Sir Thomas Malory - Legende Arthuriene

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Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur

Book 1
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VIII! I"-"I! "II-"V! "VI-"VIII! "I"-
""II! ""III-""VII #
!o" #ther $endragon sent for the du%e of Corn"all and &graine his "ife' and of their
departing suddenly again(
&) befell in the days of #ther $endragon' "hen he "as %ing of all England' and so
reigned' that there "as a mighty du%e in Corn"all that held "ar against him long time(
*nd the du%e "as +alled the ,u%e of )intagil( *nd so by means -ing #ther sent for this
du%e' +harging him to bring his "ife "ith him' for she "as +alled a fair lady' and a
passing "ise' and her name "as +alled &graine(
.o "hen the du%e and his "ife "ere +ome unto the %ing' by the means of great lords they
"ere a++orded both( )he %ing li%ed and loved this lady "ell' and he made them great
+heer out of measure' and desired to have lain by her( /ut she "as a passing good
"oman' and "ould not assent unto the %ing( *nd then she told the du%e her husband' and
said' & suppose that "e "ere sent for that & should be dishonoured0 "herefore' husband' &
+ounsel you' that "e depart from hen+e suddenly' that "e may ride all night unto our o"n
+astle( *nd in li%e "ise as she said so they departed' that neither the %ing nor none of his
+oun+il "ere "are of their departing( *ll so soon as -ing #ther %ne" of their departing
so suddenly' he "as "onderly "roth( )hen he +alled to him his privy +oun+il' and told
them of the sudden departing of the du%e and his "ife(
)hen they advised the %ing to send for the du%e and his "ife by a great +harge0 and if he
"ill not +ome at your summons' then may ye do your best' then have ye +ause to ma%e
mighty "ar upon him( .o that "as done' and the messengers had their ans"ers0 and that
"as this shortly' that neither he nor his "ife "ould not +ome at him(
)hen "as the %ing "onderly "roth( *nd then the %ing sent him plain "ord again' and
bade him be ready and stuff him and garnish him' for "ithin forty days he "ould fet+h
him out of the biggest +astle that he hath(
When the du%e had this "arning' anon he "ent and furnished and garnished t"o strong
+astles of his' of the "hi+h the one hight )intagil' and the other +astle hight )errabil( .o
his "ife ,ame &graine he put in the +astle of )intagil' and himself he put in the +astle of
)errabil' the "hi+h had many issues and posterns out( )hen in all haste +ame #ther "ith a
great host' and laid a siege about the +astle of )errabil( *nd there he pight many
pavilions' and there "as great "ar made on both parties' and mu+h people slain( )hen for
pure anger and for great love of fair &graine the %ing #ther fell si+%( .o +ame to the %ing
#ther .ir #lfius' a noble %night' and as%ed the %ing "hy he "as si+%( & shall tell thee' said
the %ing' & am si+% for anger and for love of fair &graine' that & may not be "hole( Well'
my lord' said .ir #lfius' & shall see% Merlin' and he shall do you remedy' that your heart
shall be pleased( .o #lfius departed' and by adventure he met Merlin in a beggar1s array'
and there Merlin as%ed #lfius "hom he sought( *nd he said he had little ado to tell him(
Well' said Merlin' & %no" "hom thou see%est' for thou see%est Merlin0 therefore see% no
farther' for & am he0 and if -ing #ther "ill "ell re"ard me' and be s"orn unto me to
fulfil my desire' that shall be his honour and profit more than mine0 for & shall +ause him
to have all his desire( *ll this "ill & underta%e' said #lfius' that there shall be nothing
reasonable but thou shalt have thy desire( Well' said Merlin' he shall have his intent and
desire( *nd therefore' said Merlin' ride on your "ay' for & "ill not be long behind(
!o" #ther $endragon made "ar on the du%e of Corn"all' and ho" by the mean of
Merlin he lay by the du+hess and gat *rthur(
)!E2 #lfius "as glad' and rode on more than a pa+e till that he +ame to -ing #ther
$endragon' and told him he had met "ith Merlin( Where is he3 said the %ing( .ir' said
#lfius' he "ill not d"ell long( )here"ithal #lfius "as "are "here Merlin stood at the
por+h of the pavilion1s door( *nd then Merlin "as bound to +ome to the %ing( When -ing
#ther sa" him' he said he "as "el+ome( .ir' said Merlin' & %no" all your heart every
deal0 so ye "ill be s"orn unto me as ye be a true %ing anointed' to fulfil my desire' ye
shall have your desire( )hen the %ing "as s"orn upon the Four Evangelists( .ir' said
Merlin' this is my desire4 the first night that ye shall lie by &graine ye shall get a +hild on
her' and "hen that is born' that it shall be delivered to me for to nourish there as & "ill
have it0 for it shall be your "orship' and the +hild1s avail' as mi+%le as the +hild is "orth(
& "ill "ell' said the %ing' as thou "ilt have it( 2o" ma%e you ready' said Merlin' this
night ye shall lie "ith &graine in the +astle of )intagil0 and ye shall be li%e the du%e her
husband' #lfius shall be li%e .ir /rastias' a %night of the du%e1s' and & "ill be li%e a
%night that hight .ir 5ordanus' a %night of the du%e1s( /ut "ait ye ma%e not many
6uestions "ith her nor her men' but say ye are diseased' and so hie you to bed' and rise
not on the morn till & +ome to you' for the +astle of )intagil is but ten miles hen+e0 so this
"as done as they devised( /ut the du%e of )intagil espied ho" the %ing rode from the
siege of )errabil' and therefore that night he issued out of the +astle at a postern for to
have distressed the %ing1s host( *nd so' through his o"n issue' the du%e himself "as slain
or ever the %ing +ame at the +astle of )intagil(
.o after the death of the du%e' -ing #ther lay "ith &graine more than three hours after his
death' and begat on her that night *rthur' and on day +ame Merlin to the %ing' and bade
him ma%e him ready' and so he %issed the lady &graine and departed in all haste( /ut
"hen the lady heard tell of the du%e her husband' and by all re+ord he "as dead or ever
-ing #ther +ame to her' then she marvelled "ho that might be that lay "ith her in
li%eness of her lord0 so she mourned privily and held her pea+e( )hen all the barons by
one assent prayed the %ing of a++ord bet"ixt the lady &graine and him0 the %ing gave
them leave' for fain "ould he have been a++orded "ith her( .o the %ing put all the trust in
#lfius to entreat bet"een them' so by the entreaty at the last the %ing and she met
together( 2o" "ill "e do "ell' said #lfius' our %ing is a lusty %night and "ifeless' and
my lady &graine is a passing fair lady0 it "ere great 7oy unto us all' an it might please the
%ing to ma%e her his 6ueen( #nto that they all "ell a++orded and moved it to the %ing(
*nd anon' li%e a lusty %night' he assented thereto "ith good "ill' and so in all haste they
"ere married in a morning "ith great mirth and 7oy(
*nd -ing 8ot of 8othian and of 9r%ney then "edded Marga"se that "as :a"aine1s
mother' and -ing 2entres of the land of :arlot "edded Elaine( *ll this "as done at the
re6uest of -ing #ther( *nd the third sister Morgan le Fay "as put to s+hool in a nunnery'
and there she learned so mu+h that she "as a great +ler% of ne+roman+y( *nd after she
"as "edded to -ing #riens of the land of :ore' that "as .ir E"ain1s le /lan+hemain1s
9f the birth of -ing *rthur and of his nurture(
)!E2 ;ueen &graine "axed daily greater and greater' so it befell after "ithin half a year'
as -ing #ther lay by his 6ueen' he as%ed her' by the faith she o"ed to him' "hose "as
the +hild "ithin her body0 then she sore abashed to give ans"er( ,ismay you not' said the
%ing' but tell me the truth' and & shall love you the better' by the faith of my body( .ir'
said she' & shall tell you the truth( )he same night that my lord "as dead' the hour of his
death' as his %nights re+ord' there +ame into my +astle of )intagil a man li%e my lord in
spee+h and in +ountenan+e' and t"o %nights "ith him in li%eness of his t"o %nights
/rastias and 5ordanus' and so & "ent unto bed "ith him as & ought to do "ith my lord' and
the same night' as & shall ans"er unto :od' this +hild "as begotten upon me( )hat is
truth' said the %ing' as ye say0 for it "as & myself that +ame in the li%eness' and therefore
dismay you not' for & am father of the +hild0 and there he told her all the +ause' ho" it
"as by Merlin1s +ounsel( )hen the 6ueen made great 7oy "hen she %ne" "ho "as the
father of her +hild(
.oon +ame Merlin unto the %ing' and said' .ir' ye must purvey you for the nourishing of
your +hild( *s thou "ilt' said the %ing' be it( Well' said Merlin' & %no" a lord of yours in
this land' that is a passing true man and a faithful' and he shall have the nourishing of
your +hild' and his name is .ir E+tor' and he is a lord of fair livelihood in many parts in
England and Wales0 and this lord' .ir E+tor' let him be sent for' for to +ome and spea%
"ith you' and desire him yourself' as he loveth you' that he "ill put his o"n +hild to
nourishing to another "oman' and that his "ife nourish yours( *nd "hen the +hild is born
let it be delivered to me at yonder privy postern un+hristened( .o li%e as Merlin devised it
"as done( *nd "hen .ir E+tor "as +ome he made fiaun+e to the %ing for to nourish the
+hild li%e as the %ing desired0 and there the %ing granted .ir E+tor great re"ards( )hen
"hen the lady "as delivered' the %ing +ommanded t"o %nights and t"o ladies to ta%e the
+hild' bound in a +loth of gold' and that ye deliver him to "hat poor man ye meet at the
postern gate of the +astle( .o the +hild "as delivered unto Merlin' and so he bare it forth
unto .ir E+tor' and made an holy man to +hristen him' and named him *rthur0 and so .ir
E+tor1s "ife nourished him "ith her o"n pap(
9f the death of -ing #ther $endragon(
)!E2 "ithin t"o years -ing #ther fell si+% of a great malady( *nd in the mean"hile his
enemies usurped upon him' and did a great battle upon his men' and sle" many of his
people( .ir' said Merlin' ye may not lie so as ye do' for ye must to the field though ye ride
on an horse<litter4 for ye shall never have the better of your enemies but if your person be
there' and then shall ye have the vi+tory( .o it "as done as Merlin had devised' and they
+arried the %ing forth in an horse<litter "ith a great host to"ards his enemies( *nd at .t(
*lbans there met "ith the %ing a great host of the 2orth( *nd that day .ir #lfius and .ir
/rastias did great deeds of arms' and -ing #ther1s men over+ame the 2orthern battle and
sle" many people' and put the remnant to flight( *nd then the %ing returned unto
8ondon' and made great 7oy of his vi+tory( *nd then he fell passing sore si+%' so that
three days and three nights he "as spee+hless4 "herefore all the barons made great
sorro"' and as%ed Merlin "hat +ounsel "ere best( )here is none other remedy' said
Merlin' but :od "ill have his "ill( /ut loo% ye all barons be before -ing #ther to<morn'
and :od and & shall ma%e him to spea%( .o on the morn all the barons "ith Merlin +ame
tofore the %ing0 then Merlin said aloud unto -ing #ther' .ir' shall your son *rthur be
%ing after your days' of this realm "ith all the appurtenan+e3 )hen #ther $endragon
turned him' and said in hearing of them all' & give him :od1s blessing and mine' and bid
him pray for my soul' and righteously and "orshipfully that he +laim the +ro"n' upon
forfeiture of my blessing0 and there"ith he yielded up the ghost' and then "as he interred
as longed to a %ing( Wherefore the 6ueen' fair &graine' made great sorro"' and all the
!o" *rthur "as +hosen %ing' and of "onders and marvels of a s"ord ta%en out of a
stone by the said *rthur(
)!E2 stood the realm in great 7eopardy long "hile' for every lord that "as mighty of
men made him strong' and many "eened to have been %ing( )hen Merlin "ent to the
*r+hbishop of Canterbury' and +ounselled him for to send for all the lords of the realm'
and all the gentlemen of arms' that they should to 8ondon +ome by Christmas' upon pain
of +ursing0 and for this +ause' that 5esus' that "as born on that night' that he "ould of his
great mer+y sho" some mira+le' as he "as +ome to be %ing of man%ind' for to sho" some
mira+le "ho should be right"ise %ing of this realm( .o the *r+hbishop' by the advi+e of
Merlin' sent for all the lords and gentlemen of arms that they should +ome by Christmas
even unto 8ondon( *nd many of them made them +lean of their life' that their prayer
might be the more a++eptable unto :od( .o in the greatest +hur+h of 8ondon' "hether it
"ere $aul1s or not the Fren+h boo% ma%eth no mention' all the estates "ere long or day in
the +hur+h for to pray( *nd "hen matins and the first mass "as done' there "as seen in
the +hur+hyard' against the high altar' a great stone four s6uare' li%e unto a marble stone0
and in midst thereof "as li%e an anvil of steel a foot on high' and therein stu+% a fair
s"ord na%ed by the point' and letters there "ere "ritten in gold about the s"ord that said
thus4=Whoso pulleth out this s"ord of this stone and anvil' is right"ise %ing born of all
England( )hen the people marvelled' and told it to the *r+hbishop( & +ommand' said the
*r+hbishop' that ye %eep you "ithin your +hur+h and pray unto :od still' that no man
tou+h the s"ord till the high mass be all done( .o "hen all masses "ere done all the lords
"ent to behold the stone and the s"ord( *nd "hen they sa" the s+ripture some assayed'
su+h as "ould have been %ing( /ut none might stir the s"ord nor move it( !e is not here'
said the *r+hbishop' that shall a+hieve the s"ord' but doubt not :od "ill ma%e him
%no"n( /ut this is my +ounsel' said the *r+hbishop' that "e let purvey ten %nights' men
of good fame' and they to %eep this s"ord( .o it "as ordained' and then there "as made a
+ry' that every man should assay that "ould' for to "in the s"ord( *nd upon 2e" >ear1s
,ay the barons let ma%e a 7ousts and a tournament' that all %nights that "ould 7oust or
tourney there might play' and all this "as ordained for to %eep the lords together and the
+ommons' for the *r+hbishop trusted that :od "ould ma%e him %no"n that should "in
the s"ord(
.o upon 2e" >ear1s ,ay' "hen the servi+e "as done' the barons rode unto the field'
some to 7oust and some to tourney' and so it happened that .ir E+tor' that had great
livelihood about 8ondon' rode unto the 7ousts' and "ith him rode .ir -ay his son' and
young *rthur that "as his nourished brother0 and .ir -ay "as made %night at *ll
!allo"mass afore( .o as they rode to the 7ousts"ard' .ir -ay lost his s"ord' for he had
left it at his father1s lodging' and so he prayed young *rthur for to ride for his s"ord( &
"ill "ell' said *rthur' and rode fast after the s"ord' and "hen he +ame home' the lady
and all "ere out to see the 7ousting( )hen "as *rthur "roth' and said to himself' & "ill
ride to the +hur+hyard' and ta%e the s"ord "ith me that sti+%eth in the stone' for my
brother .ir -ay shall not be "ithout a s"ord this day( .o "hen he +ame to the
+hur+hyard' .ir *rthur alighted and tied his horse to the stile' and so he "ent to the tent'
and found no %nights there' for they "ere at the 7ousting( *nd so he handled the s"ord by
the handles' and lightly and fier+ely pulled it out of the stone' and too% his horse and rode
his "ay until he +ame to his brother .ir -ay' and delivered him the s"ord( *nd as soon
as .ir -ay sa" the s"ord' he "ist "ell it "as the s"ord of the stone' and so he rode to his
father .ir E+tor' and said4 .ir' lo here is the s"ord of the stone' "herefore & must be %ing
of this land( When .ir E+tor beheld the s"ord' he returned again and +ame to the +hur+h'
and there they alighted all three' and "ent into the +hur+h( *nd anon he made .ir -ay
s"ear upon a boo% ho" he +ame to that s"ord( .ir' said .ir -ay' by my brother *rthur'
for he brought it to me( !o" gat ye this s"ord3 said .ir E+tor to *rthur( .ir' & "ill tell
you( When & +ame home for my brother1s s"ord' & found nobody at home to deliver me
his s"ord0 and so & thought my brother .ir -ay should not be s"ordless' and so & +ame
hither eagerly and pulled it out of the stone "ithout any pain( Found ye any %nights about
this s"ord3 said .ir E+tor( 2ay' said *rthur( 2o"' said .ir E+tor to *rthur' & understand
ye must be %ing of this land( Wherefore &' said *rthur' and for "hat +ause3 .ir' said
E+tor' for :od "ill have it so0 for there should never man have dra"n out this s"ord' but
he that shall be right"ise %ing of this land( 2o" let me see "hether ye +an put the s"ord
there as it "as' and pull it out again( )hat is no mastery' said *rthur' and so he put it in
the stone0 "here"ithal .ir E+tor assayed to pull out the s"ord and failed(
!o" -ing *rthur pulled out the s"ord divers times(
2o" assay' said .ir E+tor unto .ir -ay( *nd anon he pulled at the s"ord "ith all his
might0 but it "ould not be( 2o" shall ye assay' said .ir E+tor to *rthur( & "ill "ell' said
*rthur' and pulled it out easily( *nd there"ithal .ir E+tor %nelt do"n to the earth' and .ir
-ay( *las' said *rthur' my o"n dear father and brother' "hy %neel ye to me3 2ay' nay'
my lord *rthur' it is not so0 & "as never your father nor of your blood' but & "ot "ell ye
are of an higher blood than & "eened ye "ere( *nd then .ir E+tor told him all' ho" he
"as beta%en him for to nourish him' and by "hose +ommandment' and by Merlin1s
)hen *rthur made great dole "hen he understood that .ir E+tor "as not his father( .ir'
said E+tor unto *rthur' "ill ye be my good and gra+ious lord "hen ye are %ing3 Else
"ere & to blame' said *rthur' for ye are the man in the "orld that & am most beholden to'
and my good lady and mother your "ife' that as "ell as her o"n hath fostered me and
%ept( *nd if ever it be :od1s "ill that & be %ing as ye say' ye shall desire of me "hat &
may do' and & shall not fail you0 :od forbid & should fail you .ir' said .ir E+tor' & "ill as%
no more of you' but that ye "ill ma%e my son' your foster brother' .ir -ay' senes+hal of
all your lands( )hat shall be done' said *rthur' and more' by the faith of my body' that
never man shall have that offi+e but he' "hile he and & live )here"ithal they "ent unto
the *r+hbishop' and told him ho" the s"ord "as a+hieved' and by "hom0 and on
)"elfth<day all the barons +ame thither' and to assay to ta%e the s"ord' "ho that "ould
assay( /ut there afore them all' there might none ta%e it out but *rthur0 "herefore there
"ere many lords "roth' and said it "as great shame unto them all and the realm' to be
overgoverned "ith a boy of no high blood born( *nd so they fell out at that time that it
"as put off till Candlemas and then all the barons should meet there again0 but al"ays the
ten %nights "ere ordained to "at+h the s"ord day and night' and so they set a pavilion
over the stone and the s"ord' and five al"ays "at+hed( .o at Candlemas many more
great lords +ame thither for to have "on the s"ord' but there might none prevail( *nd
right as *rthur did at Christmas' he did at Candlemas' and pulled out the s"ord easily'
"hereof the barons "ere sore aggrieved and put it off in delay till the high feast of Easter(
*nd as *rthur sped before' so did he at Easter0 yet there "ere some of the great lords had
indignation that *rthur should be %ing' and put it off in a delay till the feast of $ente+ost(
)hen the *r+hbishop of Canterbury by Merlin1s providen+e let purvey then of the best
%nights that they might get' and su+h %nights as #ther $endragon loved best and most
trusted in his days( *nd su+h %nights "ere put about *rthur as .ir /aud"in of /ritain' .ir
-ay' .ir #lfius' .ir /rastias( *ll these' "ith many other' "ere al"ays about *rthur' day
and night' till the feast of $ente+ost(
!o" -ing *rthur "as +ro"ned' and ho" he made offi+ers(
*2, at the feast of $ente+ost all manner of men assayed to pull at the s"ord that "ould
assay0 but none might prevail but *rthur' and pulled it out afore all the lords and
+ommons that "ere there' "herefore all the +ommons +ried at on+e' We "ill have *rthur
unto our %ing' "e "ill put him no more in delay' for "e all see that it is :od1s "ill that he
shall be our %ing' and "ho that holdeth against it' "e "ill slay him( *nd there"ithal they
%neeled at on+e' both ri+h and poor' and +ried *rthur mer+y be+ause they had delayed
him so long' and *rthur forgave them' and too% the s"ord bet"een both his hands' and
offered it upon the altar "here the *r+hbishop "as' and so "as he made %night of the
best man that "as there( *nd so anon "as the +oronation made( *nd there "as he s"orn
unto his lords and the +ommons for to be a true %ing' to stand "ith true 7usti+e from
then+eforth the days of this life( *lso then he made all lords that held of the +ro"n to
+ome in' and to do servi+e as they ought to do( *nd many +omplaints "ere made unto .ir
*rthur of great "rongs that "ere done sin+e the death of -ing #ther' of many lands that
"ere bereaved lords' %nights' ladies' and gentlemen( Wherefore -ing *rthur made the
lands to be given again unto them that o"ned them(
When this "as done' that the %ing had stablished all the +ountries about 8ondon' then he
let ma%e .ir -ay senes+hal of England0 and .ir /aud"in of /ritain "as made +onstable0
and .ir #lfius "as made +hamberlain0 and .ir /rastias "as made "arden to "ait upon
the north from )rent for"ards' for it "as that time the most party the %ing1s enemies( /ut
"ithin fe" years after *rthur "on all the north' .+otland' and all that "ere under their
obeissan+e( *lso Wales' a part of it' held against *rthur' but he over+ame them all' as he
did the remnant' through the noble pro"ess of himself and his %nights of the ?ound
!o" -ing *rthur held in Wales' at a $ente+ost' a great feast' and "hat %ings and lords
+ame to his feast(
)!E2 the %ing removed into Wales' and let +ry a great feast that it should be holden at
$ente+ost after the in+oronation of him at the +ity of Carlion( #nto the feast +ame -ing
8ot of 8othian and of 9r%ney' "ith five hundred %nights "ith him( *lso there +ame to the
feast -ing #riens of :ore "ith four hundred %nights "ith him( *lso there +ame to that
feast -ing 2entres of :arlot' "ith seven hundred %nights "ith him( *lso there +ame to
the feast the %ing of .+otland "ith six hundred %nights "ith him' and he "as but a young
man( *lso there +ame to the feast a %ing that "as +alled the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights' but he and his men "ere passing "ell beseen at all points( *lso there +ame the
%ing of Carados "ith five hundred %nights( *nd -ing *rthur "as glad of their +oming'
for he "eened that all the %ings and %nights had +ome for great love' and to have done
him "orship at his feast0 "herefore the %ing made great 7oy' and sent the %ings and
%nights great presents( /ut the %ings "ould none re+eive' but rebu%ed the messengers
shamefully' and said they had no 7oy to re+eive no gifts of a beardless boy that "as +ome
of lo" blood' and sent him "ord they "ould none of his gifts' but that they "ere +ome to
give him gifts "ith hard s"ords bet"ixt the ne+% and the shoulders4 and therefore they
+ame thither' so they told to the messengers plainly' for it "as great shame to all them to
see su+h a boy to have a rule of so noble a realm as this land "as( With this ans"er the
messengers departed and told to -ing *rthur this ans"er( Wherefore' by the advi+e of his
barons' he too% him to a strong to"er "ith five hundred good men "ith him( *nd all the
%ings aforesaid in a manner laid a siege tofore him' but -ing *rthur "as "ell vi+tualed(
*nd "ithin fifteen days there +ame Merlin among them into the +ity of Carlion( )hen all
the %ings "ere passing glad of Merlin' and as%ed him' For "hat +ause is that boy *rthur
made your %ing3 .irs' said Merlin' & shall tell you the +ause' for he is -ing #ther
$endragon1s son' born in "edlo+%' gotten on &graine' the du%e1s "ife of )intagil( )hen is
he a bastard' they said all( 2ay' said Merlin' after the death of the du%e' more than three
hours' "as *rthur begotten' and thirteen days after -ing #ther "edded &graine0 and
therefore & prove him he is no bastard( *nd "ho saith nay' he shall be %ing and over+ome
all his enemies0 and' or he die' he shall be long %ing of all England' and have under his
obeissan+e Wales' &reland' and .+otland' and more realms than & "ill no" rehearse( .ome
of the %ings had marvel of Merlin1s "ords' and deemed "ell that it should be as he said0
and some of them laughed him to s+orn' as -ing 8ot0 and more other +alled him a "it+h(
/ut then "ere they a++orded "ith Merlin' that -ing *rthur should +ome out and spea%
"ith the %ings' and to +ome safe and to go safe' su+h suran+e there "as made( .o Merlin
"ent unto -ing *rthur' and told him ho" he had done' and bade him fear not' but +ome
out boldly and spea% "ith them' and spare them not' but ans"er them as their %ing and
+hieftain0 for ye shall over+ome them all' "hether they "ill or nill(
9f the first "ar that -ing *rthur had' and ho" he "on the field(
)!E2 -ing *rthur +ame out of his to"er' and had under his go"n a 7esseraunt of double
mail' and there "ent "ith him the *r+hbishop of Canterbury' and .ir /aud"in of /ritain'
and .ir -ay' and .ir /rastias4 these "ere the men of most "orship that "ere "ith him(
*nd "hen they "ere met there "as no mee%ness' but stout "ords on both sides0 but
al"ays -ing *rthur ans"ered them' and said he "ould ma%e them to bo" an he lived(
Wherefore they departed "ith "rath' and -ing *rthur bade %eep them "ell' and they
bade the %ing %eep him "ell( .o the %ing returned him to the to"er again and armed him
and all his %nights( What "ill ye do3 said Merlin to the %ings0 ye "ere better for to stint'
for ye shall not here prevail though ye "ere ten times so many( /e "e "ell advised to be
afeared of a dream<reader3 said -ing 8ot( With that Merlin vanished a"ay' and +ame to
-ing *rthur' and bade him set on them fier+ely0 and in the mean"hile there "ere three
hundred good men' of the best that "ere "ith the %ings' that "ent straight unto -ing
*rthur' and that +omforted him greatly( .ir' said Merlin to *rthur' fight not "ith the
s"ord that ye had by mira+le' till that ye see ye go unto the "orse' then dra" it out and do
your best( .o forth"ithal -ing *rthur set upon them in their lodging( *nd .ir /aud"in'
.ir -ay' and .ir /rastias sle" on the right hand and on the left hand that it "as marvel0
and al"ays -ing *rthur on horseba+% laid on "ith a s"ord' and did marvellous deeds of
arms' that many of the %ings had great 7oy of his deeds and hardiness(
)hen -ing 8ot bra%e out on the ba+% side' and the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and
-ing Carados' and set on *rthur fier+ely behind him( With that .ir *rthur turned "ith his
%nights' and smote behind and before' and ever .ir *rthur "as in the foremost press till
his horse "as slain underneath him( *nd there"ith -ing 8ot smote do"n -ing *rthur(
With that his four %nights re+eived him and set him on horseba+%( )hen he dre" his
s"ord Ex+alibur' but it "as so bright in his enemies1 eyes' that it gave light li%e thirty
tor+hes( *nd there"ith he put them aba+%' and sle" mu+h people( *nd then the +ommons
of Carlion arose "ith +lubs and staves and sle" many %nights0 but all the %ings held them
together "ith their %nights that "ere left alive' and so fled and departed( *nd Merlin
+ame unto *rthur' and +ounselled him to follo" them no further(
!o" Merlin +ounselled -ing *rthur to send for -ing /an and -ing /ors' and of their
+ounsel ta%en for the "ar(
.9 after the feast and 7ourney' -ing *rthur dre" him unto 8ondon' and so by the +ounsel
of Merlin' the %ing let +all his barons to +oun+il' for Merlin had told the %ing that the six
%ings that made "ar upon him "ould in all haste be a"ro%e on him and on his lands(
Wherefore the %ing as%ed +ounsel at them all( )hey +ould no +ounsel give' but said they
"ere big enough( >e say "ell' said *rthur0 & than% you for your good +ourage' but "ill ye
all that loveth me spea% "ith Merlin3 ye %no" "ell that he hath done mu+h for me' and
he %no"eth many things' and "hen he is afore you' & "ould that ye prayed him heartily
of his best advi+e( *ll the barons said they "ould pray him and desire him( .o Merlin
"as sent for' and fair desired of all the barons to give them best +ounsel( & shall say you'
said Merlin' & "arn you all' your enemies are passing strong for you' and they are good
men of arms as be alive' and by this time they have gotten to them four %ings more' and a
mighty du%e0 and unless that our %ing have more +hivalry "ith him than he may ma%e
"ithin the bounds of his o"n realm' an he fight "ith them in battle' he shall be over+ome
and slain( What "ere best to do in this +ause3 said all the barons( & shall tell you' said
Merlin' mine advi+e0 there are t"o brethren beyond the sea' and they be %ings both' and
marvellous good men of their hands0 and that one hight -ing /an of /en"i+%' and that
other hight -ing /ors of :aul' that is Fran+e( *nd on these t"o %ings "arreth a mighty
man of men' the -ing Claudas' and striveth "ith them for a +astle' and great "ar is
bet"ixt them( /ut this Claudas is so mighty of goods "hereof he getteth good %nights'
that he putteth these t"o %ings most part to the "orse0 "herefore this is my +ounsel' that
our %ing and sovereign lord send unto the %ings /an and /ors by t"o trusty %nights "ith
letters "ell devised' that an they "ill +ome and see -ing *rthur and his +ourt' and so help
him in his "ars' that he "ill be s"orn unto them to help them in their "ars against -ing
Claudas( 2o"' "hat say ye unto this +ounsel3 said Merlin( )his is "ell +ounselled' said
the %ing and all the barons(
?ight so in all haste there "ere ordained to go t"o %nights on the message unto the t"o
%ings( .o "ere there made letters in the pleasant "ise a++ording unto -ing *rthur1s
desire( #lfius and /rastias "ere made the messengers' and so rode forth "ell horsed and
"ell armed and as the guise "as that time' and so passed the sea and rode to"ard the +ity
of /en"i+%( *nd there besides "ere eight %nights that espied them' and at a strait passage
they met "ith #lfius and /rastias' and "ould have ta%en them prisoners0 so they prayed
them that they might pass' for they "ere messengers unto -ing /an and /ors sent from
-ing *rthur( )herefore' said the eight %nights' ye shall die or be prisoners' for "e be
%nights of -ing Claudas( *nd there"ith t"o of them dressed their spears' and #lfius and
/rastias dressed their spears' and ran together "ith great raundom( *nd Claudas1 %nights
bra%e their spears' and theirs to<held and bare the t"o %nights out of their saddles to the
earth' and so left them lying' and rode their "ays( *nd the other six %nights rode afore to
a passage to meet "ith them again' and so #lfius and /rastias smote other t"o do"n' and
so passed on their "ays( *nd at the fourth passage there met t"o for t"o' and both "ere
laid unto the earth0 so there "as none of the eight %nights but he "as sore hurt or bruised(
*nd "hen they +ome to /en"i+% it fortuned there "ere both %ings' /an and /ors(
*nd "hen it "as told the %ings that there "ere +ome messengers' there "ere sent unto
them t"o %nights of "orship' the one hight 8ionses' lord of the +ountry of $ayarne' and
.ir $harian+e a "orshipful %night( *non they as%ed from "hen+e they +ame' and they
said from -ing *rthur' %ing of England0 so they too% them in their arms and made great
7oy ea+h of other( /ut anon' as the t"o %ings "ist they "ere messengers of *rthur1s'
there "as made no tarrying' but forth"ith they spa%e "ith the %nights' and "el+omed
them in the faithfullest "ise' and said they "ere most "el+ome unto them before all the
%ings living0 and there"ith they %issed the letters and delivered them( *nd "hen /an and
/ors understood the letters' then they "ere more "el+ome than they "ere before( *nd
after the haste of the letters they gave them this ans"er' that they "ould fulfil the desire
of -ing *rthur1s "riting' and #lfius and /rastias' tarry there as long as they "ould' they
should have su+h +heer as might be made them in those mar+hes( )hen #lfius and
/rastias told the %ings of the adventure at their passages of the eight %nights( !a@ ah@ said
/an and /ors' they "ere my good friends( & "ould & had "ist of them0 they should not
have es+aped so( .o #lfius and /rastias had good +heer and great gifts' as mu+h as they
might bear a"ay0 and had their ans"er by mouth and by "riting' that those t"o %ings
"ould +ome unto *rthur in all the haste that they might( .o the t"o %nights rode on
afore' and passed the sea' and +ame to their lord' and told him ho" they had sped'
"hereof -ing *rthur "as passing glad( *t "hat time suppose ye the t"o %ings "ill be
here3 .ir' said they' afore *ll !allo"mass( )hen the %ing let purvey for a great feast' and
let +ry a great 7ousts( *nd by *ll !allo"mass the t"o %ings "ere +ome over the sea "ith
three hundred %nights "ell arrayed both for the pea+e and for the "ar( *nd -ing *rthur
met "ith them ten mile out of 8ondon' and there "as great 7oy as +ould be thought or
made( *nd on *ll !allo"mass at the great feast' sat in the hall the three %ings' and .ir
-ay senes+hal served in the hall' and .ir 8u+as the butler' that "as ,u%e Corneus1 son'
and .ir :riflet' that "as the son of Cardol' these three %nights had the rule of all the
servi+e that served the %ings( *nd anon' as they had "ashen and risen' all %nights that
"ould 7oust made them ready0 by then they "ere ready on horseba+% there "ere seven
hundred %nights( *nd *rthur' /an' and /ors' "ith the *r+hbishop of Canterbury' and .ir
E+tor' -ay1s father' they "ere in a pla+e +overed "ith +loth of gold li%e an hall' "ith
ladies and gentle"omen' for to behold "ho did best' and thereon to give 7udgment(
9f a great tourney made by -ing *rthur and the t"o %ings /an and /ors' and ho" they
"ent over the sea(
*2, -ing *rthur and the t"o %ings let depart the seven hundred %nights in t"o parties(
*nd there "ere three hundred %nights of the realm of /en"i+% and of :aul turned on the
other side( )hen they dressed their shields' and began to +ou+h their spears many good
%nights( .o :riflet "as the first that met "ith a %night' one 8adinas' and they met so
eagerly that all men had "onder0 and they so fought that their shields fell to pie+es' and
horse and man fell to the earth0 and both the Fren+h %night and the English %night lay so
long that all men "eened they had been dead( When 8u+as the butler sa" :riflet so lie'
he horsed him again anon' and they t"o did marvellous deeds of arms "ith many
ba+helors( *lso .ir -ay +ame out of an ambushment "ith five %nights "ith him' and they
six smote other six do"n( /ut .ir -ay did that day marvellous deeds of arms' that there
"as none did so "ell as he that day( )hen there +ame 8adinas and :ra+ian' t"o %nights
of Fran+e' and did passing "ell' that all men praised them(
)hen +ame there .ir $la+idas' a good %night' and met "ith .ir -ay' and smote him do"n
horse and man' "herefore .ir :riflet "as "roth' and met "ith .ir $la+idas so hard' that
horse and man fell to the earth( /ut "hen the five %nights "ist that .ir -ay had a fall'
they "ere "roth out of "it' and there"ith ea+h of them five bare do"n a %night( When
-ing *rthur and the t"o %ings sa" them begin to "ax "roth on both parties' they leapt
on small ha+%neys' and let +ry that all men should depart unto their lodging( *nd so they
"ent home and unarmed them' and so to evensong and supper( *nd after' the three %ings
"ent into a garden' and gave the priAe unto .ir -ay' and to 8u+as the butler' and unto .ir
:riflet( *nd then they "ent unto +oun+il' and "ith them :"enbaus' the brother unto .ir
/an and /ors' a "ise +ler%' and thither "ent #lfius and /rastias' and Merlin( *nd after
they had been in +oun+il' they "ent unto bed( *nd on the morn they heard mass' and to
dinner' and so to their +oun+il' and made many arguments "hat "ere best to do( *t the
last they "ere +on+luded' that Merlin should go "ith a to%en of -ing /an' and that "as a
ring' unto his men and -ing /ors10 and :ra+ian and $la+idas should go again and %eep
their +astles and their +ountries' as for [dread of -ing Claudas -ing /an of /en"i+%'
and -ing /ors of :aul had ordained them' and so passed the sea and +ame to /en"i+%(
*nd "hen the people sa" -ing /an1s ring' and :ra+ian and $la+idas' they "ere glad' and
as%ed ho" the %ings fared' and made great 7oy of their "elfare and +ording' and
a++ording unto the sovereign lords desire' the men of "ar made them ready in all haste
possible' so that they "ere fifteen thousand on horse and foot' and they had great plenty
of vi+tual "ith them' by Merlin1s provision( /ut :ra+ian and $la+idas "ere left to furnish
and garnish the +astles' for dread of -ing Claudas( ?ight so Merlin passed the sea' "ell
vi+tualled both by "ater and by land( *nd "hen he +ame to the sea he sent home the
footmen again' and too% no more "ith him but ten thousand men on horseba+%' the most
part men of arms' and so shipped and passed the sea into England' and landed at ,over0
and through the "it of Merlin' he had the host north"ard' the priviest "ay that +ould be
thought' unto the forest of /edegraine' and there in a valley he lodged them se+retly(
)hen rode Merlin unto *rthur and the t"o %ings' and told them ho" he had sped0
"hereof they had great marvel' that man on earth might speed so soon' and go and +ome(
.o Merlin told them ten thousand "ere in the forest of /edegraine' "ell armed at all
points( )hen "as there no more to say' but to horseba+% "ent all the host as *rthur had
afore purveyed( .o "ith t"enty thousand he passed by night and day' but there "as made
su+h an ordinan+e afore by Merlin' that there should no man of "ar ride nor go in no
+ountry on this side )rent "ater' but if he had a to%en from -ing *rthur' "here through
the %ing1s enemies durst not ride as they did tofore to espy(
!o" eleven %ings gathered a great host against -ing *rthur(
*2, .9 "ithin a little spa+e the three %ings +ame unto the +astle of /edegraine' and
found there a passing fair fello"ship' and "ell beseen' "hereof they had great 7oy' and
vi+tual they "anted none( )his "as the +ause of the northern host4 that they "ere reared
for the despite and rebu%e the six %ings had at Carlion( *nd those six %ings by their
means' gat unto them five other %ings0 and thus they began to gather their people(
*nd no" they s"are that for "eal nor "oe' they should not leave other' till they had
destroyed *rthur( *nd then they made an oath( )he first that began the oath "as the ,u%e
of Cambenet' that he "ould bring "ith him five thousand men of arms' the "hi+h "ere
ready on horseba+%( )hen s"are -ing /randegoris of .tranggore that he "ould bring five
thousand men of arms on horseba+%( )hen s"are -ing Clarian+e of 2orthumberland he
"ould bring three thousand men of arms( )hen s"are the -ing of the !undred -nights'
that "as a passing good man and a young' that he "ould bring four thousand men of arms
on horseba+%( )hen there s"ore -ing 8ot' a passing good %night' and .ir :a"ain1s
father' that he "ould bring five thousand men of arms on horseba+%( *lso there s"ore
-ing #rien+e' that "as .ir #"ain1s father' of the land of :ore' and he "ould bring six
thousand men of arms on horseba+%( *lso there s"ore -ing &dres of Corn"all' that he
"ould bring five thousand men of arms on horseba+%( *lso there s"ore -ing Cradelmas
to bring five thousand men on horseba+%( *lso there s"ore -ing *g"isan+e of &reland to
bring five thousand men of arms on horseba+%( *lso there s"ore -ing 2entres to bring
five thousand men of arms on horseba+%( *lso there s"ore -ing Carados to bring five
thousand men of arms on horseba+%( .o their "hole host "as of +lean men of arms on
horseba+% fifty thousand' and a<foot ten thousand of good men1s bodies( )hen "ere they
soon ready' and mounted upon horse and sent forth their fore<riders' for these eleven
%ings in their "ays laid a siege unto the +astle of /edegraine0 and so they departed and
dre" to"ard *rthur' and left fe" to abide at the siege' for the +astle of /edegraine "as
holden of -ing *rthur' and the men that "ere therein "ere *rthur1s(
9f a dream of the -ing "ith the !undred -nights(
.o by Merlin1s advi+e there "ere sent fore<riders to s%im the +ountry' and they met "ith
the fore<riders of the north' and made them to tell "hi+h "ay the host +ame' and then
they told it to *rthur' and by -ing /an and /ors1 +oun+il they let burn and destroy all the
+ountry afore them' there they should ride(
)he -ing "ith the !undred -nights met a "onder dream t"o nights afore the battle' that
there ble" a great "ind' and ble" do"n their +astles and their to"ns' and after that +ame
a "ater and bare it all a"ay( *ll that heard of the s"even said it "as a to%en of great
battle( )hen by +ounsel of Merlin' "hen they "ist "hi+h "ay the eleven %ings "ould ride
and lodge that night' at midnight they set upon them' as they "ere in their pavilions( /ut
the s+out<"at+h by their host +ried' 8ords@ at arms@ for here be your enemies at your
!o" the eleven %ings "ith their host fought against *rthur and his host' and many great
feats of the "ar(
)!E2 -ing *rthur and -ing /an and -ing /ors' "ith their good and trusty %nights' set
on them so fier+ely that they made them overthro" their pavilions on their heads' but the
eleven %ings' by manly pro"ess of arms' too% a fair +hampaign' but there "as slain that
morro"tide ten thousand good men1s bodies( *nd so they had afore them a strong
passage' yet "ere they fifty thousand of hardy men( )hen it dre" to"ard day( 2o" shall
ye do by mine advi+e' said Merlin unto the three %ings4 & "ould that -ing /an and -ing
/ors' "ith their fello"ship of ten thousand men' "ere put in a "ood here beside' in an
ambushment' and %eep them privy' and that they be laid or the light of the day +ome' and
that they stir not till ye and your %nights have fought "ith them long( *nd "hen it is
daylight' dress your battle even afore them and the passage' that they may see all your
host' for then "ill they be the more hardy' "hen they see you but about t"enty thousand
men' and +ause them to be the gladder to suffer you and your host to +ome over the
passage( *ll the three %ings and the "hole barons said that Merlin said passingly "ell'
and it "as done anon as Merlin had devised( .o on the morn' "hen either host sa" other'
the host of the north "as "ell +omforted( )hen to #lfius and /rastias "ere delivered
three thousand men of arms' and they set on them fier+ely in the passage' and sle" on the
right hand and on the left hand that it "as "onder to tell(
When that the eleven %ings sa" that there "as so fe" a fello"ship did su+h deeds of
arms' they "ere ashamed and set on them again fier+ely0 and there "as .ir #lfius1s horse
slain under him' but he did marvellously "ell on foot( /ut the ,u%e Eusta+e of Cambenet
and -ing Clarian+e of 2orthumberland' "ere al"ay grievous on #lfius( )hen /rastias
sa" his fello" fared so "ithal he smote the du%e "ith a spear' that horse and man fell
do"n( )hat sa" -ing Clarian+e and returned unto /rastias' and either smote other so that
horse and man "ent to the earth' and so they lay long astonied' and their horses1 %nees
brast to the hard bone( )hen +ame .ir -ay the senes+hal "ith six fello"s "ith him' and
did passing "ell( With that +ame the eleven %ings' and there "as :riflet put to the earth'
horse and man' and 8u+as the butler' horse and man' by -ing /randegoris' and -ing
&dres' and -ing *g"isan+e( )hen "axed the medley passing hard on both parties( When
.ir -ay sa" :riflet on foot' he rode on -ing 2entres and smote him do"n' and led his
horse unto .ir :riflet' and horsed him again( *lso .ir -ay "ith the same spear smote
do"n -ing 8ot' and hurt him passing sore( )hat sa" the -ing "ith the !undred -nights'
and ran unto .ir -ay and smote him do"n' and too% his horse' and gave him -ing 8ot'
"hereof he said gramer+y( When .ir :riflet sa" .ir -ay and 8u+as the butler on foot' he
too% a sharp spear' great and s6uare' and rode to $inel' a good man of arms' and smote
horse and man do"n' and then he too% his horse' and gave him unto .ir -ay( )hen -ing
8ot sa" -ing 2entres on foot' he ran unto Melot de la ?o+he' and smote him do"n'
horse and man' and gave -ing 2entres the horse' and horsed him again( *lso the -ing of
the !undred -nights sa" -ing &dres on foot0 then he ran unto :"iniart de /loi' and
smote him do"n' horse and man' and gave -ing &dres the horse' and horsed him again0
and -ing 8ot smote do"n Clarian+e de la Forest .avage' and gave the horse unto ,u%e
Eusta+e( *nd so "hen they had horsed the %ings again they dre" them' all eleven %ings'
together' and said they "ould be revenged of the damage that they had ta%en that day(
)he mean"hile +ame in .ir E+tor "ith an eager +ountenan+e' and found #lfius and
/rastias on foot' in great peril of death' that "ere foul defoiled under horse<feet(
)hen *rthur as a lion' ran unto -ing Cradelment of 2orth Wales' and smote him through
the left side' that the horse and the %ing fell do"n0 and then he too% the horse by the rein'
and led him unto #lfius' and said' !ave this horse' mine old friend' for great need hast
thou of horse( :ramer+y' said #lfius( )hen .ir *rthur did so marvellously in arms' that
all men had "onder( When the -ing "ith the !undred -nights sa" -ing Cradelment on
foot' he ran unto .ir E+tor' that "as "ell horsed' .ir -ay1s father' and smote horse and
man do"n' and gave the horse unto the %ing' and horsed him again( *nd "hen -ing
*rthur sa" the %ing ride on .ir E+tor1s horse' he "as "roth and "ith his s"ord he smote
the %ing on the helm' that a 6uarter of the helm and shield fell do"n' and so the s"ord
+arved do"n unto the horse1s ne+%' and so the %ing and the horse fell do"n to the ground(
)hen .ir -ay +ame unto .ir Morganore' senes+hal "ith the -ing of the !undred -nights'
and smote him do"n' horse and man' and led the horse unto his father' .ir E+tor0 then .ir
E+tor ran unto a %night' hight 8ardans' and smote horse and man do"n' and led the horse
unto .ir /rastias' that great need had of an horse' and "as greatly defoiled( When
/rastias beheld 8u+as the butler' that lay li%e a dead man under the horses1 feet' and ever
.ir :riflet did marvellously for to res+ue him' and there "ere al"ays fourteen %nights on
.ir 8u+as0 then /rastias smote one of them on the helm' that it "ent to the teeth' and he
rode to another and smote him' that the arm fle" into the field( )hen he "ent to the third
and smote him on the shoulder' that shoulder and arm fle" in the field( *nd "hen :riflet
sa" res+ues' he smote a %night on the temples' that head and helm "ent to the earth' and
:riflet too% the horse of that %night' and led him unto .ir 8u+as' and bade him mount
upon the horse and revenge his hurts( For /rastias had slain a %night tofore and horsed
>et of the same battle(
)!E2 8u+as sa" -ing *g"isan+e' that late had slain Moris de la ?o+he' and 8u+as ran
to him "ith a short spear that "as great' that he gave him su+h a fall' that the horse fell
do"n to the earth( *lso 8u+as found there on foot' /loias de 8a Flandres' and .ir
:"inas' t"o hardy %nights' and in that "oodness that 8u+as "as in' he sle" t"o
ba+helors and horsed them again( )hen "axed the battle passing hard on both parties' but
*rthur "as glad that his %nights "ere horsed again' and then they fought together' that
the noise and sound rang by the "ater and the "ood( Wherefore -ing /an and -ing /ors
made them ready' and dressed their shields and harness' and they "ere so +ourageous that
many %nights shoo% and bevered for eagerness( *ll this "hile 8u+as' and :"inas' and
/riant' and /ellias of Flanders' held strong medley against six %ings' that "as -ing 8ot'
-ing 2entres' -ing /randegoris' -ing &dres' -ing #riens' and -ing *g"isan+e( .o "ith
the help of .ir -ay and of .ir :riflet they held these six %ings hard' that unnethe they had
any po"er to defend them( /ut "hen .ir *rthur sa" the battle "ould not be ended by no
manner' he fared "ood as a lion' and steered his horse here and there' on the right hand'
and on the left hand' that he stinted not till he had slain t"enty %nights( *lso he "ounded
-ing 8ot sore on the shoulder' and made him to leave that ground' for .ir -ay and :riflet
did "ith -ing *rthur there great deeds of arms( )hen #lfius' and /rastias' and .ir E+tor
en+ountered against the ,u%e Eusta+e' and -ing Cradelment' and -ing Clarian+e of
2orthumberland' and -ing Carados' and against the -ing "ith the !undred -nights( .o
these %nights en+ountered "ith these %ings' that they made them to avoid the ground(
)hen -ing 8ot made great dole for his damages and his fello"s' and said unto the ten
%ings' /ut if ye "ill do as & devise "e shall be slain and destroyed0 let me have the -ing
"ith the !undred -nights' and -ing *g"isan+e' and -ing &dres' and the ,u%e of
Cambenet' and "e five %ings "ill have fifteen thousand men of arms "ith us' and "e "ill
go apart "hile ye six %ings hold medley "ith t"elve thousand0 an "e see that ye have
foughten "ith them long' then "ill "e +ome on fier+ely' and else shall "e never mat+h
them' said -ing 8ot' but by this mean( .o they departed as they here devised' and six
%ings made their party strong against *rthur' and made great "ar long(
&n the mean"hile bra%e the ambushment of -ing /an and -ing /ors' and 8ionses and
$harian+e had the vanguard' and they t"o %nights met "ith -ing &dres and his
fello"ship' and there began a great medley of brea%ing of spears' and smiting of s"ords'
"ith slaying of men and horses' and -ing &dres "as near at dis+omforture(
)hat sa" *g"isan+e the %ing' and put 8ionses and $harian+e in point of death0 for the
,u%e of Cambenet +ame on "ithal "ith a great fello"ship( .o these t"o %nights "ere in
great danger of their lives that they "ere fain to return' but al"ays they res+ued
themselves and their fello"ship marvellously When -ing /ors sa" those %nights put
aba+%' it grieved him sore0 then he +ame on so fast that his fello"ship seemed as bla+% as
&nde( When -ing 8ot had espied -ing /ors' he %ne" him "ell' then he said' 9 5esu'
defend us from death and horrible maims@ for & see "ell "e be in great peril of death0 for
& see yonder a %ing' one of the most "orshipfullest men and one of the best %nights of the
"orld' is in+lined unto his fello"ship( What is he3 said the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights( &t is' said -ing 8ot' -ing /ors of :aul0 & marvel ho" they +ame into this
+ountry "ithout "itting of us all( &t "as by Merlin1s advi+e' said the %night( *s for him'
said -ing Carados' & "ill en+ounter "ith -ing /ors' an ye "ill res+ue me "hen myster is(
:o on' said they all' "e "ill do all that "e may( )hen -ing Carados and his host rode on
a soft pa+e' till that they +ame as nigh -ing /ors as bo"<draught0 then either battle let
their horse run as fast as they might( *nd /leoberis' that "as godson unto -ing /ors' he
bare his +hief standard' that "as a passing good %night( 2o" shall "e see' said -ing
/ors' ho" these northern /ritons +an bear the arms4 and -ing /ors en+ountered "ith a
%night' and smote him throughout "ith a spear that he fell dead unto the earth0 and after
dre" his s"ord and did marvellous deeds of arms' that all parties had great "onder
thereof0 and his %nights failed not' but did their part' and -ing Carados "as smitten to the
earth( With that +ame the -ing "ith the !undred -nights and res+ued -ing Carados
mightily by for+e of arms' for he "as a passing good %night of a %ing' and but a young
>et more of the same battle(
/> then +ame into the field -ing /an as fier+e as a lion' "ith bands of green and
thereupon gold( !a@ a@ said -ing 8ot' "e must be dis+omfited' for yonder & see the most
valiant %night of the "orld' and the man of the most reno"n' for su+h t"o brethren as is
-ing /an and -ing /ors are not living' "herefore "e must needs void or die0 and but if
"e avoid manly and "isely there is but death( When -ing /an +ame into the battle' he
+ame in so fier+ely that the stro%es redounded again from the "ood and the "ater0
"herefore -ing 8ot "ept for pity and dole that he sa" so many good %nights ta%e their
end( /ut through the great for+e of -ing /an they made both the northern battles that
"ere departed hurtled together for great dread0 and the three %ings and their %nights sle"
on ever' that it "as pity on to behold that multitude of the people that fled( /ut -ing 8ot'
and -ing of the !undred -nights' and -ing Morganore gathered the people together
passing %nightly' and did great pro"ess of arms' and held the battle all that day' li%e hard(
When the -ing of the !undred -nights beheld the great damage that -ing /an did' he
thrust unto him "ith his horse' and smote him on high upon the helm' a great stro%e' and
astonied him sore( )hen -ing /an "as "roth "ith him' and follo"ed on him fier+ely0 the
other sa" that' and +ast up his shield' and spurred his horse for"ard' but the stro%e of
-ing /an fell do"n and +arved a +antel off the shield' and the s"ord slid do"n by the
hauber% behind his ba+%' and +ut through the trapping of steel and the horse even in t"o
pie+es' that the s"ord felt the earth( )hen the -ing of the !undred -nights voided the
horse lightly' and "ith his s"ord he broa+hed the horse of -ing /an through and through(
With that -ing /an voided lightly from the dead horse' and then -ing /an smote at the
other so eagerly' and smote him on the helm that he fell to the earth( *lso in that ire he
felled -ing Morganore' and there "as great slaughter of good %nights and mu+h people(
/y then +ame into the press -ing *rthur' and found -ing /an standing among dead men
and dead horses' fighting on foot as a "ood lion' that there +ame none nigh him' as far as
he might rea+h "ith his s"ord' but he +aught a grievous buffet0 "hereof -ing *rthur had
great pity( *nd *rthur "as so bloody' that by his shield there might no man %no" him'
for all "as blood and brains on his s"ord( *nd as *rthur loo%ed by him he sa" a %night
that "as passingly "ell horsed' and there"ith .ir *rthur ran to him' and smote him on the
helm' that his s"ord "ent unto his teeth' and the %night san% do"n to the earth dead' and
anon *rthur too% the horse by the rein' and led him unto -ing /an' and said' Fair brother'
have this horse' for he have great myster thereof' and me repenteth sore of your great
damage( &t shall be soon revenged' said -ing /an' for & trust in :od mine ure is not su+h
but some of them may sore repent this( & "ill "ell' said *rthur' for & see your deeds full
a+tual0 nevertheless' & might not +ome at you at that time(
/ut "hen -ing /an "as mounted on horseba+%' then there began ne" battle' the "hi+h
"as sore and hard' and passing great slaughter( *nd so through great for+e -ing *rthur'
-ing /an' and -ing /ors made their %nights a little to "ithdra" them( /ut al"ay the
eleven %ings "ith their +hivalry never turned ba+%0 and so "ithdre" them to a little "ood'
and so over a little river' and there they rested them' for on the night they might have no
rest on the field( *nd then the eleven %ings and %nights put them on a heap all together'
as men adread and out of all +omfort( /ut there "as no man might pass them' they held
them so hard together both behind and before' that -ing *rthur had marvel of their deeds
of arms' and "as passing "roth( *h' .ir *rthur' said -ing /an and -ing /ors' blame
them not' for they do as good men ought to do( For by my faith' said -ing /an' they are
the best fighting men' and %nights of most pro"ess' that ever & sa" or heard spea% of' and
those eleven %ings are men of great "orship0 and if they "ere longing unto you there
"ere no %ing under the heaven had su+h eleven %nights' and of su+h "orship( & may not
love them' said *rthur' they "ould destroy me( )hat "ot "e "ell' said -ing /an and
-ing /ors' for they are your mortal enemies' and that hath been proved aforehand0 and
this day they have done their part' and that is great pity of their "ilfulness(
)hen all the eleven %ings dre" them together' and then said -ing 8ot' 8ords' ye must
other "ays than ye do' or else the great loss is behind0 ye may see "hat people "e have
lost' and "hat good men "e lose' be+ause "e "ait al"ays on these foot<men' and ever in
saving of one of the foot<men "e lose ten horsemen for him0 therefore this is mine
advi+e' let us put our foot<men from us' for it is near night' for the noble *rthur "ill not
tarry on the footmen' for they may save themselves' the "ood is near hand( *nd "hen "e
horsemen be together' loo% every ea+h of you %ings let ma%e su+h ordinan+e that none
brea% upon pain of death( *nd "ho that seeth any man dress him to flee' lightly that he be
slain' for it is better that "e slay a +o"ard' than through a +o"ard all "e to be slain( !o"
say ye3 said -ing 8ot' ans"er me all ye %ings( &t is "ell said' 6uoth -ing 2entres0 so said
the -ing of the !undred -nights0 the same said the -ing Carados' and -ing #riens0 so
did -ing &dres and -ing /randegoris0 and so did -ing Cradelment' and the ,u%e of
Cambenet0 the same said -ing Clarian+e and -ing *g"isan+e' and s"are they "ould
never fail other' neither for life nor for death( *nd "hoso that fled' but did as they did'
should be slain( )hen they amended their harness' and righted their shields' and too% ne"
spears and set them on their thighs' and stood still as it had been a plump of "ood(
>et more of the same battle' and ho" it "as ended by Merlin(
W!E2 .ir *rthur and -ing /an and /ors beheld them and all their %nights' they praised
them mu+h for their noble +heer of +hivalry' for the hardiest fighters that ever they heard
or sa"( With that' there dressed them a forty noble %nights' and said unto the three %ings'
they "ould brea% their battle0 these "ere their names4 8ionses' $harian+e' #lfius'
/rastias' E+tor' -ay' 8u+as the butler' :riflet le Fise de ,ieu' Mariet de la ?o+he' :uinas
de /loi' /riant de la Forest .avage' /ellaus' Morians of the Castle [of Maidens'
Flannedrius of the Castle of 8adies' *nne+ians that "as -ing /ors1 godson' a noble
%night' 8adinas de la ?ouse' Emerause' Caulas' :ra+iens le Castlein' one /lois de la
Case' and .ir Colgrevaun+e de :orre0 all these %nights rode on afore "ith spears on their
thighs' and spurred their horses mightily as the horses might run( *nd the eleven %ings
"ith part of their %nights rushed "ith their horses as fast as they might "ith their spears'
and there they did on both parties marvellous deeds of arms( .o +ame into the thi+% of the
press' *rthur' /an' and /ors' and sle" do"n right on both hands' that their horses "ent
in blood up to the fetlo+%s( /ut ever the eleven %ings and their host "as ever in the visage
of *rthur( Wherefore /an and /ors had great marvel' +onsidering the great slaughter that
there "as' but at the last they "ere driven aba+% over a little river( With that +ame Merlin
on a great bla+% horse' and said unto *rthur' )hou hast never done@ !ast thou not done
enough3 of three s+ore thousand this day hast thou left alive but fifteen thousand' and it is
time to say !o@ For :od is "roth "ith thee' that thou "ilt never have done0 for yonder
eleven %ings at this time "ill not be overthro"n' but an thou tarry on them any longer'
thy fortune "ill turn and they shall in+rease( *nd therefore "ithdra" you unto your
lodging' and rest you as soon as ye may' and re"ard your good %nights "ith gold and
"ith silver' for they have "ell deserved it0 there may no ri+hes be too dear for them' for
of so fe" men as ye have' there "ere never men did more of pro"ess than they have done
today' for ye have mat+hed this day "ith the best fighters of the "orld( )hat is truth' said
-ing /an and /ors( *lso said Merlin' "ithdra" you "here ye list' for this three year &
dare underta%e they shall not dere you0 and by then ye shall hear ne" tidings( *nd then
Merlin said unto *rthur' )hese eleven %ings have more on hand than they are "are of' for
the .ara+ens are landed in their +ountries' more than forty thousand' that burn and slay'
and have laid siege at the +astle Wandesboro"' and ma%e great destru+tion0 therefore
dread you not this three year( *lso' sir' all the goods that be gotten at this battle' let it be
sear+hed' and "hen ye have it in your hands' let it be given freely unto these t"o %ings'
/an and /ors' that they may re"ard their %nights "ithal0 and that shall +ause strangers to
be of better "ill to do you servi+e at need( *lso you be able to re"ard your o"n %nights
of your o"n goods "hensomever it li%eth you( &t is "ell said' 6uoth *rthur' and as thou
hast devised' so shall it be done( When it "as delivered to /an and /ors' they gave the
goods as freely to their %nights as freely as it "as given to them( )hen Merlin too% his
leave of *rthur and of the t"o %ings' for to go and see his master /leise' that d"elt in
2orthumberland0 and so he departed and +ame to his master' that "as passing glad of his
+oming0 and there he told ho" *rthur and the t"o %ings had sped at the great battle' and
ho" it "as ended' and told the names of every %ing and %night of "orship that "as there(
*nd so /leise "rote the battle "ord by "ord' as Merlin told him' ho" it began' and by
"hom' and in li%e"ise ho" it "as ended' and "ho had the "orse( *ll the battles that
"ere done in *rthur1s days Merlin did his master /leise do "rite0 also he did do "rite all
the battles that every "orthy %night did of *rthur1s +ourt(
*fter this Merlin departed from his master and +ame to -ing *rthur' that "as in the
+astle of /edegraine' that "as one of the +astles that stand in the forest of .her"ood( *nd
Merlin "as so disguised that -ing *rthur %ne" him not' for he "as all befurred in bla+%
sheep<s%ins' and a great pair of boots' and a bo" and arro"s' in a russet go"n' and
brought "ild geese in his hand' and it "as on the morn after Candlemas day0 but -ing
*rthur %ne" him not( .ir' said Merlin unto the %ing' "ill ye give me a gift3 Wherefore'
said -ing *rthur' should & give thee a gift' +hurl3 .ir' said Merlin' ye "ere better to give
me a gift that is not in your hand than to lose great ri+hes' for here in the same pla+e
"here the great battle "as' is great treasure hid in the earth( Who told thee so' +hurl3 said
*rthur( Merlin told me so' said he( )hen #lfius and /rastias %ne" him "ell enough' and
smiled( .ir' said these t"o %nights' it is Merlin that so spea%eth unto you( )hen -ing
*rthur "as greatly abashed' and had marvel of Merlin' and so had -ing /an and -ing
/ors' and so they had great disport at him( .o in the mean"hile there +ame a damosel
that "as an earl1s daughter4 his name "as .anam' and her name "as 8ionors' a passing
fair damosel0 and so she +ame thither for to do homage' as other lords did after the great
battle( *nd -ing *rthur set his love greatly upon her' and so did she upon him' and the
%ing had ado "ith her' and gat on her a +hild4 his name "as /orre' that "as after a good
%night' and of the )able ?ound( )hen there +ame "ord that the -ing ?ien+e of 2orth
Wales made great "ar on -ing 8eodegran+e of Cameliard' for the "hi+h thing *rthur
"as "roth' for he loved him "ell' and hated -ing ?ien+e' for he "as al"ay against him(
.o by ordinan+e of the three %ings that "ere sent home unto /en"i+%' all they "ould
depart for dread of -ing Claudas0 and $harian+e' and *ntemes' and :ratian' and 8ionses
[of $ayarne' "ith the leaders of those that should %eep the %ings1 lands(
!o" -ing *rthur' -ing /an' and -ing /ors res+ued -ing 8eodegran+e' and other
*2, then -ing *rthur' and -ing /an' and -ing /ors departed "ith their fello"ship' a
t"enty thousand' and +ame "ithin six days into the +ountry of Cameliard' and there
res+ued -ing 8eodegran+e' and sle" there mu+h people of -ing ?ien+e' unto the number
of ten thousand men' and put him to flight( *nd then had these three %ings great +heer of
-ing 8eodegran+e' that than%ed them of their great goodness' that they "ould revenge
him of his enemies0 and there had *rthur the first sight of :uenever' the %ing1s daughter
of Cameliard' and ever after he loved her( *fter they "ere "edded' as it telleth in the
boo%( .o' briefly to ma%e an end' they too% their leave to go into their o"n +ountries' for
-ing Claudas did great destru+tion on their lands( )hen said *rthur' & "ill go "ith you(
2ay' said the %ings' ye shall not at this time' for ye have mu+h to do yet in these lands'
therefore "e "ill depart' and "ith the great goods that "e have gotten in these lands by
your gifts' "e shall "age good %nights and "ithstand the -ing Claudas1 mali+e' for by
the gra+e of :od' an "e have need "e "ill send to you for your su++our0 and if ye have
need' send for us' and "e "ill not tarry' by the faith of our bodies( &t shall not' said
Merlin' need that these t"o %ings +ome again in the "ay of "ar' but & %no" "ell -ing
*rthur may not be long from you' for "ithin a year or t"o ye shall have great need' and
then shall he revenge you on your enemies' as ye have done on his( For these eleven
%ings shall die all in a day' by the great might and pro"ess of arms of t"o valiant %nights
Bas it telleth afterC0 their names be /alin le .avage' and /alan' his brother' that be
marvellous good %nights as be any living(
2o" turn "e to the eleven %ings that returned unto a +ity that hight .orhaute' the "hi+h
+ity "as "ithin -ing #riens1' and there they refreshed them as "ell as they might' and
made lee+hes sear+h their "ounds' and sorro"ed greatly for the death of their people(
With that there +ame a messenger and told ho" there "as +ome into their lands people
that "ere la"less as "ell as .ara+ens' a forty thousand' and have burnt and slain all the
people that they may +ome by' "ithout mer+y' and have laid siege on the +astle of
Wandesboro"( *las' said the eleven %ings' here is sorro" upon sorro"' and if "e had not
"arred against *rthur as "e have done' he "ould soon revenge us( *s for -ing
8eodegran+e' he loveth *rthur better than us' and as for -ing ?ien+e' he hath enough to
do "ith 8eodegran+e' for he hath laid siege unto him( .o they +onsented together to %eep
all the mar+hes of Corn"all' of Wales' and of the 2orth( .o first' they put -ing &dres in
the City of 2auntes in /ritain' "ith four thousand men of arms' to "at+h both the "ater
and the land( *lso they put in the +ity of Windesan' -ing 2entres of :arlot' "ith four
thousand %nights to "at+h both on "ater and on land( *lso they had of other men of "ar
more than eight thousand' for to fortify all the fortresses in the mar+hes of Corn"all( *lso
they put more %nights in all the mar+hes of Wales and .+otland' "ith many good men of
arms' and so they %ept them together the spa+e of three year' and ever allied them "ith
mighty %ings and du%es and lords( *nd to them fell -ing ?ien+e of 2orth Wales' the
"hi+h and 2ero that "as a mighty man of men( *nd all this "hile they furnished them
and garnished them of good men of arms' and vi+tual' and of all manner of habiliment
that pretendeth to the "ar' to avenge them for the battle of /edegraine' as it telleth in the
boo% of adventures follo"ing(
!o" -ing *rthur rode to Carlion' and of his dream' and ho" he sa" the 6uesting beast(
)!E2 after the departing of -ing /an and of -ing /ors' -ing *rthur rode into Carlion(
*nd thither +ame to him' -ing 8ot1s "ife' of 9r%ney' in manner of a message' but she
"as sent thither to espy the +ourt of -ing *rthur0 and she +ame ri+hly beseen' "ith her
four sons' :a"aine' :aheris' *gravine' and :areth' "ith many other %nights and ladies(
For she "as a passing fair lady' therefore the %ing +ast great love unto her' and desired to
lie by her0 so they "ere agreed' and he begat upon her Mordred' and she "as his sister' on
his mother1s side' &graine( .o there she rested her a month' and at the last departed( )hen
the %ing dreamed a marvellous dream "hereof he "as sore adread( /ut all this time -ing
*rthur %ne" not that -ing 8ot1s "ife "as his sister( )hus "as the dream of *rthur4 !im
thought there "as +ome into this land griffins and serpents' and him thought they burnt
and sle" all the people in the land' and then him thought he fought "ith them' and they
did him passing great harm' and "ounded him full sore' but at the last he sle" them(
When the %ing a"a%ed' he "as passing heavy of his dream' and so to put it out of
thoughts' he made him ready "ith many %nights to ride a<hunting( *s soon as he "as in
the forest the %ing sa" a great hart afore him( )his hart "ill & +hase' said -ing *rthur'
and so he spurred the horse' and rode after long' and so by fine for+e oft he "as li%e to
have smitten the hart0 "hereas the %ing had +hased the hart so long' that his horse lost his
breath' and fell do"n dead( )hen a yeoman fet+hed the %ing another horse(
.o the %ing sa" the hart enbushed' and his horse dead' he set him do"n by a fountain'
and there he fell in great thoughts( *nd as he sat so' him thought he heard a noise of
hounds' to the sum of thirty( *nd "ith that the %ing sa" +oming to"ard him the strangest
beast that ever he sa" or heard of0 so the beast "ent to the "ell and dran%' and the noise
"as in the beast1s belly li%e unto the 6uesting of thirty +ouple hounds0 but all the "hile
the beast dran% there "as no noise in the beast1s belly4 and there("ith the beast departed
"ith a great noise' "hereof the %ing had great marvel( *nd so he "as in a great thought'
and there"ith he fell asleep( ?ight so there +ame a %night afoot unto *rthur and said'
-night full of thought and sleepy' tell me if thou sa"est a strange beast pass this "ay(
.u+h one sa" &' said -ing *rthur' that is past t"o mile0 "hat "ould ye "ith the beast3
said *rthur( .ir' & have follo"ed that beast long time' and %illed mine horse' so "ould
:od & had another to follo" my 6uest( ?ight so +ame one "ith the %ing1s horse' and "hen
the %night sa" the horse' he prayed the %ing to give him the horse4 for & have follo"ed
this 6uest this t"elvemonth' and either & shall a+hieve him' or bleed of the best blood of
my body( $ellinore' that time %ing' follo"ed the ;uesting /east' and after his death .ir
$alamides follo"ed it(
!o" -ing $ellinore too% *rthur1s horse and follo"ed the ;uesting /east' and ho"
Merlin met "ith *rthur(
.&? %night' said the %ing' leave that 6uest' and suffer me to have it' and & "ill follo" it
another t"elvemonth( *h' fool' said the %night unto *rthur' it is in vain thy desire' for it
shall never be a+hieved but by me' or my next %in( )here"ith he started unto the %ing1s
horse and mounted into the saddle' and said' :ramer+y' this horse is my o"n( Well' said
the %ing' thou mayst ta%e my horse by for+e' but an & might prove thee "hether thou "ere
better on horseba+% or &(=Well' said the %night' see% me here "hen thou "ilt' and here
nigh this "ell thou shalt find me' and so passed on his "ay( )hen the %ing sat in a study'
and bade his men fet+h his horse as fast as ever they might( ?ight so +ame by him Merlin
li%e a +hild of fourteen year of age' and saluted the %ing' and as%ed him "hy he "as so
pensive( & may "ell be pensive' said the %ing' for & have seen the marvellest sight that
ever & sa"( )hat %no" & "ell' said Merlin' as "ell as thyself' and of all thy thoughts' but
thou art but a fool to ta%e thought' for it "ill not amend thee( *lso & %no" "hat thou art'
and "ho "as thy father' and of "hom thou "ert begotten0 -ing #ther $endragon "as thy
father' and begat thee on &graine( )hat is false' said -ing *rthur' ho" shouldest thou
%no" it' for thou art not so old of years to %no" my father3 >es' said Merlin' & %no" it
better than ye or any man living( & "ill not believe thee' said *rthur' and "as "roth "ith
the +hild( .o departed Merlin' and +ame again in the li%eness of an old man of fours+ore
year of age' "hereof the %ing "as right glad' for he seemed to be right "ise(
)hen said the old man' Why are ye so sad3 & may "ell be heavy' said *rthur' for many
things( *lso here "as a +hild' and told me many things that meseemeth he should not
%no"' for he "as not of age to %no" my father( >es' said the old man' the +hild told you
truth' and more "ould he have told you an ye "ould have suffered him( /ut ye have done
a thing late that :od is displeased "ith you' for ye have lain by your sister' and on her ye
have gotten a +hild that shall destroy you and all the %nights of your realm( What are ye'
said *rthur' that tell me these tidings3 & am Merlin' and & "as he in the +hild1s li%eness(
*h' said -ing *rthur' ye are a marvellous man' but & marvel mu+h of thy "ords that &
must die in battle( Marvel not' said Merlin' for it is :od1s "ill your body to be punished
for your foul deeds0 but & may "ell be sorry' said Merlin' for & shall die a shameful death'
to be put in the earth 6ui+%' and ye shall die a "orshipful death( *nd as they tal%ed this'
+ame one "ith the %ing1s horse' and so the %ing mounted on his horse' and Merlin on
another' and so rode unto Carlion( *nd anon the %ing as%ed E+tor and #lfius ho" he "as
begotten' and they told him #ther $endragon "as his father and ;ueen &graine his
mother( )hen he said to Merlin' & "ill that my mother be sent for that & may spea% "ith
her0 and if she say so herself then "ill & believe it( &n all haste' the 6ueen "as sent for' and
she +ame and brought "ith her Morgan le Fay' her daughter' that "as as fair a lady as any
might be' and the %ing "el+omed &graine in the best manner(
!o" #lfius impea+hed ;ueen &graine' *rthur1s mother' of treason0 and ho" a %night
+ame and desired to have the death of his master revenged(
?&:!) .9 +ame #lfius' and said openly' that the %ing and all might hear that "ere
feasted that day' >e are the falsest lady of the "orld' and the most traitress unto the
%ing1s person( /e"are' said *rthur' "hat thou sayest0 thou spea%est a great "ord( & am
"ell "are' said #lfius' "hat & spea%' and here is my glove to prove it upon any man that
"ill say the +ontrary' that this ;ueen &graine is +auser of your great damage' and of your
great "ar( For' an she "ould have uttered it in the life of -ing #ther $endragon' of the
birth of you' and ho" ye "ere begotten ye had never had the mortal "ars that ye have
had0 for the most part of your barons of your realm %ne" never "hose son ye "ere' nor
of "hom ye "ere begotten0 and she that bare you of her body should have made it %no"n
openly in ex+using of her "orship and yours' and in li%e "ise to all the realm' "herefore
& prove her false to :od and to you and to all your realm' and "ho "ill say the +ontrary &
"ill prove it on his body(
)hen spa%e &graine and said' & am a "oman and & may not fight' but rather than & should
be dishonoured' there "ould some good man ta%e my 6uarrel( More' she said' Merlin
%no"eth "ell' and ye .ir #lfius' ho" -ing #ther +ame to me in the Castle of )intagil in
the li%eness of my lord' that "as dead three hours tofore' and thereby gat a +hild that
night upon me( *nd after the thirteenth day -ing #ther "edded me' and by his
+ommandment "hen the +hild "as born it "as delivered unto Merlin and nourished by
him' and so & sa" the +hild never after' nor "ot not "hat is his name' for & %ne" him
never yet( *nd there' #lfius said to the 6ueen' Merlin is more to blame than ye( Well &
"ot' said the 6ueen' & bare a +hild by my lord -ing #ther' but & "ot not "here he is
be+ome( )hen Merlin too% the %ing by the hand' saying' )his is your mother( *nd
there"ith .ir E+tor bare "itness ho" he nourished him by #ther1s +ommandment( *nd
there"ith -ing *rthur too% his mother' ;ueen &graine' in his arms and %issed her' and
either "ept upon other( *nd then the %ing let ma%e a feast that lasted eight days(
)hen on a day there +ame in the +ourt a s6uire on horseba+%' leading a %night before him
"ounded to the death' and told him ho" there "as a %night in the forest had reared up a
pavilion by a "ell' and hath slain my master' a good %night' his name "as Miles0
"herefore & besee+h you that my master may be buried' and that some %night may
revenge my master1s death( )hen the noise "as great of that %night1s death in the +ourt'
and every man said his advi+e( )hen +ame :riflet that "as but a s6uire' and he "as but
young' of the age of the %ing *rthur' so he besought the %ing for all his servi+e that he
had done him to give the order of %nighthood(
!o" :riflet "as made %night' and 7ousted "ith a %night
)!9# art full young and tender of age' said *rthur' for to ta%e so high an order on thee(
.ir' said :riflet' & besee+h you ma%e me %night( .ir' said Merlin' it "ere great pity to lose
:riflet' for he "ill be a passing good man "hen he is of age' abiding "ith you the term of
his life( *nd if he adventure his body "ith yonder %night at the fountain' it is in great
peril if ever he +ome again' for he is one of the best %nights of the "orld' and the
strongest man of arms( Well' said *rthur( .o at the desire of :riflet the %ing made him
%night( 2o"' said *rthur unto .ir :riflet' sith & have made you %night thou must give me
a gift( What ye "ill' said :riflet( )hou shalt promise me by the faith of thy body' "hen
thou hast 7ousted "ith the %night at the fountain' "hether it fall ye be on foot or on
horseba+%' that right so ye shall +ome again unto me "ithout ma%ing any more debate( &
"ill promise you' said :riflet' as you desire( )hen too% :riflet his horse in great haste'
and dressed his shield and too% a spear in his hand' and so he rode a great "allop till he
+ame to the fountain' and thereby he sa" a ri+h pavilion' and thereby under a +loth stood
a fair horse "ell saddled and bridled' and on a tree a shield of divers +olours and a great
spear( )hen :riflet smote on the shield "ith the butt of his spear' that the shield fell do"n
to the ground( With that the %night +ame out of the pavilion' and said' Fair %night' "hy
smote ye do"n my shield3 For & "ill 7oust "ith you' said :riflet( &t is better ye do not'
said the %night' for ye are but young' and late made %night' and your might is nothing to
mine( *s for that' said :riflet' & "ill 7oust "ith you( )hat is me loath' said the %night' but
sith & must needs' & "ill dress me thereto( 9f "hen+e be ye3 said the %night( .ir' & am of
*rthur1s +ourt( .o the t"o %nights ran together that :riflet1s spear all to<shivered0 and
there "ithal he smote :riflet through the shield and the left side' and bra%e the spear that
the trun+heon stu+% in his body' that horse and %night fell do"n(
!o" t"elve %nights +ame from ?ome and as%ed truage for this land of *rthur' and ho"
*rthur fought "ith a %night(
W!E2 the %night sa" him lie so on the ground' he alighted' and "as passing heavy' for
he "eened he had slain him' and then he unla+ed his helm and gat him "ind' and so "ith
the trun+heon he set him on his horse' and so betoo% him to :od' and said he had a
mighty heart' and if he might live he "ould prove a passing good %night( *nd so .ir
:riflet rode to the +ourt' "here great dole "as made for him( /ut through good lee+hes
he "as healed and saved( ?ight so +ame into the +ourt t"elve %nights' and "ere aged
men' and they +ame from the Emperor of ?ome' and they as%ed of *rthur truage for this
realm' other else the emperor "ould destroy him and his land( Well' said -ing *rthur' ye
are messengers' therefore ye may say "hat ye "ill' other else ye should die therefore( /ut
this is mine ans"er4 & o"e the emperor no truage' nor none "ill & hold him' but on a fair
field & shall give him my truage that shall be "ith a sharp spear' or else "ith a sharp
s"ord' and that shall not be long' by my father1s soul' #ther $endragon( *nd there"ith
the messengers departed passingly "roth' and -ing *rthur as "roth' for in evil time +ame
they then0 for the %ing "as passingly "roth for the hurt of .ir :riflet( *nd so he
+ommanded a privy man of his +hamber that or it be day his best horse and armour' "ith
all that longeth unto his person' be "ithout the +ity or to<morro" day( ?ight so or to<
morro" day he met "ith his man and his horse' and so mounted up and dressed his shield
and too% his spear' and bade his +hamberlain tarry there till he +ame again( *nd so *rthur
rode a soft pa+e till it "as day' and then "as he "are of three +hurls +hasing Merlin' and
"ould have slain him( )hen the %ing rode unto them' and bade them4 Flee' +hurls@ then
"ere they afeard "hen they sa" a %night' and fled( 9 Merlin' said *rthur' here hadst thou
been slain for all thy +rafts had & not been( 2ay' said Merlin' not so' for & +ould save
myself an & "ould0 and thou art more near thy death than & am' for thou goest to the
death"ard' an :od be not thy friend(
.o as they "ent thus tal%ing they +ame to the fountain' and the ri+h pavilion there by it(
)hen -ing *rthur "as "are "here sat a %night armed in a +hair( .ir %night' said *rthur'
for "hat +ause abidest thou here' that there may no %night ride this "ay but if he 7oust
"ith thee3 said the %ing( & rede thee leave that +ustom' said *rthur( )his +ustom' said the
%night' have & used and "ill use maugre "ho saith nay' and "ho is grieved "ith my
+ustom let him amend it that "ill( & "ill amend it' said *rthur( & shall defend thee' said
the %night( *non he too% his horse and dressed his shield and too% a spear' and they met
so hard either in other1s shields' that all to<shivered their spears( )here"ith anon *rthur
pulled out his s"ord( 2ay' not so' said the %night0 it is fairer' said the %night' that "e
t"ain run more together "ith sharp spears( & "ill "ell' said *rthur' an & had any more
spears( & have eno"' said the %night0 so there +ame a s6uire and brought t"o good spears'
and *rthur +hose one and he another0 so they spurred their horses and +ame together "ith
all their mights' that either bra%e their spears to their hands( )hen *rthur set hand on his
s"ord( 2ay' said the %night' ye shall do better' ye are a passing good 7ouster as ever & met
"ithal' and on+e for the love of the high order of %nighthood let us 7oust on+e again( &
assent me' said *rthur( *non there "ere brought t"o great spears' and every %night gat a
spear' and there"ith they ran together that *rthur1s spear all to<shivered( /ut the other
%night hit him so hard in midst of the shield' that horse and man fell to the earth' and
there"ith *rthur "as eager' and pulled out his s"ord' and said' & "ill assay thee' sir
%night' on foot' for & have lost the honour on horseba+%( & "ill be on horseba+%' said the
%night( )hen "as *rthur "roth' and dressed his shield to"ard him "ith his s"ord dra"n(
When the %night sa" that' he alighted' for him thought no "orship to have a %night at
su+h avail' he to be on horseba+% and he on foot' and so he alighted and dressed his shield
unto *rthur( *nd there began a strong battle "ith many great stro%es' and so he"ed "ith
their s"ords that the +antels fle" in the fields' and mu+h blood they bled both' that all the
pla+e there as they fought "as overbled "ith blood' and thus they fought long and rested
them' and then they "ent to the battle again' and so hurtled together li%e t"o rams that
either fell to the earth( .o at the last they smote together that both their s"ords met even
together( /ut the s"ord of the %night smote -ing *rthur1s s"ord in t"o pie+es'
"herefore he "as heavy( )hen said the %night unto *rthur' )hou art in my daunger
"hether me list to save thee or slay thee' and but thou yield thee as over+ome and
re+reant' thou shalt die( *s for death' said -ing *rthur' "el+ome be it "hen it +ometh'
but to yield me unto thee as re+reant & had liefer die than to be so shamed( *nd
there"ithal the %ing leapt unto $ellinore' and too% him by the middle and thre" him
do"n' and ra+ed off his helm( When the %night felt that he "as adread' for he "as a
passing big man of might' and anon he brought *rthur under him' and ra+ed off his helm
and "ould have smitten off his head(
!o" Merlin saved *rthur1s life' and thre" an en+hantment on -ing $ellinore and made
him to sleep(
)!E?EW&)!*8 +ame Merlin and said' -night' hold thy hand' for an thou slay that
%night thou puttest this realm in the greatest damage that ever "as realm4 for this %night
is a man of more "orship than thou "otest of( Why' "ho is he3 said the %night( &t is -ing
*rthur( )hen "ould he have slain him for dread of his "rath' and heaved up his s"ord'
and there"ith Merlin +ast an en+hantment to the %night' that he fell to the earth in a great
sleep( )hen Merlin too% up -ing *rthur' and rode forth on the %night1s horse( *las@ said
*rthur' "hat hast thou done' Merlin3 hast thou slain this good %night by thy +rafts3 )here
liveth not so "orshipful a %night as he "as0 & had liefer than the stint of my land a year
that he "ere alive( Care ye not' said Merlin' for he is "holer than ye0 for he is but asleep'
and "ill a"a%e "ithin three hours( & told you' said Merlin' "hat a %night he "as0 here had
ye been slain had & not been( *lso there liveth not a bigger %night than he is one' and he
shall hereafter do you right good servi+e0 and his name is $ellinore' and he shall have t"o
sons that shall be passing good men0 save one they shall have no fello" of pro"ess and
of good living' and their names shall be $er+ivale of Wales and 8amera%e of Wales' and
he shall tell you the name of your o"n son' begotten of your sister' that shall be the
destru+tion of all this realm(
!o" *rthur by the mean of Merlin gat Ex+alibur his s"ord of the 8ady of the 8a%e(
?&:!) .9 the %ing and he departed' and "ent unto an hermit that "as a good man and a
great lee+h( .o the hermit sear+hed all his "ounds and gave him good salves0 so the %ing
"as there three days' and then "ere his "ounds "ell amended that he might ride and go'
and so departed( *nd as they rode' *rthur said' & have no s"ord( 2o for+e' said Merlin'
hereby is a s"ord that shall be yours' an & may( .o they rode till they +ame to a la%e' the
"hi+h "as a fair "ater and broad' and in the midst of the la%e *rthur "as "are of an arm
+lothed in "hite samite' that held a fair s"ord in that hand( 8o@ said Merlin' yonder is that
s"ord that & spa%e of( With that they sa" a damosel going upon the la%e( What damosel
is that3 said *rthur( )hat is the 8ady of the 8a%e' said Merlin0 and "ithin that la%e is a
ro+%' and therein is as fair a pla+e as any on earth' and ri+hly beseen0 and this damosel
"ill +ome to you anon' and then spea% ye fair to her that she "ill give you that s"ord(
*non "ithal +ame the damosel unto *rthur' and saluted him' and he her again( ,amosel'
said *rthur' "hat s"ord is that' that yonder the arm holdeth above the "ater3 & "ould it
"ere mine' for & have no s"ord( .ir *rthur' %ing' said the damosel' that s"ord is mine'
and if ye "ill give me a gift "hen & as% it you' ye shall have it( /y my faith' said *rthur' &
"ill give you "hat gift ye "ill as%( Well@ said the damosel' go ye into yonder barge' and
ro" yourself to the s"ord' and ta%e it and the s+abbard "ith you' and & "ill as% my gift
"hen & see my time( .o .ir *rthur and Merlin alighted and tied their horses to t"o trees'
and so they "ent into the ship' and "hen they +ame to the s"ord that the hand held' .ir
*rthur too% it up by the handles' and too% it "ith him' and the arm and the hand "ent
under the "ater( *nd so [they +ame unto the land and rode forth' and then .ir *rthur
sa" a ri+h pavilion( What signifieth yonder pavilion3 &t is the %night1s pavilion' said
Merlin' that ye fought "ith last' .ir $ellinore0 but he is out' he is not there( !e hath ado
"ith a %night of yours that hight Egglame' and they have foughten together' but at the last
Egglame fled' and else he had been dead' and he hath +hased him even to Carlion' and "e
shall meet "ith him anon in the high"ay( )hat is "ell said' said *rthur' no" have & a
s"ord' no" "ill & "age battle "ith him' and be avenged on him( .ir' you shall not so'
said Merlin' for the %night is "eary of fighting and +hasing' so that ye shall have no
"orship to have ado "ith him0 also he "ill not be lightly mat+hed of one %night living'
and therefore it is my +ounsel' let him pass' for he shall do you good servi+e in short
time' and his sons after his days( *lso ye shall see that day in short spa+e' you shall be
right glad to give him your sister to "ed( When & see him' & "ill do as ye advise' said
)hen .ir *rthur loo%ed on the s"ord' and li%ed it passing "ell( Whether li%eth you better'
said Merlin' the s"ord or the s+abbard3 Me li%eth better the s"ord' said *rthur( >e are
more un"ise' said Merlin' for the s+abbard is "orth ten of the s"ords' for "hiles ye have
the s+abbard upon you' ye shall never lose no blood' be ye never so sore "ounded0
therefore %eep "ell the s+abbard al"ays "ith you( .o they rode unto Carlion' and by the
"ay they met "ith .ir $ellinore0 but Merlin had done su+h a +raft' that $ellinore sa" not
*rthur' and he passed by "ithout any "ords( & marvel' said *rthur' that the %night "ould
not spea%( .ir' said Merlin' he sa" you not' for an he had seen you' ye had not lightly
departed( .o they +ame unto Carlion' "hereof his %nights "ere passing glad( *nd "hen
they heard of his adventures' they marvelled that he "ould 7eopard his person so' alone(
/ut all men of "orship said it "as merry to be under su+h a +hieftain' that "ould put his
person in adventure as other poor %nights did(
!o" tidings +ame to *rthur that -ing ?ien+e had over+ome eleven %ings' and ho" he
desired *rthur1s beard to trim his mantle(
)!&. mean"hile +ame a messenger from -ing ?ien+e of 2orth Wales' and %ing he "as
of all &reland' and of many isles( *nd this "as his message' greeting "ell -ing *rthur in
this manner "ise' saying that -ing ?ien+e had dis+omfited and over+ome eleven %ings'
and every+h of them did him homage' and that "as this' they gave him their beards +lean
flayed off' as mu+h as there "as0 "herefore the messenger +ame for -ing *rthur1s beard(
For -ing ?ien+e had purfled a mantle "ith %ings1 beards' and there la+%ed one pla+e of
the mantle0 "herefore he sent for his beard' or else he "ould enter into his lands' and
burn and slay' and never leave till he have the head and the beard( Well' said *rthur' thou
hast said thy message' the "hi+h is the most villainous and le"dest message that ever
man heard sent unto a %ing0 also thou mayest see my beard is full young yet to ma%e a
purfle of it( /ut tell thou thy %ing this4 & o"e him none homage' nor none of mine elders0
but or it be long to' he shall do me homage on both his %nees' or else he shall lose his
head' by the faith of my body' for this is the most shamefulest message that ever & heard
spea% of( & have espied thy %ing met never yet "ith "orshipful man' but tell him' & "ill
have his head "ithout he do me homage( )hen the messenger departed(
2o" is there any here' said *rthur' that %no"eth -ing ?ien+e3 )hen ans"ered a %night
that hight 2aram' .ir' & %no" the %ing "ell0 he is a passing good man of his body' as fe"
be living' and a passing proud man' and .ir' doubt ye not he "ill ma%e "ar on you "ith a
mighty puissan+e( Well' said *rthur' & shall ordain for him in short time(
!o" all the +hildren "ere sent for that "ere born on May<day' and ho" Mordred "as
)!E2 -ing *rthur let send for all the +hildren born on May<day' begotten of lords and
born of ladies0 for Merlin told -ing *rthur that he that should destroy him should be born
on May<day' "herefore he sent for them all' upon pain of death0 and so there "ere found
many lords1 sons' and all "ere sent unto the %ing' and so "as Mordred sent by -ing 8ot1s
"ife' and all "ere put in a ship to the sea' and some "ere four "ee%s old' and some less(
*nd so by fortune the ship drave unto a +astle' and "as all to<riven' and destroyed the
most part' save that Mordred "as +ast up' and a good man found him' and nourished him
till he "as fourteen year old' and then he brought him to the +ourt' as it rehearseth
after"ard' to"ard the end of the ,eath of *rthur( .o many lords and barons of this realm
"ere displeased' for their +hildren "ere so lost' and many put the "ite on Merlin more
than on *rthur0 so "hat for dread and for love' they held their pea+e( /ut "hen the
messenger +ame to -ing ?ien+e' then "as he "ood out of measure' and purveyed him for
a great host' as it rehearseth after in the boo% of /alin le .avage' that follo"eth next after'
ho" by adventure /alin gat the s"ord(
Expli+it liber primus( &n+ipit liber se+undus
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book $
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also VI-"! "I-"V! "VI-"I" #
9f a damosel "hi+h +ame girt "ith a s"ord for to find a man of su+h virtue to dra" it out
of the s+abbard(
*F)E? the death of #ther $endragon reigned *rthur his son' the "hi+h had great "ar in
his days for to get all England into his hand( For there "ere many %ings "ithin the realm
of England' and in Wales' .+otland' and Corn"all( .o it befell on a time "hen -ing
*rthur "as at 8ondon' there +ame a %night and told the %ing tidings ho" that the -ing
?ien+e of 2orth Wales had reared a great number of people' and "ere entered into the
land' and burnt and sle" the %ing1s true liege people( &f this be true' said *rthur' it "ere
great shame unto mine estate but that he "ere mightily "ithstood( &t is truth' said the
%night' for & sa" the host myself( Well' said the %ing' let ma%e a +ry' that all the lords'
%nights' and gentlemen of arms' should dra" unto a +astle +alled Camelot in those days'
and there the %ing "ould let ma%e a +oun+il<general and a great 7ousts(
.o "hen the %ing "as +ome thither "ith all his baronage' and lodged as they seemed best'
there "as +ome a damosel the "hi+h "as sent on message from the great lady 8ile of
*velion( *nd "hen she +ame before -ing *rthur' she told from "hom she +ame' and
ho" she "as sent on message unto him for these +auses( )hen she let her mantle fall that
"as ri+hly furred0 and then "as she girt "ith a noble s"ord "hereof the %ing had marvel'
and said' ,amosel' for "hat +ause are ye girt "ith that s"ord3 it beseemeth you not( 2o"
shall & tell you' said the damosel0 this s"ord that & am girt "ithal doth me great sorro"
and +umbran+e' for & may not be delivered of this s"ord but by a %night' but he must be a
passing good man of his hands and of his deeds' and "ithout villainy or trea+hery' and
"ithout treason( *nd if & may find su+h a %night that hath all these virtues' he may dra"
out this s"ord out of the sheath' for & have been at -ing ?ien+e1s it "as told me there
"ere passing good %nights' and he and all his %nights have assayed it and none +an speed(
)his is a great marvel' said *rthur' if this be sooth0 & "ill myself assay to dra" out the
s"ord' not presuming upon myself that & am the best %night' but that & "ill begin to dra"
at your s"ord in giving example to all the barons that they shall assay every+h one after
other "hen & have assayed it( )hen *rthur too% the s"ord by the sheath and by the girdle
and pulled at it eagerly' but the s"ord "ould not out(
.ir' said the damosel' you need not to pull half so hard' for he that shall pull it out shall
do it "ith little might( >e say "ell' said *rthur0 no" assay ye all my barons0 but be"are
ye be not defiled "ith shame' trea+hery' nor guile( )hen it "ill not avail' said the
damosel' for he must be a +lean %night "ithout villainy' and of a gentle strain of father
side and mother side( Most of all the barons of the ?ound )able that "ere there at that
time assayed all by ro"' but there might none speed0 "herefore the damosel made great
sorro" out of measure' and said' *las@ & "eened in this +ourt had been the best %nights
"ithout trea+hery or treason( /y my faith' said *rthur' here are good %nights' as & deem'
as any be in the "orld' but their gra+e is not to help you' "herefore & am displeased(
!o" /alin' arrayed li%e a poor %night' pulled out the s"ord' "hi+h after"ard "as the
+ause of his death(
)!E2 fell it so that time there "as a poor %night "ith -ing *rthur' that had been
prisoner "ith him half a year and more for slaying of a %night' the "hi+h "as +ousin unto
-ing *rthur( )he name of this %night "as +alled /alin' and by good means of the barons
he "as delivered out of prison' for he "as a good man named of his body' and he "as
born in 2orthumberland( *nd so he "ent privily into the +ourt' and sa" this adventure'
"hereof it raised his heart' and he "ould assay it as other %nights did' but for he "as poor
and poorly arrayed he put him not far in press( /ut in his heart he "as fully assured to do
as "ell' if his gra+e happed him' as any %night that there "as( *nd as the damosel too%
her leave of *rthur and of all the barons' so departing' this %night /alin +alled unto her'
and said' ,amosel' & pray you of your +ourtesy' suffer me as "ell to assay as these lords0
though that & be so poorly +lothed' in my heart meseemeth & am fully assured as some of
these others' and meseemeth in my heart to speed right "ell( )he damosel beheld the
poor %night' and sa" he "as a li%ely man' but for his poor arrayment she thought he
should be of no "orship "ithout villainy or trea+hery( *nd then she said unto the %night'
.ir' it needeth not to put me to more pain or labour' for it seemeth not you to speed there
as other have failed( *h@ fair damosel' said /alin' "orthiness' and good tat+hes' and good
deeds' are not only in arrayment' but manhood and "orship is hid "ithin man1s person'
and many a "orshipful %night is not %no"n unto all people' and therefore "orship and
hardiness is not in arrayment( /y :od' said the damosel' ye say sooth0 therefore ye shall
assay to do "hat ye may( )hen /alin too% the s"ord by the girdle and sheath' and dre" it
out easily0 and "hen he loo%ed on the s"ord it pleased him mu+h( )hen had the %ing and
all the barons great marvel that /alin had done that adventure' and many %nights had
great despite of /alin( Certes' said the damosel' this is a passing good %night' and the best
that ever & found' and most of "orship "ithout treason' trea+hery' or villainy' and many
marvels shall he do( 2o"' gentle and +ourteous %night' give me the s"ord again( 2ay'
said /alin' for this s"ord "ill & %eep' but it be ta%en from me "ith for+e( Well' said the
damosel' ye are not "ise to %eep the s"ord from me' for ye shall slay "ith the s"ord the
best friend that ye have' and the man that ye most love in the "orld' and the s"ord shall
be your destru+tion( & shall ta%e the adventure' said /alin' that :od "ill ordain me' but
the s"ord ye shall not have at this time' by the faith of my body( >e shall repent it "ithin
short time' said the damosel' for & "ould have the s"ord more for your avail than for
mine' for & am passing heavy for your sa%e0 for ye "ill not believe that s"ord shall be
your destru+tion' and that is great pity( With that the damosel departed' ma%ing great
*non after' /alin sent for his horse and armour' and so "ould depart from the +ourt' and
too% his leave of -ing *rthur( 2ay' said the %ing' & suppose ye "ill not depart so lightly
from this fello"ship' & suppose ye are displeased that & have she"ed you un%indness0
blame me the less' for & "as misinformed against you' but & "eened ye had not been su+h
a %night as ye are' of "orship and pro"ess' and if ye "ill abide in this +ourt among my
fello"ship' & shall so advan+e you as ye shall be pleased( :od than% your highness' said
/alin' your bounty and highness may no man praise half to the value0 but at this time &
must needs depart' besee+hing you al"ay of your good gra+e( )ruly' said the %ing' & am
right "roth for your departing0 & pray you' fair %night' that ye tarry not long' and ye shall
be right "el+ome to me' and to my barons' and & shall amend all miss that & have done
against you0 :od than% your great lordship' said /alin' and there"ith made him ready to
depart( )hen the most part of the %nights of the ?ound )able said that /alin did not this
adventure all only by might' but by "it+h+raft(
!o" the 8ady of the 8a%e demanded the %night1s head that had "on the s"ord' or the
maiden1s head(
)!E mean"hile' that this %night "as ma%ing him ready to depart' there +ame into the
+ourt a lady that hight the 8ady of the 8a%e( *nd she +ame on horseba+%' ri+hly beseen'
and saluted -ing *rthur' and there as%ed him a gift that he promised her "hen she gave
him the s"ord( )hat is sooth' said *rthur' a gift & promised you' but & have forgotten the
name of my s"ord that ye gave me( )he name of it' said the lady' is Ex+alibur' that is as
mu+h to say as Cut<steel( >e say "ell' said the %ing0 as% "hat ye "ill and ye shall have it'
an it lie in my po"er to give it( Well' said the lady' & as% the head of the %night that hath
"on the s"ord' or else the damosel1s head that brought it0 & ta%e no for+e though & have
both their heads' for he sle" my brother' a good %night and a true' and that gentle"oman
"as +auser of my father1s death( )ruly' said -ing *rthur' & may not grant neither of their
heads "ith my "orship' therefore as% "hat ye "ill else' and & shall fulfil your desire( &
"ill as% none other thing' said the lady( When /alin "as ready to depart' he sa" the 8ady
of the 8a%e' that by her means had slain /alin1s mother' and he had sought her three
years0 and "hen it "as told him that she as%ed his head of -ing *rthur' he "ent to her
straight and said' Evil be you found0 ye "ould have my head' and therefore ye shall lose
yours' and "ith his s"ord lightly he smote off her head before -ing *rthur( *las' for
shame@ said *rthur' "hy have ye done so3 ye have shamed me and all my +ourt' for this
"as a lady that & "as beholden to' and hither she +ame under my safe<+ondu+t0 & shall
never forgive you that trespass( .ir' said /alin' me forthin%eth of your displeasure' for
this same lady "as the untruest lady living' and by en+hantment and sor+ery she hath
been the destroyer of many good %nights' and she "as +auser that my mother "as burnt'
through her falsehood and trea+hery( What +ause soever ye had' said *rthur' ye should
have forborne her in my presen+e0 therefore' thin% not the +ontrary' ye shall repent it' for
su+h another despite had & never in my +ourt0 therefore "ithdra" you out of my +ourt in
all haste ye may(
)hen /alin too% up the head of the lady' and bare it "ith him to his hostelry' and there he
met "ith his s6uire' that "as sorry he had displeased -ing *rthur and so they rode forth
out of the to"n( 2o"' said /alin' "e must depart' ta%e thou this head and bear it to my
friends' and tell them ho" & have sped' and tell my friends in 2orthumberland that my
most foe is dead( *lso tell them ho" & am out of prison' and "hat adventure befell me at
the getting of this s"ord( *las@ said the s6uire' ye are greatly to blame for to displease
-ing *rthur( *s for that' said /alin' & "ill hie me' in all the haste that & may' to meet "ith
-ing ?ien+e and destroy him' either else to die therefore0 and if it may hap me to "in
him' then "ill -ing *rthur be my good and gra+ious lord( Where shall & meet "ith you3
said the s6uire( &n -ing *rthur1s +ourt' said /alin( .o his s6uire and he departed at that
time( )hen -ing *rthur and all the +ourt made great dole and had shame of the death of
the 8ady of the 8a%e( )hen the %ing buried her ri+hly(
!o" Merlin told the adventure of this damosel(
*) that time there "as a %night' the "hi+h "as the %ing1s son of &reland' and his name
"as 8an+eor' the "hi+h "as an orgulous %night' and +ounted himself one of the best of
the +ourt0 and he had great despite at /alin for the a+hieving of the s"ord' that any should
be a++ounted more hardy' or more of pro"ess0 and he as%ed -ing *rthur if he "ould give
him leave to ride after /alin and to revenge the despite that he had done( ,o your best'
said *rthur' & am right "roth "ith /alin0 & "ould he "ere 6uit of the despite that he hath
done to me and to my +ourt( )hen this 8an+eor "ent to his hostelry to ma%e him ready( &n
the mean"hile +ame Merlin unto the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and there "as told him the
adventure of the s"ord' and the death of the 8ady of the 8a%e( 2o" shall & say you' said
Merlin0 this same damosel that here standeth' that brought the s"ord unto your +ourt' &
shall tell you the +ause of her +oming4 she "as the falsest damosel that liveth( .ay not so'
said they( .he hath a brother' a passing good %night of pro"ess and a full true man0 and
this damosel loved another %night that held her to paramour' and this good %night her
brother met "ith the %night that held her to paramour' and sle" him by for+e of his
hands( When this false damosel understood this' she "ent to the 8ady 8ile of *velion'
and besought her of help' to be avenged on her o"n brother(
!o" /alin "as pursued by .ir 8an+eor' %night of &reland' and ho" he 7ousted and sle"
*2, so this 8ady 8ile of *velion too% her this s"ord that she brought "ith her' and told
there should no man pull it out of the sheath but if he be one of the best %nights of this
realm' and he should be hard and full of pro"ess' and "ith that s"ord he should slay her
brother( )his "as the +ause that the damosel +ame into this +ourt( & %no" it as "ell as ye(
Would :od she had not +ome into this +ourt' but she +ame never in fello"ship of "orship
to do good' but al"ays great harm0 and that %night that hath a+hieved the s"ord shall be
destroyed by that s"ord' for the "hi+h "ill be great damage' for there liveth not a %night
of more pro"ess than he is' and he shall do unto you' my 8ord *rthur' great honour and
%indness0 and it is great pity he shall not endure but a "hile' for of his strength and
hardiness & %no" not his mat+h living(
.o the %night of &reland armed him at all points' and dressed his shield on his shoulder'
and mounted upon horseba+%' and too% his spear in his hand' and rode after a great pa+e'
as mu+h as his horse might go0 and "ithin a little spa+e on a mountain he had a sight of
/alin' and "ith a loud voi+e he +ried' *bide' %night' for ye shall abide "hether ye "ill or
nill' and the shield that is tofore you shall not help( When /alin heard the noise' he turned
his horse fier+ely' and said' Fair %night' "hat "ill ye "ith me' "ill ye 7oust "ith me3
>ea' said the &rish %night' therefore +ome & after you( $eradventure' said /alin' it had
been better to have holden you at home' for many a man "eeneth to put his enemy to a
rebu%e' and oft it falleth to himself( 9f "hat +ourt be ye sent from3 said /alin( & am +ome
from the +ourt of -ing *rthur' said the %night of &reland' that +ome hither for to revenge
the despite ye did this day to -ing *rthur and to his +ourt( Well' said /alin' & see "ell &
must have ado "ith you' that me forthin%eth for to grieve -ing *rthur' or any of his
+ourt0 and your 6uarrel is full simple' said /alin' unto me' for the lady that is dead' did
me great damage' and else "ould & have been loath as any %night that liveth for to slay a
lady( Ma%e you ready' said the %night 8an+eor' and dress you unto me' for that one shall
abide in the field( )hen they too% their spears' and +ame together as mu+h as their horses
might drive' and the &rish %night smote /alin on the shield' that all "ent shivers off his
spear' and /alin hit him through the shield' and the hauber% perished' and so pier+ed
through his body and the horse1s +roup' and anon turned his horse fier+ely' and dre" out
his s"ord' and "ist not that he had slain him0 and then he sa" him lie as a dead +orpse(
!o" a damosel' "hi+h "as love to 8an+eor' sle" herself for love' and ho" /alin met
"ith his brother /alan(
)!E2 he loo%ed by him' and "as "are of a damosel that +ame riding full fast as the
horse might ride' on a fair palfrey( *nd "hen she espied that 8an+eor "as slain' she made
sorro" out of measure' and said' 9 /alin' t"o bodies thou hast slain and one heart' and
t"o hearts in one body' and t"o souls thou hast lost( *nd there"ith she too% the s"ord
from her love that lay dead' and fell to the ground in a s"oon( *nd "hen she arose she
made great dole out of measure' the "hi+h sorro" grieved /alin passingly sore' and he
"ent unto her for to have ta%en the s"ord out of her hand' but she held it so fast he might
not ta%e it out of her hand unless he should have hurt her' and suddenly she set the
pommel to the ground' and rove herself through the body( When /alin espied her deeds'
he "as passing heavy in his heart' and ashamed that so fair a damosel had destroyed
herself for the love of his death( *las' said /alin' me repenteth sore the death of this
%night' for the love of this damosel' for there "as mu+h true love bet"ixt them both' and
for sorro" might not longer behold him' but turned his horse and loo%ed to"ard a great
forest' and there he "as "are' by the arms' of his brother /alan( *nd "hen they "ere met
they put off their helms and %issed together' and "ept for 7oy and pity( )hen /alan said' &
little "eened to have met "ith you at this sudden adventure0 & am right glad of your
deliveran+e out of your dolorous prisonment' for a man told me' in the +astle of Four
.tones' that ye "ere delivered' and that man had seen you in the +ourt of -ing *rthur'
and therefore & +ame hither into this +ountry' for here & supposed to find you( *non the
%night /alin told his brother of his adventure of the s"ord' and of the death of the 8ady
of the 8a%e' and ho" -ing *rthur "as displeased "ith him( Wherefore he sent this
%night after me' that lieth here dead' and the death of this damosel grieveth me sore( .o
doth it me' said /alan' but ye must ta%e the adventure that :od "ill ordain you( )ruly'
said /alin' & am right heavy that my 8ord *rthur is displeased "ith me' for he is the most
"orshipful %night that reigneth no" on earth' and his love "ill & get or else "ill & put my
life in adventure( For the -ing ?ien+e lieth at a siege at the Castle )errabil' and thither
"ill "e dra" in all haste' to prove our "orship and pro"ess upon him( & "ill "ell' said
/alan' that "e do' and "e "ill help ea+h other as brethren ought to do(
!o" a d"arf reproved /alin for the death of 8an+eor' and ho" -ing Mar% of Corn"all
found them' and made a tomb over them(
2o" go "e hen+e' said /alin' and "ell be "e met( )he mean"hile as they tal%ed' there
+ame a d"arf from the +ity of Camelot on horseba+%' as mu+h as he might0 and found the
dead bodies' "herefore he made great dole' and pulled out his hair for sorro"' and said'
Whi+h of you %nights have done this deed3 Whereby as%est thou it3 said /alan( For &
"ould "it it' said the d"arf( &t "as &' said /alin' that sle" this %night in my defen+e' for
hither he +ame to +hase me' and either & must slay him or he me0 and this damosel sle"
herself for his love' "hi+h repenteth me' and for her sa%e & shall o"e all "omen the better
love( *las' said the d"arf' thou hast done great damage unto thyself' for this %night that is
here dead "as one of the most valiantest men that lived' and trust "ell' /alin' the %in of
this %night "ill +hase you through the "orld till they have slain you( *s for that' said
/alin' & fear not greatly' but & am right heavy that & have displeased my lord -ing *rthur'
for the death of this %night( .o as they tal%ed together' there +ame a %ing of Corn"all
riding' the "hi+h hight -ing Mar%( *nd "hen he sa" these t"o bodies dead' and
understood ho" they "ere dead' by the t"o %nights above said' then made the %ing great
sorro" for the true love that "as bet"ixt them' and said' & "ill not depart till & have on
this earth made a tomb' and there he pight his pavilions and sought through all the
+ountry to find a tomb' and in a +hur+h they found one "as fair and ri+h' and then the
%ing let put them both in the earth' and put the tomb upon them' and "rote the names of
them both on the tomb( !o" here lieth 8an+eor the %ing1s son of &reland' that at his o"n
re6uest "as slain by the hands of /alin0 and ho" his lady' Colombe' and paramour' sle"
herself "ith her love1s s"ord for dole and sorro"(
!o" Merlin prophesied that t"o the best %nights of the "orld should fight there' "hi+h
"ere .ir 8an+elot and .ir )ristram(
)!E mean"hile as this "as a<doing' in +ame Merlin to -ing Mar%' and seeing all his
doing' said' !ere shall be in this same pla+e the greatest battle bet"ixt t"o %nights that
"as or ever shall be' and the truest lovers' and yet none of them shall slay other( *nd
there Merlin "rote their names upon the tomb "ith letters of gold that should fight in that
pla+e' "hose names "ere 8aun+elot de 8a%e' and )ristram( )hou art a marvellous man'
said -ing Mar% unto Merlin' that spea%est of su+h marvels' thou art a boistous man and
an unli%ely to tell of su+h deeds( What is thy name3 said -ing Mar%( *t this time' said
Merlin' & "ill not tell' but at that time "hen .ir )ristram is ta%en "ith his sovereign lady'
then ye shall hear and %no" my name' and at that time ye shall hear tidings that shall not
please you( )hen said Merlin to /alin' )hou hast done thyself great hurt' be+ause that
thou savest not this lady that sle" herself' that might have saved her an thou "ouldest( /y
the faith of my body' said /alin' & might not save her' for she sle" herself suddenly( Me
repenteth' said Merlin0 be+ause of the death of that lady thou shalt stri%e a stro%e most
dolorous that ever man stru+%' ex+ept the stro%e of our 8ord' for thou shalt hurt the truest
%night and the man of most "orship that no" liveth' and through that stro%e three
%ingdoms shall be in great poverty' misery and "ret+hedness t"elve years' and the %night
shall not be "hole of that "ound for many years( )hen Merlin too% his leave of /alin(
*nd /alin said' &f & "ist it "ere sooth that ye say & should do su+h a perilous deed as that'
& "ould slay myself to ma%e thee a liar( )here"ith Merlin vanished a"ay suddenly( *nd
then /alan and his brother too% their leave of -ing Mar%( First' said the %ing' tell me
your name( .ir' said /alan' ye may see he beareth t"o s"ords' thereby ye may +all him
the -night "ith the )"o ."ords( *nd so departed -ing Mar% unto Camelot to -ing
*rthur' and /alin too% the "ay to"ard -ing ?ien+e0 and as they rode together they met
"ith Merlin disguised' but they %ne" him not( Whither ride you3 said Merlin( We have
little to do' said the t"o %nights' to tell thee( /ut "hat is thy name3 said /alin( *t this
time' said Merlin' & "ill not tell it thee( &t is evil seen' said the %nights' that thou art a true
man that thou "ilt not tell thy name( *s for that' said Merlin' be it as it be may' & +an tell
you "herefore ye ride this "ay' for to meet -ing ?ien+e0 but it "ill not avail you "ithout
ye have my +ounsel( *h@ said /alin' ye are Merlin0 "e "ill be ruled by your +ounsel(
Come on' said Merlin' ye shall have great "orship' and loo% that ye do %nightly' for ye
shall have great need( *s for that' said /alin' dread you not' "e "ill do "hat "e may(
!o" /alin and his brother' by the +ounsel of Merlin' too% -ing ?ien+e and brought him
to -ing *rthur(
)!E2 Merlin lodged them in a "ood among leaves beside the high"ay' and too% off the
bridles of their horses and put them to grass and laid them do"n to rest them till it "as
nigh midnight( )hen Merlin bade them rise' and ma%e them ready' for the %ing "as nigh
them' that "as stolen a"ay from his host "ith a three s+ore horses of his best %nights' and
t"enty of them rode tofore to "arn the 8ady de Dan+e that the %ing "as +oming0 for that
night -ing ?ien+e should have lain "ith her( Whi+h is the %ing3 said /alin( *bide' said
Merlin' here in a strait "ay ye shall meet "ith him0 and there"ith he sho"ed /alin and
his brother "here he rode(
*non /alin and his brother met "ith the %ing' and smote him do"n' and "ounded him
fier+ely' and laid him to the ground0 and there they sle" on the right hand and the left
hand' and sle" more than forty of his men' and the remnant fled( )hen "ent they again to
-ing ?ien+e and "ould have slain him had he not yielded him unto their gra+e( )hen said
he thus4 -nights full of pro"ess' slay me not' for by my life ye may "in' and by my death
ye shall "in nothing( )hen said these t"o %nights' >e say sooth and truth' and so laid him
on a horse<litter( With that Merlin "as vanished' and +ame to -ing *rthur aforehand' and
told him ho" his most enemy "as ta%en and dis+omfited( /y "hom3 said -ing *rthur(
/y t"o %nights' said Merlin' that "ould please your lordship' and to<morro" ye shall
%no" "hat %nights they are( *non after +ame the -night "ith the )"o ."ords and /alan
his brother' and brought "ith them -ing ?ien+e of 2orth Wales' and there delivered him
to the porters' and +harged them "ith him0 and so they t"o returned again in the da"ning
of the day( -ing *rthur +ame then to -ing ?ien+e' and said' .ir %ing' ye are "el+ome4 by
"hat adventure +ome ye hither3 .ir' said -ing ?ien+e' & +ame hither by an hard
adventure( Who "on you3 said -ing *rthur( .ir' said the %ing' the -night "ith the )"o
."ords and his brother' "hi+h are t"o marvellous %nights of pro"ess( & %no" them not'
said *rthur' but mu+h & am beholden to them( *h' said Merlin' & shall tell you4 it is /alin
that a+hieved the s"ord' and his brother /alan' a good %night' there liveth not a better of
pro"ess and of "orthiness' and it shall be the greatest dole of him that ever & %ne" of
%night' for he shall not long endure( *las' said -ing *rthur' that is great pity0 for & am
mu+h beholden unto him' and & have ill deserved it unto him for his %indness( 2ay' said
Merlin' he shall do mu+h more for you' and that shall ye %no" in haste( /ut' sir' are ye
purveyed' said Merlin' for to<morn the host of 2ero' -ing ?ien+e1s brother' "ill set on
you or noon "ith a great host' and therefore ma%e you ready' for & "ill depart from you(
!o" -ing *rthur had a battle against 2ero and -ing 8ot of 9r%ney' and ho" -ing 8ot
"as de+eived by Merlin' and ho" t"elve %ings "ere slain(
)!E2 -ing *rthur made ready his host in ten battles and 2ero "as ready in the field
afore the Castle )errabil "ith a great host' and he had ten battles' "ith many more people
than *rthur had( )hen 2ero had the vanguard "ith the most part of his people' and
Merlin +ame to -ing 8ot of the &sle of 9r%ney' and held him "ith a tale of prophe+y' till
2ero and his people "ere destroyed( *nd there .ir -ay the senes+hal did passingly "ell'
that the days of his life the "orship "ent never from him0 and .ir !ervis de ?evel did
marvellous deeds "ith -ing *rthur' and -ing *rthur sle" that day t"enty %nights and
maimed forty( *t that time +ame in the -night "ith the )"o ."ords and his brother
/alan' but they t"o did so marvellously that the %ing and all the %nights marvelled of
them' and all they that beheld them said they "ere sent from heaven as angels' or devils
from hell0 and -ing *rthur said himself they "ere the best %nights that ever he sa"' for
they gave su+h stro%es that all men had "onder of them(
&n the mean"hile +ame one to -ing 8ot' and told him "hile he tarried there 2ero "as
destroyed and slain "ith all his people( *las' said -ing 8ot' & am ashamed' for by my
default there is many a "orshipful man slain' for an "e had been together there had been
none host under the heaven that had been able for to have mat+hed "ith us0 this faiter
"ith his prophe+y hath mo+%ed me( *ll that did Merlin' for he %ne" "ell that an -ing
8ot had been "ith his body there at the first battle' -ing *rthur had been slain' and all his
people destroyed0 and "ell Merlin %ne" that one of the %ings should be dead that day'
and loath "as Merlin that any of them both should be slain0 but of the t"ain' he had liefer
-ing 8ot had been slain than -ing *rthur( 2o" "hat is best to do3 said -ing 8ot of
9r%ney0 "hether is me better to treat "ith -ing *rthur or to fight' for the greater part of
our people are slain and destroyed3 .ir' said a %night' set on *rthur for they are "eary
and forfoughten and "e be fresh( *s for me' said -ing 8ot' & "ould every %night "ould
do his part as & "ould do mine( *nd then they advan+ed banners and smote together and
all to<shivered their spears0 and *rthur1s %nights' "ith the help of the -night "ith the
)"o ."ords and his brother /alan put -ing 8ot and his host to the "orse( /ut al"ays
-ing 8ot held him in the foremost front' and did marvellous deeds of arms' for all his
host "as borne up by his hands' for he abode all %nights( *las he might not endure' the
"hi+h "as great pity' that so "orthy a %night as he "as one should be overmat+hed' that
of late time afore had been a %night of -ing *rthur1s' and "edded the sister of -ing
*rthur0 and for -ing *rthur lay by -ing 8ot1s "ife' the "hi+h "as *rthur1s sister' and
gat on her Mordred' therefore -ing 8ot held against *rthur( .o there "as a %night that
"as +alled the -night "ith the .trange /east' and at that time his right name "as +alled
$ellinore' the "hi+h "as a good man of pro"ess' and he smote a mighty stro%e at -ing
8ot as he fought "ith all his enemies' and he failed of his stro%e' and smote the horse1s
ne+%' that he fell to the ground "ith -ing 8ot( *nd there"ith anon $ellinore smote him a
great stro%e through the helm and head unto the bro"s( *nd then all the host of 9r%ney
fled for the death of -ing 8ot' and there "ere slain many mothers1 sons( /ut -ing
$ellinore bare the "ite of the death of -ing 8ot' "herefore .ir :a"aine revenged the
death of his father the tenth year after he "as made %night' and sle" -ing $ellinore "ith
his o"n hands( *lso there "ere slain at that battle t"elve %ings on the side of -ing 8ot
"ith 2ero' and all "ere buried in the Chur+h of .aint .tephen1s in Camelot' and the
remnant of %nights and of others "ere buried in a great ro+%(
9f the interment of t"elve %ings' and of the prophe+y of Merlin' and ho" /alin should
give the dolorous stro%e(
.9 at the interment +ame -ing 8ot1s "ife Marga"se "ith her four sons' :a"aine'
*gravaine' :aheris' and :areth( *lso there +ame thither -ing #riens' .ir E"aine1s
father' and Morgan le Fay his "ife that "as -ing *rthur1s sister( *ll these +ame to the
interment( /ut of all these t"elve %ings -ing *rthur let ma%e the tomb of -ing 8ot
passing ri+hly' and made his tomb by his o"n0 and then *rthur let ma%e t"elve images of
latten and +opper' and over<gilt it "ith gold' in the sign of t"elve %ings' and ea+h one of
them held a taper of "ax that burnt day and night0 and -ing *rthur "as made in sign of a
figure standing above them "ith a s"ord dra"n in his hand' and all the t"elve figures
had +ountenan+e li%e unto men that "ere over+ome( *ll this made Merlin by his subtle
+raft' and there he told the %ing' When & am dead these tapers shall burn no longer' and
soon after the adventures of the .angreal shall +ome among you and be a+hieved( *lso he
told *rthur ho" /alin the "orshipful %night shall give the dolorous stro%e' "hereof shall
fall great vengean+e( 9h' "here is /alin and /alan and $ellinore3 said -ing *rthur( *s
for $ellinore' said Merlin' he "ill meet "ith you soon0 and as for /alin he "ill not be
long from you0 but the other brother "ill depart' ye shall see him no more( /y my faith'
said *rthur' they are t"o marvellous %nights' and namely /alin passeth of pro"ess of any
%night that ever & found' for mu+h beholden am & unto him0 "ould :od he "ould abide
"ith me( .ir' said Merlin' loo% ye %eep "ell the s+abbard of Ex+alibur' for ye shall lose
no blood "hile ye have the s+abbard upon you' though ye have as many "ounds upon
you as ye may have( .o after' for great trust' *rthur betoo% the s+abbard to Morgan le
Fay his sister' and she loved another %night better than her husband -ing #riens or -ing
*rthur' and she "ould have had *rthur her brother slain' and therefore she let ma%e
another s+abbard li%e it by en+hantment' and gave the s+abbard Ex+alibur to her love0 and
the %night1s name "as +alled *++olon' that after had near slain -ing *rthur( *fter this
Merlin told unto -ing *rthur of the prophe+y that there should be a great battle beside
.alisbury' and Mordred his o"n son should be against him( *lso he told him that
/agdemegus "as his +ousin' and germain unto -ing #riens(
!o" a sorro"ful %night +ame before *rthur' and ho" /alin fet+hed him' and ho" that
%night "as slain by a %night invisible(
W&)!&2 a day or t"o -ing *rthur "as some"hat si+%' and he let pit+h his pavilion in a
meado"' and there he laid him do"n on a pallet to sleep' but he might have no rest( ?ight
so he heard a great noise of an horse' and there"ith the %ing loo%ed out at the por+h of
the pavilion' and sa" a %night +oming even by him' ma%ing great dole( *bide' fair sir'
said *rthur' and tell me "herefore thou ma%est this sorro"( >e may little amend me' said
the %night' and so passed forth to the +astle of Meliot( *non after there +ame /alin' and
"hen he sa" -ing *rthur he alighted off his horse' and +ame to the -ing on foot' and
saluted him( /y my head' said *rthur' ye be "el+ome( .ir' right no" +ame riding this
"ay a %night ma%ing great mourn' for "hat +ause & +annot tell0 "herefore & "ould desire
of you of your +ourtesy and of your( gentleness to fet+h again that %night either by for+e
or else by his good "ill( & "ill do more for your lordship than that' said /alin0 and so he
rode more than a pa+e' and found the %night "ith a damosel in a forest' and said' .ir
%night' ye must +ome "ith me unto -ing *rthur' for to tell him of your sorro"( )hat "ill
& not' said the %night' for it "ill s+athe me greatly' and do you none avail( .ir' said /alin'
& pray you ma%e you ready' for ye must go "ith me' or else & must fight "ith you and
bring you by for+e' and that "ere me loath to do( Will ye be my "arrant' said the %night'
an & go "ith you3 >ea' said /alin' or else & "ill die therefore( *nd so he made him ready
to go "ith /alin' and left the damosel still( *nd as they "ere even afore -ing *rthur1s
pavilion' there +ame one invisible' and smote this %night that "ent "ith /alin throughout
the body "ith a spear( *las' said the %night' & am slain under your +ondu+t "ith a %night
+alled :arlon0 therefore ta%e my horse that is better than yours' and ride to the damosel'
and follo" the 6uest that & "as in as she "ill lead you' and revenge my death "hen ye
may( )hat shall & do' said /alin' and that & ma%e vo" unto %nighthood0 and so he
departed from this %night "ith great sorro"( .o -ing *rthur let bury this %night ri+hly'
and made a mention on his tomb' ho" there "as slain !erle"s le /erbeus' and by "hom
the trea+hery "as done' the %night :arlon( /ut ever the damosel bare the trun+heon of the
spear "ith her that .ir !erle"s "as slain "ithal(
!o" /alin and the damosel met "ith a %night "hi+h "as in li%e"ise slain' and ho" the
damosel bled for the +ustom of a +astle(
.o /alin and the damosel rode into a forest' and there met "ith a %night that had been a<
hunting' and that %night as%ed /alin for "hat +ause he made so great sorro"( Me list not
to tell you' said /alin( 2o"' said the %night' an & "ere armed as ye be & "ould fight "ith
you( )hat should little need' said /alin' & am not afeard to tell you' and told him all the
+ause ho" it "as( *h' said the %night' is this all3 here & ensure you by the faith of my
body never to depart from you "hile my life lasteth( *nd so they "ent to the hostelry and
armed them' and so rode forth "ith /alin( *nd as they +ame by an hermitage even by a
+hur+hyard' there +ame the %night :arlon invisible' and smote this %night' $erin de
Mountbeliard' through the body "ith a spear( *las' said the %night' & am slain by this
traitor %night that rideth invisible( *las' said /alin' it is not the first despite he hath done
me0 and there the hermit and /alin buried the %night under a ri+h stone and a tomb royal(
*nd on the morn they found letters of gold "ritten' ho" .ir :a"aine shall revenge his
father1s death' -ing 8ot' on the -ing $ellinore( *non after this /alin and the damosel
rode till they +ame to a +astle' and there /alin alighted' and he and the damosel "ent to
go into the +astle' and anon as /alin +ame "ithin the +astle1s gate the port+ullis fell do"n
at his ba+%' and there fell many men about the damosel' and "ould have slain her( When
/alin sa" that' he "as sore aggrieved' for he might not help the damosel( )hen he "ent
up into the to"er' and leapt over "alls into the dit+h' and hurt him not0 and anon he
pulled out his s"ord and "ould have foughten "ith them( *nd they all said nay' they
"ould not fight "ith him' for they did nothing but the old +ustom of the +astle0 and told
him ho" their lady "as si+%' and had lain many years' and she might not be "hole but if
she had a dish of silver full of blood of a +lean maid and a %ing1s daughter0 and therefore
the +ustom of this +astle is' there shall no damosel pass this "ay but she shall bleed of her
blood in a silver dish full( Well' said /alin' she shall bleed as mu+h as she may bleed' but
& "ill not lose the life of her "hiles my life lasteth( *nd so /alin made her to bleed by her
good "ill' but her blood helped not the lady( *nd so he and she rested there all night' and
had there right good +heer' and on the morn they passed on their "ays( *nd as it telleth
after in the .angreal' that .ir $er+ivale1s sister helped that lady "ith her blood' "hereof
she "as dead(
!o" /alin met "ith that %night named :arlon at a feast' and there he sle" him' to have
his blood to heal there"ith the son of his host(
)!E2 they rode three or four days and never met "ith adventure' and by hap they "ere
lodged "ith a gentle man that "as a ri+h man and "ell at ease( *nd as they sat at their
supper /alin overheard one +omplain grievously by him in a +hair( What is this noise3
said /alin( Forsooth' said his host' & "ill tell you( & "as but late at a 7ousting' and there &
7ousted "ith a %night that is brother unto -ing $ellam' and t"i+e smote & him do"n' and
then he promised to 6uit me on my best friend0 and so he "ounded my son' that +annot be
"hole till & have of that %night1s blood' and he rideth al"ay invisible0 but & %no" not his
name( *h@ said /alin' & %no" that %night' his name is :arlon' he hath slain t"o %nights of
mine in the same manner' therefore & had liefer meet "ith that %night than all the gold in
this realm' for the despite he hath done me( Well' said his host' & shall tell you' -ing
$ellam of 8isteneise hath made do +ry in all this +ountry a great feast that shall be "ithin
these t"enty days' and no %night may +ome there but if he bring his "ife "ith him' or his
paramour0 and that %night' your enemy and mine' ye shall see that day( )hen & behote
you' said /alin' part of his blood to heal your son "ithal( We "ill be for"ard to<morn'
said his host( .o on the morn they rode all three to"ard $ellam' and they had fifteen
days1 7ourney or they +ame thither0 and that same day began the great feast( *nd so they
alighted and stabled their horses' and "ent into the +astle0 but /alin1s host might not be
let in be+ause he had no lady( )hen /alin "as "ell re+eived and brought unto a +hamber
and unarmed him0 and there "ere brought him robes to his pleasure' and "ould have had
/alin leave his s"ord behind him( 2ay' said /alin' that do & not' for it is the +ustom of
my +ountry a %night al"ays to %eep his "eapon "ith him' and that +ustom "ill & %eep' or
else & "ill depart as & +ame( )hen they gave him leave to "ear his s"ord' and so he "ent
unto the +astle' and "as set among %nights of "orship' and his lady afore him(
.oon /alin as%ed a %night' &s there not a %night in this +ourt "hose name is :arlon3
>onder he goeth' said a %night' he "ith the bla+% fa+e0 he is the marvellest %night that is
no" living' for he destroyeth many good %nights' for he goeth invisible( *h "ell' said
/alin' is that he3 )hen /alin advised him long4 &f & slay him here & shall not es+ape' and if
& leave him no"' peradventure & shall never meet "ith him again at su+h a steven' and
mu+h harm he "ill do an he live( )here"ith this :arlon espied that this /alin beheld him'
and then he +ame and smote /alin on the fa+e "ith the ba+% of his hand' and said'
-night' "hy beholdest me so3 for shame therefore' eat thy meat and do that thou +ame
for( )hou sayest sooth' said /alin' this is not the first despite that thou hast done me' and
therefore & "ill do "hat & +ame for' and rose up fier+ely and +lave his head to the
shoulders( :ive me the trun+heon' said /alin to his lady' "here"ith he sle" your %night(
*non she gave it him' for al"ay she bare the trun+heon "ith her( *nd there"ith /alin
smote him through the body' and said openly' With that trun+heon thou hast slain a good
%night' and no" it sti+%eth in thy body( *nd then /alin +alled unto him his host' saying'
2o" may ye fet+h blood enough to heal your son "ithal(
!o" /alin fought "ith -ing $ellam' and ho" his s"ord bra%e' and ho" he gat a spear
"here"ith he smote the dolorous stro%e(
*292 all the %nights arose from the table for to set on /alin' and -ing $ellam himself
arose up fier+ely' and said' -night' hast thou slain my brother3 thou shalt die therefore or
thou depart( Well' said /alin' do it yourself( >es' said -ing $ellam' there shall no man
have ado "ith thee but myself' for the love of my brother( )hen -ing $ellam +aught in
his hand a grim "eapon and smote eagerly at /alin0 but /alin put the s"ord bet"ixt his
head and the stro%e' and there"ith his s"ord burst in sunder( *nd "hen /alin "as
"eaponless he ran into a +hamber for to see% some "eapon' and so from +hamber to
+hamber' and no "eapon he +ould find' and al"ays -ing $ellam after him( *nd at the last
he entered into a +hamber that "as marvellously "ell dight and ri+hly' and a bed arrayed
"ith +loth of gold' the ri+hest that might be thought' and one lying therein' and thereby
stood a table of +lean gold "ith four pillars of silver that bare up the table' and upon the
table stood a marvellous spear strangely "rought( *nd "hen /alin sa" that spear' he gat
it in his hand and turned him to -ing $ellam' and smote him passingly sore "ith that
spear' that -ing $ellam fell do"n in a s"oon' and there"ith the +astle roof and "alls
bra%e and fell to the earth' and /alin fell do"n so that he might not stir foot nor hand(
*nd so the most part of the +astle' that "as fallen do"n through that dolorous stro%e' lay
upon $ellam and /alin three days(
!o" /alin "as delivered by Merlin' and saved a %night that "ould have slain himself for
)!E2 Merlin +ame thither and too% up /alin' and gat him a good horse' for his "as
dead' and bade him ride out of that +ountry( & "ould have my damosel' said /alin( 8o'
said Merlin' "here she lieth dead( *nd -ing $ellam lay so' many years sore "ounded'
and might never be "hole till :alahad the haut prin+e healed him in the 6uest of the
.angreal' for in that pla+e "as part of the blood of our 8ord 5esus Christ' that 5oseph of
*rimathea brought into this land' and there himself lay in that ri+h bed( *nd that "as the
same spear that 8ongius smote our 8ord to the heart0 and -ing $ellam "as nigh of
5oseph1s %in' and that "as the most "orshipful man that lived in those days' and great
pity it "as of his hurt' for through that stro%e' turned to great dole' tray and tene( )hen
departed /alin from Merlin' and said' &n this "orld "e meet never no more( .o he rode
forth through the fair +ountries and +ities' and found the people dead' slain on every side(
*nd all that "ere alive +ried' 9 /alin' thou hast +aused great damage in these +ountries0
for the dolorous stro%e thou gavest unto -ing $ellam three +ountries are destroyed' and
doubt not but the vengean+e "ill fall on thee at the last( When /alin "as past those
+ountries he "as passing fain(
.o he rode eight days or he met "ith adventure( *nd at the last he +ame into a fair forest
in a valley' and "as "are of a to"er' and there beside he sa" a great horse of "ar' tied to
a tree' and there beside sat a fair %night on the ground and made great mourning' and he
"as a li%ely man' and a "ell made( /alin said' :od save you' "hy be ye so heavy3 tell
me and & "ill amend it' an & may' to my po"er( .ir %night' said he again' thou dost me
great grief' for & "as in merry thoughts' and no" thou puttest me to more pain( /alin
"ent a little from him' and loo%ed on his horse0 then heard /alin him say thus4 *h' fair
lady' "hy have ye bro%en my promise' for thou promisest me to meet me here by noon'
and & may +urse thee that ever ye gave me this s"ord' for "ith this s"ord & slay myself'
and pulled it out( *nd there"ith /alin stert unto him and too% him by the hand( 8et go
my hand' said the %night' or else & shall slay thee( )hat shall not need' said /alin' for &
shall promise you my help to get you your lady' an ye "ill tell me "here she is( What is
your name3 said the %night( My name is /alin le .avage( *h' sir' & %no" you "ell
enough' ye are the -night "ith the )"o ."ords' and the man of most pro"ess of your
hands living( What is your name3 said /alin( My name is :arnish of the Mount' a poor
man1s son' but by my pro"ess and hardiness a du%e hath made me %night' and gave me
lands0 his name is ,u%e !ermel' and his daughter is she that & love' and she me as &
deemed( !o" far is she hen+e3 said /alin( /ut six mile' said the %night( 2o" ride "e
hen+e' said these t"o %nights( .o they rode more than a pa+e' till that they +ame to a fair
+astle "ell "alled and dit+hed( & "ill into the +astle' said /alin' and loo% if she be there(
.o he "ent in and sear+hed from +hamber to +hamber' and found her bed' but she "as not
there( )hen /alin loo%ed into a fair little garden' and under a laurel tree he sa" her lie
upon a 6uilt of green samite and a %night in her arms' fast halsing either other' and under
their heads grass and herbs( When /alin sa" her lie so "ith the foulest %night that ever he
sa"' and she a fair lady' then /alin "ent through all the +hambers again' and told the
%night ho" he found her as she had slept fast' and so brought him in the pla+e there she
lay fast sleeping(
!o" that %night sle" his love and a %night lying by her' and after' ho" he sle" himself
"ith his o"n s"ord' and ho" /alin rode to"ard a +astle "here he lost his life(
*2, "hen :arnish beheld her so lying' for pure sorro" his mouth and nose burst out a<
bleeding' and "ith his s"ord he smote off both their heads' and then he made sorro" out
of measure' and said' 9 /alin' mu+h sorro" hast thou brought unto me' for hadst thou not
she"ed me that sight & should have passed my sorro"( Forsooth' said /alin' & did it to this
intent that it should better thy +ourage' and that ye might see and %no" her falsehood' and
to +ause you to leave love of su+h a lady0 :od %no"eth & did none other but as & "ould ye
did to me( *las' said :arnish' no" is my sorro" double that & may not endure' no" have
& slain that & most loved in all my life0 and there"ith suddenly he rove himself on his o"n
s"ord unto the hilts( When /alin sa" that' he dressed him then+e"ard' lest fol% "ould
say he had slain them0 and so he rode forth' and "ithin three days he +ame by a +ross' and
thereon "ere letters of gold "ritten' that said' &t is not for no %night alone to ride to"ard
this +astle( )hen sa" he an old hoar gentleman +oming to"ard him' that said' /alin le
.avage' thou passest thy bounds to +ome this "ay' therefore turn again and it "ill avail
thee( *nd he vanished a"ay anon0 and so he heard an horn blo" as it had been the death
of a beast( )hat blast' said /alin' is blo"n for me' for & am the priAe and yet am & not
dead( *non "ithal he sa" an hundred ladies and many %nights' that "el+omed him "ith
fair semblant' and made him passing good +heer unto his sight' and led him into the
+astle' and there "as dan+ing and minstrelsy and all manner of 7oy( )hen the +hief lady of
the +astle said' -night "ith the )"o ."ords' ye must have ado and 7oust "ith a %night
hereby that %eepeth an island' for there may no man pass this "ay but he must 7oust or he
pass( )hat is an unhappy +ustom' said /alin' that a %night may not pass this "ay but if he
7oust( >e shall not have ado but "ith one %night' said the lady(
Well' said /alin' sin+e & shall thereto & am ready' but travelling men are oft "eary and
their horses too' but though my horse be "eary my heart is not "eary' & "ould be fain
there my death should be( .ir' said a %night to /alin' methin%eth your shield is not good'
& "ill lend you a bigger( )hereof & pray you( *nd so he too% the shield that "as un%no"n
and left his o"n' and so rode unto the island' and put him and his horse in a great boat0
and "hen he +ame on the other side he met "ith a damosel' and she said' 9 %night /alin'
"hy have ye left your o"n shield3 alas ye have put yourself in great danger' for by your
shield ye should have been %no"n0 it is great pity of you as ever "as of %night' for of thy
pro"ess and hardiness thou hast no fello" living( Me repenteth' said /alin' that ever &
+ame "ithin this +ountry' but & may not turn no" again for shame' and "hat adventure
shall fall to me' be it life or death' & "ill ta%e the adventure that shall +ome to me( *nd
then he loo%ed on his armour' and understood he "as "ell armed' and there"ith blessed
him and mounted upon his horse(
!o" /alin met "ith his brother /alan' and ho" ea+h of them sle" other un%no"n' till
they "ere "ounded to death(
)!E2 afore him he sa" +ome riding out of a +astle a %night' and his horse trapped all
red' and himself in the same +olour( When this %night in the red beheld /alin' him
thought it should be his brother /alin by +ause of his t"o s"ords' but by +ause he %ne"
not his shield he deemed it "as not he( *nd so they aventryd their spears and +ame
marvellously fast together' and they smote ea+h other in the shields' but their spears and
their +ourse "ere so big that it bare do"n horse and man' that they lay both in a s"oon(
/ut /alin "as bruised sore "ith the fall of his horse' for he "as "eary of travel( *nd
/alan "as the first that rose on foot and dre" his s"ord' and "ent to"ard /alin' and he
arose and "ent against him0 but /alan smote /alin first' and he put up his shield and
smote him through the shield and tamed his helm( )hen /alin smote him again "ith that
unhappy s"ord' and "ell<nigh had felled his brother /alan' and so they fought there
together till their breaths failed( )hen /alin loo%ed up to the +astle and sa" the to"ers
stand full of ladies( .o they "ent unto battle again' and "ounded every+h other dolefully'
and then they breathed ofttimes' and so "ent unto battle that all the pla+e there as they
fought "as blood red( *nd at that time there "as none of them both but they had either
smitten other seven great "ounds' so that the least of them might have been the death of
the mightiest giant in this "orld(
)hen they "ent to battle again so marvellously that doubt it "as to hear of that battle for
the great blood<shedding' and their hauber%s unnailed that na%ed they "ere on every side(
*t last /alan the younger brother "ithdre" him a little and laid him do"n( )hen said
/alin le .avage' What %night art thou3 for or no" & found never no %night that mat+hed
me( My name is' said he' /alan' brother unto the good %night' /alin( *las' said /alin'
that ever & should see this day' and there"ith he fell ba+%"ard in a s"oon( )hen /alan
yede on all four feet and hands' and put off the helm off his brother' and might not %no"
him by the visage it "as so ful he"n and bled0 but "hen he a"o%e he said' 9 /alan' my
brother' thou hast slain me and & thee' "herefore all the "ide "orld shall spea% of us
both( *las' said /alan' that ever & sa" this day' that through mishap & might not %no"
you' for & espied "ell your t"o s"ords' but by +ause ye had another shield & deemed ye
had been another %night( *las' said /alin' all that made an unhappy %night in the +astle'
for he +aused me to leave my o"n shield to our both1s destru+tion' and if & might live &
"ould destroy that +astle for ill +ustoms( )hat "ere "ell done' said /alan' for & had never
gra+e to depart from them sin+e that & +ame hither' for here it happed me to slay a %night
that %ept this island' and sin+e might & never depart' and no more should ye' brother' an
ye might have slain me as ye have' and es+aped yourself "ith the life(
?ight so +ame the lady of the to"er "ith four %nights and six ladies and six yeomen unto
them' and there she heard ho" they made their moan either to other' and said' We +ame
both out of one tomb' that is to say one mother1s belly' and so shall "e lie both in one pit(
.o /alan prayed the lady of her gentleness' for his true servi+e' that she "ould bury them
both in that same pla+e there the battle "as done( *nd she granted them' "ith "eeping' it
should be done ri+hly in the best manner( 2o"' "ill ye send for a priest' that "e may
re+eive our sa+rament' and re+eive the blessed body of our 8ord 5esus Christ3 >ea' said
the lady' it shall be done0 and so she sent for a priest and gave them their rights( 2o"'
said /alin' "hen "e are buried in one tomb' and the mention made over us ho" t"o
brethren sle" ea+h other' there "ill never good %night' nor good man' see our tomb but
they "ill pray for our souls( *nd so all the ladies and gentle"omen "ept for pity( )hen
anon /alan died' but /alin died not till the midnight after' and so "ere they buried both'
and the lady let ma%e a mention of /alan ho" he "as there slain by his brother1s hands'
but she %ne" not /alin1s name(
!o" Merlin buried them both in one tomb' and of /alin1s s"ord(
&2 the morn +ame Merlin and let "rite /alin1s name on the tomb "ith letters of gold' that
!ere lieth /alin le .avage that "as the -night "ith the )"o ."ords' and he that smote
the ,olorous .tro%e( *lso Merlin let ma%e there a bed' that there should never man lie
therein but he "ent out of his "it' yet 8aun+elot de 8a%e fordid that bed through his
noblesse( *nd anon after /alin "as dead' Merlin too% his s"ord' and too% off the
pommel and set on another pommel( .o Merlin bade a %night that stood afore him handle
that s"ord' and he assayed' and he might not handle it( )hen Merlin laughed( Why laugh
ye3 said the %night( )his is the +ause' said Merlin4 there shall never man handle this
s"ord but the best %night of the "orld' and that shall be .ir 8aun+elot or else :alahad his
son' and 8aun+elot "ith this s"ord shall slay the man that in the "orld he loved best' that
shall be .ir :a"aine( *ll this he let "rite in the pommel of the s"ord( )hen Merlin let
ma%e a bridge of iron and of steel into that island' and it "as but half a foot broad' and
there shall never man pass that bridge' nor have hardiness to go over' but if he "ere a
passing good man and a good %night "ithout trea+hery or villainy( *lso the s+abbard of
/alin1s s"ord Merlin left it on this side the island' that :alahad should find it( *lso
Merlin let ma%e by his subtilty that /alin1s s"ord "as put in a marble stone standing
upright as great as a mill stone' and the stone hoved al"ays above the "ater and did many
years' and so by adventure it s"am do"n the stream to the City of Camelot' that is in
English Win+hester( *nd that same day :alahad the haut prin+e +ame "ith -ing *rthur'
and so :alahad brought "ith him the s+abbard and a+hieved the s"ord that "as there in
the marble stone hoving upon the "ater( *nd on Whitsunday he a+hieved the s"ord as it
is rehearsed in the boo% of .angreal(
.oon after this "as done Merlin +ame to -ing *rthur and told him of the dolorous stro%e
that /alin gave to -ing $ellam' and ho" /alin and /alan fought together the marvellest
battle that ever "as heard of' and ho" they "ere buried both in one tomb( *las' said -ing
*rthur' this is the greatest pity that ever & heard tell of t"o %nights' for in the "orld &
%no" not su+h t"o %nights( )hus endeth the tale of /alin and of /alan' t"o brethren born
in 2orthumberland' good %nights(
.e6uitur iii liber(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book %
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also VI-"! "I-"V #
!o" -ing *rthur too% a "ife' and "edded :uenever' daughter to 8eodegran+e' -ing of
the 8and of Cameliard' "ith "hom he had the ?ound )able(
&2 the beginning of *rthur' after he "as +hosen %ing by adventure and by gra+e0 for the
most part of the barons %ne" not that he "as #ther $endragon1s son' but as Merlin made
it openly %no"n( /ut yet many %ings and lords held great "ar against him for that +ause'
but "ell *rthur over+ame them all' for the most part the days of his life he "as ruled
mu+h by the +ounsel of Merlin( .o it fell on a time -ing *rthur said unto Merlin' My
barons "ill let me have no rest' but needs & must ta%e a "ife' and & "ill none ta%e but by
thy +ounsel and by thine advi+e( &t is "ell done' said Merlin' that ye ta%e a "ife' for a
man of your bounty and noblesse should not be "ithout a "ife( 2o" is there any that ye
love more than another3 >ea' said -ing *rthur' & love :uenever the %ing1s daughter'
8eodegran+e of the land of Cameliard' the "hi+h holdeth in his house the )able ?ound
that ye told he had of my father #ther( *nd this damosel is the most valiant and fairest
lady that & %no" living' or yet that ever & +ould find( .ir' said Merlin' as of her beauty and
fairness she is one of the fairest alive' but' an ye loved her not so "ell as ye do' & should
find you a damosel of beauty and of goodness that should li%e you and please you' an
your heart "ere not set0 but there as a man1s heart is set' he "ill be loath to return( )hat is
truth' said -ing *rthur( /ut Merlin "arned the %ing +overtly that :uenever "as not
"holesome for him to ta%e to "ife' for he "arned him that 8aun+elot should love her' and
she him again0 and so he turned his tale to the adventures of .angreal(
)hen Merlin desired of the %ing for to have men "ith him that should en6uire of
:uenever' and so the %ing granted him' and Merlin "ent forth unto -ing 8eodegran+e of
Cameliard' and told him of the desires of the %ing that he "ould have unto his "ife
:uenever his daughter( )hat is to me' said -ing 8eodegran+e' the best tidings that ever &
heard' that so "orthy a %ing of pro"ess and noblesse "ill "ed my daughter( *nd as for
my lands' & "ill give him' "ist & it might please him' but he hath lands eno"' him needeth
none0 but & shall send him a gift shall please him mu+h more' for & shall give him the
)able ?ound' the "hi+h #ther $endragon gave me' and "hen it is full +omplete' there is
an hundred %nights and fifty( *nd as for an hundred good %nights & have myself' but &
faute fifty' for so many have been slain in my days( *nd so 8eodegran+e delivered his
daughter :uenever unto Merlin' and the )able ?ound "ith the hundred %nights' and so
they rode freshly' "ith great royalty' "hat by "ater and "hat by land' till that they +ame
nigh unto 8ondon(
!o" the -nights of the ?ound )able "ere ordained and their sieges blessed by the
/ishop of Canterbury(
W!E2 -ing *rthur heard of the +oming of :uenever and the hundred %nights "ith the
)able ?ound' then -ing *rthur made great 7oy for her +oming' and that ri+h present' and
said openly' )his fair lady is passing "el+ome unto me' for & have loved her long' and
therefore there is nothing so lief to me( *nd these %nights "ith the ?ound )able please
me more than right great ri+hes( *nd in all haste the %ing let ordain for the marriage and
the +oronation in the most honourable "ise that +ould be devised( 2o"' Merlin' said
-ing *rthur' go thou and espy me in all this land fifty %nights "hi+h be of most pro"ess
and "orship( Within short time Merlin had found su+h %nights that should fulfil t"enty
and eight %nights' but no more he +ould find( )hen the /ishop of Canterbury "as fet+hed'
and he blessed the sieges "ith great royalty and devotion' and there set the eight and
t"enty %nights in their sieges( *nd "hen this "as done Merlin said' Fair sirs' ye must all
arise and +ome to -ing *rthur for to do him homage0 he "ill have the better "ill to
maintain you( *nd so they arose and did their homage' and "hen they "ere gone Merlin
found in every sieges letters of gold that told the %nights1 names that had sitten therein(
/ut t"o sieges "ere void( *nd so anon +ame young :a"aine and as%ed the %ing a gift(
*s%' said the %ing' and & shall grant it you( .ir' & as% that ye "ill ma%e me %night that
same day ye shall "ed fair :uenever( & "ill do it "ith a good "ill' said -ing *rthur' and
do unto you all the "orship that & may' for & must by reason ye are my nephe"' my
sister1s son(
!o" a poor man riding upon a lean mare desired -ing *rthur to ma%e his son %night(
F9?)!W&)!*8 there +ame a poor man into the +ourt' and brought "ith him a fair
young man of eighteen years of age riding upon a lean mare0 and the poor man as%ed all
men that he met' Where shall & find -ing *rthur3 >onder he is' said the %nights' "ilt thou
anything "ith him3 >ea' said the poor man' therefore & +ame hither( *non as he +ame
before the %ing' he saluted him and said4 9 -ing *rthur' the flo"er of all %nights and
%ings' & besee+h 5esu save thee( .ir' it "as told me that at this time of your marriage ye
"ould give any man the gift that he "ould as%' out ex+ept that "ere unreasonable( )hat is
truth' said the %ing' su+h +ries & let ma%e' and that "ill & hold' so it apair not my realm nor
mine estate( >e say "ell and gra+iously' said the poor man0 .ir' & as% nothing else but that
ye "ill ma%e my son here a %night( &t is a great thing thou as%est of me' said the %ing(
What is thy name3 said the %ing to the poor man( .ir' my name is *ries the +o"herd(
Whether +ometh this of thee or of thy son3 said the %ing( 2ay' sir' said *ries' this desire
+ometh of my son and not of me' for & shall tell you & have thirteen sons' and all they "ill
fall to "hat labour & put them' and "ill be right glad to do labour' but this +hild "ill not
labour for me' for anything that my "ife or & may do' but al"ays he "ill be shooting or
+asting darts' and glad for to see battles and to behold %nights' and al"ays day and night
he desireth of me to be made a %night( What is thy name3 said the %ing unto the young
man( .ir' my name is )or( )he %ing beheld him fast' and sa" he "as passingly "ell<
visaged and passingly "ell made of his years( Well' said -ing *rthur unto *ries the
+o"herd' fet+h all thy sons afore me that & may see them( *nd so the poor man did' and
all "ere shaped mu+h li%e the poor man( /ut )or "as not li%e none of them all in shape
nor in +ountenan+e' for he "as mu+h more than any of them( 2o"' said -ing *rthur unto
the +o" herd' "here is the s"ord he shall be made %night "ithal3 &t is here' said )or(
)a%e it out of the sheath' said the %ing' and re6uire me to ma%e you a %night(
)hen )or alighted off his mare and pulled out his s"ord' %neeling' and re6uiring the %ing
that he "ould ma%e him %night' and that he might be a %night of the )able ?ound( *s for
a %night & "ill ma%e you' and there"ith smote him in the ne+% "ith the s"ord' saying' /e
ye a good %night' and so & pray to :od so ye may be' and if ye be of pro"ess and of
"orthiness ye shall be a %night of the )able ?ound( 2o" Merlin' said *rthur' say
"hether this )or shall be a good %night or no( >ea' sir' he ought to be a good %night' for
he is +ome of as good a man as any is alive' and of %ings1 blood( !o" so' sir3 said the
%ing( & shall tell you' said Merlin4 )his poor man' *ries the +o"herd' is not his father0 he
is nothing sib to him' for -ing $ellinore is his father( & suppose nay' said the +o"herd(
Fet+h thy "ife afore me' said Merlin' and she shall not say nay( *non the "ife "as
fet+hed' "hi+h "as a fair house"ife' and there she ans"ered Merlin full "omanly' and
there she told the %ing and Merlin that "hen she "as a maid' and "ent to mil% %ine' there
met "ith her a stern %night' and half by for+e he had my maidenhead' and at that time he
begat my son )or' and he too% a"ay from me my greyhound that & had that time "ith me'
and said that he "ould %eep the greyhound for my love( *h' said the +o"herd' & "eened
not this' but & may believe it "ell' for he had never no tat+hes of me( .ir' said )or unto
Merlin' dishonour not my mother( .ir' said Merlin' it is more for your "orship than hurt'
for your father is a good man and a %ing' and he may right "ell advan+e you and your
mother' for ye "ere begotten or ever she "as "edded( )hat is truth' said the "ife( &t is the
less grief unto me' said the +o"herd(
!o" .ir )or "as %no"n for son of -ing $ellinore' and ho" :a"aine "as made %night(
.9 on the morn -ing $ellinore +ame to the +ourt of -ing *rthur' "hi+h had great 7oy of
him' and told him of )or' ho" he "as his son' and ho" he had made him %night at the
re6uest of the +o"herd( When $ellinore beheld )or' he pleased him mu+h( .o the %ing
made :a"aine %night' but )or "as the first he made at the feast( What is the +ause' said
-ing *rthur' that there be t"o pla+es void in the sieges3 .ir' said Merlin' there shall no
man sit in those pla+es but they that shall be of most "orship( /ut in the .iege $erilous
there shall no man sit therein but one' and if there be any so hardy to do it he shall be
destroyed' and he that shall sit there shall have no fello"( *nd there"ith Merlin too%
-ing $ellinore by the hand' and in the one hand next the t"o sieges and the .iege
$erilous he said' in open audien+e' )his is your pla+e and best ye are "orthy to sit therein
of any that is here( )hereat sat .ir :a"aine in great envy and told :aheris his brother'
yonder %night is put to great "orship' the "hi+h grieveth me sore' for he sle" our father
-ing 8ot' therefore & "ill slay him' said :a"aine' "ith a s"ord that "as sent me that is
passing tren+hant( >e shall not so' said :aheris' at this time' for at this time & am but a
s6uire' and "hen & am made %night & "ill be avenged on him' and therefore' brother' it is
best ye suffer till another time' that "e may have him out of the +ourt' for an "e did so
"e should trouble this high feast( & "ill "ell' said :a"aine' as ye "ill(
!o" at feast of the "edding of -ing *rthur to :uenever' a "hite hart +ame into the hall'
and thirty +ouple hounds' and ho" a bra+het pin+hed the hart "hi+h "as ta%en a"ay(
)!E2 "as the high feast made ready' and the %ing "as "edded at Camelot unto ,ame
:uenever in the +hur+h of .aint .tephen1s' "ith great solemnity( *nd as every man "as
set after his degree' Merlin "ent to all the %nights of the ?ound )able' and bade them sit
still' that none of them remove( For ye shall see a strange and a marvellous adventure(
?ight so as they sat there +ame running in a "hite hart into the hall' and a "hite bra+het
next him' and thirty +ouple of bla+% running hounds +ame after "ith a great +ry' and the
hart "ent about the )able ?ound as he "ent by other boards( )he "hite bra+het bit him
by the butto+% and pulled out a pie+e' "herethrough the hart leapt a great leap and
overthre" a %night that sat at the board side0 and there"ith the %night arose and too% up
the bra+het' and so "ent forth out of the hall' and too% his horse and rode his "ay "ith
the bra+het( ?ight so anon +ame in a lady on a "hite palfrey' and +ried aloud to -ing
*rthur' .ir' suffer me not to have this despite' for the bra+het "as mine that the %night led
a"ay( & may not do there"ith' said the %ing(
With this there +ame a %night riding all armed on a great horse' and too% the lady a"ay
"ith him "ith for+e' and ever she +ried and made great dole( When she "as gone the %ing
"as glad' for she made su+h a noise( 2ay' said Merlin' ye may not leave these adventures
so lightly0 for these adventures must be brought again or else it "ould be dis"orship to
you and to your feast( & "ill' said the %ing' that all be done by your advi+e( )hen' said
Merlin' let +all .ir :a"aine' for he must bring again the "hite hart( *lso' sir' ye must let
+all .ir )or' for he must bring again the bra+het and the %night' or else slay him( *lso let
+all -ing $ellinore' for he must bring again the lady and the %night' or else slay him( *nd
these three %nights shall do marvellous adventures or they +ome again( )hen "ere they
+alled all three as it rehearseth afore' and ea+h of them too% his +harge' and armed them
surely( /ut .ir :a"aine had the first re6uest' and therefore "e "ill begin at him(
!o" .ir :a"aine rode for to fet+h again the hart' and ho" t"o brethren fought ea+h
against other for the hart(
.&? :*W*&2E rode more than a pa+e' and :aheris his brother that rode "ith him
instead of a s6uire to do him servi+e( .o as they rode they sa" t"o %nights fight on
horseba+% passing sore' so .ir :a"aine and his brother rode bet"ixt them' and as%ed
them for "hat +ause they fought so( )he one %night ans"ered and said' We fight for a
simple matter' for "e t"o be t"o brethren born and begotten of one man and of one
"oman( *las' said .ir :a"aine' "hy do ye so3 .ir' said the elder' there +ame a "hite hart
this "ay this day' and many hounds +hased him' and a "hite bra+het "as al"ay next him'
and "e understood it "as adventure made for the high feast of -ing *rthur' and therefore
& "ould have gone after to have "on me "orship0 and here my younger brother said he
"ould go after the hart' for he "as better %night than &4 and for this +ause "e fell at
debate' and so "e thought to prove "hi+h of us both "as better %night( )his is a simple
+ause' said .ir :a"aine0 un+outh men ye should debate "ithal' and not brother "ith
brother0 therefore but if you "ill do by my +ounsel & "ill have ado "ith you' that is ye
shall yield you unto me' and that ye go unto -ing *rthur and yield you unto his gra+e( .ir
%night' said the t"o brethren' "e are forfoughten and mu+h blood have "e lost through
our "ilfulness' and therefore "e "ould be loath to have ado "ith you( )hen do as & "ill
have you' said .ir :a"aine( We "ill agree to fulfil your "ill0 but by "hom shall "e say
that "e be thither sent3 >e may say' /y the %night that follo"eth the 6uest of the hart that
"as "hite( 2o" "hat is your name3 said :a"aine( .orlouse of the Forest' said the elder(
*nd my name is' said the younger' /rian of the Forest( *nd so they departed and "ent to
the %ing1s +ourt' and .ir :a"aine on his 6uest(
*nd as :a"aine follo"ed the hart by the +ry of the hounds' even afore him there "as a
great river' and the hart s"am over0 and as .ir :a"aine "ould follo" after' there stood a
%night over the other side' and said' .ir %night' +ome not over after this hart but if thou
"ilt 7oust "ith me( & "ill not fail as for that' said .ir :a"aine' to follo" the 6uest that &
am in' and so made his horse to s"im over the "ater( *nd anon they gat their spears and
ran together full hard0 but .ir :a"aine smote him off his horse' and then he turned his
horse and bade him yield him( 2ay' said the %night' not so' though thou have the better of
me on horseba+%( & pray thee' valiant %night' alight afoot' and mat+h "e together "ith
s"ords( What is your name3 said .ir :a"aine( *llardin of the &sles' said the other( )hen
either dressed their shields and smote together' but .ir :a"aine smote him so hard
through the helm that it "ent to the brains' and the %night fell do"n dead( *h@ said
:aheris' that "as a mighty stro%e of a young %night(
!o" the hart "as +hased into a +astle and there slain' and ho" .ir :a"aine sle" a lady(
)!E2 :a"aine and :aheris rode more than a pa+e after the "hite hart' and let slip at the
hart three +ouple of greyhounds' and so they +hased the hart into a +astle' and in the +hief
pla+e of the +astle they sle" the hart0 .ir :a"aine and :aheris follo"ed after( ?ight so
there +ame a %night out of a +hamber "ith a s"ord dra"n in his hand and sle" t"o of the
greyhounds' even in the sight of .ir :a"aine' and the remnant he +hased them "ith his
s"ord out of the +astle( *nd "hen he +ame again' he said' 9 my "hite hart' me repenteth
that thou art dead' for my sovereign lady gave thee to me' and evil have & %ept thee' and
thy death shall be dear bought an & live( *nd anon he "ent into his +hamber and armed
him' and +ame out fier+ely' and there met he "ith .ir :a"aine( Why have ye slain my
hounds3 said .ir :a"aine' for they did but their %ind' and liefer & had ye had "ro%en
your anger upon me than upon a dumb beast( )hou sayest truth' said the %night' & have
avenged me on thy hounds' and so & "ill on thee or thou go( )hen .ir :a"aine alighted
afoot and dressed his shield' and stru+% together mightily' and +lave their shields' and
stoned their helms' and bra%e their hauber%s that the blood ran do"n to their feet(
*t the last .ir :a"aine smote the %night so hard that he fell to the earth' and then he
+ried mer+y' and yielded him' and besought him as he "as a %night and gentleman' to
save his life( )hou shalt die' said .ir :a"aine' for slaying of my hounds( & "ill ma%e
amends' said the %night' unto my po"er( .ir :a"aine "ould no mer+y have' but unla+ed
his helm to have stri+%en off his head( ?ight so +ame his lady out of a +hamber and fell
over him' and so he smote off her head by misadventure( *las' said :aheris' that is foully
and shamefully done' that shame shall never from you0 also ye should give mer+y unto
them that as% mer+y' for a %night "ithout mer+y is "ithout "orship( .ir :a"aine "as so
stonied of the death of this fair lady that he "ist not "hat he did' and said unto the %night'
*rise' & "ill give thee mer+y( 2ay' nay' said the %night' & ta%e no for+e of mer+y no"' for
thou hast slain my love and my lady that & loved best of all earthly things( Me sore
repenteth it' said .ir :a"aine' for & thought to stri%e unto thee0 but no" thou shalt go
unto -ing *rthur and tell him of thine adventures' and ho" thou art over+ome by the
%night that "ent in the 6uest of the "hite hart( & ta%e no for+e' said the %night' "hether &
live or & die0 but so for dread of death he s"ore to go unto -ing *rthur' and he made him
to bear one greyhound before him on his horse' and another behind him( What is your
name3 said .ir :a"aine' or "e depart( My name is' said the %night' *blamar of the
Marsh( .o he departed to"ard Camelot(
!o" four %nights fought against :a"aine and :aheris' and ho" they "ere over+ome'
and their lives saved at re6uest of four ladies(
*2, .ir :a"aine "ent into the +astle' and made him ready to lie there all night' and
"ould have unarmed him( What "ill ye do' said :aheris' "ill ye unarm you in this
+ountry3 >e may thin% ye have many enemies here( )hey had not sooner said that "ord
but there +ame four %nights "ell armed' and assailed .ir :a"aine hard' and said unto
him' )hou ne"<made %night' thou hast shamed thy %nighthood' for a %night "ithout
mer+y is dishonoured( *lso thou hast slain a fair lady to thy great shame to the "orld1s
end' and doubt thou not thou shalt have great need of mer+y or thou depart from us( *nd
there"ith one of them smote .ir :a"aine a great stro%e that nigh he fell to the earth' and
:aheris smote him again sore' and so they "ere on the one side and on the other' that .ir
:a"aine and :aheris "ere in 7eopardy of their lives0 and one "ith a bo"' an ar+her'
smote .ir :a"aine through the arm that it grieved him "onderly sore( *nd as they should
have been slain' there +ame four fair ladies' and besought the %nights of gra+e for .ir
:a"aine0 and goodly at re6uest of the ladies they gave .ir :a"aine and :aheris their
lives' and made them to yield them as prisoners( )hen :a"aine and :aheris made great
dole( *las@ said .ir :a"aine' mine arm grieveth me sore' & am li%e to be maimed0 and so
made his +omplaint piteously(
Early on the morro" there +ame to .ir :a"aine one of the four ladies that had heard all
his +omplaint' and said' .ir %night' "hat +heer3 2ot good' said he( &t is your o"n default'
said the lady' for ye have done a passing foul deed in the slaying of the lady' the "hi+h
"ill be great villainy unto you( /ut be ye not of -ing *rthur1s %in3 said the lady( >es
truly' said .ir :a"aine( What is your name3 said the lady' ye must tell it me or ye pass(
My name is :a"aine' the -ing 8ot of 9r%ney1s son' and my mother is -ing *rthur1s
sister( *h@ then are ye nephe" unto -ing *rthur' said the lady' and & shall so spea% for
you that ye shall have +ondu+t to go to -ing *rthur for his love( *nd so she departed and
told the four %nights ho" their prisoner "as -ing *rthur1s nephe"' and his name is .ir
:a"aine' -ing 8ot1s son of 9r%ney( *nd they gave him the hart1s head be+ause it "as in
his 6uest( )hen anon they delivered .ir :a"aine under this promise' that he should bear
the dead lady "ith him in this manner0 the head of her "as hanged about his ne+%' and
the "hole body of her lay before him on his horse1s mane( ?ight so rode he forth unto
Camelot( *nd anon as he "as +ome' Merlin desired of -ing *rthur that .ir :a"aine
should be s"orn to tell of all his adventures' and ho" he sle" the lady' and ho" he "ould
give no mer+y unto the %night' "herethrough the lady "as slain( )hen the %ing and the
6ueen "ere greatly displeased "ith .ir :a"aine for the slaying of the lady( *nd there by
ordinan+e of the 6ueen there "as set a 6uest of ladies on .ir :a"aine' and they 7udged
him for ever "hile he lived to be "ith all ladies' and to fight for their 6uarrels0 and that
ever he should be +ourteous' and never to refuse mer+y to him that as%eth mer+y( )hus
"as :a"aine s"orn upon the Four Evangelists that he should never be against lady nor
gentle"oman' but if he fought for a lady and his adversary fought for another( *nd thus
endeth the adventure of .ir :a"aine that he did at the marriage of -ing *rthur( *men(
!o" .ir )or rode after the %night "ith the bra+het' and of his adventure by the "ay(
W!E2 .ir )or "as ready' he mounted upon his horseba+%' and rode after the %night "ith
the bra+het( .o as he rode he met "ith a d"arf suddenly that smote his horse on the head
"ith a staff' that he "ent ba+%"ard his spear length( Why dost thou so3 said .ir )or( For
thou shalt not pass this "ay' but if thou 7oust "ith yonder %nights of the pavilions( )hen
"as )or "are "here t"o pavilions "ere' and great spears stood out' and t"o shields hung
on trees by the pavilions( & may not tarry' said .ir )or' for & am in a 6uest that & must
needs follo"( )hou shalt not pass' said the d"arf' and there"ithal he ble" his horn( )hen
there +ame one armed on horseba+%' and dressed his shield' and +ame fast to"ard )or'
and he dressed him against him' and so ran together that )or bare him from his horse(
*nd anon the %night yielded him to his mer+y( /ut' sir' & have a fello" in yonder pavilion
that "ill have ado "ith you anon( !e shall be "el+ome' said .ir )or( )hen "as he "are
of another %night +oming "ith great raundon' and ea+h of them dressed to other' that
marvel it "as to see0 but the %night smote .ir )or a great stro%e in midst of the shield that
his spear all to<shivered( *nd .ir )or smote him through the shield belo" of the shield
that it "ent through the +ost of the %night' but the stro%e sle" him not( *nd there"ith .ir
)or alighted and smote him on the helm a great stro%e' and there"ith the %night yielded
him and besought him of mer+y( & "ill "ell' said .ir )or' but thou and thy fello" must go
unto -ing *rthur' and yield you prisoners unto him( /y "hom shall "e say are "e thither
sent3 >e shall say by the %night that "ent in the 6uest of the %night that "ent "ith the
bra+het( 2o"' "hat be your t"o names3 said .ir )or( My name is' said the one' .ir Felot
of 8angdu%0 and my name is' said the other' .ir $etipase of Win+helsea( 2o" go ye forth'
said .ir )or' and :od speed you and me( )hen +ame the d"arf and said unto .ir )or' &
pray you give me a gift( & "ill "ell' said .ir )or' as%( & as% no more' said the d"arf' but
that ye "ill suffer me to do you servi+e' for & "ill serve no more re+reant %nights( )a%e an
horse' said .ir )or' and ride on "ith me( & "ot ye ride after the %night "ith the "hite
bra+het' and & shall bring you "here he is' said the d"arf( *nd so they rode throughout a
forest' and at the last they "ere "are of t"o pavilions' even by a priory' "ith t"o shields'
and the one shield "as ene"ed "ith "hite' and the other shield "as red(
!o" .ir )or found the bra+het "ith a lady' and ho" a %night assailed him for the said
)!E?EW&)! .ir )or alighted and too% the d"arf his glaive' and so he +ame to the "hite
pavilion' and sa" three damosels lie in it' on one pallet' sleeping' and so he "ent to the
other pavilion' and found a lady lying sleeping therein' but there "as the "hite bra+het
that bayed at her fast' and there"ith the lady yede out of the pavilion and all her
damosels( /ut anon as .ir )or espied the "hite bra+het' he too% her by for+e and too% her
to the d"arf( What' "ill ye so' said the lady' ta%e my bra+het from me3 >ea' said .ir )or'
this bra+het have & sought from -ing *rthur1s +ourt hither( Well' said the lady' %night' ye
shall not go far "ith her' but that ye shall be met and grieved( & shall abide "hat
adventure that +ometh by the gra+e of :od' and so mounted upon his horse' and passed
on his "ay to"ard Camelot0 but it "as so near night he might not pass but little further(
-no" ye any lodging3 said )or( & %no" none' said the d"arf' but here beside is an
hermitage' and there ye must ta%e lodging as ye find( *nd "ithin a "hile they +ame to the
hermitage and too% lodging0 and "as there grass' oats and bread for their horses0 soon it
"as sped' and full hard "as their supper0 but there they rested them all night till on the
morn' and heard a mass devoutly' and too% their leave of the hermit' and .ir )or prayed
the hermit to pray for him( !e said he "ould' and betoo% him to :od( *nd so mounted
upon horseba+% and rode to"ards Camelot a long "hile(
With that they heard a %night +all loud that +ame after them' and he said' -night' abide
and yield my bra+het that thou too% from my lady( .ir )or returned again' and beheld him
ho" he "as a seemly %night and "ell horsed' and "ell armed at all points0 then .ir )or
dressed his shield' and too% his spear in his hands' and the other +ame fier+ely upon him'
and smote both horse and man to the earth( *non they arose lightly and dre" their s"ords
as eagerly as lions' and put their shields afore them' and smote through the shields' that
the +antels fell off both parties( *lso they tamed their helms that the hot blood ran out'
and the thi+% mails of their hauber%s they +arved and rove in sunder that the hot blood ran
to the earth' and both they had many "ounds and "ere passing "eary( /ut .ir )or espied
that the other %night fainted' and then he sued fast upon him' and doubled his stro%es' and
gart him go to the earth on the one side( )hen .ir )or bade him yield him( )hat "ill & not'
said *belleus' "hile my life lasteth and the soul is "ithin my body' unless that thou "ilt
give me the bra+het( )hat "ill & not do' said .ir )or' for it "as my 6uest to bring again
thy bra+het' thee' or both(
!o" .ir )or over+ame the %night' and ho" he lost his head at the re6uest of a lady(
W&)! that +ame a damosel riding on a palfrey as fast as she might drive' and +ried "ith a
loud voi+e unto .ir )or( What "ill ye "ith me3 said .ir )or( & besee+h thee' said the
damosel' for -ing *rthur1s love' give me a gift0 & re6uire thee' gentle %night' as thou art a
gentleman( 2o"' said )or' as% a gift and & "ill give it you( :ramer+y' said the damosel0
no" & as% the head of the false %night *belleus' for he is the most outrageous %night that
liveth' and the greatest murderer( & am loath' said .ir )or' of that gift & have given you0 let
him ma%e amends in that he hath trespassed unto you( 2o"' said the damosel' he may
not' for he sle" mine o"n brother before mine o"n eyes' that "as a better %night than he'
an he had had gra+e0 and & %neeled half an hour afore him in the mire for to save my
brother1s life' that had done him no damage' but fought "ith him by adventure of arms'
and so for all that & +ould do he stru+% off his head0 "herefore & re6uire thee' as thou art a
true %night' to give me my gift' or else & shall shame thee in all the +ourt of -ing *rthur0
for he is the falsest %night living' and a great destroyer of good %nights( )hen "hen
*belleus heard this' he "as more afeard' and yielded him and as%ed mer+y( & may not
no"' said .ir )or' but if & should be found false of my promise0 for "hile & "ould have
ta%en you to mer+y ye "ould none as%' but if ye had the bra+het again' that "as my 6uest(
*nd there"ith he too% off his helm' and he arose and fled' and .ir )or after him' and
smote off his head 6uite(
2o" sir' said the damosel' it is near night0 & pray you +ome and lodge "ith me here at my
pla+e' it is here fast by( & "ill "ell' said .ir )or' for his horse and he had fared evil sin+e
they departed from Camelot' and so he rode "ith her' and had passing good +heer "ith
her0 and she had a passing fair old %night to her husband that made him passing good
+heer' and "ell eased both his horse and him( *nd on the morn he heard his mass' and
bra%e his fast' and too% his leave of the %night and of the lady' that besought him to tell
them his name( )ruly' he said' my name is .ir )or that "as late made %night' and this "as
the first 6uest of arms that ever & did' to bring again that this %night *belleus too% a"ay
from -ing *rthur1s +ourt( 9 fair %night' said the lady and her husband' an ye +ome here
in our mar+hes' +ome and see our poor lodging' and it shall be al"ays at your
+ommandment( .o .ir )or departed and +ame to Camelot on the third day by noon' and
the %ing and the 6ueen and all the +ourt "as passing fain of his +oming' and made great
7oy that he "as +ome again0 for he "ent from the +ourt "ith little su++our' but as -ing
$ellinore his father gave him an old +ourser' and -ing *rthur gave him armour and a
s"ord' and else had he none other su++our' but rode so forth himself alone( *nd then the
%ing and the 6ueen by Merlin1s advi+e made him to s"ear to tell of his adventures' and so
he told and made proofs of his deeds as it is afore rehearsed' "herefore the %ing and the
6ueen made great 7oy( 2ay' nay' said Merlin' these be but 7apes to that he shall do0 for he
shall prove a noble %night of pro"ess' as good as any is living' and gentle and +ourteous'
and of good tat+hes' and passing true of his promise' and never shall outrage(
Wherethrough Merlin1s "ords -ing *rthur gave him an earldom of lands that fell unto
him( *nd here endeth the 6uest of .ir )or' -ing $ellinore1s son(
!o" -ing $ellinore rode after the lady and the %night that led her a"ay' and ho" a lady
desired help of him' and ho" he fought "ith t"o %nights for that lady' of "hom he sle"
the one at the first stro%e(
)!E2 -ing $ellinore armed him and mounted upon his horse' and rode more than a pa+e
after the lady that the %night led a"ay( *nd as he rode in a forest' he sa" in a valley a
damosel sit by a "ell' and a "ounded %night in her arms' and $ellinore saluted her( *nd
"hen she "as "are of him' she +ried overloud' !elp me' %night0 for Christ1s sa%e' -ing
$ellinore( *nd he "ould not tarry' he "as so eager in his 6uest' and ever she +ried an
hundred times after help( When she sa" he "ould not abide' she prayed unto :od to send
him as mu+h need of help as she had' and that he might feel it or he died( .o' as the boo%
telleth' the %night there died that there "as "ounded' "herefore the lady for pure sorro"
sle" herself "ith his s"ord( *s -ing $ellinore rode in that valley he met "ith a poor
man' a labourer( .a"est thou not' said $ellinore' a %night riding and leading a"ay a lady3
>ea' said the man' & sa" that %night' and the lady that made great dole0 and yonder
beneath in a valley there shall ye see t"o pavilions' and one of the %nights of the
pavilions +hallenged that lady of that %night' and said she "as his +ousin near' "herefore
he should lead her no farther( *nd so they "aged battle in that 6uarrel' the one said he
"ould have her by for+e' and the other said he "ould have the rule of her' by +ause he
"as her %insman' and "ould lead her to her %in( For this 6uarrel he left them fighting(
*nd if ye "ill ride a pa+e ye shall find them fighting' and the lady "as beleft "ith the t"o
s6uires in the pavilions( :od than% thee' said -ing $ellinore(
)hen he rode a "allop till he had a sight of the t"o pavilions' and the t"o %nights
fighting( *non he rode unto the pavilions' and sa" the lady that "as his 6uest' and said'
Fair lady' ye must go "ith me unto the +ourt of -ing *rthur( .ir %night' said the t"o
s6uires that "ere "ith her' yonder are t"o %nights that fight for this lady' go thither and
depart them' and be agreed "ith them' and then may ye have her at your pleasure( >e say
"ell' said -ing $ellinore( *nd anon he rode bet"ixt them' and departed them' and as%ed
them the +auses "hy that they fought3 .ir %night' said the one' & shall tell you' this lady is
my %ins"oman nigh' mine aunt1s daughter' and "hen & heard her +omplain that she "as
"ith him maugre her head' & "aged battle to fight "ith him( .ir %night' said the other'
"hose name "as !ontAla%e of Wentland' and this lady & gat by my pro"ess of arms this
day at *rthur1s +ourt( )hat is untruly said' said -ing $ellinore' for ye +ame in suddenly
there as "e "ere at the high feast' and too% a"ay this lady or any man might ma%e him
ready0 and therefore it "as my 6uest to bring her again and you both' or else the one of us
to abide in the field0 therefore the lady shall go "ith me' or & "ill die for it' for & have
promised it -ing *rthur( *nd therefore fight ye no more' for none of you shall have no
part of her at this time0 and if ye list to fight for her' fight "ith me' and & "ill defend her(
Well' said the %nights' ma%e you ready' and "e shall assail you "ith all our po"er( *nd
as -ing $ellinore "ould have put his horse from them' .ir !ontAla%e rove his horse
through "ith a s"ord' and said4 2o" art thou on foot as "ell as "e are( When -ing
$ellinore espied that his horse "as slain' lightly he leapt from his horse and pulled out his
s"ord' and put his shield afore him' and said' -night' %eep "ell thy head' for thou shalt
have a buffet for the slaying of my horse( .o -ing $ellinore gave him su+h a stro%e upon
the helm that he +lave the head do"n to the +hin' that he fell to the earth dead(
!o" -ing $ellinore gat the lady and brought her to Camelot to the +ourt of -ing *rthur(
*2, then he turned him to the other %night' that "as sore "ounded( /ut "hen he sa"
the other1s buffet' he "ould not fight' but %neeled do"n and said' )a%e my +ousin the
lady "ith you at your re6uest' and & re6uire you' as ye be a true %night' put her to no
shame nor villainy( What' said -ing $ellinore' "ill ye not fight for her3 2o' sir' said the
%night' & "ill not fight "ith su+h a %night of pro"ess as ye be( Well' said $ellinore' ye say
"ell0 & promise you she shall have no villainy by me' as & am true %night0 but no" me
la+%eth an horse' said $ellinore' but & "ill have !ontAla%e1s horse( >e shall not need' said
the %night' for & shall give you su+h an horse as shall please you' so that you "ill lodge
"ith me' for it is near night( & "ill "ell' said -ing $ellinore' abide "ith you all night( *nd
there he had "ith him right good +heer' and fared of the best "ith passing good "ine' and
had merry rest that night( *nd on the morn he heard a mass and dined0 and then "as
brought him a fair bay +ourser' and -ing $ellinore1s saddle set upon him( 2o"' "hat
shall & +all you3 said the %night' inasmu+h as ye have my +ousin at your desire of your
6uest( .ir' & shall tell you' my name is -ing $ellinore of the &sles and %night of the )able
?ound( 2o" & am glad' said the %night' that su+h a noble man shall have the rule of my
+ousin( 2o"' "hat is your name3 said $ellinore' & pray you tell me( .ir' my name is .ir
Meliot of 8ogurs' and this lady my +ousin hight 2imue' and the %night that "as in the
other pavilion is my s"orn brother' a passing good %night' and his name is /rian of the
&sles' and he is full loath to do "rong' and full loath to fight "ith any man' but if he be
sore sought on' so that for shame he may not leave it( &t is marvel' said $ellinore' that he
"ill not have ado "ith me( .ir' he "ill not have ado "ith no man but if it be at his
re6uest( /ring him to the +ourt' said $ellinore' one of these days( .ir' "e "ill +ome
together( *nd ye shall be "el+ome' said $ellinore' to the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and
greatly allo"ed for your +oming( *nd so he departed "ith the lady' and brought her to
.o as they rode in a valley it "as full of stones' and there the lady1s horse stumbled and
thre" her do"n' that her arm "as sore bruised and near she s"ooned for pain( *las@ sir'
said the lady' mine arm is out of lithe' "herethrough & must needs rest me( >e shall "ell'
said -ing $ellinore( *nd so he alighted under a fair tree "here "as fair grass' and he put
his horse thereto' and so laid him under the tree and slept till it "as nigh night( *nd "hen
he a"o%e he "ould have ridden( .ir' said the lady' it is so dar% that ye may as "ell ride
ba+%"ard as for"ard( .o they abode still and made there their lodging( )hen .ir $ellinore
put off his armour0 then a little afore midnight they heard the trotting of an horse( /e ye
still' said -ing $ellinore' for "e shall hear of some adventure(
!o" on the "ay he heard t"o %nights' as he lay by night in a valley' and of their
*2, there"ith he armed him( .o right even afore him there met t"o %nights' the one
+ame fro"ard Camelot' and the other from the north' and either saluted other( What
tidings at Camelot3 said the one( /y my head' said the other' there have & been and espied
the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and there is su+h a fello"ship they may never be bro%en' and
"ell<nigh all the "orld holdeth "ith *rthur' for there is the flo"er of +hivalry( 2o" for
this +ause & am riding into the north' to tell our +hieftains of the fello"ship that is
"ithholden "ith -ing *rthur( *s for that' said the other %night' & have brought a remedy
"ith me' that is the greatest poison that ever ye heard spea% of' and to Camelot "ill & "ith
it' for "e have a friend right nigh -ing *rthur' and "ell +herished' that shall poison -ing
*rthur0 for so he hath promised our +hieftains' and re+eived great gifts for to do it(
/e"are' said the other %night' of Merlin' for he %no"eth all things by the devil1s +raft(
)herefore "ill & not let it' said the %night( *nd so they departed asunder( *non after
$ellinore made him ready' and his lady' [and rode to"ard Camelot0 and as they +ame by
the "ell there as the "ounded %night "as and the lady' there he found the %night' and the
lady eaten "ith lions or "ild beasts' all save the head' "herefore he made great sorro"'
and "ept passing sore' and said' *las@ her life might & have saved0 but & "as so fier+e in
my 6uest' therefore & "ould not abide( Wherefore ma%e ye su+h dole3 said the lady( & "ot
not' said $ellinore' but my heart mourneth sore of the death of her' for she "as a passing
fair lady and a young( 2o"' "ill ye do by mine advi+e3 said the lady' ta%e this %night and
let him be buried in an hermitage' and then ta%e the lady1s head and bear it "ith you unto
*rthur( .o -ing $ellinore too% this dead %night on his shoulders' and brought him to the
hermitage' and +harged the hermit "ith the +orpse' that servi+e should be done for the
soul0 and ta%e his harness for your pain( &t shall be done' said the hermit' as & "ill ans"er
unto :od(
!o" "hen he "as +ome to Camelot he "as s"orn upon a boo% to tell the truth of his
*2, there"ith they departed' and +ame there as the head of the lady lay "ith a fair
yello" hair that grieved -ing $ellinore passingly sore "hen he loo%ed on it' for mu+h he
+ast his heart on the visage( *nd so by noon they +ame to Camelot0 and the %ing and the
6ueen "ere passing fain of his +oming to the +ourt( *nd there he "as made to s"ear upon
the Four Evangelists' to tell the truth of his 6uest from the one to the other( *h@ .ir
$ellinore' said ;ueen :uenever' ye "ere greatly to blame that ye saved not this lady1s
life( Madam' said $ellinore' ye "ere greatly to blame an ye "ould not save your o"n life
an ye might' but' save your pleasure' & "as so furious in my 6uest that & "ould not abide'
and that repenteth me' and shall the days of my life( )ruly' said Merlin' ye ought sore to
repent it' for that lady "as your o"n daughter begotten on the lady of the ?ule' and that
%night that "as dead "as her love' and should have "edded her' and he "as a right good
%night of a young man' and "ould have proved a good man' and to this +ourt "as he
+oming' and his name "as .ir Miles of the 8aunds' and a %night +ame behind him and
sle" him "ith a spear' and his name is 8oraine le .avage' a false %night and a +o"ard0
and she for great sorro" and dole sle" herself "ith his s"ord' and her name "as Eleine(
*nd be+ause ye "ould not abide and help her' ye shall see your best friend fail you "hen
ye be in the greatest distress that ever ye "ere or shall be( *nd that penan+e :od hath
ordained you for that deed' that he that ye shall most trust to of any man alive' he shall
leave you there ye shall be slain( Me forthin%eth' said -ing $ellinore' that this shall me
betide' but :od may fordo "ell destiny(
)hus' "hen the 6uest "as done of the "hite hart' the "hi+h follo"ed .ir :a"aine0 and
the 6uest of the bra+het' follo"ed of .ir )or' $ellinore1s son0 and the 6uest of the lady
that the %night too% a"ay' the "hi+h -ing $ellinore at that time follo"ed0 then the %ing
stablished all his %nights' and them that "ere of lands not ri+h he gave them lands' and
+harged them never to do outrageousity nor murder' and al"ays to flee treason0 also' by
no means to be +ruel' but to give mer+y unto him that as%eth mer+y' upon pain of
forfeiture of their "orship and lordship of -ing *rthur for evermore0 and al"ays to do
ladies' damosels' and gentle"omen su++our' upon pain of death( *lso' that no man ta%e
no battles in a "rongful 6uarrel for no la"' nor for no "orld1s goods( #nto this "ere all
the %nights s"orn of the )able ?ound' both old and young( *nd every year "ere they
s"orn at the high feast of $ente+ost(
Expli+it the Wedding of -ing *rthur( .e6uitur 6uartus liber(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book &
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also VI-I"! "-"IV! "V-"I"! ""-""IV! ""V-
""VIII #
!o" Merlin "as assotted and doted on one of the ladies of the la%e' and ho" he "as shut
in a ro+% under a stone and there died(
.9 after these 6uests of .ir :a"aine' .ir )or' and -ing $ellinore' it fell so that Merlin
fell in a dotage on the damosel that -ing $ellinore brought to +ourt' and she "as one of
the damosels of the la%e' that hight 2imue( /ut Merlin "ould let her have no rest' but
al"ays he "ould be "ith her( *nd ever she made Merlin good +heer till she had learned
of him all manner thing that she desired0 and he "as assotted upon her' that he might not
be from her( .o on a time he told -ing *rthur that he should not dure long' but for all his
+rafts he should be put in the earth 6ui+%( *nd so he told the %ing many things that should
befall' but al"ays he "arned the %ing to %eep "ell his s"ord and the s+abbard' for he told
him ho" the s"ord and the s+abbard should be stolen by a "oman from him that he most
trusted( *lso he told -ing *rthur that he should miss him'=>et had ye liefer than all
your lands to have me again( *h' said the %ing' sin+e ye %no" of your adventure' purvey
for it' and put a"ay by your +rafts that misadventure( 2ay' said Merlin' it "ill not be0 so
he departed from the %ing( *nd "ithin a "hile the ,amosel of the 8a%e departed' and
Merlin "ent "ith her evermore "heresomever she "ent( *nd ofttimes Merlin "ould have
had her privily a"ay by his subtle +rafts0 then she made him to s"ear that he should
never do none en+hantment upon her if he "ould have his "ill( *nd so he s"are0 so she
and Merlin "ent over the sea unto the land of /en"i+%' "hereas -ing /an "as %ing that
had great "ar against -ing Claudas' and there Merlin spa%e "ith -ing /an1s "ife' a fair
lady and a good' and her name "as Elaine' and there he sa" young 8aun+elot( )here the
6ueen made great sorro" for the mortal "ar that -ing Claudas made on her lord and on
her lands( )a%e none heaviness' said Merlin' for this same +hild "ithin this t"enty year
shall revenge you on -ing Claudas' that all Christendom shall spea% of it0 and this same
+hild shall be the most man of "orship of the "orld' and his first name is :alahad' that
%no" & "ell' said Merlin' and sin+e ye have +onfirmed him 8aun+elot( )hat is truth' said
the 6ueen' his first name "as :alahad( 9 Merlin' said the 6ueen' shall & live to see my
son su+h a man of pro"ess3 >ea' lady' on my peril ye shall see it' and live many "inters
*nd so' soon after' the lady and Merlin departed' and by the "ay Merlin sho"ed her
many "onders' and +ame into Corn"all( *nd al"ays Merlin lay about the lady to have
her maidenhood' and she "as ever passing "eary of him' and fain "ould have been
delivered of him' for she "as afeard of him be+ause he "as a devil1s son' and she +ould
not bes%ift him by no mean( *nd so on a time it happed that Merlin sho"ed to her in a
ro+% "hereas "as a great "onder' and "rought by en+hantment' that "ent under a great
stone( .o by her subtle "or%ing she made Merlin to go under that stone to let her "it of
the marvels there0 but she "rought so there for him that he +ame never out for all the +raft
he +ould do( *nd so she departed and left Merlin(
!o" five %ings +ame into this land to "ar against -ing *rthur' and "hat +ounsel *rthur
had against them(
*2, as -ing *rthur rode to Camelot' and held there a great feast "ith mirth and 7oy' so
soon after he returned unto Cardoile' and there +ame unto *rthur ne" tidings that the
%ing of ,enmar%' and the %ing of &reland that "as his brother' and the %ing of the Dale'
and the %ing of .oleise' and the %ing of the &sle of 8ongtains' all these five %ings "ith a
great host "ere entered into the land of -ing *rthur' and burnt and sle" +lean afore
them' both +ities and +astles' that it "as pity to hear( *las' said *rthur' yet had & never
rest one month sin+e & "as +ro"ned %ing of this land( 2o" shall & never rest till & meet
"ith those %ings in a fair field' that & ma%e mine avo"0 for my true liege people shall not
be destroyed in my default' go "ith me "ho "ill' and abide "ho that "ill( )hen the %ing
let "rite unto -ing $ellinore' and prayed him in all haste to ma%e him ready "ith su+h
people as he might lightliest rear and hie him after in all haste( *ll the barons "ere privily
"roth that the %ing "ould depart so suddenly0 but the %ing by no mean "ould abide' but
made "riting unto them that "ere not there' and bade them hie after him' su+h as "ere
not at that time in the +ourt( )hen the %ing +ame to ;ueen :uenever' and said' 8ady'
ma%e you ready' for ye shall go "ith me' for & may not long miss you0 ye shall +ause me
to be the more hardy' "hat adventure so befall me0 & "ill not "it my lady to be in no
7eopardy( .ir' said she' & am at your +ommandment' and shall be ready "hat time so ye be
ready( .o on the morn the %ing and the 6ueen departed "ith su+h fello"ship as they had'
and +ame into the north' into a forest beside !umber' and there lodged them( When the
"ord and tiding +ame unto the five %ings above said' that *rthur "as beside !umber in a
forest' there "as a %night' brother unto one of the five %ings' that gave them this +ounsel4
>e %no" "ell that .ir *rthur hath the flo"er of +hivalry of the "orld "ith him' as it is
proved by the great battle he did "ith the eleven %ings0 and therefore hie unto him night
and day till that "e be nigh him' for the longer he tarrieth the bigger he is' and "e ever
the "ea%er0 and he is so +ourageous of himself that he is +ome to the field "ith little
people' and therefore let us set upon him or day and "e shall slay do"n0 of his %nights
there shall none es+ape(
!o" -ing *rthur had ado "ith them and overthre" them' and sle" the five %ings and
made the remnant to flee(
#2)9 this +ounsel these five %ings assented' and so they passed forth "ith their host
through 2orth Wales' and +ame upon *rthur by night' and set upon his host as the %ing
and his %nights "ere in their pavilions( -ing *rthur "as unarmed' and had laid him to
rest "ith his ;ueen :uenever( .ir' said .ir -ay' it is not good "e be unarmed( We shall
have no need' said .ir :a"aine and .ir :riflet' that lay in a little pavilion by the %ing(
With that they heard a great noise' and many +ried' )reason' treason@ *las' said -ing
*rthur' "e be betrayed@ #nto arms' fello"s' then he +ried( .o they "ere armed anon at all
points( )hen +ame there a "ounded %night unto the %ing' and said' .ir' save yourself and
my lady the 6ueen' for our host is destroyed' and mu+h people of ours slain( .o anon the
%ing and the 6ueen and the three %nights too% their horses' and rode to"ard !umber to
pass over it' and the "ater "as so rough that they "ere afraid to pass over( 2o" may ye
+hoose' said -ing *rthur' "hether ye "ill abide and ta%e the adventure on this side' for
an ye be ta%en they "ill slay you( &t "ere me liefer' said the 6ueen' to die in the "ater
than to fall in your enemies1 hands and there be slain(
*nd as they stood so tal%ing' .ir -ay sa" the five %ings +oming on horseba+% by
themselves alone' "ith their spears in their hands even to"ard them( 8o' said .ir -ay'
yonder be the five %ings0 let us go to them and mat+h them( )hat "ere folly' said .ir
:a"aine' for "e are but three and they be five( )hat is truth' said .ir :riflet( 2o for+e'
said .ir -ay' & "ill underta%e for t"o of them' and then may ye three underta%e for the
other three( *nd there"ithal' .ir -ay let his horse run as fast as he might' and stru+% one
of them through the shield and the body a fathom' that the %ing fell to the earth star%
dead( )hat sa" .ir :a"aine' and ran unto another %ing so hard that he smote him through
the body( *nd there"ithal -ing *rthur ran to another' and smote him through the body
"ith a spear' that he fell to the earth dead )hen .ir :riflet ran unto the fourth %ing' and
gave him su+h a fall that his ne+% bra%e( *non .ir -ay ran unto the fifth %ing' and smote
him so hard on the helm that the stro%e +lave the helm and the head to the earth( )hat "as
"ell stri+%en' said -ing *rthur' and "orshipfully hast thou holden thy promise' therefore
& shall honour thee "hile that & live( *nd there"ithal they set the 6ueen in a barge into
!umber0 but al"ays ;ueen :uenever praised .ir -ay for his deeds' and said' What lady
that ye love' and she love you not again she "ere greatly to blame0 and among ladies'
said the 6ueen' & shall bear your noble fame' for ye spa%e a great "ord' and fulfilled it
"orshipfully( *nd there"ith the 6ueen departed(
)hen the %ing and the three %nights rode into the forest' for there they supposed to hear of
them that "ere es+aped0 and there he found the most part of his people' and told them all
ho" the five %ings "ere dead( *nd therefore let us hold us together till it be day' and
"hen their host have espied that their +hieftains be slain' they "ill ma%e su+h dole that
they shall no more help themselves( *nd right so as the %ing said' so it "as0 for "hen
they found the five %ings dead' they made su+h dole that they fell from their horses(
)here"ithal +ame -ing *rthur but "ith a fe" people' and sle" on the left hand and on
the right hand' that "ell<nigh there es+aped no man' but all "ere slain to the number
thirty thousand( *nd "hen the battle "as all ended' the %ing %neeled do"n and than%ed
:od mee%ly( *nd then he sent for the 6ueen' and soon she "as +ome' and she made great
7oy of the over+oming of that battle(
!o" the battle "as finished or he +ame' and ho" -ing *rthur founded an abbey "here
the battle "as(
)!E?EW&)!*8 +ame one to -ing *rthur' and told him that -ing $ellinore "as "ithin
three mile "ith a great host0 and he said' :o unto him' and let him understand ho" "e
have sped( .o "ithin a "hile -ing $ellinore +ame "ith a great host' and saluted the
people and the %ing' and there "as great 7oy made on every side( )hen the %ing let sear+h
ho" mu+h people of his party there "as slain0 and there "ere found but little past t"o
hundred men slain and eight %nights of the )able ?ound in their pavilions( )hen the %ing
let rear and devise in the same pla+e "hereat the battle "as done a fair abbey' and
endo"ed it "ith great livelihood' and let it +all the *bbey of 8a /eale *dventure( /ut
"hen some of them +ame into their +ountries' "hereof the five %ings "ere %ings' and told
them ho" they "ere slain' there "as made great dole( *nd all -ing *rthur1s enemies' as
the -ing of 2orth Wales' and the %ings of the 2orth' ["hen they "ist of the battle' they
"ere passing heavy( *nd so the %ing returned unto Camelot in haste(
*nd "hen he "as +ome to Camelot he +alled -ing $ellinore unto him' and said' >e
understand "ell that "e have lost eight %nights of the best of the )able ?ound' and by
your advi+e "e "ill +hoose eight again of the best "e may find in this +ourt( .ir' said
$ellinore' & shall +ounsel you after my +on+eit the best4 there are in your +ourt full noble
%nights both of old and young0 and therefore by mine advi+e ye shall +hoose half of the
old and half of the young( Whi+h be the old3 said -ing *rthur( .ir' said -ing $ellinore'
meseemeth that -ing #riens that hath "edded your sister Morgan le Fay' and the -ing of
the 8a%e' and .ir !ervise de ?evel' a noble %night' and .ir :alagars' the fourth( )his is
"ell devised' said -ing *rthur' and right so shall it be( 2o"' "hi+h are the four young
%nights3 said *rthur( .ir' said $ellinore' the first is .ir :a"aine' your nephe"' that is as
good a %night of his time as any is in this land0 and the se+ond as meseemeth best is .ir
:riflet le Fise de ,ieu' that is a good %night and full desirous in arms' and "ho may see
him live he shall prove a good %night0 and the third as meseemeth is "ell to be one of the
%nights of the ?ound )able' .ir -ay the .enes+hal' for many times he hath done full
"orshipfully' and no" at your last battle he did full honourably for to underta%e to slay
t"o %ings( /y my head' said *rthur' he is best "orth to be a %night of the ?ound )able of
any that ye have rehearsed' an he had done no more pro"ess in his life days(
!o" .ir )or "as made %night of the ?ound )able' and ho" /agdemagus "as displeased(
29W' said -ing $ellinore' & shall put to you t"o %nights' and ye shall +hoose "hi+h is
most "orthy' that is .ir /agdemagus' and .ir )or' my son( /ut be+ause .ir )or is my son
& may not praise him' but else' an he "ere not my son' & durst say that of his age there is
not in this land a better %night than he is' nor of better +onditions and loath to do any
"rong' and loath to ta%e any "rong( /y my head' said *rthur' he is a passing good %night
as any ye spa%e of this day' that "ot & "ell' said the %ing0 for & have seen him proved' but
he saith little and he doth mu+h more' for & %no" none in all this +ourt an he "ere as "ell
born on his mother1s side as he is on your side' that is li%e him of pro"ess and of might4
and therefore & "ill have him at this time' and leave .ir /agdemagus till another time( .o
"hen they "ere so +hosen by the assent of all the barons' so "ere there found in their
sieges every %nights1 names that here are rehearsed' and so "ere they set in their sieges0
"hereof .ir /agdemagus "as "onderly "roth' that .ir )or "as advan+ed afore him' and
therefore suddenly he departed from the +ourt' and too% his s6uire "ith him' and rode
long in a forest till they +ame to a +ross' and there alighted and said his prayers devoutly(
)he mean"hile his s6uire found "ritten upon the +ross' that /agdemagus should never
return unto the +ourt again' till he had "on a %night1s body of the ?ound )able' body for
body( .o' sir' said the s6uire' here & find "riting of you' therefore & rede you return again
to the +ourt( )hat shall & never' said /agdemagus' till men spea% of me great "orship' and
that & be "orthy to be a %night of the ?ound )able( *nd so he rode forth' and there by the
"ay he found a bran+h of an holy herb that "as the sign of the .angreal' and no %night
found su+h to%ens but he "ere a good liver(
.o' as .ir /agdemagus rode to see many adventures' it happed him to +ome to the ro+%
"hereas the 8ady of the 8a%e had put Merlin under the stone' and there he heard him
ma%e great dole0 "hereof .ir /agdemagus "ould have holpen him' and "ent unto the
great stone' and it "as so heavy that an hundred men might not lift it up( When Merlin
"ist he "as there' he bade leave his labour' for all "as in vain' for he might never be
holpen but by her that put him there( *nd so /agdemagus departed and did many
adventures' and proved after a full good %night' and +ame again to the +ourt and "as
made %night of the ?ound )able( .o on the morn there fell ne" tidings and other
!o" -ing *rthur' -ing #riens' and .ir *++olon of :aul' +hased an hart' and of their
marvellous adventures(
)!E2 it befell that *rthur and many of his %nights rode a<hunting into a great forest' and
it happed -ing *rthur' -ing #riens' and .ir *++olon of :aul' follo"ed a great hart' for
they three "ere "ell horsed' and so they +hased so fast that "ithin a "hile they three
"ere then ten mile from their fello"ship( *nd at the last they +hased so sore that they
sle" their horses underneath them( )hen "ere they all three on foot' and ever they sa"
the hart afore them passing "eary and enbushed( What "ill "e do3 said -ing *rthur' "e
are hard bestead( 8et us go on foot' said -ing #riens' till "e may meet "ith some
lodging( )hen "ere they "are of the hart that lay on a great "ater ban%' and a bra+het
biting on his throat' and more other hounds +ame after( )hen -ing *rthur ble" the prise
and dight the hart(
)hen the %ing loo%ed about the "orld' and sa" afore him in a great "ater a little ship' all
apparelled "ith sil% do"n to the "ater' and the ship +ame right unto them and landed on
the sands( )hen *rthur "ent to the ban% and loo%ed in' and sa" none earthly +reature
therein( .irs' said the %ing' +ome then+e' and let us see "hat is in this ship( .o they "ent
in all three' and found it ri+hly behanged "ith +loth of sil%( /y then it "as dar% night' and
there suddenly "ere about them an hundred tor+hes set upon all the sides of the ship
boards' and it gave great light0 and there"ithal there +ame out t"elve fair damosels and
saluted -ing *rthur on their %nees' and +alled him by his name' and said he "as right
"el+ome' and su+h +heer as they had he should have of the best( )he %ing than%ed them
fair( )here"ithal they led the %ing and his t"o fello"s into a fair +hamber' and there "as
a +loth laid' ri+hly beseen of all that longed unto a table' and there "ere they served of all
"ines and meats that they +ould thin%0 of that the %ing had great marvel' for he fared
never better in his life as for one supper( *nd so "hen they had supped at their leisure'
-ing *rthur "as led into a +hamber' a ri+her beseen +hamber sa" he never none' and so
"as -ing #riens served' and led into su+h another +hamber' and .ir *++olon "as led into
the third +hamber passing ri+hly and "ell beseen0 and so they "ere laid in their beds
easily( *nd anon they fell asleep' and slept marvellously sore all the night( *nd on the
morro" -ing #riens "as in Camelot abed in his "ife1s arms' Morgan le Fay( *nd "hen
he a"o%e he had great marvel' ho" he +ame there' for on the even afore he "as t"o days1
7ourney from Camelot( *nd "hen -ing *rthur a"o%e he found himself in a dar% prison'
hearing about him many +omplaints of "oful %nights(
!o" *rthur too% upon him to fight to be delivered out of prison' and also for to deliver
t"enty %nights that "ere in prison(
W!*) are ye that so +omplain3 said -ing *rthur( We be here t"enty %nights' prisoners'
said they' and some of us have lain here seven year' and some more and some less( For
"hat +ause3 said *rthur( We shall tell you' said the %nights0 this lord of this +astle' his
name is .ir ,amas' and he is the falsest %night that liveth' and full of treason' and a very
+o"ard as any liveth' and he hath a younger brother' a good %night of pro"ess' his name
is .ir 9ntAla%e0 and this traitor ,amas' the elder brother "ill give him no part of his
livelihood' but as .ir 9ntAla%e %eepeth thorough pro"ess of his hands' and so he %eepeth
from him a full fair manor and a ri+h' and therein .ir 9ntAla%e d"elleth "orshipfully' and
is "ell beloved of all people( *nd this .ir ,amas' our master is as evil beloved' for he is
"ithout mer+y' and he is a +o"ard' and great "ar hath been bet"ixt them both' but
9ntAla%e hath ever the better' and ever he proffereth .ir ,amas to fight for the livelihood'
body for body' but he "ill not do0 other<else to find a %night to fight for him( #nto that
.ir ,amas had granted to find a %night' but he is so evil beloved and hated' that there is
never a %night "ill fight for him( *nd "hen ,amas sa" this' that there "as never a
%night "ould fight for him' he hath daily lain a"ait "ith many %nights "ith him' and
ta%en all the %nights in this +ountry to see and espy their adventures' he hath ta%en them
by for+e and brought them to his prison( *nd so he too% us separately as "e rode on our
adventures' and many good %nights have died in this prison for hunger' to the number of
eighteen %nights0 and if any of us all that here is' or hath been' "ould have foughten "ith
his brother 9ntAla%e' he "ould have delivered us' but for be+ause this ,amas is so false
and so full of treason "e "ould never fight for him to die for it( *nd "e be so lean for
hunger that unnethe "e may stand on our feet( :od deliver you' for his mer+y' said
*non' there"ithal there +ame a damosel unto *rthur' and as%ed him' What +heer3 &
+annot say' said he( .ir' said she' an ye "ill fight for my lord' ye shall be delivered out of
prison' and else ye es+ape never the life( 2o"' said *rthur' that is hard' yet had & liefer to
fight "ith a %night than to die in prison0 "ith this' said *rthur' & may be delivered and all
these prisoners' & "ill do the battle( >es' said the damosel( & am ready' said *rthur' an &
had horse and armour( >e shall la+% none' said the damosel( Meseemeth' damosel' &
should have seen you in the +ourt of *rthur( 2ay said the damosel' & +ame never there' &
am the lord1s daughter of this +astle( >et "as she false' for she "as one of the damosels
of Morgan le Fay(
*non she "ent unto .ir ,amas' and told him ho" he "ould do battle for him' and so he
sent for *rthur( *nd "hen he +ame he "as "ell +oloured' and "ell made of his limbs'
that all %nights that sa" him said it "ere pity that su+h a %night should die in prison( .o
.ir ,amas and he "ere agreed that he should fight for him upon this +ovenant' that all
other %nights should be delivered0 and unto that "as .ir ,amas s"orn unto *rthur' and
also to do the battle to the uttermost( *nd "ith that all the t"enty %nights "ere brought
out of the dar% prison into the hall' and delivered' and so they all abode to see the battle(
!o" *++olon found himself by a "ell' and he too% upon him to do battle against *rthur(
29W turn "e unto *++olon of :aul' that "hen he a"o%e he found himself by a deep
"ell<side' "ithin half a foot' in great peril of death( *nd there +ame out of that fountain a
pipe of silver' and out of that pipe ran "ater all on high in a stone of marble( When .ir
*++olon sa" this' he blessed him and said' 5esus save my lord -ing *rthur' and -ing
#riens' for these damosels in this ship have betrayed us' they "ere devils and no "omen0
and if & may es+ape this misadventure' & shall destroy all "here & may find these false
damosels that use en+hantments( ?ight "ith that there +ame a d"arf "ith a great mouth
and a flat nose' and saluted .ir *++olon' and said ho" he +ame from ;ueen Morgan le
Fay' and she greeteth you "ell' and biddeth you be of strong heart' for ye shall fight to
morro" "ith a %night at the hour of prime' and therefore she hath sent you here
Ex+alibur' *rthur1s s"ord' and the s+abbard' and she biddeth you as ye love her' that ye
do the battle to the uttermost' "ithout any mer+y' li%e as ye had promised her "hen ye
spa%e together in privity0 and "hat damosel that bringeth her the %night1s head' "hi+h ye
shall fight "ithal' she "ill ma%e her a 6ueen( 2o" & understand you "ell' said *++olon' &
shall hold that & have promised her no" & have the s"ord4 "hen sa" ye my lady ;ueen
Morgan le Fay3 ?ight late' said the d"arf( )hen *++olon too% him in his arms and said'
?e+ommend me unto my lady 6ueen' and tell her all shall be done that & have promised
her' and else & "ill die for it( 2o" & suppose' said *++olon' she hath made all these +rafts
and en+hantments for this battle( >e may "ell believe it' said the d"arf( ?ight so there
+ame a %night and a lady "ith six s6uires' and saluted *++olon' and prayed him for to
arise' and +ome and rest him at his manor( *nd so *++olon mounted upon a void horse'
and "ent "ith the %night unto a fair manor by a priory' and there he had passing good
)hen .ir ,amas sent unto his brother .ir 9ntAla%e' and bade ma%e him ready by to<morn
at the hour of prime' and to be in the field to fight "ith a good %night' for he had found a
good %night that "as ready to do battle at all points( When this "ord +ame unto .ir
9ntAla%e he "as passing heavy' for he "as "ounded a little tofore through both his thighs
"ith a spear' and made great dole0 but as he "as "ounded' he "ould have ta%en the battle
on hand( .o it happed at that time' by the means of Morgan le Fay' *++olon "as "ith .ir
9ntAla%e lodged0 and "hen he heard of that battle' and ho" 9ntAla%e "as "ounded' he
said that he "ould fight for him( /e+ause Morgan le Fay had sent him Ex+alibur and the
sheath for to fight "ith the %night on the morn4 this "as the +ause .ir *++olon too% the
battle on hand( )hen .ir 9ntAla%e "as passing glad' and than%ed .ir *++olon "ith all his
heart that he "ould do so mu+h for him( *nd there"ithal .ir 9ntAla%e sent "ord unto his
brother .ir ,amas' that he had a %night that for him should be ready in the field by the
hour of prime(
.o on the morn .ir *rthur "as armed and "ell horsed' and as%ed .ir ,amas' When shall
"e to the field3 .ir' said .ir ,amas' ye shall hear mass( *nd so *rthur heard a mass' and
"hen mass "as done there +ame a s6uire on a great horse' and as%ed .ir ,amas if his
%night "ere ready' for our %night is ready in the field( )hen .ir *rthur mounted upon
horseba+%' and there "ere all the %nights and +ommons of that +ountry0 and so by all
advi+es there "ere +hosen t"elve good men of the +ountry for to "ait upon the t"o
%nights( *nd right as *rthur "as on horseba+% there +ame a damosel from Morgan le
Fay' and brought unto .ir *rthur a s"ord li%e unto Ex+alibur' and the s+abbard' and said
unto *rthur' Morgan le Fay sendeth here your s"ord for great love( *nd he than%ed her'
and "eened it had been so' but she "as false' for the s"ord and the s+abbard "as
+ounterfeit' and brittle' and false(
9f the battle bet"een -ing *rthur and *++olon(
*2, then they dressed them on both parties of the field' and let their horses run so fast
that either smote other in the midst of the shield "ith their spear<heads' that both horse
and man "ent to the earth0 and then they started up both' and pulled out their s"ords( )he
mean"hile that they "ere thus at the battle' +ame the ,amosel of the 8a%e into the field'
that put Merlin under the stone0 and she +ame thither for love of -ing *rthur' for she
%ne" ho" Morgan le Fay had so ordained that -ing *rthur should have been slain that
day' and therefore she +ame to save his life( *nd so they "ent eagerly to the battle' and
gave many great stro%es' but al"ays *rthur1s s"ord bit not li%e *++olon1s s"ord0 but for
the most part' every stro%e that *++olon gave he "ounded sore *rthur' that it "as marvel
he stood' and al"ays his blood fell from him fast(
When *rthur beheld the ground so sore be<bled he "as dismayed' and then he deemed
treason that his s"ord "as +hanged0 for his s"ord bit not steel as it "as "ont to do'
therefore he dreaded him sore to be dead' for ever him seemed that the s"ord in
*++olon1s hand "as Ex+alibur' for at every stro%e that *++olon stru+% he dre" blood on
*rthur( 2o"' %night' said *++olon unto *rthur' %eep thee "ell from me0 but *rthur
ans"ered not again' and gave him su+h a buffet on the helm that it made him to stoop'
nigh falling do"n to the earth( )hen .ir *++olon "ithdre" him a little' and +ame on "ith
Ex+alibur on high' and smote .ir *rthur su+h a buffet that he fell nigh to the earth( )hen
"ere they "roth both' and gave ea+h other many sore stro%es' but al"ays .ir *rthur lost
so mu+h blood that it "as marvel he stood on his feet' but he "as so full of %nighthood
that %nightly he endured the pain( *nd .ir *++olon lost not a deal of blood' therefore he
"axed passing light' and .ir *rthur "as passing feeble' and "eened verily to have died0
but for all that he made +ountenan+e as though he might endure' and held *++olon as
short as he might( /ut *++olon "as so bold be+ause of Ex+alibur that he "axed passing
hardy( /ut all men that beheld him said they sa" never %night fight so "ell as *rthur did
+onsidering the blood that he bled( .o "as all the people sorry for him' but the t"o
brethren "ould not a++ord( )hen al"ays they fought together as fier+e %nights' and .ir
*rthur "ithdre" him a little for to rest him' and .ir *++olon +alled him to battle and said'
&t is no time for me to suffer thee to rest( *nd there"ith he +ame fier+ely upon *rthur'
and .ir *rthur "as "roth for the blood that he had lost' and smote *++olon on high upon
the helm' so mightily' that he made him nigh to fall to the earth0 and there"ith *rthur1s
s"ord brast at the +ross' and fell in the grass among the blood' and the pommel and the
sure handles he held in his hands( When .ir *rthur sa" that' he "as in great fear to die'
but al"ays he held up his shield and lost no ground' nor bated no +heer(
!o" -ing *rthur1s s"ord that he fought "ith bra%e' and ho" he re+overed of *++olon
his o"n s"ord Ex+alibur' and over+ame his enemy(
)!E2 .ir *++olon began "ith "ords of treason' and said' -night' thou art over+ome'
and mayst not endure' and also thou art "eaponless' and thou hast lost mu+h of thy blood'
and & am full loath to slay thee' therefore yield thee to me as re+reant( 2ay' said .ir
*rthur' & may not so' for & have promised to do the battle to the uttermost by the faith of
my body' "hile me lasteth the life' and therefore & had liefer to die "ith honour than to
live "ith shame0 and if it "ere possible for me to die an hundred times' & had liefer to die
so oft than yield me to thee0 for though & la+% "eapon' & shall la+% no "orship' and if thou
slay me "eaponless that shall be thy shame( Well' said *++olon' as for the shame & "ill
not spare' no" %eep thee from me' for thou art but a dead man( *nd there"ith *++olon
gave him su+h a stro%e that he fell nigh to the earth' and "ould have had *rthur to have
+ried him mer+y( /ut .ir *rthur pressed unto *++olon "ith his shield' and gave him "ith
the pommel in his hand su+h a buffet that he "ent three strides aba+%(
When the ,amosel of the 8a%e beheld *rthur' ho" full of pro"ess his body "as' and the
false treason that "as "rought for him to have had him slain' she had great pity that so
good a %night and su+h a man of "orship should so be destroyed( *nd at the next stro%e
.ir *++olon stru+% him su+h a stro%e that by the damosel1s en+hantment the s"ord
Ex+alibur fell out of *++olon1s hand to the earth( *nd there"ithal .ir *rthur lightly leapt
to it' and gat it in his hand' and forth"ithal he %ne" that it "as his s"ord Ex+alibur' and
said' )hou hast been from me all too long' and mu+h damage hast thou done me0 and
there"ith he espied the s+abbard hanging by his side' and suddenly he sterte to him and
pulled the s+abbard from him' and thre" it from him as far as he might thro" it( 9
%night' said *rthur' this day hast thou done me great damage "ith this s"ord0 no" are ye
+ome unto your death' for & shall not "arrant you but ye shall as "ell be re"arded "ith
this s"ord' or ever "e depart' as thou hast re"arded me0 for mu+h pain have ye made me
to endure' and mu+h blood have & lost( *nd there"ith .ir *rthur rushed on him "ith all
his might and pulled him to the earth' and then rushed off his helm' and gave him su+h a
buffet on the head that the blood +ame out at his ears' his nose' and his mouth( 2o" "ill &
slay thee' said *rthur( .lay me ye may "ell' said *++olon' an it please you' for ye are the
best %night that ever & found' and & see "ell that :od is "ith you( /ut for & promised to do
this battle' said *++olon' to the uttermost' and never to be re+reant "hile & lived' therefore
shall & never yield me "ith my mouth' but :od do "ith my body "hat he "ill( )hen .ir
*rthur remembered him' and thought he should have seen this %night( 2o" tell me' said
*rthur' or & "ill slay thee' of "hat +ountry art thou' and of "hat +ourt3 .ir -night' said
.ir *++olon' & am of the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and my name is *++olon of :aul( )hen
"as *rthur more dismayed than he "as beforehand0 for then he remembered him of his
sister Morgan le Fay' and of the en+hantment of the ship( 9 sir %night' said he' & pray you
tell me "ho gave you this s"ord' and by "hom ye had it(
!o" *++olon +onfessed the treason of Morgan le Fay' -ing *rthur1s sister' and ho" she
"ould have done slay him(
)!E2 .ir *++olon bethought him' and said' Woe "orth this s"ord' for by it have & got
my death( &t may "ell be' said the %ing( 2o"' sir' said *++olon' & "ill tell you0 this s"ord
hath been in my %eeping the most part of this t"elvemonth0 and Morgan le Fay' -ing
#riens1 "ife' sent it me yesterday by a d"arf' to this intent' that & should slay -ing
*rthur' her brother( For ye shall understand -ing *rthur is the man in the "orld that she
most hateth' be+ause he is most of "orship and of pro"ess of any of her blood0 also she
loveth me out of measure as paramour' and & her again0 and if she might bring about to
slay *rthur by her +rafts' she "ould slay her husband -ing #riens lightly' and then had
she me devised to be %ing in this land' and so to reign' and she to be my 6ueen0 but that is
no" done' said *++olon' for & am sure of my death( Well' said .ir *rthur' & feel by you ye
"ould have been %ing in this land( &t had been great damage to have destroyed your lord'
said *rthur( &t is truth' said *++olon' but no" & have told you truth' "herefore & pray you
tell me of "hen+e ye are' and of "hat +ourt3 9 *++olon' said -ing *rthur' no" & let thee
"it that & am -ing *rthur' to "hom thou hast done great damage( When *++olon heard
that he +ried aloud' Fair' s"eet lord' have mer+y on me' for & %ne" not you( 9 .ir
*++olon' said -ing *rthur' mer+y shalt thou have' be+ause & feel by thy "ords at this
time thou %ne"est not my person0 but & understand "ell by thy "ords that thou hast
agreed to the death of my person' and therefore thou art a traitor0 but & "ite thee the less'
for my sister Morgan le Fay by her false +rafts made thee to agree and +onsent to her
false lusts' but & shall be sore avenged upon her an & live' that all Christendom shall spea%
of it0 :od %no"eth & have honoured her and "orshipped her more than all my %in' and
more have & trusted her than mine o"n "ife and all my %in after(
)hen .ir *rthur +alled the %eepers of the field' and said' .irs' +ome hither' for here are
"e t"o %nights that have fought unto a great damage unto us both' and li%e ea+h one of
us to have slain other' if it had happed so0 and had any of us %no"n other' here had been
no battle' nor stro%e stri+%en( )hen all aloud +ried *++olon unto all the %nights and men
that "ere then there gathered together' and said to them in this manner' 9 lords' this
noble %night that & have fought "ithal' the "hi+h me sore repenteth' is the most man of
pro"ess' of manhood' and of "orship in the "orld' for it is himself -ing *rthur' our
alther liege lord' and "ith mishap and "ith misadventure have & done this battle "ith the
%ing and lord that & am holden "ithal(
!o" *rthur a++orded the t"o brethren' and delivered the t"enty %nights' and ho" .ir
*++olon died(
)!E2 all the people fell do"n on their %nees and +ried -ing *rthur mer+y( Mer+y shall
ye have' said *rthur4 here may ye see "hat adventures befall ofttime of errant %nights'
ho" that & have fought "ith a %night of mine o"n unto my great damage and his both(
/ut' sirs' be+ause & am sore hurt' and he both' and & had great need of a little rest' ye shall
understand the opinion bet"ixt you t"o brethren4 *s to thee' .ir ,amas' for "hom & have
been +hampion and "on the field of this %night' yet "ill & 7udge be+ause ye' .ir ,amas'
are +alled an orgulous %night' and full of villainy' and not "orth of pro"ess your deeds'
therefore & "ill that ye give unto your brother all the "hole manor "ith the appurtenan+e'
under this form' that .ir 9ntAla%e hold the manor of you' and yearly to give you a palfrey
to ride upon' for that "ill be+ome you better to ride on than upon a +ourser( *lso & +harge
thee' .ir ,amas' upon pain of death' that thou never distress no %nights errant that ride on
their adventure( *nd also that thou restore these t"enty %nights that thou hast long %ept
prisoners' of all their harness' that they be +ontent for0 and if any of them +ome to my
+ourt and +omplain of thee' by my head thou shalt die therefore( *lso' .ir 9ntAla%e' as to
you' be+ause ye are named a good %night' and full of pro"ess' and true and gentle in all
your deeds' this shall be your +harge & "ill give you' that in all goodly haste ye +ome unto
me and my +ourt' and ye shall be a %night of mine' and if your deeds be thereafter & shall
so prefer you' by the gra+e of :od' that ye shall in short time be in ease for to live as
"orshipfully as your brother .ir ,amas( :od than% your largeness of your goodness and
of your bounty' & shall be from hen+efor"ard at all times at your +ommandment0 for' sir'
said .ir 9ntAla%e' as :od "ould' as & "as hurt but late "ith an adventurous %night
through both my thighs' that grieved me sore' and else had & done this battle "ith you(
:od "ould' said *rthur' it had been so' for then had not & been hurt as & am( & shall tell
you the +ause "hy4 for & had not been hurt as & am' had it not been mine o"n s"ord' that
"as stolen from me by treason0 and this battle "as ordained aforehand to have slain me'
and so it "as brought to the purpose by false treason' and by false en+hantment( *las'
said .ir 9ntAla%e' that is great pity that ever so noble a man as ye are of your deeds and
pro"ess' that any man or "oman might find in their hearts to "or% any treason against
you( & shall re"ard them' said *rthur' in short time' by the gra+e of :od( 2o"' tell me'
said *rthur' ho" far am & from Camelot3 .ir' ye are t"o days1 7ourney therefrom( &
"ould fain be at some pla+e of "orship' said .ir *rthur' that & might rest me( .ir' said .ir
9ntAla%e' hereby is a ri+h abbey of your elders1 foundation' of nuns' but three miles
hen+e( .o the %ing too% his leave of all the people' and mounted upon horseba+%' and .ir
*++olon "ith him( *nd "hen they "ere +ome to the abbey' he let fet+h lee+hes and
sear+h his "ounds and *++olon1s both0 but .ir *++olon died "ithin four days' for he had
bled so mu+h blood that he might not live' but -ing *rthur "as "ell re+overed( .o "hen
*++olon "as dead he let send him on an horse<bier "ith six %nights unto Camelot' and
said4 /ear him to my sister Morgan le Fay' and say that & send her him to a present' and
tell her & have my s"ord Ex+alibur and the s+abbard0 so they departed "ith the body(
!o" Morgan "ould have slain .ir #riens her husband' and ho" .ir #"aine her son
saved him(
)!E mean"hile Morgan le Fay had "eened -ing *rthur had been dead( .o on a day she
espied -ing #riens lay in his bed sleeping( )hen she +alled unto her a maiden of her
+ounsel' and said' :o fet+h me my lord1s s"ord' for & sa" never better time to slay him
than no"( 9 madam' said the damosel' an ye slay my lord ye +an never es+ape( Care not
you' said Morgan le Fay' for no" & see my time in the "hi+h it is best to do it' and
therefore hie thee fast and fet+h me the s"ord( )hen the damosel departed' and found .ir
#"aine sleeping upon a bed in another +hamber' so she "ent unto .ir #"aine' and
a"a%ed him' and bade him' *rise' and "ait on my lady your mother' for she "ill slay the
%ing your father sleeping in his bed' for & go to fet+h his s"ord( Well' said .ir #"aine' go
on your "ay' and let me deal( *non the damosel brought Morgan the s"ord "ith 6ua%ing
hands' and she lightly too% the s"ord' and pulled it out' and "ent boldly unto the bed1s
side' and a"aited ho" and "here she might slay him best( *nd as she lifted up the s"ord
to smite' .ir #"aine leapt unto his mother' and +aught her by the hand' and said' *h'
fiend' "hat "ilt thou do3 *n thou "ert not my mother' "ith this s"ord & should smite off
thy head( *h' said .ir #"aine' men saith that Merlin "as begotten of a devil' but & may
say an earthly devil bare me( 9 fair son' #"aine' have mer+y upon me' & "as tempted
"ith a devil' "herefore & +ry thee mer+y0 & "ill never more do so0 and save my "orship
and dis+over me not( 9n this +ovenant' said .ir #"aine' & "ill forgive it you' so ye "ill
never be about to do su+h deeds( 2ay' son' said she' and that & ma%e you assuran+e(
!o" ;ueen Morgan le Fay made great sorro" for the death of *++olon' and ho" she
stole a"ay the s+abbard from *rthur(
)!E2 +ame tidings unto Morgan le Fay that *++olon "as dead' and his body brought
unto the +hur+h' and ho" -ing *rthur had his s"ord again( /ut "hen ;ueen Morgan
"ist that *++olon "as dead' she "as so sorro"ful that near her heart to<brast( /ut
be+ause she "ould not it "ere %no"n' out"ard she %ept her +ountenan+e' and made no
semblant of sorro"( /ut "ell she "ist an she abode till her brother *rthur +ame thither'
there should no gold go for her life(
)hen she "ent unto ;ueen :uenever' and as%ed her leave to ride into the +ountry( >e
may abide' said ;ueen :uenever' till your brother the %ing +ome home( & may not' said
Morgan le Fay' for & have su+h hasty tidings' that & may not tarry( Well' said :uenever'
ye may depart "hen ye "ill( .o early on the morn' or it "as day' she too% her horse and
rode all that day and most part of the night' and on the morn by noon she +ame to the
same abbey of nuns "hereas lay -ing *rthur0 and she %no"ing he "as there' she as%ed
"here he "as( *nd they ans"ered ho" he had laid him in his bed to sleep' for he had had
but little rest these three nights( Well' said she' & +harge you that none of you a"a%e him
till & do' and then she alighted off her horse' and thought for to steal a"ay Ex+alibur his
s"ord' and so she "ent straight unto his +hamber' and no man durst disobey her
+ommandment' and there she found *rthur asleep in his bed' and Ex+alibur in his right
hand na%ed( When she sa" that she "as passing heavy that she might not +ome by the
s"ord "ithout she had a"a%ed him' and then she "ist "ell she had been dead( )hen she
too% the s+abbard and "ent her "ay on horseba+%( When the %ing a"o%e and missed his
s+abbard' he "as "roth' and he as%ed "ho had been there' and they said his sister' ;ueen
Morgan had been there' and had put the s+abbard under her mantle and "as gone( *las'
said *rthur' falsely ye have "at+hed me( .ir' said they all' "e durst not disobey your
sister1s +ommandment( *h' said the %ing' let fet+h the best horse may be found' and bid
.ir 9ntAla%e arm him in all haste' and ta%e another good horse and ride "ith me( .o anon
the %ing and 9ntAla%e "ere "ell armed' and rode after this lady' and so they +ame by a
+ross and found a +o"herd' and they as%ed the poor man if there +ame any lady riding
that "ay( .ir' said this poor man' right late +ame a lady riding "ith a forty horses' and to
yonder forest she rode( )hen they spurred their horses' and follo"ed fast' and "ithin a
"hile *rthur had a sight of Morgan le Fay0 then he +hased as fast as he might( When she
espied him follo"ing her' she rode a greater pa+e through the forest till she +ame to a
plain' and "hen she sa" she might not es+ape' she rode unto a la%e thereby' and said'
Whatsoever +ome of me' my brother shall not have this s+abbard( *nd then she let thro"
the s+abbard in the deepest of the "ater so it san%' for it "as heavy of gold and pre+ious
)hen she rode into a valley "here many great stones "ere' and "hen she sa" she must be
overta%en' she shaped herself' horse and man' by en+hantment unto a great marble stone(
*non "ithal +ame .ir *rthur and .ir 9ntAla%e "hereas the %ing might %no" his sister
and her men' and one %night from another( *h' said the %ing' here may ye see the
vengean+e of :od' and no" am & sorry that this misadventure is befallen( *nd then he
loo%ed for the s+abbard' but it "ould not be found' so he returned to the abbey "here he
+ame from( .o "hen *rthur "as gone she turned all into the li%eliness as she and they
"ere before' and said' .irs' no" may "e go "here "e "ill(
!o" Morgan le Fay saved a %night that should have been dro"ned' and ho" -ing *rthur
returned home again(
)!E2 said Morgan' .a" ye *rthur' my brother3 >ea' said her %nights' right "ell' and
that ye should have found an "e might have stirred from one stead' for by his armyvestal
+ountenan+e he "ould have +aused us to have fled( & believe you' said Morgan( *non
after as she rode she met a %night leading another %night on his horse before him' bound
hand and foot' blindfold' to have dro"ned him in a fountain( When she sa" this %night so
bound' she as%ed him' What "ill ye do "ith that %night3 8ady' said he' & "ill dro"n him(
For "hat +ause3 she as%ed( For & found him "ith my "ife' and she shall have the same
death anon( )hat "ere pity' said Morgan le Fay( 2o"' "hat say ye' %night' is it truth that
he saith of you3 she said to the %night that should be dro"ned( 2ay truly' madam' he
saith not right on me( 9f "hen+e be ye' said Morgan le Fay' and of "hat +ountry3 & am of
the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and my name is Manassen' +ousin unto *++olon of :aul( >e
say "ell' said she' and for the love of him ye shall be delivered' and ye shall have your
adversary in the same +ase ye be in( .o Manassen "as loosed and the other %night bound(
*nd anon Manassen unarmed him' and armed himself in his harness' and so mounted on
horseba+%' and the %night afore him' and so thre" him into the fountain and dro"ned
him( *nd then he rode unto Morgan again' and as%ed if she "ould anything unto -ing
*rthur( )ell him that & res+ued thee' not for the love of him but for the love of *++olon'
and tell him & fear him not "hile & +an ma%e me and them that be "ith me in li%eness of
stones0 and let him "it & +an do mu+h more "hen & see my time( *nd so she departed into
the +ountry of :ore' and there "as she ri+hly re+eived' and made her +astles and to"ns
passing strong' for al"ays she dreaded mu+h -ing *rthur(
When the %ing had "ell rested him at the abbey' he rode unto Camelot' and found his
6ueen and his barons right glad of his +oming( *nd "hen they heard of his strange
adventures as is afore rehearsed' then all had marvel of the falsehood of Morgan le Fay0
many %nights "ished her burnt( )hen +ame Manassen to +ourt and told the %ing of his
adventure( Well' said the %ing' she is a %ind sister0 & shall so be avenged on her an & live'
that all Christendom shall spea% of it( .o on the morn there +ame a damosel from Morgan
to the %ing' and she brought "ith her the ri+hest mantle that ever "as seen in that +ourt'
for it "as set as full of pre+ious stones as one might stand by another' and there "ere the
ri+hest stones that ever the %ing sa"( *nd the damosel said' >our sister sendeth you this
mantle' and desireth that ye should ta%e this gift of her0 and in "hat thing she hath
offended you' she "ill amend it at your o"n pleasure( When the %ing beheld this mantle
it pleased him mu+h' but he said but little(
!o" the ,amosel of the 8a%e saved -ing *rthur from mantle that should have burnt
W&)! that +ame the ,amosel of the 8a%e unto the %ing' and said' .ir' & must spea% "ith
you in privity( .ay on' said the %ing' "hat ye "ill( .ir' said the damosel' put not on you
this mantle till ye have seen more' and in no "ise let it not +ome on you' nor on no %night
of yours' till ye +ommand the bringer thereof to put it upon her( Well' said -ing *rthur' it
shall be done as ye +ounsel me( *nd then he said unto the damosel that +ame from his
sister' ,amosel' this mantle that ye have brought me' & "ill see it upon you( .ir' she said'
&t "ill not beseem me to "ear a %ing1s garment( /y my head' said *rthur' ye shall "ear it
or it +ome on my ba+%' or any man1s that here is( *nd so the %ing made it to be put upon
her' and forth "ithal she fell do"n dead' and never more spa%e "ord after and burnt to
+oals( )hen "as the %ing "onderly "roth' more than he "as toforehand' and said unto
-ing #riens' My sister' your "ife' is al"ay about to betray me' and "ell & "ot either ye'
or my nephe"' your son' is of +ounsel "ith her to have me destroyed0 but as for you' said
the %ing to -ing #riens' & deem not greatly that ye be of her +ounsel' for *++olon
+onfessed to me by his o"n mouth' that she "ould have destroyed you as "ell as me'
therefore & hold you ex+used0 but as for your son' .ir #"aine' & hold him suspe+t'
therefore & +harge you put him out of my +ourt( .o .ir #"aine "as dis+harged( *nd "hen
.ir :a"aine "ist that' he made him ready to go "ith him0 and said' Whoso banisheth my
+ousin<germain shall banish me( .o they t"o departed' and rode into a great forest' and so
they +ame to an abbey of mon%s' and there "ere "ell lodged( /ut "hen the %ing "ist that
.ir :a"aine "as departed from the +ourt' there "as made great sorro" among all the
estates( 2o"' said :aheris' :a"aine1s brother' "e have lost t"o good %nights for the
love of one( .o on the morn they heard their masses in the abbey' and so they rode forth
till that they +ame to a great forest( )hen "as .ir :a"aine "are in a valley by a turret [of
t"elve fair damosels' and t"o %nights armed on great horses' and the damosels "ent to
and fro by a tree( *nd then "as .ir :a"aine "are ho" there hung a "hite shield on that
tree' and ever as the damosels +ame by it they spit upon it' and some thre" mire upon the
!o" .ir :a"aine and .ir #"aine met "ith t"elve fair damosels' and ho" they
+omplained on .ir Marhaus(
)!E2 .ir :a"aine and .ir #"aine "ent and saluted them' and as%ed "hy they did that
despite to the shield( .ir' said the damosels' "e shall tell you( )here is a %night in this
+ountry that o"neth this "hite shield' and he is a passing good man of his hands' but he
hateth all ladies and gentle"omen' and therefore "e do all this despite to the shield( &
shall say you' said .ir :a"aine' it beseemeth evil a good %night to despise all ladies and
gentle"omen' and peradventure though he hate you he hath some +ertain +ause' and
peradventure he loveth in some other pla+es ladies and gentle"omen' and to be loved
again' an he be su+h a man of pro"ess as ye spea% of( 2o"' "hat is his name3 .ir' said
they' his name is Marhaus' the %ing1s son of &reland( & %no" him "ell' said .ir #"aine'
he is a passing good %night as any is alive' for & sa" him on+e proved at a 7ousts "here
many %nights "ere gathered' and that time there might no man "ithstand him( *h@ said
.ir :a"aine' damosels' methin%eth ye are to blame' for it is to suppose' he that hung that
shield there' he "ill not be long therefrom' and then may those %nights mat+h him on
horseba+%' and that is more your "orship than thus0 for & "ill abide no longer to see a
%night1s shield dishonoured( *nd there"ith .ir #"aine and :a"aine departed a little
from them' and then "ere they "are "here .ir Marhaus +ame riding on a great horse
straight to"ard them( *nd "hen the t"elve damosels sa" .ir Marhaus they fled into the
turret as they "ere "ild' so that some of them fell by the "ay( )hen the one of the %nights
of the to"er dressed his shield' and said on high' .ir Marhaus' defend thee( *nd so they
ran together that the %night bra%e his spear on Marhaus' and Marhaus smote him so hard
that he bra%e his ne+% and the horse1s ba+%( )hat sa" the other %night of the turret' and
dressed him to"ard Marhaus' and they met so eagerly together that the %night of the
turret "as soon smitten do"n' horse and man' star% dead(
!o" .ir Marhaus 7ousted "ith .ir :a"aine and .ir #"aine' and overthre" them both(
*2, then .ir Marhaus rode unto his shield' and sa" ho" it "as defouled' and said' 9f
this despite & am a part avenged' but for her love that gave me this "hite shield & shall
"ear thee' and hang mine "here thou "ast0 and so he hanged it about his ne+%( )hen he
rode straight unto .ir :a"aine and to .ir #"aine' and as%ed them "hat they did there3
)hey ans"ered him that they +ame from -ing *rthur1s +ourt to see adventures( Well'
said .ir Marhaus' here am & ready' an adventurous %night that "ill fulfil any adventure
that ye "ill desire0 and so departed from them' to fet+h his range( 8et him go' said .ir
#"aine unto .ir :a"aine' for he is a passing good %night as any is living0 & "ould not by
my "ill that any of us "ere mat+hed "ith him( 2ay' said .ir :a"aine' not so' it "ere
shame to us "ere he not assayed' "ere he never so good a %night( Well' said .ir #"aine'
& "ill assay him afore you' for & am more "ea%er than ye' and if he smite me do"n then
may ye revenge me( .o these t"o %nights +ame together "ith great raundon' that .ir
#"aine smote .ir Marhaus that his spear brast in pie+es on the shield' and .ir Marhaus
smote him so sore that horse and man he bare to the earth' and hurt .ir #"aine on the left
)hen .ir Marhaus turned his horse and rode to"ard :a"aine "ith his spear' and "hen .ir
:a"aine sa" that he dressed his shield' and they aventred their spears' and they +ame
together "ith all the might of their horses' that either %night smote other so hard in midst
of their shields' but .ir :a"aine1s spear bra%e' but .ir Marhaus1 spear held0 and
there"ith .ir :a"aine and his horse rushed do"n to the earth( *nd lightly .ir :a"aine
rose on his feet' and pulled out his s"ord' and dressed him to"ard .ir Marhaus on foot'
and .ir Marhaus sa" that' and pulled out his s"ord and began to +ome to .ir :a"aine on
horseba+%( .ir %night' said .ir :a"aine' alight on foot' or else & "ill slay thy horse(
:ramer+y' said .ir Marhaus' of your gentleness ye tea+h me +ourtesy' for it is not for one
%night to be on foot' and the other on horseba+%( *nd there"ith .ir Marhaus set his spear
against a tree and alighted and tied his horse to a tree' and dressed his shield' and either
+ame unto other eagerly' and smote together "ith their s"ords that their shields fle" in
+antels' and they bruised their helms and their hauber%s' and "ounded either other( /ut
.ir :a"aine from it passed nine of the +lo+% "axed ever stronger and stronger' for then it
+ame to the hour of noon' and thri+e his might "as in+reased( *ll this espied .ir Marhaus
and had great "onder ho" his might in+reased' and so they "ounded other passing sore(
*nd then "hen it "as past noon' and "hen it dre" to"ard evensong' .ir :a"aine1s
strength feebled' and "axed passing faint that unnethes he might dure any longer' and .ir
Marhaus "as then bigger and bigger( .ir %night' said .ir Marhaus' & have "ell felt that ye
are a passing good %night and a marvellous man of might as ever & felt any' "hile it
lasteth' and our 6uarrels are not great' and therefore it "ere pity to do you hurt' for & feel
ye are passing feeble( *h' said .ir :a"aine' gentle %night' ye say the "ord that & should
say( *nd there"ith they too% off their helms' and either %issed other' and there they
s"ore together either to love other as brethren( *nd .ir Marhaus prayed .ir :a"aine to
lodge "ith him that night( *nd so they too% their horses' and rode to"ard .ir Marhaus1
house( *nd as they rode by the "ay' .ir %night' said .ir :a"aine' & have marvel that so
valiant a man as ye be love no ladies nor damosels( .ir' said .ir Marhaus' they name me
"rongfully those that give me that name' but "ell & "ot it be the damosels of the turret
that so name me' and other su+h as they be( 2o" shall & tell you for "hat +ause & hate
them4 for they be sor+eresses and en+hanters many of them' and be a %night never so
good of his body and full of pro"ess as man may be' they "ill ma%e him a star% +o"ard
to have the better of him' and this is the prin+ipal +ause that & hate them0 and to all good
ladies and gentle"omen & o"e my servi+e as a %night ought to do(
*s the boo% rehearseth in Fren+h' there "ere many %nights that overmat+hed .ir
:a"aine' for all the thri+e might that he had4 .ir 8aun+elot de 8a%e' .ir )ristram' .ir
/ors de :anis' .ir $er+ivale' .ir $elleas' and .ir Marhaus' these six %nights had the
better of .ir :a"aine( )hen "ithin a little "hile they +ame to .ir Marhaus1 pla+e' "hi+h
"as in a little priory' and there they alighted' and ladies and damosels unarmed them' and
hastily loo%ed to their hurts' for they "ere all three hurt( *nd so they had all three good
lodging "ith .ir Marhaus' and good +heer0 for "hen he "ist that they "ere -ing *rthur1s
sister1s sons he made them all the +heer that lay in his po"er' and so they so7ourned there
a sennight' and "ere "ell eased of their "ounds' and at the last departed( 2o"' said .ir
Marhaus' "e "ill not depart so lightly' for & "ill bring you through the forest0 and rode
day by day "ell a seven days or they found any adventure( *t the last they +ame into a
great forest' that "as named the +ountry and forest of *rroy' and the +ountry of strange
adventures( &n this +ountry' said .ir Marhaus' +ame never %night sin+e it "as +hristened
but he found strange adventures0 and so they rode' and +ame into a deep valley full of
stones' and thereby they sa" a fair stream of "ater0 above thereby "as the head of the
stream a fair fountain' and three damosels sitting thereby( *nd then they rode to them'
and either saluted other' and the eldest had a garland of gold about her head' and she "as
three s+ore "inter of age or more' and her hair "as "hite under the garland( )he se+ond
damosel "as of thirty "inter of age' "ith a +ir+let of gold about her head( )he third
damosel "as but fifteen year of age' and a garland of flo"ers about her head( When these
%nights had so beheld them' they as%ed them the +ause "hy they sat at that fountain3 We
be here' said the damosels' for this +ause4 if "e may see any errant %nights' to tea+h them
unto strange adventures0 and ye be three %nights that see% adventures' and "e be three
damosels' and therefore ea+h one of you must +hoose one of us0 and "hen ye have done
so "e "ill lead you unto three high"ays' and there ea+h of you shall +hoose a "ay and
his damosel "ith him( *nd this day t"elvemonth ye must meet here again' and :od send
you your lives' and thereto ye must plight your troth( )his is "ell said' said .ir Marhaus(
[ E Misnumbered xx( by William Caxton
!o" .ir Marhaus' .ir :a"aine' and .ir #"aine met three damosels' and ea+h of them
too% one(
29W shall every+h of us +hoose a damosel( & shall tell you' said .ir #"aine' & am the
youngest and most "ea%est of you both' therefore & "ill have the eldest damosel' for she
hath seen mu+h' and +an best help me "hen & have need' for & have most need of help of
you both( 2o"' said .ir Marhaus' & "ill have the damosel of thirty "inter age' for she
falleth best to me( Well' said .ir :a"aine' & than% you' for ye have left me the youngest
and the fairest' and she is most liefest to me( )hen every damosel too% her %night by the
reins of his bridle' and brought him to the three "ays' and there "as their oath made to
meet at the fountain that day t"elvemonth an they "ere living' and so they %issed and
departed' and ea+h %night set his lady behind him( *nd .ir #"aine too% the "ay that lay
"est' and .ir Marhaus too% the "ay that lay south' and .ir :a"aine too% the "ay that lay
north( 2o" "ill "e begin at .ir :a"aine' that held that "ay till that he +ame unto a fair
manor' "here d"elled an old %night and a good householder' and there .ir :a"aine
as%ed the %night if he %ne" any adventures in that +ountry( & shall sho" you some to<
morn' said the old %night' and that marvellous( .o' on the morn they rode into the forest
of adventures to a laund' and thereby they found a +ross' and as they stood and hoved
there +ame by them the fairest %night and the seemliest man that ever they sa"' ma%ing
the greatest dole that ever man made( *nd then he "as "are of .ir :a"aine' and saluted
him' and prayed :od to send him mu+h "orship( *s to that' said .ir :a"aine' gramer+y0
also & pray to :od that he send you honour and "orship( *h' said the %night' & may lay
that aside' for sorro" and shame +ometh to me after "orship(
!o" a %night and a d"arf strove for a lady(
*2, there"ith he passed unto the one side of the laund0 and on the other side sa" .ir
:a"aine ten %nights that hoved still and made them ready "ith their shields and spears
against that one %night that +ame by .ir :a"aine(
)hen this one %night aventred a great spear' and one of the ten %nights en+ountered "ith
him' but this "oful %night smote him so hard that he fell over his horse1s tail( .o this
same dolorous %night served them all' that at the least"ay he smote do"n horse and man'
and all he did "ith one spear0 and so "hen they "ere all ten on foot' they "ent to that one
%night' and he stood stone still' and suffered them to pull him do"n off his horse' and
bound him hand and foot' and tied him under the horse1s belly' and so led him "ith them(
9 5esu@ said .ir :a"aine' this is a doleful sight' to see the yonder %night so to be
entreated' and it seemeth by the %night that he suffereth them to bind him so' for he
ma%eth no resistan+e( 2o' said his host' that is truth' for an he "ould they all "ere too
"ea% so to do him( .ir' said the damosel unto .ir :a"aine' meseemeth it "ere your
"orship to help that dolorous %night' for methin%eth he is one of the best %nights that
ever & sa"( & "ould do for him' said .ir :a"aine' but it seemeth he "ill have no help(
)hen' said the damosel' methin%eth ye have no lust to help him(
)hus as they tal%ed they sa" a %night on the other side of the laund all armed save the
head( *nd on the other side there +ame a d"arf on horseba+% all armed save the head'
"ith a great mouth and a short nose0 and "hen the d"arf +ame nigh he said' Where is the
lady should meet us here3 and there"ithal she +ame forth out of the "ood( *nd then they
began to strive for the lady0 for the %night said he "ould have her' and the d"arf said he
"ould have her( Will "e do "ell3 said the d"arf0 yonder is a %night at the +ross' let us
put it both upon him' and as he deemeth so shall it be( & "ill "ell' said the %night' and so
they "ent all three unto .ir :a"aine and told him "herefore they strove( Well' sirs' said
he' "ill ye put the matter in my hand3 >ea' they said both( 2o" damosel' said .ir
:a"aine' ye shall stand bet"ixt them both' and "hether ye list better to go to' he shall
have you( *nd "hen she "as set bet"een them both' she left the %night and "ent to the
d"arf' and the d"arf too% her and "ent his "ay singing' and the %night "ent his "ay
"ith great mourning(
)hen +ame there t"o %nights all armed' and +ried on high' .ir :a"aine@ %night of -ing
*rthur1s' ma%e thee ready in all haste and 7oust "ith me( .o they ran together' that either
fell do"n' and then on foot they dre" their s"ords' and did full a+tually( )he mean"hile
the other %night "ent to the damosel' and as%ed her "hy she abode "ith that %night' and
if ye "ould abide "ith me' & "ill be your faithful %night( *nd "ith you "ill & be' said the
damosel' for "ith .ir :a"aine & may not find in mine heart to be "ith him0 for no" here
"as one %night dis+omfited ten %nights' and at the last he "as +o"ardly led a"ay0 and
therefore let us t"o go "hilst they fight( *nd .ir :a"aine fought "ith that other %night
long' but at the last they a++orded both( *nd then the %night prayed .ir :a"aine to lodge
"ith him that night( .o as .ir :a"aine "ent "ith this %night he as%ed him' What %night
is he in this +ountry that smote do"n the ten %nights3 For "hen he had done so manfully
he suffered them to bind him hand and foot' and so led him a"ay( *h' said the %night'
that is the best %night & tro" in the "orld' and the most man of pro"ess' and he hath been
served so as he "as even more than ten times' and his name hight .ir $elleas' and he
loveth a great lady in this +ountry and her name is Ettard( *nd so "hen he loved her there
"as +ried in this +ountry a great 7ousts three days' and all the %nights of this +ountry "ere
there and gentle"omen' and "ho that proved him the best %night should have a passing
good s"ord and a +ir+let of gold' and the +ir+let the %night should give it to the fairest
lady that "as at the 7ousts( *nd this %night .ir $elleas "as the best %night that "as there'
and there "ere five hundred %nights' but there "as never man that ever .ir $elleas met
"ithal but he stru+% him do"n' or else from his horse0 and every day of three days he
stru+% do"n t"enty %nights' therefore they gave him the priAe' and forth"ithal he "ent
thereas the 8ady Ettard "as' and gave her the +ir+let' and said openly she "as the fairest
lady that there "as' and that "ould he prove upon any %night that "ould say nay(
!o" -ing $elleas suffered himself to be ta%en prisoner be+ause he "ould have a sight of
his lady' and ho" .ir :a"aine promised him to get to him the love of his lady(
*2, so he +hose her for his sovereign lady' and never to love other but her' but she "as
so proud that she had s+orn of him' and said that she "ould never love him though he
"ould die for her( Wherefore all ladies and gentle"omen had s+orn of her that she "as so
proud' for there "ere fairer than she' and there "as none that "as there but an .ir $elleas
"ould have proffered them love' they "ould have loved him for his noble pro"ess( *nd
so this %night promised the 8ady Ettard to follo" her into this +ountry' and never to leave
her till she loved him( *nd thus he is here the most part nigh her' and lodged by a priory'
and every "ee% she sendeth %nights to fight "ith him( *nd "hen he hath put them to the
"orse' then "ill he suffer them "ilfully to ta%e him prisoner' be+ause he "ould have a
sight of this lady( *nd al"ays she doth him great despite' for sometime she ma%eth her
%nights to tie him to his horse1s tail' and some to bind him under the horse1s belly0 thus in
the most shamefullest "ays that she +an thin% he is brought to her( *nd all she doth it for
to +ause him to leave this +ountry' and to leave his loving0 but all this +annot ma%e him to
leave' for an he "ould have fought on foot he might have had the better of the ten %nights
as "ell on foot as on horseba+%( *las' said .ir :a"aine' it is great pity of him0 and after
this night & "ill see% him to<morro"' in this forest' to do him all the help & +an( .o on the
morn .ir :a"aine too% his leave of his host .ir Carados' and rode into the forest0 and at
the last he met "ith .ir $elleas' ma%ing great moan out of measure' so ea+h of them
saluted other' and as%ed him "hy he made su+h sorro"( *nd as it is above rehearsed' .ir
$elleas told .ir :a"aine4 /ut al"ays & suffer her %nights to fare so "ith me as ye sa"
yesterday' in trust at the last to "in her love' for she %no"eth "ell all her %nights should
not lightly "in me' an me list to fight "ith them to the uttermost( Wherefore an & loved
her not so sore' & had liefer die an hundred times' an & might die so oft' rather than &
"ould suffer that despite0 but & trust she "ill have pity upon me at the last' for love
+auseth many a good %night to suffer to have his entent' but alas & am unfortunate( *nd
there"ith he made so great dole and sorro" that unnethe he might hold him on
2o"' said .ir :a"aine' leave your mourning and & shall promise you by the faith of my
body to do all that lieth in my po"er to get you the love of your lady' and thereto & "ill
plight you my troth( *h' said .ir $elleas' of "hat +ourt are ye3 tell me' & pray you' my
good friend( *nd then .ir :a"aine said' & am of the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and his sister1s
son' and -ing 8ot of 9r%ney "as my father' and my name is .ir :a"aine( *nd then he
said' My name is .ir $elleas' born in the &sles' and of many isles & am lord' and never
have & loved lady nor damosel till no" in an unhappy time0 and' sir %night' sin+e ye are so
nigh +ousin unto -ing *rthur' and a %ing1s son' therefore betray me not but help me' for &
may never +ome by her but by some good %night' for she is in a strong +astle here' fast by
"ithin this four mile' and over all this +ountry she is lady of( *nd so & may never +ome to
her presen+e' but as & suffer her %nights to ta%e me' and but if & did so that & might have a
sight of her' & had been dead long or this time0 and yet fair "ord had & never of her' but
"hen & am brought tofore her she rebu%eth me in the foulest manner( *nd then they ta%e
my horse and harness and put me out of the gates' and she "ill not suffer me to eat nor
drin%0 and al"ays & offer me to be her prisoner' but that she "ill not suffer me' for &
"ould desire no more' "hat pains so ever & had' so that & might have a sight of her daily(
Well' said .ir :a"aine' all this shall & amend an ye "ill do as & shall devise4 & "ill have
your horse and your armour' and so "ill & ride unto her +astle and tell her that & have slain
you' and so shall & +ome "ithin her to +ause her to +herish me' and then shall & do my true
part that ye shall not fail to have the love of her(
!o" .ir :a"aine +ame to the 8ady Ettard' and ho" .ir $elleas found them sleeping(
*2, there"ith .ir :a"aine plight his troth unto .ir $elleas to be true and faithful unto
him0 so ea+h one plight their troth to other' and so they +hanged horses and harness' and
.ir :a"aine departed' and +ame to the +astle "hereas stood the pavilions of this lady
"ithout the gate( *nd as soon as Ettard had espied .ir :a"aine she fled in to"ard the
+astle( .ir :a"aine spa%e on high' and bade her abide' for he "as not .ir $elleas0 & am
another %night that have slain .ir $elleas( ,o off your helm' said the 8ady Ettard' that &
may see your visage( *nd so "hen she sa" that it "as not .ir $elleas' she bade him alight
and led him unto her +astle' and as%ed him faithfully "hether he had slain .ir $elleas(
*nd he said her yea' and told her his name "as .ir :a"aine of the +ourt of -ing *rthur'
and his sister1s son( )ruly' said she' that is great pity' for he "as a passing good %night of
his body' but of all men alive & hated him most' for & +ould never be 6uit of him0 and for
ye have slain him & shall be your "oman' and to do anything that might please you( .o
she made .ir :a"aine good +heer( )hen .ir :a"aine said that he loved a lady and by no
means she "ould love him( .he is to blame' said Ettard' an she "ill not love you' for ye
that be so "ell born a man' and su+h a man of pro"ess' there is no lady in the "orld too
good for you( Will ye' said .ir :a"aine' promise me to do all that ye may' by the faith of
your body' to get me the love of my lady3 >ea' sir' said she' and that & promise you by
the faith of my body( 2o"' said .ir :a"aine' it is yourself that & love so "ell' therefore &
pray you hold your promise( & may not +hoose' said the 8ady Ettard' but if & should be
fors"orn0 and so she granted him to fulfil all his desire(
.o it "as then in the month of May that she and .ir :a"aine "ent out of the +astle and
supped in a pavilion' and there "as made a bed' and there .ir :a"aine and the 8ady
Ettard "ent to bed together' and in another pavilion she laid her damosels' and in the
third pavilion she laid part of her %nights' for then she had no dread of .ir $elleas( *nd
there .ir :a"aine lay "ith her in that pavilion t"o days and t"o nights( *nd on the third
day' in the morning early' .ir $elleas armed him' for he had never slept sin+e .ir
:a"aine departed from him0 for .ir :a"aine had promised him by the faith of his body'
to +ome to him unto his pavilion by that priory "ithin the spa+e of a day and a night(
)hen .ir $elleas mounted upon horseba+%' and +ame to the pavilions that stood "ithout
the +astle' and found in the first pavilion three %nights in three beds' and three s6uires
lying at their feet( )hen "ent he to the se+ond pavilion and found four gentle"omen lying
in four beds( *nd then he yede to the third pavilion and found .ir :a"aine lying in bed
"ith his 8ady Ettard' and either +lipping other in arms' and "hen he sa" that his heart
"ell<nigh brast for sorro"' and said4 *las@ that ever a %night should be found so false0
and then he too% his horse and might not abide no longer for pure sorro"( *nd "hen he
had ridden nigh half a mile he turned again and thought to slay them both0 and "hen he
sa" them both so lie sleeping fast' unnethe he might hold him on horseba+% for sorro"'
and said thus to himself' )hough this %night be never so false' & "ill never slay him
sleeping' for & "ill never destroy the high order of %nighthood0 and there"ith he departed
again( *nd or he had ridden half a mile he returned again' and thought then to slay them
both' ma%ing the greatest sorro" that ever man made( *nd "hen he +ame to the
pavilions' he tied his horse unto a tree' and pulled out his s"ord na%ed in his hand' and
"ent to them thereas they lay' and yet he thought it "ere shame to slay them sleeping'
and laid the na%ed s"ord overth"art both their throats' and so too% his horse and rode his
*nd "hen .ir $elleas +ame to his pavilions he told his %nights and his s6uires ho" he
had sped' and said thus to them' For your true and good servi+e ye have done me & shall
give you all my goods' for & "ill go unto my bed and never arise until & am dead( *nd
"hen that & am dead & +harge you that ye ta%e the heart out of my body and bear it her
bet"ixt t"o silver dishes' and tell her ho" & sa" her lie "ith the false %night .ir
:a"aine( ?ight so .ir $elleas unarmed himself' and "ent unto his bed ma%ing
marvellous dole and sorro"(
When .ir :a"aine and Ettard a"o%e of their sleep' and found the na%ed s"ord
overth"art their throats' then she %ne" "ell it "as .ir $elleas1 s"ord( *las@ said she to
.ir :a"aine' ye have betrayed me and .ir $elleas both' for ye told me ye had slain him'
and no" & %no" "ell it is not so' he is alive( *nd if .ir $elleas had been as un+ourteous
to you as ye have been to him ye had been a dead %night0 but ye have de+eived me and
betrayed me falsely' that all ladies and damosels may be"are by you and me( *nd
there"ith .ir :a"aine made him ready' and "ent into the forest( .o it happed then that
the ,amosel of the 8a%e' 2imue' met "ith a %night of .ir $elleas' that "ent on his foot in
the forest ma%ing great dole' and she as%ed him the +ause( *nd so the "oful %night told
her ho" his master and lord "as betrayed through a %night and lady' and ho" he "ill
never arise out of his bed till he be dead( /ring me to him' said she anon' and & "ill
"arrant his life he shall not die for love' and she that hath +aused him so to love' she shall
be in as evil plight as he is or it be long to' for it is no 7oy of su+h a proud lady that "ill
have no mer+y of su+h a valiant %night( *non that %night brought her unto him' and "hen
she sa" him lie in his bed' she thought she sa" never so li%ely a %night0 and there"ith
she thre" an en+hantment upon him' and he fell asleep( *nd there"hile she rode unto the
8ady Ettard' and +harged no man to a"a%e him till she +ame again( .o "ithin t"o hours
she brought the 8ady Ettard thither' and both ladies found him asleep4 8o' said the
,amosel of the 8a%e' ye ought to be ashamed for to murder su+h a %night( *nd there"ith
she thre" su+h an en+hantment upon her that she loved him sore' that "ell<nigh she "as
out of her mind( 9 8ord 5esu' said the 8ady Ettard' ho" is it befallen unto me that & love
no" him that & have most hated of any man alive3 )hat is the righteous 7udgment of :od'
said the damosel( *nd then anon .ir $elleas a"a%ed and loo%ed upon Ettard0 and "hen
he sa" her he %ne" her' and then he hated her more than any "oman alive' and said4
*"ay' traitress' +ome never in my sight( *nd "hen she heard him say so' she "ept and
made great sorro" out of measure(
!o" .ir $elleas loved no more Ettard by means of the ,amosel of the 8a%e' "hom he
loved ever after(
.&? -2&:!) $E88E*.' said the ,amosel of the 8a%e' ta%e your horse and +ome forth
"ith me out of this +ountry' and ye shall love a lady that shall love you( & "ill "ell' said
.ir $elleas' for this 8ady Ettard hath done me great despite and shame' and there he told
her the beginning and ending' and ho" he had purposed never to have arisen till that he
had been dead( *nd no" su+h gra+e :od hath sent me' that & hate her as mu+h as ever &
loved her' than%ed be our 8ord 5esus@ )han% me' said the ,amosel of the 8a%e( *non .ir
$elleas armed him' and too% his horse' and +ommanded his men to bring after his
pavilions and his stuff "here the ,amosel of the 8a%e "ould assign( .o the 8ady Ettard
died for sorro"' and the ,amosel of the 8a%e re7oi+ed .ir $elleas' and loved together
during their life days(
!o" .ir Marhaus rode "ith the damosel' and ho" he +ame to the ,u%e of the .outh
29W turn "e unto .ir Marhaus' that rode "ith the damosel of thirty "inter of age'
south"ard( *nd so they +ame into a deep forest' and by fortune they "ere nighted' and
rode long in a deep "ay' and at the last they +ame unto a +ourtelage' and there they as%ed
harbour( /ut the man of the +ourtelage "ould not lodge them for no treatise that they
+ould treat' but thus mu+h the good man said' *n ye "ill ta%e the adventure of your
lodging' & shall bring you "here ye shall be lodged( What adventure is that that & shall
have for my lodging3 said .ir Marhaus( >e shall "it "hen ye +ome there' said the good
man( .ir' "hat adventure so it be' bring me thither & pray thee' said .ir Marhaus0 for & am
"eary' my damosel' and my horse( .o the good man "ent and opened the gate' and
"ithin an hour he brought him unto a fair +astle' and then the poor man +alled the porter'
and anon he "as let into the +astle' and so he told the lord ho" he brought him a %night
errant and a damosel that "ould be lodged "ith him( 8et him in' said the lord' it may
happen he shall repent that they too% their lodging here(
.o .ir Marhaus "as let in "ith tor+hlight' and there "as a goodly sight of young men that
"el+omed him( *nd then his horse "as led into the stable' and he and the damosel "ere
brought into the hall' and there stood a mighty du%e and many goodly men about him(
)hen this lord as%ed him "hat he hight' and from "hen+e he +ame' and "ith "hom he
d"elt( .ir' he said' & am a %night of -ing *rthur1s and %night of the )able ?ound' and my
name is .ir Marhaus' and born & am in &reland( *nd then said the du%e to him' )hat me
sore repenteth4 the +ause is this' for & love not thy lord nor none of thy fello"s of the
)able ?ound0 and therefore ease thyself this night as "ell as thou mayest' for as to<morn
& and my six sons shall mat+h "ith you( &s there no remedy but that & must have ado "ith
you and your six sons at on+e3 said .ir Marhaus( 2o' said the du%e' for this +ause & made
mine avo"' for .ir :a"aine sle" my seven sons in a re+ounter' therefore & made mine
avo"' there should never %night of -ing *rthur1s +ourt lodge "ith me' or +ome thereas &
might have ado "ith him' but that & "ould have a revenging of my sons1 death( What is
your name3 said .ir Marhaus0 & re6uire you tell me' an it please you( Wit thou "ell & am
the ,u%e of .outh Mar+hes( *h' said .ir Marhaus' & have heard say that ye have been
long time a great foe unto my lord *rthur and to his %nights( )hat shall ye feel to<morn'
said the du%e( .hall & have ado "ith you3 said .ir Marhaus( >ea' said the du%e' thereof
shalt thou not +hoose' and therefore ta%e you to your +hamber' and ye shall have all that
to you longeth( .o .ir Marhaus departed and "as led to a +hamber' and his damosel "as
led unto her +hamber( *nd on the morn the du%e sent unto .ir Marhaus and bade ma%e
him ready( *nd so .ir Marhaus arose and armed him' and then there "as a mass sung
afore him' and bra%e his fast' and so mounted on horseba+% in the +ourt of the +astle
"here they should do the battle( .o there "as the du%e all ready on horseba+%' +lean
armed' and his six sons by him' and every+h had a spear in his hand' and so they
en+ountered' "hereas the du%e and his t"o sons bra%e their spears upon him' but .ir
Marhaus held up his spear and tou+hed none of them(
!o" .ir Marhaus fought "ith the du%e and his four sons and made them to yield them(
)!E2 +ame the four sons by +ouple' and t"o of them bra%e their spears' and so did the
other t"o( *nd all this "hile .ir Marhaus tou+hed them not( )hen .ir Marhaus ran to the
du%e' and smote him "ith his spear that horse and man fell to the earth' and so he served
his sons0 and then .ir Marhaus alighted do"n and bade the du%e yield him or else he
"ould slay him( *nd then some of his sons re+overed' and "ould have set upon .ir
Marhaus0 then .ir Marhaus said to the du%e' Cease thy sons' or else & "ill do the
uttermost to you all( )hen the du%e sa" he might not es+ape the death' he +ried to his
sons' and +harged them to yield them to .ir Marhaus0 and they %neeled all do"n and put
the pommels of their s"ords to the %night' and so he re+eived them( *nd then they helped
up their father' and so by their +ominal assent promised to .ir Marhaus never to be foes
unto -ing *rthur' and thereupon at Whitsuntide after to +ome' he and his sons' and put
them in the %ing1s gra+e(
)hen .ir Marhaus departed' and "ithin t"o days his damosel brought him "hereas "as a
great tournament that the 8ady de Da"se had +ried( *nd "ho that did best should have a
ri+h +ir+let of gold "orth a thousand besants( *nd there .ir Marhaus did so nobly that he
"as reno"ned' and had sometime do"n forty %nights' and so the +ir+let of gold "as
re"arded him( )hen he departed from them "ith great "orship0 and so "ithin seven
nights his damosel brought him to an earl1s pla+e' his name "as the Earl Fergus' that after
"as .ir )ristram1s %night0 and this earl "as but a young man' and late +ome into his
lands' and there "as a giant fast by him that hight )aulurd' and he had another brother in
Corn"all that hight )aulas' that .ir )ristram sle" "hen he "as out of his mind( .o this
earl made his +omplaint unto .ir Marhaus' that there "as a giant by him that destroyed all
his lands' and ho" he durst no"here ride nor go for him( .ir' said the %night' "hether
useth he to fight on horseba+% or on foot3 2ay' said the earl' there may no horse bear
him( Well' said .ir Marhaus' then "ill & fight "ith him on foot0 so on the morn .ir
Marhaus prayed the earl that one of his men might bring him "hereas the giant "as0 and
so he "as' for he sa" him sit under a tree of holly' and many +lubs of iron and gisarms
about him( .o this %night dressed him to the giant' putting his shield afore him' and the
giant too% an iron +lub in his hand' and at the first stro%e he +lave .ir Marhaus1 shield in
t"o pie+es( *nd there he "as in great peril' for the giant "as a "ily fighter' but at last .ir
Marhaus smote off his right arm above the elbo"(
)hen the giant fled and the %night after him' and so he drove him into a "ater' but the
giant "as so high that he might not "ade after him( *nd then .ir Marhaus made the Earl
Fergus1 man to fet+h him stones' and "ith those stones the %night gave the giant many
sore %no+%s' till at the last he made him fall do"n into the "ater' and so "as he there
dead( )hen .ir Marhaus "ent unto the giant1s +astle' and there he delivered t"enty<four
ladies and t"elve %nights out of the giant1s prison' and there he had great ri+hes "ithout
number' so that the days of his life he "as never poor man( )hen he returned to the Earl
Fergus' the "hi+h than%ed him greatly' and "ould have given him half his lands' but he
"ould none ta%e( .o .ir Marhaus d"elled "ith the earl nigh half a year' for he "as sore
bruised "ith the giant' and at the last he too% his leave( *nd as he rode by the "ay' he
met "ith .ir :a"aine and .ir #"aine' and so by adventure he met "ith four %nights of
*rthur1s +ourt' the first "as .ir .agramore le ,esirous' .ir 9sanna' .ir ,odinas le
.avage' and .ir Felot of 8istinoise0 and there .ir Marhaus "ith one spear smote do"n
these four %nights' and hurt them sore( .o he departed to meet at his day aforeset(
!o" .ir #"aine rode "ith the damosel of sixty year of age' and ho" he gat the priAe at
29W turn "e unto .ir #"aine' that rode "est"ard "ith his damosel of three s+ore
"inter of age' and she brought him thereas "as a tournament nigh the mar+h of Wales(
*nd at that tournament .ir #"aine smote do"n thirty %nights' therefore "as given him
the priAe' and that "as a gerfal+on' and a "hite steed trapped "ith +loth of gold( .o then
.ir #"aine did many strange adventures by the means of the old damosel' and so she
brought him to a lady that "as +alled the 8ady of the ?o+%' the "hi+h "as mu+h
+ourteous( .o there "ere in the +ountry t"o %nights that "ere brethren' and they "ere
+alled t"o perilous %nights' the one %night hight .ir Ed"ard of the ?ed Castle' and the
other .ir !ue of the ?ed Castle0 and these t"o brethren had disherited the 8ady of the
?o+% of a barony of lands by their extortion( *nd as this %night "as lodged "ith this lady
she made her +omplaint to him of these t"o %nights(
Madam' said .ir #"aine' they are to blame' for they do against the high order of
%nighthood' and the oath that they made0 and if it li%e you & "ill spea% "ith them'
be+ause & am a %night of -ing *rthur1s' and & "ill entreat them "ith fairness0 and if they
"ill not' & shall do battle "ith them' and in the defen+e of your right( :ramer+y said the
lady' and thereas & may not a+6uit you' :od shall( .o on the morn the t"o %nights "ere
sent for' that they should +ome thither to spea% "ith the 8ady of the ?o+%' and "it ye
"ell they failed not' for they +ame "ith an hundred horse( /ut "hen this lady sa" them
in this manner so big' she "ould not suffer .ir #"aine to go out to them upon no surety
nor for no fair language' but she made him spea% "ith them over a to"er' but finally
these t"o brethren "ould not be entreated' and ans"ered that they "ould %eep that they
had( Well' said .ir #"aine' then "ill & fight "ith one of you' and prove that ye do this
lady "rong( )hat "ill "e not' said they' for an "e do battle' "e t"o "ill fight "ith one
%night at on+e' and therefore if ye "ill fight so' "e "ill be ready at "hat hour ye "ill
assign( *nd if ye "in us in battle the lady shall have her lands again( >e say "ell' said .ir
#"aine' therefore ma%e you ready so that ye be here to<morn in the defen+e of the lady1s
!o" .ir #"aine fought "ith t"o %nights and over+ame them(
.9 "as there si%erness made on both parties that no treason should be "rought on neither
party0 so then the %nights departed and made them ready' and that night .ir #"aine had
great +heer( *nd on the morn he arose early and heard mass' and bra%e his fast' and so he
rode unto the plain "ithout the gates' "here hoved the t"o brethren abiding him( .o they
rode together passing sore' that .ir Ed"ard and .ir !ue bra%e their spears upon .ir
#"aine( *nd .ir #"aine smote .ir Ed"ard that he fell over his horse and yet his spear
brast not( *nd then he spurred his horse and +ame upon .ir !ue and overthre" him' but
they soon re+overed and dressed their shields and dre" their s"ords and bade .ir #"aine
alight and do his battle to the uttermost( )hen .ir #"aine devoided his horse suddenly'
and put his shield afore him and dre" his s"ord' and so they dressed together' and either
gave other su+h stro%es' and there these t"o brethren "ounded .ir #"aine passing
grievously that the 8ady of the ?o+% "eened he should have died( *nd thus they fought
together five hours as men raged out of reason( *nd at the last .ir #"aine smote .ir
Ed"ard upon the helm su+h a stro%e that his s"ord +arved unto his +anel bone' and then
.ir !ue abated his +ourage' but .ir #"aine pressed fast to have slain him( )hat sa" .ir
!ue4 he %neeled do"n and yielded him to .ir #"aine( *nd he of his gentleness re+eived
his s"ord' and too% him by the hand' and "ent into the +astle together( )hen the 8ady of
the ?o+% "as passing glad' and the other brother made great sorro" for his brother1s
death( )hen the lady "as restored of all her lands' and .ir !ue "as +ommanded to be at
the +ourt of -ing *rthur at the next feast of $ente+ost( .o .ir #"aine d"elt "ith the lady
nigh half a year' for it "as long or he might be "hole of his great hurts( *nd so "hen it
dre" nigh the term<day that .ir :a"aine' .ir Marhaus' and .ir #"aine should meet at
the +ross<"ay' then every %night dre" him thither to hold his promise that they had made0
and .ir Marhaus and .ir #"aine brought their damosels "ith them' but .ir :a"aine had
lost his damosel' as it is afore rehearsed(
!o" at the year1s end all three %nights "ith their three damosels met at the fountain(
?&:!) so at the t"elvemonths1 end they met all three %nights at the fountain and their
damosels' but the damosel that .ir :a"aine had +ould say but little "orship of him so
they departed from the damosels and rode through a great forest' and there they met "ith
a messenger that +ame from -ing *rthur' that had sought them "ell<nigh a t"elvemonth
throughout all England' Wales' and .+otland' and +harged if ever he might find .ir
:a"aine and .ir #"aine to bring them to the +ourt again( *nd then "ere they all glad'
and so prayed they .ir Marhaus to ride "ith them to the %ing1s +ourt( *nd so "ithin
t"elve days they +ame to Camelot' and the %ing "as passing glad of their +oming' and so
"as all the +ourt( )hen the %ing made them to s"ear upon a boo% to tell him all their
adventures that had befallen them that t"elvemonth' and so they did( *nd there "as .ir
Marhaus "ell %no"n' for there "ere %nights that he had mat+hed aforetime' and he "as
named one of the best %nights living(
*gainst the feast of $ente+ost +ame the ,amosel of the 8a%e and brought "ith her .ir
$elleas0 and at that high feast there "as great 7ousting of %nights' and of all %nights that
"ere at that 7ousts' .ir $elleas had the priAe' and .ir Marhaus "as named the next0 but .ir
$elleas "as so strong there might but fe" %nights sit him a buffet "ith a spear( *nd at
that next feast .ir $elleas and .ir Marhaus "ere made %nights of the )able ?ound' for
there "ere t"o sieges void' for t"o %nights "ere slain that t"elvemonth' and great 7oy
had -ing *rthur of .ir $elleas and of .ir Marhaus( /ut $elleas loved never after .ir
:a"aine' but as he spared him for the love of -ing *rthur0 but ofttimes at 7ousts and
tournaments .ir $elleas 6uit .ir :a"aine' for so it rehearseth in the boo% of Fren+h( .o
.ir )ristram many days after fought "ith .ir Marhaus in an island' and there they did a
great battle' but at the last .ir )ristram sle" him' so .ir )ristram "as "ounded that
unnethe he might re+over' and lay at a nunnery half a year( *nd .ir $elleas "as a
"orshipful %night' and "as one of the four that a+hieved the .angreal' and the ,amosel
of the 8a%e made by her means that never he had ado "ith .ir 8aun+elot de 8a%e' for
"here .ir 8aun+elot "as at any 7ousts or any tournament' she "ould not suffer him be
there that day' but if it "ere on the side of .ir 8aun+elot(
Expli+it liber 6uartus( &n+ipit liber 6uintus(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book (
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VIII! I"-"II #
!o" t"elve aged ambassadors of ?ome +ame to -ing *rthur to demand truage for
W!E2 -ing *rthur had after long "ar rested' and held a royal feast and )able ?ound
"ith his allies of %ings' prin+es' and noble %nights all of the ?ound )able' there +ame into
his hall' he sitting in his throne royal' t"elve an+ient men' bearing ea+h of them a bran+h
of olive' in to%en that they +ame as ambassadors and messengers from the Emperor
8u+ius' "hi+h "as +alled at that time' ,i+tator or $ro+uror of the $ubli+ Weal of ?ome(
Whi+h said messengers' after their entering and +oming into the presen+e of -ing *rthur'
did to him their obeisan+e in ma%ing to him reveren+e' and said to him in this "ise4 )he
high and mighty Emperor 8u+ius sendeth to the -ing of /ritain greeting' +ommanding
thee to a+%no"ledge him for thy lord' and to send him the truage due of this realm unto
the Empire' "hi+h thy father and other tofore thy pre+essors have paid as is of re+ord' and
thou as rebel not %no"ing him as thy sovereign' "ithholdest and retainest +ontrary to the
statutes and de+rees made by the noble and "orthy 5ulius Cesar' +on6ueror of this realm'
and first Emperor of ?ome( *nd if thou refuse his demand and +ommandment %no" thou
for +ertain that he shall ma%e strong "ar against thee' thy realms and lands' and shall
+hastise thee and thy sub7e+ts' that it shall be ensample perpetual unto all %ings and
prin+es' for to deny their truage unto that noble empire "hi+h domineth upon the
universal "orld( )hen "hen they had sho"ed the effe+t of their message' the %ing
+ommanded them to "ithdra" them' and said he should ta%e advi+e of +oun+il and give
to them an ans"er( )hen some of the young %nights' hearing this their message' "ould
have run on them to have slain them' saying that it "as a rebu%e to all the %nights there
being present to suffer them to say so to the %ing( *nd anon the %ing +ommanded that
none of them' upon pain of death' to missay them nor do them any harm' and +ommanded
a %night to bring them to their lodging' and see that they have all that is ne+essary and
re6uisite for them' "ith the best +heer' and that no dainty be spared' for the ?omans be
great lords' and though their message please me not nor my +ourt' yet & must remember
mine honour(
*fter this the %ing let +all all his lords and %nights of the ?ound )able to +ounsel upon
this matter' and desired them to say their advi+e( )hen .ir Cador of Corn"all spa%e first
and said' .ir' this message li%eth me "ell' for "e have many days rested us and have
been idle' and no" & hope ye shall ma%e sharp "ar on the ?omans' "here & doubt not "e
shall get honour( & believe "ell' said *rthur' that this matter pleaseth thee "ell' but these
ans"ers may not be ans"ered' for the demand grieveth me sore' for truly & "ill never pay
truage to ?ome' "herefore & pray you to +ounsel me( & have understood that /elinus and
/renius' %ings of /ritain' have had the empire in their hands many days' and also
Constantine the son of !eleine' "hi+h is an open eviden+e that "e o"e no tribute to
?ome but of right "e that be des+ended of them have right to +laim the title of the
!o" the %ings and lords promised to -ing *rthur aid and help against the ?omans(
)!E2 ans"ered -ing *nguish of .+otland' .ir' ye ought of right to be above all other
%ings' for unto you is none li%e nor pareil in Christendom' of %nighthood nor of dignity'
and & +ounsel you never to obey the ?omans' for "hen they reigned on us they distressed
our elders' and put this land to great extortions and tallies' "herefore & ma%e here mine
avo" to avenge me on them0 and for to strengthen your 6uarrel & shall furnish t"enty
thousand good men of "ar' and "age them on my +osts' "hi+h shall a"ait on you "ith
myself "hen it shall please you( *nd the %ing of 8ittle /ritain granted him to the same
thirty thousand0 "herefore -ing *rthur than%ed them( *nd then every man agreed to
ma%e "ar' and to aid after their po"er0 that is to "it' the lord of West Wales promised to
bring thirty thousand men' and .ir #"aine' .ir &der his son' "ith their +ousins' promised
to bring thirty thousand( )hen .ir 8aun+elot "ith all other promised in li%e"ise every
man a great multitude(
*nd "hen -ing *rthur understood their +ourages and good "ills he than%ed them
heartily' and after let +all the ambassadors to hear their ans"er( *nd in presen+e of all his
lords and %nights he said to them in this "ise4 & "ill that ye return unto your lord and
$ro+uror of the Common Weal for the ?omans' and say ye to him' 9f his demand and
+ommandment & set nothing' and that & %no" of no truage nor tribute that & o"e to him'
nor to none earthly prin+e' Christian nor heathen0 but & pretend to have and o++upy the
sovereignty of the empire' "herein & am entitled by the right of my prede+essors'
sometime %ings of this land0 and say to him that & am delibered and fully +on+luded' to go
"ith mine army "ith strength and po"er unto ?ome' by the gra+e of :od' to ta%e
possession in the empire and subdue them that be rebel( Wherefore & +ommand him and
all them of ?ome' that in+ontinent they ma%e to me their homage' and to a+%no"ledge
me for their Emperor and :overnor' upon pain that shall ensue( *nd then he +ommanded
his treasurer to give to them great and large gifts' and to pay all their dispenses' and
assigned .ir Cador to +onvey them out of the land( *nd so they too% their leave and
departed' and too% their shipping at .and"i+h' and passed forth by Flanders' *lmaine'
the mountains' and all &taly' until they +ame unto 8u+ius( *nd after the reveren+e made'
they made relation of their ans"er' li%e as ye tofore have heard(
When the Emperor 8u+ius had "ell understood their +reden+e' he "as sore moved as he
had been all araged' and said' & had supposed that *rthur "ould have obeyed to my
+ommandment' and have served you himself' as him "ell beseemed or any other %ing to
do( 9 .ir' said one of the senators' let be su+h vain "ords' for "e let you "it that & and
my fello"s "ere full sore afeard to behold his +ountenan+e0 & fear me ye have made a rod
for yourself' for he intendeth to be lord of this empire' "hi+h sore is to be doubted if he
+ome' for he is all another man than ye "een' and holdeth the most noble +ourt of the
"orld' all other %ings nor prin+es may not +ompare unto his noble maintenan+e( 9n 2e"
>ear1s ,ay "e sa" him in his estate' "hi+h "as the royalest that ever "e sa"' for he "as
served at his table "ith nine %ings' and the noblest fello"ship of other prin+es' lords' and
%nights that be in the "orld' and every %night approved and li%e a lord' and holdeth )able
?ound4 and in his person the most manly man that liveth' and is li%e to +on6uer all the
"orld' for unto his +ourage it is too little4 "herefore & advise you to %eep "ell your
mar+hes and straits in the mountains0 for +ertainly he is a lord to be doubted( Well' said
8u+ius' before Easter & suppose to pass the mountains' and so forth into Fran+e' and there
bereave him his lands "ith :enoese and other mighty "arriors of )us+any and
8ombardy( *nd & shall send for them all that be sub7e+ts and allied to the empire of ?ome
to +ome to mine aid( *nd forth"ith sent old "ise %nights unto these +ountries follo"ing4
first to *mbage and *rrage' to *lexandria' to &ndia' to *rmenia' "hereas the river of
Euphrates runneth into *sia' to *fri+a' and Europe the 8arge' to Ertayne and Elamye' to
*raby' Egypt' and to ,amas+us' to ,amietta and Cayer' to Cappado+ia' to )arsus'
)ur%ey' $ontus and $amphylia' to .yria and :alatia( *nd all these "ere sub7e+t to ?ome
and many more' as :ree+e' Cyprus' Ma+edonia' Calabria' Cateland' $ortugal' "ith many
thousands of .paniards( )hus all these %ings' du%es' and admirals' assembled about
?ome' "ith sixteen %ings at on+e' "ith great multitude of people( When the emperor
understood their +oming he made ready his ?omans and all the people bet"een him and
*lso he had gotten "ith him fifty giants "hi+h had been engendered of fiends0 and they
"ere ordained to guard his person' and to brea% the front of the battle of -ing *rthur(
*nd thus departed from ?ome' and +ame do"n the mountains for to destroy the lands
that *rthur had +on6uered' and +ame unto Cologne' and besieged a +astle thereby' and
"on it soon' and stuffed it "ith t"o hundred .ara+ens or &nfidels' and after destroyed
many fair +ountries "hi+h *rthur had "on of -ing Claudas( *nd thus 8u+ius +ame "ith
all his host' "hi+h "ere disperplyd sixty mile in breadth' and +ommanded them to meet
"ith him in /urgoyne' for he purposed to destroy the realm of 8ittle /ritain(
!o" -ing *rthur held a parliament at >or%' and ho" he ordained the realm should be
governed in his absen+e(
29W leave "e of 8u+ius the Emperor and spea% "e of -ing *rthur' that +ommanded all
them of his retinue to be ready at the utas of !ilary for to hold a parliament at >or%( *nd
at that parliament "as +on+luded to arrest all the navy of the land' and to be ready "ithin
fifteen days at .and"i+h' and there he sho"ed to his army ho" he purposed to +on6uer
the empire "hi+h he ought to have of right( *nd there he ordained t"o governors of this
realm' that is to say' .ir /aud"in of /ritain' for to +ounsel to the best' and .ir
Constantine' son to .ir Cador of Corn"all' "hi+h after the death of *rthur "as %ing of
this realm( *nd in the presen+e of all his lords he resigned the rule of the realm and
:uenever his 6ueen to them' "herefore .ir 8aun+elot "as "roth' for he left .ir )ristram
"ith -ing Mar% for the love of /eale &sould( )hen the ;ueen :uenever made great
sorro" for the departing of her lord and other' and s"ooned in su+h "ise that the ladies
bare her into her +hamber( )hus the %ing "ith his great army departed' leaving the 6ueen
and realm in the governan+e of .ir /aud"in and Constantine( *nd "hen he "as on his
horse he said "ith an high voi+e' &f & die in this 7ourney & "ill that .ir Constantine be
mine heir and %ing +ro"ned of this realm as next of my blood( *nd after departed and
entered into the sea at .and"i+h "ith all his army' "ith a great multitude of ships'
galleys' +ogs' and dromounds' sailing on the sea(
!o" -ing *rthur being shipped and lying in his +abin had a marvellous dream and of the
exposition thereof(
*2, as the %ing lay in his +abin in the ship' he fell in a slumbering and dreamed a
marvellous dream4 him seemed that a dreadful dragon did dro"n mu+h of his people' and
he +ame flying out of the "est' and his head "as enamelled "ith aAure' and his shoulders
shone as gold' his belly li%e mails of a marvellous hue' his tail full of tatters' his feet full
of fine sable' and his +la"s li%e fine gold0 and an hideous flame of fire fle" out of his
mouth' li%e as the land and "ater had flamed all of fire( *fter' him seemed there +ame out
of the orient' a grimly boar all bla+% in a +loud' and his pa"s as big as a post0 he "as
rugged loo%ing roughly' he "as the foulest beast that ever man sa"' he roared and romed
so hideously that it "ere marvel to hear( )hen the dreadful dragon advan+ed him and
+ame in the "ind li%e a fal+on giving great stro%es on the boar' and the boar hit him again
"ith his griAAly tus%s that his breast "as all bloody' and that the hot blood made all the
sea red of his blood( )hen the dragon fle" a"ay all on an height' and +ame do"n "ith
su+h a s"ough' and smote the boar on the ridge' "hi+h "as ten foot large from the head
to the tail' and smote the boar all to po"der both flesh and bones' that it flittered all
abroad on the sea(
*nd there"ith the %ing a"o%e anon' and "as sore abashed of this dream' and sent anon
for a "ise philosopher' +ommanding to tell him the signifi+ation of his dream( .ir' said
the philosopher' the dragon that thou dreamedst of beto%eneth thine o"n person that
sailest here' and the +olours of his "ings be thy realms that thou hast "on' and his tail
"hi+h is all to<tattered signifieth the noble %nights of the ?ound )able0 and the boar that
the dragon sle" +oming from the +louds beto%eneth some tyrant that tormenteth the
people' or else thou art li%e to fight "ith some giant thyself' being horrible and
abominable' "hose peer ye sa" never in your days' "herefore of this dreadful dream
doubt thee nothing' but as a +on6ueror +ome forth thyself(
)hen after this soon they had sight of land' and sailed till they arrived at /arflete in
Flanders' and "hen they "ere there he found many of his great lords ready' as they had
been +ommanded to "ait upon him(
!o" a man of the +ountry told to him of a marvellous giant' and ho" he fought and
+on6uered him(
)!E2 +ame to him an husbandman of the +ountry' and told him ho" there "as in the
+ountry of Constantine beside /rittany' a great giant "hi+h had slain' murdered and
devoured mu+h people of the +ountry' and had been sustained seven year "ith the
+hildren of the +ommons of that land' insomu+h that all the +hildren be all slain and
destroyed0 and no" late he hath ta%en the ,u+hess of /rittany as she rode "ith her
meiny' and hath led her to his lodging "hi+h is in a mountain' for to ravish and lie by her
to her life1s end' and many people follo"ed her' more than five hundred' but all they
might not res+ue her' but they left her shrie%ing and +rying lamentably' "herefore &
suppose that he hath slain her in fulfilling his foul lust of le+hery( .he "as "ife unto thy
+ousin .ir !o"ell' "hom "e +all full nigh of thy blood( 2o"' as thou art a rightful %ing'
have pity on this lady' and revenge us all as thou art a noble +on6ueror( *las' said -ing
*rthur' this is a great mis+hief' & had liefer than the best realm that & have that & had been
a furlong "ay tofore him for to have res+ued that lady( 2o"' fello"' said -ing *rthur'
+anst thou bring me thereas this giant haunteth3 >ea' .ir' said the good man' loo% yonder
"hereas thou seest those t"o great fires' there shalt thou find him' and more treasure than
& suppose is in all Fran+e( When the %ing had understood this piteous +ase' he returned
into his tent(
)hen he +alled to him .ir -ay and .ir /edivere' and +ommanded them se+retly to ma%e
ready horse and harness for himself and them t"ain0 for after evensong he "ould ride on
pilgrimage "ith them t"o only unto .aint Mi+hael1s mount( *nd then anon he made him
ready' and armed him at all points' and too% his horse and his shield( *nd so they three
departed then+e and rode forth as fast as ever they might till that they +ame to the
foreland of that mount( *nd there they alighted' and the %ing +ommanded them to tarry
there' for he "ould himself go up into that mount( *nd so he as+ended up into that hill till
he +ame to a great fire' and there he found a +areful "ido" "ringing her hands and
ma%ing great sorro"' sitting by a grave ne" made( *nd then -ing *rthur saluted her' and
demanded of her "herefore she made su+h lamentation' to "hom she ans"ered and said'
.ir %night' spea% soft' for yonder is a devil' if he hear thee spea% he "ill +ome and
destroy thee0 & hold thee unhappy0 "hat dost thou here in this mountain3 for if ye "ere
su+h fifty as ye be' ye "ere not able to ma%e resistan+e against this devil4 here lieth a
du+hess dead' the "hi+h "as the fairest of all the "orld' "ife to .ir !o"ell' ,u%e of
/rittany' he hath murdered her in for+ing her' and hath slit her unto the navel(
,ame' said the %ing' & +ome from the noble +on6ueror -ing *rthur' for to treat "ith that
tyrant for his liege people( Fie on su+h treaties' said she' he setteth not by the %ing nor by
no man else0 but an if thou have brought *rthur1s "ife' dame :uenever' he shall be
gladder than thou hadst given to him half Fran+e( /e"are' approa+h him not too nigh' for
he hath van6uished fifteen %ings' and hath made him a +oat full of pre+ious stones
embroidered "ith their beards' "hi+h they sent him to have his love for salvation of their
people at this last Christmas( *nd if thou "ilt' spea% "ith him at yonder great fire at
supper( Well' said *rthur' & "ill a++omplish my message for all your fearful "ords0 and
"ent forth by the +rest of that hill' and sa" "here he sat at supper gna"ing on a limb of a
man' ba%ing his broad limbs by the fire' and bree+hless' and three fair damosels turning
three broa+hes "hereon "ere broa+hed t"elve young +hildren late born' li%e young birds(
When -ing *rthur beheld that piteous sight he had great +ompassion on them' so that his
heart bled for sorro"' and hailed him' saying in this "ise4 !e that all the "orld "ieldeth
give thee short life and shameful death0 and the devil have thy soul0 "hy hast thou
murdered these young inno+ent +hildren' and murdered this du+hess3 )herefore' arise and
dress thee' thou glutton' for this day shalt thou die of my hand( )hen the glutton anon
started up' and too% a great +lub in his hand' and smote at the %ing that his +oronal fell to
the earth( *nd the %ing hit him again that he +arved his belly and +ut off his genitours'
that his guts and his entrails fell do"n to the ground( )hen the giant thre" a"ay his +lub'
and +aught the %ing in his arms that he +rushed his ribs( )hen the three maidens %neeled
do"n and +alled to Christ for help and +omfort of *rthur( *nd then *rthur "eltered and
"rung' that he "as other "hile under and another time above( *nd so "eltering and
"allo"ing they rolled do"n the hill till they +ame to the sea mar%' and ever as they so
"eltered *rthur smote him "ith his dagger(
*nd it fortuned they +ame to the pla+e "hereas the t"o %nights "ere and %ept *rthur1s
horse0 then "hen they sa" the %ing fast in the giant1s arms they +ame and loosed him(
*nd then the %ing +ommanded .ir -ay to smite off the giant1s head' and to set it upon a
trun+heon of a spear' and bear it to .ir !o"ell' and tell him that his enemy "as slain0 and
after let this head be bound to a barbi+an that all the people may see and behold it0 and go
ye t"o up to the mountain' and fet+h me my shield' my s"ord' and the +lub of iron0 and
as for the treasure' ta%e ye it' for ye shall find there goods out of number0 so & have the
%irtle and the +lub & desire no more( )his "as the fier+est giant that ever & met "ith' save
one in the mount of *raby' "hi+h & over+ame' but this "as greater and fier+er( )hen the
%nights fet+hed the +lub and the %irtle' and some of the treasure they too% to themselves'
and returned again to the host( *nd anon this "as %no"n through all the +ountry'
"herefore the people +ame and than%ed the %ing( *nd he said again' :ive the than%s to
:od' and depart the goods among you(
*nd after that -ing *rthur said and +ommanded his +ousin !o"ell' that he should ordain
for a +hur+h to be builded on the same hill in the "orship of .aint Mi+hael( *nd on the
morn the %ing removed "ith his great battle' and +ame into Champayne and in a valley'
and there they pight their tents0 and the %ing being set at his dinner' there +ame in t"o
messengers' of "hom that one "as Marshal of Fran+e' and said to the %ing that the
emperor "as entered into Fran+e' and had destroyed a great part' and "as in /urgoyne'
and had destroyed and made great slaughter of people' and burnt to"ns and boroughs0
"herefore' if thou +ome not hastily' they must yield up their bodies and goods(
!o" -ing *rthur sent .ir :a"aine and other to 8u+ius' and ho" they "ere assailed and
es+aped "ith "orship(
)!E2 the %ing did do +all .ir :a"aine' .ir /ors' .ir 8ionel' and .ir /edivere' and
+ommanded them to go straight to .ir 8u+ius' and say ye to him that hastily he remove
out of my land0 and if he "ill not' bid him ma%e him ready to battle and not distress the
poor people( )hen anon these noble %nights dressed them to horseba+%' and "hen they
+ame to the green "ood' they sa" many pavilions set in a meado"' of sil% of divers
+olours' beside a river' and the emperor1s pavilion "as in the middle "ith an eagle
displayed above( )o the "hi+h tent our %nights rode to"ard' and ordained .ir :a"aine
and .ir /ors to do the message' and left in a bushment .ir 8ionel and .ir /edivere( *nd
then .ir :a"aine and .ir /ors did their message' and +ommanded 8u+ius' in *rthur1s
name to avoid his land' or shortly to address him to battle( )o "hom 8u+ius ans"ered
and said' >e shall return to your lord' and say ye to him that & shall subdue him and all his
lands( )hen .ir :a"aine "as "roth and said' & had liefer than all Fran+e fight against
thee0 and so had &' said .ir /ors' liefer than all /rittany or /urgoyne(
)hen a %night named .ir :ainus' nigh +ousin to the emperor' said' 8o' ho" these /ritons
be full of pride and boast' and they brag as though they bare up all the "orld( )hen .ir
:a"aine "as sore grieved "ith these "ords' and pulled out his s"ord and smote off his
head( *nd there"ith turned their horses and rode over "aters and through "oods till they
+ame to their bushment' "hereas .ir 8ionel and .ir /edivere "ere hoving( )he ?omans
follo"ed fast after' on horseba+% and on foot' over a +hampaign unto a "ood0 then .ir
/ors turned his horse and sa" a %night +ome fast on' "hom he smote through the body
"ith a spear that he fell dead do"n to the earth0 then +ame Caliburn one of the strongest
of $avie' and smote do"n many of *rthur1s %nights( *nd "hen .ir /ors sa" him do so
mu+h harm' he addressed to"ard him' and smote him through the breast' that he fell
do"n dead to the earth( )hen .ir Feldena% thought to revenge the death of :ainus upon
.ir :a"aine' but .ir :a"aine "as "are thereof' and smote him on the head' "hi+h stro%e
stinted not till it +ame to his breast( *nd then he returned and +ame to his fello"s in the
bushment( *nd there "as a re+ounter' for the bushment bra%e on the ?omans' and sle"
and he" do"n the ?omans' and for+ed the ?omans to flee and return' "hom the noble
%nights +hased unto their tents(
)hen the ?omans gathered more people' and also footmen +ame on' and there "as a ne"
battle' and so mu+h people that .ir /ors and .ir /erel "ere ta%en( /ut "hen .ir :a"aine
sa" that' he too% "ith him .ir &drus the good %night' and said he "ould never see -ing
*rthur but if he res+ued them' and pulled out :alatine his good s"ord' and follo"ed
them that led those t"o %nights a"ay0 and he smote him that led .ir /ors' and too% .ir
/ors from him and delivered him to his fello"s( *nd .ir &drus in li%e"ise res+ued .ir
/erel( )hen began the battle to be great' that our %nights "ere in great 7eopardy'
"herefore .ir :a"aine sent to -ing *rthur for su++our' and that he hie him' for & am sore
"ounded' and that our prisoners may pay goods out of number( *nd the messenger +ame
to the %ing and told him his message( *nd anon the %ing did do assemble his army' but
anon' or he departed the prisoners "ere +ome' and .ir :a"aine and his fello"s gat the
field and put the ?omans to flight' and after returned and +ame "ith their fello"ship in
su+h "ise that no man of "orship "as lost of them' save that .ir :a"aine "as sore hurt(
)hen the %ing did do ransa+% his "ounds and +omforted him( *nd thus "as the beginning
of the first 7ourney of the /ritons and ?omans' and there "ere slain of the ?omans more
than ten thousand' and great 7oy and mirth "as made that night in the host of -ing
*rthur( *nd on the morn he sent all the prisoners into $aris under the guard of .ir
8aun+elot' "ith many %nights' and of .ir Cador(
!o" 8u+ius sent +ertain spies in a bushment for to have ta%en his %nights being
prisoners' and ho" they "ere letted(
29W turn "e to the Emperor of ?ome' "hi+h espied that these prisoners should be sent
to $aris' and anon he sent to lie in a bushment +ertain %nights and prin+es "ith sixty
thousand men' for to res+ue his %nights and lords that "ere prisoners( *nd so on the morn
as 8aun+elot and .ir Cador' +hieftains and governors of all them that +onveyed the
prisoners' as they should pass through a "ood' .ir 8aun+elot sent +ertain %nights to espy
if any "ere in the "oods to let them( *nd "hen the said %nights +ame into the "ood'
anon they espied and sa" the great embushment' and returned and told .ir 8aun+elot that
there lay in a"ait for them three s+ore thousand ?omans( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot "ith
su+h %nights as he had' and men of "ar to the number of ten thousand' put them in array'
and met "ith them and fought "ith them manly' and sle" and detren+hed many of the
?omans' and sle" many %nights and admirals of the party of the ?omans and .ara+ens0
there "as slain the %ing of 8yly and three great lords' *ladu%e' !era"d' and !eringdale(
/ut .ir 8aun+elot fought so nobly that no man might endure a stro%e of his hand' but
"here he +ame he sho"ed his pro"ess and might' for he sle" do"n right on every side0
and the ?omans and .ara+ens fled from him as the sheep from the "olf or from the lion'
and put them' all that abode alive' to flight(
*nd so long they fought that tidings +ame to -ing *rthur' and anon he graithed him and
+ame to the battle' and sa" his %nights ho" they had van6uished the battle' he embra+ed
them %night by %night in his arms' and said' >e be "orthy to "ield all your honour and
"orship0 there "as never %ing save myself that had so noble %nights( .ir' said Cador'
there "as none of us failed other' but of the pro"ess and manhood of .ir 8aun+elot "ere
more than "onder to tell' and also of his +ousins "hi+h did that day many noble feats of
"ar( *nd also .ir Cador told "ho of his %nights "ere slain' as .ir /erel' and other .ir
Moris and .ir Maurel' t"o good %nights( )hen the %ing "ept' and dried his eyes "ith a
%er+hief' and said' >our +ourage had near<hand destroyed you' for though ye had
returned again' ye had lost no "orship0 for & +all it folly' %nights to abide "hen they be
overmat+hed( 2ay' said 8aun+elot and the other' for on+e shamed may never be
!o" a senator told to 8u+ius of their dis+omfiture' and also of the great battle bet"een
*rthur and 8u+ius(
29W leave "e -ing *rthur and his noble %nights "hi+h had "on the field' and had
brought their prisoners to $aris' and spea% "e of a senator "hi+h es+aped from the battle'
and +ame to 8u+ius the emperor' and said to him' .ir emperor' & advise thee for to
"ithdra" thee0 "hat dost thou here3 thou shalt "in nothing in these mar+hes but great
stro%es out of all measure' for this day one of *rthur1s %nights "as "orth in the battle an
hundred of ours( Fie on thee' said 8u+ius' thou spea%est +o"ardly0 for thy "ords grieve
me more than all the loss that & had this day( *nd anon he sent forth a %ing' "hi+h hight
.ir 8eomie' "ith a great army' and bade him hie him fast tofore' and he "ould follo"
hastily after( -ing *rthur "as "arned privily' and sent his people to .essoine' and too%
up the to"ns and +astles from the ?omans( )hen the %ing +ommanded .ir Cador to ta%e
the rear"ard' and to ta%e "ith him +ertain %nights of the ?ound )able' and .ir 8aun+elot'
.ir /ors' .ir -ay' .ir Marro%' "ith .ir Marhaus' shall a"ait on our person( )hus the
-ing *rthur disperpled his host in divers parties' to the end that his enemies should not
When the emperor "as entered into the vale of .essoine' he might see "here -ing *rthur
"as embattled and his banner displayed0 and he "as beset round about "ith his enemies'
that needs he must fight or yield him' for he might not flee' but said openly unto the
?omans' .irs' & admonish you that this day ye fight and a+6uit you as men' and remember
ho" ?ome domineth and is +hief and head over all the earth and universal "orld' and
suffer not these /ritons this day to abide against us0 and there"ith he did +ommand his
trumpets to blo" the bloody sounds' in su+h "ise that the ground trembled and dindled(
)hen the battles approa+hed and shoved and shouted on both sides' and great stro%es
"ere smitten on both sides' many men overthro"n' hurt' and slain0 and great valian+es'
pro"esses and apperti+es of "ar "ere that day sho"ed' "hi+h "ere over long to re+ount
the noble feats of every man' for they should +ontain an "hole volume( /ut in espe+ial'
-ing *rthur rode in the battle exhorting his %nights to do "ell' and himself did as nobly
"ith his hands as "as possible a man to do0 he dre" out Ex+alibur his s"ord' and a"aited
ever "hereas the ?omans "ere thi+%est and most grieved his people' and anon he
addressed him on that part' and he" and sle" do"n right' and res+ued his people0 and he
sle" a great giant named :alapas' "hi+h "as a man of an huge 6uantity and height' he
shorted him and smote off both his legs by the %nees' saying' 2o" art thou better of a
siAe to deal "ith than thou "ere' and after smote off his head( )here .ir :a"aine fought
nobly and sle" three admirals in that battle( *nd so did all the %nights of the ?ound
)able( )hus the battle bet"een -ing *rthur and 8u+ius the Emperor endured long(
8u+ius had on his side many .ara+ens "hi+h "ere slain( *nd thus the battle "as great'
and oftsides that one party "as at a fordeal and anon at an afterdeal' "hi+h endured so
long till at the last -ing *rthur espied "here 8u+ius the Emperor fought' and did "onder
"ith his o"n hands( *nd anon he rode to him( *nd either smote other fier+ely' and at last
8u+ius smote *rthur th"art the visage' and gave him a large "ound( *nd "hen -ing
*rthur felt himself hurt' anon he smote him again "ith Ex+alibur that it +left his head'
from the summit of his head' and stinted not till it +ame to his breast( *nd then the
emperor fell do"n dead and there ended his life(
*nd "hen it "as %no"n that the emperor "as slain' anon all the ?omans "ith all their
host put them to flight' and -ing *rthur "ith all his %nights follo"ed the +hase' and sle"
do"n right all them that they might attain( *nd thus "as the vi+tory given to -ing
*rthur' and the triumph0 and there "ere slain on the part of 8u+ius more than an hundred
thousand( *nd after -ing *rthur did do ransa+% the dead bodies' and did do bury them
that "ere slain of his retinue' every man a++ording to the estate and degree that he "as of(
*nd them that "ere hurt he let the surgeons do sear+h their hurts and "ounds' and
+ommanded to spare no salves nor medi+ines till they "ere "hole(
)hen the %ing rode straight to the pla+e "here the Emperor 8u+ius lay dead' and "ith him
he found slain the .oudan of .yria' the -ing of Egypt and of Ethiopia' "hi+h "ere t"o
noble %ings' "ith seventeen other %ings of divers regions' and also sixty senators of
?ome' all noble men' "hom the %ing did do balm and gum "ith many good gums
aromati+' and after did do +ere them in sixty fold of +ered +loth of sendal' and laid them
in +hests of lead' be+ause they should not +hafe nor savour' and upon all these bodies
their shields "ith their arms and banners "ere set' to the end they should be %no"n of
"hat +ountry they "ere( *nd after he found three senators "hi+h "ere alive' to "hom he
said' For to save your lives & "ill that ye ta%e these dead bodies' and +arry them "ith you
unto great ?ome' and present them to the $otestate on my behalf' she"ing him my letters'
and tell them that & in my person shall hastily be at ?ome( *nd & suppose the ?omans
shall be"are ho" they shall demand any tribute of me( *nd & +ommand you to say "hen
ye shall +ome to ?ome' to the $otestate and all the Coun+il and .enate' that & send to
them these dead bodies for the tribute that they have demanded( *nd if they be not
+ontent "ith these' & shall pay more at my +oming' for other tribute o"e & none' nor none
other "ill & pay( *nd methin%eth this suffi+eth for /ritain' &reland and all *lmaine "ith
:ermany( *nd furthermore' & +harge you to say to them' that & +ommand them upon pain
of their heads never to demand tribute nor tax of me nor of my lands( )hen "ith this
+harge and +ommandment' the three senators aforesaid departed "ith all the said dead
bodies' laying the body of 8u+ius in a +ar +overed "ith the arms of the Empire all alone0
and after al"ay t"o bodies of %ings in a +hariot' and then the bodies of the senators after
them' and so "ent to"ard ?ome' and sho"ed their legation and message to the $otestate
and .enate' re+ounting the battle done in Fran+e' and ho" the field "as lost and mu+h
people and innumerable slain( Wherefore they advised them in no "ise to move no more
"ar against that noble +on6ueror *rthur' for his might and pro"ess is most to be doubted'
seen the noble %ings and great multitude of %nights of the ?ound )able' to "hom none
earthly prin+e may +ompare(
!o" *rthur' after he had a+hieved the battle against the ?omans' entered into *lmaine'
and so into &taly(
29W turn "e unto -ing *rthur and his noble %nights' "hi+h' after the great battle
a+hieved against the ?omans' entered into 8orraine' /rabant and Flanders' and sithen
returned into !aut *lmaine' and so over the mountains into 8ombardy' and after' into
)us+any "herein "as a +ity "hi+h in no "ise "ould yield themself nor obey' "herefore
-ing *rthur besieged it' and lay long about it' and gave many assaults to the +ity0 and
they "ithin defended them valiantly( )hen' on a time' the %ing +alled .ir Floren+e' a
%night' and said to him they la+%ed vi+tual' *nd not far from hen+e be great forests and
"oods' "herein be many of mine enemies "ith mu+h bestial4 & "ill that thou ma%e thee
ready and go thither in foraying' and ta%e "ith thee .ir :a"aine my nephe"' .ir
Wisshard' .ir Clegis' .ir Cleremond' and the Captain of Cardiff "ith other' and bring
"ith you all the beasts that ye there +an get(
*nd anon these %nights made them ready' and rode over holts and hills' through forests
and "oods' till they +ame into a fair meado" full of fair flo"ers and grass0 and there they
rested them and their horses all that night( *nd in the springing of the day in the next
morn' .ir :a"aine too% his horse and stole a"ay from his fello"ship' to see% some
adventures( *nd anon he "as "are of a man armed' "al%ing his horse easily by a "ood1s
side' and his shield la+ed to his shoulder' sitting on a strong +ourser' "ithout any man
saving a page bearing a mighty spear( )he %night bare in his shield three griffins of gold'
in sable +arbun+le' the +hief of silver( When .ir :a"aine espied this gay %night' he
feutred his spear' and rode straight to him' and demanded of him from "hen+e that he
"as( )hat other ans"ered and said he "as of )us+any' and demanded of .ir :a"aine'
What' profferest thou' proud %night' thee so boldly3 here gettest thou no prey' thou
mayest prove "hat thou "ilt' for thou shalt be my prisoner or thou depart( )hen said
:a"aine' thou avauntest thee greatly and spea%est proud "ords' & +ounsel thee for all thy
boast that thou ma%e thee ready' and ta%e thy gear to thee' tofore greater grame fall to
9f a battle done by .ir :a"aine against a .ara+en' "hi+h after "as yielden and be+ame
)!E2 they too% their spears and ran ea+h at other "ith all the might they had' and smote
ea+h other through their shields into their shoulders' "herefore anon they pulled out their
s"ords' and smote great stro%es that the fire sprang out of their helms( )hen .ir :a"aine
"as all abashed' and "ith :alatine his good s"ord he smote through shield and thi+%
hauber% made of thi+% mails' and all to<rushed and brea% the pre+ious stones' and made
him a large "ound' that men might see both liver and lung( )hen groaned that %night' and
addressed him to .ir :a"aine' and "ith an a"% stro%e gave him a great "ound and +ut a
vein' "hi+h grieved :a"aine sore' and he bled sore( )hen the %night said to .ir :a"aine'
bind thy "ound or thy blee[ding +hange' for thou be<bleedest all thy horse and thy fair
arms' for all the barbers of /rittany shall not +on staun+h thy blood' for "hosomever is
hurt "ith this blade he shall never be staun+hed of bleeding( )hen ans"ered :a"aine' it
grieveth me but little' thy great "ords shall not fear me nor lessen my +ourage' but thou
shalt suffer teen and sorro" or "e depart' but tell me in haste "ho may staun+h my
bleeding( )hat may & do' said the %night' if & "ill' and so "ill & if thou "ilt su++our and
aid me' that & may be +hristened and believe on :od' and thereof & re6uire thee of thy
manhood' and it shall be great merit for thy soul( & grant' said :a"aine' so :od help me'
to a++omplish all thy desire' but first tell me "hat thou soughtest here thus alone' and of
"hat land and liegian+e thou art of( .ir' he said' my name is $riamus' and a great prin+e
is my father' and he hath been rebel unto ?ome and overridden many of their lands( My
father is lineally des+ended of *lexander and of !e+tor by right line( *nd ,u%e 5oshua
and Ma++abaeus "ere of our lineage( & am right inheritor of *lexandria and *fri+a' and
all the out isles' yet "ill & believe on thy 8ord that thou believest on0 and for thy labour &
shall give thee treasure enough( & "as so elate and hauteyn in my heart that & thought no
man my peer' nor to me semblable( & "as sent into this "ar "ith seven s+ore %nights' and
no" & have en+ountered "ith thee' "hi+h hast given to me of fighting my fill' "herefore
sir %night' & pray thee to tell me "hat thou art( & am no %night' said :a"aine' & have been
brought up in the guardrobe "ith the noble -ing *rthur many years' for to ta%e heed to
his armour and his other array' and to point his palto+%s that long to himself( *t >ule last
he made me yeoman' and gave to me horse and harness' and an hundred pound in money0
and if fortune be my friend' & doubt not but to be "ell advan+ed and holpen by my liege
lord( *h' said $riamus' if his %naves be so %een and fier+e' his %nights be passing good4
no" for the -ing1s love of !eaven' "hether thou be a %nave or a %night' tell thou me thy
name( /y :od' said .ir :a"aine' no" & "ill say thee sooth' my name is .ir :a"aine' and
%no"n & am in his +ourt and in his +hamber' and one of the %nights of the ?ound )able'
he dubbed me a du%e "ith his o"n hand( )herefore grudge not if this gra+e is to me
fortuned' it is the goodness of :od that lent to me my strength( 2o" am & better pleased'
said $riamus' than thou hadst given to me all the $roven+e and $aris the ri+h( & had liefer
to have been torn "ith "ild horses' than any varlet had "on su+h loos' or any page or
pri%er should have had priAe on me( /ut no" sir %night & "arn thee that hereby is a ,u%e
of 8orraine "ith his army' and the noblest men of ,olphiny' and lords of 8ombardy' "ith
the garrison of :odard' and .ara+ens of .outhland' y<numbered sixty thousand of good
men of arms0 "herefore but if "e hie us hen+e' it "ill harm us both' for "e be sore hurt'
never li%e to re+over0 but ta%e heed to my page' that he no horn blo"' for if he do' there
be hoving here fast by an hundred %nights a"aiting on my person' and if they ta%e thee'
there shall no ransom of gold nor silver a+6uit thee(
)hen .ir :a"aine rode over a "ater for to save him' and the %night follo"ed him' and so
rode forth till they +ame to his fello"s "hi+h "ere in the meado"' "here they had been
all the night( *non as .ir Wisshard "as "are of .ir :a"aine and sa" that he "as hurt' he
ran to him sorro"fully "eeping' and demanded of him "ho had so hurt him0 and
:a"aine told ho" he had foughten "ith that man' and ea+h of them had hurt other' and
ho" he had salves to heal them0 but & +an tell you other tidings' that soon "e shall have
ado "ith many enemies(
)hen .ir $riamus and .ir :a"aine alighted' and let their horses graAe in the meado"' and
unarmed them' and then the blood ran freshly from their "ounds( *nd $riamus too% from
his page a vial full of the four "aters that +ame out of $aradise' and "ith +ertain balm
anointed their "ounds' and "ashed them "ith that "ater' and "ithin an hour after they
"ere both as "hole as ever they "ere( *nd then "ith a trumpet "ere they all assembled
to +oun+il' and there $riamus told unto them "hat lords and %nights had s"orn to res+ue
him' and that "ithout fail they should be assailed "ith many thousands' "herefore he
+ounselled them to "ithdra" them( )hen .ir :a"aine said' it "ere great shame to them
to avoid "ithout any stro%es0 Wherefore & advise to ta%e our arms and to ma%e us ready
to meet "ith these .ara+ens and misbelieving men' and "ith the help of :od "e shall
overthro" them and have a fair day on them( *nd .ir Floren+e shall abide still in this
field to %eep the stale as a noble %night' and "e shall not forsa%e yonder fello"s( 2o"'
said $riamus' +ease your "ords' for & "arn you ye shall find in yonder "oods many
perilous %nights0 they "ill put forth beasts to +all you on' they be out of number' and ye
are not past seven hundred' "hi+h be over fe" to fight "ith so many( 2evertheless' said
.ir :a"aine' "e shall on+e en+ounter them' and see "hat they +an do' and the best shall
have the vi+tory(
!o" the .ara+ens +ame out of a "ood for to res+ue their beasts' and of a great battle(
)!E2 .ir Floren+e +alled to him .ir Floridas' "ith an hundred %nights' and drove forth
the herd of beasts( )hen follo"ed him seven hundred men of arms0 and .ir Ferant of
.pain on a fair steed +ame springing out of the "oods' and +ame to .ir Floren+e and
as%ed him "hy he fled( )hen .ir Floren+e too% his spear and rode against him' and smote
him in the forehead and bra%e his ne+% bone( )hen all the other "ere moved' and thought
to avenge the death of .ir Ferant' and smote in among them' and there "as great fight'
and many slain and laid do"n to ground' and .ir Floren+e "ith his hundred %nights al"ay
%ept the stale' and fought manly(
)hen "hen $riamus the good %night per+eived the great fight' he "ent to .ir :a"aine'
and bade him that he should go and su++our his fello"ship' "hi+h "ere sore bestead "ith
their enemies( .ir' grieve you not' said .ir :a"aine' for their gree shall be theirs( & shall
not on+e move my horse to them "ard' but if & see more than there be0 for they be strong
enough to mat+h them(
*nd "ith that he sa" an earl +alled .ir Ethel"old and the du%e of ,ut+hmen' +ame
leaping out of a "ood "ith many thousands' and $riamus1 %nights' and +ame straight
unto the battle( )hen .ir :a"aine +omforted his %nights' and bade them not to be
abashed' for all shall be ours( )hen they began to "allop and met "ith their enemies'
there "ere men slain and overthro"n on every side( )hen thrust in among them the
%nights of the )able ?ound' and smote do"n to the earth all them that "ithstood them' in
so mu+h that they made them to re+oil and flee( /y :od' said .ir :a"aine' this gladdeth
my heart' for no" be they less in number by t"enty thousand( )hen entered into the battle
5uban+e a giant' and fought and sle" do"n right' and distressed many of our %nights'
among "hom "as slain .ir :herard' a %night of Wales( )hen our %nights too% heart to
them' and sle" many .ara+ens( *nd then +ame in .ir $riamus "ith his pennon' and rode
"ith the %nights of the ?ound )able' and fought so manfully that many of their enemies
lost their lives( *nd there .ir $riamus sle" the Mar6uis of Moises land' and .ir :a"aine
"ith his fello"s so 6uit them that they had the field' but in that stour "as .ir Chestelaine'
a +hild and "ard of .ir :a"aine slain' "herefore "as mu+h sorro" made' and his death
"as soon avenged( )hus "as the battle ended' and many lords of 8ombardy and .ara+ens
left dead in the field(
)hen .ir Floren+e and .ir :a"aine harboured surely their people' and too% great plenty
of bestial' of gold and silver' and great treasure and ri+hes' and returned unto -ing
*rthur' "hi+h lay still at the siege( *nd "hen they +ame to the %ing they presented their
prisoners and re+ounted their adventures' and ho" they had van6uished their enemies(
!o" .ir :a"aine returned to -ing *rthur "ith his prisoners' and ho" the -ing "on a
+ity' and ho" he "as +ro"ned Emperor(
29W than%ed be :od' said the noble -ing *rthur( /ut "hat manner man is he that
standeth by himself' him seemeth no prisoner( .ir' said :a"aine' this is a good man of
arms' he hath mat+hed me' but he is yielden unto :od' and to me' for to be+ome
Christian0 had not he have been "e should never have returned' "herefore & pray you that
he may be baptised' for there liveth not a nobler man nor better %night of his hands( )hen
the %ing let him anon be +hristened' and did do +all him his first name $riamus' and made
him a du%e and %night of the )able ?ound( *nd then anon the %ing let do +ry assault to
the +ity' and there "as rearing of ladders' brea%ing of "alls' and the dit+h filled' that men
"ith little pain might enter into the +ity( )hen +ame out a du+hess' and Clarisin the
+ountess' "ith many ladies and damosels' and %neeling before -ing *rthur' re6uired him
for the love of :od to re+eive the +ity' and not to ta%e it by assault' for then should many
guiltless be slain( )hen the %ing avaled his visor "ith a mee% and noble +ountenan+e' and
said' Madam' there shall none of my sub7e+ts misdo you nor your maidens' nor to none
that to you belong' but the du%e shall abide my 7udgment( )hen anon the %ing
+ommanded to leave the assault' and anon the du%e1s oldest son brought out the %eys' and
%neeling delivered them to the %ing' and besought him of gra+e0 and the %ing seiAed the
to"n by assent of his lords' and too% the du%e and sent him to ,over' there for to abide
prisoner term of his life' and assigned +ertain rents for the do"er of the du+hess and for
her +hildren(
)hen he made lords to rule those lands' and la"s as a lord ought to do in his o"n +ountry0
and after he too% his 7ourney to"ard ?ome' and sent .ir Floris and .ir Floridas tofore'
"ith five hundred men of arms' and they +ame to the +ity of #rbino and laid there a
bushment' thereas them seemed most best for them' and rode tofore the to"n' "here anon
issued out mu+h people and s%irmished "ith the fore<riders( )hen bra%e out the bushment
and "on the bridge' and after the to"n' and set upon the "alls the %ing1s banner( )hen
+ame the %ing upon an hill' and sa" the +ity and his banner on the "alls' by "hi+h he
%ne" that the +ity "as "on( *nd anon he sent and +ommanded that none of his liege men
should defoul nor lie by no lady' "ife nor maid0 and "hen he +ame into the +ity' he
passed to the +astle' and +omforted them that "ere in sorro"' and ordained there a
+aptain' a %night of his o"n +ountry(
*nd "hen they of Milan heard that thil% +ity "as "on' they sent to -ing *rthur great
sums of money' and besought him as their lord to have pity on them' promising to be his
sub7e+ts for ever' and yield to him homage and fealty for the lands of $leasan+e and
$avia' $etersaint' and the $ort of )remble' and to give him yearly a million of gold all his
lifetime( )hen he rideth into )us+any' and "inneth to"ns and +astles' and "asted all in
his "ay that to him "ill not obey' and so to .polute and Diterbe' and from then+e he rode
into the Dale of Di+e+ount among the vines( *nd from then+e he sent to the senators' to
"it "hether they "ould %no" him for their lord( /ut soon after on a .aturday +ame unto
-ing *rthur all the senators that "ere left alive' and the noblest +ardinals that then d"elt
in ?ome' and prayed him of pea+e' and proferred him full large' and besought him as
governor to give li+en+e for six "ee%s for to assemble all the ?omans' and then to +ro"n
him emperor "ith +hrism as it belongeth to so high estate( & assent' said the %ing' li%e as
ye have devised' and at Christmas there to be +ro"ned' and to hold my ?ound )able "ith
my %nights as me li%eth( *nd then the senators made ready for his enthroniAation( *nd at
the day appointed' as the roman+e telleth' he +ame into ?ome' and "as +ro"ned emperor
by the pope1s hand' "ith all the royalty that +ould be made' and so7ourned there a time'
and established all his lands from ?ome into Fran+e' and gave lands and realms unto his
servants and %nights' to every+h after his desert' in su+h "ise that none +omplained' ri+h
nor poor( *nd he gave to .ir $riamus the du+hy of 8orraine0 and he than%ed him' and
said he "ould serve him the days of his life0 and after made du%es and earls' and made
every man ri+h(
)hen after this all his %nights and lords assembled them afore him' and said4 /lessed be
:od' your "ar is finished and your +on6uest a+hieved' in so mu+h that "e %no" none so
great nor mighty that dare ma%e "ar against you4 "herefore "e besee+h you to return
home"ard' and give us li+en+e to go home to our "ives' from "hom "e have been long'
and to rest us' for your 7ourney is finished "ith honour and "orship( )hen said the %ing'
>e say truth' and for to tempt :od it is no "isdom' and therefore ma%e you ready and
return "e into England( )hen there "as trussing of harness and baggage and great
+arriage( *nd after li+en+e given' he returned and +ommanded that no man in pain of
death should not rob nor ta%e vi+tual' nor other thing by the "ay but that he should pay
therefore( *nd thus he +ame over the sea and landed at .and"i+h' against "hom ;ueen
:uenever his "ife +ame and met him' and he "as nobly re+eived of all his +ommons in
every +ity and burgh' and great gifts presented to him at his home<+oming to "el+ome
him "ith(
)hus endeth the fifth boo% of the +on6uest that -ing *rthur had against 8u+ius the
Emperor of ?ome' and here follo"eth the sixth boo%' "hi+h is of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book )
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also VI-I"! "-"III! "IV-"VIII #
!o" .ir 8aun+elot and .ir 8ionel departed from the +ourt' and ho" .ir 8ionel left him
sleeping and "as ta%en(
.992 after that -ing *rthur "as +ome from ?ome into England' then all the %nights of
the )able ?ound resorted unto the %ing' and made many 7ousts and tournaments' and
some there "ere that "ere but %nights' "hi+h in+reased so in arms and "orship that they
passed all their fello"s in pro"ess and noble deeds' and that "as "ell proved on many0
but in espe+ial it "as proved on .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' for in all tournaments and 7ousts
and deeds of arms' both for life and death' he passed all other %nights' and at no time he
"as never over+ome but if it "ere by treason or en+hantment0 so .ir 8aun+elot in+reased
so marvellously in "orship' and in honour' therefore is he the first %night that the Fren+h
boo% ma%eth mention of after -ing *rthur +ame from ?ome( Wherefore ;ueen
:uenever had him in great favour above all other %nights' and in +ertain he loved the
6ueen again above all other ladies and damosels of his life' and for her he did many deeds
of arms' and saved her from the fire through his noble +hivalry(
)hus .ir 8aun+elot rested him long "ith play and game( *nd then he thought himself to
prove himself in strange adventures' then he bade his nephe"' .ir 8ionel' for to ma%e
him ready0 for "e t"o "ill see% adventures( .o they mounted on their horses' armed at all
rights' and rode into a deep forest and so into a deep plain( *nd then the "eather "as hot
about noon' and .ir 8aun+elot had great lust to sleep( )hen .ir 8ionel espied a great
apple<tree that stood by an hedge' and said' /rother' yonder is a fair shado"' there may
"e rest us [and our horses( &t is "ell said' fair brother' said .ir 8aun+elot' for this eight
year & "as not so sleepy as & am no"0 and so they there alighted and tied their horses unto
sundry trees' and so .ir 8aun+elot laid him do"n under an appletree' and his helm he laid
under his head( *nd .ir 8ionel "a%ed "hile he slept( .o .ir 8aun+elot "as asleep
passing fast(
*nd in the mean"hile there +ame three %nights riding' as fast fleeing as ever they might
ride( *nd there follo"ed them three but one %night( *nd "hen .ir 8ionel sa" him' him
thought he sa" never so great a %night' nor so "ell faring a man' neither so "ell
apparelled unto all rights( .o "ithin a "hile this strong %night had overta%en one of these
%nights' and there he smote him to the +old earth that he lay still( *nd then he rode unto
the se+ond %night' and smote him so that man and horse fell do"n( *nd then straight to
the third %night he rode' and smote him behind his horse1s arse a spear length( *nd then
he alighted do"n and reined his horse on the bridle' and bound all the three %nights fast
"ith the reins of their o"n bridles( When .ir 8ionel sa" him do thus' he thought to assay
him' and made him ready' and stilly and privily he too% his horse' and thought not for to
a"a%e .ir 8aun+elot( *nd "hen he "as mounted upon his horse' he overtoo% this strong
%night' and bade him turn' and the other smote .ir 8ionel so hard that horse and man he
bare to the earth' and so he alighted do"n and bound him fast' and thre" him overth"art
his o"n horse' and so he served them all four' and rode "ith them a"ay to his o"n +astle(
*nd "hen he +ame there he gart unarm them' and beat them "ith thorns all na%ed' and
after put them in a deep prison "here "ere many more %nights' that made great dolour(
!o" .ir E+tor follo"ed for to see% .ir 8aun+elot' and ho" he "as ta%en by .ir )ur6uine(
W!E2 .ir E+tor de Maris "ist that .ir 8aun+elot "as passed out of the +ourt to see%
adventures' he "as "roth "ith himself' and made him ready to see% .ir 8aun+elot' and as
he had ridden long in a great forest he met "ith a man "as li%e a forester( Fair fello"'
said .ir E+tor' %no"est thou in this +ountry any adventures that be here nigh hand3 .ir'
said the forester' this +ountry %no" & "ell' and hereby' "ithin this mile' is a strong
manor' and "ell dy%ed' and by that manor' on the left hand' there is a fair ford for horses
to drin% of' and over that ford there gro"eth a fair tree' and thereon hang many fair
shields that "ielded sometime good %nights' and at the hole of the tree hangeth a basin of
+opper and latten' and stri%e upon that basin "ith the butt of thy spear thri+e' and soon
after thou shalt hear ne" tidings' and else hast thou the fairest gra+e that many a year had
ever %night that passed through this forest( :ramer+y' said .ir E+tor' and departed and
+ame to the tree' and sa" many fair shields( *nd among them he sa" his brother1s shield'
.ir 8ionel' and many more that he %ne" that "ere his fello"s of the ?ound )able' the
"hi+h grieved his heart' and promised to revenge his brother(
)hen anon .ir E+tor beat on the basin as he "ere "ood' and then he gave his horse drin%
at the ford' and there +ame a %night behind him and bade him +ome out of the "ater and
ma%e him ready0 and .ir E+tor anon turned him shortly' and in feuter +ast his spear' and
smote the other %night a great buffet that his horse turned t"i+e about( )his "as "ell
done' said the strong %night' and %nightly thou hast stri+%en me0 and there"ith he rushed
his horse on .ir E+tor' and +leight him under his right arm' and bare him +lean out of the
saddle' and rode "ith him a"ay into his o"n hall' and thre" him do"n in midst of the
floor( )he name of this %night "as .ir )ur6uine( )hen he said unto .ir E+tor' For thou
hast done this day more unto me than any %night did these t"elve years' no" "ill & grant
thee thy life' so thou "ilt be s"orn to be my prisoner all thy life days( 2ay' said .ir E+tor'
that "ill & never promise thee' but that & "ill do mine advantage( )hat me repenteth' said
.ir )ur6uine( *nd then he gart to unarm him' and beat him "ith thorns all na%ed' and
sithen put him do"n in a deep dungeon' "here he %ne" many of his fello"s( /ut "hen
.ir E+tor sa" .ir 8ionel' then made he great sorro"( *las' brother' said .ir E+tor' "here
is my brother .ir 8aun+elot3 Fair brother' & left him asleep "hen that & from him yode'
under an apple<tree' and "hat is be+ome of him & +annot tell you( *las' said the %nights'
but .ir 8aun+elot help us "e may never be delivered' for "e %no" no" no %night that is
able to mat+h our master )ur6uine(
!o" four 6ueens found 8aun+elot sleeping' and ho" by en+hantment he "as ta%en and
led into a +astle(
29W leave "e these %nights prisoners' and spea% "e of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e that lieth
under the apple<tree sleeping( Even about the noon there +ame by him four 6ueens of
great estate0 and' for the heat should not annoy them' there rode four %nights about them'
and bare a +loth of green sil% on four spears' bet"ixt them and the sun' and the 6ueens
rode on four "hite mules( )hus as they rode they heard by them a great horse grimly
neigh' then "ere they "are of a sleeping %night' that lay all armed under an apple<tree0
anon as these 6ueens loo%ed on his fa+e' they %ne" it "as .ir 8aun+elot( )hen they began
for to strive for that %night' every+h one said they "ould have him to her love( We shall
not strive' said Morgan le Fay' that "as -ing *rthur1s sister' & shall put an en+hantment
upon him that he shall not a"a%e in six hours' and then & "ill lead him a"ay unto my
+astle' and "hen he is surely "ithin my hold' & shall ta%e the en+hantment from him' and
then let him +hoose "hi+h of us he "ill have unto paramour(
.o this en+hantment "as +ast upon .ir 8aun+elot' and then they laid him upon his shield'
and bare him so on horseba+% bet"ixt t"o %nights' and brought him unto the +astle
Chariot' and there they laid him in a +hamber +old' and at night they sent unto him a fair
damosel "ith his supper ready dight( /y that the en+hantment "as past' and "hen she
+ame she saluted him' and as%ed him "hat +heer( & +annot say' fair damosel' said .ir
8aun+elot' for & "ot not ho" & +ame into this +astle but it be by an en+hantment( .ir' said
she' ye must ma%e good +heer' and if ye be su+h a %night as it is said ye be' & shall tell
you more to<morn by prime of the day( :ramer+y' fair damosel' said .ir 8aun+elot' of
your good "ill & re6uire you( *nd so she departed( *nd there he lay all that night "ithout
+omfort of anybody( *nd on the morn early +ame these four 6ueens' passingly "ell
beseen' all they bidding him good morn' and he them again(
.ir %night' the four 6ueens said' thou must understand thou art our prisoner' and "e here
%no" thee "ell that thou art .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' -ing /an1s son' and be+ause "e
understand your "orthiness' that thou art the noblest %night living' and as "e %no" "ell
there +an no lady have thy love but one' and that is ;ueen :uenever' and no" thou shalt
lose her for ever' and she thee' and therefore thee behoveth no" to +hoose one of us four(
& am the ;ueen Morgan le Fay' 6ueen of the land of :ore' and here is the 6ueen of
2orthgalis' and the 6ueen of Eastland' and the 6ueen of the 9ut &sles0 no" +hoose one of
us "hi+h thou "ilt have to thy paramour' for thou mayest not +hoose or else in this prison
to die( )his is an hard +ase' said .ir 8aun+elot' that either & must die or else +hoose one of
you' yet had & liefer to die in this prison "ith "orship' than to have one of you to my
paramour maugre my head( *nd therefore ye be ans"ered' & "ill none of you' for ye be
false en+hantresses' and as for my lady' ,ame :uenever' "ere & at my liberty as & "as' &
"ould prove it on you or on yours' that she is the truest lady unto her lord living( Well'
said the 6ueens' is this your ans"er' that ye "ill refuse us( >ea' on my life' said .ir
8aun+elot' refused ye be of me( .o they departed and left him there alone that made great
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as delivered by the mean of a damosel(
?&:!) so at the noon +ame the damosel unto him "ith his dinner' and as%ed him "hat
+heer( )ruly' fair damosel' said .ir 8aun+elot' in my life days never so ill( .ir' she said'
that me repenteth' but an ye "ill be ruled by me' & shall help you out of this distress' and
ye shall have no shame nor villainy' so that ye hold me a promise( Fair damosel' & "ill
grant you' and sore & am of these 6ueen<sor+eresses afeard' for they have destroyed many
a good %night( .ir' said she' that is sooth' and for the reno"n and bounty that they hear of
you they "ould have your love' and .ir' they say' your name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e'
the flo"er of %nights' and they be passing "roth "ith you that ye have refused them( /ut
.ir' an ye "ould promise me to help my father on )uesday next +oming' that hath made a
tournament bet"ixt him and the -ing of 2orthgalis=for the last )uesday past my father
lost the field through three %nights of *rthur1s +ourt=an ye "ill be there on )uesday
next +oming' and help my father' to<morn or prime' by the gra+e of :od' & shall deliver
you +lean( Fair maiden' said .ir 8aun+elot' tell me "hat is your father1s name' and then
shall & give you an ans"er( .ir %night' she said' my father is -ing /agdemagus' that "as
foul rebu%ed at the last tournament( & %no" your father "ell' said .ir 8aun+elot' for a
noble %ing and a good %night' and by the faith of my body' ye shall have my body ready
to do your father and you servi+e at that day( .ir' she said' gramer+y' and to<morn a"ait
ye be ready betimes and & shall be she that shall deliver you and ta%e you your armour
and your horse' shield and spear' and hereby "ithin this ten mile' is an abbey of "hite
mon%s' there & pray you that ye me abide' and thither shall & bring my father unto you( *ll
this shall be done' said .ir 8aun+elot as & am true %night(
*nd so she departed' and +ame on the morn early' and found him ready0 then she brought
him out of t"elve lo+%s' and brought him unto his armour' and "hen he "as +lean armed'
she brought him until his o"n horse' and lightly he saddled him and too% a great spear in
his hand and so rode forth' and said' Fair damosel' & shall not fail you' by the gra+e of
:od( *nd so he rode into a great forest all that day' and never +ould find no high"ay and
so the night fell on him' and then "as he "are in a slade' of a pavilion of red sendal( /y
my faith' said .ir 8aun+elot' in that pavilion "ill & lodge all this night' and so there he
alighted do"n' and tied his horse to the pavilion' and there he unarmed him' and there he
found a bed' and laid him therein and fell asleep sadly(
!o" a %night found .ir 8aun+elot lying in his leman1s bed' and ho" .ir 8aun+elot fought
"ith the %night(
)!E2 "ithin an hour there +ame the %night to "hom the pavilion ought' and he "eened
that his leman had lain in that bed' and so he laid him do"n beside .ir 8aun+elot' and
too% him in his arms and began to %iss him( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot felt a rough beard
%issing him' he started out of the bed lightly' and the other %night after him' and either of
them gat their s"ords in their hands' and out at the pavilion door "ent the %night of the
pavilion' and .ir 8aun+elot follo"ed him' and there by a little sla%e .ir 8aun+elot
"ounded him sore' nigh unto the death( *nd then he yielded him unto .ir 8aun+elot' and
so he granted him' so that he "ould tell him "hy he +ame into the bed( .ir' said the
%night' the pavilion is mine o"n' and there this night & had assigned my lady to have slept
"ith me' and no" & am li%ely to die of this "ound( )hat me repenteth' said 8aun+elot' of
your hurt' but & "as adread of treason' for & "as late beguiled' and therefore +ome on your
"ay into your pavilion and ta%e your rest' and as & suppose & shall staun+h your blood(
*nd so they "ent both into the pavilion' and anon .ir 8aun+elot staun+hed his blood(
)here"ithal +ame the %night1s lady' that "as a passing fair lady' and "hen she espied
that her lord /elleus "as sore "ounded' she +ried out on .ir 8aun+elot' and made great
dole out of measure( $ea+e' my lady and my love' said /elleus' for this %night is a good
man' and a %night adventurous' and there he told her all the +ause ho" he "as "ounded0
*nd "hen that & yielded me unto him' he left me goodly and hath staun+hed my blood(
.ir' said the lady' & re6uire thee tell me "hat %night ye be' and "hat is your name3 Fair
lady' he said' my name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( .o me thought ever by your spee+h'
said the lady' for & have seen you oft or this' and & %no" you better than ye "een( /ut
no" an ye "ould promise me of your +ourtesy' for the harms that ye have done to me and
my 8ord /elleus' that "hen he +ometh unto *rthur1s +ourt for to +ause him to be made
%night of the ?ound )able' for he is a passing good man of arms' and a mighty lord of
lands of many out isles(
Fair lady' said .ir 8aun+elot' let him +ome unto the +ourt the next high feast' and loo%
that ye +ome "ith him' and & shall do my po"er' an ye prove you doughty of your hands'
that ye shall have your desire( .o thus "ithin a "hile' as they thus tal%ed' the night
passed' and the day shone' and then .ir 8aun+elot armed him' and too% his horse' and
they taught him to the *bbey' and thither he rode "ithin the spa+e of t"o hours(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as re+eived of -ing /agdemagus1 daughter' and ho" he made his
+omplaint to her father(
*2, soon as .ir 8aun+elot +ame "ithin the abbey yard' the daughter of -ing
/agdemagus heard a great horse go on the pavement( *nd she then arose and yede unto a
"indo"' and there she sa" .ir 8aun+elot' and anon she made men fast to ta%e his horse
from him and let lead him into a stable' and himself "as led into a fair +hamber' and
unarmed him' and the lady sent him a long go"n' and anon she +ame herself( *nd then
she made 8aun+elot passing good +heer' and she said he "as the %night in the "orld "as
most "el+ome to her( )hen in all haste she sent for her father /agdemagus that "as
"ithin t"elve mile of that *bbey' and afore even he +ame' "ith a fair fello"ship of
%nights "ith him( *nd "hen the %ing "as alighted off his horse he yode straight unto .ir
8aun+elot1s +hamber and there he found his daughter' and then the %ing embra+ed .ir
8aun+elot in his arms' and either made other good +heer(
*non .ir 8aun+elot made his +omplaint unto the %ing ho" he "as betrayed' and ho" his
brother .ir 8ionel "as departed from him he "ist not "here' and ho" his daughter had
delivered him out of prison0 )herefore "hile & live & shall do her servi+e and all her
%indred( )hen am & sure of your help' said the %ing' on )uesday next +oming( >ea' sir'
said .ir 8aun+elot' & shall not fail you' for so & have promised my lady your daughter(
/ut' sir' "hat %nights be they of my lord *rthur1s that "ere "ith the -ing of 2orthgalis3
*nd the %ing said it "as .ir Mador de la $orte' and .ir Mordred and .ir :ahalantine that
all for<fared my %nights' for against them three & nor my %nights might bear no strength(
.ir' said .ir 8aun+elot' as & hear say that the tournament shall be here "ithin this three
mile of this abbey' ye shall send unto me three %nights of yours' su+h as ye trust' and loo%
that the three %nights have all "hite shields' and & also' and no painture on the shields'
and "e four "ill +ome out of a little "ood in midst of both parties' and "e shall fall in the
front of our enemies and grieve them that "e may0 and thus shall & not be %no"n "hat
%night & am(
.o they too% their rest that night' and this "as on the .unday' and so the %ing departed'
and sent unto .ir 8aun+elot three %nights "ith the four "hite shields( *nd on the )uesday
they lodged them in a little leaved "ood beside there the tournament should be( *nd there
"ere s+affolds and holes that lords and ladies might behold and to give the priAe( )hen
+ame into the field the -ing of 2orthgalis "ith eight s+ore helms( *nd then the three
%nights of *rthur1s stood by themselves( )hen +ame into the field -ing /agdemagus "ith
four s+ore of helms( *nd then they feutred their spears' and +ame together "ith a great
dash' and there "ere slain of %nights at the first re+ounter t"elve of -ing /agdemagus1
party' and six of the -ing of 2orthgalis1 party' and -ing /agdemagus1 party "as far set
!o" .ir 8aun+elot behaved him in a tournament' and ho" he met "ith .ir )ur6uine
leading .ir :aheris(
W&)! that +ame .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and he thrust in "ith his spear in the thi+%est of
the press' and there he smote do"n "ith one spear five %nights' and of four of them he
bra%e their ba+%s( *nd in that throng he smote do"n the -ing of 2orthgalis' and bra%e
his thigh in that fall( *ll this doing of .ir 8aun+elot sa" the three %nights of *rthur1s(
>onder is a shre"d guest' said .ir Mador de la $orte' therefore have here on+e at him( .o
they en+ountered' and .ir 8aun+elot bare him do"n horse and man' so that his shoulder
"ent out of lith( 2o" befalleth it to me to 7oust' said Mordred' for .ir Mador hath a sore
fall( .ir 8aun+elot "as "are of him' and gat a great spear in his hand' and met him' and
.ir Mordred bra%e a spear upon him' and .ir 8aun+elot gave him su+h a buffet that the
arson of his saddle bra%e' and so he fle" over his horse1s tail' that his helm butted into
the earth a foot and more' that nigh his ne+% "as bro%en' and there he lay long in a
)hen +ame in .ir :ahalantine "ith a great spear and 8aun+elot against him' "ith all their
strength that they might drive' that both their spears to<brast even to their hands' and then
they flang out "ith their s"ords and gave many a grim stro%e( )hen "as .ir 8aun+elot
"roth out of measure' and then he smote .ir :ahalantine on the helm that his nose brast
out on blood' and ears and mouth both' and there"ith his head hung lo"( *nd there"ith
his horse ran a"ay "ith him' and he fell do"n to the earth( *non there"ithal .ir
8aun+elot gat a great spear in his hand' and or ever that great spear bra%e' he bare do"n
to the earth sixteen %nights' some horse and man' and some the man and not the horse'
and there "as none but that he hit surely' he bare none arms that day( *nd then he gat
another great spear' and smote do"n t"elve %nights' and the most part of them never
throve after( *nd then the %nights of the -ing of 2orthgalis "ould 7oust no more( *nd
there the gree "as given to -ing /agdemagus(
.o either party departed unto his o"n pla+e' and .ir 8aun+elot rode forth "ith -ing
/agdemagus unto his +astle' and there he had passing good +heer both "ith the %ing and
"ith his daughter' and they proffered him great gifts( *nd on the morn he too% his leave'
and told the %ing that he "ould go and see% his brother .ir 8ionel' that "ent from him
"hen that he slept' so he too% his horse' and betaught them all to :od( *nd there he said
unto the %ing1s daughter' &f ye have need any time of my servi+e & pray you let me have
%no"ledge' and & shall not fail you as & am true %night( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot departed'
and by adventure he +ame into the same forest there he "as ta%en sleeping( *nd in the
midst of a high"ay he met a damosel riding on a "hite palfrey' and there either saluted
other( Fair damosel' said .ir 8aun+elot' %no" ye in this +ountry any adventures3 .ir
%night' said that damosel' here are adventures near hand' an thou durst prove them( Why
should & not prove adventures3 said .ir 8aun+elot for that +ause +ome & hither( Well' said
she' thou seemest "ell to be a good %night' and if thou dare meet "ith a good %night' &
shall bring thee "here is the best %night' and the mightiest that ever thou found' so thou
"ilt tell me "hat is thy name' and "hat %night thou art( ,amosel' as for to tell thee my
name & ta%e no great for+e0 truly my name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( .ir' thou beseemest
"ell' here be adventures by that fall for thee' for hereby d"elleth a %night that "ill not be
overmat+hed for no man & %no" but ye overmat+h him' and his name is .ir )ur6uine(
*nd' as & understand' he hath in his prison' of *rthur1s +ourt' good %nights three s+ore
and four' that he hath "on "ith his o"n hands( /ut "hen ye have done that 7ourney ye
shall promise me as ye are a true %night for to go "ith me' and to help me and other
damosels that are distressed daily "ith a false %night( *ll your intent' damosel' and desire
& "ill fulfil' so ye "ill bring me unto this %night( 2o"' fair %night' +ome on your "ay0
and so she brought him unto the ford and the tree "here hung the basin(
.o .ir 8aun+elot let his horse drin%' and then he beat on the basin "ith the butt of his
spear so hard "ith all his might till the bottom fell out' and long he did so' but he sa"
nothing( )hen he rode endlong the gates of that manor nigh half<an<hour( *nd then "as
he "are of a great %night that drove an horse afore him' and overth"art the horse there
lay an armed %night bound( *nd ever as they +ame near and near' .ir 8aun+elot thought
he should %no" him( )hen .ir 8aun+elot "as "are that it "as .ir :aheris' :a"aine1s
brother' a %night of the )able ?ound( 2o"' fair damosel' said .ir 8aun+elot' & see yonder
+ometh a %night fast bounden that is a fello" of mine' and brother he is unto .ir
:a"aine( *nd at the first beginning & promise you' by the leave of :od' to res+ue that
%night0 but if his master sit better in the saddle & shall deliver all the prisoners that he hath
out of danger' for & am sure he hath t"o brethren of mine prisoners "ith him( /y that time
that either had seen other' they gripped their spears unto them( 2o"' fair %night' said .ir
8aun+elot' put that "ounded %night off the horse' and let him rest a"hile' and let us t"o
prove our strengths0 for as it is informed me' thou doest and hast done great despite and
shame unto %nights of the ?ound )able' and therefore no" defend thee( *n thou be of the
)able ?ound' said )ur6uine' & defy thee and all thy fello"ship( )hat is overmu+h said'
said .ir 8aun+elot(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot and .ir )ur6uine fought together(
*2, then they put their spears in the rests' and +ame together "ith their horses as fast as
they might run' and either smote other in midst of their shields' that both their horses1
ba+%s brast under them' and the %nights "ere both stonied( *nd as soon as they might
avoid their horses' they too% their shields afore them' and dre" out their s"ords' and
+ame together eagerly' and either gave other many strong stro%es' for there might neither
shields nor harness hold their stro%es( *nd so "ithin a "hile they had both grimly
"ounds' and bled passing grievously( )hus they fared t"o hours or more trasing and
rasing either other' "here they might hit any bare pla+e(
)hen at the last they "ere breathless both' and stood leaning on their s"ords( 2o"
fello"' said .ir )ur6uine' hold thy hand a "hile' and tell me "hat & shall as% thee( .ay
on( )hen )ur6uine said' )hou art the biggest man that ever & met "ithal' and the best
breathed' and li%e one %night that & hate above all other %nights0 so be it that thou be not
he & "ill lightly a++ord "ith thee' and for thy love & "ill deliver all the prisoners that &
have' that is three s+ore and four' so thou "ilt tell me thy name( *nd thou and & "e "ill
be fello"s together' and never to fail thee "hile that & live( &t is "ell said' said .ir
8aun+elot' but sithen it is so that & may have thy friendship' "hat %night is he that thou so
hatest above all other3 Faithfully' said .ir )ur6uine' his name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e'
for he sle" my brother' .ir Carados' at the dolorous to"er' that "as one of the best
%nights alive0 and therefore him & ex+ept of all %nights' for may & on+e meet "ith him' the
one of us shall ma%e an end of other' & ma%e mine avo"( *nd for .ir 8aun+elot1s sa%e &
have slain an hundred good %nights' and as many & have maimed all utterly that they
might never after help themselves' and many have died in prison' and yet have & three
s+ore and four' and all shall be delivered so thou "ilt tell me thy name' so be it that thou
be not .ir 8aun+elot(
2o"' see & "ell' said .ir 8aun+elot' that su+h a man & might be' & might have pea+e' and
su+h a man & might be' that there should be "ar mortal bet"ixt us( *nd no"' sir %night' at
thy re6uest & "ill that thou "it and %no" that & am 8aun+elot du 8a%e' -ing /an1s son of
/en"i+%' and very %night of the )able ?ound( *nd no" & defy thee' and do thy best( *h'
said )ur6uine' 8aun+elot' thou art unto me most "el+ome that ever "as %night' for "e
shall never depart till the one of us be dead( )hen they hurtled together as t"o "ild bulls
rushing and lashing "ith their shields and s"ords' that sometime they fell both over their
noses( )hus they fought still t"o hours and more' and never "ould have rest' and .ir
)ur6uine gave .ir 8aun+elot many "ounds that all the ground thereas they fought "as all
bespe+%led "ith blood(
!o" .ir )ur6uine "as slain' and ho" .ir 8aun+elot bade .ir :aheris deliver all the
)!E2 at the last .ir )ur6uine "axed faint' and gave some"hat aba+%' and bare his shield
lo" for "eariness( )hat espied .ir 8aun+elot' and leapt upon him fier+ely and gat him by
the beaver of his helmet' and plu+%ed him do"n on his %nees' and anon he ra+ed off his
helm' and smote his ne+% in sunder( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot had done this' he yode unto
the damosel and said' ,amosel' & am ready to go "ith you "here ye "ill have me' but &
have no horse( Fair sir' said she' ta%e this "ounded %night1s horse and send him into this
manor' and +ommand him to deliver all the prisoners( .o .ir 8aun+elot "ent unto
:aheris' and prayed him not to be aggrieved for to lend him his horse( 2ay' fair lord' said
:aheris' & "ill that ye ta%e my horse at your o"n +ommandment' for ye have both saved
me and my horse' and this day & say ye are the best %night in the "orld' for ye have slain
this day in my sight the mightiest man and the best %night ex+ept you that ever & sa"'
and' fair sir' said :aheris' & pray you tell me your name( .ir' my name is .ir 8aun+elot du
8a%e' that ought to help you of right for -ing *rthur1s sa%e' and in espe+ial for my lord
.ir :a"aine1s sa%e' your o"n dear brother0 and "hen that ye +ome "ithin yonder manor'
& am sure ye shall find there many %nights of the ?ound )able' for & have seen many of
their shields that & %no" on yonder tree( )here is -ay1s shield' and .ir /randel1s shield'
and .ir Marhaus1 shield' and .ir :alind1s shield' and .ir /rian de 8istnois1 shield' and
.ir *lidu%e1s shield' "ith many more that & am not no" advised of' and also my t"o
brethren1s shields' .ir E+tor de Maris and .ir 8ionel0 "herefore & pray you greet them all
from me' and say that & bid them ta%e su+h stuff there as they find' and that in any "ise
my brethren go unto the +ourt and abide me there till that & +ome' for by the feast of
$ente+ost & +ast me to be there' for as at this time & must ride "ith this damosel for to save
my promise(
*nd so he departed from :aheris' and :aheris yede in to the manor' and there he found a
yeoman porter %eeping there many %eys( *non "ithal .ir :aheris thre" the porter unto
the ground and too% the %eys from him' and hastily he opened the prison door' and there
he let out all the prisoners' and every man loosed other of their bonds( *nd "hen they
sa" .ir :aheris' all they than%ed him' for they "eened that he "as "ounded( 2ot so' said
:aheris' it "as 8aun+elot that sle" him "orshipfully "ith his o"n hands( & sa" it "ith
mine o"n eyes( *nd he greeteth you all "ell' and prayeth you to haste you to the +ourt0
and as unto .ir 8ionel and E+tor de Maris he prayeth you to abide him at the +ourt( )hat
shall "e not do' says his brethren' "e "ill find him an "e may live( .o shall &' said .ir
-ay' find him or & +ome at the +ourt' as & am true %night(
)hen all those %nights sought the house thereas the armour "as' and then they armed
them' and every %night found his o"n horse' and all that ever longed unto him( *nd "hen
this "as done' there +ame a forester "ith four horses laden "ith fat venison( *non' .ir
-ay said' !ere is good meat for us for one meal' for "e had not many a day no good
repast( *nd so that venison "as roasted' ba%en' and sodden' and so after supper some
abode there all night' but .ir 8ionel and E+tor de Maris and .ir -ay rode after .ir
8aun+elot to find him if they might(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot rode "ith a damosel and sle" a %night that distressed all ladies and
also a villain that %ept a bridge(
29W turn "e unto .ir 8aun+elot' that rode "ith the damosel in a fair high"ay( .ir' said
the damosel' here by this "ay haunteth a %night that distressed all ladies and
gentle"omen' and at the least he robbeth them or lieth by them( What' said .ir 8aun+elot'
is he a thief and a %night and a ravisher of "omen3 he doth shame unto the order of
%nighthood' and +ontrary unto his oath0 it is pity that he liveth( /ut' fair damosel' ye shall
ride on afore' yourself' and & "ill %eep myself in +overt' and if that he trouble you or
distress you & shall be your res+ue and learn him to be ruled as a %night(
.o the maid rode on by the "ay a soft ambling pa+e' and "ithin a "hile +ame out that
%night on horseba+% out of the "ood' and his page "ith him' and there he put the damosel
from her horse' and then she +ried( With that +ame 8aun+elot as fast as he might till he
+ame to that %night' saying' 9 thou false %night and traitor unto %nighthood' "ho did
learn thee to distress ladies and gentle"omen3 When the %night sa" .ir 8aun+elot thus
rebu%ing him he ans"ered not' but dre" his s"ord and rode unto .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir
8aun+elot thre" his spear from him' and dre" out his s"ord' and stru+% him su+h a buffet
on the helmet that he +lave his head and ne+% unto the throat( 2o" hast thou thy payment
that long thou hast deserved@ )hat is truth' said the damosel' for li%e as .ir )ur6uine
"at+hed to destroy %nights' so did this %night attend to destroy and distress ladies'
damosels' and gentle"omen' and his name "as .ir $eris de Forest .avage( 2o"'
damosel' said .ir 8aun+elot' "ill ye any more servi+e of me3 2ay' sir' she said' at this
time' but almighty 5esu preserve you "heresomever ye ride or go' for the +urteist %night
thou art' and mee%est unto all ladies and gentle"omen' that no" liveth( /ut one thing' sir
%night' methin%eth ye la+%' ye that are a %night "ifeless' that he "ill not love some
maiden or gentle"oman' for & +ould never hear say that ever ye loved any of no manner
degree' and that is great pity0 but it is noised that ye love ;ueen :uenever' and that she
hath ordained by en+hantment that ye shall never love none other but her' nor none other
damosel nor lady shall re7oi+e you0 "herefore many in this land' of high estate and lo"'
ma%e great sorro"(
Fair damosel' said .ir 8aun+elot' & may not "arn people to spea% of me "hat it pleaseth
them0 but for to be a "edded man' & thin% it not0 for then & must +ou+h "ith her' and leave
arms and tournaments' battles' and adventures0 and as for to say for to ta%e my
pleasaun+e "ith paramours' that "ill & refuse in prin+ipal for dread of :od0 for %nights
that be adventurous or le+herous shall not be happy nor fortunate unto the "ars' for other
they shall be over+ome "ith a simpler %night than they be themselves' other else they
shall by unhap and their +ursedness slay better men than they be themselves( *nd so "ho
that useth paramours shall be unhappy' and all thing is unhappy that is about them(
*nd so .ir 8aun+elot and she departed( *nd then he rode in a deep forest t"o days and
more' and had strait lodging( .o on the third day he rode over a long bridge' and there
stert upon him suddenly a passing foul +hurl' and he smote his horse on the nose that he
turned about' and as%ed him "hy he rode over that bridge "ithout his li+en+e( Why
should & not ride this "ay3 said .ir 8aun+elot' & may not ride beside( )hou shalt not
+hoose' said the +hurl' and lashed at him "ith a great +lub shod "ith iron( )hen .ir
8aun+elot dre" his s"ord and put the stro%e aba+%' and +lave his head unto the paps( *t
the end of the bridge "as a fair village' and all the people' men and "omen' +ried on .ir
8aun+elot' and said' * "orse deed didst thou never for thyself' for thou hast slain the
+hief porter of our +astle( .ir 8aun+elot let them say "hat they "ould' and straight he
"ent into the +astle0 and "hen he +ame into the +astle he alighted' and tied his horse to a
ring on the "all and there he sa" a fair green +ourt' and thither he dressed him' for there
him thought "as a fair pla+e to fight in( .o he loo%ed about' and sa" mu+h people in
doors and "indo"s that said' Fair %night' thou art unhappy(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot sle" t"o giants' and made a +astle free(
*292 "ithal +ame there upon him t"o great giants' "ell armed all save the heads' "ith
t"o horrible +lubs in their hands( .ir 8aun+elot put his shield afore him and put the stro%e
a"ay of the one giant' and "ith his s"ord he +lave his head asunder( When his fello"
sa" that' he ran a"ay as he "ere "ood' for fear of the horrible stro%es' and 8aun+elot
after him "ith all his might' and smote him on the shoulder' and +lave him to the navel(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot "ent into the hall' and there +ame afore him three s+ore ladies and
damosels' and all %neeled unto him' and than%ed :od and him of their deliveran+e0 For
sir' said they' the most party of us have been here this seven year their prisoners' and "e
have "or%ed all manner of sil% "or%s for our meat' and "e are all great gentle"omen
born0 and blessed be the time' %night' that ever thou be born' for thou hast done the most
"orship that ever did %night in this "orld' that "ill "e bear re+ord' and "e all pray you to
tell us your name' that "e may tell our friends "ho delivered us out of prison( Fair
damosel' he said' my name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( *h' sir' said they all' "ell mayest
thou be he' for else save yourself' as "e deemed' there might never %night have the better
of these t"o giants0 for many fair %nights have assayed it' and here have ended' and many
times have "e "ished after you' and these t"o giants dread never %night but you( 2o"
may ye say' said .ir 8aun+elot' unto your friends ho" and "ho hath delivered you' and
greet them all from me' and if that & +ome in any of your mar+hes' sho" me su+h +heer as
ye have +ause' and "hat treasure that there in this +astle is & give it you for a re"ard for
your grievan+e' and the lord that is o"ner of this +astle & "ould he re+eived it as is right(
Fair sir' said they' the name of this +astle is )intagil' and a du%e ought it sometime that
had "edded fair &graine' and after "edded her #ther $endragon' and gat on her *rthur(
Well' said .ir 8aun+elot' & understand to "hom this +astle longeth0 and so he departed
from them' and betaught them unto :od(
*nd then he mounted upon his horse' and rode into many strange and "ild +ountries' and
through many "aters and valleys' and evil "as he lodged( *nd at the last by fortune him
happened' against a night' to +ome to a fair +ourtelage' and therein he found an old
gentle"oman that lodged him "ith good "ill' and there he had good +heer for him and
his horse( *nd "hen time "as' his host brought him into a fair garret' over the gate' to his
bed( )here .ir 8aun+elot unarmed him' and set his harness by him' and "ent to bed' and
anon he fell asleep( .o' soon after' there +ame one on horseba+%' and %no+%ed at the gate
in great haste' and "hen .ir 8aun+elot heard this' he arose up and loo%ed out at the
"indo"' and sa" by the moonlight three %nights +ame riding after that one man' and all
three lashed on him at on+e "ith s"ords' and that one %night turned on them %nightly
again' and defended him( )ruly' said .ir 8aun+elot' yonder one %night shall & help' for it
"ere shame for me to see three %nights on one' and if he be slain & am partner of his
death0 and there"ith he too% his harness' and "ent out at a "indo" by a sheet do"n to
the four %nights' and then .ir 8aun+elot said on high' )urn you %nights unto me' and
leave your fighting "ith that %night( *nd then they all three left .ir -ay' and turned unto
.ir 8aun+elot' and there began great battle' for they alighted all three' and stru+% many
great stro%es at .ir 8aun+elot' and assailed him on every side( )hen .ir -ay dressed him
for to have holpen .ir 8aun+elot( 2ay' sir' said he' & "ill none of your help0 therefore as
ye "ill have my help' let me alone "ith them( .ir -ay' for the pleasure of the %night'
suffered him for to do his "ill' and so stood aside( *nd then anon "ithin six stro%es' .ir
8aun+elot had stri+%en them to the earth(
*nd then they all three +ried4 .ir %night' "e yield us unto you as a man of might
ma%eless( *s to that' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ill not ta%e your yielding unto me( /ut so that
ye "ill yield you unto .ir -ay the .enes+hal' on that +ovenant & "ill save your lives' and
else not( Fair %night' said they' that "ere "e loath to do0 for as for .ir -ay' "e +hased
him hither' and had over+ome him had not ye been' therefore to yield us unto him it "ere
no reason( Well' as to that' said 8aun+elot' advise you "ell' for ye may +hoose "hether
ye "ill die or live' for an ye be yolden it shall be unto .ir -ay( Fair %night' then they said'
in saving of our lives "e "ill do as thou +ommandest us( )hen shall ye' said .ir
8aun+elot' on Whitsunday next +oming' go unto the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and there shall
ye yield you unto ;ueen :uenever' and put you all three in her gra+e and mer+y' and say
that .ir -ay sent you thither to be her prisoners( .ir' they said' it shall be done by the
faith of our bodies' an "e be living' and there they s"ore every %night upon his s"ord(
*nd so .ir 8aun+elot suffered them so to depart( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot %no+%ed at the
gate "ith the pommel of his s"ord' and "ith that +ame his host' and in they entered .ir
-ay and he( .ir' said his host' & "eened ye had been in your bed( .o & "as' said .ir
8aun+elot' but & rose and leapt out at my "indo" for to help an old fello" of mine( *nd
so "hen they +ame nigh the light' .ir -ay %ne" "ell that it "as .ir 8aun+elot' and
there"ith he %neeled do"n and than%ed him of all his %indness that he had holpen him
t"i+e from the death( .ir' he said' & have nothing done but that me ought for to do' and ye
are "el+ome' and here shall ye repose you and ta%e your rest(
.o "hen .ir -ay "as unarmed' he as%ed after meat0 so there "as meat fet+hed him' and
he ate strongly( *nd "hen he had supped they "ent to their beds and "ere lodged
together in one bed( 9n the morn .ir 8aun+elot arose early' and left .ir -ay sleeping' and
.ir 8aun+elot too% .ir -ay1s armour and his shield' and armed him' and so he "ent to the
stable' and too% his horse' and too% his leave of his host' and so he departed( )hen soon
after arose .ir -ay and missed .ir 8aun+elot( *nd then he espied that he had his armour
and his horse( 2o" by my faith & %no" "ell that he "ill grieve some of the +ourt of -ing
*rthur0 for on him %nights "ill be bold' and deem that it is &' and that "ill beguile them(
*nd be+ause of his armour and shield & am sure & shall ride in pea+e( *nd then soon after
departed .ir -ay and than%ed his host(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot rode disguised in .ir -ay1s harness' and ho" he smote do"n a %night(
29W turn "e unto .ir 8aun+elot that had ridden long in a great forest' and at the last he
+ame into a lo" +ountry' full of fair rivers and meado"s( *nd afore him he sa" a long
bridge' and three pavilions stood thereon' of sil% and sendal of divers hue( *nd "ithout
the pavilions hung three "hite shields on trun+heons of spears' and great long spears
stood upright by the pavilions' and at every pavilion1s door stood three fresh s6uires' and
so .ir 8aun+elot passed by them and spa%e no "ord( When he "as passed the three
%nights said them that it "as the proud -ay0 !e "eeneth no %night so good as he' and the
+ontrary is ofttime proved( /y my faith' said one of the %nights' his name "as .ir
:aunter' & "ill ride after him and assay him for all his pride' and ye may behold ho" that
& speed( .o this %night' .ir :aunter' armed him' and hung his shield upon his shoulder'
and mounted upon a great horse' and gat his spear in his hand' and "alloped after .ir
8aun+elot( *nd "hen he +ame nigh him' he +ried' *bide' thou proud %night .ir -ay' for
thou shalt not pass 6uit( .o .ir 8aun+elot turned him' and either feutred their spears' and
+ame together "ith all their mights' and .ir :aunter1s spear bra%e' but .ir 8aun+elot
smote him do"n horse and man( *nd "hen .ir :aunter "as at the earth his brethren said
ea+h one to other' >onder %night is not .ir -ay' for he is bigger than he( & dare lay my
head' said .ir :ilmere' yonder %night hath slain .ir -ay and hath ta%en his horse and his
harness( Whether it be so or no' said .ir ?aynold' the third brother' let us no" go mount
upon our horses and res+ue our brother .ir :aunter' upon pain of death( We all shall have
"or% enough to mat+h that %night' for ever meseemeth by his person it is .ir 8aun+elot'
or .ir )ristram' or .ir $elleas' the good %night(
)hen anon they too% their horses and overtoo% .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir :ilmere put forth
his spear' and ran to .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir 8aun+elot smote him do"n that he lay in a
s"oon( .ir %night' said .ir ?aynold' thou art a strong man' and as & suppose thou hast
slain my t"o brethren' for the "hi+h raseth my heart sore against thee' and if & might "ith
my "orship & "ould not have ado "ith you' but needs & must ta%e part as they do' and
therefore' %night' he said' %eep thyself( *nd so they hurtled together "ith all their mights'
and all to<shivered both their spears( *nd then they dre" their s"ords and lashed together
eagerly( *non there"ith arose .ir :aunter' and +ame unto his brother .ir :ilmere' and
bade him' *rise' and help "e our brother .ir ?aynold' that yonder marvellously mat+hed
yonder good %night( )here"ithal' they leapt on their horses and hurtled unto .ir
*nd "hen he sa" them +ome he smote a sore stro%e unto .ir ?aynold' that he fell off his
horse to the ground' and then he stru+% to the other t"o brethren' and at t"o stro%es he
stru+% them do"n to the earth( With that .ir ?aynold began to start up "ith his head all
bloody' and +ame straight unto .ir 8aun+elot( 2o" let be' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "as not
far from thee "hen thou "ert made %night' .ir ?aynold' and also & %no" thou art a good
%night' and loath & "ere to slay thee( :ramer+y' said .ir ?aynold' as for your goodness0
and & dare say as for me and my brethren' "e "ill not be loath to yield us unto you' "ith
that "e %ne" your name' for "ell "e %no" ye are not .ir -ay( *s for that be it as it be
may' for ye shall yield you unto dame :uenever' and loo% that ye be "ith her on
Whitsunday' and yield you unto her as prisoners' and say that .ir -ay sent you unto her(
)hen they s"ore it should be done' and so passed forth .ir 8aun+elot' and ea+h one of the
brethren holp other as "ell as they might(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot 7ousted against four %nights of the ?ound )able and overthre" them(
.9 .ir 8aun+elot rode into a deep forest' and thereby in a slade' he sa" four %nights
hoving under an oa%' and they "ere of *rthur1s +ourt' one "as .ir .agramour le
,esirous' and E+tor de Maris' and .ir :a"aine' and .ir #"aine( *non as these four
%nights had espied .ir 8aun+elot' they "eened by his arms it had been .ir -ay( 2o" by
my faith' said .ir .agramour' & "ill prove .ir -ay1s might' and gat his spear in his hand'
and +ame to"ard .ir 8aun+elot( )here"ith .ir 8aun+elot "as "are and %ne" him "ell'
and feutred his spear against him' and smote .ir .agramour so sore that horse and man
fell both to the earth( 8o' my fello"s' said he' yonder ye may see "hat a buffet he hath0
that %night is mu+h bigger than ever "as .ir -ay( 2o" shall ye see "hat & may do to him(
.o .ir E+tor gat his spear in his hand and "alloped to"ard .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir
8aun+elot smote him through the shield and shoulder' that man and horse "ent to the
earth' and ever his spear held(
/y my faith' said .ir #"aine' yonder is a strong %night' and & am sure he hath slain .ir
-ay0 and & see by his great strength it "ill be hard to mat+h him( *nd there"ithal' .ir
#"aine gat his spear in his hand and rode to"ard .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir 8aun+elot %ne"
him "ell' and so he met him on the plain' and gave him su+h a buffet that he "as
astonied' that long he "ist not "here he "as( 2o" see & "ell' said .ir :a"aine' & must
en+ounter "ith that %night( )hen he dressed his shield and gat a good spear in his hand'
and .ir 8aun+elot %ne" him "ell0 and then they let run their horses "ith all their mights'
and either %night smote other in midst of the shield( /ut .ir :a"aine1s spear to<brast' and
.ir 8aun+elot +harged so sore upon him that his horse reversed up<so<do"n( *nd mu+h
sorro" had .ir :a"aine to avoid his horse' and so .ir 8aun+elot passed on a pa+e and
smiled' and said' :od give him 7oy that this spear made' for there +ame never a better in
my hand(
)hen the four %nights "ent ea+h one to other and +omforted ea+h other( What say ye by
this guest3 said .ir :a"aine' that one spear hath felled us all four( We +ommend him
unto the devil' they said all' for he is a man of great might( >e may "ell say it' said .ir
:a"aine' that he is a man of might' for & dare lay my head it is .ir 8aun+elot' & %no" it
by his riding( 8et him go' said .ir :a"aine' for "hen "e +ome to the +ourt then shall "e
"it0 and then had they mu+h sorro" to get their horses again(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot follo"ed a bra+het into a +astle' "here he found a dead %night' and
ho" he after "as re6uired of a damosel to heal her brother(
29W leave "e there and spea% of .ir 8aun+elot that rode a great "hile in a deep forest'
"here he sa" a bla+% bra+het' see%ing in manner as it had been in the feute of an hurt
deer( *nd there"ith he rode after the bra+het' and he sa" lie on the ground a large feute
of blood( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot rode after( *nd ever the bra+het loo%ed behind her' and
so she "ent through a great marsh' and ever .ir 8aun+elot follo"ed( *nd then "as he
"are of an old manor' and thither ran the bra+het' and so over the bridge( .o .ir
8aun+elot rode over that bridge that "as old and feeble0 and "hen he +ame in midst of a
great hall' there he sa" lie a dead %night that "as a seemly man' and that bra+het li+%ed
his "ounds( *nd there"ithal +ame out a lady "eeping and "ringing her hands0 and then
she said' 9 %night' too mu+h sorro" hast thou brought me( Why say ye so3 said .ir
8aun+elot' & did never this %night no harm' for hither by feute of blood this bra+het
brought me0 and therefore' fair lady' be not displeased "ith me' for & am full sore
aggrieved of your grievan+e( )ruly' sir' she said' & tro" it be not ye that hath slain my
husband' for he that did that deed is sore "ounded' and he is never li%ely to re+over' that
shall & ensure him( What "as your husband1s name3 said .ir 8aun+elot( .ir' said she' his
name "as +alled .ir :ilbert the /astard' one of the best %nights of the "orld' and he that
hath slain him & %no" not his name( 2o" :od send you better +omfort' said .ir
8aun+elot0 and so he departed and "ent into the forest again' and there he met "ith a
damosel' the "hi+h %ne" him "ell' and she said aloud' Well be ye found' my lord0 and
no" & re6uire thee' on thy %nighthood' help my brother that is sore "ounded' and never
stinteth bleeding0 for this day he fought "ith .ir :ilbert the /astard and sle" him in plain
battle' and there "as my brother sore "ounded' and there is a lady a sor+eress that
d"elleth in a +astle here beside' and this day she told me my brother1s "ounds should
never be "hole till & +ould find a %night that "ould go into the Chapel $erilous' and there
he should find a s"ord and a bloody +loth that the "ounded %night "as lapped in' and a
pie+e of that +loth and s"ord should heal my brother1s "ounds' so that his "ounds "ere
sear+hed "ith the s"ord and the +loth( )his is a marvellous thing' said .ir 8aun+elot' but
"hat is your brother1s name3 .ir' she said' his name "as .ir Meliot de 8ogres( )hat me
repenteth' said .ir 8aun+elot' for he is a fello" of the )able ?ound' and to his help & "ill
do my po"er( )hen' sir' said she' follo" even this high"ay' and it "ill bring you unto the
Chapel $erilous0 and here & shall abide till :od send you here again' and' but you speed' &
%no" no %night living that may a+hieve that adventure
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame into the Chapel $erilous and gat there of a dead +orpse a pie+e
of the +loth and a s"ord(
?&:!) so .ir 8aun+elot departed' and "hen he +ame unto the Chapel $erilous he
alighted do"n' and tied his horse unto a little gate( *nd as soon as he "as "ithin the
+hur+hyard he sa" on the front of the +hapel many fair ri+h shields turned up<so<do"n'
and many of the shields .ir 8aun+elot had seen %nights bear beforehand( With that he
sa" by him there stand a thirty great %nights' more by a yard than any man that ever he
had seen' and all those grinned and gnashed at .ir 8aun+elot( *nd "hen he sa" their
+ountenan+e he dreaded him sore' and so put his shield afore him' and too% his s"ord
ready in his hand ready unto battle' and they "ere all armed in bla+% harness ready "ith
their shields and their s"ords dra"n( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot "ould have gone
throughout them' they s+attered on every side of him' and gave him the "ay' and
there"ith he "axed all bold' and entered into the +hapel' and then he sa" no light but a
dim lamp burning' and then "as he "are of a +orpse hilled "ith a +loth of sil%( )hen .ir
8aun+elot stooped do"n' and +ut a pie+e a"ay of that +loth' and then it fared under him
as the earth had 6ua%ed a little0 there"ithal he feared( *nd then he sa" a fair s"ord lie by
the dead %night' and that he gat in his hand and hied him out of the +hapel(
*non as ever he "as in the +hapel yard all the %nights spa%e to him "ith a grimly voi+e'
and said' -night' .ir 8aun+elot' lay that s"ord from thee or else thou shalt die( Whether
that & live or die' said .ir 8aun+elot' "ith no great "ord get ye it again' therefore fight for
it an ye list( )hen right so he passed throughout them' and beyond the +hapel yard there
met him a fair damosel' and said' .ir 8aun+elot' leave that s"ord behind thee' or thou
"ilt die for it( & leave it not' said .ir 8aun+elot' for no treaties( 2o' said she' an thou didst
leave that s"ord' ;ueen :uenever should thou never see( )hen "ere & a fool an & "ould
leave this s"ord' said 8aun+elot( 2o"' gentle %night' said the damosel' & re6uire thee to
%iss me but on+e( 2ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' that :od me forbid( Well' sir' said she' an thou
hadst %issed me thy life days had been done' but no"' alas' she said' & have lost all my
labour' for & ordained this +hapel for thy sa%e' and for .ir :a"aine( *nd on+e & had .ir
:a"aine "ithin me' and at that time he fought "ith that %night that lieth there dead in
yonder +hapel' .ir :ilbert the /astard0 and at that time he smote the left hand off of .ir
:ilbert the /astard( *nd' .ir 8aun+elot' no" & tell thee' & have loved thee this seven year'
but there may no "oman have thy love but ;ueen :uenever( /ut sithen & may not re7oi+e
thee to have thy body alive' & had %ept no more 7oy in this "orld but to have thy body
dead( )hen "ould & have balmed it and served it' and so have %ept it my life days' and
daily & should have +lipped thee' and %issed thee' in despite of ;ueen :uenever( >e say
"ell' said .ir 8aun+elot' 5esu preserve me from your subtle +rafts( *nd there"ithal he
too% his horse and so departed from her( *nd as the boo% saith' "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as
departed she too% su+h sorro" that she died "ithin a fourteen night' and her name "as
!ella"es the sor+eress' 8ady of the Castle 2igramous(
*non .ir 8aun+elot met "ith the damosel' .ir Meliot1s sister( *nd "hen she sa" him she
+lapped her hands' and "ept for 7oy( *nd then they rode unto a +astle thereby "here lay
.ir Meliot( *nd anon as .ir 8aun+elot sa" him he %ne" him' but he "as passing pale' as
the earth' for bleeding( When .ir Meliot sa" .ir 8aun+elot he %neeled upon his %nees and
+ried on high4 9 lord .ir 8aun+elot' help me@ *non .ir 8aun+elot leapt unto him and
tou+hed his "ounds "ith .ir :ilbert1s s"ord( *nd then he "iped his "ounds "ith a part
of the bloody +loth that .ir :ilbert "as "rapped in' and anon an "holer man in his life
"as he never( *nd then there "as great 7oy bet"een them' and they made .ir 8aun+elot
all the +heer that they might' and so on the morn .ir 8aun+elot too% his leave' and bade
.ir Meliot hie him to the +ourt of my lord *rthur' for it dra"eth nigh to the Feast of
$ente+ost' and there by the gra+e of :od ye shall find me( *nd there"ith they departed(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot at the re6uest of a lady re+overed a fal+on' by "hi+h he "as de+eived(
*2, so .ir 8aun+elot rode through many strange +ountries' over marshes and valleys'
till by fortune he +ame to a fair +astle' and as he passed beyond the +astle him thought he
heard t"o bells ring( *nd then "as he "are of a fal+on +ame flying over his head to"ard
an high elm' and long lunes about her feet' and as she fle" unto the elm to ta%e her per+h
the lunes over<+ast about a bough( *nd "hen she "ould have ta%en her flight she hung by
the legs fast0 and .ir 8aun+elot sa" ho" she hung' and beheld the fair fal+on perigot' and
he "as sorry for her(
)he mean"hile +ame a lady out of the +astle and +ried on high4 9 8aun+elot' 8aun+elot'
as thou art flo"er of all %nights' help me to get my ha"%' for an my ha"% be lost my lord
"ill destroy me0 for & %ept the ha"% and she slipped from me' and if my lord my husband
"it it he is so hasty that he "ill slay me( What is your lord1s name3 said .ir 8aun+elot(
.ir' she said' his name is .ir $helot' a %night that longeth unto the -ing of 2orthgalis(
Well' fair lady' sin+e that ye %no" my name' and re6uire me of %nighthood to help you' &
"ill do "hat & may to get your ha"%' and yet :od %no"eth & am an ill +limber' and the
tree is passing high' and fe" boughs to help me "ithal( *nd there"ith .ir 8aun+elot
alighted' and tied his horse to the same tree' and prayed the lady to unarm him( *nd so
"hen he "as unarmed' he put off all his +lothes unto his shirt and bree+h' and "ith might
and for+e he +lomb up to the fal+on' and tied the lines to a great rotten boyshe' and thre"
the ha"% do"n and it "ithal(
*non the lady gat the ha"% in her hand0 and there"ithal +ame out .ir $helot out of the
groves suddenly' that "as her husband' all armed and "ith his na%ed s"ord in his hand'
and said4 9 %night 8aun+elot' no" have & found thee as & "ould' and stood at the bole of
the tree to slay him( *h' lady' said .ir 8aun+elot' "hy have ye betrayed me3 .he hath
done' said .ir $helot' but as & +ommanded her' and therefore there nis none other boot but
thine hour is +ome that thou must die( )hat "ere shame unto thee' said .ir 8aun+elot'
thou an armed %night to slay a na%ed man by treason( )hou gettest none other gra+e' said
.ir $helot' and therefore help thyself an thou +anst( )ruly' said .ir 8aun+elot' that shall
be thy shame' but sin+e thou "ilt do none other' ta%e mine harness "ith thee' and hang
my s"ord upon a bough that & may get it' and then do thy best to slay me an thou +anst(
2ay' nay' said .ir $helot' for & %no" thee better than thou "eenest' therefore thou gettest
no "eapon' an & may %eep you therefrom( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot' that ever a %night
should die "eaponless( *nd there"ith he "aited above him and under him' and over his
head he sa" a ro"nsepy%' a big bough leafless' and there"ith he bra%e it off by the body(
*nd then he +ame lo"er and a"aited ho" his o"n horse stood' and suddenly he leapt on
the further side of the horse' fro<"ard the %night( *nd then .ir $helot lashed at him
eagerly' "eening to have slain him( /ut .ir 8aun+elot put a"ay the stro%e "ith the
ro"nsepy%' and there"ith he smote him on the one side of the head' that he fell do"n in a
s"oon to the ground( .o then .ir 8aun+elot too% his s"ord out of his hand' and stru+% his
ne+% from the body( )hen +ried the lady' *las @ "hy hast thou slain my husband3 & am
not +auser' said .ir 8aun+elot' for "ith falsehood ye "ould have had slain me "ith
treason' and no" it is fallen on you both( *nd then she s"ooned as though she "ould die(
*nd there"ithal .ir 8aun+elot gat all his armour as "ell as he might' and put it upon him
for dread of more resort' for he dreaded that the %night1s +astle "as so nigh( *nd so' as
soon as he might' he too% his horse and departed' and than%ed :od that he had es+aped
that adventure(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot overtoo% a %night "hi+h +hased his "ife to have slain her' and ho" he
said to him(
.9 .ir 8aun+elot rode many "ild "ays' throughout mar+hes and many "ild "ays( *nd
as he rode in a valley he sa" a %night +hasing a lady' "ith a na%ed s"ord' to have slain
her( *nd by fortune as this %night should have slain this lady' she +ried on .ir 8aun+elot
and prayed him to res+ue her( When .ir 8aun+elot sa" that mis+hief' he too% his horse
and rode bet"een them' saying' -night' fie for shame' "hy "ilt thou slay this lady3 thou
dost shame unto thee and all %nights( What hast thou to do bet"ixt me and my "ife3 said
the %night( & "ill slay her maugre thy head( )hat shall ye not' said .ir 8aun+elot' for
rather "e t"o "ill have ado together( .ir 8aun+elot' said the %night' thou dost not thy
part' for this lady hath betrayed me( &t is not so' said the lady' truly he saith "rong on me(
*nd for be+ause & love and +herish my +ousin germain' he is 7ealous bet"ixt him and me0
and as & shall ans"er to :od there "as never sin bet"ixt us( /ut' sir' said the lady' as
thou art +alled the "orshipfullest %night of the "orld' & re6uire thee of true %nighthood'
%eep me and save me( For "hatsomever ye say he "ill slay me' for he is "ithout mer+y(
!ave ye no doubt' said 8aun+elot' it shall not lie in his po"er( .ir' said the %night' in
your sight & "ill be ruled as ye "ill have me( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot rode on the one side
and she on the other4 he had not ridden but a "hile' but the %night bade .ir 8aun+elot turn
him and loo% behind him' and said' .ir' yonder +ome men of arms after us riding( *nd so
.ir 8aun+elot turned him and thought no treason' and there"ith "as the %night and the
lady on one side' and suddenly he s"apped off his lady1s head(
*nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot had espied him "hat he had done' he said' and +alled him'
)raitor' thou hast shamed me for ever( *nd suddenly .ir 8aun+elot alighted off his horse'
and pulled out his s"ord to slay him' and there"ithal he fell flat to the earth' and gripped
.ir 8aun+elot by the thighs' and +ried mer+y( Fie on thee' said .ir 8aun+elot' thou
shameful %night' thou mayest have no mer+y' and therefore arise and fight "ith me( 2ay'
said the %night' & "ill never arise till ye grant me mer+y( 2o" "ill & proffer thee fair' said
8aun+elot' & "ill unarm me unto my shirt' and & "ill have nothing upon me but my shirt'
and my s"ord and my hand( *nd if thou +anst slay me' 6uit be thou for ever( 2ay' sir'
said $edivere' that "ill & never( Well' said .ir 8aun+elot' ta%e this lady and the head' and
bear it upon thee' and here shalt thou s"ear upon my s"ord' to bear it al"ays upon thy
ba+%' and never to rest till thou +ome to ;ueen :uenever( .ir' said he' that "ill & do' by
the faith of my body( 2o"' said 8aun+elot' tell me "hat is your name3 .ir' my name is
$edivere( &n a shameful hour "ert thou born' said 8aun+elot(
.o $edivere departed "ith the dead lady and the head' and found the 6ueen "ith -ing
*rthur at Win+hester' and there he told all the truth( .ir %night' said the 6ueen' this is an
horrible deed and a shameful' and a great rebu%e unto .ir 8aun+elot0 but not"ithstanding
his "orship is not %no"n in many divers +ountries0 but this shall & give you in penan+e'
ma%e ye as good shift as ye +an' ye shall bear this lady "ith you on horseba+% unto the
$ope of ?ome' and of him re+eive your penan+e for your foul deeds0 and ye shall never
rest one night "hereas ye do another0 an ye go to any bed the dead body shall lie "ith
you( )his oath there he made' and so departed( *nd as it telleth in the Fren+h boo%' "hen
he +ame to ?ome' the $ope bade him go again unto ;ueen :uenever' and in ?ome "as
his lady buried by the $ope1s +ommandment( *nd after this .ir $edivere fell to great
goodness' and "as an holy man and an hermit(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame to -ing *rthur1s Court' and ho" there "ere re+ounted all his
noble feats and a+ts(
29W turn "e unto .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' that +ame home t"o days afore the Feast of
$ente+ost0 and the %ing and all the +ourt "ere passing fain of his +oming( *nd "hen .ir
:a"aine' .ir #"aine' .ir .agramore' .ir E+tor de Maris' sa" .ir 8aun+elot in -ay1s
armour' then they "ist "ell it "as he that smote them do"n all "ith one spear( )hen
there "as laughing and smiling among them( *nd ever no" and no" +ame all the %nights
home that .ir )ur6uine had prisoners' and they all honoured and "orshipped .ir
When .ir :aheris heard them spea%' he said' & sa" all the battle from the beginning to the
ending' and there he told -ing *rthur all ho" it "as' and ho" .ir )ur6uine "as the
strongest %night that ever he sa" ex+ept .ir 8aun+elot4 there "ere many %nights bare him
re+ord' nigh three s+ore( )hen .ir -ay told the %ing ho" .ir 8aun+elot had res+ued him
"hen he should have been slain' and ho" he made the %nights yield them to me' and not
to him( *nd there they "ere all three' and bare re+ord( *nd by 5esu' said .ir -ay' be+ause
.ir 8aun+elot too% my harness and left me his & rode in good pea+e' and no man "ould
have ado "ith me(
*non there"ithal there +ame the three %nights that fought "ith .ir 8aun+elot at the long
bridge( *nd there they yielded them unto .ir -ay' and .ir -ay forsoo% them and said he
fought never "ith them( /ut & shall ease your heart' said .ir -ay' yonder is .ir 8aun+elot
that over+ame you( When they "ist that they "ere glad( *nd then .ir Meliot de 8ogres
+ame home' and told the %ing ho" .ir 8aun+elot had saved him from the death( *nd all
his deeds "ere %no"n' ho" four 6ueens' sor+eresses' had him in prison' and ho" he "as
delivered by -ing /agdemagus1 daughter( *lso there "ere told all the great deeds of
arms that .ir 8aun+elot did bet"ixt the t"o %ings' that is for to say the -ing of 2orthgalis
and -ing /agdemagus( *ll the truth .ir :ahalantine did tell' and .ir Mador de la $orte
and .ir Mordred' for they "ere at that same tournament( )hen +ame in the lady that %ne"
.ir 8aun+elot "hen that he "ounded .ir /elleus at the pavilion( *nd there' at re6uest of
.ir 8aun+elot' .ir /elleus "as made %night of the ?ound )able( *nd so at that time .ir
8aun+elot had the greatest name of any %night of the "orld' and most he "as honoured of
high and lo"(
Expli+it the noble tale of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' "hi+h is the vi( boo%( !ere follo"eth the
tale of .ir :areth of 9r%ney that "as +alled /eaumains by .ir -ay' and is the seventh
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book *
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also VI-I"! "-"III! "IV-"VII! "VIII-""I!
""II-""V! ""VI-""VIII! ""I"-"""II! """III-
"""V #
!o" /eaumains +ame to -ing *rthur1s Court and demanded three petitions of -ing
W!E2 *rthur held his ?ound )able most plenour' it fortuned that he +ommanded that
the high feast of $ente+ost should be holden at a +ity and a +astle' the "hi+h in those days
"as +alled -yn%e -enadonne' upon the sands that mar+hed nigh Wales( .o ever the %ing
had a +ustom that at the feast of $ente+ost in espe+ial' afore other feasts in the year' he
"ould not go that day to meat until he had heard or seen of a great marvel( *nd for that
+ustom all manner of strange adventures +ame before *rthur as at that feast before all
other feasts( *nd so .ir :a"aine' a little tofore noon of the day of $ente+ost' espied at a
"indo" three men upon horseba+%' and a d"arf on foot' and so the three men alighted'
and the d"arf %ept their horses' and one of the three men "as higher than the other t"ain
by a foot and an half( )hen .ir :a"aine "ent unto the %ing and said' .ir' go to your
meat' for here at the hand +ome strange adventures( .o *rthur "ent unto his meat "ith
many other %ings( *nd there "ere all the %nights of the ?ound )able' [save only those
that "ere prisoners or slain at a re+ounter( )hen at the high feast evermore they should be
fulfilled the "hole number of an hundred and fifty' for then "as the ?ound )able fully
?ight so +ame into the hall t"o men "ell beseen and ri+hly' and upon their shoulders
there leaned the goodliest young man and the fairest that ever they all sa"' and he "as
large and long' and broad in the shoulders' and "ell visaged' and the fairest and the
largest handed that ever man sa"' but he fared as though he might not go nor bear
himself but if he leaned upon their shoulders( *non as *rthur sa" him there "as made
pea+e and room' and right so they yede "ith him unto the high dais' "ithout saying of
any "ords( )hen this mu+h young man pulled him aba+%' and easily stret+hed up straight'
saying' -ing *rthur' :od you bless and all your fair fello"ship' and in espe+ial the
fello"ship of the )able ?ound( *nd for this +ause & am +ome hither' to pray you and
re6uire you to give me three gifts' and they shall not be unreasonably as%ed' but that ye
may "orshipfully and honourably grant them me' and to you no great hurt nor loss( *nd
the first don and gift & "ill as% no"' and the other t"o gifts & "ill as% this day
t"elvemonth' "heresomever ye hold your high feast( 2o" as%' said *rthur' and ye shall
have your as%ing(
2o"' sir' this is my petition for this feast' that ye "ill give me meat and drin% suffi+iently
for this t"elvemonth' and at that day & "ill as% mine other t"o gifts(
My fair son' said *rthur' as% better' & +ounsel thee' for this is but a simple as%ing0 for my
heart giveth me to thee greatly' that thou art +ome of men of "orship' and greatly my
+on+eit faileth me but thou shalt prove a man of right great "orship( .ir' he said' thereof
be as it be may' & have as%ed that & "ill as%( Well' said the %ing' ye shall have meat and
drin% enough0 & never defended that none' neither my friend nor my foe( /ut "hat is thy
name & "ould "it3 & +annot tell you' said he( )hat is marvel' said the %ing' that thou
%no"est not thy name' and thou art the goodliest young man that ever & sa"( )hen the
%ing betoo% him to .ir -ay the ste"ard' and +harged him that he should give him of all
manner of meats and drin%s of the best' and also that he had all manner of finding as
though he "ere a lord1s son( )hat shall little need' said .ir -ay' to do su+h +ost upon
him0 for & dare underta%e he is a villain born' and never "ill ma%e man' for an he had
+ome of gentlemen he "ould have as%ed of you horse and armour' but su+h as he is' so he
as%eth( *nd sithen he hath no name' & shall give him a name that shall be /eaumains' that
is Fair<hands' and into the %it+hen & shall bring him' and there he shall have fat brose
every day' that he shall be as fat by the t"elvemonths1 end as a por% hog( ?ight so the
t"o men departed and beleft him to .ir -ay' that s+orned him and mo+%ed him(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot and .ir :a"aine "ere "roth be+ause .ir -ay mo+%ed /eaumains'
and of a damosel "hi+h desired a %night to fight for a lady(
)!E?E*) "as .ir :a"aine "roth' and in espe+ial .ir 8aun+elot bade .ir -ay leave his
mo+%ing' for & dare lay my head he shall prove a man of great "orship( 8et be said .ir
-ay' it may not be by no reason' for as he is' so he hath as%ed( /e"are' said .ir
8aun+elot' so ye gave the good %night /re"nor' .ir ,inadan1s brother' a name' and ye
+alled him 8a Cote Male )aile' and that turned you to anger after"ard( *s for that' said
.ir -ay' this shall never prove none su+h( For .ir /re"nor desired ever "orship' and this
desireth bread and drin% and broth0 upon pain of my life he "as fostered up in some
abbey' and' ho"somever it "as' they failed meat and drin%' and so hither he is +ome for
his sustenan+e(
*nd so .ir -ay bade get him a pla+e' and sit do"n to meat0 so /eaumains "ent to the
hall door' and set him do"n among boys and lads' and there he ate sadly( *nd then .ir
8aun+elot after meat bade him +ome to his +hamber' and there he should have meat and
drin% enough( *nd so did .ir :a"aine4 but he refused them all0 he "ould do none other
but as .ir -ay +ommanded him' for no proffer( /ut as tou+hing .ir :a"aine' he had
reason to proffer him lodging' meat' and drin%' for that proffer +ame of his blood' for he
"as nearer %in to him than he "ist( /ut that as .ir 8aun+elot did "as of his great
gentleness and +ourtesy(
.o thus he "as put into the %it+hen' and lay nightly as the boys of the %it+hen did( *nd so
he endured all that t"elvemonth' and never displeased man nor +hild' but al"ays he "as
mee% and mild( /ut ever "hen that he sa" any 7ousting of %nights' that "ould he see an
he might( *nd ever .ir 8aun+elot "ould give him gold to spend' and +lothes' and so did
.ir :a"aine' and "here there "ere any masteries done' thereat "ould he be' and there
might none +ast bar nor stone to him by t"o yards( )hen "ould .ir -ay say' !o" li%eth
you my boy of the %it+hen3 .o it passed on till the feast of Whitsuntide( *nd at that time
the %ing held it at Carlion in the most royallest "ise that might be' li%e as he did yearly(
/ut the %ing "ould no meat eat upon the Whitsunday' until he heard some adventures(
)hen +ame there a s6uire to the %ing and said' .ir' ye may go to your meat' for here
+ometh a damosel "ith some strange adventures( )hen "as the %ing glad and sat him
?ight so there +ame a damosel into the hall and saluted the %ing' and prayed him of
su++our( For "hom3 said the %ing' "hat is the adventure3
.ir' she said' & have a lady of great "orship and reno"n' and she is besieged "ith a tyrant'
so that she may not out of her +astle0 and be+ause here are +alled the noblest %nights of
the "orld' & +ome to you to pray you of su++our( What hight your lady' and "here
d"elleth she' and "ho is she' and "hat is his name that hath besieged her3 .ir %ing' she
said' as for my lady1s name that shall not ye %no" for me as at this time' but & let you "it
she is a lady of great "orship and of great lands0 and as for the tyrant that besiegeth her
and destroyeth her lands' he is +alled the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds( & %no" him not'
said the %ing( .ir' said .ir :a"aine' & %no" him "ell' for he is one of the perilloust
%nights of the "orld0 men say that he hath seven men1s strength' and from him & es+aped
on+e full hard "ith my life( Fair damosel' said the %ing' there be %nights here "ould do
their po"er for to res+ue your lady' but be+ause you "ill not tell her name' nor "here she
d"elleth' therefore none of my %nights that here be no" shall go "ith you by my "ill(
)hen must & spea% further' said the damosel(
!o" /eaumains desired the battle' and ho" it "as granted to him' and ho" he desired to
be made %night of .ir 8aun+elot(
W&)! these "ords +ame before the %ing /eaumains' "hile the damosel "as there' and
thus he said' .ir %ing' :od than% you' & have been this t"elvemonth in your %it+hen' and
have had my full sustenan+e' and no" & "ill as% my t"o gifts that be behind( *s%' upon
my peril' said the %ing( .ir' this shall be my t"o gifts' first that ye "ill grant me to have
this adventure of the damosel' for it belongeth unto me( )hou shalt have it' said the %ing'
& grant it thee( )hen' sir' this is the other gift' that ye shall bid 8aun+elot du 8a%e to ma%e
me %night' for of him & "ill be made %night and else of none( *nd "hen & am passed &
pray you let him ride after me' and ma%e me %night "hen & re6uire him( *ll this shall be
done' said the %ing( Fie on thee' said the damosel' shall & have none but one that is your
%it+hen page3 )hen "as she "roth and too% her horse and departed( *nd "ith that there
+ame one to /eaumains and told him his horse and armour "as +ome for him0 and there
"as the d"arf +ome "ith all thing that him needed' in the ri+hest manner0 thereat all the
+ourt had mu+h marvel from "hen+e +ame all that gear( .o "hen he "as armed there "as
none but fe" so goodly a man as he "as0 and right so as he +ame into the hall and too%
his leave of -ing *rthur' and .ir :a"aine' and .ir 8aun+elot' and prayed that he "ould
hie after him' and so departed and rode after the damosel(
!o" /eaumains departed' and ho" he gat of .ir -ay a spear and a shield' and ho" he
7ousted "ith .ir 8aun+elot(
/#) there "ent many after to behold ho" "ell he "as horsed and trapped in +loth of
gold' but he had neither shield nor spear( )hen .ir -ay said all open in the hall' & "ill ride
after my boy in the %it+hen' to "it "hether he "ill %no" me for his better( .aid .ir
8aun+elot and .ir :a"aine' >et abide at home( .o .ir -ay made him ready and too% his
horse and his spear' and rode after him( *nd right as /eaumains overtoo% the damosel'
right so +ame .ir -ay and said' /eaumains' "hat' sir' %no" ye not me3 )hen he turned
his horse' and %ne" it "as .ir -ay' that had done him all the despite as ye have heard
afore( >ea' said /eaumains' & %no" you for an ungentle %night of the +ourt' and therefore
be"are of me( )here"ith .ir -ay put his spear in the rest' and ran straight upon him0 and
/eaumains +ame as fast upon him "ith his s"ord in his hand' and so he put a"ay his
spear "ith his s"ord' and "ith a foin thrust him through the side' that .ir -ay fell do"n
as he had been dead0 and he alighted do"n and too% .ir -ay1s shield and his spear' and
stert upon his o"n horse and rode his "ay(
*ll that sa" .ir 8aun+elot' and so did the damosel( *nd then he bade his d"arf stert upon
.ir -ay1s horse' and so he did( /y that .ir 8aun+elot "as +ome' then he proffered .ir
8aun+elot to 7oust0 and either made them ready' and they +ame together so fier+ely that
either bare do"n other to the earth' and sore "ere they bruised( )hen .ir 8aun+elot arose
and helped him from his horse( *nd then /eaumains thre" his shield from him' and
proffered to fight "ith .ir 8aun+elot on foot0 and so they rushed together li%e boars'
tra+ing' rasing' and foining to the mountenan+e of an hour0 and .ir 8aun+elot felt him so
big that he marvelled of his strength' for he fought more li%er a giant than a %night' and
that his fighting "as durable and passing perilous( For .ir 8aun+elot had so mu+h ado
"ith him that he dreaded himself to be shamed' and said' /eaumains' fight not so sore'
your 6uarrel and mine is not so great but "e may leave off( )ruly that is truth' said
/eaumains' but it doth me good to feel your might' and yet' my lord' & sho"ed not the
!o" /eaumains told to .ir 8aun+elot his name' and ho" he "as dubbed %night of .ir
8aun+elot' and after overtoo% the damosel(
&2 :od1s name' said .ir 8aun+elot' for & promise you' by the faith of my body' & had as
mu+h to do as & might to save myself from you unshamed' and therefore have ye no doubt
of none earthly %night( !ope ye so that & may any "hile stand a proved %night3 said
/eaumains( >ea' said 8aun+elot' do as ye have done' and & shall be your "arrant( )hen' &
pray you' said /eaumains' give me the order of %nighthood( )hen must ye tell me your
name' said 8aun+elot' and of "hat %in ye be born( .ir' so that ye "ill not dis+over me &
shall' said /eaumains( 2ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' and that & promise you by the faith of my
body' until it be openly %no"n( )hen' sir' he said' my name is :areth' and brother unto
.ir :a"aine of father and mother( *h' sir' said .ir 8aun+elot' & am more gladder of you
than & "as0 for ever me thought ye should be of great blood' and that ye +ame not to the
+ourt neither for meat nor for drin%( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot gave him the order of
%nighthood' and then .ir :areth prayed him for to depart and let him go(
.o .ir 8aun+elot departed from him and +ame to .ir -ay' and made him to be borne
home upon his shield' and so he "as healed hard "ith the life0 and all men s+orned .ir
-ay' and in espe+ial .ir :a"aine and .ir 8aun+elot said it "as not his part to rebu%e no
young man' for full little %ne" he of "hat birth he is +ome' and for "hat +ause he +ame
to this +ourt0 and so "e leave .ir -ay and turn "e unto /eaumains(
When he had overta%en the damosel' anon she said' What dost thou here3 thou stin%est
all of the %it+hen' thy +lothes be ba"dy of the grease and tallo" that thou gainest in -ing
*rthur1s %it+hen0 "eenest thou' said she' that & allo" thee' for yonder %night that thou
%illest( 2ay truly' for thou sle"est him unhappily and +o"ardly0 therefore turn again'
ba"dy %it+hen page' & %no" thee "ell' for .ir -ay named thee /eaumains( What art thou
but a lus% and a turner of broa+hes and a ladle<"asher3 ,amosel' said /eaumains' say to
me "hat ye "ill' & "ill not go from you "hatsomever ye say' for & have underta%en to
-ing *rthur for to a+hieve your adventure' and so shall & finish it to the end' either & shall
die therefore( Fie on thee' %it+hen %nave' "ilt thou finish mine adventure3 thou shalt anon
be met "ithal' that thou "ouldest not for all the broth that ever thou suppest on+e loo%
him in the fa+e( & shall assay' said /eaumains(
.o thus as they rode in the "ood' there +ame a man flying all that ever he might( Whither
"ilt thou3 said /eaumains( 9 lord' he said' help me' for here by in a slade are six thieves
that have ta%en my lord and bound him' so & am afeard lest they "ill slay him( /ring me
thither' said /eaumains( *nd so they rode together until they +ame thereas "as the %night
bounden0 and then he rode unto them' and stru+% one unto the death' and then another'
and at the third stro%e he sle" the third thief' and then the other three fled( *nd he rode
after them' and he overtoo% them0 and then those three thieves turned again and assailed
/eaumains hard' but at the last he sle" them' and returned and unbound the %night( *nd
the %night than%ed him' and prayed him to ride "ith him to his +astle there a little beside'
and he should "orshipfully re"ard him for his good deeds( .ir' said /eaumains' & "ill no
re"ard have4 & "as this day made %night of noble .ir 8aun+elot' and therefore & "ill no
re"ard have' but :od re"ard me( *nd also & must follo" this damosel(
*nd "hen he +ame nigh her she bade him ride from her' For thou smellest all of the
%it+hen4 "eenest thou that & have 7oy of thee' for all this deed that thou hast done is but
mishapped thee4 but thou shalt see a sight shall ma%e thee turn again' and that lightly(
)hen the same %night "hi+h "as res+ued of the thieves rode after that damosel' and
prayed her to lodge "ith him all that night( *nd be+ause it "as near night the damosel
rode "ith him to his +astle' and there they had great +heer' and at supper the %night sat .ir
/eaumains afore the damosel( Fie' fie' said she' .ir %night' ye are un+ourteous to set a
%it+hen page afore me0 him beseemeth better to sti+% a s"ine than to sit afore a damosel
of high parage( )hen the %night "as ashamed at her "ords' and too% him up' and set him
at a sideboard' and set himself afore him' and so all that night they had good +heer and
merry rest(
!o" /eaumains fought and sle" t"o %nights at a passage(
*2, on the morn the damosel and he too% their leave and than%ed the %night' and so
departed' and rode on their "ay until they +ame to a great forest( *nd there "as a great
river and but one passage' and there "ere ready t"o %nights on the farther side to let them
the passage( What sayest thou' said the damosel' "ilt thou mat+h yonder %nights or turn
again3 2ay' said .ir /eaumains' & "ill not turn again an they "ere six more( *nd
there"ithal he rushed into the "ater' and in midst of the "ater either bra%e their spears
upon other to their hands' and then they dre" their s"ords' and smote eagerly at other(
*nd at the last .ir /eaumains smote the other upon the helm that his head stonied' and
there"ithal he fell do"n in the "ater' and there "as he dro"ned( *nd then he spurred his
horse upon the land' "here the other %night fell upon him' and bra%e his spear' and so
they dre" their s"ords and fought long together( *t the last .ir /eaumains +lave his helm
and his head do"n to the shoulders0 and so he rode unto the damosel and bade her ride
forth on her "ay(
*las' she said' that ever a %it+hen page should have that fortune to destroy su+h t"o
doughty %nights4 thou "eenest thou hast done doughtily' that is not so0 for the first %night
his horse stumbled' and there he "as dro"ned in the "ater' and never it "as by thy for+e'
nor by thy might( *nd the last %night by mishap thou +amest behind him and mishappily
thou sle" him(
,amosel' said /eaumains' ye may say "hat ye "ill' but "ith "homsomever & have ado
"ithal' & trust to :od to serve him or he depart( *nd therefore & re+% not "hat ye say' so
that & may "in your lady( Fie' fie' foul %it+hen %nave' thou shalt see %nights that shall
abate thy boast( Fair damosel' give me goodly language' and then my +are is past' for
"hat %nights somever they be' & +are not' nor & doubt them not( *lso' said she' & say it for
thine avail' yet mayest thou turn again "ith thy "orship0 for an thou follo" me' thou art
but slain' for & see all that ever thou dost is but by misadventure' and not by pro"ess of
thy hands( Well' damosel' ye may say "hat ye "ill' but "heresomever ye go & "ill follo"
you( .o this /eaumains rode "ith that lady till evensong time' and ever she +hid him' and
"ould not rest( *nd they +ame to a bla+% laund0 and there "as a bla+% ha"thorn' and
thereon hung a bla+% banner' and on the other side there hung a bla+% shield' and by it
stood a bla+% spear great and long' and a great bla+% horse +overed "ith sil%' and a bla+%
stone fast by(
!o" /eaumains fought "ith the -night of the /la+% 8aunds' and fought "ith him till he
fell do"n and died(
)!E?E sat a %night all armed in bla+% harness' and his name "as the -night of the /la+%
8aund( )hen the damosel' "hen she sa" that %night' she bade him flee do"n that valley'
for his horse "as not saddled( :ramer+y' said /eaumains' for al"ays ye "ould have me a
+o"ard( With that the /la+% -night' "hen she +ame nigh him' spa%e and said' ,amosel'
have ye brought this %night of -ing *rthur to be your +hampion3 2ay' fair %night' said
she' this is but a %it+hen %nave that "as fed in -ing *rthur1s %it+hen for alms( Why
+ometh he' said the %night' in su+h array3 it is shame that he beareth you +ompany( .ir' &
+annot be delivered of him' said she' for "ith me he rideth maugre mine head4 :od "ould
that ye should put him from me' other to slay him an ye may' for he is an unhappy %nave'
and unhappily he hath done this day4 through mishap & sa" him slay t"o %nights at the
passage of the "ater0 and other deeds he did before right marvellous and through
unhappiness( )hat marvelleth me' said the /la+% -night' that any man that is of "orship
"ill have ado "ith him( )hey %no" him not' said the damosel' and for be+ause he rideth
"ith me' they "een that he be some man of "orship born( )hat may be' said the /la+%
-night0 ho"beit as ye say that he be no man of "orship' he is a full li%ely person' and
full li%e to be a strong man4 but thus mu+h shall & grant you' said the /la+% -night0 & shall
put him do"n upon one foot' and his horse and his harness he shall leave "ith me' for it
"ere shame to me to do him any more harm(
When .ir /eaumains heard him say thus' he said' .ir %night' thou art full large of my
horse and my harness0 & let thee "it it +ost thee nought' and "hether it li%eth thee or not'
this laund "ill & pass maugre thine head( *nd horse nor harness gettest thou none of
mine' but if thou "in them "ith thy hands0 and therefore let see "hat thou +anst do(
.ayest thou that3 said the /la+% -night' no" yield thy lady from thee' for it beseemeth
never a %it+hen page to ride "ith su+h a lady( )hou liest' said /eaumains' & am a
gentleman born' and of more high lineage than thou' and that "ill & prove on thy body(
)hen in great "rath they departed "ith their horses' and +ame together as it had been the
thunder' and the /la+% -night1s spear bra%e' and /eaumains thrust him through both his
sides' and there"ith his spear bra%e' and the trun+heon left still in his side( /ut
nevertheless the /la+% -night dre" his s"ord' and smote many eager stro%es' and of
great might' and hurt /eaumains full sore( /ut at the last the /la+% -night' "ithin an
hour and an half' he fell do"n off his horse in s"oon' and there he died( *nd "hen
/eaumains sa" him so "ell horsed and armed' then he alighted do"n and armed him in
his armour' and so too% his horse and rode after the damosel(
When she sa" him +ome nigh' she said' *"ay' %it+hen %nave' out of the "ind' for the
smell of thy ba"dy +lothes grieveth me( *las' she said' that ever su+h a %nave should by
mishap slay so good a %night as thou hast done' but all this is thine unhappiness( /ut here
by is one shall pay thee all thy payment' and therefore yet & +ounsel thee' flee( &t may
happen me' said /eaumains' to be beaten or slain' but & "arn you' fair damosel' & "ill not
flee a"ay' a nor leave your +ompany' for all that ye +an say0 for ever ye say that they "ill
%ill me or beat me' but ho"somever it happeneth & es+ape' and they lie on the ground(
*nd therefore it "ere as good for you to hold you still thus all day rebu%ing me' for a"ay
"ill & not till & see the uttermost of this 7ourney' or else & "ill be slain' other truly beaten0
therefore ride on your "ay' for follo" you & "ill "hatsomever happen(
!o" the brother of the %night that "as slain met "ith /eaumains' and fought "ith
/eaumains till he "as yielden(
)!#. as they rode together' they sa" a %night +ome driving by them all in green' both
his horse and his harness0 and "hen he +ame nigh the damosel' he as%ed her' &s that my
brother the /la+% -night that ye have brought "ith you3 2ay' nay' she said' this unhappy
%it+hen %nave hath slain your brother through unhappiness( *las' said the :reen -night'
that is great pity' that so noble a %night as he "as should so unhappily be slain' and
namely of a %nave1s hand' as ye say that he is( *h@ traitor' said the :reen -night' thou
shalt die for slaying of my brother0 he "as a full noble %night' and his name "as .ir
$erard( & defy thee' said /eaumains' for & let thee "it & sle" him %nightly and not
)here"ithal the :reen -night rode unto an horn that "as green' and it hung upon a thorn'
and there he ble" three deadly motes' and there +ame t"o damosels and armed him
lightly( *nd then he too% a great horse' and a green shield and a green spear( *nd then
they ran together "ith all their mights' and bra%e their spears unto their hands( *nd then
they dre" their s"ords' and gave many sad stro%es' and either of them "ounded other
full ill( *nd at the last' at an overth"art' /eaumains "ith his horse stru+% the :reen
-night1s horse upon the side' that he fell to the earth( *nd then the :reen -night avoided
his horse lightly' and dressed him upon foot( )hat sa" /eaumains' and there"ithal he
alighted' and they rushed together li%e t"o mighty %emps a long "hile' and sore they
bled both( With that +ame the damosel' and said' My lord the :reen -night' "hy for
shame stand ye so long fighting "ith the %it+hen %nave3 *las' it is shame that ever ye
"ere made %night' to see su+h a lad to mat+h su+h a %night' as the "eed overgre" the
+orn( )here"ith the :reen -night "as ashamed' and there"ithal he gave a great stro%e of
might' and +lave his shield through( When /eaumains sa" his shield +loven asunder he
"as a little ashamed of that stro%e and of her language0 and then he gave him su+h a
buffet upon the helm that he fell on his %nees( *nd so suddenly /eaumains pulled him
upon the ground grovelling( *nd then the :reen -night +ried him mer+y' and yielded
him unto .ir /eaumains' and prayed him to slay him not( *ll is in vain' said /eaumains'
for thou shalt die but if this damosel that +ame "ith me pray me to save thy life( *nd
there"ithal he unla+ed his helm li%e as he "ould slay him( Fie upon thee' false %it+hen
page' & "ill never pray thee to save his life' for & "ill never be so mu+h in thy danger(
)hen shall he die' said /eaumains( 2ot so hardy' thou ba"dy %nave' said the damosel'
that thou slay him( *las' said the :reen -night' suffer me not to die for a fair "ord may
save me( Fair %night' said the :reen -night' save my life' and & "ill forgive thee the
death of my brother' and for ever to be+ome thy man' and thirty %nights that hold of me
for ever shall do you servi+e( &n the devil1s name' said the damosel' that su+h a ba"dy
%it+hen %nave should have thee and thirty %nights1 servi+e(
.ir %night' said /eaumains' all this availeth thee not' but if my damosel spea% "ith me
for thy life( *nd there"ithal he made a semblant to slay him( 8et be' said the damosel'
thou ba"dy %nave0 slay him not' for an thou do thou shalt repent it( ,amosel' said
/eaumains' your +harge is to me a pleasure' and at your +ommandment his life shall be
saved' and else not( )hen he said' .ir %night "ith the green arms' & release thee 6uit at
this damosel1s re6uest' for & "ill not ma%e her "roth' & "ill fulfil all that she +hargeth me(
*nd then the :reen -night %neeled do"n' and did him homage "ith his s"ord( )hen said
the damosel' Me repenteth' :reen -night' of your damage' and of your brother1s death'
the /la+% -night' for of your help & had great mister' for & dread me sore to pass this
forest( 2ay' dread you not' said the :reen -night' for ye shall lodge "ith me this night'
and to<morn & shall help you through this forest( .o they too% their horses and rode to his
manor' "hi+h "as fast there beside(
!o" the damosel again rebu%ed /eaumains' and "ould not suffer him to sit at her table'
but +alled him %it+hen boy(
*2, ever she rebu%ed /eaumains' and "ould not suffer him to sit at her table' but as the
:reen -night too% him and sat him at a side table( Marvel methin%eth' said the :reen
-night to the damosel' "hy ye rebu%e this noble %night as ye do' for & "arn you'
damosel' he is a full noble %night' and & %no" no %night is able to mat+h him0 therefore
ye do great "rong to rebu%e him' for he shall do you right good servi+e' for "hatsomever
he ma%eth himself' ye shall prove at the end that he is +ome of a noble blood and of
%ing1s lineage( Fie' fie' said the damosel' it is shame for you to say of him su+h "orship(
)ruly' said the :reen -night' it "ere shame for me to say of him any dis"orship' for he
hath proved himself a better %night than & am' yet have & met "ith many %nights in my
days' and never or this time have & found no %night his mat+h( *nd so that night they
yede unto rest' and all that night the :reen -night +ommanded thirty %nights privily to
"at+h /eaumains' for to %eep him from all treason(
*nd so on the morn they all arose' and heard their mass and bra%e their fast0 and then
they too% their horses and rode on their "ay' and the :reen -night +onveyed them
through the forest0 and there the :reen -night said' My lord /eaumains' & and these
thirty %nights shall be al"ays at your summons' both early and late' at your +alling and
"hither that ever ye "ill send us( &t is "ell said' said /eaumains0 "hen that & +all upon
you ye must yield you unto -ing *rthur' and all your %nights( &f that ye so +ommand us'
"e shall be ready at all times' said the :reen -night( Fie' fie upon thee' in the devil1s
name' said the damosel' that any good %nights should be obedient unto a %it+hen %nave(
.o then departed the :reen -night and the damosel( *nd then she said unto /eaumains'
Why follo"est thou me' thou %it+hen boy3 Cast a"ay thy shield and thy spear' and flee
a"ay0 yet & +ounsel thee betimes or thou shalt say right soon' alas0 for "ert thou as "ight
as ever "as Wade or 8aun+elot' )ristram' or the good %night .ir 8amora%' thou shalt not
pass a pass here that is +alled the $ass $erilous( ,amosel' said /eaumains' "ho is afeard
let him flee' for it "ere shame to turn again sithen & have ridden so long "ith you( Well'
said the damosel' ye shall soon' "hether ye "ill or not(
!o" the third brother' +alled the ?ed -night' 7ousted and fought against /eaumains'and
ho" /eaumains over+ame him(
.9 "ithin a "hile they sa" a to"er as "hite as any sno"' "ell mat+he+old all about' and
double dy%ed( *nd over the to"er gate there hung a fifty shields of divers +olours' and
under that to"er there "as a fair meado"( *nd therein "ere many %nights and s6uires to
behold' s+affolds and pavilions0 for there upon the morn should be a great tournament4
and the lord of the to"er "as in his +astle and loo%ed out at a "indo"' and sa" a
damosel' a d"arf' and a %night armed at all points( .o :od me help' said the lord' "ith
that %night "ill & 7oust' for & see that he is a %night<errant( *nd so he armed him and
horsed him hastily( *nd "hen he "as on horseba+% "ith his shield and his spear' it "as
all red' both his horse and his harness' and all that to him longeth( *nd "hen that he +ame
nigh him he "eened it had been his brother the /la+% -night0 and then he +ried aloud'
/rother' "hat do ye in these mar+hes3 2ay' nay' said the damosel' it is not he0 this is but
a %it+hen %nave that "as brought up for alms in -ing *rthur1s +ourt( 2evertheless' said
the ?ed -night' & "ill spea% "ith him or he depart( *h' said the damosel' this %nave hath
%illed thy brother' and .ir -ay named him /eaumains' and this horse and this harness
"as thy brother1s' the /la+% -night( *lso & sa" thy brother the :reen -night over+ome
of his hands( 2o" may ye be revenged upon him' for & may never be 6uit of him(
With this either %nights departed in sunder' and they +ame together "ith all their might'
and either of their horses fell to the earth' and they avoided their horses' and put their
shields afore them and dre" their s"ords' and either gave other sad stro%es' no" here'
no" there' rasing' tra+ing' foining' and hurling li%e t"o boars' the spa+e of t"o hours(
*nd then she +ried on high to the ?ed -night' *las' thou noble ?ed -night' thin% "hat
"orship hath follo"ed thee' let never a %it+hen %nave endure thee so long as he doth(
)hen the ?ed -night "axed "roth and doubled his stro%es' and hurt /eaumains
"onderly sore' that the blood ran do"n to the ground' that it "as "onder to see that
strong battle( >et at the last .ir /eaumains stru+% him to the earth' and as he "ould have
slain the ?ed -night' he +ried mer+y' saying' 2oble %night' slay me not' and & shall yield
me to thee "ith fifty %nights "ith me that be at my +ommandment( *nd & forgive thee all
the despite that thou hast done to me' and the death of my brother the /la+% -night( *ll
this availeth not' said /eaumains' but if my damosel pray me to save thy life( *nd
there"ith he made semblant to stri%e off his head( 8et be' thou /eaumains' slay him not'
for he is a noble %night' and not so hardy' upon thine head' but thou save him(
)hen /eaumains bade the ?ed -night' .tand up' and than% the damosel no" of thy life(
)hen the ?ed -night prayed him to see his +astle' and to be there all night( .o the
damosel then granted him' and there they had merry +heer( /ut al"ays the damosel spa%e
many foul "ords unto /eaumains' "hereof the ?ed -night had great marvel0 and all that
night the ?ed -night made three s+ore %nights to "at+h /eaumains' that he should have
no shame nor villainy( *nd upon the morn they heard mass and dined' and the ?ed
-night +ame before /eaumains "ith his three s+ore %nights' and there he proffered him
his homage and fealty at all times' he and his %nights to do him servi+e( & than% you' said
/eaumains' but this ye shall grant me4 "hen & +all upon you' to +ome afore my lord -ing
*rthur' and yield you unto him to be his %nights( .ir' said the ?ed -night' & "ill be ready'
and my fello"ship' at your summons( .o .ir /eaumains departed and the damosel' and
ever she rode +hiding him in the foulest manner(
!o" .ir /eaumains suffered great rebu%es of the damosel' and he suffered it patiently(
,*M9.E8' said /eaumains' ye are un+ourteous so to rebu%e me as ye do' for
meseemeth & have done you good servi+e' and ever ye threaten me & shall be beaten "ith
%nights that "e meet' but ever for all your boast they lie in the dust or in the mire' and
therefore & pray you rebu%e me no more0 and "hen ye see me beaten or yielden as
re+reant' then may ye bid me go from you shamefully0 but first & let you "it & "ill not
depart from you' for & "ere "orse than a fool an & "ould depart from you all the "hile
that & "in "orship( Well' said she' right soon there shall meet a %night shall pay thee all
thy "ages' for he is the most man of "orship of the "orld' ex+ept -ing *rthur( & "ill
"ell' said /eaumains' the more he is of "orship' the more shall be my "orship to have
ado "ith him(
)hen anon they "ere "are "here "as afore them a +ity ri+h and fair( *nd bet"ixt them
and the +ity a mile and an half there "as a fair meado" that seemed ne" mo"n' and
therein "ere many pavilions fair to behold( 8o' said the damosel' yonder is a lord that
o"neth yonder +ity' and his +ustom is' "hen the "eather is fair' to lie in this meado" to
7oust and tourney( *nd ever there be about him five hundred %nights and gentlemen of
arms' and there be all manner of games that any gentleman +an devise( )hat goodly lord'
said /eaumains' "ould & fain see( )hou shalt see him time enough' said the damosel' and
so as she rode near she espied the pavilion "here he "as( 8o' said she' seest thou yonder
pavilion that is all of the +olour of &nde' and all manner of thing that there is about' men
and "omen' and horses trapped' shields and spears "ere all of the +olour of &nde' and his
name is .ir $ersant of &nde' the most lordliest %night that ever thou loo%edst on( &t may
"ell be' said /eaumains' but be he never so stout a %night' in this field & shall abide till
that & see him under his shield( *h' fool' said she' thou "ert better flee betimes( Why'
said /eaumains' an he be su+h a %night as ye ma%e him' he "ill not set upon me "ith all
his men' or "ith his five hundred %nights( For an there +ome no more but one at on+e' &
shall him not fail "hilst my life lasteth( Fie' fie' said the damosel' that ever su+h a
stin%ing %nave should blo" su+h a boast( ,amosel' he said' ye are to blame so to rebu%e
me' for & had liefer do five battles than so to be rebu%ed' let him +ome and then let him do
his "orst(
.ir' she said' & marvel "hat thou art and of "hat %in thou art +ome0 boldly thou spea%est'
and boldly thou hast done' that have & seen0 therefore & pray thee save thyself an thou
mayest' for thy horse and thou have had great travail' and & dread "e d"ell over long
from the siege' for it is but hen+e seven mile' and all perilous passages "e are passed
save all only this passage0 and here & dread me sore lest ye shall +at+h some hurt'
therefore & "ould ye "ere hen+e' that ye "ere not bruised nor hurt "ith this strong %night(
/ut & let you "it that .ir $ersant of &nde is nothing of might nor strength unto the %night
that laid the siege about my lady( *s for that' said .ir /eaumains' be it as it be may( For
sithen & am +ome so nigh this %night & "ill prove his might or & depart from him' and else
& shall be shamed an & no" "ithdra" me from him( *nd therefore' damosel' have ye no
doubt by the gra+e of :od & shall so deal "ith this %night that "ithin t"o hours after noon
& shall deliver him( *nd then shall "e +ome to the siege by daylight( 9 5esu' marvel have
&' said the damosel' "hat manner a man ye be' for it may never be other"ise but that ye
be +ome of a noble blood' for so foul nor shamefully did never "oman rule a %night as &
have done you' and ever +ourteously ye have suffered me' and that +ame never but of a
gentle blood(
,amosel' said /eaumains' a %night may little do that may not suffer a damosel' for
"hatsomever ye said unto me & too% none heed to your "ords' for the more ye said the
more ye angered me' and my "rath & "rea%ed upon them that & had ado "ithal( *nd
therefore all the missaying that ye missaid me furthered me in my battle' and +aused me
to thin% to sho" and prove myself at the end "hat & "as0 for peradventure though & had
meat in -ing *rthur1s %it+hen' yet & might have had meat enough in other pla+es' but all
that & did it for to prove and assay my friends' and that shall be %no"n another day0 and
"hether that & be a gentleman born or none' & let you "it' fair damosel' & have done you
gentleman1s servi+e' and peradventure better servi+e yet "ill & do or & depart from you(
*las' she said' fair /eaumains' forgive me all that & have missaid or done against thee(
With all my heart' said he' & forgive it you' for ye did nothing but as ye should do' for all
your evil "ords pleased me0 and damosel' said /eaumains' sin+e it li%eth you to say thus
fair unto me' "it ye "ell it gladdeth my heart greatly' and no" meseemeth there is no
%night living but & am able enough for him(
!o" /eaumains fought "ith .ir $ersant of &nde' and made him to be yielden(
W&)! this .ir $ersant of &nde had espied them as they hoved in the field' and %nightly he
sent to them "hether he +ame in "ar or in pea+e( .ay to thy lord' said /eaumains' & ta%e
no for+e' but "hether as him list himself( .o the messenger "ent again unto .ir $ersant
and told him all his ans"er( Well then "ill & have ado "ith him to the utteran+e' and so he
purveyed him and rode against him( *nd /eaumains sa" him and made him ready' and
there they met "ith all that ever their horses might run' and brast their spears either in
three pie+es' and their horses rushed so together that both their horses fell dead to the
earth0 and lightly they avoided their horses and put their shields afore them' and dre"
their s"ords' and gave many great stro%es that sometime they hurtled together that they
fell grovelling on the ground( )hus they fought t"o hours and more' that their shields and
their hauber%s "ere all forhe"en' and in many steads they "ere "ounded( .o at the last
.ir /eaumains smote him through the +ost of the body' and then he retrayed him here and
there' and %nightly maintained his battle long time( *nd at the last' though him loath
"ere' /eaumains smote .ir $ersant above upon the helm' that he fell grovelling to the
earth0 and then he leapt upon him overth"art and unla+ed his helm to have slain him(
)hen .ir $ersant yielded him and as%ed him mer+y( With that +ame the damosel and
prayed to save his life( & "ill "ell' for it "ere pity this noble %night should die( :ramer+y'
said $ersant' gentle %night and damosel( For +ertainly no" & "ot "ell it "as ye that sle"
my brother the /la+% -night at the bla+% thorn0 he "as a full noble %night' his name "as
.ir $er+ard( *lso & am sure that ye are he that "on mine other brother the :reen -night'
his name "as .ir $ertolepe( *lso ye "on my brother the ?ed -night' .ir $erimones( *nd
no" sin+e ye have "on these' this shall & do for to please you4 ye shall have homage and
fealty of me' and an hundred %nights to be al"ays at your +ommandment' to go and ride
"here ye "ill +ommand us( *nd so they "ent unto .ir $ersant1s pavilion and dran% the
"ine' and ate spi+es' and after"ard .ir $ersant made him to rest upon a bed until supper
time' and after supper to bed again( When /eaumains "as abed' .ir $ersant had a lady' a
fair daughter of eighteen year of age' and there he +alled her unto him' and +harged her
and +ommanded her upon his blessing to go unto the %night1s bed' and lie do"n by his
side' and ma%e him no strange +heer' but good +heer' and ta%e him in thine arms and %iss
him' and loo% that this be done' & +harge you' as ye "ill have my love and my good "ill(
.o .ir $ersant1s daughter did as her father bade her' and so she "ent unto .ir /eaumains1
bed' and privily she dispoiled her' and laid her do"n by him' and then he a"o%e and sa"
her' and as%ed her "hat she "as( .ir' she said' & am .ir $ersant1s daughter' that by the
+ommandment of my father am +ome hither( /e ye a maid or a "ife3 said he( .ir' she
said' & am a +lean maiden( :od defend' said he' that & should defoil you to do .ir $ersant
su+h a shame0 therefore' fair damosel' arise out of this bed or else & "ill( .ir' she said' &
+ame not to you by mine o"n "ill' but as & "as +ommanded( *las' said .ir /eaumains' &
"ere a shameful %night an & "ould do your father any dis"orship0 and so he %issed her'
and so she departed and +ame unto .ir $ersant her father' and told him all ho" she had
sped( )ruly' said .ir $ersant' "hatsomever he be' he is +ome of a noble blood( *nd so "e
leave them there till on the morn(
9f the goodly +ommuni+ation bet"een .ir $ersant and /eaumains' and ho" he told him
that his name "as .ir :areth(
*2, so on the morn the damosel and .ir /eaumains heard mass and bra%e their fast' and
so too% their leave( Fair damosel' said $ersant' "hither"ard are ye "ay<leading this
%night3 .ir' she said' this %night is going to the siege that besiegeth my sister in the
Castle ,angerous( *h' ah' said $ersant' that is the -night of the ?ed 8aund' the "hi+h is
the most perilous %night that & %no" no" living' and a man that is "ithout mer+y' and
men say that he hath seven men1s strength( :od save you' said he to /eaumains' from
that %night' for he doth great "rong to that lady' and that is great pity' for she is one of
the fairest ladies of the "orld' and meseemeth that your damosel is her sister4 is not your
name 8inet3 said he( >ea' sir' said she' and my lady my sister1s name is ,ame 8ionesse(
2o" shall & tell you' said .ir $ersant' this ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aund hath lain long at
the siege' "ell<nigh this t"o years' and many times he might have had her an he had
"ould' but he prolongeth the time to this intent' for to have .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e to do
battle "ith him' or .ir )ristram' or .ir 8amora% de :alis' or .ir :a"aine' and this is his
tarrying so long at the siege(
2o" my lord .ir $ersant of &nde' said the damosel 8inet' & re6uire you that ye "ill ma%e
this gentleman %night or ever he fight "ith the ?ed -night( & "ill "ith all my heart' said
.ir $ersant' an it please him to ta%e the order of %nighthood of so simple a man as & am(
.ir' said /eaumains' & than% you for your good "ill' for & am better sped' for +ertainly the
noble %night .ir 8aun+elot made me %night( *h' said .ir $ersant' of a more reno"ned
%night might ye not be made %night0 for of all %nights he may be +alled +hief of
%nighthood0 and so all the "orld saith' that bet"ixt three %nights is departed +learly
%nighthood' that is 8aun+elot du 8a%e' .ir )ristram de 8iones' and .ir 8amora% de :alis4
these bear no" the reno"n( )here be many other %nights' as .ir $alamides the .ara+en
and .ir .afere his brother0 also .ir /leoberis and .ir /lamore de :anis his brother0 also
.ir /ors de :anis and .ir E+tor de Maris and .ir $er+ivale de :alis0 these and many
more be noble %nights' but there be none that pass the three above said0 therefore :od
speed you "ell' said .ir $ersant' for an ye may mat+h the ?ed -night ye shall be +alled
the fourth of the "orld(
.ir' said /eaumains' & "ould fain be of good fame and of %nighthood( *nd & let you "it &
+ame of good men' for & dare say my father "as a noble man' and so that ye "ill %eep it
in +lose' and this damosel' & "ill tell you of "hat %in & am( We "ill not dis+over you' said
they both' till ye +ommand us' by the faith "e o"e unto :od( )ruly then' said he' my
name is :areth of 9r%ney' and -ing 8ot "as my father' and my mother is -ing *rthur1s
sister' her name is ,ame Morga"se' and .ir :a"aine is my brother' and .ir *gravaine
and .ir :aheris' and & am the youngest of them all( *nd yet "ot not -ing *rthur nor .ir
:a"aine "hat & am(
!o" the lady that "as besieged had "ord from her sister ho" she had brought a %night to
fight for her' and "hat battles he had a+hieved(
.9 the boo% saith that the lady that "as besieged had "ord of her sister1s +oming by the
d"arf' and a %night "ith her' and ho" he had passed all the perilous passages( What
manner a man is he3 said the lady( !e is a noble %night' truly' madam' said the d"arf'
and but a young man' but he is as li%ely a man as ever ye sa" any( What is he3 said the
damosel' and of "hat %in is he +ome' and of "hom "as he made %night3 Madam' said the
d"arf' he is the %ing1s son of 9r%ney' but his name & "ill not tell you as at this time0 but
"it ye "ell' of .ir 8aun+elot "as he made %night' for of none other "ould he be made
%night' and .ir -ay named him /eaumains( !o" es+aped he' said the lady' from the
brethren of $ersant3 Madam' he said' as a noble %night should( First' he sle" t"o
brethren at a passage of a "ater( *h@ said she' they "ere good %nights' but they "ere
murderers' the one hight :herard le /reuse' and the other %night hight .ir *rnold le
/reuse( )hen' madam' he re+ountered "ith the /la+% -night' and sle" him in plain
battle' and so he too% his horse and his armour and fought "ith the :reen -night and
"on him in plain battle' and in li%e "ise he served the ?ed -night' and after in the same
"ise he served the /lue -night and "on him in plain battle( )hen' said the lady' he hath
over+ome .ir $ersant of &nde' one of the noblest %nights of the "orld' and the d"arf said'
!e hath "on all the four brethren and slain the /la+% -night' and yet he did more tofore4
he overthre" .ir -ay and left him nigh dead upon the ground0 also he did a great battle
"ith .ir 8aun+elot' and there they departed on even hands4 and then .ir 8aun+elot made
him %night(
,"arf' said the lady' & am glad of these tidings' therefore go thou in an hermitage of mine
hereby' and there shalt thou bear "ith thee of my "ine in t"o flagons of silver' they are
of t"o gallons' and also t"o +ast of bread "ith fat venison ba%ed' and dainty fo"ls0 and a
+up of gold here & deliver thee' that is ri+h and pre+ious0 and bear all this to mine
hermitage' and put it in the hermit1s hands( *nd sithen go thou unto my sister and greet
her "ell' and +ommend me unto that gentle %night' and pray him to eat and to drin% and
ma%e him strong' and say ye him & than% him of his +ourtesy and goodness' that he "ould
ta%e upon him su+h labour for me that never did him bounty nor +ourtesy( *lso pray him
that he be of good heart and +ourage' for he shall meet "ith a full noble %night' but he is
neither of bounty' +ourtesy' nor gentleness0 for he attendeth unto nothing but to murder'
and that is the +ause & +annot praise him nor love him(
.o this d"arf departed' and +ame to .ir $ersant' "here he found the damosel 8inet and
.ir /eaumains' and there he told them all as ye have heard0 and then they too% their
leave' but .ir $ersant too% an ambling ha+%ney and +onveyed them on their "ays' and
then beleft them to :od0 and so "ithin a little "hile they +ame to that hermitage' and
there they dran% the "ine' and ate the venison and the fo"ls ba%en( *nd so "hen they
had repasted them "ell' the d"arf returned again "ith his vessel unto the +astle again0
and there met "ith him the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds' and as%ed him from "hen+e
that he +ame' and "here he had been( .ir' said the d"arf' & have been "ith my lady1s
sister of this +astle' and she hath been at -ing *rthur1s +ourt' and brought a %night "ith
her( )hen & a++ount her travail but lost0 for though she had brought "ith her .ir
8aun+elot' .ir )ristram' .ir 8amora%' or .ir :a"aine' & "ould thin% myself good enough
for them all(
&t may "ell be' said the d"arf' but this %night hath passed all the perilous passages' and
slain the /la+% -night and other t"o more' and "on the :reen -night' the ?ed -night'
and the /lue -night( )hen is he one of these four that & have afore rehearsed( !e is none
of those' said the d"arf' but he is a %ing1s son( What is his name3 said the ?ed -night of
the ?ed 8aunds( )hat "ill & not tell you' said the d"arf' but .ir -ay upon s+orn named
him /eaumains( & +are not' said the %night' "hat %night so ever he be' for & shall soon
deliver him( *nd if & ever mat+h him he shall have a shameful death as many other have
had( )hat "ere pity' said the d"arf' and it is marvel that ye ma%e su+h shameful "ar upon
noble %nights(
!o" the damosel and /eaumains +ame to the siege0 and +ame to a sy+amore tree' and
there /eaumains ble" a horn' and then the -night of the ?ed 8aunds +ame to fight "ith
29W leave "e the %night and the d"arf' and spea% "e of /eaumains' that all night lay in
the hermitage0 and upon the morn he and the damosel 8inet heard their mass and bra%e
their fast( *nd then they too% their horses and rode throughout a fair forest0 and then they
+ame to a plain' and sa" "here "ere many pavilions and tents' and a fair +astle' and there
"as mu+h smo%e and great noise0 and "hen they +ame near the siege .ir /eaumains
espied upon great trees' as he rode' ho" there hung full goodly armed %nights by the
ne+%' and their shields about their ne+%s "ith their s"ords' and gilt spurs upon their heels'
and so there hung nigh a forty %nights shamefully "ith full ri+h arms(
)hen .ir /eaumains abated his +ountenan+e and said' What meaneth this3 Fair sir' said
the damosel' abate not your +heer for all this sight' for ye must +ourage yourself' or else
ye be all shent' for all these %nights +ame hither to this siege to res+ue my sister ,ame
8ionesse' and "hen the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds had over+ome them' he put them
to this shameful death "ithout mer+y and pity( *nd in the same "ise he "ill serve you
but if you 6uit you the better(
2o" 5esu defend me' said /eaumains' from su+h a villainous death and shenship of arms(
For rather than & should so be faren "ithal' & "ould rather be slain manly in plain battle(
.o "ere ye better' said the damosel0 for trust not' in him is no +ourtesy' but all goeth to
the death or shameful murder' and that is pity' for he is a full li%ely man' "ell made of
body' and a full noble %night of pro"ess' and a lord of great lands and possessions( )ruly'
said /eaumains' he may "ell be a good %night' but he useth shameful +ustoms' and it is
marvel that he endureth so long that none of the noble %nights of my lord *rthur1s have
not dealt "ith him(
*nd then they rode to the dy%es' and sa" them double dy%ed "ith full "arli%e "alls0 and
there "ere lodged many great lords nigh the "alls0 and there "as great noise of
minstrelsy0 and the sea beat upon the one side of the "alls' "here "ere many ships and
mariners1 noise "ith Fhale and ho"(G *nd also there "as fast by a sy+amore tree' and
there hung an horn' the greatest that ever they sa"' of an elephant1s bone0 and this -night
of the ?ed 8aunds had hanged it up there' that if there +ame any errant<%night' he must
blo" that horn' and then "ill he ma%e him ready and +ome to him to do battle( /ut' sir' &
pray you' said the damosel 8inet' blo" ye not the horn till it be high noon' for no" it is
about prime' and no" in+reaseth his might' that as men say he hath seven men1s strength(
*h' fie for shame' fair damosel' say ye never so more to me0 for' an he "ere as good a
%night as ever "as' & shall never fail him in his most might' for either & "ill "in "orship
"orshipfully' or die %nightly in the field( *nd there"ith he spurred his horse straight to
the sy+amore tree' and ble" so the horn eagerly that all the siege and the +astle rang
thereof( *nd then there leapt out %nights out of their tents and pavilions' and they "ithin
the +astle loo%ed over the "alls and out at "indo"s(
)hen the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds armed him hastily' and t"o barons set on his
spurs upon his heels' and all "as blood red' his armour' spear and shield( *nd an earl
bu+%led his helm upon his head' and then they brought him a red spear and a red steed'
and so he rode into a little vale under the +astle' that all that "ere in the +astle and at the
siege might behold the battle(
!o" the t"o %nights met together' and of their tal%ing' and ho" they began their battle(
.&?' said the damosel 8inet unto .ir /eaumains' loo% ye be glad and light' for yonder is
your deadly enemy' and at yonder "indo" is my lady' my sister' ,ame 8ionesse( Where3
said /eaumains( >onder' said the damosel' and pointed "ith her finger( )hat is truth' said
/eaumains( .he beseemeth afar the fairest lady that ever & loo%ed upon0 and truly' he
said' & as% no better 6uarrel than no" for to do battle' for truly she shall be my lady' and
for her & "ill fight( *nd ever he loo%ed up to the "indo" "ith glad +ountenan+e' and the
8ady 8ionesse made +urtsey to him do"n to the earth' "ith holding up both their hands(
With that the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds +alled to .ir /eaumains' 8eave' sir %night'
thy loo%ing' and behold me' & +ounsel thee0 for & "arn thee "ell she is my lady' and for
her & have done many strong battles( &f thou have so done' said /eaumains' meseemeth it
"as but "aste labour' for she loveth none of thy fello"ship' and thou to love that loveth
not thee is but great folly( For an & understood that she "ere not glad of my +oming' &
"ould be advised or & did battle for her( /ut & understand by the besieging of this +astle
she may forbear thy fello"ship( *nd therefore "it thou "ell' thou ?ed -night of the ?ed
8aunds' & love her' and "ill res+ue her' or else to die( .ayst thou that3 said the ?ed
-night' meseemeth thou ought of reason to be "are by yonder %nights that thou sa"est
hang upon yonder trees( Fie for shame' said /eaumains' that ever thou shouldest say or
do so evil' for in that thou shamest thyself and %nighthood' and thou mayst be sure there
"ill no lady love thee that %no"eth thy "i+%ed +ustoms( *nd no" thou "eenest that the
sight of these hanged %nights should fear me( 2ay truly' not so0 that shameful sight
+auseth me to have +ourage and hardiness against thee' more than & "ould have had
against thee an thou "ert a "ell<ruled %night( Ma%e thee ready' said the ?ed -night of
the ?ed 8aunds' and tal% no longer "ith me(
)hen .ir /eaumains bade the damosel go from him0 and then they put their spears in their
rests' and +ame together "ith all their might that they had both' and either smote other in
midst of their shields that the paitrelles' sur+ingles' and +ruppers brast' and fell to the
earth both' and the reins of their bridles in their hands0 and so they lay a great "hile sore
astonied' that all that "ere in the +astle and in the siege "eened their ne+%s had been
bro%en0 and then many a stranger and other said the strange %night "as a big man' and a
noble 7ouster' for or no" "e sa" never no %night mat+h the ?ed -night of the ?ed
8aunds4 thus they said' both "ithin the +astle and "ithout( )hen lightly they avoided their
horses and put their shields afore them' and dre" their s"ords and ran together li%e t"o
fier+e lions' and either gave other su+h buffets upon their helms that they reeled
ba+%"ard both t"o strides0 and then they re+overed both' and he"ed great pie+es off their
harness and their shields that a great part fell into the fields(
!o" after long fighting /eaumains over+ame the %night and "ould have slain him' but at
the re6uest of the lords he saved his life' and made him to yield him to the lady(
*2, then thus they fought till it "as past noon' and never "ould stint' till at the last they
la+%ed "ind both0 and then they stood "agging and s+attering' panting' blo"ing and
bleeding' that all that beheld them for the most part "ept for pity( .o "hen they had
rested them a "hile they yede to battle again' tra+ing' ra+ing' foining as t"o boars( *nd at
some time they too% their run as it had been t"o rams' and hurtled together that sometime
they fell grovelling to the earth4 and at some time they "ere so amaAed that either too%
other1s s"ord instead of his o"n(
)hus they endured till evensong time' that there "as none that beheld them might %no"
"hether "as li%e to "in the battle0 and their armour "as so forhe"n that men might see
their na%ed sides0 and in other pla+es they "ere na%ed' but ever the na%ed pla+es they did
defend( *nd the ?ed -night "as a "ily %night of "ar' and his "ily fighting taught .ir
/eaumains to be "ise0 but he abought it full sore or he did espy his fighting(
*nd thus by assent of them both they granted either other to rest0 and so they set them
do"n upon t"o mole<hills there beside the fighting pla+e' and either of them unla+ed his
helm' and too% the +old "ind0 for either of their pages "as fast by them' to +ome "hen
they +alled to unla+e their harness and to set them on again at their +ommandment( *nd
then "hen .ir /eaumains1 helm "as off' he loo%ed up to the "indo"' and there he sa"
the fair lady ,ame 8ionesse' and she made him su+h +ountenan+e that his heart "axed
light and 7olly0 and there"ith he bade the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds ma%e him ready'
and let us do the battle to the utteran+e( & "ill "ell' said the %night' and then they la+ed up
their helms' and their pages avoided' and they stepped together and fought freshly0 but
the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds a"aited him' and at an overth"art smote him "ithin
the hand' that his s"ord fell out of his hand0 and yet he gave him another buffet upon the
helm that he fell grovelling to the earth' and the ?ed -night fell over him' for to hold him
)hen +ried the maiden 8inet on high4 9 .ir /eaumains' "here is thy +ourage be+ome3
*las' my lady my sister beholdeth thee' and she sobbeth and "eepeth' that ma%eth mine
heart heavy( When .ir /eaumains heard her say so' he abraid up "ith a great might and
gat him upon his feet' and lightly he leapt to his s"ord and gripped it in his hand' and
doubled his pa+e unto the ?ed -night' and there they fought a ne" battle together( /ut
.ir /eaumains then doubled his stro%es' and smote so thi+% that he smote the s"ord out
of his hand' and then he smote him upon the helm that he fell to the earth' and .ir
/eaumains fell upon him' and unla+ed his helm to have slain him0 and then he yielded
him and as%ed mer+y' and said "ith a loud voi+e4 9 noble %night' & yield me to thy
)hen .ir /eaumains bethought him upon the %nights that he had made to be hanged
shamefully' and then he said4 & may not "ith my "orship save thy life' for the shameful
deaths that thou hast +aused many full good %nights to die( .ir' said the ?ed -night of the
?ed 8aunds' hold your hand and ye shall %no" the +auses "hy & put them to so shameful
a death( .ay on' said .ir /eaumains( .ir' & loved on+e a lady' a fair damosel' and she had
her brother slain0 and she said it "as .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' or else .ir :a"aine0 and she
prayed me as that & loved her heartily' that & "ould ma%e her a promise by the faith of my
%nighthood' for to labour daily in arms unto & met "ith one of them0 and all that & might
over+ome & should put them unto a villainous death0 and this is the +ause that & have put
all these %nights to death' and so & ensured her to do all the villainy unto -ing *rthur1s
%nights' and that & should ta%e vengean+e upon all these %nights( *nd' sir' no" & "ill thee
tell that every day my strength in+reaseth till noon' and all this time have & seven men1s
!o" the %night yielded him' and ho" /eaumains made him to go unto -ing *rthur1s
+ourt' and to +ry .ir 8aun+elot mer+y(
)!E2 +ame there many earls' and barons' and noble %nights' and prayed that %night to
save his life' and ta%e him to your prisoner( *nd all they fell upon their %nees' and prayed
him of mer+y' and that he "ould save his life0 and' .ir' they all said' it "ere fairer of him
to ta%e homage and fealty' and let him hold his lands of you than for to slay him0 by his
death ye shall have none advantage' and his misdeeds that be done may not be undone0
and therefore he shall ma%e amends to all parties' and "e all "ill be+ome your men and
do you homage and fealty( Fair lords' said /eaumains' "it you "ell & am full loath to slay
this %night' nevertheless he hath done passing ill and shamefully0 but insomu+h all that he
did "as at a lady1s re6uest & blame him the less0 and so for your sa%e & "ill release him
that he shall have his life upon this +ovenant' that he go "ithin the +astle' and yield him
there to the lady' and if she "ill forgive and 6uit him' & "ill "ell0 "ith this he ma%e her
amends of all the trespass he hath done against her and her lands( *nd also' "hen that is
done' that ye go unto the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and there that ye as% .ir 8aun+elot mer+y'
and .ir :a"aine' for the evil "ill ye have had against them( .ir' said the ?ed -night of
the ?ed 8aunds' all this "ill & do as ye +ommand' and si%er assuran+e and borro"s ye
shall have( *nd so then "hen the assuran+e "as made' he made his homage and fealty'
and all those earls and barons "ith him(
*nd then the maiden 8inet +ame to .ir /eaumains' and unarmed him and sear+hed his
"ounds' and stinted his blood' and in li%e"ise she did to the ?ed -night of the ?ed
8aunds( *nd there they so7ourned ten days in their tents0 and the ?ed -night made his
lords and servants to do all the pleasure that they might unto .ir /eaumains( *nd so
"ithin a "hile the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds yede unto the +astle' and put him in her
gra+e( *nd so she re+eived him upon suffi+ient surety' so all her hurts "ere "ell restored
of all that she +ould +omplain( *nd then he departed unto the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and
there openly the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds put him in the mer+y of .ir 8aun+elot and
.ir :a"aine' and there he told openly ho" he "as over+ome and by "hom' and also he
told all the battles from the beginning unto the ending( 5esu mer+y' said -ing *rthur and
.ir :a"aine' "e marvel mu+h of "hat blood he is +ome' for he is a noble %night( !ave
ye no marvel' said .ir 8aun+elot' for ye shall right "ell "it that he is +ome of a full noble
blood0 and as for his might and hardiness' there be but fe" no" living that is so mighty as
he is' and so noble of pro"ess( &t seemeth by you' said -ing *rthur' that ye %no" his
name' and from "hen+e he is +ome' and of "hat blood he is( & suppose & do so' said
8aun+elot' or else & "ould not have given him the order of %nighthood0 but he gave me
su+h +harge at that time that & should never dis+over him until he re6uired me' or else it
be %no"n openly by some other(
!o" /eaumains +ame to the lady' and "hen he +ame to the +astle the gates "ere +losed
against him' and of the "ords that the lady said to him(
29W turn "e unto .ir /eaumains that desired of 8inet that he might see her sister' his
lady( .ir' she said' & "ould fain ye sa" her( )hen .ir /eaumains all armed him' and too%
his horse and his spear' and rode straight unto the +astle( *nd "hen he +ame to the gate
he found there many men armed' and pulled up the dra"bridge and dre" the port +lose(
)hen marvelled he "hy they "ould not suffer him to enter( *nd then he loo%ed up to the
"indo"0 and there he sa" the fair 8ionesse that said on high4 :o thy "ay' .ir
/eaumains' for as yet thou shalt not have "holly my love' unto the time that thou be
+alled one of the number of the "orthy %nights( *nd therefore go labour in "orship this
t"elvemonth' and then thou shalt hear ne" tidings( *las' fair lady' said /eaumains' &
have not deserved that ye should sho" me this strangeness' and & had "eened that &
should have right good +heer "ith you' and unto my po"er & have deserved than%' and
"ell & am sure & have bought your love "ith part of the best blood "ithin my body( Fair
+ourteous %night' said ,ame 8ionesse' be not displeased nor over<hasty0 for "it you "ell
your great travail nor good love shall not be lost' for & +onsider your great travail and
labour' your bounty and your goodness as me ought to do( *nd therefore go on your "ay'
and loo% that ye be of good +omfort' for all shall be for your "orship and for the best' and
perdy a t"elvemonth "ill soon be done' and trust me' fair %night' & shall be true to you'
and never to betray you' but to my death & shall love you and none other( *nd there"ithal
she turned her from the "indo"' and .ir /eaumains rode a"ay"ard from the +astle'
ma%ing great dole' and so he rode here and there and "ist not "here he rode' till it "as
dar% night( *nd then it happened him to +ome to a poor man1s house' and there he "as
harboured all that night(
/ut .ir /eaumains had no rest' but "allo"ed and "rithed for the love of the lady of the
+astle( *nd so upon the morro" he too% his horse and rode until underne' and then he
+ame to a broad "ater' and thereby "as a great lodge' and there he alighted to sleep and
laid his head upon the shield' and betoo% his horse to the d"arf' and +ommanded him to
"at+h all night(
2o" turn "e to the lady of the same +astle' that thought mu+h upon /eaumains' and then
she +alled unto her .ir :ringamore her brother' and prayed him in all manner' as he loved
her heartily' that he "ould ride after .ir /eaumains4 *nd ever have ye "ait upon him till
ye may find him sleeping' for & am sure in his heaviness he "ill alight do"n in some
pla+e' and lie him do"n to sleep0 and therefore have ye your "ait upon him' and in the
priviest manner ye +an' ta%e his d"arf' and go ye your "ay "ith him as fast as ever ye
may or .ir /eaumains a"a%e( For my sister 8inet telleth me that he +an tell of "hat
%indred he is +ome' and "hat is his right name( *nd the mean"hile & and my sister "ill
ride unto your +astle to a"ait "hen ye bring "ith you the d"arf( *nd then "hen ye have
brought him unto your +astle' & "ill have him in examination myself( #nto the time that &
%no" "hat is his right name' and of "hat %indred he is +ome' shall & never be merry at
my heart( .ister' said .ir :ringamore' all this shall be done after your intent(
*nd so he rode all the other day and the night till that he found .ir /eaumains lying by a
"ater' and his head upon his shield' for to sleep( *nd then "hen he sa" .ir /eaumains
fast asleep' he +ame stilly stal%ing behind the d"arf' and plu+%ed him fast under his arm'
and so he rode a"ay "ith him as fast as ever he might unto his o"n +astle( *nd this .ir
:ringamore1s arms "ere all bla+%' and that to him longeth( /ut ever as he rode "ith the
d"arf to"ard his +astle' he +ried unto his lord and prayed him of help( *nd there"ith
a"o%e .ir /eaumains' and up he leapt lightly' and sa" "here .ir :ringamore rode his
"ay "ith the d"arf' and so .ir :ringamore rode out of his sight(
!o" .ir /eaumains rode after to res+ue his d"arf' and +ame into the +astle "here he
)!E2 .ir /eaumains put on his helm anon' and bu+%led his shield' and too% his horse'
and rode after him all that ever he might ride through marshes' and fields' and great dales'
that many times his horse and he plunged over the head in deep mires' for he %ne" not
the "ay' but too% the gainest "ay in that "oodness' that many times he "as li%e to perish(
*nd at the last him happened to +ome to a fair green "ay' and there he met "ith a poor
man of the +ountry' "hom he saluted and as%ed him "hether he met not "ith a %night
upon a bla+% horse and all bla+% harness' a little d"arf sitting behind him "ith heavy
+heer( .ir' said the poor man' here by me +ame .ir :ringamore the %night' "ith su+h a
d"arf mourning as ye say0 and therefore & rede you not follo" him' for he is one of the
periloust %nights of the "orld' and his +astle is here nigh hand but t"o mile0 therefore "e
advise you ride not after .ir :ringamore' but if ye o"e him good "ill(
.o leave "e .ir /eaumains riding to"ard the +astle' and spea% "e of .ir :ringamore and
the d"arf( *non as the d"arf "as +ome to the +astle' ,ame 8ionesse and ,ame 8inet her
sister' as%ed the d"arf "here "as his master born' and of "hat lineage he "as +ome( *nd
but if thou tell me' said ,ame 8ionesse' thou shalt never es+ape this +astle' but ever here
to be prisoner( *s for that' said the d"arf' & fear not greatly to tell his name and of "hat
%in he is +ome( Wit you "ell he is a %ing1s son' and his mother is sister to -ing *rthur'
and he is brother to the good %night .ir :a"aine' and his name is .ir :areth of 9r%ney(
*nd no" & have told you his right name' & pray you' fair lady' let me go to my lord again'
for he "ill never out of this +ountry until that he have me again( *nd if he be angry he
"ill do mu+h harm or that he be stint' and "or% you "ra+% in this +ountry( *s for that
threatening' said .ir :ringamore' be it as it be may' "e "ill go to dinner( *nd so they
"ashed and "ent to meat' and made them merry and "ell at ease' and be+ause the 8ady
8ionesse of the +astle "as there' they made great 7oy( )ruly' madam' said 8inet unto her
sister' "ell may he be a %ing1s son' for he hath many good tat+hes on him' for he is
+ourteous and mild' and the most suffering man that ever & met "ithal( For & dare say
there "as never gentle"oman reviled man in so foul a manner as & have rebu%ed him0 and
at all times he gave me goodly and mee% ans"ers again(
*nd as they sat thus tal%ing' there +ame .ir :areth in at the gate "ith an angry
+ountenan+e' and his s"ord dra"n in his hand' and +ried aloud that all the +astle might
hear it' saying4 )hou traitor' .ir :ringamore' deliver me my d"arf again' or by the faith
that & o"e to the order of %nighthood' & shall do thee all the harm that & +an( )hen .ir
:ringamore loo%ed out at a "indo" and said' .ir :areth of 9r%ney' leave thy boasting
"ords' for thou gettest not thy d"arf again( )hou +o"ard %night' said .ir :areth' bring
him "ith thee' and +ome and do battle "ith me' and "in him and ta%e him( .o "ill & do'
said .ir :ringamore' an me list' but for all thy great "ords thou gettest him not( *h@ fair
brother' said ,ame 8ionesse' & "ould he had his d"arf again' for & "ould he "ere not
"roth' for no" he hath told me all my desire & %eep no more of the d"arf( *nd also'
brother' he hath done mu+h for me' and delivered me from the ?ed -night of the ?ed
8aunds' and therefore' brother' & o"e him my servi+e afore all %nights living( *nd "it ye
"ell that & love him before all other' and full fain & "ould spea% "ith him( /ut in no"ise &
"ould that he "ist "hat & "ere' but that & "ere another strange lady(
Well' said .ir :ringamore' sithen & %no" no" your "ill' & "ill obey no" unto him( *nd
right there"ithal he "ent do"n unto .ir :areth' and said4 .ir' & +ry you mer+y' and all
that & have misdone & "ill amend it at your "ill( *nd therefore & pray you that ye "ould
alight' and ta%e su+h +heer as & +an ma%e you in this +astle( .hall & have my d"arf3 said
.ir :areth( >ea' sir' and all the pleasaun+e that & +an ma%e you' for as soon as your d"arf
told me "hat ye "ere and of "hat blood ye are +ome' and "hat noble deeds ye have done
in these mar+hes' then & repented of my deeds( *nd then .ir :areth alighted' and there
+ame his d"arf and too% his horse( 9 my fello"' said .ir :areth' & have had many
adventures for thy sa%e( *nd so .ir :ringamore too% him by the hand and led him into
the hall "here his o"n "ife "as(
!o" .ir :areth' other"ise +alled /eaumains' +ame to the presen+e of his lady' and ho"
they too% a+6uaintan+e' and of their love(
*2, then +ame forth ,ame 8ionesse arrayed li%e a prin+ess' and there she made him
passing good +heer' and he her again0 and they had goodly language and lovely
+ountenan+e together( *nd .ir :areth thought many times' 5esu' "ould that the lady of
the Castle $erilous "ere so fair as she "as( )here "ere all manner of games and plays' of
dan+ing and singing( *nd ever the more .ir :areth beheld that lady' the more he loved
her0 and so he burned in love that he "as past himself in his reason0 and forth to"ard
night they yede unto supper' and .ir :areth might not eat' for his love "as so hot that he
"ist not "here he "as(
*ll these loo%s espied .ir :ringamore' and then at<after supper he +alled his sister ,ame
8ionesse into a +hamber' and said4 Fair sister' & have "ell espied your +ountenan+e
bet"ixt you and this %night' and & "ill' sister' that ye "it he is a full noble %night' and if
ye +an ma%e him to abide here & "ill do him all the pleasure that & +an' for an ye "ere
better than ye are' ye "ere "ell by"aryd upon him( Fair brother' said ,ame 8ionesse' &
understand "ell that the %night is good' and +ome he is of a noble house(
2ot"ithstanding' & "ill assay him better' ho"beit & am most beholden to him of any
earthly man0 for he hath had great labour for my love' and passed many a dangerous
?ight so .ir :ringamore "ent unto .ir :areth' and said' .ir' ma%e ye good +heer' for ye
shall have none other +ause' for this lady' my sister' is yours at all times' her "orship
saved' for "it ye "ell she loveth you as "ell as ye do her' and better if better may be( *n
& "ist that' said .ir :areth' there lived not a gladder man than & "ould be( #pon my
"orship' said .ir :ringamore' trust unto my promise0 and as long as it li%eth you ye shall
so7ourn "ith me' and this lady shall be "ith us daily and nightly to ma%e you all the +heer
that she +an( & "ill "ell' said .ir :areth' for & have promised to be nigh this +ountry this
t"elvemonth( *nd "ell & am sure -ing *rthur and other noble %nights "ill find me
"here that & am "ithin this t"elvemonth( For & shall be sought and found' if that & be
alive( *nd then the noble %night .ir :areth "ent unto the ,ame 8ionesse' "hi+h he then
mu+h loved' and %issed her many times' and either made great 7oy of other( *nd there she
promised him her love +ertainly' to love him and none other the days of her life( )hen
this lady' ,ame 8ionesse' by the assent of her brother' told .ir :areth all the truth "hat
she "as' and ho" she "as the same lady that he did battle for' and ho" she "as lady of
the Castle $erilous' and there she told him ho" she +aused her brother to ta%e a"ay his
d"arf' [E for this +ause' to %no" the +ertainty "hat "as your name' and of "hat %in ye
"ere +ome(
[ E $rinted by William Caxton as part of +hap( xxii
!o" at night +ame an armed %night' and fought "ith .ir :areth' and he' sore hurt in the
thigh' smote off the %night1s head(
*2, then she let fet+h tofore him 8inet' the damosel that had ridden "ith him many
"ildsome "ays( )hen "as .ir :areth more gladder than he "as tofore( *nd then they
troth<plight ea+h other to love' and never to fail "hiles their life lasteth( *nd so they
burnt both in love' that they "ere a++orded to abate their lusts se+retly( *nd there ,ame
8ionesse +ounselled .ir :areth to sleep in none other pla+e but in the hall( *nd there she
promised him to +ome to his bed a little afore midnight(
)his +ounsel "as not so privily %ept but it "as understood0 for they "ere but young both'
and tender of age' and had not used none su+h +rafts tofore( Wherefore the damosel 8inet
"as a little displeased' and she thought her sister ,ame 8ionesse "as a little over<hasty'
that she might not abide the time of her marriage0 and for saving their "orship' she
thought to abate their hot lusts( *nd so she let ordain by her subtle +rafts that they had not
their intents neither "ith other' as in their delights' until they "ere married( *nd so it
passed on( *t after supper "as made +lean avoidan+e' that every lord and lady should go
unto his rest( /ut .ir :areth said plainly he "ould go no farther than the hall' for in su+h
pla+es' he said' "as +onvenient for an errant<%night to ta%e his rest in0 and so there "ere
ordained great +ou+hes' and thereon feather beds' and there laid him do"n to sleep0 and
"ithin a "hile +ame ,ame 8ionesse' "rapped in a mantle furred "ith ermine' and laid
her do"n beside .ir :areth( *nd there"ithal he began to %iss her( *nd then he loo%ed
afore him' and there he apper+eived and sa" +ome an armed %night' "ith many lights
about him0 and this %night had a long gisarm in his hand' and made grim +ountenan+e to
smite him( When .ir :areth sa" him +ome in that "ise' he leapt out of his bed' and gat in
his hand his s"ord' and leapt straight to"ard that %night( *nd "hen the %night sa" .ir
:areth +ome so fier+ely upon him' he smote him "ith a foin through the thi+% of the
thigh that the "ound "as a shaftmon broad and had +ut a<t"o many veins and sine"s(
*nd there"ithal .ir :areth smote him upon the helm su+h a buffet that he fell grovelling0
and then he leapt over him and unla+ed his helm' and smote off his head from the body(
*nd then he bled so fast that he might not stand' but so he laid him do"n upon his bed'
and there he s"ooned and lay as he had been dead(
)hen ,ame 8ionesse +ried aloud' that her brother .ir :ringamore heard' and +ame do"n(
*nd "hen he sa" .ir :areth so shamefully "ounded he "as sore displeased' and said4 &
am shamed that this noble %night is thus honoured( .ir' said .ir :ringamore' ho" may
this be' that ye be here' and this noble %night "ounded3 /rother' she said' & +an not tell
you' for it "as not done by me' nor by mine assent( For he is my lord and & am his' and he
must be mine husband0 therefore' my brother' & "ill that ye "it & shame me not to be "ith
him' nor to do him all the pleasure that & +an( .ister' said .ir :ringamore' and & "ill that
ye "it it' and .ir :areth both' that it "as never done by me' nor by my assent that this
unhappy deed "as done( *nd there they staun+hed his bleeding as "ell as they might'
and great sorro" made .ir :ringamore and ,ame 8ionesse(
*nd forth"ithal +ame ,ame 8inet' and too% up the head in the sight of them all' and
anointed it "ith an ointment thereas it "as smitten off0 and in the same "ise she did to
the other part thereas the head stu+%' and then she set it together' and it stu+% as fast as
ever it did( *nd the %night arose lightly up' and the damosel 8inet put him in her
+hamber( *ll this sa" .ir :ringamore and ,ame 8ionesse' and so did .ir :areth0 and
"ell he espied that it "as the damosel 8inet' that rode "ith him through the perilous
passages( *h "ell' damosel' said .ir :areth' & "eened ye "ould not have done as ye have
done( My lord :areth' said 8inet' all that & have done & "ill avo"' and all that & have done
shall be for your honour and "orship' and to us all( *nd so "ithin a "hile .ir :areth "as
nigh "hole' and "axed light and 7o+und' and sang' dan+ed' and gamed0 and he and ,ame
8ionesse "ere so hot in burning love that they made their +ovenant at the tenth night
after' that she should +ome to his bed( *nd be+ause he "as "ounded afore' he laid his
armour and his s"ord nigh his bed1s side(
!o" the said %night +ame again the next night and "as beheaded again' and ho" at the
feast of $ente+ost all the %nights that .ir :areth had over+ome +ame and yielded them to
-ing *rthur(
?&:!) as she promised she +ame0 and she "as not so soon in his bed but she espied an
armed %night +oming to"ard the bed4 there"ithal she "arned .ir :areth' and lightly
through the good help of ,ame 8ionesse he "as armed0 and they hurtled together "ith
great ire and mali+e all about the hall0 and there "as great light as it had been the number
of t"enty tor+hes both before and behind' so that .ir :areth strained him' so that his old
"ound brast again a<bleeding0 but he "as hot and +ourageous and too% no %eep' but "ith
his great for+e he stru+% do"n that %night' and voided his helm' and stru+% off his head(
)hen he he"ed the head in an hundred pie+es( *nd "hen he had done so he too% up all
those pie+es' and thre" them out at a "indo" into the dit+hes of the +astle0 and by this
done he "as so faint that unnethes he might stand for bleeding( *nd by "hen he "as
almost unarmed he fell in a deadly s"oon on the floor0 and then ,ame 8ionesse +ried so
that .ir :ringamore heard0 and "hen he +ame and found .ir :areth in that plight he
made great sorro"0 and there he a"a%ed .ir :areth' and gave him a drin% that relieved
him "onderly "ell0 but the sorro" that ,ame 8ionesse made there may no tongue tell'
for she so fared "ith herself as she "ould have died(
?ight so +ame this damosel 8inet before them all' and she had fet+hed all the gobbets of
the head that .ir :areth had thro"n out at a "indo"' and there she anointed them as she
had done tofore' and set them together again( Well' damosel 8inet' said .ir :areth' & have
not deserved all this despite that ye do unto me( .ir %night' she said' & have nothing done
but & "ill avo"' and all that & have done shall be to your "orship' and to us all( *nd then
"as .ir :areth staun+hed of his bleeding( /ut the lee+hes said that there "as no man that
bare the life should heal him throughout of his "ound but if they healed him that +aused
that stro%e by en+hantment(
.o leave "e .ir :areth there "ith .ir :ringamore and his sisters' and turn "e unto -ing
*rthur' that at the next feast of $ente+ost held his feast0 and there +ame the :reen -night
"ith fifty %nights' and yielded them all unto -ing *rthur( *nd so there +ame the ?ed
-night his brother' and yielded him to -ing *rthur' and three s+ore %nights "ith him(
*lso there +ame the /lue -night' brother to them' "ith an hundred %nights' and yielded
them unto -ing *rthur0 and the :reen -night1s name "as $ertolepe' and the ?ed
-night1s name "as $erimones' and the /lue -night1s name "as .ir $ersant of &nde(
)hese three brethren told -ing *rthur ho" they "ere over+ome by a %night that a
damosel had "ith her' and +alled him /eaumains( 5esu' said the %ing' & marvel "hat
%night he is' and of "hat lineage he is +ome( !e "as "ith me a t"elvemonth' and poorly
and shamefully he "as fostered' and .ir -ay in s+orn named him /eaumains( .o right as
the %ing stood so tal%ing "ith these three brethren' there +ame .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and
told the %ing that there "as +ome a goodly lord "ith six hundred %nights "ith him(
)hen the %ing "ent out of Carlion' for there "as the feast' and there +ame to him this
lord' and saluted the %ing in a goodly manner( What "ill ye' said -ing *rthur' and "hat
is your errand3 .ir' he said' my name is the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds' but my name
is .ir &ronside0 and sir' "it ye "ell' here & am sent to you of a %night that is +alled
/eaumains' for he "on me in plain battle hand for hand' and so did never no %night but
he' that ever had the better of me this thirty "inter0 the "hi+h +ommanded to yield me to
you at your "ill( >e are "el+ome' said the %ing' for ye have been long a great foe to me
and my +ourt' and no" & trust to :od & shall so entreat you that ye shall be my friend( .ir'
both & and these five hundred %nights shall al"ays be at your summons to do you servi+e
as may lie in our po"ers( 5esu mer+y' said -ing *rthur' & am mu+h beholden unto that
%night that hath put so his body in devoir to "orship me and my +ourt( *nd as to thee'
&ronside' that art +alled the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds' thou art +alled a perilous
%night0 and if thou "ilt hold of me & shall "orship thee and ma%e thee %night of the )able
?ound0 but then thou must be no more a murderer( .ir' as to that' & have promised unto
.ir /eaumains never more to use su+h +ustoms' for all the shameful +ustoms that & used &
did at the re6uest of a lady that & loved0 and therefore & must go unto .ir 8aun+elot' and
unto .ir :a"aine' and as% them forgiveness of the evil "ill & had unto them0 for all that &
put to death "as all only for the love of .ir 8aun+elot and of .ir :a"aine( )hey be here
no"' said the %ing' afore thee' no" may ye say to them "hat ye "ill( *nd then he %neeled
do"n unto .ir 8aun+elot' and to .ir :a"aine' and prayed them of forgiveness of his
enmity that ever he had against them(
!o" -ing *rthur pardoned them' and demanded of them "here .ir :areth "as(
)!E2 goodly they said all at on+e' :od forgive you' and "e do' and pray you that ye
"ill tell us "here "e may find .ir /eaumains( Fair lords' said .ir &ronside' & +annot tell
you' for it is full hard to find him0 for su+h young %nights as he is one' "hen they be in
their adventures be never abiding in no pla+e( /ut to say the "orship that the ?ed -night
of the ?ed 8aunds' and .ir $ersant and his brother said of /eaumains' it "as marvel to
hear( Well' my fair lords' said -ing *rthur' "it you "ell & shall do you honour for the
love of .ir /eaumains' and as soon as ever & meet "ith him & shall ma%e you all upon one
day %nights of the )able ?ound( *nd as to thee' .ir $ersant of &nde' thou hast been ever
+alled a full noble %night' and so have ever been thy three brethren +alled( /ut & marvel'
said the %ing' that & hear not of the /la+% -night your brother' he "as a full noble %night(
.ir' said $ertolepe' the :reen -night' .ir /eaumains sle" him in a re+ounter "ith his
spear' his name "as .ir $er+ard( )hat "as great pity' said the %ing' and so said many
%nights( For these four brethren "ere full "ell %no"n in the +ourt of -ing *rthur for
noble %nights' for long time they had holden "ar against the %nights of the ?ound )able(
)hen said $ertolepe' the :reen -night' to the %ing4 *t a passage of the "ater of Mortaise
there en+ountered .ir /eaumains "ith t"o brethren that ever for the most part %ept that
passage' and they "ere t"o deadly %nights' and there he sle" the eldest brother in the
"ater' and smote him upon the head su+h a buffet that he fell do"n in the "ater' and
there he "as dro"ned' and his name "as .ir :herard le /reusse0 and after he sle" the
other brother upon the land' his name "as .ir *rnold le /reusse(
[ E &n Caxton1s edition this +hapter is misnumbered HHD&' setting the numeration "rong
to the end of the boo%
!o" the ;ueen of 9r%ney +ame to this feast of $ente+ost' and .ir :a"aine and his
brethren +ame to as% her blessing(
.o then the %ing and they "ent to meat' and "ere served in the best manner( *nd as they
sat at the meat' there +ame in the ;ueen of 9r%ney' "ith ladies and %nights a great
number( *nd then .ir :a"aine' .ir *gravaine' and :aheris arose' and "ent to her and
saluted her upon their %nees' and as%ed her blessing0 for in fifteen year they had not seen
her( )hen she spa%e on high to her brother -ing *rthur4 Where have ye done my young
son .ir :areth3 !e "as here amongst you a t"elvemonth' and ye made a %it+hen %nave
of him' the "hi+h is shame to you all( *las' "here have ye done my dear son that "as my
7oy and bliss3 9 dear mother' said .ir :a"aine' & %ne" him not( 2or &' said the %ing' that
no" me repenteth' but than%ed be :od he is proved a "orshipful %night as any is no"
living of his years' and & shall never be glad till & may find him(
*h' brother' said the ;ueen unto -ing *rthur' and unto .ir :a"aine' and to all her sons'
ye did yourself great shame "hen ye amongst you %ept my son in the %it+hen and fed him
li%e a poor hog( Fair sister' said -ing *rthur' ye shall right "ell "it & %ne" him not' nor
no more did .ir :a"aine' nor his brethren0 but sithen it is so' said the %ing' that he is thus
gone from us all' "e must shape a remedy to find him( *lso' sister' meseemeth ye might
have done me to "it of his +oming' and then an & had not done "ell to him ye might have
blamed me( For "hen he +ame to this +ourt he +ame leaning upon t"o men1s shoulders'
as though he might not have gone( *nd then he as%ed me three gifts0 and one he as%ed
the same day' that "as that & "ould give him meat enough that t"elvemonth0 and the
other t"o gifts he as%ed that day a t"elvemonth' and that "as that he might have the
adventure of the damosel 8inet' and the third "as that .ir 8aun+elot should ma%e him
%night "hen he desired him( *nd so & granted him all his desire' and many in this +ourt
marvelled that he desired his sustenan+e for a t"elvemonth( *nd thereby' "e deemed'
many of us' that he "as not +ome of a noble house(
.ir' said the ;ueen of 9r%ney unto -ing *rthur her brother' "it ye "ell that & sent him
unto you right "ell armed and horsed' and "orshipfully beseen of his body' and gold and
silver plenty to spend( &t may be' said the -ing' but thereof sa" "e none' save that same
day as he departed from us' %nights told me that there +ame a d"arf hither suddenly' and
brought him armour and a good horse full "ell and ri+hly beseen0 and thereat "e all had
marvel from "hen+e that ri+hes +ame' that "e deemed all that he "as +ome of men of
"orship( /rother' said the 6ueen' all that ye say & believe' for ever sithen he "as gro"n
he "as marvellously "itted' and ever he "as faithful and true of his promise( /ut &
marvel' said she' that .ir -ay did mo+% him and s+orn him' and gave him that name
/eaumains0 yet' .ir -ay' said the 6ueen' named him more righteously than he "eened0
for & dare say an he be alive' he is as fair an handed man and "ell disposed as any is
living( .ir' said *rthur' let this language be still' and by the gra+e of :od he shall be
found an he be "ithin this seven realms' and let all this pass and be merry' for he is
proved to be a man of "orship' and that is my 7oy(
!o" -ing *rthur sent for the 8ady 8ionesse' and ho" she let +ry a tourney at her +astle'
"hereas +ame many %nights(
)!E2 said .ir :a"aine and his brethren unto *rthur' .ir' an ye "ill give us leave' "e
"ill go and see% our brother( 2ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' that shall ye not need0 and so said
.ir /aud"in of /ritain4 for as by our advi+e the %ing shall send unto ,ame 8ionesse a
messenger' and pray her that she "ill +ome to the +ourt in all the haste that she may' and
doubt ye not she "ill +ome0 and then she may give you best +ounsel "here ye shall find
him( )his is "ell said of you' said the %ing( .o then goodly letters "ere made' and the
messenger sent forth' that night and day he "ent till he +ame unto the Castle $erilous(
*nd then the lady ,ame 8ionesse "as sent for' thereas she "as "ith .ir :ringamore her
brother and .ir :areth( *nd "hen she understood this message' she bade him ride on his
"ay unto -ing *rthur' and she "ould +ome after in all goodly haste( )hen "hen she
+ame to .ir :ringamore and to .ir :areth' she told them all ho" -ing *rthur had sent for
her( )hat is be+ause of me' said .ir :areth( 2o" advise me' said ,ame 8ionesse' "hat
shall & say' and in "hat manner & shall rule me( My lady and my love' said .ir :areth' &
pray you in no "ise be ye a%no"en "here & am0 but "ell & "ot my mother is there and all
my brethren' and they "ill ta%e upon them to see% me' & "ot "ell that they do( /ut this'
madam' & "ould ye said and advised the %ing "hen he 6uestioned "ith you of me( )hen
may ye say' this is your advi+e that' an it li%e his good gra+e' ye "ill do ma%e a +ry
against the feast of the *ssumption of our 8ady' that "hat %night there proveth him best
he shall "ield you and all your land( *nd if so be that he be a "edded man' that his "ife
shall have the degree' and a +oronal of gold beset "ith stones of virtue to the value of a
thousand pound' and a "hite gerfal+on(
.o ,ame 8ionesse departed and +ame to -ing *rthur' "here she "as nobly re+eived' and
there she "as sore 6uestioned of the %ing and of the ;ueen of 9r%ney( *nd she ans"ered'
"here .ir :areth "as she +ould not tell( /ut thus mu+h she said unto *rthur4 .ir' & "ill
let +ry a tournament that shall be done before my +astle at the *ssumption of our 8ady'
and the +ry shall be this4 that you' my lord *rthur' shall be there' and your %nights' and &
"ill purvey that my %nights shall be against yours0 and then & am sure ye shall hear of .ir
:areth( )his is "ell advised' said -ing *rthur0 and so she departed( *nd the %ing and she
made great provision to that tournament(
When ,ame 8ionesse "as +ome to the &sle of *vilion' that "as the same isle thereas her
brother .ir :ringamore d"elt' then she told them all ho" she had done' and "hat
promise she had made to -ing *rthur( *las' said .ir :areth' & have been so "ounded
"ith unhappiness sithen & +ame into this +astle that & shall not be able to do at that
tournament li%e a %night0 for & "as never thoroughly "hole sin+e & "as hurt( /e ye of
good +heer' said the damosel 8inet' for & underta%e "ithin these fifteen days to ma%e ye
"hole' and as lusty as ever ye "ere( *nd then she laid an ointment and a salve to him as
it pleased to her' that he "as never so fresh nor so lusty( )hen said the damosel 8inet4
.end you unto .ir $ersant of &nde' and assummon him and his %nights to be here "ith
you as they have promised( *lso' that ye send unto .ir &ronside' that is the ?ed -night of
the ?ed 8aunds' and +harge him that he be ready "ith you "ith his "hole sum of %nights'
and then shall ye be able to mat+h "ith -ing *rthur and his %nights( .o this "as done'
and all %nights "ere sent for unto the Castle $erilous0 and then the ?ed -night ans"ered
and said unto ,ame 8ionesse' and to .ir :areth' Madam' and my lord .ir :areth' ye shall
understand that & have been at the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and .ir $ersant of &nde and his
brethren' and there "e have done our homage as ye +ommanded us( *lso .ir &ronside
said' & have ta%en upon me "ith .ir $ersant of &nde and his brethren to hold part against
my lord .ir 8aun+elot and the %nights of that +ourt( *nd this have & done for the love of
my lady ,ame 8ionesse' and you my lord .ir :areth( >e have "ell done' said .ir :areth0
but "it you "ell ye shall be full sore mat+hed "ith the most noble %nights of the "orld0
therefore "e must purvey us of good %nights' "here "e may get them( )hat is "ell said'
said .ir $ersant' and "orshipfully(
*nd so the +ry "as made in England' Wales' and .+otland' &reland' Corn"all' and in all
the 9ut &sles' and in /rittany and in many +ountries0 that at the feast of our 8ady the
*ssumption next +oming' men should +ome to the Castle $erilous beside the &sle of
*vilion0 and there all the %nights that there +ame should have the +hoi+e "hether them
list to be on the one party "ith the %nights of the +astle' or on the other party "ith -ing
*rthur( *nd t"o months "as to the day that the tournament should be( *nd so there +ame
many good %nights that "ere at their large' and held them for the most part against -ing
*rthur and his %nights of the ?ound )able and +ame in the side of them of the +astle( For
.ir Epinogrus "as the first' and he "as the %ing1s son of 2orthumberland' and .ir
$alamides the .ara+en "as another' and .ir .afere his brother' and .ir .eg"arides his
brother' but they "ere +hristened' and .ir Malegrine another' and .ir /rian de les &sles' a
noble %night' and .ir :rummore :rummursum' a good %night of .+otland' and .ir
Carados of the dolorous to"er' a noble %night' and .ir )ur6uine his brother' and .ir
*rnold and .ir :auter' t"o brethren' good %nights of Corn"all( )here +ame .ir )ristram
de 8iones' and "ith him .ir ,inas' the .enes+hal' and .ir .ado%0 but this .ir )ristram
"as not at that time %night of the )able ?ound' but he "as one of the best %nights of the
"orld( *nd so all these noble %nights a++ompanied them "ith the lady of the +astle' and
"ith the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds0 but as for .ir :areth' he "ould not ta%e upon
him more but as other mean %nights(
!o" -ing *rthur "ent to the tournament "ith his %nights' and ho" the lady re+eived
him "orshipfully' and ho" the %nights en+ountered(
*2, then there +ame "ith -ing *rthur .ir :a"aine' *gravaine' :aheris' his brethren(
*nd then his nephe"s .ir #"aine le /lan+hemains' and .ir *glovale' .ir )or' .ir
$er+ivale de :alis' and .ir 8amora% de :alis( )hen +ame .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e "ith his
brethren' nephe"s' and +ousins' as .ir 8ionel' .ir E+tor de Maris' .ir /ors de :anis' and
.ir :alihodin' .ir :alihud' and many more of .ir 8aun+elot1s blood' and .ir ,inadan' .ir
8a Cote Male )aile' his brother' a good %night' and .ir .agramore' a good %night0 and all
the most part of the ?ound )able( *lso there +ame "ith -ing *rthur these %nights' the
-ing of &reland' -ing *g"isan+e' and the -ing of .+otland' -ing Carados and -ing
#riens of the land of :ore' and -ing /agdemagus and his son .ir Meliaganus' and .ir
:alahault the noble prin+e( *ll these %ings' prin+es' and earls' barons' and other noble
%nights' as .ir /randiles' .ir #"aine les *voutres' and .ir -ay' .ir /edivere' .ir Meliot
de 8ogres' .ir $etipase of Win+helsea' .ir :odela%e4 all these +ame "ith -ing *rthur'
and more that +annot be rehearsed(
2o" leave "e of these %ings and %nights' and let us spea% of the great array that "as
made "ithin the +astle and about the +astle for both parties( )he 8ady ,ame 8ionesse
ordained great array upon her part for her noble %nights' for all manner of lodging and
vi+tual that +ame by land and by "ater' that there la+%ed nothing for her party' nor for the
other' but there "as plenty to be had for gold and silver for -ing *rthur and his %nights(
*nd then there +ame the harbingers from -ing *rthur for to harbour him' and his %ings'
du%es' earls' barons' and %nights( *nd then .ir :areth prayed ,ame 8ionesse and the
?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds' and .ir $ersant and his brother' and .ir :ringamore' that
in no "ise there should none of them tell not his name' and ma%e no more of him than of
the least %night that there "as' For' he said' & "ill not be %no"n of neither more nor less'
neither at the beginning neither at the ending( )hen ,ame 8ionesse said unto .ir :areth4
.ir' & "ill lend you a ring' but & "ould pray you as you love me heartily let me have it
again "hen the tournament is done' for that ring in+reaseth my beauty mu+h more than it
is of himself( *nd the virtue of my ring is that' that is green it "ill turn to red' and that is
red it "ill turn in li%eness to green' and that is blue it "ill turn to li%eness of "hite' and
that is "hite it "ill turn in li%eness to blue' and so it "ill do of all manner of +olours(
*lso "ho that beareth my ring shall lose no blood' and for great love & "ill give you this
ring( :ramer+y' said .ir :areth' mine o"n lady' for this ring is passing meet for me' for it
"ill turn all manner of li%eness that & am in' and that shall +ause me that & shall not be
%no"n( )hen .ir :ringamore gave .ir :areth a bay +ourser that "as a passing good
horse0 also he gave him good armour and sure' and a noble s"ord that sometime .ir
:ringamore1s father "on upon an heathen tyrant( *nd so thus every %night made him
ready to that tournament( *nd -ing *rthur "as +ome t"o days tofore the *ssumption of
our 8ady( *nd there "as all manner of royalty of all minstrelsy that might be found( *lso
there +ame ;ueen :uenever and the ;ueen of 9r%ney' .ir :areth1s mother(
*nd upon the *ssumption ,ay' "hen mass and matins "ere done' there "ere heralds
"ith trumpets +ommanded to blo" to the field( *nd so there +ame out .ir Epinogrus' the
%ing1s son of 2orthumberland' from the +astle' and there en+ountered "ith him .ir
.agramore le ,esirous' and either of them bra%e their spears to their hands( *nd then
+ame in .ir $alamides out of the +astle' and there en+ountered "ith him :a"aine' and
either of them smote other so hard that both the good %nights and their horses fell to the
earth( *nd then %nights of either party res+ued their %nights( *nd then +ame in .ir .afere
and .ir .eg"arides' brethren to .ir $alamides0 and there en+ountered .ir *gravaine "ith
.ir .afere and .ir :aheris en+ountered "ith .ir .eg"arides( .o .ir .afere smote do"n
*gravaine' .ir :a"aine1s brother0 and .ir .eg"arides' .ir .afere1s brother( *nd .ir
Malegrine' a %night of the +astle' en+ountered "ith .ir #"aine le /lan+hemains' and
there .ir #"aine gave .ir Malegrine a fall' that he had almost bro%e his ne+%(
!o" the %nights bare them in the battle(
)!E2 .ir /rian de les &sles and :rummore :rummursum' %nights of the +astle'
en+ountered "ith .ir *glovale' and .ir )or smote do"n .ir :rummore :rummursum to
the earth( )hen +ame in .ir Carados of the dolorous to"er' and .ir )ur6uine' %nights of
the +astle0 and there en+ountered "ith them .ir $er+ivale de :alis and .ir 8amora% de
:alis' that "ere t"o brethren( *nd there en+ountered .ir $er+ivale "ith .ir Carados' and
either bra%e their spears unto their hands' and then .ir )ur6uine "ith .ir 8amora%' and
either of them smote do"n other1s horse and all to the earth' and either parties res+ued
other' and horsed them again( *nd .ir *rnold and .ir :auter' %nights of the +astle'
en+ountered "ith .ir /randiles and .ir -ay' and these four %nights en+ountered mightily'
and bra%e their spears to their hands( )hen +ame in .ir )ristram' .ir .ado%' and .ir
,inas' %nights of the +astle' and there en+ountered .ir )ristram "ith .ir /edivere' and
there .ir /edivere "as smitten to the earth both horse and man( *nd .ir .ado%
en+ountered "ith .ir $etipase' and there .ir .ado% "as overthro"n( *nd there #"aine
les *voutres smote do"n .ir ,inas' the .enes+hal( )hen +ame in .ir $ersant of &nde' a
%night of the +astle' and there en+ountered "ith him .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and there he
smote .ir $ersant' horse and man' to the earth( )hen +ame .ir $ertolepe from the +astle'
and there en+ountered "ith him .ir 8ionel' and there .ir $ertolepe' the :reen -night'
smote do"n .ir 8ionel' brother to .ir 8aun+elot( *ll this "as mar%ed by noble heralds'
"ho bare him best' and their names(
*nd then +ame into the field .ir $erimones' the ?ed -night' .ir $ersant1s brother' that
"as a %night of the +astle' and he en+ountered "ith .ir E+tor de Maris' and either smote
other so hard that both their horses and they fell to the earth( *nd then +ame in the ?ed
-night of the ?ed 8aunds' and .ir :areth' from the +astle' and there en+ountered "ith
them .ir /ors de :anis and .ir /leoberis' and there the ?ed -night and .ir /ors [either
smote other so hard that their spears brast' and their horses fell grovelling to the earth(
)hen .ir /leoberis bra%e his spear upon .ir :areth' but of that stro%e .ir /leoberis fell to
the earth( When .ir :alihodin sa" that he bade .ir :areth %eep him' and .ir :areth
smote him to the earth( )hen .ir :alihud gat a spear to avenge his brother' and in the
same "ise .ir :areth served him' and .ir ,inadan and his brother' 8a Cote Male )aile'
and .ir .agramore le ,esirous' and .ir ,odinas le .avage( *ll these he bare do"n "ith
one spear(
When -ing *g"isan+e of &reland sa" .ir :areth fare so' he marvelled "hat he might be
that one time seemed green' and another time' at his again +oming' he seemed blue( *nd
thus at every +ourse that he rode to and fro he +hanged his +olour' so that there might
neither %ing nor %night have ready +ognisan+e of him( )hen .ir *g"isan+e' the -ing of
&reland' en+ountered "ith .ir :areth' and there .ir :areth smote him from his horse'
saddle and all( *nd then +ame -ing Carados of .+otland' and .ir :areth smote him do"n
horse and man( *nd in the same "ise he served -ing #riens of the land of :ore( *nd
then +ame in .ir /agdemagus' and .ir :areth smote him do"n' horse and man' to the
earth( *nd /agdemagus1 son' Meliganus' bra%e a spear upon .ir :areth mightily and
%nightly( *nd then .ir :alahault' the noble prin+e' +ried on high4 -night "ith the many
+olours' "ell hast thou 7ousted0 no" ma%e thee ready that & may 7oust "ith thee( .ir
:areth heard him' and he gat a great spear' and so they en+ountered together' and there
the prin+e bra%e his spear0 but .ir :areth smote him upon the left side of the helm that he
reeled here and there' and he had fallen do"n had not his men re+overed him(
.o :od me help' said -ing *rthur' that same %night "ith the many +olours is a good
%night( Wherefore the %ing +alled unto him .ir 8aun+elot' and prayed him to en+ounter
"ith that %night( .ir' said 8aun+elot' & may "ell find in my heart for to forbear him as at
this time' for he hath had travail enough this day0 and "hen a good %night doth so "ell
upon some day' it is no good %night1s part to let him of his "orship' and namely' "hen he
seeth a %night hath done so great labour0 for peradventure' said .ir 8aun+elot' his 6uarrel
is here this day' and peradventure he is best beloved "ith this lady of all that be here0 for
& see "ell he paineth him and enfor+eth him to do great deeds' and therefore' said .ir
8aun+elot' as for me' this day he shall have the honour0 though it lay in my po"er to put
him from it & "ould not(
>et of the said tournament(
)!E2 "hen this "as done there "as dra"ing of s"ords' and then there began a sore
tournament( *nd there did .ir 8amora% marvellous deeds of arms0 and bet"ixt .ir
8amora% and .ir &ronside' that "as the ?ed -night of the ?ed 8aunds' there "as strong
battle0 and bet"ixt .ir $alamides and /leoberis there "as a strong battle0 and .ir
:a"aine and .ir )ristram met' and there .ir :a"aine had the "orse' for he pulled .ir
:a"aine from his horse' and there he "as long upon foot' and defouled( )hen +ame in .ir
8aun+elot' and he smote .ir )ur6uine' and he him0 and then +ame .ir Carados his
brother' and both at on+e they assailed him' and he as the most noblest %night of the
"orld "orshipfully fought "ith them both' that all men "ondered of the noblesse of .ir
8aun+elot( *nd then +ame in .ir :areth' and %ne" that it "as .ir 8aun+elot that fought
"ith the t"o perilous %nights( *nd then .ir :areth +ame "ith his good horse and hurtled
them in<sunder' and no stro%e "ould he smite to .ir 8aun+elot( )hat espied .ir
8aun+elot' and deemed it should be the good %night .ir :areth4 and then .ir :areth rode
here and there' and smote on the right hand and on the left hand' and all the fol% might
"ell espy "here that he rode( *nd by fortune he met "ith his brother .ir :a"aine' and
there he put .ir :a"aine to the "orse' for he put off his helm' and so he served five or six
%nights of the ?ound )able' that all men said he put him in the most pain' and best he did
his devoir( For "hen .ir )ristram beheld him ho" he first 7ousted and after fought so
"ell "ith a s"ord' then he rode unto .ir &ronside and to .ir $ersant of &nde' and as%ed
them' by their faith' What manner a %night is yonder %night that seemeth in so many
divers +olours3 )ruly' meseemeth' said )ristram' that he putteth himself in great pain' for
he never +easeth( Wot ye not "hat he is3 said .ir &ronside( 2o' said .ir )ristram( )hen
shall ye %no" that this is he that loveth the lady of the +astle' and she him again0 and this
is he that "on me "hen & besieged the lady of this +astle' and this is he that "on .ir
$ersant of &nde' and his three brethren( What is his name' said .ir )ristram' and of "hat
blood is he +ome3 !e "as +alled in the +ourt of -ing *rthur' /eaumains' but his right
name is .ir :areth of 9r%ney' brother to .ir :a"aine( /y my head' said .ir )ristram' he
is a good %night' and a big man of arms' and if he be young he shall prove a full noble
%night( !e is but a +hild' they all said' and of .ir 8aun+elot he "as made %night(
)herefore he is mi+%le the better' said )ristram( *nd then .ir )ristram' .ir &ronside' .ir
$ersant' and his brother' rode together for to help .ir :areth0 and then there "ere given
many strong stro%es(
*nd then .ir :areth rode out on the one side to amend his helm0 and then said his d"arf4
)a%e me your ring' that ye lose it not "hile that ye drin%( *nd so "hen he had drun% he
gat on his helm' and eagerly too% his horse and rode into the field' and left his ring "ith
his d"arf0 and the d"arf "as glad the ring "as from him' for then he "ist "ell he should
be %no"n( *nd then "hen .ir :areth "as in the field all fol%s sa" him "ell and plainly
that he "as in yello" +olours0 and there he rased off helms and pulled do"n %nights' that
-ing *rthur had marvel "hat %night he "as' for the %ing sa" by his hair that it "as the
same %night(
!o" .ir :areth "as espied by the heralds' and ho" he es+aped out of the field(
/#) before he "as in so many +olours' and no" he is but in one +olour0 that is yello"(
2o" go' said -ing *rthur unto divers heralds' and ride about him' and espy "hat manner
%night he is' for & have spered of many %nights this day that be upon his party' and all say
they %no" him not( *nd so an herald rode nigh :areth as he +ould0 and there he sa"
"ritten about his helm in gold' )his helm is .ir :areth of 9r%ney( )hen the herald +ried
as he "ere "ood' and many heralds "ith him4=)his is .ir :areth of 9r%ney in the
yello" arms0 "herby [E all %ings and %nights of *rthur1s beheld him and a"aited0 and
then they pressed all to behold him' and ever the heralds +ried4 )his is .ir :areth of
9r%ney' -ing 8ot1s son( *nd "hen .ir :areth espied that he "as dis+overed' then he
doubled his stro%es' and smote do"n .ir .agramore' and his brother .ir :a"aine( 9
brother' said .ir :a"aine' & "eened ye "ould not have stri+%en me(
[ E .o W( de Worde0 Caxton Fthat by(G
.o "hen he heard him say so he thrang here and there' and so "ith great pain he gat out
of the press' and there he met "ith his d"arf( 9 boy' said .ir :areth' thou hast beguiled
me foul this day that thou %ept my ring0 give it me anon again' that & may hide my body
"ithal0 and so he too% it him( *nd then they all "ist not "here he "as be+ome0 and .ir
:a"aine had in manner espied "here .ir :areth rode' and then he rode after "ith all his
might( )hat espied .ir :areth' and rode lightly into the forest' that .ir :a"aine "ist not
"here he "as be+ome( *nd "hen .ir :areth "ist that .ir :a"aine "as passed' he as%ed
the d"arf of best +ounsel( .ir' said the d"arf' meseemeth it "ere best' no" that ye are
es+aped from spying' that ye send my lady ,ame 8ionesse her ring( &t is "ell advised'
said .ir :areth0 no" have it here and bear it to her' and say that & re+ommend me unto
her good gra+e' and say her & "ill +ome "hen & may' and & pray her to be true and faithful
to me as & "ill be to her( .ir' said the d"arf' it shall be done as ye +ommand4 and so he
rode his "ay' and did his errand unto the lady( )hen she said' Where is my %night' .ir
:areth3 Madam' said the d"arf' he bade me say that he "ould not be long from you( *nd
so lightly the d"arf +ame again unto .ir :areth' that "ould full fain have had a lodging'
for he had need to be reposed( *nd then fell there a thunder and a rain' as heaven and
earth should go together( *nd .ir :areth "as not a little "eary' for of all that day he had
but little rest' neither his horse nor he( .o this .ir :areth rode so long in that forest until
the night +ame( *nd ever it lightened and thundered' as it had been "ood( *t the last by
fortune he +ame to a +astle' and there he heard the "aits upon the "alls(
!o" .ir :areth +ame to a +astle "here he "as "ell lodged' and he 7ousted "ith a %night
and sle" him(
)!E2 .ir :areth rode unto the barbi+an of the +astle' and prayed the porter fair to let
him into the +astle( )he porter ans"ered ungoodly again' and said' )hou gettest no
lodging here( Fair sir' say not so' for & am a %night of -ing *rthur1s' and pray the lord or
the lady of this +astle to give me harbour for the love of -ing *rthur( )hen the porter
"ent unto the du+hess' and told her ho" there "as a %night of -ing *rthur1s "ould have
harbour( 8et him in' said the du+hess' for & "ill see that %night' and for -ing *rthur1s
sa%e he shall not be harbourless( )hen she yode up into a to"er over the gate' "ith great
When .ir :areth sa" that tor+h<light he +ried on high4 Whether thou be lord or lady'
giant or +hampion' & ta%e no for+e so that & may have harbour this night0 and if it so be
that & must needs fight' spare me not to<morn "hen & have rested me' for both & and mine
horse be "eary( .ir %night' said the lady' thou spea%est %nightly and boldly0 but "it thou
"ell the lord of this +astle loveth not -ing *rthur' nor none of his +ourt' for my lord hath
ever been against him0 and therefore thou "ere better not to +ome "ithin this +astle0 for
an thou +ome in this night' thou must +ome in under su+h form' that "heresomever thou
meet my lord' by stigh or by street' thou must yield thee to him as prisoner( Madam' said
.ir :areth' "hat is your lord' and "hat is his name3 .ir' my lord1s name is the ,u%e de la
?o"se( Well madam' said .ir :areth' & shall promise you in "hat pla+e & meet your lord &
shall yield me unto him and to his good gra+e0 "ith that & understand he "ill do me no
harm4 and if & understand that he "ill' & "ill release myself an & +an "ith my spear and
my s"ord( >e say "ell' said the du+hess0 and then she let the dra"bridge do"n' and so he
rode into the hall' and there he alighted' and his horse "as led into a stable0 and in the
hall he unarmed him and said' Madam' & "ill not out of this hall this night0 and "hen it is
daylight' let see "ho "ill have ado "ith me' he shall find me ready( )hen "as he set unto
supper' and had many good dishes( )hen .ir :areth list "ell to eat' and %nightly he ate
his meat' and eagerly0 there "as many a fair lady by him' and some said they never sa" a
goodlier man nor so "ell of eating( )hen they made him passing good +heer' and shortly
"hen he had supped his bed "as made there0 so he rested him all night(
*nd on the morn he heard mass' and bra%e his fast and too% his leave at the du+hess' and
at them all0 and than%ed her goodly of her lodging' and of his good +heer0 and then she
as%ed him his name( Madam' he said' truly my name is :areth of 9r%ney' and some men
+all me /eaumains( )hen %ne" she "ell it "as the same %night that fought for ,ame
8ionesse( .o .ir :areth departed and rode up into a mountain' and there met him a
%night' his name "as .ir /endelaine' and said to .ir :areth4 )hou shalt not pass this "ay'
for either thou shalt 7oust "ith me' or else be my prisoner( )hen "ill & 7oust' said .ir
:areth( *nd so they let their horses run' and there .ir :areth smote him throughout the
body0 and .ir /endelaine rode forth to his +astle there beside' and there died( .o .ir
:areth "ould have rested him' and he +ame riding to /endelaine1s +astle( )hen his
%nights and servants espied that it "as he that had slain their lord( )hen they armed
t"enty good men' and +ame out and assailed .ir :areth0 and so he had no spear' but his
s"ord' and put his shield afore him0 and there they bra%e their spears upon him' and they
assailed him passingly sore( /ut ever .ir :areth defended him as a %night(
!o" .ir :areth fought "ith a %night that held "ithin his +astle thirty ladies' and ho" he
sle" him(
.9 "hen they sa" that they might not over+ome him' they rode from him' and too% their
+ounsel to slay his horse0 and so they +ame in upon .ir :areth' and "ith spears they sle"
his horse' and then they assailed him hard( /ut "hen he "as on foot' there "as none that
he fought but he gave him su+h a buffet that he did never re+over( .o he sle" them by
one and one till they "ere but four' and there they fled0 and .ir :areth too% a good horse
that "as one of theirs' and rode his "ay(
)hen he rode a great pa+e till that he +ame to a +astle' and there he heard mu+h mourning
of ladies and gentle"omen( .o there +ame by him a page( What noise is this' said .ir
:areth' that & hear "ithin this +astle3 .ir %night' said the page' here be "ithin this +astle
thirty ladies' and all they be "ido"s0 for here is a %night that "aiteth daily upon this
+astle' and his name is the /ro"n -night "ithout $ity' and he is the periloust %night that
no" liveth0 and therefore sir' said the page' & rede you flee( 2ay' said .ir :areth' & "ill
not flee though thou be afeard of him( *nd then the page sa" "here +ame the /ro"n
-night4 8o' said the page' yonder he +ometh( 8et me deal "ith him' said .ir :areth( *nd
"hen either of other had a sight they let their horses run' and the /ro"n -night bra%e his
spear' and .ir :areth smote him throughout the body' that he overthre" him to the
ground star% dead( .o .ir :areth rode into the +astle' and prayed the ladies that he might
repose him( *las' said the ladies' ye may not be lodged here( Ma%e him good +heer' said
the page' for this %night hath slain your enemy( )hen they all made him good +heer as lay
in their po"er( /ut "it ye "ell they made him good +heer' for they might none other"ise
do' for they "ere but poor(
*nd so on the morn he "ent to mass' and there he sa" the thirty ladies %neel' and lay
grovelling upon divers tombs' ma%ing great dole and sorro"( )hen .ir :areth "ist "ell
that in the tombs lay their lords( Fair ladies' said .ir :areth' ye must at the next feast of
$ente+ost be at the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and say that &' .ir :areth' sent you thither( We
shall do this' said the ladies( .o he departed' and by fortune he +ame to a mountain' and
there he found a goodly %night that bade him' *bide sir %night' and 7oust "ith me( What
are ye3 said .ir :areth( My name is' said he' the ,u%e de la ?o"se( *h sir' ye are the
same %night that & lodged on+e in your +astle0 and there & made promise unto your lady
that & should yield me unto you( *h' said the du%e' art thou that proud %night that
profferest to fight "ith my %nights0 therefore ma%e thee ready' for & "ill have ado "ith
you( .o they let their horses run' and there .ir :areth smote the du%e do"n from his
horse( /ut the du%e lightly avoided his horse' and dressed his shield and dre" his s"ord'
and bade .ir :areth alight and fight "ith him( .o he did alight' and they did great battle
together more than an hour' and either hurt other full sore( *t the last .ir :areth gat the
du%e to the earth' and "ould have slain him' and then he yield him to him( )hen must ye
go' said .ir :areth' unto .ir *rthur my lord at the next feast' and say that &' .ir :areth of
9r%ney' sent you unto him( &t shall be done' said the du%e' and & "ill do to you homage
and fealty "ith an hundred %nights "ith me0 and all the days of my life to do you servi+e
"here ye "ill +ommand me(
!o" .ir :areth and .ir :a"aine fought ea+h against other' and ho" they %ne" ea+h
other by the damosel 8inet(
.9 the du%e departed' and .ir :areth stood there alone0 and there he sa" an armed
%night +oming to"ard him( )hen .ir :areth too% the du%e1s shield' and mounted upon
horseba+%' and so "ithout biding they ran together as it had been the thunder( *nd there
that %night hurt .ir :areth under the side "ith his spear( *nd then they alighted and dre"
their s"ords' and gave great stro%es that the blood trailed to the ground( *nd so they
fought t"o hours(
*t the last there +ame the damosel 8inet' that some men +alled the damosel .avage' and
she +ame riding upon an ambling mule0 and there she +ried all on high' .ir :a"aine' .ir
:a"aine' leave thy fighting "ith thy brother .ir :areth( *nd "hen he heard her say so he
thre" a"ay his shield and his s"ord' and ran to .ir :areth' and too% him in his arms' and
sithen %neeled do"n and as%ed him mer+y( What are ye' said .ir :areth' that right no"
"ere so strong and so mighty' and no" so suddenly yield you to me3 9 :areth' & am your
brother .ir :a"aine' that for your sa%e have had great sorro" and labour( )hen .ir
:areth unla+ed his helm' and %neeled do"n to him' and as%ed him mer+y( )hen they rose
both' and embra+ed either other in their arms' and "ept a great "hile or they might spea%'
and either of them gave other the priAe of the battle( *nd there "ere many %ind "ords
bet"een them( *las' my fair brother' said .ir :a"aine' perdy & o"e of right to "orship
you an ye "ere not my brother' for ye have "orshipped -ing *rthur and all his +ourt' for
ye have sent him [E more "orshipful %nights this t"elvemonth than six the best of the
?ound )able have done' ex+ept .ir 8aun+elot(
[ E .o W( de Worde0 Caxton Fme(G
)hen +ame the damosel .avage that "as the 8ady 8inet' that rode "ith .ir :areth so
long' and there she did staun+h .ir :areth1s "ounds and .ir :a"aine1s( 2o" "hat "ill
ye do3 said the damosel .avage0 meseemeth that it "ere "ell done that *rthur had
"itting of you both' for your horses are so bruised that they may not bear( 2o"' fair
damosel' said .ir :a"aine' & pray you ride unto my lord mine un+le' -ing *rthur' and
tell him "hat adventure is to me betid here' and & suppose he "ill not tarry long( )hen she
too% her mule' and lightly she +ame to -ing *rthur that "as but t"o mile then+e( *nd
"hen she had told him tidings the %ing bade get him a palfrey( *nd "hen he "as upon
his ba+% he bade the lords and ladies +ome after' "ho that "ould0 and there "as saddling
and bridling of 6ueens1 horses and prin+es1 horses' and "ell "as him that soonest might
be ready(
.o "hen the %ing +ame thereas they "ere' he sa" .ir :a"aine and .ir :areth sit upon a
little hill<side' and then the %ing avoided his horse( *nd "hen he +ame nigh .ir :areth he
"ould have spo%en but he might not0 and there"ith he san% do"n in a s"oon for
gladness( *nd so they stert unto their un+le' and re6uired him of his good gra+e to be of
good +omfort( Wit ye "ell the %ing made great 7oy' and many a piteous +omplaint he
made to .ir :areth' and ever he "ept as he had been a +hild( With that +ame his mother'
the ;ueen of 9r%ney' ,ame Morga"se' and "hen she sa" .ir :areth readily in the
visage she might not "eep' but suddenly fell do"n in a s"oon' and lay there a great "hile
li%e as she had been dead( *nd then .ir :areth re+omforted his mother in su+h "ise that
she re+overed and made good +heer( )hen the %ing +ommanded that all manner of
%nights that "ere under his obeissan+e should ma%e their lodging right there for the love
of his nephe"s( *nd so it "as done' and all manner of purveyan+e purveyed' that there
la+%ed nothing that might be gotten of tame nor "ild for gold or silver( *nd then by the
means of the damosel .avage .ir :a"aine and .ir :areth "ere healed of their "ounds0
and there they so7ourned eight days(
)hen said -ing *rthur unto the damosel .avage4 & marvel that your sister' ,ame
8ionesse' +ometh not here to me' and in espe+ial that she +ometh not to visit her %night'
my nephe" .ir :areth' that hath had so mu+h travail for her love( My lord' said the
damosel 8inet' ye must of your good gra+e hold her ex+used' for she %no"eth not that my
lord' .ir :areth' is here( :o then for her' said -ing *rthur' that "e may be appointed
"hat is best to be done' a++ording to the pleasure of my nephe"( .ir' said the damosel'
that shall be done' and so she rode unto her sister( *nd as lightly as she might she made
her ready0 and she +ame on the morn "ith her brother .ir :ringamore' and "ith her forty
%nights( *nd so "hen she "as +ome she had all the +heer that might be done' both of the
%ing' and of many other %ings and 6ueens(
!o" .ir :areth a+%no"ledged that they loved ea+h other to -ing *rthur' and of the
appointment of their "edding(
*2, among all these ladies she "as named the fairest' and peerless( )hen "hen .ir
:a"aine sa" her there "as many a goodly loo% and goodly "ords' that all men of
"orship had 7oy to behold them( )hen +ame -ing *rthur and many other %ings' and
,ame :uenever' and the ;ueen of 9r%ney( *nd there the %ing as%ed his nephe"' .ir
:areth' "hether he "ould have that lady as paramour' or to have her to his "ife( My lord'
"it you "ell that & love her above all ladies living( 2o"' fair lady' said -ing *rthur' "hat
say ye3 Most noble -ing' said ,ame 8ionesse' "it you "ell that my lord' .ir :areth' is
to me more liefer to have and "ield as my husband' than any %ing or prin+e that is
+hristened0 and if & may not have him & promise you & "ill never have none( For' my lord
*rthur' said ,ame 8ionesse' "it ye "ell he is my first love' and he shall be the last0 and
if ye "ill suffer him to have his "ill and free +hoi+e & dare say he "ill have me( )hat is
truth' said .ir :areth0 an & have not you and "ield not you as my "ife' there shall never
lady nor gentle"oman re7oi+e me( What' nephe"' said the %ing' is the "ind in that door3
for "it ye "ell & "ould not for the stint of my +ro"n to be +auser to "ithdra" your
hearts0 and "it ye "ell ye +annot love so "ell but & shall rather in+rease it than distress it(
*nd also ye shall have my love and my lordship in the uttermost "ise that may lie in my
po"er( *nd in the same "ise said .ir :areth1s mother(
)hen there "as made a provision for the day of marriage0 and by the %ing1s advi+e it "as
provided that it should be at Mi+haelmas follo"ing' at -in% -enadon by the seaside' for
there is a plentiful +ountry( *nd so it "as +ried in all the pla+es through the realm( *nd
then .ir :areth sent his summons to all these %nights and ladies that he had "on in battle
tofore' that they should be at his day of marriage at -in% -enadon by the sands( *nd then
,ame 8ionesse' and the damosel 8inet "ith .ir :ringamore' rode to their +astle0 and a
goodly and a ri+h ring she gave to .ir :areth' and he gave her another( *nd -ing *rthur
gave her a ri+h pair of beads [E of gold0 and so she departed0 and -ing *rthur and his
fello"ship rode to"ard -in% -enadon' and .ir :areth brought his lady on the "ay' and
so +ame to the %ing again and rode "ith him( 8ord@ the great +heer that .ir 8aun+elot
made of .ir :areth and he of him' for there "as never no %night that .ir :areth loved so
"ell as he did .ir 8aun+elot0 and ever for the most part he "ould be in .ir 8aun+elot1s
+ompany0 for after .ir :areth had espied .ir :a"aine1s +onditions' he "ithdre" himself
from his brother' .ir :a"aine1s' fello"ship' for he "as vengeable' and "here he hated he
"ould be avenged "ith murder' and that hated .ir :areth(
[ E .o W( de Worde0 Caxton Fbee(G
9f the :reat ?oyalty' and "hat offi+ers "ere made at the feast of the "edding' and of the
7ousts at the feast(
.9 it dre" fast to Mi+haelmas0 and thither +ame ,ame 8ionesse' the lady of the Castle
$erilous' and her sister' ,ame 8inet' "ith .ir :ringamore' her brother' "ith them for he
had the +ondu+t of these ladies( *nd there they "ere lodged at the devi+e of -ing *rthur(
*nd upon Mi+haelmas ,ay the /ishop of Canterbury made the "edding bet"ixt .ir
:areth and the 8ady 8ionesse "ith great solemnity( *nd -ing *rthur made :aheris to
"ed the ,amosel .avage' that "as ,ame 8inet0 and -ing *rthur made .ir *gravaine to
"ed ,ame 8ionesse1s nie+e' a fair lady' her name "as ,ame 8aurel(
*nd so "hen this solemniAation "as done' then +ame in the :reen -night' .ir $ertolepe'
"ith thirty %nights' and there he did homage and fealty to .ir :areth' and these %nights to
hold of him for evermore( *lso .ir $ertolepe said4 & pray you that at this feast & may be
your +hamberlain( With a good "ill' said .ir :areth sith it li%eth you to ta%e so simple an
offi+e( )hen +ame in the ?ed -night' "ith three s+ore %nights "ith him' and did to .ir
:areth homage and fealty' and all those %nights to hold of him for evermore( *nd then
this .ir $erimones prayed .ir :areth to grant him to be his +hief butler at that high feast(
& "ill "ell' said .ir :areth' that ye have this offi+e' and it "ere better( )hen +ame in .ir
$ersant of &nde' "ith an hundred %nights "ith him' and there he did homage and fealty'
and all his %nights should do him servi+e' and hold their lands of him for ever0 and there
he prayed .ir :areth to ma%e him his se"er<+hief at the feast( & "ill "ell' said .ir :areth'
that ye have it and it "ere better( )hen +ame the ,u%e de la ?o"se "ith an hundred
%nights "ith him' and there he did homage and fealty to .ir :areth' and so to hold their
lands of him for ever( *nd he re6uired .ir :areth that he might serve him of the "ine that
day of that feast( & "ill "ell' said .ir :areth' and it "ere better( )hen +ame in the ?ed
-night of the ?ed 8aunds' that "as .ir &ronside' and he brought "ith him three hundred
%nights' and there he did homage and fealty' and all these %nights to hold their lands of
him for ever( *nd then he as%ed .ir :areth to be his +arver( & "ill "ell' said .ir :areth'
an it please you(
)hen +ame into the +ourt thirty ladies' and all they seemed "ido"s' and those thirty
ladies brought "ith them many fair gentle"omen( *nd all they %neeled do"n at on+e
unto -ing *rthur and unto .ir :areth' and there all those ladies told the %ing ho" .ir
:areth delivered them from the dolorous to"er' and sle" the /ro"n -night "ithout $ity4
*nd therefore "e' and our heirs for evermore' "ill do homage unto .ir :areth of 9r%ney(
.o then the %ings and 6ueens' prin+es and earls' barons and many bold %nights' "ent unto
meat0 and "ell may ye "it there "ere all manner of meat plenteously' all manner revels
and games' "ith all manner of minstrelsy that "as used in those days( *lso there "as
great 7ousts three days( /ut the %ing "ould not suffer .ir :areth to 7oust' be+ause of his
ne" bride0 for' as the Fren+h boo% saith' that ,ame 8ionesse desired of the %ing that none
that "ere "edded should 7oust at that feast(
.o the first day there 7ousted .ir 8amora% de :alis' for he overthre" thirty %nights' and
did passing marvellously deeds of arms0 and then -ing *rthur made .ir $ersant and his
t"o brethren -nights of the ?ound )able to their lives1 end' and gave them great lands(
*lso the se+ond day there 7ousted )ristram best' and he overthre" forty %nights' and did
there marvellous deeds of arms( *nd there -ing *rthur made &ronside' that "as the ?ed
-night of the ?ed 8aunds' a -night of the )able ?ound to his life1s end' and gave him
great lands( )he third day there 7ousted .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and he overthre" fifty
%nights' and did many marvellous deeds of arms' that all men "ondered on him( *nd
there -ing *rthur made the ,u%e de la ?o"se a -night of the ?ound )able to his life1s
end' and gave him great lands to spend( /ut "hen these 7ousts "ere done' .ir 8amora%
and .ir )ristram departed suddenly' and "ould not be %no"n' for the "hi+h -ing *rthur
and all the +ourt "ere sore displeased( *nd so they held the +ourt forty days "ith great
solemnity( *nd this .ir :areth "as a noble %night' and a "ell<ruled' and fair<languaged(
)hus endeth this tale of .ir :areth of 9r%ney that "edded ,ame 8ionesse of the Castle
$erilous( *nd also .ir :aheris "edded her sister' ,ame 8inet' that "as +alled the
,amosel .abage( *nd .ir *grabaine "edded ,ame 8aurel' a fair lady and great' and
mighty lands "ith great ri+hes gave "ith them -ing *rthur' that royally they might live
till their lives1 end(
!ere follo"eth the viii( boo%' the "hi+h is the first boo% of .ir )ristram de 8iones' and
"ho "as his father and his mother' and ho" he "as born and fostered' and ho" he "as
made %night(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book +
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VIII! I"-"II! "III-"VI! "VII-""! ""I-
""IV! ""V-""I"! """-"""III! """IV-
"""VIII! """I"-"LI #
!o" .ir )ristram de 8iones "as born' and ho" his mother died at his birth' "herefore
she named him )ristram(
&) "as a %ing that hight Meliodas' and he "as lord and %ing of the +ountry of 8iones' and
this Meliodas "as a li%ely %night as any "as that time living( *nd by fortune he "edded
-ing Mar%1s sister of Corn"all' and she "as +alled EliAabeth' that "as +alled both good
and fair( *nd at that time -ing *rthur reigned' and he "as "hole %ing of England'
Wales' and .+otland' and of many other realms4 ho"beit there "ere many %ings that "ere
lords of many +ountries' but all they held their lands of -ing *rthur0 for in Wales "ere
t"o %ings' and in the north "ere many %ings0 and in Corn"all and in the "est "ere t"o
%ings0 also in &reland "ere t"o or three %ings' and all "ere under the obeissan+e of -ing
*rthur( .o "as the -ing of Fran+e' and the -ing of /rittany' and all the lordships unto
.o "hen this -ing Meliodas had been "ith his "ife' "ithin a "hile she "axed great "ith
+hild' and she "as a full mee% lady' and "ell she loved her lord' and he her again' so
there "as great 7oy bet"ixt them( )hen there "as a lady in that +ountry that had loved
-ing Meliodas long' and by no mean she never +ould get his love0 therefore she let
ordain upon a day' as -ing Meliodas rode a<hunting' for he "as a great +haser' and there
by an en+hantment she made him +hase an hart by himself alone till that he +ame to an
old +astle' and there anon he "as ta%en prisoner by the lady that him loved( When
EliAabeth' -ing Meliodas1 "ife' missed her lord' and she "as nigh out of her "it' and
also as great "ith +hild as she "as' she too% a gentle"oman "ith her' and ran into the
forest to see% her lord( *nd "hen she "as far in the forest she might no farther' for she
began to travail fast of her +hild( *nd she had many grimly throes0 her gentle"oman
helped her all that she might' and so by mira+le of 9ur 8ady of !eaven she "as delivered
"ith great pains( /ut she had ta%en su+h +old for the default of help that deep draughts of
death too% her' that needs she must die and depart out of this "orld0 there "as none other
*nd "hen this ;ueen EliAabeth sa" that there "as none other bote' then she made great
dole' and said unto her gentle"oman4 When ye see my lord' -ing Meliodas' re+ommend
me unto him' and tell him "hat pains & endure here for his love' and ho" & must die here
for his sa%e for default of good help0 and let him "it that & am full sorry to depart out of
this "orld from him' therefore pray him to be friend to my soul( 2o" let me see my little
+hild' for "hom & have had all this sorro"( *nd "hen she sa" him she said thus4 *h' my
little son' thou hast murdered thy mother' and therefore & suppose' thou that art a
murderer so young' thou art full li%ely to be a manly man in thine age( *nd be+ause &
shall die of the birth of thee' & +harge thee' gentle"oman' that thou pray my lord' -ing
Meliodas' that "hen he is +hristened let +all him )ristram' that is as mu+h to say as a
sorro"ful birth( *nd there"ith this 6ueen gave up the ghost and died( )hen the
gentle"oman laid her under an umbre of a great tree' and then she lapped the +hild as
"ell as she might for +old( ?ight so there +ame the barons' follo"ing after the 6ueen' and
"hen they sa" that she "as dead' and understood none other but the %ing "as destroyed'
[E then +ertain of them "ould have slain the +hild' be+ause they "ould have been lords
of the +ountry of 8iones(
[ E $rinted by William Caxton as part of +hap( ii
!o" the stepmother of .ir )ristram had ordained poison for to have poisoned .ir
/#) then through the fair spee+h of the gentle"oman' and by the means that she made'
the most part of the barons "ould not assent thereto( *nd then they let +arry home the
dead 6ueen' and mu+h dole "as made for her(
)hen this mean"hile Merlin delivered -ing Meliodas out of prison on the morn after his
6ueen "as dead( *nd so "hen the %ing "as +ome home the most part of the barons made
great 7oy( /ut the sorro" that the %ing made for his 6ueen that might no tongue tell( .o
then the %ing let inter her ri+hly' and after he let +hristen his +hild as his "ife had
+ommanded afore her death( *nd then he let +all him )ristram' the sorro"ful born +hild(
)hen the -ing Meliodas endured seven years "ithout a "ife' and all this time )ristram
"as nourished "ell( )hen it befell that -ing Meliodas "edded -ing !o"ell1s daughter of
/rittany' and anon she had +hildren of -ing Meliodas4 then "as she heavy and "roth that
her +hildren should not re7oi+e the +ountry of 8iones' "herefore this 6ueen ordained for
to poison young )ristram( .o she let poison be put in a pie+e of silver in the +hamber
"hereas )ristram and her +hildren "ere together' unto that intent that "hen )ristram
"ere thirsty he should drin% that drin%( *nd so it fell upon a day' the 6ueen1s son' as he
"as in that +hamber' espied the pie+e "ith poison' and he "eened it had been good drin%'
and be+ause the +hild "as thirsty he too% the pie+e "ith poison and dran% freely0 and
there"ithal suddenly the +hild brast and "as dead(
When the 6ueen of Meliodas "ist of the death of her son' "it ye "ell that she "as heavy(
/ut yet the %ing understood nothing of her treason( 2ot"ithstanding the 6ueen "ould not
leave this' but eft she let ordain more poison' and put it in a pie+e( *nd by fortune -ing
Meliodas' her husband' found the pie+e "ith "ine "here "as the poison' and he that "as
mu+h thirsty too% the pie+e for to drin% thereout( *nd as he "ould have drun%en thereof
the 6ueen espied him' and then she ran unto him' and pulled the pie+e from him suddenly(
)he %ing marvelled "hy she did so' and remembered him ho" her son "as suddenly slain
"ith poison( *nd then he too% her by the hand' and said4 )hou false traitress' thou shalt
tell me "hat manner of drin% this is' or else & shall slay thee( *nd there"ith he pulled out
his s"ord' and s"are a great oath that he should slay her but if she told him truth( *h@
mer+y' my lord' said she' and & shall tell you all( *nd then she told him "hy she "ould
have slain )ristram' be+ause her +hildren should re7oi+e his land( Well' said -ing
Meliodas' and therefore shall ye have the la"( *nd so she "as +ondemned by the assent
of the barons to be burnt0 and then "as there made a great fire' and right as she "as at the
fire to ta%e her exe+ution' young )ristram %neeled afore -ing Meliodas' and besought
him to give him a boon( & "ill "ell' said the %ing again( )hen said young )ristram' :ive
me the life of thy 6ueen' my stepmother( )hat is unrightfully as%ed' said -ing Meliodas'
for thou ought of right to hate her' for she "ould have slain thee "ith that poison an she
might have had her "ill0 and for thy sa%e most is my +ause that she should die(
.ir' said )ristram' as for that' & besee+h you of your mer+y that you "ill forgive it her'
and as for my part' :od forgive it her' and & do0 and so mu+h it li%ed your highness to
grant me my boon' for :od1s love & re6uire you hold your promise( .ithen it is so' said
the %ing' & "ill that ye have her life( )hen' said the %ing' & give her to you' and go ye to
the fire and ta%e her' and do "ith her "hat ye "ill( .o .ir )ristram "ent to the fire' and
by the +ommandment of the %ing delivered her from the death( /ut after that -ing
Meliodas "ould never have ado "ith her' as at bed and board( /ut by the good means of
young )ristram he made the %ing and her a++orded( /ut then the %ing "ould not suffer
young )ristram to abide no longer in his +ourt(
!o" .ir )ristram "as sent into Fran+e' and had one to govern him named :ouvernail'
and ho" he learned to harp' ha"%' and hunt(
*2, then he let ordain a gentleman that "as "ell learned and taught' his name "as
:ouvernail0 and then he sent young )ristram "ith :ouvernail into Fran+e to learn the
language' and nurture' and deeds of arms( *nd there "as )ristram more than seven years(
*nd then "hen he "ell +ould spea% the language' and had learned all that he might learn
in that +ountry' then he +ame home to his father' -ing Meliodas' again( *nd so )ristram
learned to be an harper passing all other' that there "as none su+h +alled in no +ountry'
and so on harping and on instruments of musi+ he applied him in his youth for to learn(
*nd after' as he gre" in might and strength' he laboured ever in hunting and in ha"%ing'
so that never gentleman more' that ever "e heard read of( *nd as the boo% saith' he began
good measures of blo"ing of beasts of venery' and beasts of +hase' and all manner of
vermin' and all these terms "e have yet of ha"%ing and hunting( *nd therefore the boo%
of venery' of ha"%ing' and hunting' is +alled the boo% of .ir )ristram( Wherefore' as
meseemeth' all gentlemen that bear old arms ought of right to honour .ir )ristram for the
goodly terms that gentlemen have and use' and shall to the day of doom' that thereby in a
manner all men of "orship may dissever a gentleman from a yeoman' and from a yeoman
a villain( For he that gentle is "ill dra" him unto gentle tat+hes' and to follo" the
+ustoms of noble gentlemen(
)hus .ir )ristram endured in Corn"all until he "as big and strong' of the age of eighteen
years( *nd then the -ing Meliodas had great 7oy of .ir )ristram' and so had the 6ueen'
his "ife( For ever after in her life' be+ause .ir )ristram saved her from the fire' she did
never hate him more after' but loved him ever after' and gave )ristram many great gifts0
for every estate loved him' "here that he "ent(
!o" .ir Marhaus +ame out of &reland for to as% truage of Corn"all' or else he "ould
fight therefore(
)!E2 it befell that -ing *nguish of &reland sent unto -ing Mar% of Corn"all for his
truage' that Corn"all had paid many "inters( *nd all that time -ing Mar% "as behind of
the truage for seven years( *nd -ing Mar% and his barons gave unto the messenger of
&reland these "ords and ans"er' that they "ould none pay0 and bade the messenger go
unto his -ing *nguish' and tell him "e "ill pay him no truage' but tell your lord' an he
"ill al"ays have truage of us of Corn"all' bid him send a trusty %night of his land' that
"ill fight for his right' and "e shall find another for to defend our right( With this ans"er
the messengers departed into &reland( *nd "hen -ing *nguish understood the ans"er of
the messengers he "as "onderly "roth( *nd then he +alled unto him .ir Marhaus' the
good %night' that "as nobly proved' and a -night of the )able ?ound( *nd this Marhaus
"as brother unto the 6ueen of &reland( )hen the %ing said thus4 Fair brother' .ir Marhaus'
& pray you go into Corn"all for my sa%e' and do battle for our truage that of right "e
ought to have0 and "hatsomever ye spend ye shall have suffi+iently' more than ye shall
need( .ir' said Marhaus' "it ye "ell that & shall not be loath to do battle in the right of
you and your land "ith the best %night of the )able ?ound0 for & %no" them' for the most
part' "hat be their deeds0 and for to advan+e my deeds and to in+rease my "orship & "ill
right gladly go unto this 7ourney for our right(
.o in all haste there "as made purveyan+e for .ir Marhaus' and he had all things that to
him needed0 and so he departed out of &reland' and arrived up in Corn"all even fast by
the Castle of )intagil( *nd "hen -ing Mar% understood that he "as there arrived to fight
for &reland' then made -ing Mar% great sorro" "hen he understood that the good and
noble %night .ir Marhaus "as +ome( For they %ne" no %night that durst have ado "ith
him( For at that time .ir Marhaus "as +alled one of the famousest and reno"ned %nights
of the "orld( *nd thus .ir Marhaus abode in the sea' and every day he sent unto -ing
Mar% for to pay the truage that "as behind of seven year' other else to find a %night to
fight "ith him for the truage( )his manner of message .ir Marhaus sent daily unto -ing
)hen they of Corn"all let ma%e +ries in every pla+e' that "hat %night "ould fight for to
save the truage of Corn"all' he should be re"arded so that he should fare the better' term
of his life( )hen some of the barons said to -ing Mar%' and +ounselled him to send to the
+ourt of -ing *rthur for to see% .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' that "as that time named for the
marvelloust %night of all the "orld( )hen there "ere some other barons that +ounselled
the %ing not to do so' and said that it "as labour in vain' be+ause .ir Marhaus "as a
%night of the ?ound )able' therefore any of them "ill be loath to have ado "ith other' but
if it "ere any %night at his o"n re6uest "ould fight disguised and un%no"n( .o the %ing
and all his barons assented that it "as no bote to see% any %night of the ?ound )able(
)his mean "hile +ame the language and the noise unto -ing Meliodas' ho" that .ir
Marhaus abode battle fast by )intagil' and ho" -ing Mar% +ould find no manner %night
to fight for him( When young )ristram heard of this he "as "roth' and sore ashamed that
there durst no %night in Corn"all have ado "ith .ir Marhaus of &reland(
!o" )ristram enterpriAed the battle to fight for the truage of Corn"all' and ho" he "as
made %night(
)!E?EW&)!*8 )ristram "ent unto his father' -ing Meliodas' and as%ed him +ounsel
"hat "as best to do for to re+over Corn"all from truage( For' as meseemeth' said .ir
)ristram' it "ere shame that .ir Marhaus' the 6ueen1s brother of &reland' should go a"ay
unless that he "ere foughten "ithal( *s for that' said -ing Meliodas' "it you "ell' son
)ristram' that .ir Marhaus is +alled one of the best %nights of the "orld' and -night of
the )able ?ound0 and therefore & %no" no %night in this +ountry that is able to mat+h "ith
him( *las' said .ir )ristram' that & am not made %night0 and if .ir Marhaus should thus
depart into &reland' :od let me never have "orship4 an & "ere made %night & should
mat+h him( *nd sir' said )ristram' & pray you give me leave to ride to -ing Mar%0 and' so
ye be not displeased' of -ing Mar% "ill & be made %night( & "ill "ell' said -ing
Meliodas' that ye be ruled as your +ourage "ill rule you( )hen .ir )ristram than%ed his
father mu+h( *nd then he made him ready to ride into Corn"all(
&n the mean"hile there +ame a messenger "ith letters of love from -ing Faramon of
Fran+e1s daughter unto .ir )ristram' that "ere full piteous letters' and in them "ere
"ritten many +omplaints of love0 but .ir )ristram had no 7oy of her letters nor regard
unto her( *lso she sent him a little bra+het that "as passing fair( /ut "hen the %ing1s
daughter understood that .ir )ristram "ould not love her' as the boo% saith' she died for
sorro"( *nd then the same s6uire that brought the letter and the bra+het +ame again unto
.ir )ristram' as after ye shall hear in the tale(
.o this young .ir )ristram rode unto his eme' -ing Mar% of Corn"all( *nd "hen he
+ame there he heard say that there "ould no %night fight "ith .ir Marhaus( )hen yede .ir
)ristram unto his eme and said4 .ir' if ye "ill give me the order of %nighthood' & "ill do
battle "ith .ir Marhaus( What are ye' said the %ing' and from "hen+e be ye +ome3 .ir'
said )ristram' & +ome from -ing Meliodas that "edded your sister' and a gentleman "it
ye "ell & am( -ing Mar% beheld .ir )ristram and sa" that he "as but a young man of
age' but he "as passingly "ell made and big( Fair sir' said the %ing' "hat is your name'
and "here "ere ye born3 .ir' said he again' my name is )ristram' and in the +ountry of
8iones "as & born( >e say "ell' said the %ing0 and if ye "ill do this battle & shall ma%e
you %night( )herefore & +ome to you' said .ir )ristram' and for none other +ause( /ut then
-ing Mar% made him %night( *nd there"ithal' anon as he had made him %night' he sent a
messenger unto .ir Marhaus "ith letters that said that he had found a young %night ready
for to ta%e the battle to the uttermost( &t may "ell be' said .ir Marhaus0 but tell -ing
Mar% & "ill not fight "ith no %night but he be of blood royal' that is to say' other %ing1s
son' other 6ueen1s son' born of a prin+e or prin+ess(
When -ing Mar% understood that' he sent for .ir )ristram de 8iones and told him "hat
"as the ans"er of .ir Marhaus( )hen said .ir )ristram4 .ithen that he saith so' let him
"it that & am +ome of father side and mother side of as noble blood as he is4 for' sir' no"
shall ye %no" that & am -ing Meliodas1 son' born of your o"n sister' ,ame EliAabeth'
that died in the forest in the birth of me( 9 5esu' said -ing Mar%' ye are "el+ome fair
nephe" to me( )hen in all the haste the %ing let horse .ir )ristram' and armed him in the
best manner that might be had or gotten for gold or silver( *nd then -ing Mar% sent unto
.ir Marhaus' and did him to "it that a better born man than he "as himself should fight
"ith him' and his name is .ir )ristram de 8iones' gotten of -ing Meliodas' and born of
-ing Mar%1s sister( )hen "as .ir Marhaus glad and blithe that he should fight "ith su+h
a gentleman( *nd so by the assent of -ing Mar% and of .ir Marhaus they let ordain that
they should fight "ithin an island nigh .ir Marhaus1 ships0 and so "as .ir )ristram put
into a vessel both his horse and he' and all that to him longed both for his body and for
his horse( .ir )ristram la+%ed nothing( *nd "hen -ing Mar% and his barons of Corn"all
beheld ho" young .ir )ristram departed "ith su+h a +arriage to fight for the right of
Corn"all' there "as neither man nor "oman of "orship but they "ept to see and
understand so young a %night to 7eopardy himself for their right(
!o" .ir )ristram arrived into the &sland for to furnish the battle "ith .ir Marhaus(
.9 to shorten this tale' "hen .ir )ristram "as arrived "ithin the island he loo%ed to the
farther side' and there he sa" at an an+hor six ships nigh to the land0 and under the
shado" of the ships upon the land' there hoved the noble %night' .ir Marhaus of &reland(
)hen .ir )ristram +ommanded his servant :ouvernail to bring his horse to the land' and
dress his harness at all manner of rights( *nd then "hen he had so done he mounted upon
his horse0 and "hen he "as in his saddle "ell apparelled' and his shield dressed upon his
shoulder' )ristram as%ed :ouvernail' Where is this %night that & shall have ado "ithal3
.ir' said :ouvernail' see ye him not3 & "eened ye had seen him0 yonder he hoveth under
the umbre of his ships on horseba+%' "ith his spear in his hand and his shield upon his
shoulder( )hat is truth' said the noble %night' .ir )ristram' no" & see him "ell enough(
)hen he +ommanded his servant :ouvernail to go to his vessel again4 *nd +ommend me
unto mine eme -ing Mar%' and pray him' if that & be slain in this battle' for to inter my
body as him seemed best0 and as for me' let him "it that & "ill never yield me for
+o"ardi+e0 and if & be slain and flee not' then they have lost no truage for me0 and if so be
that & flee or yield me as re+reant' bid mine eme never bury me in Christian burials( *nd
upon thy life' said .ir )ristram to :ouvernail' +ome thou not nigh this island till that thou
see me over+ome or slain' or else that & "in yonder %night( .o either departed from other
sore "eeping(
!o" .ir )ristram fought against .ir Marhaus and a+hieved his battle' and ho" .ir
Marhaus fled to his ship(
*2, then .ir Marhaus avised .ir )ristram' and said thus4 >oung %night' .ir )ristram'
"hat dost thou here3 me sore repenteth of thy +ourage' for "it thou "ell & have been
assayed' and the best %nights of this land have been assayed of my hand0 and also & have
mat+hed "ith the best %nights of the "orld' and therefore by my +ounsel return again
unto thy vessel( *nd fair %night' and "ell<proved %night' said .ir )ristram' thou shalt
"ell "it & may not forsa%e thee in this 6uarrel' for & am for thy sa%e made %night( *nd
thou shalt "ell "it that & am a %ing1s son born' and gotten upon a 6ueen0 and su+h
promise & have made at my un+le1s re6uest and mine o"n see%ing' that & shall fight "ith
thee unto the uttermost' and deliver Corn"all from the old truage( *nd also "it thou "ell'
.ir Marhaus' that this is the greatest +ause that thou +ouragest me to have ado "ith thee'
for thou art +alled one of the most reno"ned %nights of the "orld' and be+ause of that
noise and fame that thou hast thou givest me +ourage to have ado "ith thee' for never yet
"as & proved "ith good %night0 and sithen & too% the order of %nighthood this day' & am
"ell pleased that & may have ado "ith so good a %night as thou art( *nd no" "it thou
"ell' .ir Marhaus' that & +ast me to get "orship on thy body0 and if that & be not proved' &
trust to :od that & shall be "orshipfully proved upon thy body' and to deliver the +ountry
of Corn"all for ever from all manner of truage from &reland for ever(
When .ir Marhaus had heard him say "hat he "ould' he said then thus again4 Fair
%night' sithen it is so that thou +astest to "in "orship of me' & let thee "it "orship may
thou none lose by me if thou mayest stand me three stro%es0 for & let thee "it for my
noble deeds' proved and seen' -ing *rthur made me -night of the )able ?ound(
)hen they began to feutre their spears' and they met so fier+ely together that they smote
either other do"n' both horse and all( /ut .ir Marhaus smote .ir )ristram a great "ound
in the side "ith his spear' and then they avoided their horses' and pulled out their s"ords'
and thre" their shields afore them( *nd then they lashed together as men that "ere "ild
and +ourageous( *nd "hen they had stri+%en so together long' then they left their stro%es'
and foined at their breaths and visors0 and "hen they sa" that that might not prevail
them' then they hurtled together li%e rams to bear either other do"n( )hus they fought
still more than half a day' and either "ere "ounded passing sore' that the blood ran do"n
freshly from them upon the ground( /y then .ir )ristram "axed more fresher than .ir
Marhaus' and better "inded and bigger0 and "ith a mighty stro%e he smote .ir Marhaus
upon the helm su+h a buffet that it "ent through his helm' and through the +oif of steel'
and through the brain<pan' and the s"ord stu+% so fast in the helm and in his brain<pan
that .ir )ristram pulled thri+e at his s"ord or ever he might pull it out from his head0 and
there Marhaus fell do"n on his %nees' the edge of )ristram1s s"ord left in his brain<pan(
*nd suddenly .ir Marhaus rose grovelling' and thre" his s"ord and his shield from him'
and so ran to his ships and fled his "ay' and .ir )ristram had ever his shield and his
*nd "hen .ir )ristram sa" .ir Marhaus "ithdra" him' he said4 *h@ .ir -night of the
?ound )able' "hy "ithdra"est thou thee3 thou dost thyself and thy %in great shame' for &
am but a young %night' or no" & "as never proved' and rather than & should "ithdra" me
from thee' & had rather be he"n in an hundred pie+es( .ir Marhaus ans"ered no "ord but
yede his "ay sore groaning( Well' .ir -night' said .ir )ristram' & promise thee thy s"ord
and thy shield shall be mine0 and thy shield shall & "ear in all pla+es "here & ride on mine
adventures' and in the sight of -ing *rthur and all the ?ound )able(
!o" .ir Marhaus after that he "as arrived in &reland died of the stro%e that .ir )ristram
had given him' and ho" )ristram "as hurt(
*292 .ir Marhaus and his fello"ship departed into &reland( *nd as soon as he +ame to
the %ing' his brother' he let sear+h his "ounds( *nd "hen his head "as sear+hed a pie+e
of .ir )ristram1s s"ord "as found therein' and might never be had out of his head for no
surgeons' and so he died of .ir )ristram1s s"ord0 and that pie+e of the s"ord the 6ueen'
his sister' %ept it for ever "ith her' for she thought to be revenged an she might(
2o" turn "e again unto .ir )ristram' that "as sore "ounded' and full sore bled that he
might not "ithin a little "hile' "hen he had ta%en +old' unnethe stir him of his limbs(
*nd then he set him do"n softly upon a little hill' and bled fast( )hen anon +ame
:ouvernail' his man' "ith his vessel0 and the %ing and his barons +ame "ith pro+ession
against him( *nd "hen he "as +ome unto the land' -ing Mar% too% him in his arms' and
the %ing and .ir ,inas' the senes+hal' led .ir )ristram into the +astle of )intagil( *nd
then "as he sear+hed in the best manner' and laid in his bed( *nd "hen -ing Mar% sa"
his "ounds he "ept heartily' and so did all his lords( .o :od me help' said -ing Mar%' &
"ould not for all my lands that my nephe" died( .o .ir )ristram lay there a month and
more' and ever he "as li%e to die of that stro%e that .ir Marhaus smote him first "ith the
spear( For' as the Fren+h boo% saith' the spear1s head "as envenomed' that .ir )ristram
might not be "hole( )hen "as -ing Mar% and all his barons passing heavy' for they
deemed none other but that .ir )ristram should not re+over( )hen the %ing let send after
all manner of lee+hes and surgeons' both unto men and "omen' and there "as none that
"ould behote him the life( )hen +ame there a lady that "as a right "ise lady' and she said
plainly unto -ing Mar%' and to .ir )ristram' and to all his barons' that he should never be
"hole but if .ir )ristram "ent in the same +ountry that the venom +ame from' and in that
+ountry should he be holpen or else never( )hus said the lady unto the %ing(
When -ing Mar% understood that' he let purvey for .ir )ristram a fair vessel' "ell
vi+tualled' and therein "as put .ir )ristram' and :ouvernail "ith him' and .ir )ristram
too% his harp "ith him' and so he "as put into the sea to sail into &reland0 and so by good
fortune he arrived up in &reland' even fast by a +astle "here the %ing and the 6ueen "as0
and at his arrival he sat and harped in his bed a merry lay' su+h one heard they never none
in &reland before that time(
*nd "hen it "as told the %ing and the 6ueen of su+h a %night that "as su+h an harper'
anon the %ing sent for him' and let sear+h his "ounds' and then as%ed him his name( )hen
he ans"ered' & am of the +ountry of 8iones' and my name is )ramtrist' that thus "as
"ounded in a battle as & fought for a lady1s right( .o :od me help' said -ing *nguish' ye
shall have all the help in this land that ye may have here0 but & let you "it' in Corn"all &
had a great loss as ever had %ing' for there & lost the best %night of the "orld0 his name
"as Marhaus' a full noble %night' and -night of the )able ?ound0 and there he told .ir
)ristram "herefore .ir Marhaus "as slain( .ir )ristram made semblant as he had been
sorry' and better %ne" he ho" it "as than the %ing(
!o" .ir )ristram "as put to the %eeping of 8a /eale &soud first for to be healed of his
)!E2 the %ing for great favour made )ramtrist to be put in his daughter1s "ard and
%eeping' be+ause she "as a noble surgeon( *nd "hen she had sear+hed him she found in
the bottom of his "ound that therein "as poison' and so she healed him "ithin a "hile0
and therefore )ramtrist +ast great love to 8a /eale &soud' for she "as at that time the
fairest maid and lady of the "orld( *nd there )ramtrist learned her to harp' and she began
to have a great fantasy unto him( *nd at that time .ir $alamides' the .ara+en' "as in that
+ountry' and "ell +herished "ith the %ing and the 6ueen( *nd every day .ir $alamides
dre" unto 8a /eale &soud and proffered her many gifts' for he loved her passingly "ell(
*ll that espied )ramtrist' and full "ell %ne" he .ir $alamides for a noble %night and a
mighty man( *nd "it you "ell .ir )ramtrist had great despite at .ir $alamides' for 8a
/eale &soud told )ramtrist that $alamides "as in "ill to be +hristened for her sa%e( )hus
"as there great envy bet"ixt )ramtrist and .ir $alamides(
)hen it befell that -ing *nguish let +ry a great 7ousts and a great tournament for a lady
that "as +alled the 8ady of the 8aunds' and she "as nigh +ousin unto the %ing( *nd "hat
man "on her' three days after he should "ed her and have all her lands( )his +ry "as
made in England' Wales' .+otland' and also in Fran+e and in /rittany( &t befell upon a
day 8a /eale &soud +ame unto .ir )ramtrist' and told him of this tournament( !e
ans"ered and said4 Fair lady' & am but a feeble %night' and but late & had been dead had
not your good ladyship been( 2o"' fair lady' "hat "ould ye & should do in this matter3
"ell ye "ot' my lady' that & may not 7oust( *h' )ramtrist' said 8a /eale &soud' "hy "ill
ye not have ado at that tournament3 "ell & "ot .ir $alamides shall be there' and to do
"hat he may0 and therefore )ramtrist' & pray you for to be there' for else .ir $alamides is
li%e to "in the degree( Madam' said )ramtrist' as for that' it may be so' for he is a proved
%night' and & am but a young %night and late made0 and the first battle that & did it
mishapped me to be sore "ounded as ye see( /ut an & "ist ye "ould be my better lady' at
that tournament & "ill be' so that ye "ill %eep my +ounsel and let no +reature have
%no"ledge that & shall 7oust but yourself' and su+h as ye "ill to %eep your +ounsel' my
poor person shall & 7eopard there for your sa%e' that' peradventure' .ir $alamides shall
%no" "hen that & +ome( )hereto' said 8a /eale &soud' do your best' and as & +an' said 8a
/eale &soud' & shall purvey horse and armour for you at my devi+e( *s ye "ill so be it'
said .ir )ramtrist' & "ill be at your +ommandment(
.o at the day of 7ousts there +ame .ir $alamides "ith a bla+% shield' and he overthre"
many %nights' that all the people had marvel of him( For he put to the "orse .ir :a"aine'
:aheris' *gravaine' /agdemagus' -ay' ,odinas le .avage' .agramore le ,esirous'
:umret le $etit' and :riflet le Fise de ,ieu( *ll these the first day .ir $alamides stru+%
do"n to the earth( *nd then all manner of %nights "ere adread of .ir $alamides' and
many +alled him the -night "ith the /la+% .hield( .o that day .ir $alamides had great
)hen +ame -ing *nguish unto )ramtrist' and as%ed him "hy he "ould not 7oust( .ir' he
said' & "as but late hurt' and as yet & dare not adventure me( )hen +ame there the same
s6uire that "as sent from the %ing1s daughter of Fran+e unto .ir )ristram( *nd "hen he
had espied .ir )ristram he fell flat to his feet( *ll that espied 8a /eale &soud' "hat
+ourtesy the s6uire made unto .ir )ristram( *nd there"ithal suddenly .ir )ristram ran
unto his s6uire' "hose name "as !ebes le ?enoumes' and prayed him heartily in no "ise
to tell his name( .ir' said !ebes' & "ill not dis+over your name but if ye +ommand me(
!o" .ir )ristram "on the degree at a tournament in &reland' and there made $alamides to
bear no more harness in a year(
)!E2 .ir )ristram as%ed him "hat he did in those +ountries( .ir' he said' & +ame hither
"ith .ir :a"aine for to be made %night' and if it please you' of your hands that & may be
made %night( *"ait upon me as to<morn se+retly' and in the field & shall ma%e you a
)hen had 8a /eale &soud great suspi+ion unto )ramtrist' that he "as some man of
"orship proved' and there"ith she +omforted herself' and +ast more love unto him than
she had done tofore( *nd so on the morn .ir $alamides made him ready to +ome into the
field as he did the first day( *nd there he smote do"n the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights' and the -ing of .+ots( )hen had 8a /eale &soud ordained and "ell arrayed .ir
)ristram in "hite horse and harness( *nd right so she let put him out at a privy postern'
and so he +ame into the field as it had been a bright angel( *nd anon .ir $alamides espied
him' and there"ith he feutred a spear unto .ir )ramtrist' and he again unto him( *nd
there .ir )ristram smote do"n .ir $alamides unto the earth( *nd then there "as a great
noise of people4 some said .ir $alamides had a fall' some said the -night "ith the /la+%
.hield had a fall( *nd "it you "ell 8a /eale &soud "as passing glad( *nd then .ir
:a"aine and his fello"s nine had marvel "hat %night it might be that had smitten do"n
.ir $alamides( )hen "ould there none 7oust "ith )ramtrist' but all that there "ere forsoo%
him' most and least( )hen .ir )ristram made !ebes a %night' and +aused him to put
himself forth' and did right "ell that day( .o after .ir !ebes held him "ith .ir )ristram(
*nd "hen .ir $alamides had re+eived this fall' "it ye "ell that he "as sore ashamed' and
as privily as he might he "ithdre" him out of the field( *ll that espied .ir )ristram' and
lightly he rode after .ir $alamides and overtoo% him' and bade him turn' for better he
"ould assay him or ever he departed( )hen .ir $alamides turned him' and either lashed at
other "ith their s"ords( /ut at the first stro%e .ir )ristram smote do"n $alamides' and
gave him su+h a stro%e upon the head that he fell to the earth( .o then )ristram bade yield
him' and do his +ommandment' or else he "ould slay him( When .ir $alamides beheld
his +ountenan+e' he dread his buffets so' that he granted all his as%ings( Well said' said
.ir )ristram' this shall be your +harge( First' upon pain of your life that ye forsa%e my
lady 8a /eale &soud' and in no manner "ise that ye dra" not to her( *lso this
t"elvemonth and a day that ye bear none armour nor none harness of "ar( 2o" promise
me this' or here shalt thou die( *las' said $alamides' for ever am & ashamed( )hen he
s"are as .ir )ristram had +ommanded him( )hen for despite and anger .ir $alamides +ut
off his harness' and thre" them a"ay(
*nd so .ir )ristram turned again to the +astle "here "as 8a /eale &soud0 and by the "ay
he met "ith a damosel that as%ed after .ir 8aun+elot' that "on the ,olorous :uard
"orshipfully0 and this damosel as%ed .ir )ristram "hat he "as( For it "as told her that it
"as he that smote do"n .ir $alamides' by "hom the ten %nights of -ing *rthur1s "ere
smitten do"n( )hen the damosel prayed .ir )ristram to tell her "hat he "as' and "hether
that he "ere .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' for she deemed that there "as no %night in the "orld
might do su+h deeds of arms but if it "ere 8aun+elot( Fair damosel' said .ir )ristram' "it
ye "ell that & am not .ir 8aun+elot' for & "as never of su+h pro"ess' but in :od is all that
he may ma%e me as good a %night as the good %night .ir 8aun+elot( 2o"' gentle %night'
said she' put up thy visor0 and "hen she beheld his visage she thought she sa" never a
better man1s visage' nor a better faring %night( *nd then "hen the damosel %ne"
+ertainly that he "as not .ir 8aun+elot' then she too% her leave' and departed from him(
*nd then .ir )ristram rode privily unto the postern' "here %ept him 8a /eale &soud' and
there she made him good +heer' and than%ed :od of his good speed( .o anon' "ithin a
"hile the %ing and the 6ueen understood that it "as )ramtrist that smote do"n .ir
$alamides0 then "as he mu+h made of' more than he "as before(
!o" the 6ueen espied that .ir )ristram had slain her brother .ir Marhaus by his s"ord'
and in "hat 7eopardy he "as(
)!#. "as .ir )ramtrist long there "ell +herished "ith the %ing and the 6ueen' and
namely "ith 8a /eale &soud( .o upon a day the 6ueen and 8a /eale &soud made a bain
for .ir )ramtrist( *nd "hen he "as in his bain the 6ueen and &soud' her daughter' roamed
up and do"n in the +hamber0 and there"hiles :ouvernail and !ebes attended upon
)ramtrist' and the 6ueen beheld his s"ord thereas it lay upon his bed( *nd then by unhap
the 6ueen dre" out his s"ord and beheld it a long "hile' and both they thought it a
passing fair s"ord0 but "ithin a foot and an half of the point there "as a great pie+e
thereof out<bro%en of the edge( *nd "hen the 6ueen espied that gap in the s"ord' she
remembered her of a pie+e of a s"ord that "as found in the brain<pan of .ir Marhaus' the
good %night that "as her brother( *las then' said she unto her daughter' 8a /eale &soud'
this is the same traitor %night that sle" my brother' thine eme( When &soud heard her say
so she "as passing sore abashed' for passing "ell she loved )ramtrist' and full "ell she
%ne" the +ruelness of her mother the 6ueen(
*non there"ithal the 6ueen "ent unto her o"n +hamber' and sought her +offer' and there
she too% out the pie+e or the s"ord that "as pulled out of .ir Marhaus1 head after that he
"as dead( *nd then she ran "ith that pie+e of iron to the s"ord that lay upon the bed(
*nd "hen she put that pie+e of steel and iron unto the s"ord' it "as as meet as it might
be "hen it "as ne" bro%en( *nd then the 6ueen gripped that s"ord in her hand fier+ely'
and "ith all her might she ran straight upon )ramtrist "here he sat in his bain' and there
she had rived him through had not .ir !ebes gotten her in his arms' and pulled the s"ord
from her' and else she had thrust him through(
)hen "hen she "as let of her evil "ill she ran to the -ing *nguish' her husband' and said
on her %nees4 9 my lord' here have ye in your house that traitor %night that sle" my
brother and your servant' that noble %night' .ir Marhaus( Who is that' said -ing *nguish'
and "here is he3 .ir' she said' it is .ir )ramtrist' the same %night that my daughter
healed( *las' said the %ing' therefore am & right heavy' for he is a full noble %night as ever
& sa" in field( /ut & +harge you' said the %ing to the 6ueen' that ye have not ado "ith that
%night' but let me deal "ith him(
)hen the %ing "ent into the +hamber unto .ir )ramtrist' and then "as he gone unto his
+hamber' and the %ing found him all ready armed to mount upon his horse( When the
%ing sa" him all ready armed to go unto horseba+%' the %ing said4 2ay' )ramtrist' it "ill
not avail to +ompare thee against me0 but thus mu+h & shall do for my "orship and for thy
love0 in so mu+h as thou art "ithin my +ourt it "ere no "orship for me to slay thee4
therefore upon this +ondition & "ill give thee leave for to depart from this +ourt in safety'
so thou "ilt tell me "ho "as thy father' and "hat is thy name' and if thou sle" .ir
Marhaus' my brother(
!o" .ir )ristram departed from the %ing and 8a /eale &soud out of &reland for to +ome
into Corn"all(
.&?' said )ristram' no" & shall tell you all the truth4 my father1s name is .ir Meliodas'
-ing of 8iones' and my mother hight EliAabeth' that "as sister unto -ing Mar% of
Corn"all0 and my mother died of me in the forest' and be+ause thereof she +ommanded'
or she died' that "hen & "ere +hristened they should +hristen me )ristram0 and be+ause &
"ould not be %no"n in this +ountry & turned my name and let me +all )ramtrist0 and for
the truage of Corn"all & fought for my eme1s sa%e' and for the right of Corn"all that ye
had posseded many years( *nd "it ye "ell' said )ristram unto the %ing' & did the battle
for the love of mine un+le' -ing Mar%' and for the love of the +ountry of Corn"all' and
for to in+rease mine honour0 for that same day that & fought "ith .ir Marhaus & "as made
%night' and never or then did & battle "ith no %night' and from me he "ent alive' and left
his shield and his s"ord behind(
.o :od me help' said the %ing' & may not say but ye did as a %night should' and it "as
your part to do for your 6uarrel' and to in+rease your "orship as a %night should0 ho"beit
& may not maintain you in this +ountry "ith my "orship' unless that & should displease
my barons' and my "ife and her %in( .ir' said )ristram' & than% you of your good lordship
that & have had "ith you here' and the great goodness my lady' your daughter' hath
she"ed me' and therefore' said .ir )ristram' it may so happen that ye shall "in more by
my life than by my death' for in the parts of England it may happen & may do you servi+e
at some season' that ye shall be glad that ever ye she"ed me your good lordship( With
more & promise you as & am true %night' that in all pla+es & shall be my lady your
daughter1s servant and %night in right and in "rong' and & shall never fail her' to do as
mu+h as a %night may do( *lso & besee+h your good gra+e that & may ta%e my leave at my
lady' your daughter' and at all the barons and %nights( & "ill "ell' said the %ing(
)hen .ir )ristram "ent unto 8a /eale &soud and too% his leave of her( *nd then he told
her all' "hat he "as' and ho" he had +hanged his name be+ause he "ould not be %no"n'
and ho" a lady told him that he should never be "hole till he +ame into this +ountry
"here the poison "as made' "herethrough & "as near my death had not your ladyship
been( 9 gentle %night' said 8a /eale &soud' full "oe am & of thy departing' for & sa"
never man that & o"ed so good "ill to( *nd there"ithal she "ept heartily( Madam' said
.ir )ristram' ye shall understand that my name is .ir )ristram de 8iones' gotten of -ing
Meliodas' and born of his 6ueen( *nd & promise you faithfully that & shall be all the days
of my life your %night( :ramer+y' said 8a /eale &soud' and & promise you there<against
that & shall not be married this seven years but by your assent0 and to "hom that ye "ill &
shall be married to him "ill & have' and he "ill have me if ye "ill +onsent(
*nd then .ir )ristram gave her a ring' and she gave him another0 and there"ith he
departed from her' leaving her ma%ing great dole and lamentation0 and he straight "ent
unto the +ourt among all the barons' and there he too% his leave at most and least' and
openly he said among them all4 Fair lords' no" it is so that & must depart4 if there be any
man here that & have offended unto' or that any man be "ith me grieved' let +omplain him
here afore me or that ever & depart' and & shall amend it unto my po"er( *nd if there be
any that "ill proffer me "rong' or say of me "rong or shame behind my ba+%' say it no"
or never' and here is my body to ma%e it good' body against body( *nd all they stood
still' there "as not one that "ould say one "ord0 yet "ere there some %nights that "ere of
the 6ueen1s blood' and of .ir Marhaus1 blood' but they "ould not meddle "ith him(
!o" .ir )ristram and -ing Mar% hurted ea+h other for the love of a %night1s "ife(
.9 .ir )ristram departed' and too% the sea' and "ith good "ind he arrived up at )intagil
in Corn"all0 and "hen -ing Mar% "as "hole in his prosperity there +ame tidings that .ir
)ristram "as arrived' and "hole of his "ounds4 thereof "as -ing Mar% passing glad' and
so "ere all the barons0 and "hen he sa" his time he rode unto his father' -ing Meliodas'
and there he had all the +heer that the %ing and the 6ueen +ould ma%e him( *nd then
largely -ing Meliodas and his 6ueen departed of their lands and goods to .ir )ristram(
)hen by the li+ense of -ing Meliodas' his father' he returned again unto the +ourt of -ing
Mar%' and there he lived in great 7oy long time' until at the last there befell a 7ealousy and
an un%indness bet"ixt -ing Mar% and .ir )ristram' for they loved both one lady( *nd
she "as an earl1s "ife that hight .ir .eg"arides( *nd this lady loved .ir )ristram
passingly "ell( *nd he loved her again' for she "as a passing fair lady' and that espied
.ir )ristram "ell( )hen -ing Mar% understood that and "as 7ealous' for -ing Mar% loved
her passingly "ell(
.o it fell upon a day this lady sent a d"arf unto .ir )ristram' and bade him' as he loved
her' that he "ould be "ith her the night next follo"ing( *lso she +harged you that ye
+ome not to her but if ye be "ell armed' for her lover "as +alled a good %night( .ir
)ristram ans"ered to the d"arf4 ?e+ommend me unto my lady' and tell her & "ill not fail
but & "ill be "ith her the term that she hath set me( *nd "ith this ans"er the d"arf
departed( *nd -ing Mar% espied that the d"arf "as "ith .ir )ristram upon message from
.eg"arides1 "ife0 then -ing Mar% sent for the d"arf' and "hen he "as +ome he made
the d"arf by for+e to tell him all' "hy and "herefore that he +ame on message from .ir
)ristram( 2o"' said -ing Mar%' go "here thou "ilt' and upon pain of death that thou say
no "ord that thou spa%est "ith me0 so the d"arf departed from the %ing(
*nd that same night that the steven "as set bet"ixt .eg"arides1 "ife and .ir )ristram'
-ing Mar% armed him' and made him ready' and too% t"o %nights of his +ounsel "ith
him0 and so he rode afore for to abide by the "ay for to "ait upon .ir )ristram( *nd as
.ir )ristram +ame riding upon his "ay "ith his spear in his hand' -ing Mar% +ame
hurtling upon him "ith his t"o %nights suddenly( *nd all three smote him "ith their
spears' and -ing Mar% hurt .ir )ristram on the breast right sore( *nd then .ir )ristram
feutred his spear' and smote his un+le' -ing Mar%' so sore' that he rashed him to the
earth' and bruised him that he lay still in a s"oon' and long it "as or ever he might "ield
himself( *nd then he ran to the one %night' and eft to the other' and smote them to the
+old earth' that they lay still( *nd there"ithal .ir )ristram rode forth sore "ounded to the
lady' and found her abiding him at a postern(
!o" .ir )ristram lay "ith the lady' and ho" her husband fought "ith .ir )ristram(
*2, there she "el+omed him fair' and either halsed other in arms' and so she let put up
his horse in the best "ise' and then she unarmed him( *nd so they supped lightly' and
"ent to bed "ith great 7oy and pleasaun+e0 and so in his raging he too% no %eep of his
green "ound that -ing Mar% had given him( *nd so .ir )ristram be<bled both the over
sheet and the nether' and pillo"s' and head sheet( *nd "ithin a "hile there +ame one
afore' that "arned her that her lord "as near<hand "ithin a bo"<draught( .o she made .ir
)ristram to arise' and so he armed him' and too% his horse' and so departed( /y then "as
+ome .eg"arides' her lord' and "hen he found her bed troubled and bro%en' and "ent
near and beheld it by +andle light' then he sa" that there had lain a "ounded %night( *h'
false traitress' then he said' "hy hast thou betrayed me3 *nd there"ithal he s"ang out a
s"ord' and said4 /ut if thou tell me "ho hath been here' here thou shalt die( *h' my lord'
mer+y' said the lady' and held up her hands' saying4 .lay me not' and & shall tell you all
"ho hath been here( )ell anon' said .eg"arides' to me all the truth( *non for dread she
said4 !ere "as .ir )ristram "ith me' and by the "ay as he +ame to me "ard' he "as sore
"ounded( *h' false traitress' said .eg"arides' "here is he be+ome3 .ir' she said' he is
armed' and departed on horseba+%' not yet hen+e half a mile( >e say "ell' said
)hen he armed him lightly' and gat his horse' and rode after .ir )ristram that rode
straight"ay unto )intagil( *nd "ithin a "hile he overtoo% .ir )ristram' and then he bade
him' )urn' false traitor %night( *nd .ir )ristram anon turned him against him( *nd
there"ithal .eg"arides smote .ir )ristram "ith a spear that it all to<brast0 and then he
s"ang out his s"ord and smote fast at .ir )ristram( .ir %night' said .ir )ristram' &
+ounsel you that ye smite no more' ho"beit for the "rongs that & have done you & "ill
forbear you as long as & may( 2ay' said .eg"arides' that shall not be' for either thou shalt
die or &(
)hen .ir )ristram dre" out his s"ord' and hurtled his horse unto him fier+ely' and
through the "aist of the body he smote .ir .eg"arides that he fell to the earth in a s"oon(
*nd so .ir )ristram departed and left him there( *nd so he rode unto )intagil and too%
his lodging se+retly' for he "ould not be %no"n that he "as hurt( *lso .ir .eg"arides1
men rode after their master' "hom they found lying in the field sore "ounded' and
brought him home on his shield' and there he lay long or that he "ere "hole' but at the
last he re+overed( *lso -ing Mar% "ould not be a%no"n of that .ir )ristram and he had
met that night( *nd as for .ir )ristram' he %ne" not that -ing Mar% had met "ith him(
*nd so the %ing as%an+e +ame to .ir )ristram' to +omfort him as he lay si+% in his bed(
/ut as long as -ing Mar% lived he loved never .ir )ristram after that0 though there "as
fair spee+h' love "as there none( *nd thus it passed many "ee%s and days' and all "as
forgiven and forgotten0 for .ir .eg"arides durst not have ado "ith .ir )ristram' be+ause
of his noble pro"ess' and also be+ause he "as nephe" unto -ing Mar%0 therefore he let it
overslip4 for he that hath a privy hurt is loath to have a shame out"ard(
!o" .ir /leoberis demanded the fairest lady in -ing Mar%1s +ourt' "hom he too% a"ay'
and ho" he "as fought "ith(
)!E2 it befell upon a day that the good %night /leoberis de :anis' brother to /lamore
de :anis' and nigh +ousin unto the good %night .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' this /leoberis
+ame unto the +ourt of -ing Mar%' and there he as%ed of -ing Mar% a boon' to give him
"hat gift that he "ould as% in his +ourt( When the %ing heard him as% so' he marvelled of
his as%ing' but be+ause he "as a %night of the ?ound )able' and of a great reno"n' -ing
Mar% granted him his "hole as%ing( )hen' said .ir /leoberis' & "ill have the fairest lady
in your +ourt that me list to +hoose( & may not say nay' said -ing Mar%0 no" +hoose at
your adventure( *nd so .ir /leoberis did +hoose .ir .eg"arides1 "ife' and too% her by
the hand' and so "ent his "ay "ith her0 and so he too% his horse and gart set her behind
his s6uire' and rode upon his "ay(
When .ir .eg"arides heard tell that his lady "as gone "ith a %night of -ing *rthur1s
+ourt' then he armed him and rode after that %night for to res+ue his lady( .o "hen
/leoberis "as gone "ith this lady' -ing Mar% and all the +ourt "as "roth that she "as
a"ay( )hen "ere there +ertain ladies that %ne" that there "ere great love bet"een .ir
)ristram and her' and also that lady loved .ir )ristram above all other %nights( )hen there
"as one lady that rebu%ed .ir )ristram in the horriblest "ise' and +alled him +o"ard
%night' that he "ould for shame of his %nighthood see a lady so shamefully be ta%en
a"ay from his un+le1s +ourt( /ut she meant that either of them had loved other "ith
entire heart( /ut .ir )ristram ans"ered her thus4 Fair lady' it is not my part to have ado in
su+h matters "hile her lord and husband is present here0 and if it had been that her lord
had not been here in this +ourt' then for the "orship of this +ourt peradventure & "ould
have been her +hampion' and if so be .ir .eg"arides speed not "ell' it may happen that &
"ill spea% "ith that good %night or ever he pass from this +ountry(
)hen "ithin a "hile +ame one of .ir .eg"arides1 s6uires' and told in the +ourt that .ir
.eg"arides "as beaten sore and "ounded to the point of death0 as he "ould have res+ued
his lady .ir /leoberis overthre" him and sore hath "ounded him( )hen "as -ing Mar%
heavy thereof' and all the +ourt( When .ir )ristram heard of this he "as ashamed and
sore grieved0 and then "as he soon armed and on horseba+%' and :ouvernail' his servant'
bare his shield and spear( *nd so as .ir )ristram rode fast he met "ith .ir *ndred his
+ousin' that by the +ommandment of -ing Mar% "as sent to bring forth' an ever it lay in
his po"er' t"o %nights of *rthur1s +ourt' that rode by the +ountry to see% their
adventures( When .ir )ristram sa" .ir *ndred he as%ed him "hat tidings( .o :od me
help' said .ir *ndred' there "as never "orse "ith me' for here by the +ommandment of
-ing Mar% & "as sent to fet+h t"o %nights of -ing *rthur1s +ourt' and that one beat me
and "ounded me' and set nought by my message( Fair +ousin' said .ir )ristram' ride on
your "ay' and if & may meet them it may happen & shall revenge you( .o .ir *ndred rode
into Corn"all' and .ir )ristram rode after the t"o %nights' the "hi+h one hight
.agramore le ,esirous' and the other hight ,odinas le .avage(
!o" .ir )ristram fought "ith t"o %nights of the ?ound )able(
)!E2 "ithin a "hile .ir )ristram sa" them afore him' t"o li%ely %nights( .ir' said
:ouvernail unto his master' .ir' & "ould +ounsel you not to have ado "ith them' for they
be t"o proved %nights of *rthur1s +ourt( *s for that' said .ir )ristram' have ye no doubt
but & "ill have ado "ith them to in+rease my "orship' for it is many day sithen & did any
deeds of arms( ,o as ye list' said :ouvernail( *nd there"ithal anon .ir )ristram as%ed
them from "hen+e they +ame' and "hither they "ould' and "hat they did in those
mar+hes( .ir .agramore loo%ed upon .ir )ristram' and had s+orn of his "ords' and as%ed
him again' Fair %night' be ye a %night of Corn"all3 Whereby as% ye it3 said .ir )ristram(
For it is seldom seen' said .ir .agramore' that ye Cornish %nights be valiant men of arms0
for "ithin these t"o hours there met us one of your Cornish %nights' and great "ords he
spa%e' and anon "ith little might he "as laid to the earth( *nd' as & tro"' said .ir
.agramore' ye shall have the same handsel that he had( Fair lords' said .ir )ristram' it
may so happen that & may better "ithstand than he did' and "hether ye "ill or nill & "ill
have ado "ith you' be+ause he "as my +ousin that ye beat( *nd therefore here do your
best' and "it ye "ell but if ye 6uit you the better here upon this ground' one %night of
Corn"all shall beat you both(
When .ir ,odinas le .avage heard him say so he gat a spear in his hand' and said' .ir
%night' %eep "ell thyself4 *nd then they departed and +ame together as it had been
thunder( *nd .ir ,odinas1 spear brast in<sunder' but .ir )ristram smote him "ith a more
might' that he smote him +lean over the horse<+roup' that nigh he had bro%en his ne+%(
When .ir .agramore sa" his fello" have su+h a fall he marvelled "hat %night he might
be( *nd he dressed his spear "ith all his might' and .ir )ristram against him' and they
+ame together as the thunder' and there .ir )ristram smote .ir .agramore a strong buffet'
that he bare his horse and him to the earth' and in the falling he bra%e his thigh(
When this "as done .ir )ristram as%ed them4 Fair %nights' "ill ye any more3 /e there no
bigger %nights in the +ourt of -ing *rthur3 it is to you shame to say of us %nights of
Corn"all dishonour' for it may happen a Cornish %night may mat+h you( )hat is truth'
said .ir .agramore' that have "e "ell proved0 but & re6uire thee' said .ir .agramore' tell
us your right name' by the faith and troth that ye o"e to the high order of %nighthood( >e
+harge me "ith a great thing' said .ir )ristram' and sithen ye list to "it it' ye shall %no"
and understand that my name is .ir )ristram de 8iones' -ing Meliodas1 son' and nephe"
unto -ing Mar%( )hen "ere they t"o %nights fain that they had met "ith )ristram' and so
they prayed him to abide in their fello"ship( 2ay' said .ir )ristram' for & must have ado
"ith one of your fello"s' his name is .ir /leoberis de :anis( :od speed you "ell' said
.ir .agramore and ,odinas( .ir )ristram departed and rode on"ard on his "ay( *nd then
"as he "are before him in a valley "here rode .ir /leoberis' "ith .ir .eg"arides1 lady'
that rode behind his s6uire upon a palfrey(
!o" .ir )ristram fought "ith .ir /leoberis for a lady' and ho" the lady "as put to
+hoi+e to "hom she "ould go(
)!E2 .ir )ristram rode more than a pa+e until that he had overta%en him( )hen spa%e
.ir )ristram4 *bide' he said' -night of *rthur1s +ourt' bring again that lady' or deliver
her to me( & "ill do neither' said /leoberis' for & dread no Cornish %night so sore that me
list to deliver her( Why' said .ir )ristram' may not a Cornish %night do as "ell as another
%night3 this same day t"o %nights of your +ourt "ithin this three mile met "ith me' and
or ever "e departed they found a Cornish %night good enough for them both( What "ere
their names3 said /leoberis( )hey told me' said .ir )ristram' that the one of them hight
.ir .agramore le ,esirous' and the other hight ,odinas le .avage( *h' said .ir /leoberis'
have ye met "ith them3 so :od me help' they "ere t"o good %nights and men of great
"orship' and if ye have beat them both ye must needs be a good %night0 but if it so be ye
have beat them both' yet shall ye not fear me' but ye shall beat me or ever ye have this
lady( )hen defend you' said .ir )ristram( .o they departed and +ame together li%e
thunder' and either bare other do"n' horse and all' to the earth(
)hen they avoided their horses' and lashed together eagerly "ith s"ords' and mightily'
no" tra+ing and traversing on the right hand and on the left hand more than t"o hours(
*nd sometime they rushed together "ith su+h a might that they lay both grovelling on the
ground( )hen .ir /leoberis de :anis stert aba+%' and said thus4 2o"' gentle good %night'
a "hile hold your hands' and let us spea% together( .ay "hat ye "ill' said )ristram' and &
"ill ans"er you( .ir' said /leoberis' & "ould "it of "hen+e ye be' and of "hom ye be
+ome' and "hat is your name3 .o :od me help' said .ir )ristram' & fear not to tell you
my name( Wit ye "ell & am -ing Meliodas1 son' and my mother is -ing Mar%1s sister'
and my name is .ir )ristram de 8iones' and -ing Mar% is mine un+le( )ruly' said
/leoberis' & am right glad of you' for ye are he that sle" Marhaus the %night' hand for
hand in an island' for the truage of Corn"all0 also ye over+ame .ir $alamides the good
%night' at a tournament in an island' "here ye beat .ir :a"aine and his nine fello"s( .o
:od me help' said .ir )ristram' "it ye "ell that & am the same %night0 no" & have told
you my name' tell me yours "ith good "ill( Wit ye "ell that my name is .ir /leoberis de
:anis' and my brother hight .ir /lamore de :anis' that is +alled a good %night' and "e be
sister1s +hildren unto my lord .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' that "e +all one of the best %nights
of the "orld( )hat is truth' said .ir )ristram' .ir 8aun+elot is +alled peerless of +ourtesy
and of %nighthood0 and for his sa%e' said .ir )ristram' & "ill not "ith my good "ill fight
no more "ith you' for the great love & have to .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( &n good faith' said
/leoberis' as for me & "ill be loath to fight "ith you0 but sithen ye follo" me here to have
this lady' & shall proffer you %indness' +ourtesy' and gentleness right here upon this
ground( )his lady shall be bet"ixt us both' and to "hom that she "ill go' let him have her
in pea+e( & "ill "ell' said )ristram' for' as & deem' she "ill leave you and +ome to me( >e
shall prove it anon' said /leoberis(
!o" the lady forsoo% .ir )ristram and abode "ith .ir /leoberis' and ho" she desired to
go to her husband(
.o "hen she "as set bet"ixt them both she said these "ords unto .ir )ristram4 Wit ye
"ell' .ir )ristram de 8iones' that but late thou "ast the man in the "orld that & most
loved and trusted' and & "eened thou hadst loved me again above all ladies0 but "hen
thou sa"est this %night lead me a"ay thou madest no +heer to res+ue me' but suffered my
lord .eg"arides ride after me0 but until that time & "eened thou haddest loved me' and
therefore no" & "ill leave thee' and never love thee more( *nd there"ithal she "ent unto
.ir /leoberis(
When .ir )ristram sa" her do so he "as "onderly "roth "ith that lady' and ashamed to
+ome to the +ourt( .ir )ristram' said .ir /leoberis' ye are in the default' for & hear by this
lady1s "ords she before this day trusted you above all earthly %nights' and' as she saith'
ye have de+eived her' therefore "it ye "ell' there may no man hold that "ill a"ay0 and
rather than ye should be heartily displeased "ith me & "ould ye had her' an she "ould
abide "ith you( 2ay' said the lady' so :od me help & "ill never go "ith him0 for he that &
loved most & "eened he had loved me( *nd therefore' .ir )ristram' she said' ride as thou
+ame' for though thou haddest over+ome this %night' as ye "as li%ely' "ith thee never
"ould & have gone( *nd & shall pray this %night so fair of his %nighthood' that or ever he
pass this +ountry' that he "ill lead me to the abbey "here my lord .ir .eg"arides lieth(
.o :od me help' said /leoberis' & let you "it' good %night .ir )ristram' be+ause -ing
Mar% gave me the +hoi+e of a gift in this +ourt' and so this lady li%ed me best=
not"ithstanding' she is "edded and hath a lord' and & have fulfilled my 6uest' she shall be
sent unto her husband again' and in espe+ial most for your sa%e' .ir )ristram0 and if she
"ould go "ith you & "ould ye had her( & than% you' said .ir )ristram' but for her love &
shall be"are "hat manner a lady & shall love or trust0 for had her lord' .ir .eg"arides'
been a"ay from the +ourt' & should have been the first that should have follo"ed you0 but
sithen that ye have refused me' as & am true %night & shall her %no" passingly "ell that &
shall love or trust( *nd so they too% their leave one from the other and departed(
*nd so .ir )ristram rode unto )intagil' and .ir /leoberis rode unto the abbey "here .ir
.eg"arides lay sore "ounded' and there he delivered his lady' and departed as a noble
%night0 and "hen .ir .eg"arides sa" his lady' he "as greatly +omforted0 and then she
told him that .ir )ristram had done great battle "ith .ir /leoberis' and +aused him to
bring her again( )hese "ords pleased .ir .eg"arides right "ell' that .ir )ristram "ould
do so mu+h0 and so that lady told all the battle unto -ing Mar% bet"ixt .ir )ristram and
.ir /leoberis(
!o" -ing Mar% sent .ir )ristram for 8a /eale &soud to"ard &reland' and ho" by fortune
he arrived into England(
)!E2 "hen this "as done -ing Mar% +ast al"ays in his heart ho" he might destroy .ir
)ristram( *nd then he imagined in himself to send .ir )ristram into &reland for 8a /eale
&soud( For .ir )ristram had so praised her beauty and her goodness that -ing Mar% said
that he "ould "ed her' "hereupon he prayed .ir )ristram to ta%e his "ay into &reland for
him on message( *nd all this "as done to the intent to slay .ir )ristram(
2ot"ithstanding' .ir )ristram "ould not refuse the message for no danger nor peril that
might fall' for the pleasure of his un+le' but to go he made him ready in the most
goodliest "ise that might be devised( For .ir )ristram too% "ith him the most goodliest
%nights that he might find in the +ourt0 and they "ere arrayed' after the guise that "as
then used' in the goodliest manner( .o .ir )ristram departed and too% the sea "ith all his
fello"ship( *nd anon' as he "as in the broad sea a tempest too% him and his fello"ship'
and drove them ba+% into the +oast of England0 and there they arrived fast by Camelot'
and full fain they "ere to ta%e the land(
*nd "hen they "ere landed .ir )ristram set up his pavilion upon the land of Camelot'
and there he let hang his shield upon the pavilion( *nd that same day +ame t"o %nights of
-ing *rthur1s' that one "as .ir E+tor de Maris' and .ir Morganor( *nd they tou+hed the
shield' and bade him +ome out of the pavilion for to 7oust' an he "ould 7oust( >e shall be
ans"ered' said .ir )ristram' an ye "ill tarry a little "hile( .o he made him ready' and
first he smote do"n .ir E+tor de Maris' and after he smote do"n .ir Morganor' all "ith
one spear' and sore bruised them( *nd "hen they lay upon the earth they as%ed .ir
)ristram "hat he "as' and of "hat +ountry he "as %night( Fair lords' said .ir )ristram'
"it ye "ell that & am of Corn"all( *las' said .ir E+tor' no" am & ashamed that ever any
Cornish %night should over+ome me( *nd then for despite .ir E+tor put off his armour
from him' and "ent on foot' and "ould not ride(
!o" -ing *nguish of &reland "as summoned to +ome to -ing *rthur1s +ourt for treason(
)!E2 it fell that .ir /leoberis and .ir /lamore de :anis' that "ere brethren' they had
summoned the -ing *nguish of &reland for to +ome to *rthur1s +ourt upon pain of
forfeiture of -ing *rthur1s good gra+e( *nd if the -ing of &reland +ame not in' at the day
assigned and set' the %ing should lose his lands( .o it happened that at the day assigned'
-ing *rthur neither .ir 8aun+elot might not be there for to give the 7udgment' for -ing
*rthur "as "ith .ir 8aun+elot at the Castle 5oyous :arde( *nd so -ing *rthur assigned
-ing Carados and the -ing of .+ots to be there that day as 7udges( .o "hen the %ings
"ere at Camelot -ing *nguish of &reland "as +ome to %no" his a++users( )hen "as there
.ir /lamore de :anis' and appealed the -ing of &reland of treason' that he had slain a
+ousin of his in his +ourt in &reland by treason( )he %ing "as sore abashed of his
a++usation' for<"hy he "as +ome at the summons of -ing *rthur' and or he +ame at
Camelot he "ist not "herefore he "as sent after( *nd "hen the %ing heard .ir /lamore
say his "ill' he understood "ell there "as none other remedy but for to ans"er him
%nightly0 for the +ustom "as su+h in those days' that an any man "ere appealed of any
treason or murder he should fight body for body' or else to find another %night for him(
*nd all manner of murders in those days "ere +alled treason(
.o "hen -ing *nguish understood his a++using he "as passing heavy' for he %ne" .ir
/lamore de :anis that he "as a noble %night' and of noble %nights +ome( )hen the -ing
of &reland "as simply purveyed of his ans"er0 therefore the 7udges gave him respite by
the third day to give his ans"er( .o the %ing departed unto his lodging( )he mean"hile
there +ame a lady by .ir )ristram1s pavilion ma%ing great dole( What aileth you' said .ir
)ristram' that ye ma%e su+h dole3 *h' fair %night' said the lady' & am ashamed unless that
some good %night help me0 for a great lady of "orship sent by me a fair +hild and a ri+h'
unto .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and hereby there met "ith me a %night' and thre" me do"n
from my palfrey' and too% a"ay the +hild from me( Well' my lady' said .ir )ristram' and
for my lord .ir 8aun+elot1s sa%e & shall get you that +hild again' or else & shall be beaten
for it( *nd so .ir )ristram too% his horse' and as%ed the lady "hi+h "ay the %night rode0
and then she told him( *nd he rode after him' and "ithin a "hile he overtoo% that %night(
*nd then .ir )ristram bade him turn and give again the +hild(
!o" .ir )ristram res+ued a +hild from a %night' and ho" :ouvernail told him of -ing
)!E %night turned his horse and made him ready to fight( *nd then .ir )ristram smote
him "ith a s"ord su+h a buffet that he tumbled to the earth( *nd then he yielded him
unto .ir )ristram( )hen +ome thy "ay' said .ir )ristram' and bring the +hild to the lady
again( .o he too% his horse mee%ly and rode "ith .ir )ristram0 and then by the "ay .ir
)ristram as%ed him his name( )hen he said' My name is /reuse .aun+e $ite( .o "hen he
had delivered that +hild to the lady' he said4 .ir' as in this the +hild is "ell remedied(
)hen .ir )ristram let him go again that sore repented him after' for he "as a great foe
unto many good %nights of -ing *rthur1s +ourt(
)hen "hen .ir )ristram "as in his pavilion :ouvernail' his man' +ame and told him ho"
that -ing *nguish of &reland "as +ome thither' and he "as put in great distress0 and there
:ouvernail told .ir )ristram ho" -ing *nguish "as summoned and appealed of murder(
.o :od me help' said .ir )ristram' these be the best tidings that ever +ame to me this
seven years' for no" shall the -ing of &reland have need of my help0 for & daresay there is
no %night in this +ountry that is not of *rthur1s +ourt dare do battle "ith .ir /lamore de
:anis0 and for to "in the love of the -ing of &reland & "ill ta%e the battle upon me0 and
therefore :ouvernail bring me' & +harge thee' to the %ing(
)hen :ouvernail "ent unto -ing *nguish of &reland' and saluted him fair( )he %ing
"el+omed him and as%ed him "hat he "ould( .ir' said :ouvernail' here is a %night near
hand that desireth to spea% "ith you4 he bade me say he "ould do you servi+e( What
%night is he3 said the %ing( .ir' said he' it is .ir )ristram de 8iones' that for your good
gra+e that ye sho"ed him in your lands "ill re"ard you in this +ountry( Come on' fello"'
said the %ing' "ith me anon and sho" me unto .ir )ristram( .o the %ing too% a little
ha+%ney and but fe" fello"ship "ith him' until he +ame unto .ir )ristram1s pavilion(
*nd "hen .ir )ristram sa" the %ing he ran unto him and "ould have holden his stirrup(
/ut the %ing leapt from his horse lightly' and either halsed other in their arms( My
gra+ious lord' said .ir )ristram' gramer+y of your great goodnesses sho"ed unto me in
your mar+hes and lands4 and at that time & promised you to do you servi+e an ever it lay
in my po"er( *nd' gentle %night' said the %ing unto .ir )ristram' no" have & great need
of you' never had & so great need of no %night1s help( !o" so' my good lord3 said .ir
)ristram( & shall tell you' said the %ing4 & am summoned and appealed from my +ountry
for the death of a %night that "as %in unto the good %night .ir 8aun+elot0 "herefore .ir
/lamore de :anis' brother to .ir /leoberis hath appealed me to fight "ith him' outher to
find a %night in my stead( *nd "ell & "ot' said the %ing' these that are +ome of -ing
/an1s blood' as .ir 8aun+elot and these other' are passing good %nights' and hard men for
to "in in battle as any that & %no" no" living( .ir' said .ir )ristram' for the good lordship
ye sho"ed me in &reland' and for my lady your daughter1s sa%e' 8a /eale &soud' & "ill
ta%e the battle for you upon this +ondition that ye shall grant me t"o things4 that one is
that ye shall s"ear to me that ye are in the right' that ye "ere never +onsenting to the
%night1s death0 .ir' then said .ir )ristram' "hen that & have done this battle' if :od give
me gra+e that & speed' that ye shall give me a re"ard' "hat thing reasonable that & "ill as%
of you( .o :od me help' said the %ing' ye shall have "hatsomever ye "ill as%( &t is "ell
said' said .ir )ristram(
!o" .ir )ristram fought for .ir *nguish and over+ame his adversary' and ho" his
adversary "ould never yield him(
29W ma%e your ans"er that your +hampion is ready' for & shall die in your 6uarrel
rather than to be re+reant( & have no doubt of you' said the %ing' that' an ye should have
ado "ith .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e= .ir' said .ir )ristram' as for .ir 8aun+elot' he is +alled
the noblest %night of the "orld' and "it ye "ell that the %nights of his blood are noble
men' and dread shame0 and as for /leoberis' brother unto .ir /lamore' & have done battle
"ith him' therefore upon my head it is no shame to +all him a good %night( &t is noised'
said the %ing' that /lamore is the hardier %night( .ir' as for that let him be' he shall never
be refused' an as he "ere the best %night that no" beareth shield or spear(
.o -ing *nguish departed unto -ing Carados and the %ings that "ere that time as 7udges'
and told them that he had found his +hampion ready( )hen by the +ommandment of the
%ings .ir /lamore de :anis and .ir )ristram "ere sent for to hear the +harge( *nd "hen
they "ere +ome before the 7udges there "ere many %ings and %nights beheld .ir )ristram'
and mu+h spee+h they had of him be+ause that he sle" .ir Marhaus' the good %night' and
be+ause he for<7ousted .ir $alamides the good %night( .o "hen they had ta%en their
+harge they "ithdre" them to ma%e them ready to do battle(
)hen said .ir /leoberis unto his brother' .ir /lamore4 Fair dear brother' remember of
"hat %in "e be +ome of' and "hat a man is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' neither farther nor
nearer but brother1s +hildren' and there "as never none of our %in that ever "as shamed
in battle0 and rather suffer death' brother' than to be shamed( /rother' said /lamore' have
ye no doubt of me' for & shall never shame none of my blood0 ho"beit & am sure that
yonder %night is +alled a passing good %night as of his time one of the "orld' yet shall &
never yield me' nor say the loath "ord4 "ell may he happen to smite me do"n "ith his
great might of +hivalry' but rather shall he slay me than & shall yield me as re+reant( :od
speed you "ell' said .ir /leoberis' for ye shall find him the mightiest %night that ever ye
had ado "ithal' for & %no" him' for & have had ado "ith him( :od me speed' said .ir
/lamore de :anis0 and there"ith he too% his horse at the one end of the lists' and .ir
)ristram at the other end of the lists' and so they feutred their spears and +ame together as
it had been thunder0 and there .ir )ristram through great might smote do"n .ir /lamore
and his horse to the earth( )hen anon .ir /lamore avoided his horse and pulled out his
s"ord and thre" his shield afore him' and bade .ir )ristram alight4 For though an horse
hath failed me' & trust to :od the earth "ill not fail me( *nd then .ir )ristram alighted'
and dressed him unto battle0 and there they lashed together strongly as ra+ing and tra+ing'
foining and dashing' many sad stro%es' that the %ings and %nights had great "onder that
they might stand0 for ever they fought li%e "ood men' so that there "as never %nights
seen fight more fier+ely than they did0 for .ir /lamore "as so hasty that he "ould have
no rest' that all men "ondered that they had breath to stand on their feet0 and all the pla+e
"as bloody that they fought in( *nd at the last' .ir )ristram smote .ir /lamore su+h a
buffet upon the helm that he there fell do"n upon his side' and .ir )ristram stood and
beheld him(
!o" .ir /lamore desired )ristram to slay him' and ho" .ir )ristram spared him' and
ho" they too% appointment(
)!E2 "hen .ir /lamore might spea%' he said thus4 .ir )ristram de 8iones' & re6uire
thee' as thou art a noble %night' and the best %night that ever & found' that thou "ilt slay
me out' for & "ould not live to be made lord of all the earth' for & have liefer die "ith
"orship than live "ith shame0 and needs' .ir )ristram' thou must slay me' or else thou
shalt never "in the field' for & "ill never say the loath "ord( *nd therefore if thou dare
slay me' slay me' & re6uire thee( When .ir )ristram heard him say so %nightly' he "ist not
"hat to do "ith him0 he remembering him of both parties' of "hat blood he "as +ome'
and for .ir 8aun+elot1s sa%e he "ould be loath to slay him0 and in the other party in no
"ise he might not +hoose' but that he must ma%e him to say the loath "ord' or else to slay
)hen .ir )ristram stert aba+%' and "ent to the %ings that "ere 7udges' and there he
%neeled do"n tofore them' and besought them for their "orships' and for -ing *rthur1s
and .ir 8aun+elot1s sa%e' that they "ould ta%e this matter in their hands( For' my fair
lords' said .ir )ristram' it "ere shame and pity that this noble %night that yonder lieth
should be slain0 for ye hear "ell' shamed "ill he not be' and & pray to :od that he never
be slain nor shamed for me( *nd as for the %ing for "hom & fight for' & shall re6uire him'
as & am his true +hampion and true %night in this field' that he "ill have mer+y upon this
good %night( .o :od me help' said -ing *nguish' & "ill for your sa%e0 .ir )ristram' be
ruled as ye "ill have me' for & %no" you for my true %night0 and therefore & "ill heartily
pray the %ings that be here as 7udges to ta%e it in their hands( *nd the %ings that "ere
7udges +alled .ir /leoberis to them' and as%ed him his advi+e( My lords' said /leoberis'
though my brother be beaten' and hath the "orse through might of arms' & dare say'
though .ir )ristram hath beaten his body he hath not beaten his heart' and & than% :od he
is not shamed this day0 and rather than he should be shamed & re6uire you' said /leoberis'
let .ir )ristram slay him out( &t shall not be so' said the %ings' for his part adversary' both
the %ing and the +hampion' have pity of .ir /lamore1s %nighthood( My lords' said
/leoberis' & "ill right "ell as ye "ill(
)hen the %ings +alled the -ing of &reland' and found him goodly and treatable( *nd then'
by all their advi+es' .ir )ristram and .ir /leoberis too% up .ir /lamore' and the t"o
brethren "ere a++orded "ith -ing *nguish' and %issed and made friends for ever( *nd
then .ir /lamore and .ir )ristram %issed together' and there they made their oaths that
they "ould never none of them t"o brethren fight "ith .ir )ristram' and .ir )ristram
made the same oath( *nd for that gentle battle all the blood of .ir 8aun+elot loved .ir
)ristram for ever(
)hen -ing *nguish and .ir )ristram too% their leave' and sailed into &reland "ith great
noblesse and 7oy( .o "hen they "ere in &reland the %ing let ma%e it %no"n throughout all
the land ho" and in "hat manner .ir )ristram had done for him( )hen the 6ueen and all
that there "ere made the most of him that they might( /ut the 7oy that 8a /eale &soud
made of .ir )ristram there might no tongue tell' for of all men earthly she loved him
!o" .ir )ristram demanded 8a /eale &soud for -ing Mar%' and ho" .ir )ristram and
&soud dran% the love drin%(
)!E2 upon a day -ing *nguish as%ed .ir )ristram "hy he as%ed not his boon' for
"hatsomever he had promised him he should have it "ithout fail( .ir' said .ir )ristram'
no" is it time0 this is all that & "ill desire' that ye "ill give me 8a /eale &soud' your
daughter' not for myself' but for mine un+le' -ing Mar%' that shall have her to "ife' for
so have & promised him( *las' said the %ing' & had liefer than all the land that & have ye
"ould "ed her yourself( .ir' an & did then & "ere shamed for ever in this "orld' and false
of my promise( )herefore' said .ir & )ristram' & pray you hold your promise that ye
promised me0 for this is my desire' that ye "ill give me 8a /eale &soud to go "ith me into
Corn"all for to be "edded to -ing Mar%' mine un+le( *s for that' said -ing *nguish' ye
shall have her "ith you to do "ith her "hat it please you0 that is for to say if that ye list to
"ed her yourself' that is me liefest' and if ye "ill give her unto -ing Mar%' your un+le'
that is in your +hoi+e( .o' to ma%e short +on+lusion' 8a /eale &soud "as made ready to go
"ith .ir )ristram' and ,ame /rag"aine "ent "ith her for her +hief gentle"oman' "ith
many other(
)hen the 6ueen' &soud1s mother' gave to her and ,ame /rag"aine' her daughter1s
gentle"oman' and unto :ouvernail' a drin%' and +harged them that "hat day -ing Mar%
should "ed' that same day they should give him that drin%' so that -ing Mar% should
drin% to 8a /eale &soud' and then' said the 6ueen' & underta%e either shall love other the
days of their life( .o this drin% "as given unto ,ame /rag"aine' and unto :ouvernail(
*nd then anon .ir )ristram too% the sea' and 8a /eale &soud0 and "hen they "ere in their
+abin' it happed so that they "ere thirsty' and they sa" a little flas%et of gold stand by
them' and it seemed by the +olour and the taste that it "as noble "ine( )hen .ir )ristram
too% the flas%et in his hand' and said' Madam &soud' here is the best drin% that ever ye
dran%' that ,ame /rag"aine' your maiden' and :ouvernail' my servant' have %ept for
themselves( )hen they laughed and made good +heer' and either dran% to other freely'
and they thought never drin% that ever they dran% to other "as so s"eet nor so good( /ut
by that their drin% "as in their bodies' they loved either other so "ell that never their love
departed for "eal neither for "oe( *nd thus it happed the love first bet"ixt .ir )ristram
and 8a /eale &soud' the "hi+h love never departed the days of their life(
.o then they sailed till by fortune they +ame nigh a +astle that hight $luere' and thereby
arrived for to repose them' "eening to them to have had good harbourage( /ut anon as
.ir )ristram "as "ithin the +astle they "ere ta%en prisoners0 for the +ustom of the +astle
"as su+h0 "ho that rode by that +astle and brought any lady' he must needs fight "ith the
lord' that hight /reunor( *nd if it "ere so that /reunor "on the field' then should the
%night stranger and his lady be put to death' "hat that ever they "ere0 and if it "ere so
that the strange %night "on the field of .ir /reunor' then should he die and his lady both(
)his +ustom "as used many "inters' for it "as +alled the Castle $luere' that is to say the
Weeping Castle(
!o" .ir )ristram and &soud "ere in prison' and ho" he fought for her beauty' and smote
of another lady1s head(
)!#. as .ir )ristram and 8a /eale &soud "ere in prison' it happed a %night and a lady
+ame unto them "here they "ere' to +heer them( & have marvel' said )ristram unto the
%night and the lady' "hat is the +ause the lord of this +astle holdeth us in prison4 it "as
never the +ustom of no pla+e of "orship that ever & +ame in' "hen a %night and a lady
as%ed harbour' and they to re+eive them' and after to destroy them that be his guests( .ir'
said the %night' this is the old +ustom of this +astle' that "hen a %night +ometh here he
must needs fight "ith our lord' and he that is "ea%er must lose his head( *nd "hen that is
done' if his lady that he bringeth be fouler than our lord1s "ife' she must lose her head4
and if she be fairer proved than is our lady' then shall the lady of this +astle lose her head(
.o :od me help' said .ir )ristram' this is a foul +ustom and a shameful( /ut one
advantage have &' said .ir )ristram' & have a lady is fair enough' fairer sa" & never in all
my life<days' and & doubt not for la+% of beauty she shall not lose her head0 and rather
than & should lose my head & "ill fight for it on a fair field( Wherefore' sir %night' & pray
you tell your lord that & "ill be ready as to<morn "ith my lady' and myself to do battle' if
it be so & may have my horse and mine armour( .ir' said that %night' & underta%e that your
desire shall be sped right "ell( *nd then he said4 )a%e your rest' and loo% that ye be up
betimes and ma%e you ready and your lady' for ye shall "ant no thing that you behoveth(
*nd there"ith he departed' and on the morn betimes that same %night +ame to .ir
)ristram' and fet+hed him out and his lady' and brought him horse and armour that "as
his o"n' and bade him ma%e him ready to the field' for all the estates and +ommons of
that lordship "ere there ready to behold that battle and 7udgment(
)hen +ame .ir /reunor' the lord of that +astle' "ith his lady in his hand' muffled' and
as%ed .ir )ristram "here "as his lady4 For an thy lady be fairer than mine' "ith thy
s"ord smite off my lady1s head0 and if my lady be fairer than thine' "ith my s"ord &
must stri%e off her head( *nd if & may "in thee' yet shall thy lady be mine' and thou shalt
lose thy head( .ir' said )ristram' this is a foul +ustom and horrible0 and rather than my
lady should lose her head' yet had & liefer lose my head( 2ay' nay' said .ir /reunor' the
ladies shall be first sho"ed together' and the one shall have her 7udgment( 2ay' & "ill not
so' said .ir )ristram' for here is none that "ill give righteous 7udgment( /ut & doubt not'
said .ir )ristram' my lady is fairer than thine' and that "ill & prove and ma%e good "ith
my hand( *nd "hosomever he be that "ill say the +ontrary & "ill prove it on his head(
*nd there"ith .ir )ristram sho"ed 8a /eale &soud' and turned her thri+e about "ith his
na%ed s"ord in his hand( *nd "hen .ir /reunor sa" that' he did the same "ise turn his
lady( /ut "hen .ir /reunor beheld 8a /eale &soud' him thought he sa" never a fairer
lady' and then he dread his lady1s head should be off( *nd so all the people that "ere
there present gave 7udgment that 8a /eale &soud "as the fairer lady and the better made(
!o" no"' said .ir )ristram' meseemeth it "ere pity that my lady should lose her head'
but be+ause thou and she of long time have used this "i+%ed +ustom' and by you both
have many good %nights and ladies been destroyed' for that +ause it "ere no loss to
destroy you both( .o :od me help' said .ir /reunor' for to say the sooth' thy lady is fairer
than mine' and that me sore repenteth( *nd so & hear the people privily say' for of all
"omen & sa" none so fair0 and therefore' an thou "ilt slay my lady' & doubt not but & shall
slay thee and have thy lady( )hou shalt "in her' said .ir )ristram' as dear as ever %night
"on lady( *nd be+ause of thine o"n 7udgment' as thou "ouldst have done to my lady if
that she had been fouler' and be+ause of the evil +ustom' give me thy lady' said .ir
)ristram( *nd there"ithal .ir )ristram strode unto him and too% his lady from him' and
"ith an a"% stro%e he smote off her head +lean( Well' %night' said .ir /reunor' no" hast
thou done me a despite0 [E no" ta%e thine horse4 sithen & am ladyless & "ill "in thy lady
an & may(
[ E $rinted by Caxton as part of +hap( xxvi
!o" .ir )ristram fought "ith .ir /reunor' and at the last smote off his head(
)!E2 they too% their horses and +ame together as it had been the thunder0 and .ir
)ristram smote .ir /reunor +lean from his horse' and lightly he rose up0 and as .ir
)ristram +ame again by him he thrust his horse throughout both the shoulders' that his
horse hurled here and there and fell dead to the ground( *nd ever .ir /reunor ran after to
have slain .ir )ristram' but .ir )ristram "as light and nimble' and voided his horse
lightly( *nd or ever .ir )ristram might dress his shield and his s"ord the other gave him
three or four sad stro%es( )hen they rushed together li%e t"o boars' tra+ing and traversing
mightily and "isely as t"o noble %nights( For this .ir /reunor "as a proved %night' and
had been or then the death of many good %nights' that it "as pity that he had so long
)hus they fought' hurling here and there nigh t"o hours' and either "ere "ounded sore(
)hen at the last .ir /reunor rashed upon .ir )ristram and too% him in his arms' for he
trusted mu+h in his strength( )hen "as .ir )ristram +alled the strongest and the highest
%night of the "orld0 for he "as +alled bigger than .ir 8aun+elot' but .ir 8aun+elot "as
better breathed( .o anon .ir )ristram thrust .ir /reunor do"n grovelling' and then he
unla+ed his helm and stru+% off his head( *nd then all they that longed to the +astle +ame
to him' and did him homage and fealty' praying him that he "ould abide there still a little
"hile to fordo that foul +ustom( .ir )ristram granted thereto( )he mean"hile one of the
%nights of the +astle rode unto .ir :alahad' the haut prin+e' the "hi+h "as .ir /reunor1s
son' "hi+h "as a noble %night' and told him "hat misadventure his father had and his
!o" .ir :alahad fought "ith .ir )ristram' and ho" .ir )ristram yielded him and
promised to fello"ship "ith 8aun+elot(
)!E2 +ame .ir :alahad' and the -ing "ith the !undred -nights "ith him0 and this .ir
:alahad proffered to fight "ith .ir )ristram hand for hand( *nd so they made them ready
to go unto battle on horseba+% "ith great +ourage( )hen .ir :alahad and .ir )ristram met
together so hard that either bare other do"n' horse and all' to the earth( *nd then they
avoided their horses as noble %nights' and dressed their shields' and dre" their s"ords
"ith ire and ran+our' and they lashed together many sad stro%es' and one "hile stri%ing'
another "hile foining' tra+ing and traversing as noble %nights0 thus they fought long' near
half a day' and either "ere sore "ounded( *t the last .ir )ristram "axed light and big'
and doubled his stro%es' and drove .ir :alahad aba+% on the one side and on the other' so
that he "as li%e to have been slain(
With that +ame the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and all that fello"ship "ent fier+ely
upon .ir )ristram( When .ir )ristram sa" them +oming upon him' then he "ist "ell he
might not endure( )hen as a "ise %night of "ar' he said to .ir :alahad' the haut prin+e4
.ir' ye sho" to me no %nighthood' for to suffer all your men to have ado "ith me all at
on+e0 and as meseemeth ye be a noble %night of your hands it is great shame to you( .o
:od me help' said .ir :alahad' there is none other "ay but thou must yield thee to me'
other else to die' said .ir :alahad to .ir )ristram( & "ill rather yield me to you than die
for that is more for the might of your men than of your hands( *nd there"ithal .ir
)ristram too% his o"n s"ord by the point' and put the pommel in the hand of .ir
)here"ithal +ame the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and hard began to assail .ir
)ristram( 8et be' said .ir :alahad' be ye not so hardy to tou+h him' for & have given this
%night his life( )hat is your shame' said the -ing "ith the !undred -nights0 hath he not
slain your father and your mother3 *s for that' said .ir :alahad' & may not "ite him
greatly' for my father had him in prison' and enfor+ed him to do battle "ith him0 and my
father had su+h a +ustom that "as a shameful +ustom' that "hat %night +ame there to as%
harbour his lady must needs die but if she "ere fairer than my mother0 and if my father
over+ame that %night he must needs die( )his "as a shameful +ustom and usage' a %night
for his harbour<as%ing to have su+h harbourage( *nd for this +ustom & "ould never dra"
about him( .o :od me help' said the -ing' this "as a shameful +ustom( )ruly' said .ir
:alahad' so seemed me0 and meseemed it had been great pity that this %night should have
been slain' for & dare say he is the noblest man that beareth life' but if it "ere .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e( 2o"' fair %night' said .ir :alahad' & re6uire thee tell me thy name'
and of "hen+e thou art' and "hither thou "ilt( .ir' he said' my name is .ir )ristram de
8iones' and from -ing Mar% of Corn"all & "as sent on message unto -ing *nguish of
&reland' for to fet+h his daughter to be his "ife' and here she is ready to go "ith me into
Corn"all' and her name is 8a /eale &soud( *nd' .ir )ristram' said .ir :alahad' the haut
prin+e' "ell be ye found in these mar+hes' and so ye "ill promise me to go unto .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e' and a++ompany "ith him' ye shall go "here ye "ill' and your fair
lady "ith you0 and & shall promise you never in all my days shall su+h +ustoms be used in
this +astle as have been used( .ir' said .ir )ristram' no" & let you "it' so :od me help' &
"eened ye had been .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e "hen & sa" you first' and therefore & dread
you the more0 and sir' & promise you' said .ir )ristram' as soon as & may & "ill see .ir
8aun+elot and infello"ship me "ith him0 for of all the %nights of the "orld & most desire
his fello"ship(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot met "ith .ir Carados bearing a"ay .ir :a"aine' and of the res+ue of
.ir :a"aine(
*2, then .ir )ristram too% his leave "hen he sa" his time' and too% the sea( *nd in the
mean"hile "ord +ame unto .ir 8aun+elot and to .ir )ristram that .ir Carados' the
mighty %ing' that "as made li%e a giant' fought "ith .ir :a"aine' and gave him su+h
stro%es that he s"ooned in his saddle' and after that he too% him by the +ollar and pulled
him out of his saddle' and fast bound him to the saddle<bo"' and so rode his "ay "ith
him to"ard his +astle( *nd as he rode' by fortune .ir 8aun+elot met "ith .ir Carados'
and anon he %ne" .ir :a"aine that lay bound after him( *h' said .ir 8aun+elot unto .ir
:a"aine' ho" stands it "ith you3 2ever so hard' said .ir :a"aine' unless that ye help
me' for so :od me help' "ithout ye res+ue me & %no" no %night that may' but outher you
or .ir )ristram( Wherefore .ir 8aun+elot "as heavy of .ir :a"aine1s "ords( *nd then
.ir 8aun+elot bade .ir Carados4 8ay do"n that %night and fight "ith me( )hou art but a
fool' said .ir Carados' for & "ill serve you in the same "ise( *s for that' said .ir
8aun+elot' spare me not' for & "arn thee & "ill not spare thee( *nd then he bound .ir
:a"aine hand and foot' and so thre" him to the ground( *nd then he gat his spear of his
s6uire' and departed from .ir 8aun+elot to fet+h his +ourse( *nd so either met "ith other'
and bra%e their spears to their hands0 and then they pulled out s"ords' and hurtled
together on horseba+% more than an hour( *nd at the last .ir 8aun+elot smote .ir Carados
su+h a buffet upon the helm that it pier+ed his brain<pan( .o then .ir 8aun+elot too% .ir
Carados by the +ollar and pulled him under his horse1s feet' and then he alighted and
pulled off his helm and stru+% off his head( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot unbound .ir
:a"aine( .o this same tale "as told to .ir :alahad and to .ir )ristram4=here may ye
hear the nobleness that follo"eth .ir 8aun+elot( *las' said .ir )ristram' an & had not this
message in hand "ith this fair lady' truly & "ould never stint or & had found .ir 8aun+elot(
)hen .ir )ristram and 8a /eale &soud "ent to the sea and +ame into Corn"all' and there
all the barons met them(
9f the "edding of -ing Mar% to 8a /eale &soud' and of /rag"aine her maid' and of
*2, anon they "ere ri+hly "edded "ith great noblesse( /ut ever' as the Fren+h boo%
saith' .ir )ristram and 8a /eale &soud loved ever together( )hen "as there great 7ousts
and great tourneying' and many lords and ladies "ere at that feast' and .ir )ristram "as
most praised of all other( )hus dured the feast long' and after the feast "as done' "ithin a
little "hile after' by the assent of t"o ladies that "ere "ith ;ueen &soud' they ordained
for hate and envy for to destroy ,ame /rag"aine' that "as maiden and lady unto 8a
/eale &soud0 and she "as sent into the forest for to fet+h herbs' and there she "as met'
and bound feet and hand to a tree' and so she "as bounden three days( *nd by fortune'
.ir $alamides found ,ame /rag"aine' and there he delivered her from the death' and
brought her to a nunnery there beside' for to be re+overed( When &soud the 6ueen missed
her maiden' "it ye "ell she "as right heavy as ever "as any 6ueen' for of all earthly
"omen she loved her best4 the +ause "as for she +ame "ith her out of her +ountry( *nd
so upon a day ;ueen &soud "al%ed into the forest to put a"ay her thoughts' and there she
"ent herself unto a "ell and made great moan( *nd suddenly there +ame $alamides to
her' and had heard all her +omplaint' and said4 Madam &soud' an ye "ill grant me my
boon' & shall bring to you ,ame /rag"aine safe and sound( *nd the 6ueen "as so glad of
his proffer that suddenly unadvised she granted all his as%ing( Well' Madam' said
$alamides' & trust to your promise' and if ye "ill abide here half an hour & shall bring her
to you( & shall abide you' said 8a /eale &soud( *nd .ir $alamides rode forth his "ay to
that nunnery' and lightly he +ame again "ith ,ame /rag"aine0 but by her good "ill she
"ould not have +ome again' be+ause for love of the 6ueen she stood in adventure of her
life( 2ot"ithstanding' half against her "ill' she "ent "ith .ir $alamides unto the 6ueen(
*nd "hen the 6ueen sa" her she "as passing glad( 2o"' Madam' said $alamides'
remember upon your promise' for & have fulfilled my promise( .ir $alamides' said the
6ueen' & "ot not "hat is your desire' but & "ill that ye "it' ho"beit & promised you
largely' & thought none evil' nor & "arn you none evil "ill & do( Madam' said .ir
$alamides' as at this time' ye shall not %no" my desire' but before my lord your husband
there shall ye %no" that & "ill have my desire that ye have promised me( *nd there"ith
the 6ueen departed' and rode home to the %ing' and .ir $alamides rode after her( *nd
"hen .ir $alamides +ame before the %ing' he said4 .ir -ing' & re6uire you as ye be a
righteous %ing' that ye "ill 7udge me the right( )ell me your +ause' said the %ing' and ye
shall have right(
!o" $alamides demanded ;ueen &soud' and ho" 8ambegus rode after to res+ue her' and
of the es+ape of &soud(
.&?' said $alamides' & promised your ;ueen &soud to bring again ,ame /rag"aine that
she had lost' upon this +ovenant' that she should grant me a boon that & "ould as%' and
"ithout grudging' outher advisement' she granted me( What say ye' my lady3 said the
%ing( &t is as he saith' so :od me help' said the 6ueen0 to say thee sooth & promised him
his as%ing for love and 7oy that & had to see her( Well' Madam' said the %ing' and if ye
"ere hasty to grant him "hat boon he "ould as%' & "ill "ell that ye perform your
promise( )hen' said $alamides' & "ill that ye "it that & "ill have your 6ueen to lead her
and govern her "hereas me list( )here"ith the %ing stood still' and bethought him of .ir
)ristram' and deemed that he "ould res+ue her( *nd then hastily the %ing ans"ered4 )a%e
her "ith the adventures that shall fall of it' for as & suppose thou "ilt not en7oy her no
"hile( *s for that' said $alamides' & dare right "ell abide the adventure( *nd so' to ma%e
short tale' .ir $alamides too% her by the hand and said4 Madam' grudge not to go "ith
me' for & desire nothing but your o"n promise( *s for that' said the 6ueen' & fear not
greatly to go "ith thee' ho"beit thou hast me at advantage upon my promise' for & doubt
not & shall be "orshipfully res+ued from thee( *s for that' said .ir $alamides' be it as it be
may( .o ;ueen &soud "as set behind $alamides' and rode his "ay(
*non the %ing sent after .ir )ristram' but in no "ise he +ould be found' for he "as in the
forest a<hunting0 for that "as al"ays his +ustom' but if he used arms' to +hase and to hunt
in the forests( *las' said the %ing' no" & am shamed for ever' that by mine o"n assent my
lady and my 6ueen shall be devoured( )hen +ame forth a %night' his name "as
8ambegus' and he "as a %night of .ir )ristram( My lord' said this %night' sith ye have
trust in my lord' .ir )ristram' "it ye "ell for his sa%e & "ill ride after your 6ueen and
res+ue her' or else & shall be beaten( :ramer+y' said the %ing' as & live' .ir 8ambegus' &
shall deserve it( *nd then .ir 8ambegus armed him' and rode after as fast as he might(
*nd then "ithin a "hile he overtoo% .ir $alamides( *nd then .ir $alamides left the
6ueen( What art thou' said $alamides' art thou )ristram3 2ay' he said' & am his servant'
and my name is .ir 8ambegus( )hat me repenteth' said $alamides( & had liefer thou hadst
been .ir )ristram( & believe you "ell' said 8ambegus' but "hen thou meetest "ith .ir
)ristram thou shalt have thy hands full( *nd then they hurtled together and all to<brast
their spears' and then they pulled out their s"ords' and he"ed on helms and hauber%s( *t
the last .ir $alamides gave .ir 8ambegus su+h a "ound that he fell do"n li%e a dead
%night to the earth(
)hen he loo%ed after 8a /eale &soud' and then she "as gone he nist "here( Wit ye "ell
.ir $alamides "as never so heavy( .o the 6ueen ran into the forest' and there she found a
"ell' and therein she had thought to have dro"ned herself( *nd as good fortune "ould'
there +ame a %night to her that had a +astle thereby' his name "as .ir *dtherp( *nd "hen
he found the 6ueen in that mis+hief he res+ued her' and brought her to his +astle( *nd
"hen he "ist "hat she "as he armed him' and too% his horse' and said he "ould be
avenged upon $alamides0 and so he rode on till he met "ith him' and there .ir $alamides
"ounded him sore' and by for+e he made him to tell him the +ause "hy he did battle "ith
him' and ho" he had led the 6ueen unto his +astle( 2o" bring me there' said $alamides'
or thou shalt die of my hands( .ir' said .ir *dtherp' & am so "ounded & may not follo"'
but ride you this "ay and it shall bring you into my +astle' and there "ithin is the 6ueen(
)hen .ir $alamides rode still till he +ame to the +astle( *nd at a "indo" 8a /eale &soud
sa" .ir $alamides0 then she made the gates to be shut strongly( *nd "hen he sa" he
might not +ome "ithin the +astle' he put off his bridle and his saddle' and put his horse to
pasture' and set himself do"n at the gate li%e a man that "as out of his "it that re+%ed not
of himself(
!o" .ir )ristram rode after $alamides' and ho" he found him and fought "ith him' and
by the means of &soud the battle +eased(
29W turn "e unto .ir )ristram' that "hen he "as +ome home and "ist 8a /eale &soud
"as gone "ith .ir $alamides' "it ye "ell he "as "roth out of measure( *las' said .ir
)ristram' & am this day shamed( )hen he +ried to :ouvernail his man4 !aste thee that &
"ere armed and on horseba+%' for "ell & "ot 8ambegus hath no might nor strength to
"ithstand .ir $alamides4 alas that & have not been in his stead@ .o anon as he "as armed
and horsed .ir )ristram and :ouvernail rode after into the forest' and "ithin a "hile he
found his %night 8ambegus almost "ounded to the death0 and .ir )ristram bare him to a
forester' and +harged him to %eep him "ell( *nd then he rode forth' and there he found
.ir *dtherp sore "ounded' and he told him ho" the 6ueen "ould have dro"ned herself
had he not been' and ho" for her sa%e and love he had ta%en upon him to do battle "ith
.ir $alamides( Where is my lady3 said .ir )ristram( .ir' said the %night' she is sure
enough "ithin my +astle' an she +an hold her "ithin it( :ramer+y' said .ir )ristram' of
thy great goodness( *nd so he rode till he +ame nigh to that +astle0 and then .ir )ristram
sa" "here .ir $alamides sat at the gate sleeping' and his horse pastured fast afore him(
2o" go thou' :ouvernail' said .ir )ristram' and bid him a"a%e' and ma%e him ready( .o
:ouvernail rode unto him and said4 .ir $alamides' arise' and ta%e to thee thine harness(
/ut he "as in su+h a study he heard not "hat :ouvernail said( .o :ouvernail +ame again
and told .ir )ristram he slept' or else he "as mad( :o thou again' said .ir )ristram' and
bid him arise' and tell him that & am here' his mortal foe( .o :ouvernail rode again and
put upon him the butt of his spear' and said4 .ir $alamides' ma%e thee ready' for "it ye
"ell .ir )ristram hoveth yonder' and sendeth thee "ord he is thy mortal foe(
*nd there"ithal .ir $alamides arose stilly' "ithout "ords' and gat his horse' and saddled
him and bridled him' and lightly he leapt upon' and gat his spear in his hand' and either
feutred their spears and hurtled fast together0 and there )ristram smote do"n .ir
$alamides over his horse1s tail( )hen lightly .ir $alamides put his shield afore him and
dre" his s"ord( *nd there began strong battle on both parts' for both they fought for the
love of one lady' and ever she lay on the "alls and beheld them ho" they fought out of
measure' and either "ere "ounded passing sore' but $alamides "as mu+h sorer "ounded(
)hus they fought tra+ing and traversing more than t"o hours' that "ell<nigh for dole and
sorro" 8a /eale &soud s"ooned( *las' she said' that one & loved and yet do' and the other
& love not' yet it "ere great pity that & should see .ir $alamides slain0 for "ell & %no" by
that time the end be done .ir $alamides is but a dead %night4 be+ause he is not +hristened
& "ould be loath that he should die a .ara+en( *nd there"ithal she +ame do"n and
besought .ir )ristram to fight no more( *h' madam' said he' "hat mean you' "ill ye have
me shamed3 Well ye %no" & "ill be ruled by you( & "ill not your dishonour' said 8a
/eale &soud' but & "ould that ye "ould for my sa%e spare this unhappy .ara+en
$alamides( Madam' said .ir )ristram' & "ill leave fighting at this time for your sa%e(
)hen she said to .ir $alamides4 )his shall be your +harge' that thou shalt go out of this
+ountry "hile & am therein( & "ill obey your +ommandment' said .ir $alamides' the
"hi+h is sore against my "ill( )hen ta%e thy "ay' said 8a /eale &soud' unto the +ourt of
-ing *rthur' and there re+ommend me unto ;ueen :uenever' and tell her that & send her
"ord that there be "ithin this land but four lovers' that is' .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e and
;ueen :uenever' and .ir )ristram de 8iones and ;ueen &soud(
!o" .ir )ristram brought ;ueen &soud home' and of the debate of -ing Mar% and .ir
*2, so .ir $alamides departed "ith great heaviness( *nd .ir )ristram too% the 6ueen
and brought her again to -ing Mar%' and then "as there made great 7oy of her home<
+oming( Who "as +herished but .ir )ristram@ )hen .ir )ristram let fet+h .ir 8ambegus'
his %night' from the forester1s house' and it "as long or he "as "hole' but at the last he
"as "ell re+overed( )hus they lived "ith 7oy and play a long "hile( /ut ever .ir *ndred'
that "as nigh +ousin to .ir )ristram' lay in a "at+h to "ait bet"ixt .ir )ristram and 8a
/eale &soud' for to ta%e them and slander them( .o upon a day .ir )ristram tal%ed "ith
8a /eale &soud in a "indo"' and that espied .ir *ndred' and told it to the -ing( )hen
-ing Mar% too% a s"ord in his hand and +ame to .ir )ristram' and +alled him false
traitor' and "ould have stri+%en him( /ut .ir )ristram "as nigh him' and ran under his
s"ord' and too% it out of his hand( *nd then the -ing +ried4 Where are my %nights and
my men3 & +harge you slay this traitor( /ut at that time there "as not one "ould move for
his "ords( When .ir )ristram sa" that there "as not one "ould be against him' he shoo%
the s"ord to the %ing' and made +ountenan+e as though he "ould have stri+%en him( *nd
then -ing Mar% fled' and .ir )ristram follo"ed him' and smote upon him five or six
stro%es flatling on the ne+%' that he made him to fall upon the nose( *nd then .ir )ristram
yede his "ay and armed him' and too% his horse and his man' and so he rode into that
*nd there upon a day .ir )ristram met "ith t"o brethren that "ere %nights "ith -ing
Mar%' and there he stru+% off the head of the one' and "ounded the other to the death0
and he made him to bear his brother1s head in his helm unto the %ing' and thirty more
there he "ounded( *nd "hen that %night +ame before the %ing to say his message' he
there died afore the %ing and the 6ueen( )hen -ing Mar% +alled his +oun+il unto him' and
as%ed advi+e of his barons "hat "as best to do "ith .ir )ristram( .ir' said the barons' in
espe+ial .ir ,inas' the .enes+hal' .ir' "e "ill give you +ounsel for to send for .ir
)ristram' for "e "ill that ye "it many men "ill hold "ith .ir )ristram an he "ere hard
bestead( *nd sir' said .ir ,inas' ye shall understand that .ir )ristram is +alled peerless
and ma%eless of any Christian %night' and of his might and hardiness "e %ne" none so
good a %night' but if it be .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( *nd if he depart from your +ourt and go
to -ing *rthur1s +ourt' "it ye "ell he "ill get him su+h friends there that he "ill not set
by your mali+e( *nd therefore' sir' & +ounsel you to ta%e him to your gra+e( & "ill "ell'
said the %ing' that he be sent for' that "e may be friends( )hen the barons sent for .ir
)ristram under a safe +ondu+t( *nd so "hen .ir )ristram +ame to the %ing he "as
"el+ome' and no rehearsal "as made' and there "as game and play( *nd then the %ing
and the 6ueen "ent a<hunting' and .ir )ristram(
!o" .ir 8amora% 7ousted "ith thirty %nights' and .ir )ristram at the re6uest of -ing
Mar% smote his horse do"n(
)!E %ing and the 6ueen made their pavilions and their tents in that forest beside a river'
and there "as daily hunting and 7ousting' for there "ere ever thirty %nights ready to 7oust
unto all them that +ame in at that time( *nd there by fortune +ame .ir 8amora% de :alis
and .ir ,riant0 and there .ir ,riant 7ousted right "ell' but at the last he had a fall( )hen
.ir 8amora% proffered to 7oust( *nd "hen he began he fared so "ith the thirty %nights
that there "as not one of them but that he gave him a fall' and some of them "ere sore
hurt( & marvel' said -ing Mar%' "hat %night he is that doth su+h deeds of arms( .ir' said
.ir )ristram' & %no" him "ell for a noble %night as fe" no" be living' and his name is
.ir 8amora% de :alis( &t "ere great shame' said the %ing' that he should go thus a"ay'
unless that some of you meet "ith him better( .ir' said .ir )ristram' meseemeth it "ere
no "orship for a noble man to have ado "ith him4 and for be+ause at this time he hath
done over mu+h for any mean %night living' therefore' as meseemeth' it "ere great shame
and villainy to tempt him any more at this time' insomu+h as he and his horse are "eary
both0 for the deeds of arms that he hath done this day' an they be "ell +onsidered' it "ere
enough for .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( *s for that' said -ing Mar%' & re6uire you' as ye love
me and my lady the 6ueen' 8a /eale &soud' ta%e your arms and 7oust "ith .ir 8amora% de
:alis( .ir' said .ir )ristram' ye bid me do a thing that is against %nighthood' and "ell &
+an deem that & shall give him a fall' for it is no mastery' for my horse and & be fresh both'
and so is not his horse and he0 and "it ye "ell that he "ill ta%e it for great un%indness' for
ever one good %night is loath to ta%e another at disadvantage0 but be+ause & "ill not
displease you' as ye re6uire me so "ill & do' and obey your +ommandment(
*nd so .ir )ristram armed him and too% his horse' and put him forth' and there .ir
8amora% met him mightily' and "hat "ith the might of his o"n spear' and of .ir
)ristram1s spear' .ir 8amora%1s horse fell to the earth' and he sitting in the saddle( )hen
anon as lightly as he might he avoided the saddle and his horse' and put his shield afore
him and dre" his s"ord( *nd then he bade .ir )ristram4 *light' thou %night' an thou
durst( 2ay' said .ir )ristram' & "ill no more have ado "ith thee' for & have done to thee
over mu+h unto my dishonour and to thy "orship( *s for that' said .ir 8amora%' & +an
thee no than%0 sin+e thou hast for<7ousted me on horseba+% & re6uire thee and & besee+h
thee' an thou be .ir )ristram' fight "ith me on foot( & "ill not so' said .ir )ristram0 and
"it ye "ell my name is .ir )ristram de 8iones' and "ell & %no" ye be .ir 8amora% de
:alis' and this that & have done to you "as against my "ill' but & "as re6uired thereto0 but
to say that & "ill do at your re6uest as at this time' & "ill have no more ado "ith you' for
me shameth of that & have done( *s for the shame' said .ir 8amora%' on thy part or on
mine' bear thou it an thou "ilt' for though a mare1s son hath failed me' no" a 6ueen1s son
shall not fail thee0 and therefore' an thou be su+h a %night as men +all thee' & re6uire thee'
alight' and fight "ith me( .ir 8amora%' said .ir )ristram' & understand your heart is great'
and +ause "hy ye have' to say thee sooth0 for it "ould grieve me an any %night should
%eep him fresh and then to stri%e do"n a "eary %night' for that %night nor horse "as
never formed that al"ay might stand or endure( *nd therefore' said .ir )ristram' & "ill
not have ado "ith you' for me forthin%eth of that & have done( *s for that' said .ir
8amora%' & shall 6uit you' an ever & see my time(
!o" .ir 8amora% sent an horn to -ing Mar% in despite of .ir )ristram' and ho" .ir
)ristram "as driven into a +hapel(
.o he departed from him "ith .ir ,riant' and by the "ay they met "ith a %night that "as
sent from Morgan le Fay unto -ing *rthur0 and this %night had a fair horn harnessed "ith
gold' and the horn had su+h a virtue that there might no lady nor gentle"oman drin% of
that horn but if she "ere true to her husband' and if she "ere false she should spill all the
drin%' and if she "ere true to her lord she might drin% pea+eable( *nd be+ause of the
;ueen :uenever' and in the despite of .ir 8aun+elot' this horn "as sent unto -ing
*rthur0 and by for+e .ir 8amora% made that %night to tell all the +ause "hy he bare that
horn( 2o" shalt thou bear this horn' said 8amora%' unto -ing Mar%' or else +hoose thou
to die for it0 for & tell thee plainly' in despite and reproof of .ir )ristram thou shalt bear
that horn unto -ing Mar%' his un+le' and say thou to him that & sent it him for to assay his
lady' and if she be true to him he shall prove her( .o the %night "ent his "ay unto -ing
Mar%' and brought him that ri+h horn' and said that .ir 8amora% sent it him' and thereto
he told him the virtue of that horn( )hen the %ing made ;ueen &soud to drin% thereof' and
an hundred ladies' and there "ere but four ladies of all those that dran% +lean( *las' said
-ing Mar%' this is a great despite' and s"are a great oath that she should be burnt and the
other ladies(
)hen the barons gathered them together' and said plainly they "ould not have those
ladies burnt for an horn made by sor+ery' that +ame from as false a sor+eress and "it+h as
then "as living( For that horn did never good' but +aused strife and debate' and al"ays in
her days she had been an enemy to all true lovers( .o there "ere many %nights made their
avo"' an ever they met "ith Morgan le Fay' that they "ould sho" her short +ourtesy(
*lso .ir )ristram "as passing "roth that .ir 8amora% sent that horn unto -ing Mar%' for
"ell he %ne" that it "as done in the despite of him( *nd therefore he thought to 6uite .ir
)hen .ir )ristram used daily and nightly to go to ;ueen &soud "hen he might' and ever
.ir *ndred his +ousin "at+hed him night and day for to ta%e him "ith 8a /eale &soud(
*nd so upon a night .ir *ndred espied the hour and the time "hen .ir )ristram "ent to
his lady( )hen .ir *ndred gat unto him t"elve %nights' and at midnight he set upon .ir
)ristram se+retly and suddenly and there .ir )ristram "as ta%en na%ed abed "ith 8a
/eale &soud' and then "as he bound hand and foot' and so "as he %ept until day( *nd
then by the assent of -ing Mar%' and of .ir *ndred' and of some of the barons' .ir
)ristram "as led unto a +hapel that stood upon the sea ro+%s' there for to ta%e his
7udgment4 and so he "as led bounden "ith forty %nights( *nd "hen .ir )ristram sa" that
there "as none other boot but needs that he must die' then said he4 Fair lords' remember
"hat & have done for the +ountry of Corn"all' and in "hat 7eopardy & have been in for the
"eal of you all0 for "hen & fought for the truage of Corn"all "ith .ir Marhaus' the good
%night' & "as promised for to be better re"arded' "hen ye all refused to ta%e the battle0
therefore' as ye be good gentle %nights' see me not thus shamefully to die' for it is shame
to all %nighthood thus to see me die0 for & dare say' said .ir )ristram' that & never met
"ith no %night but & "as as good as he' or better( Fie upon thee' said .ir *ndred' false
traitor that thou art' "ith thine avaunting0 for all thy boast thou shalt die this day( 9
*ndred' *ndred' said .ir )ristram' thou shouldst be my %insman' and no" thou art to me
full unfriendly' but an there "ere no more but thou and &' thou "ouldst not put me to
death( 2o@ said .ir *ndred' and there"ith he dre" his s"ord' and "ould have slain him(
When .ir )ristram sa" him ma%e su+h +ountenan+e he loo%ed upon both his hands that
"ere fast bounden unto t"o %nights' and suddenly he pulled them both to him' and
un"rast his hands' and then he leapt unto his +ousin' .ir *ndred' and "rested his s"ord
out of his hands0 then he smote .ir *ndred that he fell to the earth' and so .ir )ristram
fought till that he had %illed ten %nights( .o then .ir )ristram gat the +hapel and %ept it
mightily( )hen the +ry "as great' and the people dre" fast unto .ir *ndred' mo than an
hundred( When .ir )ristram sa" the people dra" unto him' he remembered he "as
na%ed' and sperd fast the +hapel door' and bra%e the bars of a "indo"' and so he leapt out
and fell upon the +rags in the sea( *nd so at that time .ir *ndred nor none of his fello"s
might get to him' at that time(
!o" .ir )ristram "as holpen by his men' and of ;ueen &soud "hi+h "as put in a laAar<
+ote' and ho" )ristram "as hurt(
.9 "hen they "ere departed' :ouvernail' and .ir 8ambegus' and .ir .entraille de
8ushon' that "ere .ir )ristram1s men' sought their master( When they heard he "as
es+aped then they "ere passing glad0 and on the ro+%s they found him' and "ith to"els
they pulled him up( *nd then .ir )ristram as%ed them "here "as 8a /eale &soud' for he
"eened she had been had a"ay of *ndred1s people( .ir' said :ouvernail' she is put in a
laAar<+ote( *las' said .ir )ristram' this is a full ungoodly pla+e for su+h a fair lady' and if
& may she shall not be long there( *nd so he too% his men and "ent thereas "as 8a /eale
&soud' and fet+hed her a"ay' and brought her into a forest to a fair manor' and .ir
)ristram there abode "ith her( .o the good %night bade his men go from him4 For at this
time & may not help you( .o they departed all save :ouvernail( *nd so upon a day .ir
)ristram yede into the forest for to disport him' and then it happened that there he fell
sleep0 and there +ame a man that .ir )ristram aforehand had slain his brother' and "hen
this man had found him he shot him through the shoulder "ith an arro"' and .ir )ristram
leapt up and %illed that man( *nd in the meantime it "as told -ing Mar% ho" .ir
)ristram and 8a /eale &soud "ere in that same manor' and as soon as ever he might
thither he +ame "ith many %nights to slay .ir )ristram( *nd "hen he +ame there he
found him gone0 and there he too% 8a /eale &soud home "ith him' and %ept her strait that
by no means never she might "it nor send unto )ristram' nor he unto her( *nd then "hen
.ir )ristram +ame to"ard the old manor he found the tra+% of many horses' and thereby
he "ist his lady "as gone( *nd then .ir )ristram too% great sorro"' and endured "ith
great pain long time' for the arro" that he "as hurt "ithal "as envenomed(
)hen by the mean of 8a /eale &soud she told a lady that "as +ousin unto ,ame
/rag"aine' and she +ame to .ir )ristram' and told him that he might not be "hole by no
means( For thy lady' 8a /eale &soud' may not help thee' therefore she biddeth you haste
into /rittany to -ing !o"el' and there ye shall find his daughter' &soud la /lan+he
Mains' and she shall help thee( )hen .ir )ristram and :ouvernail gat them shipping' and
so sailed into /rittany( *nd "hen -ing !o"el "ist that it "as .ir )ristram he "as full
glad of him( .ir' he said' & am +ome into this +ountry to have help of your daughter' for it
is told me that there is none other may heal me but she0 and so "ithin a "hile she healed
!o" .ir )ristram served in "ar -ing !o"el of /rittany' and sle" his adversary in the
)!E?E "as an earl that hight :rip' and this earl made great "ar upon the %ing' and put
the %ing to the "orse' and besieged him( *nd on a time .ir -ehydius' that "as son to
-ing !o"el' as he issued out he "as sore "ounded' nigh to the death( )hen :ouvernail
"ent to the %ing and said4 .ir' & +ounsel you to desire my lord' .ir )ristram' as in your
need to help you( & "ill do by your +ounsel' said the %ing( *nd so he yede unto .ir
)ristram' and prayed him in his "ars to help him4 For my son' .ir -ehydius' may not go
into the field( .ir' said .ir )ristram' & "ill go to the field and do "hat & may( )hen .ir
)ristram issued out of the to"n "ith su+h fello"ship as he might ma%e' and did su+h
deeds that all /rittany spa%e of him( *nd then' at the last' by great might and for+e' he
sle" the Earl :rip "ith his o"n hands' and more than an hundred %nights he sle" that
day( *nd then .ir )ristram "as re+eived "orshipfully "ith pro+ession( )hen -ing !o"el
embra+ed him in his arms' and said4 .ir )ristram' all my %ingdom & "ill resign to thee(
:od defend' said .ir )ristram' for & am beholden unto you for your daughter1s sa%e to do
for you(
)hen by the great means of -ing !o"el and -ehydius his son' by great proffers' there
gre" great love bet"ixt &soud and .ir )ristram' for that lady "as both good and fair' and
a "oman of noble blood and fame( *nd for be+ause .ir )ristram had su+h +heer and
ri+hes' and all other pleasaun+e that he had' almost he had forsa%en 8a /eale &soud( *nd
so upon a time .ir )ristram agreed to "ed &soud la /lan+he Mains( *nd at the last they
"ere "edded' and solemnly held their marriage( *nd so "hen they "ere abed both .ir
)ristram remembered him of his old lady 8a /eale &soud( *nd then he too% su+h a
thought suddenly that he "as all dismayed' and other +heer made he none but "ith
+lipping and %issing0 as for other fleshly lusts .ir )ristram never thought nor had ado
"ith her4 su+h mention ma%eth the Fren+h boo%0 also it ma%eth mention that the lady
"eened there had been no pleasure but %issing and +lipping( *nd in the meantime there
"as a %night in /rittany' his name "as .uppinabiles' and he +ame over the sea into
England' and then he +ame into the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and there he met "ith .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e' and told him of the marriage of .ir )ristram( )hen said .ir 8aun+elot4
Fie upon him' untrue %night to his lady' that so noble a %night as .ir )ristram is should be
found to his first lady false' 8a /eale &soud' ;ueen of Corn"all0 but say ye him this' said
.ir 8aun+elot' that of all %nights in the "orld & loved him most' and had most 7oy of him'
and all "as for his noble deeds0 and let him "it the love bet"een him and me is done for
ever' and that & give him "arning from this day forth as his mortal enemy(
!o" .ir .uppinabiles told .ir )ristram ho" he "as defamed in the +ourt of -ing *rthur'
and of .ir 8amora%(
)!E2 departed .ir .uppinabiles unto /rittany again' and there he found .ir )ristram'
and told him that he had been in -ing *rthur1s +ourt( )hen said .ir )ristram4 !eard ye
anything of me3 .o :od me help' said .ir .uppinabiles' there & heard .ir 8aun+elot spea%
of you great shame' and that ye be a false %night to your lady and he bade me do you to
"it that he "ill be your mortal enemy in every pla+e "here he may meet you( )hat me
repenteth' said )ristram' for of all %nights & loved to be in his fello"ship( .o .ir )ristram
made great moan and "as ashamed that noble %nights should defame him for the sa%e of
his lady( *nd in this mean"hile 8a /eale &soud made a letter unto ;ueen :uenever'
+omplaining her of the untruth of .ir )ristram' and ho" he had "edded the %ing1s
daughter of /rittany( ;ueen :uenever sent her another letter' and bade her be of good
+heer' for she should have 7oy after sorro"' for .ir )ristram "as so noble a %night +alled'
that by +rafts of sor+ery ladies "ould ma%e su+h noble men to "ed them( /ut in the end'
;ueen :uenever said' it shall be thus' that he shall hate her' and love you better than ever
he did tofore(
.o leave "e .ir )ristram in /rittany' and spea% "e of .ir 8amora% de :alis' that as he
sailed his ship fell on a ro+% and perished all' save .ir 8amora% and his s6uire0 and there
he s"am mightily' and fishers of the &sle of .ervage too% him up' and his s6uire "as
dro"ned' and the shipmen had great labour to save .ir 8amora%1s life' for all the +omfort
that they +ould do(
*nd the lord of that isle' hight .ir 2abon le 2oire' a great mighty giant( *nd this .ir
2abon hated all the %nights of -ing *rthur1s' and in no "ise he "ould do them favour(
*nd these fishers told .ir 8amora% all the guise of .ir 2abon0 ho" there +ame never
%night of -ing *rthur1s but he destroyed him( *nd at the last battle that he did "as slain
.ir 2ano"ne le $etite' the "hi+h he put to a shameful death in despite of -ing *rthur' for
he "as dra"n limb<meal( )hat forthin%eth me' said .ir 8amora%' for that %night1s death'
for he "as my +ousin0 and if & "ere at mine ease as "ell as ever & "as' & "ould revenge
his death( $ea+e' said the fishers' and ma%e here no "ords' for or ever ye depart from
hen+e .ir 2abon must %no" that ye have been here' or else "e should die for your sa%e(
.o that & be "hole' said 8amora%' of my disease that & have ta%en in the sea' & "ill that ye
tell him that & am a %night of -ing *rthur1s' for & "as never afeard to reneye my lord(
!o" .ir )ristram and his "ife arrived in Wales' and ho" he met there "ith .ir 8amora%(
29W turn "e unto .ir )ristram' that upon a day he too% a little barget' and his "ife
&soud la /lan+he Mains' "ith .ir -ehydius her brother' to play them in the +oasts( *nd
"hen they "ere from the land' there "as a "ind drove them in to the +oast of Wales upon
this &sle of .ervage' "hereas "as .ir 8amora%' and there the barget all to<rove0 and there
,ame &soud "as hurt0 and as "ell as they might they gat into the forest' and there by a
"ell he sa" .eg"arides and a damosel( *nd then either saluted other( .ir' said
.eg"arides' & %no" you for .ir )ristram de 8iones' the man in the "orld that & have most
+ause to hate' be+ause ye departed the love bet"een me and my "ife0 but as for that' said
.ir .eg"arides' & "ill never hate a noble %night for a light lady0 and therefore' & pray you'
be my friend' and & "ill be yours unto my po"er0 for "it ye "ell ye are hard bestead in
this valley' and "e shall have enough to do either of us to su++our other( *nd then .ir
.eg"arides brought .ir )ristram to a lady thereby that "as born in Corn"all' and she told
him all the perils of that valley' and ho" there +ame never %night there but he "ere ta%en
prisoner or slain( Wit you "ell' fair lady' said .ir )ristram' that & sle" .ir Marhaus and
delivered Corn"all from the truage of &reland' and & am he that delivered the -ing of
&reland from .ir /lamore de :anis' and & am he that beat .ir $alamides0 and "it ye "ell &
am .ir )ristram de 8iones' that by the gra+e of :od shall deliver this "oful &sle of
.ervage( .o .ir )ristram "as "ell eased(
)hen one told him there "as a %night of -ing *rthur1s that "as "re+%ed on the ro+%s(
What is his name3 said .ir )ristram( We "ot not' said the fishers' but he %eepeth it no
+ounsel but that he is a %night of -ing *rthur1s' and by the mighty lord of this isle he
setteth nought( & pray you' said .ir )ristram' an ye may' bring him hither that & may see
him' and if he be any of the %nights of *rthur1s & shall %no" him( )hen the lady prayed
the fishers to bring him to her pla+e( .o on the morro" they brought him thither in a
fisher1s raiment0 and as soon as .ir )ristram sa" him he smiled upon him and %ne" him
"ell' but he %ne" not .ir )ristram( Fair sir' said .ir )ristram' meseemeth by your +heer
ye have been diseased but late' and also methin%eth & should %no" you heretofore( & "ill
"ell' said .ir 8amora%' that ye have seen me and met "ith me( Fair sir' said .ir )ristram'
tell me your name( #pon a +ovenant & "ill tell you' said .ir 8amora%' that is' that ye "ill
tell me "hether ye be lord of this island or no' that is +alled 2abon le 2oire( Forsooth'
said .ir )ristram' & am not he' nor & hold not of him0 & am his foe as "ell as ye be' and so
shall & be found or & depart out of this isle( Well' said .ir 8amora%' sin+e ye have said so
largely unto me' my name is .ir 8amora% de :alis' son unto -ing $ellinore( Forsooth' &
tro" "ell' said .ir )ristram' for an ye said other & %no" the +ontrary( What are ye' said
.ir 8amora%' that %no"eth me3 & am .ir )ristram de 8iones( *h' sir' remember ye not of
the fall ye did give me on+e' and after ye refused me to fight on foot( )hat "as not for
fear & had of you' said .ir )ristram' but me shamed at that time to have more ado "ith
you' for meseemed ye had enough0 but' .ir 8amora%' for my %indness many ladies ye put
to a reproof "hen ye sent the horn from Morgan le Fay to -ing Mar%' "hereas ye did this
in despite of me( Well' said he' an it "ere to do again' so "ould & do' for & had liefer strife
and debate fell in -ing Mar%1s +ourt rather than *rthur1s +ourt' for the honour of both
+ourts be not ali%e( *s to that' said .ir )ristram' & %no" "ell0 but that that "as done it
"as for despite of me' but all your mali+e' & than% :od' hurt not greatly( )herefore' said
.ir )ristram' ye shall leave all your mali+e' and so "ill &' and let us assay ho" "e may
"in "orship bet"een you and me upon this giant .ir 2abon le 2oire that is lord of this
island' to destroy him( .ir' said .ir 8amora%' no" & understand your %nighthood' it may
not be false that all men say' for of your bounty' noblesse' and "orship' of all %nights ye
are peerless' and for your +ourtesy and gentleness & sho"ed you ungentleness' and that
no" me repenteth(
!o" .ir )ristram fought "ith .ir 2abon' and over+ame him' and made .ir .eg"arides
lord of the isle(
&2 the meantime there +ame "ord that .ir 2abon had made a +ry that all the people of
that isle should be at his +astle the fifth day after( *nd the same day the son of 2abon
should be made %night' and all the %nights of that valley and thereabout should be there
to 7oust' and all those of the realm of 8ogris should be there to 7oust "ith them of 2orth
Wales4 and thither +ame five hundred %nights' and they of the +ountry brought thither .ir
8amora%' and .ir )ristram' and .ir -ehydius' and .ir .eg"arides' for they durst none
other"ise do0 and then .ir 2abon lent .ir 8amora% horse and armour at .ir 8amora%1s
desire' and .ir 8amora% 7ousted and did su+h deeds of arms that 2abon and all the people
said there "as never %night that ever they sa" do su+h deeds of arms0 for' as the Fren+h
boo% saith' he for<7ousted all that "ere there' for the most part of five hundred %nights'
that none abode him in his saddle(
)hen .ir 2abon proffered to play "ith him his play4 For & sa" never no %night do so
mu+h upon a day( & "ill "ell' said .ir 8amora%' play as & may' but & am "eary and sore
bruised( *nd there either gat a spear' but 2abon "ould not en+ounter "ith .ir 8amora%'
but smote his horse in the forehead' and so sle" him0 and then .ir 8amora% yede on foot'
and turned his shield and dre" his s"ord' and there began strong battle on foot( /ut .ir
8amora% "as so sore bruised and short breathed' that he tra+ed and traversed some"hat
aba+%( Fair fello"' said .ir 2abon' hold thy hand and & shall sho" thee more +ourtesy
than ever & sho"ed %night' be+ause & have seen this day thy noble %nighthood' and
therefore stand thou by' and & "ill "it "hether any of thy fello"s "ill have ado "ith me(
)hen "hen .ir )ristram heard that' he stepped forth and said4 2abon' lend me horse and
sure armour' and & "ill have ado "ith thee( Well' fello"' said .ir 2abon' go thou to
yonder pavilion' and arm thee of the best thou findest there' and & shall play a marvellous
play "ith thee( )hen said .ir )ristram4 8oo% ye play "ell' or else peradventure & shall
learn you a ne" play( )hat is "ell said' fello"' said .ir 2abon( .o "hen .ir )ristram "as
armed as him li%ed best' and "ell shielded and s"orded' he dressed to him on foot0 for
"ell he %ne" that .ir 2abon "ould not abide a stro%e "ith a spear' therefore he "ould
slay all %nights1 horses( 2o"' fair fello"' .ir 2abon' let us play( .o then they fought long
on foot' tra+ing and traversing' smiting and foining long "ithout any rest( *t the last .ir
2abon prayed him to tell him his name( .ir 2abon' & tell thee my name is .ir )ristram de
8iones' a %night of Corn"all under -ing Mar%( )hou art "el+ome' said .ir 2abon' for of
all %nights & have most desired to fight "ith thee or "ith .ir 8aun+elot(
.o then they "ent eagerly together' and .ir )ristram sle" .ir 2abon' and so forth"ith he
leapt to his son' and stru+% off his head0 and then all the +ountry said they "ould hold of
.ir )ristram( 2ay' said .ir )ristram' & "ill not so0 here is a "orshipful %night' .ir
8amora% de :alis' that for me he shall be lord of this +ountry' for he hath done here great
deeds of arms( 2ay' said .ir 8amora%' & "ill not be lord of this +ountry' for & have not
deserved it as "ell as ye' therefore give ye it "here ye "ill' for & "ill none have( Well'
said .ir )ristram' sin+e ye nor & "ill not have it' let us give it to him that hath not so "ell
deserved it( ,o as ye list' said .eg"arides' for the gift is yours' for & "ill none have an &
had deserved it( .o "as it given to .eg"arides' "hereof he than%ed them0 and so "as he
lord' and "orshipfully he did govern it( *nd then .ir .eg"arides delivered all prisoners'
and set good governan+e in that valley0 and so he returned into Corn"all' and told -ing
Mar% and 8a /eale &soud ho" .ir )ristram had advan+ed him to the &sle of .ervage' and
there he pro+laimed in all Corn"all of all the adventures of these t"o %nights' so "as it
openly %no"n( /ut full "oe "as 8a /eale &soud "hen she heard tell that .ir )ristram "as
"edded to &soud la /lan+he Mains(
!o" .ir 8amora% departed from .ir )ristram' and ho" he met "ith .ir Frol' and after
"ith .ir 8aun+elot(
.9 turn "e unto .ir 8amora%' that rode to"ard *rthur1s +ourt' and .ir )ristram1s "ife
and -ehydius too% a vessel and sailed into /rittany' unto -ing !o"el' "here he "as
"el+ome( *nd "hen he heard of these adventures they marvelled of his noble deeds(
2o" turn "e unto .ir 8amora%' that "hen he "as departed from .ir )ristram he rode out
of the forest' till he +ame to an hermitage( When the hermit sa" him' he as%ed him from
"hen+e he +ame( .ir' said .ir 8amora%' & +ome from this valley( .ir' said the hermit4
thereof & marvel( For this t"enty "inter & sa" never no %night pass this +ountry but he
"as either slain or villainously "ounded' or pass as a poor prisoner( )hose ill +ustoms'
said .ir 8amora%' are fordone' for .ir )ristram sle" your lord' .ir 2abon' and his son(
)hen "as the hermit glad' and all his brethren' for he said there "as never su+h a tyrant
among Christian men( *nd therefore' said the hermit' this valley and fran+hise "e "ill
hold of .ir )ristram(
.o on the morro" .ir 8amora% departed0 and as he rode he sa" four %nights fight against
one' and that one %night defended him "ell' but at the last the four %nights had him do"n(
*nd then .ir 8amora% "ent bet"ixt them' and as%ed them "hy they "ould slay that one
%night' and said it "as shame' four against one( )hou shalt "ell "it' said the four %nights'
that he is false( )hat is your tale' said .ir 8amora%' and "hen & hear him also spea%' & "ill
say as ye say( )hen said 8amora%4 *h' %night' +an ye not ex+use you' but that ye are a
false %night( .ir' said he' yet +an & ex+use me both "ith my "ord and "ith my hands' that
& "ill ma%e good upon one of the best of them' my body to his body( )hen spa%e they all
at on+e4 We "ill not 7eopardy our bodies as for thee( /ut "it thou "ell' they said' an -ing
*rthur "ere here himself' it should not lie in his po"er to save his life( )hat is too mu+h
said' said .ir 8amora%' but many spea% behind a man more than they "ill say to his fa+e0
and be+ause of your "ords ye shall understand that & am one of the simplest of -ing
*rthur1s +ourt0 in the "orship of my lord no" do your best' and in despite of you & shall
res+ue him( *nd then they lashed all at on+e to .ir 8amora%' but anon at t"o stro%es .ir
8amora% had slain t"o of them' and then the other t"o fled( .o then .ir 8amora% turned
again to that %night' and as%ed him his name( .ir' he said' my name is .ir Frol of the 9ut
&sles( )hen he rode "ith .ir 8amora% and bare him +ompany(
*nd as they rode by the "ay they sa" a seemly %night riding against them' and all in
"hite( *h' said Frol' yonder %night 7ousted late "ith me and smote me do"n' therefore &
"ill 7oust "ith him( >e shall not do so' said .ir 8amora%' by my +ounsel' an ye "ill tell
me your 6uarrel' "hether ye 7ousted at his re6uest' or he at yours( 2ay' said .ir Frol' &
7ousted "ith him at my re6uest( .ir' said 8amora%' then "ill & +ounsel you deal no more
"ith him' for meseemeth by his +ountenan+e he should be a noble %night' and no 7aper0
for methin%eth he should be of the )able ?ound( )herefore & "ill not spare' said .ir Frol(
*nd then he +ried and said4 .ir %night' ma%e thee ready to 7oust( )hat needeth not' said
the White -night' for & have no lust to 7oust "ith thee0 but yet they feutred their spears'
and the White -night overthre" .ir Frol' and then he rode his "ay a soft pa+e( )hen .ir
8amora% rode after him' and prayed him to tell him his name4 For meseemeth ye should
be of the fello"ship of the ?ound )able( #pon a +ovenant' said he' & "ill tell you my
name' so that ye "ill not dis+over my name' and also that ye "ill tell me yours( )hen'
said he' my name is .ir 8amora% de :alis( *nd my name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( )hen
they put up their s"ords' and %issed heartily together' and either made great 7oy of other(
.ir' said .ir 8amora%' an it please you & "ill do you servi+e( :od defend' said 8aun+elot'
that any of so noble a blood as ye be should do me servi+e( )hen he said4 More' & am in a
6uest that & must do myself alone( 2o" :od speed you' said .ir 8amora%' and so they
departed( )hen .ir 8amora% +ame to .ir Frol and horsed him again( What %night is that3
said .ir Frol( .ir' he said' it is not for you to %no"' nor it is no point of my +harge( >e are
the more un+ourteous' said .ir Frol' and therefore & "ill depart from you( >e may do as
ye list' said .ir 8amora%' and yet by my +ompany ye have saved the fairest flo"er of
your garland0 so they departed(
!o" .ir 8amora% sle" .ir Frol' and of the +ourteous fighting "ith .ir /ellian+e his
)!E2 "ithin t"o or three days .ir 8amora% found a %night at a "ell sleeping' and his
lady sat "ith him and "a%ed( ?ight so +ame .ir :a"aine and too% the %night1s lady' and
set her up behind his s6uire( .o .ir 8amora% rode after .ir :a"aine' and said4 .ir
:a"aine' turn again( *nd then said .ir :a"aine4 What "ill ye do "ith me3 for & am
nephe" unto -ing *rthur( .ir' said he' for that +ause & "ill spare you' else that lady
should abide "ith me' or else ye should 7oust "ith me( )hen .ir :a"aine turned him and
ran to him that ought the lady' "ith his spear' but the %night "ith pure might smote do"n
.ir :a"aine' and too% his lady "ith him( *ll this .ir 8amora% sa"' and said to himself4
/ut & revenge my fello" he "ill say of me dishonour in -ing *rthur1s +ourt( )hen .ir
8amora% returned and proffered that %night to 7oust( .ir' said he' & am ready( *nd there
they +ame together "ith all their might' and there .ir 8amora% smote the %night through
both sides that he fell to the earth dead(
)hen that lady rode to that %night1s brother that hight /ellian+e le 9rgulus' that d"elt fast
thereby' and then she told him ho" his brother "as slain( *las' said he' & "ill be
revenged( *nd so he horsed him' and armed him' and "ithin a "hile he overtoo% .ir
8amora%' and bade him4 )urn and leave that lady' for thou and & must play a ne" play0
for thou hast slain my brother .ir Frol' that "as a better %night than ever "ert thou( &t
might "ell be' said .ir 8amora%' but this day in the field & "as found the better( .o they
rode together' and unhorsed other' and turned their shields' and dre" their s"ords' and
fought mightily as noble %nights proved' by the spa+e of t"o hours( .o then .ir /ellian+e
prayed him to tell him his name( .ir' said he' my name is .ir 8amora% de :alis( *h' said
.ir /ellian+e' thou art the man in the "orld that & most hate' for & sle" my sons for thy
sa%e' "here & saved thy life' and no" thou hast slain my brother .ir Frol( *las' ho"
should & be a++orded "ith thee0 therefore defend thee' for thou shalt die' there is none
other remedy( *las' said .ir 8amora%' full "ell me ought to %no" you' for ye are the man
that most have done for me( *nd there"ithal .ir 8amora% %neeled do"n' and besought
him of gra+e( *rise' said .ir /ellian+e' or else thereas thou %neelest & shall slay thee( )hat
shall not need' said .ir 8amora%' for & "ill yield me unto you' not for fear of you' nor for
your strength' but your goodness ma%eth me full loath to have ado "ith you0 "herefore &
re6uire you for :od1s sa%e' and for the honour of %nighthood' forgive me all that & have
offended unto you( *las' said /ellian+e' leave thy %neeling' or else & shall slay thee
"ithout mer+y(
)hen they yede again unto battle' and either "ounded other' that all the ground "as
bloody thereas they fought( *nd at the last /ellian+e "ithdre" him aba+% and set him
do"n softly upon a little hill' for he "as so faint for bleeding that he might not stand(
)hen .ir 8amora% thre" his shield upon his ba+%' and as%ed him "hat +heer( Well' said
.ir /ellian+e( *h' .ir' yet shall & sho" you favour in your mal<ease( *h' -night .ir
/ellian+e' said .ir 8amora%' thou art a fool' for an & had had thee at su+h advantage as
thou hast done me' & should slay thee0 but thy gentleness is so good and so large' that &
must needs forgive thee mine evil "ill( *nd then .ir 8amora% %neeled do"n' and unla+ed
first his umberere' and then his o"n' and then either %issed other "ith "eeping tears(
)hen .ir 8amora% led .ir /ellian+e to an abbey fast by' and there .ir 8amora% "ould not
depart from /ellian+e till he "as "hole( *nd then they s"are together that none of them
should never fight against other( .o .ir 8amora% departed and "ent to the +ourt of -ing
!ere leave "e of .ir 8amora% and of .ir )ristram( *nd here beginneth the history of 8a
Cote Male )aile(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book ,
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VIII! I"-"III! "IV-"VII! "VIII-""I!
""II-""VI! ""VII-"""I! """II-"""V! """VI-
"""I"! "L-"LIV #
!o" a young man +ame into the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and ho" .ir -ay +alled him in
s+orn 8a Cote Male )aile(
*) the +ourt of -ing *rthur there +ame a young man and bigly made' and he "as ri+hly
beseen4 and he desired to be made %night of the %ing' but his over<garment sat over<
th"artly' ho"beit it "as ri+h +loth of gold( What is your name3 said -ing *rthur( .ir'
said he' my name is /reunor le 2oire' and "ithin short spa+e ye shall %no" that & am of
good %in( &t may "ell be' said .ir -ay' the .enes+hal' but in mo+%age ye shall be +alled
8a Cote Male )aile' that is as mu+h to say' the evil<shapen +oat &t is a great thing that
thou as%est' said the %ing0 and for "hat +ause "earest thou that ri+h +oat3 tell me' for &
+an "ell thin% for some +ause it is( .ir' he ans"ered' & had a father' a noble %night' and as
he rode a<hunting' upon a day it happed him to lay him do"n to sleep0 and there +ame a
%night that had been long his enemy' and "hen he sa" he "as fast asleep he all to<he"
him0 and this same +oat had my father on the same time0 and that ma%eth this +oat to sit
so evil upon me' for the stro%es be on it as & found it' and never shall be amended for me(
)hus to have my father1s death in remembran+e & "ear this +oat till & be revenged0 and
be+ause ye are +alled the most noblest %ing of the "orld & +ome to you that ye should
ma%e me %night( .ir' said .ir 8amora% and .ir :aheris' it "ere "ell done to ma%e him
%night0 for him beseemeth "ell of person and of +ountenan+e' that he shall prove a good
man' and a good %night' and a mighty0 for' .ir' an ye be remembered' even su+h one "as
.ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e "hen he +ame first into this +ourt' and full fe" of us %ne" from
"hen+e he +ame0 and no" is he proved the man of most "orship in the "orld0 and all
your +ourt and all your ?ound )able is by .ir 8aun+elot "orshipped and amended more
than by any %night no" living( )hat is truth' said the %ing' and to<morro" at your re6uest
& shall ma%e him %night(
.o on the morro" there "as an hart found' and thither rode -ing *rthur "ith a +ompany
of his %nights to slay the hart( *nd this young man that .ir -ay named 8a Cote Male
)aile "as there left behind "ith ;ueen :uenever0 and by sudden adventure there "as an
horrible lion %ept in a strong to"er of stone' and it happened that he at that time bra%e
loose' and +ame hurling afore the 6ueen and her %nights( *nd "hen the 6ueen sa" the
lion she +ried and fled' and prayed her %nights to res+ue her( *nd there "as none of them
all but t"elve that abode' and all the other fled( )hen said 8a Cote Male )aile4 2o" & see
"ell that all +o"ard %nights be not dead0 and there"ithal he dre" his s"ord and dressed
him afore the lion( *nd that lion gaped "ide and +ame upon him ramping to have slain
him( *nd he then smote him in the midst of the head su+h a mighty stro%e that it +lave his
head in sunder' and dashed to the earth( )hen "as it told the 6ueen ho" the young man
that .ir -ay named by s+orn 8a Cote Male )aile had slain the lion( With that the %ing
+ame home( *nd "hen the 6ueen told him of that adventure' he "as "ell pleased' and
said4 #pon pain of mine head he shall prove a noble man and a faithful %night' and true
of his promise4 then the %ing forth"ithal made him %night( 2o" .ir' said this young
%night' & re6uire you and all the %nights of your +ourt' that ye +all me by none other name
but 8a Cote Male )aile4 in so mu+h as .ir -ay hath so named me so "ill & be +alled( &
assent me "ell thereto' said the %ing(
!o" a damosel +ame into the +ourt and desired a %night to ta%e on him an en6uest' "hi+h
8a Cote Male )aile emprised(
)!E2 that same day there +ame a damosel into the +ourt' and she brought "ith her a
great bla+% shield' "ith a "hite hand in the midst holding a s"ord( 9ther pi+ture "as
there none in that shield( When -ing *rthur sa" her he as%ed her from "hen+e she +ame
and "hat she "ould( .ir' she said' & have ridden long and many a day "ith this shield
many "ays' and for this +ause & am +ome to your +ourt4 there "as a good %night that
ought this shield' and this %night had underta%en a great deed of arms to en+hieve it0 and
so it misfortuned him another strong %night met "ith him by sudden adventure' and there
they fought long' and either "ounded other passing sore0 and they "ere so "eary that
they left that battle even hand( .o this %night that ought this shield sa" none other "ay
but he must die0 and then he +ommanded me to bear this shield to the +ourt of -ing
*rthur' he re6uiring and praying some good %night to ta%e this shield' and that he "ould
fulfil the 6uest that he "as in( 2o" "hat say ye to this 6uest3 said -ing *rthur0 is there
any of you here that "ill ta%e upon him to "ield this shield3 )hen "as there not one that
"ould spea% one "ord( )hen .ir -ay too% the shield in his hands( .ir %night' said the
damosel' "hat is your name3 Wit ye "ell' said he' my name is .ir -ay' the .enes+hal'
that "ide<"here is %no"n( .ir' said that damosel' lay do"n that shield' for "it ye "ell it
falleth not for you' for he must be a better %night than ye that shall "ield this shield(
,amosel' said .ir -ay' "it ye "ell & too% this shield in my hands by your leave for to
behold it' not to that intent0 but go "heresomever thou "ilt' for & "ill not go "ith you(
)hen the damosel stood still a great "hile and beheld many of those %nights( )hen spa%e
the %night' 8a Cote Male )aile4 Fair damosel' & "ill ta%e the shield and that adventure
upon me' so & "ist & should %no" "hither"ard my 7ourney might be0 for be+ause & "as
this day made %night & "ould ta%e this adventure upon me( What is your name' fair young
man3 said the damosel( My name is' said he' 8a Cote Male )aile( Well mayest thou be
+alled so' said the damosel' the %night "ith the evil<shapen +oat0 but an thou be so hardy
to ta%e upon thee to bear that shield and to follo" me' "it thou "ell thy s%in shall be as
"ell he"n as thy +oat( *s for that' said 8a Cote Male )aile' "hen & am so he"n & "ill as%
you no salve to heal me "ithal( *nd forth"ithal there +ame into the +ourt t"o s6uires and
brought him great horses' and his armour' and his spears' and anon he "as armed and
too% his leave( & "ould not by my "ill' said the %ing' that ye too% upon you that hard
adventure( .ir' said he' this adventure is mine' and the first that ever & too% upon me' and
that "ill & follo" "hatsomever +ome of me( )hen that damosel departed' and 8a Cote
Male )aile fast follo"ed after( *nd "ithin a "hile he overtoo% the damosel' and anon she
missaid him in the foulest manner(
!o" 8a Cote Male )aile overthre" .ir ,agonet the %ing1s fool' and of the rebu%e that he
had of the damosel(
)!E2 .ir -ay ordained .ir ,agonet' -ing *rthur1s fool' to follo" after 8a Cote Male
)aile0 and there .ir -ay ordained that .ir ,agonet "as horsed and armed' and bade him
follo" 8a Cote Male )aile and proffer him to 7oust' and so he did0 and "hen he sa" 8a
Cote Male )aile' he +ried and bade him ma%e him ready to 7oust( .o .ir 8a Cote Male
)aile smote .ir ,agonet over his horse1s +roup( )hen the damosel mo+%ed 8a Cote Male
)aile' and said4 Fie for shame@ no" art thou shamed in *rthur1s +ourt' "hen they send a
fool to have ado "ith thee' and spe+ially at thy first 7ousts0 thus she rode long' and +hid(
*nd "ithin a "hile there +ame .ir /leoberis' the good %night' and there he 7ousted "ith
8a Cote Male )aile' and there .ir /leoberis smote him so sore' that horse and all fell to
the earth( )hen 8a Cote Male )aile arose up lightly' and dressed his shield' and dre" his
s"ord' and "ould have done battle to the utteran+e' for he "as "ood "roth( 2ot so' said
.ir /leoberis de :anis' as at this time & "ill not fight upon foot( )hen the damosel
Maledisant rebu%ed him in the foulest manner' and bade him4 )urn again' +o"ard( *h'
damosel' he said' & pray you of mer+y to missay me no more' my grief is enough though
ye give me no more0 & +all myself never the "orse %night "hen a mare1s son faileth me'
and also & +ount me never the "orse %night for a fall of .ir /leoberis(
.o thus he rode "ith her t"o days0 and by fortune there +ame .ir $alomides and
en+ountered "ith him' and he in the same "ise served him as did /leoberis toforehand(
What dost thou here in my fello"ship3 said the damosel Maledisant' thou +anst not sit no
%night' nor "ithstand him one buffet' but if it "ere .ir ,agonet( *h' fair damosel' & am
not the "orse to ta%e a fall of .ir $alomides' and yet great dis"orship have & none' for
neither /leoberis nor yet $alomides "ould not fight "ith me on foot( *s for that' said the
damosel' "it thou "ell they have disdain and s+orn to light off their horses to fight "ith
su+h a le"d %night as thou art( .o in the mean"hile there +ame .ir Mordred' .ir
:a"aine1s brother' and so he fell in the fello"ship "ith the damosel Maledisant( *nd
then they +ame afore the Castle 9rgulous' and there "as su+h a +ustom that there might
no %night +ome by that +astle but either he must 7oust or be prisoner' or at the least to lose
his horse and his harness( *nd there +ame out t"o %nights against them' and .ir Mordred
7ousted "ith the foremost' and that %night of the +astle smote .ir Mordred do"n off his
horse( *nd then 8a Cote Male )aile 7ousted "ith that other' and either of them smote
other do"n' horse and all' to the earth( *nd "hen they avoided their horses' then either of
them too% other1s horses( *nd then 8a Cote Male )aile rode unto that %night that smote
do"n .ir Mordred' and 7ousted "ith him( *nd there .ir 8a Cote Male )aile hurt and
"ounded him passing sore' and put him from his horse as he had been dead( .o he turned
unto him that met him afore' and he too% the flight to"ards the +astle' and .ir 8a Cote
Male )aile rode after him into the Castle 9rgulous' and there 8a Cote Male )aile sle"
!o" 8a Cote Male )aile fought against an hundred %nights' and ho" he es+aped by the
mean of a lady(
*2, anon there +ame an hundred %nights about him and assailed him0 and "hen he sa"
his horse should be slain he alighted and voided his horse' and put the bridle under his
feet' and so put him out of the gate( *nd "hen he had so done he hurled in among them'
and dressed his ba+% unto a lady1s +hamber<"all' thin%ing himself that he had liefer die
there "ith "orship than to abide the rebu%es of the damosel Maledisant( *nd in the
meantime as he stood and fought' that lady "hose "as the +hamber "ent out slily at her
postern' and "ithout the gates she found 8a Cote Male )aile1s horse' and lightly she gat
him by the bridle' and tied him to the postern( *nd then she "ent unto her +hamber slily
again for to behold ho" that one %night fought against an hundred %nights( *nd "hen she
had beheld him long she "ent to a "indo" behind his ba+%' and said4 )hou %night' thou
fightest "onderly "ell' but for all that at the last thou must needs die' but' an thou +anst
through thy mighty pro"ess' "in unto yonder postern' for there have & fastened thy horse
to abide thee4 but "it thou "ell thou must thin% on thy "orship' and thin% not to die' for
thou mayst not "in unto that postern "ithout thou do nobly and mightily( When 8a Cote
Male )aile heard her say so he gripped his s"ord in his hands' and put his shield fair
afore him' and through the thi+%est press he thrulled through them( *nd "hen he +ame to
the postern he found there ready four %nights' and at t"o the first stro%es he sle" t"o of
the %nights' and the other fled0 and so he "on his horse and rode from them( *nd all as it
"as it "as rehearsed in -ing *rthur1s +ourt' ho" he sle" t"elve %nights "ithin the
Castle 9rgulous0 and so he rode on his "ay(
*nd in the mean"hile the damosel said to .ir Mordred4 & "een my foolish %night be
either slain or ta%en prisoner4 then "ere they "are "here he +ame riding( *nd "hen he
"as +ome unto them he told all ho" he had sped and es+aped in despite of them all4 *nd
some of the best of them "ill tell no tales( )hou liest falsely' said the damosel' that dare &
ma%e good' but as a fool and a dastard to all %nighthood they have let thee pass( )hat may
ye prove' said 8a Cote Male )aile( With that she sent a +ourier of hers' that rode al"ay
"ith her' for to %no" the truth of this deed0 and so he rode thither lightly' and as%ed ho"
and in "hat manner that 8a Cote Male )aile "as es+aped out of the +astle( )hen all the
%nights +ursed him' and said that he "as a fiend and no man4 For he hath slain here
t"elve of our best %nights' and "e "eened unto this day that it had been too mu+h for .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e or for .ir )ristram de 8iones( *nd in despite of us all he is departed
from us and maugre our heads(
With this ans"er the +ourier departed and +ame to Maledisant his lady' and told her all
ho" .ir 8a Cote Male )aile had sped at the Castle 9rgulous( )hen she smote do"n her
head' and said little( /y my head' said .ir Mordred to the damosel' ye are greatly to
blame so to rebu%e him' for & "arn you plainly he is a good %night' and & doubt not but he
shall prove a noble %night0 but as yet he may not yet sit sure on horseba+%' for he that
shall be a good horseman it must +ome of usage and exer+ise( /ut "hen he +ometh to the
stro%es of his s"ord he is then noble and mighty' and that sa" .ir /leoberis and .ir
$alomides' for "it ye "ell they are "ily men of arms' and anon they %no" "hen they see
a young %night by his riding' ho" they are sure to give him a fall from his horse or a
great buffet( /ut for the most part they "ill not light on foot "ith young %nights' for they
are "ight and strongly armed( For in li%e"ise .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' "hen he "as first
made %night' he "as often put to the "orse upon horseba+%' but ever upon foot he
re+overed his reno"n' and sle" and defoiled many %nights of the ?ound )able( *nd
therefore the rebu%es that .ir 8aun+elot did unto many %nights +auseth them that be men
of pro"ess to be"are0 for often & have seen the old proved %nights rebu%ed and slain by
them that "ere but young beginners( )hus they rode sure tal%ing by the "ay together(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame to the +ourt and heard of 8a Cote Male )aile' and ho" he
follo"ed after him' and ho" 8a Cote Male )aile "as prisoner(
!E?E leave "e off a "hile of this tale' and spea% "e of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' [E that
"hen he "as +ome to the+ourt of -ing *rthur' then heard he tell of the young %night 8a
Cote Male )aile' ho" he sle" the lion' and ho" he too% upon him the adventure of the
bla+% shield' the "hi+h "as named at that time the hardiest adventure of the "orld( .o
:od me save' said .ir 8aun+elot unto many of his fello"s' it "as shame to all the noble
%nights to suffer su+h a young %night to ta%e su+h adventure upon him for his destru+tion0
for & "ill that ye "it' said .ir 8aun+elot' that that damosel Maledisant hath borne that
shield many a day for to see% the most proved %nights' and that "as she that /reuse
.aun+e $ite too% that shield from her' and after )ristram de 8iones res+ued that shield
from him and gave it to the damosel again' a little afore that time that .ir )ristram fought
"ith my nephe" .ir /lamore de :anis' for a 6uarrel that "as bet"ixt the -ing of &reland
and him( )hen many %nights "ere sorry that .ir 8a Cote Male )aile "as gone forth to
that adventure( )ruly' said .ir 8aun+elot' & +ast me to ride after him( *nd "ithin seven
days .ir 8aun+elot overtoo% 8a Cote Male )aile' and then he saluted him and the
damosel Maledisant( *nd "hen .ir Mordred sa" .ir 8aun+elot' then he left their
fello"ship0 and so .ir 8aun+elot rode "ith them all a day' and ever that damosel rebu%ed
8a Cote Male )aile0 and then .ir 8aun+elot ans"ered for him' then she left off' and
rebu%ed .ir 8aun+elot(
[ E $rinted by William Caxton as part of +hap( iv
.o this meantime .ir )ristram sent by a damosel a letter unto .ir 8aun+elot' ex+using him
of the "edding of &soud la /lan+he Mains0 and said in the letter' as he "as a true %night
he had never ado fleshly "ith &soud la /lan+he Mains0 and passing +ourteously and
gentily .ir )ristram "rote unto .ir 8aun+elot' ever besee+hing him to be his good friend
and unto 8a /eale &soud of Corn"all' and that .ir 8aun+elot "ould ex+use him if that
ever he sa" her( *nd "ithin short time by the gra+e of :od' said .ir )ristram' that he
"ould spea% "ith 8a /eale &soud' and "ith him right hastily( )hen .ir 8aun+elot
departed from the damosel and from .ir 8a Cote Male )aile' for to oversee that letter'
and to "rite another letter unto .ir )ristram de 8iones(
*nd in the mean"hile 8a Cote Male )aile rode "ith the damosel until they +ame to a
+astle that hight $endragon0 and there "ere six %nights stood afore him' and one of them
proffered to 7oust "ith 8a Cote Male )aile( *nd there 8a Cote Male )aile smote him
over his horse1s +roup( *nd then the five %nights set upon him all at on+e "ith their
spears' and there they smote 8a Cote Male )aile do"n' horse and man( *nd then they
alighted suddenly' and set their hands upon him all at on+e' and too% him prisoner' and so
led him unto the +astle and %ept him as prisoner(
*nd on the morn .ir 8aun+elot arose' and delivered the damosel "ith letters unto .ir
)ristram' and then he too% his "ay after 8a Cote Male )aile0 and by the "ay upon a
bridge there "as a %night proffered .ir 8aun+elot to 7oust' and .ir 8aun+elot smote him
do"n' and then they fought upon foot a noble battle together' and a mighty0 and at the
last .ir 8aun+elot smote him do"n grovelling upon his hands and his %nees( *nd then
that %night yielded him' and .ir 8aun+elot re+eived him fair( .ir' said the %night' & re6uire
thee tell me your name' for mu+h my heart giveth unto you( 2ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' as at
this time & "ill not tell you my name' unless then that ye tell me your name( Certainly'
said the %night' my name is .ir 2erovens' that "as made %night of my lord .ir 8aun+elot
du 8a%e( *h' 2erovens de 8ile' said .ir 8aun+elot' & am right glad that ye are proved a
good %night' for no" "it ye "ell my name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( *las' said .ir
2erovens de 8ile' "hat have & done@ *nd there"ithal flatling he fell to his feet' and
"ould have %issed them' but .ir 8aun+elot "ould not let him0 and then either made great
7oy of other( *nd then .ir 2erovens told .ir 8aun+elot that he should not go by the Castle
of $endragon4 For there is a lord' a mighty %night' and many %nights "ith him' and this
night & heard say that they too% a %night prisoner yesterday that rode "ith a damosel' and
they say he is a -night of the ?ound )able(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot fought "ith six %nights' and after "ith .ir /rian' and ho" he
delivered the prisoners(
*!' said .ir 8aun+elot' that %night is my fello"' and him shall & res+ue or else & shall
lose my life therefore( *nd there"ithal he rode fast till he +ame before the Castle of
$endragon0 and anon there"ithal there +ame six %nights' and all made them ready to set
upon .ir 8aun+elot at on+e0 then .ir 8aun+elot feutred his spear' and smote the foremost
that he bra%e his ba+% in<sunder' and three of them hit and three failed( *nd then .ir
8aun+elot passed through them' and lightly he turned in again' and smote another %night
through the breast and throughout the ba+% more than an ell' and there"ithal his spear
bra%e( .o then all the remnant of the four %nights dre" their s"ords and lashed at .ir
8aun+elot( *nd at every stro%e .ir 8aun+elot besto"ed so his stro%es that at four stro%es
sundry they avoided their saddles' passing sore "ounded0 and forth"ithal he rode hurling
into that +astle(
*nd anon the lord of the +astle' that "as that time +leped .ir /rian de les &sles' the "hi+h
"as a noble man and a great enemy unto -ing *rthur' "ithin a "hile he "as armed and
upon horseba+%( *nd then they feutred their spears and hurled together so strongly that
both their horses rashed to the earth( *nd then they avoided their saddles' and dressed
their shields' and dre" their s"ords' and flang together as "ood men' and there "ere
many stro%es given in a "hile( *t the last .ir 8aun+elot gave to .ir /rian su+h a buffet
that he %neeled upon his %nees' and then .ir 8aun+elot rashed upon him' and "ith great
for+e he pulled off his helm0 and "hen .ir /rian sa" that he should be slain he yielded
him' and put him in his mer+y and in his gra+e( )hen .ir 8aun+elot made him to deliver
all his prisoners that he had "ithin his +astle' and therein .ir 8aun+elot found of *rthur1s
%nights thirty' and forty ladies' and so he delivered them0 and then he rode his "ay( *nd
anon as 8a Cote Male )aile "as delivered he gat his horse' and his harness' and his
damosel Maledisant(
)he mean"hile .ir 2erovens' that .ir 8aun+elot had foughten "ithal afore at the bridge'
he sent a damosel after .ir 8aun+elot to "it ho" he sped at the Castle of $endragon( *nd
then they "ithin the +astle marvelled "hat %night he "as' "hen .ir /rian and his %nights
delivered all those prisoners( !ave ye no marvel' said the damosel' for the best %night in
this "orld "as here' and did this 7ourney' and "it ye "ell' she said' it "as .ir 8aun+elot(
)hen "as .ir /rian full glad' and so "as his lady' and all his %nights' that su+h a man
should "in them( *nd "hen the damosel and 8a Cote Male )aile understood that it "as
.ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e that had ridden "ith them in fello"ship' and that she remembered
her ho" she had rebu%ed him and +alled him +o"ard' then "as she passing heavy(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot met "ith the damosel named Male disant' and named her the ,amosel
.9 then they too% their horses and rode forth a pa+e after .ir 8aun+elot( *nd "ithin t"o
mile they overtoo% him' and saluted him' and than%ed him' and the damosel +ried .ir
8aun+elot mer+y of her evil deed and saying4 For no" & %no" the flo"er of all
%nighthood is departed even bet"een .ir )ristram and you( For :od %no"eth' said the
damosel' that & have sought you my lord' .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir )ristram long' and no" &
than% :od & have met "ith you0 and on+e at Camelot & met "ith .ir )ristram' and there
he res+ued this bla+% shield "ith the "hite hand holding a na%ed s"ord that .ir /reuse
.aun+e $ite had ta%en from me( 2o"' fair damosel' said .ir 8aun+elot' "ho told you my
name3 .ir' said she' there +ame a damosel from a %night that ye fought "ithal at the
bridge' and she told me your name "as .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( /lame have she then' said
.ir 8aun+elot' but her lord' .ir 2erovens' hath told her( /ut' damosel' said .ir 8aun+elot'
upon this +ovenant & "ill ride "ith you' so that ye "ill not rebu%e this %night .ir 8a Cote
Male )aile no more0 for he is a good %night' and & doubt not he shall prove a noble
%night' and for his sa%e and pity that he should not be destroyed & follo"ed him to
su++our him in this great need( *h' 5esu than% you' said the damosel' for no" & "ill say
unto you and to him both' & rebu%ed him never for no hate that & hated him' but for great
love that & had to him( For ever & supposed that he had been too young and too tender to
ta%e upon him these adventures( *nd therefore by my "ill & "ould have driven him a"ay
for 7ealousy that & had of his life' for it may be no young %night1s deed that shall en+hieve
this adventure to the end( $ardieu' said .ir 8aun+elot' it is "ell said' and "here ye are
+alled the ,amosel Maledisant & "ill +all you the ,amosel /ienpensant(
*nd so they rode forth a great "hile unto they +ame to the border of the +ountry of
.urluse' and there they found a fair village "ith a strong bridge li%e a fortress( *nd "hen
.ir 8aun+elot and they "ere at the bridge there stert forth afore them of gentlemen and
yeomen many' that said4 Fair lords' ye may not pass this bridge and this fortress be+ause
of that bla+% shield that & see one of you bear' and therefore there shall not pass but one of
you at on+e0 therefore +hoose you "hi+h of you shall enter "ithin this bridge first( )hen
.ir 8aun+elot proffered himself first to enter "ithin this bridge( .ir' said 8a Cote Male
)aile' & besee+h you let me enter "ithin this fortress' and if & may speed "ell & "ill send
for you' and if it happened that & be slain' there it goeth( *nd if so be that & am a prisoner
ta%en' then may ye res+ue me( & am loath' said .ir 8aun+elot' to let you pass this passage(
.ir' said 8a Cote Male )aile' & pray you let me put my body in this adventure( 2o" go
your "ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' and 5esu be your speed(
.o he entered' and anon there met "ith him t"o brethren' the one hight .ir $laine de
For+e' and the other hight .ir $laine de *mours( *nd anon they met "ith .ir 8a Cote
Male )aile0 and first 8a Cote Male )aile smote do"n $laine de For+e' and after he smote
do"n $laine de *mours0 and then they dressed them to their shields and s"ords' and
bade 8a Cote Male )aile alight' and so he did0 and there "as dashing and foining "ith
s"ords' and so they began to assail full hard 8a Cote Male )aile' and many great "ounds
they gave him upon his head' and upon his breast' and upon his shoulders( *nd as he
might ever among he gave sad stro%es again( *nd then the t"o brethren tra+ed and
traversed for to be of both hands of .ir 8a Cote Male )aile' but he by fine for+e and
%nightly pro"ess gat them afore him( *nd then "hen he felt himself so "ounded' then he
doubled his stro%es' and gave them so many "ounds that he felled them to the earth' and
"ould have slain them had they not yielded them( *nd right so .ir 8a Cote Male )aile
too% the best horse that there "as of them three' and so rode forth his "ay to the other
fortress and bridge0 and there he met "ith the third brother "hose name "as .ir
$lenorius' a full noble %night' and there they 7ousted together' and either smote other
do"n' horse and man' to the earth( *nd then they avoided their horses' and dressed their
shields' and dre" their s"ords' and gave many sad stro%es' and one "hile the one %night
"as afore on the bridge' and another "hile the other( *nd thus they fought t"o hours and
more' and never rested( *nd ever .ir 8aun+elot and the damosel beheld them( *las' said
the damosel' my %night fighteth passing sore and over long( 2o" may ye see' said .ir
8aun+elot' that he is a noble %night' for to +onsider his first battle' and his grievous
"ounds0 and even forth"ithal so "ounded as he is' it is marvel that he may endure this
long battle "ith that good %night(
!o" 8a Cote Male )aile "as ta%en prisoner' and after res+ued by .ir 8aun+elot' and ho"
.ir 8aun+elot over+ame four brethren(
)!&. mean"hile .ir 8a Cote Male )aile san% right do"n upon the earth' "hat for<
"ounded and "hat for<bled he might not stand( )hen the other %night had pity of him'
and said4 Fair young %night' dismay you not' for had ye been fresh "hen ye met "ith me'
as & "as' & "ot "ell that & should not have endured so long as ye have done0 and therefore
for your noble deeds of arms & shall sho" to you %indness and gentleness in all that &
may( *nd forth"ithal this noble %night' .ir $lenorius' too% him up in his arms' and led
him into his to"er( *nd then he +ommanded him the "ine' and made to sear+h him and
to stop his bleeding "ounds( .ir' said 8a Cote Male )aile' "ithdra" you from me' and
hie you to yonder bridge again' for there "ill meet "ith you another manner %night than
ever "as &( Why' said $lenorius' is there another manner %night behind of your
fello"ship3 >ea' said 8a Cote Male )aile' there is a mu+h better %night than & am( What
is his name3 said $lenorius( >e shall not %no" for me' said 8a Cote Male )aile( Well'
said the %night' he shall be en+ountered "ithal "hatsomever he be(
)hen .ir $lenorius heard a %night +all that said4 .ir $lenorius' "here art thou3 either thou
must deliver me the prisoner that thou hast led unto thy to"er' or else +ome and do battle
"ith me( )hen $lenorius gat his horse' and +ame "ith a spear in his hand "alloping
to"ard .ir 8aun+elot0 and then they began to feutre their spears' and +ame together as
thunder' and smote either other so mightily that their horses fell do"n under them( *nd
then they avoided their horses' and pulled out their s"ords' and li%e t"o bulls they lashed
together "ith great stro%es and foins0 but ever .ir 8aun+elot re+overed ground upon him'
and .ir $lenorius tra+ed to have gone about him( /ut .ir 8aun+elot "ould not suffer that'
but bare him ba+%er and ba+%er' till he +ame nigh his to"er gate( *nd then said .ir
8aun+elot4 & %no" thee "ell for a good %night' but "it thou "ell thy life and death is in
my hand' and therefore yield thee to me' and thy prisoner( )he other ans"ered no "ord'
but stru+% mightily upon .ir 8aun+elot1s helm' that the fire sprang out of his eyes( )hen
.ir 8aun+elot doubled his stro%es so thi+%' and smote at him so mightily' that he made
him %neel upon his %nees( *nd there"ith .ir 8aun+elot leapt upon him' and pulled him
grovelling do"n( )hen .ir $lenorius yielded him' and his to"er' and all his prisoners at
his "ill(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot re+eived him and too% his troth0 and then he rode to the other bridge'
and there .ir 8aun+elot 7ousted "ith other three of his brethren' the one hight $illounes'
and the other hight $ellogris' and the third .ir $ellandris( *nd first upon horseba+% .ir
8aun+elot smote them do"n' and after"ard he beat them on foot' and made them to yield
them unto him0 and then he returned unto .ir $lenorius' and there he found in his prison
-ing Carados of .+otland' and many other %nights' and all they "ere delivered( *nd then
.ir 8a Cote Male )aile +ame to .ir 8aun+elot' and then .ir 8aun+elot "ould have given
him all these fortresses and these bridges( 2ay' said 8a Cote Male )aile' & "ill not have
.ir $lenorius1 livelihood0 "ith that he "ill grant you' my lord .ir 8aun+elot' to +ome unto
-ing *rthur1s +ourt' and to be his %night' and all his brethren' & "ill pray you' my lord' to
let him have his livelihood( & "ill "ell' said .ir 8aun+elot' "ith this that he "ill +ome to
the +ourt of -ing *rthur and be+ome his man' and his brethren five( *nd as for you' .ir
$lenorius' & "ill underta%e' said .ir 8aun+elot' at the next feast' so there be a pla+e
voided' that ye shall be -night of the ?ound )able( .ir' said $lenorius' at the next feast of
$ente+ost & "ill be at *rthur1s +ourt' and at that time & "ill be guided and ruled as -ing
*rthur and ye "ill have me( )hen .ir 8aun+elot and .ir 8a Cote Male )aile reposed them
there' unto the time that .ir 8a Cote Male )aile "as "hole of his "ounds' and there they
had merry +heer' and good rest' and many good games' and there "ere many fair ladies(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot made 8a Cote Male )aile lord of the Castle of $endragon' and after
"as made %night of the ?ound )able(
*2, in the mean"hile +ame .ir -ay' the .enes+hal' and .ir /randiles' and anon they
fello"shipped "ith them( *nd then "ithin ten days' then departed those %nights of
*rthur1s +ourt from these fortresses( *nd as .ir 8aun+elot +ame by the Castle of
$endragon there he put .ir /rian de les &sles from his lands' for +ause he "ould never be
"ithhold "ith -ing *rthur0 and all that Castle of $endragon and all the lands thereof he
gave to .ir 8a Cote Male )aile( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot sent for 2erovens that he made
on+e %night' and he made him to have all the rule of that +astle and of that +ountry' under
8a Cote Male )aile0 and so they rode to *rthur1s +ourt all "holly together( *nd at
$ente+ost next follo"ing there "as .ir $lenorius and .ir 8a Cote Male )aile' +alled
other"ise by right .ir /reunor le 2oire' both made -nights of the )able ?ound0 and
great lands -ing *rthur gave them' and there /reunor le 2oire "edded that damosel
Maledisant( *nd after she "as +alled /eauvivante' but ever after for the more part he "as
+alled 8a Cote Male )aile0 and he proved a passing noble %night' and mighty0 and many
"orshipful deeds he did after in his life0 and .ir $lenorius proved a noble %night and full
of pro"ess' and all the days of their life for the most part they a"aited upon .ir
8aun+elot0 and .ir $lenorius1 brethren "ere ever %nights of -ing *rthur( *nd also' as the
Fren+h boo% ma%eth mention' .ir 8a Cote Male )aile avenged his father1s death(
!o" 8a /eale &soud sent letters to .ir )ristram by her maid /rag"aine' and of divers
adventures of .ir )ristram(
29W leave "e here .ir 8a Cote Male )aile' and turn "e unto .ir )ristram de 8iones that
"as in /rittany( When 8a /eale &soud understood that he "as "edded she sent to him by
her maiden /rag"aine as piteous letters as +ould be thought and made' and her
+on+lusion "as that' an it pleased .ir )ristram' that he "ould +ome to her +ourt' and
bring "ith him &soud la /lan+he Mains' and they should be %ept as "ell as she herself(
)hen .ir )ristram +alled unto him .ir -ehydius' and as%ed him "hether he "ould go
"ith him into Corn"all se+retly( !e ans"ered him that he "as ready at all times( *nd
then he let ordain privily a little vessel' and therein they "ent' .ir )ristram' -ehydius'
,ame /rag"aine' and :ouvernail' .ir )ristram1s s6uire( .o "hen they "ere in the sea a
+ontrarious "ind ble" them on the +oasts of 2orth Wales' nigh the Castle $erilous( )hen
said .ir )ristram4 !ere shall ye abide me these ten days' and :ouvernail' my s6uire' "ith
you( *nd if so be & +ome not again by that day ta%e the next "ay into Corn"all0 for in
this forest are many strange adventures' as & have heard say' and some of them & +ast me
to prove or & depart( *nd "hen & may & shall hie me after you(
)hen .ir )ristram and -ehydius too% their horses and departed from their fello"ship(
*nd so they rode "ithin that forest a mile and more0 and at the last .ir )ristram sa" afore
him a li%ely %night' armed' sitting by a "ell' and a strong mighty horse passing nigh him
tied to an oa%' and a man hoving and riding by him leading an horse laden "ith spears(
*nd this %night that sat at the "ell seemed by his +ountenan+e to be passing heavy( )hen
.ir )ristram rode near him and said4 Fair %night' "hy sit ye so drooping3 ye seem to be a
%night<errant by your arms and harness' and therefore dress you to 7oust "ith one of us'
or "ith both( )here"ithal that %night made no "ords' but too% his shield and bu+%led it
about his ne+%' and lightly he too% his horse and leapt upon him( *nd then he too% a great
spear of his s6uire' and departed his "ay a furlong( .ir -ehydius as%ed leave of .ir
)ristram to 7oust first( ,o your best' said .ir )ristram( .o they met together' and there .ir
-ehydius had a fall' and "as sore "ounded on high above the paps( )hen .ir )ristram
said4 -night' that is "ell 7ousted' no" ma%e you ready unto me( & am ready' said the
%night( *nd then that %night too% a greater spear in his hand' and en+ountered "ith .ir
)ristram' and there by great for+e that %night smote do"n .ir )ristram from his horse and
had a great fall( )hen .ir )ristram "as sore ashamed' and lightly he avoided his horse'
and put his shield afore his shoulder' and dre" his s"ord( *nd then .ir )ristram re6uired
that %night of his %nighthood to alight upon foot and fight "ith him( & "ill "ell' said the
%night0 and so he alighted upon foot' and avoided his horse' and +ast his shield upon his
shoulder' and dre" his s"ord' and there they fought a long battle together full nigh t"o
hours( )hen .ir )ristram said4 Fair %night' hold thine hand' and tell me of "hen+e thou
art' and "hat is thy name( *s for that' said the %night' & "ill be avised0 but an thou "ilt
tell me thy name peradventure & "ill tell thee mine(
!o" .ir )ristram met "ith .ir 8amora% de :alis' and ho" they fought' and after
a++orded never to fight together(
29W fair %night' he said' my name is .ir )ristram de 8iones( .ir' said the other %night'
and my name is .ir 8amora% de :alis( *h' .ir 8amora%' said .ir )ristram' "ell be "e
met' and bethin% thee no" of the despite thou didst me of the sending of the horn unto
-ing Mar%1s +ourt' to the intent to have slain or dishonoured my lady the 6ueen' 8a /eale
&soud0 and therefore "it thou "ell' said .ir )ristram' the one of us shall die or "e depart(
.ir' said .ir 8amora%' remember that "e "ere together in the &sle of .ervage' and at that
time ye promised me great friendship( )hen .ir )ristram "ould ma%e no longer delays'
but lashed at .ir 8amora%0 and thus they fought long till either "ere "eary of other( )hen
.ir )ristram said to .ir 8amora%4 &n all my life met & never "ith su+h a %night that "as so
big and "ell breathed as ye be' therefore' said .ir )ristram' it "ere pity that any of us
both should here be mis+hieved( .ir said .ir 8amora%' for your reno"n and name & "ill
that ye have the "orship of this battle' and therefore & "ill yield me unto you( *nd
there"ith he too% the point of his s"ord to yield him( 2ay' said .ir )ristram' ye shall not
do so' for "ell & %no" your proffers' and more of your gentleness than for any fear or
dread ye have of me( *nd there"ithal .ir )ristram proffered him his s"ord and said4 .ir
8amora%' as an over+ome %night & yield me unto you as to a man of the most noble
pro"ess that ever & met "ithal( 2ay' said .ir 8amora%' & "ill do you gentleness0 & re6uire
you let us be s"orn together that never none of us shall after this day have ado "ith other(
*nd there"ithal .ir )ristram and .ir 8amora% s"are that never none of them should fight
against other' nor for "eal nor for "oe(
!o" .ir $alomides follo"ed the ;uesting /east' and smote do"n .ir )ristram and .ir
8amora% "ith one spear(
*2, this mean"hile there +ame .ir $alomides' the good %night' follo"ing the ;uesting
/east that had in shape a head li%e a serpent1s head' and a body li%e a leopard' butto+%s
li%e a lion' and footed li%e an hart0 and in his body there "as su+h a noise as it had been
the noise of thirty +ouple of hounds 6uesting' and su+h a noise that beast made
"heresomever he "ent0 and this beast ever more .ir $alomides follo"ed' for it "as
+alled his 6uest( *nd right so as he follo"ed this beast it +ame by .ir )ristram' and soon
after +ame $alomides( *nd to brief this matter he smote do"n .ir )ristram and .ir
8amora% both "ith one spear0 and so he departed after the beast :altisant' that "as +alled
the ;uesting /east0 "herefore these t"o %nights "ere passing "roth that .ir $alomides
"ould not fight on foot "ith them( !ere men may understand that be of "orship' that he
"as never formed that all times might stand' but sometime he "as put to the "orse by
mal<fortune0 and at sometime the "orse %night put the better %night to a rebu%e(
)hen .ir )ristram and .ir 8amora% gat .ir -ehydius upon a shield bet"ixt them both'
and led him to a forester1s lodge' and there they gave him in +harge to %eep him "ell' and
"ith him they abode three days( )hen the t"o %nights too% their horses and at the +ross
they departed( *nd then said .ir )ristram to .ir 8amora%4 & re6uire you if ye hap to meet
"ith .ir $alomides' say him that he shall find me at the same "ell "here & met him' and
there &' .ir )ristram' shall prove "hether he be better %night than &( *nd so either
departed from other a sundry "ay' and .ir )ristram rode nigh thereas "as .ir -ehydius0
and .ir 8amora% rode until he +ame to a +hapel' and there he put his horse unto pasture(
*nd anon there +ame .ir Meliagaun+e' that "as -ing /agdemagus1 son' and he there put
his horse to pasture' and "as not "are of .ir 8amora%0 and then this %night .ir
Meliagaun+e made his moan of the love that he had to ;ueen :uenever' and there he
made a "oful +omplaint( *ll this heard .ir 8amora%' and on the morn .ir 8amora% too%
his horse and rode unto the forest' and there he met "ith t"o %nights hoving under the
"ood<sha"( Fair %nights' said .ir 8amora%' "hat do ye hoving here and "at+hing3 and if
ye be %nights<errant that "ill 7oust' lo & am ready( 2ay' sir %night' they said' not so' "e
abide not here to 7oust "ith you' but "e lie here in a"ait of a %night that sle" our brother(
What %night "as that' said .ir 8amora%' that you "ould fain meet "ithal3 .ir' they said'
it is .ir 8aun+elot that sle" our brother' and if ever "e may meet "ith him he shall not
es+ape' but "e shall slay him( >e ta%e upon you a great +harge' said .ir 8amora%' for .ir
8aun+elot is a noble proved %night( *s for that "e doubt not' for there nis none of us but
"e are good enough for him( & "ill not believe that' said .ir 8amora%' for & heard never
yet of no %night the days of my life but .ir 8aun+elot "as too big for him(
!o" .ir 8amora% met "ith .ir Meliagaun+e' and fought together for the beauty of ,ame
?&:!) so as they stood tal%ing thus .ir 8amora% "as "are ho" .ir 8aun+elot +ame
riding straight to"ard them0 then .ir 8amora% saluted him' and he him again( *nd then
.ir 8amora% as%ed .ir 8aun+elot if there "ere anything that he might do for him in these
mar+hes( 2ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' not at this time & than% you( )hen either departed from
other' and .ir 8amora% rode again thereas he left the t"o %nights' and then he found them
hid in the leaved "ood( Fie on you' said .ir 8amora%' false +o"ards' pity and shame it is
that any of you should ta%e the high order of %nighthood( .o .ir 8amora% departed from
them' and "ithin a "hile he met "ith .ir Meliagaun+e( *nd then .ir 8amora% as%ed him
"hy he loved ;ueen :uenever as he did4 For & "as not far from you "hen ye made your
+omplaint by the +hapel( ,id ye so3 said .ir Meliagaun+e' then "ill & abide by it4 & love
;ueen :uenever' "hat "ill ye "ith it3 & "ill prove and ma%e good that she is the fairest
lady and most of beauty in the "orld( *s to that' said .ir 8amora%' & say nay thereto' for
;ueen Morga"se of 9r%ney' mother to .ir :a"aine' and his mother is the fairest 6ueen
and lady that beareth the life( )hat is not so' said .ir Meliagaun+e' and that "ill & prove
"ith my hands upon thy body( Will ye so3 said .ir 8amora%' and in a better 6uarrel %eep
& not to fight( )hen they departed either from other in great "rath( *nd then they +ame
riding together as it had been thunder' and either smote other so sore that their horses fell
ba+%"ard to the earth( *nd then they avoided their horses' and dressed their shields' and
dre" their s"ords( *nd then they hurtled together as "ild boars' and thus they fought a
great "hile( For Meliagaun+e "as a good man and of great might' but .ir 8amora% "as
hard big for him' and put him al"ays aba+%' but either had "ounded other sore(
*nd as they stood thus fighting' by fortune +ame .ir 8aun+elot and .ir /leoberis riding(
*nd then .ir 8aun+elot rode bet"ixt them' and as%ed them for "hat +ause they fought so
together4 *nd ye are both %nights of -ing *rthur@
!o" .ir Meliagaun+e told for "hat +ause they fought' and ho" .ir 8amora% 7ousted "ith
-ing *rthur(
.&?' said Meliagaun+e' & shall tell you for "hat +ause "e do this battle( & praised my lady'
;ueen :uenever' and said she "as the fairest lady of the "orld' and .ir 8amora% said
nay thereto' for he said ;ueen Morga"se of 9r%ney "as fairer than she and more of
beauty( *h' .ir 8amora%' "hy sayest thou so3 it is not thy part to dispraise thy prin+ess
that thou art under her obeissan+e' and "e all( *nd there"ith he alighted on foot' and
said4 For this 6uarrel' ma%e thee ready' for & "ill prove upon thee that ;ueen :uenever is
the fairest lady and most of bounty in the "orld( .ir' said .ir 8amora%' & am loath to have
ado "ith you in this 6uarrel' for every man thin%eth his o"n lady fairest0 and though &
praise the lady that & love most ye should not be "roth0 for though my lady ;ueen
:uenever' be fairest in your eye' "it ye "ell ;ueen Morga"se of 9r%ney is fairest in
mine eye' and so every %night thin%eth his o"n lady fairest0 and "it ye "ell' sir' ye are
the man in the "orld ex+ept .ir )ristram that & am most loathest to have ado "ithal' but'
an ye "ill needs fight "ith me & shall endure you as long as & may( )hen spa%e .ir
/leoberis and said4 My lord .ir 8aun+elot' & "ist you never so misadvised as ye are no"'
for .ir 8amora% sayeth you but reason and %nightly0 for & "arn you & have a lady' and
methin%eth that she is the fairest lady of the "orld( Were this a great reason that ye
should be "roth "ith me for su+h language3 *nd "ell ye "ot' that .ir 8amora% is as
noble a %night as & %no"' and he hath ought you and us ever good "ill' and therefore &
pray you be good friends( )hen .ir 8aun+elot said unto .ir 8amora%( & pray you forgive
me mine evil "ill' and if & "as misadvised & "ill amend it( .ir' said .ir 8amora%' the
amends is soon made bet"ixt you and me( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot and .ir /leoberis
departed' and .ir Meliagaun+e and .ir 8amora% too% their horses' and either departed
from other(
*nd "ithin a "hile +ame -ing *rthur' and met "ith .ir 8amora%' and 7ousted "ith him0
and there he smote do"n .ir 8amora%' and "ounded him sore "ith a spear' and so he
rode from him0 "herefore .ir 8amora% "as "roth that he "ould not fight "ith him on
foot' ho"beit that .ir 8amora% %ne" not -ing *rthur(
!o" .ir -ay met "ith .ir )ristram' and after of the shame spo%en of the %nights of
Corn"all' and ho" they 7ousted(
29W leave "e of this tale' and spea% "e of .ir )ristram' that as he rode he met "ith .ir
-ay' the .enes+hal0 and there .ir -ay as%ed .ir )ristram of "hat +ountry he "as( !e
ans"ered that he "as of the +ountry of Corn"all( &t may "ell be' said .ir -ay' for yet
heard & never that ever good %night +ame out of Corn"all( )hat is evil spo%en' said .ir
)ristram' but an it please you to tell me your name & re6uire you( .ir' "it ye "ell' said .ir
-ay' that my name is .ir -ay' the .enes+hal( &s that your name3 said .ir )ristram' no"
"it ye "ell that ye are named the shamefullest %night of your tongue that no" is living0
ho"beit ye are +alled a good %night' but ye are +alled unfortunate' and passing overth"art
of your tongue( *nd thus they rode together till they +ame to a bridge( *nd there "as a
%night "ould not let them pass till one of them 7ousted "ith him0 and so that %night
7ousted "ith .ir -ay' and there that %night gave .ir -ay a fall4 his name "as .ir )or' .ir
8amora%1s half<brother( *nd then they t"o rode to their lodging' and there they found .ir
/randiles' and .ir )or +ame thither anon after( *nd as they sat at supper these four
%nights' three of them spa%e all shame by Cornish %nights( .ir )ristram heard all that
they said and he said but little' but he thought the more' but at that time he dis+overed not
his name(
#pon the morn .ir )ristram too% his horse and abode them upon their "ay( *nd there .ir
/randiles proffered to 7oust "ith .ir )ristram' and .ir )ristram smote him do"n' horse
and all' to the earth( )hen .ir )or le Fise de Dayshoure en+ountered "ith .ir )ristram and
there .ir )ristram smote him do"n' and then he rode his "ay' and .ir -ay follo"ed him'
but he "ould not of his fello"ship( )hen .ir /randiles +ame to .ir -ay and said4 & "ould
"it fain "hat is that %night1s name( Come on "ith me' said .ir -ay' and "e shall pray
him to tell us his name( .o they rode together till they +ame nigh him' and then they "ere
"are "here he sat by a "ell' and had put off his helm to drin% at the "ell( *nd "hen he
sa" them +ome he la+ed on his helm lightly' and too% his horse' and proffered them to
7oust( 2ay' said .ir /randiles' "e 7ousted late enough "ith you' "e +ome not in that
intent( /ut for this "e +ome to re6uire you of %nighthood to tell us your name( My fair
%nights' sithen that is your desire' and to please you' ye shall "it that my name is .ir
)ristram de 8iones' nephe" unto -ing Mar% of Corn"all( &n good time' said .ir
/randiles' and "ell be ye found' and "it ye "ell that "e be right glad that "e have found
you' and "e be of a fello"ship that "ould be right glad of your +ompany( For ye are the
%night in the "orld that the noble fello"ship of the ?ound )able most desireth to have
the +ompany of( :od than% them said .ir )ristram' of their great goodness' but as yet &
feel "ell that & am unable to be of their fello"ship' for & "as never yet of su+h deeds of
"orthiness to be in the +ompany of su+h a fello"ship( *h' said .ir -ay' an ye be .ir
)ristram de 8iones' ye are the man +alled no" most of pro"ess ex+ept .ir 8aun+elot du
8a%e0 for he beareth not the life' Christian nor heathen' that +an find su+h another %night'
to spea% of his pro"ess' and of his hands' and his truth "ithal( For yet +ould there never
+reature say of him dishonour and ma%e it good( )hus they tal%ed a great "hile' and then
they departed either from other su+h "ays as them seemed best(
!o" -ing *rthur "as brought into the Forest $erilous' and ho" .ir )ristram saved his
29W shall ye hear "hat "as the +ause that -ing *rthur +ame into the Forest $erilous'
that "as in 2orth Wales' by the means of a lady( !er name "as *nno"re' and this lady
+ame to -ing *rthur at Cardiff0 and she by fair promise and fair behests made -ing
*rthur to ride "ith her into that Forest $erilous0 and she "as a great sor+eress0 and many
days she had loved -ing *rthur' and be+ause she "ould have him to lie by her she +ame
into that +ountry( .o "hen the %ing "as gone "ith her many of his %nights follo"ed after
-ing *rthur "hen they missed him' as .ir 8aun+elot' /randiles' and many other0 and
"hen she had brought him to her to"er she desired him to lie by her0 and then the %ing
remembered him of his lady' and "ould not lie by her for no +raft that she +ould do( )hen
every day she "ould ma%e him ride into that forest "ith his o"n %nights' to the intent to
have had -ing *rthur slain( For "hen this 8ady *nno"re sa" that she might not have
him at her "ill' then she laboured by false means to have destroyed -ing *rthur' and
)hen the 8ady of the 8a%e that "as al"ay friendly to -ing *rthur' she understood by her
subtle +rafts that -ing *rthur "as li%e to be destroyed( *nd therefore this 8ady of the
8a%e' that hight 2imue' +ame into that forest to see% after .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e or .ir
)ristram for to help -ing *rthur0 foras that same day this 8ady of the 8a%e %ne" "ell
that -ing *rthur should be slain' unless that he had help of one of these t"o %nights( *nd
thus she rode up and do"n till she met "ith .ir )ristram' and anon as she sa" him she
%ne" him( 9 my lord .ir )ristram' she said' "ell be ye met' and blessed be the time that &
have met "ith you0 for this same day' and "ithin these t"o hours' shall be done the
foulest deed that ever "as done in this land( 9 fair damosel' said .ir )ristram' may &
amend it( Come on "ith me' she said' and that in all the haste ye may' for ye shall see the
most "orshipfullest %night of the "orld hard bestead( )hen said .ir )ristram4 & am ready
to help su+h a noble man( !e is neither better nor "orse' said the 8ady of the 8a%e' but
the noble -ing *rthur himself( :od defend' said .ir )ristram' that ever he should be in
su+h distress( )hen they rode together a great pa+e' until they +ame to a little turret or
+astle0 and underneath that +astle they sa" a %night standing upon foot fighting "ith t"o
%nights0 and so .ir )ristram beheld them' and at the last the t"o %nights smote do"n the
one %night' and that one of them unla+ed his helm to have slain him( *nd the 8ady
*nno"re gat -ing *rthur1s s"ord in her hand to have stri+%en off his head( *nd
there"ithal +ame .ir )ristram "ith all his might' +rying4 )raitress' traitress' leave that(
*nd anon there .ir )ristram smote the one of the %nights through the body that he fell
dead0 and then he rashed to the other and smote his ba+% asunder0 and in the mean"hile
the 8ady of the 8a%e +ried to -ing *rthur4 8et not that false lady es+ape( )hen -ing
*rthur overtoo% her' and "ith the same s"ord he smote off her head' and the 8ady of the
8a%e too% up her head and hung it up by the hair of her saddle<bo"( *nd then .ir
)ristram horsed -ing *rthur and rode forth "ith him' but he +harged the 8ady of the
8a%e not to dis+over his name as at that time(
When the %ing "as horsed he than%ed heartily .ir )ristram' and desired to "it his name0
but he "ould not tell him' but that he "as a poor %night adventurous0 and so he bare -ing
*rthur fello"ship till he met "ith some of his %nights( *nd "ithin a "hile he met "ith
.ir E+tor de Maris' and he %ne" not -ing *rthur nor .ir )ristram' and he desired to 7oust
"ith one of them( )hen .ir )ristram rode unto .ir E+tor' and smote him from his horse(
*nd "hen he had done so he +ame again to the %ing and said4 My lord' yonder is one of
your %nights' he may bare you fello"ship' and another day that deed that & have done for
you & trust to :od ye shall understand that & "ould do you servi+e( *las' said -ing
*rthur' let me "it "hat ye are3 2ot at this time' said .ir )ristram( .o he departed and left
-ing *rthur and .ir E+tor together(
!o" .ir )ristram +ame to 8a /eale &soud' and ho" -ehydius began to love /eale &soud'
and of a letter that )ristram found(
*2, then at a day set .ir )ristram and .ir 8amora% met at the "ell0 and then they too%
-ehydius at the forester1s house' and so they rode "ith him to the ship "here they left
,ame /rag"aine and :ouvernail' and so they sailed into Corn"all all "holly together(
*nd by assent and information of ,ame /rag"aine "hen they "ere landed they rode
unto .ir ,inas' the .enes+hal' a trusty friend of .ir )ristram1s( *nd so ,ame /rag"aine
and .ir ,inas rode to the +ourt of -ing Mar%' and told the 6ueen' 8a /eale &soud' that .ir
)ristram "as nigh her in that +ountry( )hen for very pure 7oy 8a /eale &soud s"ooned0
and "hen she might spea% she said4 :entle %night .enes+hal' help that & might spea% "ith
him' outher my heart "ill brast( )hen .ir ,inas and ,ame /rag"aine brought .ir
)ristram and -ehydius privily unto the +ourt' unto a +hamber "hereas 8a /eale &soud
had assigned it0 and to tell the 7oys that "ere bet"ixt 8a /eale &soud and .ir )ristram'
there is no tongue +an tell it' nor heart thin% it' nor pen "rite it( *nd as the Fren+h boo%
ma%eth mention' at the first time that ever .ir -ehydius sa" 8a /eale &soud he "as so
enamoured upon her that for very pure love he might never "ithdra" it( *nd at the last'
as ye shall hear or the boo% be ended' .ir -ehydius died for the love of 8a /eale &soud(
*nd then privily he "rote unto her letters and ballads of the most goodliest that "ere
used in those days( *nd "hen 8a /eale &soud understood his letters she had pity of his
+omplaint' and unavised she "rote another letter to +omfort him "ithal(
*nd .ir )ristram "as all this "hile in a turret at the +ommandment of 8a /eale &soud'
and "hen she might she +ame unto .ir )ristram( .o on a day -ing Mar% played at the
+hess under a +hamber "indo"0 and at that time .ir )ristram and .ir -ehydius "ere
"ithin the +hamber over -ing Mar%' and as it mishapped .ir )ristram found the letter
that -ehydius sent unto 8a /eale &soud' also he had found the letter that she "rote unto
-ehydius' and at that same time 8a /eale &soud "as in the same +hamber( )hen .ir
)ristram +ame unto 8a /eale &soud and said4 Madam' here is a letter that "as sent unto
you' and here is the letter that ye sent unto him that sent you that letter( *las' Madam' the
good love that & have loved you0 and many lands and ri+hes have & forsa%en for your love'
and no" ye are a traitress to me' the "hi+h doth me great pain( /ut as for thee' .ir
-ehydius' & brought thee out of /rittany into this +ountry' and thy father' -ing !o"el' &
"on his lands' ho"beit & "edded thy sister &soud la /lan+he Mains for the goodness she
did unto me( *nd yet' as & am true %night' she is a +lean maiden for me0 but "it thou "ell'
.ir -ehydius' for this falsehood and treason thou hast done me' & "ill revenge it upon
thee( *nd there"ithal .ir )ristram dre" out his s"ord and said4 .ir -ehydius' %eep thee'
and then 8a /eale &soud s"ooned to the earth( *nd "hen .ir -ehydius sa" .ir )ristram
+ome upon him he sa" none other boot' but leapt out at a bay<"indo" even over the head
"here sat -ing Mar% playing at the +hess( *nd "hen the %ing sa" one +ome hurling over
his head he said4 Fello"' "hat art thou' and "hat is the +ause thou leapest out at that
"indo"3 My lord the %ing' said -ehydius' it fortuned me that & "as asleep in the "indo"
above your head' and as & slept & slumbered' and so & fell do"n( *nd thus .ir -ehydius
ex+used him(
!o" .ir )ristram departed from )intagil' and ho" he sorro"ed and "as so long in a
forest till he "as out of his mind(
)!E2 .ir )ristram dread sore lest he "ere dis+overed unto the %ing that he "as there0
"herefore he dre" him to the strength of the )o"er' and armed him in su+h armour as he
had for to fight "ith them that "ould "ithstand him( *nd so "hen .ir )ristram sa" there
"as no resistan+e against him he sent :ouvernail for his horse and his spear' and %nightly
he rode forth out of the +astle openly' that "as +alled the Castle of )intagil( *nd even at
gate he met "ith :ingalin' .ir :a"aine1s son( *nd anon .ir :ingalin put his spear in his
rest' and ran upon .ir )ristram and bra%e his spear0 and .ir )ristram at that time had but a
s"ord' and gave him su+h a buffet upon the helm that he fell do"n from his saddle' and
his s"ord slid ado"n' and +arved asunder his horse1s ne+%( *nd so .ir )ristram rode his
"ay into the forest' and all this doing sa" -ing Mar%( *nd then he sent a s6uire unto the
hurt %night' and +ommanded him to +ome to him' and so he did( *nd "hen -ing Mar%
"ist that it "as .ir :ingalin he "el+omed him and gave him an horse' and as%ed him
"hat %night it "as that had en+ountered "ith him( .ir' said :ingalin' & "ot not "hat
%night he "as' but "ell & "ot that he sigheth and ma%eth great dole(
)hen .ir )ristram "ithin a "hile met "ith a %night of his o"n' that hight .ir Fergus( *nd
"hen he had met "ith him he made great sorro"' insomu+h that he fell do"n off his
horse in a s"oon' and in su+h sorro" he "as in three days and three nights( )hen at the
last .ir )ristram sent unto the +ourt by .ir Fergus' for to spere "hat tidings( *nd so as he
rode by the "ay he met "ith a damosel that +ame from .ir $alomides' to %no" and see%
ho" .ir )ristram did( )hen .ir Fergus told her ho" he "as almost out of his mind( *las'
said the damosel' "here shall & find him3 &n su+h a pla+e' said .ir Fergus( )hen .ir
Fergus found ;ueen &soud si+% in her bed' ma%ing the greatest dole that ever any earthly
"oman made( *nd "hen the damosel found .ir )ristram she made great dole be+ause she
might not amend him' for the more she made of him the more "as his pain( *nd at the
last .ir )ristram too% his horse and rode a"ay from her( *nd then "as it three days or
that she +ould find him' and then she brought him meat and drin%' but he "ould none0
and then another time .ir )ristram es+aped a"ay from the damosel' and it happed him to
ride by the same +astle "here .ir $alomides and .ir )ristram did battle "hen 8a /eale
&soud departed them( *nd there by fortune the damosel met "ith .ir )ristram again'
ma%ing the greatest dole that ever earthly +reature made0 and she yede to the lady of that
+astle and told her of the misadventure of .ir )ristram( *las' said the lady of that +astle'
"here is my lord' .ir )ristram3 ?ight here by your +astle' said the damosel( &n good time'
said the lady' is he so nigh me0 he shall have meat and drin% of the best0 and an harp &
have of his "hereupon he taught me' for of goodly harping he beareth the priAe in the
"orld( .o this lady and damosel brought him meat and drin%' but he ate little thereof(
)hen upon a night he put his horse from him' and then he unla+ed his armour' and then
.ir )ristram "ould go into the "ilderness' and brast do"n the trees and boughs0 and
other"hile "hen he found the harp that the lady sent him' then "ould he harp' and play
thereupon and "eep together( *nd sometime "hen .ir )ristram "as in the "ood that the
lady "ist not "here he "as' then "ould she sit her do"n and play upon that harp4 then
"ould .ir )ristram +ome to that harp' and hear%en thereto' and sometime he "ould harp
himself( )hus he there endured a 6uarter of a year( )hen at the last he ran his "ay' and
she "ist not "here he "as be+ome( *nd then "as he na%ed and "axed lean and poor of
flesh0 and so he fell in the fello"ship of herdmen and shepherds' and daily they "ould
give him some of their meat and drin%( *nd "hen he did any shre"d deed they "ould
beat him "ith rods' and so they +lipped him "ith shears and made him li%e a fool(
!o" .ir )ristram soused ,agonet in a "ell' and ho" $alomides sent a damosel to see%
)ristram' and ho" $alomides met "ith -ing Mar%(
*2, upon a day ,agonet' -ing *rthur1s fool' +ame into Corn"all "ith t"o s6uires "ith
him0 and as they rode through that forest they +ame by a fair "ell "here .ir )ristram "as
"ont to be0 and the "eather "as hot' and they alighted to drin% of that "ell' and in the
mean"hile their horses bra%e loose( ?ight so .ir )ristram +ame unto them' and first he
soused .ir ,agonet in that "ell' and after his s6uires' and thereat laughed the shepherds0
and forth"ithal he ran after their horses and brought them again one by one' and right so'
"et as they "ere' he made them leap up and ride their "ays( )hus .ir )ristram endured
there an half year na%ed' and "ould never +ome in to"n nor village( )he mean"hile the
damosel that .ir $alomides sent to see% .ir )ristram' she yede unto .ir $alomides and
told him all the mis+hief that .ir )ristram endured( *las' said .ir $alomides' it is great
pity that ever so noble a %night should be so mis+hieved for the love of a lady0 but
nevertheless' & "ill go and see% him' and +omfort him an & may( )hen a little before that
time 8a /eale &soud had +ommanded .ir -ehydius out of the +ountry of Corn"all( .o .ir
-ehydius departed "ith a dolorous heart' and by adventure he met "ith .ir $alomides'
and they enfello"shipped together0 and either +omplained to other of their hot love that
they loved 8a /eale &soud( 2o" let us' said .ir $alomides' see% .ir )ristram' that loved
her as "ell as "e' and let us prove "hether "e may re+over him( .o they rode into that
forest' and three days and three nights they "ould never ta%e their lodging' but ever
sought .ir )ristram(
*nd upon a time' by adventure' they met "ith -ing Mar% that "as ridden from his men
all alone( When they sa" him .ir $alomides %ne" him' but .ir -ehydius %ne" him not(
*h' false %ing' said .ir $alomides' it is pity thou hast thy life' for thou art a destroyer of
all "orshipful %nights' and by thy mis+hief and thy vengean+e thou hast destroyed that
most noble %night' .ir )ristram de 8iones( *nd therefore defend thee' said .ir $alomides'
for thou shalt die this day( )hat "ere shame' said -ing Mar%' for ye t"o are armed and &
am unarmed( *s for that' said .ir $alomides' & shall find a remedy therefore0 here is a
%night "ith me' and thou shalt have his harness( 2ay' said -ing Mar%' & "ill not have ado
"ith you' for +ause have ye none to me0 for all the misease that .ir )ristram hath "as for
a letter that he found0 for as to me & did to him no displeasure' and :od %no"eth & am full
sorry for his disease and malady( .o "hen the %ing had thus ex+used him they "ere
friends' and -ing Mar% "ould have had them unto )intagil0 but .ir $alomides "ould not'
but turned unto the realm of 8ogris' and .ir -ehydius said that he "ould go into /rittany(
2o" turn "e unto .ir ,agonet again' that "hen he and his s6uires "ere upon horseba+%
he deemed that the shepherds had sent that fool to array them so' be+ause that they
laughed at them' and so they rode unto the %eepers of beasts and all to<beat them( .ir
)ristram sa" them beat that "ere "ont to give him meat and drin%' then he ran thither
and gat .ir ,agonet by the head' and gave him su+h a fall to the earth that he bruised him
sore so that he lay still( *nd then he "rast his s"ord out of his hand' and there"ith he ran
to one of his s6uires and smote off his head' and the other fled( *nd so .ir )ristram too%
his "ay "ith that s"ord in his hand' running as he had been "ild "ood( )hen .ir
,agonet rode to -ing Mar% and told him ho" he had sped in that forest( *nd therefore'
said .ir ,agonet' be"are' -ing Mar%' that thou +ome not about that "ell in the forest' for
there is a fool na%ed' and that fool and & fool met together' and he had almost slain me(
*h' said -ing Mar%' that is .ir Matto le /reune' that fell out of his "it be+ause he lost his
lady0 for "hen .ir :aheris smote do"n .ir Matto and "on his lady of him' never sin+e
"as he in his mind' and that "as pity' for he "as a good %night(
!o" it "as noised ho" .ir )ristram "as dead' and ho" 8a /eale &soud "ould have slain
)!E2 .ir *ndred' that "as +ousin unto .ir )ristram' made a lady that "as his paramour
to say and to noise it that she "as "ith .ir )ristram or ever he died( *nd this tale she
brought unto -ing Mar%1s +ourt' that she buried him by a "ell' and that or he died he
besought -ing Mar% to ma%e his +ousin' .ir *ndred' %ing of the +ountry of 8iones' of the
"hi+h .ir )ristram "as lord of( *ll this did .ir *ndred be+ause he "ould have had .ir
)ristram1s lands( *nd "hen -ing Mar% heard tell that .ir )ristram "as dead he "ept and
made great dole( /ut "hen ;ueen &soud heard of these tidings she made su+h sorro" that
she "as nigh out of her mind0 and so upon a day she thought to slay herself and never to
live after .ir )ristram1s death( *nd so upon a day 8a /eale &soud gat a s"ord privily and
bare it to her garden' and there she pight the s"ord through a plum tree up to the hilt' so
that it stu+% fast' and it stood breast high( *nd as she "ould have run upon the s"ord and
to have slain herself all this espied -ing Mar%' ho" she %neeled do"n and said4 ."eet
8ord 5esu' have mer+y upon me' for & may not live after the death of .ir )ristram de
8iones' for he "as my first love and he shall be the last( *nd "ith these "ords +ame -ing
Mar% and too% her in his arms' and then he too% up the s"ord' and bare her a"ay "ith
him into a to"er0 and there he made her to be %ept' and "at+hed her surely' and after that
she lay long si+%' nigh at the point of death(
)his mean"hile ran .ir )ristram na%ed in the forest "ith the s"ord in his hand' and so he
+ame to an hermitage' and there he laid him do"n and slept0 and in the mean"hile the
hermit stole a"ay his s"ord' and laid meat do"n by him( )hus "as he %ept there ten
days0 and at the last he departed and +ame to the herdmen again( *nd there "as a giant in
that +ountry that hight )auleas' and for fear of .ir )ristram more than seven year he durst
never mu+h go at large' but for the most part he %ept him in a sure +astle of his o"n0 and
so this )auleas heard tell that .ir )ristram "as dead' by the noise of the +ourt of -ing
Mar%( )hen this )auleas "ent daily at large( *nd so he happed upon a day he +ame to the
herdmen "andering and langering' and there he set him do"n to rest among them( )he
mean"hile there +ame a %night of Corn"all that led a lady "ith him' and his name "as
.ir ,inant0 and "hen the giant sa" him he "ent from the herdmen and hid him under a
tree' and so the %night +ame to that "ell' and there he alighted to repose him( *nd as soon
as he "as from his horse this giant )auleas +ame bet"ixt this %night and his horse' and
too% the horse and leapt upon him( .o forth"ith he rode unto .ir ,inant and too% him by
the +ollar' and pulled him afore him upon his horse' and there "ould have stri+%en off his
head( )hen the herdmen said unto .ir )ristram4 !elp yonder %night( !elp ye him' said .ir
)ristram( We dare not' said the herdmen( )hen .ir )ristram "as "are of the s"ord of the
%night thereas it lay0 and so thither he ran and too% up the s"ord and stru+% off .ir
)auleas1 head' and so he yede his "ay to the herdmen(
!o" -ing Mar% found .ir )ristram na%ed' and made him to be borne home to )intagil'
and ho" he "as there %no"n by a bra+het(
)!E2 the %night too% up the giant1s head and bare it "ith him unto -ing Mar%' and told
him "hat adventure betid him in the forest' and ho" a na%ed man res+ued him from the
grimly giant' )auleas( Where had ye this adventure3 said -ing Mar%( Forsooth' said .ir
,inant' at the fair fountain in your forest "here many adventurous %nights meet' and
there is the mad man( Well' said -ing Mar%' & "ill see that "ild man( .o "ithin a day or
t"o -ing Mar% +ommanded his %nights and his hunters that they should be ready on the
morn for to hunt' and so upon the morn he "ent unto that forest( *nd "hen the %ing +ame
to that "ell he found there lying by that "ell a fair na%ed man' and a s"ord by him( )hen
-ing Mar% ble" and stra%ed' and there"ith his %nights +ame to him0 and then the %ing
+ommanded his %nights to4 )a%e that na%ed man "ith fairness' and bring him to my
+astle( .o they did softly and fair' and +ast mantles upon .ir )ristram' and so led him
unto )intagil0 and there they bathed him' and "ashed him' and gave him hot suppings till
they had brought him "ell to his remembran+e0 but all this "hile there "as no +reature
that %ne" .ir )ristram' nor "hat man he "as(
.o it fell upon a day that the 6ueen' 8a /eale &soud' heard of su+h a man' that ran na%ed
in the forest' and ho" the %ing had brought him home to the +ourt( )hen 8a /eale &soud
+alled unto her ,ame /rag"aine and said4 Come on "ith me' for "e "ill go see this man
that my lord brought from the forest the last day( .o they passed forth' and spered "here
"as the si+% man( *nd then a s6uire told the 6ueen that he "as in the garden ta%ing his
rest' and reposing him against the sun( .o "hen the 6ueen loo%ed upon .ir )ristram she
"as not remembered of him( /ut ever she said unto ,ame /rag"aine4 Meseemeth &
should have seen him heretofore in many pla+es( /ut as soon as .ir )ristram sa" her he
%ne" her "ell enough( *nd then he turned a"ay his visage and "ept(
)hen the 6ueen had al"ays a little bra+het "ith her that .ir )ristram gave her the first
time that ever she +ame into Corn"all' and never "ould that bra+het depart from her but
if .ir )ristram "as nigh thereas "as 8a /eale &soud0 and this bra+het "as sent from the
%ing1s daughter of Fran+e unto .ir )ristram for great love( *nd anon as this little bra+het
felt a savour of .ir )ristram' she leapt upon him and li+%ed his lears and his ears' and
then she "hined and 6uested' and she smelled at his feet and at his hands' and on all parts
of his body that she might +ome to( *h' my lady' said ,ame /rag"aine unto 8a /eale
&soud' alas' alas' said she' & see it is mine o"n lord' .ir )ristram( *nd thereupon &soud
fell do"n in a s"oon' and so lay a great "hile *nd "hen she might spea% she said4 My
lord .ir )ristram' blessed be :od ye have your life' and no" & am sure ye shall be
dis+overed by this little bra+het' for she "ill never leave you( *nd also & am sure as soon
as my lord' -ing Mar%' do %no" you he "ill banish you out of the +ountry of Corn"all'
or else he "ill destroy you0 for :od1s sa%e' mine o"n lord' grant -ing Mar% his "ill' and
then dra" you unto the +ourt of -ing *rthur' for there are ye beloved' and ever "hen &
may & shall send unto you0 and "hen ye list ye may +ome to me' and at all times early and
late & "ill be at your +ommandment' to live as poor a life as ever did 6ueen or lady( 9
Madam' said .ir )ristram' go from me' for mi+%le anger and danger have & es+aped for
your love(
!o" -ing Mar%' by the advi+e of his +oun+il' banished .ir )ristram out of Corn"all the
term of ten years(
)!E2 the 6ueen departed' but the bra+het "ould not from him0 and there"ithal +ame
-ing Mar%' and the bra+het set upon him' and bayed at them all( )here "ithal .ir *ndred
spa%e and said4 .ir' this is .ir )ristram' & see by the bra+het( 2ay' said the %ing' & +annot
suppose that( )hen the %ing as%ed him upon his faith "hat he "as' and "hat "as his
name( .o :od me help' said he' my name is .ir )ristram de 8iones0 no" do by me "hat
ye list( *h' said -ing Mar%' me repenteth of your re+overy( *nd then he let +all his
barons to 7udge .ir )ristram to the death( )hen many of his barons "ould not assent
thereto' and in espe+ial .ir ,inas' the .enes+hal' and .ir Fergus( *nd so by the advi+e of
them all .ir )ristram "as banished out of the +ountry for ten year' and thereupon he too%
his oath upon a boo% before the %ing and his barons( *nd so he "as made to depart out of
the +ountry of Corn"all0 and there "ere many barons brought him unto his ship' of the
"hi+h some "ere his friends and some his foes( *nd in the mean"hile there +ame a
%night of -ing *rthur1s' his name "as ,inadan' and his +oming "as for to see% after .ir
)ristram0 then they sho"ed him "here he "as armed at all points going to the ship( 2o"
fair %night' said .ir ,inadan' or ye pass this +ourt that ye "ill 7oust "ith me & re6uire
thee( With a good "ill' said .ir )ristram' an these lords "ill give me leave( )hen the
barons granted thereto' and so they ran together' and there .ir )ristram gave .ir ,inadan
a fall( *nd then he prayed .ir )ristram to give him leave to go in his fello"ship( >e shall
be right "el+ome' said then .ir )ristram(
*nd so they too% their horses and rode to their ships together' and "hen .ir )ristram "as
in the sea he said4 :reet "ell -ing Mar% and all mine enemies' and say them & "ill +ome
again "hen & may0 and "ell am & re"arded for the fighting "ith .ir Marhaus' and
delivered all this +ountry from servage0 and "ell am & re"arded for the fet+hing and +osts
of ;ueen &soud out of &reland' and the danger that & "as in first and last' and by the "ay
+oming home "hat danger & had to bring again ;ueen &soud from the Castle $luere0 and
"ell am & re"arded "hen & fought "ith .ir /leoberis for .ir .eg"arides1 "ife0 and "ell
am & re"arded "hen & fought "ith .ir /lamore de :anis for -ing *nguish' father unto
8a /eale &soud0 and "ell am & re"arded "hen & smote do"n the good %night' .ir
8amora% de :alis' at -ing Mar%1s re6uest0 and "ell am & re"arded "hen & fought "ith
the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and the -ing of 2orthgalis' and both these "ould
have put his land in servage' and by me they "ere put to a rebu%e0 and "ell am &
re"arded for the slaying of )auleas' the mighty giant' and many other deeds have & done
for him' and no" have & my "arison( *nd tell -ing Mar% that many noble %nights of the
)able ?ound have spared the barons of this +ountry for my sa%e( *lso am & not "ell
re"arded "hen & fought "ith the good %night .ir $alomides and res+ued ;ueen &soud
from him0 and at that time -ing Mar% said afore all his barons & should have been better
re"arded( *nd forth"ithal he too% the sea(
!o" a damosel sought help to help .ir 8aun+elot against thirty %nights' and ho" .ir
)ristram fought "ith them(
*2, at the next landing' fast by the sea' there met "ith .ir )ristram and "ith .ir
,inadan' .ir E+tor de Maris and .ir /ors de :anis0 and there .ir E+tor 7ousted "ith .ir
,inadan' and he smote him and his horse do"n( *nd then .ir )ristram "ould have
7ousted "ith .ir /ors' and .ir /ors said that he "ould not 7oust "ith no Cornish %nights'
for they are not +alled men of "orship0 and all this "as done upon a bridge( *nd "ith this
+ame .ir /leoberis and .ir ,riant' and .ir /leoberis proffered to 7oust "ith .ir )ristram'
and there .ir )ristram smote do"n .ir /leoberis( )hen said .ir /ors de :anis4 & "ist
never Cornish %night of so great valour nor so valiant as that %night that beareth the
trappings embroidered "ith +ro"ns( *nd then .ir )ristram and .ir ,inadan departed
from them into a forest' and there met them a damosel that +ame for the love of .ir
8aun+elot to see% after some noble %nights of -ing *rthur1s +ourt for to res+ue .ir
8aun+elot( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot "as ordained' for<by the treason of ;ueen Morgan le
Fay to have slain .ir 8aun+elot' and for that +ause she ordained thirty %nights to lie in
a"ait for .ir 8aun+elot' and this damosel %ne" this treason( *nd for this +ause the
damosel +ame for to see% noble %nights to help .ir 8aun+elot( For that night' or the day
after' .ir 8aun+elot should +ome "here these thirty %nights "ere( *nd so this damosel
met "ith .ir /ors and .ir E+tor and "ith .ir ,riant' and there she told them all four of
the treason of Morgan le Fay0 and then they promised her that they "ould be nigh "here
.ir 8aun+elot should meet "ith the thirty %nights( *nd if so be they set upon him "e "ill
do res+ues as "e +an(
.o the damosel departed' and by adventure the damosel met "ith .ir )ristram and "ith
.ir ,inadan' and there the damosel told them all the treason that "as ordained for .ir
8aun+elot( Fair damosel' said .ir )ristram' bring me to that same pla+e "here they
should meet "ith .ir 8aun+elot( )hen said .ir ,inadan4 What "ill ye do3 it is not for us
to fight "ith thirty %nights' and "it you "ell & "ill not thereof0 as to mat+h one %night
t"o or three is enough an they be men' but for to mat+h fifteen %nights that "ill & never
underta%e( Fie for shame' said .ir )ristram' do but your part( 2ay' said .ir ,inadan' &
"ill not thereof but if ye "ill lend me your shield' for ye bear a shield of Corn"all0 and
for the +o"ardi+e that is named to the %nights of Corn"all' by your shields ye be ever
forborne( 2ay' said .ir )ristram' & "ill not depart from my shield for her sa%e that gave it
me( /ut one thing' said .ir )ristram' & promise thee' .ir ,inadan' but if thou "ilt promise
me to abide "ith me' here & shall slay thee' for & desire no more of thee but ans"er one
%night( *nd if thy heart "ill not serve thee' stand by and loo% upon me and them( .ir'
said .ir ,inadan' & promise you to loo% upon and to do "hat & may to save myself' but &
"ould & had not met "ith you(
.o then anon these thirty %nights +ame fast by these four %nights' and they "ere "are of
them' and either of other( *nd so these thirty %nights let them pass' for this +ause' that
they "ould not "rath them' if +ase be that they had ado "ith .ir 8aun+elot0 and the four
%nights let them pass to this intent' that they "ould see and behold "hat they "ould do
"ith .ir 8aun+elot( *nd so the thirty %nights passed on and +ame by .ir )ristram and by
.ir ,inadan' and then .ir )ristram +ried on high4 8o' here is a %night against you for the
love of .ir 8aun+elot( *nd there he sle" t"o "ith one spear and ten "ith his s"ord( *nd
then +ame in .ir ,inadan and he did passing "ell' and so of the thirty %nights there "ent
but ten a"ay' and they fled( *ll this battle sa" .ir /ors de :anis and his three fello"s'
and then they sa" "ell it "as the same %night that 7ousted "ith them at the bridge0 then
they too% their horses and rode unto .ir )ristram' and praised him and than%ed him of his
good deeds' and they all desired .ir )ristram to go "ith them to their lodging0 and he
said4 2ay' he "ould not go to no lodging( )hen they all four %nights prayed him to tell
them his name( Fair lords' said .ir )ristram' as at this time & "ill not tell you my name(
!o" .ir )ristram and .ir ,inadan +ame to a lodging "here they must 7oust "ith t"o
)!E2 .ir )ristram and .ir ,inadan rode forth their "ay till they +ame to the shepherds
and to the herdmen' and there they as%ed them if they %ne" any lodging or harbour there
nigh hand( Forsooth' sirs' said the herdmen' hereby is good lodging in a +astle0 but there
is su+h a +ustom that there shall no %night be harboured but if he 7oust "ith t"o %nights'
and if he be but one %night he must 7oust "ith t"o( *nd as ye be therein soon shall ye be
mat+hed( )here is shre"d harbour' said .ir ,inadan0 lodge "here ye "ill' for & "ill not
lodge there( Fie for shame' said .ir )ristram' are ye not a %night of the )able ?ound3
"herefore ye may not "ith your "orship refuse your lodging( 2ot so' said the herdmen'
for an ye be beaten and have the "orse ye shall not be lodged there' and if ye beat them
ye shall be "ell harboured( *h' said .ir ,inadan' they are t"o sure %nights( )hen .ir
,inadan "ould not lodge there in no manner but as .ir )ristram re6uired him of his
%nighthood0 and so they rode thither( *nd to ma%e short tale' .ir )ristram and .ir
,inadan smote them do"n both' and so they entered into the +astle and had good +heer as
they +ould thin% or devise(
*nd "hen they "ere unarmed' and thought to be merry and in good rest' there +ame in at
the gates .ir $alomides and .ir :aheris' re6uiring to have the +ustom of the +astle( What
array is this3 said .ir ,inadan' & "ould have my rest( )hat may not be' said .ir )ristram0
no" must "e needs defend the +ustom of this +astle' insomu+h as "e have the better of
the lords of this +astle' and therefore' said .ir )ristram' needs must ye ma%e you ready( &n
the devil1s name' said .ir ,inadan' +ame & into your +ompany( *nd so they made them
ready0 and .ir :aheris en+ountered "ith .ir )ristram' and .ir :aheris had a fall0 and .ir
$alomides en+ountered "ith .ir ,inadan' and .ir ,inadan had a fall4 then "as it fall for
fall( .o then must they fight on foot( )hat "ould not .ir ,inadan' for he "as so sore
bruised of the fall that .ir $alomides gave him( )hen .ir )ristram unla+ed .ir ,inadan1s
helm' and prayed him to help him( & "ill not' said .ir ,inadan' for & am sore "ounded of
the thirty %nights that "e had but late ago to do "ithal( /ut ye fare' said .ir ,inadan unto
.ir )ristram' as a madman and as a man that is out of his mind that "ould +ast himself
a"ay' and & may +urse the time that ever & sa" you' for in all the "orld are not t"o su+h
%nights that be so "ood as is .ir 8aun+elot and ye .ir )ristram0 for on+e & fell in the
fello"ship of .ir 8aun+elot as & have done no" "ith you' and he set me a "or% that a
6uarter of a year & %ept my bed( 5esu defend me' said .ir ,inadan' from su+h t"o %nights'
and spe+ially from your fello"ship( )hen' said .ir )ristram' & "ill fight "ith them both(
)hen .ir )ristram bade them +ome forth both' for & "ill fight "ith you( )hen .ir
$alomides and .ir :aheris dressed them' and smote at them both( )hen ,inadan smote at
.ir :aheris a stro%e or t"o' and turned from him( 2ay' said .ir $alomides' it is too mu+h
shame for us t"o %nights to fight "ith one( *nd then he did bid .ir :aheris stand aside
"ith that %night that hath no list to fight( )hen they rode together and fought long' and at
the last .ir )ristram doubled his stro%es' and drove .ir $alomides aba+% more than three
strides( *nd then by one assent .ir :aheris and .ir ,inadan "ent bet"ixt them' and
departed them in<sunder( *nd then by assent of .ir )ristram they "ould have lodged
together( /ut .ir ,inadan "ould not lodge in that +astle( *nd then he +ursed the time that
ever he +ame in their fello"ship' and so he too% his horse' and his harness' and departed(
)hen .ir )ristram prayed the lords of that +astle to lend him a man to bring him to a
lodging' and so they did' and overtoo% .ir ,inadan' and rode to their lodging t"o mile
then+e "ith a good man in a priory' and there they "ere "ell at ease( *nd that same night
.ir /ors and .ir /leoberis' and .ir E+tor and .ir ,riant' abode still in the same pla+e
thereas .ir )ristram fought "ith the thirty %nights0 and there they met "ith .ir 8aun+elot
the same night' and had made promise to lodge "ith .ir Colgrevan+e the same night(
!o" .ir )ristram 7ousted "ith .ir -ay and .ir .agramore le ,esirous' and ho" .ir
:a"aine turned .ir )ristram from Morgan le Fay(
/#) anon as the noble %night' .ir 8aun+elot' heard of the shield of Corn"all' then "ist
he "ell that it "as .ir )ristram that fought "ith his enemies( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot
praised .ir )ristram' and +alled him the man of most "orship in the "orld( .o there "as a
%night in that priory that hight $ellinore' and he desired to "it the name of .ir )ristram'
but in no "ise he +ould not0 and so .ir )ristram departed and left .ir ,inadan in the
priory' for he "as so "eary and so sore bruised that he might not ride( )hen this %night'
.ir $ellinore' said to .ir ,inadan4 .ithen that ye "ill not tell me that %night1s name & "ill
ride after him and ma%e him to tell me his name' or he shall die therefore( /e"are' sir
%night' said .ir ,inadan' for an ye follo" him ye shall repent it( .o that %night' .ir
$ellinore' rode after .ir )ristram and re6uired him of 7ousts( )hen .ir )ristram smote him
do"n and "ounded him through the shoulder' and so he passed on his "ay( *nd on the
next day follo"ing .ir )ristram met "ith pursuivants' and they told him that there "as
made a great +ry of tournament bet"een -ing Carados of .+otland and the -ing of 2orth
Wales' and either should 7oust against other at the Castle of Maidens0 and these
pursuivants sought all the +ountry after the good %nights' and in espe+ial -ing Carados
let ma%e see%ing for .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and the -ing of 2orthgalis let see% after .ir
)ristram de 8iones( *nd at that time .ir )ristram thought to be at that 7ousts0 and so by
adventure they met "ith .ir -ay' the .enes+hal' and .ir .agramore le ,esirous0 and .ir
-ay re6uired .ir )ristram to 7oust' and .ir )ristram in a manner refused him' be+ause he
"ould not be hurt nor bruised against the great 7ousts that should be before the Castle of
Maidens' and therefore thought to repose him and to rest him( *nd al"ay .ir -ay +ried4
.ir %night of Corn"all' 7oust "ith me' or else yield thee to me as re+reant( When .ir
)ristram heard him say so he turned to him' and then .ir -ay refused him and turned his
ba+%( )hen .ir )ristram said4 *s & find thee & shall ta%e thee( )hen .ir -ay turned "ith
evil "ill' and .ir )ristram smote .ir -ay do"n' and so he rode forth(
)hen .ir .agramore le ,esirous rode after .ir )ristram' and made him to 7oust "ith him'
and there .ir )ristram smote do"n .ir .agramore le ,esirous from his horse' and rode
his "ay0 and the same day he met "ith a damosel that told him that he should "in great
"orship of a %night adventurous that did mu+h harm in all that +ountry( When .ir
)ristram heard her say so' he "as glad to go "ith her to "in "orship( .o .ir )ristram
rode "ith that damosel a six mile' and then met him .ir :a"aine' and there"ithal .ir
:a"aine %ne" the damosel' that she "as a damosel of ;ueen Morgan le Fay( )hen .ir
:a"aine understood that she led that %night to some mis+hief( Fair %night' said .ir
:a"aine' "hither ride you no" "ith that damosel3 .ir' said .ir )ristram' & "ot not
"hither & shall ride but as the damosel "ill lead me( .ir' said .ir :a"aine' ye shall not
ride "ith her' for she and her lady did never good' but ill( *nd then .ir :a"aine pulled
out his s"ord and said4 ,amosel' but if thou tell me anon for "hat +ause thou leadest this
%night "ith thee thou shalt die for it right anon4 & %no" all your lady1s treason' and yours(
Mer+y' .ir :a"aine' she said' and if ye "ill save my life & "ill tell you( .ay on' said .ir
:a"aine' and thou shalt have thy life( .ir' she said' ;ueen Morgan le Fay' my lady' hath
ordained a thirty ladies to see% and espy after .ir 8aun+elot or .ir )ristram' and by the
trains of these ladies' "ho that may first meet any of these t"o %nights they should turn
them unto Morgan le Fay1s +astle' saying that they should do deeds of "orship0 and if
any of the t"o %nights +ame there' there be thirty %nights lying and "at+hing in a to"er
to "ait upon .ir 8aun+elot or upon .ir )ristram( Fie for shame' said .ir :a"aine' that
ever su+h false treason should be "rought or used in a 6ueen' and a %ing1s sister' and a
%ing and 6ueen1s daughter(
!o" .ir )ristram and .ir :a"aine rode to have foughten "ith the thirty %nights' but they
durst not +ome out(
.&?' said .ir :a"aine' "ill ye stand "ith me' and "e "ill see the mali+e of these thirty
%nights( .ir' said .ir )ristram' go ye to them' an it please you' and ye shall see & "ill not
fail you' for it is not long ago sin+e & and a fello" met "ith thirty %nights of that 6ueen1s
fello"ship0 and :od speed us so that "e may "in "orship( .o then .ir :a"aine and .ir
)ristram rode to"ard the +astle "here Morgan le Fay "as' and ever .ir :a"aine deemed
"ell that he "as .ir )ristram de 8iones' be+ause he heard that t"o %nights had slain and
beaten thirty %nights( *nd "hen they +ame afore the +astle .ir :a"aine spa%e on high
and said4 ;ueen Morgan le Fay' send out your %nights that ye have laid in a "at+h for .ir
8aun+elot and for .ir )ristram( 2o"' said .ir :a"aine' & %no" your false treason' and
through all pla+es "here that & ride men shall %no" of your false treason0 and no" let see'
said .ir :a"aine' "hether ye dare +ome out of your +astle' ye thirty %nights( )hen the
6ueen spa%e and all the thirty %nights at on+e' and said4 .ir :a"aine' full "ell "ottest
thou "hat thou dost and sayest0 for by :od "e %no" thee passing "ell' but all that thou
spea%est and dost' thou sayest it upon pride of that good %night that is there "ith thee( For
there be some of us that %no" full "ell the hands of that %night over all "ell( *nd "it
thou "ell' .ir :a"aine' it is more for his sa%e than for thine that "e "ill not +ome out of
this +astle( For "it ye "ell' .ir :a"aine' the %night that beareth the arms of Corn"all' "e
%no" him and "hat he is(
)hen .ir :a"aine and .ir )ristram departed and rode on their "ays a day or t"o
together0 and there by adventure' they met "ith .ir -ay and .ir .agramore le ,esirous(
*nd then they "ere glad of .ir :a"aine' and he of them' but they "ist not "hat he "as
"ith the shield of Corn"all' but by deeming( *nd thus they rode together a day or t"o(
*nd then they "ere "are of .ir /reuse .aun+e $ite +hasing a lady for to have slain her'
for he had slain her paramour afore( !old you all still' said .ir :a"aine' and sho" none
of you forth' and ye shall see me re"ard yonder false %night0 for an he espy you he is so
"ell horsed that he "ill es+ape a"ay( *nd then .ir :a"aine rode bet"ixt .ir /reuse and
the lady' and said4 False %night' leave her' and have ado "ith me( When .ir /reuse sa"
no more but .ir :a"aine he feutred his spear' and .ir :a"aine against him0 and there .ir
/reuse overthre" .ir :a"aine' and then he rode over him' and overth"art him t"enty
times to have destroyed him0 and "hen .ir )ristram sa" him do so villainous a deed' he
hurled out against him( *nd "hen .ir /reuse sa" him "ith the shield of Corn"all he
%ne" him "ell that it "as .ir )ristram' and then he fled' and .ir )ristram follo"ed after
him0 and .ir /reuse .aun+e $ite "as so horsed that he "ent his "ay 6uite' and .ir
)ristram follo"ed him long' for he "ould fain have been avenged upon him( *nd so
"hen he had long +hased him' he sa" a fair "ell' and thither he rode to repose him' and
tied his horse till a tree(
!o" damosel /rag"aine found )ristram sleeping by a "ell' and ho" she delivered
letters to him from 8a /eale &soud(
*2, then he pulled off his helm and "ashed his visage and his hands' and so he fell
asleep( &n the mean"hile +ame a damosel that had sought .ir )ristram many "ays and
days "ithin this land( *nd "hen she +ame to the "ell she loo%ed upon him' and had
forgotten him as in remembran+e of .ir )ristram' but by his horse she %ne" him' that
hight $asse</re"el that had been .ir )ristram1s horse many years( For "hen he "as mad
in the forest .ir Fergus %ept him( .o this lady' ,ame /rag"aine' abode still till he "as
a"a%e( .o "hen she sa" him "a%e she saluted him' and he her again' for either %ne"
other of old a+6uaintan+e0 then she told him ho" she had sought him long and broad' and
there she told him ho" she had letters from ;ueen 8a /eale &soud( )hen anon .ir
)ristram read them' and "it ye "ell he "as glad' for therein "as many a piteous
+omplaint( )hen .ir )ristram said4 8ady /rag"aine' ye shall ride "ith me till that
tournament be done at the Castle of Maidens' and then shall bear letters and tidings "ith
you( *nd then .ir )ristram too% his horse and sought lodging' and there he met "ith a
good an+ient %night and prayed him to lodge "ith him( ?ight so +ame :ouvernail unto
.ir )ristram' that "as glad of that lady( .o this old %night1s name "as .ir $ellounes' and
he told of the great tournament that should be at the Castle of Maidens( *nd there .ir
8aun+elot and thirty<t"o %nights of his blood had ordained shields of Corn"all( *nd
right so there +ame one unto .ir $ellounes' and told him that .ir $ersides de /loise "as
+ome home0 then that %night held up his hands and than%ed :od of his +oming home(
*nd there .ir $ellounes told .ir )ristram that in t"o years he had not seen his son' .ir
$ersides( .ir' said .ir )ristram' & %no" your son "ell enough for a good %night(
.o on a time .ir )ristram and .ir $ersides +ame to their lodging both at on+e' and so they
unarmed them' and put upon them their +lothing( *nd then these t"o %nights ea+h
"el+omed other( *nd "hen .ir $ersides understood that .ir )ristram "as of Corn"all' he
said he "as on+e in Corn"all4 *nd there & 7ousted afore -ing Mar%0 and so it happed me
at that time to overthro" ten %nights' and then +ame to me .ir )ristram de 8iones and
overthre" me' and too% my lady a"ay from me' and that shall & never forget' but & shall
remember me an ever & see my time( *h' said .ir )ristram' no" & understand that ye hate
.ir )ristram( What deem ye' "een ye that .ir )ristram is not able to "ithstand your
mali+e3 >es' said .ir $ersides' & %no" "ell that .ir )ristram is a noble %night and a mu+h
better %night than &' yet shall & not o"e him my good "ill( ?ight as they stood thus
tal%ing at a bay<"indo" of that +astle' they sa" many %nights riding to and fro to"ard
the tournament( *nd then "as .ir )ristram "are of a li%ely %night riding upon a great
bla+% horse' and a bla+%<+overed shield( What %night is that' said .ir )ristram' "ith the
bla+% horse and the bla+% shield3 he seemeth a good %night( & %no" him "ell' said .ir
$ersides' he is one of the best %nights of the "orld( )hen is it .ir 8aun+elot' said
)ristram( 2ay' said .ir $ersides' it is .ir $alomides' that is yet un+hristened(
!o" .ir )ristram had a fall "ith .ir $alomides' and ho" 8aun+elot overthre" t"o
)!E2 they sa" mu+h people of the +ountry salute .ir $alomides( *nd "ithin a "hile
after there +ame a s6uire of the +astle' that told .ir $ellounes that "as lord of that +astle'
that a %night "ith a bla+% shield had smitten do"n thirteen %nights( Fair brother' said .ir
)ristram unto .ir $ersides' let us +ast upon us +loa%s' and let us go see the play( 2ot so'
said .ir $ersides' "e "ill not go li%e %naves thither' but "e "ill ride li%e men and good
%nights to "ithstand our enemies( .o they armed them' and too% their horses and great
spears' and thither they "ent thereas many %nights assayed themself before the
tournament( *nd anon .ir $alomides sa" .ir $ersides' and then he sent a s6uire unto him
and said4 :o thou to the yonder %night "ith the green shield and therein a lion of gold'
and say him & re6uire him to 7oust "ith me' and tell him that my name is .ir $alomides(
When .ir $ersides understood that re6uest of .ir $alomides' he made him ready' and
there anon they met together' but .ir $ersides had a fall( )hen .ir )ristram dressed him to
be revenged upon .ir $alomides' and that sa" .ir $alomides that "as ready and so "as
not .ir )ristram' and too% him at an advantage and smote him over his horse1s tail "hen
he had no spear in his rest( )hen stert up .ir )ristram and too% his horse lightly' and "as
"roth out of measure' and sore ashamed of that fall( )hen .ir )ristram sent unto .ir
$alomides by :ouvernail' and prayed him to 7oust "ith him at his re6uest( 2ay' said .ir
$alomides' as at this time & "ill not 7oust "ith that %night' for & %no" him better than he
"eeneth( *nd if he be "roth he may right it to<morn at the Castle of Maidens' "here he
may see me and many other %nights(
With that +ame .ir ,inadan' and "hen he sa" .ir )ristram "roth he list not to 7ape( 8o'
said .ir ,inadan' here may a man prove' be a man never so good yet may he have a fall'
and he "as never so "ise but he might be overseen' and he rideth "ell that never fell( .o
.ir )ristram "as passing "roth' and said to .ir $ersides and to .ir ,inadan4 & "ill
revenge me( ?ight so as they stood tal%ing there' there +ame by .ir )ristram a li%ely
%night riding passing soberly and heavily "ith a bla+% shield( What %night is that3 said
.ir )ristram unto .ir $ersides( & %no" him "ell' said .ir $ersides' for his name is .ir
/riant of 2orth Wales0 so he passed on among other %nights of 2orth Wales( *nd there
+ame in .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e "ith a shield of the arms of Corn"all' and he sent a s6uire
unto .ir /riant' and re6uired him to 7oust "ith him( Well' said .ir /riant' sithen & am
re6uired to 7oust & "ill do "hat & may0 and there .ir 8aun+elot smote do"n .ir /riant
from his horse a great fall( *nd then .ir )ristram marvelled "hat %night he "as that bare
the shield of Corn"all( Whatsoever he be' said .ir ,inadan' & "arrant you he is of -ing
/an1s blood' the "hi+h be %nights of the most noble pro"ess in the "orld' for to a++ount
so many for so many( )hen there +ame t"o %nights of 2orthgalis' that one hight !e" de
la Montaine' and the other .ir Mado% de la Montaine' and they +hallenged .ir 8aun+elot
foot<hot( .ir 8aun+elot not refusing them but made him ready' "ith one spear he smote
them do"n both over their horses1 +roups0 and so .ir 8aun+elot rode his "ay( /y the
good lord' said .ir )ristram' he is a good %night that beareth the shield of Corn"all' and
meseemeth he rideth in the best manner that ever & sa" %night ride(
)hen the -ing of 2orthgalis rode unto .ir $alomides and prayed him heartily for his sa%e
to 7oust "ith that %night that hath done us of 2orthgalis despite( .ir' said .ir $alomides' &
am full loath to have ado "ith that %night' and +ause "hy is' for as to<morn the great
tournament shall be0 and therefore & "ill %eep myself fresh by my "ill( 2ay' said the
-ing of 2orthgalis' & pray you re6uire him of 7ousts( .ir' said .ir $alomides' & "ill 7oust
at your re6uest' and re6uire that %night to 7oust "ith me' and often & have seen a man
have a fall at his o"n re6uest(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot 7ousted "ith $alomides and overthre" him' and after he "as assailed
"ith t"elve %nights(
)!E2 .ir $alomides sent unto .ir 8aun+elot a s6uire' and re6uired him of 7ousts( Fair
fello"' said .ir 8aun+elot' tell me thy lord1s name( .ir' said the s6uire' my lord1s name is
.ir $alomides' the good %night( &n good hour' said .ir 8aun+elot' for there is no %night
that & sa" this seven years that & had liefer ado "ithal than "ith him( *nd so either
%nights made them ready "ith t"o great spears( 2ay' said .ir ,inadan' ye shall see that
.ir $alomides "ill 6uit him right "ell( &t may be so' said .ir )ristram' but & underta%e
that %night "ith the shield of Corn"all shall give him a fall( & believe it not' said .ir
,inadan( ?ight so they spurred their horses and feutred their spears' and either hit other'
and .ir $alomides bra%e a spear upon .ir 8aun+elot' and he sat and moved not0 but .ir
8aun+elot smote him so lightly that he made his horse to avoid the saddle' and the stro%e
bra%e his shield and the hauber%' and had he not fallen he had been slain( !o" no"' said
.ir )ristram' & "ist "ell by the manner of their riding both that .ir $alomides should
have a fall(
?ight so .ir 8aun+elot rode his "ay' and rode to a "ell to drin% and to repose him' and
they of 2orthgalis espied him "hither he rode0 and then there follo"ed him t"elve
%nights for to have mis+hieved him' for this +ause that upon the morn at the tournament
of the Castle of Maidens that he should not "in the vi+tory( .o they +ame upon .ir
8aun+elot suddenly' and unnethe he might put upon him his helm and ta%e his horse' but
they "ere in hands "ith him0 and then .ir 8aun+elot gat his spear' and rode through
them' and there he sle" a %night and bra%e a spear in his body( )hen he dre" his s"ord
and smote upon the right hand and upon the left hand' so that "ithin a fe" stro%es he had
slain other three %nights' and the remnant that abode he "ounded them sore all that did
abide( )hus .ir 8aun+elot es+aped from his enemies of 2orth Wales' and then .ir
8aun+elot rode his "ay till a friend' and lodged him till on the morn0 for he "ould not the
first day have ado in the tournament be+ause of his great labour( *nd on the first day he
"as "ith -ing *rthur thereas he "as set on high upon a s+affold to dis+ern "ho "as best
"orthy of his deeds( .o .ir 8aun+elot "as "ith -ing *rthur' and 7ousted not the first day(
!o" .ir )ristram behaved him the first day of the tournament' and there he had the priAe(
29W turn "e unto .ir )ristram de 8iones' that +ommanded :ouvernail' his servant' to
ordain him a bla+% shield "ith none other remembran+e therein( *nd so .ir $ersides and
.ir )ristram departed from their host .ir $ellounes' and they rode early to"ard the
tournament' and then they dre" them to -ing Carados1 side' of .+otland0 and anon
%nights began the field "hat of -ing 2orthgalis1 part' and "hat of -ing Carados1 part'
and there began great party( )hen there "as hurling and rashing( ?ight so +ame in .ir
$ersides and .ir )ristram and so they did fare that they put the -ing of 2orthgalis aba+%(
)hen +ame in .ir /leoberis de :anis and .ir :aheris "ith them of 2orthgalis' and then
"as .ir $ersides smitten do"n and almost slain' for more than forty horse men "ent over
him( For .ir /leoberis did great deeds of arms' and .ir :aheris failed him not( When .ir
)ristram beheld them' and sa" them do su+h deeds of arms' he marvelled "hat they
"ere( *lso .ir )ristram thought shame that .ir $ersides "as so done to0 and then he gat a
great spear in his hand' and then he rode to .ir :aheris and smote him do"n from his
horse( *nd then "as .ir /leoberis "roth' and gat a spear and rode against .ir )ristram in
great ire0 and there .ir )ristram met "ith him' and smote .ir /leoberis from his horse .o
then the -ing "ith the !undred -nights "as "roth' and he horsed .ir /leoberis and .ir
:aheris again' and there began a great medley0 and ever .ir )ristram held them passing
short' and ever .ir /leoberis "as passing busy upon .ir )ristram0 and there +ame .ir
,inadan against .ir )ristram' and .ir )ristram gave him su+h a buffet that he s"ooned in
his saddle( )hen anon .ir ,inadan +ame to .ir )ristram and said4 .ir' & %no" thee better
than thou "eenest0 but here & promise thee my troth & "ill never +ome against thee more'
for & promise thee that s"ord of thine shall never +ome on mine helm(
With that +ame .ir /leoberis' and .ir )ristram gave him su+h a buffet that do"n he laid
his head0 and then he +aught him so sore by the helm that he pulled him under his horse1s
feet( *nd then -ing *rthur ble" to lodging( )hen .ir )ristram departed to his pavilion'
and .ir ,inadan rode "ith him0 and .ir $ersides and -ing *rthur then' and the %ings
upon both parties' marvelled "hat %night that "as "ith the bla+% shield( Many said their
advi+e' and some %ne" him for .ir )ristram' and held their pea+e and "ould nought say(
.o that first day -ing *rthur' and all the %ings and lords that "ere 7udges' gave .ir
)ristram the priAe0 ho"beit they %ne" him not' but named him the -night "ith the /la+%
!o" .ir )ristram returned against -ing *rthur1s party be+ause he sa" .ir $alomides on
that party(
)!E2 upon the morn .ir $alomides returned from the -ing of 2orthgalis' and rode to
-ing *rthur1s side' "here "as -ing Carados' and the -ing of &reland' and .ir
8aun+elot1s %in' and .ir :a"aine1s %in( .o .ir $alomides sent the damosel unto .ir
)ristram that he sent to see% him "hen he "as out of his mind in the forest' and this
damosel as%ed .ir )ristram "hat he "as and "hat "as his name3 *s for that' said .ir
)ristram' tell .ir $alomides ye shall not "it as at this time unto the time & have bro%en
t"o spears upon him( /ut let him "it thus mu+h' said .ir )ristram' that & am the same
%night that he smote do"n in over<evening [E at the tournament0 and tell him plainly on
"hat party that .ir $alomides be & "ill be of the +ontrary party( .ir' said the damosel' ye
shall understand that .ir $alomides "ill be on -ing *rthur1s side' "here the most noble
%nights of the "orld be( &n the name of :od' said .ir )ristram' then "ill & be "ith the
-ing of 2orthgalis' be+ause .ir $alomides "ill be on -ing *rthur1s side' and else &
"ould not but for his sa%e( .o "hen -ing *rthur "as +ome they ble" unto the field0 and
then there began a great party' and so -ing Carados 7ousted "ith the -ing of the !undred
-nights' and there -ing Carados had a fall4 then "as there hurling and rushing' and right
so +ame in %nights of -ing *rthur1s' and they bare aba+% the -ing of 2orthgalis1 %nights(
[ E Fthe evening afore'G W( de W(
)hen .ir )ristram +ame in' and began so roughly and so bigly that there "as none might
"ithstand him' and thus .ir )ristram dured long( *nd at the last .ir )ristram fell among
the fello"ship of -ing /an' and there fell upon him .ir /ors de :anis' and .ir E+tor de
Maris' and .ir /lamore de :anis' and many other %nights( *nd then .ir )ristram smote
on the right hand and on the left hand' that all lords and ladies spa%e of his noble deeds(
/ut at the last .ir )ristram should have had the "orse had not the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights been( *nd then he +ame "ith his fello"ship and res+ued .ir )ristram' and
brought him a"ay from those %nights that bare the shields of Corn"all( *nd then .ir
)ristram sa" another fello"ship by themself' and there "ere a forty %nights together' and
.ir -ay' the .enes+hal' "as their governor( )hen .ir )ristram rode in amongst them' and
there he smote do"n .ir -ay from his horse0 and there he fared among those %nights li%e
a greyhound among +onies(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot found a %night that "as sore "ounded upon the head( .ir' said .ir
8aun+elot' "ho "ounded you so sore3 .ir' he said' a %night that beareth a bla+% shield'
and & may +urse the time that ever & met "ith him' for he is a devil and no man( .o .ir
8aun+elot departed from him and thought to meet "ith .ir )ristram' and so he rode "ith
his s"ord dra"n in his hand to see% .ir )ristram0 and then he espied him ho" he hurled
here and there' and at every stro%e .ir )ristram "ellnigh smote do"n a %night( 9 mer+y
5esu@ said the %ing' sith the times & bare arms sa" & never no %night do so marvellous
deeds of arms( *nd if & should set upon this %night' said .ir 8aun+elot to himself' & did
shame to myself' and there"ithal .ir 8aun+elot put up his s"ord( *nd then the -ing "ith
the !undred -nights and an hundred more of 2orth Wales set upon the t"enty of .ir
8aun+elot1s %in4 and they t"enty %nights held them ever together as "ild s"ine' and none
"ould fail other( *nd so "hen .ir )ristram beheld the noblesse or these t"enty %nights
he marvelled of their good deeds' for he sa" by their fare and by their rule that they had
liefer die than avoid the field( 2o" 5esu' said .ir )ristram' "ell may he be valiant and
full of pro"ess that hath su+h a sort of noble %nights unto his %in' and full li%e is he to be
a noble man that is their leader and governor( !e meant it by .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( .o
"hen .ir )ristram had beholden them long he thought shame to see t"o hundred %nights
battering upon t"enty %nights( )hen .ir )ristram rode unto the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights and said4 .ir' leave your fighting "ith those t"enty %nights' for ye "in no
"orship of them' ye be so many and they so fe"0 and "it ye "ell they "ill not out of the
field & see by their +heer and +ountenan+e0 and "orship get ye none an ye slay them(
)herefore leave your fighting "ith them' for & to in+rease my "orship & "ill ride to the
t"enty %nights and help them "ith all my might and po"er( 2ay' said the -ing "ith the
!undred -nights' ye shall not do so0 no" & see your +ourage and +ourtesy & "ill
"ithdra" my %nights for your pleasure' for evermore a good %night "ill favour another'
and li%e "ill dra" to li%e(
!o" .ir )ristram found $alomides by a "ell' and brought him "ith him to his lodging(
)!E2 the -ing "ith the !undred -nights "ithdre" his %nights( *nd all this "hile' and
long tofore' .ir 8aun+elot had "at+hed upon .ir )ristram "ith a very purpose to have
fello"shipped "ith him( *nd then suddenly .ir )ristram' .ir ,inadan' and :ouvernail'
his man' rode their "ay into the forest' that no man per+eived "here they "ent( .o then
-ing *rthur ble" unto lodging' and gave the -ing of 2orthgalis the priAe be+ause .ir
)ristram "as upon his side( )hen .ir 8aun+elot rode here and there' so "ood as lion that
fauted his fill' be+ause he had lost .ir )ristram' and so he returned unto -ing *rthur( *nd
then in all the field "as a noise that "ith the "ind it might be heard t"o mile then+e' ho"
the lords and ladies +ried4 )he -night "ith the /la+% .hield hath "on the field( *las' said
-ing *rthur' "here is that %night be+ome3 &t is shame to all those in the field so to let
him es+ape a"ay from you0 but "ith gentleness and +ourtesy ye might have brought him
unto me to the Castle of Maidens( )hen the noble -ing *rthur "ent unto his %nights and
+omforted them in the best "ise that he +ould' and said4 My fair fello"s' be not
dismayed' ho"beit ye have lost the field this day( *nd many "ere hurt and sore
"ounded' and many "ere "hole( My fello"s' said -ing *rthur' loo% that ye be of good
+heer' for to<morn & "ill be in the field "ith you and revenge you of your enemies( .o
that night -ing *rthur and his %nights reposed themself(
)he damosel that +ame from 8a /eale &soud unto .ir )ristram' all the "hile the
tournament "as a<doing she "as "ith ;ueen :uenever' and ever the 6ueen as%ed her for
"hat +ause she +ame into that +ountry( Madam' she ans"ered' & +ome for none other
+ause but from my lady 8a /eale &soud to "it of your "elfare( For in no "ise she "ould
not tell the 6ueen that she +ame for .ir )ristram1s sa%e( .o this lady' ,ame /rag"aine'
too% her leave of ;ueen :uenever' and she rode after .ir )ristram( *nd as she rode
through the forest she heard a great +ry0 then she +ommanded her s6uire to go into the
forest to "it "hat "as that noise( *nd so he +ame to a "ell' and there he found a %night
bounden till a tree +rying as he had been "ood' and his horse and his harness standing by
him( *nd "hen he espied that s6uire' there"ith he abraid and bra%e himself loose' and
too% his s"ord in his hand' and ran to have slain the s6uire( )hen he too% his horse and
fled all that ever he might unto ,ame /rag"aine' and told her of his adventure( )hen she
rode unto .ir )ristram1s pavilion' and told .ir )ristram "hat adventure she had found in
the forest( *las' said .ir )ristram' upon my head there is some good %night at mis+hief(
)hen .ir )ristram too% his horse and his s"ord and rode thither' and there he heard ho"
the %night +omplained unto himself and said4 &' "oful %night .ir $alomides' "hat
misadventure befalleth me' that thus am defoiled "ith falsehood and treason' through .ir
/ors and .ir E+tor( *las' he said' "hy live & so long@ *nd then he gat his s"ord in his
hands' and made many strange signs and to%ens0 and so through his raging he thre" his
s"ord into that fountain( )hen .ir $alomides "ailed and "rang his hands( *nd at the last
for pure sorro" he ran into that fountain' over his belly' and sought after his s"ord( )hen
.ir )ristram sa" that' and ran upon .ir $alomides' and held him in his arms fast( What art
thou' said $alomides' that holdeth me so3 & am a man of this forest that "ould thee none
harm( *las' said .ir $alomides' & may never "in "orship "here .ir )ristram is0 for ever
"here he is an & be there' then get & no "orship0 and if he be a"ay for the most part & have
the gree' unless that .ir 8aun+elot be there or .ir 8amora%( )hen .ir $alomides said4
9n+e in &reland .ir )ristram put me to the "orse' and another time in Corn"all' and in
other pla+es in this land( What "ould ye do' said .ir )ristram' an ye had .ir )ristram3 &
"ould fight "ith him' said .ir $alomides' and ease my heart upon him0 and yet' to say
thee sooth' .ir )ristram is the gentlest %night in this "orld living( What "ill ye do' said
.ir )ristram' "ill ye go "ith me to your lodging3 2ay' said he' & "ill go to the -ing "ith
the !undred -nights' for he res+ued me from .ir /ors de :anis and .ir E+tor and else
had & been slain traitorly( .ir )ristram said him su+h %ind "ords that .ir $alomides "ent
"ith him to his lodging( )hen :ouvernail "ent tofore' and +harged ,ame /rag"aine to
go out of the "ay to her lodging *nd bid ye .ir $ersides that he ma%e him no 6uarrels(
*nd so they rode together till they +ame to .ir )ristram1s pavilion' and there .ir
$alomides had all the +heer that might be had all that night( /ut in no "ise .ir $alomides
might not %no" "hat "as .ir )ristram0 and so after supper they yede to rest' and .ir
)ristram for great travail slept till it "as day( *nd .ir $alomides might not sleep for
anguish0 and in the da"ning of the day he too% his horse privily' and rode his "ay unto
.ir :aheris and unto .ir .agramore le ,esirous' "here they "ere in their pavilions0 for
they three "ere fello"s at the beginning of the tournament( *nd then upon the morn the
%ing ble" unto the tournament upon the third day(
!o" .ir )ristram smote do"n .ir $alomides' and ho" he 7ousted "ith -ing *rthur' and
other feats(
.9 the -ing of 2orthgalis and the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' they t"o en+ountered
"ith -ing Carados and "ith the -ing of &reland0 and there the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights smote do"n -ing Carados' and the -ing of 2orthgalis smote do"n the -ing of
&reland( With that +ame in .ir $alomides' and "hen he +ame he made great "or%' for by
his indented shield he "as "ell %no"n( .o +ame in -ing *rthur' and did great deeds of
arms together' and put the -ing of 2orthgalis and the -ing "ith the !undred -nights to
the "orse( With this +ame in .ir )ristram "ith his bla+% shield' and anon he 7ousted "ith
.ir $alomides' and there by fine for+e .ir )ristram smote .ir $alomides over his horse1s
+roup( )hen -ing *rthur +ried4 -night "ith the /la+% .hield' ma%e thee ready to me' and
in the same "ise .ir )ristram smote -ing *rthur( *nd then by for+e of -ing *rthur1s
%nights the -ing and .ir $alomides "ere horsed again( )hen -ing *rthur "ith a great
eager heart he gat a spear in his hand' and there upon the one side he smote .ir )ristram
over his horse( )hen foot<hot .ir $alomides +ame upon .ir )ristram' as he "as upon foot'
to have overridden him( )hen .ir )ristram "as "are of him' and there he stooped aside'
and "ith great ire he gat him by the arm' and pulled him do"n from his horse( )hen .ir
$alomides lightly arose' and then they dashed together mightily "ith their s"ords0 and
many %ings' 6ueens' and lords' stood and beheld them( *nd at the last .ir )ristram smote
.ir $alomides upon the helm three mighty stro%es' and at every stro%e that he gave him
he said4 )his for .ir )ristram1s sa%e( With that .ir $alomides fell to the earth grovelling(
)hen +ame the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and brought .ir )ristram an horse' and so
"as he horsed again( /y then "as .ir $alomides horsed' and "ith great ire he 7ousted
upon .ir )ristram "ith his spear as it "as in the rest' and gave him a great dash "ith his
s"ord( )hen .ir )ristram avoided his spear' and gat him by the ne+% "ith his both hands'
and pulled him +lean out of his saddle' and so he bare him afore him the length of ten
spears' and then in the presen+e of them all he let him fall at his adventure( )hen .ir
)ristram "as "are of -ing *rthur "ith a na%ed s"ord in his hand' and "ith his spear .ir
)ristram ran upon -ing *rthur0 and then -ing *rthur boldly abode him and "ith his
s"ord he smote a<t"o his spear' and there"ithal .ir )ristram stonied0 and so -ing *rthur
gave him three or four stro%es or he might get out his s"ord' and at the last .ir )ristram
dre" his s"ord and [either assailed other passing hard( With that the great press departed
[them( )hen .ir )ristram rode here and there and did his great pain' that eleven of the
good %nights of the blood of -ing /an' that "as of .ir 8aun+elot1s %in' that day .ir
)ristram smote do"n0 that all the estates marvelled of his great deeds and all +ried upon
the -night "ith the /la+% .hield(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot hurt .ir )ristram' and ho" after .ir )ristram smote do"n .ir
)!E2 this +ry "as so large that .ir 8aun+elot heard it( *nd then he gat a great spear in
his hand and +ame to"ards the +ry( )hen .ir 8aun+elot +ried4 )he -night "ith the /la+%
.hield' ma%e thee ready to 7oust "ith me( When .ir )ristram heard him say so he gat his
spear in his hand' and either abashed do"n their heads' and +ame together as thunder0 and
.ir )ristram1s spear bra%e in pie+es' and .ir 8aun+elot by malfortune stru+% .ir )ristram
on the side a deep "ound nigh to the death0 but yet .ir )ristram avoided not his saddle'
and so the spear bra%e( )here"ithal .ir )ristram that "as "ounded gat out his s"ord' and
he rushed to .ir 8aun+elot' and gave him three great stro%es upon the helm that the fire
sprang thereout' and .ir 8aun+elot abashed his head lo"ly to"ard his saddle<bo"( *nd
there"ithal .ir )ristram departed from the field' for he felt him so "ounded that he
"eened he should have died0 and .ir ,inadan espied him and follo"ed him into the
forest( )hen .ir 8aun+elot abode and did many marvellous deeds(
.o "hen .ir )ristram "as departed by the forest1s side he alighted' and unla+ed his
harness and freshed his "ound0 then "eened .ir ,inadan that he should have died( 2ay'
nay' said .ir )ristram' ,inadan never dread thee' for & am heart<"hole' and of this "ound
& shall soon be "hole' by the mer+y of :od( /y that .ir ,inadan "as "are "here +ame
$alomides riding straight upon them( *nd then .ir )ristram "as "are that .ir $alomides
+ame to have destroyed him( *nd so .ir ,inadan gave him "arning' and said4 .ir
)ristram' my lord' ye are so sore "ounded that ye may not have ado "ith him' therefore &
"ill ride against him and do to him "hat & may' and if & be slain ye may pray for my soul0
and in the mean"hile ye may "ithdra" you and go into the +astle' or in the forest' that he
shall not meet "ith you( .ir )ristram smiled and said4 & than% you' .ir ,inadan' of your
good "ill' but ye shall "it that & am able to handle him( *nd then anon hastily he armed
him' and too% his horse' and a great spear in his hand' and said to .ir ,inadan4 *dieu0
and rode to"ard .ir $alomides a soft pa+e( )hen "hen .ir $alomides sa" that' he made
+ountenan+e to amend his horse' but he did it for this +ause' for he abode .ir :aheris that
+ame after him( *nd "hen he "as +ome he rode to"ard .ir )ristram( )hen .ir )ristram
sent unto .ir $alomides' and re6uired him to 7oust "ith him0 and if he smote do"n .ir
$alomides he "ould do no more to him0 and if it so happened that .ir $alomides smote
do"n .ir )ristram' he bade him do his utteran+e( .o they "ere a++orded( )hen they met
together' and .ir )ristram smote do"n .ir $alomides that he had a grievous fall' so that
he lay still as he had been dead( *nd then .ir )ristram ran upon .ir :aheris' and he
"ould not have 7ousted0 but "hether he "ould or not .ir )ristram smote him over his
horse1s +roup' that he lay still as though he had been dead( *nd then .ir )ristram rode his
"ay and left .ir $ersides1 s6uire "ithin the pavilions' and .ir )ristram and .ir ,inadan
rode to an old %night1s pla+e to lodge them( *nd that old %night had five sons at the
tournament' for "hom he prayed :od heartily for their +oming home( *nd so' as the
Fren+h boo% saith' they +ame home all five "ell beaten(
*nd "hen .ir )ristram departed into the forest .ir 8aun+elot held al"ay the stour li%e
hard' as a man araged that too% no heed to himself' and "it ye "ell there "as many a
noble %night against him( *nd "hen -ing *rthur sa" .ir 8aun+elot do so marvellous
deeds of arms he then armed him' and too% his horse and his armour' and rode into the
field to help .ir 8aun+elot0 and so many %nights +ame in "ith -ing *rthur( *nd to ma%e
short tale in +on+lusion' the -ing of 2orthgalis and the -ing of the !undred -nights
"ere put to the "orse0 and be+ause .ir 8aun+elot abode and "as the last in the field the
priAe "as given him( /ut .ir 8aun+elot "ould neither for %ing' 6ueen' nor %night' have
the priAe' but "here the +ry "as +ried through the field4 .ir 8aun+elot' .ir 8aun+elot hath
"on the field this day' .ir 8aun+elot let ma%e another +ry +ontrary4 .ir )ristram hath "on
the field' for he began first' and last he hath endured' and so hath he done the first day'
the se+ond' and the third day(
!o" the priAe of the third day "as given to .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir 8aun+elot gave it to
.ir )ristram(
)!E2 all the estates and degrees high and lo" said of .ir 8aun+elot great "orship' for
the honour that he did unto .ir )ristram0 and for that honour doing to .ir )ristram he "as
at that time more praised and reno"ned than an he had overthro"n five hundred %nights0
and all the people "holly for this gentleness' first the estates both high and lo"' and after
the +ommonalty +ried at on+e4 .ir 8aun+elot hath "on the field "hosoever say nay( )hen
"as .ir 8aun+elot "roth and ashamed' and so there"ithal he rode to -ing *rthur( *las'
said the %ing' "e are all dismayed that .ir )ristram is thus departed from us( /y :od'
said -ing *rthur' he is one of the noblest %nights that ever & sa" hold spear or s"ord in
hand' and the most +ourteoust %night in his fighting0 for full hard & sa" him' said -ing
*rthur' "hen he smote .ir $alomides upon the helm thri+e' that he abashed his helm "ith
his stro%es' and also he said4 !ere is a stro%e for .ir )ristram' and thus thri+e he said(
)hen -ing *rthur' .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir ,odinas le .avage too% their horses to see% .ir
)ristram' and by the means of .ir $ersides he had told -ing *rthur "here .ir )ristram
"as in his pavilion( /ut "hen they +ame there' .ir )ristram and .ir ,inadan "ere gone(
)hen -ing *rthur and .ir 8aun+elot "ere heavy' and returned again to the Castle of
Maidens ma%ing great dole for the hurt of .ir )ristram' and his sudden departing( .o :od
me help' said -ing *rthur' & am more heavy that & +annot meet "ith him than for all the
hurts that all my %nights have had at the tournament( ?ight so +ame .ir :aheris and told
-ing *rthur ho" .ir )ristram had smitten do"n .ir $alomides' and it "as at .ir
$alomides1 o"n re6uest( *las' said -ing *rthur' that "as great dishonour to .ir
$alomides' inasmu+h as .ir )ristram "as sore "ounded' and no" may "e all' %ings' and
%nights' and men of "orship' say that .ir )ristram may be +alled a noble %night' and one
of the best %nights that ever & sa" the days of my life( For & "ill that ye all' %ings and
%nights' %no"' said -ing *rthur' that & never sa" %night do so marvellously as he hath
done these three days0 for he "as the first that began and that longest held on' save this
last day( *nd though he "as hurt' it "as a manly adventure of t"o noble %nights' and
"hen t"o noble men en+ounter needs must the one have the "orse' li%e as :od "ill
suffer at that time( *s for me' said .ir 8aun+elot' for all the lands that ever my father left
me & "ould not have hurt .ir )ristram an & had %no"n him at that time0 that & hurt him
"as for & sa" not his shield( For an & had seen his bla+% shield' & "ould not have meddled
"ith him for many +auses0 for late he did as mu+h for me as ever did %night' and that is
"ell %no"n that he had ado "ith thirty %nights' and no help save .ir ,inadan( *nd one
thing shall & promise' said .ir 8aun+elot' .ir $alomides shall repent it as in his un%indly
dealing for to follo" that noble %night that & by mishap hurted thus( .ir 8aun+elot said all
the "orship that might be said by .ir )ristram( )hen -ing *rthur made a great feast to all
that "ould +ome( *nd thus "e let pass -ing *rthur' and a little "e "ill turn unto .ir
$alomides' that after he had a fall of .ir )ristram' he "as nigh<hand araged out of his "it
for despite of .ir )ristram( *nd so he follo"ed him by adventure( *nd as he +ame by a
river' in his "oodness he "ould have made his horse to have leapt over0 and the horse
failed footing and fell in the river' "herefore .ir $alomides "as adread lest he should
have been dro"ned0 and then he avoided his horse' and s"am to the land' and let his
horse go do"n by adventure(
!o" $alomides +ame to the +astle "here .ir )ristram "as' and of the 6uest that .ir
8aun+elot and ten %nights made for .ir )ristram(
*2, "hen he +ame to the land he too% off his harness' and sat roaring and +rying as a
man out of his mind( ?ight so +ame a damosel even by .ir $alomides' that "as sent from
.ir :a"aine and his brother unto .ir Mordred' that lay si+% in the same pla+e "ith that
old %night "here .ir )ristram "as( For' as the Fren+h boo% saith' .ir $ersides hurt so .ir
Mordred a ten days afore0 and had it hot been for the love of .ir :a"aine and his brother'
.ir $ersides had slain .ir Mordred( *nd so this damosel +ame by .ir $alomides' and she
and he had language together' the "hi+h pleased neither of them0 and so the damosel rode
her "ays till she +ame to the old %night1s pla+e' and there she told that old %night ho"
she met "ith the "oodest %night by adventure that ever she met "ithal( What bare he in
his shield3 said .ir )ristram( &t "as indented "ith "hite and bla+%' said the damosel( *h'
said .ir )ristram' that "as .ir $alomides' the good %night( For "ell & %no" him' said .ir
)ristram' for one of the best %nights living in this realm( )hen that old %night too% a little
ha+%ney' and rode for .ir $alomides' and brought him unto his o"n manor0 and full "ell
%ne" .ir )ristram .ir $alomides' but he said but little' for at that time .ir )ristram "as
"al%ing upon his feet' and "ell amended of his hurts0 and al"ays "hen .ir $alomides
sa" .ir )ristram he "ould behold him full marvellously' and ever him seemed that he
had seen him( )hen "ould he say unto .ir ,inadan4 *n ever & may meet "ith .ir
)ristram he shall not es+ape mine hands( & marvel' said .ir ,inadan' that ye boast behind
.ir )ristram' for it is but late that he "as in your hands' and ye in his hands0 "hy "ould
ye not hold him "hen ye had him3 for & sa" myself t"i+e or thri+e that ye gat but little
"orship of .ir )ristram( )hen "as .ir $alomides ashamed( .o leave "e them a little
"hile in the old +astle "ith the old %night .ir ,arras(
2o" shall "e spea% of -ing *rthur' that said to .ir 8aun+elot4 !ad not ye been "e had
not lost .ir )ristram' for he "as here daily unto the time ye met "ith him' and in an evil
time' said *rthur' ye en+ountered "ith him( My lord *rthur' said 8aun+elot' ye put upon
me that & should be +ause of his departition0 :od %no"eth it "as against my "ill( /ut
"hen men be hot in deeds of arms oft they hurt their friends as "ell as their foes( *nd my
lord' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye shall understand that .ir )ristram is a man that & am loath to
offend' for he hath done for me more than ever & did for him as yet( /ut then .ir
8aun+elot made bring forth a boo%4 and then .ir 8aun+elot said4 !ere "e are ten %nights
that "ill s"ear upon a boo% never to rest one night "here "e rest another this
t"elvemonth until that "e find .ir )ristram( *nd as for me' said .ir 8aun+elot' & promise
you upon this boo% that an & may meet "ith him' either "ith fairness or foulness & shall
bring him to this +ourt' or else & shall die therefore( *nd the names of these ten %nights
that had underta%en this 6uest "ere these follo"ing4 First "as .ir 8aun+elot' .ir E+tor de
Maris' .ir /ors de :anis' and /leoberis' and .ir /lamore de :anis' and 8u+an the /utler'
.ir #"aine' .ir :alihud 8ionel' and :aliodin( .o these ten noble %nights departed from
the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and so they rode upon their 6uest together until they +ame to a
+ross "here departed four "ays' and there departed the fello"ship in four to see% .ir
*nd as .ir 8aun+elot rode by adventure he met "ith ,ame /rag"aine that "as sent into
that +ountry to see% .ir )ristram' and she fled as fast as her palfrey might go( .o .ir
8aun+elot met "ith her and as%ed her "hy she fled( *h' fair %night' said ,ame
/rag"aine' & flee for dread of my life' for here follo"eth me .ir /reuse .aun+e $ite to
slay me( !old you nigh me' said .ir 8aun+elot( )hen "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" .ir /reuse
.aun+e $ite' .ir 8aun+elot +ried unto him' and said4 False %night destroyer of ladies and
damosels' no" thy last days be +ome( When .ir /reuse .aun+e $ite sa" .ir 8aun+elot1s
shield he %ne" it "ell' for at that time he bare not the arms of Corn"all' but he bare his
o"n shield( *nd then .ir /reuse fled' and .ir 8aun+elot follo"ed after him( /ut .ir
/reuse "as so "ell horsed that "hen him list to flee he might "ell flee' and also abide
"hen him list( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot returned unto ,ame /rag"aine' and she than%ed
him of his great labour(
!o" .ir )ristram' .ir $alomides' and .ir ,inadan "ere ta%en and put in prison(
29W "ill "e spea% of .ir 8u+an the butler' that by fortune he +ame riding to the same
pla+e thereas "as .ir )ristram' and in he +ame in none other intent but to as% harbour(
)hen the porter as%ed "hat "as his name( )ell your lord that my name is .ir 8u+an' the
butler' a -night of the ?ound )able( .o the porter "ent unto .ir ,arras' lord of the pla+e'
and told him "ho "as there to as% harbour( 2ay' nay' said .ir ,aname' that "as nephe"
to .ir ,arras' say him that he shall not be lodged here' but let him "it that &' .ir ,aname'
"ill meet "ith him anon' and bid him ma%e him ready( .o .ir ,aname +ame forth on
horseba+%' and there they met together "ith spears' and .ir 8u+an smote do"n .ir
,aname over his horse1s +roup' and then he fled into that pla+e' and .ir 8u+an rode after
him' and as%ed after him many times(
)hen .ir ,inadan said to .ir )ristram4 &t is shame to see the lord1s +ousin of this pla+e
defoiled( *bide' said .ir )ristram' and & shall redress it( *nd in the mean"hile .ir
,inadan "as on horseba+%' and he 7ousted "ith 8u+an the butler' and there .ir 8u+an
smote ,inadan through the thi+% of the thigh' and so he rode his "ay0 and .ir )ristram
"as "roth that .ir ,inadan "as hurt' and follo"ed after' and thought to avenge him0 and
"ithin a "hile he overtoo% .ir 8u+an' and bade him turn0 and so they met together so that
.ir )ristram hurt .ir 8u+an passing sore and gave him a fall( With that +ame .ir #"aine'
a gentle %night' and "hen he sa" .ir 8u+an so hurt he +alled .ir )ristram to 7oust "ith
him( Fair %night' said .ir )ristram' tell me your name & re6uire you( .ir %night' "it ye
"ell my name is .ir #"aine le Fise de ?oy #reine( *h' said .ir )ristram' by my "ill &
"ould not have ado "ith you at no time( >e shall not so' said .ir #"aine' but ye shall
have ado "ith me( *nd then .ir )ristram sa" none other bote' but rode against him' and
overthre" .ir #"aine and hurt him in the side' and so he departed unto his lodging again(
*nd "hen .ir ,inadan understood that .ir )ristram had hurt .ir 8u+an he "ould have
ridden after .ir 8u+an for to have slain him' but .ir )ristram "ould not suffer him( )hen
.ir #"aine let ordain an horse litter' and brought .ir 8u+an to the abbey of :anis' and
the +astle thereby hight the Castle of :anis' of the "hi+h .ir /leoberis "as lord( *nd at
that +astle .ir 8aun+elot promised all his fello"s to meet in the 6uest of .ir )ristram(
.o "hen .ir )ristram "as +ome to his lodging there +ame a damosel that told .ir ,arras
that three of his sons "ere slain at that tournament' and t"o grievously "ounded that they
"ere never li%e to help themself( *nd all this "as done by a noble %night that bare the
bla+% shield' and that "as he that bare the priAe( )hen +ame there one and told .ir ,arras
that the same %night "as "ithin' him that bare the bla+% shield( )hen .ir ,arras yede
unto .ir )ristram1s +hamber' and there he found his shield and sho"ed it to the damosel(
*h sir' said the damosel' that same is he that sle" your three sons( )hen "ithout any
tarrying .ir ,arras put .ir )ristram' and .ir $alomides' and .ir ,inadan' "ithin a strong
prison' and there .ir )ristram "as li%e to have died of great si+%ness0 and every day .ir
$alomides "ould reprove .ir )ristram of old hate bet"ixt them( *nd ever .ir )ristram
spa%e fair and said little( /ut "hen .ir $alomides sa" the falling of si+%ness of .ir
)ristram' then "as he heavy for him' and +omforted him in all the best "ise he +ould(
*nd as the Fren+h boo% saith' there +ame forty %nights to .ir ,arras that "ere of his o"n
%in' and they "ould have slain .ir )ristram and his t"o fello"s' but .ir ,arras "ould not
suffer that' but %ept them in prison' and meat and drin% they had( .o .ir )ristram endured
there great pain' for si+%ness had underta%en him' and that is the greatest pain a prisoner
may have( For all the "hile a prisoner may have his health of body he may endure under
the mer+y of :od and in hope of good deliveran+e0 but "hen si+%ness tou+heth a
prisoner1s body' then may a prisoner say all "ealth is him bereft' and then he hath +ause
to "ail and to "eep( ?ight so did .ir )ristram "hen si+%ness had underta%en him' for
then he too% su+h sorro" that he had almost slain himself(
!o" -ing Mar% "as sorry for the good reno"n of .ir )ristram( .ome of -ing *rthur1s
%nights 7ousted "ith %nights of Corn"all(
29W "ill "e spea%' and leave .ir )ristram' .ir $alomides' and .ir ,inadan in prison'
and spea% "e of other %nights that sought after .ir )ristram many divers parts of this
land( *nd some yede into Corn"all0 and by adventure .ir :aheris' nephe" unto -ing
*rthur' +ame unto -ing Mar%' and there he "as "ell re+eived and sat at -ing Mar%1s
o"n table and ate of his o"n mess( )hen -ing Mar% as%ed .ir :aheris "hat tidings there
"ere in the realm of 8ogris( .ir' said .ir :aheris' the %ing reigneth as a noble %night0 and
no" but late there "as a great 7ousts and tournament as ever & sa" any in the realm of
8ogris' and the most noble %nights "ere at that 7ousts( /ut there "as one %night that did
marvellously three days' and he bare a bla+% shield' and of all %nights that ever & sa" he
proved the best %night( )hen' said -ing Mar%' that "as .ir 8aun+elot' or .ir $alomides
the paynim( 2ot so' said .ir :heris' for both .ir 8aun+elot and .ir $alomides "ere on the
+ontrary party against the -night "ith the /la+% .hield( )hen "as it .ir )ristram' said the
%ing( >ea' said .ir :aheris( *nd there"ithal the %ing smote do"n his head' and in his
heart he feared sore that .ir )ristram should get him su+h "orship in the realm of 8ogris
"herethrough that he himself should not be able to "ithstand him( )hus .ir :aheris had
great +heer "ith -ing Mar%' and "ith ;ueen 8a /eale &soud' the "hi+h "as glad of .ir
:aheris1 "ords0 for "ell she "ist by his deeds and manners that it "as .ir )ristram( *nd
then the %ing made a feast royal' and to that feast +ame .ir #"aine le Fise de ?oy #reine'
and some +alled him #"aine le /lan+hemains( *nd this .ir #"aine +hallenged all the
%nights of Corn"all( )hen "as the %ing "ood "roth that he had no %nights to ans"er
him( )hen .ir *ndred' nephe" unto -ing Mar%' leapt up and said4 & "ill en+ounter "ith
.ir #"aine( )hen he yede and armed him and horsed him in the best manner( *nd there
.ir #"aine met "ith .ir *ndred' and smote him do"n that he s"ooned on the earth(
)hen "as -ing Mar% sorry and "roth out of measure that he had no %night to revenge his
nephe"' .ir *ndred(
.o the %ing +alled unto him .ir ,inas' the .enes+hal' and prayed him for his sa%e to ta%e
upon him to 7oust "ith .ir #"aine( .ir' said .ir ,inas' & am full loath to have ado "ith
any %night of the ?ound )able( >et' said the %ing' for my love ta%e upon thee to 7oust( .o
.ir ,inas made him ready' and anon they en+ountered together "ith great spears' but .ir
,inas "as overthro"n' horse and man' a great fall( Who "as "roth but -ing Mar%@ *las'
he said' have & no %night that "ill en+ounter "ith yonder %night3 .ir' said .ir :aheris' for
your sa%e & "ill 7oust( .o .ir :aheris made him ready' and "hen he "as armed he rode
into the field( *nd "hen .ir #"aine sa" .ir :aheris1 shield he rode to him and said4 .ir'
ye do not your part( For' sir' the first time ye "ere made -night of the ?ound )able ye
s"are that ye should not have ado "ith your fello"ship "ittingly( *nd pardie' .ir
:aheris' ye %ne" me "ell enough by my shield' and so do & %no" you by your shield'
and though ye "ould brea% your oath & "ould not brea% mine0 for there is not one here'
nor ye' that shall thin% & am afeard of you' but & durst right "ell have ado "ith you' and
yet "e be sisters1 sons( )hen "as .ir :aheris ashamed' and so there"ithal every %night
"ent their "ay' and .ir #"aine rode into the +ountry(
)hen -ing Mar% armed him' and too% his horse and his spear' "ith a s6uire "ith him(
*nd then he rode afore .ir #"aine' and suddenly at a gap he ran upon him as he that "as
not "are of him' and there he smote him almost through the body' and there left him( .o
"ithin a "hile there +ame .ir -ay and found .ir #"aine' and as%ed him ho" he "as
hurt( & "ot not' said .ir #"aine' "hy nor "herefore' but by treason & am sure & gat this
hurt0 for here +ame a %night suddenly upon me or that & "as "are' and suddenly hurt me(
)hen there "as +ome .ir *ndred to see% -ing Mar%( )hou traitor %night' said .ir -ay' an
& "ist it "ere thou that thus traitorly hast hurt this noble %night thou shouldst never pass
my hands( .ir' said .ir *ndred' & did never hurt him' and that & "ill report me to himself(
Fie on you false %night' said .ir -ay' for ye of Corn"all are nought "orth( .o .ir -ay
made +arry .ir #"aine to the *bbey of the /la+% Cross' and there he "as healed( *nd
then .ir :aheris too% his leave of -ing Mar%' but or he departed he said4 .ir %ing' ye did
a foul shame unto you and your +ourt' "hen ye banished .ir )ristram out of this +ountry'
for ye needed not to have doubted no %night an he had been here( *nd so he departed(
9f the treason of -ing Mar%' and ho" .ir :aheris smote him do"n and *ndred his
)!E2 there +ame .ir -ay' the .enes+hal' unto -ing Mar%' and there he had good +heer
sho"ing out"ard( 2o"' fair lords' said he' "ill ye prove any adventure in the forest of
Morris' in the "hi+h & %no" "ell is as hard an adventure as & %no" any( .ir' said .ir -ay'
& "ill prove it( *nd .ir :aheris said he "ould be avised for -ing Mar% "as ever full of
treason4 and there"ithal .ir :aheris departed and rode his "ay( *nd by the same "ay
that .ir -ay should ride he laid him do"n to rest' +harging his s6uire to "ait upon .ir
-ay0 *nd "arn me "hen he +ometh( .o "ithin a "hile .ir -ay +ame riding that "ay' and
then .ir :aheris too% his horse and met him' and said4 .ir -ay' ye are not "ise to ride at
the re6uest of -ing Mar%' for he dealeth all "ith treason( )hen said .ir -ay4 & re6uire you
let us prove this adventure( & shall not fail you' said .ir :aheris( *nd so they rode that
time till a la%e that "as that time +alled the $erilous 8a%e' and there they abode under the
sha" of the "ood(
)he mean"hile -ing Mar% "ithin the +astle of )intagil avoided all his barons' and all
other save su+h as "ere privy "ith him "ere avoided out of his +hamber( *nd then he let
+all his nephe" .ir *ndred' and bade arm him and horse him lightly0 and by that time it
"as midnight( *nd so -ing Mar% "as armed in bla+%' horse and all0 and so at a privy
postern they t"o issued out "ith their varlets "ith them' and rode till they +ame to that
la%e( )hen .ir -ay espied them first' and gat his spear' and proffered to 7oust( *nd -ing
Mar% rode against him' and smote ea+h other full hard' for the moon shone as the bright
day( *nd there at that 7ousts .ir -ay1s horse fell do"n' for his horse "as not so big as the
%ing1s horse' and .ir -ay1s horse bruised him full sore( )hen .ir :aheris "as "roth that
.ir -ay had a fall( )hen he +ried4 -night' sit thou fast in thy saddle' for & "ill revenge my
fello"( )hen -ing Mar% "as afeard of .ir :aheris' and so "ith evil "ill -ing Mar% rode
against him' and .ir :aheris gave him su+h a stro%e that he fell do"n( .o then forth"ithal
.ir :aheris ran unto .ir *ndred and smote him from his horse 6uite' that his helm smote
in the earth' and nigh had bro%en his ne+%( *nd there"ithal .ir :aheris alighted' and gat
up .ir -ay( *nd then they yode both on foot to them' and bade them yield them' and tell
their names outher they should die( )hen "ith great pain .ir *ndred spa%e first' and said4
&t is -ing Mar% of Corn"all' therefore be ye "are "hat ye do' and & am .ir *ndred' his
+ousin( Fie on you both' said .ir :aheris' for a false traitor' and false treason hast thou
"rought and he both' under the feigned +heer that ye made us@ it "ere pity' said .ir
:aheris' that thou shouldst live any longer( .ave my life' said -ing Mar%' and & "ill
ma%e amends0 and +onsider that & am a %ing anointed( &t "ere the more shame' said .ir
:aheris' to save thy life0 thou art a %ing anointed "ith +ream' and therefore thou shouldst
hold "ith all men of "orship0 and therefore thou art "orthy to die( With that he lashed at
-ing Mar% "ithout saying any more' and +overed him "ith his shield and defended him
as he might( *nd then .ir -ay lashed at .ir *ndred' and there"ithal -ing Mar% yielded
him unto .ir :aheris( *nd then he %neeled ado"n' and made his oath upon the +ross of
the s"ord' that never "hile he lived he "ould be against errant<%nights( *nd also he
s"are to be good friend unto .ir )ristram if ever he +ame into Corn"all(
/y then .ir *ndred "as on the earth' and .ir -ay "ould have slain him( 8et be' said .ir
:aheris' slay him not & pray you( &t "ere pity' said .ir -ay' that he should live any
longer' for this is nigh +ousin unto .ir )ristram' and ever he hath been a traitor unto him'
and by him he "as exiled out of Corn"all' and therefore & "ill slay him' said .ir -ay( >e
shall not' said .ir :aheris0 sithen & have given the %ing his life' & pray you give him his
life( *nd there"ithal .ir -ay let him go( *nd so .ir -ay and .ir :aheris rode their "ay
unto ,inas' the .enes+hal' for be+ause they heard say that he loved "ell .ir )ristram( .o
they reposed them there' and soon after they rode unto the realm of 8ogris( *nd so "ithin
a little "hile they met "ith .ir 8aun+elot that al"ays had ,ame /rag"aine "ith him' to
that intent he "eened to have met the sooner "ith .ir )ristram0 and .ir 8aun+elot as%ed
"hat tidings in Corn"all' and "hether they heard of .ir )ristram or not( .ir -ay and .ir
:aheris ans"ered and said' that they heard not of him( )hen they told .ir 8aun+elot "ord
by "ord of their adventure( )hen .ir 8aun+elot smiled and said4 !ard it is to ta%e out of
the flesh that is bred in the bone0 and so made them merry together(
!o" after that .ir )ristram' .ir $alomides' and .ir ,inadan had been long in prison they
"ere delivered(
29W leave "e off this tale' and spea% "e of sir ,inas that had "ithin the +astle a
paramour' and she loved another %night better than him( *nd so "hen sir ,inas "ent out
a<hunting she slipped do"n by a to"el' and too% "ith her t"o bra+hets' and so she yede
to the %night that she loved' and he her again( *nd "hen sir ,inas +ame home and missed
his paramour and his bra+hets' then "as he the more "rother for his bra+hets than for the
lady( .o then he rode after the %night that had his paramour' and bade him turn and 7oust(
.o sir ,inas smote him do"n' that "ith the fall he bra%e his leg and his arm( *nd then his
lady and paramour +ried sir ,inas mer+y' and said she "ould love him better than ever
she did( 2ay' said sir ,inas' & shall never trust them that on+e betrayed me' and therefore'
as ye have begun' so end' for & "ill never meddle "ith you( *nd so sir ,inas departed'
and too% his bra+hets "ith him' and so rode to his +astle(
2o" "ill "e turn unto sir 8aun+elot' that "as right heavy that he +ould never hear no
tidings of sir )ristram' for all this "hile he "as in prison "ith sir ,arras' $alomides' and
,inadan( )hen ,ame /rag"aine too% her leave to go into Corn"all' and sir 8aun+elot'
sir -ay' and sir :aheris rode to see% sir )ristram in the +ountry of .urluse(
2o" spea%eth this tale of sir )ristram and of his t"o fello"s' for every day sir $alomides
bra"led and said language against sir )ristram( & marvel' said sir ,inadan' of thee' sir
$alomides' an thou haddest sir )ristram here thou "ouldst do him no harm0 for an a "olf
and a sheep "ere together in a prison the "olf "ould suffer the sheep to be in pea+e( *nd
"it thou "ell' said sir ,inadan' this same is sir )ristram at a "ord' and no" must thou do
thy best "ith him' and let see no" if ye +an s%ift it "ith your hands( )hen "as sir
$alomides abashed and said little( .ir $alomides' then said sir )ristram' & have heard
mu+h of your maugre against me' but & "ill not meddle "ith you as at this time by my
"ill' be+ause & dread the lord of this pla+e that hath us in governan+e0 for an & dread him
not more than & do thee' soon it should be s%ift4 so they pea+ed themself( ?ight so +ame in
a damosel and said4 -nights' be of good +heer' for ye are sure of your lives' and that &
heard say my lord' .ir ,arras( )hen "ere they glad all three' for daily they "eened they
should have died(
)hen soon after this .ir )ristram fell si+% that he "eened to have died0 then .ir ,inadan
"ept' and so did .ir $alomides under them both ma%ing great sorro"( .o a damosel +ame
in to them and found them mourning( )hen she "ent unto .ir ,arras' and told him ho"
that mighty %night that bare the bla+% shield "as li%ely to die( )hat shall not be' said .ir
,arras' for :od defend "hen %nights +ome to me for su++our that & should suffer them to
die "ithin my prison( )herefore' said .ir ,arras to the damosel' fet+h that %night and his
fello"s afore me( *nd then anon .ir ,arras sa" .ir )ristram brought afore him( !e said4
.ir %night' me repenteth of thy si+%ness for thou art +alled a full noble %night' and so it
seemeth by thee0 and "it ye "ell it shall never be said that .ir ,arras shall destroy su+h a
noble %night as thou art in prison' ho"beit that thou hast slain three of my sons "hereby &
"as greatly aggrieved( /ut no" shalt thou go and thy fello"s' and your harness and
horses have been fair and +lean %ept' and ye shall go "here it li%eth you' upon this
+ovenant' that thou' %night' "ilt promise me to be good friend to my sons t"o that be
no" alive' and also that thou tell me thy name( .ir' said he' as for me my name is .ir
)ristram de 8iones' and in Corn"all "as & born' and nephe" & am unto -ing Mar%( *nd
as for the death of your sons & might not do "ithal' for an they had been the next %in that &
have & might have done none other"ise( *nd if & had slain them by treason or trea+hery &
had been "orthy to have died( *ll this & +onsider' said .ir ,arras' that all that ye did "as
by for+e of %nighthood' and that "as the +ause & "ould not put you to death( /ut sith ye
be .ir )ristram' the good %night' & pray you heartily to be my good friend and to my sons(
.ir' said .ir )ristram' & promise you by the faith of my body' ever "hile & live & "ill do
you servi+e' for ye have done to us but as a natural %night ought to do( )hen .ir )ristram
reposed him there till that he "as amended of his si+%ness0 and "hen he "as big and
strong they too% their leave' and every %night too% their horses' and so departed and rode
together till they +ame to a +ross "ay( 2o" fello"s' said .ir )ristram' here "ill "e depart
in sundry "ays( *nd be+ause .ir ,inadan had the first adventure of him & "ill begin(
!o" .ir ,inadan res+ued a lady from .ir /reuse .aun+e $ite' and ho" .ir )ristram
re+eived a shield of Morgan le Fay(
.9 as .ir ,inadan rode by a "ell he found a lady ma%ing great dole( What aileth you3
said .ir ,inadan( .ir %night' said the lady' & am the "ofullest lady of the "orld' for
"ithin these five days here +ame a %night +alled .ir /reuse .aun+e $ite' and he sle"
mine o"n brother' and ever sin+e he hath %ept me at his o"n "ill' and of all men in the
"orld & hate him most0 and therefore & re6uire you of %nighthood to avenge me' for he
"ill not tarry' but be here anon( 8et him +ome' said .ir ,inadan' and be+ause of honour
of all "omen & "ill do my part( With this +ame .ir /reuse' and "hen he sa" a %night
"ith his lady he "as "ood "roth( *nd then he said4 .ir %night' %eep thee from me( .o
they hurtled together as thunder' and either smote other passing sore' but .ir ,inadan put
him through the shoulder a grievous "ound' and or ever .ir ,inadan might turn him .ir
/reuse "as gone and fled( )hen the lady prayed him to bring her to a +astle there beside
but four mile then+e0 and so .ir ,inadan brought her there' and she "as "el+ome' for the
lord of that +astle "as her un+le0 and so .ir ,inadan rode his "ay upon his adventure(
2o" turn "e this tale unto .ir )ristram' that by adventure he +ame to a +astle to as%
lodging' "herein "as ;ueen Morgan le Fay0 and so "hen .ir )ristram "as let into that
+astle he had good +heer all that night( *nd upon the morn "hen he "ould have departed
the 6ueen said4 Wit ye "ell ye shall not depart lightly' for ye are here as a prisoner( 5esu
defend@ said .ir )ristram' for & "as but late a prisoner( Fair %night' said the 6ueen' ye
shall abide "ith me till that & "it "hat ye are and from "hen+e ye +ome( *nd ever the
6ueen "ould set .ir )ristram on her o"n side' and her paramour on the other side( *nd
ever ;ueen Morgan "ould behold .ir )ristram' and thereat the %night "as 7ealous' and
"as in "ill suddenly to have run upon .ir )ristram "ith a s"ord' but he left it for shame(
)hen the 6ueen said to .ir )ristram4 )ell me thy name' and & shall suffer you to depart
"hen ye "ill( #pon that +ovenant & tell you my name is .ir )ristram de 8iones( *h' said
Morgan le Fay' an & had "ist that' thou shouldst not have departed so soon as thou shalt(
/ut sithen & have made a promise & "ill hold it' "ith that thou "ilt promise me to bear
upon thee a shield that & shall deliver thee' unto the +astle of the !ard ?o+%' "here -ing
*rthur had +ried a great tournament' and there & pray you that ye "ill be' and to do for me
as mu+h deeds of arms as ye may do( For at the Castle of Maidens' .ir )ristram' ye did
marvellous deeds of arms as ever & heard %night do( Madam' said .ir )ristram' let me see
the shield that & shall bear( )hen the shield "as brought forth' and the field "as goldish'
"ith a %ing and a 6ueen therein painted' and a %night standing above them' [one foot
upon the %ing1s head' and the other upon the 6ueen1s( Madam' said .ir )ristram' this is a
fair shield and a mighty0 but "hat signifieth this %ing and this 6ueen' and the %night
standing upon both their heads3 & shall tell you' said Morgan le Fay' it signifieth -ing
*rthur and ;ueen :uenever' and a %night "ho holdeth them both in bondage and in
servage( Who is that %night3 said .ir )ristram( )hat shall ye not "it as at this time' said
the 6ueen( /ut as the Fren+h boo% saith' ;ueen Morgan loved .ir 8aun+elot best' and
ever she desired him' and he "ould never love her nor do nothing at her re6uest' and
therefore she held many %nights together for to have ta%en him by strength( *nd be+ause
she deemed that .ir 8aun+elot loved ;ueen :uenever paramour' and she him again'
therefore ;ueen Morgan le Fay ordained that shield to put .ir 8aun+elot to a rebu%e' to
that intent that -ing *rthur might understand the love bet"een them( )hen .ir )ristram
too% that shield and promised her to bear it at the tournament at the Castle of the !ard
?o+%( /ut .ir )ristram %ne" not that that shield "as ordained against .ir 8aun+elot' but
after"ard he %ne" it(
!o" .ir )ristram too% "ith him the shield' and also ho" he sle" the paramour of
Morgan le Fay(
.9 then .ir )ristram too% his leave of the 6ueen' and too% the shield "ith him( )hen
+ame the %night that held ;ueen Morgan le Fay' his name "as .ir !emison' and he made
him ready to follo" .ir )ristram( Fair friend' said Morgan' ride not after that %night' for
ye shall not "in no "orship of him( Fie on him' +o"ard' said .ir !emison' for & "ist
never good %night +ome out of Corn"all but if it "ere .ir )ristram de 8iones( What an
that be he3 said she( 2ay' nay' said he' he is "ith 8a /eale &soud' and this is but a daffish
%night( *las' my fair friend' ye shall find him the best %night that ever ye met "ithal' for &
%no" him better than ye do( For your sa%e' said .ir !emison' & shall slay him( *h' fair
friend' said the 6ueen' me repenteth that ye "ill follo" that %night' for & fear me sore of
your again +oming( With this this %night rode his "ay "ood "roth' and he rode after .ir
)ristram as fast as he had been +hased "ith %nights( When .ir )ristram heard a %night
+ome after him so fast he returned about' and sa" a %night +oming against him( *nd
"hen he +ame nigh to .ir )ristram he +ried on high4 .ir %night' %eep thee from me( )hen
they rushed together as it had been thunder' and .ir !emison brised his spear upon .ir
)ristram' but his harness "as so good that he might not hurt him( *nd .ir )ristram smote
him harder' and bare him through the body' and he fell over his horse1s +roup( )hen .ir
)ristram turned to have done more "ith his s"ord' but he sa" so mu+h blood go from
him that him seemed he "as li%ely to die' and so he departed from him and +ame to a fair
manor to an old %night' and there .ir )ristram lodged(
!o" Morgan le Fay buried her paramour' and ho" .ir )ristram praised .ir 8aun+elot
and his %in(
29W leave to spea% of .ir )ristram' and spea% "e of the %night that "as "ounded to the
death( )hen his varlet alighted' and too% off his helm' and then he as%ed his lord "hether
there "ere any life in him( )here is in me life said the %night' but it is but little0 and
therefore leap thou up behind me "hen thou hast holpen me up' and hold me fast that &
fall not' and bring me to ;ueen Morgan le Fay0 for deep draughts of death dra" to my
heart that & may not live' for & "ould fain spea% "ith her or & died4 for else my soul "ill
be in great peril an & die( For[th"ith "ith great pain his varlet brought him to the +astle'
and there .ir !emison fell do"n dead( When Morgan le Fay sa" him dead she made
great sorro" out of reason0 and then she let despoil him unto his shirt' and so she let him
put into a tomb( *nd about the tomb she let "rite4 !ere lieth .ir !emison' slain by the
hands of .ir )ristram de 8iones(
2o" turn "e unto .ir )ristram' that as%ed the %night his host if he sa" late any %nights
adventurous( .ir' he said' the last night here lodged "ith me E+tor de Maris and a
damosel "ith him' and that damosel told me that he "as one of the best %nights of the
"orld( )hat is not so' said .ir )ristram' for & %no" four better %nights of his o"n blood'
and the first is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' +all him the best %night' and .ir /ors de :anis' .ir
/leoberis' .ir /lamore de :anis' and .ir :aheris( 2ay' said his host' .ir :a"aine is a
better %night than he( )hat is not so' said .ir )ristram' for & have met "ith them both' and
& felt .ir :aheris for the better %night' and .ir 8amora% & +all him as good as any of them
ex+ept .ir 8aun+elot( Why name ye not .ir )ristram3 said his host' for & a++ount him as
good as any of them( & %no" not .ir )ristram' said )ristram( )hus they tal%ed and
bourded as long as them list' and then "ent to rest( *nd on the morn .ir )ristram
departed' and too% his leave of his host' and rode to"ard the ?o+he ,ure' and none
adventure had .ir )ristram but that0 and so he rested not till he +ame to the +astle' "here
he sa" five hundred tents(
!o" .ir )ristram at a tournament bare the shield that Morgan le Fay delivered to him(
)!E2 the -ing of .+ots and the -ing of &reland held against -ing *rthur1s %nights' and
there began a great medley( .o +ame in .ir )ristram and did marvellous deeds of arms'
for there he smote do"n many %nights( *nd ever he "as afore -ing *rthur "ith that
shield( *nd "hen -ing *rthur sa" that shield he marvelled greatly in "hat intent it "as
made0 but ;ueen :uenever deemed as it "as' "herefore she "as heavy( )hen "as there a
damosel of ;ueen Morgan in a +hamber by -ing *rthur' and "hen she heard -ing
*rthur spea% of that shield' then she spa%e openly unto -ing *rthur( .ir -ing' "it ye
"ell this shield "as ordained for you' to "arn you of your shame and dishonour' and that
longeth to you and your 6ueen( *nd then anon that damosel pi+%ed her a"ay privily' that
no man "ist "here she "as be+ome( )hen "as -ing *rthur sad and "roth' and as%ed
from "hen+e +ame that damosel( )here "as not one that %ne" her nor "ist "here she
"as be+ome( )hen ;ueen :uenever +alled to her .ir E+tor de Maris' and there she made
her +omplaint to him' and said4 & "ot "ell this shield "as made by Morgan le Fay in
despite of me and of .ir 8aun+elot' "herefore & dread me sore lest & should be destroyed(
*nd ever the %ing beheld .ir )ristram' that did so marvellous deeds of arms that he
"ondered sore "hat %night he might be' and "ell he "ist it "as not .ir 8aun+elot( *nd it
"as told him that .ir )ristram "as in $etit /ritain "ith &soud la /lan+he Mains' for he
deemed' an he had been in the realm of 8ogris' .ir 8aun+elot or some of his fello"s that
"ere in the 6uest of .ir )ristram that they should have found him or that time( .o -ing
*rthur had marvel "hat %night he might be( *nd ever .ir *rthur1s eye "as on that shield(
*ll that espied the 6ueen' and that made her sore afeard(
)hen ever .ir )ristram smote do"n %nights "onderly to behold' "hat upon the right hand
and upon the left hand' that unnethe no %night might "ithstand him( *nd the -ing of
.+ots and the -ing of &reland began to "ithdra" them( When *rthur espied that' he
thought that that %night "ith the strange shield should not es+ape him( )hen he +alled
unto him .ir #"aine le /lan+he Mains' and bade him arm him and ma%e him ready( .o
anon -ing *rthur and .ir #"aine dressed them before .ir )ristram' and re6uired him to
tell them "here he had that shield( .ir' he said' & had it of ;ueen Morgan le Fay' sister
unto -ing *rthur(
.o here endeth this history of this boo%' for it is the first boo% of .ir )ristram de 8iones
and the se+ond boo% of .ir )ristram follo"eth(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 1-
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VIII! I"-"III! "IV-"VII! "VIII-""I!
""II-""VI! ""VII-"""! """I-"""V! """VI-
"""I"! "L-"LIV! "LV-"LVIII! "LI"-LII! LIII-
L""III! L""IV-L""VII! L""VIII-L"""I!
L"""II-L"""V! L"""VI-L"""VIII #
!o" .ir )ristram 7ousted' and smote do"n -ing *rthur' be+ause he told him not the
+ause "hy he bare that shield(
*2, if so be ye +an des+rive "hat ye bear' ye are "orthy to bear the arms( *s for that'
said .ir )ristram' & "ill ans"er you0 this shield "as given me' not desired' of ;ueen
Morgan le Fay0 and as for me' & +an not des+rive these arms' for it is no point of my
+harge' and yet & trust to :od to bear them "ith "orship( )ruly' said -ing *rthur' ye
ought not to bear none arms but if ye "ist "hat ye bear4 but & pray you tell me your name(
)o "hat intent3 said .ir )ristram( For & "ould "it' said *rthur( .ir' ye shall not "it as at
this time( )hen shall ye and & do battle together' said -ing *rthur( Why' said .ir
)ristram' "ill ye do battle "ith me but if & tell you my name3 and that little needeth you
an ye "ere a man of "orship' for ye have seen me this day have had great travail' and
therefore ye are a villainous %night to as% battle of me' +onsidering my great travail0
ho"beit & "ill not fail you' and have ye no doubt that & fear not you0 though you thin%
you have me at a great advantage yet shall & right "ell endure you( *nd there "ithal -ing
*rthur dressed his shield and his spear' and .ir )ristram against him' and they +ame so
eagerly together( *nd there -ing *rthur bra%e his spear all to pie+es upon .ir )ristram1s
shield( /ut .ir )ristram hit *rthur again' that horse and man fell to the earth( *nd there
"as -ing *rthur "ounded on the left side' a great "ound and a perilous(
)hen "hen .ir #"aine sa" his lord *rthur lie on the ground sore "ounded' he "as
passing heavy( *nd then he dressed his shield and his spear' and +ried aloud unto .ir
)ristram and said4 -night' defend thee( .o they +ame together as thunder' and .ir #"aine
brised his spear all to pie+es upon .ir )ristram1s shield' and .ir )ristram smote him
harder and sorer' "ith su+h a might that he bare him +lean out of his saddle to the earth(
With that .ir )ristram turned about and said4 Fair %nights' & had no need to 7oust "ith
you' for & have had enough to do this day( )hen arose *rthur and "ent to .ir #"aine' and
said to .ir )ristram4 We have as "e have deserved' for through our orgulyte "e
demanded battle of you' and yet "e %ne" not your name( 2evertheless' by .aint Cross'
said .ir #"aine' he is a strong %night at mine advi+e as any is no" living(
)hen .ir )ristram departed' and in every pla+e he as%ed and demanded after .ir
8aun+elot' but in no pla+e he +ould not hear of him "hether he "ere dead or alive0
"herefore .ir )ristram made great dole and sorro"( .o .ir )ristram rode by a forest' and
then "as he "are of a fair to"er by a marsh on that one side' and on that other side a fair
meado"( *nd there he sa" ten %nights fighting together( *nd ever the nearer he +ame he
sa" ho" there "as but one %night did battle against nine %nights' and that one did so
marvellously that .ir )ristram had great "onder that ever one %night might do so great
deeds of arms( *nd then "ithin a little "hile he had slain half their horses and unhorsed
them' and their horses ran in the fields and forest( )hen .ir )ristram had so great pity of
that one %night that endured so great pain' and ever he thought it should be .ir $alomides'
by his shield( *nd so he rode unto the %nights and +ried unto them' and bade them +ease
of their battle' for they did themselves great shame so many %nights to fight "ith one(
)hen ans"ered the master of those %nights' his name "as +alled /reuse .aun+e $ite' that
"as at that time the most mis+hievoust %night living' and said thus4 .ir %night' "hat have
ye ado "ith us to meddle3 and therefore' an ye be "ise' depart on your "ay as ye +ame'
for this %night shall not es+ape us( )hat "ere pity' said .ir )ristram' that so good a %night
as he is should be slain so +o"ardly0 and therefore & "arn you & "ill su++our him "ith all
my puissan+e(
!o" .ir )ristram saved .ir $alomides1 life' and ho" they promised to fight together
"ithin a fortnight(
.o .ir )ristram alighted off his horse be+ause they "ere on foot' that they should not slay
his horse' and then dressed his shield' "ith his s"ord in his hand' and he smote on the
right hand and on the left hand passing sore' that "ell<nigh at every stro%e he stru+%
do"n a %night( *nd "hen they espied his stro%es they fled all "ith /reuse .aun+e $ite
unto the to"er' and .ir )ristram follo"ed fast after "ith his s"ord in his hand' but they
es+aped into the to"er' and shut .ir )ristram "ithout the gate( *nd "hen .ir )ristram
sa" this he returned aba+% unto .ir $alomides' and found him sitting under a tree sore
"ounded( *h' fair %night' said .ir )ristram' "ell be ye found( :ramer+y' said .ir
$alomides' of your great goodness' for ye have res+ued me of my life' and saved me from
my death( What is your name3 said .ir )ristram( !e said4 My name is .ir $alomides( 9
5esu' said .ir )ristram' thou hast a fair gra+e of me this day that & should res+ue thee' and
thou art the man in the "orld that & most hate0 but no" ma%e thee ready' for & "ill do
battle "ith thee( What is your name3 said .ir $alomides( My name is .ir )ristram' your
mortal enemy( &t may be so' said .ir $alomides0 but ye have done over mu+h for me this
day that & should fight "ith you0 for inasmu+h as ye have saved my life it "ill be no
"orship for you to have ado "ith me' for ye are fresh and & am "ounded sore' and
therefore' an ye "ill needs have ado "ith me' assign me a day and then & shall meet "ith
you "ithout fail( >e say "ell' said .ir )ristram' no" & assign you to meet me in the
meado" by the river of Camelot' "here Merlin set the peron( .o they "ere agreed(
)hen .ir )ristram as%ed .ir $alomides "hy the ten %nights did battle "ith him( For this
+ause' said .ir $alomides0 as & rode upon mine adventures in a forest here beside & espied
"here lay a dead %night' and a lady "eeping beside him( *nd "hen & sa" her ma%ing
su+h dole' & as%ed her "ho sle" her lord( .ir' she said' the falsest %night of the "orld no"
living' and he is the most villain that ever man heard spea% of and his name is .ir /reuse
.aun+e $ite( )hen for pity & made the damosel to leap on her palfrey' and & promised her
to be her "arrant' and to help her to inter her lord( *nd so' suddenly' as & +ame riding by
this to"er' there +ame out .ir /reuse .aun+e $ite' and suddenly he stru+% me from my
horse( *nd then or & might re+over my horse this .ir /reuse sle" the damosel( *nd so &
too% my horse again' and & "as sore ashamed' and so began the medley bet"ixt us4 and
this is the +ause "herefore "e did this battle( Well' said .ir )ristram' no" & understand
the manner of your battle' but in any "ise have remembran+e of your promise that ye
have made "ith me to do battle "ith me this day fortnight( & shall not fail you' said .ir
$alomides( Well' said .ir )ristram' as at this time & "ill not fail you till that ye be out of
the danger of your enemies(
.o they mounted upon their horses' and rode together unto that forest' and there they
found a fair "ell' "ith +lear "ater bubbling( Fair sir' said .ir )ristram' to drin% of that
"ater have & +ourage0 and then they alighted off their horses( *nd then "ere they "are by
them "here stood a great horse tied to a tree' and ever he neighed( *nd then "ere they
"are of a fair %night armed' under a tree' la+%ing no pie+e of harness' save his helm lay
under his head( /y the good lord' said .ir )ristram' yonder lieth a "ell<faring %night0
"hat is best to do3 *"a%e him' said .ir $alomides( .o .ir )ristram a"a%ed him "ith the
butt of his spear( *nd so the %night rose up hastily and put his helm upon his head' and
gat a great spear in his hand0 and "ithout any more "ords he hurled unto .ir )ristram'
and smote him +lean from his saddle to the earth' and hurt him on the left side' that .ir
)ristram lay in great peril( )hen he "alloped farther' and fet+hed his +ourse' and +ame
hurling upon .ir $alomides' and there he stru+% him a part through the body' that he fell
from his horse to the earth( *nd then this strange %night left them there' and too% his "ay
through the forest( With this .ir $alomides and .ir )ristram "ere on foot' and gat their
horses again' and either as%ed +ounsel of other' "hat "as best to do( /y my head' said .ir
)ristram' & "ill follo" this strong %night that thus hath shamed us( Well' said .ir
$alomides' and & "ill repose me hereby "ith a friend of mine( /e"are' said .ir )ristram
unto $alomides' that ye fail not that day that ye have set "ith me to do battle' for' as &
deem' ye "ill not hold your day' for & am mu+h bigger than ye( *s for that' said .ir
$alomides' be it as it be may' for & fear you not' for an & be not si+% nor prisoner' & "ill
not fail you0 but & have +ause to have more doubt of you that ye "ill not meet "ith me'
for ye ride after yonder strong %night( *nd if ye meet "ith him it is an hard adventure an
ever ye es+ape his hands( ?ight so .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides departed' and either
too% their "ays diverse(
!o" .ir )ristram sought a strong %night that had smitten him do"n' and many other
%nights of the ?ound )able(
*2, so .ir )ristram rode long after this strong %night( *nd at the last he sa" "here lay a
lady overth"art a dead %night( Fair lady' said .ir )ristram' "ho hath slain your lord3 .ir'
she said' here +ame a %night riding' as my lord and & rested us here' and as%ed him of
"hen+e he "as' and my lord said of *rthur1s +ourt( )herefore' said the strong %night' &
"ill 7oust "ith thee' for & hate all these that be of *rthur1s +ourt( *nd my lord that lieth
here dead amounted upon his horse' and the strong %night and my lord en+ountered
together' and there he smote my lord throughout "ith his spear' and thus he hath brought
me in great "oe and damage( )hat me repenteth' said .ir )ristram' of your great anger0
an it please you tell me your husband1s name( .ir' said she' his name "as :alardoun' that
"ould have proved a good %night( .o departed .ir )ristram from that dolorous lady' and
had mu+h evil lodging( )hen on the third day .ir )ristram met "ith .ir :a"aine and "ith
.ir /leoberis in a forest at a lodge' and either "ere sore "ounded( )hen .ir )ristram
as%ed .ir :a"aine and .ir /leoberis if they met "ith su+h a %night' "ith su+h a
+ognisan+e' "ith a +overed shield( Fair sir' said these %nights' su+h a %night met "ith us
to our great damage( *nd first he smote do"n my fello"' .ir /leoberis' and sore
"ounded him be+ause he bade me & should not have ado "ith him' for "hy he "as
overstrong for me( )hat strong %night too% his "ords at s+orn' and said he said it for
mo+%ery( *nd then they rode together' and so he hurt my fello"( *nd "hen he had done
so & might not for shame but & must 7oust "ith him( *nd at the first +ourse he smote me
do"n and my horse to the earth( *nd there he had almost slain me' and from us he too%
his horse and departed' and in an evil time "e met "ith him( Fair %nights' said .ir
)ristram' so he met "ith me' and "ith another %night that hight $alomides' and he smote
us both do"n "ith one spear' and hurt us right sore( /y my faith' said .ir :a"aine' by
my +ounsel ye shall let him pass and see% him no further0 for at the next feast of the
?ound )able' upon pain of my head ye shall find him there( /y my faith' said .ir
)ristram' & shall never rest till that & find him( *nd then .ir :a"aine as%ed him his name(
)hen he said4 My name is .ir )ristram( *nd so either told other their names' and then
departed .ir )ristram and rode his "ay(
*nd by fortune in a meado" .ir )ristram met "ith .ir -ay' the .enes+hal' and .ir
,inadan( What tidings "ith you' said .ir )ristram' "ith you %nights3 2ot good' said
these %nights( Why so3 said .ir )ristram0 & pray you tell me' for & ride to see% a %night(
What +ognisan+e beareth he3 said .ir -ay( !e beareth' said .ir )ristram' a +overed shield
+lose "ith +loth( /y my head' said .ir -ay' that is the same %night that met "ith us' for
this night "e "ere lodged "ithin a "ido"1s house' and there "as that %night lodged0 and
"hen he "ist "e "ere of *rthur1s +ourt he spo%e great villainy by the %ing' and spe+ially
by the ;ueen :uenever' and then on the morn "as "aged battle "ith him for that +ause(
*nd at the first re+ounter' said .ir -ay' he smote me do"n from my horse and hurt me
passing sore0 and "hen my fello"' .ir ,inadan' sa" me smitten do"n and hurt he "ould
not revenge me' but fled from me0 and thus he departed( *nd then .ir )ristram as%ed
them their names' and so either told other their names( *nd so .ir )ristram departed from
.ir -ay' and from .ir ,inadan' and so he passed through a great forest into a plain' till he
"as "are of a priory' and there he reposed him "ith a good man six days(
!o" .ir )ristram smote do"n .ir .agramore le ,esirous and .ir ,odinas le .avage(
*2, then he sent his man that hight :ouvernail' and +ommanded him to go to a +ity
thereby to fet+h him ne" harness0 for it "as long time afore that that .ir )ristram had
been refreshed' his harness "as brised and bro%en( *nd "hen :ouvernail' his servant'
"as +ome "ith his apparel' he too% his leave at the "ido"' and mounted upon his horse'
and rode his "ay early on the morn( *nd by sudden adventure .ir )ristram met "ith .ir
.agramore le ,esirous' and "ith .ir ,odinas le .avage( *nd these t"o %nights met "ith
.ir )ristram and 6uestioned "ith him' and as%ed him if he "ould 7oust "ith them( Fair
%nights' said .ir )ristram' "ith a good "ill & "ould 7oust "ith you' but & have promised at
a day set' near hand' to do battle "ith a strong %night0 and therefore & am loath to have
ado "ith you' for an it misfortuned me here to be hurt & should not be able to do my battle
"hi+h & promised( *s for that' said .agramore' maugre your head' ye shall 7oust "ith us
or ye pass from us( Well' said .ir )ristram' if ye enfor+e me thereto & must do "hat &
may( *nd then they dressed their shields' and +ame running together "ith great ire( /ut
through .ir )ristram1s great for+e he stru+% .ir .agramore from his horse( )hen he hurled
his horse farther' and said to .ir ,odinas4 -night' ma%e thee ready0 and so through fine
for+e .ir )ristram stru+% ,odinas from his horse( *nd "hen he sa" them lie on the earth
he too% his bridle' and rode forth on his "ay' and his man :ouvernail "ith him(
*non as .ir )ristram "as passed' .ir .agramore and .ir ,odinas gat again their horses'
and mounted up lightly and follo"ed after .ir )ristram( *nd "hen .ir )ristram sa" them
+ome so fast after him he returned "ith his horse to them' and as%ed them "hat they
"ould( &t is not long ago sithen & smote you to the earth at your o"n re6uest and desire4 &
"ould have ridden by you' but ye "ould not suffer me' and no" meseemeth ye "ould do
more battle "ith me( )hat is truth' said .ir .agramore and .ir ,odinas' for "e "ill be
revenged of the despite ye have done to us( Fair %nights' said .ir )ristram' that shall little
need you' for all that & did to you ye +aused it0 "herefore & re6uire you of your
%nighthood leave me as at this time' for & am sure an & do battle "ith you & shall not
es+ape "ithout great hurts' and as & suppose ye shall not es+ape all lotless( *nd this is the
+ause "hy & am so loath to have ado "ith you0 for & must fight "ithin these three days
"ith a good %night' and as valiant as any is no" living' and if & be hurt & shall not be able
to do battle "ith him( What %night is that' said .ir .agramore' that ye shall fight "ithal3
.irs' said he' it is a good %night +alled .ir $alomides( /y my head' said .ir .agramore
and .ir ,odinas' ye have +ause to dread him' for ye shall find him a passing good %night'
and a valiant( *nd be+ause ye shall have ado "ith him "e "ill forbear you as at this time'
and else ye should not es+ape us lightly( /ut' fair %night' said .ir .agramore' tell us your
name( .ir' said he' my name is .ir )ristram de 8iones( *h' said .agramore and .ir
,odinas' "ell be ye found' for mu+h "orship have "e heard of you( *nd then either too%
leave of other' and departed on their "ay(
!o" .ir )ristram met at the peron "ith .ir 8aun+elot' and ho" they fought together
)!E2 departed .ir )ristram and rode straight unto Camelot' to the peron that Merlin had
made tofore' "here .ir 8an+eor' that "as the %ing1s son of &reland' "as slain by the
hands of /alin( *nd in that same pla+e "as the fair lady Colombe slain' that "as love
unto .ir 8an+eor0 for after he "as dead she too% his s"ord and thrust it through her body(
*nd by the +raft of Merlin he made to inter this %night' 8an+eor' and his lady' Colombe'
under one stone( *nd at that time Merlin prophesied that in that same pla+e should fight
t"o the best %nights that ever "ere in *rthur1s days' and the best lovers( .o "hen .ir
)ristram +ame to the tomb "here 8an+eor and his lady "ere buried he loo%ed about him
after .ir $alomides( )hen "as he "are of a seemly %night +ame riding against him all in
"hite' "ith a +overed shield( When he +ame nigh .ir )ristram he said on high4 >e be
"el+ome' sir %night' and "ell and truly have ye holden your promise( *nd then they
dressed their shields and spears' and +ame together "ith all their might of their horses0
and they met so fier+ely that both their horses and %nights fell to the earth' and as fast as
they might avoided their horses' and put their shields afore them0 and they stru+% together
"ith bright s"ords' as men that "ere of might' and either "ounded other "onderly sore'
that the blood ran out upon the grass( *nd thus they fought the spa+e of four hours' that
never one "ould spea% to other one "ord' and of their harness they had he"n off many
pie+es( 9 8ord 5esu' said :ouvernail' & marvel greatly of the stro%es my master hath
given to your master( /y my head' said .ir 8aun+elot1s servant' your master hath not
given so many but your master has re+eived as many or more( 9 5esu' said :ouvernail' it
is too mu+h for .ir $alomides to suffer or .ir 8aun+elot' and yet pity it "ere that either of
these good %nights should destroy other1s blood( .o they stood and "ept both' and made
great dole "hen they sa" the bright s"ords over<+overed "ith blood of their bodies(
)hen at the last spa%e .ir 8aun+elot and said4 -night' thou fightest "onderly "ell as ever
& sa" %night' therefore' an it please you' tell me your name( .ir' said .ir )ristram' that is
me loath to tell any man my name( )ruly' said .ir 8aun+elot' an & "ere re6uired & "as
never loath to tell my name( &t is "ell said' said .ir )ristram' then & re6uire you to tell me
your name3 Fair %night' he said' my name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( *las' said .ir
)ristram' "hat have & done@ for ye are the man in the "orld that & love best( Fair %night'
said .ir 8aun+elot' tell me your name3 )ruly' said he' my name is .ir )ristram de 8iones(
9 5esu' said .ir 8aun+elot' "hat adventure is befallen me@ *nd there"ith .ir 8aun+elot
%neeled do"n and yielded him up his s"ord( *nd there"ith .ir )ristram %neeled ado"n'
and yielded him up his s"ord( *nd so either gave other the degree( *nd then they both
forth"ithal "ent to the stone' and set them do"n upon it' and too% off their helms to +ool
them' and either %issed other an hundred times( *nd then anon after they too% off their
helms and rode to Camelot( *nd there they met "ith .ir :a"aine and "ith .ir :aheris
that had made promise to *rthur never to +ome again to the +ourt till they had brought .ir
)ristram "ith them(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot brought .ir )ristram to the +ourt' and of the great 7oy that the %ing
and other made for the +oming of .ir )ristram(
?E)#?2 again' said .ir 8aun+elot' for your 6uest is done' for & have met "ith .ir
)ristram4 lo' here is his o"n person@ )hen "as .ir :a"aine glad' and said to .ir
)ristram4 >e are "el+ome' for no" have ye eased me greatly of my labour( For "hat
+ause' said .ir :a"aine' +ame ye into this +ourt3 Fair sir' said .ir )ristram' & +ame into
this +ountry be+ause of .ir $alomides0 for he and & had assigned at this day to have done
battle together at the peron' and & marvel & hear not of him( *nd thus by adventure my
lord' .ir 8aun+elot' and & met together( With this +ame -ing *rthur' and "hen he "ist
that there "as .ir )ristram' then he ran unto him and too% him by the hand and said4 .ir
)ristram' ye are as "el+ome as any %night that ever +ame to this +ourt( *nd "hen the
%ing had heard ho" .ir 8aun+elot and he had foughten' and either had "ounded other
"onderly sore' then the %ing made great dole( )hen .ir )ristram told the %ing ho" he
+ame thither for to have had ado "ith .ir $alomides( *nd then he told the %ing ho" he
had res+ued him from the nine %nights and /reuse .aun+e $ite0 and ho" he found a
%night lying by a "ell' and that %night smote do"n .ir $alomides and me' but his shield
"as +overed "ith a +loth( .o .ir $alomides left me' and & follo"ed after that %night0 and
in many pla+es & found "here he had slain %nights' and for7ousted many( /y my head'
said .ir :a"aine' that same %night smote me do"n and .ir /leoberis' and hurt us sore
both' he "ith the +overed shield( *h' said .ir -ay' that %night smote me ado"n and hurt
me passing sore' and fain "ould & have %no"n him' but & might not( 5esu' mer+y' said
*rthur' "hat %night "as that "ith the +overed shield3 & %no" not' said .ir )ristram0 and
so said they all( 2o"' said -ing *rthur' then "ot &' for it is .ir 8aun+elot( )hen they all
loo%ed upon .ir 8aun+elot and said4 >e have beguiled us "ith your +overed shield( &t is
not the first time' said *rthur' he hath done so( My lord' said .ir 8aun+elot' truly "it ye
"ell & "as the same %night that bare the +overed shield0 and be+ause & "ould not be
%no"n that & "as of your +ourt & said no "orship of your house( )hat is truth' said .ir
:a"aine' .ir -ay' and .ir /leoberis(
)hen -ing *rthur too% .ir )ristram by the hand and "ent to the )able ?ound( )hen
+ame ;ueen :uenever and many ladies "ith her' and all the ladies said at one voi+e4
Wel+ome' .ir )ristram@ Wel+ome' said the damosels( Wel+ome' said %nights( Wel+ome'
said *rthur' for one of the best %nights' and the gentlest of the "orld' and the man of
most "orship0 for of all manner of hunting thou bearest the priAe' and of all measures of
blo"ing thou art the beginning' and of all the terms of hunting and ha"%ing ye are the
beginner' of all instruments of musi+ ye are the best0 therefore' gentle %night' said *rthur'
ye are "el+ome to this +ourt( *nd also' & pray you' said *rthur' grant me a boon( &t shall
be at your +ommandment' said )ristram( Well' said *rthur' & "ill desire of you that ye
"ill abide in my +ourt( .ir' said .ir )ristram' thereto is me loath' for & have ado in many
+ountries( 2ot so' said *rthur' ye have promised it me' ye may not say nay( .ir' said .ir
)ristram' & "ill as ye "ill( )hen "ent *rthur unto the sieges about the ?ound )able' and
loo%ed in every siege the "hi+h "ere void that la+%ed %nights( *nd then the %ing sa" in
the siege of Marhaus letters that said4 )his is the siege of the noble %night' .ir )ristram(
*nd then *rthur made .ir )ristram -night of the )able ?ound' "ith great nobley and
great feast as might be thought( For .ir Marhaus "as slain afore by the hands of .ir
)ristram in an island0 and that "as "ell %no"n at that time in the +ourt of *rthur' for this
Marhaus "as a "orthy %night( *nd for evil deeds that he did unto the +ountry of
Corn"all .ir )ristram and he fought( *nd they fought so long' tra+ing and traversing' till
they fell bleeding to the earth0 for they "ere so sore "ounded that they might not stand
for bleeding( *nd .ir )ristram by fortune re+overed' and .ir Marhaus died through the
stro%e on the head( .o leave "e of .ir )ristram and spea% "e of -ing Mar%(
!o" for the despite of .ir )ristram -ing Mar% +ame "ith t"o %nights into England' and
ho" he sle" one of the %nights(
)!E2 -ing Mar% had great despite of the reno"n of .ir )ristram' and then he +hased
him out of Corn"all4 yet "as he nephe" unto -ing Mar%' but he had great suspi+ion unto
.ir )ristram be+ause of his 6ueen' 8a /eale &soud0 for him seemed that there "as too
mu+h love bet"een them both( .o "hen .ir )ristram departed out of Corn"all into
England -ing Mar% heard of the great pro"ess that .ir )ristram did there' the "hi+h
grieved him sore( .o he sent on his part men to espy "hat deeds he did( *nd the 6ueen
sent privily on her part spies to %no" "hat deeds he had done' for great love "as bet"een
them t"ain( .o "hen the messengers "ere +ome home they told the truth as they had
heard' that he passed all other %nights but if it "ere .ir 8aun+elot( )hen -ing Mar% "as
right heavy of these tidings' and as glad "as 8a /eale &soud( )hen in great despite he
too% "ith him t"o good %nights and t"o s6uires' and disguised himself' and too% his "ay
into England' to the intent for to slay .ir )ristram( *nd one of these t"o %nights hight
/ersules' and the other %night "as +alled *mant( .o as they rode -ing Mar% as%ed a
%night that he met' "here he should find -ing *rthur( !e said4 *t Camelot( *lso he
as%ed that %night after .ir )ristram' "hether he heard of him in the +ourt of -ing *rthur(
Wit you "ell' said that %night' ye shall find .ir )ristram there for a man of as great
"orship as is no" living0 for through his pro"ess he "on the tournament of the Castle of
Maidens that standeth by the !ard ?o+%( *nd sithen he hath "on "ith his o"n hands
thirty %nights that "ere men of great honour( *nd the last battle that ever he did he fought
"ith .ir 8aun+elot0 and that "as a marvellous battle( *nd not by for+e .ir 8aun+elot
brought .ir )ristram to the +ourt' and of him -ing *rthur made passing great 7oy' and so
made him -night of the )able ?ound0 and his seat "as "here the good %night1s' .ir
Marhaus' seat "as( )hen "as -ing Mar% passing sorry "hen he heard of the honour of
.ir )ristram0 and so they departed(
)hen said -ing Mar% unto his t"o %nights4 2o" "ill & tell you my +ounsel4 ye are the
men that & trust most to alive' and & "ill that ye "it my +oming hither is to this intent' for
to destroy .ir )ristram by "iles or by treason0 and it shall be hard if ever he es+ape our
hands( *las' said .ir /ersules' "hat mean you3 for ye be set in su+h a "ay ye are
disposed shamefully0 for .ir )ristram is the %night of most "orship that "e %no" living'
and therefore & "arn you plainly & "ill never +onsent to do him to the death0 and therefore
& "ill yield my servi+e' and forsa%e you( When -ing Mar% heard him say so' suddenly he
dre" his s"ord and said4 *h' traitor0 and smote .ir /ersules on the head' that the s"ord
"ent to his teeth( When *mant' the %night' sa" him do that villainous deed' and his
s6uires' they said it "as foul done' and mis+hievously4 Wherefore "e "ill do thee no
more servi+e' and "it ye "ell' "e "ill appea+h thee of treason afore *rthur( )hen "as
-ing Mar% "onderly "roth and "ould have slain *mant0 but he and the t"o s6uires held
them together' and set nought by his mali+e( When -ing Mar% sa" he might not be
revenged on them' he said thus unto the %night' *mant4 Wit thou "ell' an thou appea+h
me of treason & shall thereof defend me afore -ing *rthur0 but & re6uire thee that thou tell
not my name' that & am -ing Mar%' "hatsomever +ome of me( *s for that' said .ir
*mant' & "ill not dis+over your name0 and so they departed' and *mant and his fello"s
too% the body of /ersules and buried it(
!o" -ing Mar% +ame to a fountain "here he found .ir 8amora% +omplaining for the
love of -ing 8ot1s "ife(
)!E2 -ing Mar% rode till he +ame to a fountain' and there he rested him' and stood in a
doubt "hether he "ould ride to *rthur1s +ourt or none' or return again to his +ountry(
*nd as he thus rested him by that fountain there +ame by him a %night "ell armed on
horseba+%0 and he alighted' and tied his horse until a tree' and set him do"n by the brin%
of the fountain0 and there he made great languor and dole' and made the dolefullest
+omplaint of love that ever man heard0 and all this "hile "as he not "are of -ing Mar%(
*nd this "as a great part of his +omplaint4 he +ried and "ept' saying4 9 fair ;ueen of
9r%ney' -ing 8ot1s "ife' and mother of .ir :a"aine' and to .ir :aheris' and mother to
many other' for thy love & am in great pains( )hen -ing Mar% arose and "ent near him
and said4 Fair %night' ye have made a piteous +omplaint( )ruly' said the %night' it is an
hundred part more ruefuller than my heart +an utter( & re6uire you' said -ing Mar%' tell
me your name( .ir' said he' as for my name & "ill not hide it from no %night that beareth a
shield' and my name is .ir 8amora% de :alis( /ut "hen .ir 8amora% heard -ing Mar%
spea%' then "ist he "ell by his spee+h that he "as a Cornish %night( .ir' said .ir
8amora%' & understand by your tongue ye be of Corn"all' "herein there d"elleth the
shamefullest %ing that is no" living' for he is a great enemy to all good %nights0 and that
proveth "ell' for he hath +hased out of that +ountry .ir )ristram' that is the "orshipfullest
%night that no" is living' and all %nights spea% of him "orship0 and for 7ealousness of his
6ueen he hath +hased him out of his +ountry( &t is pity' said .ir 8amora%' that ever any
su+h false %night<+o"ard as -ing Mar% is' should be mat+hed "ith su+h a fair lady and
good as 8a /eale &soud is' for all the "orld of him spea%eth shame' and of her "orship
that any 6ueen may have( & have not ado in this matter' said -ing Mar%' neither nought
"ill & spea% thereof( Well said' said .ir 8amora%( .ir' +an ye tell me any tidings3 & +an
tell you' said .ir 8amora%' that there shall be a great tournament in haste beside Camelot'
at the Castle of 5agent0 and the -ing "ith the !undred -nights and the -ing of &reland'
as & suppose' ma%e that tournament(
)hen there +ame a %night that "as +alled .ir ,inadan' and saluted them both( *nd "hen
he "ist that -ing Mar% "as a %night of Corn"all he reproved him for the love of -ing
Mar% a thousand fold more than did .ir 8amora%( )hen he proffered to 7oust "ith -ing
Mar%( *nd he "as full loath thereto' but .ir ,inadan edged him so' that he 7ousted "ith
.ir 8amora%( *nd .ir 8amora% smote -ing Mar% so sore that he bare him on his spear
end over his horse1s tail( *nd then -ing Mar% arose again' and follo"ed after .ir
8amora%( /ut .ir ,inadan "ould not 7oust "ith .ir 8amora%' but he told -ing Mar% that
.ir 8amora% "as .ir -ay' the .enes+hal( )hat is not so' said -ing Mar%' for he is mu+h
bigger than .ir -ay0 and so he follo"ed and overtoo% him' and bade him abide( What
"ill you do3 said .ir 8amora%( .ir' he said' & "ill fight "ith a s"ord' for ye have shamed
me "ith a spear0 and there"ith they dashed together "ith s"ords' and .ir 8amora%
suffered him and forbare him( *nd -ing Mar% "as passing hasty' and smote thi+%
stro%es( .ir 8amora% sa" he "ould not stint' and "axed some"hat "roth' and doubled
his stro%es' for he "as one of the noblest %nights of the "orld0 and he beat him so on the
helm that his head hung nigh on the saddle bo"( When .ir 8amora% sa" him fare so' he
said4 .ir %night' "hat +heer3 meseemeth you have nigh your fill of fighting' it "ere pity
to do you any more harm' for ye are but a mean %night' therefore & give you leave to go
"here ye list( :ramer+y' said -ing Mar%' for ye and & be not mat+hes(
)hen .ir ,inadan mo+%ed -ing Mar% and said4 >e are not able to mat+h a good %night(
*s for that' said -ing Mar%' at the first time & 7ousted "ith this %night ye refused him(
)hin% ye that it is a shame to me3 said .ir ,inadan4 nay' sir' it is ever "orship to a %night
to refuse that thing that he may not attain' there fore your "orship had been mu+h more to
have refused him as & did0 for & "arn you plainly he is able to beat su+h five as ye and &
be0 for ye %nights of Corn"all are no men of "orship as other %nights are( *nd be+ause
ye are no men of "orship ye hate all men of "orship' for never "as bred in your +ountry
su+h a %night as is .ir )ristram(
!o" -ing Mar%' .ir 8amora%' and .ir ,inadan +ame to a +astle' and ho" -ing Mar%
"as %no"n there(
)!E2 they rode forth all together' -ing Mar%' .ir 8amora%' and .ir ,inadan' till that
they +ame to a bridge' and at the end thereof stood a fair to"er( )hen sa" they a %night
on horseba+% "ell armed' brandishing a spear' +rying and proffering himself to 7oust(
2o"' said .ir ,inadan unto -ing Mar%' yonder are t"o brethren' that one hight *lein'
and the other hight )rian' that "ill 7oust "ith any that passeth this passage( 2o" proffer
yourself' said ,inadan to -ing Mar%' for ever ye be laid to the earth( )hen -ing Mar%
"as ashamed' and there"ith he feutred his spear' and hurtled to .ir )rian' and either
bra%e their spears all to pie+es' and passed through anon( )hen .ir )rian sent -ing Mar%
another spear to 7oust more0 but in no "ise he "ould not 7oust no more( )hen they +ame
to the +astle all three %nights' and prayed the lord of the +astle of harbour( >e are right
"el+ome' said the %nights of the +astle' for the love of the lord of this +astle' the "hi+h
hight .ir )or le Fise *ries( *nd then they +ame into a fair +ourt "ell repaired' and they
had passing good +heer' till the lieutenant of this +astle' that hight /erluse' espied -ing
Mar% of Corn"all( )hen said /erluse4 .ir %night' & %no" you better than you "een' for ye
are -ing Mar% that sle" my father afore mine o"n eyen0 and me had ye slain had & not
es+aped into a "ood0 but "it ye "ell' for the love of my lord of this +astle & "ill neither
hurt you nor harm you' nor none of your fello"ship( /ut "it ye "ell' "hen ye are past
this lodging & shall hurt you an & may' for ye sle" my father traitorly( /ut first for the
love of my lord' .ir )or' and for the love of .ir 8amora%' the honourable %night that here
is lodged' ye shall have none ill lodging0 for it is pity that ever ye should be in the
+ompany of good %nights0 for ye are the most villainous %night or %ing that is no" %no"n
alive' for ye are a destroyer of good %nights' and all that ye do is but treason(
!o" .ir /erluse met "ith -ing Mar%' and ho" .ir ,inadan too% his part(
)!E2 "as -ing Mar% sore ashamed' and said but little again( /ut "hen .ir 8amora% and
.ir ,inadan "ist that he "as -ing Mar% they "ere sorry of his fello"ship( .o after
supper they "ent to lodging( .o on the morn they arose early' and -ing Mar% and .ir
,inadan rode together0 and three mile from their lodging there met "ith them three
%nights' and .ir /erluse "as one' and that other his t"o +ousins( .ir /erluse sa" -ing
Mar%' and then he +ried on high4 )raitor' %eep thee from me for "it thou "ell that & am
/erluse( .ir %night' said .ir ,inadan' & +ounsel you to leave off at this time' for he is
riding to -ing *rthur0 and be+ause & have promised to +ondu+t him to my lord -ing
*rthur needs must & ta%e a part "ith him0 ho"beit & love not his +ondition' and fain &
"ould be from him( Well' ,inadan' said .ir /erluse' me repenteth that ye "ill ta%e part
"ith him' but no" do your best( *nd then he hurtled to -ing Mar%' and smote him sore
upon the shield' that he bare him +lean out of his saddle to the earth( )hat sa" .ir
,inadan' and he feutred his spear' and ran to one of /erluse1s fello"s' and smote him
do"n off his saddle( )hen ,inadan turned his horse' and smote the third %night in the
same "ise to the earth' for .ir ,inadan "as a good %night on horseba+%0 and there began
a great battle' for /erluse and his fello"s held them together strongly on foot( *nd so
through the great for+e of .ir ,inadan -ing Mar% had /erluse to the earth' and his t"o
fello"s fled0 and had not been .ir ,inadan -ing Mar% "ould have slain him( *nd so .ir
,inadan res+ued him of his life' for -ing Mar% "as but a murderer( *nd then they too%
their horses and departed and left .ir /erluse there sore "ounded(
)hen -ing Mar% and .ir ,inadan rode forth a four leagues English' till that they +ame to
a bridge "here hoved a %night on horseba+%' armed and ready to 7oust( 8o' said .ir
,inadan unto -ing Mar%' yonder hoveth a %night that "ill 7oust' for there shall none pass
this bridge but he must 7oust "ith that %night( &t is "ell' said -ing Mar%' for this 7ousts
falleth "ith thee( .ir ,inadan %ne" the %night "ell that he "as a noble %night' and fain
he "ould have 7ousted' but he had had liefer -ing Mar% had 7ousted "ith him' but by no
mean -ing Mar% "ould not 7oust( )hen .ir ,inadan might not refuse him in no manner(
*nd then either dressed their spears and their shields' and smote together' so that through
fine for+e .ir ,inadan "as smitten to the earth0 and lightly he rose up and gat his horse'
and re6uired that %night to do battle "ith s"ords( *nd he ans"ered and said4 Fair %night'
as at this time & may not have ado "ith you no more' for the +ustom of this passage is
su+h( )hen "as .ir ,inadan passing "roth that he might not be revenged of that %night0
and so he departed' and in no "ise "ould that %night tell his name( /ut ever .ir ,inadan
thought he should %no" him by his shield that it should be .ir )or(
!o" -ing Mar% mo+%ed .ir ,inadan' and ho" they met "ith six %nights of the ?ound
.o as they rode by the "ay -ing Mar% then began to mo+% .ir ,inadan' and said4 &
"eened you %nights of the )able ?ound might not in no "ise find their mat+hes( >e say
"ell' said .ir ,inadan0 as for you' on my life & +all you none of the best %nights0 but sith
ye have su+h a despite at me & re6uire you to 7oust "ith me to prove my strength( 2ot so'
said -ing Mar%' for & "ill not have ado "ith you in no manner0 but & re6uire you of one
thing' that "hen ye +ome to *rthur1s +ourt dis+over not my name' for & am there so hated(
&t is shame to you' said .ir ,inadan' that ye govern you so shamefully0 for & see by you
ye are full of +o"ardi+e' and ye are a murderer' and that is the greatest shame that a
%night may have0 for never a %night being a murderer hath "orship' nor never shall have0
for & sa" but late through my for+e ye "ould have slain .ir /erluse' a better %night than
ye' or ever ye shall be' and more of pro"ess( )hus they rode forth tal%ing till they +ame
to a fair pla+e' "here stood a %night' and prayed them to ta%e their lodging "ith him( .o
at the re6uest of that %night they reposed them there' and made them "ell at ease' and had
great +heer( For all errant<%nights "ere "el+ome to him' and spe+ially all those of
*rthur1s +ourt( )hen .ir ,inadan demanded his host "hat "as the %night1s name that
%ept the bridge( For "hat +ause as% you it3 said the host( For it is not long ago' said .ir
,inadan' sithen he gave me a fall( *h' fair %night' said his host' thereof have ye no
marvel' for he is a passing good %night' and his name is .ir )or' the son of *ries le
Daysher( *h' said .ir ,inadan' "as that .ir )or3 for truly so ever me thought(
?ight as they stood thus tal%ing together they sa" +ome riding to them over a plain six
%nights of the +ourt of -ing *rthur' "ell armed at all points( *nd there by their shields
.ir ,inadan %ne" them "ell( )he first "as the good %night .ir #"aine' the son of -ing
#riens' the se+ond "as the noble %night .ir /randiles' the third "as 9Aana le Cure
!ardy' the fourth "as #"aine les *venturous' the fifth "as .ir *gravaine' the sixth .ir
Mordred' brother to .ir :a"aine( When .ir ,inadan had seen these six %nights he
thought in himself he "ould bring -ing Mar% by some "ile to 7oust "ith one of them(
*nd anon they too% their horses and ran after these %nights "ell a three mile English(
)hen "as -ing Mar% "are "here they sat all six about a "ell' and ate and dran% su+h
meats as they had' and their horses "al%ing and some tied' and their shields hung in
divers pla+es about them( 8o' said .ir ,inadan' yonder are %nights<errant that "ill 7oust
"ith us( :od forbid' said -ing Mar%' for they be six and "e but t"o( *s for that' said .ir
,inadan' let us not spare' for & "ill assay the foremost0 and there"ith he made him ready(
When -ing Mar% sa" him do so' as fast as .ir ,inadan rode to"ard them' -ing Mar%
rode fro"ard them "ith all his menial meiny( .o "hen .ir ,inadan sa" -ing Mar% "as
gone' he set the spear out of the rest' and thre" his shield upon his ba+%' and +ame' riding
to the fello"ship of the )able ?ound( *nd anon .ir #"aine %ne" .ir ,inadan' and
"el+omed him' and so did all his fello"ship(
!o" the six %nights sent .ir ,agonet to 7oust "ith -ing Mar%' and ho" -ing Mar%
refused him(
*2, then they as%ed him of his adventures' and "hether he had seen .ir )ristram or .ir
8aun+elot( .o :od me help' said .ir ,inadan' & sa" none of them sithen & departed from
Camelot( What %night is that' said .ir /randiles' that so suddenly departed from you' and
rode over yonder field3 .ir' said he' it "as a %night of Corn"all' and the most horrible
+o"ard that ever bestrode horse( What is his name3 said all these %nights( & "ot not' said
.ir ,inadan( .o "hen they had reposed them' and spo%en together' they too% their horses
and rode to a +astle "here d"elt an old %night that made all %nights<errant good +heer(
)hen in the mean"hile that they "ere tal%ing +ame into the +astle .ir :riflet le Fise de
,ieu' and there "as he "el+ome0 and they all as%ed him "hether he had seen .ir
8aun+elot or .ir )ristram( .irs' he ans"ered' & sa" him not sithen he departed from
Camelot( .o as .ir ,inadan "al%ed and beheld the +astle' thereby in a +hamber he espied
-ing Mar%' and then he rebu%ed him' and as%ed him "hy he departed so( .ir' said he' for
& durst not abide be+ause they "ere so many( /ut ho" es+aped ye3 said -ing Mar%( .ir'
said .ir ,inadan' they "ere better friends than & "eened they had been( Who is +aptain of
that fello"ship3 said the %ing( )hen for to fear him .ir ,inadan said that it "as .ir
8aun+elot( 9 5esu' said the %ing' might & %no" .ir 8aun+elot by his shield3 >ea' said
,inadan' for he beareth a shield of silver and bla+% bends( *ll this he said to fear the
%ing' for .ir 8aun+elot "as not in his fello"ship( 2o" & pray you' said -ing Mar%' that
ye "ill ride in my fello"ship( )hat is me loath to do' said .ir ,inadan' be+ause ye
forsoo% my fello"ship(
?ight so .ir ,inadan "ent from -ing Mar%' and "ent to his o"n fello"ship0 and so they
mounted upon their horses' and rode on their "ays' and tal%ed of the Cornish %night' for
,inadan told them that he "as in the +astle "here they "ere lodged( &t is "ell said' said
.ir :riflet' for here have & brought .ir ,agonet' -ing *rthur1s fool' that is the best fello"
and the merriest in the "orld( Will ye do "ell3 said .ir ,inadan4 & have told the Cornish
%night that here is .ir 8aun+elot' and the Cornish %night as%ed me "hat shield he bare(
)ruly' & told him that he bare the same shield that .ir Mordred beareth( Will ye do "ell3
said .ir Mordred0 & am hurt and may not "ell bear my shield nor harness' and therefore
put my shield and my harness upon .ir ,agonet' and let him set upon the Cornish %night(
)hat shall be done' said .ir ,agonet' by my faith( )hen anon "as ,agonet armed him in
Mordred1s harness and his shield' and he "as set on a great horse' and a spear in his
hand( 2o"' said ,agonet' she" me the %night' and & tro" & shall bear him do"n( .o all
these %nights rode to a "oodside' and abode till -ing Mar% +ame by the "ay( )hen they
put forth .ir ,agonet' and he +ame on all the "hile his horse might run' straight upon
-ing Mar%( *nd "hen he +ame nigh -ing Mar%' he +ried as he "ere "ood' and said4
-eep thee' %night of Corn"all' for & "ill slay thee( *non' as -ing Mar% beheld his shield'
he said to himself4 >onder is .ir 8aun+elot0 alas' no" am & destroyed0 and there"ithal he
made his horse to run as fast as it might through thi+% and thin( *nd ever .ir ,agonet
follo"ed after -ing Mar%' +rying and rating him as a "ood man' through a great forest(
When .ir #"aine and .ir /randiles sa" ,agonet so +hase -ing Mar%' they laughed all
as they "ere "ood( *nd then they too% their horses' and rode after to see ho" .ir
,agonet sped' for they "ould not for no good that .ir ,agonet "ere shent' for -ing
*rthur loved him passing "ell' and made him %night "ith his o"n hands( *nd at every
tournament he began to ma%e -ing *rthur to laugh( )hen the %nights rode here and there'
+rying and +hasing after -ing Mar%' that all the forest rang of the noise(
!o" .ir $alomides by adventure met -ing Mar% flying' and ho" he overthre" ,agonet
and other %nights(
.9 -ing Mar% rode by fortune by a "ell' in the "ay "here stood a %night<errant on
horseba+%' armed at all points' "ith a great spear in his hand( *nd "hen he sa" -ing
Mar% +oming flying he said4 -night' return again for shame and stand "ith me' and &
shall be thy "arrant( *h' fair %night' said -ing Mar%' let me pass' for yonder +ometh
after me the best %night of the "orld' "ith the bla+% bended shield( Fie' for shame' said
the %night' he is none of the "orthy %nights' and if he "ere .ir 8aun+elot or .ir )ristram
& should not doubt to meet the better of them both( When -ing Mar% heard him say that
"ord' he turned his horse and abode by him( *nd then that strong %night bare a spear to
,agonet' and smote him so sore that he bare him over his horse1s tail' and nigh he had
bro%en his ne+%( *nd anon after him +ame .ir /randiles' and "hen he sa" ,agonet have
that fall he "as passing "roth' and +ried4 -eep thee' %night' and so they hurtled together
"onder sore( /ut the %night smote .ir /randiles so sore that he "ent to the earth' horse
and man( .ir #"aine +ame after and sa" all this( 5esu' said he' yonder is a strong %night(
*nd then they feutred their spears' and this %night +ame so eagerly that he smote do"n
.ir #"aine( )hen +ame 9Aana "ith the hardy heart' and he "as smitten do"n( 2o"' said
.ir :riflet' by my +ounsel let us send to yonder errant<%night' and "it "hether he be of
*rthur1s +ourt' for as & deem it is .ir 8amora% de :alis( .o they sent unto him' and
prayed the strange %night to tell his name' and "hether he "ere of *rthur1s +ourt or not(
*s for my name they shall not "it' but tell them & am a %night<errant as they are' and let
them "it that & am no %night of -ing *rthur1s +ourt0 and so the s6uire rode again unto
them and told them his ans"er of him( /y my head' said .ir *gravaine' he is one of the
strongest %nights that ever & sa"' for he hath overthro"n three noble %nights' and needs
"e must en+ounter "ith him for shame( .o .ir *gravaine feutred his spear' and that other
"as ready' and smote him do"n over his horse to the earth( *nd in the same "ise he
smote .ir #"aine les *voutres and also .ir :riflet( )hen had he served them all but .ir
,inadan' for he "as behind' and .ir Mordred "as unarmed' and ,agonet had his harness(
.o "hen this "as done' this strong %night rode on his "ay a soft pa+e' and -ing Mar%
rode after him' praising him mi+%le0 but he "ould ans"er no "ords' but sighed "onderly
sore' hanging do"n his head' ta%ing no heed to his "ords( )hus they rode "ell a three
mile English' and then this %night +alled to him a varlet' and bade him ride until yonder
fair manor' and re+ommend me to the lady of that +astle and pla+e' and pray her to send
me refreshing of good meats and drin%s( *nd if she as% thee "hat & am' tell her that & am
the %night that follo"eth the glatisant beast4 that is in English to say the 6uesting beast0
for that beast "heresomever he yede he 6uested in the belly "ith su+h a noise as it had
been a thirty +ouple of hounds( )hen the varlet "ent his "ay and +ame to the manor' and
saluted the lady' and told her from "hen+e he +ame( *nd "hen she understood that he
+ame from the %night that follo"ed the 6uesting beast4 9 s"eet 8ord 5esu' she said' "hen
shall & see that noble %night' my dear son $alomides3 *las' "ill he not abide "ith me3
and there"ith she s"ooned and "ept' and made passing great dole( *nd then also soon as
she might she gave the varlet all that he as%ed( *nd the varlet returned unto .ir
$alomides' for he "as a varlet of -ing Mar%( *nd as soon as he +ame' he told the
%night1s name "as .ir $alomides( & am "ell pleased' said -ing Mar%' but hold thee still
and say nothing( )hen they alighted and set them do"n and reposed them a "hile( *non
"ithal -ing Mar% fell asleep( When .ir $alomides sa" him sound asleep he too% his
horse and rode his "ay' and said to them4 & "ill not be in the +ompany of a sleeping
%night( *nd so he rode forth a great pa+e(
!o" -ing Mar% and .ir ,inadan heard .ir $alomides ma%ing great sorro" and
mourning for 8a /eale &soud(
29W turn "e unto .ir ,inadan' that found these seven %nights passing heavy( *nd "hen
he "ist ho" that they sped' as heavy "as he( My lord #"aine' said ,inadan' & dare lay
my head it is .ir 8amora% de :alis( & promise you all & shall find him an he may be found
in this +ountry( *nd so .ir ,inadan rode after this %night0 and so did -ing Mar%' that
sought him through the forest( .o as -ing Mar% rode after .ir $alomides he heard the
noise of a man that made great dole( )hen -ing Mar% rode as nigh that noise as he might
and as he durst( )hen "as he "are of a %night that "as des+ended off his horse' and had
put off his helm' and there he made a piteous +omplaint and a dolorous' of love(
2o" leave "e that' and tal% "e of .ir ,inadan' that rode to see% .ir $alomides( *nd as
he +ame "ithin a forest he met "ith a %night' a +haser of a deer( .ir' said .ir ,inadan'
met ye "ith a %night "ith a shield of silver and lions1 heads3 >ea' fair %night' said the
other' "ith su+h a %night met & "ith but a "hile agone' and straight yonder "ay he yede(
:ramer+y' said .ir ,inadan' for might & find the tra+% of his horse & should not fail to find
that %night( ?ight so as .ir ,inadan rode in the even late he heard a doleful noise as it
"ere of a man( )hen .ir ,inadan rode to"ard that noise0 and "hen he +ame nigh that
noise he alighted off his horse' and "ent near him on foot( )hen "as he "are of a %night
that stood under a tree' and his horse tied by him' and the helm off his head0 and ever that
%night made a doleful +omplaint as ever made %night( *nd al"ays he made his +omplaint
of 8a /eale &soud' the ;ueen of Corn"all' and said4 *h' fair lady' "hy love & thee@ for
thou art fairest of all other' and yet sho"est thou never love to me' nor bounty( *las' yet
must & love thee( *nd & may not blame thee' fair lady' for mine eyes be +ause of this
sorro"( *nd yet to love thee & am but a fool' for the best %night of the "orld loveth thee'
and ye him again' that is .ir )ristram de 8iones( *nd the falsest %ing and %night is your
husband' and the most +o"ard and full of treason' is your lord' -ing Mar%( *las' that
ever so fair a lady and peerless of all other should be mat+hed "ith the most villainous
%night of the "orld( *ll this language heard -ing Mar%' "hat .ir $alomides said by him0
"herefore he "as adread "hen he sa" .ir ,inadan' lest he espied him' that he "ould tell
.ir $alomides that he "as -ing Mar%0 and therefore he "ithdre" him' and too% his horse
and rode to his men' "here he +ommanded them to abide( *nd so he rode as fast as he
might unto Camelot0 and the same day he found there *mant' the %night' ready that afore
*rthur had appealed him of treason0 and so' lightly the %ing +ommanded them to do
battle( *nd by misadventure -ing Mar% smote *mant through the body( *nd yet "as
*mant in the righteous 6uarrel( *nd right so he too% his horse and departed from the
+ourt for dread of .ir ,inadan' that he "ould tell .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides "hat he
"as( )hen "ere there maidens that 8a /eale &soud had sent to .ir )ristram' that %ne" .ir
*mant "ell(
!o" -ing Mar% had slain .ir *mant "rongfully tofore -ing *rthur' and .ir 8aun+elot
fet+hed -ing Mar% to -ing *rthur(
)!E2 by the li+ense of -ing *rthur they "ent to him and spa%e "ith him0 for "hile the
trun+heon of the spear stu+% in his body he spa%e4 *h' fair damosels' said *mant'
re+ommend me unto 8a /eale &soud' and tell her that & am slain for the love of her and of
.ir )ristram( *nd there he told the damosels ho" +o"ardly -ing Mar% had slain him' and
.ir /ersules' his fello"( *nd for that deed & appealed him of treason' and here am & slain
in a righteous 6uarrel0 and all "as be+ause .ir /ersules and & "ould not +onsent by
treason to slay the noble %night' .ir )ristram( )hen the t"o maidens +ried aloud that all
the +ourt might hear it' and said4 9 s"eet 8ord 5esu' that %no"est all hid things' "hy
sufferest )hou so false a traitor to van6uish and slay a true %night that fought in a
righteous 6uarrel3 )hen anon it "as sprung to the %ing' and the 6ueen' and to all the
lords' that it "as -ing Mar% that had slain .ir *mant' and .ir /ersules afore hand0
"herefore they did their battle( )hen "as -ing *rthur "roth out of measure' and so "ere
all the other %nights( /ut "hen .ir )ristram %ne" all the matter he made great dole and
sorro" out of measure' and "ept for sorro" for the loss of the noble %nights' .ir /ersules
and of .ir *mant(
When .ir 8aun+elot espied .ir )ristram "eep he "ent hastily to -ing *rthur' and said4
.ir' & pray you give me leave to return again to yonder false %ing and %night( & pray you'
said -ing *rthur' fet+h him again' but & "ould not that ye sle" him' for my "orship(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot armed him in all haste' and mounted upon a great horse' and too% a
spear in his hand and rode after -ing Mar%( *nd from then+e a three mile English .ir
8aun+elot over too% him' and bade him4 )urn re+reant %ing and %night' for "hether thou
"ilt or not thou shalt go "ith me to -ing *rthur1s +ourt( -ing Mar% returned and loo%ed
upon .ir 8aun+elot' and said4 Fair sir' "hat is your name3 Wit thou "ell' said he' my
name is .ir 8aun+elot' and therefore defend thee( *nd "hen -ing Mar% "ist that it "as
.ir 8aun+elot' and +ame so fast upon him "ith a spear' he +ried then aloud4 & yield me to
thee' .ir 8aun+elot' honourable %night( /ut .ir 8aun+elot "ould not hear him' but +ame
fast upon him( -ing Mar% sa" that' and made no defen+e' but tumbled ado"n out of his
saddle to the earth as a sa+%' and there he lay still' and +ried .ir 8aun+elot mer+y( *rise'
re+reant %night and %ing( & "ill not fight' said -ing Mar%' but "hither that ye "ill & "ill
go "ith you( *las' alas' said .ir 8aun+elot' that & may not give thee one buffet for the
love of .ir )ristram and of 8a /eale &soud' and for the t"o %nights that thou hast slain
traitorly( *nd so he mounted upon his horse and brought him to -ing *rthur0 and there
-ing Mar% alighted in that same pla+e' and thre" his helm from him upon the earth' and
his s"ord' and fell flat to the earth of -ing *rthur1s feet' and put him in his gra+e and
mer+y( .o :od me help' said *rthur' ye are "el+ome in a manner' and in a manner ye are
not "el+ome( &n this manner ye are "el+ome' that ye +ome hither maugre thy head' as &
suppose( )hat is truth' said -ing Mar%' and else & had not been here' for my lord' .ir
8aun+elot' brought me hither through his fine for+e' and to him am & yolden to as
re+reant( Well' said *rthur' ye understand ye ought to do me servi+e' homage' and fealty(
*nd never "ould ye do me none' but ever ye have been against me' and a destroyer of
my %nights0 no"' ho" "ill ye a+6uit you3 .ir' said -ing Mar%' right as your lordship "ill
re6uire me' unto my po"er' & "ill ma%e a large amends( For he "as a fair spea%er' and
false thereunder( )hen for great pleasure of .ir )ristram' to ma%e them t"ain a++orded'
the %ing "ithheld -ing Mar% as at that time' and made a bro%en love<day bet"een them(
!o" .ir ,inadan told .ir $alomides of the battle bet"een .ir 8aun+elot and .ir )ristam(
29W turn "e again unto .ir $alomides' ho" .ir ,inadan +omforted him in all that he
might' from his great sorro"( What %night are ye3 said .ir $alomides( .ir' & am a %night<
errant as ye be' that hath sought you long by your shield( !ere is my shield' said .ir
$alomides' "it ye "ell' an ye "ill ought' there"ith & "ill defend it( 2ay' said .ir
,inadan' & "ill not have ado "ith you but in good manner( *nd if ye "ill' ye shall find
me soon ready( .ir' said .ir ,inadan' "hither"ard ride you this "ay3 /y my head' said
.ir $alomides' & "ot not' but as fortune leadeth me( !eard ye or sa" ye ought of .ir
)ristram3 .o :od me help' of .ir )ristram & both heard and sa"' and not for then "e
loved not in"ardly "ell together' yet at my mis+hief .ir )ristram res+ued me from my
death0 and yet' or he and & departed' by both our assents "e assigned a day that "e should
have met at the stony grave that Merlin set beside Camelot' and there to have done battle
together0 ho"beit & "as letted' said .ir $alomides' that & might not hold my day' the
"hi+h grieveth me sore0 but & have a large ex+use( For & "as prisoner "ith a lord' and
many other more' and that shall .ir )ristram right "ell understand' that & bra%e it not of
fear of +o"ardi+e( *nd then .ir $alomides told .ir ,inadan the same day that they should
have met( .o :od me help' said .ir ,inadan' that same day met .ir 8aun+elot and .ir
)ristram at the same grave of stone( *nd there "as the most mightiest battle that ever
"as seen in this land bet"ixt t"o %nights' for they fought more than t"o hours( *nd there
they both bled so mu+h blood that all men marvelled that ever they might endure it( *nd
so at the last' by both their assents' they "ere made friends and s"orn<brethren for ever'
and no man +an 7udge the better %night( *nd no" is .ir )ristram made a %night of the
?ound )able' and he sitteth in the siege of the noble %night' .ir Marhaus( /y my head'
said .ir $alomides' .ir )ristram is far bigger than .ir 8aun+elot' and the hardier %night(
!ave ye assayed them both3 said .ir ,inadan( & have seen .ir )ristram fight' said .ir
$alomides' but never .ir 8aun+elot to my "itting( /ut at the fountain "here .ir
8aun+elot lay asleep' there "ith one spear he smote do"n .ir )ristram and me' said
$alomides' but at that time they %ne" not either other( Fair %night' said .ir ,inadan' as
for .ir 8aun+elot and .ir )ristram let them be' for the "orst of them "ill not be lightly
mat+hed of no %nights that & %no" living( 2o' said .ir $alomides' :od defend' but an &
had a 6uarrel to the better of them both & "ould "ith as good a "ill fight "ith him as "ith
you( .ir' & re6uire you tell me your name' and in good faith & shall hold you +ompany till
that "e +ome to Camelot0 and there shall ye have great "orship no" at this great
tournament0 for there shall be the ;ueen :uenever' and 8a /eale &soud of Corn"all( Wit
you "ell' sir %night' for the love of 8a /eale &soud & "ill be there' and else not' but & "ill
not have ado in -ing *rthur1s +ourt( .ir' said ,inadan' & shall ride "ith you and do you
servi+e' so you "ill tell me your name( .ir' ye shall understand my name is .ir
$alomides' brother to .afere' the good and noble %night( *nd .ir .eg"arides and &' "e be
.ara+ens born' of father and mother( .ir' said .ir ,inadan' & than% you mu+h for the
telling of your name( For & am glad of that & %no" your name' and & promise you by the
faith of my body' ye shall not be hurt by me by my "ill' but rather be advan+ed( *nd
thereto "ill & help you "ith all my po"er' & promise you' doubt ye not( *nd +ertainly on
my life ye shall "in great "orship in the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and be right "el+ome( .o
then they dressed on their helms and put on their shields' and mounted upon their horses'
and too% the broad "ay to"ards Camelot( *nd then "ere they "are of a +astle that "as
fair and ri+h' and also passing strong as any "as "ithin this realm(
!o" .ir 8amora% 7ousted "ith divers %nights of the +astle "herein "as Morgan le Fay(
.&? $*89M&,E.' said ,inadan' here is a +astle that & %no" "ell' and therein d"elleth
;ueen Morgan le Fay' -ing *rthur1s sister0 and -ing *rthur gave her this +astle' the
"hi+h he hath repented him sithen a thousand times' for sithen -ing *rthur and she have
been at debate and strife0 but this +astle +ould he never get nor "in of her by no manner
of engine0 and ever as she might she made "ar on -ing *rthur( *nd all dangerous
%nights she "ithholdeth "ith her' for to destroy all these %nights that -ing *rthur loveth(
*nd there shall no %night pass this "ay but he must 7oust "ith one %night' or "ith t"o' or
"ith three( *nd if it hap that -ing *rthur1s %night be beaten' he shall lose his horse and
his harness and all that he hath' and hard' if that he es+ape' but that he shall be prisoner(
.o :od me help' said $alomides' this is a shameful +ustom' and a villainous usan+e for a
6ueen to use' and namely to ma%e su+h "ar upon her o"n lord' that is +alled the Flo"er
of Chivalry that is +hristian or heathen0 and "ith all my heart & "ould destroy that
shameful +ustom( *nd & "ill that all the "orld "it she shall have no servi+e of me( *nd if
she send out any %nights' as & suppose she "ill' for to 7oust' they shall have both their
hands full( *nd & shall not fail you' said .ir ,inadan' unto my puissan+e' upon my life(
.o as they stood on horseba+% afore the +astle' there +ame a %night "ith a red shield' and
t"o s6uires after him0 and he +ame straight unto .ir $alomides' the good %night' and said
to him4 Fair and gentle %night<errant' & re6uire thee for the love thou o"est unto
%nighthood' that ye "ill not have ado here "ith these men of this +astle0 for this "as .ir
8amora% that thus said( For & +ame hither to see% this deed' and it is my re6uest0 and
therefore & besee+h you' %night' let me deal' and if & be beaten revenge me( &n the name of
:od' said $alomides' let see ho" ye "ill speed' and "e shall behold you( )hen anon
+ame forth a %night of the +astle' and proffered to 7oust "ith the -night "ith the ?ed
.hield( *non they en+ountered together' and he "ith the red shield smote him so hard
that he bare him over to the earth( )here"ith anon +ame another %night of the +astle' and
he "as smitten so sore that he avoided his saddle( *nd forth"ithal +ame the third %night'
and the -night "ith the ?ed .hield smote him to the earth( )hen +ame .ir $alomides' and
besought him that he might help him to 7oust( Fair %night' said he unto him' suffer me as
at this time to have my "ill' for an they "ere t"enty %nights & shall not doubt them( *nd
ever there "ere upon the "alls of the +astle many lords and ladies that +ried and said4
Well have ye 7ousted' -night "ith the ?ed .hield( /ut as soon as the %night had smitten
them do"n' his s6uire too% their horses' and avoided their saddles and bridles of the
horses' and turned them into the forest' and made the %nights to be %ept to the end of the
7ousts( ?ight so +ame out of the +astle the fourth %night' and freshly proffered to 7oust
"ith the -night "ith the ?ed .hield4 and he "as ready' and he smote him so hard that
horse and man fell to the earth' and the %night1s ba+% bra%e "ith the fall' and his ne+%
also( 9 5esu' said .ir $alomides' that yonder is a passing good %night' and the best 7ouster
that ever & sa"( /y my head' said .ir ,inadan' he is as good as ever "as .ir 8aun+elot or
.ir )ristram' "hat %night somever he be(
!o" .ir $alomides "ould have 7ousted for .ir 8amora% "ith the %nights of the +astle(
)!E2 forth"ithal +ame a %night out of the +astle' "ith a shield bended "ith bla+% and
"ith "hite( *nd anon the -night "ith the ?ed .hield and he en+ountered so hard that he
smote the %night of the +astle through the bended shield and through the body' and bra%e
the horse1s ba+%( Fair %night' said .ir $alomides' ye have overmu+h on hand' therefore &
pray you let me 7oust' for ye had need to be reposed( Why sir' said the %night' seem ye
that & am "ea% and feeble3 and sir' methin%eth ye proffer me "rong' and to me shame'
"hen & do "ell enough( & tell you no" as & told you erst0 for and they "ere t"enty %nights
& shall beat them' and if & be beaten or slain then may ye revenge me( *nd if ye thin% that
& be "eary' and ye have an appetite to 7oust "ith me' & shall find you 7ousting enough( .ir'
said $alomides' & said it not be+ause & "ould 7oust "ith you' but meseemeth that ye have
overmu+h on hand( *nd therefore' an ye "ere gentle' said the -night "ith the ?ed
.hield' ye should not proffer me shame0 therefore & re6uire you to 7oust "ith me' and ye
shall find that & am not "eary( .ith ye re6uire me' said .ir $alomides' ta%e %eep to
yourself( )hen they t"o %nights +ame together as fast as their horses might run' and the
%night smote .ir $alomides sore on the shield that the spear "ent into his side a great
"ound' and a perilous( *nd there"ithal .ir $alomides avoided his saddle( *nd that
%night turned unto .ir ,inadan0 and "hen he sa" him +oming he +ried aloud' and said4
.ir' & "ill not have ado "ith you0 but for that he let it not' but +ame straight upon him( .o
.ir ,inadan for shame put forth his spear and all to<shivered it upon the %night( /ut he
smote .ir ,inadan again so hard that he smote him +lean from his saddle0 but their horses
he "ould not suffer his s6uires to meddle "ith' and be+ause they "ere %nights<errant(
)hen he dressed him again to the +astle' and 7ousted "ith seven %nights more' and there
"as none of them might "ithstand him' but he bare him to the earth( *nd of these t"elve
%nights he sle" in plain 7ousts four( *nd the eight %nights he made them to s"ear on the
+ross of a s"ord that they should never use the evil +ustoms of the +astle( *nd "hen he
had made them to s"ear that oath he let them pass( *nd ever stood the lords and the
ladies on the +astle "alls +rying and saying4 -night "ith the ?ed .hield' ye have
marvellously "ell done as ever "e sa" %night do( *nd there"ith +ame a %night out of the
+astle unarmed' and said4 -night "ith the ?ed .hield' overmu+h damage hast thou done
to us this day' therefore return "hither thou "ilt' for here are no more "ill have ado "ith
thee0 for "e repent sore that ever thou +amest here' for by thee is fordone the old +ustom
of this +astle( *nd "ith that "ord he turned again into the +astle' and shut the gates( )hen
the -night "ith the ?ed .hield turned and +alled his s6uires' and so passed forth on his
"ay' and rode a great pa+e(
*nd "hen he "as past .ir $alomides "ent to .ir ,inadan' and said4 & had never su+h a
shame of one %night that ever & met0 and therefore & +ast me to ride after him' and to be
revenged "ith my s"ord' for a<horseba+% & deem & shall get no "orship of him( .ir
$alomides' said ,inadan' ye shall not meddle "ith him by my +ounsel' for ye shall get no
"orship of him0 and for this +ause' ye have seen him this day have had overmu+h to do'
and overmu+h travailed( /y almighty 5esu' said $alomides' & shall never be at ease till
that & have had ado "ith him( .ir' said ,inadan' & shall give you my beholding( Well' said
$alomides' then shall ye see ho" "e shall redress our mights( .o they too% their horses of
their varlets' and rode after the -night "ith the ?ed .hield0 and do"n in a valley beside a
fountain they "ere "are "here he "as alighted to repose him' and had done off his helm
for to drin% at the "ell(
!o" .ir 8amora% 7ousted "ith .ir $alomides' and hurt him grievously(
)!E2 $alomides rode fast till he +ame nigh him( *nd then he said4 -night' remember ye
of the shame ye did to me right no" at the +astle' therefore dress thee' for & "ill have ado
"ith thee( Fair %night' said he to $alomides' of me ye "in no "orship' for ye have seen
this day that & have been travailed sore( *s for that' said $alomides' & "ill not let' for "it
ye "ell & "ill be revenged( Well' said the %night' & may happen to endure you( *nd
there"ithal he mounted upon his horse' and too% a great spear in his hand ready for to
7oust( 2ay' said $alomides' & "ill not 7oust' for & am sure at 7ousting & get no priAe( Fair
%night' said that %night' it "ould beseem a %night to 7oust and to fight on horseba+%( >e
shall see "hat & "ill do' said $alomides( *nd there"ith he alighted do"n upon foot' and
dressed his shield afore him and pulled out his s"ord( )hen the -night "ith the ?ed
.hield des+ended do"n from his horse' and dressed his shield afore him' and so he dre"
out his s"ord( *nd then they +ame together a soft pa+e' and "onderly they lashed
together passing thi+% the mountenan+e of an hour or ever they breathed( )hen they
tra+ed and traversed' and "axed "onderly "roth' and either behight other death0 they
he"ed so fast "ith their s"ords that they +ut in do"n half their s"ords and mails' that the
bare flesh in some pla+e stood above their harness( *nd "hen .ir $alomides beheld his
fello"1s s"ord over<hylled "ith his blood it grieved him sore4 some "hile they foined'
some "hile they stru+% as "ild men( /ut at the last .ir $alomides "axed faint' be+ause of
his first "ound that he had at the +astle "ith a spear' for that "ound grieved him
"onderly sore( Fair %night' said $alomides' meseemeth "e have assayed either other
passing sore' and if it may please thee' & re6uire thee of thy %nighthood tell me thy name(
.ir' said the %night to $alomides' that is me loath to do' for thou hast done me "rong and
no %nighthood to proffer me battle' +onsidering my great travail' but an thou "ilt tell me
thy name & "ill tell thee mine( .ir' said he' "it thou "ell my name is $alomides( *h' sir'
ye shall understand my name is .ir 8amora% de :alis' son and heir unto the good %night
and %ing' -ing $ellinore' and .ir )or' the good %night' is my half brother( When .ir
$alomides heard him say so he %neeled do"n and as%ed mer+y' For outrageously have &
done to you this day0 +onsidering the great deeds of arms & have seen you do' shamefully
and un%nightly & have re6uired you to do battle( *h' .ir $alomides' said .ir 8amora%'
overmu+h have ye done and said to me( *nd there"ith he embra+ed him "ith his both
hands' and said4 $alomides' the "orthy %night' in all this land is no better than ye' nor
more of pro"ess' and me repenteth sore that "e should fight together( .o it doth not me'
said .ir $alomides' and yet am & sorer "ounded than ye be0 but as for that & shall soon
thereof be "hole( /ut +ertainly & "ould not for the fairest +astle in this land' but if thou
and & had met' for & shall love you the days of my life afore all other %nights ex+ept my
brother' .ir .afere( & say the same' said .ir 8amora%' ex+ept my brother' .ir )or( )hen
+ame .ir ,inadan' and he made great 7oy of .ir 8amora%( )hen their s6uires dressed both
their shields and their harness' and stopped their "ounds( *nd thereby at a priory they
rested them all night(
!o" it "as told .ir 8aun+elot that ,agonet +hased -ing Mar%' and ho" a %night
overthre" him and six %nights(
2o" turn "e again( When .ir :anis and .ir /randiles "ith his fello"s +ame to the +ourt
of -ing *rthur they told the %ing' .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir )ristram' ho" .ir ,agonet' the
fool' +hased -ing Mar% through the forest' and ho" the strong %night smote them do"n
all seven "ith one spear( )here "as great laughing and 7aping at -ing Mar% and at .ir
,agonet( /ut all these %nights +ould not tell "hat %night it "as that res+ued -ing Mar%(
)hen they as%ed -ing Mar% if that he %ne" him' and he ans"ered and said4 !e named
himself the -night that follo"ed the ;uesting /east' and on that name he sent one of my
varlets to a pla+e "here "as his mother0 and "hen she heard from "hen+e he +ame she
made passing great dole' and dis+overed to my varlet his name' and said4 9h' my dear
son' .ir $alomides' "hy "ilt thou not see me3 *nd therefore' sir' said -ing Mar%' it is to
understand his name is .ir $alomides' a noble %night( )hen "ere all these seven %nights
glad that they %ne" his name(
2o" turn "e again' for on the morn they too% their horses' both .ir 8amora%' $alomides'
and ,inadan' "ith their s6uires and varlets' till they sa" a fair +astle that stood on a
mountain "ell +losed' and thither they rode' and there they found a %night that hight
:alahalt' that "as lord of that +astle' and there they had great +heer and "ere "ell eased(
.ir ,inadan' said .ir 8amora%' "hat "ill ye do3 9h sir' said ,inadan' & "ill to<morro" to
the +ourt of -ing *rthur( /y my head' said .ir $alomides' & "ill not ride these three days'
for & am sore hurt' and mu+h have & bled' and therefore & "ill repose me here( )ruly' said
.ir 8amora%' and & "ill abide here "ith you0 and "hen ye ride' then "ill & ride' unless
that ye tarry over long0 then "ill & ta%e my horse( )herefore & pray you' .ir ,inadan'
abide and ride "ith us( Faithfully' said ,inadan' & "ill not abide' for & have su+h a talent
to see .ir )ristram that & may not abide long from him( *h' ,inadan' said .ir $alomides'
no" do & understand that ye love my mortal enemy' and therefore ho" should & trust you(
Well' said ,inadan' & love my lord .ir )ristram' above all other' and him "ill & serve and
do honour( .o shall &' said .ir 8amora%' in all that may lie in my po"er(
.o on the morn .ir ,inadan rode unto the +ourt of -ing *rthur0 and by the "ay as he
rode he sa" "here stood an errant %night' and made him ready for to 7oust( 2ot so' said
,inadan' for & have no "ill to 7oust( With me shall ye 7oust' said the %night' or that ye
pass this "ay( Whether as% ye 7ousts' by love or by hate3 )he %night ans"ered4 Wit ye
"ell & as% it for love' and not for hate( &t may "ell be so' said .ir ,inadan' but ye proffer
me hard love "hen ye "ill 7oust "ith me "ith a sharp spear( /ut' fair %night' said .ir
,inadan' sith ye "ill 7oust "ith me' meet "ith me in the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and there
shall & 7oust "ith you( Well' said the %night' sith ye "ill not 7oust "ith me' & pray you tell
me your name( .ir %night' said he' my name is .ir ,inadan( *h' said the %night' full "ell
%no" & you for a good %night and a gentle' and "it you "ell & love you heartily( )hen
shall there be no 7ousts' said ,inadan' bet"ixt us( .o they departed( *nd the same day he
+ame to Camelot' "here lay -ing *rthur( *nd there he saluted the %ing and the 6ueen'
.ir 8aun+elot' and .ir )ristram0 and all the +ourt "as glad of .ir ,inadan' for he "as
gentle' "ise' and +ourteous' and a good %night( *nd in espe+ial' the valiant %night .ir
)ristram loved .ir ,inadan passing "ell above all other %nights save .ir 8aun+elot(
)hen the %ing as%ed .ir ,inadan "hat adventures he had seen( .ir' said ,inadan' & have
seen many adventures' and of some -ing Mar% %no"eth' but not all( )hen the %ing
hear%ened .ir ,inadan' ho" he told that .ir $alomides and he "ere afore the +astle of
Morgan le Fay' and ho" .ir 8amora% too% the 7ousts afore them' and ho" he for7ousted
t"elve %nights' and of them four he sle"' and ho" after he smote do"n .ir $alomides
and me both( t & may not believe that' said the %ing' for .ir $alomides is a passing good
%night( )hat is very truth' said .ir ,inadan' but yet & sa" him better proved' hand for
hand( *nd then he told the %ing all that battle' and ho" .ir $alomides "as more "ea%er'
and more hurt' and more lost of his blood( *nd "ithout doubt' said .ir ,inadan' had the
battle longer lasted' $alomides had been slain( 9 5esu' said -ing *rthur' this is to me a
great marvel( .ir' said )ristram' marvel ye nothing thereof' for at mine advi+e there is not
a valianter %night in the "orld living' for & %no" his might( *nd no" & "ill say you' & "as
never so "eary of %night but if it "ere .ir 8aun+elot( *nd there is no %night in the "orld
ex+ept .ir 8aun+elot that did so "ell as .ir 8amora%( .o :od me help' said the %ing' &
"ould that %night' .ir 8amora%' +ame to this Court( .ir' said ,inadan' he "ill be here in
short spa+e' and .ir $alomides both' but & fear that $alomides may not yet travel(
!o" -ing *rthur let do +ry a 7ousts' and ho" .ir 8amora% +ame in' and overthre" .ir
:a"aine and many other(
)!E2 "ithin three days after the %ing let ma%e a 7ousting at a priory( *nd there made
them ready many %nights of the ?ound )able' for .ir :a"aine and his brethren made
them ready to 7oust0 but )ristram' 8aun+elot' nor ,inadan' "ould not 7oust' but suffered
.ir :a"aine' for the love of -ing *rthur' "ith his brethren' to "in the gree if they might(
)hen on the morn they apparelled them to 7oust' .ir :a"aine and his four brethren' and
did there great deeds of arms( *nd .ir E+tor de Maris did marvellously "ell' but .ir
:a"aine passed all that fello"ship0 "herefore -ing *rthur and all the %nights gave .ir
:a"aine the honour at the beginning(
?ight so -ing *rthur "as "are of a %night and t"o s6uires' the "hi+h +ame out of a
forest side' "ith a shield +overed "ith leather' and then he +ame slyly and hurtled here
and there' and anon "ith one spear he had smitten do"n t"o %nights of the ?ound )able(
)hen "ith his hurtling he lost the +overing of his shield' then "as the %ing and all other
"are that he bare a red shield( 9 5esu' said -ing *rthur' see "here rideth a stout %night'
he "ith the red shield( *nd there "as noise and +rying /e"are the -night "ith the ?ed
.hield( .o "ithin a little "hile he had overthro"n three brethren of .ir :a"aine1s( .o
:od me help' said -ing *rthur' meseemeth yonder is the best 7ouster that ever & sa"(
With that he sa" him en+ounter "ith .ir :a"aine' and he smote him do"n "ith so great
for+e that he made his horse to avoid his saddle( !o" no"' said the %ing' .ir :a"aine
hath a fall0 "ell "ere me an & %ne" "hat %night he "ere "ith the red shield( & %no" him
"ell' said ,inadan' but as at this time ye shall not %no" his name( /y my head' said .ir
)ristram' he 7ousted better than .ir $alomides' and if ye list to %no" his name' "it ye
"ell his name is .ir 8amora% de :alis(
*s they stood thus tal%ing' .ir :a"aine and he en+ountered together again' and there he
smote .ir :a"aine from his horse' and bruised him sore( *nd in the sight of -ing *rthur
he smote do"n t"enty %nights' beside .ir :a"aine and his brethren( *nd so +learly "as
the priAe given him as a %night peerless( )hen slyly and marvellously .ir 8amora%
"ithdre" him from all the fello"ship into the forest side( *ll this espied -ing *rthur' for
his eye "ent never from him( )hen the %ing' .ir 8aun+elot' .ir )ristram' and .ir
,inadan' too% their ha+%neys' and rode straight after the good %night' .ir 8amora% de
:alis' and there found him( *nd thus said the %ing4 *h' fair %night' "ell be ye found(
When he sa" the %ing he put off his helm and saluted him' and "hen he sa" .ir )ristram
he alighted do"n off his horse and ran to him to ta%e him by the thighs' but .ir )ristram
"ould not suffer him' but he alighted or that he +ame' and either too% other in arms' and
made great 7oy of other( )he %ing "as glad' and also "as all the fello"ship of the ?ound
)able' ex+ept .ir :a"aine and his brethren( *nd "hen they "ist that he "as .ir
8amora%' they had great despite at him' and "ere "onderly "roth "ith him that he had
put him to dishonour that day(
)hen :a"aine +alled privily in +oun+il all his brethren' and to them said thus4 Fair
brethren' here may ye see' "hom that "e hate -ing *rthur loveth' and "hom that "e
love he hateth( *nd "it ye "ell' my fair brethren' that this .ir 8amora% "ill never love
us' be+ause "e sle" his father' -ing $ellinore' for "e deemed that he sle" our father'
-ing of 9r%ney( *nd for the despite of $ellinore' .ir 8amora% did us a shame to our
mother' therefore & "ill be revenged( .ir' said .ir :a"aine1s brethren' let see ho" ye "ill
or may be revenged' and ye shall find us ready( Well' said :a"aine' hold you still and "e
shall espy our time(
!o" -ing *rthur made -ing Mar% to be a++orded "ith .ir )ristram' and ho" they
departed to"ard Corn"all(
29W pass "e our matter' and leave "e .ir :a"aine' and spea% of -ing *rthur' that on a
day said unto -ing Mar%4 .ir' & pray you give me a gift that & shall as% you( .ir' said -ing
Mar%' & "ill give you "hatsomever ye desire an it be in my po"er( .ir' gramer+y' said
*rthur( )his & "ill as% you' that ye "ill be good lord unto .ir )ristram' for he is a man of
great honour0 and that ye "ill ta%e him "ith you into Corn"all' and let him see his
friends' and there +herish him for my sa%e( .ir' said -ing Mar%' & promise you by the
faith of my body' and by the faith that & o"e to :od and to you' & shall "orship him for
your sa%e in all that & +an or may( .ir' said *rthur' and & "ill forgive you all the evil "ill
that ever & ought you' an so be that you s"ear that upon a boo% before me( With a good
"ill' said -ing Mar%0 and so he there s"are upon a boo% afore him and all his %nights'
and there"ith -ing Mar% and .ir )ristram too% either other by the hands hard %nit
together( /ut for all this -ing Mar% thought falsely' as it proved after' for he put .ir
)ristram in prison' and +o"ardly "ould have slain him(
)hen soon after -ing Mar% too% his leave to ride into Corn"all' and .ir )ristram made
him ready to ride "ith him' "hereof the most part of the ?ound )able "ere "roth and
heavy' and in espe+ial .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir 8amora%' and .ir ,inadan' "ere "roth out
of measure For "ell they "ist -ing Mar% "ould slay or destroy .ir )ristram( *las' said
,inadan' that my lord' .ir )ristram' shall depart( *nd .ir )ristram too% su+h sorro" that
he "as amaAed li%e a fool( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot unto -ing *rthur' "hat have ye done'
for ye shall lose the most man of "orship that ever +ame into your +ourt( &t "as his o"n
desire' said *rthur' and therefore & might not do "ithal' for & have done all that & +an and
made them at a++ord( *++ord' said .ir 8aun+elot' fie upon that a++ord' for ye shall hear
that he shall slay .ir )ristram' or put him in a prison' for he is the most +o"ard and the
villainest %ing and %night that is no" living(
*nd there"ith .ir 8aun+elot departed' and +ame to -ing Mar%' and said to him thus4 .ir
%ing' "it thou "ell the good %night .ir )ristram shall go "ith thee( /e"are' & rede thee'
of treason' for an thou mis+hief that %night by any manner of falsehood or treason' by the
faith & o"e to :od and to the order of %nighthood' & shall slay thee "ith mine o"n hands(
.ir 8aun+elot' said the %ing' overmu+h have ye said to me' and & have s"orn and said
over largely afore -ing *rthur in hearing of all his %nights' that & shall not slay nor betray
him( &t "ere to me overmu+h shame to brea% my promise( >e say "ell' said .ir
8aun+elot' but ye are +alled so false and full of treason that no man may believe you(
Forsooth it is %no"n "ell "herefore ye +ame into this +ountry' and for none other +ause
but for to slay .ir )ristram( .o "ith great dole -ing Mar% and .ir )ristram rode together'
for it "as by .ir )ristram1s "ill and his means to go "ith -ing Mar%' and all "as for the
intent to see 8a /eale &soud' for "ithout the sight of her .ir )ristram might not endure(
!o" .ir $er+ivale "as made %night of -ing *rthur' and ho" a dumb maid spa%e' and
brought him to the ?ound )able(
29W turn "e again unto .ir 8amora%' and spea% "e of his brethren' .ir )or' "hi+h "as
-ing $ellinore1s first son and begotten of *ryes' "ife of the +o"herd' for he "as a
bastard0 and .ir *glovale "as his first son begotten in "edlo+%0 .ir 8amora%' ,ornar'
$er+ivale' these "ere his sons too in "edlo+%( .o "hen -ing Mar% and .ir )ristram "ere
departed from the +ourt there "as made great dole and sorro" for the departing of .ir
)ristram( )hen the %ing and his %nights made no manner of 7oys eight days after( *nd at
the eight days1 end there +ame to the +ourt a %night "ith a young s6uire "ith him( *nd
"hen this %night "as unarmed' he "ent to the %ing and re6uired him to ma%e the young
s6uire a %night( 9f "hat lineage is he +ome3 said -ing *rthur( .ir' said the %night' he is
the son of -ing $ellinore' that did you some time good servi+e' and he is a brother unto
.ir 8amora% de :alis' the good %night( Well' said the %ing' for "hat +ause desire ye that
of me that & should ma%e him %night3 Wit you "ell' my lord the %ing' that this young
s6uire is brother to me as "ell as to .ir 8amora%' and my name is *glavale( .ir *glavale'
said *rthur' for the love of .ir 8amora%' and for his father1s love' he shall be made
%night to<morro"( 2o" tell me' said *rthur' "hat is his name3 .ir' said the %night' his
name is $er+ivale de :alis( .o on the morn the %ing made him %night in Camelot( /ut the
%ing and all the %nights thought it "ould be long or that he proved a good %night(
)hen at the dinner' "hen the %ing "as set at the table' and every %night after he "as of
pro"ess' the %ing +ommanded him to be set among mean %nights0 and so "as .ir
$er+ivale set as the %ing +ommanded( )hen "as there a maiden in the 6ueen1s +ourt that
"as +ome of high blood' and she "as dumb and never spa%e "ord( ?ight so she +ame
straight into the hall' and "ent unto .ir $er+ivale' and too% him by the hand and said
aloud' that the %ing and all the %nights might hear it4 *rise' .ir $er+ivale' the noble
%night and :od1s %night' and go "ith me0 and so he did( *nd there she brought him to the
right side of the .iege $erilous' and said' Fair %night' ta%e here thy siege' for that siege
appertaineth to thee and to none other( ?ight so she departed and as%ed a priest( *nd as
she "as +onfessed and houselled then she died( )hen the %ing and all the +ourt made
great 7oy of .ir $er+ivale(
!o" .ir 8amora% visited -ing 8ot1s "ife' and ho" .ir :aheris sle" her "hi+h "as his
o"n mother(
29W turn "e unto .ir 8amora%' that mu+h "as there praised( )hen' by the mean of .ir
:a"aine and his brethren' they sent for their mother there besides' fast by a +astle beside
Camelot0 and all "as to that intent to slay .ir 8amora%( )he ;ueen of 9r%ney "as there
but a "hile' but .ir 8amora% "ist of their being' and "as full fain0 and for to ma%e an end
of this matter' he sent unto her' and there bet"ixt them "as a night assigned that .ir
8amora% should +ome to her( )hereof "as "are .ir :aheris' and there he rode afore the
same night' and "aited upon .ir 8amora%' and then he sa" "here he +ame all armed(
*nd "here .ir 8amora% alighted he tied his horse to a privy postern' and so he "ent into
a parlour and unarmed him0 and then he "ent unto the 6ueen1s bed' and she made of him
passing great 7oy' and he of her again' for either loved other passing sore( .o "hen the
%night' .ir :aheris' sa" his time' he +ame to their bedside all armed' "ith his s"ord
na%ed' and suddenly gat his mother by the hair and stru+% off her head(
When .ir 8amora% sa" the blood dash upon him all hot' the "hi+h he loved passing "ell'
"it you "ell he "as sore abashed and dismayed of that dolorous %night( *nd there"ithal'
.ir 8amora% leapt out of the bed in his shirt as a %night dismayed' saying thus4 *h' .ir
:aheris' %night of the )able ?ound' foul and evil have ye done' and to you great shame(
*las' "hy have ye slain your mother that bare you3 "ith more right ye should have slain
me( )he offen+e hast thou done' said :aheris' not"ithstanding a man is born to offer his
servi+e0 but yet shouldst thou be"are "ith "hom thou meddlest' for thou hast put me and
my brethren to a shame' and thy father sle" our father0 and thou to lie by our mother is
too mu+h shame for us to suffer( *nd as for thy father' -ing $ellinore my brother .ir
:a"aine and & sle" him( >e did him the more "rong' said .ir 8amora%' for my father
sle" not your father' it "as /alin le .avage4 and as yet my father1s death is not revenged(
8eave those "ords' said .ir :aheris' for an thou spea% feloniously & "ill slay thee( /ut
be+ause thou art na%ed & am ashamed to slay thee( /ut "it thou "ell' in "hat pla+e & may
get thee & shall slay thee0 and no" my mother is 6uit of thee0 and "ithdra" thee and ta%e
thine armour' that thou "ere gone( .ir 8amora% sa" there "as none other bote' but fast
armed him' and too% his horse and rode his "ay ma%ing great sorro"( /ut for the shame
and dolour he "ould not ride to -ing *rthur1s +ourt' but rode another "ay(
/ut "hen it "as %no"n that :aheris had slain his mother the %ing "as passing "roth' and
+ommanded him to go out of his +ourt( Wit ye "ell .ir :a"aine "as "roth that :aheris
had slain his mother and let .ir 8amora% es+ape( *nd for this matter "as the %ing passing
"roth' and so "as .ir 8aun+elot' and many other %nights( .ir' said .ir 8aun+elot' here is
a great mis+hief befallen by felony' and by fore+ast treason' that your sister is thus
shamefully slain( *nd & dare say that it "as "rought by treason' and & dare say ye shall
lose that good %night' .ir 8amora% the "hi+h is great pity( & "ot "ell and am sure' an .ir
)ristram "ist it' he "ould never more +ome "ithin your +ourt' the "hi+h should grieve
you mu+h more and all your %nights( :od defend' said the noble -ing *rthur' that &
should lose .ir 8amora% or .ir )ristram' for then t"ain of my +hief %nights of the )able
?ound "ere gone( .ir' said .ir 8aun+elot' & am sure ye shall lose .ir 8amora%' for .ir
:a"aine and his brethren "ill slay him by one mean or other0 for they among them have
+on+luded and s"orn to slay him an ever they may see their time( )hat shall & let' said
!o" .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred met "ith a %night fleeing' and ho" they both "ere
overthro"n' and of .ir ,inadan(
29W leave "e of .ir 8amora%' and spea% of .ir :a"aine1s brethren' and spe+ially of .ir
*gravaine and .ir Mordred( *s they rode on their adventures they met "ith a %night
fleeing' sore "ounded0 and they as%ed him "hat tidings( Fair %nights' said he' here
+ometh a %night after me that "ill slay me( With that +ame .ir ,inadan riding to them by
adventure' but he "ould promise them no help( /ut .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred
promised him to res+ue him( )here"ithal +ame that %night straight unto them' and anon
he proffered to 7oust( )hat sa" .ir Mordred and rode to him' but he stru+% Mordred over
his horse1s tail( )hat sa" .ir *gravaine' and straight he rode to"ard that %night' and right
so as he served Mordred so he served *gravaine' and said to them4 .irs' "it ye "ell both
that & am /reuse .aun+e $ite' that hath done this to you( *nd yet he rode over *gravaine
five or six times( When ,inadan sa" this' he must needs 7oust "ith him for shame( *nd
so ,inadan and he en+ountered together' that "ith pure strength .ir ,inadan smote him
over his horse1s tail )hen he too% his horse and fled' for he "as on foot one of the
valiantest %nights in *rthur1s days' and a great destroyer of all good %nights(
)hen rode .ir ,inadan unto .ir Mordred and unto .ir *gravaine( .ir %night' said they all'
"ell have ye done' and "ell have ye revenged us' "herefore "e pray you tell us your
name( Fair sirs' ye ought to %no" my name' the "hi+h is +alled .ir ,inadan( When they
understood that it "as ,inadan they "ere more "roth than they "ere before' for they
hated him out of measure be+ause of .ir 8amora%( For ,inadan had su+h a +ustom that
he loved all good %nights that "ere valiant' and he hated all those that "ere destroyers of
good %nights( *nd there "ere none that hated ,inadan but those that ever "ere +alled
murderers( )hen spa%e the hurt %night that /reuse .aun+e $ite had +hased' his name "as
,alan' and said4 &f thou be ,inadan thou sle"est my father( &t may "ell be so' said
,inadan' but then it "as in my defen+e and at his re6uest( /y my head' said ,alan' thou
shalt die therefore' and there"ith he dressed his spear and his shield( *nd to ma%e the
shorter tale' .ir ,inadan smote him do"n off his horse' that his ne+% "as nigh bro%en(
*nd in the same "ise he smote .ir Mordred and .ir *gravaine( *nd after' in the 6uest of
the .angreal' +o"ardly and feloniously they sle" ,inadan' the "hi+h "as great damage'
for he "as a great bourder and a passing good %night(
*nd so .ir ,inadan rode to a +astle that hight /eale<Dalet( *nd there he found .ir
$alomides that "as not yet "hole of the "ound that .ir 8amora% gave him( *nd there
,inadan told $alomides all the tidings that he heard and sa" of .ir )ristram' and ho" he
"as gone "ith -ing Mar%' and "ith him he hath all his "ill and desire( )here"ith .ir
$alomides "axed "roth' for he loved 8a /eale &soud( *nd then he "ist "ell that .ir
)ristram en7oyed her(
!o" -ing *rthur' the ;ueen' and 8aun+elot re+eived letters out of Corn"all' and of the
ans"er again(
29W leave "e .ir $alomides and .ir ,inadan in the Castle of /eale<Dalet' and turn "e
again unto -ing *rthur( )here +ame a %night out of Corn"all' his name "as Fergus' a
fello" of the ?ound )able( *nd there he told the %ing and .ir 8aun+elot good tidings of
.ir )ristram' and there "ere brought goodly letters' and ho" he left him in the +astle of
)intagil( )hen +ame the damosel that brought goodly letters unto -ing *rthur and unto
.ir 8aun+elot' and there she had passing good +heer of the %ing' and of the ;ueen
:uenever' and of .ir 8aun+elot( )hen they "rote goodly letters again( /ut .ir 8aun+elot
bade ever .ir )ristram be"are of -ing Mar%' for ever he +alled him in his letters -ing
Fox' as "ho saith' he fareth all "ith "iles and treason( Whereof .ir )ristram in his heart
than%ed .ir 8aun+elot( )hen the damosel "ent unto 8a /eale &soud' and bare her letters
from the %ing and from .ir 8aun+elot' "hereof she "as in passing great 7oy( Fair
damosel' said 8a /eale &soud' ho" fareth my 8ord *rthur' and the ;ueen :uenever' and
the noble %night' .ir 8aun+elot3 .he ans"ered' and to ma%e short tale4 Mu+h the better
that ye and .ir )ristram be in 7oy( :od re"ard them' said 8a /eale &soud' for .ir )ristram
suffereth great pain for me' and & for him(
.o the damosel departed' and brought letters to -ing Mar%( *nd "hen he had read them'
and understood them' he "as "roth "ith .ir )ristram' for he deemed that he had sent the
damosel unto -ing *rthur( For *rthur and 8aun+elot in a manner threated -ing Mar%(
*nd as -ing Mar% read these letters he deemed treason by .ir )ristram( ,amosel' said
-ing Mar%' "ill ye ride again and bear letters from me unto -ing *rthur3 .ir' she said' &
"ill be at your +ommandment to ride "hen ye "ill( >e say "ell' said the %ing0 +ome
again' said the %ing' to<morn' and fet+h your letters( )hen she departed and told them
ho" she should ride again "ith letters unto *rthur( )hen "e pray you' said 8a /eale
&soud and .ir )ristram' that "hen ye have re+eived your letters' that ye "ould +ome by us
that "e may see the privity of your letters( *ll that & may do' madam' ye "ot "ell & must
do for .ir )ristram' for & have been long his o"n maiden(
.o on the morn the damosel "ent to -ing Mar% to have had his letters and to depart( & am
not avised' said -ing Mar%' as at this time to send my letters( )hen privily and se+retly he
sent letters unto -ing *rthur' and unto ;ueen :uenever' and unto .ir 8aun+elot( .o the
varlet departed' and found the %ing and the 6ueen in Wales' at Carlion( *nd as the %ing
and the 6ueen "ere at mass the varlet +ame "ith the letters( *nd "hen mass "as done the
%ing and the 6ueen opened the letters privily by themself( *nd the beginning of the %ing1s
letters spa%e "onderly short unto -ing *rthur' and bade him entermete "ith himself and
"ith his "ife' and of his %nights0 for he "as able enough to rule and %eep his "ife(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as "roth "ith the letter that he re+eived from -ing Mar%' and of
,inadan "hi+h made a lay of -ing Mar%(
W!E2 -ing *rthur understood the letter' he mused of many things' and thought on his
sister1s "ords' ;ueen Morgan le Fay' that she had said bet"ixt ;ueen :uenever and .ir
8aun+elot( *nd in this thought he studied a great "hile( )hen he bethought him again
ho" his sister "as his o"n enemy' and that she hated the 6ueen and .ir 8aun+elot' and so
he put all that out of his thought( )hen -ing *rthur read the letter again' and the latter
+lause said that -ing Mar% too% .ir )ristram for his mortal enemy0 "herefore he put
*rthur out of doubt he "ould be revenged of .ir )ristram( )hen "as -ing *rthur "roth
"ith -ing Mar%( *nd "hen ;ueen :uenever read her letter and understood it' she "as
"roth out of measure' for the letter spa%e shame by her and by .ir 8aun+elot( *nd so
privily she sent the letter unto .ir 8aun+elot( *nd "hen he "ist the intent of the letter he
"as so "roth that he laid him do"n on his bed to sleep' "hereof .ir ,inadan "as "are'
for it "as his manner to be privy "ith all good %nights( *nd as .ir 8aun+elot slept he
stole the letter out of his hand' and read it "ord by "ord( *nd then he made great sorro"
for anger( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot a"a%ed' and "ent to a "indo"' and read the letter again'
the "hi+h made him angry(
.ir' said ,inadan' "herefore be ye angry3 dis+over your heart to me4 forsooth ye "ot
"ell & o"e you good "ill' ho"beit & am a poor %night and a servitor unto you and to all
good %nights( For though & be not of "orship myself & love all those that be of "orship( &t
is truth' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye are a trusty %night' and for great trust & "ill she" you my
+ounsel( *nd "hen ,inadan understood all' he said4 )his is my +ounsel4 set you right
nought by these threats' for -ing Mar% is so villainous' that by fair spee+h shall never
man get of him( /ut ye shall see "hat & shall do0 & "ill ma%e a lay for him' and "hen it is
made & shall ma%e an harper to sing it afore him( .o anon he "ent and made it' and taught
it an harper that hight Eliot( *nd "hen he +ould it' he taught it to many harpers( *nd so
by the "ill of .ir 8aun+elot' and of *rthur' the harpers "ent straight into Wales' and into
Corn"all' to sing the lay that .ir ,inadan made by -ing Mar%' the "hi+h "as the "orst
lay that ever harper sang "ith harp or "ith any other instruments(
!o" .ir )ristram "as hurt' and of a "ar made to -ing Mar%0 and of .ir )ristram ho" he
promised to res+ue him(
29W turn "e again unto .ir )ristram and to -ing Mar%( *s .ir )ristram "as at 7ousts
and at tournament it fortuned he "as sore hurt both "ith a spear and "ith a s"ord' but yet
he "on al"ays the degree( *nd for to repose him he "ent to a good %night that d"elled
in Corn"all' in a +astle' "hose name "as .ir ,inas le .enes+hal( )hen by misfortune
there +ame out of .essoin a great number of men of arms' and an hideous host' and they
entered nigh the Castle of )intagil0 and their +aptain1s name "as Elias' a good man of
arms( When -ing Mar% understood his enemies "ere entered into his land he made great
dole and sorro"' for in no "ise by his "ill -ing Mar% "ould not send for .ir )ristram'
for he hated him deadly(
.o "hen his +oun+il "as +ome they devised and +ast many perils of the strength of their
enemies( *nd then they +on+luded all at on+e' and said thus unto -ing Mar%4 .ir' "it ye
"ell ye must send for .ir )ristram' the good %night' or else they "ill never be over+ome(
For by .ir )ristram they must be foughten "ithal' or else "e ro" against the stream(
Well' said -ing Mar%' & "ill do by your +ounsel0 but yet he "as full loath thereto' but
need +onstrained him to send for him( )hen "as he sent for in all haste that might be' that
he should +ome to -ing Mar%( *nd "hen he understood that -ing Mar% had sent for him'
he mounted upon a soft ambler and rode to -ing Mar%( *nd "hen he "as +ome the %ing
said thus4 Fair nephe" .ir )ristram' this is all( !ere be +ome our enemies of .essoin' that
are here nigh hand' and "ithout tarrying they must be met "ith shortly' or else they "ill
destroy this +ountry( .ir' said .ir )ristram' "it ye "ell all my po"er is at your
+ommandment( *nd "it ye "ell' sir' these eight days & may bear none arms' for my
"ounds be not yet "hole( *nd by that day & shall do "hat & may( >e say "ell' said -ing
Mar%0 then go ye again and repose you and ma%e you fresh' and & shall go and meet the
.essoins "ith all my po"er(
.o the %ing departed unto )intagil' and .ir )ristram "ent to repose him( *nd the %ing
made a great host and departed them in three0 the first part led .ir ,inas the .enes+hal'
and .ir *ndred led the se+ond part' and .ir *rgius led the third part0 and he "as of the
blood of -ing Mar%( *nd the .essoins had three great battles' and many good men of
arms( *nd so -ing Mar% by the advi+e of his %nights issued out of the Castle of )intagil
upon his enemies( *nd ,inas' the good %night' rode out afore' and sle" t"o %nights "ith
his o"n hands' and then began the battles( *nd there "as marvellous brea%ing of spears
and smiting of s"ords' and sle" do"n many good %nights( *nd ever "as .ir ,inas the
.enes+hal the best of -ing Mar%1s party( *nd thus the battle endured long "ith great
mortality( /ut at the last -ing Mar% and .ir ,inas' "ere they never so loath' they
"ithdre" them to the Castle of )intagil "ith great slaughter of people0 and the .essoins
follo"ed on fast' that ten of them "ere put "ithin the gates and four slain "ith the
)hen -ing Mar% sent for .ir )ristram by a varlet' that told him all the mortality( )hen he
sent the varlet again' and bade him4 )ell -ing Mar% that & "ill +ome as soon as & am
"hole' for erst & may do him no good( )hen -ing Mar% had his ans"er( )here"ith +ame
Elias and bade the %ing yield up the +astle4 For ye may not hold it no "hile( .ir Elias'
said the %ing' so "ill & yield up the +astle if & be not soon res+ued( *non -ing Mar% sent
again for res+ue to .ir )ristram( /y then .ir )ristram "as "hole' and he had gotten him
ten good %nights of *rthur1s0 and "ith them he rode unto )intagil( *nd "hen he sa" the
great host of .essoins he marvelled "onder greatly( *nd then .ir )ristram rode by the
"oods and by the dit+hes as se+retly as he might' till he +ame nigh the gates( *nd there
dressed a %night to him "hen he sa" that .ir )ristram "ould enter0 and .ir )ristram
smote him do"n dead' and so he served three more( *nd every+h of these ten %nights
sle" a man of arms( .o .ir )ristram entered into the Castle of )intagil( *nd "hen -ing
Mar% "ist that .ir )ristram "as +ome he "as glad of his +oming' and so "as all the
fello"ship' and of him they made great 7oy(
!o" .ir )ristram over+ame the battle' and ho" Elias desired a man to fight body for
.9 on the morn Elias the +aptain +ame' and bade -ing Mar%4 Come out and do battle0 for
no" the good %night .ir )ristram is entered it "ill be shame to thee' said Elias' for to
%eep thy "alls( When -ing Mar% understood this he "as "roth and said no "ord' but
"ent unto .ir )ristram and as%ed him his +ounsel( .ir' said .ir )ristram' "ill ye that &
give him his ans"er3 & "ill "ell' said -ing Mar%( )hen .ir )ristram said thus to the
messenger4 /ear thy lord "ord from the %ing and me' that "e "ill do battle "ith him to<
morn in the plain field( What is your name3 said the messenger( Wit thou "ell my name
is .ir )ristram de 8iones( )here"ithal the messenger departed and told his lord Elias all
that he had heard( .ir' said .ir )ristram unto -ing Mar%' & pray you give me leave to
have the rule of the battle( & pray you ta%e the rule' said -ing Mar%( )hen .ir )ristram let
devise the battle in "hat manner that it should be( !e let depart his host in six parties' and
ordained .ir ,inas the .enes+hal to have the fore"ard' and other %nights to rule the
remnant( *nd the same night .ir )ristram burnt all the .essoins1 ships unto the +old
"ater( *non' as Elias "ist that' he said it "as of .ir )ristram1s doing4 For he +asteth that
"e shall never es+ape' mother son of us( )herefore' fair fello"s' fight freely to<morro"'
and mis+omfort you nought0 for any %night' though he be the best %night in the "orld' he
may not have ado "ith us all(
)hen they ordained their battle in four parties' "onderly "ell apparelled and garnished
"ith men of arms( )hus they "ithin issued' and they "ithout set freely upon them0 and
there .ir ,inas did great deeds of arms( 2ot for then .ir ,inas and his fello"ship "ere
put to the "orse( With that +ame .ir )ristram and sle" t"o %nights "ith one spear0 then
he sle" on the right hand and on the left hand' that men marvelled that ever he might do
su+h deeds of arms( *nd then he might see sometime the battle "as driven a bo"<draught
from the +astle' and sometime it "as at the gates of the +astle( )hen +ame Elias the
+aptain rushing here and there' and hit -ing Mar% so sore upon the helm that he made
him to avoid the saddle( *nd then .ir ,inas gat -ing Mar% again to horseba+%(
)here"ithal +ame in .ir )ristram li%e a lion' and there he met "ith Elias' and he smote
him so sore upon the helm that he avoided his saddle( *nd thus they fought till it "as
night' and for great slaughter and for "ounded people every+h party dre" to their rest(
*nd "hen -ing Mar% "as +ome "ithin the Castle of )intagil he la+%ed of his %nights an
hundred' and they "ithout la+%ed t"o hundred0 and they sear+hed the "ounded men on
both parties( *nd then they "ent to +oun+il0 and "it you "ell either party "ere loath to
fight more' so that either might es+ape "ith their "orship( When Elias the +aptain
understood the death of his men he made great dole0 and "hen he "ist that they "ere
loath to go to battle again he "as "roth out of measure( )hen Elias sent "ord unto -ing
Mar%' in great despite' "hether he "ould find a %night that "ould fight for him body for
body( *nd if that he might slay -ing Mar%1s %night' he to have the truage of Corn"all
yearly( *nd if that his %night slay mine' & fully release my +laim forever( )hen the
messenger departed unto -ing Mar%' and told him ho" that his lord Elias had sent him
"ord to find a %night to do battle "ith him body for body( When -ing Mar% understood
the messenger' he bade him abide and he should have his ans"er( )hen +alled he all the
baronage together to "it "hat "as the best +ounsel( )hey said all at on+e4 )o fight in a
field "e have no lust' for had not been .ir )ristram1s pro"ess it had been li%ely that "e
never should have es+aped0 and therefore' sir' as "e deem' it "ere "ell done to find a
%night that "ould do battle "ith him' for he %nightly proffereth(
!o" .ir Elias and .ir )ristram fought together for the truage' and ho" .ir )ristram sle"
Elias in the field(
29) for then "hen all this "as said' they +ould find no %night that "ould do battle "ith
him( .ir %ing' said they all' here is no %night that dare fight "ith Elias( *las' said -ing
Mar%' then am & utterly ashamed and utterly destroyed' unless that my nephe" .ir
)ristram "ill ta%e the battle upon him( Wit you "ell' they said all' he had yesterday
overmu+h on hand' and he is "eary for travail' and sore "ounded( Where is he3 said
-ing Mar%( .ir' said they' he is in his bed to repose him( *las' said -ing Mar%' but & have
the su++our of my nephe" .ir )ristram' & am utterly destroyed for ever(
)here"ith one "ent to .ir )ristram "here he lay' and told him "hat -ing Mar% had said(
*nd there"ith .ir )ristram arose lightly' and put on him a long go"n' and +ame afore the
%ing and all the lords( *nd "hen he sa" them all so dismayed he as%ed the %ing and the
lords "hat tidings "ere "ith them( 2ever "orse' said the %ing( *nd there"ith he told him
all' ho" he had "ord of Elias to find a %night to fight for the truage of Corn"all' and
none +an & find( *nd as for you' said the %ing and all the lords' "e may as% no more of
you for shame0 for through your hardiness yesterday ye saved all our lives( .ir' said .ir
)ristram' no" & understand ye "ould have my su++our' reason "ould that & should do all
that lieth in my po"er to do' saving my "orship and my life' ho"beit & am sore bruised
and hurt( *nd sithen .ir Elias proffereth so largely' & shall fight "ith him' or else & "ill be
slain in the field' or else & "ill deliver Corn"all from the old truage( *nd therefore lightly
+all his messenger and he shall be ans"ered' for as yet my "ounds be green' and they
"ill be sorer a seven night after than they be no"0 and therefore he shall have his ans"er
that & "ill do battle to<morn "ith him(
)hen "as the messenger departed brought before -ing Mar%( !ar%' my fello"' said .ir
)ristram' go fast unto thy lord' and bid him ma%e true assuran+e on his part for the
truage' as the %ing here shall ma%e on his part0 and then tell thy lord' .ir Elias' that &' .ir
)ristram' -ing *rthur1s %night' and %night of the )able ?ound' "ill as to<morn meet "ith
thy lord on horseba+%' to do battle as long as my horse may endure' and after that to do
battle "ith him on foot to the utteran+e( )he messenger beheld .ir )ristram from the top
to the toe0 and there"ithal he departed and +ame to his lord' and told him ho" he "as
ans"ered of .ir )ristram( *nd there"ithal "as made hostage on both parties' and made it
as sure as it might be' that "hether party had the vi+tory' so to end( *nd then "ere both
hosts assembled on both parts of the field' "ithout the Castle of )intagil' and there "as
none but .ir )ristram and .ir Elias armed(
.o "hen the appointment "as made' they departed in<sunder' and they +ame together
"ith all the might that their horses might run( *nd either %night smote other so hard that
both horses and %nights "ent to the earth( 2ot for then they both lightly arose and dressed
their shields on their shoulders' "ith na%ed s"ords in their hands' and they dashed
together that it seemed a flaming fire about them( )hus they tra+ed' and traversed' and
he"ed on helms and hauber%s' and +ut a"ay many +antels of their shields' and either
"ounded other passing sore' so that the hot blood fell freshly upon the earth( *nd by then
they had foughten the mountenan+e of an hour .ir )ristram "axed faint and for<bled' and
gave sore aba+%( )hat sa" .ir Elias' and follo"ed fier+ely upon him' and "ounded him in
many pla+es( *nd ever .ir )ristram tra+ed and traversed' and "ent fro"ard him here and
there' and +overed him "ith his shield as he might all "ea%ly' that all men said he "as
over+ome0 for .ir Elias had given him t"enty stro%es against one(
)hen "as there laughing of the .essoins1 party' and great dole on -ing Mar%1s party(
*las' said the %ing' "e are ashamed and destroyed all for ever4 for as the boo% saith' .ir
)ristram "as never so mat+hed' but if it "ere .ir 8aun+elot( )hus as they stood and
beheld both parties' that one party laughing and the other party "eeping' .ir )ristram
remembered him of his lady' 8a /eale &soud' that loo%ed upon him' and ho" he "as
li%ely never to +ome in her presen+e( )hen he pulled up his shield that erst hung full lo"(
*nd then he dressed up his shield unto Elias' and gave him many sad stro%es' t"enty
against one' and all to<bra%e his shield and his hauber%' that the hot blood ran do"n to the
earth( )hen began -ing Mar% to laugh' and all Cornish men' and that other party to "eep(
*nd ever .ir )ristram said to .ir Elias4 >ield thee(
)hen "hen .ir )ristram sa" him so staggering on the ground' he said4 .ir Elias' & am
right sorry for thee' for thou art a passing good %night as ever & met "ithal' ex+ept .ir
8aun+elot( )here"ithal .ir Elias fell to the earth' and there died( What shall & do' said .ir
)ristram unto -ing Mar%' for this battle is at an end3 )hen they of Elias1 party departed'
and -ing Mar% too% of them many prisoners' to redress the harms and the s+athes that he
had of them0 and the remnant he sent into their +ountry to borro" out their fello"s( )hen
"as .ir )ristram sear+hed and "ell healed( >et for all this -ing Mar% "ould fain have
slain .ir )ristram( /ut for all that ever .ir )ristram sa" or heard by -ing Mar%' yet
"ould he never be"are of his treason' but ever he "ould be thereas 8a /eale &soud "as(
!o" at a great feast that -ing Mar% made an harper +ame and sang the lay that ,inadan
had made(
29W "ill "e pass of this matter' and spea% "e of the harpers that .ir 8aun+elot and .ir
,inadan had sent into Corn"all( *nd at the great feast that -ing Mar% made for 7oy that
the .essoins "ere put out of his +ountry' then +ame Eliot the harper "ith the lay that
,inadan had made and se+retly brought it unto .ir )ristram' and told him the lay that
,inadan had made by -ing Mar%( *nd "hen .ir )ristram heard it' he said4 9 8ord 5esu'
that ,inadan +an ma%e "onderly "ell and ill' thereas it shall be( .ir' said Eliot' dare &
sing this song afore -ing Mar%3 >ea' on my peril' said .ir )ristram' for & shall be thy
"arrant( )hen at the meat +ame in Eliot the harper' and be+ause he "as a +urious harper
men heard him sing the same lay that ,inadan had made' the "hi+h spa%e the most
villainy by -ing Mar% of his treason that ever man heard(
When the harper had sung his song to the end -ing Mar% "as "onderly "roth' and said4
)hou harper' ho" durst thou be so bold on thy head to sing this song afore me( .ir' said
Eliot' "it you "ell & am a minstrel' and & must do as & am +ommanded of these lords that &
bear the arms of( *nd sir' "it ye "ell that .ir ,inadan' a %night of the )able ?ound'
made this song' and made me to sing it afore you( )hou sayest "ell' said -ing Mar%' and
be+ause thou art a minstrel thou shalt go 6uit' but & +harge thee hie thee fast out of my
sight( .o the harper departed and "ent to .ir )ristram' and told him ho" he had sped(
)hen .ir )ristram let ma%e letters as goodly as he +ould to 8aun+elot and to .ir ,inadan(
*nd so he let +ondu+t the harper out of the +ountry( /ut to say that -ing Mar% "as
"onderly "roth' he "as' for he deemed that the lay that "as sung afore him "as made by
.ir )ristram1s +ounsel' "herefore he thought to slay him and all his "ell<"illers in that
!o" -ing Mar% sle" by treason his brother /oud"in' for good servi+e that he had done
to him(
29W turn "e to another matter that fell bet"een -ing Mar% and his brother' that "as
+alled the good $rin+e /oud"in' that all the people of the +ountry loved passing "ell( .o
it befell on a time that the mis+reant .ara+ens landed in the +ountry of Corn"all soon
after these .essoins "ere gone( *nd then the good $rin+e /oud"in' at the landing' he
raised the +ountry privily and hastily( *nd or it "ere day he let put "ildfire in three of his
o"n ships' and suddenly he pulled up the sail' and "ith the "ind he made those ships to
be driven among the navy of the .ara+ens( *nd to ma%e short tale' those three ships set
on fire all the ships' that none "ere saved( *nd at point of the day the good $rin+e
/oud"in "ith all his fello"ship set on the mis+reants "ith shouts and +ries' and sle" to
the number of forty thousand' and left none alive(
When -ing Mar% "ist this he "as "onderly "roth that his brother should "in su+h
"orship( *nd be+ause this prin+e "as better beloved than he in all that +ountry' and that
also /oud"in loved "ell .ir )ristram' therefore he thought to slay him( *nd thus' hastily'
as a man out of his "it' he sent for $rin+e /oud"in and *nglides his "ife' and bade them
bring their young son "ith them' that he might see him( *ll this he did to the intent to
slay the +hild as "ell as his father' for he "as the falsest traitor that ever "as born( *las'
for his goodness and for his good deeds this gentle $rin+e /oud"in "as slain( .o "hen
he +ame "ith his "ife *nglides' the %ing made them fair semblant till they had dined(
*nd "hen they had dined -ing Mar% sent for his brother and said thus4 /rother' ho"
sped you "hen the mis+reants arrived by you3 meseemeth it had been your part to have
sent me "ord' that & might have been at that 7ourney' for it had been reason that & had had
the honour and not you( .ir' said the $rin+e /oud"in' it "as so that an & had tarried till
that & had sent for you those mis+reants had destroyed my +ountry( )hou liest' false
traitor' said -ing Mar%' for thou art ever about for to "in "orship from me' and put me to
dishonour' and thou +herishest that & hate( *nd there"ith he stru+% him to the heart "ith a
dagger' that he never after spa%e "ord( )hen the 8ady *nglides made great dole' and
s"ooned' for she sa" her lord slain afore her fa+e( )hen "as there no more to do but
$rin+e /oud"in "as despoiled and brought to burial( /ut *nglides privily gat her
husband1s doublet and his shirt' and that she %ept se+retly(
)hen "as there mu+h sorro" and +rying' and great dole made .ir )ristram' .ir ,inas' .ir
Fergus' and so did all %nights that "ere there0 for that prin+e "as passingly "ell beloved(
.o 8a /eale &soud sent unto *nglides' the $rin+e /oud"in1s "ife' and bade her avoid
lightly or else her young son' *lisander le 9rphelin' should be slain When she heard this'
she too% her horse and her +hild0 and rode "ith su+h poor men as durst ride "ith her(
!o" *nglides' /oud"in1s "ife' es+aped "ith her young son' *lisander le 9rphelin' and
+ame to the Castle of *rundel(
29)W&)!.)*2,&2:' "hen -ing Mar% had done this deed' yet he thought to do more
vengean+e0 and "ith his s"ord in his hand' he sought from +hamber to +hamber' to see%
*nglides and her young son( *nd "hen she "as missed he +alled a good %night that hight
.ado%' and +harged him by pain of death to fet+h *nglides again and her young son( .o
.ir .ado% departed and rode after *nglides( *nd "ithin ten mile he overtoo% her' and
bade her turn again and ride "ith him to -ing Mar%( *las' fair %night' she said' "hat
shall ye "in by my son1s death or by mine3 & have had overmu+h harm and too great a
loss( Madam' said .ado%' of your loss is dole and pity0 but madam' said .ado%' "ould ye
depart out of this +ountry "ith your son' and %eep him till he be of age' that he may
revenge his father1s death' then "ould & suffer you to depart from me' so you promise me
to revenge the death of $rin+e /oud"in( *h' gentle %night' 5esu than% thee' and if ever
my son' *lisander le 9rphelin' live to be a %night' he shall have his father1s doublet and
his shirt "ith the bloody mar%s' and & shall give him su+h a +harge that he shall remember
it "hile he liveth( *nd there"ithal .ado% departed from her' and either betoo% other to
:od( *nd "hen .ado% +ame to -ing Mar% he told him faithfully that he had dro"ned
young *lisander her son0 and thereof -ing Mar% "as full glad(
2o" turn "e unto *nglides' that rode both night and day by adventure out of Corn"all'
and little and in fe" pla+es she rested0 but ever she dre" south"ard to the seaside' till by
fortune she +ame to a +astle that is +alled Magouns' and no" it is +alled *rundel' in
.ussex( *nd the Constable of the +astle "el+omed her' and said she "as "el+ome to her
o"n +astle0 and there "as *nglides It "orshipfully re+eived' for the Constable1s "ife
"as nigh her +ousin' and the Constable1s name "as /ellangere0 and that same Constable
told *nglides that the same +astle "as hers by right inheritan+e( )hus *nglides endured
years and "inters' till *lisander "as big and strong0 there "as none so "ight in all that
+ountry' neither there "as none that might do no manner of mastery afore him(
!o" *nglides gave the bloody doublet to *lisander' her son' the same day that he "as
made %night' and the +harge "ithal(
)!E2 upon a day /ellangere the Constable +ame to *nglides and said4 Madam' it "ere
time my lord *lisander "ere made %night' for he is a passing strong young man( .ir' said
she' & "ould he "ere made %night0 but then must & give him the most +harge that ever
sinful mother gave to her +hild( ,o as ye list' said /ellangere' and & shall give him
"arning that he shall be made %night( 2o" it "ill be "ell done that he may be made
%night at our 8ady ,ay in 8ent( /e it so' said *nglides' and & pray you ma%e ready
therefore( .o +ame the Constable to *lisander' and told him that he should at our 8ady
,ay in 8ent be made %night( & than% :od' said *lisander0 these are the best tidings that
ever +ame to me( )hen the Constable ordained t"enty of the greatest gentlemen1s sons'
and the best born men of the +ountry' that should be made %nights that same day that
*lisander "as made %night( .o on the same day that *lisander and his t"enty fello"s
"ere made %nights' at the offering of the mass there +ame *nglides unto her son and said
thus4 9 fair s"eet son' & +harge thee upon my blessing' and of the high order of +hivalry
that thou ta%est here this day' that thou understand "hat & shall say and +harge thee
"ithal( )here"ithal she pulled out a bloody doublet and a bloody shirt' that "ere be<bled
"ith old blood( When *lisander sa" this he stert aba+% and "axed pale' and said4 Fair
mother' "hat may this mean3 & shall tell thee' fair son4 this "as thine o"n father1s
doublet and shirt' that he "ore upon him that same day that he "as slain( *nd there she
told him "hy and "herefore' and ho" for his goodness -ing Mar% sle" him "ith his
dagger afore mine o"n eyen( *nd therefore this shall be your +harge that & shall give
!o" it "as told to -ing Mar% of .ir *lisander' and ho" he "ould have slain .ir .ado%
for saving his life(
29W & re6uire thee' and +harge thee upon my blessing' and upon the high order of
%nighthood' that thou be revenged upon -ing Mar% for the death of thy father( *nd
there"ithal she s"ooned( )hen *lisander leapt to his mother' and too% her up in his arms'
and said4 Fair mother' ye have given me a great +harge' and here & promise you & shall be
avenged upon -ing Mar% "hen that & may0 and that & promise to :od and to you( .o this
feast "as ended' and the Constable' by the advi+e of *nglides' let purvey that *lisander
"as "ell horsed and harnessed( )hen he 7ousted "ith his t"enty fello"s that "ere made
%nights "ith him' but for to ma%e a short tale' he overthre" all those t"enty' that none
might "ithstand him a buffet(
)hen one of those %nights departed unto -ing Mar%' and told him all' ho" *lisander "as
made %night' and all the +harge that his mother gave him' as ye have heard afore time(
*las' false treason' said -ing Mar%' & "eened that young traitor had been dead( *las'
"hom may & trust3 *nd there"ithal -ing Mar% too% a s"ord in his hand0 and sought .ir
.ado% from +hamber to +hamber to slay him( When .ir .ado% sa" -ing Mar% +ome "ith
his s"ord in his hand he said thus4 /e"are' -ing Mar%' and +ome not nigh me0 for "it
thou "ell that & saved *lisander his life' of "hi+h & never repent me' for thou falsely and
+o"ardly sle" his father /oud"in' traitorly for his good deeds0 "herefore & pray
*lmighty 5esu send *lisander might and strength to be revenged upon thee( *nd no"
be"are -ing Mar% of young *lisander' for he is made a %night( *las' said -ing Mar%'
that ever & should hear a traitor say so afore me( *nd there"ith four %nights of -ing
Mar%1s dre" their s"ords to slay .ir .ado%' but anon .ir .ado% sle" them all in -ing
Mar%1s presen+e( *nd then .ir .ado% passed forth into his +hamber' and too% his horse
and his harness' and rode on his "ay a good pa+e( For there "as neither .ir )ristram'
neither .ir ,inas' nor .ir Fergus' that "ould .ir .ado% any evil "ill( )hen "as -ing
Mar% "roth' and thought to destroy .ir *lisander and .ir .ado% that had saved him0 for
-ing Mar% dreaded and hated *lisander most of any man living(
When .ir )ristram understood that *lisander "as made %night' anon forth"ithal he sent
him a letter' praying him and +harging him that he "ould dra" him to the +ourt of -ing
*rthur' and that he put him in the rule and in the hands of .ir 8aun+elot( .o this letter
"as sent to *lisander from his +ousin' .ir )ristram( *nd at that time he thought to do
after his +ommandment( )hen -ing Mar% +alled a %night that brought him the tidings
from *lisander' and bade him abide still in that +ountry( .ir' said that %night' so must &
do' for in my o"n +ountry & dare not +ome( 2o for+e' said -ing Mar%' & shall give thee
here double as mu+h lands as ever thou hadst of thine o"n( /ut "ithin short spa+e .ir
.ado% met "ith that false %night' and sle" him( )hen "as -ing Mar% "ood "roth out of
measure( )hen he sent unto ;ueen Morgan le Fay' and to the ;ueen of 2orth<galis'
praying them in his letters that they t"o sor+eresses "ould set all the +ountry in fire "ith
ladies that "ere en+hantresses' and by su+h that "ere dangerous %nights' as Malgrin'
/reuse .aun+e $ite' that by no mean *lisander le 9rphelin should es+ape' but either he
should be ta%en or slain( )his ordinan+e made -ing Mar% for to destroy *lisander(
!o" .ir *lisander "on the priAe at a tournament' and of Morgan le Fay4 and ho" he
fought "ith .ir Malgrin' and sle" him(
29W turn "e again unto .ir *lisander' that at his departing his mother too% "ith him his
father1s bloody shirt( .o that he bare "ith him al"ays till his death day' in to%ening to
thin% of his father1s death( .o "as *lisander purposed to ride to 8ondon' by the +ounsel
of .ir )ristram' to .ir 8aun+elot( *nd by fortune he "ent by the seaside' and rode "rong(
*nd there he "on at a tournament the gree that -ing Carados made( *nd there he smote
do"n -ing Carados and t"enty of his %nights' and also .ir .afere' a good %night that "as
.ir $alomides1 brother' the good %night( *ll this sa" a damosel' and sa" the best %night
7oust that ever she sa"( *nd ever as he smote do"n %nights he made them to s"ear to
"ear none harness in a t"elvemonth and a day( )his is "ell said' said Morgan le Fay' this
is the %night that & "ould fain see( *nd so she too% her palfrey' and rode a great "hile'
and then she rested her in her pavilion( .o there +ame four %nights' t"o "ere armed' and
t"o "ere unarmed' and they told Morgan le Fay their names4 the first "as Elias de
:omeret' the se+ond "as Cari de :omeret' those "ere armed0 that other t"ain "ere of
Camiliard' +ousins unto ;ueen :uenever' and that one hight :uy' and that other hight
:araunt' those "ere unarmed( )here these four %nights told Morgan le Fay ho" a young
%night had smitten them do"n before a +astle For the maiden of that +astle said that he
"as but late made %night' and young( /ut as "e suppose' but if it "ere .ir )ristram' or
.ir 8aun+elot' or .ir 8amora%' the good %night' there is none that might sit him a buffet
"ith a spear( Well' said Morgan le Fay' & shall meet that %night or it be long time' an he
d"ell in that +ountry(
.o turn "e to the damosel of the +astle' that "hen *lisander le 9rphelin had for7ousted
the four %nights' she +alled him to her' and said thus4 .ir %night' "ilt thou for my sa%e
7oust and fight "ith a %night' for my sa%e' of this +ountry' that is and hath been long time
an evil neighbour to me3 !is name is Malgrin' and he "ill not suffer me to be married in
no manner "ise for all that & +an do' or any %night for my sa%e( ,amosel' said *lisander'
an he +ome "hiles & am here & "ill fight "ith him' and my poor body for your sa%e & "ill
7eopard( *nd there"ithal she sent for him' for he "as at her +ommandment( *nd "hen
either had a sight of other' they made them ready for to 7oust' and they +ame together
eagerly' and Malgrin brised his spear upon *lisander' and *lisander smote him again so
hard that he bare him 6uite from his saddle to the earth( /ut this Malgrin arose lightly'
and dressed his shield and dre" his s"ord' and bade him alight' saying4 )hough thou
have the better of me on horseba+%' thou shalt find that & shall endure li%e a %night on
foot( &t is "ell said' said *lisander0 and so lightly he avoided his horse and betoo% him to
his varlet( *nd then they rushed together li%e t"o boars' and laid on their helms and
shields long time' by the spa+e of three hours' that never man +ould say "hi+h "as the
better %night(
*nd in the mean"hile +ame Morgan le Fay to the damosel of the +astle' and they beheld
the battle( /ut this Malgrin "as an old roted %night' and he "as +alled one of the
dangerous %nights of the "orld to do battle on foot' but on horseba+% there "ere many
better( *nd ever this Malgrin a"aited to slay *lisander' and so "ounded him "onderly
sore' that it "as marvel that ever he might stand' for he had bled so mu+h blood0 for
*lisander fought "ildly' and not "ittily( *nd that other "as a felonious %night' and
a"aited him' and smote him sore( *nd sometime they rushed together "ith their shields'
li%e t"o boars or rams' and fell grovelling both to the earth( 2o" %night' said Malgrin'
hold thy hand a "hile' and tell me "hat thou art( & "ill not' said *lisander' but if me list4
but tell me thy name' and "hy thou %eepest this +ountry' or else thou shalt die of my
hands( Wit thou "ell' said Malgrin' that for this maiden1s love' of this +astle' & have slain
ten good %nights by mishap0 and by outrage and orgulite of myself & have slain ten other
%nights( .o :od me help' said *lisander' this is the foulest +onfession that ever & heard
%night ma%e' nor never heard & spea% of other men of su+h a shameful +onfession0
"herefore it "ere great pity and great shame unto me that & should let thee live any
longer0 therefore %eep thee as "ell as ever thou mayest' for as & am true %night' either
thou shalt slay me or else & shall slay thee' & promise thee faithfully(
)hen they lashed together fier+ely' and at the last *lisander smote Malgrin to the earth(
*nd then he ra+ed off his helm' and smote off his head lightly( *nd "hen he had done
and ended this battle' anon he +alled to him his varlet' the "hi+h brought him his horse(
*nd then he' "eening to be strong enough' "ould have mounted( *nd so she laid .ir
*lisander in an horse litter' and led him into the +astle' for he had no foot nor might to
stand upon the earth0 for he had sixteen great "ounds' and in espe+ial one of them "as
li%e to be his death(
!o" ;ueen Morgan le Fay had *lisander in her +astle' and ho" she healed his "ounds(
)!E2 ;ueen Morgan le Fay sear+hed his "ounds' and gave su+h an ointment unto him
that he should have died( *nd on the morn "hen she +ame to him he +omplained him
sore0 and then she put other ointments upon him' and then he "as out of his pain( )hen
+ame the damosel of the +astle' and said unto Morgan le Fay4 & pray you help me that this
%night might "ed me' for he hath "on me "ith his hands( >e shall see' said Morgan le
Fay' "hat & shall say( )hen Morgan le Fay "ent unto *lisander' and bade in any"ise that
he should refuse this lady' an she desire to "ed you' for she is not for you( .o the
damosel +ame and desired of him marriage( ,amosel' said 9rphelin' & than% you' but as
yet & +ast me not to marry in this +ountry( .ir' she said' sithen ye "ill not marry me' &
pray you insomu+h as ye have "on me' that ye "ill give me to a %night of this +ountry
that hath been my friend' and loved me many years( With all my heart' said *lisander' &
"ill assent thereto( )hen "as the %night sent for' his name "as :erine le :rose( *nd
anon he made them handfast' and "edded them(
)hen +ame ;ueen Morgan le Fay to *lisander' and bade him arise' and put him in an
horse litter' and gave him su+h a drin% that in three days and three nights he "a%ed never'
but slept0 and so she brought him to her o"n +astle that at that time "as +alled 8a /eale
?egard( )hen Morgan le Fay +ame to *lisander' and as%ed him if he "ould fain be
"hole( Who "ould be si+%' said *lisander' an he might be "hole3 Well' said Morgan le
Fay' then shall ye promise me by your %nighthood that this day t"elvemonth and a day
ye shall not pass the +ompass of this +astle' and "ithout doubt ye shall lightly be "hole( &
assent' said .ir *lisander( *nd there he made her a promise4 then "as he soon "hole(
*nd "hen *lisander "as "hole' then he repented him of his oath' for he might not be
revenged upon -ing Mar%( ?ight so there +ame a damosel that "as +ousin to the Earl of
$ase' and she "as +ousin to Morgan le Fay( *nd by right that +astle of 8a /eale ?egard
should have been hers by true inheritan+e( .o this damosel entered into this +astle "here
lay *lisander' and there she found him upon his bed' passing heavy and all sad(
!o" *lisander "as delivered from ;ueen Morgan le Fay by the means of a damosel(
.&? %night' said the damosel' an ye "ould be merry & +ould tell you good tidings( Well
"ere me' said *lisander' an & might hear of good tidings' for no" & stand as a prisoner by
my promise( .ir' she said' "it you "ell that ye be a prisoner' and "orse than ye "een0 for
my lady' my +ousin ;ueen Morgan le Fay' %eepeth you here for none other intent but for
to do her pleasure "ith you "hen it li%eth her( 9 5esu defend me' said *lisander' from
su+h pleasure0 for & had liefer +ut a"ay my hangers than & "ould do her su+h pleasure( *s
5esu help me' said the damosel' an ye "ould love me and be ruled by me' & shall ma%e
your deliveran+e "ith your "orship( )ell me' said *lisander' by "hat means' and ye shall
have my love( Fair %night' said she' this +astle of right ought to be mine' and & have an
un+le the "hi+h is a mighty earl' he is Earl of $ase' and of all fol%s he hateth most
Morgan le Fay0 and & shall send unto him and pray him for my sa%e to destroy this +astle
for the evil +ustoms that be used therein0 and then "ill he +ome and set "ild<fire on every
part of the +astle' and & shall get you out at a privy postern' and there shall ye have your
horse and your harness( >e say "ell' damosel' said *lisander( *nd then she said4 >e may
%eep the room of this +astle this t"elvemonth and a day' then brea% ye not your oath(
)ruly' fair damosel' said *lisander' ye say sooth( *nd then he %issed her' and did to her
pleasaun+e as it pleased them both at times and leisures(
.o anon she sent unto her un+le and bade him +ome and destroy that +astle' for as the
boo% saith' he "ould have destroyed that +astle afore time had not that damosel been(
When the earl understood her letters he sent her "ord again that on su+h a day he "ould
+ome and destroy that +astle( .o "hen that day +ame she sho"ed *lisander a postern
"herethrough he should flee into a garden' and there he should find his armour and his
horse( When the day +ame that "as set' thither +ame the Earl of $ase "ith four hundred
%nights' and set on fire all the parts of the +astle' that or they +eased they left not a stone
standing( *nd all this "hile that the fire "as in the +astle he abode in the garden( *nd
"hen the fire "as done he let ma%e a +ry that he "ould %eep that pie+e of earth thereas
the +astle of 8a /eale ?egard "as a t"elvemonth and a day' from all manner %nights that
"ould +ome
.o it happed there "as a du%e that hight *nsirus' and he "as of the %in of .ir 8aun+elot(
*nd this %night "as a great pilgrim' for every third year he "ould be at 5erusalem( *nd
be+ause he used all his life to go in pilgrimage men +alled him ,u%e *nsirus the $ilgrim(
*nd this du%e had a daughter that hight *li+e' that "as a passing fair "oman' and
be+ause of her father she "as +alled *li+e la /eale $ilgrim( *nd anon as she heard of this
+ry she "ent unto *rthur1s +ourt' and said openly in hearing of many %nights' that "hat
%night may over+ome that %night that %eepeth that pie+e of earth shall have me and all
my lands(
When the %nights of the ?ound )able heard her say thus many "ere glad' for she "as
passing fair and of great rents( ?ight so she let +ry in +astles and to"ns as fast on her side
as *lisander did on his side( )hen she dressed her pavilion straight by the pie+e of the
earth that *lisander %ept( .o she "as not so soon there but there +ame a %night of
*rthur1s +ourt that hight .agramore le ,esirous' and he proffered to 7oust "ith *lisander0
and they en+ountered' and .agramore le ,esirous brised his spear upon .ir *lisander' but
.ir *lisander smote him so hard that he avoided his saddle( *nd "hen 8a /eale *li+e
sa" him 7oust so "ell' she thought him a passing goodly %night on horseba+%( *nd then
she leapt out of her pavilion' and too% .ir *lisander by the bridle' and thus she said4 Fair
%night' & re6uire thee of thy %nighthood sho" me thy visage( & dare "ell' said *lisander'
sho" my visage( *nd then he put off his helm0 and she sa" his visage' she said4 9 s"eet
5esu' thee & must love' and never other( )hen sho" me your visage' said he(
!o" *lisander met "ith *li+e la /eale $ilgrim' and ho" he 7ousted "ith t"o %nights0
and after of him and of .ir Mordred(
)hen she un"impled her visage( *nd "hen he sa" her he said4 !ere have & found my
love and my lady( )ruly' fair lady' said he' & promise you to be your %night' and none
other that beareth the life( 2o"' gentle %night' said she' tell me your name( My name is'
said he' *lisander le 9rphelin( 2o"' damosel' tell me your name' said he( My name is'
said she' *li+e la /eale $ilgrim( *nd "hen "e be more at our heart1s ease' both ye and &
shall tell other of "hat blood "e be +ome( .o there "as great love bet"ixt them( *nd as
they thus tal%ed there +ame a %night that hight !arsouse le /erbuse' and as%ed part of .ir
*lisander1s spears( )hen .ir *lisander en+ountered "ith him' and at the first .ir
*lisander smote him over his horse1s +roup( *nd then there +ame another %night that
hight .ir !e"gon' and .ir *lisander smote him do"n as he did that other( )hen .ir
!e"gon proffered to do battle on foot( .ir *lisander over+ame him "ith three stro%es'
and there "ould have slain him had he not yielded him( .o then *lisander made both
those %nights to s"ear to "ear none armour in a t"elvemonth and a day(
)hen .ir *lisander alighted do"n' and "ent to rest him and repose him( )hen the
damosel that helped .ir *lisander out of the +astle' in her play told *li+e all together ho"
he "as prisoner in the +astle of 8a /eale ?egard' and there she told her ho" she got him
out of prison( .ir' said *li+e la /eale $ilgrim' meseemeth ye are mu+h beholding to this
maiden( )hat is truth' said .ir *lisander( *nd there *li+e told him of "hat blood she "as
+ome( .ir' "it ye "ell' she said' that & am of the blood of -ing /an' that "as father unto
.ir 8aun+elot( ><"is' fair lady' said *lisander' my mother told me that my father "as
brother unto a %ing' and & nigh +ousin unto .ir )ristram(
)hen this "hile +ame there three %nights' that one hight Dains' and the other hight !arvis
de les Mar+hes' and the third hight $erin de la Montaine( *nd "ith one spear .ir
*lisander smote them do"n all three' and gave them su+h falls that they had no list to
fight upon foot( .o he made them to s"ear to "ear none arms in a t"elvemonth( .o "hen
they "ere departed .ir *lisander beheld his lady *li+e on horseba+% as he stood in her
pavilion( *nd then "as he so enamoured upon her that he "ist not "hether he "ere on
horseba+% or on foot(
?ight so +ame the false %night .ir Mordred' and sa" .ir *lisander "as assotted upon his
lady0 and there"ithal he too% his horse by the bridle' and led him here and there' and had
+ast to have led him out of that pla+e to have shamed him( When the damosel that helped
him out of that +astle sa" ho" shamefully he "as led' anon she let arm her' and set a
shield upon her shoulder0 and there"ith she mounted upon his horse' and gat a na%ed
s"ord in her hand' and she thrust unto *lisander "ith all her might' and she gave him
su+h a buffet that he thought the fire fle" out of his eyen( *nd "hen *lisander felt that
stro%e he loo%ed about him' and dre" his s"ord *nd "hen she sa" that' she fled' and so
did Mordred into the forest' and the damosel fled into the pavilion( .o "hen *lisander
understood himself ho" the false %night "ould have shamed him had not the damosel
been then "as he "roth "ith himself that .ir Mordred "as so es+aped his hands( /ut then
.ir *lisander and *li+e had good game at the damosel' ho" sadly she hit him upon the
)hen .ir *lisander 7ousted thus day by day' and on foot he did many battles "ith many
%nights of -ing *rthur1s +ourt' and "ith many %nights strangers( )herefore to tell all the
battles that he did it "ere overmu+h to rehearse' for every day "ithin that t"elvemonth he
had ado "ith one %night or "ith other' and some day he had ado "ith three or "ith four0
and there "as never %night that put him to the "orse( *nd at the t"elvemonth1s end he
departed "ith his lady' *li+e la /eale $ilgrim( *nd the damosel "ould never go from
him' and so they "ent into their +ountry of /enoye' and lived there in great 7oy(
!o" .ir :alahalt did do +ry a 7ousts in .urluse' and ;ueen :uenever1s %nights should
7oust against all that "ould +ome(
/#) as the boo% saith' -ing Mar% "ould never stint till he had slain him by treason( *nd
by *li+e he gat a +hild that hight /ellengerus le /euse( *nd by good fortune he +ame to
the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and proved a passing good %night0 and he revenged his father1s
death' for the false -ing Mar% sle" both .ir )ristram and *lisander falsely and
feloniously( *nd it happed so that *lisander had never gra+e nor fortune to +ome to -ing
*rthur1s +ourt( For an he had +ome to .ir 8aun+elot' all %nights said that %ne" him' he
"as one of the strongest %nights that "as in *rthur1s days' and great dole "as made for
him( .o let "e of him pass' and turn "e to another tale(
.o it befell that .ir :alahalt' the haut prin+e' "as lord of the +ountry of .urluse' "hereof
+ame many good %nights( *nd this noble prin+e "as a passing good man of arms' and
ever he held a noble fello"ship together( *nd then he +ame to *rthur1s +ourt and told
him his intent' ho" this "as his "ill' ho" he "ould let +ry a 7ousts in the +ountry of
.urluse' the "hi+h +ountry "as "ithin the lands of -ing *rthur' and there he as%ed leave
to let +ry a 7ousts( & "ill give you leave' said -ing *rthur0 but "it thou "ell' said -ing
*rthur' & may not be there( .ir' said ;ueen :uenever' please it you to give me leave to be
at that 7ousts( With right good "ill' said *rthur0 for .ir :alahalt' the haut prin+e' shall
have you in governan+e( .ir' said :alahalt' & "ill as ye "ill( .ir' then the 6ueen' & "ill
ta%e "ith me [.ir 8aun+elot and su+h %nights as please me best( ,o as ye list' said -ing
*rthur( .o anon she +ommanded .ir 8aun+elot to ma%e him ready "ith su+h %nights as
he thought best(
.o in every good to"n and +astle of this land "as made a +ry' that in the +ountry of
.urluse .ir :alahalt should ma%e a 7oust that should last eight days' and ho" the haut
prin+e' "ith the help of ;ueen :uenever1s %nights' should 7oust against all manner of
men that "ould +ome( When this +ry "as %no"n' %ings and prin+es' du%es and earls'
barons and noble %nights' made them ready to be at that 7ousts( *nd at the day of 7ousting
there +ame in .ir ,inadan disguised' and did many great deeds of arms(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot fought in the tournament' and ho" .ir $alomides did arms there for a
)!E2 at the re6uest of ;ueen :uenever and of -ing /agdemagus .ir 8aun+elot +ame
into the range' but he "as disguised' and that "as the +ause that fe" fol% %ne" him0 and
there met "ith him .ir E+tor de Maris' his o"n brother' and either bra%e their spears upon
other to their hands( *nd then either gat another spear( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot smote
do"n .ir E+tor de Maris' his o"n brother( )hat sa" .ir /leoberis' and he smote .ir
8aun+elot su+h a buffet upon the helm that he "ist not "ell "here he "as( )hen .ir
8aun+elot "as "rothy and smote .ir /leoberis so sore upon the helm that his head bo"ed
do"n ba+%"ard( *nd he smote eft another buffet' that he avoided his saddle0 and so he
rode by' and thrust forth to the thi+%est( When the -ing of 2orthgalis sa" .ir E+tor and
/leoberis lie on the ground then "as he "roth' for they +ame on his party against them of
.urluse( .o the -ing of 2orthgalis ran to .ir 8aun+elot' and bra%e a spear upon him all to
pie+es( )here"ith .ir 8aun+elot overtoo% the -ing of 2orthgalis' and smote him su+h a
buffet on the helm "ith his s"ord that he made him to avoid his horse0 and anon the %ing
"as horsed again( .o both the -ing /agdemagus1 and the -ing of 2orth<galis1 party
hurled to other0 and then began a strong medley' but they of 2orthgalis "ere far bigger(
When .ir 8aun+elot sa" his party go to the "orst he thrang into the thi+%est press "ith a
s"ord in his hand0 and there he smote do"n on the right hand and on the left hand' and
pulled do"n %nights and ra+ed off their helms' that all men had "onder that ever one
%night might do su+h deeds of arms( When .ir Meliagaun+e' that "as son unto -ing
/agdemagus' sa" ho" .ir 8aun+elot fared he marvelled greatly( *nd "hen he
understood that it "as he' he "ist "ell that he "as disguised for his sa%e( )hen .ir
Meliagaun+e prayed a %night to slay .ir 8aun+elot1s horse' either "ith s"ord or "ith
spear( *t that time -ing /agdemagus met "ith a %night that hight .auseise' a good
%night' to "hom he said4 2o" fair .auseise' en+ounter "ith my son Meliagaun+e and
give him large payment' for & "ould he "ere "ell beaten of thy hands' that he might
depart out of this field( *nd then .ir .auseise en+ountered "ith .ir Meliagaun+e' and
either smote other do"n( *nd then they fought on foot' and there .auseise had "on .ir
Meliagaun+e' had there not +ome res+ues( .o then the haut prin+e ble" to lodging' and
every %night unarmed him and "ent to the great feast(
)hen in the mean"hile there +ame a damosel to the haut prin+e' and +omplained that
there "as a %night that hight :oneries that "ithheld her all her lands( )hen the %night
"as there present' and +ast his glove to her or to any that "ould fight in her name( .o the
damosel too% up the glove all heavily for default of a +hampion( )hen there +ame a varlet
to her and said4 ,amosel' "ill ye do after me3 Full fain' said the damosel( )hen go you
unto su+h a %night that lieth here beside in an hermitage' and that follo"eth the ;uesting
/east' and pray him to ta%e the battle upon him' and anon & "ot "ell he "ill grant you(
.o anon she too% her palfrey' and "ithin a "hile she found that %night' that "as .ir
$alomides( *nd "hen she re6uired him he armed him and rode "ith her' and made her to
go to the haut prin+e' and to as% leave for her %night to do battle( & "ill "ell' said the haut
prin+e( )hen the %nights "ere ready in the field to 7oust on horseba+%0 and either gat a
spear in their hands' and met so fier+ely together that their spears all to<shivered( )hen
they flang out s"ords' and .ir $alomides smote .ir :oneries do"n to the earth( *nd then
he ra+ed off his helm and smote off his head( )hen they "ent to supper' and the damosel
loved $alomides as paramour' but the boo% saith she "as of his %in( .o then $alomides
disguised himself in this manner' in his shield he bare the ;uesting /east' and in all his
trappings( *nd "hen he "as thus ready' he sent to the haut prin+e to give him leave to
7oust "ith other %nights' but he "as adoubted of .ir 8aun+elot( )he haut prin+e sent him
"ord again that he should be "el+ome' and that .ir 8aun+elot should not 7oust "ith him(
)hen .ir :alahalt' the haut prin+e' let +ry "hat %night somever he "ere that smote do"n
.ir $alomides should have his damosel to himself(
!o" .ir :alahalt and $alomides fought together' and of .ir ,inadan and .ir :alahalt(
!E?E beginneth the se+ond day( *non as .ir $alomides +ame into the field' .ir :alahalt'
the haut prin+e' "as at the range end' and met "ith .ir $alomides' and he "ith him' "ith
great spears( *nd then they +ame so hard together that their spears all to<shivered' but .ir
:alahalt smote him so hard that he bare him ba+%"ard over his horse' but yet he lost not
his stirrups( )hen they dre" their s"ords and lashed together many sad stro%es' that many
"orshipful %nights left their business to behold them( /ut at the last .ir :alahalt' the haut
prin+e' smote a stro%e of might unto $alomides' sore upon the helm0 but the helm "as so
hard that the s"ord might not bite' but slipped and smote off the head of the horse of .ir
$alomides( When the haut prin+e "ist and sa" the good %night fall unto the earth he "as
ashamed of that stro%e( *nd there"ith he alighted do"n off his o"n horse' and prayed
the good %night' $alomides' to ta%e that horse of his gift' and to forgive him that deed(
.ir' said $alomides' & than% you of your great goodness' for ever of a man of "orship a
%night shall never have dis"orship0 and so he mounted upon that horse' and the haut
prin+e had another anon( 2o"' said the haut prin+e' & release to you that maiden' for ye
have "on her( *h' said $alomides' the damosel and & be at your +ommandment(
.o they departed' and .ir :alahalt did great deeds of arms( *nd right so +ame ,inadan
and en+ountered "ith .ir :alahalt' and either +ame to other so fast "ith their spears that
their spears bra%e to their hands( /ut ,inadan had "eened the haut prin+e had been more
"eary than he "as( *nd then he smote many sad stro%es at the haut prin+e0 but "hen
,inadan sa" he might not get him to the earth he said4 My lord' & pray you leave me' and
ta%e another( )he haut prin+e %ne" not ,inadan' and left goodly for his fair "ords( *nd
so they departed0 but soon there +ame another and told the haut prin+e that it "as
,inadan( Forsooth' said the prin+e' therefore am & heavy that he is so es+aped from me'
for "ith his mo+%s and 7apes no" shall & never have done "ith him( *nd then :alahalt
rode fast after him' and bade him4 *bide' ,inadan' for -ing *rthur1s sa%e( 2ay' said
,inadan' so :od me help' "e meet no more together this day( )hen in that "rath the haut
prin+e met "ith Meliagaun+e' and he smote him in the throat that an he had fallen his
ne+% had bro%en0 and "ith the same spear he smote do"n another %night( )hen +ame in
they of 2orthgalis and many strangers' and "ere li%e to have put them of .urluse to the
"orse' for .ir :alahalt' the haut prin+e' had ever mu+h in hand( .o there +ame the good
%night' .emound the Daliant' "ith forty %nights' and he beat them all aba+%( )hen the
;ueen :uenever and .ir 8aun+elot let blo" to lodging' and every %night unarmed him'
and dressed him to the feast(
!o" .ir *r+hade appealed .ir $alomides of treason' and ho" .ir $alomides sle" him(
W!E2 $alomides "as unarmed he as%ed lodging for himself and the damosel( *non the
haut prin+e +ommanded them to lodging( *nd he "as not so soon in his lodging but there
+ame a %night that hight *r+hade' he "as brother unto :oneries that $alomides sle"
afore in the damosel1s 6uarrel( *nd this %night' *r+hade' +alled .ir $alomides traitor' and
appealed him for the death of his brother( /y the leave of the haut prin+e' said $alomides'
& shall ans"er thee( When .ir :alahalt understood their 6uarrel he bade them go to
dinner4 *nd as soon as ye have dined loo% that either %night be ready in the field( .o
"hen they had dined they "ere armed both' and too% their horses' and the 6ueen' and the
prin+e' and .ir 8aun+elot' "ere set to behold them0 and so they let run their horses' and
there .ir $alomides bare *r+hade on his spear over his horse1s tail( *nd then $alomides
alighted and dre" his s"ord' but .ir *r+hade might not arise0 and there .ir $alomides
ra+ed off his helm' and smote off his head( )hen the haut prin+e and ;ueen :uenever
"ent unto supper( )hen -ing /agdemagus sent a"ay his son Meliagaun+e be+ause .ir
8aun+elot should not meet "ith him' for he hated .ir 8aun+elot' and that %ne" he not(
9f the third day' and ho" .ir $alomides 7ousted "ith .ir 8amora%' and other things(
29W beginneth the third day of 7ousting0 and at that day -ing /agdemagus made him
ready0 and there +ame against him -ing Marsil' that had in gift an island of .ir :alahalt
the haut prin+e0 and this island had the name $omitain( )hen it befell that -ing
/agdemagus and -ing Marsil of $omitain met together "ith spears' and -ing Marsil had
su+h a buffet that he fell over his horse1s +roup( )hen +ame there in a %night of -ing
Marsil to revenge his lord' and -ing /agdemagus smote him do"n' horse and man' to the
earth( .o there +ame an earl that hight *rrouse' and .ir /reuse' and an hundred %nights
"ith them of $omitain' and the -ing of 2orthgalis "as "ith them0 and all these "ere
against them of .urluse( *nd then there began great battle' and many %nights "ere +ast
under horses1 feet( *nd ever -ing /agdemagus did best' for he first began' and ever he
held on( :aheris' :a"aine1s brother' smote ever at the fa+e of -ing /agdemagus0 and at
the last -ing /agdemagus hurtled do"n :aheris' horse and man(
)hen by adventure .ir $alomides' the good %night' met "ith .ir /lamore de :anis' .ir
/leoberis1 brother( *nd either smote other "ith great spears' that both their horses and
%nights fell to the earth( /ut .ir /lamore had su+h a fall that he had almost bro%en his
ne+%' for the blood brast out at nose' mouth' and his ears' but at the last he re+overed "ell
by good surgeons( )hen there +ame in the ,u%e Chaleins of Claran+e0 and in his
governan+e there +ame a %night that hight Elis la 2oire0 and there en+ountered "ith him
-ing /agdemagus' and he smote Elis that he made him to avoid his saddle( .o the ,u%e
Chaleins of Claran+e did there great deeds of arms' and of so late as he +ame in the third
day there "as no man did so "ell ex+ept -ing /agdemagus and .ir $alomides' that the
priAe "as given that day to -ing /agdemagus( *nd then they ble" unto lodging' and
unarmed them' and "ent to the feast( ?ight so +ame ,inadan' and mo+%ed and 7aped "ith
-ing /agdemagus that all %nights laughed at him' for he "as a fine 7aper' and "ell loving
all good %nights(
.o anon as they had dined there +ame a varlet bearing four spears on his ba+%0 and he
+ame to $alomides' and said thus4 !ere is a %night by hath sent you the +hoi+e of four
spears' and re6uireth you for your lady1s sa%e to ta%e that one half of these spears' and
7oust "ith him in the field( )ell him' said $alomides' & "ill not fail him( When .ir
:alahalt "ist of this' he bade $alomides ma%e him ready( .o the ;ueen :uenever' the
haut prin+e' and .ir 8aun+elot' they "ere set upon s+affolds to give the 7udgment of these
t"o %nights( )hen .ir $alomides and the strange %night ran so eagerly together that their
spears bra%e to their hands( *non "ithal either of them too% a great spear in his hand and
all to<shivered them in pie+es( *nd then either too% a greater spear' and then the %night
smote do"n .ir $alomides' horse and man' to the earth( *nd as he "ould have passed
over him the strange %night1s horse stumbled and fell do"n upon $alomides( )hen they
dre" their s"ords and lashed together "onderly sore a great "hile(
)hen the haut prin+e and .ir 8aun+elot said they sa" never t"o %nights fight better than
they did0 but ever the strange %night doubled his stro%es' and put $alomides aba+%0
there"ithal the haut prin+e +ried4 !o4 and then they "ent to lodging( *nd "hen they "ere
unarmed they %ne" it "as the noble %night .ir 8amora%( When .ir 8aun+elot %ne" that
it "as .ir 8amora% he made mu+h of him' for above all earthly men he loved him best
ex+ept .ir )ristram( )hen ;ueen :uenever +ommended him' and so did all other good
%nights ma%e mu+h of him' ex+ept .ir :a"aine1s brethren( )hen ;ueen :uenever said
unto .ir 8aun+elot4 .ir' & re6uire you that an ye 7oust any more' that ye 7oust "ith none of
the blood of my lord *rthur( .o he promised he "ould not as at that time(
9f the fourth day' and of many great feats of arms(
!E?E beginneth the fourth day( )hen +ame into the field the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights' and all they of 2orthgalis' and the ,u%e Chaleins of Claran+e' and -ing Marsil
of $omitain' and there +ame .afere' $alomides1 brother' and there he told him tidings of
his mother( *nd his name "as +alled the Earl' and so he appealed him afore -ing *rthur4
For he made "ar upon our father and mother' and there & sle" him in plain battle( .o they
"ent into the field' and the damosel "ith them0 and there +ame to en+ounter again them
.ir /leoberis de :anis' and .ir E+tor de Maris( .ir $alomides en+ountered "ith .ir
/leoberis' and either smote other do"n( *nd in the same "ise did .ir .afere and .ir
E+tor' and the t"o +ouples did battle on foot( )hen +ame in .ir 8amora%' and he
en+ountered "ith the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and smote him 6uite over his
horse1s tail( *nd in the same "ise he served the -ing of 2orthgalis' and also he smote
do"n -ing Marsil( *nd so or ever he stint he smote do"n "ith his spear and "ith his
s"ord thirty %nights( When ,u%e Chaleins sa" 8amora% do so great pro"ess he "ould
not meddle "ith him for shame0 and then he +harged all his %nights in pain of death that
none of you tou+h him0 for it "ere shame to all good %nights an that %night "ere shamed(
)hen the t"o %ings gathered them together' and all they set upon .ir 8amora%0 and he
failed them not' but rushed here and there' smiting on the right hand and on the left' and
ra+ed off many helms' so that the haut prin+e and ;ueen :uenever said they sa" never
%night do su+h deeds of arms on horseba+%( *las' said 8aun+elot to -ing /agdemagus' &
"ill arm me and help .ir 8amora%( *nd & "ill ride "ith you' said -ing /agdemagus( *nd
"hen they t"o "ere horsed they +ame to .ir 8amora% that stood among thirty %nights0
and "ell "as him that might rea+h him a buffet' and ever he smote again mightily( )hen
+ame there into the press .ir 8aun+elot' and he thre" do"n .ir Mador de la $orte( *nd
"ith the trun+heon of that spear he thre" do"n many %nights( *nd -ing /agdemagus
smote on the left hand and on the right hand marvellously "ell( *nd then the three %ings
fled aba+%( )here"ithal then .ir :alahalt let blo" to lodging' and all the heralds gave .ir
8amora% the priAe( *nd all this "hile fought $alomides' .ir /leoberis' .ir .afere' .ir
E+tor on foot0 never "ere there four %nights evener mat+hed( *nd then they "ere
departed' and had unto their lodging' and unarmed them' and so they "ent to the great
/ut "hen .ir 8amora% "as +ome into the +ourt ;ueen :uenever too% him in her arms
and said4 .ir' "ell have ye done this day( )hen +ame the haut prin+e' and he made of him
great 7oy' and so did ,inadan' for he "ept for 7oy0 but the 7oy that .ir 8aun+elot made of
.ir 8amora% there might no man tell( )hen they "ent unto rest' and on the morn the haut
prin+e let blo" unto the field(
9f the Fifth day' and ho" .ir 8amora% behaved him(
!E?E beginneth the fifth day( .o it befell that .ir $alomides +ame in the morntide' and
proffered to 7oust thereas -ing *rthur "as in a +astle there besides .urluse0 and there
en+ountered "ith him a "orshipful du%e' and there .ir $alomides smote him over his
horse1s +roup( *nd this du%e "as un+le unto -ing *rthur( )hen .ir Elise1s son rode unto
$alomides' and $alomides served Elise in the same "ise( When .ir #"aine sa" this he
"as "roth( )hen he too% his horse and en+ountered "ith .ir $alomides' and $alomides
smote him so hard that he "ent to the earth' horse and man( *nd for to ma%e a short tale'
he smote do"n three brethren of .ir :a"aine' that is for to say Mordred' :aheris' and
*gravaine( 9 5esu' said *rthur' this is a great despite of a .ara+en that he shall smite
do"n my blood( *nd there"ithal -ing *rthur "as "ood "roth' and thought to have
made him ready to 7oust(
)hat espied .ir 8amora%' that *rthur and his blood "ere dis+omfit0 and anon he "as
ready' and as%ed $alomides if he "ould any more 7oust( Why should & not3 said
$alomides( )hen they hurtled together' and bra%e their spears' and all to<shivered them'
that all the +astle rang of their dints( )hen either gat a greater spear in his hand' and they
+ame so fier+ely together0 but .ir $alomides1 spear all to<brast and .ir 8amora%1s did
hold( )here"ithal .ir $alomides lost his stirrups and lay upright on his horse1s ba+%( *nd
then .ir $alomides returned again and too% his damosel' and .ir .afere returned his "ay(
.o' "hen he "as departed' -ing *rthur +ame to .ir 8amora% and than%ed him of his
goodness' and prayed him to tell him his name( .ir' said 8amora%' "it thou "ell' & o"e
you my servi+e' but as at this time & "ill not abide here' for & see of mine enemies many
about me( *las' said *rthur' no" "ot & "ell it is .ir 8amora% de :alis( 9 8amora%' abide
"ith me' and by my +ro"n & shall never fail thee4 and not so hardy in :a"aine1s head'
nor none of his brethren' to do thee any "rong( .ir' said .ir 8amora%' "rong have they
done me' and to you both( )hat is truth' said the %ing' for they sle" their o"n mother and
my sister' the "hi+h me sore grieveth4 it had been mu+h fairer and better that ye had
"edded her' for ye are a %ing1s son as "ell as they( 9 5esu' said the noble %night .ir
8amora% unto *rthur' her death shall & never forget( & promise you' and ma%e mine avo"
unto :od' & shall revenge her death as soon as & see time +onvenable( *nd if it "ere not at
the reveren+e of your highness & should no" have been revenged upon .ir :a"aine and
his brethren( )ruly' said *rthur' & "ill ma%e you at a++ord( .ir' said 8amora%' as at this
time & may not abide "ith you' for & must to the 7ousts' "here is .ir 8aun+elot' and the
haut prin+e .ir :alahalt(
)hen there "as a damosel that "as daughter to -ing /andes( *nd there "as a .ara+en
%night that hight Corsabrin' and he loved the damosel' and in no "ise he "ould suffer her
to be married0 for ever this Corsabrin noised her' and named her that she "as out of her
mind0 and thus he let her that she might not be married(
!o" .ir $alomides fought "ith Corsabrin for a lady' and ho" $alomides sle" Corsabrin(
.9 by fortune this damosel heard tell that $alomides did mu+h for damosels1 sa%e0 so she
sent to him a pensel' and prayed him to fight "ith .ir Corsabrin for her love' and he
should have her and her lands of her father1s that should fall to her( )hen the damosel
sent unto Corsabrin' and bade him go unto .ir $alomides that "as a paynim as "ell as he'
and she gave him "arning that she had sent him her pensel' and if he might over+ome
$alomides she "ould "ed him( When Corsabrin "ist of her deeds then "as he "ood
"roth and angry' and rode unto .urluse "here the haut prin+e "as' and there he found .ir
$alomides ready' the "hi+h had the pensel( .o there they "aged battle either "ith other
afore :alahalt( Well' said the haut prin+e' this day must noble %nights 7oust' and at<after
dinner "e shall see ho" ye +an speed(
)hen they ble" to 7ousts0 and in +ame ,inadan' and met "ith .ir :erin' a good %night'
and he thre" him do"n over his horse1s +roup0 and .ir ,inadan overthre" four %nights
more0 and there he did great deeds of arms' for he "as a good %night' but he "as a s+offer
and a 7aper' and the merriest %night among fello"ship that "as that time living( *nd he
had su+h a +ustom that he loved every good %night' and every good %night loved him
again( .o then "hen the haut prin+e sa" ,inadan do so "ell' he sent unto .ir 8aun+elot
and bade him stri%e do"n .ir ,inadan4 *nd "hen that ye have done so bring him afore
me and the noble ;ueen :uenever( )hen .ir 8aun+elot did as he "as re6uired( )hen .ir
8amora% and he smote do"n many %nights' and ra+ed off helms' and drove all the
%nights afore them( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot smote do"n .ir ,inadan' and made his men to
unarm him' and so brought him to the 6ueen and the haut prin+e' and they laughed at
,inadan so sore that they might not stand( Well' said .ir ,inadan' yet have & no shame'
for the old shre"' .ir 8aun+elot' smote me do"n( .o they "ent to dinner' [and all the
+ourt had good sport at ,inadan(
)hen "hen the dinner "as done they ble" to the field to behold .ir $alomides and
Corsabrin( .ir $alomides pight his pensel in midst of the field0 and then they hurtled
together "ith their spears as it "ere thunder' and either smote other to the earth( *nd then
they pulled out their s"ords' and dressed their shields' and lashed together mightily as
mighty %nights' that "ell<nigh there "as no pie+e of harness "ould hold them' for this
Corsabrin "as a passing felonious %night( Corsabrin' said $alomides' "ilt thou release
me yonder damosel and the pensel3 )hen "as Corsabrin "roth out of measure' and gave
$alomides su+h a buffet that he %neeled on his %nee( )hen $alomides arose lightly' and
smote him upon the helm that he fell do"n right to the earth( *nd there"ith he ra+ed off
his helm and said4 Corsabrin' yield thee or else thou shalt die of my hands( Fie on thee'
said Corsabrin' do thy "orst( )hen he smote off his head( *nd there"ithal +ame a stin% of
his body "hen the soul departed' that there might nobody abide the savour( .o "as the
+orpse had a"ay and buried in a "ood' be+ause he "as a paynim( )hen they ble" unto
lodging' and $alomides "as unarmed(
)hen he "ent unto ;ueen :uenever' to the haut prin+e' and to .ir 8aun+elot( .ir' said the
haut prin+e' here have ye seen this day a great mira+le by Corsabrin' "hat savour there
"as "hen the soul departed from the body( )herefore' sir' "e "ill re6uire you to ta%e the
baptism upon you' and & promise you all %nights "ill set the more by you' and say more
"orship by you( .ir' said $alomides' & "ill that ye all %no" that into this land & +ame to
be +hristened' and in my heart & am +hristened and +hristened "ill & be( /ut & have made
su+h an avo" that & may not be +hristened till & have done seven true battles for 5esu1s
sa%e' and then "ill & be +hristened0 and & trust :od "ill ta%e mine intent' for & mean truly
)hen .ir $alomides prayed ;ueen :uenever and the haut prin+e to sup "ith him( *nd so
they did' both .ir 8aun+elot and .ir 8amora%' and many other good %nights( .o on the
morn they heard their mass' and ble" the field' and then %nights made them ready(
9f the sixth day' and "hat then "as done(
!E?E beginneth the sixth day( )hen +ame therein .ir :aheris' and there en+ountered
"ith him .ir 9ssaise of .urluse' and .ir :aheris smote him over his horse1s +roup( *nd
then either party en+ountered "ith other' and there "ere many spears bro%en' and many
%nights +ast under feet( .o there +ame in .ir ,ornard and .ir *glovale' that "ere
brethren unto .ir 8amora%' and they met "ith other t"o %nights' and either smote other
so hard that all four %nights and horses fell to the earth( When .ir 8amora% sa" his t"o
brethren do"n he "as "roth out of measure' and then he gat a great spear in his hand'
and there"ithal he smote do"n four good %nights' and then his spear bra%e( )hen he
pulled out his s"ord' and smote about him on the right hand and on the left hand' and
ra+ed off helms and pulled do"n %nights' that all men marvelled of su+h deeds of arms as
he did' for he fared so that many %nights fled( )hen he horsed his brethren again' and
said4 /rethren' ye ought to be ashamed to fall so off your horses@ "hat is a %night but
"hen he is on horseba+%3 & set not by a %night "hen he is on foot' for all battles on foot
are but pillers1 battles( For there should no %night fight on foot but if it "ere for treason'
or else he "ere driven thereto by for+e0 therefore' brethren' sit fast on your horses' or else
fight never more afore me(
With that +ame in the ,u%e Chaleins of Claran+e' and there en+ountered "ith him the
Earl #lba"es of .urluse' and either of them smote other do"n( )hen the %nights of both
parties horsed their lords again' for .ir E+tor and /leoberis "ere on foot' "aiting on the
,u%e Chaleins( *nd the -ing "ith the !undred -nights "as "ith the Earl of #lba"es(
With that +ame :aheris and lashed to the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and he to him
again( )hen +ame the ,u%e Chaleins and departed them(
)hen they ble" to lodging' and the %nights unarmed them and dre" them to their dinner0
and at the midst of their dinner in +ame ,inadan and began to rail( )hen he beheld the
haut prin+e' that seemed "roth "ith some fault that he sa"0 for he had a +ustom he loved
no fish' and be+ause he "as served "ith fish' the "hi+h he hated' therefore he "as not
merry( When .ir ,inadan had espied the haut prin+e' he espied "here "as a fish "ith a
great head' and that he gat bet"ixt t"o dishes' and served the haut prin+e "ith that fish(
*nd then he said thus4 .ir :alahalt' "ell may & li%en you to a "olf' for he "ill never eat
fish' but flesh0 then the haut prin+e laughed at his "ords( Well' "ell' said ,inadan to
8aun+elot' "hat devil do ye in this +ountry' for here may no mean %nights "in no
"orship for thee( .ir ,inadan' said 8aun+elot' & ensure thee & shall no more meet "ith
thee nor "ith thy great spear' for & may not sit in my saddle "hen that spear hitteth me(
*nd if & be happy & shall be"are of that boistous body that thou bearest( Well' said
8aun+elot' ma%e good "at+h ever4 :od forbid that ever "e meet but if it be at a dish of
meat( )hen laughed the 6ueen and the haut prin+e' that they might not sit at their table0
thus they made great 7oy till on the morn' and then they heard mass' and ble" to field(
*nd ;ueen :uenever and all the estates "ere set' and 7udges armed +lean "ith their
shields to %eep the right(
9f the seventh battle' and ho" .ir 8aun+elot' being disguised li%e a maid' smote do"n
.ir ,inadan(
29W beginneth the seventh battle( )here +ame in the ,u%e Cambines' and there
en+ountered "ith him .ir *ristan+e' that "as +ounted a good %night' and they met so
hard that either bare other do"n' horse and man( )hen +ame there the Earl of 8ambaile
and helped the du%e again to horse( )hen +ame there .ir 9ssaise of .urluse' and he smote
the Earl 8ambaile do"n from his horse( )hen began they to do great deeds of arms' and
many spears "ere bro%en' and many %nights "ere +ast to the earth( )hen the -ing of
2orthgalis and the Earl #lba"es smote together that all the 7udges thought it "as li%e
mortal death( )his mean"hile ;ueen :uenever' and the haut prin+e' and .ir 8aun+elot'
made there .ir ,inadan ma%e him ready to 7oust( & "ould' said ,inadan' ride into the
field' but then one of you t"ain "ill meet "ith me( $er dieu' said the haut prin+e' ye may
see ho" "e sit here as 7udges "ith our shields' and al"ays mayest thou behold "hether
"e sit here or not(
.o .ir ,inadan departed and too% his horse' and met "ith many %nights' and did passing
"ell( *nd as he "as departed' .ir 8aun+elot disguised himself' and put upon his armour a
maiden1s garment freshly attired( )hen .ir 8aun+elot made .ir :alihodin to lead him
through the range' and all men had "onder "hat damosel it "as( *nd so as .ir ,inadan
+ame into the range' .ir 8aun+elot' that "as in the damosel1s array' gat :alihodin1s spear'
and ran unto .ir ,inadan( *nd al"ays .ir ,inadan loo%ed up thereas .ir 8aun+elot "as'
and then he sa" one sit in the stead of .ir 8aun+elot' armed( /ut "hen ,inadan sa" a
manner of a damosel he dread perils that it "as .ir 8aun+elot disguised' but .ir 8aun+elot
+ame on him so fast that he smote him over his horse1s +roup0 and then "ith great s+orns
they gat .ir ,inadan into the forest there beside' and there they dispoiled him unto his
shirt' and put upon him a "oman1s garment' and so brought him into the field4 and so
they ble" unto lodging( *nd every %night "ent and unarmed them( )hen "as .ir
,inadan brought in among them all( *nd "hen ;ueen :uenever sa" .ir ,inadan
brought so among them all' then she laughed that she fell do"n' and so did all that there
"ere( Well' said ,inadan to 8aun+elot' thou art so false that & +an never be"are of thee(
)hen by all the assent they gave .ir 8aun+elot the priAe' the next "as .ir 8amora% de
:alis' the third "as .ir $alomides' the fourth "as -ing /agdemagus0 so these four
%nights had the priAe' and there "as great 7oy' and great nobley in all the +ourt(
*nd on the morn ;ueen :uenever and .ir 8aun+elot departed unto -ing *rthur' but in
no "ise .ir 8amora% "ould not go "ith them( & shall underta%e' said .ir 8aun+elot' that
an ye "ill go "ith us -ing *rthur shall +harge .ir :a"aine and his brethren never to do
you hurt( *s for that' said .ir 8amora%' & "ill not trust .ir :a"aine nor none of his
brethren0 and "it ye "ell' .ir 8aun+elot' an it "ere not for my lord -ing *rthur1s sa%e' &
should mat+h .ir :a"aine and his brethren "ell enough( /ut to say that & should trust
them' that shall & never' and therefore & pray you re+ommend me unto my lord *rthur'
and unto all my lords of the ?ound )able( *nd in "hat pla+e that ever & +ome & shall do
you servi+e to my po"er4 and sir' it is but late that & revenged that' "hen my lord *rthur1s
%in "ere put to the "orse by .ir $alomides( )hen .ir 8amora% departed from .ir
8aun+elot' and either "ept at their departing(
!o" by treason .ir )ristram "as brought to a tournament for to have been slain' and ho"
he "as put in prison(
29W turn "e from this matter' and spea% "e of .ir )ristram' of "hom this boo% is
prin+ipally of' and leave "e the %ing and the 6ueen' .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir 8amora%' and
here beginneth the treason of -ing Mar%' that he ordained against .ir )ristram( )here
"as +ried by the +oasts of Corn"all a great tournament and 7ousts' and all "as done by
.ir :alahalt the haut prin+e and -ing /agdemagus' to the intent to slay 8aun+elot' or else
utterly destroy him and shame him' be+ause .ir 8aun+elot had al"ays the higher degree'
therefore this prin+e and this %ing made this 7ousts against .ir 8aun+elot( *nd thus their
+ounsel "as dis+overed unto -ing Mar%' "hereof he "as full glad(
)hen -ing Mar% bethought him that he "ould have .ir )ristram unto that tournament
disguised that no man should %no" him' to that intent that the haut prin+e should "een
that .ir )ristram "ere .ir 8aun+elot( .o at these 7ousts +ame in .ir )ristram( *nd at that
time .ir 8aun+elot "as not there' but "hen they sa" a %night disguised do su+h deeds of
arms' they "eened it had been .ir 8aun+elot( *nd in espe+ial -ing Mar% said it "as .ir
8aun+elot plainly( )hen they set upon him' both -ing /agdemagus' and the haut prin+e'
and their %nights' that it "as "onder that ever .ir )ristram might endure that pain(
2ot"ithstanding for all the pain that he had' .ir )ristram "on the degree at that
tournament' and there he hurt many %nights and bruised them' and they hurt him and
bruised him "onderly sore( .o "hen the 7ousts "ere all done they %ne" "ell that it "as
.ir )ristram de 8iones0 and all that "ere on -ing Mar%1s party "ere glad that .ir
)ristram "as hurt' and the remnant "ere sorry of his hurt0 for .ir )ristram "as not so
behated as "as .ir 8aun+elot "ithin the realm of England(
)hen +ame -ing Mar% unto .ir )ristram and said4 Fair nephe"' & am sorry of your hurts(
:ramer+y my lord' said .ir )ristram( )hen -ing Mar% made .ir )ristram to be put in an
horse bier in great sign of love' and said4 Fair +ousin' & shall be your lee+h myself( *nd so
he rode forth "ith .ir )ristram' and brought him to a +astle by daylight( *nd then -ing
Mar% made .ir )ristram to eat( *nd then after he gave him a drin%' the "hi+h as soon as
he had drun% he fell asleep( *nd "hen it "as night he made him to be +arried to another
+astle' and there he put him in a strong prison' and there he ordained a man and a "oman
to give him his meat and drin%( .o there he "as a great "hile(
)hen "as .ir )ristram missed' and no +reature "ist "here he "as be+ome( When 8a
/eale &soud heard ho" he "as missed' privily she "ent unto .ir .ado%' and prayed him
to espy "here "as .ir )ristram( )hen "hen .ado% "ist ho" .ir )ristram "as missed' and
anon espied that he "as put in prison by -ing Mar% and the traitors of Magouns' then
.ado% and t"o of his +ousins laid them in an ambushment' fast by the Castle of )intagil'
in arms( *nd as by fortune' there +ame riding -ing Mar% and four of his nephe"s' and a
+ertain of the traitors of Magouns( When .ir .ado% espied them he bra%e out of the
bushment' and set there upon them( *nd "hen -ing Mar% espied .ir .ado% he fled as fast
as he might' and there .ir .ado% sle" all the four nephe"s unto -ing Mar%( /ut these
traitors of Magouns sle" one of .ado%1s +ousins "ith a great "ound in the ne+%' but
.ado% smote the other to the death( )hen .ir .ado% rode upon his "ay unto a +astle that
"as +alled 8iones' and there he espied of the treason and felony of -ing Mar%( .o they of
that +astle rode "ith .ir .ado% till that they +ame to a +astle that hight *rbray' and there
in the to"n they found .ir ,inas the .enes+hal' that "as a good %night( /ut "hen .ir
.ado% had told .ir ,inas of all the treason of -ing Mar% he defied su+h a %ing' and said
he "ould give up his lands that he held of him( *nd "hen he said these "ords all manner
%nights said as .ir ,inas said( )hen by his advi+e and of .ir .ado%1s' he let stuff all the
to"ns and +astles "ithin the +ountry of 8iones' and assembled all the people that they
might ma%e(
!o" -ing Mar% let do +ounterfeit letters from the $ope' and ho" .ir $er+ivale delivered
.ir )ristram out of prison(
29W turn "e unto -ing Mar%' that "hen he "as es+aped from .ir .ado% he rode unto
the Castle of )intagil' and there he made great +ry and noise' and +ried unto harness all
that might bear arms( )hen they sought and found "here "ere dead four +ousins of -ing
Mar%1s' and the traitor of Magouns( )hen the %ing let inter them in a +hapel( )hen the
%ing let +ry in all the +ountry that held of him' to go unto arms' for he understood to the
"ar he must needs( When -ing Mar% heard and understood ho" .ir .ado% and .ir ,inas
"ere arisen in the +ountry of 8iones he remembered of "iles and treason( 8o thus he did4
he let ma%e and +ounterfeit letters from the $ope' and did ma%e a strange +ler% to bear
them unto -ing Mar%0 the "hi+h letters spe+ified that -ing Mar% should ma%e him ready'
upon pain of +ursing' "ith his host to +ome to the $ope' to help to go to 5erusalem' for to
ma%e "ar upon the .ara+ens(
When this +ler% "as +ome by the mean of the %ing' anon "ithal -ing Mar% sent these
letters unto .ir )ristram and bade him say thus4 that an he "ould go "ar upon the
mis+reants' he should be had out of prison' and to have all his po"er( When .ir )ristram
understood this letter' then he said thus to the +ler%4 *h' -ing Mar%' ever hast thou been a
traitor' and ever "ill be0 but' Cler%' said .ir )ristram' say thou thus unto -ing Mar%4
.in+e the *postle $ope hath sent for him' bid him go thither himself0 for tell him' traitor
%ing as he is' & "ill not go at his +ommandment' get & out of prison as & may' for & see &
am "ell re"arded for my true servi+e( )hen the +ler% returned unto -ing Mar%' and told
him of the ans"er of .ir )ristram( Well' said -ing Mar%' yet shall he be beguiled( .o he
"ent into his +hamber' and +ounterfeit letters0 and the letters spe+ified that the $ope
desired .ir )ristram to +ome himself' to ma%e "ar upon the mis+reants( When the +ler%
"as +ome again to .ir )ristram and too% him these letters' then .ir )ristram beheld these
letters' and anon espied they "ere of -ing Mar%1s +ounterfeiting( *h' said .ir )ristram'
false hast thou been ever' -ing Mar%' and so "ilt thou end( )hen the +ler% departed from
.ir )ristram and +ame to -ing Mar% again(
/y then there "ere +ome four "ounded %nights "ithin the Castle of )intagil' and one of
them his ne+% "as nigh bro%en in t"ain( *nother had his arm stri+%en a"ay' the third
"as borne through "ith a spear' the fourth had his teeth stri+%en in t"ain( *nd "hen they
+ame afore -ing Mar% they +ried and said4 -ing' "hy fleest thou not' for all this +ountry
is arisen +learly against thee3 )hen "as -ing Mar% "roth out of measure(
*nd in the mean"hile there +ame into the +ountry .ir $er+ivale de :alis to see% .ir
)ristram( *nd "hen he heard that .ir )ristram "as in prison' .ir $er+ivale made +learly
the deliveran+e of .ir )ristram by his %nightly means( *nd "hen he "as so delivered he
made great 7oy of .ir $er+ivale' and so ea+h one of other( .ir )ristram said unto .ir
$er+ivale4 *n ye "ill abide in these mar+hes & "ill ride "ith you( 2ay' said $er+ivale' in
this +ountry & may not tarry' for & must needs into Wales( .o .ir $er+ivale departed from
.ir )ristram' and rode straight unto -ing Mar%' and told him ho" he had delivered .ir
)ristram0 and also he told the %ing that he had done himself great shame for to put .ir
)ristram in prison' for he is no" the %night of most reno"n in this "orld living( *nd "it
thou "ell the noblest %nights of the "orld love .ir )ristram' and if he "ill ma%e "ar upon
you ye may not abide it( )hat is truth' said -ing Mar%' but & may not love .ir )ristram
be+ause he loveth my 6ueen and my "ife' 8a /eale &soud( *h' fie for shame' said .ir
$er+ivale' say ye never so more( *re ye not un+le unto .ir )ristram' and he your nephe"3
>e should never thin% that so noble a %night as .ir )ristram is' that he "ould do himself
so great a villainy to hold his un+le1s "ife0 ho"beit' said .ir $er+ivale' he may love your
6ueen sinless' be+ause she is +alled one of the fairest ladies of the "orld(
)hen .ir $er+ivale departed from -ing Mar%( .o "hen he "as departed -ing Mar%
bethought him of more treason4 not"ithstanding -ing Mar% granted .ir $er+ivale never
by no manner of means to hurt .ir )ristram( .o anon -ing Mar% sent unto .ir ,inas the
.enes+hal that he should put do"n all the people that he had raised' for he sent him an
oath that he "ould go himself unto the $ope of ?ome to "ar upon the mis+reants0 and
this is a fairer "ar than thus to arise the people against your %ing( When .ir ,inas
understood that -ing Mar% "ould go upon the mis+reants' then .ir ,inas in all the haste
put do"n all the people0 and "hen the people "ere departed every man to his home' then
-ing Mar% espied "here "as .ir )ristram "ith 8a /eale &soud0 and there by treason
-ing Mar% let ta%e him and put him in prison' +ontrary to his promise that he made unto
.ir $er+ivale(
When ;ueen &soud understood that .ir )ristram "as in prison she made as great sorro"
as ever made lady or gentle"oman( )hen .ir )ristram sent a letter unto 8a /eale &soud'
and prayed her to be his good lady0 and if it pleased her to ma%e a vessel ready for her
and him' he "ould go "ith her unto the realm of 8ogris' that is this land( When 8a /eale
&soud understood .ir )ristram1s letters and his intent' she sent him another' and bade him
be of good +omfort' for she "ould do ma%e the vessel ready' and all thing to purpose(
)hen 8a /eale &soud sent unto .ir ,inas' and to .ado%' and prayed them in any"ise to
ta%e -ing Mar%' and put him in prison' unto the time that she and .ir )ristram "ere
departed unto the realm of 8ogris( When .ir ,inas the .enes+hal understood the treason
of -ing Mar% he promised her again' and sent her "ord that -ing Mar% should be put in
prison( *nd as they devised it so it "as done( *nd then .ir )ristram "as delivered out of
prison0 and anon in all the haste ;ueen &soud and .ir )ristram "ent and too% their
+ounsel "ith that they "ould have "ith them "hen they departed(
!o" .ir )ristram and 8a /eale &soud +ame unto England' and ho" .ir 8aun+elot brought
them to 5oyous :ard(
)!E2 8a /eale &soud and .ir )ristram too% their vessel' and +ame by "ater into this
land( *nd so they "ere not in this land four days but there +ame a +ry of a 7ousts and
tournament that -ing *rthur let ma%e( When .ir )ristram heard tell of that tournament he
disguised himself' and 8a /eale &soud' and rode unto that tournament( *nd "hen he
+ame there he sa" many %nights 7oust and tourney0 and so .ir )ristram dressed him to the
range' and to ma%e short +on+lusion' he overthre" fourteen %nights of the ?ound )able(
When .ir 8aun+elot sa" these %nights thus overthro"n' .ir 8aun+elot dressed him to .ir
)ristram( )hat sa" 8a /eale &soud ho" .ir 8aun+elot "as +ome into the field( )hen 8a
/eale &soud sent unto .ir 8aun+elot a ring' and bade him "it that it "as .ir )ristram de
8iones( When .ir 8aun+elot under stood that there "as .ir )ristram he "as full glad' and
"ould not 7oust( )hen .ir 8aun+elot espied "hither .ir )ristram yede' and after him he
rode0 and then either made of other great 7oy( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot brought .ir )ristram
and 8a /eale &soud unto 5oyous :ard' that "as his o"n +astle' that he had "on "ith his
o"n hands( *nd there .ir 8aun+elot put them in to "ield for their o"n( *nd "it ye "ell
that +astle "as garnished and furnished for a %ing and a 6ueen royal there to have
so7ourned( *nd .ir 8aun+elot +harged all his people to honour them and love them as
they "ould do himself(
.o .ir 8aun+elot departed unto -ing *rthur0 and then he told ;ueen :uenever ho" he
that 7ousted so "ell at the last tournament "as .ir )ristram( *nd there he told her ho" he
had "ith him 8a /eale &soud maugre -ing Mar%' and so ;ueen :uenever told all this
unto -ing *rthur( When -ing *rthur "ist that .ir )ristram "as es+aped and +ome from
-ing Mar%' and had brought 8a /eale &soud "ith him' then "as he passing glad( .o
be+ause of .ir )ristram -ing *rthur let ma%e a +ry' that on May ,ay should be a 7ousts
before the +astle of 8onaAep0 and that +astle "as fast by 5oyous :ard( *nd thus *rthur
devised' that all the %nights of this land' and of Corn"all' and of 2orth Wales' should
7oust against all these +ountries' &reland' .+otland' and the remnant of Wales' and the
+ountry of :ore' and .urluse' and of 8istinoise' and they of 2orthumberland' and all they
that held lands of *rthur on this half the sea( When this +ry "as made many %nights "ere
glad and many "ere unglad( .ir' said 8aun+elot unto *rthur' by this +ry that ye have
made ye "ill put us that be about you in great 7eopardy' for there be many %nights that
have great envy to us0 therefore "hen "e shall meet at the day of 7ousts there "ill be hard
shift among us( *s for that' said *rthur' & +are not0 there shall "e prove "ho shall be best
of his hands( .o "hen .ir 8aun+elot understood "herefore -ing *rthur made this
7ousting' then he made su+h purveyan+e that 8a /eale &soud should behold the 7ousts in a
se+ret pla+e that "as honest for her estate(
2o" turn "e unto .ir )ristram and to 8a /eale &soud' ho" they made great 7oy daily
together "ith all manner of mirths that they +ould devise0 and every day .ir )ristram
"ould go ride a<hunting' for .ir )ristram "as that time +alled the best +haser of the
"orld' and the noblest blo"er of an horn of all manner of measures0 for as boo%s report'
of .ir )ristram +ame all the good terms of venery and hunting' and all the siAes and
measures of blo"ing of an horn0 and of him "e had first all the terms of ha"%ing' and
"hi+h "ere beasts of +hase and beasts of venery' and "hi+h "ere vermins' and all the
blasts that long to all manner of games( First to the un+oupling' to the see%ing' to the
re+hate' to the flight' to the death' and to stra%e' and many other blasts and terms' that all
manner of gentlemen have +ause to the "orld1s end to praise .ir )ristram' and to pray for
his soul(
!o" by the +ounsel of 8a /eale &soud .ir )ristram rode armed' and ho" he met "ith .ir
.9 on a day 8a /eale &soud said unto .ir )ristram4 & marvel me mu+h' said she' that ye
remember not yourself' ho" ye be here in a strange +ountry' and here be many perilous
%nights0 and "ell ye "ot that -ing Mar% is full of treason0 and that ye "ill ride thus to
+hase and to hunt unarmed ye might be destroyed( My fair lady and my love' & +ry you
mer+y' & "ill no more do so( .o then .ir )ristram rode daily a<hunting armed' and his
men bearing his shield and his spear( .o on a day a little afore the month of May' .ir
)ristram +hased an hart passing eagerly' and so the hart passed by a fair "ell( *nd then
.ir )ristram alighted and put off his helm to drin% of that bubbly "ater( ?ight so he heard
and sa" the ;uesting /east +ome to the "ell( When .ir )ristram sa" that beast he put on
his helm' for he deemed he should hear of .ir $alomides' for that beast "as his 6uest(
?ight so .ir )ristram sa" "here +ame a %night armed' upon a noble +ourser' and he
saluted him' and they spa%e of many things0 and this %night1s name "as /reuse .aun+e
$ite( *nd right so "ithal there +ame unto them the noble %night .ir $alomides' and either
saluted other' and spa%e fair to other(
Fair %nights' said .ir $alomides' & +an tell you tidings( What is that3 said those %nights(
.irs' "it ye "ell that -ing Mar% is put in prison by his o"n %nights' and all "as for love
of .ir )ristram0 for -ing Mar% had put .ir )ristram t"i+e in prison' and on+e .ir
$er+ivale delivered the noble %night .ir )ristram out of prison( *nd at the last time
;ueen 8a /eale &soud delivered him' and "ent +learly a"ay "ith him into this realm0 and
all this "hile -ing Mar%' the false traitor' is in prison( &s this truth3 said $alomides0 then
shall "e hastily hear of .ir )ristram( *nd as for to say that & love 8a /eale &soud
paramours' & dare ma%e good that & do' and that she hath my servi+e above all other
ladies' and shall have the term of my life(
*nd right so as they stood tal%ing they sa" afore them "here +ame a %night all armed' on
a great horse' and one of his men bare his shield' and the other his spear( *nd anon as that
%night espied them he gat his shield and his spear and dressed him to 7oust( Fair fello"s'
said .ir )ristram' yonder is a %night "ill 7oust "ith us' let see "hi+h of us shall en+ounter
"ith him' for & see "ell he is of the +ourt of -ing *rthur( &t shall not be long or he be met
"ithal' said .ir $alomides' for & found never no %night in my 6uest of this glasting beast'
but an he "ould 7oust & never refused him( *s "ell may &' said /reuse .aun+e $ite' follo"
that beast as ye( )hen shall ye do battle "ith me' said $alomides(
.o .ir $alomides dressed him unto that other %night' .ir /leoberis' that "as a full noble
%night' nigh %in unto .ir 8aun+elot( *nd so they met so hard that .ir $alomides fell to the
earth' horse and all( )hen .ir /leoberis +ried aloud and said thus4 Ma%e thee ready thou
false traitor %night' /reuse .aun+e $ite' for "it thou +ertainly & "ill have ado "ith thee to
the utteran+e for the noble %nights and ladies that thou hast falsely betrayed( When this
false %night and traitor' /reuse .aun+e $ite' heard him say so' he too% his horse by the
bridle and fled his "ay as fast as ever his horse might run' for sore he "as of him afeard(
When .ir /leoberis sa" him flee he follo"ed fast after' through thi+% and through thin(
*nd by fortune as .ir /reuse fled' he sa" even afore him three %nights of the )able
?ound' of the "hi+h the one hight .ir E+tor de Maris' the other hight .ir $er+ivale de
:alis' the third hight .ir !arry le Fise 8a%e' a good %night and an hardy( *nd as for .ir
$er+ivale' he "as +alled that time of his time one of the best %nights of the "orld' and the
best assured( When /reuse sa" these %nights he rode straight unto them' and +ried unto
them and prayed them of res+ues( What need have ye3 said .ir E+tor( *h' fair %nights'
said .ir /reuse' here follo"eth me the most traitor %night' and most +o"ard' and most of
villainy0 his name is /reuse .aun+e $ite' and if he may get me he "ill slay me "ithout
mer+y and pity( *bide "ith us' said .ir $er+ivale' and "e shall "arrant you(
)hen "ere they "are of .ir /leoberis that +ame riding all that he might( )hen .ir E+tor
put himself forth to 7oust afore them all( When .ir /leoberis sa" that they "ere four
%nights and he but himself' he stood in a doubt "hether he "ould turn or hold his "ay(
)hen he said to himself4 & am a %night of the )able ?ound' and rather than & should
shame mine oath and my blood & "ill hold my "ay "hatsoever fall thereof( *nd then .ir
E+tor dressed his spear' and smote either other passing sore' but .ir E+tor fell to the earth(
)hat sa" .ir $er+ivale' and he dressed his horse to"ard him all that he might drive' but
.ir $er+ivale had su+h a stro%e that horse and man fell to the earth( When .ir !arry sa"
that they "ere both to the earth then he said to himself4 2ever "as /reuse of su+h
pro"ess( .o .ir !arry dressed his horse' and they met together so strongly that both the
horses and %nights fell to the earth' but .ir /leoberis1 horse began to re+over again( )hat
sa" /reuse and he +ame hurtling' and smote him over and over' and "ould have slain
him as he lay on the ground( )hen .ir !arry le Fise 8a%e arose lightly' and too% the
bridle of .ir /reuse1s horse' and said4 Fie for shame@ stri%e never a %night "hen he is at
the earth' for this %night may be +alled no shameful %night of his deeds' for yet as men
may see thereas he lieth on the ground he hath done "orshipfully' and put to the "orse
passing good %nights( )herefore "ill & not let' said .ir /reuse( )hou shalt not +hoose'
said .ir !arry' as at this time( )hen "hen .ir /reuse sa" that he might not +hoose nor
have his "ill he spa%e fair( )hen .ir !arry let him go( *nd then anon he made his horse
to run over .ir /leoberis' and rashed him to the earth li%e if he "ould have slain him(
When .ir !arry sa" him do so villainously he +ried4 )raitor %night' leave off for shame(
*nd as .ir !arry "ould have ta%en his horse to fight "ith .ir /reuse' then .ir /reuse ran
upon him as he "as half upon his horse' and smote him do"n' horse and man' to the
earth' and had near slain .ir !arry' the good %night( )hat sa" .ir $er+ivale' and then he
+ried4 )raitor %night "hat dost thou3 *nd "hen .ir $er+ivale "as upon his horse .ir
/reuse too% his horse and fled all that ever he might' and .ir $er+ivale and .ir !arry
follo"ed after him fast' but ever the longer they +hased the farther "ere they behind(
)hen they turned again and +ame to .ir E+tor de Maris and to .ir /leoberis( *h' fair
%nights' said /leoberis' "hy have ye su++oured that false %night and traitor3 Why said .ir
!arry' "hat %night is he3 for "ell & "ot it is a false %night' said .ir !arry' and a +o"ard
and a felonious %night( .ir' said /leoberis' he is the most +o"ard %night' and a devourer
of ladies and a destroyer of good %nights and espe+ially of *rthur1s( What is your name3
said .ir E+tor( My name is .ir /leoberis de :anis( *las' fair +ousin' said E+tor' forgive it
me' for & am .ir E+tor de Maris( )hen .ir $er+ivale and .ir !arry made great 7oy that
they met "ith /leoberis' but all they "ere heavy that .ir /reuse "as es+aped them'
"hereof they made great dole(
9f .ir $alomides' and ho" he met "ith .ir /leoberis and "ith .ir E+tor' and of .ir
?&:!) so as they stood thus there +ame .ir $alomides' and "hen he sa" the shield of
/leoberis lie on the earth' then said $alomides4 !e that o"eth that shield let him dress
him to me' for he smote me do"n here fast by at a fountain' and therefore & "ill fight for
him on foot( & am ready' said /leoberis' here to ans"er thee' for "it thou "ell' sir %night'
it "as &' and my name is /leoberis de :anis( Well art thou met' said $alomides' and "it
thou "ell my name is $alomides the .ara+en0 and either of them hated other to the death(
.ir $alomides' said E+tor' "it thou "ell there is neither thou nor none %night that beareth
the life that slayeth any of our blood but he shall die for it0 therefore an thou list to fight
go see% .ir 8aun+elot or .ir )ristram' and there shall ye find your mat+h( With them have
& met' said $alomides' but & had never no "orship of them( Was there never no manner of
%night' said .ir E+tor' but they that ever mat+hed "ith you3 >es' said $alomides' there
"as the third' a good %night as any of them' and of his age he "as the best that ever &
found0 for an he might have lived till he had been an hardier man there liveth no %night
no" su+h' and his name "as .ir 8amora% de :alis( *nd as he had 7ousted at a
tournament there he overthre" me and thirty %nights more' and there he "on the degree(
*nd at his departing there met him .ir :a"aine and his brethren' and "ith great pain
they sle" him feloniously' unto all good %nights1 great damage( *non as .ir $er+ivale
heard that his brother "as dead' .ir 8amora%' he fell over his horse1s mane s"ooning'
and there he made the greatest dole that ever made %night( *nd "hen .ir $er+ivale arose
he said4 *las' my good and noble brother .ir 8amora%' no" shall "e never meet' and &
tro" in all the "ide "orld a man may not find su+h a %night as he "as of his age0 and it is
too mu+h to suffer the death of our father -ing $ellinore' and no" the death of our good
brother .ir 8amora%(
)hen in the mean"hile there +ame a varlet from the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and told them
of the great tournament that should be at 8onaAep' and ho" these lands' Corn"all and
2orthgalis' should be against all them that "ould +ome(
!o" .ir )ristram met "ith .ir ,inadan' and of their devi+es' and "hat he said to .ir
:a"aine1s brethren(
29W turn "e unto .ir )ristram' that as he rode a<hunting he met "ith .ir ,inadan' that
"as +ome into that +ountry to see% .ir )ristram( )hen .ir ,inadan told .ir )ristram his
name' but .ir )ristram "ould not tell him his name' "herefore .ir ,inadan "as "roth(
For su+h a foolish %night as ye are' said .ir ,inadan' & sa" but late this day lying by a
"ell' and he fared as he slept0 and there he lay li%e a fool grinning' and "ould not spea%'
and his shield lay by him' and his horse stood by him0 and "ell & "ot he "as a lover( *h'
fair sir' said .ir )ristram are ye not a lover3 Mary' fie on that +raft@ said .ir ,inadan(
)hat is evil said' said .ir )ristram' for a %night may never be of pro"ess but if he be a
lover( &t is "ell said' said .ir ,inadan0 no" tell me your name' sith ye be a lover' or else &
shall do battle "ith you( *s for that' said .ir )ristram' it is no reason to fight "ith me but
& tell you my name0 and as for that my name shall ye not "it as at this time( Fie for
shame' said ,inadan' art thou a %night and durst not tell thy name to me3 therefore & "ill
fight "ith thee( *s for that' said .ir )ristram' & "ill be advised' for & "ill not do battle but
if me list( *nd if & do battle' said .ir )ristram' ye are not able to "ithstand me( Fie on
thee' +o"ard' said .ir ,inadan(
*nd thus as they hoved still' they sa" a %night +ome riding against them( 8o' said .ir
)ristram' see "here +ometh a %night riding' "ill 7oust "ith you( *non' as .ir ,inadan
beheld him he said4 )hat is the same doted %night that & sa" lie by the "ell' neither
sleeping nor "a%ing( Well' said .ir )ristram' & %no" that %night "ell "ith the +overed
shield of aAure' he is the %ing1s son of 2orthumberland' his name is Epinegris0 and he is
as great a lover as & %no"' and he loveth the %ing1s daughter of Wales' a full fair lady(
*nd no" & suppose' said .ir )ristram' an ye re6uire him he "ill 7oust "ith you' and then
shall ye prove "hether a lover be a better %night' or ye that "ill not love no lady( Well'
said ,inadan' no" shalt thou see "hat & shall do( )here"ithal .ir ,inadan spa%e on high
and said4 .ir %night' ma%e thee ready to 7oust "ith me' for it is the +ustom of errant
%nights one to 7oust "ith other( .ir' said Epinegris' is that the rule of you errant %nights
for to ma%e a %night to 7oust' "ill he or nill3 *s for that' said ,inadan' ma%e thee ready'
for here is for me( *nd there"ithal they spurred their horses and met together so hard that
Epinegris smote do"n .ir ,inadan( )hen .ir )ristram rode to .ir ,inadan and said4 !o"
no"' meseemeth the lover hath "ell sped( Fie on thee' +o"ard' said .ir ,inadan' and if
thou be a good %night revenge me( 2ay' said .ir )ristram' & "ill not 7oust as at this time'
but ta%e your horse and let us go hen+e( :od defend me' said .ir ,inadan' from thy
fello"ship' for & never sped "ell sin+e & met "ith thee4 and so they departed( Well' said
.ir )ristram' peradventure & +ould tell you tidings of .ir )ristram( :od defend me' said
,inadan' from thy fello"ship' for .ir )ristram "ere mi+%le the "orse an he "ere in thy
+ompany0 and then they departed( .ir' said .ir )ristram' yet it may happen & shall meet
"ith you in other pla+es(
.o rode .ir )ristram unto 5oyous :ard' and there he heard in that to"n great noise and
+ry( What is this noise3 said .ir )ristram( .ir' said they' here is a %night of this +astle that
hath been long among us' and right no" he is slain "ith t"o %nights' and for none other
+ause but that our %night said that .ir 8aun+elot "ere a better %night than .ir :a"aine(
)hat "as a simple +ause' said .ir )ristram' for to slay a good %night for to say "ell by his
master( )hat is little remedy to us' said the men of the to"n( For an .ir 8aun+elot had
been here soon "e should have been revenged upon the false %nights(
When .ir )ristram heard them say so he sent for his shield and for his spear' and lightly
"ithin a "hile he had overta%en them' and bade them turn and amend that they had
misdone( What amends "ouldst thou have3 said the one %night( *nd there"ith they too%
their +ourse' and either met other so hard that .ir )ristram smote do"n that %night over
his horse1s tail( )hen the other %night dressed him to .ir )ristram' and in the same "ise
he served the other %night( *nd then they gat off their horses as "ell as they might' and
dressed their shields and s"ords to do their battle to the utteran+e( -nights' said .ir
)ristram' ye shall tell me of "hen+e ye are' and "hat be your names' for su+h men ye
might be ye should hard es+ape my hands0 and ye might be su+h men of su+h a +ountry
that for all your evil deeds ye should pass 6uit( Wit thou "ell' sir %night' said they' "e
fear not to tell thee our names' for my name is .ir *gravaine' and my name is :aheris'
brethren unto the good %night .ir :a"aine' and "e be nephe"s unto -ing *rthur( Well'
said .ir )ristram' for -ing *rthur1s sa%e & shall let you pass as at this time( /ut it is
shame' said .ir )ristram' that .ir :a"aine and ye be +ome of so great a blood that ye
four brethren are so named as ye be' for ye be +alled the greatest destroyers and
murderers of good %nights that be no" in this realm0 for it is but as & heard say that .ir
:a"aine and ye sle" among you a better %night than ever ye "ere' that "as the noble
%night .ir 8amora% de :alis( *n it had pleased :od' said .ir )ristram' & "ould & had
been by .ir 8amora% at his death( )hen shouldst thou have gone the same "ay' said .ir
:aheris( Fair %night' said .ir )ristram' there must have been many more %nights than ye
are( *nd there"ithal .ir )ristram departed from them to"ard 5oyous :ard( *nd "hen he
"as departed they too% their horses' and the one said to the other4 We "ill overta%e him
and be revenged upon him in the despite of .ir 8amora%(
!o" .ir )ristram smote do"n .ir *gravaine and .ir :aheris' and ho" .ir ,inadan "as
sent for by 8a /eale &soud(
.9 "hen they had overta%en .ir )ristram' .ir *gravaine bade him4 )urn' traitor %night(
)hat is evil said' said .ir )ristram0 and there"ith he pulled out his s"ord' and smote .ir
*gravaine su+h a buffet upon the helm that he tumbled do"n off his horse in a s"oon'
and he had a grievous "ound( *nd then he turned to :aheris' and .ir )ristram smote his
s"ord and his helm together "ith su+h a might that :aheris fell out of his saddle4 and so
.ir )ristram rode unto 5oyous :ard' and there he alighted and unarmed him( .o .ir
)ristram told 8a /eale &soud of all his adventure' as ye have heard tofore( *nd "hen she
heard him tell of .ir ,inadan4 .ir' said she' is not that he that made the song by -ing
Mar%3 )hat same is he' said .ir )ristram' for he is the best bourder and 7aper' and a noble
%night of his hands' and the best fello" that & %no"' and all good %nights love his
fello"ship( *las' sir' said she' "hy brought ye not him "ith you3 !ave ye no +are' said
.ir )ristram' for he rideth to see% me in this +ountry0 and therefore he "ill not a"ay till
he have met "ith me( *nd there .ir )ristram told 8a /eale &soud ho" .ir ,inadan held
against all lovers( ?ight so there +ame in a varlet and told .ir )ristram ho" there "as
+ome an errant %night into the to"n' "ith su+h +olours upon his shield( )hat is .ir
,inadan' said .ir )ristram0 "it ye "hat ye shall do' said .ir )ristram4 send ye for him'
my 8ady &soud' and & "ill not be seen' and ye shall hear the merriest %night that ever ye
spa%e "ithal' and the maddest tal%er0 and & pray you heartily that ye ma%e him good
)hen anon 8a /eale &soud sent into the to"n' and prayed .ir ,inadan that he "ould
+ome into the +astle and repose him there "ith a lady( With a good "ill' said .ir ,inadan0
and so he mounted upon his horse and rode into the +astle0 and there he alighted' and "as
unarmed' and brought into the +astle( *non 8a /eale &soud +ame unto him' and either
saluted other0 then she as%ed him of "hen+e that he "as( Madam' said ,inadan' & am of
the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and %night of the )able ?ound' and my name is .ir ,inadan(
What do ye in this +ountry3 said 8a /eale &soud( Madam' said he' & see% .ir )ristram the
good %night' for it "as told me that he "as in this +ountry( &t may "ell be' said 8a /eale
&soud' but & am not "are of him( Madam' said ,inadan' & marvel of .ir )ristram and mo
other lovers' "hat aileth them to be so mad and so sotted upon "omen( Why' said 8a
/eale &soud' are ye a %night and be no lover3 it is shame to you4 "herefore ye may not be
+alled a good %night [but if ye ma%e a 6uarrel for a lady( :od defend me' said ,inadan'
for the 7oy of love is too short' and the sorro" thereof' and "hat +ometh thereof' dureth
over long( *h' said 8a /eale &soud' say ye not so' for here fast by "as the good %night .ir
/leoberis' that fought "ith three %nights at on+e for a damosel1s sa%e' and he "on her
afore the -ing of 2orthumberland( &t "as so' said .ir ,inadan' for & %no" him "ell for a
good %night and a noble' and +ome of noble blood0 for all be noble %nights of "hom he is
+ome of' that is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e(
2o" & pray you' said 8a /eale &soud' tell me "ill you fight for my love "ith three
%nights that do me great "rong3 and insomu+h as ye be a %night of -ing *rthur1s &
re6uire you to do battle for me( )hen .ir ,inadan said4 & shall say you ye be as fair a lady
as ever & sa" any' and mu+h fairer than is my lady ;ueen :uenever' but "it ye "ell at
one "ord' & "ill not fight for you "ith three %nights' 5esu defend me( )hen &soud
laughed' and had good game at him( .o he had all the +heer that she might ma%e him' and
there he lay all that night( *nd on the morn early .ir )ristram armed him' and 8a /eale
&soud gave him a good helm0 and then he promised her that he "ould meet "ith .ir
,inadan' and they t"o "ould ride together into 8onaAep' "here the tournament should
be4 *nd there shall & ma%e ready for you "here ye shall see the tournament( )hen
departed .ir )ristram "ith t"o s6uires that bare his shield and his spears that "ere great
and long(
!o" .ir ,inadan met "ith .ir )ristram' and "ith 7ousting "ith .ir $alomides' .ir
,inadan %ne" him(
)!E2 after that .ir ,inadan departed' and rode his "ay a great pa+e until he had
overta%en .ir )ristram( *nd "hen .ir ,inadan had overta%en him he %ne" him anon' and
he hated the fello"ship of him above all other %nights( *h' said .ir ,inadan' art thou that
+o"ard %night that & met "ith yesterday3 %eep thee' for thou shalt 7oust "ith me maugre
thy head( Well' said .ir )ristram' and & am loath to 7oust( *nd so they let their horses run'
and .ir )ristram missed of him a<purpose' and .ir ,inadan bra%e a spear upon .ir
)ristram' and there"ith .ir ,inadan dressed him to dra" out his s"ord( 2ot so' said .ir
)ristram' "hy are ye so "roth3 & "ill not fight( Fie on thee' +o"ard' said ,inadan' thou
shamest all %nights( *s for that' said .ir )ristram' & +are not' for & "ill "ait upon you and
be under your prote+tion0 for be+ause ye are so good a %night ye may save me( )he devil
deliver me of thee' said .ir ,inadan' for thou art as goodly a man of arms and of thy
person as ever & sa"' and the most +o"ard that ever & sa"( What "ilt thou do "ith those
great spears that thou +arriest "ith thee3 & shall give them' said .ir )ristram' to some
good %night "hen & +ome to the tournament0 and if & see you do best' & shall give them to
.o thus as they rode tal%ing they sa" "here +ame an errant %night afore them' that
dressed him to 7oust( 8o' said .ir )ristram' yonder is one "ill 7oust0 no" dress thee to
him( *h' shame betide thee' said .ir ,inadan( 2ay' not so' said )ristram' for that %night
beseemeth a shre"( )hen shall &' said .ir ,inadan( *nd so they dressed their shields and
their spears' and they met together so hard that the other %night smote do"n .ir ,inadan
from his horse( 8o' said .ir )ristram' it had been better ye had left( Fie on thee' +o"ard'
said .ir ,inadan( )hen .ir ,inadan started up and gat his s"ord in his hand' and
proffered to do battle on foot( Whether in love or in "rath3 said the other %night( 8et us
do battle in love' said .ir ,inadan( What is your name' said that %night' & pray you tell
me( Wit ye "ell my name is .ir ,inadan( *h' ,inadan' said that %night' and my name is
:areth' the youngest brother unto .ir :a"aine( )hen either made of other great +heer' for
this :areth "as the best %night of all the brethren' and he proved a good %night( )hen
they too% their horses' and there they spa%e of .ir )ristram' ho" su+h a +o"ard he "as0
and every "ord .ir )ristram heard and laughed them to s+orn(
)hen "ere they "are "here +ame a %night afore them "ell horsed and "ell armed' and he
made him ready to 7oust( Fair %nights' said .ir )ristram' loo% bet"ixt you "ho shall 7oust
"ith yonder %night' for & "arn you & "ill not have ado "ith him( )hen shall &' said .ir
:areth( *nd so they en+ountered together' and there that %night smote do"n .ir :areth
over his horse1s +roup( !o" no"' said .ir )ristram unto .ir ,inadan' dress thee no" and
revenge the good %night :areth( )hat shall & not' said .ir ,inadan' for he hath stri+%en
do"n a mu+h bigger %night than & am( *h' said .ir )ristram' no" .ir ,inadan' & see and
feel "ell your heart faileth you' therefore no" shall ye see "hat & shall do( *nd then .ir
)ristram hurtled unto that %night' and smote him 6uite from his horse( *nd "hen .ir
,inadan sa" that' he marvelled greatly0 and then he deemed that it "as .ir )ristram(
)hen this %night that "as on foot pulled out his s"ord to do battle( What is your name3
said .ir )ristram( Wit ye "ell' said that %night' my name is .ir $alomides( What %night
hate ye most3 said .ir )ristram( .ir %night' said he' & hate .ir )ristram to the death' for an
& may meet "ith him the one of us shall die( >e say "ell' said .ir )ristram' and "it ye
"ell that & am .ir )ristram de 8iones' and no" do your "orst( When .ir $alomides heard
him say so he "as astonied( *nd then he said thus4 & pray you' .ir )ristram' forgive me
all mine evil "ill' and if & live & shall do you servi+e above all other %nights that be living0
and "hereas & have o"ed you evil "ill me sore repenteth( & "ot not "hat aileth me' for
meseemeth that ye are a good %night' and none other %night that named himself a good
%night should not hate you0 therefore & re6uire you' .ir )ristram' ta%e no displeasure at
mine un%ind "ords( .ir $alomides' said .ir )ristram' ye say "ell' and "ell & "ot ye are a
good %night' for & have seen ye proved0 and many great enterprises have ye ta%en upon
you' and "ell a+hieved them0 therefore' said .ir )ristram' an ye have any evil "ill to me'
no" may ye right it' for & am ready at your hand( 2ot so' my lord .ir )ristram' & "ill do
you %nightly servi+e in all thing as ye "ill +ommand( *nd right so & "ill ta%e you' said
.ir )ristram( *nd so they rode forth on their "ays tal%ing of many things( 9 my lord .ir
)ristram' said ,inadan' foul have ye mo+%ed me' for :od %no"eth & +ame into this
+ountry for your sa%e' and by the advi+e of my lord .ir 8aun+elot0 and yet "ould not .ir
8aun+elot tell me the +ertainty of you' "here & should find you( )ruly' said .ir )ristram'
.ir 8aun+elot "ist "ell "here & "as' for & abode "ithin his o"n +astle(
!o" they approa+hed the Castle 8onaAep' and of other devi+es of the death of .ir
)!#. they rode until they "ere "are of the Castle 8onaAep( *nd then "ere they "are of
four hundred tents and pavilions' and marvellous great ordinan+e( .o :od me help' said
.ir )ristram' yonder & see the greatest ordinan+e that ever & sa"( .ir' said $alomides'
meseemeth that there "as as great an ordinan+e at the Castle of Maidens upon the ro+%'
"here ye "on the priAe' for & sa" myself "here ye for7ousted thirty %nights( .ir' said
,inadan' and in .urluse' at that tournament that :alahalt of the 8ong &sles made' the
"hi+h there dured seven days' "as as great a gathering as is here' for there "ere many
nations( Who "as the best3 said .ir )ristram( .ir' it "as .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e and the
noble %night' .ir 8amora% de :alis' and .ir 8aun+elot "on the degree( & doubt not' said
.ir )ristram' but he "on the degree' so he had not been overmat+hed "ith many %nights0
and of the death of .ir 8amora%' said .ir )ristram' it "as over great pity' for & dare say he
"as the +leanest mighted man and the best "inded of his age that "as alive0 for & %ne"
him that he "as the biggest %night that ever & met "ithal' but if it "ere .ir 8aun+elot(
*las' said .ir )ristram' full "oe is me for his death( *nd if they "ere not the +ousins of
my lord *rthur that sle" him' they should die for it' and all those that "ere +onsenting to
his death( *nd for su+h things' said .ir )ristram' & fear to dra" unto the +ourt of my lord
*rthur0 & "ill that ye "it it' said .ir )ristram unto :areth(
.ir' & blame you not' said :areth' for "ell & understand the vengean+e of my brethren .ir
:a"aine' *gravaine' :aheris' and Mordred( /ut as for me' said .ir :areth' & meddle not
of their matters' therefore there is none of them that loveth me( *nd for & understand they
be murderers of good %nights & left their +ompany0 and :od "ould & had been by' said
:areth' "hen the noble %night' .ir 8amora%' "as slain( 2o" as 5esu be my help' said .ir
)ristram' it is "ell said of you' for & had liefer than all the gold bet"ixt this and ?ome &
had been there( ><"is' [E said $alomides' and so "ould & had been there' and yet had &
never the degree at no 7ousts nor tournament thereas he "as' but he put me to the "orse'
or on foot or on horseba+%0 and that day that he "as slain he did the most deeds of arms
that ever & sa" %night do in all my life days( *nd "hen him "as given the degree by my
lord *rthur' .ir :a"aine and his three brethren' *gravaine' :aheris' and .ir Mordred' set
upon .ir 8amora% in a privy pla+e' and there they sle" his horse( *nd so they fought
"ith him on foot more than three hours' both before him and behind him0 and .ir
Mordred gave him his death "ound behind him at his ba+%' and all to<he" him4 for one
of his s6uires told me that sa" it( Fie upon treason' said .ir )ristram' for it %illeth my
heart to hear this tale( .o it doth mine' said :areth0 brethren as they be mine & shall never
love them' nor dra" in their fello"ship for that deed(
2o" spea% "e of other deeds' said $alomides' and let him be' for his life ye may not get
again( )hat is the more pity' said ,inadan' for .ir :a"aine and his brethren' ex+ept you
.ir :areth' hate all the good %nights of the ?ound )able for the most part0 for "ell & "ot
an they might privily' they hate my lord .ir 8aun+elot and all his %in' and great privy
despite they have at him0 and that is my lord .ir 8aun+elot "ell "are of' and that +auseth
him to have the good %nights of his %in about him(
[ E F><"isG B+ertainlyC0 Caxton' Fye "isG0 W( de Worde' Ftruly(G
!o" they +ame to !umber ban%' and ho" they found a ship there' "herein lay the body
of -ing !erman+e(
.&?' said $alomides' let us leave of this matter' and let us see ho" "e shall do at this
tournament( /y mine advi+e' said $alomides' let us four hold together against all that "ill
+ome( 2ot by my +ounsel' said .ir )ristram' for & see by their pavilions there "ill be four
hundred %nights' and doubt ye not' said .ir )ristram' but there "ill be many good
%nights0 and be a man never so valiant nor so big' yet he may be overmat+hed( *nd so
have & seen %nights done many times0 and "hen they "eened best to have "on "orship
they lost it' for manhood is not "orth but if it be medled "ith "isdom( *nd as for me'
said .ir )ristram' it may happen & shall %eep mine o"n head as "ell as another(
.o thus they rode until that they +ame to !umber ban%' "here they heard a +ry and a
doleful noise( )hen "ere they "are in the "ind "here +ame a ri+h vessel hilled over "ith
red sil%' and the vessel landed fast by them( )here"ith .ir )ristram alighted and his
%nights( *nd so .ir )ristram "ent afore and entered into that vessel( *nd "hen he +ame
"ithin he sa" a fair bed ri+hly +overed' and thereupon lay a dead seemly %night' all
armed save the head' "as all be<bled "ith deadly "ounds upon him' the "hi+h seemed to
be a passing good %night( !o" may this be' said .ir )ristram' that this %night is thus
slain3 )hen .ir )ristram "as "are of a letter in the dead %night1s hand( Master mariners'
said .ir )ristram' "hat meaneth that letter3 .ir' said they' in that letter ye shall hear and
%no" ho" he "as slain' and for "hat +ause' and "hat "as his name( /ut sir' said the
mariners' "it ye "ell that no man shall ta%e that letter and read it but if he be a good
%night' and that he "ill faithfully promise to revenge his death' else shall there be no
%night see that letter open( Wit ye "ell' said .ir )ristram' that some of us may revenge
his death as "ell as other' and if it be so as ye mariners say his death shall be revenged(
*nd there"ith .ir )ristram too% the letter out of the %night1s hand' and it said thus4
!erman+e' %ing and lord of the ?ed City' & send unto all %nights errant' re+ommending
unto you noble %nights of *rthur1s +ourt( & besee+h them all among them to find one
%night that "ill fight for my sa%e "ith t"o brethren that & brought up of nought' and
feloniously and traitorly they have slain me0 "herefore & besee+h one good %night to
revenge my death( *nd he that revengeth my death & "ill that he have my ?ed City and
all my +astles(
.ir' said the mariners' "it ye "ell this %ing and %night that here lieth "as a full
"orshipful man and of full great pro"ess' and full "ell he loved all manner %nights
errants( .o :od me help' said .ir )ristram' here is a piteous +ase' and full fain "ould &
ta%e this enterprise upon me0 but & have made su+h a promise that needs & must be at this
great tournament' or else & am shamed( For "ell & "ot for my sa%e in espe+ial my lord
*rthur let ma%e this 7ousts and tournament in this +ountry0 and "ell & "ot that many
"orshipful people "ill be there at that tournament for to see me0 therefore & fear me to
ta%e this enterprise upon me that & shall not +ome again by time to this 7ousts( .ir' said
$alomides' & pray you give me this enterprise' and ye shall see me a+hieve it
"orshipfully' other else & shall die in this 6uarrel( Well' said .ir )ristram' and this
enterprise & give you' "ith this' that ye be "ith me at this tournament that shall be as this
day seven night( .ir' said $alomides' & promise you that & shall be "ith you by that day if
& be unslain or unmaimed(
!o" .ir )ristram "ith his fello"ship +ame and "ere "ith an host "hi+h after fought
"ith .ir )ristram0 and other matters(
)!E2 departed .ir )ristram' :areth' and .ir ,inadan' and left .ir $alomides in the
vessel0 and so .ir )ristram beheld the mariners ho" they sailed overlong !umber( *nd
"hen .ir $alomides "as out of their sight they too% their horses and beheld about them(
*nd then "ere they "are of a %night that +ame riding against them unarmed' and nothing
about him but a s"ord( *nd "hen this %night +ame nigh them he saluted them' and they
him again( Fair %nights' said that %night' & pray you insomu+h as ye be %nights errant' that
ye "ill +ome and see my +astle' and ta%e su+h as ye find there0 & pray you heartily( *nd
so they rode "ith him until his +astle' and there they "ere brought into the hall' that "as
"ell apparelled0 and so they "ere there unarmed' and set at a board0 and "hen this %night
sa" .ir )ristram' anon he %ne" him( *nd then this %night "axed pale and "roth at .ir
)ristram( When .ir )ristram sa" his host ma%e su+h +heer he marvelled and said4 .ir'
mine host' "hat +heer ma%e you3 Wit thou "ell' said he' & fare the "orse for thee' for &
%no" thee' .ir )ristram de 8iones' thou sle"est my brother0 and therefore & give thee
summons & "ill slay thee an ever & may get thee at large( .ir %night' said .ir )ristram' &
am never advised that ever & sle" any brother of yours0 and if ye say that & did & "ill
ma%e amends unto my po"er( & "ill none amends' said the %night' but %eep thee from
.o "hen he had dined .ir )ristram as%ed his arms' and departed( *nd so they rode on
their "ays' and "ithin a "hile .ir ,inadan sa" "here +ame a %night "ell armed and "ell
horsed' "ithout shield( .ir )ristram' said .ir ,inadan' ta%e %eep to yourself' for & dare
underta%e yonder +ometh your host that "ill have ado "ith you( 8et him +ome' said .ir
)ristram' & shall abide him as "ell as & may( *non the %night' "hen he +ame nigh .ir
)ristram' he +ried and bade him abide and %eep him( .o they hurtled together' but .ir
)ristram smote the other %night so sore that he bare him over his horse1s +roup( )hat
%night arose lightly and too% his horse again' and so rode fier+ely to .ir )ristram' and
smote him t"i+e hard upon the helm( .ir %night' said .ir )ristram' & pray you leave off
and smite me no more' for & "ould be loath to deal "ith you an & might +hoose' for & have
your meat and your drin% "ithin my body( For all that he "ould not leave0 and then .ir
)ristram gave him su+h a buffet upon the helm that he fell up<so<do"n from his horse'
that the blood brast out at the ventails of his helm' and so he lay still li%ely to be dead(
)hen .ir )ristram said4 Me repenteth of this buffet that & smote so sore' for as & suppose
he is dead( *nd so they left him and rode on their "ays(
.o they had not ridden but a "hile' but they sa" riding against them t"o full li%ely
%nights' "ell armed and "ell horsed' and goodly servants about them( )he one "as
/errant le *pres' and he "as +alled the -ing "ith the !undred -nights0 and the other
"as .ir .eg"arides' "hi+h "ere reno"ned t"o noble %nights( .o as they +ame either by
other the %ing loo%ed upon .ir ,inadan' that at that time he had .ir )ristram1s helm upon
his shoulder' the "hi+h helm the %ing had seen tofore "ith the ;ueen of 2orthgalis' and
that 6ueen the %ing loved as paramour0 and that helm the ;ueen of 2orthgalis had given
to 8a /eale &soud' and the 6ueen 8a /eale &soud gave it to .ir )ristram( .ir %night' said
/errant' "here had ye that helm3 What "ould ye3 said .ir ,inadan( For & "ill have ado
"ith thee' said the %ing' for the love of her that o"ed that helm' and therefore %eep you(
.o they departed and +ame together "ith all their mights of their horses' and there the
-ing "ith the !undred -nights smote .ir ,inadan' horse and all' to the earth0 and then
he +ommanded his servant4 :o and ta%e thou his helm off' and %eep it( .o the varlet "ent
to unbu+%le his helm( What helm' "hat "ilt thou do3 said .ir )ristram' leave that helm(
)o "hat intent' said the %ing' "ill ye' sir %night' meddle "ith that helm3 Wit you "ell'
said .ir )ristram' that helm shall not depart from me or it be dearer bought( )hen ma%e
you ready' said .ir /errant unto .ir )ristram( .o they hurtled together' and there .ir
)ristram smote him do"n over his horse1s tail0 and then the %ing arose lightly' and gat his
horse lightly again( *nd then he stru+% fier+ely at .ir )ristram many great stro%es( *nd
then .ir )ristram gave .ir /errant su+h a buffet upon the helm that he fell do"n over his
horse sore stonied( 8o' said ,inadan' that helm is unhappy to us t"ain' for & had a fall for
it' and no"' sir %ing' have ye another fall(
)hen .eg"arides as%ed4 Who shall 7oust "ith me3 & pray thee' said .ir :areth unto
,inadan' let me have this 7ousts( .ir' said ,inadan' & pray you ta%e it as for me( )hat is no
reason' said )ristram' for this 7ousts should be yours( *t a "ord' said ,inadan' & "ill not
thereof( )hen :areth dressed him to .ir .eg"arides' and there .ir .eg"arides smote
:areth and his horse to the earth( 2o"' said .ir )ristram to ,inadan' 7oust "ith yonder
%night( & "ill not thereof' said ,inadan( )hen "ill &' said .ir )ristram( *nd then .ir
)ristram ran to him' and gave him a fall0 and so they left them on foot' and .ir )ristram
rode unto 5oyous :ard' and there .ir :areth "ould not of his +ourtesy have gone into this
+astle' but .ir )ristram "ould not suffer him to depart( *nd so they alighted and unarmed
them' and had great +heer( /ut "hen ,inadan +ame afore 8a /eale &soud he +ursed the
time that ever he bare .ir )ristram1s helm' and there he told her ho" .ir )ristram had
mo+%ed him( )hen "as there laughing and 7aping at .ir ,inadan' that they "ist not "hat
to do "ith him(
!o" $alomides "ent for to fight "ith t"o brethren for the death of -ing !erman+e(
29W "ill "e leave them merry "ithin 5oyous :ard' and spea% "e of .ir $alomides(
)hen .ir $alomides sailed evenlong !umber to the +oasts of the sea' "here "as a fair
+astle( *nd at that time it "as early in the morning' afore day( )hen the mariners "ent
unto .ir $alomides that slept fast( .ir %night' said the mariners' ye must arise' for here is
a +astle there ye must go into( & assent me' said .ir $alomides0 and there"ithal he arrived(
*nd then he ble" his horn that the mariners had given him( *nd "hen they "ithin the
+astle heard that horn they put forth many %nights0 and there they stood upon the "alls'
and said "ith one voi+e4 Wel+ome be ye to this +astle( *nd then it "axed +lear day' and
.ir $alomides entered into the +astle( *nd "ithin a "hile he "as served "ith many divers
meats( )hen .ir $alomides heard about him mu+h "eeping and great dole( What may this
mean3 said .ir $alomides0 & love not to hear su+h a sorro"' and fain & "ould %no" "hat
it meaneth( )hen there +ame afore him one "hose name "as .ir Ebel' that said thus4 Wit
ye "ell' sir %night' this dole and sorro" is here made every day' and for this +ause4 "e
had a %ing that hight !erman+e' and he "as -ing of the ?ed City' and this %ing that "as
lord "as a noble %night' large and liberal of his expense0 and in the "orld he loved
nothing so mu+h as he did errant %nights of -ing *rthur1s +ourt' and all 7ousting' hunting'
and all manner of %nightly games0 for so %ind a %ing and %night had never the rule of
poor people as he "as0 and be+ause of his goodness and gentle ness "e bemoan him' and
ever shall( *nd all %ings and estates may be"are by our lord' for he "as destroyed in his
o"n default0 for had he +herished them of his blood he had yet lived "ith great ri+hes and
rest4 but all estates may be"are by our %ing( /ut alas' said Ebel' that "e shall give all
other "arning by his death(
)ell me' said $alomides' and in "hat manner "as your lord slain' and by "hom( .ir' said
.ir Ebel' our %ing brought up of +hildren t"o men that no" are perilous %nights0 and
these t"o %nights our %ing had so in +harity' that he loved no man nor trusted no man of
his blood' nor none other that "as about him( *nd by these t"o %nights our %ing "as
governed' and so they ruled him pea+eably and his lands' and never "ould they suffer
none of his blood to have no rule "ith our %ing( *nd also he "as so free and so gentle'
and they so false and de+eivable' that they ruled him pea+eably0 and that espied the lords
of our %ing1s blood' and departed from him unto their o"n livelihood( )hen "hen these
t"o traitors understood that they had driven all the lords of his blood from him' they "ere
not pleased "ith that rule' but then they thought to have more' as ever it is an old sa"4
:ive a +hurl rule and thereby he "ill not be suffi+ed0 for "hatsomever he be that is ruled
by a villain born' and the lord of the soil to be a gentleman born' the same villain shall
destroy all the gentlemen about him4 therefore all estates and lords' be"are "hom ye ta%e
about you( *nd if ye be a %night of -ing *rthur1s +ourt remember this tale' for this is the
end and +on+lusion( My lord and %ing rode unto the forest hereby by the advi+e of these
traitors' and there he +hased at the red deer' armed at all pie+es full li%e a good %night0
and so for labour he "axed dry' and then he alighted' and dran% at a "ell( *nd "hen he
"as alighted' by the assent of these t"o traitors' that one that hight !elius he suddenly
smote our %ing through the body "ith a spear' and so they left him there( *nd "hen they
"ere departed' then by fortune & +ame to the "ell' and found my lord and %ing "ounded
to the death( *nd "hen & heard his +omplaint' & let bring him to the "ater side' and in that
same ship & put him alive0 and "hen my lord -ing !erman+e "as in that vessel' he
re6uired me for the true faith & o"ed unto him for to "rite a letter in this manner(
)he +opy of the letter "ritten for to revenge the %ing1s death' and ho" .ir $alomides
fought for to have the battle(
?EC9MME2,&2: unto -ing *rthur and to all his %nights errant' besee+hing them all
that insomu+h as &' -ing !erman+e' -ing of the ?ed City' thus am slain by felony and
treason' through t"o %nights of mine o"n' and of mine o"n bringing up and of mine o"n
ma%ing' that some "orshipful %night "ill revenge my death' insomu+h & have been ever
to my po"er "ell "illing unto *rthur1s +ourt( *nd "ho that "ill adventure his life "ith
these t"o traitors for my sa%e in one battle' &' -ing !erman+e' -ing of the ?ed City'
freely give him all my lands and rents that ever & "ielded in my life( )his letter' said
Ebel' & "rote by my lord1s +ommandment' and then he re+eived his Creator0 and "hen he
"as dead' he +ommanded me or ever he "ere +old to put that letter fast in his hand( *nd
then he +ommanded me to put forth that same vessel do"n !umber' and & should give
these mariners in +ommandment never to stint until that they +ame unto 8ogris' "here all
the noble %nights shall assemble at this time( *nd there shall some good %night have pity
on me to revenge my death' for there "as never %ing nor lord falslier nor traitorlier slain
than & am here to my death( )hus "as the +omplaint of our -ing !erman+e( 2o"' said .ir
Ebel' ye %no" all ho" our lord "as betrayed' "e re6uire you for :od1s sa%e have pity
upon his death' and "orshipfully revenge his death' and then may ye "ield all these
lands( For "e all "it "ell that an ye may slay these t"o traitors' the ?ed City and all
those that be therein "ill ta%e you for their lord(
)ruly' said .ir $alomides' it grieveth my heart for to hear you tell this doleful tale0 and to
say the truth & sa" the same letter that ye spea% of' and one of the best %nights on the
earth read that letter to me' and by his +ommandment & +ame hither to revenge your
%ing1s death0 and therefore have done' and let me "it "here & shall find those traitors' for
& shall never be at ease in my heart till & be in hands "ith them( .ir' said .ir Ebel' then
ta%e your ship again' and that ship must bring you unto the ,ele+table &sle' fast by the
?ed City' and "e in this +astle shall pray for you' and abide your again<+oming( For this
same +astle' an ye speed "ell' must needs be yours0 for our -ing !erman+e let ma%e this
+astle for the love of the t"o traitors' and so "e %ept it "ith strong hand' and therefore
full sore are "e threated( Wot ye "hat ye shall do' said .ir $alomides0 "hatsomever
+ome of me' loo% ye %eep "ell this +astle( For an it misfortune me so to be slain in this
6uest & am sure there "ill +ome one of the best %nights of the "orld for to revenge my
death' and that is .ir )ristram de 8iones' or else .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e(
)hen .ir $alomides departed from that +astle( *nd as he +ame nigh the +ity' there +ame
out of a ship a goodly %night armed against him' "ith his shield on his shoulder' and his
hand upon his s"ord( *nd anon as he +ame nigh .ir $alomides he said4 .ir %night' "hat
see% ye here3 leave this 6uest for it is mine' and mine it "as or ever it "as yours' and
therefore & "ill have it( .ir %night' said $alomides' it may "ell be that this 6uest "as
yours or it "as mine' but "hen the letter "as ta%en out of the dead %ing1s hand' at that
time by li%elihood there "as no %night had underta%en to revenge the death of the %ing(
*nd so at that time & promised to revenge his death' and so & shall or else & am ashamed(
>e say "ell' said the %night' but "it ye "ell then "ill & fight "ith you' and "ho be the
better %night of us both' let him ta%e the battle upon hand( & assent me' said .ir
$alomides( *nd then they dressed their shields' and pulled out their s"ords' and lashed
together many sad stro%es as men of might0 and this fighting "as more than an hour' but
at the last .ir $alomides "axed big and better "inded' so that then he smote that %night
su+h a stro%e that he made him to %neel upon his %nees( )hen that %night spa%e on high
and said4 :entle %night' hold thy hand( .ir $alomides "as goodly and "ithdre" his hand(
)hen this %night said4 Wit ye "ell' %night' that thou art better "orthy to have this battle
than &' and re6uire thee of %nighthood tell me thy name( .ir' my name is $alomides' a
%night of -ing *rthur1s' and of the )able ?ound' that hither & +ame to revenge the death
of this dead %ing(
9f the preparation of .ir $alomides and the t"o brethren that should fight "ith him(
WE88 be ye found' said the %night to $alomides' for of all %nights that be alive' ex+ept
three' & had liefest have you( )he first is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and .ir )ristram de
8iones' the third is my nigh +ousin' .ir 8amora% de :alis( *nd & am brother unto -ing
!erman+e that is dead' and my name is .ir !ermind( >e say "ell' said .ir $alomides'
and ye shall see ho" & shall speed0 and if & be there slain go ye to my lord .ir 8aun+elot'
or else to my lord .ir )ristram' and pray them to revenge my death' for as for .ir
8amora% him shall ye never see in this "orld( *las' said .ir !ermind' ho" may that be3
!e is slain' said .ir $alomides' by .ir :a"aine and his brethren( .o :od me help' said
!ermind' there "as not one for one that sle" him( )hat is truth' said .ir $alomides' for
they "ere four dangerous %nights that sle" him' as .ir :a"aine' .ir *gravaine' .ir
:aheris' and .ir Mordred' but .ir :areth' the fifth brother "as a"ay' the best %night of
them all( *nd so .ir $alomides told !ermind all the manner' and ho" they sle" .ir
8amora% all only by treason(
.o .ir $alomides too% his ship' and arrived up at the ,ele+table &sle( *nd in the
mean"hile .ir !ermind that "as the %ing1s brother' he arrived up at the ?ed City' and
there he told them ho" there "as +ome a %night of -ing *rthur1s to avenge -ing
!erman+e1s death4 *nd his name is .ir $alomides' the good %night' that for the most part
he follo"eth the beast :latisant( )hen all the +ity made great 7oy' for mi+%le had they
heard of .ir $alomides' and of his noble pro"ess( .o let they ordain a messenger' and
sent unto the t"o brethren' and bade them to ma%e them ready' for there "as a %night
+ome that "ould fight "ith them both( .o the messenger "ent unto them "here they "ere
at a +astle there beside0 and there he told them ho" there "as a %night +ome of -ing
*rthur1s +ourt to fight "ith them both at on+e( !e is "el+ome' said they0 but tell us' "e
pray you' if it be .ir 8aun+elot or any of his blood3 !e is none of that blood' said the
messenger( )hen "e +are the less' said the t"o brethren' for "ith none of the blood of .ir
8aun+elot "e %eep not to have ado "ithal( Wit ye "ell' said the messenger' that his name
is .ir $alomides' that yet is un+hristened' a noble %night( Well' said they' an he be no"
un+hristened he shall never be +hristened( .o they appointed to be at the +ity "ithin t"o
*nd "hen .ir $alomides "as +ome to the +ity they made passing great 7oy of him' and
then they beheld him' and sa" that he "as "ell made' +leanly and bigly' and unmaimed
of his limbs' and neither too young nor too old( *nd so all the people praised him0 and
though he "as not +hristened yet he believed in the best manner' and "as full faithful and
true of his promise' and "ell +onditioned0 and be+ause he made his avo" that he "ould
never be +hristened unto the time that he had a+hieved the beast :latisant' the "hi+h "as
a full "onderful beast' and a great signifi+ation0 for Merlin prophesied mu+h of that
beast( *nd also .ir $alomides avo"ed never to ta%e full +hristendom unto the time that
he had done seven battles "ithin the lists(
.o "ithin the third day there +ame to the +ity these t"o brethren' the one hight !elius' the
other hight !ela%e' the "hi+h "ere men of great pro"ess0 ho"beit that they "ere false
and full of treason' and but poor men born' yet "ere they noble %nights of their hands(
*nd "ith them they brought forty %nights' to that intent that they should be big enough
for the ?ed City( )hus +ame the t"o brethren "ith great bobaun+e and pride' for they had
put the ?ed City in fear and damage( )hen they "ere brought to the lists' and .ir
$alomides +ame into the pla+e and said thus4 /e ye the t"o brethren' !elius and !ela%e'
that sle" your %ing and lord' .ir !erman+e' by felony and treason' for "hom that & am
+ome hither to revenge his death3 Wit thou "ell' said .ir !elius and .ir !ela%e' that "e
are the same %nights that sle" -ing !erman+e0 and "it thou "ell' .ir $alomides .ara+en'
that "e shall handle thee so or thou depart that thou shalt "ish that thou "ert +hristened(
&t may "ell be' said .ir $alomides' for yet & "ould not die or & "ere +hristened0 and yet so
am & not afeard of you both' but & trust to :od that & shall die a better +hristian man than
any of you both0 and doubt ye not' said .ir $alomides' either ye or & shall be left dead in
this pla+e(
9f the battle bet"een .ir $alomides and the t"o brethren' and ho" the t"o brethren "ere
)!E2 they departed' and the t"o brethren +ame against .ir $alomides' and he against
them' as fast as their horses might run( *nd by fortune .ir $alomides smote !ela%e
through his shield and through the breast more than a fathom( *ll this "hile .ir !elius
held up his spear' and for pride and orgulite he "ould not smite .ir $alomides "ith his
spear0 but "hen he sa" his brother lie on the earth' and sa" he might not help himself'
then he said unto .ir $alomides4 !elp thyself( *nd there"ith he +ame hurtling unto .ir
$alomides "ith his spear' and smote him 6uite from his saddle( )hen .ir !elius rode over
.ir $alomides t"i+e or thri+e( *nd there"ith .ir $alomides "as ashamed' and gat the
horse of .ir !elius by the bridle' and there"ithal the horse areared' and .ir $alomides
halp after' and so they fell both to the earth0 but anon .ir !elius stert up lightly' and there
he smote .ir $alomides a great stro%e upon the helm' that he %neeled upon his o"n %nee(
)hen they lashed together many sad stro%es' and tra+ed and traversed no" ba+%"ard'
no" sideling' hurtling together li%e t"o boars' and that same time they fell both
grovelling to the earth(
)hus they fought still "ithout any reposing t"o hours' and never breathed0 and then .ir
$alomides "axed faint and "eary' and .ir !elius "axed passing strong' and doubled his
stro%es' and drove .ir $alomides overth"art and endlong all the field' that they of the +ity
"hen they sa" .ir $alomides in this +ase they "ept and +ried' and made great dole' and
the other party made as great 7oy( *las' said the men of the +ity' that this noble %night
should thus be slain for our %ing1s sa%e( *nd as they "ere thus "eeping and +rying' .ir
$alomides that had suffered an hundred stro%es' that it "as "onder that he stood on his
feet' at the last .ir $alomides beheld as he might the +ommon people' ho" they "ept for
him0 and then he said to himself4 *h' fie for shame' .ir $alomides' "hy hangest thou thy
head so lo"0 and there"ith he bare up his shield' and loo%ed .ir !elius in the visage' and
he smote him a great stro%e upon the helm' and after that another and another( *nd then
he smote .ir !elius "ith su+h a might that he fell to the earth grovelling0 and then he
ra+ed off his helm from his head' and there he smote him su+h a buffet that he departed
his head from the body( *nd then "ere the people of the +ity the 7oyfullest people that
might be( .o they brought him to his lodging "ith great solemnity' and there all the
people be+ame his men( *nd then .ir $alomides prayed them all to ta%e %eep unto all the
lordship of -ing !erman+e4 For' fair sirs' "it ye "ell & may not as at this time abide "ith
you' for & must in all haste be "ith my lord -ing *rthur at the Castle of 8onaAep' the
"hi+h & have promised( )hen "as the people full heavy at his departing' for all that +ity
proffered .ir $alomides the third part of their goods so that he "ould abide "ith them0
but in no "ise as at that time he "ould not abide(
*nd so .ir $alomides departed' and so he +ame unto the +astle thereas .ir Ebel "as
lieutenant( *nd "hen they in the +astle "ist ho" .ir $alomides had sped' there "as a
7oyful meiny0 and so .ir $alomides departed' and +ame to the +astle of 8onaAep( *nd
"hen he "ist that .ir )ristram "as not there he too% his "ay over !umber' and +ame
unto 5oyous :ard' "hereas .ir )ristram "as and 8a /eale &soud( .ir )ristram had
+ommanded that "hat %night errant +ame "ithin the 5oyous :ard' as in the to"n' that
they should "arn .ir )ristram( .o there +ame a man of the to"n' and told .ir )ristram
ho" there "as a %night in the to"n' a passing goodly man( What manner of man is he'
said .ir )ristram' and "hat sign beareth he3 .o the man told .ir )ristram all the to%ens of
him( )hat is $alomides' said ,inadan( &t may "ell be' said .ir )ristram( :o ye to him'
said .ir )ristram unto ,inadan( .o ,inadan "ent unto .ir $alomides' and there either
made other great 7oy' and so they lay together that night( *nd on the morn early +ame .ir
)ristram and .ir :areth' and too% them in their beds' and so they arose and bra%e their
!o" .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides met /reuse .aun+e $ite' and ho" .ir )ristram and
8a /eale &soud "ent unto 8onaAep(
*2, then .ir )ristram desired .ir $alomides to ride into the fields and "oods( .o they
"ere a++orded to repose them in the forest( *nd "hen they had played them a great "hile
they rode unto a fair "ell0 and anon they "ere "are of an armed %night that +ame riding
against them' and there either saluted other( )hen this armed %night spa%e to .ir )ristram'
and as%ed "hat "ere these %nights that "ere lodged in 5oyous :ard( & "ot not "hat they
are' said .ir )ristram( What %nights be ye3 said that %night' for meseemeth ye be no
%nights errant' be+ause ye ride unarmed( Whether "e be %nights or not "e list not to tell
thee our name( Wilt thou not tell me thy name3 said that %night0 then %eep thee' for thou
shalt die of my hands( *nd there"ith he got his spear in his hands' and "ould have run
.ir )ristram through( )hat sa" .ir $alomides' and smote his horse traverse in midst of
the side' that man and horse fell to the earth( *nd there"ith .ir $alomides alighted and
pulled out his s"ord to have slain him( 8et be' said .ir )ristram' slay him not' the %night
is but a fool' it "ere shame to slay him( /ut ta%e a"ay his spear' said .ir )ristram' and let
him ta%e his horse and go "here that he "ill(
.o "hen this %night arose he groaned sore of the fall' and so he too% his horse' and "hen
he "as up he turned then his horse' and re6uired .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides to tell
him "hat %nights they "ere( 2o" "it ye "ell' said .ir )ristram' that my name is .ir
)ristram de 8iones' and this %night1s name is .ir $alomides( When he "ist "hat they
"ere he too% his horse "ith the spurs' be+ause they should not as% him his name' and so
rode fast a"ay through thi+% and thin( )hen +ame there by them a %night "ith a bended
shield of aAure' "hose name "as Epinogris' and he +ame to"ard them a great "allop(
Whither are ye riding3 said .ir )ristram( My fair lords' said Epinogris' & follo" the falsest
%night that beareth the life0 "herefore & re6uire you tell me "hether ye sa" him' for he
beareth a shield "ith a +ase of red over it( .o :od me help' said )ristram' su+h a %night
departed from us not a 6uarter of an hour agone0 "e pray you tell us his name( *las' said
Epinogris' "hy let ye him es+ape from you3 and he is so great a foe unto all errant
%nights4 his name is /reuse .aun+e $ite( *h' fie for shame' said .ir $alomides' alas that
ever he es+aped mine hands' for he is the man in the "orld that & hate most( )hen every
%night made great sorro" to other0 and so Epinogris departed and follo"ed the +hase
after him(
)hen .ir )ristram and his three fello"s rode unto 5oyous :ard0 and there .ir )ristram
tal%ed unto .ir $alomides of his battle' ho" he sped at the ?ed City' and as ye have heard
afore so "as it ended( )ruly' said .ir )ristram' & am glad ye have "ell sped' for ye have
done "orshipfully( Well' said .ir )ristram' "e must for"ard to<morn( *nd then he
devised ho" it should be0 and .ir )ristram devised to send his t"o pavilions to set them
fast by the "ell of 8onaAep' and therein shall be the 6ueen 8a /eale &soud( &t is "ell said'
said .ir ,inadan' but "hen .ir $alomides heard of that his heart "as ravished out of
measure4 not"ithstanding he said but little( .o "hen they +ame to 5oyous :ard .ir
$alomides "ould not have gone into the +astle' but as .ir )ristram too% him by the finger'
and led him into the +astle( *nd "hen .ir $alomides sa" 8a /eale &soud he "as ravished
so that he might unnethe spea%( .o they "ent unto meat' but $alomides might not eat' and
there "as all the +heer that might be had( *nd on the morn they "ere apparelled to ride
to"ard 8onaAep(
.o .ir )ristram had three s6uires' and 8a /eale &soud had three gentle"omen' and both
the 6ueen and they "ere ri+hly apparelled0 and other people had they none "ith them' but
varlets to bear their shields and their spears( *nd thus they rode forth( .o as they rode
they sa" afore them a rout of %nights0 it "as the %night :alihodin "ith t"enty %nights
"ith him( Fair fello"s' said :alihodin' yonder +ome four %nights' and a ri+h and a "ell
fair lady4 & am in "ill to ta%e that lady from them( )hat is not of the best +ounsel' said one
of :alihodin1s men' but send ye to them and "it "hat they "ill say0 and so it "as done(
)here +ame a s6uire unto .ir )ristram' and as%ed them "hether they "ould 7oust or else
to lose their lady( 2ot so' said .ir )ristram' tell your lord & bid him +ome as many as "e
be' and "in her and ta%e her( .ir' said $alomides' an it please you let me have this deed'
and & shall underta%e them all four( & "ill that ye have it' said .ir )ristram' at your
pleasure( 2o" go and tell your lord :alihodin' that this same %night "ill en+ounter "ith
him and his fello"s(
!o" .ir $alomides 7ousted "ith .ir :alihodin' and after "ith .ir :a"aine' and smote
them do"n(
)!E2 this s6uire departed and told :alihodin0 and then he dressed his shield' and put
forth a spear' and .ir $alomides another0 and there .ir $alomides smote :alihodin so
hard that he smote both horse and man to the earth( *nd there he had an horrible fall( *nd
then +ame there another %night' and in the same "ise he served him0 and so he served the
third and the fourth' that he smote them over their horses1 +roups' and al"ays .ir
$alomides1 spear "as "hole( )hen +ame six %nights more of :alihodin1s men' and "ould
have been avenged upon .ir $alomides( 8et be' said .ir :alihodin' not so hardy' none of
you all meddle "ith this %night' for he is a man of great bounte and honour' and if he
"ould ye "ere not able to meddle "ith him( *nd right so they held them still( *nd ever
.ir $alomides "as ready to 7oust0 and "hen he sa" they "ould no more he rode unto .ir
)ristram( ?ight "ell have ye done' said .ir )ristram' and "orshipfully have ye done as a
good %night should( )his :alihodin "as nigh +ousin unto :alahalt' the haut prin+e0 and
this :alihodin "as a %ing "ithin the +ountry of .urluse(
.o as .ir )ristram' .ir $alomides' and 8a /eale &soud rode together they sa" afore them
four %nights' and every man had his spear in his hand4 the first "as .ir :a"aine' the
se+ond .ir #"aine' the third .ir .agramore le ,esirous' and the fourth "as ,odinas le
.avage( When .ir $alomides beheld them' that the four %nights "ere ready to 7oust' he
prayed .ir )ristram to give him leave to have ado "ith them all so long as he might hold
him on horseba+%( *nd if that & be smitten do"n & pray you revenge me( Well' said .ir
)ristram' & "ill as ye "ill' and ye are not so fain to have "orship but & "ould as fain
in+rease your "orship( *nd there"ithal .ir :a"aine put forth his spear' and .ir
$alomides another0 and so they +ame so eagerly together that .ir $alomides smote .ir
:a"aine to the earth' horse and all0 and in the same "ise he served #"aine' .ir ,odinas'
and .agramore( *ll these four %nights .ir $alomides smote do"n "ith divers spears *nd
then .ir )ristram departed to"ard 8onaAep(
*nd "hen they "ere departed then +ame thither :alihodin "ith his ten %nights unto .ir
:a"aine' and there he told him all ho" he had sped( & marvel' said .ir :a"aine' "hat
%nights they be' that are so arrayed in green( *nd that %night upon the "hite horse smote
me do"n' said :alihodin' and my three fello"s( *nd so he did to me' said :a"aine0 and
"ell & "ot' said .ir :a"aine' that either he upon the "hite horse is .ir )ristram or else
.ir $alomides' and that gay beseen lady is ;ueen &soud( )hus they tal%ed of one thing
and of other(
*nd in the mean"hile .ir )ristram passed on till that he +ame to the "ell "here his t"o
pavilions "ere set0 and there they alighted' and there they sa" many pavilions and great
array( )hen .ir )ristram left there .ir $alomides and .ir :areth "ith 8a /eale &soud' and
.ir )ristram and .ir ,inadan rode to 8onaAep to hear%en tidings0 and .ir )ristram rode
upon .ir $alomides1 "hite horse( *nd "hen he +ame into the +astle .ir ,inadan heard a
great horn blo"' and to the horn dre" many %nights( )hen .ir )ristram as%ed a %night4
What meaneth the blast of that horn3 .ir' said that %night' it is all those that shall hold
against -ing *rthur at this tournament( )he first is the -ing of &reland' and the -ing of
.urluse' the -ing of 8istinoise' the -ing of 2orthumberland' and the -ing of the best
part of Wales' "ith many other +ountries( *nd these dra" them to a +oun+il' to
understand "hat governan+e they shall be of0 but the -ing of &reland' "hose name "as
Marhalt' and father to the good %night .ir Marhaus that .ir )ristram sle"' had all the
spee+h that .ir )ristram might hear it( !e said4 8ords and fello"s' let us loo% to ourself'
for "it ye "ell -ing *rthur is sure of many good %nights' or else he "ould not "ith so
fe" %nights have ado "ith us0 therefore by my +ounsel let every %ing have a standard and
a +ognisan+e by himself' that every %night dra" to their natural lord' and then may every
%ing and +aptain help his %nights if they have need( When .ir )ristram had heard all their
+ounsel he rode unto -ing *rthur for to hear of his +ounsel(
!o" .ir )ristram and his fello"ship +ame into the tournament of 8onaAep0 and of divers
7ousts and matters(
/#) .ir )ristram "as not so soon +ome into the pla+e' but .ir :a"aine and .ir
:alihodin "ent to -ing *rthur' and told him4 )hat same green %night in the green
harness "ith the "hite horse smote us t"o do"n' and six of our fello"s this same day(
Well' said *rthur( *nd then he +alled .ir )ristram and as%ed him "hat "as his name( .ir'
said .ir )ristram' ye shall hold me ex+used as at this time' for ye shall not "it my name(
*nd there .ir )ristram returned and rode his "ay( & have marvel' said *rthur' that yonder
%night "ill not tell me his name' but go thou' :riflet le Fise de ,ieu' and pray him to
spea% "ith me bet"ixt us( )hen .ir :riflet rode after him and overtoo% him' and said him
that -ing *rthur prayed him for to spea% "ith him se+retly apart( #pon this +ovenant'
said .ir )ristram' & "ill spea% "ith him0 that & "ill turn again so that ye "ill ensure me
not to desire to hear my name( & shall underta%e' said .ir :riflet' that he "ill not greatly
desire it of you( .o they rode together until they +ame to -ing *rthur( Fair sir' said -ing
*rthur' "hat is the +ause ye "ill not tell me your name3 .ir' said .ir )ristram' "ithout a
+ause & "ill not hide my name( #pon "hat party "ill ye hold3 said -ing *rthur( )ruly'
my lord' said .ir )ristram' & "ot not yet on "hat party & "ill be on' until & +ome to the
field' and there as my heart giveth me' there "ill & hold0 but to<morro" ye shall see and
prove on "hat party & shall +ome( *nd there"ithal he returned and "ent to his pavilions(
*nd upon the morn they armed them all in green' and +ame into the field0 and there
young %nights began to 7oust' and did many "orshipful deeds( )hen spa%e :areth unto
.ir )ristram' and prayed him to give him leave to brea% his spear' for him thought shame
to bear his spear "hole again( When .ir )ristram heard him say so he laughed' and said4 &
pray you do your best( )hen .ir :areth gat a spear and proffered to 7oust( )hat sa" a
%night that "as nephe" unto the -ing of the !undred -nights0 his name "as .elises' and
a good man of arms( .o this %night .elises then dressed him unto .ir :areth' and they
t"o met together so hard that either smote other do"n' his horse and all' to the earth' so
they "ere both bruised and hurt0 and there they lay till the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights halp .elises up' and .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides halp up :areth again( *nd so
they rode "ith .ir :areth unto their pavilions' and then they pulled off his helm(
*nd "hen 8a /eale &soud sa" .ir :areth bruised in the fa+e she as%ed him "hat ailed
him( Madam' said .ir :areth' & had a great buffet' and as & suppose & gave another' but
none of my fello"s' :od than% them' "ould not res+ue me( Forsooth' said $alomides' it
longed not to none of us as this day to 7oust' for there have not this day 7ousted no proved
%nights' and needly ye "ould 7oust( *nd "hen the other party sa" ye proffered yourself
to 7oust they sent one to you' a passing good %night of his age' for & %no" him "ell' his
name is .elises0 and "orshipfully ye met "ith him' and neither of you are dishonoured'
and therefore refresh yourself that ye may be ready and "hole to 7oust to<morro"( *s for
that' said :areth' & shall not fail you an & may bestride mine horse(
!o" .ir )ristram and his fello"ship 7ousted' and of the noble feats that they did in that
29W upon "hat party' said )ristram' is it best "e be "ithal as to<morn3 .ir' said
$alomides' ye shall have mine advi+e to be against -ing *rthur as to<morn' for on his
party "ill be .ir 8aun+elot and many good %nights of his blood "ith him( *nd the more
men of "orship that they be' the more "orship "e shall "in( )hat is full %nightly spo%en'
said .ir )ristram0 and right so as ye +ounsel me' so "ill "e do( &n the name of :od' said
they all( .o that night they "ere lodged "ith the best( *nd on the morn "hen it "as day
they "ere arrayed all in green trappings' shields and spears' and 8a /eale &soud in the
same +olour' and her three damosels( *nd right so these four %nights +ame into the field
endlong and through( *nd so they led 8a /eale &soud thither as she should stand and
behold all the 7ousts in a bay "indo"0 but al"ays she "as "impled that no man might see
her visage( *nd then these three %nights rode straight unto the party of the -ing of .+ots(
When -ing *rthur had seen them do all this he as%ed .ir 8aun+elot "hat "ere these
%nights and that 6ueen( .ir' said 8aun+elot' & +annot say you in +ertain' but if .ir )ristram
be in this +ountry' or .ir $alomides' "it ye "ell it be they m +ertain' and 8a /eale &soud(
)hen *rthur +alled to him .ir -ay and said4 :o lightly and "it ho" many %nights there
be here la+%ing of the )able ?ound' for by the sieges thou mayst %no"( .o "ent .ir -ay
and sa" by the "ritings in the sieges that there la+%ed ten %nights( *nd these be their
names that be not here( .ir )ristram' .ir $alomides' .ir $er+ivale' .ir :aheris' .ir
Epinogris' .ir Mordred' .ir ,inadan' .ir 8a Cote Male )aile' and .ir $elleas the noble
%night( Well' said *rthur' some of these & dare underta%e are here this day against us(
)hen +ame therein t"o brethren' +ousins unto .ir :a"aine' the one hight .ir Ed"ard'
that other hight .ir .ado%' the "hi+h "ere t"o good %nights0 and they as%ed of -ing
*rthur that they might have the first 7ousts' for they "ere of 9r%ney( & am pleased' said
-ing *rthur( )hen .ir Ed"ard en+ountered "ith the -ing of .+ots' in "hose party "as
.ir )ristram and .ir $alomides0 and .ir Ed"ard smote the -ing of .+ots 6uite from his
horse' and .ir .ado% smote do"n the -ing of 2orth Wales' and gave him a "onder great
fall' that there "as a great +ry on -ing *rthur1s party' and that made .ir $alomides
passing "roth( *nd so .ir $alomides dressed his shield and his spear' and "ith all his
might he met "ith .ir Ed"ard of 9r%ney' that he smote him so hard that his horse might
not stand on his feet' and so they hurtled to the earth0 and then "ith the same spear .ir
$alomides smote do"n .ir .ado% over his horse1s +roup( 9 5esu' said *rthur' "hat
%night is that arrayed all in green3 he 7ousteth mightily( Wit you "ell' said .ir :a"aine'
he is a good %night' and yet shall ye see him 7oust better or he depart( *nd yet shall ye
see' said .ir :a"aine' another bigger %night' in the same +olour' than he is0 for that same
%night' said .ir :a"aine' that smote do"n right no" my four +ousins' he smote me do"n
"ithin these t"o days' and seven fello"s more(
)his mean"hile as they stood thus tal%ing there +ame into the pla+e .ir )ristram upon a
bla+% horse' and or ever he stint he smote do"n "ith one spear four good %nights of
9r%ney that "ere of the %in of .ir :a"aine0 and .ir :areth and .ir ,inadan every+h of
them smote do"n a good %night( 5esu' said *rthur' yonder %night upon the bla+% horse
doth mightily and marvellously "ell( *bide you' said .ir :a"aine0 that %night "ith the
bla+% horse began not yet( )hen .ir )ristram made to horse again the t"o %ings that
Ed"ard and .ado% had unhorsed at the beginning( *nd then .ir )ristram dre" his s"ord
and rode into the thi+%est of the press against them of 9r%ney0 and there he smote do"n
%nights' and rashed off helms' and pulled a"ay their shields' and hurtled do"n many
%nights4 he fared so that .ir *rthur and all %nights had great marvel "hen they sa" one
%night do so great deeds of arms( *nd .ir $alomides failed not upon the other side' but
did so marvellously "ell that all men had "onder( For there -ing *rthur li%ened .ir
)ristram that "as on the bla+% horse li%e to a "ood lion' and li%ened .ir $alomides upon
the "hite horse unto a "ood leopard' and .ir :areth and .ir ,inadan unto eager "olves(
/ut the +ustom "as su+h among them that none of the %ings "ould help other' but all the
fello"ship of every standard to help other as they might0 but ever .ir )ristram did so
mu+h deeds of arms that they of 9r%ney "axed "eary of him' and so "ithdre" them unto
!o" .ir )ristram "as unhorsed and smitten do"n by .ir 8aun+elot' and after that .ir
)ristram smote do"n -ing *rthur(
)!E2 "as the +ry of heralds and all manner of +ommon people4 )he :reen -night hath
done marvellously' and beaten all them of 9r%ney( *nd there the heralds numbered that
.ir )ristram that sat upon the bla+% horse had smitten do"n "ith spears and s"ords thirty
%nights0 and .ir $alomides had smitten do"n t"enty %nights' and the most part of these
fifty %nights "ere of the house of -ing *rthur' and proved %nights( .o :od me help' said
*rthur unto .ir 8aun+elot' this is a great shame to us to see four %nights beat so many
%nights of mine0 and therefore ma%e you ready' for "e "ill have ado "ith them( .ir' said
8aun+elot' "it ye "ell that there are t"o passing good %nights' and great "orship "ere it
not to us no" to have ado "ith them' for they have this day sore travailed( *s for that'
said *rthur' & "ill be avenged0 and therefore ta%e "ith you .ir /leoberis and .ir E+tor'
and & "ill be the fourth' said *rthur( .ir' said 8aun+elot' ye shall find me ready' and my
brother .ir E+tor' and my +ousin .ir /leoberis( *nd so "hen they "ere ready and on
horseba+%4 2o" +hoose' said .ir *rthur unto .ir 8aun+elot' "ith "hom that ye "ill
en+ounter "ithal( .ir' said 8aun+elot' & "ill meet "ith the green %night upon the bla+%
horse' that "as .ir )ristram0 and my +ousin .ir /leoberis shall mat+h the green %night
upon the "hite horse' that "as .ir $alomides0 and my brother .ir E+tor shall mat+h "ith
the green %night upon the "hite horse' that "as .ir :areth( )hen must &' said .ir *rthur'
have ado "ith the green %night upon the grisled horse' and that "as .ir ,inadan( 2o"
every man ta%e heed to his fello"' said .ir 8aun+elot( *nd so they trotted on together'
and there en+ountered .ir 8aun+elot against .ir )ristram( .o .ir 8aun+elot smote .ir
)ristram so sore upon the shield that he bare horse and man to the earth0 but .ir
8aun+elot "eened that it had been .ir $alomides' and so he passed forth( *nd then .ir
/leoberis en+ountered "ith .ir $alomides' and he smote him so hard upon the shield that
.ir $alomides and his "hite horse rustled to the earth( )hen .ir E+tor de Maris smote .ir
:areth so hard that do"n he fell off his horse( *nd the noble -ing *rthur en+ountered
"ith .ir ,inadan' and he smote him 6uite from his saddle( *nd then the noise turned
a"hile ho" the green %nights "ere slain do"n(
When the -ing of 2orthgalis sa" that .ir )ristram had a fall' then he remembered him
ho" great deeds of arms .ir )ristram had done( )hen he made ready many %nights' for
the +ustom and +ry "as su+h' that "hat %night "ere smitten do"n' and might not be
horsed again by his fello"s' outher by his o"n strength' that as that day he should be
prisoner unto the party that had smitten him do"n( .o +ame in the -ing of 2orthgalis'
and he rode straight unto .ir )ristram0 and "hen he +ame nigh him he alighted do"n
suddenly and betoo% .ir )ristram his horse' and said thus4 2oble %night' & %no" thee not
of "hat +ountry that thou art' but for the noble deeds that thou hast done this day ta%e
there my horse' and let me do as "ell & may0 for' as 5esu me help' thou art better "orthy
to have mine horse than & myself( :ramer+y' said .ir )ristram' and if & may & shall 6uite
you4 loo% that ye go not far from us' and as & suppose' & shall "in you another horse( *nd
there"ith .ir )ristram mounted upon his horse' and there he met "ith -ing *rthur' and
he gave him su+h a buffet upon the helm "ith his s"ord that -ing *rthur had no po"er
to %eep his saddle( *nd then .ir )ristram gave the -ing of 2orthgalis -ing *rthur1s
horse4 then "as there great press about -ing *rthur for to horse him again0 but .ir
$alomides "ould not suffer -ing *rthur to be horsed again' but ever .ir $alomides smote
on the right hand and on the left hand mightily as a noble %night( *nd this mean"hile .ir
)ristram rode through the thi+%est of the press' and smote do"n %nights on the right hand
and on the left hand' and ra+ed off helms' and so passed forth unto his pavilions' and left
.ir $alomides on foot0 and .ir )ristram +hanged his horse and disguised himself all in
red' horse and harness(
!o" .ir )ristram +hanged his harness and it "as all red' and ho" he demeaned him' and
ho" .ir $alomides sle" 8aun+elot1s horse(
*2, "hen the 6ueen 8a /eale &soud sa" that .ir )ristram "as unhorsed' and she "ist
not "here he "as' then she "ept greatly( /ut .ir )ristram' "hen he "as ready' +ame
dashing lightly into the field' and then 8a /eale &soud espied him( *nd so he did great
deeds of arms0 "ith one spear' that "as great' .ir )ristram smote do"n five %nights or
ever he stint( )hen .ir 8aun+elot espied him readily' that it "as .ir )ristram' and then he
repented him that he had smitten him do"n0 and so .ir 8aun+elot "ent out of the press to
repose him and lightly he +ame again( *nd no" "hen .ir )ristram +ame into the press'
through his great for+e he put .ir $alomides upon his horse' and .ir :areth' and .ir
,inadan' and then they began to do marvellously0 but .ir $alomides nor none of his t"o
fello"s %ne" not "ho had holpen them on horseba+% again( /ut ever .ir )ristram "as
nigh them and su++oured them' and they [%ne" not him' be+ause he "as +hanged into
red armour4 and all this "hile .ir 8aun+elot "as a"ay(
.o "hen 8a /eale &soud %ne" .ir )ristram again upon his horse<ba+% she "as passing
glad' and then she laughed and made good +heer( *nd as it happened' .ir $alomides
loo%ed up to"ard her "here she lay in the "indo"' and he espied ho" she laughed0 and
there"ith he too% su+h a re7oi+ing that he smote do"n' "hat "ith his spear and "ith his
s"ord' all that ever he met0 for through the sight of her he "as so enamoured in her love
that he seemed at that time' that an both .ir )ristram and .ir 8aun+elot had been both
against him they should have "on no "orship of him0 and in his heart' as the boo% saith'
.ir $alomides "ished that "ith his "orship he might have ado "ith .ir )ristram before
all men' be+ause of 8a /eale &soud( )hen .ir $alomides began to double his strength' and
he did so marvellously that all men had "onder of him' and ever he +ast up his eye unto
8a /eale &soud( *nd "hen he sa" her ma%e su+h +heer he fared li%e a lion' that there
might no man "ithstand him0 and then .ir )ristram beheld him' ho" that .ir $alomides
bestirred him0 and then he said unto .ir ,inadan4 .o :od me help' .ir $alomides is a
passing good %night and a "ell enduring' but su+h deeds sa" & him never do' nor never
heard & tell that ever he did so mu+h in one day( &t is his day' said ,inadan0 and he "ould
say no more unto .ir )ristram0 but to himself he said4 *n if ye %ne" for "hose love he
doth all those deeds of arms' soon "ould .ir )ristram abate his +ourage( *las' said .ir
)ristram' that .ir $alomides is not +hristened( .o said -ing *rthur' and so said all those
that beheld him( )hen all people gave him the priAe' as for the best %night that day' that
he passed .ir 8aun+elot outher .ir )ristram( Well' said ,inadan to himself' all this
"orship that .ir $alomides hath here this day he may than% the ;ueen &soud' for had she
been a"ay this day .ir $alomides had not gotten the priAe this day(
?ight so +ame into the field .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and sa" and heard the noise and +ry
and the great "orship that .ir $alomides had( !e dressed him against .ir $alomides' "ith
a great mighty spear and a long' and thought to smite him do"n( *nd "hen .ir $alomides
sa" .ir 8aun+elot +ome upon him so fast' he ran upon .ir 8aun+elot as fast "ith his
s"ord as he might0 and as .ir 8aun+elot should have stri+%en him he smote his spear
aside' and smote it a<t"o "ith his s"ord( *nd .ir $alomides rushed unto .ir 8aun+elot'
and thought to have put him to a shame0 and "ith his s"ord he smote his horse1s ne+%
that .ir 8aun+elot rode upon' and then .ir 8aun+elot fell to the earth( )hen "as the +ry
huge and great4 .ee ho" .ir $alomides the .ara+en hath smitten do"n .ir 8aun+elot1s
horse( ?ight then "ere there many %nights "roth "ith .ir $alomides be+ause he had done
that deed0 therefore many %nights held there against that it "as un%nightly done in a
tournament to %ill an horse "ilfully' but that it had been done in plain battle' life for life(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot said to .ir $alomides' and ho" the priAe of that day "as given unto
.ir $alomides(
W!E2 .ir E+tor de Maris sa" .ir 8aun+elot his brother have su+h a despite' and so set
on foot' then he gat a spear eagerly' and ran against .ir $alomides' and he smote him so
hard that he bare him 6uite from his horse( )hat sa" .ir )ristram' that "as in red harness'
and he smote do"n .ir E+tor de Maris 6uite from his horse( )hen .ir 8aun+elot dressed
his shield upon his shoulder' and "ith his s"ord na%ed in his hand' and so +ame straight
upon .ir $alomides fier+ely and said4 Wit thou "ell thou hast done me this day the
greatest despite that ever any "orshipful %night did to me in tournament or in 7ousts' and
therefore & "ill be avenged upon thee' therefore ta%e %eep to yourself( *h' mer+y' noble
%night' said $alomides' and forgive me mine un%indly deeds' for & have no po"er nor
might to "ithstand you' and & have done so mu+h this day that "ell & "ot & did never so
mu+h' nor never shall in my life<days0 and therefore' most noble %night' & re6uire thee
spare me as at this day' and & promise you & shall ever be your %night "hile & live4 an ye
put me from my "orship no"' ye put me from the greatest "orship that ever & had or ever
shall have in my life<days( Well' said .ir 8aun+elot' & see' for to say thee sooth' ye have
done marvellously "ell this day0 and & understand a part for "hose love ye do it' and "ell
& "ot that love is a great mistress( *nd if my lady "ere here as she nis not' "it you "ell'
said .ir 8aun+elot' ye should not bear a"ay the "orship( /ut be"are your love be not
dis+overed' for an .ir )ristram may %no" it ye "ill repent it0 and sithen my 6uarrel is not
here' ye shall have this day the "orship as for me0 +onsidering the great travail and pain
that ye have had this day' it "ere no "orship for me to put you from it( *nd there"ithal
.ir 8aun+elot suffered .ir $alomides to depart(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot by great for+e and might gat his o"n horse maugre t"enty %nights(
.o "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as horsed he did many marvels' and so did .ir )ristram' and .ir
$alomides in li%e "ise( )hen .ir 8aun+elot smote do"n "ith a spear .ir ,inadan' and the
-ing of .+otland' and the -ing of Wales' and the -ing of 2orthumberland' and the -ing
of 8istinoise( .o then .ir 8aun+elot and his fello"s smote do"n "ell a forty %nights(
)hen +ame the -ing of &reland and the -ing of the .traight Mar+hes to res+ue .ir
)ristram and .ir $alomides( )here began a great medley' and many %nights "ere smitten
do"n on both parties0 and al"ays .ir 8aun+elot spared .ir )ristram' and he spared him(
*nd .ir $alomides "ould not meddle "ith .ir 8aun+elot' and so there "as hurtling here
and there( *nd then -ing *rthur sent out many %nights of the )able ?ound0 and .ir
$alomides "as ever in the foremost front' and .ir )ristram did so strongly "ell that the
%ing and all other had marvel( *nd then the %ing let blo" to lodging0 and be+ause .ir
$alomides began first' and never he "ent nor rode out of the field to repose' but ever he
"as doing marvellously "ell either on foot or on horseba+%' and longest during' -ing
*rthur and all the %ings gave .ir $alomides the honour and the gree as for that day(
)hen .ir )ristram +ommanded .ir ,inadan to fet+h the 6ueen 8a /eale &soud' and bring
her to his t"o pavilions that stood by the "ell( *nd so ,inadan did as he "as
+ommanded( /ut "hen .ir $alomides understood and "ist that .ir )ristram "as in the
red armour' and on a red horse' "it ye "ell that he "as glad' and so "as .ir :areth and
.ir ,inadan' for they all "eened that .ir )ristram had been ta%en prisoner( *nd then
every %night dre" to his inn( *nd then -ing *rthur and every %night spa%e of those
%nights0 but above all men they gave .ir $alomides the priAe' and all %nights that %ne"
.ir $alomides had "onder of his deeds( .ir' said .ir 8aun+elot unto *rthur' as for .ir
$alomides an he be the green %night & dare say as for this day he is best "orthy to have
the degree' for he reposed him never' nor never +hanged his "eeds' and he began first
and longest held on( *nd yet' "ell & "ot' said .ir 8aun+elot' that there "as a better %night
than he' and that shall be proved or "e depart' upon pain of my life( )hus they tal%ed on
either party0 and so .ir ,inadan railed "ith .ir )ristram and said4 What the devil is upon
thee this day3 for .ir $alomides1 strength feebled never this day' but ever he doubled his
!o" .ir ,inadan provo%ed .ir )ristram to do "ell(
*2, thou' .ir )ristram' farest all this day as though thou hadst been asleep' and
therefore & +all thee +o"ard( Well' ,inadan' said .ir )ristram' & "as never +alled +o"ard
or no" of no earthly %night in my life0 and "it thou "ell' sir' & +all myself never the more
+o"ard though .ir 8aun+elot gave me a fall' for & out+ept him of all %nights( *nd doubt
ye not .ir ,inadan' an .ir 8aun+elot have a 6uarrel good' he is too over good for any
%night that no" is living0 and yet of his sufferan+e' largess' bounty' and +ourtesy' & +all
him %night peerless4 and so .ir )ristram "as in manner "roth "ith .ir ,inadan( /ut all
this language .ir ,inadan said be+ause he "ould anger .ir )ristram' for to +ause him to
a"a%e his spirits and to be "roth0 for "ell %ne" .ir ,inadan that an .ir )ristram "ere
thoroughly "roth .ir $alomides should not get the priAe upon the morn( *nd for this
intent .ir ,inadan said all this railing and language against .ir )ristram( )ruly' said .ir
$alomides' as for .ir 8aun+elot' of his noble %nighthood' +ourtesy' and pro"ess' and
gentleness' & %no" not his peer0 for this day' said .ir $alomides' & did full un+ourteously
unto .ir 8aun+elot' and full un%nightly' and full %nightly and +ourteously he did to me
again0 for an he had been as ungentle to me as & "as to him' this day & had "on no
"orship( *nd therefore' said $alomides' & shall be .ir 8aun+elot1s %night "hile my life
lasteth( )his tal%ing "as in the houses of %ings( /ut all %ings' lords' and %nights' said' of
+lear %nighthood' and of pure strength' of bounty' of +ourtesy' .ir 8aun+elot and .ir
)ristram bare the priAe above all %nights that ever "ere in *rthur1s days( *nd there "ere
never %nights in *rthur1s days did half so many deeds as they did0 as the boo% saith' no
ten %nights did not half the deeds that they did' and there "as never %night in their days
that re6uired .ir 8aun+elot or .ir )ristram of any 6uest' so it "ere not to their shame' but
they performed their desire(
!o" -ing *rthur and .ir 8an+elot +ame to see 8a /eale &soud' and ho" $alomides
smote do"n -ing *rthur(
.9 on the morn .ir 8aun+elot departed' and .ir )ristram "as ready' and 8a /eale &soud
"ith .ir $alomides and .ir :areth( *nd so they rode all in green full freshly beseen unto
the forest( *nd .ir )ristram left .ir ,inadan sleeping in his bed( *nd so as they rode it
happed the %ing and 8aun+elot stood in a "indo"' and sa" .ir )ristram ride and &soud(
.ir' said 8aun+elot' yonder rideth the fairest lady of the "orld ex+ept your 6ueen' ,ame
:uenever( Who is that3 said .ir *rthur( .ir' said he' it is ;ueen &soud that' out<ta%en my
lady your 6ueen' she is ma%eless( )a%e your horse' said *rthur' and array you at all rights
as & "ill do' and & promise you' said the %ing' & "ill see her( )hen anon they "ere armed
and horsed' and either too% a spear and rode unto the forest( .ir' said 8aun+elot' it is not
good that ye go too nigh them' for "it ye "ell there are t"o as good %nights as no" are
living' and therefore' sir' & pray you be not too hasty( For peradventure there "ill be some
%nights be displeased an "e +ome suddenly upon them( *s for that' said *rthur' & "ill see
her' for & ta%e no for+e "hom & grieve( .ir' said 8aun+elot' ye put yourself in great
7eopardy( *s for that' said the %ing' "e "ill ta%e the adventure( ?ight so anon the %ing
rode even to her' and saluted her' and said4 :od you save( .ir' said she' ye are "el+ome(
)hen the %ing beheld her' and li%ed her "onderly "ell(
With that +ame .ir $alomides unto *rthur' and said4 #n+ourteous %night' "hat see%est
thou here3 thou art un+ourteous to +ome upon a lady thus suddenly' therefore "ithdra"
thee( .ir *rthur too% none heed of .ir $alomides1 "ords' but ever he loo%ed still upon
;ueen &soud )hen "as .ir $alomides "roth' and there"ith he too% a spear' and +ame
hurtling upon -ing *rthur' and smote him do"n "ith a spear( When .ir 8aun+elot sa"
that despite of .ir $alomides' he said to himself4 & am loath to have ado "ith yonder
%night' and not for his o"n sa%e but for .ir )ristram( *nd one thing & am sure of' if &
smite do"n .ir $alomides & must have ado "ith .ir )ristram' and that "ere overmu+h for
me to mat+h them both' for they are t"o noble %nights0 not"ithstanding' "hether & live or
& die' needs must & revenge my lord' and so "ill &' "hatsomever befall of me( *nd
there"ith .ir 8aun+elot +ried to .ir $alomides4 -eep thee from me( *nd then .ir
8aun+elot and .ir $alomides rushed together "ith t"o spears strongly' but .ir 8aun+elot
smote .ir $alomides so hard that he "ent 6uite out of his saddle' and had a great fall(
When .ir )ristram sa" .ir $alomides have that fall' he said to .ir 8aun+elot4 .ir %night'
%eep thee' for & must 7oust "ith thee( *s for to 7oust "ith me' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ill
not fail you' for no dread & have of you0 but & am loath to have ado "ith you an & might
+hoose' for & "ill that ye "it that & must revenge my spe+ial lord that "as unhorsed
un"arly and un%nightly( *nd therefore' though & revenged that fall' ta%e ye no
displeasure therein' for he is to me su+h a friend that & may not see him shamed(
*non .ir )ristram understood by his person and by his %nightly "ords that it "as .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e' and verily .ir )ristram deemed that it "as -ing *rthur' he that .ir
$alomides had smitten do"n( *nd then .ir )ristram put his spear from him' and put .ir
$alomides again on horseba+%' and .ir 8aun+elot put -ing *rthur on horseba+% and so
departed( .o :od me help' said .ir )ristram unto $alomides' ye did not "orshipfully
"hen ye smote do"n that %night so suddenly as ye did( *nd "it ye "ell ye did yourself
great shame' for the %nights +ame hither of their gentleness to see a fair lady0 and that is
every good %night1s part' to behold a fair lady0 and ye had not ado to play su+h masteries
afore my lady( Wit thou "ell it "ill turn to anger' for he that ye smote do"n "as -ing
*rthur' and that other "as the good %night .ir 8aun+elot( /ut & shall not forget the "ords
of .ir 8aun+elot "hen that he +alled him a man of great "orship' thereby & "ist that it
"as -ing *rthur( *nd as for .ir 8aun+elot' an there had been five hundred %nights in the
meado"' he "ould not have refused them' and yet he said he "ould refuse me( /y that
again & "ist that it "as .ir 8aun+elot' for ever he forbeareth me in every pla+e' and
sho"eth me great %indness0 and of all %nights' & out<ta%e none' say "hat men "ill say' he
beareth the flo"er of all +hivalry' say it him "hosomever "ill( *n he be "ell angered'
and that him list to do his utteran+e "ithout any favour' & %no" him not alive but .ir
8aun+elot is over hard for him' be it on horseba+% or on foot( & may never believe' said
$alomides' that -ing *rthur "ill ride so privily as a poor errant %night( *h' said .ir
)ristram' ye %no" not my lord *rthur' for all %nights may learn to be a %night of him(
*nd therefore ye may be sorry' said .ir )ristram' of your un%indly deeds to so noble a
%ing( *nd a thing that is done may not be undone' said $alomides( )hen .ir )ristram sent
;ueen &soud unto her lodging in the priory' there to behold all the tournament(
!o" the se+ond day $alomides forsoo% .ir )ristram' and "ent to the +ontrary part
against him(
)!E2 there "as a +ry unto all %nights' that "hen they heard an horn blo" they should
ma%e 7ousts as they did the first day( *nd li%e as the brethren .ir Ed"ard and .ir .ado%
began the 7ousts the first day' .ir #"aine the %ing1s son #rien and .ir 8u+anere de
/uttelere began the 7ousts the se+ond day( *nd at the first en+ounter
.ir #"aine smote do"n the -ing1s son of .+ots0 and .ir 8u+anere ran against the -ing of
Wales' and they bra%e their spears all to pie+es0 and they "ere so fier+e both' that they
hurtled together that both fell to the earth( )hen they of 9r%ney horsed again .ir
8u+anere( *nd then +ame in .ir )ristram de 8iones0 and then .ir )ristram smote do"n
.ir #"aine and .ir 8u+anere0 and .ir $alomides smote do"n other t"o %nights and .ir
:areth smote do"n other t"o %nights( )hen said .ir *rthur unto .ir 8aun+elot4 .ee
yonder three %nights do passingly "ell' and namely the first that 7ousted( .ir' said
8aun+elot' that %night began not yet but ye shall see him this day do marvellously( *nd
then +ame into the pla+e the du%e1s son of 9r%ney' and then they began to do many deeds
of arms(
When .ir )ristram sa" them so begin' he said to $alomides4 !o" feel ye yourself3 may
ye do this day as ye did yesterday3 2ay' said $alomides' & feel myself so "eary' and so
sore bruised of the deeds of yesterday' that & may not endure as & did yesterday( )hat me
repenteth' said .ir )ristram' for & shall la+% you this day( .ir $alomides said4 )rust not to
me' for & may not do as & did( *ll these "ords said $alomides for to beguile .ir )ristram(
.ir' said .ir )ristram unto .ir :areth' then must & trust upon you0 "herefore & pray you be
not far from me to res+ue me( *n need be' said .ir :areth' & shall not fail you in all that &
may do( )hen .ir $alomides rode by himself0 and then in despite of .ir )ristram he put
himself in the thi+%est press among them of 9r%ney' and there he did so marvellously
deeds of arms that all men had "onder of him' for there might none stand him a stro%e(
When .ir )ristram sa" .ir $alomides do su+h deeds' he marvelled and said to himself4
!e is "eary of my +ompany( .o .ir )ristram beheld him a great "hile and did but little
else' for the noise and +ry "as so huge and great that .ir )ristram marvelled from "hen+e
+ame the strength that .ir $alomides had there in the field .ir' said .ir :areth unto .ir
)ristram' remember ye not of the "ords that .ir ,inadan said to you yesterday' "hen he
+alled you a +o"ard0 forsooth' sir' he said it for none ill' for ye are the man in the "orld
that he most loveth' and all that he said "as for your "orship( *nd therefore' said .ir
:areth to .ir )ristram' let me %no" this day "hat ye be0 and "onder ye not so upon .ir
$alomides' for he enfor+eth himself to "in all the "orship and honour from you( & may
"ell believe it' said .ir )ristram( *nd sithen & understand his evil "ill and his envy' ye
shall see' if that & enfor+e myself' that the noise shall be left that no" is upon him(
)hen .ir )ristram rode into the thi+%est of the press' and then he did so marvellously
"ell' and did so great deeds of arms' that all men said that .ir )ristram did double so
mu+h deeds of arms as .ir $alomides had done aforehand( *nd then the noise "ent plain
from .ir $alomides' and all the people +ried upon .ir )ristram( 9 5esu' said the people'
see ho" .ir )ristram smiteth do"n "ith his spear so many %nights( *nd see' said they all'
ho" many %nights he smiteth do"n "ith his s"ord' and of ho" many %nights he rashed
off their helms and their shields0 and so he beat them all of 9r%ney afore him( !o" no"'
said .ir 8aun+elot unto -ing *rthur' & told you that this day there "ould a %night play his
pageant( >onder rideth a %night ye may see he doth %nightly' for he hath strength and
"ind( .o :od me help' said *rthur to 8aun+elot' ye say sooth' for & sa" never a better
%night' for he passeth far .ir $alomides( .ir' "it ye "ell' said 8aun+elot' it must be so of
right' for it is himself' that noble %night .ir )ristram( & may right "ell believe it' said
/ut "hen .ir $alomides heard the noise and the +ry "as turned from him' he rode out on
a part and beheld .ir )ristram( *nd "hen .ir $alomides sa" .ir )ristram do so
marvellously "ell he "ept passingly sore for despite' for he "ist "ell he should no
"orship "in that day0 for "ell %ne" .ir $alomides' "hen .ir )ristram "ould put forth his
strength and his manhood' be should get but little "orship that day'
!o" .ir )ristram departed of the field' and a"a%ed .ir ,inadan' and +hanged his array
into bla+%(
)!E2 +ame -ing *rthur' and the -ing of 2orthgalis' and .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e0 and .ir
/leoberis' .ir /ors de :anis' .ir E+tor de Maris' these three %nights +ame into the field
"ith .ir 8aun+elot( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot "ith the three %nights of his %in did so great
deeds of arms that all the noise began upon .ir 8aun+elot( *nd so they beat the -ing of
Wales and the -ing of .+ots far aba+%' and made them to avoid the field0 but .ir )ristram
and .ir :areth abode still in the field and endured all that ever there +ame' that all men
had "onder that any %night might endure so many stro%es( /ut ever .ir 8aun+elot' and
his three %insmen by the +ommandment of .ir 8aun+elot' forbare .ir )ristram( )hen said
.ir *rthur4 &s that .ir $alomides that endureth so "ell3 2ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' "it ye
"ell it is the good %night .ir )ristram' for yonder ye may see .ir $alomides beholdeth
and hoveth' and doth little or nought( *nd sir' ye shall understand that .ir )ristram
"eeneth this day to beat us all out of the field( *nd as for me' said .ir 8aun+elot' & shall
not beat him' beat him "hoso "ill( .ir' said 8aun+elot unto *rthur' ye may see ho" .ir
$alomides hoveth yonder' as though he "ere in a dream0 "it ye "ell he is full heavy that
)ristram doth su+h deeds of arms )hen is he but a fool' said *rthur' for never "as .ir
$alomides' nor never shall be' of su+h pro"ess as .ir )ristram( *nd if he have any envy
at .ir )ristram' and +ometh in "ith him upon his side he is a false %night(
*s the %ing and .ir 8aun+elot thus spa%e' .ir )ristram rode privily out of the press' that
none espied him but 8a /eale &soud and .ir $alomides' for they t"o "ould not let off
their eyes upon .ir )ristram( *nd "hen .ir )ristram +ame to his pavilions he found .ir
,inadan in his bed asleep( *"a%e' said )ristram' ye ought to be ashamed so to sleep
"hen %nights have ado in the field( )hen .ir ,inadan arose lightly and said4 What "ill ye
that & shall do3 Ma%e you ready' said .ir )ristram' to ride "ith me into the field( .o "hen
.ir ,inadan "as armed he loo%ed upon .ir )ristram1s helm and on his shield' and "hen
he sa" so many stro%es upon his helm and upon his shield he said4 &n good time "as &
thus asleep' for had & been "ith you & must needs for shame there have follo"ed you0
more for shame than any pro"ess that is in me0 that & see "ell no" by those stro%es that &
should have been truly beaten as & "as yesterday( 8eave your 7apes' said .ir )ristram' and
+ome off' that ["e "ere in the field again( What' said .ir ,inadan' is your heart up3
yesterday ye fared as though ye had dreamed( .o then .ir )ristram "as arrayed in bla+%
harness( 9 5esu' said ,inadan' "hat aileth you this day3 meseemeth ye be "ilder than ye
"ere yesterday( )hen smiled .ir )ristram and said to ,inadan4 *"ait "ell upon me0 if ye
see me overmat+hed loo% that ye be ever behind me' and & shall ma%e you ready "ay by
:od1s gra+e( .o .ir )ristram and .ir ,inadan too% their horses( *ll this espied .ir
$alomides' both their going and their +oming' and so did 8a /eale &soud' for she %ne"
.ir )ristram above all other(
!o" .ir $alomides +hanged his shield and his armour for to hurt .ir )ristram' and ho"
.ir 8aun+elot did to .ir )ristram(
)!E2 "hen .ir $alomides sa" that .ir )ristram "as disguised' then he thought to do
him a shame( .o .ir $alomides rode to a %night that "as sore "ounded' that sat under a
fair "ell from the field( .ir %night' said .ir $alomides' & pray you to lend me your armour
and your shield' for mine is over<"ell %no"n in this field' and that hath done me great
damage0 and ye shall have mine armour and my shield that is as sure as yours( & "ill "ell'
said the %night' that ye have mine armour and my shield' if they may do you any avail( .o
.ir $alomides armed him hastily in that %night1s armour and his shield that shone as any
+rystal or silver' and so he +ame riding into the field( *nd then there "as neither .ir
)ristram nor none of -ing *rthur1s party that %ne" .ir $alomides( *nd right so as .ir
$alomides "as +ome into the field .ir )ristram smote do"n three %nights' even in the
sight of .ir $alomides( *nd then .ir $alomides rode against .ir )ristram' and either met
other "ith great spears' that they brast to their hands( *nd then they dashed together "ith
s"ords eagerly( )hen .ir )ristram had marvel "hat %night he "as that did battle so
%nightly "ith him( )hen "as .ir )ristram "roth' for he felt him passing strong' so that he
deemed he might not have ado "ith the remnant of the %nights' be+ause of the strength of
.ir $alomides( .o they lashed together and gave many sad stro%es together' and many
%nights marvelled "hat %night he might be that so en+ountered "ith the bla+% %night' .ir
)ristram( Full "ell %ne" 8a /eale &soud that there "as .ir $alomides that fought "ith .ir
)ristram' for she espied all in her "indo" "here that she stood' as .ir $alomides +hanged
his harness "ith the "ounded %night( *nd then she began to "eep so heartily for the
despite of .ir $alomides that there she s"ooned(
)hen +ame in .ir 8aun+elot "ith the %nights of 9r%ney( *nd "hen the other party had
espied .ir 8aun+elot' they +ried4 ?eturn' return' here +ometh .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( .o
there +ame %nights and said4 .ir 8aun+elot' ye must needs fight "ith yonder %night in the
bla+% harness' that "as .ir )ristram' for he hath almost over+ome that good %night that
fighteth "ith him "ith the silver shield' that "as .ir $alomides( )hen .ir 8aun+elot rode
bet"ixt .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides' and .ir 8aun+elot said to $alomides4 .ir %night'
let me have the battle' for ye have need to be reposed( .ir $alomides %ne" .ir 8aun+elot
"ell' and so did .ir )ristram' but be+ause .ir 8aun+elot "as far hardier %night than
himself therefore he "as glad' and suffered .ir 8aun+elot to fight "ith .ir )ristram( For
"ell "ist he that .ir 8aun+elot %ne" not .ir )ristram' and there he hoped that .ir
8aun+elot should beat or shame .ir )ristram' "hereof .ir $alomides "as full fain( *nd
so .ir 8aun+elot gave .ir )ristram many sad stro%es' but .ir 8aun+elot %ne" not .ir
)ristram' but .ir )ristram %ne" "ell .ir 8aun+elot( *nd thus they fought long together'
that 8a /eale &soud "as "ell<nigh out of her mind for sorro"(
)hen .ir ,inadan told .ir :areth ho" that %night in the bla+% harness "as .ir )ristram4
*nd this is 8aun+elot that fighteth "ith him' that must needs have the better of him' for
.ir )ristram hath had too mu+h travail this day( )hen let us smite him do"n' said .ir
:areth( .o it is better that "e do' said .ir ,inadan' than .ir )ristram be shamed' for
yonder hoveth the strong %night "ith the silver shield to fall upon .ir )ristram if need be(
)hen forth"ithal :areth rushed upon .ir 8aun+elot' and gave him a great stro%e upon his
helm so hard that he "as astonied( *nd then +ame .ir ,inadan "ith a spear' and he smote
.ir 8aun+elot su+h a buffet that horse and all fell to the earth( 9 5esu' said .ir )ristram to
.ir :areth and .ir ,inadan' fie for shame' "hy did ye smite do"n so good a %night as he
is' and namely "hen & had ado "ith him3 no" ye do yourself great shame' and him no
dis"orship0 for & held him reasonable hot' though ye had not holpen me(
)hen +ame .ir $alomides that "as disguised' and smote do"n .ir ,inadan from his
horse( )hen .ir 8aun+elot' be+ause .ir ,inadan had smitten him aforehand' then .ir
8aun+elot assailed .ir ,inadan passing sore' and .ir ,inadan defended him mightily( /ut
"ell understood .ir )ristram that .ir ,inadan might not endure .ir 8aun+elot' "herefore
.ir )ristram "as sorry( )hen +ame .ir $alomides fresh upon .ir )ristram( *nd "hen .ir
)ristram sa" him +ome' he thought to deliver him at on+e' be+ause that he "ould help .ir
,inadan' be+ause he stood in great peril "ith .ir 8aun+elot( )hen .ir )ristram hurtled
unto .ir $alomides and gave him a great buffet' and then .ir )ristram gat .ir $alomides
and pulled him do"n underneath him( *nd so fell .ir )ristram "ith him0 and .ir )ristram
leapt up lightly and left .ir $alomides' and "ent bet"ixt .ir 8aun+elot and ,inadan' and
then they began to do battle together(
?ight so .ir ,inadan gat .ir )ristram1s horse' and said on high that .ir 8aun+elot might
hear it4 My lord .ir )ristram' ta%e your horse( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot heard him name
.ir )ristram4 9 5esu' said 8aun+elot' "hat have & done3 & am dishonoured( *h' my lord
.ir )ristram' said 8aun+elot' "hy "ere ye disguised3 ye have put yourself in great peril
this day0 but & pray you noble %night to pardon me' for an & had %no"n you "e had not
done this battle( .ir' said .ir )ristram' this is not the first %indness ye sho"ed me( .o they
"ere both horsed again(
)hen all the people on the one side gave .ir 8aun+elot the honour and the degree' and on
the other side all the people gave to the noble %night .ir )ristram the honour and the
degree0 but 8aun+elot said nay thereto4 For & am not "orthy to have this honour' for & "ill
report me unto all %nights that .ir )ristram hath been longer in the field than &' and he
hath smitten do"n many more %nights this day than & have done( *nd therefore & "ill
give .ir )ristram my voi+e and my name' and so & pray all my lords and fello"s so to do(
)hen there "as the "hole voi+e of du%es and earls' barons and %nights' that .ir )ristram
this day is proved the best %night(
!o" .ir )ristram departed "ith 8a /eale &soud' and ho" $alomides follo"ed and
ex+used him(
)!E2 they ble" unto lodging' and ;ueen &soud "as led unto her pavilions( /ut "it you
"ell she "as "roth out of measure "ith .ir $alomides' for she sa" all his treason from
the beginning to the ending( *nd all this "hile neither .ir )ristram' neither .ir :areth nor
,inadan' %ne" not of the treason of .ir $alomides0 but after"ard ye shall hear that there
befell the greatest debate bet"ixt .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides that might be(
.o "hen the tournament "as done' .ir )ristram' :areth' and ,inadan' rode "ith 8a
/eale &soud to these pavilions( *nd ever .ir $alomides rode "ith them in their +ompany
disguised as he "as( /ut "hen .ir )ristram had espied him that he "as the same %night
"ith the shield of silver that held him so hot that day4 .ir %night' said .ir )ristram' "it ye
"ell here is none that hath need of your fello"ship' and therefore & pray you depart from
us( .ir $alomides ans"ered again as though he had not %no"n .ir )ristram4 Wit you
"ell' sir %night' from this fello"ship "ill & never depart' for one of the best %nights of the
"orld +ommanded me to be in this +ompany' and till he dis+harge me of my servi+e & "ill
not be dis+harged( /y that .ir )ristram %ne" that it "as .ir $alomides( *h' .ir
$alomides' said the noble %night .ir )ristram' are ye su+h a %night3 >e have been named
"rong' for ye have long been +alled a gentle %night' and as this day ye have sho"ed me
great ungentleness' for ye had almost brought me unto my death( /ut' as for you' &
suppose & should have done "ell enough' but .ir 8aun+elot "ith you "as overmu+h0 for &
%no" no %night living but .ir 8aun+elot is over good for him' an he "ill do his uttermost(
*las' said .ir $alomides' are ye my lord .ir )ristram3 >ea' sir' and that ye %no" "ell
enough( /y my %nighthood' said $alomides' until no" & %ne" you not0 & "eened that ye
had been the -ing of &reland' for "ell & "ot ye bare his arms( !is arms & bare' said .ir
)ristram' and that "ill & stand by' for & "on them on+e in a field of a full noble %night' his
name "as .ir Marhaus0 and "ith great pain & "on that %night' for there "as none other
re+over' but .ir Marhaus died through false lee+hes0 and yet "as he never yolden to me(
.ir' said $alomides' & "eened ye had been turned upon .ir 8aun+elot1s party' and that
+aused me to turn( >e say "ell' said .ir )ristram' and so & ta%e you' and & forgive you(
.o then they rode into their pavilions0 and "hen they "ere alighted they unarmed them
and "ashed their fa+es and hands' and so yode unto meat' and "ere set at their table( /ut
"hen &soud sa" .ir $alomides she +hanged then her +olours' and for "rath she might not
spea%( *non .ir )ristram espied her +ountenan+e and said4 Madam' for "hat +ause ma%e
ye us su+h +heer3 "e have been sore travailed this day( Mine o"n lord' said 8a /eale
&soud' for :od1s sa%e be ye not displeased "ith me' for & may none other"ise do0 for &
sa" this day ho" ye "ere betrayed and nigh brought to your death( )ruly' sir' & sa" every
deal' ho" and in "hat "ise' and therefore' sir' ho" should & suffer in your presen+e su+h
a felon and traitor as .ir $alomides0 for & sa" him "ith mine eyes' ho" he beheld you
"hen ye "ent out of the field( For ever he hoved still upon his horse till he sa" you +ome
in again"ard( *nd then forth"ithal & sa" him ride to the hurt %night' and +hanged
harness "ith him' and then straight & sa" him ho" he rode into the field( *nd anon as he
had found you he en+ountered "ith you' and thus "ilfully .ir $alomides did battle "ith
you0 and as for him' sir' & "as not greatly afraid' but & dread sore 8aun+elot' that %ne"
you not( Madam' said $alomides' ye may say "hatso ye "ill' & may not +ontrary you' but
by my %nighthood & %ne" not .ir )ristram( .ir $alomides' said .ir )ristram' & "ill ta%e
your ex+use' but "ell & "ot ye spared me but little' but all is pardoned on my part( )hen
8a /eale &soud held do"n her head and said no more at that time(
!o" -ing *rthur and .ir 8aun+elot +ame unto their pavilions as they sat at supper' and
of .ir $alomides(
*2, there"ithal t"o %nights armed +ame unto the pavilion' and there they alighted both'
and +ame in armed at all pie+es( Fair %nights' said .ir )ristram' ye are to blame to +ome
thus armed at all pie+es upon me "hile "e are at our meat0 if ye "ould anything "hen "e
"ere in the field there might ye have eased your hearts( 2ot so' said the one of those
%nights' "e +ome not for that intent' but "it ye "ell .ir )ristram' "e be +ome hither as
your friends( *nd & am +ome here' said the one' for to see you' and this %night is +ome for
to see 8a /eale &soud( )hen said .ir )ristram4 & re6uire you do off your helms that & may
see you( )hat "ill "e do at your desire' said the %nights( *nd "hen their helms "ere off'
.ir )ristram thought that he should %no" them(
)hen said .ir ,inadan privily unto .ir )ristram4 .ir' that is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e that
spa%e unto you first' and the other is my lord -ing *rthur( )hen' said .ir )ristram unto
8a /eale &soud' Madam arise' for here is my lord' -ing *rthur( )hen the %ing and the
6ueen %issed' and .ir 8aun+elot and .ir )ristram bra+ed either other in arms' and then
there "as 7oy "ithout measure0 and at the re6uest of 8a /eale &soud' -ing *rthur and
8aun+elot "ere unarmed' and then there "as merry tal%ing( Madam' said .ir *rthur' it is
many a day sithen that & have desired to see you' for ye have been praised so far0 and no"
& dare say ye are the fairest that ever & sa"' and .ir )ristram is as fair and as good a
%night as any that & %no"0 therefore me beseemeth ye are "ell beset together( .ir' :od
than% you' said the noble %night' .ir )ristram' and &soud0 of your great goodness and
largess ye are peerless( )hus they tal%ed of many things and of all the "hole 7ousts( /ut
for "hat +ause' said -ing *rthur' "ere ye' .ir )ristram' against us3 >e are a %night of the
)able ?ound0 of right ye should have been "ith us( .ir' said .ir )ristram' here is
,inadan' and .ir :areth your o"n nephe"' +aused me to be against you( My lord *rthur'
said :areth' & may "ell bear the blame' but it "ere .ir )ristram1s o"n deeds( )hat may &
repent' said ,inadan' for this unhappy .ir )ristram brought us to this tournament' and
many great buffets he +aused us to have( )hen the %ing and 8aun+elot laughed that they
might not sit(
What %night "as that' said *rthur' that held you so short' this "ith the shield of silver3
.ir' said .ir )ristram' here he sitteth at this board( What' said *rthur' "as it .ir
$alomides3 Wit ye "ell it "as he' said 8a /eale &soud( .o :od me help' said *rthur' that
"as un%nightly done of you of so good a %night' for & have heard many people +all you a
+ourteous %night( .ir' said $alomides' & %ne" not .ir )ristram' for he "as so disguised(
.o :od me help' said 8aun+elot' it may "ell be' for & %ne" not .ir )ristram0 but & marvel
"hy ye turned on our party( )hat "as done for the same +ause' said 8aun+elot( *s for
that' said .ir )ristram' & have pardoned him' and & "ould be right loath to leave his
fello"ship' for & love right "ell his +ompany4 so they left off and tal%ed of other things(
*nd in the evening -ing *rthur and .ir 8aun+elot departed unto their lodging0 but "it ye
"ell .ir $alomides had envy heartily' for all that night he had never rest in his bed' but
"ailed and "ept out of measure( .o on the morn .ir )ristram' :areth' and ,inadan arose
early' and then they "ent unto .ir $alomides1 +hamber' and there they found him fast
asleep' for he had all night "at+hed' and it "as seen upon his +hee%s that he had "ept full
sore( .ay nothing' said .ir )ristram' for & am sure he hath ta%en anger and sorro" for the
rebu%e that & gave to him' and 8a /eale &soud(
!o" .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides did the next day' and ho" -ing *rthur "as
)!E2 .ir )ristram let +all .ir $alomides' and bade him ma%e him ready' for it "as time
to go to the field( When they "ere ready they "ere armed' and +lothed all in red' both
&soud and all they0 and so they led her passing freshly through the field' into the priory
"here "as her lodging( *nd then they heard three blasts blo"' and every %ing and %night
dressed him unto the field( *nd the first that "as ready to 7oust "as .ir $alomides and .ir
-ainus le .trange' a %night of the )able ?ound( *nd so they t"o en+ountered together'
but .ir $alomides smote .ir -ainus so hard that he smote him 6uite over his horse1s
+roup( *nd forth"ithal .ir $alomides smote do"n another %night' and bra%e then his
spear' and pulled out his s"ord and did "onderly "ell( *nd then the noise began greatly
upon .ir $alomides( 8o' said -ing *rthur' yonder $alomides beginneth to play his
pageant( .o :od me help' said *rthur' he is a passing good %night( *nd right as they
stood tal%ing thus' in +ame .ir )ristram as thunder' and he en+ountered "ith .ir -ay the
.enes+hal' and there he smote him do"n 6uite from his horse0 and "ith that same spear
.ir )ristram smote do"n three %nights more' and then he pulled out his s"ord and did
marvellously( )hen the noise and +ry +hanged from .ir $alomides and turned to .ir
)ristram' and all the people +ried4 9 )ristram' 9 )ristram( *nd then "as .ir $alomides
+lean forgotten(
!o" no"' said 8aun+elot unto *rthur' yonder rideth a %night that playeth his pageants(
.o :od me help' said *rthur to 8aun+elot' ye shall see this day that yonder t"o %nights
shall here do this day "onders( .ir' said 8aun+elot' the one %night "aiteth upon the other'
and enfor+eth himself through envy to pass the noble %night .ir )ristram' and he %no"eth
not of the privy envy the "hi+h .ir $alomides hath to him0 for all that the noble .ir
)ristram doth is through +lean %nighthood( *nd then .ir :areth and ,inadan did
"onderly great deeds of arms' as t"o noble %nights' so that -ing *rthur spa%e of them
great honour and "orship0 and the %ings and %nights of .ir )ristram1s side did passingly
"ell' and held them truly together( )hen .ir *rthur and .ir 8aun+elot too% their horses
and dressed them' and gat into the thi+%est of the press( *nd there .ir )ristram
un%no"ing smote do"n -ing *rthur' and then .ir 8aun+elot "ould have res+ued him'
but there "ere so many upon .ir 8aun+elot that they pulled him do"n from his horse(
*nd then the -ing of &reland and the -ing of .+ots "ith their %nights did their pain to
ta%e -ing *rthur and .ir 8aun+elot prisoner( When .ir 8aun+elot heard them say so' he
fared as it had been an hungry lion' for he fared so that no %night durst nigh him(
)hen +ame .ir E+tor de Maris' and he bare a spear against .ir $alomides' and brast it
upon him all to shivers( *nd then .ir E+tor +ame again and gave .ir $alomides su+h a
dash "ith a s"ord that he stooped do"n upon his saddle bo"( *nd forth"ithal .ir E+tor
pulled do"n .ir $alomides under his feet0 and then .ir E+tor de Maris gat .ir 8aun+elot
du 8a%e an horse' and brought it to him' and bade him mount upon him0 but .ir
$alomides leapt afore and gat the horse by the bridle' and leapt into the saddle( .o :od
me help' said 8aun+elot' ye are better "orthy to have that horse than &( )hen .ir E+tor
brought .ir 8aun+elot another horse( :ramer+y' said 8aun+elot unto his brother( *nd so
"hen he "as horsed again' "ith one spear he smote do"n four %nights( *nd then .ir
8aun+elot brought to -ing *rthur one of the best of the four horses( )hen .ir 8aun+elot
"ith -ing *rthur and a fe" of his %nights of .ir 8aun+elot1s %in did marvellous deeds0
for that time' as the boo% re+ordeth' .ir 8aun+elot smote do"n and pulled do"n thirty
%nights( 2ot"ithstanding the other party held them so fast together that -ing *rthur and
his %nights "ere overmat+hed( *nd "hen .ir )ristram sa" that' "hat labour -ing *rthur
and his %nights' and in espe+ial the noble deeds that .ir 8aun+elot did "ith his o"n
hands' he marvelled greatly(
!o" .ir )ristram turned to -ing *rthur1s side' and ho" $alomides "ould not(
)!E2 .ir )ristram +alled unto him .ir $alomides' .ir :areth' and .ir ,inadan' and said
thus to them4 My fair fello"s' "it ye "ell that & "ill turn unto -ing *rthur1s party' for &
sa" never so fe" men do so "ell' and it "ill be shame unto us %nights that be of the
?ound )able to see our lord -ing *rthur' and that noble %night .ir 8aun+elot' to be
dishonoured( &t "ill be "ell done' said .ir :areth and .ir ,inadan( ,o your best' said
$alomides' for & "ill not +hange my party that & +ame in "ithal( )hat is for my sa%e' said
.ir )ristram0 :od speed you in your 7ourney( *nd so departed .ir $alomides from them(
)hen .ir )ristram' :areth' and ,inadan' turned "ith .ir 8aun+elot( *nd then .ir
8aun+elot smote do"n the -ing of &reland 6uite from his horse0 and so .ir 8aun+elot
smote do"n the -ing of .+ots' and the -ing of Wales0 and then .ir *rthur ran unto .ir
$alomides and smote him 6uite from his horse0 and then .ir )ristram bare do"n all that
he met( .ir :areth and .ir ,inadan did there as noble %nights0 then all the parties began
to flee( *las' said $alomides' that ever & should see this day' for no" have & lost all the
"orship that & "on0 and then .ir $alomides "ent his "ay "ailing' and so "ithdre" him
till he +ame to a "ell' and there he put his horse from him' and did off his armour' and
"ailed and "ept li%e as he had been a "ood man( )hen many %nights gave the priAe to
.ir )ristram' and there "ere many that gave the priAe unto .ir 8aun+elot( Fair lords' said
.ir )ristram' & than% you of the honour ye "ould give me' but & pray you heartily that ye
"ould give your voi+e to .ir 8aun+elot' for by my faith said .ir )ristram' & "ill give .ir
8aun+elot my voi+e( /ut .ir 8aun+elot "ould not have it' and so the priAe "as given
bet"ixt them both(
)hen every man rode to his lodging' and .ir /leoberis and .ir E+tor rode "ith .ir
)ristram and 8a /eale &soud unto their pavilions( )hen as .ir $alomides "as at the "ell
"ailing and "eeping' there +ame by him flying the %ings of Wales and of .+otland' and
they sa" .ir $alomides in that arage( *las' said they' that so noble a man as ye be should
be in this array( *nd then those %ings gat .ir $alomides1 horse again' and made him to
arm him and mount upon his horse' and so he rode "ith them' ma%ing great dole( .o
"hen .ir $alomides +ame nigh the pavilions thereas .ir )ristram and 8a /eale &soud "as
in' then .ir $alomides prayed the t"o %ings to abide him there the "hile that he spa%e
"ith .ir )ristram( *nd "hen he +ame to the port of the pavilions' .ir $alomides said on
high4 Where art thou' .ir )ristram de 8iones3 .ir' said ,inadan' that is $alomides( What'
.ir $alomides' "ill ye not +ome in here among us3 Fie on thee traitor' said $alomides' for
"it you "ell an it "ere daylight as it is night & should slay thee' mine o"n hands( *nd if
ever & may get thee' said $alomides' thou shalt die for this day1s deed( .ir $alomides' said
.ir )ristram' ye "ite me "ith "rong' for had ye done as & did ye had "on "orship( /ut
sithen ye give me so large "arning & shall be "ell "are of you( Fie on thee' traitor' said
$alomides' and there"ith departed(
)hen on the morn .ir )ristram' /leoberis' and .ir E+tor de Maris' .ir :areth' .ir
,inadan' "hat by "ater and "hat by land' they brought 8a /eale &soud unto 5oyous
:ard' and there reposed them a seven night' and made all the mirths and disports that
they +ould devise( *nd -ing *rthur and his %nights dre" unto Camelot' and .ir
$alomides rode "ith the t"o %ings0 and ever he made the greatest dole that any man
+ould thin%' for he "as not all only so dolorous for the departing from 8a /eale &soud'
but he "as a part as sorro"ful to depart from the fello"ship of .ir )ristram0 for .ir
)ristram "as so %ind and so gentle that "hen .ir $alomides remembered him thereof he
might never be merry(
!o" .ir /leoberis and .ir E+tor reported to ;ueen :uenever of the beauty of 8a /eale
.9 at the seven nights1 end .ir /leoberis and .ir E+tor departed from .ir )ristram and
from the 6ueen0 and these t"o good %nights had great gifts0 and .ir :areth and .ir
,inadan abode "ith .ir )ristram( *nd "hen .ir /leoberis and .ir E+tor "ere +ome there
as the ;ueen :uenever "as lodged' in a +astle by the seaside' and through the gra+e of
:od the 6ueen "as re+overed of her malady' then she as%ed the t"o %nights from "hen+e
they +ame( )hey said that they +ame from .ir )ristram and from 8a /eale &soud( !o"
doth .ir )ristram' said the 6ueen' and 8a /eale &soud3 )ruly' said those t"o %nights' he
doth as a noble %night should do0 and as for the ;ueen &soud' she is peerless of all ladies0
for to spea% of her beauty' bounte' and mirth' and of her goodness' "e sa" never her
mat+h as far as "e have ridden and gone( 9 mer+y 5esu' said ;ueen :uenever' so saith
all the people that have seen her and spo%en "ith her( :od "ould that & had part of her
+onditions0 and it is misfortuned me of my si+%ness "hile that tournament endured( *nd
as & suppose & shall never see in all my life su+h an assembly of %nights and ladies as ye
have done(
)hen the %nights told her ho" $alomides "on the degree at the first day "ith great
noblesse0 and the se+ond day .ir )ristram "on the degree0 and the third day .ir
8aun+elot "on the degree( Well' said ;ueen :uenever' "ho did best all these three days3
.o :od me help' said these %nights' .ir 8aun+elot and .ir )ristram had least dishonour(
*nd "it ye "ell .ir $alomides did passing "ell and mightily0 but he turned against the
party that he +ame in "ithal' and that +aused him to lose a great part of his "orship' for it
seemed that .ir $alomides is passing envious( )hen shall he never "in "orship' said
;ueen :uenever' for an it happeth an envious man on+e to "in "orship he shall be
dishonoured t"i+e therefore0 and for this +ause all men of "orship hate an envious man'
and "ill she" him no favour' and he that is +ourteous' and %ind' and gentle' hath favour
in every pla+e(
!o" Epinogris +omplained by a "ell' and ho" .ir $alomides +ame and found him' and
of their both sorro"ing(
29W leave "e of this matter and spea% "e of .ir $alomides' that rode and lodged him
"ith the t"o %ings' "hereof the %ings "ere heavy( )hen the -ing of &reland sent a man of
his to .ir $alomides' and gave him a great +ourser' and the -ing of .+otland gave him
great gifts0 and fain they "ould have had .ir $alomides to have abiden "ith them' but in
no "ise he "ould abide0 and so he departed' and rode as adventures "ould guide him' till
it "as nigh noon( *nd then in a forest by a "ell .ir $alomides sa" "here lay a fair
"ounded %night and his horse bounden by him0 and that %night made the greatest dole
that ever he heard man ma%e' for ever he "ept' and there"ith he sighed as though he
"ould die( )hen .ir $alomides rode near him and saluted him mildly and said4 Fair
%night' "hy "ail ye so3 let me lie do"n and "ail "ith you' for doubt not & am mu+h more
heavier than ye are0 for & dare say' said $alomides' that my sorro" is an hundred fold
more than yours is' and therefore let us +omplain either to other( First' said the "ounded
%night' & re6uire you tell me your name' for an thou be none of the noble %nights of the
?ound )able thou shalt never %no" my name' "hatsomever +ome of me( Fair %night'
said $alomides' su+h as & am' be it better or be it "orse' "it thou "ell that my name is .ir
$alomides' son and heir unto -ing *stlabor' and .ir .afere and .ir .eg"arides are my
t"o brethren0 and "it thou "ell as for myself & "as never +hristened' but my t"o brethren
are truly +hristened( 9 noble %night' said that %night' "ell is me that & have met "ith you0
and "it ye "ell my name is Epinogris' the %ing1s son of 2orthumberland( 2o" sit do"n'
said Epinogris' and let us either +omplain to other(
)hen .ir $alomides began his +omplaint( 2o" shall & tell you' said $alomides' "hat "oe
& endure( & love the fairest 6ueen and lady that ever bare life' and "it ye "ell her name is
8a /eale &soud' -ing Mar%1s "ife of Corn"all( )hat is great folly' said Epinogris' for to
love ;ueen &soud' for one of the best %nights of the "orld loveth her' that is .ir )ristram
de 8iones( )hat is truth' said $alomides' for no man %no"eth that matter better than & do'
for & have been in .ir )ristram1s fello"ship this month' and "ith 8a /eale &soud together0
and alas' said $alomides' unhappy man that & am' no" have & lost the fello"ship of .ir
)ristram for ever' and the love of 8a /eale &soud for ever' and & am never li%e to see her
more' and .ir )ristram and & be either to other mortal enemies( Well' said Epinogris' sith
that ye loved 8a /eale &soud' loved she you ever again by anything that ye +ould thin% or
"it' or else did ye re7oi+e her ever in any pleasure3 2ay' by my %nighthood' said
$alomides' & never espied that ever she loved me more than all the "orld' nor never had &
pleasure "ith her' but the last day she gave me the greatest rebu%e that ever & had' the
"hi+h shall never go from my heart( *nd yet & "ell deserved that rebu%e' for & did not
%nightly' and therefore & have lost the love of her and of .ir )ristram for ever0 and & have
many times enfor+ed myself to do many deeds for 8a /eale &soud1s sa%e' and she "as the
+auser of my "orship<"inning( *las' said .ir $alomides' no" have & lost all the "orship
that ever & "on' for never shall me befall su+h pro"ess as & had in the fello"ship of .ir
!o" .ir $alomides brought .ir Epinogris his lady0 and ho" .ir $alomides and .ir .afere
"ere assailed(
2*>' nay' said Epinogris' your sorro" is but 7apes to my sorro"0 for & re7oi+ed my lady
and "on her "ith my hands' and lost her again4 alas that day@ )hus first & "on her' said
Epinogris0 my lady "as an earl1s daughter' and as the earl and t"o %nights +ame from the
tournament of 8onaAep' for her sa%e & set upon this earl and on his t"o %nights' my lady
there being present0 and so by fortune there & sle" the earl and one of the %nights' and the
other %night fled' and so that night & had my lady( *nd on the morn as she and & reposed
us at this "ell<side there +ame there to me an errant %night' his name "as .ir !elior le
$reuse' an hardy %night' and this .ir !elior +hallenged me to fight for my lady( *nd then
"e "ent to battle first upon horse and after on foot' but at the last .ir !elior "ounded me
so that he left me for dead' and so he too% my lady "ith him0 and thus my sorro" is more
than yours' for & have re7oi+ed and ye re7oi+ed never( )hat is truth' said $alomides' but
sith & +an never re+over myself & shall promise you if & +an meet "ith .ir !elior & shall
get you your lady again' or else he shall beat me(
)hen .ir $alomides made .ir Epinogris to ta%e his horse' and so they rode to an
hermitage' and there .ir Epinogris rested him( *nd in the mean"hile .ir $alomides
"al%ed privily out to rest him under the leaves' and there beside he sa" a %night +ome
riding "ith a shield that he had seen .ir E+tor de Maris bear beforehand0 and there +ame
after him a ten %nights' and so these ten %nights hoved under the leaves for heat( *nd
anon after there +ame a %night "ith a green shield and therein a "hite lion' leading a lady
upon a palfrey( )hen this %night "ith the green shield that seemed to be master of the ten
%nights' he rode fier+ely after .ir !elior' for it "as he that hurt .ir Epinogris( *nd "hen
he +ame nigh .ir !elior he bade him defend his lady( & "ill defend her' said !elior' unto
my po"er( *nd so they ran together so mightily that either of these %nights smote other
do"n' horse and all' to the earth0 and then they "on up lightly and dre" their s"ords and
their shields' and lashed together mightily more than an hour( *ll this .ir $alomides sa"
and beheld' but ever at the last the %night "ith .ir E+tor1s shield "as bigger' and at the
last this %night smote .ir !elior do"n' and then that %night unla+ed his helm to have
stri+%en off his head( *nd then he +ried mer+y' and prayed him to save his life' and bade
him ta%e his lady( )hen .ir $alomides dressed him up' be+ause he "ist "ell that that
same lady "as Epinogris1 lady' and he promised him to help him(
)hen .ir $alomides "ent straight to that lady' and too% her by the hand' and as%ed her
"hether she %ne" a %night that hight Epinogris( *las' she said' that ever he %ne" me or &
him' for & have for his sa%e lost my "orship' and also his life grieveth me most of all( 2ot
so' lady' said $alomides' +ome on "ith me' for here is Epinogris in this hermitage( *h@
"ell is me' said the lady' an he be alive( Whither "ilt thou "ith that lady3 said the %night
"ith .ir E+tor1s shield( & "ill do "ith her "hat me list' said $alomides( Wit you "ell' said
that %night' thou spea%est over large' though thou seemest me to have at advantage'
be+ause thou sa"est me do battle but late( )hou "eenest' sir %night' to have that lady
a"ay from me so lightly3 nay' thin% it never not0 an thou "ere as good a %night as is .ir
8aun+elot' or as is .ir )ristram' or .ir $alomides' but thou shalt "in her dearer than ever
did &( *nd so they "ent unto battle upon foot' and there they gave many sad stro%es' and
either "ounded other passing sore' and thus they fought still more than an hour(
)hen .ir $alomides had marvel "hat %night he might be that "as so strong and so "ell
breathed during' and thus said $alomides4 -night' & re6uire thee tell me thy name( Wit
thou "ell' said that %night' & dare tell thee my name' so that thou "ilt tell me thy name( &
"ill' said $alomides( )ruly' said that %night' my name is .afere' son of -ing *stlabor'
and .ir $alomides and .ir .eg"arides are my brethren( 2o"' and "it thou "ell' my name
is .ir $alomides( )hen .ir .afere %neeled do"n upon his %nees' and prayed him of
mer+y0 and then they unla+ed their helms and either %issed other "eeping( *nd in the
mean"hile .ir Epinogris arose out of his bed' and heard them by the stro%es' and so he
armed him to help .ir $alomides if need "ere(
!o" .ir $alomides and .ir .afere +ondu+ted .ir Epinogris to his +astle' and of other
)!E2 .ir $alomides too% the lady by the hand and brought her to .ir Epinogris' and
there "as great 7oy bet"ixt them' for either s"ooned for 7oy( When they "ere met4 Fair
%night and lady' said .ir .afere' it "ere pity to depart you0 5esu send you 7oy either of
other( :ramer+y' gentle %night' said Epinogris0 and mu+h more than%s be to my lord .ir
$alomides' that thus hath through his pro"ess made me to get my lady( )hen .ir
Epinogris re6uired .ir $alomides and .ir .afere' his brother' to ride "ith them unto his
+astle' for the safeguard of his person( .ir' said $alomides' "e "ill be ready to +ondu+t
you be+ause that ye are sore "ounded0 and so "as Epinogris and his lady horsed' and his
lady behind him upon a soft ambler( *nd then they rode unto his +astle' "here they had
great +heer and 7oy' as great as ever .ir $alomides and .ir .afere had in their life<days(
.o on the morn .ir .afere and .ir $alomides departed' day until after noon( *nd at the
last they heard a great "eeping and a great noise do"n in a manor( .ir' said then .ir
.afere' let us "it "hat noise this is( & "ill "ell' said .ir $alomides( *nd so they rode forth
till that they +ame to a fair gate of a manor' and there sat an old man saying his prayers
and beads( )hen .ir $alomides and .ir .afere alighted and left their horses' and "ent
"ithin the gates' and there they sa" full many goodly men "eeping( Fair sirs' said
$alomides' "herefore "eep ye and ma%e this sorro"3 *non one of the %nights of the
+astle beheld .ir $alomides and %ne" him' and then "ent to his fello"s and said4 Fair
fello"s' "it ye "ell all' "e have in this +astle the same %night that sle" our lord at
8onaAep' for & %no" him "ell0 it is .ir $alomides( )hen they "ent unto harness' all that
might bear harness' some on horseba+% and some on foot' to the number of three s+ore(
*nd "hen they "ere ready they +ame freshly upon .ir $alomides and upon .ir .afere
"ith a great noise' and said thus4 -eep thee' .ir $alomides' for thou art %no"n' and by
right thou must be dead' for thou hast slain our lord0 and therefore "it ye "ell "e "ill
slay thee' therefore defend thee(
)hen .ir $alomides and .ir .afere' the one set his ba+% to the other' and gave many great
stro%es' and too% many great stro%es0 and thus they fought "ith a t"enty %nights and
forty gentlemen and yeomen nigh t"o hours( /ut at the last though they "ere loath' .ir
$alomides and .ir .afere "ere ta%en and yolden' and put in a strong prison0 and "ithin
three days t"elve %nights passed upon them' and they found .ir $alomides guilty' and .ir
.afere not guilty' of their lord1s death( *nd "hen .ir .afere should be delivered there
"as great dole bet"ixt .ir $alomides and him' and many piteous +omplaints that .ir
.afere made at his departing' there is no ma%er +an rehearse the tenth part( Fair brother'
said $alomides' let be thy dolour and thy sorro"( *nd if & be ordained to die a shameful
death' "el+ome be it0 but an & had "ist of this death that & am deemed unto' & should
never have been yolden( .o .ir .afere departed from his brother "ith the greatest dolour
and sorro" that ever made %night(
*nd on the morn they of the +astle ordained t"elve %nights to ride "ith .ir $alomides
unto the father of the same %night that .ir $alomides sle"0 and so they bound his legs
under an old steed1s belly( *nd then they rode "ith .ir $alomides unto a +astle by the
seaside' that hight $elo"nes' and there .ir $alomides should have 7usti+e( )hus "as their
ordinan+e0 and so they rode "ith .ir $alomides fast by the +astle of 5oyous :ard( *nd as
they passed by that +astle there +ame riding out of that +astle by them one that %ne" .ir
$alomides( *nd "hen that %night sa" .ir $alomides bounden upon a +roo%ed +ourser'
the %night as%ed .ir $alomides for "hat +ause he "as led so( *h' my fair fello" and
%night' said $alomides' & ride to"ard my death for the slaying of a %night at a tournament
of 8onaAep0 and if & had not departed from my lord .ir )ristram' as & ought not to have
done' no" might & have been sure to have had my life saved0 but & pray you' sir %night'
re+ommend me unto my lord' .ir )ristram' and unto my lady' ;ueen &soud' and say to
them if ever & trespassed to them & as% them forgiveness( *nd also & besee+h you
re+ommend me unto my lord' -ing *rthur' and to all the fello"ship of the ?ound )able'
unto my po"er( )hen that %night "ept for pity of .ir $alomides0 and there"ithal he rode
unto 5oyous :ard as fast as his horse might run' and lightly that %night des+ended do"n
off his horse and "ent unto .ir )ristram' and there he told him all as ye have heard' and
ever the %night "ept as he had been mad(
!o" .ir )ristram made him ready to res+ue .ir $alomides' but .ir 8aun+elot res+ued him
or he +ame(
W!E2 .ir )ristram heard ho" .ir $alomides "ent to his death' he "as heavy to hear
that' and said4 !o"beit that & am "roth "ith .ir $alomides' yet "ill not & suffer him to
die so shameful a death' for he is a full noble %night( *nd then anon .ir )ristram "as
armed and too% his horse and t"o s6uires "ith him' and rode a great pa+e to"ard the
+astle of $elo"nes "here .ir $alomides "as 7udged to death( *nd these t"elve %nights
that led .ir $alomides passed by a "ell "hereas .ir 8aun+elot "as' "hi+h "as alighted
there' and had tied his horse to a tree' and ta%en off his helm to drin% of that "ell0 and
"hen he sa" these %nights' .ir 8aun+elot put on his helm and suffered them to pass by
him( *nd then "as he "are of .ir $alomides bounden' and led shamefully to his death( 9
5esu' said 8aun+elot' "hat misadventure is befallen him that he is thus led to"ard his
death3 Forsooth' said 8aun+elot' it "ere shame to me to suffer this noble %night so to die
an & might help him' therefore & "ill help him "hatsomever +ome of it' or else & shall die
for .ir $alomides1 sa%e( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot mounted upon his horse' and gat his
spear in his hand' and rode after the t"elve %nights that led .ir $alomides( Fair %nights'
said .ir 8aun+elot' "hither lead ye that %night3 it beseemeth him full ill to ride bounden(
)hen these t"elve %nights suddenly turned their horses and said to .ir 8aun+elot4 .ir
%night' "e +ounsel thee not to meddle "ith this %night' for he hath deserved death' and
unto death he is 7udged( )hat me repenteth' said 8aun+elot' that & may not borro" him
"ith fairness' for he is over good a %night to die su+h a shameful death( *nd therefore'
fair %nights' said .ir 8aun+elot' %eep you as "ell as ye +an' for & "ill res+ue that %night or
die for it(
)hen they began to dress their spears' and .ir 8aun+elot smote the foremost do"n' horse
and man' and so he served three more "ith one spear0 and then that spear brast' and
there"ithal .ir 8aun+elot dre" his s"ord' and then he smote on the right hand and on the
left hand( )hen "ithin a "hile he left none of those t"elve %nights' but he had laid them
to the earth' and the most part of them "ere sore "ounded( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot too%
the best horse that he found' and loosed .ir $alomides and set him upon that horse0 and
so they returned again unto 5oyous :ard' and then "as .ir $alomides "are of .ir
)ristram ho" he +ame riding( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" him he %ne" him "ell' but
.ir )ristram %ne" him not be+ause .ir 8aun+elot had on his shoulder a golden shield( .o
.ir 8aun+elot made him ready to 7oust "ith .ir )ristram' that .ir )ristram should not
"een that he "ere .ir 8aun+elot( )hen .ir $alomides +ried aloud to .ir )ristram4 9 my
lord' & re6uire you 7oust not "ith this %night' for this good %night hath saved me from my
death( When .ir )ristram heard him say so he +ame a soft trotting pa+e to"ard them( *nd
then .ir $alomides said4 My lord' .ir )ristram' mu+h am & beholding unto you of your
great goodness' that "ould proffer your noble body to res+ue me undeserved' for & have
greatly offended you( 2ot"ithstanding' said .ir $alomides' here met "e "ith this noble
%night that "orshipfully and manly res+ued me from t"elve %nights' and smote them
do"n all and "ounded them sore(
!o" .ir )ristram and 8aun+elot' "ith $alomides' +ame to 5oyous :ard0 and of
$alomides and .ir )ristram(
F*&? %night' said .ir )ristram unto .ir 8aun+elot' of "hen+e be ye3 & am a %night errant'
said .ir 8aun+elot' that rideth to see% many adventures( What is your name3 said .ir
)ristram( .ir' at this time & "ill not tell you( )hen .ir 8aun+elot said unto .ir )ristram
and to $alomides4 2o" either of you are met together & "ill depart from you( 2ot so' said
.ir )ristram0 & pray you of %nighthood to ride "ith me unto my +astle( Wit you "ell' said
.ir 8aun+elot' & may not ride "ith you' for & have many deeds to do in other pla+es' that
at this time & may not abide "ith you( *h' mer+y 5esu' said .ir )ristram' & re6uire you as
ye be a true %night to the order of %nighthood' play you "ith me this night( )hen .ir
)ristram had a grant of .ir 8aun+elot4 ho"beit though he had not desired him he "ould
have ridden "ith them' outher soon have +ome after them0 for .ir 8aun+elot +ame for
none other +ause into that +ountry but for to see .ir )ristram( *nd "hen they "ere +ome
"ithin 5oyous :ard they alighted' and their horses "ere led into a stable0 and then they
unarmed them( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as unhelmed' .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides
%ne" him( )hen .ir )ristram too% .ir 8aun+elot in arms' and so did 8a /eale &soud0 and
$alomides %neeled do"n upon his %nees and than%ed .ir 8aun+elot( When .ir 8aun+elot
sa" .ir $alomides %neel he lightly too% him up and said thus4 Wit thou "ell' .ir
$alomides' & and any %night in this land' of "orship ought of very right su++our and
res+ue so noble a %night as ye are proved and reno"ned' throughout all this realm
endlong and overth"art( *nd then "as there 7oy among them' and the oftener that .ir
$alomides sa" 8a /eale &soud the heavier he "axed day by day(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot "ithin three or four days departed' and "ith him rode .ir E+tor de
Maris0 and ,inadan and .ir $alomides "ere there left "ith .ir )ristram a t"o months and
more( /ut ever .ir $alomides faded and mourned' that all men had marvel "herefore he
faded so a"ay( .o upon a day' in the da"ning' .ir $alomides "ent into the forest by
himself alone0 and there he found a "ell' and then he loo%ed into the "ell' and in the
"ater he sa" his o"n visage' ho" he "as disturbed and defaded' nothing li%e that he
"as( What may this mean3 said .ir $alomides' and thus he said to himself4 *h'
$alomides' $alomides' "hy art thou defaded' thou that "as "ont to be +alled one of the
fairest %nights of the "orld3 & "ill no more lead this life' for & love that & may never get
nor re+over( *nd there"ithal he laid him do"n by the "ell( *nd then he began to ma%e a
rhyme of 8a /eale &soud and him(
*nd in the mean"hile .ir )ristram "as that same day ridden into the forest to +hase the
hart of greese0 but .ir )ristram "ould not ride a<hunting never more unarmed' be+ause of
.ir /reuse .aun+e $ite( *nd so as .ir )ristram rode into that forest up and do"n' he
heard one sing marvellously loud' and that "as .ir $alomides that lay by the "ell( *nd
then .ir )ristram rode softly thither' for he deemed there "as some %night errant that "as
at the "ell( *nd "hen .ir )ristram +ame nigh him he des+ended do"n from his horse and
tied his horse fast till a tree' and then he +ame near him on foot0 and anon he "as "are
"here lay .ir $alomides by the "ell and sang loud and merrily0 and ever the +omplaints
"ere of that noble 6ueen' 8a /eale &soud' the "hi+h "as marvellously and "onderfully
"ell said' and full dolefully and piteously made( *nd all the "hole song the noble %night'
.ir )ristram' heard from the beginning to the ending' the "hi+h grieved and troubled him
/ut then at the last' "hen .ir )ristram had heard all .ir $alomides1 +omplaints' he "as
"roth out of measure' and thought for to slay him thereas he lay( )hen .ir )ristram
remembered himself that .ir $alomides "as unarmed' and of the noble name that .ir
$alomides had' and the noble name that himself had' and then he made a restraint of his
anger0 and so he "ent unto .ir $alomides a soft pa+e and said4 .ir $alomides' & have
heard your +omplaint' and of thy treason that thou hast o"ed me so long' and "it thou
"ell therefore thou shalt die0 and if it "ere not for shame of %nighthood thou shouldest
not es+ape my hands' for no" & %no" "ell thou hast a"aited me "ith treason( )ell me'
said .ir )ristram' ho" thou "ilt a+6uit thee3 .ir' said $alomides' thus & "ill a+6uit me4 as
for ;ueen 8a /eale &soud' ye shall "it "ell that & love her above all other ladies in this
"orld0 and "ell & "ot it shall befall me as for her love as befell to the noble %night .ir
-ehydius' that died for the love of 8a /eale &soud( *nd no"' .ir )ristram' & "ill that ye
"it that & have loved 8a /eale &soud many a day' and she hath been the +auser of my
"orship' and else & had been the most simplest %night in the "orld( For by her' and
be+ause of her' & have "on the "orship that & have0 for "hen & remembered me of 8a
/eale &soud & "on the "orship "heresomever & +ame for the most part0 and yet had &
never re"ard nor bounte of her the days of my life' and yet have & been her %night
guerdonless( *nd therefore' .ir )ristram' as for any death & dread not' for & had as lief die
as to live( *nd if & "ere armed as thou art' & should lightly do battle "ith thee( Well have
ye uttered your treason' said )ristram( & have done to you no treason' said $alomides' for
love is free for all men' and though & have loved your lady' she is my lady as "ell as
yours0 ho"beit & have "rong if any "rong be' for ye re7oi+e her' and have your desire of
her' and so had & never nor never am li%e to have' and yet shall & love her to the uttermost
days of my life as "ell as ye(
!o" there "as a day set bet"een .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides for to fight' and ho" .ir
)ristram "as hurt(
)!E2 said .ir )ristram4 & "ill fight "ith you to the uttermost( & grant' said $alomides'
for in a better 6uarrel %eep & never to fight' for an & die of your hands' of a better %night1s
hands may & not be slain( *nd sithen & understand that & shall never re7oi+e 8a /eale
&soud' & have as good "ill to die as to live( )hen set ye a day' said .ir )ristram' that "e
shall do battle( )his day fifteen days' said $alomides' "ill & meet "ith you hereby' in the
meado" under 5oyous :ard( Fie for shame' said .ir )ristram' "ill ye set so long day3 let
us fight to<morn( 2ot so' said $alomides' for & am meagre' and have been long si+% for
the love of 8a /eale &soud' and therefore & "ill repose me till & have my strength again(
.o then .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides promised faith fully to meet at the "ell that day
fifteen days( & am remembered' said .ir )ristram to $alomides' that ye bra%e me on+e a
promise "hen that & res+ued you from /reuse .aun+e $ite and nine %nights0 and then ye
promised me to meet me at the peron and the grave beside Camelot' "hereas at that time
ye failed of your promise( Wit you "ell' said $alomides unto .ir )ristram' & "as at that
day in prison' so that & might not hold my promise( .o :od me help' said .ir )ristram' an
ye had holden your promise this "or% had not been here no" at this time(
?ight so departed .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides( *nd so .ir $alomides too% his horse
and his harness' and he rode unto -ing *rthur1s +ourt0 and there .ir $alomides gat him
four %nights and four sergeants<of<arms' and so he returned again"ard unto 5oyous :ard(
*nd in the mean"hile .ir )ristram +hased and hunted at all manner of venery0 and about
three days afore the battle should be' as .ir )ristram +hased an hart' there "as an ar+her
shot at the hart' and by misfortune he smote .ir )ristram in the thi+% of the thigh' and the
arro" sle" .ir )ristram1s horse and hurt him( When .ir )ristram "as so hurt he "as
passing heavy' and "it ye "ell he bled sore0 and then he too% another horse' and rode
unto 5oyous :ard "ith great heaviness' more for the promise that he had made "ith .ir
$alomides' as to do battle "ith him "ithin three days after' than for any hurt of his thigh(
Wherefore there "as neither man nor "oman that +ould +heer him "ith anything that
they +ould ma%e to him' neither ;ueen 8a /eale &soud0 for ever he deemed that .ir
$alomides had smitten him so that he should not be able to do battle "ith him at the day
!o" .ir $alomides %ept his day to have foughten' but .ir )ristram might not +ome0 and
other things(
/#) in no "ise there "as no %night about .ir )ristram that "ould believe that ever .ir
$alomides "ould hurt .ir )ristram' neither by his o"n hands nor by none other
+onsenting( )hen "hen the fifteenth day "as +ome' .ir $alomides +ame to the "ell "ith
four %nights "ith him of *rthur1s +ourt' and three sergeants<of<arms( *nd for this intent
.ir $alomides brought the %nights "ith him and the sergeants<of<arms' for they should
bear re+ord of the battle bet"ixt .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides( *nd the one sergeant
brought in his helm' the other his spear' the third his s"ord( .o thus $alomides +ame into
the field' and there he abode nigh t"o hours0 and then he sent a s6uire unto .ir )ristram'
and desired him to +ome into the field to hold his promise(
When the s6uire "as +ome to 5oyous :ard' anon as .ir )ristram heard of his +oming he
let +ommand that the s6uire should +ome to his presen+e thereas he lay in his bed( My
lord .ir )ristram' said $alomides1 s6uire' "it you "ell my lord' $alomides' abideth you
in the field' and he "ould "it "hether ye "ould do battle or not( *h' my fair brother' said
.ir )ristram' "it thou "ell that & am right heavy for these tidings0 therefore tell .ir
$alomides an & "ere "ell at ease & "ould not lie here' nor he should have no need to send
for me an & might either ride or go0 and for thou shalt say that & am no )ristram
sho"ed him his thigh that the "ound "as six in+hes deep( *nd no" thou hast seen my
hurt' tell thy lord that this is no feigned matter' and tell him that & had liefer than all the
gold of -ing *rthur that & "ere "hole0 and tell $alomides as soon as & am "hole & shall
see% him endlong and overth"art' and that & promise you as & am true %night0 and if ever &
may meet "ith him' he shall have battle of me his fill( *nd "ith this the s6uire departed0
and "hen $alomides "ist that )ristram "as hurt he "as glad and said4 2o" & am sure &
shall have no shame' for & "ot "ell & should have had hard handling of him' and by li%ely
& must needs have had the "orse' for he is the hardest %night in battle that no" is living
ex+ept .ir 8aun+elot(
*nd then departed .ir $alomides "hereas fortune led him' and "ithin a month .ir
)ristram "as "hole of his hurt( *nd then he too% his horse' and rode from +ountry to
+ountry' and all strange adventures he a+hieved "heresomever he rode0 and al"ays he
en6uired for .ir $alomides' but of all that 6uarter of summer .ir )ristram +ould never
meet "ith .ir $alomides( /ut thus as .ir )ristram sought and en6uired after .ir
$alomides .ir )ristram a+hieved many great battles' "herethrough all the noise fell to .ir
)ristram' and it +eased of .ir 8aun+elot0 and therefore .ir 8aun+elot1s brethren and his
%insmen "ould have slain .ir )ristram be+ause of his fame( /ut "hen .ir 8aun+elot "ist
ho" his %insmen "ere set' he said to them openly4 Wit you "ell' that an the envy of you
all be so hardy to "ait upon my lord' .ir )ristram' "ith any hurt' shame' or villainy' as &
am true %night & shall slay the best of you "ith mine o"n hands *las' fie for shame'
should ye for his noble deeds a"ait upon him to slay him( 5esu defend' said 8aun+elot'
that ever any noble %night as .ir )ristram is should be destroyed "ith treason( 9f this
noise and fame sprang into Corn"all' and among them of 8iones' "hereof they "ere
passing glad' and made great 7oy( *nd then they of 8iones sent letters unto .ir )ristram
of re+ommendation' and many great gifts to maintain .ir )ristram1s estate0 and ever'
bet"een' .ir )ristram resorted unto 5oyous :ard "hereas 8a /eale &soud "as' that loved
him as her life(
!ere endeth the tenth boo% "hi+h is of .ir )ristram( *nd here follo"eth the eleventh
boo% "hi+h is of .ir 8aun+elot(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 11
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

B../ "I
!o" .ir 8aun+elot rode on his adventure' and ho" he helped a dolorous lady from her
pain' and ho" that he fought "ith a dragon(
29W leave "e .ir )ristram de 8iones' and spea% "e of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and of
.ir :alahad' .ir 8aun+elot1s son' ho" he "as gotten' and in "hat manner' as the boo% of
Fren+h rehearseth( *fore the time that .ir :alahad "as gotten or born' there +ame in an
hermit unto -ing *rthur upon Whitsunday' as the %nights sat at the )able ?ound( *nd
"hen the hermit sa" the .iege $erilous' he as%ed the %ing and all the %nights "hy that
siege "as void( .ir *rthur and all the %nights ans"ered4 )here shall never none sit in that
siege but one' but if he be destroyed( )hen said the hermit4 Wot ye "hat is he3 2ay' said
*rthur and all the %nights' "e "ot not "ho is he that shall sit therein( )hen "ot &' said the
hermit' for he that shall sit there is unborn and ungotten' and this same year he shall be
gotten that shall sit there in that .iege $erilous' and he shall "in the .angreal( When this
hermit had made this mention he departed from the +ourt of -ing *rthur(
*nd then after this feast .ir 8aun+elot rode on his adventure' till on a time by adventure
he passed over the pont of Corbin0 and there he sa" the fairest to"er that ever he sa"'
and there<under "as a fair to"n full of people0 and all the people' men and "omen' +ried
at on+e4 Wel+ome' .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' the flo"er of all %nighthood' for by thee all "e
shall be holpen out of danger( What mean ye' said .ir 8aun+elot' that ye +ry so upon me3
*h' fair %night' said they all' here is "ithin this to"er a dolorous lady that hath been there
in pains many "inters and days' for ever she boileth in s+alding "ater0 and but late' said
all the people' .ir :a"aine "as here and he might not help her' and so he left her in pain(
.o may &' said .ir 8aun+elot' leave her in pain as "ell as .ir :a"aine did( 2ay' said the
people' "e %no" "ell that it is .ir 8aun+elot that shall deliver her( Well' said 8aun+elot'
then she" me "hat & shall do(
)hen they brought .ir 8aun+elot into the to"er0 and "hen he +ame to the +hamber
thereas this lady "as' the doors of iron unlo+%ed and unbolted( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot
"ent into the +hamber that "as as hot as any ste"( *nd there .ir 8aun+elot too% the
fairest lady by the hand that ever he sa"' and she "as na%ed as a needle0 and by
en+hantment ;ueen Morgan le Fay and the ;ueen of 2orthgalis had put her there in that
pains' be+ause she "as +alled the fairest lady of that +ountry0 and there she had been five
years' and never might she be delivered out of her great pains unto the time the best
%night of the "orld had ta%en her by the hand( )hen the people brought her +lothes( *nd
"hen she "as arrayed' .ir 8aun+elot thought she "as the fairest lady of the "orld' but if
it "ere ;ueen :uenever(
)hen this lady said to .ir 8aun+elot4 .ir' if it please you "ill ye go "ith me hereby into a
+hapel that "e may give loving and than%ing unto :od3 Madam' said .ir 8aun+elot'
+ome on "ith me' & "ill go "ith you( .o "hen they +ame there and gave than%ings to
:od all the people' both learned and le"d' gave than%ings unto :od and him' and said4
.ir %night' sin+e ye have delivered this lady' ye shall deliver us from a serpent there is
here in a tomb( )hen .ir 8aun+elot too% his shield and said4 /ring me thither' and "hat &
may do unto the pleasure of :od and you & "ill do( .o "hen .ir 8aun+elot +ame thither
he sa" "ritten upon the tomb letters of gold that said thus4 !ere shall +ome a leopard of
%ing1s blood' and he shall slay this serpent' and this leopard shall engender a lion in this
foreign +ountry' the "hi+h lion shall pass all other %nights( .o then .ir 8aun+elot lift up
the tomb' and there +ame out an horrible and a fiendly dragon' spitting fire out of his
mouth( )hen .ir 8aun+elot dre" his s"ord and fought "ith the dragon long' and at the
last "ith great pain .ir 8aun+elot sle" that dragon( )here"ithal +ame -ing $elles' the
good and noble %night' and saluted .ir 8aun+elot' and he him again( Fair %night' said the
%ing' "hat is your name3 & re6uire you of your %nighthood tell me@
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame to $elles' and of the .angreal' and of Elaine' -ing $elles1
.&?' said 8aun+elot' "it you "ell my name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( *nd my name is'
said the %ing' $elles' %ing of the foreign +ountry' and +ousin nigh unto 5oseph of
*rmathie( *nd then either of them made mu+h of other' and so they "ent into the +astle
to ta%e their repast( *nd anon there +ame in a dove at a "indo"' and in her mouth there
seemed a little +enser of gold( *nd here"ithal there "as su+h a savour as all the spi+ery
of the "orld had been there( *nd forth"ithal there "as upon the table all manner of
meats and drin%s that they +ould thin% upon( .o +ame in a damosel passing fair and
young' and she bare a vessel of gold bet"ixt her hands0 and thereto the %ing %neeled
devoutly' and said his prayers' and so did all that "ere there( 9 5esu' said .ir 8aun+elot'
"hat may this mean3 )his is' said the %ing' the ri+hest thing that any man hath living(
*nd "hen this thing goeth about' the ?ound )able shall be bro%en0 and "it thou "ell'
said the %ing' this is the holy .angreal that ye have here seen( .o the %ing and .ir
8aun+elot led their life the most part of that day( *nd fain "ould -ing $elles have found
the mean to have had .ir 8aun+elot to have lain by his daughter' fair Elaine( *nd for this
intent4 the %ing %ne" "ell that .ir 8aun+elot should get a +hild upon his daughter' the
"hi+h should be named .ir :alahad the good %night' by "hom all the foreign +ountry
should be brought out of danger' and by him the !oly :real should be a+hieved(
)hen +ame forth a lady that hight ,ame /risen' and she said unto the %ing4 .ir' "it ye
"ell .ir 8aun+elot loveth no lady in the "orld but all only ;ueen :uenever0 and
therefore "or% ye by +ounsel' and & shall ma%e him to lie "ith your daughter' and he shall
not "it but that he lieth "ith ;ueen :uenever( 9 fair lady' ,ame /risen' said the %ing'
hope ye to bring this about3 .ir' said she' upon pain of my life let me deal0 for this /risen
"as one of the greatest en+hantresses that "as at that time in the "orld living( )hen anon
by ,ame /risen1s "it she made one to +ome to .ir 8aun+elot that he %ne" "ell( *nd this
man brought him a ring from ;ueen :uenever li%e as it had +ome from her' and su+h one
as she "as "ont for the most part to "ear0 and "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" that to%en "it ye
"ell he "as never so fain( Where is my lady3 said .ir 8aun+elot( &n the Castle of Case'
said the messenger' but five mile hen+e( )hen .ir 8aun+elot thought to be there the same
might( *nd then this /risen by the +ommandment of -ing $elles let send Elaine to this
+astle "ith t"enty<five %nights unto the Castle of Case( )hen .ir 8aun+elot against night
rode unto that +astle' and there anon he "as re+eived "orshipfully "ith su+h people' to
his seeming' as "ere about ;ueen :uenever se+ret(
.o "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as alighted' he as%ed "here the 6ueen "as( .o ,ame /risen said
she "as in her bed0 and then the people "ere avoided' and .ir 8aun+elot "as led unto his
+hamber( *nd then ,ame /risen brought .ir 8aun+elot a +up full of "ine0 and anon as he
had drun%en that "ine he "as so assotted and mad that he might ma%e no delay' but
"ithouten any let he "ent to bed0 and he "eened that maiden Elaine had been ;ueen
:uenever( Wit you "ell that .ir 8aun+elot "as glad' and so "as that lady Elaine that she
had gotten .ir 8aun+elot in her arms( For "ell she %ne" that same night should be gotten
upon her :alahad that should prove the best %night of the "orld0 and so they lay together
until underne of the1 morn0 and all the "indo"s and holes of that +hamber "ere stopped
that no manner of day might be seen( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot remembered him' and he
arose up and "ent to the "indo"(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as displeased "hen he %ne" that he had lain by ,ame Elaine' and
ho" she "as delivered of :alahad(
*2, anon as he had unshut the "indo" the en+hantment "as gone0 then he %ne"
himself that he had done amiss( *las' he said' that & have lived so long0 no" & am shamed(
.o then he gat his s"ord in his hand and said4 )hou traitress' "hat art thou that & have
lain by all this night3 thou shalt die right here of my hands( )hen this fair lady Elaine
s%ipped out of her bed all na%ed' and %neeled do"n afore .ir 8aun+elot' and said4 Fair
+ourteous %night' +ome of %ing1s blood' & re6uire you have mer+y upon me' and as thou
art reno"ned the most noble %night of the "orld' slay me not' for & have in my "omb him
by thee that shall be the most noblest %night of the "orld( *h' false traitress' said .ir
8aun+elot' "hy hast thou betrayed me3 anon tell me "hat thou art( .ir' she said' & am
Elaine' the daughter of -ing $elles( Well' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ill forgive you this deed0
and there"ith he too% her up in his arms' and %issed her' for she "as as fair a lady' and
thereto lusty and young' and as "ise' as any "as that time living( .o :od me help' said
.ir 8aun+elot' & may not "ite this to you0 but her that made this en+hantment upon me as
bet"een you and me' an & may find her' that same 8ady /risen' she shall lose her head
for "it+h+rafts' for there "as never %night de+eived so as & am this night( *nd so .ir
8aun+elot arrayed him' and armed him' and too% his leave mildly at that lady young
Elaine' and so he departed( )hen she said4 My lord .ir 8aun+elot' & besee+h you see me
as soon as ye may' for & have obeyed me unto the prophe+y that my father told me( *nd
by his +ommandment to fulfil this prophe+y & have given the greatest ri+hes and the
fairest flo"er that ever & had' and that is my maidenhood that & shall never have again0
and therefore' gentle %night' o"e me your good "ill(
*nd so .ir 8aun+elot arrayed him and "as armed' and too% his leave mildly at that young
lady Elaine0 and so he departed' and rode till he +ame to the Castle of Corbin' "here her
father "as( *nd as fast as her time +ame she "as delivered of a fair +hild' and they
+hristened him :alahad0 and "it ye "ell that +hild "as "ell %ept and "ell nourished' and
he "as named :alahad be+ause .ir 8aun+elot "as so named at the fountain stone0 and
after that the 8ady of the 8a%e +onfirmed him .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e(
)hen after this lady "as delivered and +hur+hed' there +ame a %night unto her' his name
"as .ir /romel la $le+he' the "hi+h "as a great lord0 and he had loved that lady long'
and he evermore desired her to "ed her0 and so by no mean she +ould put him off' till on
a day she said to .ir /romel4 Wit thou "ell' sir %night' & "ill not love you' for my love is
set upon the best %night of the "orld( Who is he3 said .ir /romel( .ir' she said' it is .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e that & love and none other' and therefore "oo me no longer( >e say
"ell' said .ir /romel' and sithen ye have told me so mu+h' ye shall have but little 7oy of
.ir 8aun+elot' for & shall slay him "heresomever & meet him( .ir' said the 8ady Elaine' do
to him no treason( Wit ye "ell' my lady' said /romel' and & promise you this
t"elvemonth & shall %eep the pont of Corbin for .ir 8aun+elot1s sa%e' that he shall neither
+ome nor go unto you' but & shall meet "ith him(
!o" .ir /ors +ame to ,ame Elaine and sa" :alahad' and ho" he "as fed "ith the
)!E2 as it fell by fortune and adventure' .ir /ors de :anis' that "as nephe" unto .ir
8aun+elot' +ame over that bridge0 and there .ir /romel and .ir /ors 7ousted' and .ir /ors
smote .ir /romel su+h a buffet that he bare him over his horse1s +roup( *nd then .ir
/romel' as an hardy %night' pulled out his s"ord' and dressed his shield to do battle "ith
.ir /ors( *nd then .ir /ors alighted and avoided his horse' and there they dashed
together many sad stro%es0 and long thus they fought' till at the last .ir /romel "as laid
to the earth' and there .ir /ors began to unla+e his helm to slay him( )hen .ir /romel
+ried .ir /ors mer+y' and yielded him( #pon this +ovenant thou shalt have thy life' said
.ir /ors' so thou go unto .ir 8aun+elot upon Whitsunday that next +ometh' and yield
thee unto him as %night re+reant( & "ill do it' said .ir /romel' and that he s"are upon the
+ross of the s"ord( *nd so he let him depart' and .ir /ors rode unto -ing $elles' that "as
"ithin Corbin(
*nd "hen the %ing and Elaine his daughter "ist that .ir /ors "as nephe" unto .ir
8aun+elot' they made him great +heer( )hen said ,ame Elaine4 We marvel "here .ir
8aun+elot is' for he +ame never here but on+e( Marvel not' said .ir /ors' for this half year
he hath been in prison "ith ;ueen Morgan le Fay' -ing *rthur1s sister( *las' said ,ame
Elaine' that me repenteth( *nd ever .ir /ors beheld that +hild in her arms' and ever him
seemed it "as passing li%e .ir 8aun+elot( )ruly' said Elaine' "it ye "ell this +hild he gat
upon me( )hen .ir /ors "ept for 7oy' and he prayed to :od it might prove as good a
%night as his father "as( *nd so +ame in a "hite dove' and she bare a little +enser of gold
in her mouth' and there "as all manner of meats and drin%s0 and a maiden bare that
.angreal' and she said openly4 Wit you "ell' .ir /ors' that this +hild is :alahad' that shall
sit in the .iege $erilous' and a+hieve the .angreal' and he shall be mu+h better than ever
"as .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' that is his o"n father( *nd then they %neeled do"n and made
their devotions' and there "as su+h a savour as all the spi+ery in the "orld had been
there( *nd "hen the dove too% her flight' the maiden vanished "ith the .angreal as she
.ir' said .ir /ors unto -ing $elles' this +astle may be named the Castle *dventurous' for
here be many strange adventures( )hat is sooth' said the %ing' for "ell may this pla+e be
+alled the adventures pla+e' for there +ome but fe" %nights here that go a"ay "ith any
"orship0 be he never so strong' here he may be proved0 and but late .ir :a"aine' the
good %night' gat but little "orship here( For & let you "it' said -ing $elles' here shall no
%night "in no "orship but if he be of "orship himself and of good living' and that loveth
:od and dreadeth :od' and else he getteth no "orship here' be he never so hardy( )hat is
"onderful thing' said .ir /ors( What ye mean in this +ountry & "ot not' for ye have many
strange adventures' and therefore & "ill lie in this +astle this night( >e shall not do so' said
-ing $elles' by my +ounsel' for it is hard an ye es+ape "ithout a shame( & shall ta%e the
adventure that "ill befall me' said .ir /ors( )hen & +ounsel you' said the %ing' to be
+onfessed +lean( *s for that' said .ir /ors' & "ill be shriven "ith a good "ill( .o .ir /ors
"as +onfessed' and for all "omen .ir /ors "as a virgin' save for one' that "as the
daughter of -ing /rangoris' and on her he gat a +hild that hight Elaine' and save for her
.ir /ors "as a +lean maiden(
*nd so .ir /ors "as led unto bed in a fair large +hamber' and many doors "ere shut
about the +hamber( When .ir /ors espied all those doors' he avoided all the people' for
he might have nobody "ith him0 but in no "ise .ir /ors "ould unarm him' but so he laid
him do"n upon the bed( *nd right so he sa" +ome in a light' that he might "ell see a
spear great and long that +ame straight upon him pointling' and to .ir /ors seemed that
the head of the spear brent li%e a taper( *nd anon' or .ir /ors "ist' the spear head smote
him into the shoulder an hand<breadth in deepness' and that "ound grieved .ir /ors
passing sore( *nd then he laid him do"n again for pain0 and anon there"ithal there +ame
a %night armed "ith his shield on his shoulder and his s"ord in his hand' and he bade .ir
/ors4 *rise' sir %night' and fight "ith me( & am sore hurt' he said' but yet & shall not fail
thee( *nd then .ir /ors started up and dressed his shield0 and then they lashed together
mightily a great "hile0 and at the last .ir /ors bare him ba+%"ard until that he +ame unto
a +hamber door' and there that %night yede into that +hamber and rested him a great
"hile( *nd "hen he had reposed him he +ame out freshly again' and began ne" battle
"ith .ir /ors mightily and strongly(
!o" .ir /ors made .ir $edivere to yield him' and of marvellous adventures that he had'
and ho" he a+hieved them(
)!E2 .ir /ors thought he should no more go into that +hamber to rest him' and so .ir
/ors dressed him bet"ixt the %night and that +hamber door' and there .ir /ors smote him
do"n' and then that %night yielded him What is your name3 said .ir /ors( .ir' said he'
my name is $edivere of the .traight Mar+hes( .o .ir /ors made him to s"ear at
Whitsunday next +oming to be at the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and yield him there as a
prisoner as an over+ome %night by the hands of .ir /ors( .o thus departed .ir $edivere of
the .traight Mar+hes( *nd then .ir /ors laid him do"n to rest' and then he heard and felt
mu+h noise in that +hamber0 and then .ir /ors espied that there +ame in' he "ist not
"hether at the doors nor "indo"s' shot of arro"s and of 6uarrels so thi+% that he
marvelled' and many fell upon him and hurt him in the bare pla+es(
*nd then .ir /ors "as "are "here +ame in an hideous lion0 so .ir /ors dressed him unto
the lion' and anon the lion bereft him his shield' and "ith his s"ord .ir /ors smote off
the lion1s head( ?ight so .ir /ors forth"ithal sa" a dragon in the +ourt passing horrible'
and there seemed letters of gold "ritten in his forehead0 and .ir /ors thought that the
letters made a signifi+ation of -ing *rthur( ?ight so there +ame an horrible leopard and
an old' and there they fought long' and did great battle together( *nd at the last the
dragon spit out of his mouth as it had been an hundred dragons0 and lightly all the small
dragons sle" the old dragon and tare him all to pie+es(
*non "ithal there +ame an old man into the hall' and he sat him do"n in a fair +hair' and
there seemed to be t"o adders about his ne+%0 and then the old man had an harp' and
there he sang an old song ho" 5oseph of *rmathie +ame into this land( )hen "hen he had
sung' the old man bade .ir /ors go from then+e( For here shall ye have no more
adventures0 and full "orshipfully have ye done' and better shall ye do hereafter( *nd then
.ir /ors seemed that there +ame the "hitest dove "ith a little golden +enser in her mouth(
*nd anon there"ithal the tempest +eased and passed' that afore "as marvellous to hear(
.o "as all that +ourt full of good savours( )hen .ir /ors sa" four +hildren bearing four
fair tapers' and an old man in the midst of the +hildren "ith a +enser in his o"n hand' and
a spear in his other hand' and that spear "as +alled the .pear of Dengean+e(
!o" .ir /ors departed0 and ho" .ir 8aun+elot "as rebu%ed of ;ueen :uenever' and of
his ex+use(
29W' said that old man to .ir /ors' go ye to your +ousin' .ir 8aun+elot' and tell him of
this adventure the "hi+h had been most +onvenient for him of all earthly %nights0 but sin
is so foul in him he may not a+hieve su+h holy deeds' for had not been his sin he had
passed all the %nights that ever "ere in his days0 and tell thou .ir 8aun+elot' of all
"orldly adventures he passeth in manhood and pro"ess all other' but in this spiritual
matters he shall have many his better( *nd then .ir /ors sa" four gentle"omen +ome by
him' purely beseen4 and he sa" "here that they entered into a +hamber "here "as great
light as it "ere a summer light0 and the "omen %neeled do"n afore an altar of silver "ith
four pillars' and as it had been a bishop %neeled do"n afore that table of silver( *nd as
.ir /ors loo%ed over his head he sa" a s"ord li%e silver' na%ed' hoving over his head'
and the +learness thereof smote so in his eyes that as at that time .ir /ors "as blind0 and
there he heard a voi+e that said4 :o hen+e' thou .ir /ors' for as yet thou art not "orthy
for to be in this pla+e( *nd then he yede ba+%"ard to his bed till on the morn( *nd on the
morn -ing $elles made great 7oy of .ir /ors0 and then he departed and rode to Camelot'
and there he found .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and told him of the adventures that he had seen
"ith -ing $elles at Corbin(
.o the noise sprang in *rthur1s +ourt that 8aun+elot had gotten a +hild upon Elaine' the
daughter of -ing $elles' "herefore ;ueen :uenever "as "roth' and gave many rebu%es
to .ir 8aun+elot' and +alled him false %night( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot told the 6ueen all'
and ho" he "as made to lie by her by en+hantment in li%eness of the 6ueen( .o the 6ueen
held .ir 8aun+elot ex+used( *nd as the boo% saith' -ing *rthur had been in Fran+e' and
had made "ar upon the mighty -ing Claudas' and had "on mu+h of his lands( *nd "hen
the %ing "as +ome again he let +ry a great feast' that all lords and ladies of all England
should be there' but if it "ere su+h as "ere rebellious against him(
!o" ,ame Elaine' :alahad1s mother' +ame in great estate unto Camelot' and ho" .ir
8aun+elot behaved him there(
*2, "hen ,ame Elaine' the daughter of -ing $elles' heard of this feast she "ent to her
father and re6uired him that he "ould give her leave to ride to that feast( )he %ing
ans"ered4 & "ill "ell ye go thither' but in any "ise as ye love me and "ill have my
blessing' that ye be "ell beseen in the ri+hest "ise0 and loo% that ye spare not for no +ost0
as% and ye shall have all that you needeth( )hen by the advi+e of ,ame /risen' her
maiden' all thing "as apparelled unto the purpose' that there "as never no lady more
ri+hlier beseen( .o she rode "ith t"enty %nights' and ten ladies' and gentle"omen' to the
number of an hundred horses( *nd "hen she +ame to Camelot' -ing *rthur and ;ueen
:uenever said' and all the %nights' that ,ame Elaine "as the fairest and the best beseen
lady that ever "as seen in that +ourt( *nd anon as -ing *rthur "ist that she "as +ome he
met her and saluted her' and so did the most part of all the %nights of the ?ound )able'
both .ir )ristram' .ir /leoberis' and .ir :a"aine' and many more that & "ill not
rehearse( /ut "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" her he "as so ashamed' and that be+ause he dre"
his s"ord on the morn "hen he had lain by her' that he "ould not salute her nor spea% to
her0 and yet .ir 8aun+elot thought she "as the fairest "oman that ever he sa" in his life<
/ut "hen ,ame Elaine sa" .ir 8aun+elot that "ould not spea% unto her she "as so
heavy that she "eened her heart "ould have to<brast0 for "it you "ell' out of measure she
loved him( *nd then Elaine said unto her "oman' ,ame /risen4 the un%indness of .ir
8aun+elot slayeth me near( *h' pea+e' madam' said ,ame /risen' & "ill underta%e that
this night he shall lie "ith you' an ye "ould hold you still( )hat "ere me liefer' said
,ame Elaine' than all the gold that is above the earth( 8et me deal' said ,ame /risen( .o
"hen Elaine "as brought unto ;ueen :uenever either made other good +heer by
+ountenan+e' but nothing "ith hearts( /ut all men and "omen spa%e of the beauty of
,ame Elaine' and of her great ri+hes(
)hen' at night' the 6ueen +ommanded that ,ame Elaine should sleep in a +hamber nigh
her +hamber' and all under one roof0 and so it "as done as the 6ueen +ommanded( )hen
the 6ueen sent for .ir 8aun+elot and bade him +ome to her +hamber that night4 9r else &
am sure' said the 6ueen' that ye "ill go to your lady1s bed' ,ame Elaine' by "hom ye gat
:alahad( *h' madam' said .ir 8aun+elot' never say ye so' for that & did "as against my
"ill( )hen' said the 6ueen' loo% that ye +ome to me "hen & send for you( Madam' said
8aun+elot' & shall not fail you' but & shall be ready at your +ommandment( )his bargain
"as soon done and made bet"een them' but ,ame /risen %ne" it by her +rafts' and told
it to her lady' ,ame Elaine( *las' said she' ho" shall & do3 8et me deal' said ,ame
/risen' for & shall bring him by the hand even to your bed' and he shall "een that & am
;ueen :uenever1s messenger( 2o" "ell is me' said ,ame Elaine' for all the "orld & love
not so mu+h as & do .ir 8aun+elot(
!o" ,ame /risen by en+hantment brought .ir 8aun+elot to ,ame Elaine1s bed' and ho"
;ueen :uenever rebu%ed him(
.9 "hen time +ame that all fol%s "ere abed' ,ame /risen +ame to .ir 8aun+elot1s bed1s
side and said4 .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' sleep you3 My lady' ;ueen :uenever' lieth and
a"aiteth upon you( 9 my fair lady' said .ir 8aun+elot' & am ready to go "ith you "here
ye "ill have me( .o .ir 8aun+elot thre" upon him a long go"n' and his s"ord in his
hand0 and then ,ame /risen too% him by the finger and led him to her lady1s bed' ,ame
Elaine0 and then she departed and left them in bed together( Wit you "ell the lady "as
glad' and so "as .ir 8aun+elot' for he "eened that he had had another in his arms(
2o" leave "e them %issing and +lipping' as "as %indly thing0 and no" spea% "e of
;ueen :uenever that sent one of her "omen unto .ir 8aun+elot1s bed0 and "hen she
+ame there she found the bed +old' and he "as a"ay0 so she +ame to the 6ueen and told
her all( *las' said the 6ueen' "here is that false %night be+ome3 )hen the 6ueen "as nigh
out of her "it' and then she "rithed and "eltered as a mad "oman' and might not sleep a
four or five hours( )hen .ir 8aun+elot had a +ondition that he used of +ustom' he "ould
+latter in his sleep' and spea% oft of his lady' ;ueen :uenever( .o as .ir 8aun+elot had
"a%ed as long as it had pleased him' then by +ourse of %ind he slept' and ,ame Elaine
both( *nd in his sleep he tal%ed and +lattered as a 7ay' of the love that had been bet"ixt
;ueen :uenever and him( *nd so as he tal%ed so loud the 6ueen heard him thereas she
lay in her +hamber0 and "hen she heard him so +latter she "as nigh "ood and out of her
mind' and for anger and pain "ist not "hat to do( *nd then she +oughed so loud that .ir
8aun+elot a"a%ed' and he %ne" her hemming( *nd then he %ne" "ell that he lay not by
the 6ueen0 and there"ith he leapt out of his bed as he had been a "ood man' in his shirt'
and the 6ueen met him in the floor0 and thus she said4 False traitor %night that thou art'
loo% thou never abide in my +ourt' and avoid my +hamber' and not so hardy' thou false
traitor %night that thou art' that ever thou +ome in my sight( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot0 and
there"ith he too% su+h an heartly sorro" at her "ords that he fell do"n to the floor in a
s"oon( *nd there"ithal ;ueen :uenever departed( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot a"o%e of his
s"oon' he leapt out at a bay "indo" into a garden' and there "ith thorns he "as all to<
s+rat+hed in his visage and his body0 and so he ran forth he "ist not "hither' and "as
"ild "ood as ever "as man0 and so he ran t"o year' and never man might have gra+e to
%no" him(
!o" ,ame Elaine "as +ommanded by ;ueen :uenever to avoid the +ourt' and ho" .ir
8aun+elot be+ame mad(
29W turn "e unto ;ueen :uenever and to the fair 8ady Elaine' that "hen ,ame Elaine
heard the 6ueen so to rebu%e .ir 8aun+elot' and also she sa" ho" he s"ooned' and ho"
he leaped out at a bay "indo"' then she said unto ;ueen :uenever4 Madam' ye are
greatly to blame for .ir 8aun+elot' for no" have ye lost him' for & sa" and heard by his
+ountenan+e that he is mad for ever( *las' madam' ye do great sin' and to yourself great
dishonour' for ye have a lord of your o"n' and therefore it is your part to love him0 for
there is no 6ueen in this "orld hath su+h another %ing as ye have( *nd' if ye "ere not' &
might have the love of my lord .ir 8aun+elot0 and +ause & have to love him for he had my
maidenhood' and by him & have borne a fair son' and his name is :alahad' and he shall be
in his time the best %night of the "orld( ,ame Elaine' said the 6ueen' "hen it is daylight &
+harge you and +ommand you to avoid my +ourt0 and for the love ye o"e unto .ir
8aun+elot dis+over not his +ounsel' for an ye do' it "ill be his death( *s for that' said
,ame Elaine' & dare underta%e he is marred for ever' and that have ye made0 for ye' nor &'
are li%e to re7oi+e him0 for he made the most piteous groans "hen he leapt out at yonder
bay "indo" that ever & heard man ma%e( *las' said fair Elaine' and alas' said the ;ueen
:uenever' for no" & "ot "ell "e have lost him for ever(
.o on the morn ,ame Elaine too% her leave to depart' and she "ould no longer abide(
)hen -ing *rthur brought her on her "ay "ith mo than an hundred %nights through a
forest( *nd by the "ay she told .ir /ors de :anis all ho" it betid that same night' and
ho" .ir 8aun+elot leapt out at a "indo"' araged out of his "it( *las' said .ir /ors' "here
is my lord' .ir 8aun+elot' be+ome3 .ir' said Elaine' & "ot ne1er( *las' said .ir /ors'
bet"ixt you both ye have destroyed that good %night( *s for me' said ,ame Elaine' & said
never nor did never thing that should in any "ise displease him' but "ith the rebu%e that
;ueen :uenever gave him & sa" him s"oon to the earth0 and "hen he a"o%e he too% his
s"ord in his hand' na%ed save his shirt' and leapt out at a "indo" "ith the grisliest groan
that ever & heard man ma%e( 2o" fare"ell' ,ame Elaine' said .ir /ors' and hold my lord
*rthur "ith a tale as long as ye +an' for & "ill turn again to ;ueen :uenever and give her
a hete0 and & re6uire you' as ever ye "ill have my servi+e' ma%e good "at+h and espy if
ever ye may see my lord .ir 8aun+elot( )ruly' said fair Elaine' & shall do all that & may
do' for as fain "ould & %no" and "it "here he is be+ome' as you' or any of his %in' or
;ueen :uenever0 and +ause great enough have & thereto as "ell as any other( *nd "it ye
"ell' said fair Elaine to .ir /ors' & "ould lose my life for him rather than he should be
hurt0 but alas' & +ast me never for to see him' and the +hief +auser of this is ,ame
:uenever( Madam' said ,ame /risen' the "hi+h had made the en+hantment before
bet"ixt .ir 8aun+elot and her' & pray you heartily' let .ir /ors depart' and hie him "ith
all his might as fast as he may to see% .ir 8aun+elot' for & "arn you he is +lean out of his
mind0 and yet he shall be "ell holpen an but by mira+le(
)hen "ept ,ame Elaine' and so did .ir /ors de :anis0 and so they departed' and .ir /ors
rode straight unto ;ueen :uenever( *nd "hen she sa" .ir /ors she "ept as she "ere
"ood( Fie on your "eeping' said .ir /ors de :anis' for ye "eep never but "hen there is
no bote( *las' said .ir /ors' that ever .ir 8aun+elot1s %in sa" you' for no" have ye lost
the best %night of our blood' and he that "as all our leader and our su++our0 and & dare
say and ma%e it good that all %ings' +hristian nor heathen' may not find su+h a %night' for
to spea% of his nobleness and +ourtesy' "ith his beauty and his gentleness( *las' said .ir
/ors' "hat shall "e do that be of his blood3 *las' said .ir E+tor de Maris( *las' said
What sorro" ;ueen :uenever made for .ir 8aun+elot' and ho" he "as sought by %nights
of his %in(
*2, "hen the 6ueen heard them say so she fell to the earth in a dead s"oon( *nd then
.ir /ors too% her up' and da"ed her0 and "hen she "as a"a%ed she %neeled afore the
three %nights' and held up both her hands' and besought them to see% him( *nd spare not
for no goods but that he be found' for & "ot he is out of his mind( *nd .ir /ors' .ir E+tor'
and .ir 8ionel departed from the 6ueen' for they might not abide no longer for sorro"(
*nd then the 6ueen sent them treasure enough for their expenses' and so they too% their
horses and their armour' and departed( *nd then they rode from +ountry to +ountry' in
forests' and in "ilderness' and in "astes0 and ever they laid "at+h both at forests and at
all manner of men as they rode' to hear%en and spere after him' as he that "as a na%ed
man' in his shirt' "ith a s"ord in his hand( *nd thus they rode nigh a 6uarter of a year'
endlong and overth"art' in many pla+es' forests and "ilderness' and oft<times "ere evil
lodged for his sa%e0 and yet for all their labour and see%ing +ould they never hear "ord of
him( *nd "it you "ell these three %nights "ere passing sorry(
)hen at the last .ir /ors and his fello"s met "ith a %night that hight .ir Melion de
)artare( 2o" fair %night' said .ir /ors' "hither be ye a"ay3 for they %ne" either other
afore time( .ir' said Melion' & am in the "ay to"ard the +ourt of -ing *rthur( )hen "e
pray you' said .ir /ors' that ye "ill tell my lord *rthur' and my lady' ;ueen :uenever'
and all the fello"ship of the ?ound )able' that "e +annot in no "ise hear tell "here .ir
8aun+elot is be+ome( )hen .ir Melion departed from them' and said that he "ould tell
the %ing' and the 6ueen' and all the fello"ship<of the ?ound )able' as they had desired
him( .o "hen .ir Melion +ame to the +ourt of -ing *rthur he told the %ing' and the
6ueen' and all the fello"ship of the ?ound )able' "hat .ir /ors had said of .ir
8aun+elot( )hen .ir :a"aine' .ir #"aine' .ir .agramore le ,esirous' .ir *glovale' and
.ir $er+ivale de :alis too% upon them by the great desire of -ing *rthur' and in espe+ial
by the 6ueen' to see% throughout all England' Wales' and .+otland' to find .ir 8aun+elot'
and "ith them rode eighteen %nights mo to bear them fello"ship0 and "it ye "ell' they
la+%ed no manner of spending0 and so "ere they three and t"enty %nights(
2o" turn "e to .ir 8aun+elot' and spea% "e of his +are and "oe' and "hat pain he there
endured0 for +old' hunger' and thirst' he had plenty( *nd thus as these noble %nights rode
together' they by one assent departed' and then they rode by t"o' by three' and by four'
and by five' and ever they assigned "here they should meet( *nd so .ir *glovale and .ir
$er+ivale rode together unto their mother that "as a 6ueen in those days( *nd "hen she
sa" her t"o sons' for 7oy she "ept tenderly( *nd then she said4 *h' my dear sons' "hen
your father "as slain he left me four sons' of the "hi+h no" be t"ain slain( *nd for the
death of my noble son' .ir 8amora%' shall my heart never be glad( *nd then she %neeled
do"n upon her %nees tofore *glovale and .ir $er+ivale' and besought them to abide at
home "ith her( *h' s"eet mother' said .ir $er+ivale' "e may not' for "e be +ome of
%ing1s blood of both parties' and therefore' mother' it is our %ind to haunt arms and noble
deeds( *las' my s"eet sons' then she said' for your sa%es & shall lose my li%ing and lust'
and then "ind and "eather & may not endure' "hat for the death of your father' -ing
$ellinore' that "as shamefully slain by the hands of .ir :a"aine' and his brother' .ir
:aheris4 and they sle" him not manly but by treason( *h' my dear sons' this is a piteous
+omplaint for me of your father1s death' +onsidering also the death of .ir 8amora%' that
of %nighthood had but fe" fello"s( 2o"' my dear sons' have this in your mind( )hen
there "as but "eeping and sobbing in the +ourt "hen they should depart' and she fell a<
s"ooning in midst of the +ourt(
!o" a servant of .ir *glovale1s "as slain' and "hat vengean+e .ir *glovale and .ir
$er+ivale did therefore(
*2, "hen she "as a"a%ed she sent a s6uire after them "ith spending enough( *nd so
"hen the s6uire had overta%en them' they "ould not suffer him to ride "ith them' but
sent him home again to +omfort their mother' praying her mee%ly of her blessing( *nd so
this s6uire "as benighted' and by misfortune he happened to +ome to a +astle "here
d"elled a baron( *nd so "hen the s6uire "as +ome into the +astle' the lord as%ed him
from "hen+e he +ame' and "hom he served( My lord' said the s6uire' & serve a good
%night that is +alled .ir *glovale4 the s6uire said it to good intent' "eening unto him to
have been more forborne for .ir *glovale1s sa%e' than he had said he had served the
6ueen' *glovale1s mother( Well' my fello"' said the lord of that +astle' for .ir *glovale1s
sa%e thou shalt have evil lodging' for .ir *glovale sle" my brother' and therefore thou
shalt die on part of payment( *nd then that lord +ommanded his men to have him a"ay
and slay him0 and so they did' and so pulled him out of the +astle' and there they sle"
him "ithout mer+y(
?ight so on the morn +ame .ir *glovale and .ir $er+ivale riding by a +hur+hyard' "here
men and "omen "ere busy' and beheld the dead s6uire' and they thought to bury him(
What is there' said .ir *glovale' that ye behold so fast3 * good man stert forth and said4
Fair %night' here lieth a s6uire slain shamefully this night( !o" "as he slain' fair fello"3
said .ir *glovale( My fair sir' said the man' the lord of this +astle lodged this s6uire this
night0 and be+ause he said he "as servant unto a good %night that is "ith -ing *rthur' his
name is .ir *glovale' therefore the lord +ommanded to slay him' and for this +ause is he
slain( :ramer+y' said .ir *glovale' and ye shall see his death revenged lightly0 for & am
that same %night for "hom this s6uire "as slain(
)hen .ir *glovale +alled unto him .ir $er+ivale' and bade him alight lightly0 and so they
alighted both' and betoo% their horses to their men' and so they yede on foot into the
+astle( *nd all so soon as they "ere "ithin the +astle gate .ir *glovale bade the porter4
:o thou unto thy lord and tell him that & am .ir *glovale for "hom this s6uire "as slain
this night( *non the porter told this to his lord' "hose name "as :oode"in( *non he
armed him' and then he +ame into the +ourt and said4 Whi+h of you is .ir *glovale3 !ere
& am' said *glovale4 for "hat +ause sle"est thou this night my mother1s s6uire3 & sle"
him' said .ir :oode"in' be+ause of thee' for thou sle"est my brother' .ir :a"delin( *s
for thy brother' said .ir *glovale' & avo" it & sle" him' for he "as a false %night and a
betrayer of ladies and of good %nights0 and for the death of my s6uire thou shalt die( &
defy thee' said .ir :oode"in( )hen they lashed together as eagerly as it had been t"o
lions' and .ir $er+ivale he fought "ith all the remnant that "ould fight( *nd "ithin a
"hile .ir $er+ivale had slain all that "ould "ithstand him0 for .ir $er+ivale dealt so his
stro%es that "ere so rude that there durst no man abide him( *nd "ithin a "hile .ir
*glovale had .ir :oode"in at the earth' and there he unla+ed his helm' and stru+% off his
head( *nd then they departed and too% their horses0 and then they let +arry the dead
s6uire unto a priory' and there they interred him(
!o" .ir $ervivale departed se+retly from his brother' and ho" he loosed a %night bound
"ith a +hain' and of other doings(
*2, "hen this "as done they rode into many +ountries' ever in6uiring after .ir
8aun+elot' but never they +ould hear of him0 and at the last they +ame to a +astle that
hight Cardi+an' and there .ir $er+ivale and .ir *glovale "ere lodged together( *nd
privily about midnight .ir $er+ivale +ame to *glovale1s s6uire and said4 *rise and ma%e
thee ready' for ye and & "ill ride a"ay se+retly( .ir' said the s6uire' & "ould full fain ride
"ith you "here ye "ould have me' but an my lord' your brother' ta%e me he "ill slay me(
*s for that +are thou not' for & shall be thy "arrant(
*nd so .ir $er+ivale rode till it "as after noon' and then he +ame upon a bridge of stone'
and there he found a %night that "as bound "ith a +hain fast about the "aist unto a pillar
of stone( 9 fair %night' said that bound %night' & re6uire thee loose me of my bonds( What
%night are ye' said .ir $er+ivale' and for "hat +ause are ye so bound3 .ir' & shall tell you'
said that %night4 & am a %night of the )able ?ound' and my name is .ir $ersides0 and thus
by adventure & +ame this "ay' and here & lodged in this +astle at the bridge foot' and
therein d"elleth an un+ourteous lady0 and be+ause she proffered me to be her paramour'
and & refused her' she set her men upon me suddenly or ever & might +ome to my "eapon0
and thus they bound me' and here & "ot "ell & shall die but if some man of "orship brea%
my bands( /e ye of good +heer' said .ir $er+ivale' and be+ause ye are a %night of the
?ound )able as "ell as &' & trust to :od to brea% your bands( *nd there"ith .ir $er+ivale
pulled out his s"ord and stru+% at the +hain "ith su+h a might that he +ut a<t"o the +hain'
and through .ir $ersides1 hauber% and hurt him a little( 9 5esu' said .ir $ersides' that "as
a mighty stro%e as ever & felt one' for had not the +hain been ye had slain me(
*nd there"ithal .ir $ersides sa" a %night +oming out of a +astle all that ever he might
fling( /e"are' sir' said .ir $ersides' yonder +ometh a man that "ill have ado "ith you(
8et him +ome' said .ir $er+ivale( *nd so he met "ith that %night in midst of the bridge0
and .ir $er+ivale gave him su+h a buffet that he smote him 6uite from his horse and over
a part of the bridge' that' had not been a little vessel under the bridge' that %night had
been dro"ned( *nd then .ir $er+ivale too% the %night1s horse and made .ir $ersides to
mount up him0 and so they rode unto the +astle' and bade the lady deliver .ir $ersides1
servants' or else he "ould slay all that ever he found0 and so for fear she delivered them
all( )hen "as .ir $er+ivale "are of a lady that stood in that to"er( *h' madam' said .ir
$er+ivale' "hat use and +ustom is that in a lady to destroy good %nights but if they "ill be
your paramour3 Forsooth this is a shameful +ustom of a lady' and if & had not a great
matter in my hand & should fordo your evil +ustoms(
*nd so .ir $ersides brought .ir $er+ivale unto his o"n +astle' and there he made him
great +heer all that night( *nd on the morn' "hen .ir $er+ivale had heard mass and
bro%en his fast' he bade .ir $ersides ride unto -ing *rthur4 *nd tell the %ing ho" that ye
met "ith me0 and tell my brother' .ir *glovale' ho" & res+ued you0 and bid him see% not
after me' for & am in the 6uest to see% .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and though he see% me he
shall not find me0 and tell him & "ill never see him' nor the +ourt' till & have found .ir
8aun+elot( *lso tell .ir -ay the .enes+hal' and to .ir Mordred' that & trust to 5esu to be
of as great "orthiness as either of them' for tell them & shall never forget their mo+%s and
s+orns that they did to me that day that & "as made %night0 and tell them & "ill never see
that +ourt till men spea% more "orship of me than ever men did of any of them both( *nd
so .ir $ersides departed from .ir $er+ivale' and then he rode unto -ing *rthur' and told
there of .ir $er+ivale( *nd "hen .ir *glovale heard him spea% of his brother .ir
$er+ivale' he said4 !e departed from me un%indly(
!o" .ir $er+ivale met "ith .ir E+tor' and ho" they fought long' and ea+h had almost
slain other(
.&?' said .ir $ersides' on my life he shall prove a noble %night as any no" is living( *nd
"hen he sa" .ir -ay and .ir Mordred' .ir $ersides said thus4 My fair lords both' .ir
$er+ivale greeteth you "ell both' and he sent you "ord by me that he trusteth to :od or
ever he +ome to the +ourt again to be of as great noblesse as ever "ere ye both' and more
men to spea% of his noblesse than ever they did of you( &t may "ell be' said .ir -ay and
.ir Mordred' but at that time "hen he "as made %night he "as full unli%e to prove a good
%night( *s for that' said -ing *rthur' he must needs prove a good %night' for his father
and his brethren "ere noble %nights
*nd no" "ill "e turn unto .ir $er+ivale that rode long0 and in a forest he met a %night
"ith a bro%en shield and a bro%en helm0 and as soon as either sa" other readily they
made them ready to 7oust' and so hurtled together "ith all the might of their horses' and
met together so hard' that .ir $er+ivale "as smitten to the earth( *nd then .ir $er+ivale
arose lightly' and +ast his shield on his shoulder and dre" his s"ord' and bade the other
%night *light' and do "e battle unto the uttermost( Will ye more3 said that %night( *nd
there"ith he alighted' and put his horse from him0 and then they +ame together an easy
pa+e' and there they lashed together "ith noble s"ords' and sometime they stru+% and
sometime they foined' and either gave other many great "ounds( )hus they fought near
half a day' and never rested but right little' and there "as none of them both that had less
"ounds than fifteen' and they bled so mu+h that it "as marvel they stood on their feet(
/ut this %night that fought "ith .ir $er+ivale "as a proved %night and a "ise<fighting
%night' and .ir $er+ivale "as young and strong' not %no"ing in fighting as the other "as(
)hen .ir $er+ivale spo%e first' and said4 .ir %night' hold thy hand a "hile still' for "e
have fought for a simple matter and 6uarrel overlong' and therefore & re6uire thee tell me
thy name' for & "as never or this time mat+hed( .o :od me help' said that %night' and
never or this time "as there never %night that "ounded me so sore as thou hast done' and
yet have & fought in many battles0 and no" shalt thou "it that & am a %night of the )able
?ound' and my name is .ir E+tor de Maris' brother unto the good %night' .ir 8aun+elot
du 8a%e( *las' said .ir $er+ivale' and my name is .ir $er+ivale de :alis that hath made
my 6uest to see% .ir 8aun+elot' and no" & am si%er that & shall never finish my 6uest' for
ye have slain me "ith your hands( &t is not so' said .ir E+tor' for & am slain by your
hands' and may not live( )herefore & re6uire you' said .ir E+tor unto .ir $er+ivale' ride ye
hereby to a priory' and bring me a priest that & may re+eive my .aviour' for & may not
live( *nd "hen ye +ome to the +ourt of -ing *rthur tell not my brother' .ir 8aun+elot'
ho" that ye sle" me' for then he "ould be your mortal enemy' but ye may say that & "as
slain in my 6uest as & sought him( *las' said .ir $er+ivale' ye say that never "ill be' for &
am so faint for bleeding that & may unnethe stand' ho" should & then ta%e my horse3
!o" by mira+le they "ere both made "hole by the +oming of the holy vessel of
)!E2 they made both great dole out of measure( )his "ill not avail' said .ir $er+ivale(
*nd then he %neeled do"n and made his prayer devoutly unto *lmighty 5esu' for he "as
one of the best %nights of the "orld that at that time "as' in "hom the very faith stood
most in( ?ight so there +ame by the holy vessel of the .angreal "ith all manner of
s"eetness and savour0 but they +ould not readily see "ho that bare that vessel' but .ir
$er+ivale had a glimmering of the vessel and of the maiden that bare it' for he "as a
perfe+t +lean maiden0 and forth"ithal they both "ere as "hole of hide and limb as ever
they "ere in their life<days4 then they gave than%ings to :od "ith great mildness( 9 5esu'
said .ir $er+ivale' "hat may this mean' that "e be thus healed' and right no" "e "ere at
the point of dying3 & "ot full "ell' said .ir E+tor' "hat it is0 it is an holy vessel that is
borne by a maiden' and therein is part of the holy blood of our 8ord 5esu Christ' blessed
mote he be( /ut it may not be seen' said .ir E+tor' but if it be by a perfe+t man( .o :od
me help' said .ir $er+ivale' & sa" a damosel' as me thought' all in "hite' "ith a vessel in
both her hands' and forth"ithal & "as "hole(
.o then they too% their horses and their harness' and amended their harness as "ell as
they might that "as bro%en0 and so they mounted upon their horses' and rode tal%ing
together( *nd there .ir E+tor de Maris told .ir $er+ivale ho" he had sought his brother'
.ir 8aun+elot' long' and never +ould hear "itting of him4 &n many strange adventures
have & been in this 6uest( *nd so either told other of their adventures(
!ere endeth the eleventh boo%( *nd here follo"eth the t"elfth boo%(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 1$
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

B../ "II
!o" .ir 8aun+elot in his madness too% a s"ord and fought "ith a %night' and leapt in a
*2, no" leave "e of a "hile of .ir E+tor and of .ir $er+ivale' and spea% "e of .ir
8aun+elot that suffered and endured many sharp sho"ers' that ever ran "ild "ood from
pla+e to pla+e' and lived by fruit and su+h as he might get' and dran% "ater t"o year0 and
other +lothing had he but little but his shirt and his bree+h( )hus as .ir 8aun+elot
"andered here and there he +ame in a fair meado" "here he found a pavilion0 and there
by' upon a tree' there hung a "hite shield' and t"o s"ords hung thereby' and t"o spears
leaned there by a tree( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" the s"ords' anon he leapt to the one
s"ord' and too% it in his hand' and dre" it out( *nd then he lashed at the shield' that all
the meado" rang of the dints' that he gave su+h a noise as ten %nights had foughten
)hen +ame forth a d"arf' and leapt unto .ir 8aun+elot' and "ould have had the s"ord out
of his hand( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot too% him by the both shoulders and thre" him to the
ground upon his ne+%' that he had almost bro%en his ne+%0 and there"ithal the d"arf
+ried help( )hen +ame forth a li%ely %night' and "ell apparelled in s+arlet furred "ith
minever( *nd anon as he sa" .ir 8aun+elot he deemed that he should be out of his "it(
*nd then he said "ith fair spee+h4 :ood man' lay do"n that s"ord' for as meseemeth
thou hadst more need of sleep and of "arm +lothes than to "ield that s"ord( *s for that'
said .ir 8aun+elot' +ome not too nigh' for an thou do' "it thou "ell & "ill slay thee(
*nd "hen the %night of the pavilion sa" that' he stert ba+%"ard "ithin the pavilion( *nd
then the d"arf armed him lightly0 and so the %night thought by for+e and might to ta%e
the s"ord from .ir 8aun+elot' and so he +ame stepping out0 and "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa"
him +ome so all armed "ith his s"ord in his hand' then .ir 8aun+elot fle" to him "ith
su+h a might' and hit him upon the helm su+h a buffet' that the stro%e troubled his brains'
and there"ith the s"ord bra%e in three( *nd the %night fell to the earth as he had been
dead' the blood brasting out of his mouth' the nose' and the ears( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot
ran into the pavilion' and rushed even into the "arm bed0 and there "as a lady in that bed'
and she gat her smo+%' and ran out of the pavilion( *nd "hen she sa" her lord lie at the
ground li%e to be dead' then she +ried and "ept as she had been mad( )hen "ith her noise
the %night a"a%ed out of his s"oon' and loo%ed up "ea%ly "ith his eyes0 and then he
as%ed her' "here "as that mad man that had given him su+h a buffet4 For su+h a buffet
had & never of man1s hand( .ir' said the d"arf' it is not "orship to hurt him' for he is a
man out of his "it0 and doubt ye not he hath been a man of great "orship' and for some
heartly sorro" that he hath ta%en' he is fallen mad0 and me beseemeth' said the d"arf' he
resembleth mu+h unto .ir 8aun+elot' for him & sa" at the great tournament beside
8onaAep( 5esu defend' said that %night' that ever that noble %night' .ir 8aun+elot' should
be in su+h a plight0 but "hatsomever he be' said that %night' harm "ill & none do him4 and
this %night1s name "as /liant( )hen he said unto the d"arf4 :o thou fast on horseba+%'
unto my brother .ir .elivant' that is at the Castle /lan%' and tell him of mine adventure'
and bid him bring "ith him an horse litter' and then "ill "e bear this %night unto my
!o" .ir 8an+elot "as +arried in an horse litter' and ho" .ir 8aun+elot res+ued .ir /liant'
his host(
.9 the d"arf rode fast' and he +ame again and brought .ir .elivant "ith him' and six
men "ith an horse litter0 and so they too% up the feather bed "ith .ir 8aun+elot' and so
+arried all a"ay "ith them unto the Castle /lan%' and he never a"a%ed till he "as "ithin
the +astle( *nd then they bound his hands and his feet' and gave him good meats and
good drin%s' and brought him again to his strength and his fairness0 but in his "it they
+ould not bring him again' nor to %no" himself( )hus "as .ir 8aun+elot there more than
a year and a half' honestly arrayed and fair faren "ithal(
)hen upon a day this lord of that +astle' .ir /liant' too% his arms' on horseba+%' "ith a
spear' to see% adventures( *nd as he rode in a forest there met "ith him t"o %nights
adventurous' the one "as /reuse .aun+e $ite' and his brother' .ir /ertelot0 and these t"o
ran both at on+e upon .ir /liant' and bra%e their spears upon his body( *nd then they
dre" out s"ords and made great battle' and fought long together( /ut at the last .ir /liant
"as sore "ounded' and felt himself faint0 and then he fled on horseba+% to"ard his +astle(
*nd as they +ame hurling under the +astle "hereas .ir 8aun+elot lay in a "indo"' [he
sa" ho" t"o %nights laid upon .ir /liant "ith their s"ords( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa"
that' yet as "ood as he "as he "as sorry for his lord' .ir /liant( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot
bra%e the +hains from his legs and off his arms' and in the brea%ing he hurt his hands
sore0 and so .ir 8aun+elot ran out at a postern' and there he met "ith the t"o %nights that
+hased .ir /liant0 and there he pulled do"n .ir /ertelot "ith his bare hands from his
horse' and there"ithal he "rothe his s"ord out of his hand0 and so he leapt unto .ir
/reuse' and gave him su+h a buffet upon the head that he tumbled ba+%"ard over his
horse1s +roup( *nd "hen .ir /ertelot sa" there his brother have su+h a fall' he gat a
spear in his hand' and "ould have run .ir 8aun+elot through4 that sa" .ir /liant' and
stru+% off the hand of .ir /ertelot( *nd then .ir /reuse and .ir /ertelot gat their horses
and fled a"ay(
When .ir .elivant +ame and sa" "hat .ir 8aun+elot had done for his brother' then he
than%ed :od' and so did his brother' that ever they did him any good( /ut "hen .ir /liant
sa" that .ir 8aun+elot "as hurt "ith the brea%ing of his irons' then "as he heavy that
ever he bound him( /ind him no more' said .ir .elivant' for he is happy and gra+ious(
)hen they made great 7oy of .ir 8aun+elot' and they bound him no more0 and so he abode
there an half year and more( *nd on the morn early .ir 8aun+elot "as "are "here +ame a
great boar "ith many hounds nigh him( /ut the boar "as so big there might no hounds
tear him0 and the hunters +ame after' blo"ing their horns' both upon horseba+% and some
upon foot0 and then .ir 8aun+elot "as "are "here one alighted and tied his horse to a
tree' and leaned his spear against the tree(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot fought against a boar and sle" him' and ho" he "as hurt' and brought
unto an hermitage(
.9 +ame .ir 8aun+elot and found the horse bounden till a tree' and a spear leaning
against a tree' and a s"ord tied to the saddle bo"0 and then .ir 8aun+elot leapt into the
saddle and gat that spear in his hand' and then he rode after the boar0 and then .ir
8aun+elot "as "are "here the boar set his arse to a tree fast by an hermitage( )hen .ir
8aun+elot ran at the boar "ith his spear' and there"ith the boar turned him nimbly' and
rove out the lungs and the heart of the horse' so that 8aun+elot fell to the earth0 and' or
ever .ir 8aun+elot might get from the horse' the boar rove him on the bra"n of the thigh
up to the hough bone( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot "as "roth' and up he gat upon his feet' and
dre" his s"ord' and he smote off the boar1s head at one stro%e( *nd there"ithal +ame out
the hermit' and sa" him have su+h a "ound( )hen the hermit +ame to .ir 8aun+elot and
bemoaned him' and "ould have had him home unto his hermitage0 but "hen .ir
8aun+elot heard him spea%' he "as so "roth "ith his "ound that he ran upon the hermit
to have slain him' and the hermit ran a"ay( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot might not overget
him' he thre" his s"ord after him' for .ir 8aun+elot might go no further for bleeding0
then the hermit turned again' and as%ed .ir 8aun+elot ho" he "as hurt( Fello"' said .ir
8aun+elot' this boar hath bitten me sore( )hen +ome "ith me' said the hermit' and & shall
heal you( :o thy "ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' and deal not "ith me(
)hen the hermit ran his "ay' and there he met "ith a good %night "ith many men( .ir'
said the hermit' here is fast by my pla+e the goodliest man that ever & sa"' and he is sore
"ounded "ith a boar' and yet he hath slain the boar( /ut "ell & "ot' said the hermit' and
he be not holpen' that goodly man shall die of that "ound' and that "ere great pity( )hen
that %night at the desire of the hermit gat a +art' and in that +art that %night put the boar
and .ir 8aun+elot' for .ir 8aun+elot "as so feeble that they might right easily deal "ith
him0 and so .ir 8aun+elot "as brought unto the hermitage' and there the hermit healed
him of his "ound( /ut the hermit might not find .ir 8aun+elot1s sustenan+e' and so he
impaired and "axed feeble' both of his body and of his "it4 for the default of his
sustenan+e he "axed more "ooder than he "as aforehand(
*nd then upon a day .ir 8aun+elot ran his "ay into the forest0 and by adventure he +ame
to the +ity of Corbin' "here ,ame Elaine "as' that bare :alahad' .ir 8aun+elot1s son(
*nd so "hen he "as entered into the to"n he ran through the to"n to the +astle0 and then
all the young men of that +ity ran after .ir 8aun+elot' and there they thre" turves at him'
and gave him many sad stro%es( *nd ever as .ir 8aun+elot might overrea+h any of them'
he thre" them so that they "ould never +ome in his hands no more0 for of some he bra%e
the legs and the arms' and so fled into the +astle0 and then +ame out %nights and s6uires
and res+ued .ir 8aun+elot( *nd "hen they beheld him and loo%ed upon his person' they
thought they sa" never so goodly a man( *nd "hen they sa" so many "ounds upon him'
all they deemed that he had been a man of "orship( *nd then they ordained him +lothes
to his body' and stra" underneath him' and a little house( *nd then every day they "ould
thro" him meat' and set him drin%' but there "as but fe" "ould bring him meat to his
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as %no"n by ,ame Elaine' and "as borne into a +hamber and after
healed by the .angreal(
.9 it befell that -ing $elles had a nephe"' his name "as Castor0 and so he desired of the
%ing to be made %night' and so at the re6uest of this Castor the %ing made him %night at
the feast of Candlemas( *nd "hen .ir Castor "as made %night' that same day he gave
many go"ns( *nd then .ir Castor sent for the fool=that "as .ir 8aun+elot( *nd "hen he
"as +ome afore .ir Castor' he gave .ir 8aun+elot a robe of s+arlet and all that longed
unto him( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as so arrayed li%e a %night' he "as the seemliest man
in all the +ourt' and none so "ell made( .o "hen he sa" his time he "ent into the garden'
and there .ir 8aun+elot laid him do"n by a "ell and slept( *nd so at<after noon ,ame
Elaine and her maidens +ame into the garden to play them0 and as they roamed up and
do"n one of ,ame Elaine1s maidens espied "here lay a goodly man by the "ell sleeping'
and anon sho"ed him to ,ame Elaine( $ea+e' said ,ame Elaine' and say no "ord4 and
then she brought ,ame Elaine "here he lay( *nd "hen that she beheld him' anon she fell
in remembran+e of him' and %ne" him verily for .ir 8aun+elot0 and there"ithal she fell
a<"eeping so heartily that she san% even to the earth0 and "hen she had thus "ept a great
"hile' then she arose and +alled her maidens and said she "as si+%(
*nd so she yede out of the garden' and she "ent straight to her father' and there she too%
him apart by herself0 and then she said4 9 father' no" have & need of your help' and but if
that ye help me fare"ell my good days for ever( What is that' daughter3 said -ing $elles(
.ir' she said' thus is it4 in your garden & "ent for to sport' and there' by the "ell' & found
.ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e sleeping( & may not believe that' said -ing $elles( .ir' she said'
truly he is there' and meseemeth he should be distra+t out of his "it( )hen hold you still'
said the %ing' and let me deal( )hen the %ing +alled to him su+h as he most trusted' a four
persons' and ,ame Elaine' his daughter( *nd "hen they +ame to the "ell and beheld .ir
8aun+elot' anon ,ame /risen %ne" him( .ir' said ,ame /risen' "e must be "ise ho" "e
deal "ith him' for this %night is out of his mind' and if "e a"a%e him rudely "hat he "ill
do "e all %no" not0 but ye shall abide' and & shall thro" su+h an en+hantment upon him
that he shall not a"a%e "ithin the spa+e of an hour0 and so she did(
)hen "ithin a little "hile after' the %ing +ommanded that all people should avoid' that
none should be in that "ay thereas the %ing "ould +ome( *nd so "hen this "as done'
these four men and these ladies laid hand on .ir 8aun+elot' and so they bare him into a
to"er' and so into a +hamber "here "as the holy vessel of the .angreal' and by for+e .ir
8aun+elot "as laid by that holy vessel0 and there +ame an holy man and unhilled that
vessel' and so by mira+le and by virtue of that holy vessel .ir 8aun+elot "as healed and
re+overed( *nd "hen that he "as a"a%ed he groaned and sighed' and +omplained greatly
that he "as passing sore(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot' after that he "as "hole and had his mind' he "as ashamed' and ho"
that Elaine desired a +astle for him(
*2, "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" -ing $elles and Elaine' he "axed ashamed and said thus4
9 8ord 5esu' ho" +ame & here3 for :od1s sa%e' my lord' let me "it ho" & +ame here( .ir'
said ,ame Elaine' into this +ountry ye +ame li%e a madman' +lean out of your "it' and
here have ye been %ept as a fool0 and no +reature here %ne" "hat ye "ere' until by
fortune a maiden of mine brought me unto you "hereas ye lay sleeping by a "ell' and
anon as & verily beheld you & %ne" you( *nd then & told my father' and so "ere ye
brought afore this holy vessel' and by the virtue of it thus "ere ye healed( 9 5esu' mer+y'
said .ir 8aun+elot0 if this be sooth' ho" many there be that %no" of my "oodness@ .o
:od me help' said Elaine' no more but my father' and &' and ,ame /risen( 2o" for
Christ1s love' said .ir 8aun+elot' %eep it in +ounsel' and let no man %no" it in the "orld'
for & am sore ashamed that & have been thus mis+arried0 for & am banished out of the
+ountry of 8ogris for ever' that is for to say the +ountry of England(
*nd so .ir 8aun+elot lay more than a fortnight or ever that he might stir for soreness(
*nd then upon a day he said unto ,ame Elaine these "ords4 8ady Elaine' for your sa%e &
have had mu+h travail' +are' and anguish' it needeth not to rehearse it' ye %no" ho"(
2ot"ithstanding & %no" "ell & have done foul to you "hen that & dre" my s"ord to you'
to have slain you' upon the morn "hen & had lain "ith you( *nd all "as the +ause' that ye
and ,ame /risen made me for to lie by you maugre mine head0 and as ye say' that night
:alahad your son "as begotten( )hat is truth' said ,ame Elaine( 2o" "ill ye for my
love' said .ir 8aun+elot' go unto your father and get me a pla+e of him "herein & may
d"ell3 for in the +ourt of -ing *rthur may & never +ome( .ir' said ,ame Elaine' & "ill
live and die "ith you' and only for your sa%e0 and if my life might not avail you and my
death might avail you' "it you "ell & "ould die for your sa%e( *nd & "ill go to my father
and & am sure there is nothing that & +an desire of him but & shall have it( *nd "here ye
be' my lord .ir 8aun+elot' doubt ye not but & "ill be "ith you "ith all the servi+e that &
may do( .o forth"ithal she "ent to her father and said' .ir' my lord' .ir 8aun+elot'
desireth to be here by you in some +astle of yours( Well daughter' said the %ing' sith it is
his desire to abide in these mar+hes he shall be in the Castle of /liant' and there shall ye
be "ith him' and t"enty of the fairest ladies that be in the +ountry' and they shall all be of
the great blood' and ye shall have ten %nights "ith you0 for' daughter' & "ill that ye "it
"e all be honoured by the blood of .ir 8aun+elot(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame into the 7oyous &sle' and there he named himself 8e Chevaler
Mal Fet(
)!E2 "ent ,ame Elaine unto .ir 8aun+elot' and told him all ho" her father had devised
for him and her( )hen +ame the %night .ir Castor' that "as nephe" unto -ong $elles'
unto .ir 8aun+elot' and as%ed him "hat "as his name( .ir' said .ir 8aun+elot' my name
is 8e Chevaler Mal Fet' that is to say the %night that hath trespassed( .ir' said .ir Castor'
it may "ell be so' but ever meseemeth your name should be .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' for or
no" & have seen you( .ir' said 8aun+elot' ye are not as a gentle %night4 & put +ase my
name "ere .ir 8aun+elot' and that it list me not to dis+over my name' "hat should it
grieve you here to %eep my +ounsel' and ye be not hurt thereby3 but "it thou "ell an ever
it lie in my po"er & shall grieve you' and that & promise you truly( )hen .ir Castor
%neeled do"n and besought .ir 8aun+elot of mer+y4 For & shall never utter "hat ye be'
"hile that ye be in these parts( )hen .ir 8aun+elot pardoned him(
*nd then' after this' -ing $elles "ith ten %nights' and ,ame Elaine' and t"enty ladies'
rode unto the Castle of /liant that stood in an island be+losed in iron' "ith a fair "ater
deep and large( *nd "hen they "ere there .ir 8aun+elot let +all it the 5oyous &sle0 and
there "as he +alled none other"ise but 8e Chevaler Mal Fet' the %night that hath
trespassed( )hen .ir 8aun+elot let ma%e him a shield all of sable' and a 6ueen +ro"ned in
the midst' all of silver' and a %night +lean armed %neeling afore her( *nd every day on+e'
for any mirths that all the ladies might ma%e him' he "ould on+e every day loo% to"ard
the realm of 8ogris' "here -ing *rthur and ;ueen :uenever "as( *nd then "ould he
fall upon a "eeping as his heart should to<brast(
.o it fell that time .ir 8aun+elot heard of a 7ousting fast by his +astle' "ithin three
leagues( )hen he +alled unto him a d"arf' and he bade him go unto that 7ousting ( *nd or
ever the %nights depart' loo% thou ma%e there a +ry' in hearing of all the %nights' that
there is one %night in the 5oyous &sle' that is the Castle of /liant' and say his name is 8e
Chevaler Mal Fet' that "ill 7oust against %nights that "ill +ome( *nd "ho that putteth that
%night to the "orse shall have a fair maid and a gerfal+on(
9f a great tourneying in the 5oyous &sle' and ho" .ir $ervivale and .ir E+tor +ame
thither' and .ir $er+ivale fought "ith him(
.9 "hen this +ry "as made' unto 5oyous &sle dre" %nights to the number of five
hundred0 and "it ye "ell there "as never seen in *rthur1s days one %night that did so
mu+h deeds of arms as .ir 8aun+elot did three days together0 for as the boo% ma%eth truly
mention' he had the better of all the five hundred %nights' and there "as not one slain of
them( *nd after that .ir 8aun+elot made them all a great feast(
*nd in the mean"hile +ame .ir $er+ivale de :alis and .ir E+tor de Maris under that
+astle that "as +alled the 5oyous &sle( *nd as they beheld that gay +astle they "ould have
gone to that +astle' but they might not for the broad "ater' and bridge +ould they find
none( )hen they sa" on the other side a lady "ith a sperha"% on her hand' and .ir
$er+ivale +alled unto her' and as%ed that lady "ho "as in that +astle( Fair %nights' she
said' here "ithin this +astle is the fairest lady in this land' and her name is Elaine( *lso
"e have in this +astle the fairest %night and the mightiest man that is & dare say living'
and he +alled himself 8e Chevaler Mal Fet( !o" +ame he into these mar+hes3 said .ir
$er+ivale( )ruly' said the damosel' he +ame into this +ountry li%e a mad man' "ith dogs
and boys +hasing him through the +ity of Corbin' and by the holy vessel of the .angreal
he "as brought into his "it again0 but he "ill not do battle "ith no %night' but by underne
or by noon( *nd if ye list to +ome into the +astle' said the lady' ye must ride unto the
further side of the +astle and there shall ye find a vessel that "ill bear you and your horse(
)hen they departed' and +ame unto the vessel( *nd then .ir $er+ivale alighted' and said
to .ir E+tor de Maris4 >e shall abide me here until that & "it "hat manner a %night he is0
for it "ere shame unto us' inasmu+h as he is but one %night' an "e should both do battle
"ith him( ,o ye as ye list' said .ir E+tor' and here & shall abide you until that & hear of
)hen passed .ir $er+ivale the "ater' and "hen he +ame to the +astle gate he bade the
porter4 :o thou to the good %night "ithin the +astle' and tell him here is +ome an errant
%night to 7oust "ith him( .ir' said the porter' ride ye "ithin the +astle' and there is a
+ommon pla+e for 7ousting' that lords and ladies may behold you( .o anon as .ir
8aun+elot had "arning he "as soon ready0 and there .ir $er+ivale and .ir 8aun+elot
en+ountered "ith su+h a might' and their spears "ere so rude' that both the horses and the
%nights fell to the earth( )hen they avoided their horses' and flang out noble s"ords' and
he"ed a"ay +antels of their shields' and hurtled together "ith their shields li%e t"o
boars' and either "ounded other passing sore( *t the last .ir $er+ivale spa%e first "hen
they had foughten there more than t"o hours( Fair %night' said .ir $er+ivale' & re6uire
thee tell me thy name' for & met never "ith su+h a %night( .ir' said .ir 8aun+elot' my
name is 8e Chevaler Mal Fet( 2o" tell me your name' said .ir 8aun+elot' & re6uire you'
gentle %night( )ruly' said .ir $er+ivale' my name is .ir $er+ivale de :alis' that "as
brother unto the good %night' .ir 8amora% de :alis' and -ing $ellinore "as our father'
and .ir *glovale is my brother( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot' "hat have & done to fight "ith
you that art a %night of the ?ound )able' that sometime "as your fello"3
!o" ea+h of them %ne" other' and of their great +ourtesy' and ho" his brother .ir E+tor
+ame unto him' and of their 7oy(
*2, there"ithal .ir 8aun+elot %neeled do"n upon his %nees' and thre" a"ay his shield
and his s"ord from him( When .ir $er+ivale sa" him do so he marvelled "hat he meant(
*nd then thus he said4 .ir %night' "hatsomever thou be' & re6uire thee upon the high
order of %nighthood' tell me thy true name( )hen he said4 .o :od me help' my name is
.ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' -ing /an1s son of /enoy( *las' said .ir $er+ivale' "hat have &
done3 & "as sent by the 6ueen for to see% you' and so & have sought you nigh this t"o
year' and yonder is .ir E+tor de Maris' your brother abideth me on the other side of the
yonder "ater( 2o" for :od1s sa%e' said .ir $er+ivale' forgive me mine offen+es that &
have here done( &t is soon forgiven' said .ir 8aun+elot(
)hen .ir $er+ivale sent for .ir E+tor de Maris' and "hen .ir 8aun+elot had a sight of
him' he ran unto him and too% him in his arms0 and then .ir E+tor %neeled do"n' and
either "ept upon other' that all had pity to behold them( )hen +ame ,ame Elaine and she
there made them great +heer as might lie in her po"er0 and there she told .ir E+tor and
.ir $er+ivale ho" and in "hat manner .ir 8aun+elot +ame into that +ountry' and ho" he
"as healed0 and there it "as %no"n ho" long .ir 8aun+elot "as "ith .ir /liant and "ith
.ir .elivant' and ho" he first met "ith them' and ho" he departed from them be+ause of
a boar0 and ho" the hermit healed .ir 8aun+elot of his great "ound' and ho" that he
+ame to Corbin(
!o" .ir /ors and .ir 8ionel +ame to -ing /randegore' and ho" .ir /ors too% his son
!elin le /lan%' and of .ir 8aun+elot(
29W leave "e .ir 8aun+elot in the 5oyous &sle "ith the 8ady ,ame Elaine' and .ir
$er+ivale and .ir E+tor playing "ith them' and turn "e to .ir /ors de :anis and .ir
8ionel' that had sought .ir 8aun+elot nigh by the spa+e of t"o year' and never +ould they
hear of him( *nd as they thus rode' by adventure they +ame to the house of /randegore'
and there .ir /ors "as "ell %no"n' for he had gotten a +hild upon the %ing1s daughter
fifteen year tofore' and his name "as !elin le /lan%( *nd "hen .ir /ors sa" that +hild it
li%ed him passing "ell( *nd so those %nights had good +heer of the -ing /randegore(
*nd on the morn .ir /ors +ame afore -ing /randegore and said4 !ere is my son !elin le
/lan%' that as it is said he is my son0 and sith it is so' & "ill that ye "it that & "ill have
him "ith me unto the +ourt of -ing *rthur( .ir' said the %ing' ye may "ell ta%e him "ith
you' but he is over tender of age( *s for that' said .ir /ors' & "ill have him "ith me' and
bring him to the house of most "orship of the "orld( .o "hen .ir /ors should depart
there "as made great sorro" for the departing of !elin le /lan%' and great "eeping "as
there made( /ut .ir /ors and .ir 8ionel departed' and "ithin a "hile they +ame to
Camelot' "here "as -ing *rthur( *nd "hen -ing *rthur understood that !elin le /lan%
"as .ir /ors1 son' and nephe" unto -ing /randegore' then -ing *rthur let him ma%e
%night of the ?ound )able0 and so he proved a good %night and an adventurous(
2o" "ill "e turn to our matter of .ir 8aun+elot( &t befell upon a day .ir E+tor and .ir
$er+ivale +ame to .ir 8aun+elot and as%ed him "hat he "ould do' and "hether he "ould
go "ith them unto -ing *rthur or not( 2ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' that may not be by no
mean' for & "as so entreated at the +ourt that & +ast me never to +ome there more( .ir' said
.ir E+tor' & am your brother' and ye are the man in the "orld that & love most0 and if &
understood that it "ere your dis"orship' ye may understand & "ould never +ounsel you
thereto0 but -ing *rthur and all his %nights' and in espe+ial ;ueen :uenever' made su+h
dole and sorro" that it "as marvel to hear and see( *nd ye must remember the great
"orship and reno"n that ye be of' ho" that ye have been more spo%en of than any other
%night that is no" living0 for there is none that beareth the name no" but ye and .ir
)ristram( )herefore brother' said .ir E+tor' ma%e you ready to ride to the +ourt "ith us'
and & dare say there "as never %night better "el+ome to the +ourt than ye0 and & "ot "ell
and +an ma%e it good' said .ir E+tor' it hath +ost my lady' the 6ueen' t"enty thousand
pound the see%ing of you( Well brother' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ill do after your +ounsel'
and ride "ith you(
.o then they too% their horses and made them ready' and too% their leave at -ing $elles
and at ,ame Elaine( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot should depart ,ame Elaine made great
sorro"( My lord' .ir 8aun+elot' said ,ame Elaine' at this same feast of $ente+ost shall
your son and mine' :alahad' be made %night' for he is fully no" fifteen "inter old( ,o as
ye list' said .ir 8aun+elot0 :od give him gra+e to prove a good %night( *s for that' said
,ame Elaine' & doubt not he shall prove the best man of his %in ex+ept one( )hen shall he
be a man good enough' said .ir 8aun+elot(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "ith .ir $er+ivale and .ir E+tor +ame to the +ourt' and of the great 7oy
of him(
)!E2 they departed' and "ithin five days1 7ourney they +ame to Camelot' that is +alled
in English' Win+hester( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as +ome among them' the %ing and all
the %nights made great 7oy of him( *nd there .ir $er+ivale de :alis and .ir E+tor de
Maris began and told the "hole adventures4 that .ir 8aun+elot had been out of his mind
the time of his absen+e' and ho" he +alled himself 8e Chevaler Mal Fet' the %night that
had trespassed0 and in three days .ir 8aun+elot smote do"n five hundred %nights( *nd
ever as .ir E+tor and .ir $er+ivale told these tales of .ir 8aun+elot' ;ueen :uenever
"ept as she should have died( )hen the 6ueen made great +heer( 9 5esu' said -ing
*rthur' & marvel for "hat +ause ye' .ir 8aun+elot' "ent out of your mind( & and many
others deem it "as for the love of fair Elaine' the daughter of -ing $elles' by "hom ye
are noised that ye have gotten a +hild' and his name is :alahad' and men say he shall do
marvels( My lord' said .ir 8aun+elot' if & did any folly & have that & sought( *nd
there"ithal the %ing spa%e no more( /ut all .ir 8aun+elot1s %in %ne" for "hom he "ent
out of his mind( *nd then there "ere great feasts made and great 7oy0 and many great
lords and ladies' "hen they heard that .ir 8aun+elot "as +ome to the +ourt again' they
made great 7oy(
!o" 8a /eale &soud +ounselled .ir )ristram to go unto the +ourt' to the great feast of
29W "ill "e leave off this matter' and spea% "e of .ir )ristram' and of .ir $alomides
that "as the .ara+en un+hristened( When .ir )ristram "as +ome home unto 5oyous :ard
from his adventures' all this "hile that .ir 8aun+elot "as thus missed' t"o year and more'
.ir )ristram bare the reno"n through all the realm of 8ogris' and many strange
adventures befell him' and full "ell and manly and "orshipfully he brought them to an
end( .o "hen he "as +ome home 8a /eale &soud told him of the great feast that should
be at $ente+ost next follo"ing' and there she told him ho" .ir 8aun+elot had been missed
t"o year' and all that "hile he had been out of his mind' and ho" he "as holpen by the
holy vessel' the .angreal( *las' said .ir )ristram' that +aused some debate bet"ixt him
and ;ueen :uenever( .ir' said ,ame &soud' & %no" it all' for ;ueen :uenever sent me a
letter in the "hi+h she "rote me all ho" it "as' for to re6uire you to see% him( *nd no"'
blessed be :od' said 8a /eale &soud' he is "hole and sound and +ome again to the +ourt(
)hereof am & glad' said .ir )ristram' and no" shall ye and & ma%e us ready' for both ye
and & "ill be at the feast( .ir' said &soud' an it please you & "ill not be there' for through
me ye be mar%ed of many good %nights' and that +aused you to have mu+h more labour
for my sa%e than needeth you( )hen "ill & not be there' said .ir )ristram' but if ye be
there( :od defend' said 8a /eale &soud' for then shall & be spo%en of shame among all
6ueens and ladies of estate0 for ye that are +alled one of the noblest %nights of the "orld'
and ye a %night of the ?ound )able' ho" may ye be missed at that feast3 What shall be
said among all %nights3 .ee ho" .ir )ristram hunteth' and ha"%eth' and +o"ereth "ithin
a +astle "ith his lady' and forsa%eth your "orship( *las' shall some say' it is pity that
ever he "as made %night' or that ever he should have the love of a lady( *lso "hat shall
6ueens and ladies say of me3 &t is pity that & have my life' that & "ill hold so noble a
%night as ye are from his "orship( .o :od me help' said .ir )ristram unto 8a /eale
&soud' it is passing "ell said of you and nobly +ounselled0 and no" & "ell understand that
ye love me0 and li%e as ye have +ounselled me & "ill do a part thereafter( /ut there shall
no man nor +hild ride "ith me' but myself( *nd so "ill & ride on )uesday next +oming'
and no more harness of "ar but my spear and my s"ord(
!o" .ir )ristram departed unarmed and met "ith .ir $alomides' and ho" they smote
ea+h other' and ho" .ir $alomides forbare him(
*2, so "hen the day +ame .ir )ristram too% his leave at 8a /eale &soud' and she sent
"ith him four %nights' and "ithin half a mile he sent them again4 and "ithin a mile after
.ir )ristram sa" afore him "here .ir $alomides had stri+%en do"n a %night' and almost
"ounded him to the death( )hen .ir )ristram repented him that he "as not armed' and
then he hoved still( With that .ir $alomides %ne" .ir )ristram' and +ried on high4 .ir
)ristram' no" be "e met' for or "e depart "e "ill redress our old sores( *s for that' said
.ir )ristram' there "as yet never Christian man might ma%e his boast that ever & fled
from him0 and "it ye "ell' .ir $alomides' thou that art a .ara+en shall never ma%e thy
boast that .ir )ristram de 8iones shall flee from thee( *nd there"ith .ir )ristram made
his horse to run' and "ith all his might he +ame straight upon .ir $alomides' and brast his
spear upon him an hundred pie+es( *nd forth"ithal .ir )ristram dre" his s"ord( *nd
then he turned his horse and stru+% at $alomides six great stro%es upon his helm0 and then
.ir $alomides stood still' and beheld .ir )ristram' and marvelled of his "oodness' and of
his folly( *nd then .ir $alomides said to himself4 *n .ir )ristram "ere armed' it "ere
hard to +ease him of this battle' and if & turn again and slay him & am ashamed
"heresomever that & go(
)hen .ir )ristram spa%e and said4 )hou +o"ard %night' "hat +astest thou to do0 "hy "ilt
thou not do battle "ith me3 for have thou no doubt & shall endure all thy mali+e( *h' .ir
)ristram' said $alomides' full "ell thou "ottest & may not fight "ith thee for shame' for
thou art here na%ed and & am armed' and if & slay thee' dishonour shall be mine( *nd "ell
thou "ottest' said .ir $alomides to .ir )ristram' & %no" thy strength and thy hardiness to
endure against a good %night( )hat is truth' said .ir )ristram' & understand thy valiantness
"ell( >e say "ell' said .ir $alomides0 no"' & re6uire you' tell me a 6uestion that & shall
say to you( )ell me "hat it is' said .ir )ristram' and & shall ans"er you the truth' as :od
me help( & put +ase' said .ir $alomides' that ye "ere armed at all rights as "ell as & am'
and & na%ed as ye be' "hat "ould you do to me no"' by your true %nighthood3 *h' said
.ir )ristram' no" & understand thee "ell' .ir $alomides' for no" must & say mine o"n
7udgment' and as :od me bless' that & shall say shall not be said for no fear that & have of
thee( /ut this is all4 "it .ir $alomides' as at this time thou shouldest depart from me' for &
"ould not have ado "ith thee( 2o more "ill &' said $alomides' and therefore ride forth on
thy "ay( *s for that & may +hoose' said .ir )ristram' either to ride or to abide( /ut .ir
$alomides' said .ir )ristram' & marvel of one thing' that thou that art so good a %night'
that thou "ilt not be +hristened' and thy brother' .ir .afere' hath been +hristened many a
!o" that .ir )ristram gat him harness of a %night "hi+h "as hurt' and ho" he overthre"
.ir $alomides(
*. for that' said .ir $alomides' & may not yet be +hristened for one avo" that & have
made many years agone0 ho"beit in my heart & believe in 5esu Christ and his mild mother
Mary0 but & have but one battle to do' and "hen that is done & "ill be baptised "ith a
good "ill( /y my head' said )ristram' as for one battle thou shalt not see% it no longer(
For :od defend' said .ir )ristram' that through my default thou shouldst longer live thus
a .ara+en' for yonder is a %night that ye' .ir $alomides' have hurt and smitten do"n(
2o" help me that & "ere armed in his armour' and & shall soon fulfil thine avo"s( *s ye
"ill' said $alomides' so it shall be(
.o they rode both unto that %night that sat upon a ban%' and then .ir )ristram saluted
him' and he "ea%ly saluted him again( .ir %night' said .ir )ristram' & re6uire you tell me
your right name( .ir' he said' my name is .ir :alleron of :al"ay' and %night of the )able
?ound( .o :od me help' said .ir )ristram' & am right heavy of your hurts0 but this is all' &
must pray you to lend me all your "hole armour' for ye see & am unarmed' and & must do
battle "ith this %night( .ir' said the hurt %night' ye shall have it "ith a good "ill0 but ye
must be"are' for & "arn you that %night is "ight( .ir' said :alleron' & pray you tell me
your name' and "hat is that %night1s name that hath beaten me( .ir' as for my name it is
.ir )ristram de 8iones' and as for the %night1s name that hath hurt you is .ir $alomides'
brother to the good %night .ir .afere' and yet is .ir $alomides un+hristened( *las' said
.ir :alleron' that is pity that so good a %night and so noble a man of arms should be
un+hristened( .o :od me help' said .ir )ristram' either he shall slay me or & him but that
he shall be +hristened or ever "e depart in<sunder( My lord .ir )ristram' said .ir
:alleron' your reno"n and "orship is "ell %no"n through many realms' and :od save
you this day from shenship and shame(
)hen .ir )ristram unarmed :alleron' the "hi+h "as a noble %night' and had done many
deeds of arms' and he "as a large %night of flesh and bone( *nd "hen he "as unarmed he
stood upon his feet' for he "as bruised in the ba+% "ith a spear0 yet so as .ir :alleron
might' he armed .ir )ristram( *nd then .ir )ristram mounted upon his o"n horse' and in
his hand he gat .ir :alleron1s spear0 and there"ithal .ir $alomides "as ready( *nd so
they +ame hurtling together' and either smote other in midst of their shields0 and
there"ithal .ir $alomides1 spear bra%e' and .ir )ristram smote do"n the horse0 and .ir
$alomides' as soon as he might' avoided his horse' and dressed his shield' and pulled out
his s"ord( )hat sa" .ir )ristram' and there"ithal he alighted and tied his horse till a tree(
!o" .ir )ristram and .ir $alomides fought long together' and after a++orded' and ho"
.ir )ristram made him to be +hristened(
*2, then they +ame together as t"o "ild boars' lashing together' tra+ing and traversing
as noble men that oft had been "ell proved in battle0 but ever .ir $alomides dread the
might of .ir )ristram' and therefore he suffered him to breathe him( )hus they fought
more than t"o hours' but often .ir )ristram smote su+h stro%es at .ir $alomides that he
made him to %neel0 and .ir $alomides bra%e and +ut a"ay many pie+es of .ir )ristram1s
shield0 and then .ir $alomides "ounded .ir )ristram' for he "as a "ell fighting man(
)hen .ir )ristram "as "ood "roth out of measure' and rushed upon .ir $alomides "ith
su+h a might that .ir $alomides fell grovelling to the earth0 and there"ithal he leapt up
lightly upon his feet' and then .ir )ristram "ounded $alomides sore through the
shoulder( *nd ever .ir )ristram fought still in li%e hard' and .ir $alomides failed not' but
gave him many sad stro%es( *nd at the last .ir )ristram doubled his stro%es' and by
fortune .ir )ristram smote .ir $alomides s"ord out of his hand' and if .ir $alomides had
stooped for his s"ord he had been slain(
)hen $alomides stood still and beheld his s"ord "ith a sorro"ful heart( !o" no"' said
.ir )ristram unto $alomides' no" have & thee at advantage as thou haddest me this day0
but it shall never be said in no +ourt' nor among good %nights' that .ir )ristram shall slay
any %night that is "eaponless0 and therefore ta%e thou thy s"ord' and let us ma%e an end
of this battle( *s for to do this battle' said $alomides' & dare right "ell end it' but & have
no great lust to fight no more( *nd for this +ause' said $alomides4 mine offen+e to you is
not so great but that "e may be friends( *ll that & have offended is and "as for the love of
8a /eale &soud( *nd as for her' & dare say she is peerless above all other ladies' and also &
proffered her never no dishonour0 and by her & have gotten the most part of my "orship(
*nd sithen & offended never as to her o"n person' and as for the offen+e that & have done'
it "as against your o"n person' and for that offen+e ye have given me this day many sad
stro%es' and some & have given you again0 and no" & dare say & felt never man of your
might' nor so "ell breathed' but if it "ere .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e0 "herefore & re6uire
you' my lord' forgive me all that & have offended unto you0 and this same day have me to
the next +hur+h' and first let me be +lean +onfessed' and after see you no" that & be truly
baptised( *nd then "ill "e all ride together unto the +ourt of *rthur' that "e be there at
the high feast( 2o" ta%e your horse' said .ir )ristram' and as ye say so it shall be' and all
thine evil "ill :od forgive it you' and & do( *nd here "ithin this mile is the .uffragan of
Carlisle that shall give you the sa+rament of baptism(
)hen they too% their horses and .ir :alleron rode "ith them( *nd "hen they +ame to the
.uffragan .ir )ristram told him their desire( )hen the .uffragan let fill a great vessel "ith
"ater' and "hen he had hallo"ed it he then +onfessed +lean .ir $alomides' and .ir
)ristram and .ir :alleron "ere his godfathers( *nd then soon after they departed' riding
to"ard Camelot' "here -ing *rthur and ;ueen :uenever "as' and for the most part all
the %nights of the ?ound )able( *nd so the %ing and all the +ourt "ere glad that .ir
$alomides "as +hristened( *nd at the same feast in +ame :alahad and sat in the .iege
$erilous( *nd so there"ithal departed and dissevered all the %nights of the ?ound )able(
*nd .ir )ristram returned again unto 5oyous :ard' and .ir $alomides follo"ed the
;uesting /east(
!ere endeth the se+ond boo% of .ir )ristram that "as dra"n out of Fren+h into English(
/ut here is no rehersal of the third boo%( *nd here follo"eth the noble tale of the
.angreal' that +alled is the !oly Dessel0 and the signifi+ation of the blessed blood of our
8ord 5esus Christ' blessed mote it be' the "hi+h "as brought into this land by 5oseph
*ramathie( )herefore on all sinful souls blessed 8ord have thou mer+y(
Expli+it liber xii( Et in+ipit ,e+imuster+ius(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 1%
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VIII! I"-"II! "III-"VI! "VII-"" #
!o" at the vigil of the Feast of $ente+ost entered into the hall before -ing *rthur a
damosel' and desired .ir 8aun+elot for to +ome and dub a %night' and ho" he "ent "ith
*) the vigil of $ente+ost' "hen all the fello"ship of the ?ound )able "ere +ome unto
Camelot and there heard their servi+e' and the tables "ere set ready to the meat' right so
entered into the hall a full fair gentle"oman on horseba+%' that had ridden full fast' for
her horse "as all bes"eated( )hen she there alighted' and +ame before the %ing and
saluted him0 and he said4 ,amosel' :od thee bless( .ir' said she' for :od1s sa%e say me
"here .ir 8aun+elot is( >onder ye may see him' said the %ing( )hen she "ent unto
8aun+elot and said4 .ir 8aun+elot' & salute you on -ing $elles1 behalf' and & re6uire you
+ome on "ith me hereby into a forest( )hen .ir 8aun+elot as%ed her "ith "hom she
d"elled( & d"ell' said she' "ith -ing $elles( What "ill ye "ith me3 said 8aun+elot( >e
shall %no"' said she' "hen ye +ome thither( Well' said he' & "ill gladly go "ith you( .o
.ir 8aun+elot bade his s6uire saddle his horse and bring his arms0 and in all haste he did
his +ommandment(
)hen +ame the 6ueen unto 8aun+elot' and said4 Will ye leave us at this high feast3
Madam' said the gentle"oman' "it ye "ell he shall be "ith you to<morn by dinner time(
&f & "ist' said the 6ueen' that he should not be "ith us here to<morn he should not go "ith
you by my good "ill( ?ight so departed .ir 8aun+elot "ith the gentle"oman' and rode
until that he +ame into a forest and into a great valley' "here they sa" an abbey of nuns0
and there "as a s6uire ready and opened the gates' and so they entered and des+ended off
their horses0 and there +ame a fair fello"ship about .ir 8aun+elot' and "el+omed him'
and "ere passing glad of his +oming( *nd then they led him unto the *bbess1s +hamber
and unarmed him0 and right so he "as "are upon a bed lying t"o of his +ousins' .ir /ors
and .ir 8ionel' and then he "a%ed them0 and "hen they sa" him they made great 7oy( .ir'
said .ir /ors unto .ir 8aun+elot' "hat adventure hath brought you hither' for "e "eened
to<morn to have found you at Camelot3 *s :od me help' said .ir 8aun+elot' a
gentle"oman brought me hither' but & %no" not the +ause(
&n the mean"hile that they thus stood tal%ing together' therein +ame t"elve nuns that
brought "ith them :alahad' the "hi+h "as passing fair and "ell made' that unnethe in
the "orld men might not find his mat+h4 and all those ladies "ept( .ir' said they all' "e
bring you here this +hild the "hi+h "e have nourished' and "e pray you to ma%e him a
%night' for of a more "orthier man1s hand may he not re+eive the order of %nighthood(
.ir 8aun+elot beheld the young s6uire and sa" him seemly and demure as a dove' "ith
all manner of good features' that he "eened of his age never to have seen so fair a man of
form( )hen said .ir 8aun+elot4 Cometh this desire of himself3 !e and all they said yea(
)hen shall he' said .ir 8aun+elot' re+eive the high order of %nighthood as to<morn at the
reveren+e of the high feast( )hat night .ir 8aun+elot had passing good +heer0 and on the
morn at the hour of prime' at :alahad1s desire' he made him %night and said4 :od ma%e
him a good man' for of beauty faileth you not as any that liveth(
!o" the letters "ere found "ritten in the .iege $erilous and of the marvellous adventure
of the s"ord in a stone(
29W fair sir' said .ir 8aun+elot' "ill ye +ome "ith me unto the +ourt of -ing *rthur3
2ay' said he' & "ill not go "ith you as at this time( )hen he departed from them and too%
his t"o +ousins "ith him' and so they +ame unto Camelot by the hour of underne on
Whitsunday( /y that time the %ing and the 6ueen "ere gone to the minster to hear their
servi+e( )hen the %ing and the 6ueen "ere passing glad of .ir /ors and .ir 8ionel' and so
"as all the fello"ship( .o "hen the %ing and all the %nights "ere +ome from servi+e' the
barons espied in the sieges of the ?ound )able all about' "ritten "ith golden letters4 !ere
ought to sit he' and he ought to sit here( *nd thus they "ent so long till that they +ame to
the .iege $erilous' "here they found letters ne"ly "ritten of gold "hi+h said4 Four
hundred "inters and four and fifty a++omplished after the passion of our 8ord 5esu Christ
ought this siege to be fulfilled( )hen all they said4 )his is a marvellous thing and an
adventurous( &n the name of :od' said .ir 8aun+elot0 and then a++ompted the term of the
"riting from the birth of our 8ord unto that day( &t seemeth me said .ir 8aun+elot' this
siege ought to be fulfilled this same day' for this is the feast of $ente+ost after the four
hundred and four and fifty year0 and if it "ould please all parties' & "ould none of these
letters "ere seen this day' till he be +ome that ought to en+hieve this adventure( )hen
made they to ordain a +loth of sil%' for to +over these letters in the .iege $erilous(
)hen the %ing bade haste unto dinner( .ir' said .ir -ay the .te"ard' if ye go no" unto
your meat ye shall brea% your old +ustom of your +ourt' for ye have not used on this day
to sit at your meat or that ye have seen some adventure( >e say sooth' said the %ing' but &
had so great 7oy of .ir 8aun+elot and of his +ousins' "hi+h be +ome to the +ourt "hole
and sound' so that & bethought me not of mine old +ustom( .o' as they stood spea%ing' in
+ame a s6uire and said unto the %ing4 .ir' & bring unto you marvellous tidings( What be
they3 said the %ing( .ir' there is here beneath at the river a great stone "hi+h & sa" fleet
above the "ater' and therein & sa" sti+%ing a s"ord( )he %ing said4 & "ill see that marvel(
.o all the %nights "ent "ith him' and "hen they +ame to the river they found there a
stone fleeting' as it "ere of red marble' and therein stu+% a fair ri+h s"ord' and in the
pommel thereof "ere pre+ious stones "rought "ith subtle letters of gold( )hen the barons
read the letters "hi+h said in this "ise4 2ever shall man ta%e me hen+e' but only he by
"hose side & ought to hang' and he shall be the best %night of the "orld(
When the %ing had seen the letters' he said unto .ir 8aun+elot4 Fair .ir' this s"ord ought
to be yours' for & am sure ye be the best %night of the "orld( )hen .ir 8aun+elot ans"ered
full soberly4 Certes' sir' it is not my s"ord0 also' .ir' "it ye "ell & have no hardiness to
set my hand to it' for it longed not to hang by my side( *lso' "ho that assayeth to ta%e the
s"ord and faileth of it' he shall re+eive a "ound by that s"ord that he shall not be "hole
long after( *nd & "ill that ye "it that this same day shall the adventures of the .angreal'
that is +alled the !oly Dessel' begin
!o" .ir :a"aine assayed to dra" out the s"ord' and ho" an old man brought in
29W' fair nephe"' said the %ing unto .ir :a"aine' assay ye' for my love( .ir' he said'
save your good gra+e & shall not do that( .ir' said the %ing' assay to ta%e the s"ord and at
my +ommandment( .ir' said :a"aine' your +ommandment & "ill obey( *nd there"ith he
too% up the s"ord by the handles' but he might not stir it( & than% you' said the %ing to .ir
:a"aine( My lord .ir :a"aine' said .ir 8aun+elot' no" "it ye "ell this s"ord shall
tou+h you so sore that ye shall "ill ye had never set your hand thereto for the best +astle
of this realm( .ir' he said' & might not "ithsay mine un+le1s "ill and +ommandment( /ut
"hen the %ing heard this he repented it mu+h' and said unto .ir $er+ivale that he should
assay' for his love( *nd he said4 :ladly' for to bear .ir :a"aine fello"ship( *nd
there"ith he set his hand on the s"ord and dre" it strongly' but he might not move it(
)hen "ere there no [E more that durst be so hardy to set their hands thereto( 2o" may
ye go to your dinner' said .ir -ay unto the %ing' for a marvellous adventure have ye seen(
.o the %ing and all "ent unto the +ourt' and every %night %ne" his o"n pla+e' and set him
therein' and young men that "ere %nights served them(
.o "hen they "ere served' and all sieges fulfilled save only the .iege $erilous' anon
there befell a marvellous adventure' that all the doors and "indo"s of the pala+e shut by
themself( 2ot for then the hall "as not greatly dar%ed0 and there"ith they "ere[E all [E
abashed both one and other( )hen -ing *rthur spa%e first and said4 /y :od' fair fello"s
and lords' "e have seen this day marvels' but or night & suppose "e shall see greater
&n the mean"hile +ame in a good old man' and an an+ient' +lothed all in "hite' and there
"as no %night %ne" from "hen+e he +ame( *nd "ith him he brought a young %night'
both on foot' in red arms' "ithout s"ord or shield' save a s+abbard hanging by his side(
*nd these "ords he said4 $ea+e be "ith you' fair lords( )hen the old man said unto
*rthur4 .ir' & bring here a young %night' the "hi+h is of %ing1s lineage' and of the %indred
of 5oseph of *ramathie' "hereby the marvels of this +ourt' and of strange realms' shall be
fully a++omplished(
[ E 9mitted by William Caxton' supplied from W( de Worde
!o" the old man brought :alahad to the .iege $erilous and set him therein' and ho" all
the %nights marvelled(
)!E %ing "as right glad of his "ords' and said unto the good man4 .ir' ye be right
"el+ome' and the young %night "ith you( )hen the old man made the young man to
unarm him' and he "as in a +oat of red sendal' and bare a mantle upon his shoulder that
"as furred "ith ermine' and put that upon him( *nd the old %night said unto the young
%night4 .ir' follo" me( *nd anon he led him unto the .iege $erilous' "here beside sat .ir
8aun+elot0 and the good man lift up the +loth' and found there letters that said thus4 )his
is the siege of :alahad' the haut prin+e( .ir' said the old %night' "it ye "ell that pla+e is
yours( *nd then he set him do"n surely in that siege( *nd then he said to the old man4
.ir' ye may no" go your "ay' for "ell have ye done that ye "ere +ommanded to do0 and
re+ommend me unto my grandsire' -ing $elles' and unto my lord $et+here' and say them
on my behalf' & shall +ome and see them as soon as ever & may( .o the good man
departed0 and there met him t"enty noble s6uires' and so too% their horses and "ent their
)hen all the %nights of the )able ?ound marvelled greatly of .ir :alahad' that he durst sit
there in that .iege $erilous' and "as so tender of age0 and "ist not from "hen+e he +ame
but all only by :od0 and said4 )his is he by "hom the .angreal shall be en+hieved' for
there sat never none but he' but he "ere mis+hieved( )hen .ir 8aun+elot beheld his son
and had great 7oy of him( )hen /ors told his fello"s4 #pon pain of my life this young
%night shall +ome unto great "orship( )his noise "as great in all the +ourt' so that it +ame
to the 6ueen( )hen she had marvel "hat %night it might be that durst adventure him to sit
in the .iege $erilous( Many said unto the 6ueen he resembled mu+h unto .ir 8aun+elot( &
may "ell suppose' said the 6ueen' that .ir 8aun+elot begat him on -ing $elles1 daughter'
by the "hi+h he "as made to lie by' by en+hantment' and his name is :alahad( & "ould
fain see him' said the 6ueen' for he must needs be a noble man' for so is his father that
him begat' & report me unto all the )able ?ound(
.o "hen the meat "as done that the %ing and all "ere risen' the %ing yede unto the .iege
$erilous and lift up the +loth' and found there the name of :alahad0 and then he she"ed it
unto .ir :a"aine' and said4 Fair nephe"' no" have "e among us .ir :alahad' the good
%night that shall "orship us all0 and upon pain of my life he shall en+hieve the .angreal'
right as .ir 8aun+elot had done us to understand( )hen +ame -ing *rthur unto :alahad
and said4 .ir' ye be "el+ome' for ye shall move many good %nights to the 6uest of the
.angreal' and ye shall en+hieve that never %nights might bring to an end( )hen the %ing
too% him by the hand' and "ent do"n from the pala+e to she" :alahad the adventures of
the stone(
!o" -ing *rthur she"ed the stone hoving on the "ater to :alahad' and ho" he dre" out
the s"ord(
)!E 6ueen heard thereof' and +ame after "ith many ladies' and she"ed them the stone
"here it hoved on the "ater( .ir' said the %ing unto .ir :alahad' here is a great marvel as
ever & sa"' and right good %nights have assayed and failed( .ir' said :alahad' that is no
marvel' for this adventure is not theirs but mine0 and for the surety of this s"ord & brought
none "ith me' for here by my side hangeth the s+abbard( *nd anon he laid his hand on
the s"ord' and lightly dre" it out of the stone' and put it in the sheath' and said unto the
%ing4 2o" it goeth better than it did aforehand( .ir' said the %ing' a shield :od shall send
you( 2o" have & that s"ord that sometime "as the good %night1s' /alin le .avage' and he
"as a passing good man of his hands0 and "ith this s"ord he sle" his brother /alan' and
that "as great pity' for he "as a good %night' and either sle" other through a dolorous
stro%e that /alin gave unto my grandfather -ing $elles' the "hi+h is not yet "hole' nor
not shall be till & heal him(
)here"ith the %ing and all espied "here +ame riding do"n the river a lady on a "hite
palfrey to"ard them( )hen she saluted the %ing and the 6ueen' and as%ed if that .ir
8aun+elot "as there( *nd then he ans"ered himself4 & am here' fair lady( )hen she said
all "ith "eeping4 !o" your great doing is +hanged sith this day in the morn( ,amosel'
"hy say you so3 said 8aun+elot( & say you sooth' said the damosel' for ye "ere this day
the best %night of the "orld' but "ho should say so no"' he should be a liar' for there is
no" one better than ye' and "ell it is proved by the adventures of the s"ord "hereto ye
durst not set to your hand0 and that is the +hange and leaving of your name( Wherefore &
ma%e unto you a remembran+e' that ye shall not "een from hen+eforth that ye be the best
%night of the "orld( *s tou+hing unto that' said 8aun+elot' & %no" "ell & "as never the
best( >es' said the damosel' that "ere ye' and are yet' of any sinful man of the "orld(
*nd' .ir %ing' 2a+ien' the hermit' sendeth thee "ord' that thee shall befall the greatest
"orship that ever befell %ing in /ritain0 and & say you "herefore' for this day the
.angreal appeared in thy house and fed thee and all thy fello"ship of the ?ound )able(
.o she departed and "ent that same "ay that she +ame(
!o" -ing *rthur had all the %nights together for to 7oust in the meado" beside Camelot
or they departed(
2o"' said the %ing' & am sure at this 6uest of the .angreal shall all ye of the )able ?ound
depart' and never shall & see you again "hole together0 therefore & "ill see you all "hole
together in the meado" of Camelot to 7oust and to tourney' that after your death men may
spea% of it that su+h good %nights "ere "holly together su+h a day( *s unto that +ounsel
and at the %ing1s re6uest they a++orded all' and too% on their harness that longed unto
7ousting( /ut all this moving of the %ing "as for this intent' for to see :alahad proved0 for
the %ing deemed he should not lightly +ome again unto the +ourt after his departing( .o
"ere they assembled in the meado"' both more and less( )hen .ir :alahad' by the prayer
of the %ing and the 6ueen' did upon him a noble 7esseraun+e' and also he did on his helm'
but shield "ould he ta%e none for no prayer of the %ing( *nd then .ir :a"aine and other
%nights prayed him to ta%e a spear( ?ight so he did0 and the 6ueen "as in a to"er "ith all
her ladies' for to behold that tournament( )hen .ir :alahad dressed him in midst of the
meado"' and began to brea% spears marvellously' that all men had "onder of him0 for he
there surmounted all other %nights' for "ithin a "hile he had defouled many good %nights
of the )able ?ound save t"ain' that "as .ir 8aun+elot and .ir $er+ivale(
!o" the 6ueen desired to see :alahad0 and ho" after' all the %nights "ere replenished
"ith the !oly .angreal' and ho" they avo"ed the en6uest of the same(
)!E2 the %ing' at the 6ueen1s re6uest' made him to alight and to unla+e his helm' that
the 6ueen might see him in the visage( When she beheld him she said4 .oothly & dare "ell
say that .ir 8aun+elot begat him' for never t"o men resembled more in li%eness'
therefore it nis no marvel though he be of great pro"ess( .o a lady that stood by the
6ueen said4 Madam' for :od1s sa%e ought he of right to be so good a %night3 >ea'
forsooth' said the 6ueen' for he is of all parties +ome of the best %nights of the "orld and
of the highest lineage0 for .ir 8aun+elot is +ome but of the eighth degree from our 8ord
5esu Christ' and .ir :alahad is of the ninth degree from our 8ord 5esu Christ' therefore &
dare say they be the greatest gentlemen of the "orld(
*nd then the %ing and all estates "ent home unto Camelot' and so "ent to evensong to
the great minster' and so after upon that to supper' and every %night sat in his o"n pla+e
as they "ere toforehand( )hen anon they heard +ra+%ing and +rying of thunder' that them
thought the pla+e should all to<drive( &n the midst of this blast entered a sunbeam more
+learer by seven times than ever they sa" day' and all they "ere alighted of the gra+e of
the !oly :host( )hen began every %night to behold other' and either sa" other' by their
seeming' fairer than ever they sa" afore( 2ot for then there "as no %night might spea%
one "ord a great "hile' and so they loo%ed every man on other as they had been dumb(
)hen there entered into the hall the !oly :rail +overed "ith "hite samite' but there "as
none might see it' nor "ho bare it( *nd there "as all the hall fulfilled "ith good odours'
and every %night had su+h meats and drin%s as he best loved in this "orld( *nd "hen the
!oly :rail had been borne through the hall' then the holy vessel departed suddenly' that
they "ist not "here it be+ame4 then had they all breath to spea%( *nd then the %ing
yielded than%ings to :od' of !is good gra+e that he had sent them( Certes' said the %ing'
"e ought to than% our 8ord 5esu greatly for that he hath she"ed us this day' at the
reveren+e of this high feast of $ente+ost(
2o"' said .ir :a"aine' "e have been served this day of "hat meats and drin%s "e
thought on0 but one thing beguiled us' "e might not see the !oly :rail' it "as so
pre+iously +overed( Wherefore & "ill ma%e here avo"' that to<morn' "ithout longer
abiding' & shall labour in the 6uest of the .angreal' that & shall hold me out a t"elvemonth
and a day' or more if need be' and never shall & return again unto the +ourt till & have seen
it more openly than it hath been seen here0 and if & may not speed & shall return again as
he that may not be against the "ill of our 8ord 5esu Christ(
When they of the )able ?ound heard .ir :a"aine say so' they arose up the most part and
made su+h avo"s as .ir :a"aine had made( *non as -ing *rthur heard this he "as
greatly displeased' for he "ist "ell they might not again<say their avo"s( *las' said -ing
*rthur unto .ir :a"aine' ye have nigh slain me "ith the avo" and promise that ye have
made0 for through you ye have bereft me the fairest fello"ship and the truest of
%nighthood that ever "ere seen together in any realm of the "orld0 for "hen they depart
from hen+e & am sure they all shall never meet more in this "orld' for they shall die many
in the 6uest( *nd so it forthin%eth me a little' for & have loved them as "ell as my life'
"herefore it shall grieve me right sore' the departition of this fello"ship4 for & have had
an old +ustom to have them in my fello"ship(
!o" great sorro" "as made of the %ing and the 6ueen and ladies for the departing of the
%nights' and ho" they departed(
*2, there"ith the tears fell in his eyes( *nd then he said4 :a"aine' :a"aine' ye have
set me in great sorro"' for & have great doubt that my true fello"ship shall never meet
here more again( *h' said .ir 8aun+elot' +omfort yourself0 for it shall be unto us a great
honour and mu+h more than if "e died in any other pla+es' for of death "e be si%er( *h'
8aun+elot' said the %ing' the great love that & have had unto you all the days of my life
ma%eth me to say su+h doleful "ords0 for never Christian %ing had never so many "orthy
men at his table as & have had this day at the ?ound )able' and that is my great sorro"(
When the 6ueen' ladies' and gentle"omen' "ist these tidings' they had su+h sorro" and
heaviness that there might no tongue tell it' for those %nights had held them in honour and
+hierte( /ut among all other ;ueen :uenever made great sorro"( & marvel' said she' my
lord "ould suffer them to depart from him( )hus "as all the +ourt troubled for the love of
the departition of those %nights( *nd many of those ladies that loved %nights "ould have
gone "ith their lovers0 and so had they done' had not an old %night +ome among them in
religious +lothing0 and then he spa%e all on high and said4 Fair lords' "hi+h have s"orn in
the 6uest of the .angreal' thus sendeth you 2a+ien' the hermit' "ord' that none in this
6uest lead lady nor gentle"oman "ith him' for it is not to do in so high a servi+e as they
labour in0 for & "arn you plain' he that is not +lean of his sins he shall not see the
mysteries of our 8ord 5esu Christ( *nd for this +ause they left these ladies and
*fter this the 6ueen +ame unto :alahad and as%ed him of "hen+e he "as' and of "hat
+ountry( !e told her of "hen+e he "as( *nd son unto 8aun+elot' she said he "as( *s to
that' he said neither yea nor nay( .o :od me help' said the 6ueen' of your father ye need
not to shame you' for he is the goodliest %night' and of the best men of the "orld +ome'
and of the strain' of all parties' of %ings( Wherefore ye ought of right to be' of your deeds'
a passing good man0 and +ertainly' she said' ye resemble him mu+h( )hen .ir :alahad
"as a little ashamed and said4 Madam' sith ye %no" in +ertain' "herefore do ye as% it
me3 for he that is my father shall be %no"n openly and all betimes( *nd then they "ent
to rest them( *nd in the honour of the highness of :alahad he "as led into -ing *rthur1s
+hamber' and there rested in his o"n bed(
*nd as soon as it "as day the %ing arose' for he had no rest of all that night for sorro"(
)hen he "ent unto :a"aine and to .ir 8aun+elot that "ere arisen for to hear mass( *nd
then the %ing again said4 *h :a"aine' :a"aine' ye have betrayed me0 for never shall my
+ourt be amended by you' but ye "ill never be sorry for me as & am for you( *nd
there"ith the tears began to run do"n by his visage( *nd there"ith the %ing said4 *h'
%night .ir 8aun+elot' & re6uire thee thou +ounsel me' for & "ould that this 6uest "ere
undone' an it might be .ir' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye sa" yesterday so many "orthy %nights
that then "ere s"orn that they may not leave it in no manner of "ise( )hat "ot & "ell'
said the %ing' but it shall so heavy me at their departing that & "ot "ell there shall no
manner of 7oy remedy me( *nd then the %ing and the 6ueen "ent unto the minster( .o
anon 8aun+elot and :a"aine +ommanded their men to bring their arms( *nd "hen they
all "ere armed save their shields and their helms' then they +ame to their fello"ship'
"hi+h "ere all ready in the same "ise' for to go to the minster to hear their servi+e(
)hen after the servi+e "as done the %ing "ould "it ho" many had underta%en the 6uest
of the !oly :rail0 and to a++ompt them he prayed them all( )hen found they by the tale
an hundred and fifty' and all "ere %nights of the ?ound )able( *nd then they put on their
helms and departed' and re+ommended them all "holly unto the 6ueen0 and there "as
"eeping and great sorro"( )hen the 6ueen departed into her +hamber and held her' so
that no man should per+eive her great sorro"s( When .ir 8aun+elot missed the 6ueen he
"ent till her +hamber' and "hen she sa" him she +ried aloud4 9 8aun+elot' 8aun+elot' ye
have betrayed me and put me to the death' for to leave thus my lord( *h' madam' & pray
you be not displeased' for & shall +ome again as soon as & may "ith my "orship( *las'
said she' that ever & sa" you0 but he that suffered upon the +ross for all man%ind' he be
unto you good +ondu+t and safety' and all the "hole fello"ship(
?ight so departed .ir 8aun+elot' and found his fello"ship that abode his +oming( *nd so
they mounted upon their horses and rode through the streets of Camelot0 and there "as
"eeping of ri+h and poor' and the %ing turned a"ay and might not spea% for "eeping( .o
"ithin a "hile they +ame to a +ity' and a +astle that hight Dagon( )here they entered into
the +astle' and the lord of that +astle "as an old man that hight Dagon' and he "as a good
man of his living' and set open the gates' and made them all the +heer that he might( *nd
so on the morn they "ere all a++orded that they should depart every+h from other0 and on
the morn they departed "ith "eeping +heer' and every %night too% the "ay that him li%ed
!o" :alahad gat him a shield' and ho" they sped that presumed to ta%e do"n the said
29W rideth .ir :alahad yet "ithout shield' and so he rode four days "ithout any
adventure( *nd at the fourth day after evensong he +ame to a White *bbey' and there he
"as re+eived "ith great reveren+e' and led unto a +hamber' and there "as he unarmed0
and then "as he "are of t"o [E %nights of the )able ?ound' one "as .ir /agdemagus'
and [E that [E other [E "as .ir #"aine( *nd "hen they sa" him they "ent unto
:alahad and made of him great sola+e' and so they "ent unto supper( .irs' said .ir
:alahad' "hat adventure brought you hither3 .ir' said they' it is told us that "ithin this
pla+e is a shield that no man may bear about his ne+% but he be mis+hieved outher dead
"ithin three days' or maimed for ever( *h sir' said -ing /agdemagus' & shall it bear to<
morro" for to assay this adventure( &n the name of :od' said .ir :alahad( .ir' said
/agdemagus' an & may not en+hieve the adventure of this shield ye shall ta%e it upon you'
for & am sure ye shall not fail( .ir' said :alahad' & right "ell agree me thereto' for & have
no shield( .o on the morn they arose and heard mass( )hen /agdemagus as%ed "here the
adventurous shield "as( *non a mon% led him behind an altar "here the shield hung as
"hite as any sno"' but in the midst "as a red +ross( .ir' said the mon%' this shield ought
not to be hanged about no %night1s ne+% but he be the "orthiest %night of the "orld0
therefore & +ounsel you %nights to be "ell advised( Well' said /agdemagus' & "ot "ell
that & am not the best %night of the "orld' but yet & shall assay to bear it' and so bare it out
of the minster( *nd then he said unto :alahad4 *n it please you abide here still' till ye "it
ho" that & speed( & shall abide you' said :alahad( )hen -ing /agdemagus too% "ith him
a good s6uire' to bring tidings unto .ir :alahad ho" he sped(
[ E 9mitted by Caxton' supplied from W( de Worde
)hen "hen they had ridden a t"o mile and +ame to a fair valley afore an hermitage' then
they sa" a %night +ome from that part in "hite armour' horse and all0 and he +ame as fast
as his horse might run' and his spear in his rest' and /agdemagus dressed his spear
against him and bra%e it upon the "hite %night( /ut the other stru+% him so hard that he
brast the mails' and sheef him through the right shoulder' for the shield +overed him not
as at that time0 and so he bare him from his horse( *nd there"ith he alighted and too% the
"hite shield from him' saying4 -night' thou hast done thyself great folly' for this shield
ought not to be borne but by him that shall have no peer that liveth( *nd then he +ame to
/agdemagus1 s6uire and said4 /ear this shield unto the good %night .ir :alahad' that
thou left in the abbey' and greet him "ell by me( .ir' said the s6uire' "hat is your name3
)a%e thou no heed of my name' said the %night' for it is not for thee to %no" nor for none
earthly man( 2o"' fair sir' said the s6uire' at the reveren+e of 5esu Christ' tell me for
"hat +ause this shield may not be borne but if the bearer thereof be mis+hieved( 2o" sith
thou hast +on7ured me so' said the %night' this shield behoveth unto no man but unto
:alahad( *nd the s6uire "ent unto /agdemagus and as%ed "hether he "ere sore
"ounded or not( >ea forsooth' said he' & shall es+ape hard from the death( )hen he
fet+hed his horse' and brought him "ith great pain unto an abbey( )hen "as he ta%en
do"n softly and unarmed' and laid in a bed' and there "as loo%ed to his "ounds( *nd as
the boo% telleth' he lay there long' and es+aped hard "ith the life(
!o" :alahad departed "ith the shield' and ho" -ing Evela%e had re+eived the shield of
5oseph of *ramathie(
.&? :*8*!*,' said the s6uire' that %night that "ounded /agdemagus sendeth you
greeting' and bade that ye should bear this shield' "herethrough great adventures should
befall( 2o" blessed be :od and fortune' said :alahad( *nd then he as%ed his arms' and
mounted upon his horse' and hung the "hite shield about his ne+%' and +ommended them
unto :od( *nd .ir #"aine said he "ould bear him fello"ship if it pleased him( .ir' said
:alahad' that may ye not' for & must go alone' save this s6uire shall bear me fello"ship4
and so departed #"aine(
)hen "ithin a "hile +ame :alahad thereas the White -night abode him by the hermitage'
and every+h saluted other +ourteously( .ir' said :alahad' by this shield be many marvels
fallen( .ir' said the %night' it befell after the passion of our 8ord 5esu Christ thirty<t"o
year' that 5oseph of *ramathie' the gentle %night' the "hi+h too% do"n our 8ord off the
holy Cross' at that time he departed from 5erusalem "ith a great party of his %indred "ith
him( *nd so he laboured till that they +ame to a +ity that hight .arras( *nd at that same
hour that 5oseph +ame to .arras there "as a %ing that hight Evela%e' that had great "ar
against the .ara+ens' and in espe+ial against one .ara+en' the "hi+h "as -ing Evela%e1s
+ousin' a ri+h %ing and a mighty' "hi+h mar+hed nigh this land' and his name "as +alled
)olleme la Feintes( .o on a day these t"o met to do battle( )hen 5oseph' the son of
5oseph of *ramathie' "ent to -ing Evela%e and told him he should be dis+omfit and
slain' but if he left his belief of the old la" and believed upon the ne" la"( *nd then
there he she"ed him the right belief of the !oly )rinity' to the "hi+h he agreed unto "ith
all his heart0 and there this shield "as made for -ing Evela%e' in the name of !im that
died upon the Cross( *nd then through his good belief he had the better of -ing )olleme(
For "hen Evela%e "as in the battle there "as a +loth set afore the shield' and "hen he
"as in the greatest peril he let put a"ay the +loth' and then his enemies sa" a figure of a
man on the Cross' "herethrough they all "ere dis+omfit( *nd so it befell that a man of
-ing Evela%e1s "as smitten his hand off' and bare that hand in his other hand0 and 5oseph
+alled that man unto him and bade him go "ith good devotion tou+h the Cross( *nd as
soon as that man had tou+hed the Cross "ith his hand it "as as "hole as ever it "as
tofore( )hen soon after there fell a great marvel' that the +ross of the shield at one time
vanished a"ay that no man "ist "here it be+ame( *nd then -ing Evela%e "as baptised'
and for the most part all the people of that +ity( .o' soon after 5oseph "ould depart' and
-ing Evela%e "ould go "ith him' "hether he "old or nold( *nd so by fortune they +ame
into this land' that at that time "as +alled :reat /ritain0 and there they found a great felon
paynim' that put 5oseph into prison( *nd so by fortune tidings +ame unto a "orthy man
that hight Mondrames' and he assembled all his people for the great reno"n he had heard
of 5oseph0 and so he +ame into the land of :reat /ritain and disherited this felon paynim
and +onsumed him' and there"ith delivered 5oseph out of prison( *nd after that all the
people "ere turned to the Christian faith(
!o" 5oseph made a +ross on the "hite shield "ith his blood' and ho" :alahad "as by a
mon% brought to a tomb(
29) long after that 5oseph "as laid in his deadly bed( *nd "hen -ing Evela%e sa" that
he made mu+h sorro"' and said4 For thy love & have left my +ountry' and sith ye shall
depart out of this "orld' leave me some to%en of yours that & may thin% on you( 5oseph
said4 )hat "ill & do full gladly0 no" bring me your shield that & too% you "hen ye "ent
into battle against -ing )olleme( )hen 5oseph bled sore at the nose' so that he might not
by no mean be staun+hed( *nd there upon that shield he made a +ross of his o"n blood(
2o" may ye see a remembran+e that & love you' for ye shall never see this shield but ye
shall thin% on me' and it shall be al"ays as fresh as it is no"( *nd never shall man bear
this shield about his ne+% but he shall repent it' unto the time that :alahad' the good
%night' bear it0 and the last of my lineage shall have it about his ne+%' that shall do many
marvellous deeds( 2o"' said -ing Evela%e' "here shall & put this shield' that this "orthy
%night may have it3 >e shall leave it thereas 2a+ien' the hermit' shall be put after his
death0 for thither shall that good %night +ome the fifteenth day after that he shall re+eive
the order of %nighthood4 and so that day that they set is this time that he have his shield'
and in the same abbey lieth 2a+ien' the hermit( *nd then the White -night vanished
*non as the s6uire had heard these "ords' he alighted off his ha+%ney and %neeled do"n
at :alahad1s feet' and prayed him that he might go "ith him till he had made him %night(
>ea' [E & "ould not refuse you( )hen "ill ye ma%e me a %night3 said the s6uire' and that
order' by the gra+e of :od' shall be "ell set in me( .o .ir :alahad granted him' and
turned again unto the abbey "here they +ame from0 and there men made great 7oy of .ir
:alahad( *nd anon as he "as alighted there "as a mon% brought him unto a tomb in a
+hur+hyard' "here there "as su+h a noise that "ho that heard it should verily nigh be
mad or lose his strength4 and sir' they said' "e deem it is a fiend(
[ E Caxton F>f'G for "hi+h F>eG seems the easiest emendation that "ill preserve the
9f the marvel that .ir :alahad sa" and heard in the tomb' and ho" he made Melias
29W lead me thither' said :alahad( *nd so they did' all armed save his helm( 2o"' said
the good man' go to the tomb and lift it up( .o he did' and heard a great noise0 and
piteously he said' that all men might hear it4 .ir :alahad' the servant of 5esu Christ' +ome
thou not nigh me' for thou shalt ma%e me go again there "here & have been so long( /ut
:alahad "as nothing afraid' but lifted up the stone0 and there +ame out so foul a smo%e'
and after he sa" the foulest figure leap thereout that ever he sa" in the li%eness of a man0
and then he blessed him and "ist "ell it "as a fiend( )hen heard he a voi+e say :alahad'
& see there environ about thee so many angels that my po"er may not dere theeJsi+K
?ight so .ir :alahad sa" a body all armed lie in that tomb' and beside him a s"ord(
2o"' fair brother' said :alahad' let us remove this body' for it is not "orthy to lie in this
+hur+hyard' for he "as a false Christian man( *nd there"ith they all departed and "ent to
the abbey( *nd anon as he "as unarmed a good man +ame and set him do"n by him and
said4 .ir' & shall tell you "hat beto%eneth all that ye sa" in the tomb0 for that +overed
body beto%eneth the duresse of the "orld' and the great sin that 9ur 8ord found in the
"orld( For there "as su+h "ret+hedness that the father loved not the son' nor the son
loved not the father0 and that "as one of the +auses that 9ur 8ord too% flesh and blood of
a +lean maiden' for our sins "ere so great at that time that "ell<nigh all "as "i+%edness(
)ruly' said :alahad' & believe you right "ell(
.o .ir :alahad rested him there that night0 and upon the morn he made the s6uire %night'
and as%ed him his name' and of "hat %indred he "as +ome( .ir' said he' men +alleth me
Melias de 8ile' and & am the son of the -ing of ,enmar%( 2o"' fair sir' said :alahad' sith
that ye be +ome of %ings and 6ueens' no" loo% that %nighthood be "ell set in you' for ye
ought to be a mirror unto all +hivalry( .ir' said .ir Melias' ye say sooth( /ut' sir' sithen ye
have made me a %night ye must of right grant me my first desire that is reasonable( >e
say sooth' said :alahad( Melias said4 )hen that ye "ill suffer me to ride "ith you in this
6uest of the .angreal' till that some adventure depart us( & grant you' sir(
)hen men brought .ir Melias his armour and his spear and his horse' and so .ir :alahad
and he rode forth all that "ee% or they found any adventure( *nd then upon a Monday in
the morning' as they "ere departed from an abbey' they +ame to a +ross "hi+h departed
t"o "ays' and in that +ross "ere letters "ritten that said thus4 2o"' ye %nights errant' the
"hi+h goeth to see% %nights adventurous' see here t"o "ays0 that one "ay defendeth thee
that thou ne go that "ay' for he shall not go out of the "ay again but if he be a good man
and a "orthy %night0 and if thou go on the left hand' thou shalt not lightly there "in
pro"ess' for thou shalt in this "ay be soon assayed( .ir' said Melias to :alahad' if it li%e
you to suffer me to ta%e the "ay on the left hand' tell me' for there & shall "ell prove my
strength( &t "ere better' said :alahad' ye rode not that "ay' for & deem & should better
es+ape in that "ay than ye( 2ay' my lord' & pray you let me have that adventure( )a%e it
in :od1s name' said :alahad(
9f the adventure that Melias had' and ho" :alahad revenged him' and ho" Melias "as
+arried into an abbey(
*2, then rode Melias into an old forest' and therein he rode t"o days and more( *nd
then he +ame into a fair meado"' and there "as a fair lodge of boughs( *nd then he
espied in that lodge a +hair' "herein "as a +ro"n of gold' subtly "rought( *lso there
"ere +loths +overed upon the earth' and many deli+ious meats set thereon( .ir Melias
beheld this adventure' and thought it marvellous' but he had no hunger' but of the +ro"n
of gold he too% mu+h %eep0 and there"ith he stooped do"n and too% it up' and rode his
"ay "ith it( *nd anon he sa" a %night +ame riding after him that said4 -night' set do"n
that +ro"n "hi+h is not yours' and therefore defend you( )hen .ir Melias blessed him
and said4 Fair lord of heaven' help and save thy ne"<made %night( *nd then they let their
horses run as fast as they might' so that the other %night smote .ir Melias through
hauber% and through the left side' that he fell to the earth nigh dead( *nd then he too% the
+ro"n and "ent his "ay0 and .ir Melias lay still and had no po"er to stir(
&n the mean"hile by fortune there +ame .ir :alahad and found him there in peril of
death( *nd then he said4 *h Melias' "ho hath "ounded you3 therefore it had been better
to have ridden the other "ay( *nd "hen .ir Melias heard him spea%4 .ir' he said' for
:od1s love let me not die in this forest' but bear me unto the abbey here beside' that &
may be +onfessed and have my rights( &t shall be done' said :alahad' but "here is he that
hath "ounded you3 With that .ir :alahad heard in the leaves +ry on high4 -night' %eep
thee from me( *h sir' said Melias' be"are' for that is he that hath slain me( .ir :alahad
ans"ered4 .ir %night' +ome on your peril( )hen either dressed to other' and +ame together
as fast as their horses might run' and :alahad smote him so that his spear "ent through
his shoulder' and smote him do"n off his horse' and in the falling :alahad1s spear bra%e(
With that +ame out another %night out of the leaves' and bra%e a spear upon :alahad or
ever he might turn him( )hen :alahad dre" out his s"ord and smote off the left arm of
him' so that it fell to the earth( *nd then he fled' and .ir :alahad pursued fast after him(
*nd then he turned again unto .ir Melias' and there he alighted and dressed him softly on
his horse tofore him' for the trun+heon of his spear "as in his body0 and .ir :alahad stert
up behind him' and held him in his arms' and so brought him to the abbey' and there
unarmed him and brought him to his +hamber( *nd then he as%ed his .aviour( *nd "hen
he had re+eived !im he said unto .ir :alahad4 .ir' let death +ome "hen it pleaseth him(
*nd there"ith he dre" out the trun+heon of the spear out of his body4 and then he
)hen +ame there an old mon% "hi+h sometime had been a %night' and beheld .ir Melias(
*nd anon he ransa+%ed him0 and then he said unto .ir :alahad4 & shall heal him of his
"ound' by the gra+e of :od' "ithin the term of seven "ee%s( )hen "as .ir :alahad glad'
and unarmed him' and said he "ould abide there three days( *nd then he as%ed .ir
Melias ho" it stood "ith him( )hen he said he "as turned unto helping' :od be than%ed(
!o" .ir :alahad departed' and ho" he "as +ommanded to go to the Castle of Maidens
to destroy the "i+%ed +ustom(
29W "ill & depart' said :alahad' for & have mu+h on hand' for many good %nights be full
busy about it' and this %night and & "ere in the same 6uest of the .angreal( .ir' said a
good man' for his sin he "as thus "ounded0 and & marvel' said the good man' ho" ye
durst ta%e upon you so ri+h a thing as the high order of %nighthood "ithout +lean
+onfession' and that "as the +ause ye "ere bitterly "ounded( For the "ay on the right
hand beto%eneth the high"ay of our 8ord 5esu Christ' and the "ay of a good true good
liver( *nd the other "ay beto%eneth the "ay of sinners and of misbelievers( *nd "hen
the devil sa" your pride and presumption' for to ta%e you in the 6uest of the .angreal'
that made you to be overthro"n' for it may not be en+hieved but by virtuous living( *lso'
the "riting on the +ross "as a signifi+ation of heavenly deeds' and of %nightly deeds in
:od1s "or%s' and no %nightly deeds in "orldly "or%s( *nd pride is head of all deadly
sins' that +aused this %night to depart from :alahad( *nd "here thou too%est the +ro"n of
gold thou sinnest in +ovetise and in theft4 all this "ere no %nightly deeds( *nd this
:alahad' the holy %night' the "hi+h fought "ith the t"o %nights' the t"o %nights signify
the t"o deadly sins "hi+h "ere "holly in this %night Melias0 and they might not
"ithstand you' for ye are "ithout deadly sin(
2o" departed :alahad from then+e' and betaught them all unto :od( .ir Melias said4 My
lord :alahad' as soon as & may ride & shall see% you( :od send you health' said :alahad'
and so too% his horse and departed' and rode many 7ourneys for"ard and ba+%"ard' as
adventure "ould lead him( *nd at the last it happened him to depart from a pla+e or a
+astle the "hi+h "as named *bblasoure0 and he had heard no mass' the "hi+h he "as
"ont ever to hear or ever he departed out of any +astle or pla+e' and %ept that for a
+ustom( )hen .ir :alahad +ame unto a mountain "here he found an old +hapel' and
found there nobody' for all' all "as desolate0 and there he %neeled tofore the altar' and
besought :od of "holesome +ounsel( .o as he prayed he heard a voi+e that said4 :o thou
no"' thou adventurous %night' to the Castle of Maidens' and there do thou a"ay the
"i+%ed +ustoms(
!o" .ir :alahad fought "ith the %nights of the +astle' and destroyed the "i+%ed +ustom(
W!E2 .ir :alahad heard this he than%ed :od' and too% his horse0 and he had not ridden
but half a mile' he sa" in the valley afore him a strong +astle "ith deep dit+hes' and there
ran beside it a fair river that hight .evern0 and there he met "ith a man of great age' and
either saluted other' and :alahad as%ed him the +astle1s name( Fair sir' said he' it is the
Castle of Maidens( )hat is a +ursed +astle' said :alahad' and all they that be +onversant
therein' for all pity is out thereof' and all hardiness and mis+hief is therein( )herefore' &
+ounsel you' sir %night' to turn again( .ir' said :alahad' "it you "ell & shall not turn
again( )hen loo%ed .ir :alahad on his arms that nothing failed him' and then he put his
shield afore him0 and anon there met him seven fair maidens' the "hi+h said unto him4
.ir %night' ye ride here in a great folly' for ye have the "ater to pass over( Why should &
not pass the "ater3 said :alahad( .o rode he a"ay from them and met "ith a s6uire that
said4 -night' those %nights in the +astle defy you' and defenden you ye go no further till
that they "it "hat ye "ould( Fair sir' said :alahad' & +ome for to destroy the "i+%ed
+ustom of this +astle( .ir' an ye "ill abide by that ye shall have enough to do( :o you
no"' said :alahad' and haste my needs(
)hen the s6uire entered into the +astle( *nd anon after there +ame out of the +astle seven
%nights' and all "ere brethren( *nd "hen they sa" :alahad they +ried4 -night' %eep thee'
for "e assure thee nothing but death( Why' said :alahad' "ill ye all have ado "ith me at
on+e3 >ea' said they' thereto mayst thou trust( )hen :alahad put forth his spear and
smote the foremost to the earth' that near he bra%e his ne+%( *nd there"ithal the other
smote him on his shield great stro%es' so that their spears bra%e( )hen .ir :alahad dre"
out his s"ord' and set upon them so hard that it "as marvel to see it' and so through great
for+e he made them to forsa%e the field0 and :alahad +hased them till they entered into
the +astle' and so passed through the +astle at another gate(
*nd there met .ir :alahad an old man +lothed in religious +lothing' and said4 .ir' have
here the %eys of this +astle( )hen .ir :alahad opened the gates' and sa" so mu+h people
in the streets that he might not number them' and all said4 .ir' ye be "el+ome' for long
have "e abiden here our deliveran+e( )hen +ame to him a gentle"oman and said4 )hese
%nights be fled' but they "ill +ome again this night' and here to begin again their evil
+ustom( What "ill ye that & shall do3 said :alahad( .ir' said the gentle"oman' that ye
send after all the %nights hither that hold their lands of this +astle' and ma%e them to
s"ear for to use the +ustoms that "ere used heretofore of old time( & "ill "ell' said
:alahad( *nd there she brought him an horn of ivory' bounden "ith gold ri+hly' and said4
.ir' blo" this horn "hi+h "ill be heard t"o mile about this +astle( When .ir :alahad had
blo"n the horn he set him do"n upon a bed(
)hen +ame a priest to :alahad' and said4 .ir' it is past a seven year agone that these seven
brethren +ame into this +astle' and harboured "ith the lord of this +astle that hight the
,u%e 8ianour' and he "as lord of all this +ountry( *nd "hen they espied the du%e1s
daughter' that "as a full fair "oman' then by their false +ovin they made debate bet"ixt
themself' and the du%e of his goodness "ould have departed them' and there they sle"
him and his eldest son( *nd then they too% the maiden and the treasure of the +astle( *nd
then by great for+e they held all the %nights of this +astle against their "ill under their
obeissan+e' and in great servi+e and truage' robbing and pilling the poor +ommon people
of all that they had( .o it happened on a day the du%e1s daughter said4 >e have done unto
me great "rong to slay mine o"n father' and my brother' and thus to hold our lands4 not
for then' she said' ye shall not hold this +astle for many years' for by one %night ye shall
be over+ome( )hus she prophesied seven years agone( Well' said the seven %nights'
sithen ye say so' there shall never lady nor %night pass this +astle but they shall abide
maugre their heads' or die therefore' till that %night be +ome by "hom "e shall lose this
+astle( *nd therefore is it +alled the Maidens1 Castle' for they have devoured many
maidens( 2o"' said :alahad' is she here for "hom this +astle "as lost3 2ay sir' said the
priest' she "as dead "ithin these three nights after that she "as thus enfor+ed0 and sithen
have they %ept her younger sister' "hi+h endureth great pains "ith mo other ladies(
/y this "ere the %nights of the +ountry +ome' and then he made them do homage and
fealty to the %ing1s daughter' and set them in great ease of heart( *nd in the morn there
+ame one to :alahad and told him ho" that :a"aine' :areth' and #"aine' had slain the
seven brethren( & suppose "ell' said .ir :alahad' and too% his armour and his horse' and
+ommended them unto :od(
!o" .ir :a"aine +ame to the abbey for to follo" :alahad' and ho" he "as shriven to a
29W' saith the tale' after .ir :a"aine departed' he rode many 7ourneys' both to"ard and
fro"ard( *nd at the last he +ame to the abbey "here .ir :alahad had the "hite shield'
and there .ir :a"aine learned the "ay to se"e after .ir :alahad0 and so he rode to the
abbey "here Melias lay si+%' and there .ir Melias told .ir :a"aine of the marvellous
adventures that .ir :alahad did( Certes' said .ir :a"aine' & am not happy that & too% not
the "ay that he "ent' for an & may meet "ith him & "ill not depart from him lightly' for
all marvellous adventures .ir :alahad en+hieveth( .ir' said one of the mon%s' he "ill not
of your fello"ship( Why3 said .ir :a"aine( .ir' said he' for ye be "i+%ed and sinful' and
he is full blessed( ?ight as they thus stood tal%ing there +ame in riding .ir :areth( *nd
then they made 7oy either of other( *nd on the morn they heard mass' and so departed(
*nd by the "ay they met "ith .ir #"aine les *voutres' and there .ir #"aine told .ir
:a"aine ho" he had met "ith none adventure sith he departed from the +ourt( 2or "e'
said .ir :a"aine( *nd either promised other of the three %nights not to depart "hile they
"ere in that 6uest' but if fortune +aused it(
.o they departed and rode by fortune till that they +ame by the Castle of Maidens0 and
there the seven brethren espied the three %nights' and said4 .ithen' "e be flemed by one
%night from this +astle' "e shall destroy all the %nights of -ing *rthur1s that "e may
over+ome' for the love of .ir :alahad( *nd there"ith the seven %nights set upon the three
%nights' and by fortune .ir :a"aine sle" one ot the brethren' and ea+h one of his fello"s
sle" another' and so sle" the remnant( *nd then they too% the "ay under the +astle' and
there they lost the "ay that .ir :alahad rode' and there every+h of them departed from
other0 and .ir :a"aine rode till he +ame to an hermitage' and there he found the good
man saying his evensong of 9ur 8ady0 and there .ir :a"aine as%ed harbour for +harity'
and the good man granted it him gladly(
)hen the good man as%ed him "hat he "as( .ir' he said' & am a %night of -ing *rthur1s
that am in the 6uest of the .angreal' and my name is .ir :a"aine( .ir' said the good man'
& "ould "it ho" it standeth bet"ixt :od and you( .ir' said .ir :a"aine' & "ill "ith a
good "ill she" you my life if it please you0 and there he told the hermit ho" a mon% of
an abbey +alled me "i+%ed %night( !e might "ell say it' said the hermit' for "hen ye
"ere first made %night ye should have ta%en you to %nightly deeds and virtuous living'
and ye have done the +ontrary' for ye have lived mis+hievously many "inters0 and .ir
:alahad is a maid and sinned never' and that is the +ause he shall en+hieve "here he
goeth that ye nor none su+h shall not attain' nor none in your fello"ship' for ye have used
the most untruest life that ever & heard %night live( For +ertes had ye not been so "i+%ed
as ye are' never had the seven brethren been slain by you and your t"o fello"s( For .ir
:alahad himself alone beat them all seven the day tofore' but his living is su+h he shall
slay no man lightly( *lso & may say you the Castle of Maidens beto%eneth the good souls
that "ere in prison afore the &n+arnation of 5esu Christ( *nd the seven %nights beto%en
the seven deadly sins that reigned that time in the "orld0 and & may li%en the good
:alahad unto the son of the !igh Father' that lighted "ithin a maid' and bought all the
souls out of thrall' so did .ir :alahad deliver all the maidens out of the "oful +astle(
2o"' .ir :a"aine' said the good man' thou must do penan+e for thy sin( .ir' "hat
penan+e shall & do3 .u+h as & "ill give' said the good man( 2ay' said .ir :a"aine' & may
do no penan+e0 for "e %nights adventurous oft suffer great "oe and pain( Well' said the
good man' and then he held his pea+e( *nd on the morn .ir :a"aine departed from the
hermit' and betaught him unto :od( *nd by adventure he met "ith .ir *glovale and .ir
:riflet' t"o %nights of the )able ?ound( *nd they t"o rode four days "ithout finding of
any adventure' and at the fifth day they departed( *nd every+h held as fell them by
adventure( !ere leaveth the tale of .ir :a"aine and his fello"s' and spea% "e of .ir
!o" .ir :alahad met "ith .ir 8aun+elot and .ir $er+ivale' and smote them do"n' and
departed from them(
.o "hen .ir :alahad "as departed from the Castle of Maidens he rode till he +ame to a
"aste forest' and there he met "ith .ir 8aun+elot and .ir $er+ivale' but they %ne" him
not' for he "as ne" disguised( ?ight so .ir 8aun+elot' his father' dressed his spear and
bra%e it upon .ir :alahad' and :alahad smote him so again that he smote do"n horse and
man( *nd then he dre" his s"ord' and dressed him unto .ir $er+ivale' and smote him so
on the helm' that it rove to the +oif of steel0 and had not the s"ord s"erved .ir $er+ivale
had been slain' and "ith the stro%e he fell out of his saddle( )his 7ousts "as done tofore
the hermitage "here a re+luse d"elled( *nd "hen she sa" .ir :alahad ride' she said4
:od be "ith thee' best %night of the "orld( *h +ertes' said she' all aloud that 8aun+elot
and $er+ivale might hear it4 *n yonder t"o %nights had %no"n thee as "ell as & do they
"ould not have en+ountered "ith thee( )hen .ir :alahad heard her say so he "as adread
to be %no"n4 there"ith he smote his horse "ith his spurs and rode a great pa+e fro"ard
them( )hen per+eived they both that he "as :alahad0 and up they gat on their horses' and
rode fast after him' but in a "hile he "as out of their sight( *nd then they turned again
"ith heavy +heer( 8et us spere some tidings' said $er+ivale' at yonder re+luse( ,o as ye
list' said .ir 8aun+elot(
When .ir $er+ivale +ame to the re+luse she %ne" him "ell enough' and .ir 8aun+elot
both( /ut .ir 8aun+elot rode overth"art and endlong in a "ild forest' and held no path
but as "ild adventure led him( *nd at the last he +ame to a stony +ross "hi+h departed
t"o "ays in "aste land0 and by the +ross "as a stone that "as of marble' but it "as so
dar% that .ir 8aun+elot might not "it "hat it "as( )hen .ir 8aun+elot loo%ed by him' and
sa" an old +hapel' and there he "eened to have found people0 and .ir 8aun+elot tied his
horse till a tree' and there he did off his shield and hung it upon a tree' and then "ent to
the +hapel door' and found it "aste and bro%en( *nd "ithin he found a fair altar' full
ri+hly arrayed "ith +loth of +lean sil%' and there stood a fair +lean +andlesti+%' "hi+h bare
six great +andles' and the +andlesti+% "as of silver( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" this
light he had great "ill for to enter into the +hapel' but he +ould find no pla+e "here he
might enter0 then "as he passing heavy and dismayed( )hen he returned and +ame to his
horse and did off his saddle and bridle' and let him pasture' and unla+ed his helm' and
ungirt his s"ord' and laid him do"n to sleep upon his shield tofore the +ross(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot' half sleeping and half "a%ing' sa" a si+% man borne in a litter' and
ho" he "as healed "ith the .angreal(
*2, so he fell asleep0 and half "a%ing and sleeping he sa" +ome by him t"o palfreys
all fair and "hite' the "hi+h bare a litter' therein lying a si+% %night( *nd "hen he "as
nigh the +ross he there abode still( *ll this .ir 8aun+elot sa" and beheld' for he slept not
verily0 and he heard him say4 9 s"eet 8ord' "hen shall this sorro" leave me3 and "hen
shall the holy vessel +ome by me' "herethrough & shall be blessed3 For & have endured
thus long' for little trespass( * full great "hile +omplained the %night thus' and al"ays .ir
8aun+elot heard it( With that .ir 8aun+elot sa" the +andlesti+% "ith the six tapers +ome
before the +ross' and he sa" nobody that brought it( *lso there +ame a table of silver' and
the holy vessel of the .angreal' "hi+h 8aun+elot had seen aforetime in -ing $es+heour1s
house( *nd there"ith the si+% %night set him up' and held up both his hands' and said4
Fair s"eet 8ord' "hi+h is here "ithin this holy vessel0 ta%e heed unto me that & may be
"hole of this malady( *nd there"ith on his hands and on his %nees he "ent so nigh that
he tou+hed the holy vessel and %issed it' and anon he "as "hole0 and then he said4 8ord
:od' & than% thee' for & am healed of this si+%ness(
.o "hen the holy vessel had been there a great "hile it "ent unto the +hapel "ith the
+handelier and the light' so that 8aun+elot "ist not "here it "as be+ome0 for he "as
overta%en "ith sin that he had no po"er to rise again the holy vessel0 "herefore after that
many men said of him shame' but he too% repentan+e after that( )hen the si+% %night
dressed him up and %issed the +ross0 anon his s6uire brought him his arms' and as%ed his
lord ho" he did( Certes' said he' & than% :od right "ell' through the holy vessel & am
healed( /ut & have marvel of this sleeping %night that had no po"er to a"a%e "hen this
holy vessel "as brought hither( & dare right "ell say' said the s6uire' that he d"elleth in
some deadly sin "hereof he "as never +onfessed( /y my faith' said the %night'
"hatsomever he be he is unhappy' for as & deem he is of the fello"ship of the ?ound
)able' the "hi+h is entered into the 6uest of the .angreal( .ir' said the s6uire' here & have
brought you all your arms save your helm and your s"ord' and therefore by mine assent
no" may ye ta%e this %night1s helm and his s"ord4 and so he did( *nd "hen he "as +lean
armed he too% .ir 8aun+elot1s horse' for he "as better than his0 and so departed they
from the +ross(
!o" a voi+e spa%e to .ir 8aun+elot' and ho" he found his horse and his helm borne
a"ay' and after "ent afoot(
)!E2 anon .ir 8aun+elot "a%ed' and set him up' and bethought him "hat he had seen
there' and "hether it "ere dreams or not( ?ight so heard he a voi+e that said4 .ir
8aun+elot' more harder than is the stone' and more bitter than is the "ood' and more
na%ed and barer than is the leaf of the fig tree0 therefore go thou from hen+e' and
"ithdra" thee from this holy pla+e( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot heard this he "as passing
heavy and "ist not "hat to do' and so departed sore "eeping' and +ursed the time that he
"as born( For then he deemed never to have had "orship more( For those "ords "ent to
his heart' till that he %ne" "herefore he "as +alled so( )hen .ir 8aun+elot "ent to the
+ross and found his helm' his s"ord' and his horse ta%en a"ay( *nd then he +alled
himself a very "ret+h' and most unhappy of all %nights0 and there he said4 My sin and my
"i+%edness have brought me unto great dishonour( For "hen & sought "orldly adventures
for "orldly desires' & ever en+hieved them and had the better in every pla+e' and never
"as & dis+omfit in no 6uarrel' "ere it right or "rong( *nd no" & ta%e upon me the
adventures of holy things' and no" & see and understand that mine old sin hindereth me
and shameth me' so that & had no po"er to stir nor spea% "hen the holy blood appeared
afore me( .o thus he sorro"ed till it "as day' and heard the fo"ls sing4 then some"hat he
"as +omforted( /ut "hen .ir 8aun+elot missed his horse and his harness then he "ist
"ell :od "as displeased "ith him(
)hen he departed from the +ross on foot into a forest0 and so by prime he +ame to an high
hill' and found an hermitage and a hermit therein "hi+h "as going unto mass( *nd then
8aun+elot %neeled do"n and +ried on 9ur 8ord mer+y for his "i+%ed "or%s( .o "hen
mass "as done 8aun+elot +alled him' and prayed him for +harity for to hear his life( With
a good "ill' said the good man( .ir' said he' be ye of -ing *rthur1s +ourt and of the
fello"ship of the ?ound )able3 >ea forsooth' and my name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e that
hath been right "ell said of' and no" my good fortune is +hanged' for & am the most
"ret+h of the "orld( )he hermit beheld him and had marvel ho" he "as so abashed( .ir'
said the hermit' ye ought to than% :od more than any %night living' for !e hath +aused
you to have more "orldly "orship than any %night that no" liveth( *nd for your
presumption to ta%e upon you in deadly sin for to be in !is presen+e' "here !is flesh and
!is blood "as' that +aused you ye might not see it "ith "orldly eyes0 for !e "ill not
appear "here su+h sinners be' but if it be unto their great hurt and unto their great shame0
and there is no %night living no" that ought to give :od so great than% as ye' for !e hath
given you beauty' seemliness' and great strength above all other %nights0 and therefore ye
are the more beholding unto :od than any other man' to love !im and dread !im' for
your strength and manhood "ill little avail you an :od be against you(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as shriven' and "hat sorro" he made and of the good ensamples
"hi+h "ere she"ed him(
)!E2 .ir 8aun+elot "ept "ith heavy +heer' and said4 2o" & %no" "ell ye say me sooth(
.ir' said the good man' hide none old sin from me( )ruly' said .ir 8aun+elot' that "ere
me full loath to dis+over( For this fourteen year & never dis+overed one thing that & have
used' and that may & no" "ite my shame and my disadventure( *nd then he told there
that good man all his life( *nd ho" he had loved a 6ueen unmeasurably and out of
measure long( *nd all my great deeds of arms that & have done' & did for the most part for
the 6ueen1s sa%e' and for her sa%e "ould & do battle "ere it right or "rong' and never did
& battle all only for :od1s sa%e' but for to "in "orship and to +ause me to be the better
beloved and little or nought & than%ed :od of it( )hen .ir 8aun+elot said4 & pray you
+ounsel me( & "ill +ounsel you' said the hermit' if ye "ill ensure me that ye "ill never
+ome in that 6ueen1s fello"ship as mu+h as ye may forbear( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot
promised him he nold' by the faith of his body( 8oo% that your heart and your mouth
a++ord' said the good man' and & shall ensure you ye shall have more "orship than ever
ye had(
!oly father' said .ir 8aun+elot' & marvel of the voi+e that said to me marvellous "ords'
as ye have heard toforehand( !ave ye no marvel' said the good man thereof' for it
seemeth "ell :od loveth you0 for men may understand a stone is hard of %ind' and
namely one more than another0 and that is to understand by thee' .ir 8aun+elot' for thou
"ilt not leave thy sin for no goodness that :od hath sent thee0 therefore thou art more
than any stone' and never "ouldst thou be made nesh nor by "ater nor by fire' and that is
the heat of the !oly :host may not enter in thee( 2o" ta%e heed' in all the "orld men
shall not find one %night to "hom 9ur 8ord hath given so mu+h of gra+e as !e hath
given you' for !e hath given you fairness "ith seemliness' !e hath given thee "it'
dis+retion to %no" good from evil' !e hath given thee pro"ess and hardiness' and given
thee to "or% so largely that thou hast had at all days the better "heresomever thou +ame0
and no" 9ur 8ord "ill suffer thee no longer' but that thou shalt %no" !im "hether thou
"ilt or nylt( *nd "hy the voi+e +alled thee bitterer than "ood' for "here overmu+h sin
d"elleth' there may be but little s"eetness' "herefore thou art li%ened to an old rotten
2o" have & she"ed thee "hy thou art harder than the stone and bitterer than the tree(
2o" shall & she" thee "hy thou art more na%ed and barer than the fig tree( &t befell that
9ur 8ord on $alm .unday prea+hed in 5erusalem' and there !e found in the people that
all hardness "as harboured in them' and there !e found in all the to"n not one that
"ould harbour him( *nd then !e "ent "ithout the to"n' and found in midst of the "ay a
fig tree' the "hi+h "as right fair and "ell garnished of leaves' but fruit had it none( )hen
9ur 8ord +ursed the tree that bare no fruit0 that beto%eneth the fig tree unto 5erusalem'
that had leaves and no fruit( .o thou' .ir 8aun+elot' "hen the !oly :rail "as brought
afore thee' !e found in thee no fruit' nor good thought nor good "ill' and defouled "ith
le+hery( Certes' said .ir 8aun+elot' all that you have said is true' and from hen+efor"ard &
+ast me' by the gra+e of :od' never to be so "i+%ed as & have been' but as to follo"
%nighthood and to do feats of arms(
)hen the good man en7oined .ir 8aun+elot su+h penan+e as he might do and to se"e
%nighthood' and so assoiled him' and prayed .ir 8aun+elot to abide "ith him all that day(
& "ill "ell' said .ir 8aun+elot' for & have neither helm' nor horse' nor s"ord( *s for that'
said the good man' & shall help you or to<morn at even of an horse' and all that longed
unto you( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot repented him greatly(
!ere endeth off the history of .ir 8aun+elot( *nd here follo"eth of .ir $er+ivale de
:alis' "hi+h is the fourteenth boo%(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 1&
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

B../ "IV
!o" .ir $er+ivale +ame to a re+luse and as%ed +ounsel' and ho" she told him that she
"as his aunt(
29W saith the tale' that "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as ridden after .ir :alahad' the "hi+h had
all these adventures above said' .ir $er+ivale turned again unto the re+luse' "here he
deemed to have tidings of that %night that 8aun+elot follo"ed( *nd so he %neeled at her
"indo"' and the re+luse opened it and as%ed .ir $er+ivale "hat he "ould( Madam' he
said' & am a %night of -ing *rthur1s +ourt' and my name is .ir $er+ivale de :alis( When
the re+luse heard his name she had great 7oy of him' for mi+%le she had loved him tofore
any other %night' for she ought to do so' for she "as his aunt( *nd then she +ommanded
the gates to be opened' and there he had all the +heer that she might ma%e him' and all
that "as in her po"er "as at his +ommandment(
.o on the morn .ir $er+ivale "ent to the re+luse and as%ed her if she %ne" that %night
"ith the "hite shield( .ir' said she' "hy "ould ye "it3 )ruly' madam' said .ir $er+ivale'
& shall never be "ell at ease till that & %no" of that %night1s fello"ship' and that & may
fight "ith him' for & may not leave him so lightly' for & have the shame yet( *h' $er+ivale'
said she' "ould ye fight "ith him3 & see "ell ye have great "ill to be slain as your father
"as' through outrageousness( Madam' said .ir $er+ivale' it seemeth by your "ords that
ye %no" me( >ea' said she' & "ell ought to %no" you' for & am your aunt' although & be in
a priory pla+e( For some +alled me sometime the ;ueen of the Waste 8ands' and & "as
+alled the 6ueen of most ri+hes in the "orld0 and it pleased me never my ri+hes so mu+h
as doth my poverty( )hen .ir $er+ivale "ept for very pity "hen that he %ne" it "as his
aunt( *h' fair nephe"' said she' "hen heard ye tidings of your mother3 )ruly' said he' &
heard none of her' but & dream of her mu+h in my sleep0 and therefore & "ot not "hether
she be dead or alive( Certes' fair nephe"' said she' your mother is dead' for after your
departing from her she too% su+h a sorro" that anon' after she "as +onfessed' she died(
2o"' :od have mer+y on her soul' said .ir $er+ivale' it sore forthin%eth me0 but all "e
must +hange the life( 2o"' fair aunt' tell me "hat is the %night3 & deem it be he that bare
the red arms on Whitsunday( Wit you "ell' said she' that this is he' for other"ise ought
he not to do' but to go in red arms0 and that same %night hath no peer' for he "or%eth all
by mira+le' and he shall never be over+ome of none earthly man1s hand(
!o" Merlin li%ened the ?ound )able to the "orld' and ho" the %nights that should
a+hieve the .angreal should be %no"n(
*8.9 Merlin made the ?ound )able in to%ening of roundness of the "orld' for by the
?ound )able is the "orld signified by right' for all the "orld' Christian and heathen'
repair unto the ?ound )able0 and "hen they are +hosen to be of the fello"ship of the
?ound )able they thin% them more blessed and more in "orship than if they had gotten
half the "orld0 and ye have seen that they have lost their fathers and their mothers' and all
their %in' and their "ives and their +hildren' for to be of your fello"ship( &t is "ell seen
by you0 for sin+e ye have departed from your mother ye "ould never see her' ye found
su+h fello"ship at the ?ound )able( When Merlin had ordained the ?ound )able he said'
by them "hi+h should be fello"s of the ?ound )able the truth of the .angreal should be
"ell %no"n( *nd men as%ed him ho" men might %no" them that should best do and to
en+hieve the .angreal3 )hen he said there should be three "hite bulls that should
en+hieve it' and the t"o should be maidens' and the third should be +haste( *nd that one
of the three should pass his father as mu+h as the lion passeth the leopard' both of
strength and hardiness(
)hey that heard Merlin say so said thus unto Merlin4 .ithen there shall be su+h a %night'
thou shouldest ordain by thy +rafts a siege' that no man should sit in it but he all only that
shall pass all other %nights( )hen Merlin ans"ered that he "ould do so( *nd then he
made the .iege $erilous' in the "hi+h :alahad sat in at his meat on Whitsunday last past(
2o"' madam' said .ir $er+ivale' so mu+h have & heard of you that by my good "ill & "ill
never have ado "ith .ir :alahad but by "ay of %indness0 and for :od1s love' fair aunt'
+an ye tea+h me some "ay "here & may find him3 for mu+h "ould & love the fello"ship
of him( Fair nephe"' said she' ye must ride unto a +astle the "hi+h is +alled :oothe'
"here he hath a +ousin<germain' and there may ye be lodged this night( *nd as he
tea+heth you' se"eth after as fast as ye +an0 and if he +an tell you no tidings of him' ride
straight unto the Castle of Carbone%' "here the maimed %ing is there lying' for there shall
ye hear true tidings of him(
!o" .ir $er+ivale +ame into a monastery' "here he found -ing Evela%e' "hi+h "as an
old man(
)!E2 departed .ir $er+ivale from his aunt' either ma%ing great sorro"( *nd so he rode
till evensong time( *nd then he heard a +lo+% smite0 and then he "as "are of an house
+losed "ell "ith "alls and deep dit+hes' and there he %no+%ed at the gate and "as let in'
and he alighted and "as led unto a +hamber' and soon he "as unarmed( *nd there he had
right good +heer all that night0 and on the morn he heard his mass' and in the monastery
he found a priest ready at the altar( *nd on the right side he sa" a pe" +losed "ith iron'
and behind the altar he sa" a ri+h bed and a fair' as of +loth of sil% and gold(
)hen .ir $er+ivale espied that therein "as a man or a "oman' for the visage "as +overed0
then he left off his loo%ing and heard his servi+e( *nd "hen it +ame to the sa+ring' he that
lay "ithin that par+los dressed him up' and un+overed his head0 and then him beseemed a
passing old man' and he had a +ro"n of gold upon his head' and his shoulders "ere na%ed
and unhilled unto his navel( *nd then .ir $er+ivale espied his body "as full of great
"ounds' both on the shoulders' arms' and visage( *nd ever he held up his hands against
9ur 8ord1s body' and +ried4 Fair' s"eet Father' 5esu Christ' forget not me( *nd so he lay
do"n' but al"ays he "as in his prayers and orisons0 and him seemed to be of the age of
three hundred "inter( *nd "hen the mass "as done the priest too% 9ur 8ord1s body and
bare it to the si+% %ing( *nd "hen he had used it he did off his +ro"n' and +ommanded
the +ro"n to be set on the altar(
)hen .ir $er+ivale as%ed one of the brethren "hat he "as( .ir' said the good man' ye
have heard mu+h of 5oseph of *ramathie' ho" he "as sent by 5esu Christ into this land
for to tea+h and prea+h the holy Christian faith0 and therefore he suffered many
perse+utions the "hi+h the enemies of Christ did unto him' and in the +ity of .arras he
+onverted a %ing "hose name "as Evela%e( *nd so this %ing +ame "ith 5oseph into this
land' and ever he "as busy to be thereas the .angreal "as0 and on a time he nighed it so
nigh that 9ur 8ord "as displeased "ith him' but ever he follo"ed it more and more' till
:od stru+% him almost blind( )hen this %ing +ried mer+y' and said4 Fair 8ord' let me
never die till the good %night of my blood of the ninth degree be +ome' that & may see him
openly that he shall en+hieve the .angreal' that & may %iss him(
!o" .ir $er+ivale sa" many men of arms bearing a dead %night' and ho" he fought
against them(
W!E2 the %ing thus had made his prayers he heard a voi+e that said4 !eard be thy
prayers' for thou shalt not die till he have %issed thee( *nd "hen that %night shall +ome
the +learness of your eyes shall +ome again' and thou shalt see openly' and thy "ounds
shall be healed' and erst shall they never +lose( *nd this befell of -ing Evela%e' and this
same %ing hath lived this three hundred "inters this holy life' and men say the %night is in
the +ourt that shall heal him( .ir' said the good man' & pray you tell me "hat %night that
ye be' and if ye be of -ing *rthur1s +ourt and of the )able ?ound( >ea forsooth' said he'
and my name is .ir $er+ivale de :alis( *nd "hen the good man understood his name he
made great 7oy of him(
*nd then .ir $er+ivale departed and rode till the hour of noon( *nd he met in a valley
about a t"enty men of arms' "hi+h bare in a bier a %night deadly slain( *nd "hen they
sa" .ir $er+ivale they as%ed him of "hen+e he "as( *nd he ans"ered4 9f the +ourt of
-ing *rthur( )hen they +ried all at on+e4 .lay him( )hen .ir $er+ivale smote the first to
the earth and his horse upon him( *nd then seven of the %nights smote upon his shield all
at on+e' and the remnant sle" his horse so that he fell to the earth( .o had they slain him
or ta%en him had not the good %night' .ir :alahad' "ith the red arms +ome there by
adventure into those parts( *nd "hen he sa" all those %nights upon one %night he +ried4
.ave me that %night1s life( *nd then he dressed him to"ard the t"enty men of arms as
fast as his horse might drive' "ith his spear in the rest' and smote the foremost horse and
man to the earth( *nd "hen his spear "as bro%en he set his hand to his s"ord' and smote
on the right hand and on the left hand that it "as marvel to see' and at every stro%e he
smote one do"n or put him to a rebu%e' so that they "ould fight no more but fled to a
thi+% forest' and .ir :alahad follo"ed them(
*nd "hen .ir $er+ivale sa" him +hase them so' he made great sorro" that his horse "as
a"ay( *nd then he "ist "ell it "as .ir :alahad( *nd then he +ried aloud4 *h fair %night'
abide and suffer me to do than%ings unto thee' for mu+h have ye done for me( /ut ever
.ir :alahad rode so fast that at the last he passed out of his sight( *nd as fast as .ir
$er+ivale might he "ent after him on foot' +rying( *nd then he met "ith a yeoman riding
upon an ha+%ney' the "hi+h led in his hand a great steed bla+%er than any bear( *h' fair
friend' said .ir $er+ivale' as ever & may do for you' and to be your true %night in the first
pla+e ye "ill re6uire me' that ye "ill lend me that bla+% steed' that & might overta%e a
%night the "hi+h rideth afore me( .ir %night' said the yeoman' & pray you hold me
ex+used of that' for that & may not do( For "it ye "ell' the horse is su+h a man1s horse'
that an & lent it you or any man' that he "ould slay me( *las' said .ir $er+ivale' & had
never so great sorro" as & have had for losing of yonder %night( .ir' said the yeoman' &
am right heavy for you' for a good horse "ould beseem you "ell0 but & dare not deliver
you this horse but if ye "ould ta%e him from me( )hat "ill & not do' said .ir $er+ivale(
*nd so they departed0 and .ir $er+ivale set him do"n under a tree' and made sorro" out
of measure( *nd as he "as there' there +ame a %night riding on the horse that the yeoman
led' and he "as +lean armed(
!o" a yeoman desired him to get again an horse' and ho" .ir $er+ivale1s ha+%ney "as
slain' and ho" he gat an horse(
*2, anon the yeoman +ame pri+%ing after as fast as ever he might' and as%ed .ir
$er+ivale if he sa" any %night riding on his bla+% steed( >ea' sir' forsooth' said he0 "hy'
sir' as% ye me that3 *h' sir' that steed he hath benome me "ith strength0 "herefore my
lord "ill slay me in "hat pla+e he findeth me( Well' said .ir $er+ivale' "hat "ouldst thou
that & did3 )hou seest "ell that & am on foot' but an & had a good horse & should bring him
soon again( .ir' said the yeoman' ta%e mine ha+%ney and do the best ye +an' and & shall
se"e you on foot to "it ho" that ye shall speed( )hen .ir $er+ivale alighted upon that
ha+%ney' and rode as fast as he might' and at the last he sa" that %night( *nd then he
+ried4 -night' turn again0 and he turned and set his spear against .ir $er+ivale' and he
smote the ha+%ney in the midst of the breast that he fell do"n dead to the earth' and there
he had a great fall' and the other rode his "ay( *nd then .ir $er+ivale "as "ood "roth'
and +ried4 *bide' "i+%ed %night0 +o"ard and false<hearted %night' turn again and fight
"ith me on foot( /ut he ans"ered not' but passed on his "ay(
When .ir $er+ivale sa" he "ould not turn he +ast a"ay his helm and s"ord' and said4
2o" am & a very "ret+h' +ursed and most unhappy above all other %nights( .o in this
sorro" he abode all that day till it "as night0 and then he "as faint' and laid him do"n
and slept till it "as midnight0 and then he a"a%ed and sa" afore him a "oman "hi+h said
unto him right fier+ely4 .ir $er+ivale' "hat dost thou here3 !e ans"ered' & do neither
good nor great ill( &f thou "ilt ensure me' said she' that thou "ilt fulfil my "ill "hen &
summon thee' & shall lend thee mine o"n horse "hi+h shall bear thee "hither thou "ilt(
.ir $er+ivale "as glad of her proffer' and ensured her to fulfil all her desire( )hen abide
me here' and & shall go and fet+h you an horse( *nd so she +ame soon again and brought
an horse "ith her that "as inly bla+%( When $er+ivale beheld that horse he marvelled that
it "as so great and so "ell apparelled0 and not for then he "as so hardy' and he leapt
upon him' and too% none heed of himself( *nd so anon as he "as upon him he thrust to
him "ith his spurs' and so he rode by a forest' and the moon shone +lear( *nd "ithin an
hour and less he bare him four days1 7ourney then+e' until he +ame to a rough "ater the
"hi+h roared' and his horse "ould have borne him into it(
9f the great danger that .ir $er+ivale "as in by his horse' and ho" he sa" a serpent and a
lion fight(
*2, "hen .ir $er+ivale +ame nigh the brim' and sa" the "ater so boistous' he doubted
to overpass it( *nd then he made a sign of the +ross in his forehead( When the fiend felt
him so +harged he shoo% off .ir $er+ivale' and he "ent into the "ater +rying and roaring'
ma%ing great sorro"' and it seemed unto him that the "ater brent( )hen .ir $er+ivale
per+eived it "as a fiend' the "hi+h "ould have brought him unto his perdition( )hen he
+ommended himself unto :od' and prayed 9ur 8ord to %eep him from all su+h
temptations0 and so he prayed all that night till on the morn that it "as day0 then he sa"
that he "as in a "ild mountain the "hi+h "as +losed "ith the sea nigh all about' that he
might see no land about him "hi+h might relieve him' but "ild beasts(
*nd then he "ent into a valley' and there he sa" a young serpent bring a young lion by
the ne+%' and so he +ame by .ir $er+ivale( With that +ame a great lion +rying and roaring
after the serpent( *nd as fast as .ir $er+ivale sa" this he marvelled' and hied him thither'
but anon the lion had overta%en the serpent and began battle "ith him( *nd then .ir
$er+ivale thought to help the lion' for he "as the more natural beast of the t"o0 and
there"ith he dre" his s"ord' and set his shield afore him' and there he gave the serpent
su+h a buffet that he had a deadly "ound( When the lion sa" that' he made no
resemblaunt to fight "ith him' but made him all the +heer that a beast might ma%e a man(
)hen $er+ivale per+eived that' and +ast do"n his shield "hi+h "as bro%en0 and then he
did off his helm for to gather "ind' for he "as greatly en+hafed "ith the serpent4 and the
lion "ent al"ay about him fa"ning as a spaniel( *nd then he stro%ed him on the ne+% and
on the shoulders( *nd then he than%ed :od of the fello"ship of that beast( *nd about
noon the lion too% his little "help and trussed him and bare him there he +ame from(
)hen "as .ir $er+ivale alone( *nd as the tale telleth' he "as one of the men of the "orld
at that time "hi+h most believed in 9ur 8ord 5esu Christ' for in those days there "ere but
fe" fol%s that believed in :od perfe+tly( For in those days the son spared not the father
no more than a stranger( *nd so .ir $er+ivale +omforted himself in our 8ord 5esu' and
besought :od no temptation should bring him out of :od1s servi+e' but to endure as his
true +hampion( )hus "hen .ir $er+ivale had prayed he sa" the lion +ome to"ard him'
and then he +ou+hed do"n at his feet( *nd so all that night the lion and he slept together0
and "hen .ir $er+ivale slept he dreamed a marvellous dream' that there t"o ladies met
"ith him' and that one sat upon a lion' and that other sat upon a serpent' and that one of
them "as young' and the other "as old0 and the youngest him thought said4 .ir $er+ivale'
my lord saluteth thee' and sendeth thee "ord that thou array thee and ma%e thee ready'
for to<morn thou must fight "ith the strongest +hampion of the "orld( *nd if thou be
over+ome thou shall not be 6uit for losing of any of thy members' but thou shalt be
shamed for ever to the "orld1s end( *nd then he as%ed her "hat "as her lord( *nd she
said the greatest lord of all the "orld4 and so she departed suddenly that he "ist not
9f the vision that .ir $er+ivale sa"' and ho" his vision "as expounded' and of his lion(
)!E2 +ame forth the other lady that rode upon the serpent' and she said4 .ir $er+ivale' &
+omplain me of you that ye have done unto me' and have not offended unto you( Certes'
madam' he said' unto you nor no lady & never offended( >es' said she' & shall tell you
"hy( & have nourished in this pla+e a great "hile a serpent' "hi+h served me a great
"hile' and yesterday ye sle" him as he gat his prey( .ay me for "hat +ause ye sle" him'
for the lion "as not yours( Madam' said .ir $er+ivale' & %no" "ell the lion "as not mine'
but & did it for the lion is of more gentler nature than the serpent' and therefore & sle"
him0 meseemeth & did not amiss against you( Madam' said he' "hat "ould ye that & did3 &
"ould' said she' for the amends of my beast that ye be+ome my man( *nd then he
ans"ered4 )hat "ill & not grant you( 2o' said she' truly ye "ere never but my servant sin
ye re+eived the homage of 9ur 8ord 5esu Christ( )herefore' & ensure you in "hat pla+e &
may find you "ithout %eeping & shall ta%e you' as he that sometime "as my man( *nd so
she departed from .ir $er+ivale and left him sleeping' the "hi+h "as sore travailed of his
advision( *nd on the morn he arose and blessed him' and he "as passing feeble(
)hen "as .ir $er+ivale "are in the sea' and sa" a ship +ome sailing to"ard him0 and .ir
$er+ivale "ent unto the ship and found it +overed "ithin and "ithout "ith "hite samite(
*nd at the board stood an old man +lothed in a surpli+e' in li%eness of a priest( .ir' said
.ir $er+ivale' ye be "el+ome( :od %eep you' said the good man( .ir' said the old man' of
"hen+e be ye3 .ir' said .ir $er+ivale' & am of -ing *rthur1s +ourt' and a %night of the
)able ?ound' the "hi+h am in the 6uest of the .angreal0 and here am & in great duresse'
and never li%e to es+ape out of this "ilderness( ,oubt not' said the good man' an ye be so
true a %night as the order of +hivalry re6uireth' and of heart as ye ought to be' ye should
not doubt that none enemy should slay you( What are ye3 said .ir $er+ivale( .ir' said the
old man' & am of a strange +ountry' and hither & +ome to +omfort you(
.ir' said .ir $er+ivale' "hat signifieth my dream that & dreamed this night3 *nd there he
told him altogether4 .he "hi+h rode upon the lion beto%eneth the ne" la" of holy +hur+h'
that is to understand' faith' good hope' belief' and baptism( For she seemed younger than
the other it is great reason' for she "as born in the resurre+tion and the passion of 9ur
8ord 5esu Christ( *nd for great love she +ame to thee to "arn thee of thy great battle that
shall befall thee( With "hom' said .ir $er+ivale' shall & fight3 With the most +hampion of
the "orld' said the old man0 for as the lady said' but if thou 6uit thee "ell thou shalt not
be 6uit by losing of one member' but thou shalt be shamed to the "orld1s end( *nd she
that rode on the serpent signifieth the old la"' and that serpent beto%eneth a fiend( *nd
"hy she blamed thee that thou sle"est her servant' it beto%eneth nothing0 the serpent that
thou sle"est beto%eneth the devil that thou rodest upon to the ro+%( *nd "hen thou
madest a sign of the +ross' there thou sle"est him' and put a"ay his po"er( *nd "hen
she as%ed thee amends and to be+ome her man' and thou saidst thou "ouldst not' that "as
to ma%e thee to believe on her and leave thy baptism( .o he +ommanded .ir $er+ivale to
depart' and so he leapt over the board and the ship' and all "ent a"ay he "ist not
"hither( )hen he "ent up unto the ro+% and found the lion "hi+h al"ays %ept him
fello"ship' and he stro%ed him upon the ba+% and had great 7oy of him(
!o" .ir $er+ivale sa" a ship +oming to him<"ard' and ho" the lady of the ship told him
of her disheritan+e(
/> that .ir $er+ivale had abiden there till mid<day he sa" a ship +ame ro"ing in the sea'
as all the "ind of the "orld had driven it( *nd so it drove under that ro+%( *nd "hen .ir
$er+ivale sa" this he hied him thither' and found the ship +overed "ith sil% more bla+%er
than any bear' and therein "as a gentle"oman of great beauty' and she "as +lothed ri+hly
that none might be better( *nd "hen she sa" .ir $er+ivale she said4 Who brought you in
this "ilderness "here ye be never li%e to pass hen+e' for ye shall die here for hunger and
mis+hief3 ,amosel' said .ir $er+ivale' & serve the best man of the "orld' and in his
servi+e he "ill not suffer me to die' for "ho that %no+%eth shall enter' and "ho that
as%eth shall have' and "ho that see%eth him he hideth him not( /ut then she said4 .ir
$er+ivale' "ot ye "hat & am3 >ea' said he( 2o" "ho taught you my name3 said she(
2o"' said .ir $er+ivale' & %no" you better than ye "een( *nd & +ame out of the "aste
forest "here & found the ?ed -night "ith the "hite shield' said the damosel( *h'
damosel' said he' "ith that %night "ould & meet passing fain( .ir %night' said she' an ye
"ill ensure me by the faith that ye o"e unto %nighthood that ye shall do my "ill "hat
time & summon you' and & shall bring you unto that %night( >ea' said he' & shall promise
you to fulfil your desire( Well' said she' no" shall & tell you( & sa" him in the forest
+hasing t"o %nights unto a "ater' the "hi+h is +alled Mortaise0 and they drove him into
the "ater for dread of death' and the t"o %nights passed over' and the ?ed -night passed
after' and there his horse "as dren+hed' and he' through great strength' es+aped unto the
land4 thus she told him' and .ir $er+ivale "as passing glad thereof(
)hen she as%ed him if he had ate any meat late( 2ay' madam' truly & ate no meat nigh this
three days' but late here & spa%e "ith a good man that fed me "ith his good "ords and
holy' and refreshed me greatly( *h' sir %night' said she' that same man is an en+hanter
and a multiplier of "ords( For an ye believe him ye shall plainly be shamed' and die in
this ro+% for pure hunger' and be eaten "ith "ild beasts0 and ye be a young man and a
goodly %night' and & shall help you an ye "ill( What are ye' said .ir $er+ivale' that
proffered me thus great %indness3 & am' said she' a gentle"oman that am disherited'
"hi+h "as sometime the ri+hest "oman of the "orld( ,amosel' said .ir $er+ivale' "ho
hath disherited you3 for & have great pity of you( .ir' said she' & d"elled "ith the greatest
man of the "orld' and he made me so fair and +lear that there "as none li%e me0 and of
that great beauty & had a little pride more than & ought to have had( *lso & said a "ord that
pleased him not( *nd then he "ould not suffer me to be any longer in his +ompany' and
so drove me from mine heritage' and so disherited me' and he had never pity of me nor of
none of my +oun+il' nor of my +ourt( *nd sithen' sir %night' it hath befallen me so' and
through me and mine & have benome him many of his men' and made them to be+ome my
men( For they as% never nothing of me but & give it them' that and mu+h more( )hus & and
all my servants "ere against him night and day( )herefore & %no" no" no good %night'
nor no good man' but & get them on my side an & may( *nd for that & %no" that thou art a
good %night' & besee+h you to help me0 and for ye be a fello" of the ?ound )able'
"herefore ye ought not to fail no gentle"oman "hi+h is disherited' an she besought you
of help(
!o" .ir $er+ivale promised her help' and ho" he re6uired her of love' and ho" he "as
saved from the fiend(
)!E2 .ir $er+ivale promised her all the help that he might0 and then she than%ed him(
*nd at that time the "eather "as hot( )hen she +alled unto her a gentle"oman and bade
her bring forth a pavilion0 and so she did' and pight it upon the gravel( .ir' said she' no"
may ye rest you in this heat of the day( )hen he than%ed her' and she put off his helm and
his shield' and there he slept a great "hile( *nd then he a"o%e and as%ed her if she had
any meat' and she said4 >ea' also ye shall have enough( *nd so there "as set enough
upon the table' and thereon so mu+h that he had marvel' for there "as all manner of
meats that he +ould thin% on( *lso he dran% there the strongest "ine that ever he dran%'
him thought' and there"ith he "as a little +hafed more than he ought to be0 "ith that he
beheld the gentle"oman' and him thought she "as the fairest +reature that ever he sa"(
*nd then .ir $er+ivale proffered her love' and prayed her that she "ould be his( )hen she
refused him' in a manner' "hen he re6uired her' for the +ause he should be the more
ardent on her' and ever he +eased not to pray her of love( *nd "hen she sa" him "ell
en+hafed' then she said4 .ir $er+ivale' "it you "ell & shall not fulfil your "ill but if ye
s"ear from hen+eforth ye shall be my true servant' and to do nothing but that & shall
+ommand you( Will ye ensure me this as ye be a true %night3 >ea' said he' fair lady' by
the faith of my body( Well' said she' no" shall ye do "ith me "hatso it please you0 and
no" "it ye "ell ye are the %night in the "orld that & have most desire to(
*nd then t"o s6uires "ere +ommanded to ma%e a bed in midst of the pavilion( *nd anon
she "as un+lothed and laid therein( *nd then .ir $er+ivale laid him do"n by her na%ed0
and by adventure and gra+e he sa" his s"ord lie on the ground na%ed' in "hose pommel
"as a red +ross and the sign of the +ru+ifix therein' and bethought him on his %nighthood
and his promise made toforehand unto the good man0 then he made a sign of the +ross in
his forehead' and there"ith the pavilion turned up<so<do"n' and then it +hanged unto a
smo%e' and a bla+% +loud' and then he "as adread and +ried aloud4
!o" .ir $er+ivale for penan+e rove himself through the thigh0 and ho" she "as %no"n
for the devil(
F*&? s"eet Father' 5esu Christ' ne let me not be shamed' the "hi+h "as nigh lost had not
thy good gra+e been( *nd then he loo%ed into a ship' and sa" her enter therein' "hi+h
said4 .ir $er+ivale' ye have betrayed me( *nd so she "ent "ith the "ind roaring and
yelling' that it seemed all the "ater brent after her( )hen .ir $er+ivale made great sorro"'
and dre" his s"ord unto him' saying4 .ithen my flesh "ill be my master & shall punish it0
and there"ith he rove himself through the thigh that the blood stert about him' and said4
9 good 8ord' ta%e this in re+ompensation of that & have done against thee' my 8ord( .o
then he +lothed him and armed him' and +alled himself a "ret+h' saying4 !o" nigh "as &
lost' and to have lost that & should never have gotten again' that "as my virginity' for that
may never be re+overed after it is on+e lost( *nd then he stopped his bleeding "ound
"ith a pie+e of his shirt(
)hus as he made his moan he sa" the same ship +ome from 9rient that the good man "as
in the day afore' and the noble %night "as ashamed "ith himself' and there"ith he fell in
a s"oon( *nd "hen he a"o%e he "ent unto him "ea%ly' and there he saluted this good
man( *nd then he as%ed .ir $er+ivale4 !o" hast thou done sith & departed3 .ir' said he'
here "as a gentle"oman and led me into deadly sin( *nd there he told him altogether(
-ne" ye not the maid3 said the good man( .ir' said he' nay' but "ell & "ot the fiend sent
her hither to shame me( 9 good %night' said he' thou art a fool' for that gentle"oman "as
the master fiend of hell' the "hi+h hath po"er above all devils' and that "as the old lady
that thou sa"est in thine advision riding on the serpent( )hen he told .ir $er+ivale ho"
our 8ord 5esu Christ beat him out of heaven for his sin' the "hi+h "as the most brightest
angel of heaven' and therefore he lost his heritage( *nd that "as the +hampion that thou
foughtest "ithal' the "hi+h had over+ome thee had not the gra+e of :od been( 2o"
be"are .ir $er+ivale' and ta%e this for an ensample( *nd then the good man vanished
a"ay( )hen .ir $er+ivale too% his arms' and entered into the ship' and so departed from
!ere endeth the fourteenth boo%' "hi+h is of .ir $er+ivale( *nd here follo"eth of .ir
8aun+elot' "hi+h is the fifteenth boo%(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 1(
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

B../ "V
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame to a +hapel' "here he found dead' in a "hite shirt' a man of
religion' of an hundred "inter old(
W!E2 the hermit had %ept .ir 8aun+elot three days' the hermit gat him an horse' an
helm' and a s"ord( *nd then he departed about the hour of noon( *nd then he sa" a little
house( *nd "hen he +ame near he sa" a +hapel' and there beside he sa" an old man that
"as +lothed all in "hite full ri+hly0 and then .ir 8aun+elot said4 :od save you( :od %eep
you' said the good man' and ma%e you a good %night( )hen .ir 8aun+elot alighted and
entered into the +hapel' and there he sa" an old man dead' in a "hite shirt of passing fine
.ir' said the good man' this man that is dead ought not to be in su+h +lothing as ye see
him in' for in that he bra%e the oath of his order' for he hath been more than an hundred
"inter a man of a religion( *nd then the good man and .ir 8aun+elot "ent into the
+hapel0 and the good man too% a stole about his ne+%' and a boo%' and then he +on7ured
on that boo%0 and "ith that they sa" in an hideous figure and horrible' that there "as no
man so hard<hearted nor so hard but he should have been afeard( )hen said the fiend4
)hou hast travailed me greatly0 no" tell me "hat thou "ilt "ith me( & "ill' said the good
man' that thou tell me ho" my fello" be+ame dead' and "hether he be saved or damned(
)hen he said "ith an horrible voi+e4 !e is not lost but saved( !o" may that be3 said the
good man0 it seemed to me that he lived not "ell' for he bra%e his order for to "ear a shirt
"here he ought to "ear none' and "ho that trespasseth against our order doth not "ell(
2ot so' said the fiend' this man that lieth here dead "as +ome of a great lineage( *nd
there "as a lord that hight the Earl de Dale' that held great "ar against this man1s
nephe"' the "hi+h hight *guarus( *nd so this *guarus sa" the earl "as bigger than he(
)hen he "ent for to ta%e +ounsel of his un+le' the "hi+h lieth here dead as ye may see(
*nd then he as%ed leave' and "ent out of his hermitage for to maintain his nephe"
against the mighty earl0 and so it happed that this man that lieth here dead did so mu+h by
his "isdom and hardiness that the earl "as ta%en' and three of his lords' by for+e of this
dead man(
9f a dead man' ho" men "ould have he"n him' and it "ould not be' and ho" .ir
8aun+elot too% the hair of the dead man(
)!E2 "as there pea+e bet"ixt the earl and this *guarus' and great surety that the earl
should never "ar against him( )hen this dead man that here lieth +ame to this hermitage
again0 and then the earl made t"o of his nephe"s for to be avenged upon this man( .o
they +ame on a day' and found this dead man at the sa+ring of his mass' and they abode
him till he had said mass( *nd then they set upon him and dre" out s"ords to have slain
him0 but there "ould no s"ord bite on him more than upon a gad of steel' for the high
8ord "hi+h he served !e him preserved( )hen made they a great fire' and did off all his
+lothes' and the hair off his ba+%( *nd then this dead man hermit said unto them4 Ween
you to burn me3 &t shall not lie in your po"er nor to perish me as mu+h as a thread' an
there "ere any on my body( 2o3 said one of them' it shall be assayed( *nd then they
despoiled him' and put upon him this shirt' and +ast him in a fire' and there he lay all that
night till it "as day in that fire' and "as not dead' and so in the morn & +ame and found
him dead0 but & found neither thread nor s%in tamed' and so too% him out of the fire "ith
great fear' and laid him here as ye may see( *nd no" may ye suffer me to go my "ay' for
& have said you the sooth( *nd then he departed "ith a great tempest(
)hen "as the good man and .ir 8aun+elot more gladder than they "ere tofore( *nd then
.ir 8aun+elot d"elled "ith that good man that night( .ir' said the good man' be ye not .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e3 >ea' sir' said he( What see% ye in this +ountry3 .ir' said .ir
8aun+elot' & go to see% the adventures of the .angreal( Well' said he' see% it ye may "ell'
but though it "ere here ye shall have no po"er to see it no more than a blind man should
see a bright s"ord' and that is long on your sin' and else ye "ere more abler than any
man living( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot began to "eep( )hen said the good man4 Were ye
+onfessed sith ye entered into the 6uest of the .angreal3 >ea' sir' said .ir 8aun+elot(
)hen upon the morn "hen the good man had sung his mass' then they buried the dead
man( )hen .ir 8aun+elot said4 Father' "hat shall & do3 2o"' said the good man' & re6uire
you ta%e this hair that "as this holy man1s and put it next thy s%in' and it shall prevail
thee greatly( .ir' and & "ill do it' said .ir 8aun+elot( *lso & +harge you that ye eat no flesh
as long as ye be in the 6uest of the .angreal' nor ye shall drin% no "ine' and that ye hear
mass daily an ye may do it( .o he too% the hair and put it upon him' and so departed at
*nd so rode he into a forest' and there he met "ith a gentle"oman riding upon a "hite
palfrey' and then she as%ed him4 .ir %night' "hither ride ye3 Certes' damosel' said
8aun+elot' & "ot not "hither & ride but as fortune leadeth me( *h' .ir 8aun+elot' said she'
& "ot "hat adventure ye see%' for ye "ere afore time nearer than ye be no"' and yet shall
ye see it more openly than ever ye did' and that shall ye understand in short time( )hen
.ir 8aun+elot as%ed her "here he might be harboured that night( >e shall not find this
day nor night' but to<morn ye shall find harbour good' and ease of that ye be in doubt of
*nd then he +ommended her unto :od( )hen he rode till that he +ame to a Cross' and
too% that for his host as for that night(
9f an advision that .ir 8aun+elot had' and ho" he told it to an hermit' and desired
+ounsel of him(
*2, so he put his horse to pasture' and did off his helm and his shield' and made his
prayers unto the Cross that he never fall in deadly sin again( *nd so he laid him do"n to
sleep( *nd anon as he "as asleep it befell him there an advision' that there +ame a man
afore him all by +ompass of stars' and that man had a +ro"n of gold on his head and that
man led in his fello"ship seven %ings and t"o %nights( *nd all these "orshipped the
Cross' %neeling upon their %nees' holding up their hands to"ard the heaven( *nd all they
said4 Fair s"eet Father of heaven +ome and visit us' and yield unto us every+h as "e have
)hen loo%ed 8aun+elot up to the heaven' and him seemed the +louds did open' and an old
man +ame do"n' "ith a +ompany of angels' and alighted among them' and gave unto
every+h his blessing' and +alled them his servants' and good and true %nights( *nd "hen
this old man had said thus he +ame to one of those %nights' and said4 & have lost all that &
have set in thee' for thou hast ruled thee against me as a "arrior' and used "rong "ars
"ith vain<glory' more for the pleasure of the "orld than to please me' therefore thou shalt
be +onfounded "ithout thou yield me my treasure( *ll this advision sa" .ir 8aun+elot at
the Cross(
*nd on the morn he too% his horse and rode till mid<day0 and there by adventure he met
"ith the same %night that too% his horse' helm' and his s"ord' "hen he slept "hen the
.angreal appeared afore the Cross( When .ir 8aun+elot sa" him he saluted hin not fair'
but +ried on high4 -night' %eep thee' for thou hast done to me great un%indness( *nd then
they put afore them their spears' and .ir 8aun+elot +ame so fier+ely upon him that he
smote him and his horse do"n to the earth' that he had nigh bro%en his ne+%( )hen .ir
8aun+elot too% the %night1s horse that "as his o"n aforehand' and des+ended from the
horse he sat upon' and mounted upon his o"n horse' and tied the %night1s o"n horse to a
tree' that he might find that horse "hen that he "as arisen( )hen .ir 8aun+elot rode till
night' and by adventure he met an hermit' and ea+h of them saluted other0 and there he
rested "ith that good man all night' and gave his horse su+h as he might get( )hen said
the good man unto 8aun+elot4 9f "hen+e be ye3 .ir' said he' & am of *rthur1s +ourt' and
my name is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e that am in the 6uest of the .angreal' and therefore &
pray you to +ounsel me of a vision the "hi+h & had at the Cross( *nd so he told him all(
!o" the hermit expounded to .ir 8aun+elot his advision' and told him that .ir :alahad
"as his son(
89' .ir 8aun+elot' said the good man' there thou mightest understand the high lineage
that thou art +ome of' and thine advision beto%eneth( *fter the passion of 5esu Christ
forty year' 5oseph of *ramathie prea+hed the vi+tory of -ing Evela%e' that he had in the
battles the better of his enemies( *nd of the seven %ings and the t"o %nights4 the first of
them is +alled 2appus' an holy man0 and the se+ond hight 2a+ien' in remembran+e of his
grandsire' and in him d"elled our 8ord 5esu Christ0 and the third "as +alled !elias le
:rose0 and the fourth hight 8isais0 and the fifth hight 5onas' he departed out of his
+ountry and "ent into Wales' and too% there the daughter of Manuel' "hereby he had the
land of :aul' and he +ame to d"ell in this +ountry( *nd of him +ame -ing 8aun+elot thy
grandsire' the "hi+h there "edded the %ing1s daughter of &reland' and he "as as "orthy a
man as thou art' and of him +ame -ing /an' thy father' the "hi+h "as the last of the
seven %ings( *nd by thee' .ir 8aun+elot' it signifieth that the angels said thou "ere none
of the seven fello"ships( *nd the last "as the ninth %night' he "as signified to a lion' for
he should pass all manner of earthly %nights' that is .ir :alahad' the "hi+h thou gat on
-ing $elles1 daughter0 and thou ought to than% :od more than any other man living' for
of a sinner earthly thou hast no peer as in %nighthood' nor never shall be( /ut little than%
hast thou given to :od for all the great virtues that :od hath lent thee( .ir' said
8aun+elot' ye say that that good %night is my son( )hat oughtest thou to %no" and no
man better' said the good man' for thou %ne"est the daughter of -ing $elles fleshly' and
on her thou begattest :alahad' and that "as he that at the feast of $ente+ost sat in the
.iege $erilous0 and therefore ma%e thou it %no"n openly that he is one of thy begetting
on -ing $elles1 daughter' for that "ill be your "orship and honour' and to all thy
%indred( *nd & +ounsel you in no pla+e press not upon him to have ado "ith him( Well'
said 8aun+elot' meseemeth that good %night should pray for me unto the !igh Father'
that & fall not to sin again( )rust thou "ell' said the good man' thou farest mi+%le the
better for his prayer0 but the son shall not bear the "i+%edness of the father' nor the father
shall not bear the "i+%edness of the son' but every+h shall bear his o"n burden( *nd
therefore besee% thou only :od' and !e "ill help thee in all thy needs( *nd then .ir
8aun+elot and he "ent to supper' and so laid him to rest' and the hair pri+%ed so .ir
8aun+elot1s s%in "hi+h grieved him full sore' but he too% it mee%ly' and suffered the
pain( *nd so on the morn he heard his mass and too% his arms' and so too% his leave(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot 7ousted "ith many %nights' and ho" he "as ta%en(
*2, then mounted upon his horse' and rode into a forest' and held no high"ay( *nd as
he loo%ed afore him he sa" a fair plain' and beside that a fair +astle' and afore the +astle
"ere many pavilions of sil% and of diverse hue( *nd him seemed that he sa" there five
hundred %nights riding on horseba+%0 and there "ere t"o parties4 they that "ere of the
+astle "ere all on bla+% horses and their trappings bla+%' and they that "ere "ithout "ere
all on "hite horses and trappings' and every+h hurtled to other that it marvelled .ir
8aun+elot( *nd at the last him thought they of the +astle "ere put to the "orse(
)hen thought .ir 8aun+elot for to help there the "ea%er party in in+reasing of his
+hivalry( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot thrust in among the party of the +astle' and smote do"n a
%night' horse and man' to the earth( *nd then he rashed here and there' and did
marvellous deeds of arms( *nd then he dre" out his s"ord' and stru+% many %nights to
the earth' so that all those that sa" him marvelled that ever one %night might do so great
deeds of arms( /ut al"ays the "hite %nights held them nigh about .ir 8aun+elot' for to
tire him and "ind him( /ut at the last' as a man may not ever endure' .ir 8aun+elot
"axed so faint of fighting and travailing' and "as so "eary of his great deeds' that [E he
might not lift up his arms for to give one stro%e' so that he "eened never to have borne
arms0 and then they all too% and led him a"ay into a forest' and there made him to alight
and to rest him( *nd then all the fello"ship of the +astle "ere over+ome for the default of
him( )hen they said all unto .ir 8aun+elot4 /lessed be :od that ye be no" of our
fello"ship' for "e shall hold you in our prison0 and so they left him "ith fe" "ords( *nd
then .ir 8aun+elot made great sorro"' For never or no" "as & never at tournament nor
7ousts but & had the best' and no" & am shamed0 and then he said4 2o" & am sure that & am
more sinfuller than ever & "as(
[ E .o W( de Worde0 Caxton Fbut(G
)hus he rode sorro"ing' and half a day he "as out of despair' till that he +ame into a deep
valley( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" he might not ride up into the mountain' he there
alighted under an apple tree' and there he left his helm and his shield' and put his horse
unto pasture( *nd then he laid him do"n to sleep( *nd then him thought there +ame an
old man afore him' the "hi+h said4 *h' 8aun+elot of evil faith and poor belief' "herefore
is thy "ill turned so lightly to"ard thy deadly sin3 *nd "hen he had said thus he
vanished a"ay' and 8aun+elot "ist not "here he "as be+ome( )hen he too% his horse'
and armed him0 and as he rode by the "ay he sa" a +hapel "here "as a re+luse' "hi+h
had a "indo" that she might see up to the altar( *nd all aloud she +alled 8aun+elot' for
that he seemed a %night errant( *nd then he +ame' and she as%ed him "hat he "as' and of
"hat pla+e' and "here about he "ent to see%(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot told his advision to a "oman' and ho" she expounded it to him(
*2, then he told her altogether "ord by "ord' and the truth ho" it befell him at the
tournament( *nd after told her his advision that he had had that night in his sleep' and
prayed her to tell him "hat it might mean' for he "as not "ell +ontent "ith it( *h'
8aun+elot' said she' as long as ye "ere %night of earthly %nighthood ye "ere the most
marvellous man of the "orld' and most adventurous( 2o"' said the lady' sithen ye be set
among the %nights of heavenly adventures' if adventure fell thee +ontrary at that
tournament have thou no marvel' for that tournament yesterday "as but a to%ening of 9ur
8ord( *nd not for then there "as none en+hantment' for they at the tournament "ere
earthly %nights( )he tournament "as a to%en to see "ho should have most %nights' either
EliaAar' the son of -ing $elles' or *rgustus' the son of -ing !arlon( /ut EliaAar "as all
+lothed in "hite' and *rgustus "as +overed in bla+%' the "hi+h "ere [over+ome(
*ll "hat this beto%eneth & shall tell you( )he day of $ente+ost' "hen -ing *rthur held his
+ourt' it befell that earthly %ings and %nights too% a tournament together' that is to say the
6uest of the .angreal( )he earthly %nights "ere they the "hi+h "ere +lothed all in bla+%'
and the +overing beto%eneth the sins "hereof they be not +onfessed( *nd they "ith the
+overing of "hite beto%eneth virginity' and they that +hose +hastity( *nd thus "as the
6uest begun in them( )hen thou beheld the sinners and the good men' and "hen thou
sa"est the sinners over+ome' thou in+linest to that party for bobaun+e and pride of the
"orld' and all that must be left in that 6uest' for in this 6uest thou shalt have many
fello"s and thy betters( For thou art so feeble of evil trust and good belief' this made it
"hen thou "ere there "here they too% thee and led thee into the forest( *nd anon there
appeared the .angreal unto the "hite %nights' but thou "as so feeble of good belief and
faith that thou mightest not abide it for all the tea+hing of the good man' but anon thou
turnest to the sinners' and that +aused thy misadventure that thou should1st %no" good
from evil and vain glory of the "orld' the "hi+h is not "orth a pear( *nd for great pride
thou madest great sorro" that thou hadst not over+ome all the "hite %nights "ith the
+overing of "hite' by "hom "as beto%ened virginity and +hastity0 and therefore :od "as
"roth "ith you' for :od loveth no su+h deeds in this 6uest( *nd this advision signifieth
that thou "ere of evil faith and of poor belief' the "hi+h "ill ma%e thee to fall into the
deep pit of hell if thou %eep thee not( 2o" have & "arned thee of thy vain glory and of
thy pride' that thou hast many times erred against thy Ma%er( /e"are of everlasting pain'
for of all earthly %nights & have most pity of thee' for & %no" "ell thou hast not thy peer
of any earthly sinful man(
*nd so she +ommended .ir 8aun+elot to dinner( *nd after dinner he too% his horse and
+ommended her to :od' and so rode into a deep valley' and there he sa" a river and an
high mountain( *nd through the "ater he must needs pass' the "hi+h "as hideous0 and
then in the name of :od he too% it "ith good heart( *nd "hen he +ame over he sa" an
armed %night' horse and man bla+% as any bear0 "ithout any "ord he smote .ir
8aun+elot1s horse to the earth0 and so he passed on' he "ist not "here he "as be+ome(
*nd then he too% his helm and his shield' and than%ed :od of his adventure(
!ere leadeth off the story of .ir 8aun+elot' and spea% "e of .ir :a"aine' the "hi+h is the
sixteenth boo%(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 1)
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VIII! I"-"II! "III-"VII #
!o" .ir :a"aine "as nigh "eary of the 6uest of the .angreal' and of his marvellous
W!E2 .ir :a"aine "as departed from his fello"ship he rode long "ithout any
adventure( For he found not the tenth part of adventure as he "as "ont to do( For .ir
:a"aine rode from Whitsuntide until Mi+haelmas and found none adventure that pleased
him( .o on a day it befell :a"aine met "ith .ir E+tor de Maris' and either made great 7oy
of other that it "ere marvel to tell( *nd so they told every+h other' and +omplained them
greatly that they +ould find none adventure( )ruly' said .ir :a"aine unto .ir E+tor' & am
nigh "eary of this 6uest' and loath & am to follo" further in strange +ountries( 9ne thing
marvelled me' said .ir E+tor' & have met "ith t"enty %nights' fello"s of mine' and all
they +omplain as & do( & have marvel' said .ir :a"aine' "here that .ir 8aun+elot' your
brother' is( )ruly' said .ir E+tor' & +annot hear of him' nor of .ir :alahad' $er+ivale' nor
.ir /ors( 8et them be' said .ir :a"aine' for they four have no peers( *nd if one thing
"ere not in .ir 8aun+elot he had no fello" of none earthly man0 but he is as "e be' but if
he too% more pain upon him( /ut an these four be met together they "ill be loath that any
man meet "ith them0 for an they fail of the .angreal it is in "aste of all the remnant to
re+over it(
)hus E+tor and :a"aine rode more than eight days' and on a .aturday they found an old
+hapel' the "hi+h "as "asted that there seemed no man thither repaired0 and there they
alighted' and set their spears at the door' and in they entered into the +hapel' and there
made their orisons a great "hile' and set them do"n in the sieges of the +hapel( *nd as
they spa%e of one thing and other' for heaviness they fell asleep' and there befell them
both marvellous adventures( .ir :a"aine him seemed he +ame into a meado" full of
herbs and flo"ers' and there he sa" a ra+% of bulls' an hundred and fifty' that "ere proud
and bla+%' save three of them "ere all "hite' and one had a bla+% spot' and the other t"o
"ere so fair and so "hite that they might be no "hiter( *nd these three bulls "hi+h "ere
so fair "ere tied "ith t"o strong +ords( *nd the remnant of the bulls said among them4
:o "e hen+e to see% better pasture( *nd so some "ent' and some +ame again' but they
"ere so lean that they might not stand upright0 and of the bulls that "ere so "hite' that
one +ame again and no mo( /ut "hen this "hite bull "as +ome again among these other
there rose up a great +ry for la+% of "ind that failed them0 and so they departed one here
and another there4 this advision befell :a"aine that night(
9f the advision of .ir E+tor' and ho" he 7ousted "ith .ir #"aine les *voutres' his s"orn
/#) to E+tor de Maris befell another vision the +ontrary( For it seemed him that his
brother' .ir 8aun+elot' and he alighted out of a +hair and leapt upon t"o horses' and the
one said to the other4 :o "e see% that "e shall not find( *nd him thought that a man beat
.ir 8aun+elot' and despoiled him' and +lothed him in another array' the "hi+h "as all full
of %nots' and set him upon an ass' and so he rode till he +ame to the fairest "ell that ever
he sa"0 and .ir 8aun+elot alighted and "ould have drun% of that "ell( *nd "hen he
stooped to drin% of the "ater the "ater san% from him( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" that'
he turned and "ent thither as the head +ame from( *nd in the mean"hile he tro"ed that
himself and .ir E+tor rode till that they +ame to a ri+h man1s house "here there "as a
"edding( *nd there he sa" a %ing the "hi+h said4 .ir %night' here is no pla+e for you(
*nd then he turned again unto the +hair that he +ame from(
)hus "ithin a "hile both :a"aine and E+tor a"a%ed' and either told other of their
advision' the "hi+h marvelled them greatly( )ruly' said E+tor' & shall never be merry till &
hear tidings of my brother 8aun+elot( 2o" as they sat thus tal%ing they sa" an hand
sho"ing unto the elbo"' and "as +overed "ith red samite' and upon that hung a bridle
not right ri+h' and held "ithin the fist a great +andle "hi+h burned right +lear' and so
passed afore them' and entered into the +hapel' and then vanished a"ay and they "ist not
"here( *nd anon +ame do"n a voi+e "hi+h said4 -nights of full evil faith and of poor
belief' these t"o things have failed you' and therefore ye may not +ome to the adventures
of the .angreal(
)hen first spa%e :a"aine and said4 E+tor' have ye heard these "ords3 >ea truly' said .ir
E+tor' & heard all( 2o" go "e' said .ir E+tor' unto some hermit that "ill tell us of our
advision' for it seemeth me "e labour all in vain( *nd so they departed and rode into a
valley' and there met "ith a s6uire "hi+h rode on an ha+%ney' and they saluted him fair(
.ir' said :a"aine' +an thou tea+h us to any hermit3 !ere is one in a little mountain' but it
is so rough there may no horse go thither' and therefore ye must go upon foot0 there shall
ye find a poor house' and there is 2a+ien the hermit' "hi+h is the holiest man in this
+ountry( *nd so they departed either from other(
*nd then in a valley they met "ith a %night all armed' "hi+h proffered them to 7oust as
far as he sa" them( &n the name of :od' said .ir :a"aine' sith & departed from Camelot
there "as none proffered me to 7oust but on+e( *nd no"' sir' said E+tor' let me 7oust "ith
him( 2ay' said :a"aine' ye shall not but if & be beat0 it shall not for<thin% me then if ye
go after me( *nd then either embra+ed other to 7oust and +ame together as fast as their
horses might run' and brast their shields and the mails' and the one more than the other0
and :a"aine "as "ounded in the left side' but the other %night "as smitten through the
breast' and the spear +ame out on the other side' and so they fell both out of their saddles'
and in the falling they bra%e both their spears(
*non :a"aine arose and set his hand to his s"ord' and +ast his shield afore him( /ut all
for naught "as it' for the %night had no po"er to arise against him( )hen said :a"aine4
>e must yield you as an over+ome man' or else & may slay you( *h' sir %night' said he' &
am but dead' for :od1s sa%e and of your gentleness lead me here unto an abbey that &
may re+eive my Creator( .ir' said :a"aine' & %no" no house of religion hereby( .ir' said
the %night' set me on an horse tofore you' and & shall tea+h you( :a"aine set him up in
the saddle' and he leapt up behind him for to sustain him' and so +ame to an abbey "here
they "ere "ell re+eived0 and anon he "as unarmed' and re+eived his Creator( )hen he
prayed :a"aine to dra" out the trun+heon of the spear out of his body( )hen :a"aine
as%ed him "hat he "as' that %ne" him not( & am' said he' of -ing *rthur1s +ourt' and "as
a fello" of the ?ound )able' and "e "ere brethren s"orn together0 and no" .ir
:a"aine' thou hast slain me' and my name is #"aine les *voutres' that sometime "as
son unto -ing #riens' and "as in the 6uest of the .angreal0 and no" forgive it thee :od'
for it shall ever be said that the one s"orn brother hath slain the other(
!o" .ir :a"aine and .ir E+tor +ame to an hermitage to be +onfessed' and ho" they told
to the hermit their advisions(
*8*.' said :a"aine' that ever this misadventure is befallen me( 2o for+e' said #"aine'
sith & shall die this death' of a mu+h more "orshipfuller man1s hand might & not die0 but
"hen ye +ome to the +ourt re+ommend me unto my lord' -ing *rthur' and all those that
be left alive' and for old brotherhood thin% on me( )hen began :a"aine to "eep' and
E+tor also( *nd then #"aine himself and .ir :a"aine dre" out the trun+heon of the
spear' and anon departed the soul from the body( )hen .ir :a"aine and .ir E+tor buried
him as men ought to bury a %ing1s son' and made "rite upon his name' and by "hom he
"as slain(
)hen departed :a"aine and E+tor' as heavy as they might for their misadventure' and so
rode till that they +ame to the rough mountain' and there they tied their horses and "ent
on foot to the hermitage( *nd "hen they "ere +ome up they sa" a poor house' and beside
the +hapel a little +ourtelage' "here 2a+ien the hermit gathered "orts' as he "hi+h had
tasted none other meat of a great "hile( *nd "hen he sa" the errant %nights he +ame
to"ard them and saluted them' and they him again( Fair lords' said he' "hat adventure
brought you hither3 .ir' said :a"aine' to spea% "ith you for to be +onfessed( .ir' said the
hermit' & am ready( )hen they told him so mu+h that he "ist "ell "hat they "ere( *nd
then he thought to +ounsel them if he might(
)hen began :a"aine first and told him of his advision that he had had in the +hapel' and
E+tor told him all as it is afore rehearsed( .ir' said the hermit unto .ir :a"aine' the fair
meado" and the ra+% therein ought to be understood the ?ound )able' and by the
meado" ought to be understood humility and patien+e' those be the things "hi+h be
al"ays green and 6ui+%0 for men may no time over+ome humility and patien+e' therefore
"as the ?ound )able founded' and the +hivalry hath been at all times so by the fraternity
"hi+h "as there that she might not be over+ome0 for men said she "as founded in
patien+e and in humility( *t the ra+% ate an hundred and fifty bulls0 but they ate not in the
meado"' for their hearts should be set in humility and patien+e' and the bulls "ere proud
and bla+% save only three( /y the bulls is to understand the fello"ship of the ?ound
)able' "hi+h for their sin and their "i+%edness be bla+%( /la+%ness is to say "ithout
good or virtuous "or%s( *nd the three bulls "hi+h "ere "hite save only one that "as
spotted4 the t"o "hite beto%en .ir :alahad and .ir $er+ivale' for they be maidens +lean
and "ithout spot0 and the third that had a spot signifieth .ir /ors de :anis' "hi+h
trespassed but on+e in his virginity' but sithen he %ept himself so "ell in +hastity that all
is forgiven him and his misdeeds( *nd "hy those three "ere tied by the ne+%s' they be
three %nights in virginity and +hastity' and there is no pride smitten in them( *nd the
bla+% bulls "hi+h said4 :o "e hen+e' they "ere those "hi+h at $ente+ost at the high feast
too% upon them to go in the 6uest of the .angreal "ithout +onfession4 they might not
enter in the meado" of humility and patien+e( *nd therefore they returned into "aste
+ountries' that signifieth death' for there shall die many of them4 every+h of them shall
slay other for sin' and they that shall es+ape shall be so lean that it shall be marvel to see
them( *nd of the three bulls "ithout spot' the one shall +ome again' and the other t"o
!o" the hermit expounded their advision(
)!E2 spa%e 2a+ien unto E+tor4 .ooth it is that 8aun+elot and ye +ame do"n off one
+hair4 the +hair beto%eneth mastership and lordship "hi+h ye +ame do"n from( /ut ye
t"o %nights' said the hermit' ye go to see% that ye shall never find' that is the .angreal0
for it is the se+ret thing of our 8ord 5esu Christ( What is to mean that .ir 8aun+elot fell
do"n off his horse4 he hath left pride and ta%en him to humility' for he hath +ried mer+y
loud for his sin' and sore repented him' and our 8ord hath +lothed him in his +lothing
"hi+h is full of %nots' that is the hair that he "eareth daily( *nd the ass that he rode upon
is a beast of humility' for :od "ould not ride upon no steed' nor upon no palfrey0 so in
ensample that an ass beto%eneth mee%ness' that thou sa"est .ir 8aun+elot ride on in thy
sleep( *nd the "ell "hereas the "ater san% from him "hen he should have ta%en thereof'
and "hen he sa" he might not have it' he returned thither from "hen+e he +ame' for the
"ell beto%eneth the high gra+e of :od' the more men desire it to ta%e it' the more shall be
their desire( .o "hen he +ame nigh the .angreal' he mee%ed him that he held him not a
man "orthy to be so nigh the !oly Dessel' for he had been so defouled in deadly sin by
the spa+e of many years0 yet "hen he %neeled to drin% of the "ell' there he sa" great
providen+e of the .angreal( *nd for he had served so long the devil' he shall have
vengean+e four<and<t"enty days long' for that he hath been the devil1s servant four<and<
t"enty years( *nd then soon after he shall return unto Camelot out of this +ountry' and he
shall say a part of su+h things as he hath found(
9f the good +ounsel that the hermit gave to them(
CE?)E.' said :a"aine' soothly have ye said' that & see it openly( 2o"' & pray you' good
man and holy father' tell me "hy "e met not "ith so many adventures as "e "ere "ont
to do' and +ommonly have the better( & shall tell you gladly' said the good man0 the
adventure of the .angreal "hi+h ye and many other have underta%en the 6uest of it and
find it not' the +ause is for it appeareth not to sinners( Wherefore marvel not though ye
fail thereof' and many other( For ye be an untrue %night and a great murderer' and to good
men signifieth other things than murder( For & dare say' as sinful as .ir 8aun+elot hath
been' sith that he "ent into the 6uest of the .angreal he sle" never man' nor nought shall'
till that he +ome unto Camelot again' for he hath ta%en upon him for to forsa%e sin( *nd
nere that he nis not stable' but by his thought he is li%ely to turn again' he should be next
to en+hieve it save :alahad' his son( /ut :od %no"eth his thought and his unstableness'
and yet shall he die right an holy man' and no doubt he hath no fello" of no earthly sinful
man( .ir' said :a"aine' it seemeth me by your "ords that for our sins it "ill not avail us
to travel in this 6uest )ruly' said the good man' there be an hundred su+h as ye be that
never shall prevail' but to have shame( *nd "hen they had heard these voi+es they
+ommended him unto :od(
)hen the good man +alled :a"aine' and said4 &t is long time passed sith that ye "ere
made %night' and never sithen thou servedst thy Ma%er' and no" thou art so old a tree
that in thee is neither life nor fruit0 "herefore bethin% thee that thou yield to 9ur 8ord the
bare rind' sith the fiend hath the leaves and the fruit( .ir' said :a"aine an & had leisure &
"ould spea% "ith you' but my fello" here' .ir E+tor' is gone' and abideth me yonder
beneath the hill( Well' said the good man' thou "ere better to be +ounselled( )hen
departed :a"aine and +ame to E+tor' and so too% their horses and rode till they +ame to a
forester1s house' "hi+h harboured them right "ell( *nd on the morn they departed from
their host' and rode long or they +ould find any adventure(
!o" .ir /ors met "ith an hermit' and ho" he "as +onfessed to him' and of his penan+e
en7oined to him(
W!E2 /ors "as departed from Camelot he met "ith a religious man riding on an ass'
and .ir /ors saluted him( *non the good man %ne" him that he "as one of the %nights<
errant that "as in the 6uest of the .angreal( What are ye3 said the good man( .ir' said he'
& am a %night that fain "ould be +ounselled in the 6uest of the .angreal' for he shall have
mu+h earthly "orship that may bring it to an end( Certes' said the good man' that is sooth'
for he shall be the best %night of the "orld' and the fairest of all the fello"ship( /ut "it
you "ell there shall none attain it but by +leanness' that is pure +onfession(
.o rode they together till that they +ame to an hermitage( *nd there he prayed /ors to
d"ell all that night "ith him( *nd so he alighted and put a"ay his armour' and prayed
him that he might be +onfessed0 and so they "ent into the +hapel' and there he "as +lean
+onfessed' and they ate bread and dran% "ater together( 2o"' said the good man' & pray
thee that thou eat none other till that thou sit at the table "here the .angreal shall be( .ir'
said he' & agree me thereto' but ho" "it ye that & shall sit there( >es' said the good man'
that %no" &' but there shall be but fe" of your fello"s "ith you( *ll is "el+ome' said .ir
/ors' that :od sendeth me( *lso' said the good man' instead of a shirt' and in sign of
+hastisement' ye shall "ear a garment0 therefore & pray you do off all your +lothes and
your shirt4 and so he did( *nd then he too% him a s+arlet +oat' so that should be instead of
his shirt till he had fulfilled the 6uest of the .angreal0 and the good man found in him so
marvellous a life and so stable' that he marvelled and felt that he "as never +orrupt in
fleshly lusts' but in one time that he begat Elian le /lan%(
)hen he armed him' and too% his leave' and so departed( *nd so a little from then+e he
loo%ed up into a tree' and there he sa" a passing great bird upon an old tree' and it "as
passing dry' "ithout leaves0 and the bird sat above' and had birds' the "hi+h "ere dead
for hunger( .o smote he himself "ith his bea%' the "hi+h "as great and sharp( *nd so the
great bird bled till that he died among his birds( *nd the young birds too% the life by the
blood of the great bird( When /ors sa" this he "ist "ell it "as a great to%ening0 for "hen
he sa" the great bird arose not' then he too% his horse and yede his "ay( .o by evensong'
by adventure he +ame to a strong to"er and an high' and there "as he lodged gladly(
!o" .ir /ors "as lodged "ith a lady' and ho" he too% upon him for to fight against a
+hampion for her land(
*2, "hen he "as unarmed they led him into an high to"er "here "as a lady' young'
lusty' and fair( *nd she re+eived him "ith great 7oy' and made him to sit do"n by her'
and so "as he set to sup "ith flesh and many dainties( *nd "hen .ir /ors sa" that' he
bethought him on his penan+e' and bade a s6uire to bring him "ater( *nd so he brought
him' and he made sops therein and ate them( *h' said the lady' & tro" ye li%e not my
meat( >es' truly' said .ir /ors' :od than% you' madam' but & may eat none other meat
this day( )hen she spa%e no more as at that time' for she "as loath to displease him( )hen
after supper they spa%e of one thing and other(
With that +ame a s6uire and said4 Madam' ye must purvey you to<morn for a +hampion'
for else your sister "ill have this +astle and also your lands' ex+ept ye +an find a %night
that "ill fight to<morn in your 6uarrel against $ridam le 2oire( )hen she made sorro"
and said4 *h' 8ord :od' "herefore granted ye to hold my land' "hereof & should no" be
disherited "ithout reason and right3 *nd "hen .ir /ors had heard her say thus' he said4 &
shall +omfort you( .ir' said she' & shall tell you there "as here a %ing that hight *niause'
"hi+h held all this land in his %eeping( .o it mishapped he loved a gentle"oman a great
deal elder than &( .o too% he her all this land to her %eeping' and all his men to govern0
and she brought up many evil +ustoms "hereby she put to death a great part of his
%insmen( *nd "hen he sa" that' he let +hase her out of this land' and betoo% it me' and
all this land in my demesnes( /ut anon as that "orthy %ing "as dead' this other lady
began to "ar upon me' and hath destroyed many of my men' and turned them against me'
that & have "ell<nigh no man left me0 and & have nought else but this high to"er that she
left me( *nd yet she hath promised me to have this to"er' "ithout & +an find a %night to
fight "ith her +hampion(
2o" tell me' said .ir /ors' "hat is that $ridam le 2oire3 .ir' said she' he is the most
doubted man of this land( 2o" may ye send her "ord that ye have found a %night that
shall fight "ith that $ridam le 2oire in :od1s 6uarrel and yours( )hen that lady "as not a
little glad' and sent "ord that she "as purveyed' and that night /ors had good +heer0 but
in no bed he "ould +ome' but laid him on the floor' nor never "ould do other"ise till that
he had met "ith the 6uest of the .angreal(
9f an advision "hi+h .ir /ors had that night' and ho" he fought and over+ame his
*2, anon as he "as asleep him befell a vision' that there +ame to him t"o birds' the one
as "hite as a s"an' and the other "as marvellous bla+%0 but it "as not so great as the
other' but in the li%eness of a ?aven( )hen the "hite bird +ame to him' and said4 *n thou
"ouldst give me meat and serve me & should give thee all the ri+hes of the "orld' and &
shall ma%e thee as fair and as "hite as & am( .o the "hite bird departed' and there +ame
the bla+% bird to him' and said4 *n thou "olt' serve me to<morro" and have me in no
despite though & be bla+%' for "it thou "ell that more availeth my bla+%ness than the
other1s "hiteness( *nd then he departed(
*nd he had another vision4 him thought that he +ame to a great pla+e "hi+h seemed a
+hapel' and there he found a +hair set on the left side' "hi+h "as "orm<eaten and feeble(
*nd on the right hand "ere t"o flo"ers li%e a lily' and the one "ould have benome the
other1s "hiteness' but a good man departed them that the one tou+hed not the other0 and
then out of every flo"er +ame out many flo"ers' and fruit great plenty( )hen him thought
the good man said4 .hould not he do great folly that "ould let these t"o flo"ers perish
for to su++our the rotten tree' that it fell not to the earth3 .ir' said he' it seemeth me that
this "ood might not avail( 2o" %eep thee' said the good man' that thou never see su+h
adventure befall thee(
)hen he a"a%ed and made a sign of the +ross in midst of the forehead' and so rose and
+lothed him( *nd there +ame the lady of the pla+e' and she saluted him' and he her again'
and so "ent to a +hapel and heard their servi+e( *nd there +ame a +ompany of %nights'
that the lady had sent for' to lead .ir /ors unto battle( )hen as%ed he his arms( *nd "hen
he "as armed she prayed him to ta%e a little morsel to dine( 2ay' madam' said he' that
shall & not do till & have done my battle' by the gra+e of :od( *nd so he leapt upon his
horse' and departed' all the %nights and men "ith him( *nd as soon as these t"o ladies
met together' she "hi+h /ors should fight for +omplained her' and said4 Madam' ye have
done me "rong to bereave me of my lands that -ing *niause gave me' and full loath &
am there should be any battle( >e shall not +hoose' said the other lady' or else your %night
"ithdra" him(
)hen there "as the +ry made' "hi+h party had the better of the t"o %nights' that his lady
should re7oi+e all the land( 2o" departed the one %night here' and the other there( )hen
they +ame together "ith su+h a raundon that they pier+ed their shields and their hauber%s'
and the spears fle" in pie+es' and they "ounded either other sore( )hen hurtled they
together' so that they fell both to the earth' and their horses bet"ixt their legs0 and anon
they arose' and set hands to their s"ords' and smote ea+h one other upon the heads' that
they made great "ounds and deep' that the blood "ent out of their bodies( For there
found .ir /ors greater defen+e in that %night more than he "eened( For that $ridam "as a
passing good %night' and he "ounded .ir /ors full evil' and he him again0 but ever this
$ridam held the stour in li%e hard( )hat per+eived .ir /ors' and suffered him till he "as
nigh attaint( *nd then he ran upon him more and more' and the other "ent ba+% for dread
of death( .o in his "ithdra"ing he fell upright' and .ir /ors dre" his helm so strongly
that he rent it from his head' and gave him great stro%es "ith the flat of his s"ord upon
the visage' and bade him yield him or he should slay him( )hen he +ried him mer+y and
said4 Fair %night' for :od1s love slay me not' and & shall ensure thee never to "ar against
thy lady' but be al"ay to"ard her( )hen /ors let him be0 then the old lady fled "ith all
her %nights(
!o" the lady "as returned to her lands by the battle of .ir /ors' and of his departing' and
ho" he met .ir 8ionel ta%en and beaten "ith thorns' and also of a maid "hi+h should
have been devoured(
.9 then +ame /ors to all those that held lands of his lady' and said he should destroy
them but if they did su+h servi+e unto her as longed to their lands( .o they did their
homage' and they that "ould not "ere +hased out of their lands( )hen befell that young
lady to +ome to her estate again' by the mighty pro"ess of .ir /ors de :anis( .o "hen all
the +ountry "as "ell set in pea+e' then .ir /ors too% his leave and departed0 and she
than%ed him greatly' and "ould have given him great ri+hes' but he refused it(
)hen he rode all that day till night' and +ame to an harbour to a lady "hi+h %ne" him
"ell enough' and made of him great 5oy( #pon the morn' as soon as the day appeared'
/ors departed from then+e' and so rode into a forest unto the hour of midday' and there
befell him a marvellous adventure( .o he met at the departing of the t"o "ays t"o
%nights that led 8ionel' his brother' all na%ed' bounden upon a strong ha+%ney' and his
hands bounden tofore his breast( *nd every+h of them held in his hands thorns "here"ith
they "ent beating him so sore that the blood trailed do"n more than in an hundred pla+es
of his body' so that he "as all blood tofore and behind' but he said never a "ord0 as he
"hi+h "as great of heart he suffered all that ever they did to him' as though he had felt
none anguish(
*non .ir /ors dressed him to res+ue him that "as his brother0 and so he loo%ed upon the
other side of him' and sa" a %night "hi+h brought a fair gentle"oman' and "ould have
set her in the thi+%est pla+e of the forest for to have been the more surer out of the "ay
from them that sought him( *nd she "hi+h "as nothing assured +ried "ith an high voi+e4
.aint Mary su++our your maid( *nd anon she espied "here .ir /ors +ame riding( *nd
"hen she +ame nigh him she deemed him a %night of the ?ound )able' "hereof she
hoped to have some +omfort0 and then she +on7ured him4 /y the faith that he ought unto
!im in "hose servi+e thou art entered in' and for the faith ye o"e unto the high order of
%nighthood' and for the noble -ing *rthur1s sa%e' that & suppose made thee %night' that
thou help me' and suffer me not to be shamed of this %night( When /ors heard her say
thus he had so mu+h sorro" there he nist not "hat to do( For if & let my brother be in
adventure he must be slain' and that "ould & not for all the earth( *nd if & help not the
maid she is shamed for ever' and also she shall lose her virginity the "hi+h she shall
never get again( )hen lift he up his eyes and said "eeping4 Fair s"eet 8ord 5esu Christ'
"hose liege man & am' %eep 8ionel' my brother' that these %nights slay him not' and for
pity of you' and for Mary1s sa%e' & shall su++our this maid(
!o" .ir /ors left to res+ue his brother' and res+ued the damosel0 and ho" it "as told him
that 8ionel "as dead(
)!E2 dressed he him unto the %night the "hi+h had the gentle"oman' and then he +ried4
.ir %night' let your hand off that maiden' or ye be but dead( *nd then he set do"n the
maiden' and "as armed at all pie+es save he la+%ed his spear( )hen he dressed his shield'
and dre" out his s"ord' and /ors smote him so hard that it "ent through his shield and
habergeon on the left shoulder( *nd through great strength he beat him do"n to the earth'
and at the pulling out of /ors1 spear there he s"ooned( )hen +ame /ors to the maid and
said4 !o" seemeth it you3 of this %night ye be delivered at this time( 2o" sir' said she' &
pray you lead me thereas this %night had me( .o shall & do gladly4 and too% the horse of
the "ounded %night' and set the gentle"oman upon him' and so brought her as she
desired( .ir %night' said she' ye have better sped than ye "eened' for an & had lost my
maidenhead' five hundred men should have died for it( What %night "as he that had you
in the forest3 /y my faith' said she' he is my +ousin( .o "ot & never "ith "hat engine the
fiend en+hafed him' for yesterday he too% me from my father privily0 for &' nor none of
my father1s men' mistrusted him not' and if he had had my maidenhead he should have
died for the sin' and his body shamed and dishonoured for ever( )hus as she stood tal%ing
"ith him there +ame t"elve %nights see%ing after her' and anon she told them all ho"
/ors had delivered her0 then they made great 7oy' and besought him to +ome to her father'
a great lord' and he should be right "el+ome( )ruly' said /ors' that may not be at this
time' for & have a great adventure to do in this +ountry( .o he +ommended them unto :od
and departed(
)hen .ir /ors rode after 8ionel' his brother' by the tra+e of their horses' thus he rode
see%ing a great "hile( )hen he overtoo% a man +lothed in a religious +lothing0 and rode
on a strong bla+% horse bla+%er than a berry' and said4 .ir %night' "hat see% you3 .ir' said
he' & see% my brother that & sa" "ithin a "hile beaten "ith t"o %nights( *h' /ors'
dis+omfort you not' nor fall into no "anhope0 for & shall tell you tidings su+h as they be'
for truly he is dead( )hen sho"ed he him a ne" slain body lying in a bush' and it seemed
him "ell that it "as the body of 8ionel' and then he made su+h a sorro" that he fell to the
earth all in a s"oon' and lay a great "hile there( *nd "hen he +ame to himself he said4
Fair brother' sith the +ompany of you and me is departed shall & never have 7oy in my
heart' and no" !e "hi+h & have ta%en unto my master' !e be my help( *nd "hen he had
said thus he too% his body lightly in his arms' and put it upon the arson of his saddle( *nd
then he said to the man4 Canst thou tell me unto some +hapel "here that & may bury this
body3 Come on' said he' here is one fast by0 and so long they rode till they sa" a fair
to"er' and afore it there seemed an old feeble +hapel( *nd then they alighted both' and
put him into a tomb of marble(
!o" .ir /ors told his dream to a priest' "hi+h he had dreamed' and of the +ounsel that
the priest gave to him(
29W leave "e him here' said the good man' and go "e to our harbour till to<morro"0 "e
"ill +ome here again to do him servi+e( .ir' said /ors' be ye a priest3 >ea forsooth' said
he( )hen & pray you tell me a dream that befell to me the last night( .ay on' said he( )hen
he began so mu+h to tell him of the great bird in the forest' and after told him of his birds'
one "hite' another bla+%' and of the rotten tree' and of the "hite flo"ers( .ir' & shall tell
you a part no"' and the other deal to<morro"( )he "hite fo"l beto%eneth a gentle"oman'
fair and ri+h' "hi+h loved thee paramours' and hath loved thee long0 and if thou "arn her
love she shall go die anon' if thou have no pity on her( )hat signifieth the great bird' the
"hi+h shall ma%e thee to "arn her( 2o" for no fear that thou hast' ne for no dread that
thou hast of :od' thou shalt not "arn her' but thou "ouldst not do it for to be holden
+haste' for to +on6uer the loos of the vain glory of the "orld0 for that shall befall thee
no" an thou "arn her' that 8aun+elot' the good %night' thy +ousin' shall die( *nd
therefore men shall no" say that thou art a manslayer' both of thy brother' .ir 8ionel' and
of thy +ousin' .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' the "hi+h thou mightest have saved and res+ued
easily' but thou "eenedst to res+ue a maid "hi+h pertaineth nothing to thee( 2o" loo%
thou "hether it had been greater harm of thy brother1s death' or else to have suffered her
to have lost her maidenhood( )hen as%ed he him4 !ast thou heard the to%ens of thy dream
the "hi+h & have told to you3 >ea forsooth' said .ir /ors' all your exposition and
de+laring of my dream & have "ell understood and heard( )hen said the man in this bla+%
+lothing4 )hen is it in thy default if .ir 8aun+elot' thy +ousin' die( .ir' said /ors' that
"ere me loath' for "it ye "ell there is nothing in the "orld but & had liefer do it than to
see my lord' .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' to die in my default( Choose ye no" the one or the
other' said the good man(
*nd then he led .ir /ors into an high to"er' and there he found %nights and ladies4 those
ladies said he "as "el+ome' and so they unarmed him( *nd "hen he "as in his doublet
men brought him a mantle furred "ith ermine' and put it about him0 and then they made
him su+h +heer that he had forgotten all his sorro" and anguish' and only set his heart in
these delights and dainties' and too% no thought more for his brother' .ir 8ionel' neither
of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' his +ousin( *nd anon +ame out of a +hamber to him the fairest
lady than ever he sa"' and more ri+her beseen than ever he sa" ;ueen :uenever or any
other estate( 8o' said they' .ir /ors' here is the lady unto "hom "e o"e all our servi+e'
and & tro" she be the ri+hest lady and the fairest of all the "orld' and the "hi+h loveth
you best above all other %nights' for she "ill have no %night but you( *nd "hen he
understood that language he "as abashed( 2ot for then she saluted him' and he her0 and
then they sat do"n together and spa%e of many things' in so mu+h that she besought him
to be her love' for she had loved him above all earthly men' and she should ma%e him
ri+her than ever "as man of his age( When /ors understood her "ords he "as right evil at
ease' "hi+h in no manner "ould not brea% +hastity' so "ist not he ho" to ans"er her(
!o" the devil in a "oman1s li%eness "ould have had .ir /ors to have lain by her' and
ho" by :od1s gra+e he es+aped(
*8*.' said she' /ors' shall ye not do my "ill3 Madam' said /ors' there is no lady in the
"orld "hose "ill & "ill fulfil as of this thing' for my brother lieth dead "hi+h "as slain
right late( *h /ors' said she' & have loved you long for the great beauty & have seen in
you' and the great hardiness that & have heard of you' that needs ye must lie by me this
night' and therefore & pray you grant it me( )ruly' said he' & shall not do it in no manner
"ise( )hen she made him su+h sorro" as though she "ould have died( Well /ors' said
she' unto this have ye brought me' nigh to mine end( *nd there"ith she too% him by the
hand' and bade him behold her( *nd ye shall see ho" & shall die for your love( *h' said
then he' that shall & never see(
)hen she departed and "ent up into an high battlement' and led "ith her t"elve
gentle"omen0 and "hen they "ere above' one of the gentle"omen +ried' and said4 *h'
.ir /ors' gentle %night have mer+y on us all' and suffer my lady to have her "ill' and if
ye do not "e must suffer death "ith our lady' for to fall do"n off this high to"er' and if
ye suffer us thus to die for so little a thing all ladies and gentle"omen "ill say or you
dishonour( )hen loo%ed he up"ard' they seemed all ladies of great estate' and ri+hly and
"ell beseen( )hen had he of them great pity0 not for that he "as un+ounselled in himself
that liefer he had they all had lost their souls than he his' and "ith that they fell ado"n all
at on+e unto the earth( *nd "hen he sa" that' he "as all abashed' and had thereof great
marvel( With that he blessed his body and his visage( *nd anon he heard a great noise
and a great +ry' as though all the fiends of hell had been about him0 and there"ith he sa"
neither to"er' nor lady' nor gentle"oman' nor no +hapel "here he brought his brother to(
)hen held he up both his hands to the heaven' and said4 Fair Father :od' & am grievously
es+aped0 and then he too% his arms and his horse and rode on his "ay(
)hen he heard a +lo+% smite on his right hand0 and thither he +ame to an abbey on his
right hand' +losed "ith high "alls' and there "as let in( )hen they supposed that he "as
one of the 6uest of the .angreal' so they led him into a +hamber and unarmed him( .irs'
said .ir /ors' if there be any holy man in this house & pray you let me spea% "ith him(
)hen one of them led him unto the *bbot' "hi+h "as in a +hapel( *nd then .ir /ors
saluted him' and he him again( .ir' said /ors' & am a %night<errant0 and told him all the
adventure "hi+h he had seen( .ir -night' said the *bbot' & "ot not "hat ye be' for &
"eened never that a %night of your age might have been so strong in the gra+e of our
8ord 5esu Christ( 2ot for then ye shall go unto your rest' for & "ill not +ounsel you this
day' it is too late' and to<morro" & shall +ounsel you as & +an(
9f the holy +ommuni+ation of an *bbot to .ir /ors' and ho" the *bbot +ounselled him(
*2, that night "as .ir /ors served ri+hly0 and on the morn early he heard mass' and the
*bbot +ame to him' and bade him good morro"' and /ors to him again( *nd then he told
him he "as a fello" of the 6uest of the .angreal' and ho" he had +harge of the holy man
to eat bread and "ater( )hen [said the *bbot4 9ur 8ord 5esu Christ sho"ed him unto you
in the li%eness of a soul that suffered great anguish for us' sin+e !e "as put upon the
+ross' and bled !is heart<blood for man%ind4 there "as the to%en and the li%eness of the
.angreal that appeared afore you' for the blood that the great fo"l bled revived the
+hi+%ens from death to life( *nd by the bare tree is beto%ened the "orld "hi+h is na%ed
and "ithout fruit but if it +ome of 9ur 8ord( *lso the lady for "hom ye fought for' and
-ing *niause "hi+h "as lord there<tofore' beto%eneth 5esu Christ "hi+h is the -ing of
the "orld( *nd that ye fought "ith the +hampion for the lady' this it beto%eneth4 for "hen
ye too% the battle for the lady' by her shall ye understand the ne" la" of 5esu Christ and
!oly Chur+h0 and by the other lady ye shall understand the old la" and the fiend' "hi+h
all day "arreth against !oly Chur+h' therefore ye did your battle "ith right( For ye be
5esu Christ1s %nights' therefore ye ought to be defenders of !oly Chur+h( *nd by the
bla+% bird might ye understand !oly Chur+h' "hi+h sayeth & am bla+%' but he is fair( *nd
by the "hite bird might men understand the fiend' and & shall tell you ho" the s"an is
"hite "ithout<forth' and bla+% "ithin4 it is hypo+risy "hi+h is "ithout yello" or pale' and
seemeth "ithout<forth the servants of 5esu Christ' but they be "ithin so horrible of filth
and sin' and beguile the "orld evil( *lso "hen the fiend appeared to thee in li%eness of a
man of religion' and blamed thee that thou left thy brother for a lady' so led thee "here
thou seemed thy brother "as slain' but he is yet alive0 and all "as for to put thee in error'
and bring thee unto "anhope and le+hery' for he %ne" thou "ere tender hearted' and all
"as for thou shouldst not find the blessed adventure of the .angreal( *nd the third fo"l
beto%eneth the strong battle against the fair ladies "hi+h "ere all devils( *lso the dry tree
and the "hite lily4 the dry tree beto%eneth thy brother 8ionel' "hi+h is dry "ithout virtue'
and therefore many men ought to +all him the rotten tree' and the "orm<eaten tree' for he
is a murderer and doth +ontrary to the order of %nighthood( *nd the t"o "hite flo"ers
signify t"o maidens' the one is a %night "hi+h "as "ounded the other day' and the other
is the gentle"oman "hi+h ye res+ued0 and "hy the other flo"er dre" nigh the other' that
"as the %night "hi+h "ould have defouled her and himself both( *nd .ir /ors' ye had
been a great fool and in great peril for to have seen those t"o flo"ers perish for to
su++our the rotten tree' for an they had sinned together they had been damned0 and for
that ye res+ued them both' men might +all you a very %night and servant of 5esu Christ(
!o" .ir /ors met "ith his brother .ir 8ionel' and ho" .ir 8ionel "ould have slain .ir
)!E2 "ent .ir /ors from then+e and +ommended the *bbot unto :od( *nd then he rode
all that day' and harboured "ith an old lady( *nd on the morn he rode to a +astle in a
valley' and there he met "ith a yeoman going a great pa+e to"ard a forest( .ay me' said
.ir /ors' +anst thou tell me of any adventure3 .ir' said he' here shall be under this +astle
a great and a marvellous tournament( 9f "hat fol%s shall it be3 said .ir /ors( )he Earl of
$lains shall be in the one party' and the lady1s nephe" of !ervin on the other party( )hen
/ors thought to be there if he might meet "ith his brother .ir 8ionel' or any other of his
fello"ship' "hi+h "ere in the 6uest of the .angreal( *nd then he turned to an hermitage
that "as in the entry of the forest(
*nd "hen he "as +ome thither he found there .ir 8ionel' his brother' "hi+h sat all armed
at the entry of the +hapel door for to abide there harbour till on the morn that the
tournament shall be( *nd "hen .ir /ors sa" him he had great 7oy of him' that it "ere
marvel to tell of his 7oy( *nd then he alighted off his horse' and said4 Fair s"eet brother'
"hen +ame ye hither3 *non as 8ionel sa" him he said4 *h /ors' ye may not ma%e none
avaunt' but as for you & might have been slain0 "hen ye sa" t"o %nights leading me a"ay
beating me' ye left me for to su++our a gentle"oman' and suffered me in peril of death0
for never erst ne did no brother to another so great an untruth( *nd for that misdeed no" &
ensure you but death' for "ell have ye deserved it0 therefore %eep thee from
hen+efor"ard' and that shall ye find as soon as & am armed( When .ir /ors understood
his brother1s "rath he %neeled do"n to the earth and +ried him mer+y' holding up both
his hands' and prayed him to forgive him his evil "ill( 2ay' said 8ionel' that shall never
be an & may have the higher hand' that & ma%e mine avo" to :od' thou shalt have death
for it' for it "ere pity ye lived any longer(
?ight so he "ent in and too% his harness' and mounted upon his horse' and +ame tofore
him and said4 /ors' %eep thee from me' for & shall do to thee as & "ould to a felon or a
traitor' for ye be the untruest %night that ever +ame out of so "orthy an house as "as
-ing /ors de :anis "hi+h "as our father' therefore start upon thy horse' and so shall ye
be most at your advantage( *nd but if ye "ill & "ill run upon you thereas ye stand upon
foot' and so the shame shall be mine and the harm yours' but of that shame ne re+% &
When .ir /ors sa" that he must fight "ith his brother or else to die' he nist "hat to do0
then his heart +ounselled him not thereto' inasmu+h as 8ionel "as born or he' "herefore
he ought to bear him reveren+e0 yet %neeled he do"n afore 8ionel1s horse1s feet' and
said4 Fair s"eet brother' have mer+y upon me and slay me not' and have in remembran+e
the great love "hi+h ought to be bet"een us t"ain( What .ir /ors said to 8ionel he
rought not' for the fiend had brought him in su+h a "ill that he should slay him( )hen
"hen 8ionel sa" he "ould none other' and that he "ould not have risen to give him
battle' he rashed over him so that he smote /ors "ith his horse' feet up"ard' to the earth'
and hurt him so sore that he s"ooned of distress' the "hi+h he felt in himself to have died
"ithout +onfession( .o "hen 8ionel sa" this' he alighted off his horse to have smitten off
his head( *nd so he too% him by the helm' and "ould have rent it from his head( )hen
+ame the hermit running unto him' "hi+h "as a good man and of great age' and "ell had
heard all the "ords that "ere bet"een them' and so fell do"n upon .ir /ors(
!o" .ir Colgrevan+e fought against .ir 8ionel for to save .ir /ors' and ho" the hermit
"as slain(
)!E2 he said to 8ionel4 *h gentle %night' have mer+y upon me and on thy brother' for if
thou slay him thou shalt be dead of sin' and that "ere sorro"ful' for he is one of the
"orthiest %nights of the "orld' and of the best +onditions( .o :od help me' said 8ionel'
sir priest' but if ye flee from him & shall slay you' and he shall never the sooner be 6uit(
Certes' said the good man' & have liefer ye slay me than him' for my death shall not be
great harm' not half so mu+h as of his( Well' said 8ionel' & am greed0 and set his hand to
his s"ord and smote him so hard that his head yede ba+%"ard( 2ot for that he restrained
him of his evil "ill' but too% his brother by the helm' and unla+ed it to have stri+%en off
his head' and had slain him "ithout fail( /ut so it happed' Colgrevan+e a fello" of the
?ound )able' +ame at that time thither as 9ur 8ord1s "ill "as( *nd "hen he sa" the
good man slain he marvelled mu+h "hat it might be( *nd then he beheld 8ionel "ould
have slain his brother' and %ne" .ir /ors "hi+h he loved right "ell( )hen stert he do"n
and too% 8ionel by the shoulders' and dre" him strongly aba+% from /ors' and said4
8ionel' "ill ye slay your brother' the "orthiest %night of the "orld one3 and that should
no good man suffer( Why' said 8ionel' "ill ye let me3 therefore if ye entermete you in
this & shall slay you' and him after( Why' said Colgrevan+e' is this sooth that ye "ill slay
him3 .lay him "ill &' said he' "hoso say the +ontrary' for he hath done so mu+h against
me that he hath "ell deserved it( *nd so ran upon him' and "ould have smitten him
through the head' and .ir Colgrevan+e ran bet"ixt them' and said4 *n ye be so hardy to
do so more' "e t"o shall meddle together(
When 8ionel understood his "ords he too% his shield afore him' and as%ed him "hat that
he "as( *nd he told him' Colgrevan+e' one of his fello"s( )hen 8ionel defied him' and
gave him a great stro%e through the helm( )hen he dre" his s"ord' for he "as a passing
good %night' and defended him right manfully( .o long dured the battle that /ors rose up
all anguishly' and beheld [ho" Colgrevan+e' the good %night' fought "ith his brother for
his 6uarrel0 then "as he full sorry and heavy' and thought if Colgrevan+e sle" him that
"as his brother he should never have 7oy0 and if his brother sle" Colgrevan+e the shame
should ever be mine( )hen "ould he have risen to have departed them' but he had not so
mu+h might to stand on foot0 so he abode him so long till Colgrevan+e had the "orse' for
8ionel "as of great +hivalry and right hardy' for he had pier+ed the hauber% and the helm'
that he abode but death' for he had lost mu+h of his blood that it "as marvel that he might
stand upright( )hen beheld he .ir /ors "hi+h sat dressing him up"ard and said4 *h'
/ors' "hy +ome ye not to +ast me out of peril of death' "herein & have put me to su++our
you "hi+h "ere right no" nigh the death3 Certes' said 8ionel' that shall not avail you' for
none of you shall bear others "arrant' but that ye shall die both of my hand( When /ors
heard that' he did so mu+h' he rose and put on his helm( )hen per+eived he first the
hermit<priest "hi+h "as slain' then made he a marvellous sorro" upon him(
!o" .ir 8ionel sle" .ir Colgrevan+e' and ho" after he "ould have slain .ir /ors(
)!E2 oft Colgrevan+e +ried upon .ir /ors4 Why "ill ye let me die here for your sa%e3 if
it please you that & die for you the death' it "ill please me the better for to save a "orthy
man( With that "ord .ir 8ionel smote off the helm from his head( )hen Colgrevan+e sa"
that he might not es+ape0 then he said4 Fair s"eet 5esu' that & have misdone have mer+y
upon my soul' for su+h sorro" that my heart suffereth for goodness' and for alms deed
that & "ould have done here' be to me aligement of penan+e unto my soul1s health( *t
these "ords 8ionel smote him so sore that he bare him to the earth( .o he had slain
Colgrevan+e he ran upon his brother as a fiendly man' and gave him su+h a stro%e that he
made him stoop( *nd he that "as full of humility prayed him for :od1s love to leave this
battle4 For an it befell' fair brother' that & sle" you or ye me' "e should be dead of that
sin( 2ever :od me help but if & have on you mer+y' an & may have the better hand( )hen
dre" /ors his s"ord' all "eeping' and said4 Fair brother' :od %no"eth mine intent( *h'
fair brother' ye have done full evil this day to slay su+h an holy priest the "hi+h never
trespassed( *lso ye have slain a gentle %night' and one of our fello"s( *nd "ell "ot ye
that & am not afeard of you greatly' but & dread the "rath of :od' and this is an un%indly
"ar' therefore :od sho" mira+le upon us both( 2o" :od have mer+y upon me though &
defend my life against my brother4 "ith that /ors lift up his hand and "ould have smitten
his brother(
!o" there +ame a voi+e "hi+h +harged .ir /ors to tou+h him not' and of a +loud that
+ame bet"een them(
*2, then he heard a voi+e that said4 Flee /ors' and tou+h him not' or else thou shalt slay
him( ?ight so alighted a +loud bet"ixt them in li%eness of a fire and a marvellous flame'
that both their t"o shields brent( )hen "ere they sore afraid' that they fell both to the
earth' and lay there a great "hile in a s"oon( *nd "hen they +ame to themself' /ors sa"
that his brother had no harm0 then he held up both his hands' for he dread :od had ta%en
vengean+e upon him( With that he heard a voi+e say4 /ors' go hen+e' and bear thy brother
no longer fello"ship' but ta%e thy "ay anon right to the sea' for .ir $er+ivale abideth thee
there( )hen he said to his brother4 Fair s"eet brother' forgive me for :od1s love all that &
have trespassed unto you( )hen he ans"ered4 :od forgive it thee and & do gladly(
.o .ir /ors departed from him and rode the next "ay to the sea( *nd at the last by
fortune he +ame to an abbey "hi+h "as nigh the sea( )hat night /ors rested him there0
and in his sleep there +ame a voi+e to him and bade him go to the sea( )hen he stert up
and made a sign of the +ross in the midst of his forehead' and too% his harness' and made
ready his horse' and mounted upon him0 and at a bro%en "all he rode out' and rode so
long till that he +ame to the sea( *nd on the strand he found a ship +overed all "ith "hite
samite' and he alighted' and betoo% him to 5esu Christ( *nd as soon as he entered into the
ship' the ship departed into the sea' and "ent so fast that him seemed the ship "ent
flying' but it "as soon dar% so that he might %no" no man' and so he slept till it "as day(
)hen he a"a%ed' and sa" in midst of the ship a %night lie all armed save his helm( )hen
%ne" he that it "as .ir $er+ivale of Wales' and then he made of him right great 7oy0 but
.ir $er+ivale "as abashed of him' and he as%ed him "hat he "as( *h' fair sir' said /ors'
%no" ye me not3 Certes' said he' & marvel ho" ye +ame hither' but if 9ur 8ord brought
ye hither !imself( )hen .ir /ors smiled and did off his helm( )hen $er+ivale %ne" him'
and either made great 7oy of other' that it "as marvel to hear( )hen /ors told him ho" he
+ame into the ship' and by "hose admonishment0 and either told other of their
temptations' as ye have heard toforehand( .o "ent they do"n"ard in the sea' one "hile
ba+%"ard' another "hile for"ard' and every+h +omforted other' and oft "ere in their
prayers( )hen said .ir $er+ivale4 We la+% nothing but :alahad' the good %night(
*nd thus endeth the sixteenth boo%' "hi+h is of .ir :a"aine' E+tor de Maris' and .ir
/ors de :anis' and .ir $er+ivale( *nd here follo"eth the seventeenth boo%' "hi+h is of
the noble %night .ir :alahad(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 1*
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-I"! "-"IV! "V-"I"! ""-""III #
!o" .ir :alahad fought at a tournament' and ho" he "as %no"n of .ir :a"aine and .ir
E+tor de Maris(
29W saith this story' "hen :alahad had res+ued $er+ivale from the t"enty %nights' he
yede tho into a "aste forest "herein he rode many 7ourneys0 and he found many
adventures the "hi+h he brought to an end' "hereof the story ma%eth here no mention(
)hen he too% his "ay to the sea on a day' and it befell as he passed by a +astle "here "as
a "onder tournament' but they "ithout had done so mu+h that they "ithin "ere put to the
"orse' yet "ere they "ithin good %nights enough( When :alahad sa" that those "ithin
"ere at so great a mis+hief that men sle" them at the entry of the +astle' then he thought
to help them' and put a spear forth and smote the first that he fell to the earth' and the
spear bra%e to pie+es( )hen he dre" his s"ord and smote thereas they "ere thi+%est' and
so he did "onderful deeds of arms that all they marvelled( )hen it happed that :a"aine
and .ir E+tor de Maris "ere "ith the %nights "ithout( /ut "hen they espied the "hite
shield "ith the red +ross the one said to the other4 >onder is the good %night' .ir
:alahad' the haut prin+e4 no" he should be a great fool "hi+h should meet "ith him to
fight( .o by adventure he +ame by .ir :a"aine' and he smote him so hard that he +lave
his helm and the +oif of iron unto his head' so that :a"aine fell to the earth0 but the
stro%e "as so great that it slanted do"n to the earth and +arved the horse1s shoulder in
When E+tor sa" :a"aine do"n he dre" him aside' and thought it no "isdom for to
abide him' and also for natural love' that he "as his un+le( )hus through his great
hardiness he beat aba+% all the %nights "ithout( *nd then they "ithin +ame out and
+hased them all about( /ut "hen :alahad sa" there "ould none turn again he stole a"ay
privily' so that none "ist "here he "as be+ome( 2o" by my head' said :a"aine to E+tor'
no" are the "onders true that "ere said of 8aun+elot du 8a%e' that the s"ord "hi+h stu+%
in the stone should give me su+h a buffet that & "ould not have it for the best +astle in this
"orld0 and soothly no" it is proved true' for never ere had & su+h a stro%e of man1s hand(
.ir' said E+tor' meseemeth your 6uest is done( *nd yours is not done' said :a"aine' but
mine is done' & shall see% no further( )hen :a"aine "as borne into a +astle and unarmed
him' and laid him in a ri+h bed' and a lee+h found that he might live' and to be "hole
"ithin a month( )hus :a"aine and E+tor abode together' for .ir E+tor "ould not a"ay
till :a"aine "ere "hole(
*nd the good %night' :alahad' rode so long till he +ame that night to the Castle of
Carbone+%0 and it befell him thus that he "as benighted in an hermitage( .o the good
man "as fain "hen he sa" he "as a %night<errant( )ho "hen they "ere at rest there +ame
a gentle"oman %no+%ing at the door' and +alled :alahad' and so the good man +ame to
the door to "it "hat she "ould( )hen she +alled the hermit4 .ir #lfin' & am a
gentle"oman that "ould spea% "ith the %night "hi+h is "ith you( )hen the good man
a"a%ed :alahad' and bade him4 *rise' and spea% "ith a gentle"oman that seemeth hath
great need of you( )hen :alahad "ent to her and as%ed her "hat she "ould( :alahad'
said she' & "ill that ye arm you' and mount upon your horse and follo" me' for & shall
sho" you "ithin these three days the highest adventure that ever any %night sa"( *non
:alahad armed him' and too% his horse' and +ommended him to :od' and bade the
gentle"oman go' and he "ould follo" thereas she li%ed(
!o" .ir :alahad rode "ith a damosel' and +ame to the ship "hereas .ir /ors and .ir
$er+ivale "ere in(
.9 she rode as fast as her palfrey might bear her' till that she +ame to the sea' the "hi+h
"as +alled Collibe( *nd at the night they +ame unto a +astle in a valley' +losed "ith a
running "ater' and "ith strong "alls and high0 and so she entered into the +astle "ith
:alahad' and there had he great +heer' for the lady of that +astle "as the damosel1s lady(
.o "hen he "as unarmed' then said the damosel4 Madam' shall "e abide here all this
day3 2ay' said she' but till he hath dined and till he hath slept a little( .o he ate and slept
a "hile till that the maid +alled him' and armed him by tor+hlight( *nd "hen the maid
"as horsed and he both' the lady too% :alahad a fair +hild and ri+h0 and so they departed
from the +astle till they +ame to the seaside0 and there they found the ship "here /ors and
$er+ivale "ere in' the "hi+h +ried on the ship1s board4 .ir :alahad' ye be "el+ome' "e
have abiden you long( *nd "hen he heard them he as%ed them "hat they "ere( .ir' said
she' leave your horse here' and & shall leave mine0 and too% their saddles and their bridles
"ith them' and made a +ross on them' and so entered into the ship( *nd the t"o %nights
re+eived them both "ith great 7oy' and every+h %ne" other0 and so the "ind arose' and
drove them through the sea in a marvellous pa+e( *nd "ithin a "hile it da"ned(
)hen did :alahad off his helm and his s"ord' and as%ed of his fello"s from "hen+e
+ame that fair ship( )ruly' said they' ye "ot as "ell as "e' but of :od1s gra+e0 and then
they told every+h to other of all their hard adventures' and of their great temptations(
)ruly' said :alahad' ye are mu+h bounden to :od' for ye have es+aped great adventures0
and had not the gentle"oman been & had not +ome here' for as for you & "eened never to
have found you in these strange +ountries( *h :alahad' said /ors' if 8aun+elot' your
father' "ere here then "ere "e "ell at ease' for then meseemed "e failed nothing( )hat
may not be' said :alahad' but if it pleased 9ur 8ord(
/y then the ship "ent from the land of 8ogris' and by adventure it arrived up bet"ixt t"o
ro+%s passing great and marvellous0 but there they might not land' for there "as a
s"allo" of the sea' save there "as another ship' and upon it they might go "ithout
danger( :o "e thither' said the gentle"oman' and there shall "e see adventures' for so is
9ur 8ord1s "ill( *nd "hen they +ame thither they found the ship ri+h enough' but they
found neither man nor "oman therein( /ut they found in the end of the ship t"o fair
letters "ritten' "hi+h said a dreadful "ord and a marvellous4 )hou man' "hi+h shall enter
into this ship' be"are thou be in steadfast belief' for & am Faith' and therefore be"are
ho" thou enterest' for an thou fail & shall not help thee( )hen said the gentle"oman4
$er+ivale' "ot ye "hat & am3 Certes' said he' nay' to my "itting( Wit ye "ell' said she'
that & am thy sister' "hi+h am daughter of -ing $ellinore' and therefore "it ye "ell ye are
the man in the "orld that & most love0 and if ye be not in perfe+t belief of 5esu Christ
enter not in no manner of "ise' for then should ye perish the ship' for he is so perfe+t he
"ill suffer no sinner in him( When $er+ivale understood that she "as his very sister he
"as in"ardly glad' and said4 Fair sister' & shall enter therein' for if & be a mis+reature or
an untrue %night there shall & perish(
!o" .ir :alahad entered into the ship' and of a fair bed therein' "ith other marvellous
things' and of a s"ord(
&2 the mean"hile :alahad blessed him' and entered therein0 and then next the
gentle"oman' and then .ir /ors and .ir $er+ivale( *nd "hen they "ere in' it "as so
marvellous fair and ri+h that they marvelled0 and in midst of the ship "as a fair bed' and
:alahad "ent thereto' and found there a +ro"n of sil%( *nd at the feet "as a s"ord' ri+h
and fair' and it "as dra"n out of the sheath half a foot and more0 and the s"ord "as of
divers fashions' and the pommel "as of stone' and there "as in him all manner of +olours
that any man might find' and every+h of the +olours had divers virtues0 and the s+ales of
the haft "ere of t"o ribs of divers beasts' the one beast "as a serpent "hi+h "as
+onversant in Calidone' and is +alled the .erpent of the fiend0 and the bone of him is of
su+h a virtue that there is no hand that handleth him shall never be "eary nor hurt( *nd
the other beast is a fish "hi+h is not right great' and haunteth the flood of Euphrates0 and
that fish is +alled Ertanax' and his bones be of su+h a manner of %ind that "ho that
handleth them shall have so mu+h "ill that he shall never be "eary' and he shall not thin%
on 7oy nor sorro" that he hath had but only that thing that he beholdeth before him( *nd
as for this s"ord there shall never man begrip him at the handles but one0 but he shall
pass all other( &n the name of :od' said $er+ivale' & shall assay to handle it( .o he set his
hand to the s"ord' but he might not begrip it( /y my faith' said he' no" have & failed(
/ors set his hand thereto and failed(
)hen :alahad beheld the s"ord and sa" letters li%e blood that said4 8et see "ho shall
assay to dra" me out of my sheath' but if he be more hardier than any other0 and "ho that
dra"eth me' "it ye "ell that he shall never fail of shame of his body' or to be "ounded to
the death( /y my faith' said :alahad' & "ould dra" this s"ord out of the sheath' but the
offending is so great that & shall not set my hand thereto( 2o" sirs' said the gentle"oman'
"it ye "ell that the dra"ing of this s"ord is "arned to all men save all only to you( *lso
this ship arrived in the realm of 8ogris0 and that time "as deadly "ar bet"een -ing
8abor' "hi+h "as father unto the maimed %ing' and -ing !urlame' "hi+h "as a .ara+en(
/ut then "as he ne"ly +hristened' so that men held him after"ard one of the "ittiest men
of the "orld( *nd so upon a day it befell that -ing 8abor and -ing !urlame had
assembled their fol% upon the sea "here this ship "as arrived0 and there -ing !urlame
"as dis+omfit' and his men slain0 and he "as afeard to be dead' and fled to his ship' and
there found this s"ord and dre" it' and +ame out and found -ing 8abor' the man in the
"orld of all Christendom in "hom "as then the greatest faith( *nd "hen -ing !urlame
sa" -ing 8abor he dressed this s"ord' and smote him upon the helm so hard that he
+lave him and his horse to the earth "ith the first stro%e of his s"ord( *nd it "as in the
realm of 8ogris0 and so befell great pestilen+e and great harm to both realms( For sithen
in+reased neither +orn' nor grass' nor "ell<nigh no fruit' nor in the "ater "as no fish0
"herefore men +all it the lands of the t"o mar+hes' the "aste land' for that dolorous
stro%e( *nd "hen -ing !urlame sa" this s"ord so +arving' he turned again to fet+h the
s+abbard' and so +ame into this ship and entered' and put up the s"ord in the sheath( *nd
as soon as he had done it he fell do"n dead afore the bed( )hus "as the s"ord proved'
that none ne dre" it but he "ere dead or maimed( .o lay he there till a maiden +ame into
the ship and +ast him out' for there "as no man so hardy of the "orld to enter into that
ship for the defen+e(
9f the marvels of the s"ord and of the s+abbard(
*2, then beheld they the s+abbard' it seemed to be of a serpent1s s%in' and thereon "ere
letters of gold and silver( *nd the girdle "as but poorly to +ome to' and not able to
sustain su+h a ri+h s"ord( *nd the letters said4 !e "hi+h shall "ield me sought to be
more harder than any other' if he bear me as truly as me ought to be borne( For the body
of him "hi+h & ought to hang by' he shall not be shamed in no pla+e "hile he is girt "ith
this girdle' nor never none be so hardy to do a"ay this girdle0 for it ought not be done
a"ay but by the hands of a maid' and that she be a %ing1s daughter and 6ueen1s' and she
must be a maid all the days of her life' both in "ill and in deed( *nd if she brea% her
virginity she shall die the most villainous death that ever died any "oman( .ir' said
$er+ivale' turn this s"ord that "e may see "hat is on the other side( *nd it "as red as
blood' "ith bla+% letters as any +oal' "hi+h said4 !e that shall praise me most' most shall
he find me to blame at a great need0 and to "hom & should be most debonair shall & be
most felon' and that shall be at one time(
Fair brother' said she to $er+ivale' it befell after a forty year after the passion of 5esu
Christ that 2a+ien' the brother<in<la" of -ing Mordrains' "as borne into a to"n more
than fourteen days1 7ourney from his +ountry' by the +ommandment of 9ur 8ord' into an
isle' into the parts of the West' that men +leped the &sle of )urnan+e( .o befell it that he
found this ship at the entry of a ro+%' and he found the bed and this s"ord as "e have
heard no"( 2ot for then he had not so mu+h hardiness to dra" it0 and there he d"elled an
eight days' and at the ninth day there fell a great "ind "hi+h departed him out of the isle'
and brought him to another isle by a ro+%' and there he found the greatest giant that ever
man might see( )here"ith +ame that horrible giant to slay him0 and then he loo%ed about
him and might not flee' and he had nothing to defend him "ith( .o he ran to his s"ord'
and "hen he sa" it na%ed he praised it mu+h' and then he shoo% it' and there"ith he
bra%e it in the midst( *h' said 2a+ien' the thing that & most praised ought & no" most to
blame' and there"ith he thre" the pie+es of his s"ord over his bed( *nd after he leapt
over the board to fight "ith the giant' and sle" him(
*nd anon he entered into the ship again' and the "ind arose' and drove him through the
sea' that by adventure he +ame to another ship "here -ing Mordrains "as' "hi+h had
been tempted full evil "ith a fiend in the $ort of $erilous ?o+%( *nd "hen that one sa"
the other they made great 7oy of other' and either told other of their adventure' and ho"
the s"ord failed him at his most need When Mordrains sa" the s"ord he praised it mu+h4
/ut the brea%ing "as not to do but by "i+%edness of thy self"ard' for thou art in some
sin( *nd there he too% the s"ord' and set the pie+es together' and they soldered as fair as
ever they "ere tofore0 and there put he the s"ord in the sheath' and laid it do"n on the
bed( )hen heard they a voi+e that said4 :o out of this ship a little "hile' and enter into the
other' for dread ye fall in deadly sin' for and ye be found in deadly sin ye may not es+ape
but perish4 and so they "ent into the other ship( *nd as 2a+ien "ent over the board he
"as smitten "ith a s"ord on the right foot' that he fell do"n noseling to the ship1s board0
and there"ith he said4 9 :od' ho" am & hurt( *nd then there +ame a voi+e and said4 )a%e
thou that for thy forfeit that thou didst in dra"ing of this s"ord' therefore thou re+eivest a
"ound' for thou "ere never "orthy to handle it' as the "riting ma%eth mention( &n the
name of :od' said :alahad' ye are right "ise of these "or%s(
!o" -ing $elles "as smitten through both thighs be+ause he dre" the s"ord' and other
marvellous histories(
.&?' said she' there "as a %ing that hight $elles' the maimed %ing( *nd "hile he might
ride he supported mu+h Christendom and !oly Chur+h( .o upon a day he hunted in a
"ood of his "hi+h lasted unto the sea0 and at the last he lost his hounds and his %nights
save only one4 and there he and his %night "ent till that they +ame to"ard &reland' and
there he found the ship( *nd "hen he sa" the letters and understood them' yet he entered'
for he "as right perfe+t of his life' but his %night had none hardiness to enter0 and there
found he this s"ord' and dre" it out as mu+h as ye may see( .o there"ith entered a spear
"here"ith he "as smitten him through both the thighs' and never sith might he be healed'
nor nought shall tofore "e +ome to him( )hus' said she' "as not -ing $elles' your
grandsire' maimed for his hardiness3 &n the name of :od' damosel' said :alahad(
.o they "ent to"ard the bed to behold all about it' and above the head there hung t"o
s"ords( *lso there "ere t"o spindles "hi+h "ere as "hite as any sno"' and other that
"ere as red as blood' and other above green as any emerald4 of these three +olours "ere
the spindles' and of natural +olour "ithin' and "ithout any painting( )hese spindles' said
the damosel' "ere "hen sinful Eve +ame to gather fruit' for "hi+h *dam and she "ere
put out of paradise' she too% "ith her the bough on "hi+h the apple hung on( )hen
per+eived she that the bran+h "as fair and green' and she remembered her the loss "hi+h
+ame from the tree( )hen she thought to %eep the bran+h as long as she might( *nd for
she had no +offer to %eep it in' she put it in the earth( .o by the "ill of 9ur 8ord the
bran+h gre" to a great tree "ithin a little "hile' and "as as "hite as any sno"' bran+hes'
boughs' and leaves4 that "as a to%en a maiden planted it( /ut after :od +ame to *dam'
and bade him %no" his "ife fleshly as nature re6uired( .o lay *dam "ith his "ife under
the same tree0 and anon the tree "hi+h "as "hite "as full green as any grass' and all that
+ame out of it0 and in the same time that they medled together there "as *bel begotten4
thus "as the tree long of green +olour( *nd so it befell many days after' under the same
tree Caym sle" *bel' "hereof befell great marvel( For anon as *bel had re+eived the
death under the green tree' it lost the green +olour and be+ame red0 and that "as in
to%ening of the blood( *nd anon all the plants died thereof' but the tree gre" and "axed
marvellously fair' and it "as the fairest tree and the most dele+table that any man might
behold and see0 and so died the plants that gre" out of it tofore that *bel "as slain under
it( .o long dured the tree till that .olomon' -ing ,avid1s son' reigned' and held the land
after his father( )his .olomon "as "ise and %ne" all the virtues of stones and trees' and
so he %ne" the +ourse of the stars' and many other divers things( )his .olomon had an
evil "ife' "herethrough he "eened that there had been no good "oman' and so he
despised them in his boo%s( .o ans"ered a voi+e him on+e4 .olomon' if heaviness +ome
to a man by a "oman' ne re+% thou never0 for yet shall there +ome a "oman "hereof
there shall +ome greater 7oy to man an hundred times more than this heaviness giveth
sorro"0 and that "oman shall be born of thy lineage( )ho "hen .olomon heard these
"ords he held himself but a fool' and the truth he per+eived by old boo%s( *lso the !oly
:host sho"ed him the +oming of the glorious Dirgin Mary( )hen as%ed he of the voi+e' if
it should be in the yerde of his lineage( 2ay' said the voi+e' but there shall +ome a man
"hi+h shall be a maid' and the last of your blood' and he shall be as good a %night as
,u%e 5osua' thy brother<in<la"(
!o" .olomon too% ,avid1s s"ord by the +ounsel of his "ife' and of other matters
29W have & +ertified thee of that thou stoodest in doubt( )hen "as .olomon glad that
there should +ome any su+h of his lineage0 but ever he marvelled and studied "ho that
should be' and "hat his name might be( !is "ife per+eived that he studied' and thought
she "ould %no" it at some season0 and so she "aited her time' and as%ed of him the
+ause of his studying' and there he told her altogether ho" the voi+e told him( Well' said
she' & shall let ma%e a ship of the best "ood and most durable that men may find( .o
.olomon sent for all the +arpenters of the land' and the best( *nd "hen they had made the
ship the lady said to .olomon4 .ir' said she' sin+e it is so that this %night ought to pass all
%nights of +hivalry "hi+h have been tofore him and shall +ome after him' moreover &
shall tell you' said she' ye shall go into 9ur 8ord1s temple' "here is -ing ,avid1s s"ord'
your father' the "hi+h is the marvelloust and the sharpest that ever "as ta%en in any
%night1s hand( )herefore ta%e that' and ta%e off the pommel' and thereto ma%e ye a
pommel of pre+ious stones' that it be so subtly made that no man per+eive it but that they
be all one0 and after ma%e there an hilt so marvellously and "onderly that no man may
%no" it0 and after ma%e a marvellous sheath( *nd "hen ye have made all this & shall let
ma%e a girdle thereto' su+h as shall please me(
*ll this -ing .olomon did let ma%e as she devised' both the ship and all the remnant(
*nd "hen the ship "as ready in the sea to sail' the lady let ma%e a great bed and
marvellous ri+h' and set her upon the bed1s head' +overed "ith sil%' and laid the s"ord at
the feet' and the girdles "ere of hemp' and there"ith the %ing "as angry( .ir' "it ye "ell'
said she' that & have none so high a thing "hi+h "ere "orthy to sustain so high a s"ord'
and a maid shall bring other %nights thereto' but & "ot not "hen it shall be' nor "hat time(
*nd there she let ma%e a +overing to the ship' of +loth of sil% that should never rot for no
manner of "eather( >et "ent that lady and made a +arpenter to +ome to the tree "hi+h
*bel "as slain under( 2o"' said she' +arve me out of this tree as mu+h "ood as "ill
ma%e me a spindle( *h madam' said he' this is the tree the "hi+h our first mother planted(
,o it' said she' or else & shall destroy thee( *non as he began to "or% there +ame out
drops of blood0 and then "ould he have left' but she "ould not suffer him' and so he too%
a"ay as mu+h "ood as might ma%e a spindle4 and so she made him to ta%e as mu+h of
the green tree and of the "hite tree( *nd "hen these three spindles "ere shapen she made
them to be fastened upon the selar of the bed( When .olomon sa" this' he said to his
"ife4 >e have done marvellously' for though all the "orld "ere here right no"' he +ould
not devise "herefore all this "as made' but 9ur 8ord !imself0 and thou that hast done it
"ottest not "hat it shall beto%en( 2o" let it be' said she' for ye shall hear tidings sooner
than ye "een( 2o" shall ye hear a "onderful tale of -ing .olomon and his "ife(
* "onderful tale of -ing .olomon and his "ife(
)!*) night lay .olomon before the ship "ith little fello"ship( *nd "hen he "as asleep
him thought there +ame from heaven a great +ompany of angels' and alighted into the
ship' and too% "ater "hi+h "as brought by an angel' in a vessel of silver' and sprent all
the ship( *nd after he +ame to the s"ord' and dre" letters on the hilt( *nd after "ent to
the ship1s board' and "rote there other letters "hi+h said4 )hou man that "ilt enter "ithin
me' be"are that thou be full "ithin the faith' for & ne am but Faith and /elief( When
.olomon espied these letters he "as abashed' so that he durst not enter' and so dre" him
aba+%0 and the ship "as anon shoven in the sea' and he "ent so fast that he lost sight of
him "ithin a little "hile( *nd then a little voi+e said4 .olomon' the last %night of thy
lineage shall rest in this bed( )hen "ent .olomon and a"a%ed his "ife' and told her of
the adventures of the ship(
2o" saith the history that a great "hile the three fello"s beheld the bed and the three
spindles( )hen they "ere at +ertain that they "ere of natural +olours "ithout painting(
)hen they lift up a +loth "hi+h "as above the ground' and there found a ri+h purse by
seeming( *nd $er+ivale too% it' and found therein a "rit and so he read it' and devised the
manner of the spindles and of the ship' "hen+e it +ame' and by "hom it "as made( 2o"'
said :alahad' "here shall "e find the gentle"oman that shall ma%e ne" girdles to the
s"ord3 Fair sir' said $er+ivale1s sister' dismay you not' for by the leave of :od & shall let
ma%e a girdle to the s"ord' su+h one as shall long thereto( *nd then she opened a box'
and too% out girdles "hi+h "ere seemly "rought "ith golden threads' and upon that "ere
set full pre+ious stones' and a ri+h bu+%le of gold( 8o' lords' said she' here is a girdle that
ought to be set about the s"ord( *nd "it ye "ell the greatest part of this girdle "as made
of my hair' "hi+h & loved "ell "hile that & "as a "oman of the "orld( /ut as soon as &
"ist that this adventure "as ordained me & +lipped off my hair' and made this girdle in the
name of :od( >e be "ell found' said .ir /ors' for +ertes ye have put us out of great pain'
"herein "e should have entered ne had your tidings been(
)hen "ent the gentle"oman and set it on the girdle of the s"ord( 2o"' said the
fello"ship' "hat is the name of the s"ord' and "hat shall "e +all it3 )ruly' said she' the
name of the s"ord is the ."ord "ith the .trange :irdles0 and the sheath' Mover of
/lood0 for no man that hath blood in him ne shall never see the one part of the sheath
"hi+h "as made of the )ree of 8ife( )hen they said to :alahad4 &n the name of 5esu
Christ' and pray you that ye gird you "ith this s"ord "hi+h hath been desired so mu+h in
the realm of 8ogris( 2o" let me begin' said :alahad' to grip this s"ord for to give you
+ourage0 but "it ye "ell it longeth no more to me than it doth to you( *nd then he
gripped about it "ith his fingers a great deal0 and then she girt him about the middle "ith
the s"ord( 2o" re+% & not though & die' for no" & hold me one of the blessed maidens of
the "orld' "hi+h hath made the "orthiest %night of the "orld( ,amosel' said :alahad' ye
have done so mu+h that & shall be your %night all the days of my life(
)hen they "ent from that ship' and "ent to the other( *nd anon the "ind drove them into
the sea a great pa+e' but they had no vi+tuals4 but it befell that they +ame on the morn to a
+astle that men +all Carteloise' that "as in the mar+hes of .+otland( *nd "hen they had
passed the port' the gentle"oman said4 8ords' here be men arriven that' an they "ist that
ye "ere of -ing *rthur1s +ourt' ye should be assailed anon( ,amosel' said :alahad' !e
that +ast us out of the ro+% shall deliver us from them(
!o" :alahad and his fello"s +ame to a +astle' and ho" they "ere fought "ithal' and
ho" they sle" their adversaries' and other matters(
.9 it befell as they spo%e thus there +ame a s6uire by them' and as%ed "hat they "ere0
and they said they "ere of -ing *rthur1s house( &s that sooth3 said he( 2o" by my head'
said he' ye be ill arrayed0 and then turned he again unto the +liff fortress( *nd "ithin a
"hile they heard an horn blo"( )hen a gentle"oman +ame to them' and as%ed them of
"hen+e they "ere0 and they told her( Fair lords' said she' for :od1s love turn again if ye
may' for ye be +ome unto your death( 2ay' they said' "e "ill not turn again' for !e shall
help us in "hose servi+e "e be entered in( )hen as they stood tal%ing there +ame %nights
"ell armed' and bade them yield them or else to die( )hat yielding' said they' shall be
noyous to you( *nd there"ith they let their horses run' and .ir $er+ivale smote the
foremost to the earth' and too% his horse' and mounted thereupon' and the same did
:alahad( *lso /ors served another so' for they had no horses in that +ountry' for they left
their horses "hen they too% their ship in other +ountries( *nd so "hen they "ere horsed
then began they to set upon them0 and they of the +astle fled into the strong fortress' and
the three %nights after them into the +astle' and so alighted on foot' and "ith their s"ords
sle" them do"n' and gat into the hall(
)hen "hen they beheld the great multitude of people that they had slain' they held
themself great sinners( Certes' said /ors' & "een an :od had loved them that "e should
not have had po"er to have slain them thus( /ut they have done so mu+h against 9ur
8ord that !e "ould not suffer them to reign no longer( .ay ye not so' said :alahad' for if
they misdid against :od' the vengean+e is not ours' but to !im "hi+h hath po"er thereof(
.o +ame there out of a +hamber a good man "hi+h "as a priest' and bare :od1s body in a
+up( *nd "hen he sa" them "hi+h lay dead in the hall he "as all abashed0 and :alahad
did off his helm and %neeled do"n' and so did his t"o fello"s( .ir' said they' have ye no
dread of us' for "e be of -ing *rthur1s +ourt( )hen as%ed the good man ho" they "ere
slain so suddenly' and they told it him( )ruly' said the good man' an ye might live as long
as the "orld might endure' ne might ye have done so great an alms<deed as this( .ir' said
:alahad' & repent me mu+h' inasmu+h as they "ere +hristened( 2ay' repent you not' said
he' for they "ere not +hristened' and & shall tell you ho" that & "ot of this +astle( !ere
"as 8ord Earl !ernox not but one year' and he had three sons' good %nights of arms' and
a daughter' the fairest gentle"oman that men %ne"( .o those three %nights loved their
sister so sore that they brent in love' and so they lay by her' maugre her head( *nd for she
+ried to her father they sle" her' and too% their father and put him in prison' and
"ounded him nigh to the death' but a +ousin of hers res+ued him( *nd then did they great
untruth4 they sle" +ler%s and priests' and made beat do"n +hapels' that 9ur 8ord1s
servi+e might not be served nor said( *nd this same day her father sent to me for to be
+onfessed and houseled0 but su+h shame had never man as & had this day "ith the three
brethren' but the earl bade me suffer' for he said they should not long endure' for three
servants of 9ur 8ord should destroy them' and no" it is brought to an end( *nd by this
may ye "it that 9ur 8ord is not displeased "ith your deeds( Certes' said :alahad' an it
had not pleased 9ur 8ord' never should "e have slain so many men in so little a "hile(
*nd then they brought the Earl !ernox out of prison into the midst of the hall' that %ne"
:alahad anon' and yet he sa" him never afore but by revelation of 9ur 8ord(
!o" the three %nights' "ith $er+ivale1s sister' +ame unto the same forest' and of an hart
and four lions' and other things(
)!E2 began he to "eep right tenderly' and said4 8ong have & abiden your +oming' but
for :od1s love hold me in your arms' that my soul may depart out of my body in so good
a man1s arms as ye be( :ladly' said :alahad( *nd then one said on high' that all heard4
:alahad' "ell hast thou avenged me on :od1s enemies( 2o" behoveth thee to go to the
Maimed -ing as soon as thou mayest' for he shall re+eive by thee health "hi+h he hath
abiden so long( *nd there"ith the soul departed from the body' and :alahad made him to
be buried as him ought to be(
?ight so departed the three %nights' and $er+ivale1s sister "ith them( *nd so they +ame
into a "aste forest' and there they sa" afore them a "hite hart "hi+h four lions led( )hen
they too% them to assent for to follo" after for to %no" "hither they repaired0 and so they
rode after a great pa+e till that they +ame to a valley' and thereby "as an hermitage "here
a good man d"elled' and the hart and the lions entered also( .o "hen they sa" all this
they turned to the +hapel' and sa" the good man in a religious "eed and in the armour of
9ur 8ord' for he "ould sing mass of the !oly :host0 and so they entered in and heard
mass( *nd at the se+rets of the mass they three sa" the hart be+ome a man' the "hi+h
marvelled them' and set him upon the altar in a ri+h siege0 and sa" the four lions "ere
+hanged' the one to the form of a man' the other to the form of a lion' and the third to an
eagle' and the fourth "as +hanged unto an ox( )hen too% they their siege "here the hart
sat' and "ent out through a glass "indo"' and there "as nothing perished nor bro%en0
and they heard a voi+e say4 &n su+h a manner entered the .on of :od in the "omb of a
maid Mary' "hose virginity ne "as perished ne hurt( *nd "hen they heard these "ords
they fell do"n to the earth and "ere astonied0 and there"ith "as a great +learness(
*nd "hen they "ere +ome to theirself again they "ent to the good man and prayed him
that he "ould say them truth( What thing have ye seen3 said he( *nd they told him all
that they had seen( *h lords' said he' ye be "el+ome0 no" "ot & "ell ye be the good
%nights the "hi+h shall bring the .angreal to an end0 for ye be they unto "hom 9ur 8ord
shall she" great se+rets( *nd "ell ought 9ur 8ord be signified to an hart' for the hart
"hen he is old he "axeth young again in his "hite s%in( ?ight so +ometh again 9ur 8ord
from death to life' for !e lost earthly flesh that "as the deadly flesh' "hi+h !e had ta%en
in the "omb of the blessed Dirgin Mary0 and for that +ause appeared 9ur 8ord as a "hite
hart "ithout spot( *nd the four that "ere "ith !im is to understand the four evangelists
"hi+h set in "riting a part of 5esu Christ1s deeds that !e did sometime "hen !e "as
among you an earthly man0 for "it ye "ell never erst ne might no %night %no" the truth'
for ofttimes or this 9ur 8ord sho"ed !im unto good men and unto good %nights' in
li%eness of an hart' but & suppose from hen+eforth ye shall see no more( *nd then they
7oyed mu+h' and d"elled there all that day( *nd upon the morro" "hen they had heard
mass they departed and +ommended the good man to :od4 and so they +ame to a +astle
and passed by( .o there +ame a %night armed after them and said4 8ords' har% "hat & shall
say to you(
!o" they "ere desired of a strange +ustom' the "hi+h they "ould not obey0 "herefore
they fought and sle" many %nights(
)!&. gentle"oman that ye lead "ith you is a maid3 .ir' said she' a maid & am( )hen he
too% her by the bridle and said4 /y the !oly Cross' ye shall not es+ape me tofore ye have
yolden the +ustom of this +astle( 8et her go' said $er+ivale' ye be not "ise' for a maid in
"hat pla+e she +ometh is free( .o in the mean"hile there +ame out a ten or t"elve %nights
armed' out of the +astle' and "ith them +ame gentle"omen "hi+h held a dish of silver(
*nd then they said4 )his gentle"oman must yield us the +ustom of this +astle( .ir' said a
%night' "hat maid passeth hereby shall give this dish full of blood of her right arm(
/lame have ye' said :alahad' that brought up su+h +ustoms' and so :od me save' &
ensure you of this gentle"oman ye shall fail "hile that & live( .o :od me help' said
$er+ivale' & had liefer be slain( *nd & also' said .ir /ors( /y my troth' said the %night'
then shall ye die' for ye may not endure against us though ye "ere the best %nights of the
)hen let they run ea+h to other' and the three fello"s beat the ten %nights' and then set
their hands to their s"ords and beat them do"n and sle" them( )hen there +ame out of
the +astle a three s+ore %nights armed( Fair lords' said the three fello"s' have mer+y on
yourself and have not ado "ith us( 2ay' fair lords' said the %nights of the +astle' "e
+ounsel you to "ithdra" you' for ye be the best %nights of the "orld' and therefore do no
more' for ye have done enough( We "ill let you go "ith this harm' but "e must needs
have the +ustom( Certes' said :alahad' for nought spea% ye( Well' said they' "ill ye die3
We be not yet +ome thereto' said :alahad( )hen began they to meddle together' and
:alahad' "ith the strange girdles' dre" his s"ord' and smote on the right hand and on the
left hand' and sle" "hat that ever abode him' and did su+h marvels that there "as none
that sa" him but "eened he had been none earthly man' but a monster( *nd his t"o
fello"s halp him passing "ell' and so they held the 7ourney every+h in li%e hard till it "as
night4 then must they needs depart(
.o +ame in a good %night' and said to the three fello"s4 &f ye "ill +ome in to<night and
ta%e su+h harbour as here is ye shall be right "el+ome' and "e shall ensure you by the
faith of our bodies' and as "e be true %nights' to leave you in su+h estate to<morro" as
"e find you' "ithout any falsehood( *nd as soon as ye %no" of the +ustom "e dare say
ye "ill a++ord therefore( For :od1s love' said the gentle"oman' go thither and spare not
for me( :o "e' said :alahad0 and so they entered into the +hapel( *nd "hen they "ere
alighted they made great 7oy of them( .o "ithin a "hile the three %nights as%ed the
+ustom of the +astle and "herefore it "as( What it is' said they' "e "ill say you sooth(
!o" .ir $er+ivale1s sister bled a dish full of blood for to heal a lady' "herefore she died0
and ho" that the body "as put in a ship(
)!E?E is in this +astle a gentle"oman "hi+h "e and this +astle is hers' and many other(
.o it befell many years agone there fell upon her a malady0 and "hen she had lain a great
"hile she fell unto a measle' and of no lee+h she +ould have no remedy( /ut at the last an
old man said an she might have a dish full of blood of a maid and a +lean virgin in "ill
and in "or%' and a %ing1s daughter' that blood should be her health' and for to anoint her
"ithal0 and for this thing "as this +ustom made( 2o"' said $er+ivale1s sister' fair %nights'
& see "ell that this gentle"oman is but dead( Certes' said :alahad' an ye bleed so mu+h
ye may die( )ruly' said she' an & die for to heal her & shall get me great "orship and soul1s
health' and "orship to my lineage' and better is one harm than t"ain( *nd therefore there
shall be no more battle' but to<morn & shall yield you your +ustom of this +astle( *nd then
there "as great 7oy more than there "as tofore' for else had there been mortal "ar upon
the morn0 not"ithstanding she "ould none other' "hether they "old or nold(
)hat night "ere the three fello"s eased "ith the best0 and on the morn they heard mass'
and .ir $er+ivale1s sister bade bring forth the si+% lady( .o she "as' the "hi+h "as evil at
ease( )hen said she4 Who shall let me blood3 .o one +ame forth and let her blood' and
she bled so mu+h that the dish "as full( )hen she lift up her hand and blessed her0 and
then she said to the lady4 Madam' & am +ome to the death for to ma%e you "hole' for
:od1s love pray for me( With that she fell in a s"oon( )hen :alahad and his t"o fello"s
start up to her' and lift her up and staun+hed her' but she had bled so mu+h that she might
not live( )hen she said "hen she "as a"a%ed4 Fair brother $er+ivale' & die for the healing
of this lady' so & re6uire you that ye bury me not in this +ountry' but as soon as & am dead
put me in a boat at the next haven' and let me go as adventure "ill lead me0 and as soon
as ye three +ome to the City of .arras' there to en+hieve the !oly :rail' ye shall find me
under a to"er arrived' and there bury me in the spiritual pla+e0 for & say you so mu+h'
there :alahad shall be buried' and ye also' in the same pla+e(
)hen $er+ivale understood these "ords' and granted it her' "eeping( *nd then said a
voi+e4 8ords and fello"s' to<morro" at the hour of prime ye three shall depart every+h
from other' till the adventure bring you to the Maimed -ing( )hen as%ed she her .aviour0
and as soon as she had re+eived it the soul departed from the body( .o the same day "as
the lady healed' "hen she "as anointed "ithal( )hen .ir $er+ivale made a letter of all that
she had holpen them as in strange adventures' and put it in her right hand' and so laid her
in a barge' and +overed it "ith bla+% sil%0 and so the "ind arose' and drove the barge
from the land' and all %nights beheld it till it "as out of their sight( )hen they dre" all to
the +astle' and so forth"ith there fell a sudden tempest and a thunder' lightning' and rain'
as all the earth "ould have bro%en( .o half the +astle turned up<so<do"n( .o it passed
evensong or the tempest "as +eased(
)hen they sa" afore them a %night armed and "ounded hard in the body and in the head'
that said4 9 :od' su++our me for no" it is need( *fter this %night +ame another %night
and a d"arf' "hi+h +ried to them afar4 .tand' ye may not es+ape( )hen the "ounded
%night held up his hands to :od that he should not die in su+h tribulation( )ruly' said
:alahad' & shall su++our him for !is sa%e that he +alleth upon( .ir' said /ors' & shall do it'
for it is not for you' for he is but one %night( .ir' said he' & grant( .o .ir /ors too% his
horse' and +ommended him to :od' and rode after' to res+ue the "ounded %night( 2o"
turn "e to the t"o fello"s(
!o" :alahad and $er+ivale found in a +astle many tombs of maidens that had bled to
29W saith the story that all night :alahad and $er+ivale "ere in a +hapel in their
prayers' for to save .ir /ors( .o on the morro" they dressed them in their harness to"ard
the +astle' to "it "hat "as fallen of them therein( *nd "hen they +ame there they found
neither man nor "oman that he ne "as dead by the vengean+e of 9ur 8ord( With that
they heard a voi+e that said4 )his vengean+e is for blood<shedding of maidens( *lso they
found at the end of the +hapel a +hur+hyard' and therein might they see a three s+ore fair
tombs' and that pla+e "as so fair and so dele+table that it seemed them there had been
none tempest' for there lay the bodies of all the good maidens "hi+h "ere martyred for
the si+% lady1s sa%e( *lso they found the names of every+h' and of "hat blood they "ere
+ome' and all "ere of %ings1 blood' and t"elve of them "ere %ings1 daughters( )hen they
departed and "ent into a forest( 2o"' said $er+ivale unto :alahad' "e must depart' so
pray "e 9ur 8ord that "e may meet together in short time4 then they did off their helms
and %issed together' and "ept at their departing(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot entered into the ship "here .ir $er+ivale1s sister lay dead' and ho" he
met "ith .ir :alahad' his son(
29W saith the history' that "hen 8aun+elot "as +ome to the "ater of Mortoise' as it is
rehearsed before' he "as in great peril' and so he laid him do"n and slept' and too% the
adventure that :od "ould send him( .o "hen he "as asleep there +ame a vision unto him
and said4 8aun+elot' arise up and ta%e thine armour' and enter into the first ship that thou
shalt find( *nd "hen he heard these "ords he start up and sa" great +learness about him(
*nd then he lift up his hand and blessed him' and so too% his arms and made him ready0
and so by adventure he +ame by a strand' and found a ship the "hi+h "as "ithout sail or
oar( *nd as soon as he "as "ithin the ship there he felt the most s"eetness that ever he
felt' and he "as fulfilled "ith all thing that he thought on or desired( )hen he said4 Fair
s"eet Father' 5esu Christ' & "ot not in "hat 7oy & am' for this 7oy passeth all earthly 7oys
that ever & "as in( *nd so in this 7oy he laid him do"n to the ship1s board' and slept till
day( *nd "hen he a"o%e he found there a fair bed' and therein lying a gentle"oman
dead' the "hi+h "as .ir $er+ivale1s sister( *nd as 8aun+elot devised her' he espied in her
right hand a "rit' the "hi+h he read' the "hi+h told him all the adventures that ye have
heard tofore' and of "hat lineage she "as +ome( .o "ith this gentle"oman .ir 8aun+elot
"as a month and more( &f ye "ould as% ho" he lived' !e that fed the people of &srael
"ith manna in the desert' so "as he fed0 for every day "hen he had said his prayers he
"as sustained "ith the gra+e of the !oly :host(
.o on a night he "ent to play him by the "ater side' for he "as some"hat "eary of the
ship( *nd then he listened and heard an horse +ome' and one riding upon him( *nd "hen
he +ame nigh he seemed a %night( *nd so he let him pass' and "ent thereas the ship "as0
and there he alighted' and too% the saddle and the bridle and put the horse from him' and
"ent into the ship( *nd then 8aun+elot dressed unto him' and said4 >e be "el+ome( *nd
he ans"ered and saluted him again' and as%ed him4 What is your name3 for mu+h my
heart giveth unto you( )ruly' said he' my name is 8aun+elot du 8a%e( .ir' said he' then be
ye "el+ome' for ye "ere the beginner of me in this "orld( *h' said he' are ye :alahad3
>ea' forsooth' said he0 and so he %neeled do"n and as%ed him his blessing' and after too%
off his helm and %issed him( *nd there "as great 7oy bet"een them' for there is no
tongue +an tell the 7oy that they made either of other' and many a friendly "ord spo%en
bet"een' as %in "ould' the "hi+h is no need here to be rehearsed( *nd there every+h told
other of their adventures and marvels that "ere befallen to them in many 7ourneys sith
that they departed from the +ourt(
*non' as :alahad sa" the gentle"oman dead in the bed' he %ne" her "ell enough' and
told great "orship of her' that she "as the best maid living' and it "as great pity of her
death( /ut "hen 8aun+elot heard ho" the marvellous s"ord "as gotten' and "ho made
it' and all the marvels rehearsed afore' then he prayed :alahad' his son' that he "ould
sho" him the s"ord' and so he did0 and anon he %issed the pommel' and the hilt' and the
s+abbard( )ruly' said 8aun+elot' never erst %ne" & of so high adventures done' and so
marvellous and strange( .o d"elt 8aun+elot and :alahad "ithin that ship half a year' and
served :od daily and nightly "ith all their po"er0 and often they arrived in isles far from
fol%' "here there repaired none but "ild beasts' and there they found many strange
adventures and perilous' "hi+h they brought to an end0 but for those adventures "ere
"ith "ild beasts' and not in the 6uest of the .angreal' therefore the tale ma%eth here no
mention thereof' for it "ould be too long to tell of all those adventures that befell them(
!o" a %night brought unto .ir :alahad a horse' and bade him +ome from his father' .ir
.9 after' on a Monday' it befell that they arrived in the edge of a forest tofore a +ross0
and then sa" they a %night armed all in "hite' and "as ri+hly horsed' and led in his right
hand a "hite horse0 and so he +ame to the ship' and saluted the t"o %nights on the !igh
8ord1s behalf' and said4 :alahad' sir' ye have been long enough "ith your father' +ome
out of the ship' and start upon this horse' and go "here the adventures shall lead thee in
the 6uest of the .angreal( )hen he "ent to his father and %issed him s"eetly' and said4
Fair s"eet father' & "ot not "hen & shall see you more till & see the body of 5esu Christ( &
pray you' said 8aun+elot' pray ye to the !igh Father that !e hold me in !is servi+e( *nd
so he too% his horse' and there they heard a voi+e that said4 )hin% for to do "ell' for the
one shall never see the other before the dreadful day of doom( 2o"' son :alahad' said
8aun+elot' sin+e "e shall depart' and never see other' & pray to the !igh Father to
+onserve me and you both( .ir' said :alahad' no prayer availeth so mu+h as yours *nd
there"ith :alahad entered into the forest(
*nd the "ind arose' and drove 8aun+elot more than a month throughout the sea' "here
he slept but little' but prayed to :od that he might see some tidings of the .angreal( .o it
befell on a night' at midnight' he arrived afore a +astle' on the ba+% side' "hi+h "as ri+h
and fair' and there "as a postern opened to"ard the sea' and "as open "ithout any
%eeping' save t"o lions %ept the entry0 and the moon shone +lear( *non .ir 8aun+elot
heard a voi+e that said4 8aun+elot' go out of this ship and enter into the +astle' "here thou
shalt see a great part of thy desire( )hen he ran to his arms' and so armed him' and so
"ent to the gate and sa" the lions( )hen set he hand to his s"ord and dre" it( )hen there
+ame a d"arf suddenly' and smote him on the arm so sore that the s"ord fell out of his
hand( )hen heard he a voi+e say4 9 man of evil faith and poor belief' "herefore tro"est
thou more on thy harness than in thy Ma%er' for !e might more avail thee than thine
armour' in "hose servi+e that thou art set( )hen said 8aun+elot4 Fair Father 5esu Christ' &
than% thee of )hy great mer+y that )hou reprovest me of my misdeed0 no" see & "ell that
ye hold me for your servant( )hen too% he again his s"ord and put it up in his sheath' and
made a +ross in his forehead' and +ame to the lions' and they made semblaunt to do him
harm( 2ot"ithstanding he passed by them "ithout hurt' and entered into the +astle to the
+hief fortress' and there "ere they all at rest( )hen 8aun+elot entered in so armed' for he
found no gate nor door but it "as open( *nd at the last he found a +hamber "hereof the
door "as shut' and he set his hand thereto to have opened it' but he might not(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as tofore the door of the +hamber "herein the !oly .angreal "as(
)!E2 he enfor+ed him mi+%le to undo the door( )hen he listened and heard a voi+e
"hi+h sang so s"eetly that it seemed none earthly thing0 and him thought the voi+e said4
5oy and honour be to the Father of !eaven( )hen 8aun+elot %neeled do"n tofore the
+hamber' for "ell "ist he that there "as the .angreal "ithin that +hamber( )hen said he4
Fair s"eet Father' 5esu Christ' if ever & did thing that pleased )hee' 8ord for )hy pity
never have me not in despite for my sins done aforetime' and that )hou sho" me
something of that & see%( *nd "ith that he sa" the +hamber door open' and there +ame
out a great +learness' that the house "as as bright as all the tor+hes of the "orld had been
.o +ame he to the +hamber door' and "ould have entered( *nd anon a voi+e said to him4
Flee' 8aun+elot' and enter not' for thou oughtest not to do it0 and if thou enter thou shalt
for<thin% it( )hen he "ithdre" him aba+% right heavy( )hen loo%ed he up in the midst of
the +hamber' and sa" a table of silver' and the !oly Dessel' +overed "ith red samite' and
many angels about it' "hereof one held a +andle of "ax burning' and the other held a
+ross' and the ornaments of an altar( *nd before the !oly Dessel he sa" a good man
+lothed as a priest( *nd it seemed that he "as at the sa+ring of the mass( *nd it seemed to
8aun+elot that above the priest1s hands "ere three men' "hereof the t"o put the youngest
by li%eness bet"een the priest1s hands0 and so he lift it up right high' and it seemed to
sho" so to the people( *nd then 8aun+elot marvelled not a little' for him thought the
priest "as so greatly +harged of the figure that him seemed that he should fall to the
earth( *nd "hen he sa" none about him that "ould help him' then +ame he to the door a
great pa+e' and said4 Fair Father 5esu Christ' ne ta%e it for no sin though & help the good
man "hi+h hath great need of help(
?ight so entered he into the +hamber' and +ame to"ard the table of silver0 and "hen he
+ame nigh he felt a breath' that him thought it "as intermeddled "ith fire' "hi+h smote
him so sore in the visage that him thought it brent his visage0 and there"ith he fell to the
earth' and had no po"er to arise' as he that "as so araged' that had lost the po"er of his
body' and his hearing' and his seeing( )hen felt he many hands about him' "hi+h too%
him up and bare him out of the +hamber door' "ithout any amending of his s"oon' and
left him there' seeming dead to all people(
.o upon the morro" "hen it "as fair day they "ithin "ere arisen' and found 8aun+elot
lying afore the +hamber door( *ll they marvelled ho" that he +ame in' and so they loo%ed
upon him' and felt his pulse to "it "hether there "ere any life in him0 and so they found
life in him' but he might not stand nor stir no member that he had( *nd so they too% him
by every part of the body' and bare him into a +hamber' and laid him in a ri+h bed' far
from all fol%0 and so he lay four days( )hen the one said he "as alive' and the other said'
2ay( &n the name of :od' said an old man' for & do you verily to "it he is not dead' but he
is so full of life as the mightiest of you all0 and therefore & +ounsel you that he be "ell
%ept till :od send him life again(
!o" .ir laun+elot had lain four<and<t"enty days and as many nights as a dead man' and
other divers matters(
&2 su+h manner they %ept 8aun+elot four<and<t"enty days and all so many nights' that
ever he lay still as a dead man0 and at the t"enty<fifth day befell him after midday that he
opened his eyes( *nd "hen he sa" fol% he made great sorro"' and said4 Why have ye
a"a%ed me' for & "as more at ease than & am no"( 9 5esu Christ' "ho might be so
blessed that might see openly thy great marvels of se+retness there "here no sinner may
be@ What have ye seen3 said they about him( & have seen' said he' so great marvels that no
tongue may tell' and more than any heart +an thin%' and had not my son been here afore
me & had seen mu+h more(
)hen they told him ho" he had lain there four<and<t"enty days and nights( )hen him
thought it "as punishment for the four<and<t"enty years that he had been a sinner'
"herefore 9ur 8ord put him in penan+e four<and<t"enty days and nights( )hen loo%ed
.ir 8aun+elot afore him' and sa" the hair "hi+h he had borne nigh a year' for that he for<
thought him right mu+h that he had bro%en his promise unto the hermit' "hi+h he had
avo"ed to do( )hen they as%ed ho" it stood "ith him( Forsooth' said he' & am "hole of
body' than%ed be 9ur 8ord0 therefore' sirs' for :od1s love tell me "here & am( )hen said
they all that he "as in the +astle of Carbone%(
)here"ith +ame a gentle"oman and brought him a shirt of small linen +loth' but he
+hanged not there' but too% the hair to him again( .ir' said they' the 6uest of the .angreal
is a+hieved no" right in you' that never shall ye see of the .angreal no more than ye have
seen( 2o" & than% :od' said 8aun+elot' of !is great mer+y of that & have seen' for it
suffi+eth me0 for as & suppose no man in this "orld hath lived better than & have done to
en+hieve that & have done( *nd there"ith he too% the hair and +lothed him in it' and
above that he put a linen shirt' and after a robe of s+arlet' fresh and ne"( *nd "hen he
"as so arrayed they marvelled all' for they %ne" him that he "as 8aun+elot' the good
%night( *nd then they said all4 9 my lord .ir 8aun+elot' be that ye3 *nd he said4 )ruly &
am he(
)hen +ame "ord to -ing $elles that the %night that had lain so long dead "as .ir
8aun+elot( )hen "as the %ing right glad' and "ent to see him( *nd "hen 8aun+elot sa"
him +ome he dressed him against him' and there made the %ing great 7oy of him( *nd
there the %ing told him tidings that his fair daughter "as dead( )hen 8aun+elot "as right
heavy of it' and said4 .ir' me forthin%eth the death of your daughter' for she "as a full
fair lady' fresh and young( *nd "ell & "ot she bare the best %night that is no" on the
earth' or that ever "as sith :od "as born( .o the %ing held him there four days' and on
the morro" he too% his leave at -ing $elles and at all the fello"ship' and than%ed them
of their great labour(
?ight so as they sat at their dinner in the +hief salle' then "as so befallen that the
.angreal had fulfilled the table "ith all manner of meats that any heart might thin%( .o as
they sat they sa" all the doors and the "indo"s of the pla+e "ere shut "ithout man1s
hand' "hereof they "ere all abashed' and none "ist "hat to do(
*nd then it happed suddenly a %night +ame to the +hief door and %no+%ed' and +ried4
#ndo the door( /ut they "ould not( *nd ever he +ried4 #ndo0 but they "ould not( *nd at
last it noyed them so mu+h that the %ing himself arose and +ame to a "indo" there "here
the %night +alled( )hen he said4 .ir %night' ye shall not enter at this time "hile the
.angreal is here' and therefore go into another0 for +ertes ye be none of the %nights of the
6uest' but one of them "hi+h hath served the fiend' and hast left the servi+e of 9ur 8ord4
and he "as passing "roth at the %ing1s "ords( .ir %night' said the %ing' sith ye "ould so
fain enter' say me of "hat +ountry ye be( .ir' said he' & am of the realm of 8ogris' and my
name is E+tor de Maris' and brother unto my lord' .ir 8aun+elot( &n the name of :od'
said the %ing' me for<thin%eth of "hat & have said' for your brother is here "ithin( *nd
"hen E+tor de Maris understood that his brother "as there' for he "as the man in the
"orld that he most dread and loved' and then he said4 *h :od' no" doubleth my sorro"
and shame( Full truly said the good man of the hill unto :a"aine and to me of our
dreams( )hen "ent he out of the +ourt as fast as his horse might' and so throughout the
!o" .ir 8aun+elot returned to"ards 8ogris' and of other adventures "hi+h he sa" in the
)!E2 -ing $elles +ame to .ir 8aun+elot and told him tidings of his brother' "hereof he
"as sorry' that he "ist not "hat to do( .o .ir 8aun+elot departed' and too% his arms' and
said he "ould go see the realm of 8ogris' "hi+h & have not seen in t"elve months( *nd
there "ith he +ommended the %ing to :od' and so rode through many realms( *nd at the
last he +ame to a "hite abbey' and there they made him that night great +heer0 and on the
morn he rose and heard mass( *nd afore an altar he found a ri+h tomb' "hi+h "as ne"ly
made0 and then he too% heed' and sa" the sides "ritten "ith gold "hi+h said4 !ere lieth
-ing /agdemagus of :ore' "hi+h -ing *rthur1s nephe" sle"0 and named him' .ir
:a"aine( )hen "as not he a little sorry' for 8aun+elot loved him mu+h more than any
other' and had it been any other than :a"aine he should not have es+aped from death to
life0 and said to himself4 *h 8ord :od' this is a great hurt unto -ing *rthur1s +ourt' the
loss of su+h a man( *nd then he departed and +ame to the abbey "here :alahad did the
adventure of the tombs' and "on the "hite shield "ith the red +ross0 and there had he
great +heer all that night(
*nd on the morn he turned unto Camelot' "here he found -ing *rthur and the 6ueen(
/ut many of the %nights of the ?ound )able "ere slain and destroyed' more than half(
*nd so three "ere +ome home' E+tor' :a"aine' and 8ionel' and many other that need not
to be rehearsed( *nd all the +ourt "as passing glad of .ir 8aun+elot' and the %ing as%ed
him many tidings of his son :alahad( *nd there 8aun+elot told the %ing of his adventures
that had befallen him sin+e he departed( *nd also he told him of the adventures of
:alahad' $er+ivale' and /ors' "hi+h that he %ne" by the letter of the dead damosel' and
as :alahad had told him( 2o" :od "ould' said the %ing' that they "ere all three here(
)hat shall never be' said 8aun+elot' for t"o of them shall ye never see' but one of them
shall +ome again(
2o" leave "e this story and spea% of :alahad(
!o" :alahad +ame to -ing Mordrains' and of other matters and adventures(
29W' saith the story' :alahad rode many 7ourneys in vain( *nd at the last he +ame to the
abbey "here -ing Mordrains "as' and "hen he heard that' he thought he "ould abide to
see him( *nd upon the morn' "hen he had heard mass' :alahad +ame unto -ing
Mordrains' and anon the %ing sa" him' "hi+h had lain blind of long time( *nd then he
dressed him against him' and said4 :alahad' the servant of 5esu Christ' "hose +oming &
have abiden so long' no" embra+e me and let me rest on thy breast' so that & may rest
bet"een thine arms' for thou art a +lean virgin above all %nights' as the flo"er of the lily
in "hom virginity is signified' and thou art the rose the "hi+h is the flo"er of all good
virtues' and in +olour of fire( For the fire of the !oly :host is ta%en so in thee that my
flesh "hi+h "as all dead of oldness is be+ome young again( )hen :alahad heard his
"ords' then he embra+ed him and all his body( )hen said he4 Fair 8ord 5esu Christ' no" &
have my "ill( 2o" & re6uire thee' in this point that & am in' thou +ome and visit me( *nd
anon 9ur 8ord heard his prayer4 there"ith the soul departed from the body(
*nd then :alahad put him in the earth as a %ing ought to be' and so departed and so +ame
into a perilous forest "here he found the "ell the "hi+h boileth "ith great "aves' as the
tale telleth tofore( *nd as soon as :alahad set his hand thereto it +eased' so that it brent
no more' and the heat departed( For that it brent it "as a sign of le+hery' the "hi+h "as
that time mu+h used( /ut that heat might not abide his pure virginity( *nd this "as ta%en
in the +ountry for a mira+le( *nd so ever after "as it +alled :alahad1s "ell(
)hen by adventure he +ame into the +ountry of :ore' and into the abbey "here 8aun+elot
had been toforehand' and found the tomb of -ing /agdemagus' but he "as founder
thereof' 5oseph of *ramathie1s son0 and the tomb of .imeon "here 8aun+elot had failed(
)hen he loo%ed into a +roft under the minster' and there he sa" a tomb "hi+h brent full
marvellously( )hen as%ed he the brethren "hat it "as( .ir' said they' a marvellous
adventure that may not be brought unto none end but by him that passeth of bounty and
of %nighthood all them of the ?ound )able( & "ould' said :alahad' that ye "ould lead me
thereto( :ladly' said they' and so led him till a +ave( *nd he "ent do"n upon greses' and
+ame nigh the tomb( *nd then the flaming failed' and the fire staun+hed' the "hi+h many
a day had been great( )hen +ame there a voi+e that said4 Mu+h are ye beholden to than%
9ur 8ord' the "hi+h hath given you a good hour' that ye may dra" out the souls of
earthly pain' and to put them into the 7oys of paradise( & am of your %indred' the "hi+h
hath d"elled in this heat this three hundred "inter and four<and<fifty to be purged of the
sin that & did against 5oseph of *ramathie( )hen :alahad too% the body in his arms and
bare it into the minster( *nd that night lay :alahad in the abbey0 and on the morn he gave
him servi+e' and put him in the earth afore the high altar(
!o" .ir $er+ivale and .ir /ors met "ith .ir :alahad' and ho" they +ame to the +astle of
Carbone%' and other matters(
.9 departed he from then+e' and +ommended the brethren to :od0 and so he rode five
days till that he +ame to the Maimed -ing( *nd ever follo"ed $er+ivale the five days'
as%ing "here he had been0 and so one told him ho" the adventures of 8ogris "ere
en+hieved( .o on a day it befell that they +ame out of a great forest' and there they met at
traverse "ith .ir /ors' the "hi+h rode alone( &t is none need to tell if they "ere glad0 and
them he saluted' and they yielded him honour and good adventure' and every+h told
other( )hen said /ors4 &t is mo than a year and an half that & ne lay ten times "here men
d"elled' but in "ild forests and in mountains' but :od "as ever my +omfort(
)hen rode they a great "hile till that they +ame to the +astle of Carbone%( *nd "hen they
"ere entered "ithin the +astle -ing $elles %ne" them0 then there "as great 7oy' for they
"ist "ell by their +oming that they had fulfilled the 6uest of the .angreal( )hen EliaAar'
-ing $elles1 son' brought tofore them the bro%en s"ord "here"ith 5oseph "as stri+%en
through the thigh( )hen /ors set his hand thereto' if that he might have soldered it again0
but it "ould not be( )hen he too% it to $er+ivale' but he had no more po"er thereto than
he( 2o" have ye it again' said $er+ivale to :alahad' for an it be ever en+hieved by any
bodily man ye must do it( *nd then he too% the pie+es and set them together' and they
seemed that they had never been bro%en' and as "ell as it had been first forged( *nd
"hen they "ithin espied that the adventure of the s"ord "as en+hieved' then they gave
the s"ord to /ors' for it might not be better set0 for he "as a good %night and a "orthy
*nd a little afore even the s"ord arose great and marvellous' and "as full of great heat
that many men fell for dread( *nd anon alighted a voi+e among them' and said4 )hey that
ought not to sit at the table of 5esu Christ arise' for no" shall very %nights be fed( .o they
"ent then+e' all save -ing $elles and EliaAar' his son' the "hi+h "ere holy men' and a
maid "hi+h "as his nie+e0 and so these three fello"s and they three "ere there' no mo(
*non they sa" %nights all armed +ame in at the hall door' and did off their helms and
their arms' and said unto :alahad4 .ir' "e have hied right mu+h for to be "ith you at this
table "here the holy meat shall be departed( )hen said he4 >e be "el+ome' but of "hen+e
be ye3 .o three of them said they "ere of :aul' and other three said they "ere of &reland'
and the other three said they "ere of ,enmar%( .o as they sat thus there +ame out a bed
of tree' of a +hamber' the "hi+h four gentle"omen brought0 and in the bed lay a good
man si+%' and a +ro"n of gold upon his head0 and there in the midst of the pla+e they set
him do"n' and "ent again their "ay( )hen he lift up his head' and said4 :alahad' -night'
ye be "el+ome' for mu+h have & desired your +oming' for in su+h pain and in su+h
anguish & have been long( /ut no" & trust to :od the term is +ome that my pain shall be
allayed' that & shall pass out of this "orld so as it "as promised me long ago( )here"ith a
voi+e said4 )here be t"o among you that be not in the 6uest of the .angreal' and therefore
depart ye(
!o" :alahad and his fello"s "ere fed of the !oly .angreal' and ho" 9ur 8ord appeared
to them' and other things(
)!E2 -ing $elles and his son departed( *nd there"ithal beseemed them that there +ame
a man' and four angels from heaven' +lothed in li%eness of a bishop' and had a +ross in
his hand0 and these four angels bare him up in a +hair' and set him do"n before the table
of silver "here upon the .angreal "as0 and it seemed that he had in midst of his forehead
letters the "hi+h said4 .ee ye here 5oseph' the first bishop of Christendom' the same
"hi+h 9ur 8ord su++oured in the +ity of .arras in the spiritual pla+e( )hen the %nights
marvelled' for that bishop "as dead more than three hundred year tofore( 9 %nights' said
he' marvel not' for & "as sometime an earthly man( With that they heard the +hamber
door open' and there they sa" angels0 and t"o bare +andles of "ax' and the third a to"el'
and the fourth a spear "hi+h bled marvellously' that three drops fell "ithin a box "hi+h
he held "ith his other hand( *nd they set the +andles upon the table' and the third the
to"el upon the vessel' and the fourth the holy spear even upright upon the vessel( *nd
then the bishop made semblaunt as though he "ould have gone to the sa+ring of the mass(
*nd then he too% an ubblie "hi+h "as made in li%eness of bread( *nd at the lifting up
there +ame a figure in li%eness of a +hild' and the visage "as as red and as bright as any
fire' and smote himself into the bread' so that they all sa" it that the bread "as formed of
a fleshly man0 and then he put it into the !oly Dessel again' and then he did that longed
to a priest to do to a mass( *nd then he "ent to :alahad and %issed him' and bade him go
and %iss his fello"s4 and so he did anon( 2o"' said he' servants of 5esu Christ' ye shall be
fed afore this table "ith s"eet meats that never %nights tasted( *nd "hen he had said' he
vanished a"ay( *nd they set them at the table in great dread' and made their prayers(
)hen loo%ed they and sa" a man +ome out of the !oly Dessel' that had all the signs of
the passion of 5esu Christ' bleeding all openly' and said4 My %nights' and my servants'
and my true +hildren' "hi+h be +ome out of deadly life into spiritual life' & "ill no" no
longer hide me from you' but ye shall see no" a part of my se+rets and of my hidden
things4 no" hold and re+eive the high meat "hi+h ye have so mu+h desired( )hen too% he
himself the !oly Dessel and +ame to :alahad0 and he %neeled do"n' and there he
re+eived his .aviour' and after him so re+eived all his fello"s0 and they thought it so
s"eet that it "as marvellous to tell( )hen said he to :alahad4 .on' "ottest thou "hat &
hold bet"ixt my hands3 2ay' said he' but if ye "ill tell me( )his is' said he' the holy dish
"herein & ate the lamb on .heer<)hursday( *nd no" hast thou seen that thou most
desired to see' but yet hast thou not seen it so openly as thou shalt see it in the +ity of
.arras in the spiritual pla+e( )herefore thou must go hen+e and bear "ith thee this !oly
Dessel0 for this night it shall depart from the realm of 8ogris' that it shall never be seen
more here( *nd "ottest thou "herefore3 For he is not served nor "orshipped to his right
by them of this land' for they be turned to evil living0 therefore & shall disherit them of the
honour "hi+h & have done them( *nd therefore go ye three to<morro" unto the sea' "here
ye shall find your ship ready' and "ith you ta%e the s"ord "ith the strange girdles' and
no more "ith you but .ir $er+ivale and .ir /ors( *lso & "ill that ye ta%e "ith you of the
blood of this spear for to anoint the Maimed -ing' both his legs and all his body' and he
shall have his health( .ir' said :alahad' "hy shall not these other fello"s go "ith us3 For
this +ause4 for right as & departed my apostles one here and another there' so & "ill that ye
depart0 and t"o of you shall die in my servi+e' but one of you shall +ome again and tell
tidings( )hen gave he them his blessing and vanished a"ay(
!o" :alahad anointed "ith the blood of the spear the Maimed -ing' and of other
*2, :alahad "ent anon to the spear "hi+h lay upon the table' and tou+hed the blood
"ith his fingers' and +ame after to the Maimed -ing and anointed his legs( *nd there"ith
he +lothed him anon' and start upon his feet out of his bed as an "hole man' and than%ed
9ur 8ord that !e had healed him( *nd that "as not to the "orld"ard' for anon he yielded
him to a pla+e of religion of "hite mon%s' and "as a full holy man( )hat same night
about midnight +ame a voi+e among them "hi+h said4 My sons and not my +hief sons'
my friends and not my "arriors' go ye hen+e "here ye hope best to do and as & bade you(
*h' than%ed1 be )hou' 8ord' that )hou "ilt vou+hsafe to +all us' )hy sinners( 2o" may
"e "ell prove that "e have not lost our pains( *nd anon in all haste they too% their
harness and departed( /ut the three %nights of :aul' one of them hight Claudine' -ing
Claudas1 son' and the other t"o "ere great gentlemen( )hen prayed :alahad to every+h
of them' that if they +ome to -ing *rthur1s +ourt that they should salute my lord' .ir
8aun+elot' my father' and all the fello"ship [E of the ?ound )able0 and prayed them if
that they +ame on that part that they should not forget it(
[ E .o W( de Worde0 Caxton Fof them(G
?ight so departed :alahad' $er+ivale and /ors "ith him0 and so they rode three days' and
then they +ame to a rivage' and found the ship "hereof the tale spea%eth of tofore( *nd
"hen they +ame to the board they found in the midst the table of silver "hi+h they had
left "ith the Maimed -ing' and the .angreal "hi+h "as +overed "ith red samite( )hen
"ere they glad to have su+h things in their fello"ship0 and so they entered and made
great reveren+e thereto0 and :alahad fell in his prayer long time to 9ur 8ord' that at "hat
time he as%ed' that he should pass out of this "orld( .o mu+h he prayed till a voi+e said
to him4 :alahad' thou shalt have thy re6uest0 and "hen thou as%est the death of thy body
thou shalt have it' and then shalt thou find the life of the soul( $er+ivale heard this' and
prayed him' of fello"ship that "as bet"een them' to tell him "herefore he as%ed su+h
things( )hat shall & tell you' said :alahad0 the other day "hen "e sa" a part of the
adventures of the .angreal & "as in su+h a 7oy of heart' that & tro" never man "as that
"as earthly( *nd therefore & "ot "ell' "hen my body is dead my soul shall be in great
7oy to see the blessed )rinity every day' and the ma7esty of 9ur 8ord' 5esu Christ(
.o long "ere they in the ship that they said to :alahad4 .ir' in this bed ought ye to lie' for
so saith the s+ripture( *nd so he laid him do"n and slept a great "hile0 and "hen he
a"a%ed he loo%ed afore him and sa" the +ity of .arras( *nd as they "ould have landed
they sa" the ship "herein $er+ivale had put his sister in( )ruly' said $er+ivale' in the
name of :od' "ell hath my sister holden us +ovenant( )hen too% they out of the ship the
table of silver' and he too% it to $er+ivale and to /ors' to go tofore' and :alahad +ame
behind( *nd right so they "ent to the +ity' and at the gate of the +ity they sa" an old man
+roo%ed( )hen :alahad +alled him and bade him help to bear this heavy thing( )ruly' said
the old man' it is ten year ago that & might not go but "ith +rut+hes( Care thou not' said
:alahad' and arise up and she" thy good "ill( *nd so he assayed' and found himself as
"hole as ever he "as( )han ran he to the table' and too% one part against :alahad( *nd
anon arose there great noise in the +ity' that a +ripple "as made "hole by %nights
marvellous that entered into the +ity(
)hen anon after' the three %nights "ent to the "ater' and brought up into the pala+e
$er+ivale1s sister' and buried her as ri+hly as a %ing1s daughter ought to be( *nd "hen the
%ing of the +ity' "hi+h "as +leped Estorause' sa" the fello"ship' he as%ed them of
"hen+e they "ere' and "hat thing it "as that they had brought upon the table of silver(
*nd they told him the truth of the .angreal' and the po"er "hi+h that :od had sent there(
)hen the %ing "as a tyrant' and "as +ome of the line of paynims' and too% them and put
them in prison in a deep hole(
!o" they "ere fed "ith the .angreal "hile they "ere in prison' and ho" :alahad "as
made %ing(
/#) as soon as they "ere there 9ur 8ord sent them the .angreal' through "hose gra+e
they "ere al"ays fulfilled "hile that they "ere in prison( .o at the year1s end it befell
that this -ing Estorause lay si+%' and felt that he should die( )hen he sent for the three
%nights' and they +ame afore him0 and he +ried them mer+y of that he had done to them'
and they forgave it him goodly0 and he died anon( When the %ing "as dead all the +ity
"as dismayed' and "ist not "ho might be their %ing( ?ight so as they "ere in +ounsel
there +ame a voi+e among them' and bade them +hoose the youngest %night of them three
to be their %ing4 For he shall "ell maintain you and all yours( .o they made :alahad %ing
by all the assent of the holy +ity' and else they "ould have slain him( *nd "hen he "as
+ome to behold the land' he let ma%e above the table of silver a +hest of gold and of
pre+ious stones' that hilled the !oly Dessel( *nd every day early the three fello"s "ould
+ome afore it' and ma%e their prayers(
2o" at the year1s end' and the self day after :alahad had borne the +ro"n of gold' he
arose up early and his fello"s' and +ame to the pala+e' and sa" tofore them the !oly
Dessel' and a man %neeling on his %nees in li%eness of a bishop' that had about him a
great fello"ship of angels' as it had been 5esu Christ himself0 and then he arose and
began a mass of 9ur 8ady( *nd "hen he +ame to the sa+rament of the mass' and had
done' anon he +alled :alahad' and said to him4 Come forth the servant of 5esu Christ' and
thou shalt see that thou hast mu+h desired to see( *nd then he began to tremble right hard
"hen the deadly flesh began to behold the spiritual things( )hen he held up his hands
to"ard heaven and said4 8ord' & than% thee' for no" & see that that hath been my desire
many a day( 2o"' blessed 8ord' "ould & not longer live' if it might please thee' 8ord(
*nd there"ith the good man too% 9ur 8ord1s body bet"ixt his hands' and proffered it to
:alahad' and he re+eived it right gladly and mee%ly( 2o" "ottest thou "hat & am3 said
the good man( 2ay' said :alahad( & am 5oseph of *ramathie' the "hi+h 9ur 8ord hath
sent here to thee to bear thee fello"ship0 and "ottest thou "herefore that he hath sent me
more than any other3 For thou hast resembled me in t"o things0 in that thou hast seen the
marvels of the .angreal' in that thou hast been a +lean maiden' as & have been and am(
*nd "hen he had said these "ords :alahad "ent to $er+ivale and %issed him' and
+ommended him to :od0 and so he "ent to .ir /ors and %issed him' and +ommended him
to :od' and said4 Fair lord' salute me to my lord' .ir 8aun+elot' my father' and as soon as
ye see him' bid him remember of this unstable "orld( *nd there"ith he %neeled do"n
tofore the table and made his prayers' and then suddenly his soul departed to 5esu Christ'
and a great multitude of angels bare his soul up to heaven' that the t"o fello"s might "ell
behold it( *lso the t"o fello"s sa" +ome from heaven an hand' but they sa" not the
body( *nd then it +ame right to the Dessel' and too% it and the spear' and so bare it up to
heaven( .ithen "as there never man so hardy to say that he had seen the .angreal(
9f the sorro" that $er+ivale and /ors made "hen :alahad "as dead4 and of $er+ivale
ho" he died' and other matters(
W!E2 $er+ivale and /ors sa" :alahad dead they made as mu+h sorro" as ever did t"o
men( *nd if they had not been good men they might lightly have fallen in despair( *nd
the people of the +ountry and of the +ity "ere right heavy( *nd then he "as buried0 and
as soon as he "as buried .ir $er+ivale yielded him to an hermitage out of the +ity' and
too% a religious +lothing( *nd /ors "as al"ay "ith him' but never +hanged he his se+ular
+lothing' for that he purposed him to go again into the realm of 8ogris( )hus a year and
t"o months lived .ir $er+ivale in the hermitage a full holy life' and then passed out of
this "orld0 and /ors let bury him by his sister and by :alahad in the spiritualities(
When /ors sa" that he "as in so far +ountries as in the parts of /abylon he departed
from .arras' and armed him and +ame to the sea' and entered into a ship0 and so it befell
him in good adventure he +ame into the realm of 8ogris0 and he rode so fast till he +ame
to Camelot "here the %ing "as( *nd then "as there great 7oy made of him in the +ourt'
for they "eened all he had been dead' forasmu+h as he had been so long out of the
+ountry( *nd "hen they had eaten' the %ing made great +ler%s to +ome afore him' that
they should +hroni+le of the high adventures of the good %nights( When /ors had told
him of the adventures of the .angreal' su+h as had befallen him and his three fello"s' that
"as 8aun+elot' $er+ivale' :alahad' and himself' there 8aun+elot told the adventures of
the .angreal that he had seen( *ll this "as made in great boo%s' and put up in almeries at
.alisbury( *nd anon .ir /ors said to .ir 8aun+elot4 :alahad' your o"n son' saluted you
by me' and after you -ing *rthur and all the +ourt' and so did .ir $er+ivale' for & buried
them "ith mine o"n hands in the +ity of .arras( *lso' .ir 8aun+elot' :alahad prayed you
to remember of this unsi%er "orld as ye behight him "hen ye "ere together more than
half a year( )his is true' said 8aun+elot0 no" & trust to :od his prayer shall avail me(
)hen 8aun+elot too% .ir /ors in his arms' and said4 :entle +ousin' ye are right "el+ome
to me' and all that ever & may do for you and for yours ye shall find my poor body ready
at all times' "hile the spirit is in it' and that & promise you faithfully' and never to fail(
*nd "it ye "ell' gentle +ousin' .ir /ors' that ye and & "ill never depart asunder "hilst
our lives may last( .ir' said he' & "ill as ye "ill(
)hus endeth the history of the .angreal' that "as briefly dra"n out of Fren+h into
English' the "hi+h is a story +hroni+led for one of the truest and the holiest that is in this
"orld' the "hi+h is the xvii boo%(
*nd here follo"eth the eighteenth boo%(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 1+
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VIII! I"-"II! "III-"VI! "VII-""! ""I-
"V #
9f the 7oy -ing *rthur and the 6ueen had of the a+hievement of the .angreal0 and ho"
8aun+elot fell to his old love again(
.9 after the 6uest of the .angreal "as fulfilled' and all %nights that "ere left alive "ere
+ome again unto the )able ?ound' as the boo% of the .angreal ma%eth mention' then "as
there great 7oy in the +ourt0 and in espe+ial -ing *rthur and ;ueen :uenever made great
7oy of the remnant that "ere +ome home' and passing glad "as the %ing and the 6ueen of
.ir 8aun+elot and of .ir /ors' for they had been passing long a"ay in the 6uest of the
)hen' as the boo% saith' .ir 8aun+elot began to resort unto ;ueen :uenever again' and
forgat the promise and the perfe+tion that he made in the 6uest( For' as the boo% saith'
had not .ir 8aun+elot been in his privy thoughts and in his mind so set in"ardly to the
6ueen as he "as in seeming out"ard to :od' there had no %night passed him in the 6uest
of the .angreal0 but ever his thoughts "ere privily on the 6ueen' and so they loved
together more hotter than they did toforehand' and had su+h privy draughts together' that
many in the +ourt spa%e of it' and in espe+ial .ir *gravaine' .ir :a"aine1s brother' for he
"as ever open<mouthed(
.o befell that .ir 8aun+elot had many resorts of ladies and damosels that daily resorted
unto him' that besought him to be their +hampion' and in all su+h matters of right .ir
8aun+elot applied him daily to do for the pleasure of 9ur 8ord' 5esu Christ( *nd ever as
mu+h as he might he "ithdre" him from the +ompany and fello"ship of ;ueen
:uenever' for to es+he" the slander and noise0 "herefore the 6ueen "axed "roth "ith
.ir 8aun+elot( *nd upon a day she +alled .ir 8aun+elot unto her +hamber' and said thus4
.ir 8aun+elot' & see and feel daily that thy love beginneth to sla%e' for thou hast no 7oy to
be in my presen+e' but ever thou art out of this +ourt' and 6uarrels and matters thou hast
no"adays for ladies and gentle"omen more than ever thou "ert "ont to have aforehand(
*h madam' said 8aun+elot' in this ye must hold me ex+used for divers +auses0 one is' &
"as but late in the 6uest of the .angreal0 and & than% :od of his great mer+y' and never of
my desert' that & sa" in that my 6uest as mu+h as ever sa" any sinful man' and so "as it
told me( *nd if & had not had my privy thoughts to return to your love again as & do' & had
seen as great mysteries as ever sa" my son :alahad' outher $er+ivale' or .ir /ors0 and
therefore' madam' & "as but late in that 6uest( Wit ye "ell' madam' it may not be yet
lightly forgotten the high servi+e in "hom & did my diligent labour( *lso' madam' "it ye
"ell that there be many men spea% of our love in this +ourt' and have you and me greatly
in a"ait' as .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred0 and madam' "it ye "ell & dread them more
for your sa%e than for any fear & have of them myself' for & may happen to es+ape and rid
myself in a great need' "here ye must abide all that "ill be said unto you( *nd then if
that ye fall in any distress through "ilful folly' then is there none other remedy or help
but by me and my blood( *nd "it ye "ell' madam' the boldness of you and me "ill bring
us to great shame and slander0 and that "ere me loath to see you dishonoured( *nd that is
the +ause & ta%e upon me more for to do for damosels and maidens than ever & did tofore'
that men should understand my 7oy and my delight is my pleasure to have ado for
damosels and maidens(
!o" the 6ueen +ommanded .ir 8aun+elot to avoid the +ourt' and of the sorro" that
8aun+elot made(
*88 this "hile the 6ueen stood still and let .ir 8aun+elot say "hat he "ould( *nd "hen
he had all said she brast out a<"eeping' and so she sobbed and "ept a great "hile( *nd
"hen she might spea% she said4 8aun+elot' no" & "ell understand that thou art a false
re+reant %night and a +ommon le+her' and lovest and holdest other ladies' and by me thou
hast disdain and s+orn( For "it thou "ell' she said' no" & understand thy falsehood' and
therefore shall & never love thee no more( *nd never be thou so hardy to +ome in my
sight0 and right here & dis+harge thee this +ourt' that thou never +ome "ithin it0 and &
forfend thee my fello"ship' and upon pain of thy head that thou see me no more( ?ight so
.ir 8aun+elot departed "ith great heaviness' that unnethe he might sustain himself for
great dole<ma%ing(
)hen he +alled .ir /ors' .ir E+tor de Maris' and .ir 8ionel' and told them ho" the 6ueen
had forfended him the +ourt' and so he "as in "ill to depart into his o"n +ountry( Fair sir'
said .ir /ors de :anis' ye shall not depart out of this land by mine advi+e( >e must
remember in "hat honour ye are reno"ned' and +alled the noblest %night of the "orld0
and many great matters ye have in hand( *nd "omen in their hastiness "ill do ofttimes
that sore repenteth them0 and therefore by mine advi+e ye shall ta%e your horse' and ride
to the good hermitage here beside Windsor' that sometime "as a good %night' his name is
.ir /rasias' and there shall ye abide till & send you "ord of better tidings( /rother' said
.ir 8aun+elot' "it ye "ell & am full loath to depart out of this realm' but the 6ueen hath
defended me so highly' that meseemeth she "ill never be my good lady as she hath been(
.ay ye never so' said .ir /ors' for many times or this time she hath been "roth "ith you'
and after it she "as the first that repented it( >e say "ell' said 8aun+elot' for no" "ill &
do by your +ounsel' and ta%e mine horse and my harness' and ride to the hermit .ir
/rasias' and there "ill & repose me until & hear some manner of tidings from you0 but' fair
brother' & pray you get me the love of my lady' ;ueen :uenever' an ye may .ir' said .ir
/ors' ye need not to move me of su+h matters' for "ell ye "ot & "ill do "hat & may to
please you(
*nd then the noble %night' .ir 8aun+elot' departed "ith right heavy +heer suddenly' that
none earthly +reature "ist of him' nor "here he "as be+ome' but .ir /ors( .o "hen .ir
8aun+elot "as departed' the 6ueen out"ard made no manner of sorro" in sho"ing to
none of his blood nor to none other( /ut "it ye "ell' in"ardly' as the boo% saith' she too%
great thought' but she bare it out "ith a proud +ountenan+e as though she felt nothing nor
!o" at a dinner that the 6ueen made there "as a %night enpoisoned' "hi+h .ir Mador
laid on the 6ueen(
*2, then the 6ueen let ma%e a privy dinner in 8ondon unto the %nights of the ?ound
)able( *nd all "as for to sho" out"ard that she had as great 7oy in all other %nights of
the )able ?ound as she had in .ir 8aun+elot( *ll only at that dinner she had .ir :a"aine
and his brethren' that is for to say .ir *gravaine' .ir :aheris' .ir :areth' and .ir
Mordred( *lso there "as .ir /ors de :anis' .ir /lamore de :anis' .ir /leoberis de
:anis' .ir :alihud' .ir :alihodin' .ir E+tor de Maris' .ir 8ionel' .ir $alomides' .afere
his brother' .ir 8a Cote Male )aile' .ir $ersant' .ir &ronside' .ir /randiles' .ir -ay le
.enes+hal' .ir Mador de la $orte' .ir $atrise' a %night of &reland' *lidu%' .ir *stamore'
and .ir $inel le .avage' the "hi+h "as +ousin to .ir 8amora% de :alis' the good %night
that .ir :a"aine and his brethren sle" by treason( *nd so these four<and<t"enty %nights
should dine "ith the 6ueen in a privy pla+e by themself' and there "as made a great feast
of all manner of dainties(
/ut .ir :a"aine had a +ustom that he used daily at dinner and at supper' that he loved
"ell all manner of fruit' and in espe+ial apples and pears( *nd therefore "hosomever
dined or feasted .ir :a"aine "ould +ommonly purvey for good fruit for him' and so did
the 6ueen for to please .ir :a"aine0 she let purvey for him all manner of fruit' for .ir
:a"aine "as a passing hot %night of nature( *nd this $inel hated .ir :a"aine be+ause of
his %insman .ir 8amora% de :alis0 and therefore for pure envy and hate .ir $inel
enpoisoned +ertain apples for to enpoison .ir :a"aine( *nd so this "as "ell unto the end
of the meat0 and so it befell by misfortune a good %night named $atrise' +ousin unto .ir
Mador de la $orte' to ta%e a poisoned apple( *nd "hen he had eaten it he s"elled so till
he brast' and there .ir $atrise fell do"n suddenly dead among them(
)hen every %night leapt from the board ashamed' and araged for "rath' nigh out of their
"its( For they "ist not "hat to say0 +onsidering ;ueen :uenever made the feast and
dinner' they all had suspi+ion unto her( My lady' the 6ueen' said :a"aine' "it ye "ell'
madam' that this dinner "as made for me' for all fol%s that %no" my +ondition
understand that & love "ell fruit' and no" & see "ell & had near been slain0 therefore'
madam' & dread me lest ye "ill be shamed( )hen the 6ueen stood still and "as sore
abashed' that she nist not "hat to say( )his shall not so be ended' said .ir Mador de la
$orte' for here have & lost a full noble %night of my blood0 and therefore upon this shame
and despite & "ill be revenged to the utteran+e( *nd there openly .ir Mador appealed the
6ueen of the death of his +ousin' .ir $atrise( )hen stood they all still' that none "ould
spea% a "ord against him' for they all had great suspi+ion unto the 6ueen be+ause she let
ma%e that dinner( *nd the 6ueen "as so abashed that she +ould none other "ays do' but
"ept so heartily that she fell in a s"oon( With this noise and +ry +ame to them -ing
*rthur' and "hen he "ist of that trouble he "as a passing heavy man(
!o" .ir Mador appea+hed the 6ueen of treason' and there "as no %night "ould fight for
her at the first time(
*2, ever .ir Mador stood still afore the %ing' and ever he appealed the 6ueen of treason0
for the +ustom "as su+h that time that all manner of shameful death "as +alled treason(
Fair lords' said -ing *rthur' me repenteth of this trouble' but the +ase is so & may not
have ado in this matter' for & must be a rightful 7udge0 and that repenteth me that & may
not do battle for my "ife' for as & deem this deed +ame never by her( *nd therefore &
suppose she shall not be all distained' but that some good %night shall put his body in
7eopardy for my 6ueen rather than she shall be brent in a "rong 6uarrel( *nd therefore'
.ir Mador' be not so hasty' for it may happen she shall not be all friendless0 and therefore
desire thou thy day of battle' and she shall purvey her of some good %night that shall
ans"er you' or else it "ere to me great shame' and to all my +ourt(
My gra+ious lord' said .ir Mador' ye must hold me ex+used' for though ye be our %ing in
that degree' ye are but a %night as "e are' and ye are s"orn unto %nighthood as "ell as
"e0 and therefore & besee+h you that ye be not displeased' for there is none of the four<
and<t"enty %nights that "ere bidden to this dinner but all they have great suspi+ion unto
the 6ueen( What say ye all' my lords3 said .ir Mador( )hen they ans"ered by and by that
they +ould not ex+use the 6ueen0 for "hy she made the dinner' and either it must +ome by
her or by her servants( *las' said the 6ueen' & made this dinner for a good intent' and
never for none evil' so *lmighty :od me help in my right' as & "as never purposed to do
su+h evil deeds' and that & report me unto :od(
My lord' the %ing' said .ir Mador' & re6uire you as ye be a righteous %ing give me a day
that & may have 7usti+e( Well' said the %ing' & give the day this day fifteen days that thou
be ready armed on horseba+% in the meado" beside Westminster( *nd if it so fall that
there be any %night to en+ounter "ith you' there mayst thou do the best' and :od speed
the right( *nd if it so fall that there be no %night at that day' then must my 6ueen be
burnt' and there she shall be ready to have her 7udgment( & am ans"ered' said .ir Mador(
*nd every %night "ent "here it li%ed them(
.o "hen the %ing and the 6ueen "ere together the %ing as%ed the 6ueen ho" this +ase
befell( )he 6ueen ans"ered4 .o :od me help' & "ot not ho" or in "hat manner( Where is
.ir 8aun+elot3 said -ing *rthur0 an he "ere here he "ould not grudge to do battle for
you( .ir' said the 6ueen' & "ot not "here he is' but his brother and his %insmen deem that
he be not "ithin this realm( )hat me repenteth' said -ing *rthur' for an he "ere here he
"ould soon stint this strife( )hen & "ill +ounsel you' said the %ing' and unto .ir /ors4
)hat ye "ill do battle for her for .ir 8aun+elot1s sa%e' and upon my life he "ill not refuse
you( For "ell & see' said the %ing' that none of these four<and<t"enty %nights that "ere
"ith you at your dinner "here .ir $atrise "as slain' that "ill do battle for you' nor none
of them "ill say "ell of you' and that shall be a great slander for you in this +ourt( *las'
said the 6ueen' and & may not do "ithal' but no" & miss .ir 8aun+elot' for an he "ere
here he "ould put me soon to my heart1s ease( What aileth you' said the %ing' ye +annot
%eep .ir 8aun+elot upon your side3 For "it ye "ell' said the %ing' "ho that hath .ir
8aun+elot upon his part hath the most man of "orship in the "orld upon his side( 2o" go
your "ay' said the %ing unto the 6ueen' and re6uire .ir /ors to do battle for you for .ir
8aun+elot1s sa%e(
!o" the 6ueen re6uired .ir /ors to fight for her' and ho" he granted upon +ondition0 and
ho" he "arned .ir 8aun+elot thereof(
.9 the 6ueen departed from the %ing' and sent for .ir /ors into her +hamber( *nd "hen
he "as +ome she besought him of su++our( Madam' said he' "hat "ould ye that & did3 for
& may not "ith my "orship have ado in this matter' be+ause & "as at the same dinner' for
dread that any of those %nights "ould have me in suspi+ion( *lso' madam' said .ir /ors'
no" miss ye .ir 8aun+elot' for he "ould not have failed you neither in right nor in
"rong' as ye have "ell proved "hen ye have been in danger0 and no" ye have driven him
out of this +ountry' by "hom ye and all "e "ere daily "orshipped by0 therefore' madam'
& marvel ho" ye dare for shame re6uire me to do any thing for you' in so mu+h ye have
+hased him out of your +ountry by "hom "e "ere borne up and honoured( *las' fair
%night' said the 6ueen' & put me "holly in your gra+e' and all that is done amiss & "ill
amend as ye "ill +ounsel me( *nd there"ith she %neeled do"n upon both her %nees' and
besought .ir /ors to have mer+y upon her4 9uther & shall have a shameful death' and
thereto & never offended(
?ight so +ame -ing *rthur' and found the 6ueen %neeling afore .ir /ors0 then .ir /ors
pulled her up' and said4 Madam' ye do me great dishonour( *h' gentle %night' said the
%ing' have mer+y upon my 6ueen' +ourteous %night' for & am no" in +ertain she is untruly
defamed( *nd therefore' +ourteous %night' said the %ing' promise her to do battle for her'
& re6uire you for the love of .ir 8aun+elot( My lord' said .ir /ors' ye re6uire me the
greatest thing that any man may re6uire me0 and "it ye "ell if & grant to do battle for the
6ueen & shall "rath many of my fello"ship of the )able ?ound( /ut as for that' said /ors'
& "ill grant my lord that for my lord .ir 8aun+elot1s sa%e' and for your sa%e & "ill at that
day be the 6ueen1s +hampion unless that there +ome by adventure a better %night than &
am to do battle for her( Will ye promise me this' said the %ing' by your faith3 >ea sir' said
.ir /ors' of that & "ill not fail you' nor her both' but if there +ome a better %night than &
am' and then shall he have the battle( )hen "as the %ing and the 6ueen passing glad' and
so departed' and than%ed him heartily(
.o then .ir /ors departed se+retly upon a day' and rode unto .ir 8aun+elot thereas he
"as "ith the hermit' .ir /rasias' and told him of all their adventure( *h 5esu' said .ir
8aun+elot' this is +ome happily as & "ould have it' and therefore & pray you ma%e you
ready to do battle' but loo% that ye tarry till ye see me +ome' as long as ye may( For & am
sure Mador is an hot %night "hen he is en+hafed' for the more ye suffer him the hastier
"ill he be to battle( .ir' said /ors' let me deal "ith him' doubt ye not ye shall have all
your "ill( )hen departed .ir /ors from him and +ame to the +ourt again( )hen "as it
noised in all the +ourt that .ir /ors should do battle for the 6ueen0 "herefore many
%nights "ere displeased "ith him' that he "ould ta%e upon him to do battle in the 6ueen1s
6uarrel0 for there "ere but fe" %nights in all the +ourt but they deemed the 6ueen "as in
the "rong' and that she had done that treason(
.o .ir /ors ans"ered thus to his fello"s of the )able ?ound4 Wit ye "ell' my fair lords'
it "ere shame to us all an "e suffered to see the most noble 6ueen of the "orld to be
shamed openly' +onsidering her lord and our lord is the man of most "orship in the
"orld' and most +hristened' and he hath ever "orshipped us all in all pla+es( Many
ans"ered him again4 *s for our most noble -ing *rthur' "e love him and honour him as
"ell as ye do' but as for ;ueen :uenever "e love her not' be+ause she is a destroyer of
good %nights( Fair lords' said .ir /ors' meseemeth ye say not as ye should say' for never
yet in my days %ne" & never nor heard say that ever she "as a destroyer of any good
%night( /ut at all times as far as ever & +ould %no" she "as a maintainer of good %nights0
and ever she hath been large and free of her goods to all good %nights' and the most
bounteous lady of her gifts and her good gra+e' that ever & sa" or heard spea% of( *nd
therefore it "ere shame' said .ir /ors' to us all to our most noble %ing1s "ife' an "e
suffered her to be shamefully slain( *nd "it ye "ell' said .ir /ors' & "ill not suffer it' for
& dare say so mu+h' the 6ueen is not guilty of .ir $atrise1s death' for she o"ed him never
none ill "ill' nor none of the four<and<t"enty %nights that "ere at that dinner0 for & dare
say for good love she bade us to dinner' and not for no mal engine' and that & doubt not
shall be proved hereafter' for ho"somever the game goeth' there "as treason among us(
)hen some said to .ir /ors4 We may "ell believe your "ords( *nd so some of them "ere
"ell pleased' and some "ere not so(
!o" at the day .ir /ors made him ready for to fight for the 6ueen0 and "hen he "ould
fight ho" another dis+harged him(
)!E day +ame on fast until the even that the battle should be( )hen the 6ueen sent for .ir
/ors and as%ed him ho" he "as disposed( )ruly madam' said he' & am disposed in
li%e"ise as & promised you' that is for to say & shall not fail you' unless by adventure there
+ome a better %night than & am to do battle for you' then' madam' am & dis+harged of my
promise( Will ye' said the 6ueen' that & tell my lord *rthur thus3 ,o as it shall please you'
madam( )hen the 6ueen "ent unto the %ing and told him the ans"er of .ir /ors( !ave ye
no doubt' said the %ing' of .ir /ors' for & +all him no" one of the best %nights of the
"orld' and the most profitablest man( *nd thus it passed on until the morn' and the %ing
and the 6ueen and all manner of %nights that "ere there at that time dre" them unto the
meado" beside Westminster "here the battle should be( *nd so "hen the %ing "as +ome
"ith the 6ueen and many %nights of the ?ound )able' then the 6ueen "as put there in the
Constable1s "ard' and a great fire made about an iron sta%e' that an .ir Mador de la $orte
had the better' she should be burnt4 su+h +ustom "as used in those days' that neither for
favour' neither for love nor affinity' there should be none other but righteous 7udgment'
as "ell upon a %ing as upon a %night' and as "ell upon a 6ueen as upon another poor
.o in this mean"hile +ame in .ir Mador de la $orte' and too% his oath afore the %ing' that
the 6ueen did this treason until his +ousin .ir $atrise' and unto his oath he "ould prove it
"ith his body' hand for hand' "ho that "ould say the +ontrary( ?ight so +ame in .ir /ors
de :anis' and said4 )hat as for ;ueen :uenever she is in the right' and that "ill & ma%e
good "ith my hands that she is not +ulpable of this treason that is put upon her( )hen
ma%e thee ready' said .ir Mador' and "e shall prove "hether thou be in the right or &( .ir
Mador' said .ir /ors' "it thou "ell & %no" you for a good %night( 2ot for then & shall not
fear you so greatly' but & trust to :od & shall be able to "ithstand your mali+e( /ut this
mu+h have & promised my lord *rthur and my lady the 6ueen' that & shall do battle for her
in this +ase to the uttermost' unless that there +ome a better %night than & am and
dis+harge me( &s that all3 said .ir Mador' either +ome thou off and do battle "ith me' or
else say nay( )a%e your horse' said .ir /ors' and as & suppose' ye shall not tarry long but
ye shall be ans"ered(
)hen either departed to their tents and made them ready to horseba+% as they thought
best( *nd anon .ir Mador +ame into the field "ith his shield on his shoulder and his spear
in his hand0 and so rode about the pla+e +rying unto *rthur4 /id your +hampion +ome
forth an he dare( )hen "as .ir /ors ashamed and too% his horse and +ame to the lists1
end( *nd then "as he "are "here +ame from a "ood there fast by a %night all armed'
upon a "hite horse' "ith a strange shield of strange arms0 and he +ame riding all that he
might run' and so he +ame to .ir /ors' and said thus4 Fair %night' & pray you be not
displeased' for here must a better %night than ye are have this battle' therefore & pray you
"ithdra" you( For "it ye "ell & have had this day a right great 7ourney' and this battle
ought to be mine' and so & promised you "hen & spa%e "ith you last' and "ith all my
heart & than% you of your good "ill( )hen .ir /ors rode unto -ing *rthur and told him
ho" there "as a %night +ome that "ould have the battle for to fight for the 6ueen( What
%night is he3 said the %ing( & "ot not' said .ir /ors' but su+h +ovenant he made "ith me
to be here this day( 2o" my lord' said .ir /ors' here am & dis+harged(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot fought against .ir Mador for the 6ueen' and ho" he over+ame .ir
Mador' and dis+harged the 6ueen(
)!E2 the %ing +alled to that %night' and as%ed him if he "ould fight for the 6ueen( )hen
he ans"ered to the %ing4 )herefore +ame & hither' and therefore' sir %ing' he said' tarry me
no longer' for & may not tarry( For anon as & have finished this battle & must depart hen+e'
for & have ado many matters else"here( For "it you "ell' said that %night' this is
dishonour to you all %nights of the ?ound )able' to see and %no" so noble a lady and so
+ourteous a 6ueen as ;ueen :uenever is' thus to be rebu%ed and shamed amongst you(
)hen they all marvelled "hat %night that might be that so too% the battle upon him( For
there "as not one that %ne" him' but if it "ere .ir /ors(
)hen said .ir Mador de la $orte unto the %ing4 2o" let me "it "ith "hom & shall have
ado "ithal( *nd then they rode to the lists1 end' and there they +ou+hed their spears' and
ran together "ith all their might' and .ir Mador1s spear bra%e all to pie+es' but the other1s
spear held' and bare .ir Mador1s horse and all ba+%"ard to the earth a great fall( /ut
mightily and suddenly he avoided his horse and put his shield afore him' and then dre"
his s"ord' and bade the other %night alight and do battle "ith him on foot( )hen that
%night des+ended from his horse lightly li%e a valiant man' and put his shield afore him
and dre" his s"ord0 and so they +ame eagerly unto battle' and either gave other many
great stro%es' tra+ing and traversing' ra+ing and foining' and hurtling together "ith their
s"ords as it "ere "ild boars( )hus "ere they fighting nigh an hour' for this .ir Mador
"as a strong %night' and mightily proved in many strong battles( /ut at the last this
%night smote .ir Mador grovelling upon the earth' and the %night stepped near him to
have pulled .ir Mador flatling upon the ground0 and there"ith suddenly .ir Mador arose'
and in his rising he smote that %night through the thi+% of the thighs that the blood ran out
fier+ely( *nd "hen he felt himself so "ounded' and sa" his blood' he let him arise upon
his feet( *nd then he gave him su+h a buffet upon the helm that he fell to the earth
flatling' and there"ith he strode to him to have pulled off his helm off his head( *nd then
.ir Mador prayed that %night to save his life' and so he yielded him as over+ome' and
released the 6ueen of his 6uarrel( & "ill not grant thee thy life' said that %night' only that
thou freely release the 6ueen for ever' and that no mention be made upon .ir $atrise1s
tomb that ever ;ueen :uenever +onsented to that treason( *ll this shall be done' said .ir
Mador' & +learly dis+harge my 6uarrel for ever(
)hen the %nights parters of the lists too% up .ir Mador' and led him to his tent' and the
other %night "ent straight to the stair<foot "here sat -ing *rthur0 and by that time "as
the 6ueen +ome to the %ing' and either %issed other heartily( *nd "hen the %ing sa" that
%night' he stooped do"n to him' and than%ed him' and in li%e"ise did the 6ueen0 and the
%ing prayed him to put off his helmet' and to repose him' and to ta%e a sop of "ine( *nd
then he put off his helm to drin%' and then every %night %ne" him that it "as .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e( *non as the %ing "ist that' he too% the 6ueen in his hand' and yode
unto .ir 8aun+elot' and said4 .ir' grant mer+y of your great travail that ye have had this
day for me and for my 6ueen( My lord' said .ir 8aun+elot' "it ye "ell & ought of right
ever to be in your 6uarrel' and in my lady the 6ueen1s 6uarrel' to do battle0 for ye are the
man that gave me the high order of %nighthood' and that day my lady' your 6ueen' did me
great "orship' and else & had been shamed0 for that same day ye made me %night' through
my hastiness & lost my s"ord' and my lady' your 6ueen' found it' and lapped it in her
train' and gave me my s"ord "hen & had need thereto' and else had & been shamed among
all %nights0 and therefore' my lord *rthur' & promised her at that day ever to be her %night
in right outher in "rong( :rant mer+y' said the %ing' for this 7ourney0 and "it ye "ell'
said the %ing' & shall a+6uit your goodness(
*nd ever the 6ueen beheld .ir 8aun+elot' and "ept so tenderly that she san% almost to
the ground for sorro" that he had done to her so great goodness "here she she"ed him
great un%indness( )hen the %nights of his blood dre" unto him' and there either of them
made great 7oy of other( *nd so +ame all the %nights of the )able ?ound that "ere there
at that time' and "el+omed him( *nd then .ir Mador "as had to lee+h<+raft' and .ir
8aun+elot "as healed of his "ound( *nd then there "as made great 7oy and mirths in that
!o" the truth "as %no"n by the Maiden of the 8a%e' and of divers other matters(
*2, so it befell that the damosel of the la%e' her name "as 2imue' the "hi+h "edded
the good %night .ir $elleas' and so she +ame to the +ourt0 for ever she did great goodness
unto -ing *rthur and to all his %nights through her sor+ery and en+hantments( *nd so
"hen she heard ho" the 6ueen "as an<angered for the death of .ir $atrise' then she told it
openly that she "as never guilty0 and there she dis+losed by "hom it "as done' and
named him' .ir $inel0 and for "hat +ause he did it' there it "as openly dis+losed0 and so
the 6ueen "as ex+used' and the %night $inel fled into his +ountry( )hen "as it openly
%no"n that .ir $inel enpoisoned the apples at the feast to that intent to have destroyed .ir
:a"aine' be+ause .ir :a"aine and his brethren destroyed .ir 8amora% de :alis' to the
"hi+h .ir $inel "as +ousin unto( )hen "as .ir $atrise buried in the +hur+h of
Westminster in a tomb' and thereupon "as "ritten4 !ere lieth .ir $atrise of &reland' slain
by .ir $inel le .avage' that enpoisoned apples to have slain .ir :a"aine' and by
misfortune .ir $atrise ate one of those apples' and then suddenly he brast( *lso there "as
"ritten upon the tomb that ;ueen :uenever "as appealed of treason of the death of .ir
$atrise' by .ir Mador de la $orte0 and there "as made mention ho" .ir 8aun+elot fought
"ith him for ;ueen :uenever' and over+ame him in plain battle( *ll this "as "ritten
upon the tomb of .ir $atrise in ex+using of the 6ueen( *nd then .ir Mador sued daily and
long' to have the 6ueen1s good gra+e0 and so by the means of .ir 8aun+elot he +aused
him to stand in the 6ueen1s good gra+e' and all "as forgiven
)hus it passed on till our 8ady ,ay' *ssumption( Within a fifteen days of that feast the
%ing let +ry a great 7ousts and a tournament that should be at that day at Camelot' that is
Win+hester0 and the %ing let +ry that he and the -ing of .+ots "ould 7oust against all that
"ould +ome against them( *nd "hen this +ry "as made' thither +ame many %nights( .o
there +ame thither the -ing of 2orthgalis' and -ing *nguish of &reland' and the -ing
"ith the !undred -nights' and :alahad' the haut prin+e' and the -ing of
2orthumberland' and many other noble du%es and earls of divers +ountries( .o -ing
*rthur made him ready to depart to these 7ousts' and "ould have had the 6ueen "ith him'
but at that time she "ould not' she said' for she "as si+% and might not ride at that time(
)hat me repenteth' said the %ing' for this seven year ye sa" not su+h a noble fello"ship
together ex+ept at Whitsuntide "hen :alahad departed from the +ourt( )ruly' said the
6ueen to the %ing' ye must hold me ex+used' & may not be there' and that me repenteth(
*nd many deemed the 6ueen "ould not be there be+ause of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' for
.ir 8aun+elot "ould not ride "ith the %ing' for he said that he "as not "hole of the
"ound the "hi+h .ir Mador had given him0 "herefore the %ing "as heavy and passing
"roth( *nd so he departed to"ard Win+hester "ith his fello"ship0 and so by the "ay the
%ing lodged in a to"n +alled *stolat' that is no" in English +alled :uildford' and there
the %ing lay in the +astle(
.o "hen the %ing "as departed the 6ueen +alled .ir 8aun+elot to her' and said thus4 .ir
8aun+elot' ye are greatly to blame thus to hold you behind my lord0 "hat' tro" ye' "hat
"ill your enemies and mine say and deem3 nought else but' .ee ho" .ir 8aun+elot
holdeth him ever behind the %ing' and so doth the 6ueen' for that they "ould have their
pleasure together( *nd thus "ill they say' said the 6ueen to .ir 8aun+elot' have ye no
doubt thereof(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot rode to *stolat' and re+eived a sleeve to "ear upon his helm at the
re6uest of a maid(
M*,*M' said .ir 8aun+elot' & allo" your "it' it is of late +ome sin+e ye "ere "ise( *nd
therefore' madam' at this time & "ill be ruled by your +ounsel' and this night & "ill ta%e
my rest' and to<morro" by time & "ill ta%e my "ay to"ard Win+hester( /ut "it you "ell'
said .ir 8aun+elot to the 6ueen' that at that 7ousts & "ill be against the %ing' and against
all his fello"ship( >e may there do as ye list' said the 6ueen' but by my +ounsel ye shall
not be against your %ing and your fello"ship( For therein be full many hard %nights of
your blood' as ye "ot "ell enough' it needeth not to rehearse them( Madam' said .ir
8aun+elot' & pray you that ye be not displeased "ith me' for & "ill ta%e the adventure that
:od "ill send me(
*nd so upon the morn early .ir 8aun+elot heard mass and bra%e his fast' and so too% his
leave of the 6ueen and departed( *nd then he rode so mu+h until he +ame to *stolat' that
is :uildford0 and there it happed him in the eventide he +ame to an old baron1s pla+e that
hight .ir /ernard of *stolat( *nd as .ir 8aun+elot entered into his lodging' -ing *rthur
espied him as he did "al% in a garden beside the +astle' ho" he too% his lodging' and
%ne" him full "ell( &t is "ell' said -ing *rthur unto the %nights that "ere "ith him in
that garden beside the +astle' & have no" espied one %night that "ill play his play at the
7ousts to the "hi+h "e be gone to"ard0 & underta%e he "ill do marvels( Who is that' "e
pray you tell us3 said many %nights that "ere there at that time( >e shall not "it for me'
said the %ing' as at this time( *nd so the %ing smiled' and "ent to his lodging(
.o "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as in his lodging' and unarmed him in his +hamber' the old
baron and hermit +ame to him ma%ing his reveren+e' and "el+omed him in the best
manner0 but the old %night %ne" not .ir 8aun+elot( Fair sir' said .ir 8aun+elot to his host'
& "ould pray you to lend me a shield that "ere not openly %no"n' for mine is "ell
%no"n( .ir' said his host' ye shall have your desire' for meseemeth ye be one of the
li%eliest %nights of the "orld' and therefore & shall she" you friendship( .ir' "it you "ell
& have t"o sons that "ere but late made %nights' and the eldest hight .ir )irre' and he "as
hurt that same day he "as made %night' that he may not ride' and his shield ye shall have0
for that is not %no"n & dare say but here' and in no pla+e else( *nd my youngest son hight
8avaine' and if it please you' he shall ride "ith you unto that 7ousts0 and he is of his age
strong and "ight' for mu+h my heart giveth unto you that ye should be a noble %night'
therefore & pray you' tell me your name' said .ir /ernard( *s for that' said .ir 8aun+elot'
ye must hold me ex+used as at this time' and if :od give me gra+e to speed "ell at the
7ousts & shall +ome again and tell you( /ut & pray you' said .ir 8aun+elot' in any "ise let
me have your son' .ir 8avaine' "ith me' and that & may have his brother1s shield( *ll this
shall be done' said .ir /ernard(
)his old baron had a daughter that "as +alled that time the Fair Maiden of *stolat( *nd
ever she beheld .ir 8aun+elot "onderfully0 and as the boo% saith' she +ast su+h a love
unto .ir 8aun+elot that she +ould never "ithdra" her love' "herefore she died' and her
name "as Elaine le /lan%( .o thus as she +ame to and fro she "as so hot in her love that
she besought .ir 8aun+elot to "ear upon him at the 7ousts a to%en of hers( Fair damosel'
said .ir 8aun+elot' an if & grant you that' ye may say & do more for your love than ever &
did for lady or damosel( )hen he remembered him he "ould go to the 7ousts disguised(
*nd be+ause he had never fore that time borne no manner of to%en of no damosel' then
he bethought him that he "ould bear one of her' that none of his blood thereby might
%no" him' and then he said4 Fair maiden' & "ill grant you to "ear a to%en of yours upon
mine helmet' and therefore "hat it is' she" it me( .ir' she said' it is a red sleeve of mine'
of s+arlet' "ell embroidered "ith great pearls4 and so she brought it him( .o .ir
8aun+elot re+eived it' and said4 2ever did & erst so mu+h for no damosel( *nd then .ir
8aun+elot betoo% the fair maiden his shield in %eeping' and prayed her to %eep that until
that he +ame again0 and so that night he had merry rest and great +heer' for ever the
damosel Elaine "as about .ir 8aun+elot all the "hile she might be suffered(
!o" the tourney began at Win+hester' and "hat %nights "ere at the 7ousts0 and other
.9 upon a day' on the morn' -ing *rthur and all his %nights departed' for their %ing had
tarried three days to abide his noble %nights( *nd so "hen the %ing "as ridden' .ir
8aun+elot and .ir 8avaine made them ready to ride' and either of them had "hite shields'
and the red sleeve .ir 8aun+elot let +arry "ith him( *nd so they too% their leave at .ir
/ernard' the old baron' and at his daughter' the Fair Maiden of *stolat( *nd then they
rode so long till that they +ame to Camelot' that time +alled Win+hester0 and there "as
great press of %ings' du%es earls' and barons' and many noble %nights( /ut there .ir
8aun+elot "as lodged privily by the means of .ir 8avaine "ith a ri+h burgess' that no
man in that to"n "as "are "hat they "ere( *nd so they reposed them there till our 8ady
,ay' *ssumption' as the great feast should be( .o then trumpets ble" unto the field' and
-ing *rthur "as set on high upon a s+affold to behold "ho did best( /ut as the Fren+h
boo% saith' the %ing "ould not suffer .ir :a"aine to go from him' for never had .ir
:a"aine the better an .ir 8aun+elot "ere in the field0 and many times "as .ir :a"aine
rebu%ed "hen 8aun+elot +ame into any 7ousts disguised(
)hen some of the %ings' as -ing *nguish of &reland and the -ing of .+ots' "ere that time
turned upon the side of -ing *rthur( *nd then on the other party "as the -ing of
2orthgalis' and the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and the -ing of 2orthumberland'
and .ir :alahad' the haut prin+e( /ut these three %ings and this du%e "ere passing "ea%
to hold against -ing *rthur1s party' for "ith him "ere the noblest %nights of the "orld(
.o then they "ithdre" them either party from other' and every man made him ready in
his best manner to do "hat he might(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot made him ready' and put the red sleeve upon his head' and fastened it
fast0 and so .ir 8aun+elot and .ir 8avaine departed out of Win+hester privily' and rode
until a little leaved "ood behind the party that held against -ing *rthur1s party' and there
they held them still till the parties smote together( *nd then +ame in the -ing of .+ots
and the -ing of &reland on *rthur1s party' and against them +ame the -ing of
2orthumberland' and the -ing "ith the !undred -nights smote do"n the -ing of
2orthumberland' and the -ing "ith the !undred -nights smote do"n -ing *nguish of
&reland( )hen .ir $alomides that "as on *rthur1s party en+ountered "ith .ir :alahad'
and either of them smote do"n other' and either party halp their lords on horseba+%
again( .o there began a strong assail upon both parties( *nd then +ame in .ir /randiles'
.ir .agramore le ,esirous' .ir ,odinas le .avage' .ir -ay le .enes+hal' .ir :riflet le
Fise de ,ieu' .ir Mordred' .ir Meliot de 8ogris' .ir 9Aanna le Cure !ardy' .ir .afere'
.ir Epinogris' .ir :alleron of :al"ay( *ll these fifteen %nights "ere %nights of the )able
?ound( .o these "ith more other +ame in together' and beat aba+% the -ing of
2orthumberland and the -ing of 2orthgalis( When .ir 8aun+elot sa" this' as he hoved in
a little leaved "ood' then he said unto .ir 8avaine4 .ee yonder is a +ompany of good
%nights' and they hold them together as boars that "ere +hafed "ith dogs( )hat is truth'
said .ir 8avaine(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot and .ir 8avaine entered in the field against them of -ing *rthur1s
+ourt' and ho" 8aun+elot "as hurt(
29W' said .ir 8aun+elot' an ye "ill help me a little' ye shall see yonder fello"ship that
+haseth no" these men in our side' that they shall go as fast ba+%"ard as they "ent
for"ard( .ir' spare not' said .ir 8avaine' for & shall do "hat & may( )hen .ir 8aun+elot
and .ir 8avaine +ame in at the thi+%est of the press' and there .ir 8aun+elot smote do"n
.ir /randiles' .ir .agramore' .ir ,odinas' .ir -ay' .ir :riflet' and all this he did "ith
one spear0 and .ir 8avaine smote do"n .ir 8u+an le /utler and .ir /edevere( *nd then
.ir 8aun+elot gat another spear' and there he smote do"n .ir *gravaine' .ir :aheris' and
.ir Mordred' and .ir Meliot de 8ogris0 and .ir 8avaine smote 9Aanna le Cure !ardy(
*nd then .ir 8aun+elot dre" his s"ord' and there he smote on the right hand and on the
left hand' and by great for+e he unhorsed .ir .afere' .ir Epinogris' and .ir :alleron0 and
then the %nights of the )able ?ound "ithdre" them aba+%' after they had gotten their
horses as "ell as they might( 9 mer+y 5esu' said .ir :a"aine' "hat %night is yonder that
doth so marvellous deeds of arms in that field3 & "ot "ell "hat he is' said -ing *rthur'
but as at this time & "ill not name him( .ir' said .ir :a"aine' & "ould say it "ere .ir
8aun+elot by his riding and his buffets that & see him deal' but ever meseemeth it should
not be he' for that he beareth the red sleeve upon his head0 for & "ist him never bear to%en
at no 7ousts' of lady nor gentle"oman( 8et him be' said -ing *rthur' he "ill be better
%no"n' and do more' or ever he depart(
)hen the party that "as against -ing *rthur "ere "ell +omforted' and then they held
them together that beforehand "ere sore rebu%ed( )hen .ir /ors' .ir E+tor de Maris' and
.ir 8ionel +alled unto them the %nights of their blood' as .ir /lamore de :anis' .ir
/leoberis' .ir *lidu%e' .ir :alihud' .ir :alihodin' .ir /ellangere le /euse( .o these nine
%nights of .ir 8aun+elot1s %in thrust in mightily' for they "ere all noble %nights0 and
they' of great hate and despite that they had unto him' thought to rebu%e that noble %night
.ir 8aun+elot' and .ir 8avaine' for they %ne" them not0 and so they +ame hurling
together' and smote do"n many %nights of 2orthgalis and of 2orthumberland( *nd "hen
.ir 8aun+elot sa" them fare so' he gat a spear in his hand0 and there en+ountered "ith
him all at on+e .ir /ors' .ir E+tor' and .ir 8ionel' and all they three smote him at on+e
"ith their spears( *nd "ith for+e of themself they smote .ir 8aun+elot1s horse to the
earth0 and by misfortune .ir /ors smote .ir 8aun+elot through the shield into the side'
and the spear bra%e' and the head left still in his side(
When .ir 8avaine sa" his master lie on the ground' he ran to the -ing of .+ots and
smote him to the earth0 and by great for+e he too% his horse' and brought him to .ir
8aun+elot' and maugre of them all he made him to mount upon that horse( *nd then
8aun+elot gat a spear in his hand' and there he smote .ir /ors' horse and man' to the
earth( &n the same "ise he served .ir E+tor and .ir 8ionel0 and .ir 8avaine smote do"n
.ir /lamore de :anis( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot dre" his s"ord' for he felt himself so sore
y<hurt that he "eened there to have had his death( *nd then he smote .ir /leoberis su+h a
buffet on the helm that he fell do"n to the earth in a s"oon( *nd in the same "ise he
served .ir *lidu%e and .ir :alihud( *nd .ir 8avaine smote do"n .ir /ellangere' that
"as the son of *lisander le 9rphelin(
*nd by this "as .ir /ors horsed' and then he +ame "ith .ir E+tor and .ir 8ionel' and all
they three smote "ith s"ords upon .ir 8aun+elot1s helmet( *nd "hen he felt their buffets
and his "ound' the "hi+h "as so grievous' then he thought to do "hat he might "hile he
might endure( *nd then he gave .ir /ors su+h a buffet that he made him bo" his head
passing lo"0 and there"ithal he ra+ed off his helm' and might have slain him0 and so
pulled him do"n' and in the same "ise he served .ir E+tor and .ir 8ionel( For as the
boo% saith he might have slain them' but "hen he sa" their visages his heart might not
serve him thereto' but left them there( *nd then after"ard he hurled into the thi+%est
press of them all' and did there the marvelloust deeds of arms that ever man sa" or heard
spea% of' and ever .ir 8avaine' the good %night' "ith him( *nd there .ir 8aun+elot "ith
his s"ord smote do"n and pulled do"n' as the Fren+h boo% ma%eth mention' mo than
thirty %nights' and the most part "ere of the )able ?ound0 and .ir 8avaine did full "ell
that day' for he smote do"n ten %nights of the )able ?ound(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot and .ir 8avaine departed out of the field' and in "hat 7eopardy
8aun+elot "as(
ME?C> 5esu' said .ir :a"aine to *rthur' & marvel "hat %night that he is "ith the red
sleeve( .ir' said -ing *rthur' he "ill be %no"n or he depart( *nd then the %ing ble" unto
lodging' and the priAe "as given by heralds unto the %night "ith the "hite shield that
bare the red sleeve( )hen +ame the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' the -ing of
2orthgalis' and the -ing of 2orthumberland' and .ir :alahad' the haut prin+e' and said
unto .ir 8aun+elot4 Fair %night' :od thee bless' for mu+h have ye done this day for us'
therefore "e pray you that ye "ill +ome "ith us that ye may re+eive the honour and the
priAe as ye have "orshipfully deserved it( My fair lords' said .ir 8aun+elot' "it you "ell
if & have deserved than%s & have sore bought it' and that me repenteth' for & am li%e never
to es+ape "ith my life0 therefore' fair lords' & pray you that ye "ill suffer me to depart
"here me li%eth' for & am sore hurt( & ta%e none for+e of none honour' for & had liefer to
repose me than to be lord of all the "orld( *nd there"ithal he groaned piteously' and
rode a great "allop a"ay<"ard from them until he +ame under a "ood1s side(
*nd "hen he sa" that he "as from the field nigh a mile' that he "as sure he might not be
seen' then he said "ith an high voi+e4 9 gentle %night' .ir 8avaine' help me that this
trun+heon "ere out of my side' for it sti+%eth so sore that it nigh slayeth me( 9 mine o"n
lord' said .ir 8avaine' & "ould fain do that might please you' but & dread me sore an & pull
out the trun+heon that ye shall be in peril of death( & +harge you' said .ir 8aun+elot' as ye
love me' dra" it out( *nd there"ithal he des+ended from his horse' and right so did .ir
8avaine0 and forth"ithal .ir 8avaine dre" the trun+heon out of his side' and he gave a
great shrie% and a marvellous grisly groan' and the blood brast out nigh a pint at on+e'
that at the last he san% do"n upon his butto+%s' and so s"ooned pale and deadly( *las'
said .ir 8avaine' "hat shall & do3 *nd then he turned .ir 8aun+elot into the "ind' but so
he lay there nigh half an hour as he had been dead(
*nd so at the last .ir 8aun+elot +ast up his eyes' and said4 9 8avaine' help me that & "ere
on my horse' for here is fast by "ithin this t"o mile a gentle hermit that sometime "as a
full noble %night and a great lord of possessions( *nd for great goodness he hath ta%en
him to "ilful poverty' and forsa%en many lands' and his name is .ir /aud"in of /rittany'
and he is a full noble surgeon and a good lee+h( 2o" let see' help me up that & "ere there'
for ever my heart giveth me that & shall never die of my +ousin<germain1s hands( *nd
then "ith great pain .ir 8avaine halp him upon his horse( *nd then they rode a great
"allop together' and ever .ir 8aun+elot bled that it ran do"n to the earth0 and so by
fortune they +ame to that hermitage the "hi+h "as under a "ood' and a great +liff on the
other side' and a fair "ater running under it( *nd then .ir 8avaine beat on the gate "ith
the butt of his spear' and +ried fast4 8et in for 5esu1s sa%e(
*nd there +ame a fair +hild to them' and as%ed them "hat they "ould( Fair son' said .ir
8avaine' go and pray thy lord' the hermit' for :od1s sa%e to let in here a %night that is full
sore "ounded0 and this day tell thy lord & sa" him do more deeds of arms than ever &
heard say that any man did( .o the +hild "ent in lightly' and then he brought the hermit'
the "hi+h "as a passing good man( When .ir 8avaine sa" him he prayed him for :od1s
sa%e of su++our( What %night is he3 said the hermit( &s he of the house of -ing *rthur' or
not3 & "ot not' said .ir 8avaine' "hat is he' nor "hat is his name' but "ell & "ot & sa"
him do marvellously this day as of deeds of arms( 9n "hose party "as he3 said the
hermit( .ir' said .ir 8avaine' he "as this day against -ing *rthur' and there he "on the
priAe of all the %nights of the ?ound )able( & have seen the day' said the hermit' & "ould
have loved him the "orse be+ause he "as against my lord' -ing *rthur' for sometime &
"as one of the fello"ship of the ?ound )able' but & than% :od no" & am other"ise
disposed( /ut "here is he3 let me see him( )hen .ir 8avaine brought the hermit to him(
!o" 8aun+elot "as brought to an hermit for to be healed of his "ound' and of other
*2, "hen the hermit beheld him' as he sat leaning upon his saddle<bo" ever bleeding
piteously' and ever the %night<hermit thought that he should %no" him' but he +ould not
bring him to %no"ledge be+ause he "as so pale for bleeding( What %night are ye' said the
hermit' and "here "ere ye born3 My fair lord' said .ir 8aun+elot' & am a stranger and a
%night adventurous' that laboureth throughout many realms for to "in "orship( )hen the
hermit advised him better' and sa" by a "ound on his +hee% that he "as .ir 8aun+elot(
*las' said the hermit' mine o"n lord "hy lain you your name from me3 Forsooth & ought
to %no" you of right' for ye are the most noblest %night of the "orld' for "ell & %no" you
for .ir 8aun+elot( .ir' said he' sith ye %no" me' help me an ye may' for :od1s sa%e' for &
"ould be out of this pain at on+e' either to death or to life( !ave ye no doubt' said the
hermit' ye shall live and fare right "ell( *nd so the hermit +alled to him t"o of his
servants' and so he and his servants bare him into the hermitage' and lightly unarmed
him' and laid him in his bed( *nd then anon the hermit staun+hed his blood' and made
him to drin% good "ine' so that .ir 8aun+elot "as "ell refreshed and %ne" himself0 for
in those days it "as not the guise of hermits as is no"adays' for there "ere none hermits
in those days but that they had been men of "orship and of pro"ess0 and those hermits
held great household' and refreshed people that "ere in distress(
2o" turn "e unto -ing *rthur' and leave "e .ir 8aun+elot in the hermitage( .o "hen the
%ings "ere +ome together on both parties' and the great feast should be holden' -ing
*rthur as%ed the -ing of 2orthgalis and their fello"ship' "here "as that %night that bare
the red sleeve4 /ring him afore me that he may have his laud' and honour' and the priAe'
as it is right( )hen spa%e .ir :alahad' the haut prin+e' and the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights4 We suppose that %night is mis+hieved' and that he is never li%e to see you nor
none of us all' and that is the greatest pity that ever "e "ist of any %night( *las' said
*rthur' ho" may this be' is he so hurt3 What is his name3 said -ing *rthur( )ruly' said
they all' "e %no" not his name' nor from "hen+e he +ame' nor "hither he "ould( *las'
said the %ing' this be to me the "orst tidings that +ame to me this seven year' for & "ould
not for all the lands & "ield to %no" and "it it "ere so that that noble %night "ere slain(
-no" ye him3 said they all( *s for that' said *rthur' "hether & %no" him or %no" him
not' ye shall not %no" for me "hat man he is' but *lmighty 5esu send me good tidings of
him( *nd so said they all( /y my head' said .ir :a"aine' if it so be that the good %night
be so sore hurt' it is great damage and pity to all this land' for he is one of the noblest
%nights that ever & sa" in a field handle a spear or a s"ord0 and if he may be found & shall
find him' for & am sure he nis not far from this to"n( /ear you "ell' said -ing *rthur' an
ye may find him' unless that he be in su+h a plight that he may not "ield himself( 5esu
defend' said .ir :a"aine' but "it & shall "hat he is' an & may find him(
?ight so .ir :a"aine too% a s6uire "ith him upon ha+%neys' and rode all about Camelot
"ithin six or seven mile' but so he +ame again and +ould hear no "ord of him( )hen
"ithin t"o days -ing *rthur and all the fello"ship returned unto 8ondon again( *nd so
as they rode by the "ay it happed .ir :a"aine at *stolat to lodge "ith .ir /ernard
thereas "as .ir 8aun+elot lodged( *nd so as .ir :a"aine "as in his +hamber to repose
him .ir /ernard' the old baron' +ame unto him' and his daughter Elaine' to +heer him and
to as% him "hat tidings' and "ho did best at that tournament of Win+hester( .o :od me
help' said .ir :a"aine' there "ere t"o %nights that bare t"o "hite shields' but the one of
them bare a red sleeve upon his head' and +ertainly he "as one of the best %nights that
ever & sa" 7oust in field( For & dare say' said .ir :a"aine' that one %night "ith the red
sleeve smote do"n forty %nights of the )able ?ound' and his fello" did right "ell and
"orshipfully( 2o" blessed be :od' said the Fair Maiden of *stolat' that that %night sped
so "ell' for he is the man in the "orld that & first loved' and truly he shall be last that ever
& shall love( 2o"' fair maid' said .ir :a"aine' is that good %night your love3 Certainly
sir' said she' "it ye "ell he is my love( )hen %no" ye his name3 said .ir :a"aine( 2ay
truly' said the damosel' & %no" not his name nor from "hen+e he +ometh' but to say that &
love him' & promise you and :od that & love him( !o" had ye %no"ledge of him first3
said .ir :a"aine(
!o" .ir :a"aine "as lodged "ith the lord of *stolat' and there had %no"ledge that it
"as .ir 8aun+elot that bare the red sleeve(
)!E2 she told him as ye have heard tofore' and ho" her father betoo% him her brother to
do him servi+e' and ho" her father lent him her brother1s' .ir )irre1s' shield4 *nd here
"ith me he left his o"n shield( For "hat +ause did he so3 said .ir :a"aine( For this
+ause' said the damosel' for his shield "as too "ell %no"n among many noble %nights(
*h fair damosel' said .ir :a"aine' please it you let me have a sight of that shield( .ir'
said she' it is in my +hamber' +overed "ith a +ase' and if ye "ill +ome "ith me ye shall
see it( 2ot so' said .ir /ernard till his daughter' let send for it(
.o "hen the shield "as +ome' .ir :a"aine too% off the +ase' and "hen he beheld that
shield he %ne" anon that it "as .ir 8aun+elot1s shield' and his o"n arms( *h 5esu mer+y'
said .ir :a"aine' no" is my heart more heavier than ever it "as tofore( Why3 said
Elaine( For & have great +ause' said .ir :a"aine( &s that %night that o"eth this shield your
love3 >ea truly' said she' my love he is' :od "ould & "ere his love( .o :od me speed'
said .ir :a"aine' fair damosel ye have right' for an he be your love ye love the most
honourable %night of the "orld' and the man of most "orship( .o me thought ever' said
the damosel' for never or that time' for no %night that ever & sa"' loved & never none erst(
:od grant' said .ir :a"aine' that either of you may re7oi+e other' but that is in a great
adventure( /ut truly' said .ir :a"aine unto the damosel' ye may say ye have a fair gra+e'
for "hy & have %no"n that noble %night this four<and<t"enty year' and never or that day'
& nor none other %night' & dare ma%e good' sa" nor heard say that ever he bare to%en or
sign of no lady' gentle"oman' ne maiden' at no 7ousts nor tournament( *nd therefore fair
maiden' said .ir :a"aine' ye are mu+h beholden to him to give him than%s( /ut & dread
me' said .ir :a"aine' that ye shall never see him in this "orld' and that is great pity that
ever "as of earthly %night( *las' said she' ho" may this be' is he slain3 & say not so' said
.ir :a"aine' but "it ye "ell he is grievously "ounded' by all manner of signs' and by
men1s sight more li%elier to be dead than to be alive0 and "it ye "ell he is the noble
%night' .ir 8aun+elot' for by this shield & %no" him( *las' said the Fair Maiden of
*stolat' ho" may this be' and "hat "as his hurt3 )ruly' said .ir :a"aine' the man in the
"orld that loved him best hurt him so0 and & dare say' said .ir :a"aine' an that %night
that hurt him %ne" the very +ertainty that he had hurt .ir 8aun+elot' it "ould be the most
sorro" that ever +ame to his heart(
2o" fair father' said then Elaine' & re6uire you give me leave to ride and to see% him' or
else & "ot "ell & shall go out of my mind' for & shall never stint till that & find him and my
brother' .ir 8avaine( ,o as it li%eth you' said her father' for me sore repenteth of the hurt
of that noble %night( ?ight so the maid made her ready' and before .ir :a"aine' ma%ing
great dole(
)hen on the morn .ir :a"aine +ame to -ing *rthur' and told him ho" he had found .ir
8aun+elot1s shield in the %eeping of the Fair Maiden of *stolat( *ll that %ne" &
aforehand' said -ing *rthur' and that +aused me & "ould not suffer you to have ado at the
great 7ousts' for & espied' said -ing *rthur' "hen he +ame in till his lodging full late in
the evening in *stolat( /ut marvel have &' said *rthur' that ever he "ould bear any sign
of any damosel' for or no" & never heard say nor %ne" that ever he bare any to%en of
none earthly "oman( /y my head' said .ir :a"aine' the Fair Maiden of *stolat loveth
him marvellously "ell0 "hat it meaneth & +annot say' and she is ridden after to see% him(
.o the %ing and all +ame to 8ondon' and there .ir :a"aine openly dis+losed to all the
+ourt that it "as .ir 8aun+elot that 7ousted best(
9f the sorro" that .ir /ors had for the hurt of 8aun+elot0 and of the anger that the 6ueen
had be+ause 8aun+elot bare the sleeve(
*2, "hen .ir /ors heard that' "it ye "ell he "as an heavy man' and so "ere all his
%insmen( /ut "hen ;ueen :uenever "ist that .ir 8aun+elot bare the red sleeve of the
Fair Maiden of *stolat she "as nigh out of her mind for "rath( *nd then she sent for .ir
/ors de :anis in all the haste that might be( .o "hen .ir /ors "as +ome tofore the 6ueen'
then she said4 *h .ir /ors' have ye heard say ho" falsely .ir 8aun+elot hath betrayed
me3 *las madam' said .ir /ors' & am afeard he hath betrayed himself and us all( 2o
for+e' said the 6ueen' though he be destroyed' for he is a false traitor<%night( Madam' said
.ir /ors' & pray you say ye not so' for "it you "ell & may not hear su+h language of him(
Why .ir /ors' said she' should & not +all him traitor "hen he bare the red sleeve upon his
head at Win+hester' at the great 7ousts3 Madam' said .ir /ors' that sleeve<bearing
repenteth me sore' but & dare say he did it to none evil intent' but for this +ause he bare
the red sleeve that none of his blood should %no" him( For or then "e' nor none of us all'
never %ne" that ever he bare to%en or sign of maid' lady' ne gentle"oman( Fie on him'
said the 6ueen' yet for all his pride and bobaun+e there ye proved yourself his better( 2ay
madam' say ye never more so' for he beat me and my fello"s' and might have slain us an
he had "ould( Fie on him' said the 6ueen' for & heard .ir :a"aine say before my lord
*rthur that it "ere marvel to tell the great love that is bet"een the Fair Maiden of *stolat
and him( Madam' said .ir /ors' & may not "arn .ir :a"aine to say "hat it pleased him0
but & dare say' as for my lord' .ir 8aun+elot' that he loveth no lady' gentle"oman' nor
maid' but all he loveth in li%e mu+h( *nd therefore madam' said .ir /ors' ye may say
"hat ye "ill' but "it ye "ell & "ill haste me to see% him' and find him "heresomever he
be' and :od send me good tidings of him( *nd so leave "e them there' and spea% "e of
.ir 8aun+elot that lay in great peril(
.o as fair Elaine +ame to Win+hester she sought there all about' and by fortune .ir
8avaine "as ridden to play him' to en+hafe his horse( *nd anon as Elaine sa" him she
%ne" him' and then she +ried aloud until him( *nd "hen he heard her anon he +ame to
her' and then she as%ed her brother ho" did my lord' .ir 8aun+elot( Who told you' sister'
that my lord1s name "as .ir 8aun+elot3 )hen she told him ho" .ir :a"aine by his shield
%ne" him( .o they rode together till that they +ame to the hermitage' and anon she
.o .ir 8avaine brought her in to .ir 8aun+elot0 and "hen she sa" him lie so si+% and pale
in his bed she might not spea%' but suddenly she fell to the earth do"n suddenly in a
s"oon' and there she lay a great "hile( *nd "hen she "as relieved' she shrie%ed and
said4 My lord' .ir 8aun+elot' alas "hy be ye in this plight3 and then she s"ooned again(
*nd then .ir 8aun+elot prayed .ir 8avaine to ta%e her up4 *nd bring her to me( *nd
"hen she +ame to herself .ir 8aun+elot %issed her' and said4 Fair maiden' "hy fare ye
thus3 ye put me to pain0 "herefore ma%e ye no more su+h +heer' for an ye be +ome to
+omfort me ye be right "el+ome0 and of this little hurt that & have & shall be right hastily
"hole by the gra+e of :od( /ut & marvel' said .ir 8aun+elot' "ho told you my name3
)hen the fair maiden told him all ho" .ir :a"aine "as lodged "ith her father4 *nd there
by your shield he dis+overed your name( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot' that me repenteth that
my name is %no"n' for & am sure it "ill turn unto anger( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot
+ompassed in his mind that .ir :a"aine "ould tell ;ueen :uenever ho" he bare the red
sleeve' and for "hom0 that he "ist "ell "ould turn into great anger(
.o this maiden Elaine never "ent from .ir 8aun+elot' but "at+hed him day and night'
and did su+h attendan+e to him' that the Fren+h boo% saith there "as never "oman did
more %indlier for man than she( )hen .ir 8aun+elot prayed .ir 8avaine to ma%e aspies in
Win+hester for .ir /ors if he +ame there' and told him by "hat to%ens he should %no"
him' by a "ound in his forehead( For "ell & am sure' said .ir 8aun+elot' that .ir /ors "ill
see% me' for he is the same good %night that hurt me(
!o" .ir /ors sought 8aun+elot and found him in the hermitage' and of the lamentation
bet"een them(
29W turn "e unto .ir /ors de :anis that +ame unto Win+hester to see% after his +ousin
.ir 8aun+elot( *nd so "hen he +ame to Win+hester' anon there "ere men that .ir
8avaine had made to lie in a "at+h for su+h a man' and anon .ir 8avaine had "arning0
and then .ir 8avaine +ame to Win+hester and found .ir /ors' and there he told him "hat
he "as' and "ith "hom he "as' and "hat "as his name( 2o" fair %night' said .ir /ors' &
re6uire you that ye "ill bring me to my lord' .ir 8aun+elot( .ir' said .ir 8avaine' ta%e
your horse' and "ithin this hour ye shall see him( *nd so they departed' and +ame to the
*nd "hen .ir /ors sa" .ir 8aun+elot lie in his bed pale and dis+oloured' anon .ir /ors
lost his +ountenan+e' and for %indness and pity he might not spea%' but "ept tenderly a
great "hile( *nd then "hen he might spea% he said thus4 9 my lord' .ir 8aun+elot' :od
you bless' and send you hasty re+over0 and full heavy am & of my misfortune and of mine
unhappiness' for no" & may +all myself unhappy( *nd & dread me that :od is greatly
displeased "ith me' that he "ould suffer me to have su+h a shame for to hurt you that are
all our leader' and all our "orship0 and therefore & +all myself unhappy( *las that ever
su+h a +aitiff<%night as & am should have po"er by unhappiness to hurt the most noblest
%night of the "orld( Where & so shamefully set upon you and over+harged you' and "here
ye might have slain me' ye saved me0 and so did not &' for & and your blood did to you our
utteran+e( & marvel' said .ir /ors' that my heart or my blood "ould serve me' "herefore
my lord' .ir 8aun+elot' & as% your mer+y( Fair +ousin' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye be right
"el+ome0 and "it ye "ell' overmu+h ye say for to please me' the "hi+h pleaseth me not'
for "hy & have the same & sought0 for & "ould "ith pride have over+ome you all' and
there in my pride & "as near slain' and that "as in mine o"n default' for & might have
given you "arning of my being there( *nd then had & had no hurt' for it is an old said
sa"' there is hard battle thereas %in and friends do battle either against other' there may
be no mer+y but mortal "ar( )herefore' fair +ousin' said .ir 8aun+elot' let this spee+h
overpass' and all shall be "el+ome that :od sendeth0 and let us leave off this matter and
let us spea% of some re7oi+ing' for this that is done may not be undone0 and let us find a
remedy ho" soon that & may be "hole(
)hen .ir /ors leaned upon his bedside' and told .ir 8aun+elot ho" the 6ueen "as passing
"roth "ith him' be+ause he "ore the red sleeve at the great 7ousts0 and there .ir /ors told
him all ho" .ir :a"aine dis+overed it4 /y your shield that ye left "ith the Fair Maiden
of *stolat( )hen is the 6ueen "roth' said .ir 8aun+elot and therefore am & right heavy' for
& deserved no "rath' for all that & did "as be+ause & "ould not be %no"n( ?ight so
ex+used & you' said .ir /ors' but all "as in vain' for she said more largelier to me than &
to you no"( /ut is this she' said .ir /ors' that is so busy about you' that men +all the Fair
Maiden of *stolat3 .he it is' said .ir 8aun+elot' that by no means & +annot put her from
me( Why should ye put her from you3 said .ir /ors' she is a passing fair damosel' and a
"ell beseen' and "ell taught0 and :od "ould' fair +ousin' said .ir /ors' that ye +ould
love her' but as to that & may not' nor & dare not' +ounsel you( /ut & see "ell' said .ir
/ors' by her diligen+e about you that she loveth you entirely( )hat me repenteth' said .ir
8aun+elot( .ir' said .ir /ors' she is not the first that hath lost her pain upon you' and that
is the more pity4 and so they tal%ed of many more things( *nd so "ithin three days or
four .ir 8aun+elot "as big and strong again(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot armed him to assay if he might bear arms' and ho" his "ounds brast
out again(
)!E2 .ir /ors told .ir 8aun+elot ho" there "as s"orn a great tournament and 7ousts
bet"ixt -ing *rthur and the -ing of 2orthgalis' that should be upon *ll !allo"mass
,ay' beside Win+hester( &s that truth3 said .ir 8aun+elot0 then shall ye abide "ith me still
a little "hile until that & be "hole' for & feel myself right big and strong( /lessed be :od'
said .ir /ors( )hen "ere they there nigh a month together' and ever this maiden Elaine
did ever her diligent labour night and day unto .ir 8aun+elot' that there "as never +hild
nor "ife more mee%er to her father and husband than "as that Fair Maiden of *stolat0
"herefore .ir /ors "as greatly pleased "ith her(
.o upon a day' by the assent of .ir 8aun+elot' .ir /ors' and .ir 8avaine' they made the
hermit to see% in "oods for divers herbs' and so .ir 8aun+elot made fair Elaine to gather
herbs for him to ma%e him a bain( &n the mean"hile .ir 8aun+elot made him to arm him
at all pie+es0 and there he thought to assay his armour and his spear' for his hurt or not(
*nd so "hen he "as upon his horse he stirred him fier+ely' and the horse "as passing
lusty and fresh be+ause he "as not laboured a month afore( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot
+ou+hed that spear in the rest( )hat +ourser leapt mightily "hen he felt the spurs0 and he
that "as upon him' the "hi+h "as the noblest horse of the "orld' strained him mightily
and stably' and %ept still the spear in the rest0 and there"ith .ir 8aun+elot strained
himself so straitly' "ith so great for+e' to get the horse for"ard' that the button of his
"ound brast both "ithin and "ithout0 and there"ithal the blood +ame out so fier+ely that
he felt himself so feeble that he might not sit upon his horse( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot
+ried unto .ir /ors4 *h' .ir /ors and .ir 8avaine' help' for & am +ome to mine end( *nd
there"ith he fell do"n on the one side to the earth li%e a dead +orpse( *nd then .ir /ors
and .ir 8avaine +ame to him "ith sorro"<ma%ing out of measure( *nd so by fortune the
maiden Elaine heard their mourning' and then she +ame thither0 and "hen she found .ir
8aun+elot there armed in that pla+e she +ried and "ept as she had been "ood0 and then
she %issed him' and did "hat she might to a"a%e him( *nd then she rebu%ed her brother
and .ir /ors' and +alled them false traitors' "hy they "ould ta%e him out of his bed0 there
she +ried' and said she "ould appeal them of his death(
With this +ame the holy hermit' .ir /aud"in of /rittany' and "hen he found .ir
8aun+elot in that plight he said but little' but "it ye "ell he "as "roth0 and then he bade
them4 8et us have him in( *nd so they all bare him unto the hermitage' and unarmed him'
and laid him in his bed0 and evermore his "ound bled piteously' but he stirred no limb of
him( )hen the %night<hermit put a thing in his nose and a little deal of "ater in his mouth(
*nd then .ir 8aun+elot "a%ed of his s"oon' and then the hermit staun+hed his bleeding(
*nd "hen he might spea% he as%ed .ir 8aun+elot "hy he put his life in 7eopardy( .ir'
said .ir 8aun+elot' be+ause & "eened & had been strong' and also .ir /ors told me that
there should be at *ll !allo"mass a great 7ousts bet"ixt -ing *rthur and the -ing of
2orthgalis' and therefore & thought to assay it myself "hether & might be there or not( *h'
.ir 8aun+elot' said the hermit' your heart and your +ourage "ill never be done until your
last day' but ye shall do no" by my +ounsel 8et .ir /ors depart from you' and let him do
at that tournament "hat he may4 *nd by the gra+e of :od' said the %night<hermit' by that
the tournament be done and ye +ome hither again' .ir 8aun+elot shall be as "hole as ye'
so that he "ill be governed by me(
!o" .ir /ors returned and told tidings of .ir 8aun+elot0 and of the tourney' and to "hom
the priAe "as given(
)!E2 .ir /ors made him ready to depart from .ir 8aun+elot0 and then .ir 8aun+elot
said4 Fair +ousin' .ir /ors' re+ommend me unto all them unto "hom me ought to
re+ommend me unto( *nd & pray you' enfor+e yourself at that 7ousts that ye may be best'
for my love0 and here shall & abide you at the mer+y of :od till ye +ome again( *nd so .ir
/ors departed and +ame to the +ourt of -ing *rthur' and told them in "hat pla+e he had
left .ir 8aun+elot( )hat me repenteth' said the %ing' but sin+e he shall have his life "e all
may than% :od( *nd there .ir /ors told the 6ueen in "hat 7eopardy .ir 8aun+elot "as
"hen he "ould assay his horse( *nd all that he did' madam' "as for the love of you'
be+ause he "ould have been at this tournament( Fie on him' re+reant %night' said the
6ueen' for "it ye "ell & am right sorry an he shall have his life( !is life shall he have' said
.ir /ors' and "ho that "ould other"ise' ex+ept you' madam' "e that be of his blood
should help to short their lives( /ut madam' said .ir /ors' ye have been oft<times
displeased "ith my lord' .ir 8aun+elot' but at all times at the end ye find him a true
%night4 and so he departed(
*nd then every %night of the ?ound )able that "ere there at that time present made them
ready to be at that 7ousts at *ll !allo"mass' and thither dre" many %nights of divers
+ountries( *nd as *ll !allo"mass dre" near' thither +ame the -ing of 2orthgalis' and
the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and .ir :alahad' the haut prin+e' of .urluse' and
thither +ame -ing *nguish of &reland' and the -ing of .+ots( .o these three %ings +ame
on -ing *rthur1s party( *nd so that day .ir :a"aine did great deeds of arms' and began
first( *nd the heralds numbered that .ir :a"aine smote do"n t"enty %nights( )hen .ir
/ors de :anis +ame in the same time' and he "as numbered that he smote do"n t"enty
%nights0 and therefore the priAe "as given bet"ixt them both' for they began first and
longest endured( *lso .ir :areth' as the boo% saith' did that day great deeds of arms' for
he smote do"n and pulled do"n thirty %nights( /ut "hen he had done these deeds he
tarried not but so departed' and therefore he lost his priAe( *nd .ir $alomides did great
deeds of arms that day' for he smote do"n t"enty %nights' but he departed suddenly' and
men deemed .ir :areth and he rode together to some manner adventures(
.o "hen this tournament "as done .ir /ors departed and rode till he +ame to .ir
8aun+elot' his +ousin0 and then he found him "al%ing on his feet' and there either made
great 7oy of other0 and so .ir /ors told .ir 8aun+elot of all the 5ousts li%e as ye have
heard( & marvel' said .ir 8aun+elot' that .ir :areth' "hen he had done su+h deeds of
arms' that he "ould not tarry( )hereof "e marvelled all' said .ir /ors' for but if it "ere
you' or .ir )ristram' or .ir 8amora% de :alis' & sa" never %night bear do"n so many in
so little a "hile as did .ir :areth4 and anon he "as gone "e "ist not "here( /y my head'
said .ir 8aun+elot' he is a noble %night' and a mighty man and "ell breathed0 and if he
"ere "ell assayed' said .ir 8aun+elot & "ould deem he "ere good enough for any %night
that beareth the life0 and he is a gentle %night' +ourteous' true' and bounteous' mee%' and
mild' and in him is no manner of mal engin' but plain' faithful' and true(
.o then they made them ready to depart from the hermit( *nd so upon a morn they too%
their horses and Elaine le /lan% "ith them0 and "hen they +ame to *stolat there "ere
they "ell lodged' and had great +heer of .ir /ernard' the old baron' and of .ir )irre' his
son( *nd so upon the morn "hen .ir 8aun+elot should depart' fair Elaine brought her
father "ith her' and .ir 8avaine' and .ir )irre' and thus she said4
9f the great lamentation of the Fair Maid of *stolat "hen 8aun+elot should depart' and
ho" she died for his love(
M> lord' .ir 8aun+elot' no" & see ye "ill depart0 no" fair %night and +ourteous %night'
have mer+y upon me' and suffer me not to die for thy love( What "ould ye that & did3
said .ir 8aun+elot( & "ould have you to my husband' said Elaine( Fair damosel' & than%
you' said .ir 8aun+elot' but truly' said he' & +ast me never to be "edded man( )hen' fair
%night' said she' "ill ye be my paramour3 5esu defend me' said .ir 8aun+elot' for then &
re"arded your father and your brother full evil for their great goodness( *las' said she'
then must & die for your love( >e shall not so' said .ir 8aun+elot' for "it ye "ell' fair
maiden' & might have been married an & had "ould' but & never applied me to be married
yet0 but be+ause' fair damosel' that ye love me as ye say ye do' & "ill for your good "ill
and %indness sho" you some goodness' and that is this' that "heresomever ye "ill beset
your heart upon some good %night that "ill "ed you' & shall give you together a thousand
pound yearly to you and to your heirs0 thus mu+h "ill & give you' fair madam' for your
%indness' and al"ays "hile & live to be your o"n %night( 9f all this' said the maiden' &
"ill none' for but if ye "ill "ed me' or else be my paramour at the least' "it you "ell' .ir
8aun+elot' my good days are done( Fair damosel' said .ir 8aun+elot' of these t"o things
ye must pardon me(
)hen she shrie%ed shrilly' and fell do"n in a s"oon0 and then "omen bare her into her
+hamber' and there she made over mu+h sorro"0 and then .ir 8aun+elot "ould depart'
and there he as%ed .ir 8avaine "hat he "ould do( What should & do' said .ir 8avaine' but
follo" you' but if ye drive me from you' or +ommand me to go from you( )hen +ame .ir
/ernard to .ir 8aun+elot and said to him4 & +annot see but that my daughter Elaine "ill
die for your sa%e( & may not do "ithal' said .ir 8aun+elot' for that me sore repenteth' for &
report me to yourself' that my proffer is fair0 and me repenteth' said .ir 8aun+elot' that
she loveth me as she doth0 & "as never the +auser of it' for & report me to your son & early
ne late proffered her bounte nor fair behests0 and as for me' said .ir 8aun+elot' & dare do
all that a %night should do that she is a +lean maiden for me' both for deed and for "ill(
*nd & am right heavy of her distress' for she is a full fair maiden' good and gentle' and
"ell taught( Father' said .ir 8avaine' & dare ma%e good she is a +lean maiden as for my
lord .ir 8aun+elot0 but she doth as & do' for sithen & first sa" my lord .ir 8aun+elot' &
+ould never depart from him' nor nought & "ill an & may follo" him(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot too% his leave' and so they departed' and +ame unto Win+hester( *nd
"hen *rthur "ist that .ir 8aun+elot "as +ome "hole and sound the %ing made great 7oy
of him' and so did .ir :a"aine and all the %nights of the ?ound )able ex+ept .ir
*gravaine and .ir Mordred( *lso ;ueen :uenever "as "ood "roth "ith .ir 8aun+elot'
and "ould by no means spea% "ith him' but estranged herself from him0 and .ir
8aun+elot made all the means that he might for to spea% "ith the 6ueen' but it "ould not
2o" spea% "e of the Fair Maiden of *stolat that made su+h sorro" day and night that
she never slept' ate' nor dran%' and ever she made her +omplaint unto .ir 8aun+elot( .o
"hen she had thus endured a ten days' that she feebled so that she must needs pass out of
this "orld' then she shrived her +lean' and re+eived her Creator( *nd ever she +omplained
still upon .ir 8aun+elot( )hen her ghostly father bade her leave su+h thoughts( )hen she
said' "hy should & leave su+h thoughts3 *m & not an earthly "oman3 *nd all the "hile
the breath is in my body & may +omplain me' for my belief is & do none offen+e though &
love an earthly man0 and & ta%e :od to my re+ord & loved never none but .ir 8aun+elot du
8a%e' nor never shall' and a +lean maiden & am for him and for all other0 and sithen it is
the sufferan+e of :od that & shall die for the love of so noble a %night' & besee+h the !igh
Father of !eaven to have mer+y upon my soul' and upon mine innumerable pains that &
suffered may be allegean+e of part of my sins( For s"eet 8ord 5esu' said the fair maiden'
& ta%e )hee to re+ord' on )hee & "as never great offen+er against thy la"s0 but that &
loved this noble %night' .ir 8aun+elot' out of measure' and of myself' good 8ord' & might
not "ithstand the fervent love "herefore & have my death(
*nd then she +alled her father' .ir /ernard' and her brother' .ir )irre' and heartily she
prayed her father that her brother might "rite a letter li%e as she did indite it4 and so her
father granted her( *nd "hen the letter "as "ritten "ord by "ord li%e as she devised'
then she prayed her father that she might be "at+hed until she "ere dead( *nd "hile my
body is hot let this letter be put in my right hand' and my hand bound fast "ith the letter
until that & be +old0 and let me be put in a fair bed "ith all the ri+hest +lothes that & have
about me' and so let my bed and all my ri+hest +lothes be laid "ith me in a +hariot unto
the next pla+e "here )hames is0 and there let me be put "ithin a barget' and but one man
"ith me' su+h as ye trust to steer me thither' and that my barget be +overed "ith bla+%
samite over and over4 thus father & besee+h you let it be done( .o her father granted it her
faithfully' all things should be done li%e as she had devised( )hen her father and her
brother made great dole' for "hen this "as done anon she died( *nd so "hen she "as
dead the +orpse and the bed all "as led the next "ay unto )hames' and there a man' and
the +orpse' and all' "ere put into )hames0 and so the man steered the barget unto
Westminster' and there he ro"ed a great "hile to and fro or any espied it(
!o" the +orpse of the Maid of *stolat arrived tofore -ing *rthur' and of the burying'
and ho" .ir 8aun+elot offered the mass<penny(
.9 by fortune -ing *rthur and the ;ueen :uenever "ere spea%ing together at a "indo"'
and so as they loo%ed into )hames they espied this bla+% barget' and had marvel "hat it
meant( )hen the %ing +alled .ir -ay' and sho"ed it him( .ir' said .ir -ay' "it you "ell
there is some ne" tidings( :o thither' said the %ing to .ir -ay' and ta%e "ith you .ir
/randiles and *gravaine' and bring me ready "ord "hat is there( )hen these four %nights
departed and +ame to the barget and "ent in0 and there they found the fairest +orpse lying
in a ri+h bed' and a poor man sitting in the barget1s end' and no "ord "ould he spea%( .o
these four %nights returned unto the %ing again' and told him "hat they found( )hat fair
+orpse "ill & see' said the %ing( *nd so then the %ing too% the 6ueen by the hand' and
"ent thither(
)hen the %ing made the barget to be holden fast' and then the %ing and the 6ueen entered
"ith +ertain %nights "ith them0 and there he sa" the fairest "oman lie in a ri+h bed'
+overed unto her middle "ith many ri+h +lothes' and all "as of +loth of gold' and she lay
as though she had smiled( )hen the 6ueen espied a letter in her right hand' and told it to
the %ing( )hen the %ing too% it and said4 2o" am & sure this letter "ill tell "hat she "as'
and "hy she is +ome hither( .o then the %ing and the 6ueen "ent out of the barget' and so
+ommanded a +ertain man to "ait upon the barget(
*nd so "hen the %ing "as +ome "ithin his +hamber' he +alled many %nights about him'
and said that he "ould "it openly "hat "as "ritten "ithin that letter( )hen the %ing bra%e
it' and made a +ler% to read it' and this "as the intent of the letter( Most noble %night' .ir
8aun+elot' no" hath death made us t"o at debate for your love( & "as your lover' that
men +alled the Fair Maiden of *stolat0 therefore unto all ladies & ma%e my moan' yet pray
for my soul and bury me at least' and offer ye my mass<penny4 this is my last re6uest(
*nd a +lean maiden & died' & ta%e :od to "itness4 pray for my soul' .ir 8aun+elot' as thou
art peerless( )his "as all the substan+e in the letter( *nd "hen it "as read' the %ing' the
6ueen' and all the %nights "ept for pity of the doleful +omplaints( )hen "as .ir 8aun+elot
sent for0 and "hen he "as +ome -ing *rthur made the letter to be read to him(
*nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot heard it "ord by "ord' he said4 My lord *rthur' "it ye "ell & am
right heavy of the death of this fair damosel4 :od %no"eth & "as never +auser of her
death by my "illing' and that "ill & report me to her o"n brother4 here he is' .ir 8avaine(
& "ill not say nay' said .ir 8aun+elot' but that she "as both fair and good' and mu+h &
"as beholden unto her' but she loved me out of measure( >e might have she"ed her' said
the 6ueen' some bounty and gentleness that might have preserved her life( Madam' said
.ir 8aun+elot' she "ould none other "ays be ans"ered but that she "ould be my "ife'
outher else my paramour0 and of these t"o & "ould not grant her' but & proffered her' for
her good love that she she"ed me' a thousand pound yearly to her' and to her heirs' and
to "ed any manner %night that she +ould find best to love in her heart( For madam' said
.ir 8aun+elot' & love not to be +onstrained to love0 for love must arise of the heart' and
not by no +onstraint( )hat is truth' said the %ing' and many %night1s love is free in
himself' and never "ill be bounden' for "here he is bounden he looseth himself(
)hen said the %ing unto .ir 8aun+elot4 &t "ill be your "orship that ye oversee that she be
interred "orshipfully( .ir' said .ir 8aun+elot' that shall be done as & +an best devise( *nd
so many %nights yede thither to behold that fair maiden( *nd so upon the morn she "as
interred ri+hly' and .ir 8aun+elot offered her mass<penny0 and all the %nights of the )able
?ound that "ere there at that time offered "ith .ir 8aun+elot( *nd then the poor man
"ent again "ith the barget( )hen the 6ueen sent for .ir 8aun+elot' and prayed him of
mer+y' for "hy that she had been "roth "ith him +auseless( )his is not the first time' said
.ir 8aun+elot' that ye had been displeased "ith me +auseless' but' madam' ever & must
suffer you' but "hat sorro" & endure & ta%e no for+e( .o this passed on all that "inter'
"ith all manner of hunting and ha"%ing' and 7ousts and tourneys "ere many bet"ixt
many great lords' and ever in all pla+es .ir 8avaine gat great "orship' so that he "as
nobly reno"ned among many %nights of the )able ?ound(
9f great 7ousts done all a Christmas' and of a great 7ousts and tourney ordained by -ing
*rthur' and of .ir 8aun+elot(
)!#. it passed on till Christmas' and then every day there "as 7ousts made for a
diamond' "ho that 7ousted best should have a diamond( /ut .ir 8aun+elot "ould not
7oust but if it "ere at a great 7ousts +ried( /ut .ir 8avaine 7ousted there all that Christmas
passingly "ell' and best "as praised' for there "ere but fe" that did so "ell( Wherefore
all manner of %nights deemed that .ir 8avaine should be made %night of the )able ?ound
at the next feast of $ente+ost( .o at<after Christmas -ing *rthur let +all unto him many
%nights' and there they advised together to ma%e a party and a great tournament and
7ousts( *nd the -ing of 2orthgalis said to *rthur' he "ould have on his party -ing
*nguish of &reland' and the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and the -ing of
2orthumberland' and .ir :alahad' the haut prin+e( *nd so these four %ings and this
mighty du%e too% part against -ing *rthur and the %nights of the )able ?ound( *nd the
+ry "as made that the day of the 7ousts should be beside Westminster upon Candlemas
,ay' "hereof many %nights "ere glad' and made them ready to be at that 7ousts in the
freshest manner(
)hen ;ueen :uenever sent for .ir 8aun+elot' and said thus4 & "arn you that ye ride no
more in no 7ousts nor tournaments but that your %insmen may %no" you( *nd at these
7ousts that shall be ye shall have of me a sleeve of gold0 and & pray you for my sa%e
enfor+e yourself there' that men may spea% of you "orship0 but & +harge you as ye "ill
have my love' that ye "arn your %insmen that ye "ill bear that day the sleeve of gold
upon your helmet( Madam' said .ir 8aun+elot' it shall be done( *nd so either made great
7oy of other( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" his time he told .ir /ors that he "ould depart'
and have no more "ith him but .ir 8avaine' unto the good hermit that d"elt in that forest
of Windsor0 his name "as .ir /rasias0 and there he thought to repose him' and ta%e all
the rest that he might' be+ause he "ould be fresh at that day of 7ousts(
.o .ir 8aun+elot and .ir 8avaine departed' that no +reature "ist "here he "as be+ome'
but the noble men of his blood( *nd "hen he "as +ome to the hermitage' "it ye "ell he
had good +heer( *nd so daily .ir 8aun+elot "ould go to a "ell fast by the hermitage' and
there he "ould lie do"n' and see the "ell spring and burble' and sometime he slept there(
.o at that time there "as a lady d"elt in that forest' and she "as a great huntress' and
daily she used to hunt' and ever she bare her bo" "ith her0 and no men "ent never "ith
her' but al"ays "omen' and they "ere shooters' and +ould "ell %ill a deer' both at the
stal% and at the trest0 and they daily bare bo"s and arro"s' horns and "ood<%nives' and
many good dogs they had' both for the string and for a bait( .o it happed this lady the
huntress had abated her dog for the bo" at a barren hind' and so this barren hind too% the
flight over hedges and "oods( *nd ever this lady and part of her "omen +osted the hind'
and +he+%ed it by the noise of the hounds' to have met "ith the hind at some "ater0 and
so it happed' the hind +ame to the "ell "hereas .ir 8aun+elot "as sleeping and
slumbering( *nd so "hen the hind +ame to the "ell' for heat she "ent to soil' and there
she lay a great "hile0 and the dog +ame after' and umbe+ast about' for she had lost the
very perfe+t feute of the hind( ?ight so +ame that lady the huntress' that %ne" by the dog
that she had' that the hind "as at the soil in that "ell0 and there she +ame stiffly and
found the hind' and she put a broad arro" in her bo"' and shot at the hind' and over<shot
the hind0 and so by misfortune the arro" smote .ir 8aun+elot in the thi+% of the butto+%'
over the barbs( When .ir 8aun+elot felt himself so hurt' he hurled up "oodly' and sa"
the lady that had smitten him( *nd "hen he sa" she "as a "oman' he said thus4 8ady or
damosel' "hat that thou be' in an evil time bear ye a bo"0 the devil made you a shooter(
!o" 8aun+elot after that he "as hurt of a gentle"oman +ame to an hermit' and of other
29W mer+y' fair sir' said the lady' & am a gentle"oman that useth here in this forest
hunting' and :od %no"eth & sa" ye not0 but as here "as a barren hind at the soil in this
"ell' and & "eened to have done "ell' but my hand s"erved( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye
have mis+hieved me( *nd so the lady departed' and .ir 8aun+elot as he might pulled out
the arro"' and left that head still in his butto+%' and so he "ent "ea%ly to the hermitage
ever more bleeding as he "ent( *nd "hen .ir 8avaine and the hermit espied that .ir
8aun+elot "as hurt' "it you "ell they "ere passing heavy' but .ir 8avaine "ist not ho"
that he "as hurt nor by "hom( *nd then "ere they "roth out of measure(
)hen "ith great pain the hermit gat out the arro"1s head out of .ir 8aun+elot1s butto+%'
and mu+h of his blood he shed' and the "ound "as passing sore' and unhappily smitten'
for it "as in su+h a pla+e that he might not sit in no saddle( !ave mer+y' 5esu' said .ir
8aun+elot' & may +all myself the most unhappiest man that liveth' for ever "hen & "ould
fainest have "orship there befalleth me ever some unhappy thing( 2o" so 5esu me help'
said .ir 8aun+elot' and if no man "ould but :od' & shall be in the field upon Candlemas
,ay at the 7ousts' "hatsomever fall of it4 so all that might be gotten to heal .ir 8aun+elot
"as had(
.o "hen the day "as +ome .ir 8aun+elot let devise that he "as arrayed' and .ir 8avaine'
and their horses' as though they had been .ara+ens0 and so they departed and +ame nigh
to the field( )he -ing of 2orthgalis "ith an hundred %nights "ith him' and the -ing of
2orthumberland brought "ith him an hundred good %nights' and -ing *nguish of &reland
brought "ith him an hundred good %nights ready to 7oust' and .ir :alahad' the haut
prin+e' brought "ith him an hundred good %nights' and the -ing "ith the !undred
-nights brought "ith him as many' and all these "ere proved good %nights( )hen +ame
in -ing *rthur1s party0 and there +ame in the -ing of .+ots "ith an hundred %nights' and
-ing #riens of :ore brought "ith him an hundred %nights' and -ing !o"el of /rittany
brought "ith him an hundred %nights' and Chaleins of Claran+e brought "ith him an
hundred %nights' and -ing *rthur himself +ame into the field "ith t"o hundred %nights'
and the most part "ere %nights of the )able ?ound' that "ere proved noble %nights0 and
there "ere old %nights set in s+affolds for to 7udge' "ith the 6ueen' "ho did best(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot behaved him at the 7ousts' and other men also(
)!E2 they ble" to the field0 and there the -ing of 2orthgalis en+ountered "ith the -ing
of .+ots' and there the -ing of .+ots had a fall0 and the -ing of &reland smote do"n -ing
#riens0 and the -ing of 2orthumberland smote do"n -ing !o"el of /rittany0 and .ir
:alahad' the haut prin+e' smote do"n Chaleins of Claran+e( *nd then -ing *rthur "as
"ood "roth' and ran to the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' and there -ing *rthur smote
him do"n0 and after "ith that same spear -ing *rthur smote do"n three other %nights(
*nd then "hen his spear "as bro%en -ing *rthur did passingly "ell0 and so there"ithal
+ame in .ir :a"aine and .ir :aheris' .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred' and there every+h
of them smote do"n a %night' and .ir :a"aine smote do"n four %nights0 and then there
began a strong medley' for then there +ame in the %nights of 8aun+elot1s blood' and .ir
:areth and .ir $alomides "ith them' and many %nights of the )able ?ound' and they
began to hold the four %ings and the mighty du%e so hard that they "ere dis+omfit0 but
this ,u%e :alahad' the haut prin+e' "as a noble %night' and by his mighty pro"ess of
arms he held the %nights of the )able ?ound strait enough(
*ll this doing sa" .ir 8aun+elot' and then he +ame into the field "ith .ir 8avaine as it
had been thunder( *nd then anon .ir /ors and the %nights of his blood espied .ir
8aun+elot' and said to them all4 & "arn you be"are of him "ith the sleeve of gold upon
his head' for he is himself .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e0 and for great goodness .ir /ors "arned
.ir :areth( & am "ell apaid' said .ir :areth' that & may %no" him( /ut "ho is he' said
they all' that rideth "ith him in the same array3 )hat is the good and gentle %night .ir
8avaine' said .ir /ors( .o .ir 8aun+elot en+ountered "ith .ir :a"aine' and there by
for+e .ir 8aun+elot smote do"n .ir :a"aine and his horse to the earth' and so he smote
do"n .ir *gravaine and .ir :aheris' and also he smote do"n .ir Mordred' and all this
"as "ith one spear( )hen .ir 8avaine met "ith .ir $alomides' and either met other so
hard and so fier+ely that both their horses fell to the earth( *nd then "ere they horsed
again' and then met .ir 8aun+elot "ith .ir $alomides' and there .ir $alomides had a fall0
and so .ir 8aun+elot or ever he stint' as fast as he might get spears' he smote do"n thirty
%nights' and the most part of them "ere %nights of the )able ?ound0 and ever the %nights
of his blood "ithdre" them' and made them ado in other pla+es "here .ir 8aun+elot
+ame not(
*nd then -ing *rthur "as "roth "hen he sa" .ir 8aun+elot do su+h deeds0 and then the
%ing +alled unto him .ir :a"aine' .ir Mordred' .ir -ay' .ir :riflet' .ir 8u+an the /utler'
.ir /edivere' .ir $alomides' .ir .afere' his brother0 and so the %ing "ith these nine
%nights made them ready to set upon .ir 8aun+elot' and upon .ir 8avaine( *ll this espied
.ir /ors and .ir :areth( 2o" & dread me sore' said .ir /ors' that my lord' .ir 8aun+elot'
"ill be hard mat+hed( /y my head' said .ir :areth' & "ill ride unto my lord .ir
8aun+elot' for to help him' fall of him "hat fall may' for he is the same man that made
me %night( >e shall not so' said .ir /ors' by my +ounsel' unless that ye "ere disguised(
>e shall see me disguised' said .ir :areth0 and there"ithal he espied a Welsh %night
"here he "as to repose him' and he "as sore hurt afore by .ir :a"aine' and to him .ir
:areth rode' and prayed him of his %nighthood to lend him his shield for his( & "ill "ell'
said the Welsh %night( *nd "hen .ir :areth had his shield' the boo% saith it "as green'
"ith a maiden that seemed in it(
)hen .ir :areth +ame driving to .ir 8aun+elot all that he might and said4 -night' %eep
thyself' for yonder +ometh -ing *rthur "ith nine noble %nights "ith him to put you to a
rebu%e' and so & am +ome to bear you fello"ship for old love ye have she"ed me(
:ramer+y' said .ir 8aun+elot( .ir' said .ir :areth' en+ounter ye "ith .ir :a"aine' and &
shall en+ounter "ith .ir $alomides0 and let .ir 8avaine mat+h "ith the noble -ing
*rthur( *nd "hen "e have delivered them' let us three hold us sadly together( )hen +ame
-ing *rthur "ith his nine %nights "ith him' and .ir 8aun+elot en+ountered "ith .ir
:a"aine' and gave him su+h a buffet that the arson of his saddle brast' and .ir :a"aine
fell to the earth( )hen .ir :areth en+ountered "ith the good %night .ir $alomides' and he
gave him su+h a buffet that both his horse and he dashed to the earth( )hen en+ountered
-ing *rthur "ith .ir 8avaine' and there either of them smote other to the earth' horse and
all' that they lay a great "hile( )hen .ir 8aun+elot smote do"n .ir *gravaine' and .ir
:aheris' and .ir Mordred0 and .ir :areth smote do"n .ir -ay' and .ir .afere' and .ir
:riflet( *nd then .ir 8avaine "as horsed again' and he smote do"n .ir 8u+an the /utler
and .ir /edevere and then there began great throng of good %nights(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot hurtled here and there' and ra+ed and pulled off helms' so that at that
time there might none sit him a buffet "ith spear nor "ith s"ord0 and .ir :areth did su+h
deeds of arms that all men marvelled "hat %night he "as "ith the green shield' for he
smote do"n that day and pulled do"n mo than thirty %nights *nd' as the Fren+h boo%
saith' .ir 8aun+elot marvelled0 "hen he beheld .ir :areth do su+h deeds' "hat %night he
might be0 and .ir 8avaine pulled do"n and smote do"n t"enty %nights( *lso .ir
8aun+elot %ne" not .ir :areth for an .ir )ristram de 8iones' outher .ir 8amora% de
:alis had been alive' .ir 8aun+elot "ould have deemed he had been one of them t"ain(
.o ever as .ir 8aun+elot .ir :areth' .ir 8avaine fought' and on the one side .ir /ors' .ir
E+tor de Maris' .ir 8ionel' .ir 8amora% de :alis' .ir /leoberis' .ir :alihud' .ir
:alihodin' .ir $elleas' and "ith mo other of -ing /an1s blood fought upon another party'
and held the -ing "ith the !undred -nights and the -ing of 2orthumberland right strait(
!o" -ing *rthur marvelled mu+h of the 7ousting in the field' and ho" he rode and found
.ir 8aun+elot(
.9 this tournament and this 7ousts dured long' till it "as near night' for the %nights of the
?ound )able relieved ever unto -ing *rthur0 for the %ing "as "roth out of measure that
he and his %nights might not prevail that day( )hen .ir :a"aine said to the %ing4 & marvel
"here all this day [be .ir /ors de :anis and his fello"ship of .ir 8aun+elot1s blood' &
marvel all this day they be not about you4 it is for some +ause said .ir :a"aine( /y my
head' said .ir -ay' .ir /ors is yonder all this day upon the right hand of this field' and
there he and his blood do more "orshipfully than "e do( &t may "ell be' said .ir
:a"aine' but & dread me ever of guile0 for on pain of my life' said .ir :a"aine' this
%night "ith the red sleeve of gold is himself .ir 8aun+elot' & see "ell by his riding and by
his great stro%es0 and the other %night in the same +olours is the good young %night' .ir
8avaine( *lso that %night "ith the green shield is my brother' .ir :areth' and yet he hath
disguised himself' for no man shall never ma%e him be against .ir 8aun+elot' be+ause he
made him %night( /y my head' said *rthur' nephe"' & believe you0 therefore tell me no"
"hat is your best +ounsel( .ir' said .ir :a"aine' ye shall have my +ounsel4 let blo" unto
lodging' for an he be .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and my brother' .ir :areth' "ith him' "ith
the help of that good young %night' .ir 8avaine' trust me truly it "ill be no boot to strive
"ith them but if "e should fall ten or t"elve upon one %night' and that "ere no "orship'
but shame( >e say truth' said the %ing0 and for to say sooth' said the %ing' it "ere shame
to us so many as "e be to set upon them any more0 for "it ye "ell' said -ing *rthur' they
be three good %nights' and namely that %night "ith the sleeve of gold(
.o then they ble" unto lodging0 but forth"ithal -ing *rthur let send unto the four %ings'
and to the mighty du%e' and prayed them that the %night "ith the sleeve of gold depart
not from them' but that the %ing may spea% "ith him( )hen forth"ithal -ing *rthur
alighted and unarmed him' and too% a little ha+%ney and rode after .ir 8aun+elot' for ever
he had a spy upon him( *nd so he found him among the four %ings and the du%e0 and
there the %ing prayed them all unto supper' and they said they "ould "ith good "ill( *nd
"hen they "ere unarmed then -ing *rthur %ne" .ir 8aun+elot' .ir 8avaine' and .ir
:areth( *h' .ir 8aun+elot' said -ing *rthur' this day ye have heated me and my %nights(
.o they yede unto *rthur1s lodging all together' and there "as a great feast and great
revel' and the priAe "as given unto .ir 8aun+elot0 and by heralds they named him that he
had smitten do"n fifty %nights' and .ir :areth five<and<thirty' and .ir 8avaine four<and<
t"enty %nights( )hen .ir 8aun+elot told the %ing and the 6ueen ho" the lady huntress
shot him in the forest of Windsor' in the butto+%' "ith an broad arro"' and ho" the
"ound thereof "as that time six in+hes deep' and in li%e long( *lso *rthur blamed .ir
:areth be+ause he left his fello"ship and held "ith .ir 8aun+elot( My lord' said .ir
:areth' he made me a %night' and "hen & sa" him so hard bestead' methought it "as my
"orship to help him' for & sa" him do so mu+h' and so many noble %nights against him0
and "hen & understood that he "as .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' & shamed to see so many
%nights against him alone( )ruly' said -ing *rthur unto .ir :areth' ye say "ell' and
"orshipfully have ye done and to yourself great "orship0 and all the days of my life' said
-ing *rthur unto .ir :areth' "it you "ell & shall love you' and trust you the more better(
For ever' said *rthur' it is a "orshipful %night1s deed to help another "orshipful %night
"hen he seeth him in a great danger0 for ever a "orshipful man "ill be loath to see a
"orshipful man shamed0 and he that is of no "orship' and fareth "ith +o"ardi+e' never
shall he sho" gentleness' nor no manner of goodness "here he seeth a man in any
danger' for then ever "ill a +o"ard sho" no mer+y0 and al"ays a good man "ill do ever
to another man as he "ould be done to himself( .o then there "ere great feasts unto %ings
and du%es' and revel' game' and play' and all manner of noblesse "as used0 and he that
"as +ourteous' true' and faithful' to his friend "as that time +herished(
!o" true love is li%ened to summer(
*2, thus it passed on from Candlemass until after Easter' that the month of May "as
+ome' "hen every lusty heart beginneth to blossom' and to bring forth fruit0 for li%e as
herbs and trees bring forth fruit and flourish in May' in li%e "ise every lusty heart that is
in any manner a lover' springeth and flourisheth in lusty deeds( For it giveth unto all
lovers +ourage' that lusty month of May' in something to +onstrain him to some manner
of thing more in that month than in any other month' for divers +auses( For then all herbs
and trees rene" a man and "oman' and li%e"ise lovers +all again to their mind old
gentleness and old servi+e' and many %ind deeds that "ere forgotten by negligen+e( For
li%e as "inter rasure doth al"ay arase and defa+e green summer' so fareth it by unstable
love in man and "oman( For in many persons there is no stability0 for "e may see all day'
for a little blast of "inter1s rasure' anon "e shall defa+e and lay apart true love for little
or nought' that +ost mu+h thing0 this is no "isdom nor stability' but it is feebleness of
nature and great dis"orship' "hosomever useth this( )herefore' li%e as May month
flo"ereth and flourisheth in many gardens' so in li%e "ise let every man of "orship
flourish his heart in this "orld' first unto :od' and next unto the 7oy of them that he
promised his faith unto0 for there "as never "orshipful man or "orshipful "oman' but
they loved one better than another0 and "orship in arms may never be foiled' but first
reserve the honour to :od' and se+ondly the 6uarrel must +ome of thy lady4 and su+h love
& +all virtuous love(
/ut no"adays men +an not love seven night but they must have all their desires4 that love
may not endure by reason0 for "here they be soon a++orded and hasty heat' soon it
+ooleth( ?ight so fareth love no"adays' soon hot soon +old4 this is no stability( /ut the
old love "as not so0 men and "omen +ould love together seven years' and no li+ours lusts
"ere bet"een them' and then "as love' truth' and faithfulness4 and lo' in li%e "ise "as
used love in -ing *rthur1s days( Wherefore & li%en love no"adays unto summer and
"inter0 for li%e as the one is hot and the other +old' so fareth love no"adays0 therefore all
ye that be lovers +all unto your remembran+e the month of May' li%e as did ;ueen
:uenever' for "hom & ma%e here a little mention' that "hile she lived she "as a true
lover' and therefore she had a good end(
Expli+it liber 9+tode+imus( *nd here follo"eth liber xix(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book 1,
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VII! VIII-"! "I-"III #
!o" ;ueen :uenever rode a<Maying "ith +ertain %nights of the ?ound )able and +lad
all in green(
.9 it befell in the month of May' ;ueen :uenever +alled unto her %nights of the )able
?ound0 and she gave them "arning that early upon the morro" she "ould ride a<Maying
into "oods and fields beside Westminster( *nd & "arn you that there be none of you but
that he be "ell horsed' and that ye all be +lothed in green' outher in sil% outher in +loth0
and & shall bring "ith me ten ladies' and every %night shall have a lady behind him' and
every %night shall have a s6uire and t"o yeomen0 and & "ill that ye all be "ell horsed( .o
they made them ready in the freshest manner( *nd these "ere the names of the %nights4
.ir -ay le .enes+hal' .ir *gravaine' .ir /randiles' .ir .agramore le ,esirous' .ir
,odinas le .avage' .ir 9Aanna le Cure !ardy' .ir 8adinas of the Forest .avage' .ir
$ersant of &nde' .ir &ronside' that "as +alled the -night of the ?ed 8aunds' and .ir
$elleas' the lover0 and these ten %nights made them ready in the freshest manner to ride
"ith the 6ueen( *nd so upon the morn they too% their horses "ith the 6ueen' and rode a<
Maying in "oods and meado"s as it pleased them' in great 7oy and delights0 for the
6ueen had +ast to have been again "ith -ing *rthur at the furthest by ten of the +lo+%'
and so "as that time her purpose(
)hen there "as a %night that hight Meliagran+e' and he "as son unto -ing /agdemagus'
and this %night had at that time a +astle of the gift of -ing *rthur "ithin seven mile of
Westminster( *nd this %night' .ir Meliagran+e' loved passing "ell ;ueen :uenever' and
so had he done long and many years( *nd the boo% saith he had lain in a"ait for to steal
a"ay the 6ueen' but evermore he forbare for be+ause of .ir 8aun+elot0 for in no "ise he
"ould meddle "ith the 6ueen an .ir 8aun+elot "ere in her +ompany' outher else an he
"ere near<hand her( *nd that time "as su+h a +ustom' the 6ueen rode never "ithout a
great fello"ship of men of arms about her' and they "ere many good %nights' and the
most part "ere young men that "ould have "orship0 and they "ere +alled the ;ueen1s
-nights' and never in no battle' tournament' nor 7ousts' they bare none of them no
manner of %no"ledging of their o"n arms' but plain "hite shields' and thereby they "ere
+alled the ;ueen1s -nights( *nd then "hen it happed any of them to be of great "orship
by his noble deeds' then at the next Feast of $ente+ost' if there "ere any slain or dead' as
there "as none year that there failed but some "ere dead' then "as there +hosen in his
stead that "as dead the most men of "orship' that "ere +alled the ;ueen1s -nights( *nd
thus they +ame up all first' or they "ere reno"ned men of "orship' both .ir 8aun+elot
and all the remnant of them(
/ut this %night' .ir Meliagran+e' had espied the 6ueen "ell and her purpose' and ho" .ir
8aun+elot "as not "ith her' and ho" she had no men of arms "ith her but the ten noble
%nights all arrayed in green for Maying( )hen he purveyed him a t"enty men of arms and
an hundred ar+hers for to destroy the 6ueen and her %nights' for he thought that time "as
best season to ta%e the 6ueen(
!o" .ir Meliagran+e too% the 6ueen and her %nights' "hi+h "ere sore hurt in fighting(
.9 as the 6ueen had Mayed and all her %nights' all "ere bedashed "ith herbs' mosses
and flo"ers' in the best manner and freshest( ?ight so +ame out of a "ood .ir
Meliagran+e "ith an eight s+ore men "ell harnessed' as they should fight in a battle of
arrest' and bade the 6ueen and her %nights abide' for maugre their heads they should
abide( )raitor %night' said ;ueen :uenever' "hat +ast thou for to do3 Wilt thou shame
thyself3 /ethin% thee ho" thou art a %ing1s son' and %night of the )able ?ound' and thou
to be about to dishonour the noble %ing that made thee %night0 thou shamest all
%nighthood and thyself' and me' & let thee "it' shalt thou never shame' for & had liefer +ut
mine o"n throat in t"ain rather than thou shouldest dishonour me( *s for all this
language' said .ir Meliagran+e' be it as it be may' for "it you "ell' madam' & have loved
you many a year' and never or no" +ould & get you at su+h an advantage as & do no"' and
therefore & "ill ta%e you as & find you(
)hen spa%e all the ten noble %nights at on+e and said4 .ir Meliagran+e' "it thou "ell ye
are about to 7eopard your "orship to dishonour' and also ye +ast to 7eopard our persons
ho"beit "e be unarmed( >e have us at a great avail' for it seemeth by you that ye have
laid "at+h upon us0 but rather than ye should put the 6ueen to a shame and us all' "e had
as lief to depart from our lives' for an if "e other "ays did' "e "ere shamed for ever(
)hen said .ir Meliagran+e4 ,ress you as "ell ye +an' and %eep the 6ueen( )hen the ten
%nights of the )able ?ound dre" their s"ords' and the other let run at them "ith their
spears' and the ten %nights manly abode them' and smote a"ay their spears that no spear
did them none harm( )hen they lashed together "ith s"ords' and anon .ir -ay' .ir
.agramore' .ir *gravaine' .ir ,odinas' .ir 8adinas' and .ir 9Aanna "ere smitten to the
earth "ith grimly "ounds( )hen .ir /randiles' and .ir $ersant' .ir &ronside' .ir $elleas
fought long' and they "ere sore "ounded' for these ten %nights' or ever they "ere laid to
the ground' sle" forty men of the boldest and the best of them(
.o "hen the 6ueen sa" her %nights thus dolefully "ounded' and needs must be slain at
the last' then for pity and sorro" she +ried .ir Meliagran+e4 .lay not my noble %nights'
and & "ill go "ith thee upon this +ovenant' that thou save them' and suffer them not to be
no more hurt' "ith this' that they be led "ith me "heresomever thou leadest me' for & "ill
rather slay myself than & "ill go "ith thee' unless that these my noble %nights may be in
my presen+e( Madam' said Meliagran+e' for your sa%e they shall be led "ith you into
mine o"n +astle' "ith that ye "ill be ruled' and ride "ith me( )hen the 6ueen prayed the
four %nights to leave their fighting' and she and they "ould not depart( Madam' said .ir
$elleas' "e "ill do as ye do' for as for me & ta%e no for+e of my life nor death( For as the
Fren+h boo% saith' .ir $elleas gave su+h buffets there that none armour might hold him(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot had "ord ho" the 6ueen "as ta%en' and ho" .ir Meliagran+e laid a
bushment for 8aun+elot(
)!E2 by the 6ueen1s +ommandment they left battle' and dressed the "ounded %nights on
horseba+%' some sitting' some overth"art their horses' that it "as pity to behold them(
*nd then .ir Meliagran+e +harged the 6ueen and all her %nights that none of all her
fello"ship should depart from her0 for full sore he dread .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' lest he
should have any %no"ledging( *ll this espied the 6ueen' and privily she +alled unto her a
+hild of her +hamber that "as s"iftly horsed' to "hom she said4 :o thou' "hen thou seest
thy time' and bear this ring unto .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and pray him as he loveth me that
he "ill see me and res+ue me' if ever he "ill have 7oy of me0 and spare not thy horse' said
the 6ueen' neither for "ater' neither for land( .o the +hild espied his time' and lightly he
too% his horse "ith the spurs' and departed as fast as he might( *nd "hen .ir
Meliagran+e sa" him so flee' he understood that it "as by the 6ueen1s +ommandment for
to "arn .ir 8aun+elot( )hen they that "ere best horsed +hased him and shot at him' but
from them all the +hild "ent suddenly( *nd then .ir Meliagran+e said to the 6ueen4
Madam' ye are about to betray me' but & shall ordain for .ir 8aun+elot that he shall not
+ome lightly at you( *nd then he rode "ith her' and they all' to his +astle' in all the haste
that they might( *nd by the "ay .ir Meliagran+e laid in an embushment the best ar+hers
that he might get in his +ountry' to the number of thirty' to a"ait upon .ir 8aun+elot'
+harging them that if they sa" su+h a manner of %night +ome by the "ay upon a "hite
horse' that in any "ise they slay his horse' but in no manner of "ise have not ado "ith
him bodily' for he is over<hardy to be over+ome(
.o this "as done' and they "ere +ome to his +astle' but in no "ise the 6ueen "ould never
let none of the ten %nights and her ladies out of her sight' but al"ays they "ere in her
presen+e0 for the boo% saith' .ir Meliagran+e durst ma%e no masteries' for dread of .ir
8aun+elot' insomu+h he deemed that he had "arning( .o "hen the +hild "as departed
from the fello"ship of .ir Meliagran+e' "ithin a "hile he +ame to Westminster' and anon
he found .ir 8aun+elot( *nd "hen he had told his message' and delivered him the
6ueen1s ring4 *las' said .ir 8aun+elot' no" & am shamed for ever' unless that & may
res+ue that noble lady from dishonour( )hen eagerly he as%ed his armour0 and ever the
+hild told .ir 8aun+elot ho" the ten %nights fought marvellously' and ho" .ir $elleas'
and .ir &ronside' and .ir /randiles' and .ir $ersant of &nde' fought strongly' but namely
.ir $elleas' there might none "ithstand him0 and ho" they all fought till at the last they
"ere laid to the earth0 and then the 6ueen made appointment for to save their lives' and
go "ith .ir Meliagran+e(
*las' said .ir 8aun+elot' that most noble lady' that she should be so destroyed0 & had
liefer' said .ir 8aun+elot' than all Fran+e' that & had been there "ell armed( .o "hen .ir
8aun+elot "as armed and upon his horse' he prayed the +hild of the 6ueen1s +hamber to
"arn .ir 8avaine ho" suddenly he "as departed' and for "hat +ause( *nd pray him as he
loveth me' that he "ill hie him after me' and that he stint not until he +ome to the +astle
"here .ir Meliagran+e abideth' or d"elleth0 for there' said .ir 8aun+elot' he shall hear of
me an & am a man living' and res+ue the 6ueen and the ten %nights the "hi+h he
traitorously hath ta%en' and that shall & prove upon his head' and all them that hold "ith
!o" .ir 8aun+elot1s horse "as slain' and ho" .ir 8aun+elot rode in a +art for to res+ue
the 6ueen(
)!E2 .ir 8aun+elot rode as fast as he might' and the boo% saith he too% the "ater at
Westminster /ridge' and made his horse to s"im over )hames unto 8ambeth( *nd then
"ithin a "hile he +ame to the same pla+e thereas the ten noble %nights fought "ith .ir
Meliagran+e( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot follo"ed the tra+% until that he +ame to a "ood' and
there "as a straight "ay' and there the thirty ar+hers bade .ir 8aun+elot turn again' and
follo" no longer that tra+%( What +ommandment have ye thereto' said .ir 8aun+elot' to
+ause me that am a %night of the ?ound )able to leave my right "ay3 )his "ay shalt thou
leave' other<else thou shalt go it on thy foot' for "it thou "ell thy horse shall be slain(
)hat is little mastery' said .ir 8aun+elot' to slay mine horse0 but as for myself' "hen my
horse is slain' & give right nought for you' not an ye "ere five hundred more( .o then they
shot .ir 8aun+elot1s horse' and smote him "ith many arro"s0 and then .ir 8aun+elot
avoided his horse' and "ent on foot0 but there "ere so many dit+hes and hedges bet"ixt
them and him that he might not meddle "ith none of them( *las for shame' said
8aun+elot' that ever one %night should betray another %night0 but it is an old sa"' * good
man is never in danger but "hen he is in the danger of a +o"ard( )hen .ir 8aun+elot
"ent a "hile' and then he "as foul +umbered of his armour' his shield' and his spear' and
all that longed unto him( Wit ye "ell he "as full sore annoyed' and full loath he "as for
to leave anything that longed unto him' for he dread sore the treason of .ir Meliagran+e(
)hen by fortune there +ame by him a +hariot that +ame thither for to fet+h "ood( .ay me'
+arter' said .ir 8aun+elot' "hat shall & give thee to suffer me to leap into thy +hariot' and
that thou bring me unto a +astle "ithin this t"o mile3 )hou shalt not +ome "ithin my
+hariot' said the +arter' for & am sent for to fet+h "ood for my lord' .ir Meliagran+e( With
him "ould & spea%( )hou shalt not go "ith me' said the +arter( )hen .ir 8aun+elot leapt to
him' and gave him su+h a buffet that he fell to the earth star% dead( )hen the other +arter'
his fello"' "as afeard' and "eened to have gone the same "ay0 and then he +ried4 Fair
lord' save my life' and & shall bring you "here ye "ill( )hen & +harge thee' said .ir
8aun+elot' that thou drive me and this +hariot even unto .ir Meliagran+e1s gate( 8eap up
into the +hariot' said the +arter' and ye shall be there anon( .o the +arter drove on a great
"allop' and .ir 8aun+elot1s horse follo"ed the +hariot' "ith more than a forty arro"s
broad and rough in him(
*nd more than an hour and an half ,ame :uenever "as a"aiting in a bay "indo" "ith
her ladies' and espied an armed %night standing in a +hariot( .ee' madam' said a lady'
"here rideth in a +hariot a goodly armed %night0 & suppose he rideth unto hanging(
Where3 said the 6ueen( )hen she espied by his shield that he "as there himself' .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e( *nd then she "as "are "here +ame his horse ever after that +hariot'
and ever he trod his guts and his paun+h under his feet( *las' said the 6ueen' no" & see
"ell and prove' that "ell is him that hath a trusty friend( !a' ha' most noble %night' said
;ueen :uenever' & see "ell thou art hard bestead "hen thou ridest in a +hariot( )hen she
rebu%ed that lady that li%ened .ir 8aun+elot to ride in a +hariot to hanging( &t "as foul
mouthed' said the 6ueen' and evil li%ened' so for to li%en the most noble %night of the
"orld unto su+h a shameful death( 9 5esu defend him and %eep him' said the 6ueen' from
all mis+hievous end( /y this "as .ir 8aun+elot +ome to the gates of that +astle' and there
he des+ended do"n' and +ried' that all the +astle rang of it4 Where art thou' false traitor'
.ir Meliagran+e' and %night of the )able ?ound3 no" +ome forth here' thou traitor
%night' thou and thy fello"ship "ith thee0 for here & am' .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' that shall
fight "ith you( *nd there"ithal he bare the gate "ide open upon the porter' and smote
him under his ear "ith his gauntlet' that his ne+% brast a<sunder(
!o" .ir Meliagran+e re6uired forgiveness of the 6ueen' and ho" she appeased .ir
8aun+elot0 and other matters(
W!E2 .ir Meliagran+e heard that .ir 8aun+elot "as there he ran unto ;ueen :uenever'
and fell upon his %nee' and said4 Mer+y' madam' no" & put me "holly into your gra+e(
What aileth you no"3 said ;ueen :uenever0 forsooth & might "ell "it some good %night
"ould revenge me' though my lord *rthur "ist not of this your "or%( Madam' said .ir
Meliagran+e' all this that is amiss on my part shall be amended right as yourself "ill
devise' and "holly & put me in your gra+e( What "ould ye that & did3 said the 6ueen( &
"ould no more' said Meliagran+e' but that ye "ould ta%e all in your o"n hands' and that
ye "ill rule my lord .ir 8aun+elot0 and su+h +heer as may be made him in this poor +astle
ye and he shall have until to<morn' and then may ye and all they return unto Westminster0
and my body and all that & have & shall put in your rule( >e say "ell' said the 6ueen' and
better is pea+e than ever "ar' and the less noise the more is my "orship(
)hen the 6ueen and her ladies "ent do"n unto the %night' .ir 8aun+elot' that stood "roth
out of measure in the inner +ourt' to abide battle0 and ever he bade4 )hou traitor %night
+ome forth( )hen the 6ueen +ame to him and said4 .ir 8aun+elot' "hy be ye so moved3
!a' madam' said .ir 8aun+elot' "hy as% ye me that 6uestion3 Meseemeth' said .ir
8aun+elot' ye ought to be more "roth than & am' for ye have the hurt and the dishonour'
for "it ye "ell' madam' my hurt is but little for the %illing of a mare1s son' but the despite
grieveth me mu+h more than all my hurt( )ruly' said the 6ueen' ye say truth0 but heartily &
than% you' said the 6ueen' but ye must +ome in "ith me pea+eably' for all thing is put in
my hand' and all that is evil shall be for the best' for the %night full sore repenteth him of
the misadventure that is befallen him( Madam' said .ir 8aun+elot' sith it is so that ye
been a++orded "ith him' as for me & may not be again it' ho"beit .ir Meliagran+e hath
done full shamefully to me' and +o"ardly( *h madam' said .ir 8aun+elot' an & had "ist
ye "ould have been so soon a++orded "ith him & "ould not have made su+h haste unto
you( Why say ye so' said the 6ueen' do ye forthin% yourself of your good deeds3 Wit you
"ell' said the 6ueen' & a++orded never unto him for favour nor love that & had unto him'
but for to lay do"n every shameful noise( Madam' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye understand full
"ell & "as never "illing nor glad of shameful slander nor noise0 and there is neither %ing'
6ueen' nor %night' that beareth the life' ex+ept my lord -ing *rthur' and you' madam'
should let me' but & should ma%e .ir Meliagran+e1s heart full +old or ever & departed from
hen+e( )hat "ot & "ell' said the 6ueen' but "hat "ill ye more3 >e shall have all thing
ruled as ye list to have it( Madam' said .ir 8aun+elot' so ye be pleased & +are not' as for
my part ye shall soon please(
?ight so the 6ueen too% .ir 8aun+elot by the bare hand' for he had put off his gauntlet'
and so she "ent "ith him till her +hamber0 and then she +ommanded him to be unarmed(
*nd then .ir 8aun+elot as%ed "here "ere the ten %nights that "ere "ounded sore0 so she
sho"ed them unto .ir 8aun+elot' and there they made great 7oy of the +oming of him' and
.ir 8aun+elot made great dole of their hurts' and be"ailed them greatly( *nd there .ir
8aun+elot told them ho" +o"ardly and traitorly Meliagran+e set ar+hers to slay his horse'
and ho" he "as fain to put himself in a +hariot( )hus they +omplained every+h to other0
and full fain they "ould have been revenged' but they pea+ed themselves be+ause of the
6ueen( )hen' as the Fren+h boo% saith' .ir 8aun+elot "as +alled many a day after le
Chevaler du Chariot' and did many deeds' and great adventures he had( *nd so leave "e
of this tale le Chevaler du Chariot' and turn "e to this tale(
.o .ir 8aun+elot had great +heer "ith the 6ueen' and then .ir 8aun+elot made a promise
"ith the 6ueen that the same night .ir 8aun+elot should +ome to a "indo" out"ard
to"ard a garden0 and that "indo" "as y<barred "ith iron' and there .ir 8aun+elot
promised to meet her "hen all fol%s "ere asleep( .o then +ame .ir 8avaine driving to the
gates' +rying4 Where is my lord' .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e3 )hen "as he sent for' and "hen
.ir 8avaine sa" .ir 8aun+elot' he said4 My lord' & found "ell ho" ye "ere hard bestead'
for & have found your horse that "as slain "ith arro"s( *s for that' said .ir 8aun+elot' &
pray you' .ir 8avaine' spea% ye of other matters' and let ye this pass' and "e shall right it
another time "hen "e best may(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame in the night to the 6ueen and lay "ith her' and ho" .ir
Meliagran+e appea+hed the 6ueen of treason(
)!E2 the %nights that "ere hurt "ere sear+hed' and soft salves "ere laid to their
"ounds0 and so it passed on till supper time' and all the +heer that might be made them
there "as done unto the 6ueen and all her %nights( )hen "hen season "as' they "ent unto
their +hambers' but in no "ise the 6ueen "ould not suffer the "ounded %nights to be
from her' but that they "ere laid "ithin draughts by her +hamber' upon beds and pillo"s'
that she herself might see to them' that they "anted nothing(
.o "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as in his +hamber that "as assigned unto him' he +alled unto
him .ir 8avaine' and told him that night he must go spea% "ith his lady' ,ame :uenever(
.ir' said .ir 8avaine' let me go "ith you an it please you' for & dread me sore of the
treason of .ir Meliagran+e( 2ay' said .ir 8aun+elot' & than% you' but & "ill have nobody
"ith me( )hen .ir 8aun+elot too% his s"ord in his hand' and privily "ent to a pla+e
"here he had espied a ladder toforehand' and that he too% under his arm' and bare it
through the garden' and set it up to the "indo"' and there anon the 6ueen "as ready to
meet him( *nd then they made either to other their +omplaints of many divers things' and
then .ir 8aun+elot "ished that he might have +ome into her( Wit ye "ell' said the 6ueen'
& "ould as fain as ye' that ye might +ome in to me( Would ye' madam' said .ir 8aun+elot'
"ith your heart that & "ere "ith you3 >ea' truly' said the 6ueen( 2o" shall & prove my
might' said .ir 8aun+elot' for your love0 and then he set his hands upon the bars of iron'
and he pulled at them "ith su+h a might that he brast them +lean out of the stone "alls'
and there"ithal one of the bars of iron +ut the bra"n of his hands throughout to the bone0
and then he leapt into the +hamber to the 6ueen( Ma%e ye no noise' said the 6ueen' for my
"ounded %nights lie here fast by me( .o' to pass upon this tale' .ir 8aun+elot "ent unto
bed "ith the 6ueen' and he too% no for+e of his hurt hand' but too% his pleasaun+e and his
li%ing until it "as in the da"ning of the day0 and "it ye "ell he slept not but "at+hed'
and "hen he sa" his time that he might tarry no longer he too% his leave and departed at
the "indo"' and put it together as "ell as he might again' and so departed unto his o"n
+hamber0 and there he told .ir 8avaine ho" he "as hurt( )hen .ir 8avaine dressed his
hand and staun+hed it' and put upon it a glove' that it should not be espied0 and so the
6ueen lay long in her bed until it "as nine of the +lo+%(
)hen .ir Meliagran+e "ent to the 6ueen1s +hamber' and found her ladies there ready
+lothed( 5esu mer+y' said .ir Meliagran+e' "hat aileth you' madam' that ye sleep thus
long3 *nd right there"ithal he opened the +urtain for to behold her0 and then "as he "are
"here she lay' and all the sheet and pillo" "as bebled "ith the blood of .ir 8aun+elot
and of his hurt hand( When .ir Meliagran+e espied that blood' then he deemed in her that
she "as false to the %ing' and that some of the "ounded %nights had lain by her all that
night( *h' madam' said .ir Meliagran+e' no" & have found you a false traitress unto my
lord *rthur0 for no" & prove "ell it "as not for nought that ye laid these "ounded %nights
"ithin the bounds of your +hamber0 therefore & "ill +all you of treason before my lord'
-ing *rthur( *nd no" & have proved you' madam' "ith a shameful deed0 and that they be
all false' or some of them' & "ill ma%e good' for a "ounded %night this night hath lain by
you( )hat is false' said the 6ueen' and that & "ill report me unto them all( )hen "hen the
ten %nights heard .ir Meliagran+e1s "ords' they spa%e all in one voi+e and said to .ir
Meliagran+e4 )hou sayest falsely' and "rongfully puttest upon us su+h a deed' and that
"e "ill ma%e good any of us0 +hoose "hi+h thou list of us "hen "e are "hole of our
"ounds( >e shall not' said .ir Meliagran+e' a"ay "ith your proud language' for here ye
may all see' said .ir Meliagran+e' that by the 6ueen this night a "ounded %night hath
lain( )hen "ere they all ashamed "hen they sa" that blood0 and "it you "ell .ir
Meliagran+e "as passing glad that he had the 6ueen at su+h an advantage' for he deemed
by that to hide his treason( .o "ith this rumour +ame in .ir 8aun+elot' and found them all
at a great array(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot ans"ered for the 6ueen' and "aged battle against .ir Meliagran+e0
and ho" .ir 8aun+elot "as ta%en in a trap(
W!*) array is this3 said .ir 8aun+elot( )hen .ir Meliagran+e told them "hat he had
found' and sho"ed them the 6ueen1s bed( )ruly' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye did not your part
nor %nightly' to tou+h a 6ueen1s bed "hile it "as dra"n' and she lying therein0 for & dare
say my lord *rthur himself "ould not have displayed her +urtains' she being "ithin her
bed' unless that it had pleased him to have lain do"n by her0 and therefore ye have done
un"orshipfully and shamefully to yourself( & "ot not "hat ye mean' said .ir Meliagran+e'
but "ell & am sure there hath one of her "ounded %nights lain by her this night' and
therefore & "ill prove "ith my hands that she is a traitress unto my lord *rthur( /e"are
"hat ye do' said 8aun+elot' for an ye say so' an ye "ill prove it' it "ill be ta%en at your
My lord' .ir 8aun+elot' said .ir Meliagran+e' & rede you be"are "hat ye do0 for though
ye are never so good a %night' as ye "ot "ell ye are reno"ned the best %night of the
"orld' yet should ye be advised to do battle in a "rong 6uarrel' for :od "ill have a stro%e
in every battle( *s for that' said .ir 8aun+elot' :od is to be dread0 but as to that & say nay
plainly' that this night there lay none of these ten "ounded %nights "ith my lady ;ueen
:uenever' and that "ill & prove "ith my hands' that ye say untruly in that no"( !old' said
.ir Meliagran+e' here is my glove that she is traitress unto my lord' -ing *rthur' and that
this night one of the "ounded %nights lay "ith her( *nd & re+eive your glove' said .ir
8aun+elot( *nd so they "ere sealed "ith their signets' and delivered unto the ten %nights(
*t "hat day shall "e do battle together3 said .ir 8aun+elot( )his day ight days' said .ir
Meliagran+e' in the field beside Westminster( & am agreed' said .ir 8aun+elot( /ut no"'
said .ir Meliagran+e' sithen it is so that "e must fight together' & pray you' as ye be a
noble %night' a"ait me "ith no treason' nor none villainy the mean"hile' nor none for
you( .o :od me help' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye shall right "ell "it & "as never of no su+h
+onditions' for & report me to all %nights that ever have %no"n me' & fared never "ith no
treason' nor & loved never the fello"ship of no man that fared "ith treason( )hen let us go
to dinner' said Meliagran+e' and after dinner ye and the 6ueen and ye may ride all to
Westminster( & "ill "ell' said .ir 8aun+elot(
)hen .ir Meliagran+e said to .ir 8aun+elot4 $leaseth it you to see the estures of this
+astle3 With a good "ill' said .ir 8aun+elot( *nd then they "ent together from +hamber
to +hamber' for .ir 8aun+elot dread no perils0 for ever a man of "orship and of pro"ess
dreadeth least al"ays perils' for they "een every man be as they be0 but ever he that
fareth "ith treason putteth oft a man in great danger( .o it befell upon .ir 8aun+elot that
no peril dread' as he "ent "ith .ir Meliagran+e he trod on a trap and the board rolled' and
there .ir 8aun+elot fell do"n more than ten fathom into a +ave full of stra"0 and then .ir
Meliagran+e departed and made no fare as that he nist "here he "as(
*nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as thus missed they marvelled "here he "as be+ome0 and then
the 6ueen and many of them deemed that he "as departed as he "as "ont to do suddenly(
For .ir Meliagran+e made suddenly to put a"ay aside .ir 8avaine1s horse' that they
might all understand that .ir 8aun+elot "as departed suddenly( .o it passed on till after
dinner0 and then .ir 8avaine "ould not stint until that he ordained litters for the "ounded
%nights' that they might be laid in them0 and so "ith the 6ueen and them all' both ladies
and gentle"omen and other' "ent unto Westminster0 and there the %nights told -ing
*rthur ho" Meliagran+e had appealed the 6ueen of high treason' and ho" .ir 8aun+elot
had re+eived the glove of him4 *nd this day eight days they shall do battle afore you( /y
my head' said -ing *rthur' & am afeard .ir Meliagran+e hath ta%en upon him a great
+harge0 but "here is .ir 8aun+elot3 said the %ing( .ir' said they all' "e "ot not "here he
is' but "e deem he is ridden to some adventures' as he is ofttimes "ont to do' for he hath
.ir 8avaine1s horse( 8et him be' said the %ing' he "ill be founden' but if he be trapped
"ith some treason(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as delivered out of prison by a lady' and too% a "hite +ourser and
+ame for to %eep his day(
.9 leave "e .ir 8aun+elot lying "ithin that +ave in great pain0 and every day there +ame
a lady and brought him his meat and his drin%' and "ooed him' to have lain by him0 and
ever the noble %night' .ir 8aun+elot' said her nay( .ir 8aun+elot' said she' ye are not
"ise' for ye may never out of this prison' but if ye have my help0 and also your lady'
;ueen :uenever' shall be brent in your default' unless that ye be there at the day of
battle( :od defend' said .ir 8aun+elot' that she should be brent in my default0 and if it be
so' said .ir 8aun+elot' that & may not be there' it shall be "ell understanded' both at the
%ing and at the 6ueen' and "ith all men of "orship' that & am dead' si+%' outher in prison(
For all men that %no" me "ill say for me that & am in some evil +ase an & be not there that
day0 and "ell & "ot there is some good %night either of my blood' or some other that
loveth me' that "ill ta%e my 6uarrel in hand0 and therefore' said .ir 8aun+elot' "it ye
"ell ye shall not fear me0 and if there "ere no more "omen in all this land but ye' & "ill
not have ado "ith you( )hen art thou shamed' said the lady' and destroyed for ever( *s
for "orld1s shame' 5esu defend me' and as for my distress' it is "el+ome "hatsoever it be
that :od sendeth me(
.o she +ame to him the same day that the battle should be' and said4 .ir 8aun+elot'
methin%eth ye are too hard<hearted' but "ouldest thou but %iss me on+e & should deliver
thee' and thine armour' and the best horse that is "ithin .ir Meliagran+e1s stable( *s for
to %iss you' said .ir 8aun+elot' & may do that and lose no "orship0 and "it ye "ell an &
understood there "ere any dis"orship for to %iss you & "ould not do it( )hen he %issed
her' and then she gat him' and brought him to his armour( *nd "hen he "as armed' she
brought him to a stable' "here stood t"elve good +oursers' and bade him +hoose the best(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot loo%ed upon a "hite +ourser the "hi+h li%ed him best0 and anon he
+ommanded the %eepers fast to saddle him "ith the best saddle of "ar that there "as0 and
so it "as done as he bade( )hen gat he his spear in his hand' and his s"ord by his side'
and +ommended the lady unto :od' and said4 8ady' for this good deed & shall do you
servi+e if ever it be in my po"er(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame the same time that .ir Meliagran+e abode him in the field and
dressed him to battle(
29W leave "e .ir 8aun+elot "allop all that he might' and spea% "e of ;ueen :uenever
that "as brought to a fire to be brent0 for .ir Meliagran+e "as sure' him thought' that .ir
8aun+elot should not be at that battle0 therefore he ever +ried upon -ing *rthur to do him
7usti+e' other<else bring forth .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e( )hen "as the %ing and all the +ourt
full sore abashed and shamed that the 6ueen should be brent in the default of .ir
8aun+elot( My lord *rthur' said .ir 8avaine' ye may understand that it is not "ell "ith
my lord .ir 8aun+elot' for an he "ere alive' so he be not si+% outher in prison' "it ye "ell
he "ould be here0 for never heard ye that ever he failed his part for "hom he should do
battle for( *nd therefore' said .ir 8avaine' my lord' -ing *rthur' & besee+h you give me
li+ense to do battle here this day for my lord and master' and for to save my lady' the
6ueen( :ramer+y gentle .ir 8avaine' said -ing *rthur' for & dare say all that .ir
Meliagran+e putteth upon my lady the 6ueen is "rong' for & have spo%en "ith all the ten
"ounded %nights' and there is not one of them' an he "ere "hole and able to do battle'
but he "ould prove upon .ir Meliagran+e1s body that it is false that he putteth upon my
6ueen( .o shall &' said .ir 8avaine' in the defen+e of my lord' .ir 8aun+elot' an ye "ill
give me leave( 2o" & give you leave' said -ing *rthur' and do your best' for & dare "ell
say there is some treason done to .ir 8aun+elot
)hen "as .ir 8avaine armed and horsed' and suddenly at the lists1 end he rode to perform
this battle0 and right as the heralds should +ry4 8esses les aler' right so +ame in .ir
8aun+elot driving "ith all the for+e of his horse( *nd then *rthur +ried4 !o@ and *bide@
)hen "as .ir 8aun+elot +alled on horseba+% tofore -ing *rthur' and there he told openly
tofore the %ing and all' ho" .ir Meliagran+e had served him first to last( *nd "hen the
%ing' and the 6ueen' and all the lords' %ne" of the treason of .ir Meliagran+e they "ere
all ashamed on his behalf( )hen "as ;ueen :uenever sent for' and set by the %ing in
great trust of her +hampion( *nd then there "as no more else to say' but .ir 8aun+elot
and .ir Meliagran+e dressed them unto battle' and too% their spears0 and so they +ame
together as thunder' and there .ir 8aun+elot bare him do"n 6uite over his horse1s +roup(
*nd then .ir 8aun+elot alighted and dressed his shield on his shoulder' "ith his s"ord in
his hand' and .ir Meliagran+e in the same "ise dressed him unto him' and there they
smote many great stro%es together0 and at the last .ir 8aun+elot smote him su+h a buffet
upon the helmet that he fell on the one side to the earth( *nd then he +ried upon him
aloud4 Most noble %night' .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' save my life' for & yield me unto you'
and & re6uire you' as ye be a %night and fello" of the )able ?ound' slay me not' for &
yield me as over+ome0 and "hether & shall live or die & put me in the %ing1s hands and
)hen .ir 8aun+elot "ist not "hat to do' for he had had liefer than all the good of the
"orld he might have been revenged upon .ir Meliagran+e0 and .ir 8aun+elot loo%ed up
to the ;ueen :uenever' if he might espy by any sign or +ountenan+e "hat she "ould
have done( *nd then the 6ueen "agged her head upon .ir 8aun+elot' as though she
"ould say4 .lay him( Full "ell %ne" .ir 8aun+elot by the "agging of her head that she
"ould have him dead0 then .ir 8aun+elot bade him rise for shame and perform that battle
to the utteran+e( 2ay' said .ir Meliagran+e' & "ill never arise until ye ta%e me as yolden
and re+reant( & shall proffer you large proffers' said .ir 8aun+elot' that is for to say' &
shall unarm my head and my left 6uarter of my body' all that may be unarmed' and let
bind my left hand behind me' so that it shall not help me' and right so & shall do battle
"ith you( )hen .ir Meliagran+e started up upon his legs' and said on high4 My lord
*rthur' ta%e heed to this proffer' for & "ill ta%e it' and let him be disarmed and bounden
a++ording to his proffer( What say ye' said -ing *rthur unto .ir 8aun+elot' "ill ye abide
by your proffer3 >ea' my lord' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ill never go from that & have on+e
)hen the %nights parters of the field disarmed .ir 8aun+elot' first his head' and sithen his
left arm' and his left side' and they bound his left arm behind his ba+%' "ithout shield or
anything' and then they "ere put together( Wit you "ell there "as many a lady and
%night marvelled that .ir 8aun+elot "ould 7eopardy himself in su+h "ise( )hen .ir
Meliagran+e +ame "ith his s"ord all on high' and .ir 8aun+elot sho"ed him openly his
bare head and the bare left side0 and "hen he "eened to have smitten him upon the bare
head' then lightly he avoided the left leg and the left side' and put his right hand and his
s"ord to that stro%e' and so put it on side "ith great sleight0 and then "ith great for+e .ir
8aun+elot smote him on the helmet su+h a buffet that the stro%e +arved the head in t"o
parts( )hen there "as no more to do' but he "as dra"n out of the field( *nd at the great
instan+e of the %nights of the )able ?ound' the %ing suffered him to be interred' and the
mention made upon him' "ho sle" him' and for "hat +ause he "as slain0 and then the
%ing and the 6ueen made more of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' and more he "as +herished'
than ever he "as aforehand(
!o" .ir #rre +ame into *rthur1s +ourt for to be healed of his "ounds' and ho" -ing
*rthur "ould begin to handle him(
)!E2 as the Fren+h boo% ma%eth mention' there "as a good %night in the land of
!ungary' his name "as .ir #rre' and he "as an adventurous %night' and in all pla+es
"here he might hear of any deeds of "orship there "ould he be( .o it happened in .pain
there "as an earl1s son' his name "as *lphegus' and at a great tournament in .pain this
.ir #rre' %night of !ungary' and .ir *lphegus of .pain en+ountered together for very
envy0 and so either undertoo% other to the utteran+e( *nd by fortune .ir #rre sle" .ir
*lphegus' the earl1s son of .pain' but this %night that "as slain had given .ir #rre' or
ever he "as slain' seven great "ounds' three on the head' and four on his body and upon
his left hand( *nd this .ir *lphegus had a mother' the "hi+h "as a great sor+eress0 and
she' for the despite of her son1s death' "rought by her subtle +rafts that .ir #rre should
never be "hole' but ever his "ounds should one time fester and another time bleed' so
that he should never be "hole until the best %night of the "orld had sear+hed his "ounds0
and thus she made her avaunt' "herethrough it "as %no"n that .ir #rre should never be
)hen his mother let ma%e an horse litter' and put him therein under t"o palfreys0 and then
she too% .ir #rre1s sister "ith him' a full fair damosel' "hose name "as Felelolie0 and
then she too% a page "ith him to %eep their horses' and so they led .ir #rre through many
+ountries( For as the Fren+h boo% saith' she led him so seven year through all lands
+hristened' and never she +ould find no %night that might ease her son( .o she +ame into
.+otland and into the lands of England' and by fortune she +ame nigh the feast of
$ente+ost until -ing *rthur1s +ourt' that at that time "as holden at Carlisle( *nd "hen
she +ame there' then she made it openly to be %no"n ho" that she "as +ome into that
land for to heal her son(
)hen -ing *rthur let +all that lady' and as%ed her the +ause "hy she brought that hurt
%night into that land( My most noble %ing' said that lady' "it you "ell & brought him
hither for to be healed of his "ounds' that of all this seven year he might not be "hole(
*nd then she told the %ing "here he "as "ounded' and of "hom0 and ho" his mother
had dis+overed in her pride ho" she had "rought that by en+hantment' so that he should
never be "hole until the best %night of the "orld had sear+hed his "ounds( *nd so & have
passed through all the lands +hristened to have him healed' ex+ept this land( *nd if & fail
to heal him here in this land' & "ill never ta%e more pain upon me' and that is pity' for he
"as a good %night' and of great nobleness( What is his name3 said *rthur My good and
gra+ious lord' she said' his name is .ir #rre of the Mount( &n good time' said the %ing'
and sith ye are +ome into this land' ye are right "el+ome0 and "it you "ell here shall
your son be healed' an ever any Christian man may heal him( *nd for to give all other
men of "orship +ourage' & myself "ill assay to handle your son' and so shall all the %ings'
du%es' and earls that be here present "ith me at this time0 thereto "ill & +ommand them'
and "ell & "ot they shall obey and do after my +ommandment( *nd "it you "ell' said
-ing *rthur unto #rre1s sister' & shall begin to handle him' and sear+h unto my po"er'
not presuming upon me that & am so "orthy to heal your son by my deeds' but & "ill
+ourage other men of "orship to do as & "ill do( *nd then the %ing +ommanded all the
%ings' du%es' and earls' and all noble %nights of the ?ound )able that "ere there that time
present' to +ome into the meado" of Carlisle( *nd so at that time there "ere but an
hundred and ten of the ?ound )able' for forty %nights "ere that time a"ay0 and so here
"e must begin at -ing *rthur' as is %indly to begin at him that "as the most man of
"orship that "as +hristened at that time(
!o" -ing *rthur handled .ir #rre' and after him many other %nights of the ?ound
)!E2 -ing *rthur loo%ed upon .ir #rre' and the %ing thought he "as a full li%ely man
"hen he "as "hole0 and then -ing *rthur made him to be ta%en do"n off the litter and
laid him upon the earth' and there "as laid a +ushion of gold that he should %neel upon(
*nd then noble *rthur said4 Fair %night' me repenteth of thy hurt' and for to +ourage all
other noble %nights & "ill pray thee softly to suffer me to handle your "ounds( Most
noble +hristened %ing' said #rre' do as ye list' for & am at the mer+y of :od' and at your
+ommandment( .o then *rthur softly handled him' and then some of his "ounds rene"ed
upon bleeding( )hen the -ing Claren+e of 2orthumberland sear+hed' and it "ould not be(
*nd then .ir /arant le *pres that "as +alled the -ing "ith the !undred -nights' he
assayed and failed0 and so did -ing #riens of the land of :ore0 so did -ing *nguish of
&reland0 so did -ing 2entres of :arloth0 so did -ing Carados of .+otland0 so did the
,u%e :alahad' the haut prin+e0 so did Constantine' that "as .ir Carados1 son of
Corn"all0 so did ,u%e Chaleins of Claran+e0 so did the Earl #lbause0 so did the Earl
8ambaile0 so did the Earl *ristause(
)hen +ame in .ir :a"aine "ith his three sons' .ir :ingalin' .ir Floren+e' and .ir 8ovel'
these t"o "ere begotten upon .ir /randiles1 sister0 and all they failed( )hen +ame in .ir
*gravaine' .ir :aheris' .ir Mordred' and the good %night' .ir :areth' that "as of very
%nighthood "orth all the brethren( .o +ame %nights of 8aun+elot1s %in' but .ir 8aun+elot
"as not that time in the +ourt' for he "as that time upon his adventures( )hen .ir 8ionel'
.ir E+tor de Maris' .ir /ors de :anis' .ir /lamore de :anis' .ir /leoberis de :anis' .ir
:ahalantine' .ir :alihodin' .ir Menadu%e' .ir Dilliars the Daliant' .ir !ebes le
?enoumes( *ll these "ere of .ir 8aun+elot1s %in' and all they failed( )hen +ame in .ir
.agramore le ,esirous' .ir ,odinas le .avage' .ir ,inadan' .ir /ruin le 2oire' that .ir
-ay named 8a Cote Male )aile' and .ir -ay le .enes+hal' .ir -ay de .tranges' .ir
Meliot de 8ogris' .ir $etipase of Win+helsea' .ir :alleron of :al"ay' .ir Melion of the
Mountain' .ir Cardo%' .ir #"aine les *voutres' and .ir 9Aanna le Cure !ardy(
)hen +ame in .ir *stamor' and .ir :romere' :rummor1s son' .ir Crosselm' .ir .ervause
le /reuse' that "as +alled a passing strong %night' for as the boo% saith' the +hief 8ady of
the 8a%e feasted .ir 8aun+elot and .ervause le /reuse' and "hen she had feasted them
both at sundry times she prayed them to give her a boon( *nd they granted it her( *nd
then she prayed .ir .ervause that he "ould promise her never to do battle against .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e' and in the same "ise she prayed .ir 8aun+elot never to do battle
against .ir .ervause' and so either promised her( For the Fren+h boo% saith' that .ir
.ervause had never +ourage nor lust to do battle against no man' but if it "ere against
giants' and against dragons' and "ild beasts( .o "e pass unto them that at the %ing1s
re6uest made them all that "ere there at that high feast' as of the %nights of the )able
?ound' for to sear+h .ir #rre4 to that intent the %ing did it' to "it "hi+h "as the noblest
%night among them(
)hen +ame .ir *glovale' .ir ,urnore' .ir )or' that "as begotten upon *ries' the
+o"herd1s "ife' but he "as begotten afore *ries "edded her' and -ing $ellinore begat
them all' first .ir )or' .ir *glovale' .ir ,urnore' .ir 8amora%' the most noblest %night
one that ever "as in *rthur1s days as for a "orldly %night' and .ir $er+ivale that "as
peerless ex+ept .ir :alahad in holy deeds' but they died in the 6uest of the .angreal(
)hen +ame .ir :riflet le Fise de ,ieu' .ir 8u+an the /utler' .ir /edevere his brother' .ir
/randiles' .ir Constantine' .ir Cador1s son of Corn"all' that "as %ing after *rthur1s
days' and .ir Clegis' .ir .ado%' .ir ,inas le .enes+hal of Corn"all' .ir Fergus' .ir
,riant' .ir 8ambegus' .ir Clarrus of Cleremont' .ir Cloddrus' .ir !e+timere' .ir Ed"ard
of Carnarvon' .ir ,inas' .ir $riamus' that "as +hristened by .ir )ristram the noble
%night' and these three "ere brethren0 .ir !ellaine le /lan% that "as son to .ir /ors' he
begat him upon -ing /randegoris1 daughter' and .ir /rian de 8istinoise0 .ir :autere' .ir
?eynold' .ir :illemere' "ere three brethren that .ir 8aun+elot "on upon a bridge in .ir
-ay1s arms( .ir :uyart le $etite' .ir /ellangere le /euse' that "as son to the good %night'
.ir *lisander le 9rphelin' that "as slain by the treason of -ing Mar%( *lso that traitor
%ing sle" the noble %night .ir )ristram' as he sat harping afore his lady 8a /eale &soud'
"ith a tren+hant glaive' for "hose death "as mu+h be"ailing of every %night that ever
"ere in *rthur1s days0 there "as never none so be"ailed as "as .ir )ristram and .ir
8amora%' for they "ere traitorously slain' .ir )ristram by -ing Mar%' and .ir 8amora%
by .ir :a"aine and his brethren( *nd this .ir /ellangere revenged the death of his father
*lisander' and .ir )ristram sle" -ing Mar%' and 8a /eale &soud died s"ooning upon the
+orse of .ir )ristram' "hereof "as great pity( *nd all that "ere "ith -ing Mar% that "ere
+onsenting to the death of .ir )ristram "ere slain' as .ir *ndred and many other(
)hen +ame .ir !ebes' .ir Morganore' .ir .entraile' .ir .uppinabilis' .ir /ellangere le
9rgulous' that the good %night .ir 8amora% "on in plain battle0 .ir 2eroveus and .ir
$lenorius' t"o good %nights that .ir 8aun+elot "on0 .ir ,arras' .ir !arry le Fise 8a%e'
.ir Erminide' brother to -ing !ermaun+e' for "hom .ir $alomides fought at the ?ed
City "ith t"o brethren0 and .ir .elises of the ,olorous )o"er' .ir Ed"ard of 9r%ney' .ir
&ronside' that "as +alled the noble -night of the ?ed 8aunds that .ir :areth "on for the
love of ,ame 8iones' .ir *rro% de :revaunt' .ir ,egrane .aun+e Delany that fought
"ith the giant of the bla+% lo"e' .ir Epinogris' that "as the %ing1s son of
2orthumberland( .ir $elleas that loved the lady Ettard' and he had died for her love had
not been one of the ladies of the la%e' her name "as ,ame 2imue' and she "edded .ir
$elleas' and she saved him that he "as never slain' and he "as a full noble %night0 and .ir
8amiel of Cardiff that "as a great lover( .ir $laine de Fors' .ir Melleaus de 8ile' .ir
/ohart le Cure !ardy that "as -ing *rthur1s son' .ir Mador de la $orte' .ir
Colgrevan+e' .ir !ervise de la Forest .avage' .ir Marro%' the good %night that "as
betrayed "ith his "ife' for she made him seven year a "er<"olf' .ir $ersaunt' .ir
$ertilope' his brother' that "as +alled the :reen -night' and .ir $erimones' brother to
them both' that "as +alled the ?ed -night' that .ir :areth "on "hen he "as +alled
/eaumains( *ll these hundred %nights and ten sear+hed .ir #rre1s "ounds by the
+ommandment of -ing *rthur(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as +ommanded by *rthur to handle his "ounds' and anon he "as all
"hole' and ho" they than%ed :od(
ME?C> 5esu' said -ing *rthur' "here is .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e that he is not here at this
time3 )hus' as they stood and spa%e of many things' there "as espied .ir 8aun+elot that
+ame riding to"ard them' and told the %ing( $ea+e' said the %ing' let no manner thing be
said until he be +ome to us( .o "hen .ir 8aun+elot espied -ing *rthur' he des+ended
from his horse and +ame to the %ing' and saluted him and them all( *non as the maid' .ir
#rre1s sister' sa" .ir 8aun+elot' she ran to her brother thereas he lay in his litter' and
said4 /rother' here is +ome a %night that my heart giveth greatly unto( Fair sister' said .ir
#rre' so doth my heart light against him' and +ertainly & hope no" to be healed' for my
heart giveth unto him more than to all these that have sear+hed me(
)hen said *rthur unto .ir 8aun+elot4 >e must do as "e have done0 and told .ir 8aun+elot
"hat they had done' and sho"ed him them all' that had sear+hed him( 5esu defend me'
said .ir 8aun+elot' "hen so many %ings and %nights have assayed and failed' that &
should presume upon me to en+hieve that all ye' my lords' might not en+hieve( >e shall
not +hoose' said -ing *rthur' for & "ill +ommand you for to do as "e all have done( My
most reno"ned lord' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye %no" "ell & dare not nor may not disobey
your +ommandment' but an & might or durst' "it you "ell & "ould not ta%e upon me to
tou+h that "ounded %night in that intent that & should pass all other %nights0 5esu defend
me from that shame( >e ta%e it "rong' said -ing *rthur' ye shall not do it for no
presumption' but for to bear us fello"ship' insomu+h ye be a fello" of the )able ?ound0
and "it you "ell' said -ing *rthur' an ye prevail not and heal him' & dare say there is no
%night in this land may heal him' and therefore & pray you' do as "e have done(
*nd then all the %ings and %nights for the most part prayed .ir 8aun+elot to sear+h him0
and then the "ounded %night' .ir #rre' set him up "ea%ly' and prayed .ir 8aun+elot
heartily' saying4 Courteous %night' & re6uire thee for :od1s sa%e heal my "ounds' for
methin%eth ever sithen ye +ame here my "ounds grieve me not( *h' my fair lord' said .ir
8aun+elot' 5esu "ould that & might help you0 & shame me sore that & should be thus
rebu%ed' for never "as & able in "orthiness to do so high a thing( )hen .ir 8aun+elot
%neeled do"n by the "ounded %night saying4 My lord *rthur' & must do your
+ommandment' the "hi+h is sore against my heart( *nd then he held up his hands' and
loo%ed into the east' saying se+retly unto himself4 )hou blessed Father' .on' and !oly
:host' & besee+h thee of thy mer+y' that my simple "orship and honesty be saved' and
thou blessed )rinity' thou mayst give po"er to heal this si+% %night by thy great virtue
and gra+e of thee' but' :ood 8ord' never of myself( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot prayed .ir
#rre to let him see his head0 and then devoutly %neeling he ransa+%ed the three "ounds'
that they bled a little' and forth"ith all the "ounds fair healed' and seemed as they had
been "hole a seven year( *nd in li%e"ise he sear+hed his body of other three "ounds'
and they healed in li%e"ise0 and then the last of all he sear+hed the "hi+h "as in his
hand' and anon it healed fair(
)hen -ing *rthur and all the %ings and %nights %neeled do"n and gave than%ings and
lovings unto :od and to !is /lessed Mother( *nd ever .ir 8aun+elot "ept as he had
been a +hild that had been beaten( )hen -ing *rthur let array priests and +ler%s in the
most devoutest manner' to bring in .ir #rre "ithin Carlisle' "ith singing and loving to
:od( *nd "hen this "as done' the %ing let +lothe him in the ri+hest manner that +ould be
thought0 and then "ere there but fe" better made %nights in all the +ourt' for he "as
passingly "ell made and bigly0 and *rthur as%ed .ir #rre ho" he felt himself( My good
lord' he said' & felt myself never so lusty( Will ye 7oust and do deeds of arms3 said -ing
*rthur( .ir' said #rre' an & had all that longed unto 7ousts & "ould be soon ready(
!o" there "as a party made of an hundred %nights against an hundred %nights' and of
other matters(
)!E2 *rthur made a party of hundred %nights to be against an hundred %nights( *nd so
upon the morn they 7ousted for a diamond' but there 7ousted none of the dangerous
%nights0 and so for to shorten this tale' .ir #rre and .ir 8avaine 7ousted best that day' for
there "as none of them but he overthre" and pulled do"n thirty %nights0 and then by the
assent of all the %ings and lords' .ir #rre and .ir 8avaine "ere made %nights of the )able
?ound( *nd .ir 8avaine +ast his love unto ,ame Felelolie' .ir #rre1s sister' and then
they "ere "edded together "ith great 7oy' and -ing *rthur gave to every+h of them a
barony of lands( *nd this .ir #rre "ould never go from .ir 8aun+elot' but he and .ir
8avaine a"aited evermore upon him0 and they "ere in all the +ourt a++ounted for good
%nights' and full desirous in arms0 and many noble deeds they did' for they "ould have
no rest' but ever sought adventures(
)hus they lived in all that +ourt "ith great noblesse and 7oy long time( /ut every night
and day .ir *gravaine' .ir :a"aine1s brother' a"aited ;ueen :uenever and .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e to put them to a rebu%e and shame( *nd so & leave here of this tale'
and overs%ip great boo%s of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' "hat great adventures he did "hen he
"as +alled 8e Chevaler du Chariot( For as the Fren+h boo% saith' be+ause of despite that
%nights and ladies +alled him the %night that rode in the +hariot li%e as he "ere 7udged to
the gallo"s' therefore in despite of all them that named him so' he "as +arried in a
+hariot a t"elvemonth' for' but little after that he had slain .ir Meliagran+e in the 6ueen1s
6uarrel' he never in a t"elvemonth +ame on horseba+%( *nd as the Fren+h boo% saith' he
did that t"elvemonth more than forty battles( *nd be+ause & have lost the very matter of
8e Chevaier du Chariot' & depart from the tale of .ir 8aun+elot' and here & go unto the
morte of -ing *rthur0 and that +aused .ir *gravaine(
Expli+it liber xix( *nd hereafter follo"eth the most piteous history of the morte of -ing
*rthur' the "hi+h is the t"entieth boo%(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book $-
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-VIII! I"-"II! "III-"VI! "VII-"I"! ""-
""II #
!o" .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred "ere busy upon .ir :a"aine for to dis+lose the love
bet"een .ir 8aun+elot and ;ueen :uenever(
&2 May "hen every lusty heart flourisheth and bourgeoneth' for as the season is lusty to
behold and +omfortable' so man and "oman re7oi+e and gladden of summer +oming "ith
his fresh flo"ers4 for "inter "ith his rough "inds and blasts +auseth a lusty man and
"oman to +o"er and sit fast by the fire( .o in this season' as in the month of May' it
befell a great anger and unhap that stinted not till the flo"er of +hivalry of all the "orld
"as destroyed and slain0 and all "as long upon t"o unhappy %nights the "hi+h "ere
named *gravaine and .ir Mordred' that "ere brethren unto .ir :a"aine( For this .ir
*gravaine and .ir Mordred had ever a privy hate unto the 6ueen ,ame :uenever and to
.ir 8aun+elot' and daily and nightly they ever "at+hed upon .ir 8aun+elot(
.o it mishapped' .ir :a"aine and all his brethren "ere in -ing *rthur1s +hamber0 and
then .ir *gravaine said thus openly' and not in no +ounsel' that many %nights might hear
it4 & marvel that "e all be not ashamed both to see and to %no" ho" .ir 8aun+elot lieth
daily and nightly by the 6ueen' and all "e %no" it so0 and it is shamefully suffered of us
all' that "e all should suffer so noble a %ing as -ing *rthur is so to be shamed(
)hen spa%e .ir :a"aine' and said4 /rother .ir *gravaine' & pray you and +harge you
move no su+h matters no more afore me' for "it you "ell' said .ir :a"aine' & "ill not be
of your +ounsel( .o :od me help' said .ir :aheris and .ir :areth' "e "ill not be
%no"ing' brother *gravaine' of your deeds( )hen "ill &' said .ir Mordred( & lieve "ell
that' said .ir :a"aine' for ever unto all unhappiness' brother .ir Mordred' thereto "ill ye
grant0 and & "ould that ye left all this' and made you not so busy' for & %no"' said .ir
:a"aine' "hat "ill fall of it( Fall of it "hat fall may' said .ir *gravaine' & "ill dis+lose it
to the %ing( 2ot by my +ounsel' said .ir :a"aine' for an there rise "ar and "ra+% bet"ixt
.ir 8aun+elot and us' "it you "ell brother' there "ill many %ings and great lords hold
"ith .ir 8aun+elot( *lso' brother .ir *gravaine' said .ir :a"aine' ye must remember
ho" ofttimes .ir 8aun+elot hath res+ued the %ing and the 6ueen0 and the best of us all had
been full +old at the heart<root had not .ir 8aun+elot been better than "e' and that hath he
proved himself full oft( *nd as for my part' said .ir :a"aine' & "ill never be against .ir
8aun+elot for one day1s deed' "hen he res+ued me from -ing Carados of the ,olorous
)o"er' and sle" him' and saved my life( *lso' brother .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred' in
li%e "ise .ir 8aun+elot res+ued you both' and threes+ore and t"o' from .ir )ur6uin(
Methin%eth brother' su+h %ind deeds and %indness should be remembered( ,o as ye list'
said .ir *gravaine' for & "ill lain it no longer( With these "ords +ame to them -ing
*rthur( 2o" brother' stint your noise' said .ir :a"aine( We "ill not' said .ir *gravaine
and .ir Mordred( Will ye so3 said .ir :a"aine0 then :od speed you' for & "ill not hear
your tales ne be of your +ounsel( 2o more "ill &' said .ir :areth and .ir :aheris' for "e
"ill never say evil by that man0 for be+ause' said .ir :areth' .ir 8aun+elot made me
%night' by no manner o"e & to say ill of him4 and there"ithal they three departed' ma%ing
great dole( *las' said .ir :a"aine and .ir :areth' no" is this realm "holly mis+hieved'
and the noble fello"ship of the ?ound )able shall be disparpled4 so they departed(
!o" .ir *gravaine dis+losed their love to -ing *rthur' and ho" -ing *rthur gave them
li+en+e to ta%e him(
*2, then .ir *rthur as%ed them "hat noise they made( My lord' said *gravaine' & shall
tell you that & may %eep no longer( !ere is &' and my brother .ir Mordred' bra%e unto my
brothers .ir :a"aine' .ir :aheris' and to .ir :areth' ho" this "e %no" all' that .ir
8aun+elot holdeth your 6ueen' and hath done long0 and "e be your sister1s sons' and "e
may suffer it no longer' and all "e "ot that ye should be above .ir 8aun+elot0 and ye are
the %ing that made him %night' and therefore "e "ill prove it' that he is a traitor to your
&f it be so' said .ir *rthur' "it you "ell he is none other' but & "ould be loath to begin
su+h a thing but & might have proofs upon it0 for .ir 8aun+elot is an hardy %night' and all
ye %no" he is the best %night among us all0 and but if he be ta%en "ith the deed' he "ill
fight "ith him that bringeth up the noise' and & %no" no %night that is able to mat+h him(
)herefore an it be sooth as ye say' & "ould he "ere ta%en "ith the deed( For as the Fren+h
boo% saith' the %ing "as full loath thereto' that any noise should be upon .ir 8aun+elot
and his 6ueen0 for the %ing had a deeming' but he "ould not hear of it' for .ir 8aun+elot
had done so mu+h for him and the 6ueen so many times' that "it ye "ell the %ing loved
him passingly "ell( My lord' said .ir *gravaine' ye shall ride to<morn a<hunting' and
doubt ye not .ir 8aun+elot "ill not go "ith you( )hen "hen it dra"eth to"ard night' ye
may send the 6ueen "ord that ye "ill lie out all that night' and so may ye send for your
+oo%s' and then upon pain of death "e shall ta%e him that night "ith the 6ueen' and
outher "e shall bring him to you dead or 6ui+%( & "ill "ell' said the %ing0 then & +ounsel
you' said the %ing' ta%e "ith you sure fello"ship( .ir' said *gravaine' my brother' .ir
Mordred' and &' "ill ta%e "ith us t"elve %nights of the ?ound )able( /e"are' said -ing
*rthur' for & "arn you ye shall find him "ight( 8et us deal' said .ir *gravaine and .ir
.o on the morn -ing *rthur rode a<hunting' and sent "ord to the 6ueen that he "ould be
out all that night( )hen .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred gat to them t"elve %nights' and
hid themself in a +hamber in the Castle of Carlisle' and these "ere their names4 .ir
Colgrevan+e' .ir Mador de la $orte' .ir :ingaline' .ir Meliot de 8ogris' .ir $etipase of
Win+helsea' .ir :alleron of :al"ay' .ir Melion of the Mountain' .ir *stamore' .ir
:romore .omir 5oure' .ir Curselaine' .ir Floren+e' .ir 8ovel( .o these t"elve %nights
"ere "ith .ir Mordred and .ir *gravaine' and all they "ere of .+otland' outher of .ir
:a"aine1s %in' either "ell<"illers to his brethren(
.o "hen the night +ame' .ir 8aun+elot told .ir /ors ho" he "ould go that night and
spea% "ith the 6ueen( .ir' said .ir /ors' ye shall not go this night by my +ounsel( Why3
said .ir 8aun+elot( .ir' said .ir /ors' & dread me ever of .ir *gravaine' that "aiteth you
daily to do you shame and us all0 and never gave my heart against no going' that ever ye
"ent to the 6ueen' so mu+h as no"0 for & mistrust that the %ing is out this night from the
6ueen be+ause peradventure he hath lain some "at+h for you and the 6ueen' and therefore
& dread me sore of treason( !ave ye no dread' said .ir 8aun+elot' for & shall go and +ome
again' and ma%e no tarrying( .ir' said .ir /ors' that me repenteth' for & dread me sore that
your going out this night shall "rath us all( Fair nephe"' said .ir 8aun+elot' & marvel
mu+h "hy ye say thus' sithen the 6ueen hath sent for me0 and "it ye "ell & "ill not be so
mu+h a +o"ard' but she shall understand & "ill see her good gra+e( :od speed you "ell'
said .ir /ors' and send you sound and safe again(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "as espied in the 6ueen1s +hamber' and ho" .ir *gravaine and .ir
Mordred +ame "ith t"elve %nights to slay him(
.9 .ir 8aun+elot departed' and too% his s"ord under his arm' and so in his mantle that
noble %night put himself in great 5eopardy0 and so he passed till he +ame to the 6ueen1s
+hamber' and then .ir 8aun+elot "as lightly put into the +hamber( *nd then' as the
Fren+h boo% saith' the 6ueen and 8aun+elot "ere together( *nd "hether they "ere abed
or at other manner of disports' me list not hereof ma%e no mention' for love that time "as
not as is no"<a<days( /ut thus as they "ere together' there +ame .ir *gravaine and .ir
Mordred' "ith t"elve %nights "ith them of the ?ound )able' and they said "ith +rying
voi+e4 )raitor<%night' .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' no" art thou ta%en( *nd thus they +ried
"ith a loud voi+e' that all the +ourt might hear it0 and they all fourteen "ere armed at all
points as they should fight in a battle( *las said ;ueen :uenever' no" are "e mis+hieved
both Madam' said .ir 8aun+elot' is there here any armour "ithin your +hamber' that &
might +over my poor body "ithal3 *n if there be any give it me' and & shall soon stint
their mali+e' by the gra+e of :od( )ruly' said the 6ueen' & have none armour' shield'
s"ord' nor spear0 "herefore & dread me sore our long love is +ome to a mis+hievous end'
for & hear by their noise there be many noble %nights' and "ell & "ot they be surely
armed' and against them ye may ma%e no resistan+e( Wherefore ye are li%ely to be slain'
and then shall & be brent( For an ye might es+ape them' said the 6ueen' & "ould not doubt
but that ye "ould res+ue me in "hat danger that ever & stood in( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot'
in all my life thus "as & never bestead' that & should be thus shamefully slain for la+% of
mine armour(
/ut ever in one .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred +ried4 )raitor<%night' +ome out of the
6ueen1s +hamber' for "it thou "ell thou art so beset that thou shalt not es+ape( 9 5esu
mer+y' said .ir 8aun+elot' this shameful +ry and noise & may not suffer' for better "ere
death at on+e than thus to endure this pain( )hen he too% the 6ueen in his arms' and
%issed her' and said4 Most noble Christian 6ueen' & besee+h you as ye have been ever my
spe+ial good lady' and & at all times your true poor %night unto my po"er' and as & never
failed you in right nor in "rong sithen the first day -ing *rthur made me %night' that ye
"ill pray for my soul if that & here be slain0 for "ell & am assured that .ir /ors' my
nephe"' and all the remnant of my %in' "ith .ir 8avaine and .ir #rre' that they "ill not
fail you to res+ue you from the fire0 and therefore' mine o"n lady' re+omfort yourself'
"hatsomever +ome of me' that ye go "ith .ir /ors' my nephe"' and .ir #rre' and they
all "ill do you all the pleasure that they +an or may' that ye shall live li%e a 6ueen upon
my lands( 2ay' 8aun+elot' said the 6ueen' "it thou "ell & "ill never live after thy days'
but an thou be slain & "ill ta%e my death as mee%ly for 5esu Christ1s sa%e as ever did any
Christian 6ueen( Well' madam' said &<aun+elot' sith it is so that the day is +ome that our
love must depart' "it you "ell & shall sell my life as dear as & may0 and a thousandfold'
said .ir 8aun+elot' & am more heavier for you than for myself( *nd no" & had liefer than
to be lord of all Christendom' that & had sure armour upon me' that men might spea% of
my deeds or ever & "ere slain( )ruly' said the 6ueen' & "ould an it might please :od that
they "ould ta%e me and slay me' and suffer you to es+ape( )hat shall never be' said .ir
8aun+elot' :od defend me from su+h a shame' but 5esu be )hou my shield and mine
!o" .ir 8aun+elot sle" .ir Colgrevan+e' and armed him in his harness' and after sle"
.ir *gravaine' and t"elve of his fello"s(
*2, there"ith .ir 8aun+elot "rapped his mantle about his arm "ell and surely0 and by
then they had gotten a great form out of the hall' and there"ithal they rashed at the door(
Fair lords' said .ir 8aun+elot' leave your noise and your rashing' and & shall set open this
door' and then may ye do "ith me "hat it li%eth you( Come off then' said they all' and do
it' for it availeth thee not to strive against us all0 and therefore let us into this +hamber'
and "e shall save thy life until thou +ome to -ing *rthur( )hen 8aun+elot unbarred the
door' and "ith his left hand he held it open a little' so that but one man might +ome in at
on+e0 and so there +ame striding a good %night' a mu+h man and large' and his name "as
Colgrevan+e of :ore' and he "ith a s"ord stru+% at .ir 8aun+elot mightily0 and he put
aside the stro%e' and gave him su+h a buffet upon the helmet' that he fell grovelling dead
"ithin the +hamber door( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot "ith great might dre" that dead %night
"ithin the +hamber door0 and .ir 8aun+elot "ith help of the 6ueen and her ladies "as
lightly armed in .ir Colgrevan+e1s armour(
*nd ever stood .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred +rying4 )raitor<%night' +ome out of the
6ueen1s +hamber( 8eave your noise' said .ir 8aun+elot unto .ir *gravaine' for "it you
"ell' .ir *gravaine' ye shall not prison me this night0 and therefore an ye do by my
+ounsel' go ye all from this +hamber door' and ma%e not su+h +rying and su+h manner of
slander as ye do0 for & promise you by my %nighthood' an ye "ill depart and ma%e no
more noise' & shall as to<morn appear afore you all before the %ing' and then let it be seen
"hi+h of you all' outher else ye all' that "ill a++use me of treason0 and there & shall
ans"er you as a %night should' that hither & +ame to the 6ueen for no manner of mal
engin' and that "ill & prove and ma%e it good upon you "ith my hands( Fie on thee'
traitor' said .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred' "e "ill have thee maugre thy head' and slay
thee if "e list0 for "e let thee "it "e have the +hoi+e of -ing *rthur to save thee or to
slay thee( *h sirs' said .ir 8aun+elot' is there none other gra+e "ith you3 then %eep
.o then .ir 8aun+elot set all open the +hamber door' and mightily and %nightly he strode
in amongst them0 and anon at the first buffet he sle" .ir *gravaine( *nd t"elve of his
fello"s after' "ithin a little "hile after' he laid them +old to the earth' for there "as none
of the t"elve that might stand .ir 8aun+elot one buffet( *lso .ir 8aun+elot "ounded .ir
Mordred' and he fled "ith all his might( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot returned again unto the
6ueen' and said4 Madam' no" "it you "ell all our true love is brought to an end' for no"
"ill -ing *rthur ever be my foe0 and therefore' madam' an it li%e you that & may have
you "ith me' & shall save you from all manner adventures dangerous( )hat is not best'
said the 6ueen0 meseemeth no" ye have done so mu+h harm' it "ill be best ye hold you
still "ith this( *nd if ye see that as to<morn they "ill put me unto the death' then may ye
res+ue me as ye thin% best( & "ill "ell' said .ir 8aun+elot' for have ye no doubt' "hile &
am living & shall res+ue you( *nd then he %issed her' and either gave other a ring0 and so
there he left the 6ueen' and "ent until his lodging(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame to .ir /ors' and told him ho" he had sped' and in "hat
adventure he had been' and ho" he had es+aped(
W!E2 .ir /ors sa" .ir 8aun+elot he "as never so glad of his home<+oming as he "as
then( 5esu mer+y' said .ir 8aun+elot' "hy be ye all armed4 "hat meaneth this3 .ir' said
.ir /ors' after ye "ere departed from us' "e all that be of your blood and your "ell<
"illers "ere so dret+hed that some of us leapt out of our beds na%ed' and some in their
dreams +aught na%ed s"ords in their hands0 therefore' said .ir /ors' "e deem there is
some great strife at hand0 and then "e all deemed that ye "ere betrapped "ith some
treason' and therefore "e made us thus ready' "hat need that ever ye "ere in(
My fair nephe"' said .ir 8aun+elot unto .ir /ors' no" shall ye "it all' that this night &
"as more harder bestead than ever & "as in my life' and yet & es+aped( *nd so he told
them all ho" and in "hat manner' as ye have heard tofore( *nd therefore' my fello"s'
said .ir 8aun+elot' & pray you all that ye "ill be of good heart in "hat need somever &
stand' for no" is "ar +ome to us all( .ir' said /ors' all is "el+ome that :od sendeth us'
and "e have had mu+h "eal "ith you and mu+h "orship' and therefore "e "ill ta%e the
"oe "ith you as "e have ta%en the "eal( *nd therefore' they said all Bthere "ere many
good %nightsC' loo% ye ta%e no dis+omfort' for there nis no bands of %nights under heaven
but "e shall be able to grieve them as mu+h as they may us( *nd therefore dis+omfort not
yourself by no manner' and "e shall gather together that "e love' and that loveth us' and
"hat that ye "ill have done shall be done( *nd therefore' .ir 8aun+elot' said they' "e
"ill ta%e the "oe "ith the "eal( :rant mer+y' said .ir 8aun+elot' of your good +omfort'
for in my great distress' my fair nephe"' ye +omfort me greatly' and mu+h & am
beholding unto you( /ut this' my fair nephe"' & "ould that ye did in all haste that ye may'
or it be forth days' that ye "ill loo% in their lodging that be lodged here nigh about the
%ing' "hi+h "ill hold "ith me' and "hi+h "ill not' for no" & "ould %no" "hi+h "ere my
friends from my foes( .ir' said .ir /ors' & shall do my pain' and or it be seven of the +lo+%
& shall "it of su+h as ye have said before' "ho "ill hold "ith you(
)hen .ir /ors +alled unto him .ir 8ionel' .ir E+tor de Maris' .ir /lamore de :anis' .ir
/leoberis de :anis' .ir :ahalantine' .ir :alihodin' .ir :alihud' .ir Menadeu%e .ir
Dilliers the Daliant' .ir !ebes le ?enoumes' .ir 8avaine .ir #rre of !ungary' .ir
2erounes' .ir $lenorius( )hese t"o %nights .ir 8aun+elot made' and the one he "on upon
a bridge' and therefore they "ould never be against him( *nd !arry le Fise du 8a%e' and
.ir .elises of the ,olorous )o"er' and .ir Melias de 8ile' and .ir /ellangere le /euse'
that "as .ir *lisander1s son 8e 9rphelin' be+ause his mother *li+e le /eale $ellerin and
she "as %in unto .ir 8aun+elot' and he held "ith him( .o there +ame .ir $alomides and
.ir .afere' his brother' to hold "ith .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir Clegis of .ado%' and .ir ,inas'
.ir Clarius of Cleremont( .o these t"o<and<t"enty %nights dre" them together' and by
then they "ere armed on horseba+%' and promised .ir 8aun+elot to do "hat he "ould(
)hen there fell to them' "hat of 2orth Wales and of Corn"all' for .ir 8amora%1s sa%e
and for .ir )ristram1s sa%e' to the number of a fours+ore %nights(
My lords' said .ir 8aun+elot' "it you "ell' & have been ever sin+e & +ame into this
+ountry "ell "illed unto my lord' -ing *rthur' and unto my lady' ;ueen :uenever' unto
my po"er0 and this night be+ause my lady the 6ueen sent for me to spea% "ith her' &
suppose it "as made by treason' ho"beit & dare largely ex+use her person'
not"ithstanding & "as there by a fore+ast near slain' but as 5esu provided me & es+aped all
their mali+e and treason( *nd then that noble %night .ir 8aun+elot told them all ho" he
"as hard bestead in the 6ueen1s +hamber' and ho" and in "hat manner he es+aped from
them( *nd therefore' said .ir 8aun+elot' "it you "ell' my fair lords' & am sure there nis
but "ar unto me and mine( *nd for be+ause & have slain this night these %nights' & "ot
"ell' as is .ir *gravaine .ir :a"aine1s brother' and at the least t"elve of his fello"s' for
this +ause no" & am sure of mortal "ar' for these %nights "ere sent and ordained by -ing
*rthur to betray me( *nd therefore the %ing "ill in his heat and mali+e 7udge the 6ueen to
the fire' and that may & not suffer' that she should be brent for my sa%e0 for an & may be
heard and suffered and so ta%en' & "ill fight for the 6ueen' that she is a true lady unto her
lord0 but the %ing in his heat & dread me "ill not ta%e me as & ought to be ta%en(
9f the +ounsel and advi+e that "as ta%en by .ir 8aun+elot and his friends for to save the
M> lord' .ir 8aun+elot' said .ir /ors' by mine advi+e ye shall ta%e the "oe "ith the
"eal' and ta%e it in patien+e' and than% :od of it( *nd sithen it is fallen as it is' & +ounsel
you %eep yourself' for an ye "ill yourself' there is no fello"ship of %nights +hristened
that shall do you "rong( *lso & "ill +ounsel you my lord' .ir 8aun+elot' than an my lady'
;ueen :uenever' be in distress' insomu+h as she is in pain for your sa%e' that ye %nightly
res+ue her0 an ye did other"ise' all the "orld "ill spea% of you shame to the "orld1s end(
&nsomu+h as ye "ere ta%en "ith her' "hether ye did right or "rong' it is no" your part to
hold "ith the 6ueen' that she be not slain and put to a mis+hievous death' for an she so
die the shame shall be yours( 5esu defend me from shame' said .ir 8aun+elot' and %eep
and save my lady the 6ueen from villainy and shameful death' and that she never be
destroyed in my default0 "herefore my fair lords' my %in' and my friends' said .ir
8aun+elot' "hat "ill ye do3 )hen they said all4 We "ill do as ye "ill do( & put this to you'
said .ir 8aun+elot' that if my lord *rthur by evil +ounsel "ill to<morn in his heat put my
lady the 6ueen to the fire there to be brent' no" & pray you +ounsel me "hat is best to do(
)hen they said all at on+e "ith one voi+e4 .ir' us thin%eth best that ye %nightly res+ue the
6ueen' insomu+h as she shall be brent it is for your sa%e0 and it is to suppose' an ye might
be handled' ye should have the same death' or a more shamefuler death( *nd sir' "e say
all' that ye have many times res+ued her from death for other men1s 6uarrels' us seemeth
it is more your "orship that ye res+ue the 6ueen from this peril' insomu+h she hath it for
your sa%e(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot stood still' and said4 My fair lords' "it you "ell & "ould be loath to
do that thing that should dishonour you or my blood' and "it you "ell & "ould be loath
that my lady' the 6ueen' should die a shameful death0 but an it be so that ye "ill +ounsel
me to res+ue her' & must do mu+h harm or & res+ue her0 and peradventure & shall there
destroy some of my best friends' that should mu+h repent me0 and peradventure there be
some' an they +ould "ell bring it about' or disobey my lord -ing *rthur' they "ould soon
+ome to me' the "hi+h & "ere loath to hurt( *nd if so be that & res+ue her' "here shall &
%eep her3 )hat shall be the least +are of us all' said .ir /ors( !o" did the noble %night
.ir )ristram' by your good "ill3 %ept not he "ith him 8a /eale &soud near three year in
5oyous :ard3 the "hi+h "as done by your alther devi+e' and that same pla+e is your o"n0
and in li%e"ise may ye do an ye list' and ta%e the 6ueen lightly a"ay' if it so be the %ing
"ill 7udge her to be brent0 and in 5oyous :ard ye may %eep her long enough until the heat
of the %ing be past( *nd then shall ye bring again the 6ueen to the %ing "ith great
"orship0 and then peradventure ye shall have than% for her bringing home' and love and
than% "here other shall have maugre(
)hat is hard to do' said .ir 8aun+elot' for by .ir )ristram & may have a "arning' for "hen
by means of treaties' .ir )ristram brought again 8a /eale &soud unto -ing Mar% from
5oyous :ard' loo% "hat befell on the end' ho" shamefully that false traitor -ing Mar%
sle" him as he sat harping afore his lady 8a /eale &soud' "ith a grounden glaive he thrust
him in behind to the heart( &t grieveth me' said .ir 8aun+elot' to spea% of his death' for all
the "orld may not find su+h a %night( *ll this is truth' said .ir /ors' but there is one thing
shall +ourage you and us all' ye %no" "ell -ing *rthur and -ing Mar% "ere never li%e
of +onditions' for there "as never yet man +ould prove -ing *rthur untrue of his
.o to ma%e short tale' they "ere all +onsented that for better outher for "orse' if so "ere
that the 6ueen "ere on that morn brought to the fire' shortly they all "ould res+ue her(
*nd so by the advi+e of .ir 8aun+elot' they put them all in an embushment in a "ood' as
nigh Carlisle as they might' and there they abode still' to "it "hat the %ing "ould do(
!o" .ir Mordred rode hastily to the %ing' to tell him of the affray and death of .ir
*gravaine and the other %nights(
29W turn "e again unto .ir Mordred' that "hen he "as es+aped from the noble %night'
.ir 8aun+elot' he anon gat his horse and mounted upon him' and rode unto -ing *rthur'
sore "ounded and smitten' and all forbled0 and there he told the %ing all ho" it "as' and
ho" they "ere all slain save himself all only( 5esu mer+y' ho" may this be3 said the %ing0
too% ye him in the 6ueen1s +hamber3 >ea' so :od me help' said .ir Mordred' there "e
found him unarmed' and there he sle" Colgrevan+e' and armed him in his armour0 and all
this he told the %ing from the beginning to the ending( 5esu mer+y' said the %ing' he is a
marvellous %night of pro"ess( *las' me sore repenteth' said the %ing' that ever .ir
8aun+elot should be against me( 2o" & am sure the noble fello"ship of the ?ound )able
is bro%en for ever' for "ith him "ill many a noble %night hold0 and no" it is fallen so'
said the %ing' that & may not "ith my "orship' but the 6ueen must suffer the death( .o
then there "as made great ordinan+e in this heat' that the 6ueen must be 7udged to the
death( *nd the la" "as su+h in those days that "hatsomever they "ere' of "hat estate or
degree' if they "ere found guilty of treason' there should be none other remedy but death0
and outher the men or the ta%ing "ith the deed should be +auser of their hasty 7udgment(
*nd right so "as it ordained for ;ueen :uenever' be+ause .ir Mordred "as es+aped sore
"ounded' and the death of thirteen %nights of the ?ound )able( )hese proofs and
experien+es +aused -ing *rthur to +ommand the 6ueen to the fire there to be brent(
)hen spa%e .ir :a"aine' and said4 My lord *rthur' & "ould +ounsel you not to be over<
hasty' but that ye "ould put it in respite' this 7udgment of my lady the 6ueen' for many
+auses( 9ne it is' though it "ere so that .ir 8aun+elot "ere found in the 6ueen1s +hamber'
yet it might be so that he +ame thither for none evil0 for ye %no" my lord' said .ir
:a"aine' that the 6ueen is mu+h beholden unto .ir 8aun+elot' more than unto any other
%night' for ofttimes he hath saved her life' and done battle for her "hen all the +ourt
refused the 6ueen0 and peradventure she sent for him for goodness and for none evil' to
re"ard him for his good deeds that he had done to her in times past( *nd peradventure
my lady' the 6ueen' sent for him to that intent that .ir 8aun+elot should +ome to her good
gra+e privily and se+retly' "eening to her that it "as best so to do' in es+he"ing and
dreading of slander0 for ofttimes "e do many things that "e "een it be for the best' and
yet peradventure it turneth to the "orst( For & dare say' said .ir :a"aine' my lady' your
6ueen' is to you both good and true0 and as for .ir 8aun+elot' said .ir :a"aine' & dare say
he "ill ma%e it good upon any %night living that "ill put upon himself villainy or shame'
and in li%e "ise he "ill ma%e good for my lady' ,ame :uenever(
)hat & believe "ell' said -ing *rthur' but & "ill not that "ay "ith .ir 8aun+elot' for he
trusteth so mu+h upon his hands and his might that he doubteth no man0 and therefore for
my 6ueen he shall never fight more' for she shall have the la"( *nd if & may get .ir
8aun+elot' "it you "ell he shall have a shameful death( 5esu defend' said .ir :a"aine'
that & may never see it( Why say ye so3 said -ing *rthur0 forsooth ye have no +ause to
love .ir 8aun+elot' for this night last past he sle" your brother' .ir *gravaine' a full good
%night' and almost he had slain your other brother' .ir Mordred' and also there he sle"
thirteen noble %nights0 and also' .ir :a"aine' remember you he sle" t"o sons of yours'
.ir Floren+e and .ir 8ovel( My lord' said .ir :a"aine' of all this & have %no"ledge' of
"hose deaths & repent me sore0 but insomu+h & gave them "arning' and told my brethren
and my sons aforehand "hat "ould fall in the end' insomu+h they "ould not do by my
+ounsel' & "ill not meddle me thereof' nor revenge me nothing of their deaths0 for & told
them it "as no boot to strive "ith .ir 8aun+elot( !o"beit & am sorry of the death of my
brethren and of my sons' for they are the +ausers of their o"n death0 for ofttimes & "arned
my brother .ir *gravaine' and & told him the perils the "hi+h be no" fallen(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot and his %insmen res+ued the 6ueen from the fire' and ho" he sle"
many %nights(
)!E2 said the noble -ing *rthur to .ir :a"aine4 ,ear nephe"' & pray you ma%e you
ready in your best armour' "ith your brethren' .ir :aheris and .ir :areth' to bring my
6ueen to the fire' there to have her 7udgment and re+eive the death( 2ay' my most noble
lord' said .ir :a"aine' that "ill & never do0 for "it you "ell & "ill never be in that pla+e
"here so noble a 6ueen as is my lady' ,ame :uenever' shall ta%e a shameful end( For "it
you "ell' said .ir :a"aine' my heart "ill never serve me to see her die0 and it shall never
be said that ever & "as of your +ounsel of her death(
)hen said the %ing to .ir :a"aine4 .uffer your brothers .ir :aheris and .ir :areth to be
there( My lord' said .ir :a"aine' "it you "ell they "ill be loath to be there present'
be+ause of many adventures the "hi+h be li%e there to fall' but they are young and full
unable to say you nay( )hen spa%e .ir :aheris' and the good %night .ir :areth' unto .ir
*rthur4 .ir' ye may "ell +ommand us to be there' but "it you "ell it shall be sore against
our "ill0 but an "e be there by your strait +ommandment ye shall plainly hold us there
ex+used4 "e "ill be there in pea+eable "ise' and bear none harness of "ar upon us( &n the
name of :od' said the %ing' then ma%e you ready' for she shall soon have her 7udgment
anon( *las' said .ir :a"aine' that ever & should endure to see this "oful day( .o .ir
:a"aine turned him and "ept heartily' and so he "ent into his +hamber0 and then the
6ueen "as led forth "ithout Carlisle' and there she "as despoiled into her smo+%( *nd so
then her ghostly father "as brought to her' to be shriven of her misdeeds( )hen "as there
"eeping' and "ailing' and "ringing of hands' of many lords and ladies' but there "ere
but fe" in +omparison that "ould bear any armour for to strength the death of the 6ueen(
)hen "as there one that .ir 8aun+elot had sent unto that pla+e for to espy "hat time the
6ueen should go unto her death0 and anon as he sa" the 6ueen despoiled into her smo+%'
and so shriven' then he gave .ir 8aun+elot "arning( )hen "as there but spurring and
plu+%ing up of horses' and right so they +ame to the fire( *nd "ho that stood against
them' there "ere they slain0 there might none "ithstand .ir 8aun+elot' so all that bare
arms and "ithstood them' there "ere they slain' full many a noble %night( For there "as
slain .ir /ellian+e le 9rgulous' .ir .eg"arides' .ir :riflet' .ir /randiles' .ir *glovale'
.ir )or0 .ir :auter' .ir :illimer' .ir ?eynolds1 three brethren0 .ir ,amas' .ir $riamus'
.ir -ay the .tranger' .ir ,riant' .ir 8ambegus' .ir !erminde0 .ir $ertilope' .ir
$erimones' t"o brethren that "ere +alled the :reen -night and the ?ed -night( *nd so
in this rushing and hurling' as .ir 8aun+elot thrang here and there' it mishapped him to
slay :aheris and .ir :areth' the noble %night' for they "ere unarmed and un"are( For as
the Fren+h boo% saith' .ir 8aun+elot smote .ir :areth and .ir :aheris upon the brain<
pans' "herethrough they "ere slain in the field0 ho"beit in very truth .ir 8aun+elot sa"
them not' and so "ere they found dead among the thi+%est of the press(
)hen "hen .ir 8aun+elot had thus done' and slain and put to flight all that "ould
"ithstand him' then he rode straight unto ,ame :uenever' and made a %irtle and a go"n
to be +ast upon her0 and then he made her to be set behind him' and prayed her to be of
good +heer( Wit you "ell the 6ueen "as glad that she "as es+aped from the death( *nd
then she than%ed :od and .ir 8aun+elot0 and so he rode his "ay "ith the 6ueen' as the
Fren+h boo% saith' unto 5oyous :ard' and there he %ept her as a noble %night should do0
and many great lords and some %ings sent .ir 8aun+elot many good %nights' and many
noble %nights dre" unto .ir 8aun+elot( When this "as %no"n openly' that -ing *rthur
and .ir 8aun+elot "ere at debate' many %nights "ere glad of their debate' and many "ere
full heavy of their debate(
9f the sorro" and lamentation of -ing *rthur for the death of his nephe"s and other
good %nights' and also for the 6ueen' his "ife(
.9 turn "e again unto -ing *rthur' that "hen it "as told him ho" and in "hat manner
of "ise the 6ueen "as ta%en a"ay from the fire' and "hen he heard of the death of his
noble %nights' and in espe+ial of .ir :aheris and .ir :areth1s death' then the %ing
s"ooned for pure sorro"( *nd "hen he a"o%e of his s"oon' then he said4 *las' that ever
& bare +ro"n upon my head@ for no" have & lost the fairest fello"ship of noble %nights
that ever held Christian %ing together( *las' my good %nights be slain a"ay from me4
no" "ithin these t"o days & have lost forty %nights' and also the noble fello"ship of .ir
8aun+elot and his blood' for no" & may never hold them together no more "ith my
"orship( *las that ever this "ar began( 2o" fair fello"s' said the %ing' & +harge you that
no man tell .ir :a"aine of the death of his t"o brethren0 for & am sure' said the %ing'
"hen .ir :a"aine heareth tell that .ir :areth is dead he "ill go nigh out of his mind(
Mer+y 5esu' said the %ing' "hy sle" he .ir :areth and .ir :aheris' for & dare say as for
.ir :areth he loved .ir 8aun+elot above all men earthly( )hat is truth' said some %nights'
but they "ere slain in the hurtling as .ir 8aun+elot thrang in the thi+% of the press0 and as
they "ere unarmed he smote them and "ist not "hom that he smote' and so unhappily
they "ere slain( )he death of them' said *rthur' "ill +ause the greatest mortal "ar that
ever "as0 & am sure' "ist .ir :a"aine that .ir :areth "ere slain' & should never have rest
of him till & had destroyed .ir 8aun+elot1s %in and himself both' outher else he to destroy
me( *nd therefore' said the %ing' "it you "ell my heart "as never so heavy as it is no"'
and mu+h more & am sorrier for my good %nights1 loss than for the loss of my fair 6ueen0
for 6ueens & might have eno"' but su+h a fello"ship of good %nights shall never be
together in no +ompany( *nd no" & dare say' said -ing *rthur' there "as never Christian
%ing held su+h a fello"ship together0 and alas that ever .ir 8aun+elot and & should be at
debate( *h *gravaine' *gravaine' said the %ing' 5esu forgive it thy soul' for thine evil
"ill' that thou and thy brother .ir Mordred hadst unto .ir 8aun+elot' hath +aused all this
sorro"4 and ever among these +omplaints the %ing "ept and s"ooned(
)hen there +ame one unto .ir :a"aine' and told him ho" the 6ueen "as led a"ay "ith
.ir 8aun+elot' and nigh a t"enty<four %nights slain( 9 5esu defend my brethren' said .ir
:a"aine' for full "ell "ist & that .ir 8aun+elot "ould res+ue her' outher else he "ould
die in that field0 and to say the truth he had not been a man of "orship had he not res+ued
the 6ueen that day' insomu+h she should have been brent for his sa%e( *nd as in that' said
.ir :a"aine' he hath done but %nightly' and as & "ould have done myself an & had stood
in li%e +ase( /ut "here are my brethren3 said .ir :a"aine' & marvel & hear not of them(
)ruly' said that man' .ir :areth and .ir :aheris be slain( 5esu defend' said .ir :a"aine'
for all the "orld & "ould not that they "ere slain' and in espe+ial my good brother' .ir
:areth( .ir' said the man' he is slain' and that is great pity( Who sle" him3 said .ir
:a"aine( .ir' said the man' 8aun+elot sle" them both( )hat may & not believe' said .ir
:a"aine' that ever he sle" my brother' .ir :areth0 for & dare say my brother :areth
loved him better than me' and all his brethren' and the %ing both( *lso & dare say' an .ir
8aun+elot had desired my brother .ir :areth' "ith him he "ould have been "ith him
against the %ing and us all' and therefore & may never believe that .ir 8aun+elot sle" my
brother( .ir' said this man' it is noised that he sle" him(
!o" -ing *rthur at the re6uest of .ir :a"aine +on+luded to ma%e "ar against .ir
8aun+elot' and laid siege to his +astle +alled 5oyous :ard(
*8*.' said .ir :a"aine' no" is my 7oy gone( *nd then he fell do"n and s"ooned' and
long he lay there as he had been dead( *nd then' "hen he arose of his s"oon' he +ried out
sorro"fully' and said4 *las@ *nd right so .ir :a"aine ran to the %ing' +rying and
"eeping4 9 -ing *rthur' mine un+le' my good brother .ir :areth is slain' and so is my
brother .ir :aheris' the "hi+h "ere t"o noble %nights( )hen the %ing "ept' and he both0
and so they fell a<s"ooning( *nd "hen they "ere revived then spa%e .ir :a"aine4 .ir' &
"ill go see my brother' .ir :areth( >e may not see him' said the %ing' for & +aused him to
be interred' and .ir :aheris both0 for & "ell understood that ye "ould ma%e over<mu+h
sorro"' and the sight of .ir :areth should have +aused your double sorro"( *las' my
lord' said .ir :a"aine' ho" sle" he my brother' .ir :areth3 Mine o"n good lord & pray
you tell me( )ruly' said the %ing' & shall tell you ho" it is told me' .ir 8aun+elot sle" him
and .ir :aheris both( *las' said .ir :a"aine' they bare none arms against him' neither of
them both( & "ot not ho" it "as' said the %ing' but as it is said' .ir 8aun+elot sle" them
both in the thi+%est of the press and %ne" them not0 and therefore let us shape a remedy
for to revenge their deaths(
My %ing' my lord' and mine un+le' said .ir :a"aine' "it you "ell no" & shall ma%e you
a promise that & shall hold by my %nighthood' that from this day & shall never fail .ir
8aun+elot until the one of us have slain the other( *nd therefore & re6uire you' my lord
and %ing' dress you to the "ar' for "it you "ell & "ill be revenged upon .ir 8aun+elot0
and therefore' as ye "ill have my servi+e and my love' no" haste you thereto' and assay
your friends( For & promise unto :od' said .ir :a"aine' for the death of my brother' .ir
:areth' & shall see% .ir 8aun+elot throughout seven %ings1 realms' but & shall slay him or
else he shall slay me( >e shall not need to see% him so far' said the %ing' for as & hear say'
.ir 8aun+elot "ill abide me and you in the 5oyous :ard0 and mu+h people dra"eth unto
him' as & hear say( )hat may & believe' said .ir :a"aine0 but my lord' he said' assay your
friends' and & "ill assay mine( &t shall be done' said the %ing' and as & suppose & shall be
big enough to dra" him out of the biggest to"er of his +astle(
.o then the %ing sent letters and "rits throughout all England' both in the length and the
breadth' for to assummon all his %nights( *nd so unto *rthur dre" many %nights' du%es'
and earls' so that he had a great host( *nd "hen they "ere assembled' the %ing informed
them ho" .ir 8aun+elot had bereft him his 6ueen( )hen the %ing and all his host made
them ready to lay siege about .ir 8aun+elot' "here he lay "ithin 5oyous :ard( )hereof
heard .ir 8aun+elot' and purveyed him of many good %nights' for "ith him held many
%nights0 and some for his o"n sa%e' and some for the 6ueen1s sa%e( )hus they "ere on
both parties "ell furnished and garnished of all manner of thing that longed to the "ar(
/ut -ing *rthur1s host "as so big that .ir 8aun+elot "ould not abide him in the field' for
he "as full loath to do battle against the %ing0 but .ir 8aun+elot dre" him to his strong
+astle "ith all manner of vi+tual' and as many noble men as he might suffi+e "ithin the
to"n and the +astle( )hen +ame -ing *rthur "ith .ir :a"aine "ith an huge host' and
laid a siege all about 5oyous :ard' both at the to"n and at the +astle' and there they made
strong "ar on both parties( /ut in no "ise .ir 8aun+elot "ould ride out' nor go out of his
+astle' of long time0 neither he "ould none of his good %nights to issue out' neither none
of the to"n nor of the +astle' until fifteen "ee%s "ere past(
9f the +ommuni+ation bet"een -ing *rthur and .ir 8aun+elot' and ho" -ing *rthur
reproved him(
)!E2 it befell upon a day in harvest time' .ir 8aun+elot loo%ed over the "alls' and
spa%e on high unto -ing *rthur and .ir :a"aine4 My lords both' "it ye "ell all is in vain
that ye ma%e at this siege' for here "in ye no "orship but maugre and dishonour0 for an it
list me to +ome myself out and my good %nights' & should full soon ma%e an end of this
"ar( Come forth' said *rthur unto 8aun+elot' an thou durst' and & promise thee & shall
meet thee in midst of the field( :od defend me' said .ir 8aun+elot' that ever & should
en+ounter "ith the most noble %ing that made me %night( Fie upon thy fair language' said
the %ing' for "it you "ell and trust it' & am thy mortal foe' and ever "ill to my death day0
for thou hast slain my good %nights' and full noble men of my blood' that & shall never
re+over again( *lso thou hast lain by my 6ueen' and holden her many "inters' and sithen
li%e a traitor ta%en her from me by for+e(
My most noble lord and %ing' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye may say "hat ye "ill' for ye "ot
"ell "ith yourself "ill & not strive0 but thereas ye say & have slain your good %nights' &
"ot "ell that & have done so' and that me sore repenteth0 but & "as enfor+ed to do battle
"ith them in saving of my life' or else & must have suffered them to have slain me( *nd
as for my lady' ;ueen :uenever' ex+ept your person of your highness' and my lord .ir
:a"aine' there is no %night under heaven that dare ma%e it good upon me' that ever & "as
a traitor unto your person( *nd "here it please you to say that & have holden my lady
your 6ueen years and "inters' unto that & shall ever ma%e a large ans"er' and prove it
upon any %night that beareth the life' ex+ept your person and .ir :a"aine' that my lady'
;ueen :uenever' is a true lady unto your person as any is living unto her lord' and that
"ill & ma%e good "ith my hands( !o"beit it hath li%ed her good gra+e to have me in
+hierte' and to +herish me more than any other %night0 and unto my po"er & again have
deserved her love' for ofttimes' my lord' ye have +onsented that she should be brent and
destroyed' in your heat' and then it fortuned me to do battle for her' and or & departed
from her adversary they +onfessed their untruth' and she full "orshipfully ex+used( *nd
at su+h times' my lord *rthur' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye loved me' and than%ed me "hen &
saved your 6ueen from the fire0 and then ye promised me for ever to be my good lord0
and no" methin%eth ye re"ard me full ill for my good servi+e( *nd my good lord'
meseemeth & had lost a great part of my "orship in my %nighthood an & had suffered my
lady' your 6ueen' to have been brent' and insomu+h she should have been brent for my
sa%e( For sithen & have done battles for your 6ueen in other 6uarrels than in mine o"n'
meseemeth no" & had more right to do battle for her in right 6uarrel( *nd therefore my
good and gra+ious lord' said .ir 8aun+elot' ta%e your 6ueen unto your good gra+e' for she
is both fair' true' and good(
Fie on thee' false re+reant %night' said .ir :a"aine0 & let thee "it my lord' mine un+le'
-ing *rthur' shall have his 6ueen and thee' maugre thy visage' and slay you both "hether
it please him( &t may "ell be' said .ir 8aun+elot' but "it you "ell' my lord .ir :a"aine'
an me list to +ome out of this +astle ye should "in me and the 6ueen more harder than
ever ye "on a strong battle( Fie on thy proud "ords' said .ir :a"aine0 as for my lady' the
6ueen' & "ill never say of her shame( /ut thou' false and re+reant %night' said .ir
:a"aine' "hat +ause hadst thou to slay my good brother .ir :areth' that loved thee more
than all my %in3 *las thou madest him %night thine o"n hands0 "hy sle" thou him that
loved thee so "ell3 For to ex+use me' said .ir 8aun+elot' it helpeth me not' but by 5esu'
and by the faith that & o"e to the high order of %nighthood' & should "ith as good "ill
have slain my nephe"' .ir /ors de :anis' at that time( /ut alas that ever & "as so
unhappy' said 8aun+elot' that & had not seen .ir :areth and .ir :aheris(
)hou liest' re+reant %night' said .ir :a"aine' thou sle"est him in despite of me0 and
therefore' "it thou "ell & shall ma%e "ar to thee' and all the "hile that & may live( )hat
me repenteth' said .ir 8aun+elot0 for "ell & understand it helpeth not to see% none
a++ordment "hile ye' .ir :a"aine' are so mis+hievously set( *nd if ye "ere not' & "ould
not doubt to have the good gra+e of my lord *rthur( & believe it "ell' false re+reant
%night' said .ir :a"aine0 for thou hast many long days overled me and us all' and
destroyed many of our good %nights( >e say as it pleaseth you' said .ir 8aun+elot0 and
yet may it never be said on me' and openly proved' that ever & by fore+ast of treason sle"
no good %night' as my lord' .ir :a"aine' ye have done0 and so did & never' but in my
defen+e that & "as driven thereto' in saving of my life( *h' false %night' said .ir :a"aine'
that thou meanest by .ir 8amora%4 "it thou "ell & sle" him( >e sle" him not yourself'
said .ir 8aun+elot0 it had been overmu+h on hand for you to have slain him' for he "as
one of the best %nights +hristened of his age' and it "as great pity of his death(
!o" the +ousins and %insmen of .ir 8aun+elot ex+ited him to go out to battle' and ho"
they made them ready(
WE88' "ell' said .ir :a"aine to 8aun+elot' sithen thou enbraidest me of .ir 8amora%'
"it thou "ell & shall never leave thee till & have thee at su+h avail that thou shalt not
es+ape my hands( & trust you "ell enough' said .ir 8aun+elot' an ye may get me & get but
little mer+y( /ut as the Fren+h boo% saith' the noble -ing *rthur "ould have ta%en his
6ueen again' and have been a++orded "ith .ir 8aun+elot' but .ir :a"aine "ould not
suffer him by no manner of mean( *nd then .ir :a"aine made many men to blo" upon
.ir 8aun+elot0 and all at on+e they +alled him false re+reant %night(
)hen "hen .ir /ors de :anis' .ir E+tor de Maris' and .ir 8ionel' heard this out+ry' they
+alled to them .ir $alomides' .ir .afere1s brother' and .ir 8avaine' "ith many more of
their blood' and all they "ent unto .ir 8aun+elot' and said thus4 My lord .ir 8aun+elot'
"it ye "ell "e have great s+orn of the great rebu%es that "e heard :a"aine say to you0
"herefore "e pray you' and +harge you as ye "ill have our servi+e' %eep us no longer
"ithin these "alls0 for "it you "ell plainly' "e "ill ride into the field and do battle "ith
them0 for ye fare as a man that "ere afeard' and for all your fair spee+h it "ill not avail
you( For "it you "ell .ir :a"aine "ill not suffer you to be a++orded "ith -ing *rthur'
and therefore fight for your life and your right' an ye dare( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot' for to
ride out of this +astle' and to do battle' & am full loath(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot spa%e on high unto .ir *rthur and .ir :a"aine4 My lords' & re6uire
you and besee+h you' sithen that & am thus re6uired and +on7ured to ride into the field'
that neither you' my lord -ing *rthur' nor you .ir :a"aine' +ome not into the field(
What shall "e do then3 said .ir :a"aine' [2is this the %ing1s 6uarrel "ith thee to fight3
and it is my 6uarrel to fight "ith thee' .ir 8aun+elot' be+ause of the death of my brother
.ir :areth( )hen must & needs unto battle' said .ir 8aun+elot( 2o" "it you "ell' my lord
*rthur and .ir :a"aine' ye "ill repent it "hensomever & do battle "ith you(
*nd so then they departed either from other0 and then either party made them ready on
the morn for to do battle' and great purveyan+e "as made on both sides0 and .ir :a"aine
let purvey many %nights for to "ait upon .ir 8aun+elot' for to overset him and to slay
him( *nd on the morn at underne .ir *rthur "as ready in the field "ith three great hosts(
*nd then .ir 8aun+elot1s fello"ship +ame out at three gates' in a full good array0 and .ir
8ionel +ame in the foremost battle' and .ir 8aun+elot +ame in the middle' and .ir /ors
+ame out at the third gate( )hus they +ame in order and rule' as full noble %nights0 and
al"ays .ir 8aun+elot +harged all his %nights in any "ise to save -ing *rthur and .ir
!o" .ir :a"aine 7ousted and smote do"n .ir 8ionel' and ho" .ir 8aun+elot horsed
-ing *rthur(
)!E2 +ame forth .ir :a"aine from the %ing1s host' and he +ame before and proffered to
7oust( *nd .ir 8ionel "as a fier+e %night' and lightly he en+ountered "ith .ir :a"aine0
and there .ir :a"aine smote .ir 8ionel through out the body' that he dashed to the earth
li%e as he had been dead0 and then .ir E+tor de Maris and other more bare him into the
+astle( )hen there began a great stour' and mu+h people "as slain0 and ever .ir 8aun+elot
did "hat he might to save the people on -ing *rthur1s party' for .ir $alomides' and .ir
/ors' and .ir .afere' overthre" many %nights' for they "ere deadly %nights( *nd .ir
/lamore de :anis' and .ir /leoberis de :anis' "ith .ir /ellangere le /euse' these six
%nights did mu+h harm0 and ever -ing *rthur "as nigh about .ir 8aun+elot to have slain
him' and .ir 8aun+elot suffered him' and "ould not stri%e again( .o .ir /ors en+ountered
"ith -ing *rthur' and there "ith a spear .ir /ors smote him do"n0 and so he alighted
and dre" his s"ord' and said to .ir 8aun+elot4 .hall & ma%e an end of this "ar3 and that
he meant to have slain -ing *rthur( 2ot so hardy' said .ir 8aun+elot' upon pain of thy
head' that thou tou+h him no more' for & "ill never see that most noble %ing that made me
%night neither slain ne shamed( *nd there"ithal .ir 8aun+elot alighted off his horse and
too% up the %ing and horsed him again' and said thus4 My lord *rthur' for :od1s love
stint this strife' for ye get here no "orship' and & "ould do mine utteran+e' but al"ays &
forbear you' and ye nor none of yours forbeareth me0 my lord' remember "hat & have
done in many pla+es' and no" & am evil re"arded(
)hen "hen -ing *rthur "as on horseba+%' he loo%ed upon .ir 8aun+elot' and then the
tears brast out of his eyen' thin%ing on the great +ourtesy that "as in .ir 8aun+elot more
than in any other man0 and there"ith the %ing rode his "ay' and might no longer behold
him' and said4 *las' that ever this "ar began( *nd then either parties of the battles
"ithdre" them to repose them' and buried the dead' and to the "ounded men they laid
soft salves0 and thus they endured that night till on the morn( *nd on the morn by
underne they made them ready to do battle( *nd then .ir /ors led the for"ard(
.o upon the morn there +ame .ir :a"aine as brim as any boar' "ith a great spear in his
hand( *nd "hen .ir /ors sa" him he thought to revenge his brother .ir 8ionel of the
despite that .ir :a"aine did him the other day( *nd so they that %ne" either other
feutred their spears' and "ith all their mights of their horses and themselves' they met
together so felonously that either bare other through' and so they fell both to the earth0
and then the battles 7oined' and there "as mu+h slaughter on both parties( )hen .ir
8aun+elot res+ued .ir /ors' and sent him into the +astle0 but neither .ir :a"aine nor .ir
/ors died not of their "ounds' for they "ere all holpen( )hen .ir 8avaine and .ir #rre
prayed .ir 8aun+elot to do his pain' and fight as they had done0 For "e see ye forbear and
spare' and that doth mu+h harm0 therefore "e pray you spare not your enemies no more
than they do you( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot' & have no heart to fight against my lord
*rthur' for ever meseemeth & do not as & ought to do( My lord' said .ir $alomides' though
ye spare them all this day they "ill never +on you than%0 and if they may get you at avail
ye are but dead( .o then .ir 8aun+elot understood that they said him truth0 and then he
strained himself more than he did aforehand' and be+ause his nephe" .ir /ors "as sore
"ounded( *nd then "ithin a little "hile' by evensong time' .ir 8aun+elot and his party
better stood' for their horses "ent in blood past the fetlo+%s' there "as so mu+h people
slain( *nd then for pity .ir 8aun+elot "ithheld his %nights' and suffered -ing *rthur1s
party for to "ithdra" them aside( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot1s party "ithdre" them into his
+astle' and either parties buried the dead' and put salve unto the "ounded men(
.o "hen .ir :a"aine "as hurt' they on -ing *rthur1s party "ere not so orgulous as they
"ere toforehand to do battle( 9f this "ar "as noised through all Christendom' and at the
last it "as noised afore the $ope0 and he +onsidering the great goodness of -ing *rthur'
and of .ir 8aun+elot' that "as +alled the most noblest %nights of the "orld' "herefore the
$ope +alled unto him a noble +ler% that at that time "as there present0 the Fren+h boo%
saith' it "as the /ishop of ?o+hester0 and the $ope gave him bulls under lead unto -ing
*rthur of England' +harging him upon pain of interdi+ting of all England' that he ta%e his
6ueen ,ame :uenever unto him again' and a++ord "ith .ir 8aun+elot(
!o" the $ope sent do"n his bulls to ma%e pea+e' and ho" .ir 8aun+elot brought the
6ueen to -ing *rthur(
.9 "hen this /ishop "as +ome to Carlisle he she"ed the %ing these bulls( *nd "hen the
%ing understood these bulls he nist "hat to do4 full fain he "ould have been a++orded
"ith .ir 8aun+elot' but .ir :a"aine "ould not suffer him0 but as for to have the 6ueen'
thereto he agreed( /ut in no"ise .ir :a"aine "ould not suffer the %ing to a++ord "ith .ir
8aun+elot0 but as for the 6ueen he +onsented( *nd then the /ishop had of the %ing his
great seal' and his assuran+e as he "as a true anointed %ing that .ir 8aun+elot should
+ome safe' and go safe' and that the 6ueen should not be spo%en unto of the %ing' nor of
none other' for no thing done afore time past0 and of all these appointments the /ishop
brought "ith him sure assuran+e and "riting' to she" .ir 8aun+elot(
.o "hen the /ishop "as +ome to 5oyous :ard' there he she"ed .ir 8aun+elot ho" the
$ope had "ritten to *rthur and unto him' and there he told him the perils if he "ithheld
the 6ueen from the %ing( &t "as never in my thought' said 8aun+elot' to "ithhold the
6ueen from my lord *rthur0 but' insomu+h she should have been dead for my sa%e'
meseemeth it "as my part to save her life' and put her from that danger' till better re+over
might +ome( *nd no" & than% :od' said .ir 8aun+elot' that the $ope hath made her
pea+e0 for :od %no"eth' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ill be a thousandfold more gladder to
bring her again' than ever & "as of her ta%ing a"ay0 "ith this' & may be sure to +ome safe
and go safe' and that the 6ueen shall have her liberty as she had before0 and never for no
thing that hath been surmised afore this time' she never from this day stand in no peril(
For else' said .ir 8aun+elot' & dare adventure me to %eep her from an harder shour than
ever & %ept her( &t shall not need you' said the /ishop' to dread so mu+h0 for "it you "ell'
the $ope must be obeyed' and it "ere not the $ope1s "orship nor my poor honesty to "it
you distressed' neither the 6ueen' neither in peril' nor shamed( *nd then he she"ed .ir
8aun+elot all his "riting' both from the $ope and from -ing *rthur( )his is sure enough'
said .ir 8aun+elot' for full "ell & dare trust my lord1s o"n "riting and his seal' for he "as
never shamed of his promise( )herefore' said .ir 8aun+elot unto the /ishop' ye shall ride
unto the %ing afore' and re+ommend me unto his good gra+e' and let him have
%no"ledging that this same day eight days' by the gra+e of :od' & myself shall bring my
lady' ;ueen :uenever' unto him( *nd then say ye unto my most redoubted %ing' that &
"ill say largely for the 6ueen' that & shall none ex+ept for dread nor fear' but the %ing
himself' and my lord .ir :a"aine0 and that is more for the %ing1s love than for himself(
.o the /ishop departed and +ame to the %ing at Carlisle' and told him all ho" .ir
8aun+elot ans"ered him0 and then the tears brast out of the %ing1s eyen( )hen .ir
8aun+elot purveyed him an hundred %nights' and all "ere +lothed in green velvet' and
their horses trapped to their heels0 and every %night held a bran+h of olive in his hand' in
to%ening of pea+e( *nd the 6ueen had four<and<t"enty gentle"omen follo"ing her in the
same "ise0 and .ir 8aun+elot had t"elve +oursers follo"ing him' and on every +ourser
sat a young gentleman' and all they "ere arrayed in green velvet' "ith sarps of gold about
their 6uarters' and the horse trapped in the same "ise do"n to the heels' "ith many
ou+hes' y<set "ith stones and pearls in gold' to the number of a thousand( *nd she and .ir
8aun+elot "ere +lothed in "hite +loth of gold tissue0 and right so as ye have heard' as the
Fren+h boo% ma%eth mention' he rode "ith the 6ueen from 5oyous :ard to Carlisle( *nd
so .ir 8aun+elot rode throughout Carlisle' and so in the +astle' that all men might behold0
and "it you "ell there "as many a "eeping eye( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot himself alighted
and avoided his horse' and too% the 6ueen' and so led her "here -ing *rthur "as in his
seat4 and .ir :a"aine sat afore him' and many other great lords( .o "hen .ir 8aun+elot
sa" the %ing and .ir :a"aine' then he led the 6ueen by the arm' and then he %neeled
do"n' and the 6ueen both( Wit you "ell then "as there many bold %night there "ith -ing
*rthur that "ept as tenderly as though they had seen all their %in afore them( .o the %ing
sat still' and said no "ord( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" his +ountenan+e' he arose and
pulled up the 6ueen "ith him' and thus he spa%e full %nightly(
9f the deliveran+e of the 6ueen to the %ing by .ir 8aun+elot' and "hat language .ir
:a"aine had to .ir 8aun+elot(
M> most redoubted %ing' ye shall understand' by the $ope1s +ommandment and yours' &
have brought to you my lady the 6ueen' as right re6uireth0 and if there be any %night' of
"hatsomever degree that he be' ex+ept your person' that "ill say or dare say but that she
is true and +lean to you' & here myself' .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e' "ill ma%e it good upon his
body' that she is a true lady unto you0 but liars ye have listened' and that hath +aused
debate bet"ixt you and me( For time hath been' my lord *rthur' that ye have been greatly
pleased "ith me "hen & did battle for my lady' your 6ueen0 and full "ell ye %no"' my
most noble %ing' that she hath been put to great "rong or this time0 and sithen it pleased
you at many times that & should fight for her' meseemeth' my good lord' & had more +ause
to res+ue her from the fire' insomu+h she should have been brent for my sa%e( For they
that told you those tales "ere liars' and so it fell upon them0 for by li%elihood had not the
might of :od been "ith me' & might never have endured fourteen %nights' and they armed
and afore purposed' and & unarmed and not purposed( For & "as sent for unto my lady
your 6ueen' & "ot not for "hat +ause0 but & "as not so soon "ithin the +hamber door' but
anon .ir *gravaine and .ir Mordred +alled me traitor and re+reant %night( )hey +alled
thee right' said .ir :a"aine( My lord .ir :a"aine' said .ir 8aun+elot' in their 6uarrel
they proved themselves not in the right( Well "ell' .ir 8aun+elot' said the %ing' & have
given thee no +ause to do to me as thou hast done' for & have "orshipped thee and thine
more than any of all my %nights(
My good lord' said .ir 8aun+elot' so ye be not displeased' ye shall understand & and mine
have done you oft better servi+e than any other %nights have done' in many divers pla+es0
and "here ye have been full hard bestead divers times' & have myself res+ued you from
many dangers0 and ever unto my po"er & "as glad to please you' and my lord .ir
:a"aine0 both in 7ousts' and tournaments' and in battles set' both on horseba+% and on
foot' & have often res+ued you' and my lord .ir :a"aine' and many mo of your %nights in
many divers pla+es( For no" & "ill ma%e avaunt' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ill that ye all "it
that yet & found never no manner of %night but that & "as overhard for him' an & had done
my utteran+e' than%ed be :od0 ho"beit & have been mat+hed "ith good %nights' as .ir
)ristram and .ir 8amora%' but ever & had a favour unto them and a deeming "hat they
"ere( *nd & ta%e :od to re+ord' said .ir 8aun+elot' & never "as "roth nor greatly heavy
"ith no good %night an & sa" him busy about to "in "orship0 and glad & "as ever "hen &
found any %night that might endure me on horseba+% and on foot4 ho"beit .ir Carados of
the ,olorous )o"er "as a full noble %night and a passing strong man' and that "ot ye'
my lord .ir :a"aine0 for he might "ell be +alled a noble %night "hen he by fine for+e
pulled you out of your saddle' and bound you overth"art afore him to his saddle bo"0
and there' my lord .ir :a"aine' & res+ued you' and sle" him afore your sight( *lso &
found his brother' .ir )ur6uin' in li%e"ise leading .ir :aheris' your brother' bounden
afore him0 and there & res+ued your brother and sle" that )ur6uin' and delivered three<
s+ore<and<four of my lord *rthur1s %nights out of his prison( *nd no" & dare say' said .ir
8aun+elot' & met never "ith so strong %nights' nor so "ell fighting' as "as .ir Carados
and .ir )ur6uin' for & fought "ith them to the uttermost( *nd therefore' said .ir
8aun+elot unto .ir :a"aine' meseemeth ye ought of right to remember this0 for' an &
might have your good "ill' & "ould trust to :od to have my lord *rthur1s good gra+e(
9f the +ommuni+ation bet"een .ir :a"aine and .ir 8aun+elot' "ith mu+h other
)!E %ing may do as he "ill' said .ir :a"aine' but "it thou "ell' .ir 8aun+elot' thou and
& shall never be a++orded "hile "e live' for thou hast slain three of my brethren0 and t"o
of them ye sle" traitorly and piteously' for they bare none harness against thee' nor none
"ould bear( :od "ould they had been armed' said .ir 8aun+elot' for then had they been
alive( *nd "it ye "ell .ir :a"aine' as for .ir :areth' & love none of my %insmen so
mu+h as & did him0 and ever "hile & live' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ill be"ail .ir :areth1s
death' not all only for the great fear & have of you' but many +auses +ause me to be
sorro"ful( 9ne is' for & made him %night0 another is' & "ot "ell he loved me above all
other %nights0 and the third is' he "as passing noble' true' +ourteous' and gentle' and "ell
+onditioned0 the fourth is' & "ist "ell' anon as & heard that .ir :areth "as dead' & should
never after have your love' but everlasting "ar bet"ixt us0 and also & "ist "ell that ye
"ould +ause my noble lord *rthur for ever to be my mortal foe( *nd as 5esu be my help'
said .ir 8aun+elot' & sle" never .ir :areth nor .ir :aheris by my "ill0 but alas that ever
they "ere unarmed that unhappy day( /ut thus mu+h & shall offer me' said .ir 8aun+elot'
if it may please the %ing1s good gra+e' and you' my lord .ir :a"aine' & shall first begin at
.and"i+h' and there & shall go in my shirt' barefoot0 and at every ten miles1 end & "ill
found and gar ma%e an house of religion' of "hat order that ye "ill assign me' "ith an
"hole +onvent' to sing and read' day and night' in espe+ial for .ir :areth1s sa%e and .ir
:aheris( *nd this shall & perform from .and"i+h unto Carlisle0 and every house shall
have suffi+ient livelihood( *nd this shall & perform "hile & have any livelihood in
Christendom0 and there nis none of all these religious pla+es' but they shall be performed'
furnished and garnished in all things as an holy pla+e ought to be' & promise you
faithfully( *nd this' .ir :a"aine' methin%eth "ere more fairer' holier' and more better to
their souls' than ye' my most noble %ing' and you' .ir :a"aine' to "ar upon me' for
thereby shall ye get none avail(
)hen all %nights and ladies that "ere there "ept as they "ere mad' and the tears fell on
-ing *rthur1s +hee%s( .ir 8aun+elot' said .ir :a"aine' & have right "ell heard thy
spee+h' and thy great proffers' but "it thou "ell' let the %ing do as it pleased him' & "ill
never forgive my brothers1 death' and in espe+ial the death of my brother' .ir :areth(
*nd if mine un+le' -ing *rthur' "ill a++ord "ith thee' he shall lose my servi+e' for "it
thou "ell thou art both false to the %ing and to me( .ir' said 8aun+elot he beareth not the
life that may ma%e that good and if ye' .ir :a"aine' "ill +harge me "ith so high a thing'
ye must pardon me' for then needs must & ans"er you( 2ay' said .ir :a"aine' "e are past
that at this time' and that +aused the $ope' for he hath +harged mine un+le' the %ing' that
he shall ta%e his 6ueen again' and to a++ord "ith thee' .ir 8aun+elot' as for this season'
and therefore thou shalt go safe as thou +amest( /ut in this land thou shalt not abide past
fifteen days' su+h summons & give thee4 so the %ing and "e "ere +onsented and a++orded
or thou +amest( *nd else' said .ir :a"aine' "it thou "ell thou shouldst not have +ome
here' but if it "ere maugre thy head( *nd if it "ere not for the $ope1s +ommandment'
said .ir :a"aine' & should do battle "ith mine o"n body against thy body' and prove it
upon thee' that thou hast been both false unto mine un+le -ing *rthur' and to me both0
and that shall & prove upon thy body' "hen thou art departed from hen+e' "heresomever &
find thee(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot departed from the %ing and from 5oyous :ard over sea"ard' and "hat
%nights "ent "ith him(
)!E2 .ir 8aun+elot sighed' and there"ith the tears fell on his +hee%s' and then he said
thus4 *las' most noble Christian realm' "hom & have loved above all other realms' and in
thee & have gotten a great part of my "orship' and no" & shall depart in this "ise( )ruly
me repenteth that ever & +ame in this realm' that should be thus shamefully banished'
undeserved and +auseless0 but fortune is so variant' and the "heel so moveable' there nis
none +onstant abiding' and that may be proved by many old +hroni+les' of noble E+tor'
and )roilus' and *lisander' the mighty +on6ueror' and many mo other0 "hen they "ere
most in their royalty' they alighted lo"est( *nd so fareth it by me' said .ir 8aun+elot' for
in this realm & had "orship' and by me and mine all the "hole ?ound )able hath been
in+reased more in "orship' by me and mine blood' than by any other( *nd therefore "it
thou "ell' .ir :a"aine' & may live upon my lands as "ell as any %night that here is( *nd
if ye' most redoubted %ing' "ill +ome upon my lands "ith .ir :a"aine to "ar upon me' &
must endure you as "ell as & may( /ut as to you' .ir :a"aine' if that ye +ome there' &
pray you +harge me not "ith treason nor felony' for an ye do' & must ans"er you( ,o thou
thy best' said .ir :a"aine0 therefore hie thee fast that thou "ere gone' and "it thou "ell
"e shall soon +ome after' and brea% the strongest +astle that thou hast' upon thy head(
)hat shall not need' said .ir 8aun+elot' for an & "ere as orgulous set as ye are' "it you
"ell & should meet you in midst of the field( Ma%e thou no more language' said .ir
:a"aine' but deliver the 6ueen from thee' and pi%e thee lightly out of this +ourt( Well'
said .ir 8aun+elot' an & had "ist of this short +oming' & "ould have advised me t"i+e or
that & had +ome hither0 for an the 6ueen had been so dear to me as ye noise her' & durst
have %ept her from the fello"ship of the best %nights under heaven(
*nd then .ir 8aun+elot said unto :uenever' in hearing of the %ing and them all4 Madam'
no" & must depart from you and this noble fello"ship for ever0 and sithen it is so' &
besee+h you to pray for me' and say me "ell0 and if ye be hard bestead by any false
tongues' lightly my lady send me "ord' and if any %night1s hands may deliver you by
battle' & shall deliver you( *nd there"ithal .ir 8aun+elot %issed the 6ueen0 and then he
said all openly ( 2o" let see "hat he be in this pla+e that dare say the 6ueen is not true
unto my lord *rthur' let see "ho "ill spea% an he dare spea%( *nd there"ith he brought
the 6ueen to the %ing' and then .ir 8aun+elot too% his leave and departed0 and there "as
neither %ing' du%e' nor earl' baron nor %night' lady nor gentle"oman' but all they "ept as
people out of their mind' ex+ept .ir :a"aine( *nd "hen the noble .ir 8aun+elot too% his
horse to ride out of Carlisle' there "as sobbing and "eeping for pure dole of his
departing0 and so he too% his "ay unto 5oyous :ard( *nd then ever after he +alled it the
,olorous :ard( *nd thus departed .ir 8aun+elot from the +ourt for ever(
*nd so "hen he +ame to 5oyous :ard he +alled his fello"ship unto him' and as%ed them
"hat they "ould do )hen they ans"ered all "holly together "ith one voi+e they "ould as
he "ould do( My fair fello"s' said .ir 8aun+elot' & must depart out of this most noble
realm' and no" & shall depart it grieveth me sore' for & shall depart "ith no "orship' for a
flemed man departed never out of a realm "ith no "orship0 and that is my heaviness' for
ever & fear after my days that men shall +hroni+le upon me that & "as flemed out of this
land0 and else' my fair lords' be ye sure' an & had not dread shame' my lady' ;ueen
:uenever' and & should never have departed(
)hen spa%e many noble %nights' as .ir $alomides' .ir .afere his brother' and .ir
/ellingere le /euse' and .ir #rre' "ith .ir 8avaine' "ith many others4 .ir' an ye be so
disposed to abide in this land "e "ill never fail you0 and if ye list not to abide in this land
there nis none of the good %nights that here be "ill fail you' for many +auses( 9ne is' all
"e that be not of your blood shall never be "el+ome to the +ourt( *nd sithen it li%ed us to
ta%e a part "ith you in your distress and heaviness in this realm' "it you "ell it shall li%e
us as "ell to go in other +ountries "ith you' and there to ta%e su+h part as ye do( My fair
lords' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ell understand you' and as & +an' than% you4 and ye shall
understand' su+h livelihood as & am born unto & shall depart "ith you in this manner of
"ise0 that is for to say' & shall depart all my livelihood and all my lands freely among you'
and & myself "ill have as little as any of you' for have & suffi+ient that may long to my
person' & "ill as% none other ri+h array0 and & trust to :od to maintain you on my lands as
"ell as ever "ere maintained any %nights( )hen spa%e all the %nights at on+e4 !e have
shame that "ill leave you0 for "e all understand in this realm "ill be no" no 6uiet' but
ever strife and debate' no" the fello"ship of the ?ound )able is bro%en0 for by the noble
fello"ship of the ?ound )able "as -ing *rthur upborne' and by their noblesse the %ing
and all his realm "as in 6uiet and rest' and a great part they said all "as be+ause of your
!o" .ir 8aun+elot passed over the sea' and ho" he made great lords of the %nights that
"ent "ith him(
)?#8>' said .ir 8aun+elot' & than% you all of your good saying' ho"beit' & "ot "ell' in
me "as not all the stability of this realm' but in that & might & did my devoir0 and "ell &
am sure & %ne" many rebellions in my days that by me "ere pea+ed' and & tro" "e all
shall hear of them in short spa+e' and that me sore repenteth( For ever & dread me' said .ir
8aun+elot' that .ir Mordred "ill ma%e trouble' for he is passing envious and applieth him
to trouble( .o they "ere a++orded to go "ith .ir 8aun+elot to his lands0 and to ma%e short
tale' they trussed' and paid all that "ould as% them0 and "holly an hundred %nights
departed "ith .ir 8aun+elot at on+e' and made their avo"s they "ould never leave him
for "eal nor for "oe(
*nd so they shipped at Cardiff' and sailed unto /en"i+%4 some men +all it /ayonne' and
some men +all it /eaune' "here the "ine of /eaune is( /ut to say the sooth' .ir
8aun+elot and his nephe"s "ere lords of all Fran+e' and of all the lands that longed unto
Fran+e0 he and his %indred re7oi+ed it all through .ir 8aun+elot1s noble pro"ess( *nd
then .ir 8aun+elot stuffed and furnished and garnished all his noble to"ns and +astles(
)hen all the people of those lands +ame to .ir 8aun+elot on foot and hands( *nd so "hen
he had stablished all these +ountries' he shortly +alled a parliament0 and there he +ro"ned
.ir 8ionel' -ing of Fran+e0 and .ir /ors [he +ro"ned him %ing of all -ing Claudas1
lands0 and .ir E+tor de Maris' that "as .ir 8aun+elot1s youngest brother' he +ro"ned him
-ing of /en"i+%' and %ing of all :uienne' that "as .ir 8aun+elot1s o"n land( *nd he
made .ir E+tor prin+e of them all' and thus he departed(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot advan+ed all his noble %nights' and first he advan+ed them of his
blood0 that "as .ir /lamore' he made him ,u%e of 8imosin in :uienne and .ir /leoberis
he made him ,u%e of $oi+tiers' and .ir :ahalantine he made him ,u%e of ;uerne' and
.ir :alihodin he made him ,u%e of .entonge' and .ir :alihud he made him Earl of
$erigot' and .ir Menadeu%e he made him Earl of ?oerge' and .ir Dilliars the Daliant he
made him Earl of /earn' and .ir !ebes le ?enoumes he made him Earl of Comange' and
.ir 8avaine he made him Earl of *rmina%' and .ir #rre he made him Earl of Estra%e' and
.ir 2eroneus he made him Earl of $ardia%' and .ir $lenorius he made Earl of Foise' and
.ir .elises of the ,olorous )o"er he made him Earl of Masau%e' and .ir Melias de 8ile
he made him Earl of )ursau%' and .ir /ellangere le /euse he made Earl of the 8aunds'
and .ir $alomides he made him ,u%e of the $roven+e' and .ir .afere he made him ,u%e
of 8ando%' and .ir Clegis he gave him the Earldom of *gente' and .ir .ado% he gave the
Earldom of .urlat' and .ir ,inas le .enes+hal he made him ,u%e of *n7ou' and .ir
Clarrus he made him ,u%e of 2ormandy( )hus .ir 8aun+elot re"arded his noble %nights
and many more' that meseemeth it "ere too long to rehearse
!o" -ing *rthur and .ir :a"aine made a great host ready to go over sea to ma%e "ar
on .ir 8aun+elot(
.9 leave "e .ir 8aun+elot in his lands' and his noble %nights "ith him' and return "e
again unto -ing *rthur and to .ir :a"aine' that made a great host ready' to the number
of threes+ore thousand0 and all thing "as made ready for their shipping to pass over the
sea' and so they shipped at Cardiff( *nd there -ing *rthur made .ir Mordred +hief ruler
of all England' and also he put ;ueen :uenever under his governan+e0 be+ause .ir
Mordred "as -ing *rthur1s son' he gave him the rule of his land and of his "ife0 and so
the %ing passed the sea and landed upon .ir 8aun+elot1s lands' and there he brent and
"asted' through the vengean+e of .ir :a"aine' all that they might overrun(
When this "ord +ame to .ir 8aun+elot' that -ing *rthur and .ir :a"aine "ere landed
upon his lands' and made a full great destru+tion and "aste' then spa%e .ir /ors' and
said4 My lord .ir 8aun+elot' it is shame that "e suffer them thus to ride over our lands'
for "it you "ell' suffer ye them as long as ye "ill' they "ill do you no favour an they
may handle you( )hen said .ir 8ionel that "as "ary and "ise4 My lord .ir 8aun+elot' &
"ill give this +ounsel' let us %eep our strong "alled to"ns until they have hunger and
+old' and blo" on their nails0 and then let us freshly set upon them' and shred them do"n
as sheep in a field' that aliens may ta%e example for ever ho" they land upon our lands(
)hen spa%e -ing /agdemagus to .ir 8aun+elot4 .ir' your +ourtesy "ill shende us all' and
thy +ourtesy hath "a%ed all this sorro"0 for an they thus over our lands ride' they shall by
pro+ess bring us all to nought "hilst "e thus in holes us hide( )hen said .ir :alihud unto
.ir 8aun+elot4 .ir' here be %nights +ome of %ings1 blood' that "ill not long droop' and
they are "ithin these "alls0 therefore give us leave' li%e as "e be %nights' to meet them in
the field' and "e shall slay them' that they shall +urse the time that ever they +ame into
this +ountry( )hen spa%e seven brethren of 2orth Wales' and they "ere seven noble
%nights0 a man might see% in seven %ings1 lands or he might find su+h seven %nights(
)hen they all said at on+e4 .ir 8aun+elot' for Christ1s sa%e let us out ride "ith .ir
:alihud' for "e be never "ont to +o"er in +astles nor in noble to"ns(
)hen spa%e .ir 8aun+elot' that "as master and governor of them all4 My fair lords' "it
you "ell & am full loath to ride out "ith my %nights for shedding of Christian blood0 and
yet my lands & understand be full bare for to sustain any host a"hile' for the mighty "ars
that "hilom made -ing Claudas upon this +ountry' upon my father -ing /an' and on
mine un+le -ing /ors0 ho"beit "e "ill as at this time %eep our strong "alls' and & shall
send a messenger unto my lord *rthur' a treaty for to ta%e0 for better is pea+e than al"ays
.o .ir 8aun+elot sent forth a damosel and a d"arf "ith her' re6uiring -ing *rthur to
leave his "arring upon his lands0 and so she start upon a palfrey' and the d"arf ran by her
side( *nd "hen she +ame to the pavilion of -ing *rthur' there she alighted0 and there met
her a gentle %night' .ir 8u+an the /utler' and said4 Fair damosel' +ome ye from .ir
8aun+elot du 8a%e3 >ea sir' she said' therefore & +ome hither to spea% "ith my lord the
%ing( *las' said .ir 8u+an' my lord *rthur "ould love 8aun+elot' but .ir :a"aine "ill
not suffer him( *nd then he said4 & pray to :od' damosel' ye may speed "ell' for all "e
that be about the %ing "ould .ir 8aun+elot did best of any %night living( *nd so "ith this
8u+an led the damosel unto the %ing "here he sat "ith .ir :a"aine' for to hear "hat she
"ould say( .o "hen she had told her tale' the "ater ran out of the %ing1s eyen' and all the
lords "ere full glad for to advise the %ing as to be a++orded "ith .ir 8aun+elot' save all
only .ir :a"aine' and he said4 My lord mine un+le' "hat "ill ye do3 Will ye no" turn
again' no" ye are passed thus far upon this 7ourney3 all the "orld "ill spea% of your
villainy( 2ay' said *rthur' "it thou "ell' .ir :a"aine' & "ill do as ye "ill advise me0 and
yet meseemeth' said *rthur' his fair proffers "ere not good to be refused0 but sithen & am
+ome so far upon this 7ourney' & "ill that ye give the damosel her ans"er' for & may not
spea% to her for pity' for her proffers be so large(
What message .ir :a"aine sent to .ir 8aun+elot0 and ho" -ing *rthur laid siege to
/en"i+%' and other matters(
)!E2 .ir :a"aine said to the damosel thus4 ,amosel' say ye to .ir 8aun+elot that it is
"aste labour no" to sue to mine un+le0 for tell him' an he "ould have made any labour
for pea+e' he should have made it or this time' for tell him no" it is too late0 and say that
&' .ir :a"aine' so send him "ord' that & promise him by the faith & o"e unto :od and to
%nighthood' & shall never leave him till he have slain me or & him( .o the damosel "ept
and departed' and there "ere many "eeping eyen0 and so .ir 8u+an brought the damosel
to her palfrey' and so she +ame to .ir 8aun+elot "here he "as among all his %nights( *nd
"hen .ir 8aun+elot had heard this ans"er' then the tears ran do"n by his +hee%s( *nd
then his noble %nights strode about him' and said4 .ir 8aun+elot' "herefore ma%e ye su+h
+heer' thin% "hat ye are' and "hat men "e are' and let us noble %nights mat+h them in
midst of the field( )hat may be lightly done' said .ir 8aun+elot' but & "as never so loath
to do battle' and therefore & pray you' fair sirs' as ye love me' be ruled as & "ill have you'
for & "ill al"ays flee that noble %ing that made me %night( *nd "hen & may no further' &
must needs defend me' and that "ill be more "orship for me and us all than to +ompare
"ith that noble %ing "hom "e have all served( )hen they held their language' and as that
night they too% their rest(
*nd upon the morn early' in the da"ning of the day' as %nights loo%ed out' they sa" the
+ity of /en"i+% besieged round about0 and fast they began to set up ladders' and then
they defied them out of the to"n' and beat them from the "alls "ightly( )hen +ame forth
.ir :a"aine "ell armed upon a stiff steed' and he +ame before the +hief gate' "ith his
spear in his hand' +rying4 .ir 8aun+elot' "here art thou3 is there none of you proud
%nights dare brea% a spear "ith me3 )hen .ir /ors made him ready' and +ame forth out
of the to"n' and there .ir :a"aine en+ountered "ith .ir /ors( *nd at that time he smote
.ir /ors do"n from his horse' and almost he had slain him0 and so .ir /ors "as res+ued
and borne into the to"n( )hen +ame forth .ir 8ionel' brother to .ir /ors' and thought to
revenge him0 and either feutred their spears' and ran together0 and there they met
spitefully' but .ir :a"aine had su+h gra+e that he smote .ir 8ionel do"n' and "ounded
him there passing sore0 and then .ir 8ionel "as res+ued and borne into the to"n( *nd this
.ir :a"aine +ame every day' and he failed not but that he smote do"n one %night or
.o thus they endured half a year' and mu+h slaughter "as of people on both parties( )hen
it befell upon a day' .ir :a"aine +ame afore the gates armed at all pie+es on a noble
horse' "ith a great spear in his hand0 and then he +ried "ith a loud voi+e4 Where art thou
no"' thou false traitor' .ir 8aun+elot3 Why hidest thou thyself "ithin holes and "alls li%e
a +o"ard3 8oo% out no"' thou false traitor %night' and here & shall revenge upon thy body
the death of my three brethren( *ll this language heard .ir 8aun+elot every deal0 and his
%in and his %nights dre" about him' and all they said at on+e to .ir 8aun+elot4 .ir
8aun+elot' no" must ye defend you li%e a %night' or else ye be shamed for ever0 for' no"
ye be +alled upon treason' it is time for you to stir' for ye have slept over<long and
suffered over<mu+h( .o :od me help' said .ir 8aun+elot' & am right heavy of .ir
:a"aine1s "ords' for no" he +harged me "ith a great +harge0 and therefore & "ot it as
"ell as ye' that & must defend me' or else to be re+reant(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot bade saddle his strongest horse' and bade let fet+h his arms' and bring
all unto the gate of the to"er0 and then .ir 8aun+elot spa%e on high unto -ing *rthur'
and said4 My lord *rthur' and noble %ing that made me %night' "it you "ell & am right
heavy for your sa%e' that ye thus sue upon me0 and al"ays & forbare you' for an & "ould
have been vengeable' & might have met you in midst of the field' and there to have made
your boldest %nights full tame( *nd no" & have forborne half a year' and suffered you and
.ir :a"aine to do "hat ye "ould do0 and no" may & endure it no longer' for no" must &
needs defend myself' insomu+h .ir :a"aine hath appealed me of treason0 the "hi+h is
greatly against my "ill that ever & should fight against any of your blood' but no" & may
not forsa%e it' & am driven thereto as a beast till a bay(
)hen .ir :a"aine said4 .ir 8aun+elot' an thou durst do battle' leave thy babbling and
+ome off' and let us ease our hearts( )hen .ir 8aun+elot armed him lightly' and mounted
upon his horse' and either of the %nights gat great spears in their hands' and the host
"ithout stood still all apart' and the noble %nights +ame out of the +ity by a great number'
insomu+h that "hen *rthur sa" the number of men and %nights' he marvelled' and said
to himself4 *las' that ever .ir 8aun+elot "as against me' for no" & see he hath forborne
me( *nd so the +ovenant "as made' there should no man nigh them' nor deal "ith them'
till the one "ere dead or yelden(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot and .ir :a"aine did battle together' and ho" .ir :a"aine "as
overthro"n and hurt(
)!E2 .ir :a"aine and .ir 8aun+elot departed a great "ay asunder' and then they +ame
together "ith all their horses1 might as they might run' and either smote other in midst of
their shields0 but the %nights "ere so strong' and their spears so big' that their horses
might not endure their buffets' and so their horses fell to the earth0 and then they avoided
their horses' and dressed their shields afore them( )hen they stood together and gave
many sad stro%es on divers pla+es of their bodies' that the blood brast out on many sides
and pla+es( )hen had .ir :a"aine su+h a gra+e and gift that an holy man had given to
him' that every day in the year' from underne till high noon' his might in+reased those
three hours as mu+h as thri+e his strength' and that +aused .ir :a"aine to "in great
honour( *nd for his sa%e -ing *rthur made an ordinan+e' that all manner of battles for
any 6uarrels that should be done afore -ing *rthur should begin at underne0 and all "as
done for .ir :a"aine1s love' that by li%elihood' if .ir :a"aine "ere on the one part' he
should have the better in battle "hile his strength endureth three hours0 but there "ere but
fe" %nights that time living that %ne" this advantage that .ir :a"aine had' but -ing
*rthur all only(
)hus .ir 8aun+elot fought "ith .ir :a"aine' and "hen .ir 8aun+elot felt his might
evermore in+rease' .ir 8aun+elot "ondered and dread him sore to be shamed( For as the
Fren+h boo% saith' .ir 8aun+elot "eened' "hen he felt .ir :a"aine double his strength'
that he had been a fiend and none earthly man0 "herefore .ir 8aun+elot tra+ed and
traversed' and +overed himself "ith his shield' and %ept his might and his braide during
three hours0 and that "hile .ir :a"aine gave him many sad brunts' and many sad stro%es'
that all the %nights that beheld .ir 8aun+elot marvelled ho" that he might endure him0
but full little understood they that travail that .ir 8aun+elot had for to endure him( *nd
then "hen it "as past noon .ir :a"aine had no more but his o"n might( When .ir
8aun+elot felt him so +ome do"n' then he stret+hed him up and stood near .ir :a"aine'
and said thus4 My lord .ir :a"aine' no" & feel ye have done0 no" my lord .ir :a"aine' &
must do my part' for many great and grievous stro%es & have endured you this day "ith
great pain(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot doubled his stro%es and gave .ir :a"aine su+h a buffet on the helmet
that he fell do"n on his side' and .ir 8aun+elot "ithdre" him from him( Why
"ithdra"est thou thee3 said .ir :a"aine0 no" turn again' false traitor %night' and slay
me' for an thou leave me thus' "hen & am "hole & shall do battle "ith thee again( & shall
endure you' .ir' by :od1s gra+e' but "it thou "ell' .ir :a"aine' & "ill never smite a
felled %night( *nd so .ir 8aun+elot "ent into the +ity0 and .ir :a"aine "as borne into
-ing *rthur1s pavilion' and lee+hes "ere brought to him' and sear+hed and salved "ith
soft ointments( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot said4 2o" have good day' my lord the %ing' for
"it you "ell ye "in no "orship at these "alls0 and if & "ould my %nights outbring' there
should many a man die( )herefore' my lord *rthur' remember you of old %indness0 and
ho"ever & fare' 5esu be your guide in all pla+es(
9f the sorro" that -ing *rthur made for the "ar' and of another battle "here also .ir
:a"aine had the "orse(
*8*.' said the %ing' that ever this unhappy "ar "as begun0 for ever .ir 8aun+elot
forbeareth me in all pla+es' and in li%e"ise my %in' and that is seen "ell this day by my
nephe" .ir :a"aine( )hen -ing *rthur fell si+% for sorro" of .ir :a"aine' that he "as
so sore hurt' and be+ause of the "ar bet"ixt him and .ir 8aun+elot( .o then they on -ing
*rthur1s part %ept the siege "ith little "ar "ithoutforth0 and they "ithinforth %ept their
"alls' and defended them "hen need "as( )hus .ir :a"aine lay si+% three "ee%s in his
tents' "ith all manner of lee+h<+raft that might be had( *nd as soon as .ir :a"aine might
go and ride' he armed him at all points' and start upon a +ourser' and gat a spear in his
hand' and so he +ame riding afore the +hief gate of /en"i+%0 and there he +ried on height4
Where art thou' .ir 8aun+elot3 Come forth' thou false traitor %night and re+reant' for & am
here' .ir :a"aine' "ill prove this that & say on thee(
*ll this language .ir 8aun+elot heard' and then he said thus4 .ir :a"aine' me repents of
your foul saying' that ye "ill not +ease of your language0 for you "ot "ell' .ir :a"aine' &
%no" your might and all that ye may do0 and "ell ye "ot' .ir :a"aine' ye may not
greatly hurt me( Come do"n' traitor %night' said he' and ma%e it good the +ontrary "ith
thy hands' for it mishapped me the last battle to be hurt of thy hands0 therefore "it thou
"ell & am +ome this day to ma%e amends' for & "een this day to lay thee as lo" as thou
laidest me( 5esu defend me' said .ir 8aun+elot' that ever & be so far in your danger as ye
have been in mine' for then my days "ere done( /ut .ir :a"aine' said .ir 8aun+elot' ye
shall not thin% that & tarry long' but sithen that ye so un%nightly +all me of treason' ye
shall have both your hands full of me( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot armed him at all points'
and mounted upon his horse' and gat a great spear in his hand' and rode out at the gate(
*nd both the hosts "ere assembled' of them "ithout and of them "ithin' and stood in
array full manly( *nd both parties "ere +harged to hold them still' to see and behold the
battle of these t"o noble %nights( *nd then they laid their spears in their rests' and they
+ame together as thunder' and .ir :a"aine bra%e his spear upon .ir 8aun+elot in a
hundred pie+es unto his hand0 and .ir 8aun+elot smote him "ith a greater might' that .ir
:a"aine1s horse1s feet raised' and so the horse and he fell to the earth( )hen .ir :a"aine
deliverly avoided his horse' and put his shield afore him' and eagerly dre" his s"ord' and
bade .ir 8aun+elot4 *light' traitor %night' for if this mare1s son hath failed me' "it thou
"ell a %ing1s son and a 6ueen1s son shall not fail thee(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot avoided his horse' and dressed his shield afore him' and dre" his
s"ord0 and so stood they together and gave many sad stro%es' that all men on both parties
had thereof passing great "onder( /ut "hen .ir 8aun+elot felt .ir :a"aine1s might so
marvellously in+rease' he then "ithheld his +ourage and his "ind' and %ept himself
"onder +overt of his might0 and under his shield he tra+ed and traversed here and there'
to brea% .ir :a"aine1s stro%es and his +ourage0 and .ir :a"aine enfor+ed himself "ith
all his might and po"er to destroy .ir 8aun+elot0 for as the Fren+h boo% saith' ever as .ir
:a"aine1s might in+reased' right so in+reased his "ind and his evil "ill( )hus .ir
:a"aine did great pain unto .ir 8aun+elot three hours' that he had right great pain for to
defend him(
*nd "hen the three hours "ere passed' that .ir 8aun+elot felt that .ir :a"aine "as +ome
to his o"n proper strength' then .ir 8aun+elot said unto .ir :a"aine4 2o" have & proved
you t"i+e' that ye are a full dangerous %night' and a "onderful man of your might0 and
many "onderful deeds have ye done in your days' for by your might in+reasing you have
de+eived many a full noble and valiant %night0 and' no" & feel that ye have done your
mighty deeds' no" "it you "ell & must do my deeds( *nd then .ir 8aun+elot stood near
.ir :a"aine' and then .ir 8aun+elot doubled his stro%es0 and .ir :a"aine defended him
mightily' but nevertheless .ir 8aun+elot smote su+h a stro%e upon .ir :a"aine1s helm'
and upon the old "ound' that .ir :a"aine sin%ed do"n upon his one side in a s"oon(
*nd anon as he did a"a%e he "aved and foined at .ir 8aun+elot as he lay' and said4
)raitor %night' "it thou "ell & am not yet slain' +ome thou near me and perform this
battle unto the uttermost( & "ill no more do than & have done' said .ir 8aun+elot' for "hen
& see you on foot & "ill do battle upon you all the "hile & see you stand on your feet0 but
for to smite a "ounded man that may not stand' :od defend me from su+h a shame( *nd
then he turned him and "ent his "ay to"ard the +ity( *nd .ir :a"aine evermore +alling
him traitor %night' and said4 Wit thou "ell .ir 8aun+elot' "hen & am "hole & shall do
battle "ith thee again' for & shall never leave thee till that one of us be slain( )hus as this
siege endured' and as .ir :a"aine lay si+% near a month0 and "hen he "as "ell
re+overed and ready "ithin three days to do battle again "ith .ir 8aun+elot' right so +ame
tidings unto *rthur from England that made -ing *rthur and all his host to remove(
!ere follo"eth the xxi( boo%(
Sir Thomas Malory - Le Morte d'Arthur
Book $1
[ Full Modern English spelling version of original text printed by William Caxton in 1485

See also V-I"! "-"III #
!o" .ir Mordred presumed and too% on him to be -ing of England' and "ould have
married the 6ueen' his father1s "ife(
*. .ir Mordred "as ruler of all England' he did do ma%e letters as though that they +ame
from beyond the sea' and the letters spe+ified that -ing *rthur "as slain in battle "ith .ir
8aun+elot( Wherefore .ir Mordred made a parliament' and +alled the lords together' and
there he made them to +hoose him %ing0 and so "as he +ro"ned at Canterbury' and held a
feast there fifteen days0 and after"ard he dre" him unto Win+hester' and there he too%
the ;ueen :uenever' and said plainly that he "ould "ed her "hi+h "as his un+le1s "ife
and his father1s "ife( *nd so he made ready for the feast' and a day prefixed that they
should be "edded0 "herefore ;ueen :uenever "as passing heavy( /ut she durst not
dis+over her heart' but spa%e fair' and agreed to .ir Mordred1s "ill( )hen she desired of
.ir Mordred for to go to 8ondon' to buy all manner of things that longed unto the
"edding( *nd be+ause of her fair spee+h .ir Mordred trusted her "ell enough' and gave
her leave to go( *nd so "hen she +ame to 8ondon she too% the )o"er of 8ondon' and
suddenly in all haste possible she stuffed it "ith all manner of vi+tual' and "ell garnished
it "ith men' and so %ept it(
)hen "hen .ir Mordred "ist and understood ho" he "as beguiled' he "as passing "roth
out of measure( *nd a short tale for to ma%e' he "ent and laid a mighty siege about the
)o"er of 8ondon' and made many great assaults thereat' and thre" many great engines
unto them' and shot great guns( /ut all might not prevail .ir Mordred' for ;ueen
:uenever "ould never for fair spee+h nor for foul' "ould never trust to +ome in his hands
)hen +ame the /ishop of Canterbury' the "hi+h "as a noble +ler% and an holy man' and
thus he said to .ir Mordred4 .ir' "hat "ill ye do3 "ill ye first displease :od and sithen
shame yourself' and all %nighthood3 &s not -ing *rthur your un+le' no farther but your
mother1s brother' and on her himself -ing *rthur begat you upon his o"n sister'
therefore ho" may you "ed your father1s "ife3 .ir' said the noble +ler%' leave this
opinion or & shall +urse you "ith boo% and bell and +andle( ,o thou thy "orst' said .ir
Mordred' "it thou "ell & shall defy thee( .ir' said the /ishop' and "it you "ell & shall not
fear me to do that me ought to do( *lso "here ye noise "here my lord *rthur is slain' and
that is not so' and therefore ye "ill ma%e a foul "or% in this land( $ea+e' thou false priest'
said .ir Mordred' for an thou +hafe me any more & shall ma%e stri%e off thy head( .o the
/ishop departed and did the +ursing in the most orgulist "ise that might be done( *nd
then .ir Mordred sought the /ishop of Canterbury' for to have slain him( )hen the
/ishop fled' and too% part of his goods "ith him' and "ent nigh unto :lastonbury0 and
there he "as as priest hermit in a +hapel' and lived in poverty and in holy prayers' for
"ell he understood that mis+hievous "ar "as at hand(
)hen .ir Mordred sought on ;ueen :uenever by letters and sonds' and by fair means and
foul means' for to have her to +ome out of the )o"er of 8ondon0 but all this availed not'
for she ans"ered him shortly' openly and privily' that she had liefer slay herself than to
be married "ith him( )hen +ame "ord to .ir Mordred that -ing *rthur had araised the
siege for .ir 8aun+elot' and he "as +oming home"ard "ith a great host' to be avenged
upon .ir Mordred0 "herefore .ir Mordred made "rite "rits to all the barony of this land'
and mu+h people dre" to him( For then "as the +ommon voi+e among them that "ith
*rthur "as none other life but "ar and strife' and "ith .ir Mordred "as great 7oy and
bliss( )hus "as .ir *rthur depraved' and evil said of( *nd many there "ere that -ing
*rthur had made up of nought' and given them lands' might not then say him a good
"ord( 8o ye all Englishmen' see ye not "hat a mis+hief here "as@ for he that "as the
most %ing and %night of the "orld' and most loved the fello"ship of noble %nights' and
by him they "ere all upholden' no" might not these Englishmen hold them +ontent "ith
him( 8o thus "as the old +ustom and usage of this land0 and also men say that "e of this
land have not yet lost nor forgotten that +ustom and usage( *las' this is a great default of
us Englishmen' for there may no thing please us no term( *nd so fared the people at that
time' they "ere better pleased "ith .ir Mordred than they "ere "ith -ing *rthur0 and
mu+h people dre" unto .ir Mordred' and said they "ould abide "ith him for better and
for "orse( *nd so .ir Mordred dre" "ith a great host to ,over' for there he heard say
that .ir *rthur "ould arrive' and so he thought to beat his o"n father from his lands0 and
the most part of all England held "ith .ir Mordred' the people "ere so ne"<fangle(
!o" after that -ing *rthur had tidings' he returned and +ame to ,over' "here .ir
Mordred met him to let his landing0 and of the death of .ir :a"aine(
*2, so as .ir Mordred "as at ,over "ith his host' there +ame -ing *rthur "ith a great
navy of ships' and galleys' and +arra+%s( *nd there "as .ir Mordred ready a"aiting upon
his landing' to let his o"n father to land upon the land that he "as %ing over( )hen there
"as laun+hing of great boats and small' and full of noble men of arms0 and there "as
mu+h slaughter of gentle %nights' and many a full bold baron "as laid full lo"' on both
parties( /ut -ing *rthur "as so +ourageous that there might no manner of %nights let him
to land' and his %nights fier+ely follo"ed him0 and so they landed maugre .ir Mordred
and all his po"er' and put .ir Mordred aba+%' that he fled and all his people(
.o "hen this battle "as done' -ing *rthur let bury his people that "ere dead( *nd then
"as noble .ir :a"aine found in a great boat' lying more than half dead When .ir *rthur
"ist that .ir :a"aine "as laid so lo"0 he "ent unto him0 and there the %ing made sorro"
out of measure' and too% .ir :a"aine in his arms' and thri+e he there s"ooned( *nd then
"hen he a"a%ed' he said4 *las' .ir :a"aine' my sister1s son' here no" thou liest0 the
man in the "orld that & loved most0 and no" is my 7oy gone' for no"' my nephe" .ir
:a"aine' & "ill dis+over me unto your person4 in .ir 8aun+elot and you & most had my
7oy' and mine affian+e' and no" have & lost my 7oy of you both0 "herefore all mine
earthly 7oy is gone from me( Mine un+le -ing *rthur' said .ir :a"aine' "it you "ell my
death<day is +ome' and all is through mine o"n hastiness and "ilfulness0 for & am smitten
upon the old "ound the "hi+h .ir 8aun+elot gave me' on the "hi+h & feel "ell & must die0
and had .ir 8aun+elot been "ith you as he "as' this unhappy "ar had never begun0 and
of all this am & +auser' for .ir 8aun+elot and his blood' through their pro"ess' held all
your +an%ered enemies in sub7e+tion and daunger( *nd no"' said .ir :a"aine' ye shall
miss .ir 8aun+elot( /ut alas' & "ould not a++ord "ith him' and therefore' said .ir
:a"aine' & pray you' fair un+le' that & may have paper' pen' and in%' that & may "rite to
.ir 8aun+elot a +edle "ith mine o"n hands(
*nd then "hen paper and in% "as brought' then :a"aine "as set up "ea%ly by -ing
*rthur' for he "as shriven a little tofore0 and then he "rote thus' as the Fren+h boo%
ma%eth mention4 #nto .ir 8aun+elot' flo"er of all noble %nights that ever & heard of or
sa" by my days' &' .ir :a"aine' -ing 8ot1s son of 9r%ney' sister1s son unto the noble
-ing *rthur' send thee greeting' and let thee have %no"ledge that the tenth day of May &
"as smitten upon the old "ound that thou gavest me afore the +ity of /en"i+%' and
through the same "ound that thou gavest me & am +ome to my death<day( *nd & "ill that
all the "orld "it' that &' .ir :a"aine' %night of the )able ?ound' sought my death' and
not through thy deserving' but it "as mine o"n see%ing0 "herefore & besee+h thee' .ir
8aun+elot' to return again unto this realm' and see my tomb' and pray some prayer more
or less for my soul( *nd this same day that & "rote this +edle' & "as hurt to the death in
the same "ound' the "hi+h & had of thy hand' .ir 8aun+elot0 for of a more nobler man
might & not be slain( *lso .ir 8aun+elot' for all the love that ever "as bet"ixt us' ma%e
no tarrying' but +ome over the sea in all haste' that thou mayst "ith thy noble %nights
res+ue that noble %ing that made thee %night' that is my lord *rthur0 for he is full straitly
bestead "ith a false traitor' that is my half<brother' .ir Mordred0 and he hath let +ro"n
him %ing' and "ould have "edded my lady ;ueen :uenever' and so had he done had she
not put herself in the )o"er of 8ondon( *nd so the tenth day of May last past' my lord
*rthur and "e all landed upon them at ,over0 and there "e put that false traitor' .ir
Mordred' to flight' and there it misfortuned me to be stri+%en upon thy stro%e( *nd at the
date of this letter "as "ritten' but t"o hours and a half afore my death' "ritten "ith mine
o"n hand' and so subs+ribed "ith part of my heart1s blood( *nd & re6uire thee' most
famous %night of the "orld' that thou "ilt see my tomb( *nd then .ir :a"aine "ept' and
-ing *rthur "ept0 and then they s"ooned both( *nd "hen they a"a%ed both' the %ing
made .ir :a"aine to re+eive his .aviour( *nd then .ir :a"aine prayed the %ing for to
send for .ir 8aun+elot' and to +herish him above all other %nights(
*nd so at the hour of noon .ir :a"aine yielded up the spirit0 and then the %ing let inter
him in a +hapel "ithin ,over Castle0 and there yet all men may see the s%ull of him' and
the same "ound is seen that .ir 8aun+elot gave him in battle( )hen "as it told the %ing
that .ir Mordred had pight a ne" field upon /arham ,o"n( *nd upon the morn the %ing
rode thither to him' and there "as a great battle bet"ixt them' and mu+h people "as slain
on both parties0 but at the last .ir *rthur1s party stood best' and .ir Mordred and his party
fled unto Canterbury(
!o" after' .ir :a"aine1s ghost appeared to -ing *rthur' and "arned him that he should
not fight that day(
*2, then the %ing let sear+h all the to"ns for his %nights that "ere slain' and interred
them0 and salved them "ith soft salves that so sore "ere "ounded( )hen mu+h people
dre" unto -ing *rthur( *nd then they said that .ir Mordred "arred upon -ing *rthur
"ith "rong( *nd then -ing *rthur dre" him "ith his host do"n by the seaside'
"est"ard to"ard .alisbury0 and there "as a day assigned bet"ixt -ing *rthur and .ir
Mordred' that they should meet upon a do"n beside .alisbury' and not far from the
seaside0 and this day "as assigned on a Monday after )rinity .unday' "hereof -ing
*rthur "as passing glad' that he might be avenged upon .ir Mordred( )hen .ir Mordred
araised mu+h people about 8ondon' for they of -ent' .outhsex' and .urrey' Estsex' and
of .outhfol%' and of 2orthfol%' held the most part "ith .ir Mordred0 and many a full
noble %night dre" unto .ir Mordred and to the %ing4 but they that loved .ir 8aun+elot
dre" unto .ir Mordred(
.o upon )rinity .unday at night' -ing *rthur dreamed a "onderful dream' and that "as
this4 that him seemed he sat upon a +haflet in a +hair' and the +hair "as fast to a "heel'
and thereupon sat -ing *rthur in the ri+hest +loth of gold that might be made0 and the
%ing thought there "as under him' far from him' an hideous deep bla+% "ater' and therein
"ere all manner of serpents' and "orms' and "ild beasts' foul and horrible0 and suddenly
the %ing thought the "heel turned up<so<do"n' and he fell among the serpents' and every
beast too% him by a limb0 and then the %ing +ried as he lay in his bed and slept4 !elp(
*nd then %nights' s6uires' and yeomen' a"a%ed the %ing0 and then he "as so amaAed that
he "ist not "here he "as0 and then he fell a<slumbering again' not sleeping nor
thoroughly "a%ing( .o the %ing seemed verily that there +ame .ir :a"aine unto him "ith
a number of fair ladies "ith him( *nd "hen -ing *rthur sa" him' then he said4
Wel+ome' my sister1s son0 & "eened thou hadst been dead' and no" & see thee alive'
mu+h am & beholding unto *lmighty 5esu( 9 fair nephe" and my sister1s son' "hat be
these ladies that hither be +ome "ith you3 .ir' said .ir :a"aine' all these be ladies for
"hom & have foughten "hen & "as man living' and all these are those that & did battle for
in righteous 6uarrel0 and :od hath given them that gra+e at their great prayer' be+ause &
did battle for them' that they should bring me hither unto you4 thus mu+h hath :od given
me leave' for to "arn you of your death0 for an ye fight as to<morn "ith .ir Mordred' as
ye both have assigned' doubt ye not ye must be slain' and the most part of your people on
both parties( *nd for the great gra+e and goodness that almighty 5esu hath unto you' and
for pity of you' and many more other good men there shall be slain' :od hath sent me to
you of his spe+ial gra+e' to give you "arning that in no "ise ye do battle as to<morn' but
that ye ta%e a treaty for a month day0 and proffer you largely' so as to<morn to be put in a
delay( For "ithin a month shall +ome .ir 8aun+elot "ith all his noble %nights' and res+ue
you "orshipfully' and slay .ir Mordred' and all that ever "ill hold "ith him( )hen .ir
:a"aine and all the ladies vanished(
*nd anon the %ing +alled upon his %nights' s6uires' and yeomen' and +harged them
"ightly to fet+h his noble lords and "ise bishops unto him( *nd "hen they "ere +ome'
the %ing told them his avision' "hat .ir :a"aine had told him' and "arned him that if he
fought on the morn he should be slain( )hen the %ing +ommanded .ir 8u+an the /utler'
and his brother .ir /edivere' "ith t"o bishops "ith them' and +harged them in any "ise'
an they might' )a%e a treaty for a month day "ith .ir Mordred' and spare not' proffer him
lands and goods as mu+h as ye thin% best( .o then they departed' and +ame to .ir
Mordred' "here he had a grim host of an hundred thousand men( *nd there they
entreated .ir Mordred long time0 and at the last .ir Mordred "as agreed for to have
Corn"all and -ent' by *rthur1s days4 after' all England' after the days of -ing *rthur(
!o" by misadventure of an adder the battle began' "here Mordred "as slain' and *rthur
hurt to the death(
)!E2 "ere they +ondes+ended that -ing *rthur and .ir Mordred should meet bet"ixt
both their hosts' and every+h of them should bring fourteen persons0 and they +ame "ith
this "ord unto *rthur( )hen said he4 & am glad that this is done4 and so he "ent into the
field( *nd "hen *rthur should depart' he "arned all his host that an they see any s"ord
dra"n4 8oo% ye +ome on fier+ely' and slay that traitor' .ir Mordred' for & in no "ise trust
him( &n li%e "ise .ir Mordred "arned his host that4 *n ye see any s"ord dra"n' loo% that
ye +ome on fier+ely' and so slay all that ever before you standeth0 for in no "ise & "ill not
trust for this treaty' for & %no" "ell my father "ill be avenged on me( *nd so they met as
their appointment "as' and so they "ere agreed and a++orded thoroughly0 and "ine "as
fet+hed' and they dran%( ?ight soon +ame an adder out of a little heath bush' and it stung
a %night on the foot( *nd "hen the %night felt him stung' he loo%ed do"n and sa" the
adder' and then he dre" his s"ord to slay the adder' and thought of none other harm( *nd
"hen the host on both parties sa" that s"ord dra"n' then they ble" beams' trumpets' and
horns' and shouted grimly( *nd so both hosts dressed them together( *nd -ing *rthur
too% his horse' and said4 *las this unhappy day@ and so rode to his party( *nd .ir
Mordred in li%e "ise( *nd never "as there seen a more dolefuller battle in no Christian
land0 for there "as but rushing and riding' foining and stri%ing' and many a grim "ord
"as there spo%en either to other' and many a deadly stro%e( /ut ever -ing *rthur rode
throughout the battle of .ir Mordred many times' and did full nobly as a noble %ing
should' and at all times he fainted never0 and .ir Mordred that day put him in devoir' and
in great peril( *nd thus they fought all the long day' and never stinted till the noble
%nights "ere laid to the +old earth0 and ever they fought still till it "as near night' and by
that time "as there an hundred thousand laid dead upon the do"n( )hen "as *rthur "ood
"roth out of measure' "hen he sa" his people so slain from him(
)hen the %ing loo%ed about him' and then "as he "are' of all his host and of all his good
%nights' "ere left no more alive but t"o %nights0 that one "as .ir 8u+an the /utler' and
his brother .ir /edivere' and they "ere full sore "ounded( 5esu mer+y' said the %ing'
"here are all my noble %nights be+ome3 *las that ever & should see this doleful day' for
no"' said *rthur' & am +ome to mine end( /ut "ould to :od that & "ist "here "ere that
traitor .ir Mordred' that hath +aused all this mis+hief( )hen "as -ing *rthur "are "here
.ir Mordred leaned upon his s"ord among a great heap of dead men( 2o" give me my
spear' said *rthur unto .ir 8u+an' for yonder & have espied the traitor that all this "oe
hath "rought( .ir' let him be' said .ir 8u+an' for he is unhappy0 and if ye pass this
unhappy day ye shall be right "ell revenged upon him( :ood lord' remember ye of your
night1s dream' and "hat the spirit of .ir :a"aine told you this night' yet :od of his great
goodness hath preserved you hitherto( )herefore' for :od1s sa%e' my lord' leave off by
this' for blessed be :od ye have "on the field' for here "e be three alive' and "ith .ir
Mordred is none alive0 and if ye leave off no" this "i+%ed day of destiny is past( )ide me
death' betide me life' saith the %ing' no" & see him yonder alone he shall never es+ape
mine hands' for at a better avail shall & never have him( :od speed you "ell' said .ir
)hen the %ing gat his spear in both his hands' and ran to"ard .ir Mordred' +rying4
)raitor' no" is thy death<day +ome( *nd "hen .ir Mordred heard .ir *rthur' he ran until
him "ith his s"ord dra"n in his hand( *nd there -ing *rthur smote .ir Mordred under
the shield' "ith a foin of his spear' throughout the body' more than a fathom( *nd "hen
.ir Mordred felt that he had his death "ound he thrust himself "ith the might that he had
up to the bur of -ing *rthur1s spear( *nd right so he smote his father *rthur' "ith his
s"ord holden in both his hands' on the side of the head' that the s"ord pier+ed the helmet
and the brain<pan' and there"ithal .ir Mordred fell star% dead to the earth0 and the noble
*rthur fell in a s"oon to the earth' and there he s"ooned ofttimes( *nd .ir 8u+an the
/utler and .ir /edivere ofttimes heaved him up( *nd so "ea%ly they led him bet"ixt
them both' to a little +hapel not far from the seaside( *nd "hen the %ing "as there he
thought him "ell eased(
)hen heard they people +ry in the field( 2o" go thou' .ir 8u+an' said the %ing' and do me
to "it "hat beto%ens that noise in the field( .o .ir 8u+an departed' for he "as grievously
"ounded in many pla+es( *nd so as he yede' he sa" and hear%ened by the moonlight'
ho" that pillers and robbers "ere +ome into the field' to pill and to rob many a full noble
%night of broo+hes' and beads' of many a good ring' and of many a ri+h 7e"el0 and "ho
that "ere not dead all out' there they sle" them for their harness and their ri+hes( When
.ir 8u+an understood this "or%' he +ame to the %ing as soon as he might' and told him all
"hat he had heard and seen( )herefore by my rede' said .ir 8u+an' it is best that "e bring
you to some to"n( & "ould it "ere so' said the %ing(
!o" -ing *rthur +ommanded to +ast his s"ord Ex+alibur into the "ater' and ho" he "as
delivered to ladies in a barge(
/#) & may not stand' mine head "or%s so( *h .ir 8aun+elot' said -ing *rthur' this day
have & sore missed thee4 alas' that ever & "as against thee' for no" have & my death'
"hereof .ir :a"aine me "arned in my dream( )hen .ir 8u+an too% up the %ing the one
part' and .ir /edivere the other part' and in the lifting the %ing s"ooned0 and .ir 8u+an
fell in a s"oon "ith the lift' that the part of his guts fell out of his body' and there"ith the
noble %night1s heart brast( *nd "hen the %ing a"o%e' he beheld .ir 8u+an' ho" he lay
foaming at the mouth' and part of his guts lay at his feet( *las' said the %ing' this is to me
a full heavy sight' to see this noble du%e so die for my sa%e' for he "ould have holpen
me' that had more need of help than &( *las' he "ould not +omplain him' his heart "as so
set to help me4 no" 5esu have mer+y upon his soul@ )hen .ir /edivere "ept for the death
of his brother( 8eave this mourning and "eeping' said the %ing' for all this "ill not avail
me' for "it thou "ell an & might live myself' the death of .ir 8u+an "ould grieve me
evermore0 but my time hieth fast' said the %ing( )herefore' said *rthur unto .ir /edivere'
ta%e thou Ex+alibur' my good s"ord' and go "ith it to yonder "ater side' and "hen thou
+omest there & +harge thee thro" my s"ord in that "ater' and +ome again and tell me
"hat thou there seest( My lord' said /edivere' your +ommandment shall be done' and
lightly bring you "ord again(
.o .ir /edivere departed' and by the "ay he beheld that noble s"ord' that the pommel
and the haft "as all of pre+ious stones0 and then he said to himself4 &f & thro" this ri+h
s"ord in the "ater' thereof shall never +ome good' but harm and loss( *nd then .ir
/edivere hid Ex+alibur under a tree( *nd so' as soon as he might' he +ame again unto the
%ing' and said he had been at the "ater' and had thro"n the s"ord in the "ater( What sa"
thou there3 said the %ing( .ir' he said' & sa" nothing but "aves and "inds( )hat is untruly
said of thee' said the %ing' therefore go thou lightly again' and do my +ommandment0 as
thou art to me lief and dear' spare not' but thro" it in( )hen .ir /edivere returned again'
and too% the s"ord in his hand0 and then him thought sin and shame to thro" a"ay that
noble s"ord' and so eft he hid the s"ord' and returned again' and told to the %ing that he
had been at the "ater' and done his +ommandment( What sa" thou there3 said the %ing(
.ir' he said' & sa" nothing but the "aters "ap and "aves "an( *h' traitor untrue' said
-ing *rthur' no" hast thou betrayed me t"i+e( Who "ould have "eened that' thou that
hast been to me so lief and dear3 and thou art named a noble %night' and "ould betray me
for the ri+hness of the s"ord( /ut no" go again lightly' for thy long tarrying putteth me
in great 7eopardy of my life' for & have ta%en +old( *nd but if thou do no" as & bid thee' if
ever & may see thee' & shall slay thee "ith mine o"n hands0 for thou "ouldst for my ri+h
s"ord see me dead(
)hen .ir /edivere departed' and "ent to the s"ord' and lightly too% it up' and "ent to the
"ater side0 and there he bound the girdle about the hilts' and then he thre" the s"ord as
far into the "ater as he might0 and there +ame an arm and an hand above the "ater and
met it' and +aught it' and so shoo% it thri+e and brandished' and then vanished a"ay the
hand "ith the s"ord in the "ater( .o .ir /edivere +ame again to the %ing' and told him
"hat he sa"( *las' said the %ing' help me hen+e' for & dread me & have tarried over long(
)hen .ir /edivere too% the %ing upon his ba+%' and so "ent "ith him to that "ater side(
*nd "hen they "ere at the "ater side' even fast by the ban% hoved a little barge "ith
many fair ladies in it' and among them all "as a 6ueen' and all they had bla+% hoods' and
all they "ept and shrie%ed "hen they sa" -ing *rthur( 2o" put me into the barge' said
the %ing( *nd so he did softly0 and there re+eived him three 6ueens "ith great mourning0
and so they set them do"n' and in one of their laps -ing *rthur laid his head( *nd then
that 6ueen said4 *h' dear brother' "hy have ye tarried so long from me3 alas' this "ound
on your head hath +aught over<mu+h +old( *nd so then they ro"ed from the land' and .ir
/edivere beheld all those ladies go from him( )hen .ir /edivere +ried4 *h my lord
*rthur' "hat shall be+ome of me' no" ye go from me and leave me here alone among
mine enemies3 Comfort thyself' said the %ing' and do as "ell as thou mayst' for in me is
no trust for to trust in0 for & "ill into the vale of *vilion to heal me of my grievous
"ound4 and if thou hear never more of me' pray for my soul( /ut ever the 6ueens and
ladies "ept and shrie%ed' that it "as pity to hear( *nd as soon as .ir /edivere had lost the
sight of the barge' he "ept and "ailed' and so too% the forest0 and so he "ent all that
night' and in the morning he "as "are bet"ixt t"o holts hoar' of a +hapel and an
!o" .ir /edivere found him on the morro" dead in an hermitage' and ho" he abode
there "ith the hermit(
)!E2 "as .ir /edivere glad' and thither he "ent0 and "hen he +ame into the +hapel' he
sa" "here lay an hermit grovelling on all four' there fast by a tomb "as ne" graven(
When the hermit sa" .ir /edivere he %ne" him "ell' for he "as but little tofore /ishop
of Canterbury' that .ir Mordred flemed( .ir' said /edivere' "hat man is there interred
that ye pray so fast for3 Fair son' said the hermit' & "ot not verily' but by deeming( /ut
this night' at midnight' here +ame a number of ladies' and brought hither a dead +orpse'
and prayed me to bury him0 and here they offered an hundred tapers' and they gave me an
hundred besants( *las' said .ir /edivere' that "as my lord -ing *rthur' that here lieth
buried in this +hapel( )hen .ir /edivere s"ooned0 and "hen he a"o%e he prayed the
hermit he might abide "ith him still there' to live "ith fasting and prayers( For from
hen+e "ill & never go' said .ir /edivere' by my "ill' but all the days of my life here to
pray for my lord *rthur( >e are "el+ome to me' said the hermit' for & %no" ye better than
ye "een that & do( >e are the bold /edivere' and the full noble du%e' .ir 8u+an the /utler'
"as your brother( )hen .ir /edivere told the hermit all as ye have heard tofore( .o there
bode .ir /edivere "ith the hermit that "as tofore /ishop of Canterbury' and there .ir
/edivere put upon him poor +lothes' and served the hermit full lo"ly in fasting and in
)hus of *rthur & find never more "ritten in boo%s that be authorised' nor more of the
very +ertainty of his death heard & never read' but thus "as he led a"ay in a ship "herein
"ere three 6ueens0 that one "as -ing *rthur1s sister' ;ueen Morgan le Fay0 the other
"as the ;ueen of 2orthgalis0 the third "as the ;ueen of the Waste 8ands( *lso there "as
2imue' the +hief lady of the la%e' that had "edded $elleas the good %night0 and this lady
had done mu+h for -ing *rthur' for she "ould never suffer .ir $elleas to be in no pla+e
"here he should be in danger of his life0 and so he lived to the uttermost of his days "ith
her in great rest( More of the death of -ing *rthur +ould & never find' but that ladies
brought him to his burials0 and su+h one "as buried there' that the hermit bare "itness
that sometime "as /ishop of Canterbury' but yet the hermit %ne" not in +ertain that he
"as verily the body of -ing *rthur4 for this tale .ir /edivere' %night of the )able ?ound'
made it to be "ritten(
9f the opinion of some men of the death of -ing *rthur0 and ho" ;ueen :uenever made
her a nun in *lmesbury(
>E) some men say in many parts of England that -ing *rthur is not dead' but had by the
"ill of our 8ord 5esu into another pla+e0 and men say that he shall +ome again' and he
shall "in the holy +ross( & "ill not say it shall be so' but rather & "ill say4 here in this
"orld he +hanged his life( /ut many men say that there is "ritten upon his tomb this
verse4 !i+ 7a+et *rthurus' ?ex 6uondam' ?ex6ue futurus(L )hus leave & here .ir /edivere
"ith the hermit' that d"elled that time in a +hapel beside :lastonbury' and there "as his
hermitage( *nd so they lived in their prayers' and fastings' and great abstinen+e( *nd
"hen ;ueen :uenever understood that -ing *rthur "as slain' and all the noble %nights'
.ir Mordred and all the remnant' then the 6ueen stole a"ay' and five ladies "ith her' and
so she "ent to *lmesbury0 and there she let ma%e herself a nun' and "are "hite +lothes
and bla+%' and great penan+e she too%' as ever did sinful lady in this land' and never
+reature +ould ma%e her merry0 but lived in fasting' prayers' and alms<deeds' that all
manner of people marvelled ho" virtuously she "as +hanged( 2o" leave "e ;ueen
:uenever in *lmesbury' a nun in "hite +lothes and bla+%' and there she "as *bbess and
ruler as reason "ould0 and turn "e from her' and spea% "e of .ir 8aun+elot du 8a%e(
!o" "hen .ir 8an+elot heard of the death of -ing *rthur' and of .ir :a"aine' and other
matters' he +ame into England(
*2, "hen he heard in his +ountry that .ir Mordred "as +ro"ned %ing in England' and
made "ar against -ing *rthur' his o"n father' and "ould let him to land in his o"n land0
also it "as told .ir 8aun+elot ho" that .ir Mordred had laid siege about the )o"er of
8ondon' be+ause the 6ueen "ould not "ed him0 then "as .ir 8aun+elot "roth out of
measure' and said to his %insmen4 *las' that double traitor .ir Mordred' no" me
repenteth that ever he es+aped my hands' for mu+h shame hath he done unto my lord
*rthur0 for all & feel by the doleful letter that my lord .ir :a"aine sent me' on "hose soul
5esu have mer+y that my lord *rthur is full hard bestead( *las' said .ir 8aun+elot' that
ever & should live to hear that most noble %ing that made me %night thus to be overset
"ith his sub7e+t in his o"n realm( *nd this doleful letter that my lord' .ir :a"aine' hath
sent me afore his death' praying me to see his tomb' "it you "ell his doleful "ords shall
never go from mine heart' for he "as a full noble %night as ever "as born0 and in an
unhappy hour "as & born that ever & should have that unhap to slay first .ir :a"aine' .ir
:aheris the good %night' and mine o"n friend .ir :areth' that full noble %night( *las' &
may say & am unhappy' said .ir 8aun+elot' that ever & should do thus unhappily' and' alas'
yet might & never have hap to slay that traitor' .ir Mordred(
8eave your +omplaints' said .ir /ors' and first revenge you of the death of .ir :a"aine0
and it "ill be "ell done that ye see .ir :a"aine1s tomb' and se+ondly that ye revenge my
lord *rthur' and my lady' ;ueen :uenever & than% you' said .ir 8aun+elot' for ever ye
"ill my "orship(
)hen they made them ready in all the haste that might be' "ith ships and galleys' "ith .ir
8aun+elot and his host to pass into England( *nd so he passed over the sea till he +ame to
,over' and there he landed "ith seven %ings' and the number "as hideous to behold(
)hen .ir 8aun+elot spered of men of ,over "here "as -ing *rthur be+ome( )hen the
people told him ho" that he "as slain' and .ir Mordred and an hundred thousand died on
a day0 and ho" .ir Mordred gave -ing *rthur there the first battle at his landing' and
there "as good .ir :a"aine slain0 and on the morn .ir Mordred fought "ith the %ing
upon /arham ,o"n' and there the %ing put .ir Mordred to the "orse( *las' said .ir
8aun+elot' this is the heaviest tidings that ever +ame to me( 2o"' fair sirs' said .ir
8aun+elot' she" me the tomb of .ir :a"aine( *nd then +ertain people of the to"n
brought him into the +astle of ,over' and she"ed him the tomb( )hen .ir 8aun+elot
%neeled do"n and "ept' and prayed heartily for his soul( *nd that night he made a dole'
and all they that "ould +ome had as mu+h flesh' fish' "ine and ale' and every man and
"oman had t"elve pen+e' +ome "ho "ould( )hus "ith his o"n hand dealt he this money'
in a mourning go"n0 and ever he "ept' and prayed them to pray for the soul of .ir
:a"aine( *nd on the morn all the priests and +ler%s that might be gotten in the +ountry
"ere there' and sang mass of ?e6uiem0 and there offered first .ir 8aun+elot' and he
offered an hundred pound0 and then the seven %ings offered forty pound apie+e0 and also
there "as a thousand %nights' and ea+h of them offered a pound0 and the offering dured
from morn till night' and .ir 8aun+elot lay t"o nights on his tomb in prayers and
)hen on the third day .ir 8aun+elot +alled the %ings' du%es' earls' barons' and %nights'
and said thus4 My fair lords' & than% you all of your +oming into this +ountry "ith me' but
"e +ame too late' and that shall repent me "hile & live' but against death may no man
rebel( /ut sithen it is so' said .ir 8aun+elot' & "ill myself ride and see% my lady' ;ueen
:uenever' for as & hear say she hath had great pain and mu+h disease0 and & heard say that
she is fled into the "est( )herefore ye all shall abide me here' and but if & +ome again
"ithin fifteen days' then ta%e your ships and your fello"ship' and depart into your
+ountry' for & "ill do as & say to you(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot departed to see% the ;ueen :uenever' and ho" he found her at
)!E2 +ame .ir /ors de :anis' and said4 My lord .ir 8aun+elot' "hat thin% ye for to do'
no" to ride in this realm3 "it ye "ell ye shall find fe" friends( /e as be may' said .ir
8aun+elot' %eep you still here' for & "ill forth on my 7ourney' and no man nor +hild shall
go "ith me( .o it "as no boot to strive' but he departed and rode "esterly' and there he
sought a seven or eight days0 and at the last he +ame to a nunnery' and then "as ;ueen
:uenever "are of .ir 8aun+elot as he "al%ed in the +loister( *nd "hen she sa" him
there she s"ooned thri+e' that all the ladies and gentle"omen had "or% enough to hold
the 6ueen up( .o "hen she might spea%' she +alled ladies and gentle"omen to her' and
said4 >e marvel' fair ladies' "hy & ma%e this fare( )ruly' she said' it is for the sight of
yonder %night that yonder standeth0 "herefore & pray you all +all him to me(
When .ir 8aun+elot "as brought to her' then she said to all the ladies4 )hrough this man
and me hath all this "ar been "rought' and the death of the most noblest %nights of the
"orld0 for through our love that "e have loved together is my most noble lord slain(
)herefore' .ir 8aun+elot' "it thou "ell & am set in su+h a plight to get my soul<heal0 and
yet & trust through :od1s gra+e that after my death to have a sight of the blessed fa+e of
Christ' and at domesday to sit on his right side' for as sinful as ever & "as are saints in
heaven( )herefore' .ir 8aun+elot' & re6uire thee and besee+h thee heartily' for all the love
that ever "as bet"ixt us' that thou never see me more in the visage0 and & +ommand thee'
on :od1s behalf' that thou forsa%e my +ompany' and to thy %ingdom thou turn again' and
%eep "ell thy realm from "ar and "ra+%0 for as "ell as & have loved thee' mine heart "ill
not serve me to see thee' for through thee and me is the flo"er of %ings and %nights
destroyed0 therefore' .ir 8aun+elot' go to thy realm' and there ta%e thee a "ife' and live
"ith her "ith 7oy and bliss0 and & pray thee heartily' pray for me to our 8ord that & may
amend my misliving( 2o"' s"eet madam' said .ir 8aun+elot' "ould ye that & should no"
return again unto my +ountry' and there to "ed a lady3 2ay' madam' "it you "ell that
shall & never do' for & shall never be so false to you of that & have promised0 but the same
destiny that ye have ta%en you to' & "ill ta%e me unto' for to please 5esu' and ever for you
& +ast me spe+ially to pray( &f thou "ilt do so' said the 6ueen' hold thy promise' but & may
never believe but that thou "ilt turn to the "orld again( Well' madam' said he' ye say as
pleaseth you' yet "ist you me never false of my promise' and :od defend but & should
forsa%e the "orld as ye have done( For in the 6uest of the .angreal & had forsa%en the
vanities of the "orld had not your lord been( *nd if & had done so at that time' "ith my
heart' "ill' and thought' & had passed all the %nights that "ere in the .angreal ex+ept .ir
:alahad' my son( *nd therefore' lady' sithen ye have ta%en you to perfe+tion' & must
needs ta%e me to perfe+tion' of right( For & ta%e re+ord of :od' in you & have had mine
earthly 7oy0 and if & had found you no" so disposed' & had +ast me to have had you into
mine o"n realm(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot +ame to the hermitage "here the *r+hbishop of Canterbury "as' and
ho" he too% the habit on him(
/#) sithen & find you thus disposed' & ensure you faithfully' & "ill ever ta%e me to
penan+e' and pray "hile my life lasteth' if & may find any hermit' either gray or "hite'
that "ill re+eive me( Wherefore' madam' & pray you %iss me and never no more( 2ay'
said the 6ueen' that shall & never do' but abstain you from su+h "or%s4 and they departed(
/ut there "as never so hard an hearted man but he "ould have "ept to see the dolour that
they made0 for there "as lamentation as they had been stung "ith spears0 and many times
they s"ooned' and the ladies bare the 6ueen to her +hamber(
*nd .ir 8aun+elot a"o%e' and "ent and too% his horse' and rode all that day and all night
in a forest' "eeping( *nd at the last he "as "are of an hermitage and a +hapel stood
bet"ixt t"o +liffs0 and then he heard a little bell ring to mass' and thither he rode and
alighted' and tied his horse to the gate' and heard mass( *nd he that sang mass "as the
/ishop of Canterbury( /oth the /ishop and .ir /edivere %ne" .ir 8aun+elot' and they
spa%e together after mass( /ut "hen .ir /edivere had told his tale all "hole' .ir
8aun+elot1s heart almost brast for sorro"' and .ir 8aun+elot thre" his arms abroad' and
said4 *las' "ho may trust this "orld( *nd then he %neeled do"n on his %nee' and prayed
the /ishop to shrive him and assoil him( *nd then he besought the /ishop that he might
be his brother( )hen the /ishop said4 & "ill gladly0 and there he put an habit upon .ir
8aun+elot' and there he served :od day and night "ith prayers and fastings(
)hus the great host abode at ,over( *nd then .ir 8ionel too% fifteen lords "ith him' and
rode to 8ondon to see% .ir 8aun+elot0 and there .ir 8ionel "as slain and many of his
lords( )hen .ir /ors de :anis made the great host for to go home again0 and .ir /ors' .ir
E+tor de Maris' .ir /lamore' .ir /leoberis' "ith more other of .ir 8aun+elot1s %in' too%
on them to ride all England overth"art and endlong' to see% .ir 8aun+elot( .o .ir /ors by
fortune rode so long till he +ame to the same +hapel "here .ir 8aun+elot "as0 and so .ir
/ors heard a little bell %nell' that rang to mass0 and there he alighted and heard mass( *nd
"hen mass "as done' the /ishop .ir 8aun+elot' and .ir /edivere' +ame to .ir /ors( *nd
"hen .ir /ors sa" .ir 8aun+elot in that manner +lothing' then he prayed the /ishop that
he might be in the same suit( *nd so there "as an habit put upon him' and there he lived
in prayers and fasting( *nd "ithin half a year' there "as +ome .ir :alihud' .ir :alihodin'
.ir /lamore' .ir /leoberis' .ir Dilliars' .ir Clarras' and .ir :ahalantine( .o all these
seven noble %nights there abode still( *nd "hen they sa" .ir 8aun+elot had ta%en him to
su+h perfe+tion' they had no lust to depart' but too% su+h an habit as he had(
)hus they endured in great penan+e six year0 and then .ir 8aun+elot too% the habit of
priesthood of the /ishop' and a t"elvemonth he sang mass( *nd there "as none of these
other %nights but they read in boo%s' and holp for to sing mass' and rang bells' and did
bodily all manner of servi+e( *nd so their horses "ent "here they "ould' for they too% no
regard of no "orldly ri+hes( For "hen they sa" .ir 8aun+elot endure su+h penan+e' in
prayers' and fastings' they too% no for+e "hat pain they endured' for to see the noblest
%night of the "orld ta%e su+h abstinen+e that he "axed full lean( *nd thus upon a night'
there +ame a vision to .ir 8aun+elot' and +harged him' in remission of his sins' to haste
him unto *lmesbury4 *nd by then thou +ome there' thou shalt find ;ueen :uenever
dead( *nd therefore ta%e thy fello"s "ith thee' and purvey them of an horse bier' and
fet+h thou the +orpse of her' and bury her by her husband' the noble -ing *rthur( .o this
avision +ame to .ir 8aun+elot thri+e in one night(
!o" .ir 8aun+elot "ent "ith his seven fello"s to *lmesbury' and found there ;ueen
:uenever dead' "hom they brought to :lastonbury(
)!E2 .ir 8aun+elot rose up or day' and told the hermit( &t "ere "ell done' said the
hermit' that ye made you ready' and that you disobey not the avision( )hen .ir 8aun+elot
too% his eight fello"s "ith him' and on foot they yede from :lastonbury to *lmesbury'
the "hi+h is little more than thirty mile( *nd thither they +ame "ithin t"o days' for they
"ere "ea% and feeble to go( *nd "hen .ir 8aun+elot "as +ome to *lmesbury "ithin the
nunnery' ;ueen :uenever died but half an hour afore( *nd the ladies told .ir 8aun+elot
that ;ueen :uenever told them all or she passed' that .ir 8aun+elot had been priest near
a t"elvemonth' *nd hither he +ometh as fast as he may to fet+h my +orpse0 and beside
my lord' -ing *rthur' he shall bury me( Wherefore the 6ueen said in hearing of them all4
& besee+h *lmighty :od that & may never have po"er to see .ir 8aun+elot "ith my
"orldly eyen0 and thus' said all the ladies' "as ever her prayer these t"o days' till she
"as dead( )hen .ir 8aun+elot sa" her visage' but he "ept not greatly' but sighed( *nd so
he did all the observan+e of the servi+e himself' both the dirige' and on the morn he sang
mass( *nd there "as ordained an horse bier0 and so "ith an hundred tor+hes ever
brenning about the +orpse of the 6ueen' and ever .ir 8aun+elot "ith his eight fello"s
"ent about the horse bier' singing and reading many an holy orison' and fran%in+ense
upon the +orpse in+ensed( )hus .ir 8aun+elot and his eight fello"s "ent on foot from
*lmesbury unto :lastonbury(
*nd "hen they "ere +ome to the +hapel and the hermitage' there she had a dirige' "ith
great devotion( *nd on the morn the hermit that sometime "as /ishop of Canterbury
sang the mass of ?e6uiem "ith great devotion( *nd .ir 8aun+elot "as the first that
offered' and then also his eight fello"s( *nd then she "as "rapped in +ered +loth of
?aines' from the top to the toe' in thirtyfold' and after she "as put in a "eb of lead' and
then in a +offin of marble( *nd "hen she "as put in the earth .ir 8aun+elot s"ooned' and
lay long still' "hile the hermit +ame and a"a%ed him' and said4 >e be to blame' for ye
displease :od "ith su+h manner of sorro"<ma%ing( )ruly' said .ir 8aun+elot' & trust & do
not displease :od' for !e %no"eth mine intent( For my sorro" "as not' nor is not for any
re7oi+ing of sin' but my sorro" may never have end( For "hen & remember of her beauty'
and of her noblesse' that "as both "ith her %ing and "ith her' so "hen & sa" his +orpse
and her +orpse so lie together' truly mine heart "ould not serve to sustain my +areful
body( *lso "hen & remember me ho" by my default' mine orgule and my pride' that they
"ere both laid full lo"' that "ere peerless that ever "as living of Christian people' "it
you "ell' said .ir 8aun+elot' this remembered' of their %indness and mine un%indness'
san% so to mine heart' that & might not sustain myself( .o the Fren+h boo% ma%eth
!o" .ir 8aun+elot began to si+%en' and after died' "hose body "as borne to 5oyous
:ard for to be buried(
)!E2 .ir 8aun+elot never after ate but little meat' ne dran%' till he "as dead( For then he
si+%ened more and more' and dried' and d"ined a"ay( For the /ishop nor none of his
fello"s might not ma%e him to eat' and little he dran%' that he "as "axen by a +ubit
shorter than he "as' that the people +ould not %no" him( For evermore' day and night' he
prayed' but sometime he slumbered a bro%en sleep0 ever he "as lying grovelling on the
tomb of -ing *rthur and ;ueen :uenever( *nd there "as no +omfort that the /ishop'
nor .ir /ors' nor none of his fello"s' +ould ma%e him' it availed not( .o "ithin six "ee%s
after' .ir 8aun+elot fell si+%' and lay in his bed0 and then he sent for the /ishop that there
"as hermit' and all his true fello"s( )hen .ir 8aun+elot said "ith dreary steven4 .ir
/ishop' & pray you give to me all my rites that longeth to a Christian man( &t shall not
need you' said the hermit and all his fello"s' it is but heaviness of your blood' ye shall be
"ell mended by the gra+e of :od to<morn( My fair lords' said .ir 8aun+elot' "it you "ell
my +areful body "ill into the earth' & have "arning more than no" & "ill say0 therefore
give me my rites( .o "hen he "as houseled and anealed' and had all that a Christian man
ought to have' he prayed the /ishop that his fello"s might bear his body to 5oyous :ard(
.ome men say it "as *ln"i+%' and some men say it "as /amborough( !o"beit' said .ir
8aun+elot' me repenteth sore' but & made mine avo" sometime' that in 5oyous :ard &
"ould be buried( *nd be+ause of brea%ing of mine avo"' & pray you all' lead me thither(
)hen there "as "eeping and "ringing of hands among his fello"s(
.o at a season of the night they all "ent to their beds' for they all lay in one +hamber(
*nd so after midnight' against day' the /ishop [that then "as hermit' as he lay in his bed
asleep' he fell upon a great laughter( *nd there"ith all the fello"ship a"o%e' and +ame to
the /ishop' and as%ed him "hat he ailed( *h 5esu mer+y' said the /ishop' "hy did ye
a"a%e me3 & "as never in all my life so merry and so "ell at ease( Wherefore3 said .ir
/ors( )ruly said the /ishop' here "as .ir 8aun+elot "ith me "ith mo angels than ever &
sa" men in one day( *nd & sa" the angels heave up .ir 8aun+elot unto heaven' and the
gates of heaven opened against him( &t is but dret+hing of s"evens' said .ir /ors' for &
doubt not .ir 8aun+elot aileth nothing but good( &t may "ell be' said the /ishop0 go ye to
his bed' and then shall ye prove the sooth( .o "hen .ir /ors and his fello"s +ame to his
bed they found him star% dead' and he lay as he had smiled' and the s"eetest savour
about him that ever they felt(
)hen "as there "eeping and "ringing of hands' and the greatest dole they made that ever
made men( *nd on the morn the /ishop did his mass of ?e6uiem' and after' the /ishop
and all the nine %nights put .ir 8aun+elot in the same horse bier that ;ueen :uenever
"as laid in tofore that she "as buried( *nd so the /ishop and they all together "ent "ith
the body of .ir 8aun+elot daily' till they +ame to 5oyous :ard0 and ever they had an
hundred tor+hes brenning about him( *nd so "ithin fifteen days they +ame to 5oyous
:ard( *nd there they laid his +orpse in the body of the 6uire' and sang and read many
psalters and prayers over him and about him(
*nd ever his visage "as laid open and na%ed' that all fol%s might behold him( For su+h
"as the +ustom in those days' that all men of "orship should so lie "ith open visage till
that they "ere buried( *nd right thus as they "ere at their servi+e' there +ame .ir E+tor
de Maris' that had seven years sought all England' .+otland' and Wales' see%ing his
brother' .ir 8aun+elot(
!o" .ir E+tor found .ir 8aun+elot his brother dead' and ho" Constantine reigned next
after *rthur0 and of the end of this boo%(
*2, "hen .ir E+tor heard su+h noise and light in the 6uire of 5oyous :ard' he alighted
and put his horse from him' and +ame into the 6uire' and there he sa" men sing and
"eep( *nd all they %ne" .ir E+tor' but he %ne" not them( )hen "ent .ir /ors unto .ir
E+tor' and told him ho" there lay his brother' .ir 8aun+elot' dead0 and then .ir E+tor
thre" his shield' s"ord' and helm from him( *nd "hen he beheld .ir 8aun+elot1s visage'
he fell do"n in a s"oon( *nd "hen he "a%ed it "ere hard any tongue to tell the doleful
+omplaints that he made for his brother( *h 8aun+elot' he said' thou "ere head of all
Christian %nights' and no" & dare say' said .ir E+tor' thou .ir 8aun+elot' there thou liest'
that thou "ere never mat+hed of earthly %night1s hand( *nd thou "ere the +ourteoust
%night that ever bare shield( *nd thou "ere the truest friend to thy lover that ever bestrad
horse( *nd thou "ere the truest lover of a sinful man that ever loved "oman( *nd thou
"ere the %indest man that ever stru+% "ith s"ord( *nd thou "ere the goodliest person
that ever +ame among press of %nights( *nd thou "as the mee%est man and the gentlest
that ever ate in hall among ladies( *nd thou "ere the sternest %night to thy mortal foe that
ever put spear in the rest( )hen there "as "eeping and dolour out of measure(
)hus they %ept .ir 8aun+elot1s +orpse aloft fifteen days' and then they buried it "ith great
devotion( *nd then at leisure they "ent all "ith the /ishop of Canterbury to his
hermitage' and there they "ere together more than a month( )hen .ir Constantine' that
"as .ir Cador1s son of Corn"all' "as +hosen %ing of England( *nd he "as a full noble
%night' and "orshipfully he ruled this realm( *nd then this -ing Constantine sent for the
/ishop of Canterbury' for he heard say "here he "as( *nd so he "as restored unto his
/ishopri+' and left that hermitage( *nd .ir /edivere "as there ever still hermit to his
life1s end( )hen .ir /ors de :anis' .ir E+tor de Maris' .ir :ahalantine' .ir :alihud' .ir
:alihodin' .ir /lamore' .ir /leoberis' .ir Dilliars le Daliant' .ir Clarrus of Clermont' all
these %nights dre" them to their +ountries( !o"beit -ing Constantine "ould have had
them "ith him' but they "ould not abide in this realm( *nd there they all lived in their
+ountries as holy men( *nd some English boo%s ma%e mention that they "ent never out
of England after the death of .ir 8aun+elot' but that "as but favour of ma%ers( For the
Fren+h boo% ma%eth mention' and is authorised' that .ir /ors' .ir E+tor' .ir /lamore' and
.ir /leoberis' "ent into the !oly 8and thereas 5esu Christ "as 6ui+% and dead' and anon
as they had stablished their lands( For the boo% saith' so .ir 8aun+elot +ommanded them
for to do' or ever he passed out of this "orld( *nd these four %nights did many battles
upon the mis+reants or )ur%s( *nd there they died upon a :ood Friday for :od1s sa%e(
!ere is the end of the boo% of -ing *rthur' and of his noble %nights of the ?ound )able'
that "hen they "ere "hole together there "as ever an hundred and forty( *nd here is the
end of the death of *rthur( & pray you all' gentlemen and gentle"omen that readeth this
boo% of *rthur and his %nights' from the beginning to the ending' pray for me "hile & am
alive' that :od send me good deliveran+e' and "hen & am dead' & pray you all pray for my
soul( For this boo% "as ended the ninth year of the reign of -ing Ed"ard the Fourth' by
.ir )homas Maleore' %night' as 5esu help him for his great might' as he is the servant of
5esu both day and night(
)hus endeth this noble and 7oyous boo% entitled 8e Morte ,arthur( 2ot"ithstanding it
treateth of the birth' life' and a+ts of the said -ing *rthur' of his noble %nights of the
?ound )able' their marvellous en6uests and adventures' the a+hieving of the .angreal'
and in the end the dolorous death and departing out of this "orld of them all( Whi+h boo%
"as redu+ed into English by .ir )homas Malory' %night' as afore is said' and by me
divided into t"enty<one boo%s' +haptered and emprinted' and finished in the abbey'
Westminster' the last day of 5uly the year of our 8ord MCCCC8HHHJ3K(
Caxton me fieri fe+it(

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