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Divorces have emerged as a very likely outcome of marriages today, questioning the truth of the saying

that marriages are made in heaven. The divorce rates among young couples are increasing
progressively and have thus become an issue of major concern. The increasing divorce rate persists
because couples choose divorce as an option for problems that most of the times can be solved by
discussion and compromise. In this day and age divorce is occurring rapidly. From researching divorce
statistics at least 50% of marriages will end in divorce if the current trends continue.
If the numbers of divorces keep on rising in this pattern, marriages might as well become extinct.
Children of divorce suffer from stress, anxiety and depression in their childhood. These feelings often
persist well into adulthood.
People value loyalty and trust greatly and they are the two main pillars of a marriage. Therefore if a
partner fails to satisfy any one of these qualities, it is likely to create problems in the couples married
life, people become more suspicious about their spouse and this may ultimately lead to divorce. The
research also shows that people do not live with their elders anymore. This means that when the
couples have an argument or misunderstanding, there is no third party to make them realize where they
have gone wrong. This results in the couples blaming each other rather than accepting their own
The obtained result for married people, which asks how often they argue, shows that most couples
face problems and disagree on matters very often. This is how problems develop between them, and
later lead to greater problems. And also there was very alarming and surprising amount of people who
said that considered ending their their marriage. In todays urbanized society, adultery is a very common
practice, as people visit more places and come across more people, their loyalty towards their partner is
For couples to be happy together, it is very important that they are compatible, a lack of compatibility is
a major cause behind divorce, because this creates rift between them. Physical abuse is not a common
practice in urban couples, however it is a major cause of divorce in rural areas where men abuse their
wives, but in urban areas, abuse is present in the form of mental abuse, where one tortures his/her
partner mentally, for example: by blaming them all the time and so on. Drinking and smoking are
widespread problems nowadays due to increased levels of stress; this is one reason that stimulates
From the research not all marriages fail for the same reasons one of the causes of divorce are
communications problems. This may occur before the couple come together as one. Couples dont
communicate because of pressing issues that each individual may be experiencing or if the expectations
was not clear from the beginning of the relationship. Also, talking about your feelings in a marriage is
important because then you can figure out exactly how to improve in a relationship but if they are not
discussed than this to can fail a marriage. Also, if a couple does not communicate pre-marital issues
before tying the knot then they will realize during the marriage things should have been set before.
Therefore, these issues can get worst during the marriage.
Financial issues are a huge reason divorces occur often. In marriages financial hardships hurts marriages
because of unemployement, uncertainty, unequal financial position, and excessive spending. With each
of these factors it causes disagreements between a relationship and financial support fails. When
unemployment occurs whether it is short term or long term some of the effects are depression, blame,
panic, anxiety, fear, and the worse thing is feeling helpless. Blaming the unemployed spouse for the
issue can ruin a marriage. Unequal financial position is another financial issue.
Another reason divorce happen is because of marital infidelity. According to Shirley MacLaine it has
been estimated conservatively that one-third of all marriages will experience marital infidelity. Marital
infidelity means in a monogamous society, the law states that marriage must be a mutually exclusive
arrangement between two parties (All Best Articles, 2011, p. 2). Now if the couple consents to see
other people on their own and still remain married to each other than it will be a mutual agreement
between the two. However, if one of the spouses is engaged in infidelity than it is only right that the
spouse may seek a divorce if evidence is found.

Marriage and Divorce
(Data are for the U.S.)

Number of marriages: 2,118,000
Marriage rate: 6.8 per 1,000 total population
Divorce rate: 3.6 per 1,000 population (44 reporting States and D.C.)

Although there are so many causes and effects in divorce communication, financial hardship, and
marital infidelity are the three major causes of divorce. Communication is the foundation in a marriage
which is based on compromise and commitment. In a marriage each individual should compromise and
commit in the marriage.

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