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Balikpapan, October 22

Attention To:
Jl. Mulawarman No. 01
ear !ir"Ma#am,
$a%in& known about a 'ob %acanc( a#%erti)e# on Tribun *alTim, 1
October, 2013, + am intere)te#
in the po)ition o, Account -.ecuti%e /A-0.
+ am a 11 (ear ol# male, &ra#uate# ,rom a reputable hi&h )chool, ha%in& )kill in -n&li)h, both
written an# )poken an# al)o operatin& computer. + am a har# worker, able to work in in#i%i#ual an#
in team.
+ woul# &la#l( welcome an opportunit( to ha%e an inter%iew with (ou at (our con%enience. + hope
m( )kill) can be one o, (our compan(2) a))e)t. + am lookin& ,orwar# to hearin& ,rom (ou in the near
,uture. Thank (ou ,or (our con)i#eration an# attention.
!incerel( (our),
Muhammad Izzah Ramadhan
-nclo)ure) :
3 4urriculum 5itae
3 4op( o, + 4ar#
3 6op( o, 7inal 4erti,icate
3 6hoto
6alemban&, Ma( 28
Attention To:
Mr. Aman Maulana
6T. Bumi !ento)a amai
Jl. 4en#rawa)hi No. 92A
ear Mr. Maulana,
+ am a &ra#uate )tu#ent in 4omputer !cience at +n#one)ia :ni%er)it(, an# + will be awar#e# an M.!.
#e&ree in Jul( 2012. + am currentl( lookin& ,or a po)ition relate# to ataba)e";raphic) 6acka&e
e)i&n in the re)earch an# #e%elopment #epartment o, a ma'or compan(.
Be,ore comin& to +n#one)ia :ni%er)it(, + #e)i&ne#, )uper%i)e#, an# complete# a 4A )()tem. The
,unction co%er) %ector, character an# cur%e &eneration, win#owin&, )ha#in&, an# tran),ormation).
At +n#one)ia :ni%er)it(, m( re)earch work in%ol%e) 4ompilation o, <elational =uerie) into
Network M>. To enhance m( back&roun#, + ha%e taken )ome cour)e) in computer &raphic) an#
#ataba)e, an# + ha%e e.perience in an# an un#er)tan#in& o, the #e)i&n o, #ataba)e). ?ith thi) b
back&roun#, + certainl( belie%e that + am competent to meet challen&in& ta)k) an# can make a &oo#
contribution to (our compan(.
-nclo)e# i) m( re)ume, which in#icate) in )ome #etail m( trainin& an# e.perience. + )incerel( hope
that m( @uali,ication) are o, intere)t to (ou an# that an inter%iew mi&ht be arran&e# at (our
Thank (ou ,or (our con)i#eration. + look ,orwar# to hearin& ,rom (ou )oon.
!incerel( (our),
Rossa Elvira
Ban#un&, June 28
To: Mr. Amin <i)man
$uman <e)ource) epartment
6T. 6er)a#a Bumi#a Terpa#u
Jl. <a(a !ukama'u No. 11
ear !ir,
On thi) &oo# opportunit(, + woul# like to appl( a) a Instrumentation and Control System
Engineer in (our compan(. M( name i) Aang Supriatna, 21 (ear) ol#, male, )in&le, ener&etic
an# health(. + am a Control System Engineer an# graduated from Universitas Indonesia (UI)
on May 2!2 "ith #$A %&'(& + woul# like to ha%e career to e.pan# m( e.perience.
M( per)onalit( a) a har# worker an# ,a)t learner t(pe o, per)on woul# brin& bene,it to (our
compan(. + will be %er( appreciate# i, (ou coul# &i%e in opportunit( to work in (our compan(.
$erewith + enclo)e m( curriculum %itae, which will &i%e #etail) o, m( @uali,ication.
+ hope m( @uali,ication) an# e.perience merit (our con)i#eration an# look ,orwar# to (our repl(.
!incerel( (our),
Aang Supriatna
Ta)ikmala(a, Ma( 28
Attention To:
Ba#i Nu&raha
<e)ource) Mana&er
6T. Aman !alawa)na !ento)a
Jl. *alimantan No.AB
ear Mr. Ba#i Nu&raha
+ wi)h to appl( ,or the po)ition o, Accountin& !ta,, that wa) a#%erti)e# on Tempo, Ma( 12, 2009.
+ ha%e o%er one (ear e.perience a) an Accountin& with 6T. Bo))an 7inance an# ha%e e.perience o,
a wi#e %ariet( o, pattern techni@ue). M( computer )kill) are %er( &oo#, an# + ha%e an e.cellent
recor# a) a reliable, pro#ucti%e emplo(ee.
+ am lookin& ,or new challen&e) an# the po)i)tion o, Accountin& !ta,, )oun#) the per,ect
opportunit(. Cour or&ani)ation ha) an en%iable recor# inno%ation in in%e)tor ,inancial co)ultant,
an# an e.cellent reputation a) an emplo(er, makin& the po)ition e%en more attracti%e.
+ enclo)e m( 4urriculum 5itae ,or (our in)pection an# look ,orwar# to hearin& ,rom (ou )oon. +
am a%ailable ,or inter%iew at (our con%enience
!incerel( (our),
Rani Sumirna
Co&(akarta, Ma( 28
Attention To: $uman
<e)ource) epartment
6T. Nu)a Me#ia
Jl. Briptu Norman No. DA
ear !ir"Ma#am,
+ ha%e rea# ,rom (our a#%erti)ement at *e#aulatan <ak(at that (our compan( i) lookin& ,or
emplo(ee) to hol# )ome po)ition. Ba)e# on the a#%erti)ement, + am intere)te# in appl(in&
application ,or -n&ineer po)ition accor#in& with m( back&roun# e#ucational a) -n&ineerin&
M( name i) +)wan#i >ubi), + am twent( three (ear) ol#. + ha%e &ra#uate# ,rom -n&ineerin& 6h()ic)
epartment +!TN on April 2012. M( )pecialiEation in -n&ineerin& 6h()ic) i) +n)trumentation an#
4ontrol )peciali)t. + con)i#er m()el, that + ha%e @uali,ication) a) (ou want. + ha%e &oo# moti%ation
,or pro&re)) an# &rowin&, ea&er to learn, an# can work with a team /team work0 or b( m()el,.
Be)i#e that + po))e) a#e@uate computer )kill an# ha%e &oo# comman# in -n&li)h /)poken an#
?ith m( @uali,ication), + con,i#ent that + will be able to contribute e,,ecti%el( to (our compan(.
$erewith + enclo)e m( :
1. 4op( o, Bachelor e&ree /!310 4erti,icate an# Aca#emic Tran)cript.
2. 4urriculum 5itae.
3. 4op( o, Job Trainin& 4erti,icate ,rom :nocal +n#one)ia 4ompan(.
D. <ecent photo&raph with )iEe o, D.B
+ woul# e.pre)) m( &ratitu#e ,or (our attention an# + hope + coul# ,ollow (our recruitment te)t

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