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Interpreting and drawing graphs
Identifying the dependent and independent variable
Identifying a function
Giving instructions to solve word-problems
Key and subjec c!m"eences:
Represent relations & functions using tables, graphs, manipulatives,
verbal or algebraic rules
Identify the domain and range of a relation or function from a graph,
equation, table, or set of ordered pairs.
Compare and contrast relations and functions.
Identify the domain and range of the absolute value, quadratic,
radical, sine, and cosine functions.
Identify the domain, range, and other attributes of families of
functions and their inverses, i.e., constant, linear, quadratic and
other functions.
Teac#in$ !bjeci%es:
!o identify constants and variables
!o distinguish the dependent variable from the independent variable,
and locate them in the " and y-a"is
!o define a function
!o learn the different ways of e"pressing a function
!o interpret and draw graphs of functions
!o pronounce in an accurate way the new vocabulary
!o learn the new vocabulary of the unit.
!o learn e"pressions li#e, increase by, decrease by, how much$%
!o give answers
!o read short te"ts
!o build sentences
!o give reasons
!o write short e"planations
!o distinguish a variable from a constant in a real & life situation
!o analyse an algebraic e"pression, and identify the variables,
constants, dependent and independent variables, and identify the
function relation.
Identify e"amples and non - e"amples of functions 'construct a
Identify domain and range of constant, linear, quadratic and other
(tili)e the vertical line test to verify if a relation is a function
!o associate a te"t with a function, and vice versa.
Represent functions using tables, graphs, manipulatives, verbal or
algebraic rules.
!o read and interpret graphs related to real & life situations
!o understand word & problems, and solve them using mathematic
!o discuss and give recommendations about the sub*ects treated in
!o be interested In finding real & life situations related to
!o be aware that real life situations can be represented by a graph
or a function a trip, a movement, a wal#, cost of things or services,
production of a factory...
!o be respectful with partners when wor#ing in groups or all
Ouc!mes: A #e end !& #e 'ess!n( sudens )i'' be ab'e !:
Identify relationships between variables, and decide if they are a
function using the vertical line test.
+raw and interpret graphs.
,"press a te"t as an algebraic e"pression, table, and graphs.
,"press a table as a graph, and algebraic e"pression, and a te"t.
,"press a formula as a te"t, graph or algebraic e"pression.
,"press a graph as a te"t, algebraic e"pression or table of values.
(nderstand and solve word & problems.
-rite short e"planations
Give reasons
.s# questions.
Tas* "'anned and imin$:
Introduction to functions '/0 min%
1earners will develop a basic understanding of a function and
e"plore different ways to represent functions.
/. '/ activity% +iscuss the different e"amples of functions in
everyday life. 2tudents name another relationship in everyday
life that could be a function.
3. ' / activity% 2tudents are presented with an overview of
mappings, tables, graphs, and notation as ways to represent
4. '5 activities% 2tudents are presented with e"amples of
functions as different representations 'mappings, ordered
pairs, graphs, notation% and strengths and wea#nesses of
using each representation. 2tudents answer questions about
functions e"ploiting the strengths of each representation.
+efinition of a 6unction 6unctions '/7 minutes%
!he definition of a function is presented and e"plained using
different representations. !he idea of input and output is introduced.
1earners will distinguish between functions and non-functions.
/. '3 activities% 2tudents are presented with the idea of a function
as an input and output machine. !he input and output are
connected with the " and f'"% in function notation. 2tudents
e"plain why the output would never change for the same input.
3. '4 activities% !he definition of a function is presented and
e"plained using 8 functions represented as mappings, ordered
pairs and graphs. 2tudents identify characteristics functions,
and create representations of functions and non-functions.
4. '/ activity% 2tudents use the vertical line test to identify graphs
of functions.
5. '/ activity% 2tudents e"plain different e"amples of functions
and non-functions.
+omain and Range '30 minutes%
!he idea of input and output is connected to domain and range.
1earners identify given domain and range. 1earners e"plain implied
domain and range of groups of functions.
/. (/ activity% +omain and range are introduced as the input and
output of the function machine. 2tudents identify the given
domain and range of functions.
3. '4 activities% +omain and range are e"plained in terms of 8
different functions as different representations 'mapping,
ordered pairs, graphs%. 2tudents name the given domain and
range of the functions.
4. '7 activities% !he implied domain and range of constant, linear,
quadratic, absolute value, and square root functions are
presented and e"plained. 2tudents name the domain or range
of similar functions.
6ind the 6unction '/0 minutes%
2tudent use graphing manipulatives to identify function
notation given points on the graph of the function.
/. '/ activity% 2tudents guess the function from the function
machine based on inputs and outputs. 2tudents guess the rule
for basic functions from a table of ordered pairs.
3. '9 activities% 2tudents use graphing manipulatives to guess the
function notation for linear, quadratic, absolute value, and
square root functions. 2tudents are presented with the
standard form of the function families and manipulate the
.pplications of 6unctions '30 minutes%
.pplications of functions are introduced. 2tudents are guided to
discover how functions can help solve problems. !hese may be
ideal as a group activity.
/. '4 activities% 2tudents e"plore using a function to determine
the volume of a bo" based on given criteria. !he implied
domain and range of the problem is discussed based on the
physical restrictions.
3. '3 activities% 2tudents e"plore using a function to determine
cost of constructing a pipeline based on given criteria.
4. '3 activities% 2tudents e"plore using the graphs of functions to
determine altitude and velocity of the space shuttle during
5. '/ activity% 2tudents e"plore using the graphs of functions of
data generated from a drag racing model.
7. '/ activity%2tudents associate different containers with different
!e"t boo#, different act ivies prepared or choose 'from internet% by
the teacher. Interactive activities from http::eu.i";
videos and activities from
6ormal assessment includes a qui) at the end of the module. !he
qui) includes questions on different representations of functions,
identifying functions, and finding given and implied domain and

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