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The Items in the 45 Preliminary IPIP Scales

Measuring the 45 AB5C Facets

I+/I+ vs I-/I- (Alha ! "#$% &'(&A'I)*S+(SS
+ keyed Am the life of the party.
Talk to a lot of different people at parties.
Start conversations.
Love large parties.
keyed Don't talk a lot.
Keep in the backgrond.
Am !iet arond strangers.
Don't like to dra" attention to myself.
#ottle p my feelings.
Keep my thoghts to myself.
I+/II+ vs I-/II- ("#5% F'I(+,-I+(SS
+ keyed $ake friends easily.
Am open abot my feelings.
Act comfortably "ith others.
%adiate &oy.
'arm p !ickly to others.
keyed Am hard to get to kno".
Am a very private person.
Avoid contacts "ith others.
Keep others at a distance.
%eveal little abot myself.
I+/III+ vs I-/III- (".5% ASS('TI/(+(SS
+ keyed Atomatically take charge.
(an easily psh myself for"ard.
Try to lead others.
Trn plans into actions.
Stick p for myself.
Am al"ays bsy.
(ome p "ith a soltion right a"ay.
Do a lot in my spare time.
Kno" "hat ) "ant.
keyed Let myself be pshed arond.
Am not highly motivated to scceed.
*eed a lot of time to do things.
I+/I/+ vs I-/I/- ("#0% P)IS(
+ keyed +eel comfortable arond people.
Am comfortable in nfamiliar sitations.
,ave a lot of fn.
Am not embarrassed easily.
Love life.
keyed -ften feel ncomfortable arond others.
+ind it difficlt to approach others.
%etreat from others.
.ive p easily.
-nly feel comfortable "ith friends.
I+//+ vs I-//- ("#0% -(A,('S1IP
+ keyed Take charge.
Kno" ho" to captivate people.
/0press myself easily.
Am the first to act.
*ever at a loss for "ords.
keyed ,ave little to say.
,ave difficlty e0pressing my feelings.
'ait for others to lead the "ay.
Am afraid to dra" attention to myself.
Let others make the decisions.
I+/II- vs I-/II+ (".0% P')/)CATI/(+(SS
+ keyed Dare to say anything.
Am not afraid of providing criticism.
#oast abot my virtes.
1Kno" no limits.2
1Kno" ho" to get arond the rles.2
1(an take strong measres.2
1Don't mind being the center of attention.2
1$ake demands on others.2
keyed (an't stand confrontations.
'ait for my trn.
1,ate to seem pshy.2
I+/III- vs I-/III+ (".#% S(-F-,ISC-)S*'(
+ keyed Act "ild and cra3y.
Am open abot myself to others.
Let myself go.
Disclose my intimate thoghts.
Lagh my "ay throgh life.
/0press childlike &oy.
4oke arond a lot.
Like to amse others.
keyed Seldom &oke arond.
5refer to deal "ith strangers in a formal manner.
I+/I/- vs I-/I/+ ("#4% TA-2ATI/(+(SS
+ keyed Do most of the talking.
Talk too mch.
Speak lodly.
$ake myself the center of attention.
Like to attract attention.
*ever stop talking.
$ake a lot of noise.
Demand to be the center of interest.
keyed Speak softly.
Dislike talking abot myself.
I+//- vs I-//+ ("33% S)CIABI-IT4
+ keyed (an't do "ithot the company of others.
1/n&oy being part of a lod cro"d.2
1/n&oy being on the go.2
keyed Like to be alone.
Seek !iet.
/n&oy silence.
1Don't like cro"ded events.2
1Dislike neighbors living too close.2
1Amse myself easily.2
1.o my o"n "ay.2
II+/II+ vs II-/II- ("#5% *+,('STA+,I+&
+ keyed Sympathi3e "ith others' feelings.
%espect others' feelings.
Take others' interests into accont.
Like to be of service to others.
Appreciate the vie"points of others.
keyed +eel little concern for others.
Am not interested in other people's problems.
Am indifferent to the feelings of others.
Take no time for others.
(an't be bothered "ith other's needs.
II+/I+ vs II-/I- ("#4% 6A'MT1
+ keyed Am interested in people.
$ake people feel at ease.
Kno" ho" to comfort others.
)n!ire abot others' "ell6being.
Take time ot for others.
$ake people feel "elcome.
Sho" my gratitde.
$ake others feel good.
+eel others' emotions.
keyed Am not really interested in others.
%arely smile.
II+/III+ vs II-/III- (".$% M)'A-IT4
+ keyed 'old never cheat on my ta0es.
%espect the privacy of others.
Like harmony in my life.
1Try to follo" the rles.2
1%espect athority.2
keyed Don't care abot rles.
Trn my back on others.
-nly talk abot my o"n interests.
-verestimate my achievements.
Scheme against others.
1Act at the e0pense of others.2
1#reak rles.2
II+/I/+ vs II-/I/- (".3% P-(ASA+T+(SS
+ keyed Am easy to satisfy.
,ave a good "ord for everyone.
Am on good terms "ith nearly everyone.
Trst others.
%espect others.
Trst "hat people say.
keyed Am hard to satisfy.
Am !ick to &dge others.
)nslt people.
+ind it hard to forgive others.
(ontradict others.
(ritici3e others' shortcomings.
II+//+ vs II-//- (".7% (MPAT14
+ keyed Anticipate the needs of others.
Sense others' "ishes.
1Love to reflect on things.2
1Try to stay in toch "ith myself.2
1'ork on improving myself.2
keyed 5retend to be concerned for others.
1Don't have a soft side.2
1Treat people as inferiors.2
1Am not in toch "ith my feelings.2
II+/I- vs II-/I+ (".$% C))P('ATI)+
+ keyed 7ale cooperation over competition.
Listen to my conscience.
keyed )mpose my "ill on others.
Love a good fight.
Seek conflict.
Think too highly of myself.
Tell tall stories abot myself.
5lay tricks on others.
/n&oy crde &okes.
1(omment lodly abot others.2
1/n&oy being reckless.2
1Do dangeros things.2
II+/III- vs II-/III+ (".4% S4MPAT14
+ keyed Am concerned abot others.
Am deeply moved by others' misfortnes.
+eel sympathy for those "ho are "orse off than myself.
1Take an interest in other people's lives.2
1Like to do things for others.2
1%eassre others.2

keyed Demand a lot from others.
Don't fall for sob6stories.
Listen to my brain rather than my heart.
Tend to dislike soft6hearted people.
Try not to think abot the needy.
Look do"n on any "eakness.
#elieve people shold fend for themselves.
II+/I/- vs II-/I/+ (".4% T(+,('+(SS
+ keyed Sffer from others' sorro"s.
Listen to my heart rather than my brain.
Love children's movies.
'ant to please others.
%emember my friends' birthdays.
(herish mementos.
'ant to mean something to others.
1#elieve crying helps me feel better.2
1Sho" my feelings.2
keyed Don't nderstand people "ho get emotional.
1Don't get e0cited abot things.2
1Don't call people &st to talk.2
1Don't care abot dressing nicely.2
II+//- vs II-//+ (".5% +*'T*'A+C(
+ keyed ,ave a soft heart.
.o ot of my "ay for others.
Think of others first.
'ill do anything for others.
Like to please others.
'oldn't harm a fly.
keyed $ake enemies.
-ppose athority.
#elieve that ) am better than others.
Seek danger.
5t people nder pressre.
Try to otdo others.
#elieve only in myself.
III+/III+ vs III-/III- (".5% C)+SCI(+TI)*S+(SS
+ keyed Accomplish my "ork on time.
Do things according to a plan.
Am carefl to avoid making mistakes.
Keep my checkbook balanced.
Like to plan ahead.
%etrn borro"ed items.
keyed -ften forget to pt things back in their proper place.
*eglect my dties.
Take tasks too lightly.
Leave my "ork ndone.
Do not plan ahead.
5t off npleasant tasks.
Am often late to "ork.
III+/I+ vs III-/I- ("#$% (FFICI(+C4
+ keyed Am e0acting in my "ork.
$ake plans and stick to them.
.et chores done right a"ay.
+ollo" throgh "ith my plans.
+inish "hat ) start.
keyed 'aste my time.
+ind it difficlt to get do"n to "ork.
5ostpone decisions.
,ave difficlty starting tasks.
*eed a psh to get started.
+re!ently forget to do things.
III+/II+ vs III-/II- (".#% ,*TIF*-+(SS
+ keyed +ollo" directions.
Keep myself "ell6groomed.
(heck over my "ork.
#ehave properly.
1Stick to the rles.2
1Appreciate good manners.2
keyed Do improper things.
Disregard rles.
Do the opposite of "hat is asked.
5ay no attention to my appearance.
1Don't think la"s apply to me.2
1$ake rash decisions.2
1Say inappropriate things.2
III+/I/+ vs III-/I/- ("#5% P*'P)S(F*-+(SS
+ keyed Am al"ays prepared.
(arry ot my plans.
.et to "ork at once.
Am not easily distracted.
,andle tasks smoothly.
keyed $ake a mess of things.
Am easily distracted.
$ess things p.
Shirk my dties.
Don't see things throgh.
Do things at the last minte.
(an't make p my mind.
III+//+ vs III-//- (".#% )'&A+I8ATI)+
+ keyed 5ay attention to details.
(omplete tasks sccessflly.
,ave an eye for detail.
Demand !ality.
Set high standards for myself and others.
$ake "ell6considered decisions.
+ollo" throgh on my commitments.
Detect mistakes.
Think ahead.
keyed Seldom notice details.
5t little time and effort into my "ork.
Don't pay attention.
III+/I- vs III-/I+ ("..% CA*TI)*S+(SS
+ keyed 5rchase only practical things.
Tend to dislike implsive people.
Take precations.
1*ever splrge.2
1*ever spend more than ) can afford.2
keyed Do cra3y things.
-ften make last6minte plans.
Am easily talked into doing silly things.
Lagh at the slightest provocation.
Like to lagh ot lod.
1Like to act on a "him.2
14mp into things "ithot thinking.2
III+/II- vs III-/II+ ("3.% 'ATI)+A-IT4
+ keyed Do things in a logical order.
(ome straight to the point.
#elieve in a logical ans"er for everything.
.et a head start on others.
Dislike imperfect "ork.
#elieve in an eye for an eye.
1,ave no sympathy for criminals.2
1%eason logically.2
keyed Sympathi3e "ith the homeless.
Am not as strict as ) shold be.
Let people pll my leg.
1Do things in a half6"ay manner.2
1Let my attention "ander off.2

1#elieve that criminals shold receive help rather than
III+/I/- vs III-/I/+ (".3% P('F(CTI)+ISM
+ keyed (ontine ntil everything is perfect.
'ant every detail taken care of.
'ant everything to be 8&st right.8
'ant things to proceed according to plan.
Demand perfection in others.
Keep a sharp eye on others' "ork.
/0pect dedicated "ork from others.
keyed Am not bothered by messy people.
Am not bothered by disorder.
III+//- vs III-//+ (".#% )',('-I+(SS
+ keyed Like order.
+ollo" a schedle.
'ork according to a rotine.
Like to tidy p.
Do things by the book.
Take good care of my belongings.
See that rles are observed.
keyed Leave my belongings arond.
Leave a mess in my room.
Dislike rotine.
I/+/I/+ vs I/-/I/- ("#3% STABI-IT4
+ keyed Seldom get mad.
Am not easily bothered by things.
Am not easily frstrated.
Seldom take offense.
Keep my cool.
keyed .et stressed ot easily.
.et pset easily.
Am easily distrbed.
(hange my mood a lot.
.et caght p in my problems.
I/+/I+ vs I/-/I- ("#4% 1APPI+(SS
+ keyed Seldom feel ble.
+eel comfortable "ith myself.
Adapt easily to ne" sitations.
Look at the bright side of life.
Am sre of my grond.
keyed -ften feel ble.
'orry abot things.
+eel threatened easily.
Dislike myself.
Am filled "ith dobts abot things.
I/+/II+ vs I/-/II- ("#$% CA-M+(SS
+ keyed %arely get irritated.
Am not easily annoyed.
Take things as they come.
Accept people as they are.
keyed .et angry easily.
Am often in a bad mood.
.et frios.
Snap at people.
Lose my temper.
,ave days "hen )'m mad at the "orld.
I/+/III+ vs I/-/III- (".3% M),('ATI)+
+ keyed %emain calm nder pressre.
/asily resist temptations.
%arely overindlge.
Am able to control my cravings.

keyed Am gided by my moods.
Am not sre "here my life is going.
Don't kno" "hy ) do some of the things ) do.
.et ot of control.
(an't concentrate.
Do things ) later regret.
I/+//+ vs I/-//- ("#4% T)*&1+(SS
+ keyed Am calm even in tense sitations.
Don't lose my head.
Kno" ho" to cope.
(an stand criticism.
keyed Take offense easily.
5anic easily.
Am easily hrt.
Am easily offended.
+eel crshed by setbacks.
#ecome over"helmed by events.
Am easily frightened.
Am easily confsed.
I/+/I- vs I/-/I+ (".#% IMP*-S( C)+T')-
+ keyed Keep my emotions nder control.
Let others finish "hat they are saying.
keyed Demand attention.
%eact intensely.
Talk even "hen ) kno" ) sholdn't.
-ften make a fss.
Shoot my moth off.
Am easily e0cited.
#lrt ot "hatever comes into my mind.
#arge in on conversations.
Like to gossip.
I/+/II- vs I/-/II+ ("#4% IMP('T*'BABI-IT4
+ keyed Seldom get emotional.
Am not easily affected by my emotions.
keyed .et over"helmed by emotions.
(ry easily.
#rst into tears.
Am easily moved to tears.
(ry dring movies.
'ear my heart on my sleeve.
,ave crying fits.
I/+/III- vs I/-/III+ (".$% C))--1(A,(,+(SS
+ keyed 9*o positive items.:
keyed 'ant everything to add p perfectly.
Demand obedience.
Keep p an appearance.
1Love order and reglarity.2
1Am attached to conventional "ays.2
1'ant things done my "ay.2
1Am a creatre of habit.2
1Try to impress others.2
1(an't stand being contradicted.2
1'ant to be told ) am right.2
I/+//- vs I/-//+ (".3% T'A+9*I-IT4
+ keyed /0perience very fe" emotional highs and lo"s.
Tend to feel the same every day.
Am al"ays in the same mood.
%arely notice my emotional reactions.
1Am rela0ed most of the time.2
1Am not easily stirred.2
1Am not distrbed by events.2
keyed /0perience my emotions intensely.
1,ave fre!ent mood s"ings.2
1Am s"ayed by my emotions.2
1(an be stirred p easily.2
/+//+ vs /-//- ("#5% I+T(--(CT
+ keyed ,ave a rich vocablary.
;se difficlt "ords.
$ake insightfl remarks.
Sho" a mastery of langage.
/n&oy thinking abot things.
Try to nderstand myself.
keyed Am not interested in abstract ideas.
'ill not probe deeply into a sb&ect.
,ave a poor vocablary.
Dislike learning.
Skip difficlt "ords "hile reading.
/+/I+ vs /-/I- ("#4% I+&(+*IT4
+ keyed Am fll of ideas.
,ave e0cellent ideas.
(arry the conversation to a higher level.
(ome p "ith bold plans.
<ickly think p ne" ideas.
Am good at many things.
keyed Do not have a good imagination.
,ave difficlty imagining things.
(an't come p "ith ne" ideas.
/+/II+ vs /-/II- (".5% '(F-(CTI)+
+ keyed See beaty in things that others might not notice.
Take time to reflect on things.
$ake beatifl things.
/n&oy the beaty of natre.
/n&oy discssing movies and books "ith others.
1Like msic.2
1Love flo"ers.2
1Love beatifl things.2
keyed Do not like concerts.
1Do not en&oy "atching dance performances.2
/+/III+ vs /-/III- (".4% C)MP(T(+C(
+ keyed Learn !ickly.
;se my brain.
/0cel in "hat ) do.
Look at the facts.
$eet challenges.
Seek e0planations of things.
*eed things e0plained only once.
1Kno" ho" to apply my kno"ledge.2
keyed 9*o negative items.:
/+/I/+ vs /-/I/- ("#4% 9*IC2+(SS
+ keyed (an handle comple0 problems.
Am !ick to nderstand things.
(atch on to things !ickly.
Love to read challenging material.
Am able to find ot things by myself.
(an handle a lot of information.
<ickly get the idea of things.
keyed Avoid difficlt reading material.
Try to avoid comple0 people.
Don't nderstand things.
/+/I- vs /-/I+ (".5% I+T')SP(CTI)+
+ keyed Spend time reflecting on things.
/n&oy spending time by myself.
Live in a "orld of my o"n.
/n&oy my privacy.
Don't mind eating alone.
Do things at my o"n pace.
1/n&oy contemplation.2
15refer to be alone.2
1,ave a point of vie" all my o"n.2
1'ant to be left alone.2
keyed (an't stand being alone.
Don't like to ponder over things.
/+/II- vs /-/II+ ("#5% C'(ATI/IT4
+ keyed Like to solve comple0 problems.
Ask !estions that nobody else does.
Kno" the ans"ers to many !estions.
(hallenge others' points of vie".
(an easily link facts together.
keyed ,ave difficlty nderstanding abstract ideas.
Avoid philosophical discssions.
Am not interested in theoretical discssions.
(onsider myself an average person.
Am not interested in speclating abot things.
/+/III- vs /-/III+ (".#% IMA&I+ATI)+
+ keyed ,ave a vivid imagination.
5refer variety to rotine.
#elieve in the importance of art.
/n&oy "ild flights of fantasy.
*eed a creative otlet.
keyed Do not like art.
Do not en&oy going to art msems.
Do not like poetry.
Seldom get lost in thoght.
Seldom daydream.
/+/I/- vs /-/I/+ ("..% ,(PT1
+ keyed Look for hidden meanings in things.
Like to get lost in thoght.
Think deeply abot things.
*eed to nderstand my motives.
1Tend to analy3e things.2
1Tend to think abot something for hors.2
1/n&oy e0amining myself and my life.2
keyed 1%arely look for a deeper meaning in things.2
1*ever challenge things.2
Note. The )5)5 items "ere administered "ith the follo"ing response
options= 9>: 7ery inaccrate? 9@: $oderately inaccrate? 9A: *either
inaccrate nor accrate? 9B: $oderately accrate? and 9C: 7ery accrate.
7ales in parentheses are (oefficient Alpha reliability estimates. 1)tems in
brackets come from other A#C( facets.2

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