &u*bai Bniversity 3447 8irst "lass with 9istinction A4C
0aheel /h*ed &obin /h*ed: Page . of +
-ACCP = Principles $ ;uidelines for #*ple*entation $ Bse DISO ../// 8ood !afety &anage*ent
!yste* = In%ernal A!di%or 7ISO ../// 8ood !afety &anage*ent !yste* = /wareness progra*
9ate of @irth: 3: ?une 6576 D%anguages: English 2indi Brdu /rabic D1ationality $ Passport: #ndian
9riving %icence: #ndian %&. D!oftware: Orion E0P &! Office
0aheel /h*ed &obin /h*ed: Page + of +

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