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Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional

Management & Technology

Laboratory Manual
Optical Fiber Communications
Final Year Students
Manual made by
Asst. Prof.
Piyush Mishra
Author SSIPMT !aipur
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 1
Technical Document
This technical document is a series of Laboratory manuals of Electronics
and Telecommunication Department and is a certified of Shri Shankaracharya
Institute of Professional Management & Technology. The care has been taken to
make the document error free. ut still if any error is found! kindly bring it to the
notice of sub"ect teacher and #$D.
%ecommended by
&ppro'ed by!
*. Departmental Library
+. Laboratory
,. #$D
-. Principal
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 2
It is my great pleasure to present this laboratory manual for final year
students for the sub"ect of Micro.a'e (ommunications keeping in 'ie. the 'ast
co'erage re/uired for 'isuali0ation of concept of Micro.a'e (ommunications.
&s a student! many of you may be .ondering .ith some of the /uestions in your
mind regarding the sub"ect and e1actly .hat has been tried to through
this manual.
2aculty members are also ad'ised that co'ering these aspects in initial stage
itself .ill greatly relie'e them in future as much of the load .ill be taken care by
the enthusiasm energies of the students once they are conceptually clear.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 3
L!$OR!TOR% M!&'!L (O&TE&TS
This manual is intended for the 2inal 3ear students of Engineering in the sub"ect
of Micro.a'e (ommunication. This manual typically contains practical4Lab
sessions related Micro.a'e (ommunication co'ering 'arious aspects of the
sub"ect to enhance understanding.
Students are ad'ised to go thoroughly through this manual rather than only
topics mentioned in the syllabus as practical aspects are the key to understand
and conceptual 'isuali0ation of theoretical aspects co'ered in the books
5ood Luck for your en"oyable Laboratory sessions.
Asst. Prof.
Piyush Mishra
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 4
DO)s an* Don)ts in Laboratory )
*. Do not handle the e/uipment .ithout reading the instructions4Instruction
+. %ead carefully the ratings of the e/uipment before it is s.itched on.
,. Indian e/uipments! the ratings are normally+,67486#0.If you ha'e
e/uipment .ith**87496#0 ratings do not insert plug! as our normal supply is +,67486#0!:hich .ill damage the e/uipment.
-. $bser'e the type of sockets to a'oid mechanical damage.
8. Do not forcefully place the connectors.
9. Strictly obser'e the instructions gi'en by the teacher4lab instructor.
Instruction for Laboratory Teachers +
*. Lab .ork completed during prior session should be corrected during the
ne1t lab session.
+. Students should be guided and helped .hene'er they face difficulties.
,. The promptness of submission should be encouraged by .ay of marking
and e'aluation patterns that .ill benefit the sincere students.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 5
Sub,ect In*e-
Lab E-.eriment
1. To setting up a fiber optic analog link.
2. To setting up a fiber optic digital link.
3. To study of pulse width modulation and demodulation.
4. To study of Pulse Position modulation and demodulation.
5. To study of numerical aperture of optical fiber.
6. To study of losses in optical fiber.
. To study of pulse amplitude modulation ! demodulation.
". To study of fre#uency di$ision multiple%ing ! demultiple%ing.
&. To study of characteristics of fiber optic '().
1*. To study +mplitude modulation ! demodulation.
11. To connect the ,- . 232 of two computers using /ptical 0iber
)igital 'ink.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 6
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: 1 -etting up a fiber optic analog link.
0iber optic Trainer kit2 function generator2 fiber cable2 3.,./.2 patch
0iber optic links can be used for transmission of digital as well as
analog signals. 5asically2 a fiber optic link contains three main elements2 a
transmitter2 an optical fiber! a recei$er. The transmitter module takes the
input signal in electrical form! then transforms it into optical 6light7 energy
containing the same information. The optical fiber is the medium2 which
carries this energy to the recei$er. +t the recei$er2 light is con$erted back
into electrical form with the same pattern as originally fed to the transmitter.
1. 8eep all the switch faults in off position.
2. 9ake connections as shown in fig. :hile connecting this ensures that
the power supply is off.
3. 3onnect function generator to trainer kit.
4. 8eep the ;umpers <P2 !<P3 on 03'1*3 as shown in fig. -witch on the
power supply.
5. 3onnect the 2 8=>2 2?pp -ignal from 0@. +s a constant signal to the
AB post of the +nalog 5uffer on 03'1*3.
6. 3onnect the output of +nalog 5uffer post /CT to post TD AB.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page
. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=56?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
". -lightly unscrew the cap of ,D2 Photo )iode-0=25*?. )o not
remo$e the cap from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert
the fiber into the cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
&. /bser$e the output signal from the detector at +B+'/@ /CT post
on /scilloscope by ad;usting /ptical power control Pot 3 in clockwise
direction and you should get the reproduction of the original
transmitted signal.
1*. To measure the analog band width of the link2 keep the same
connection and $ary the fre#uency of the input signal from 1** =>
onwards. 9easure the amplitude of the recei$ed signal for each
fre#uency reading.
11. Plot a graph of @ainE0re#uency. 9easure the fre#uency range for
which the response is flat.
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap. Bow
tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp knife.
Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is *1
4*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page "
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page &
1. @i$e the name of fabrication method of optical fiberG
2. :hat are the applications of optical fiberG
3. :hat are step inde% fiber ! @raded inde% fiberG
4. :hat are single mode fiber !9ultimode fiberG
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 1*
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: 1
-etting up a fiber optic )igital link
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords .
0iber optic links can be used for transmission of digital as well as
analog signals. 5asically2 a fiber optic link contains three main elements2 a
transmitter2 an optical fiber! a recei$er. The transmitter module takes the
input signal in electrical form! then transforms it into optical 6light7 energy
containing the same information. The optical fiber is the medium2 which
carries this energy to the recei$er. +t the recei$er2 light is con$erted back
into electrical form with the same pattern as originally fed to the transmitter.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 11
1. 8eep all the switch faults in off position
2. 9ake connections as shown in fig. :hile connecting this ensure that
the power supply is /ff.
3 .3onnect function generator to trainer kit.
4. 8eep the ;umpers <P2 !<P3 on 03'1*3 as shown in fig. -witch on the
power supply.
5. 3onnect the 2 8=>2 2?pp -ignal from 0@. +s a constant signal to the
AB post of the )igital 5uffer on 03'1*3.
6 .3onnect the output of +nalog 5uffer post /CT to post TD AB.
. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=56?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into
the cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
". -lightly unscrew the cap of ,D2 Photo )iode-0=25*?. )o not
remo$e the cap from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert
the fiber into the cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
&. /bser$e the output signal from the detector at )A@AT+' /CT post on
/scilloscope by ad;usting /ptical power control Pot 3 in clockwise
direction and you should get the direction and you should get the
reproduction of the original transmitted signal.
1*. To measure the analog band width of the link2 keep the same
connection and $ary the fre#uency of the input signal from 1** =>
onwards. 9easure the amplitude of the recei$ed signal for each
fre#uency reading.
11. Plot a graph of @ainE0re#uency. 9easure the fre#uency range for
which the response is flat.

Precauti!": -
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap. Bow
tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is
*14*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 12
#$% E&'eri(e!ta) "et u': 1
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 13
1. (%plain the basic block diagram of optical fiber communicationG

2. :hat does u mean by splices ! connectorsG

3. @i$e the name of different type of splices ! connectorsG

4. 9ention three specific communication based ad$antages of optical
fiber communicationG
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 14
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: - -tudy of pulse width modulation and demodulation.
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords.
This techni#ue of modulation controls the $ariation of duty cycle of
the s#uare wa$e according to the input modulating signal. =ere the
amplitude $ariation of the modulating signal is reflected in to on period
$ariation of s#uare wa$e. =ence2 it is also called as techni#ue of ? to T
The input signal is pulse width modulated2 so the on time of the signal
is changing according to the modulating signal. An this demodulation
techni#ue during the on time of P:9 signal is changing according to
the modulating signal. An this demodulation techni#ue2 the P:9 signal
is applied to an Antegrator2 whose output is then filtered to obtain original
signal. Thus at the output we get the original modulating signal e%tracted
from P:9 wa$e. 0iber optic transmitter 6-0=56?7 ! recei$er
6-0=551?7 are used to transmit and recei$e P:9 signal respecti$ely.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 15
1. 8eep all the switch faults in off position.
2. 9ake connections as shown in fig. :hile connecting this
3. 3onnect function generator to trainer kit.
4. 8eep the ;umpers <P12 <P2! <P3 on 03'13 as shown in fig.
5. 3onnect the out signal from 0@. To the P:9 in post of P:9
modulator on 03l 1 3 and keep the signal fre#uency at 1 8=> !
+mplitude at 1?pp.
6. 3onnect the P:9 /CT -ignal from P:9 9odulator to the AB
postof digital buffer on kit.
. 3onnect the output of digital buffer post out to post TD AB.
". -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=56?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
&. -lightly unscrew the cap of ,D1 Photo transistor with TT' logic
output -0=551?. )o not remo$e the cap from the connector. /nce
the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber Anto the cap. Bow tighten the cap
by screwing it back.
1*. 3onnect the output of detector post TT' /CT to post P:9 )(9/)
AB of P:9.
1. 8eep -witch -:1 in P:9 position.
2. 3onnect the output of P:9 )emodulator post )(9/) /CT to post
AB of filter 1.
3. /bser$e the P:9 signal at P:9 out post.
4. /bser$ed the recei$ed signal at filter /Ep post /CT )emodulated
signal represents original signal.
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap.
Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is
* 14*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 16
#$% E&'eri(e!ta) "et u': -
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 1
1. :hat are the -B,Hs of P:9 systemG
2. (%plain how a P:9 signal can be generatedEdetectedG
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 1"
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: - -tudy of Pulse Position modulation and demodulation.
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords.
The position of the TT' pulses is changed on time scale according to
the $ariation of input modulating signal amplitude. Bow pulse width
modulated signal is fed as input to this circuit. Please note that input
modulating signal must be con$erted into pulse width modulated from
before applying to pulse position modulator. +s the signal is P:92
naturally2 according to the input signal2 the pulse duration is changing and
this change in pulse duration causes for the delay in triggering. The input is
gi$en to trailing edge trigger input of monoshot. -o finally we get the pulses
at the output2 which are shifted on the time slot. This is nothing but pulse
position modulation.
Thus Pulse Position is directly proportional to the instantaneous
$alues of modulating signal. This PP9 signal is then transmitted through
transmitter 6-0=56?7 and recei$ed at detector output 6-0=551?7.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 1&
1. 8eep all the switch faults in off position.
2. 9ake connections as shown in fig. :hile connecting this
3. 3onnect function generator to trainer kit.
4. 8eep the ;umpers <P12<P2! <P3 on 03'13 as shown in fig.
5. 3onnect the out signal from 0@. To the P:9 in post of P:9
modulator on 03l 3 and keep the signal fre#uency at 1 8=> !
+mplitude at 1?pp.
6. 3onnect the PP9 /CT -ignal from PP9 9odulator to the AB post of
digital buffer on kit.
. 3onnect the output of digital buffer post out to post TD AB.
". -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=56?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
&. -lightly unscrew the cap of ,D1 Photo transistor with TT' logic
-0=551?. )o not remo$e the cap from the connector. /nce the cap is
loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap. Bow tighten the cap by
screwing it back.
1*. 3onnect the output of detector post TT' /CT to post PP9 )(9/)
AB of PP9 )emodulator.
11. 8eep -witch -:1 in PP9 position.
12. 3onnect the output of PP9 )emodulator post )(9/) /CT to post
AB of filter 1.
13. /bser$e the PP9 signal at PP9 out post.
14. /bser$ed the recei$ed signal at filter /Ep post /CT )emodulated
signal represents original signal.
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap.
Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is
*14*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 2*

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 21
1. :hat are the -B,Hs of PP9.
2. (%plain how a PP9 signal can be generatedEdetectedG
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 22
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: 1 -tudy of numerical aperture of optical fiber.
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords .
Bumerical aperture refers to the ma%imum angle at which the light
incident on the fiber end is totally internally reflected and is transmitted
properly along the fiber. The cone formed by the rotation of this angle
along the a%is of the fiber is the cone of acceptance2 of the fiber. The
light ray should strike the fiber end within its cone of acceptanceI else it
is reflected out of the fiber core.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 23
1. 9ake connection as shown in fig. 8eep all switches faults in off
2. :hile connecting this2 ensure that the power supply is /00.
3. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=56?. )o not remo$e the
cap from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber
into the cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back
4. 8eep the ;umpers <P12 <P2!<P4 on 03'11 as shown in fig.
5. 8eep switch -2 in ?A position on 03'1*1.
6. Ansert the other end of the fiber into the numerical aperture
measurement <ig =old the white sheet facing the fiber. +d;ust the
fiber such that its cut face is perpendicular to the a%is of the fiber.
. 8eep the distance of about 1* mm between the fiber tip and the
screen. @ently tighten the screw and thus fi% the fiber in the place.
". /bser$e the bright red light spot on the screen by $arying intensity
pot 3 ! bias pot P4.
&. 9easure e%actly the distance d and also the $ertical and hori>ontal
diameters 9, and PB as indicated in the fig.
1*. 9ean radius is calculated using the following formula.
r J 69, KPB7E 4
11. 0ind the numerical aperture of the fiber using the formula
B+ J sin
J r / d

is the ma%imum angle at which the light incident is
properly transmitted through the fiber.

Precauti!": 1
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap.
Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back .
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it.
transmits light effecti$ely
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation
is *14*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 24
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 25
1. )efine numerical aperture of the optical fiberG

2. )efine acceptance angle of the optical fiberG

3. :hat are the conditions for total internal reflectionG

4. :hat are the basic principles of fiberG
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 26
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: 1 To study of losses in optical fiber.
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords .
/ptical fibers are a$ailable in different $ariety of materials. These
materials are usually selected by taking into account their absorption
characteristics for different wa$elengths of light. An case of optical fiber2
since the signal is transmitted in the form of light2 which is completely
different in nature as that of electrons2 one has to consider the interaction of
matter with the radiation to study the losses in fiber. 'osses are introduced in
fiber due to $arious reasons. +s light propagates from one end of fiber to
another end2 part of it is absorbed in the material e%hibiting absorption loss.
+lso part of the light is reflected back or in some other direction from the
impurity particles present in the material contributing to the loss of the
signal at the other end of the fiber. An general terms it is known as
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 2
propagation loss. Plastic fibers ha$e higher loss of the order of 1"* dbE8m.
whene$er the condition for angle of incidence of the incident light is
$iolated the losses are introduced due to refraction of light. This occurs
when fiber is sub;ected to bending. 'ower the radius of cur$ature more is the
loss. +nother loss is due to the coupling of fiber at '() ! photo detector
:hen light tra$els down optical fibers2 some of the light is
absorbed by the glass or plastic. This means the light coming out of the end
of the fiber is not as strong as the light going in to the fiber. :hen designing
a fiber communications system2 you need to know the si>e of this loss to
calculate the ma%imum distance the signal will tra$el. An this e%periment you
will try one way of measuring the loss in the fiber.

1. 9ake connection as shown in fig. :hile connecting this2 ensure that the
power supply is off.
2. 8eep all switch faults in off position.
3. 8eep the ;umpers <P12 <P22 <P3 ! <P4 on 03'1*1 as shown in fig.
4. 8eep the ;umpers <P12 <P2 on 03'1*2 as shown in fig.
5. 8eep switch -2 in ?A position on 03'1*1.
6. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=56?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back
. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=25*?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back
". 8eep -witch -:1 to -ignal -trength position in 03'1*2.
&. 3onnect the output of photo diode detector post out to post AB of signal
strength indicator block.
1*./bser$e the signal strength '()Ls2 ad;ust the T,+B-9ATT(, '(?('
using intensity control pot3 until you get the reading of all '()Ls glow.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 2"
11.:e will measure the light output using the signal strength section of the
kit. The loss will be larger for a longer piece of fiber2 so you will
measure the loss of long piece of fiber. An order to measure the loss in
the fiber you first need a reference of how much light goes in to the
piece of fiber from the 'A@=T T,+B-9ATT(,. Fou will use the short
piece of fiber to measure this reference.
12.Bow remo$e the 1meter fiber and insert 3 meter fiber.
13.Then take the signal strength reading you obtained for the long fiber
and con$ert it to db using the (#u.
14.Power J 1* log 6P2EP17 db
i. J 1* log 6"E67 db
ii. J 1.25 db
15.P24 ,eference reading by 1 meter.
16.P14 ,eading obtained after replacing 3 meter fiber.
1. 8eep the connection with 1 meter fiber as per the abo$e procedure.
2. +d;ust the transmitter power so that the signal strength reading is ".
Bow take the
portion of the fiber and loop it to match bends. +s you match each
bends write down
the reading from signal strength indicator.
3. /bser$e the loss of signal strength.
1. 8eep the connection with 1 meter fiber as per the abo$e procedure.
2. +d;ust the transmitter power so that the signal strength reading is ".
3. ,emo$e the 1 meter fiber and insert *.5 meter connectori>ed fibers
through connecting slee$e. Bote the reading of signal stength.
4. Bow take connector loss and subtract it from "db. This is connector
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 2&
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap.
Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is
*14*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 3*

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 31
1. )escribe the ma;or losses in optical fiberG
2. :hat does u mean by 5ending 'ossesG :hat are macroscopicG
5ending loss! microscopic bending lossG
3. :hat are intramural dispersion ! intermodal dispersionG
4. :hat is pulse dispersionG
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 32
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: - To study of pulse amplitude modulation ! demodulation.
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords.
Pulse amplitude modulation is a techni#ue of communication in which
the high fre#uency s#uare wa$e is modulated by the low fre#uency signal.
The modulating signal is sampled by the pulses.
The P+9 signal is nothing but the high fre#uency s#uare wa$e in
which the amplitude of each pulse is e#ual to that of the information signal
at the respecti$e sampling instant.
1. 9ake the connection as shown in fig.
2. 8eep all the switch faults in off position. 3onnect the power supply.
3. 3onnect 0.@. to 03'1*1 kit
4. 8eep the ;umpers <P12 <P22 <P3!<P4 on 03'1*1 as shown in fig.
5. 8eep the ;umpers <P12 <P2 on 03'1*2as shown in fig.
6. 8eep -1 at 16 8=> position on 03'1*1.
. 8eep -2 in TD AB position on 03'1*1.
". 3onnect the 1 8=>2 2?pp signal from 0.@. as a constant signal to the
AB post of P+9 section on 03'1*1.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 33
&. 3onnect the output of P+9 section post to post AB of +nalog 5uffer
on 03'1*1.
1*. 3onnect the output of +nalog 5uffer post /CT to post TD AB.
11. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=56?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
12. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=25*?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
13. 8eep -:2 in +B+'/@ /CT position on 03'1*2.
14. 3onnect the out put of photo diode detector post out to post in of P+9
)emodulator section.
15. /bser$e the output in 03'1*22 we will recei$e the same sine wa$e at
the output.
16. /bser$e the effect of sampling rate by changing the sampling clock
from 168=> to 328=>.
1. /bser$e the effect of $arying signal fre#uency.
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap. Bow
tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is *1
4*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 34
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 35
1. :hat are the -B,L- of P+9 systemG
2. (%plain how a P+9 signal can be generatedEdetectedG
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 36
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: - -tudy of fre#uency di$ision multiple%ing ! de1multiple%ing.
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords.
9ultiple%ing is a signal processing operation by which a number of
independent. 9essages can be combined into a composite suitable for
transmission o$er common channel. The incoming signal is first passed
through a low pass filter to remo$e high fre#uency components that do not
contribute significantly to signal representation but disturb other messages.
The filtered signal is then applied to modulators that shifts the fre#uency
ranges of the signals so as the occupy mutually e%clusi$e fre#uency
inter$als. The necessary carrier fre#uencies needed to perform these
fre#uency translations are obtained from a carrier supply. Then input signal
is modulated with respect to carrier signal. 9odulation techni#ue used here
is fre#uency modulation techni#ue. The band pass filters following the
modulators are used to respect the band of each modulated wa$e to its
prescribed range. The resulting band pass filter outputs are combined in
parallel to form the input to the common channels.
The recei$ed signal is applied to bank of band pass filters with their
input connected in a parallel. This techni#ue is used to separate message
signals on fre#uency occupancy basis. 0inally the original message signals
are reco$ered by indi$idualLs demodulators.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 3
1. 9ake connection as shown in fig. (nsure that the power supply is /00.
2. 3onnect function generator ! keep the ;umpers <P2!<P3 as shown in
3. -witch on the power supply.
4. 3onnect the out signal from function generator to the 3=1 post of 0)9
transmitter ! keep the signal fre#uency at 1 8=> ! +mplitude at *.5
5. 3onnect the 2 8=>2 *.5?pp signal from function generator to the 3=2
post of 0)9 transmitter.
6. 3onnect the /CT post of 0)9 transmitter to the AB post of +nalog
5uffer on kit. do not remo$e the cap from the connector. /nce the cap
is loosened2 insert the other end of fiber into the cap. Bow tighten the
cap by screwing it back.
. /bser$e the output signal from the detector at +B+'/@ /CT then set
carrier fre#uency of mod 1of about 1*8=> with the help of P1 and
> carrier fre#. /f mod 2 of about 2* 8=> with the help of pot P2.
". Then obser$e the signal at 5and Pass filter 1 out it should be ma%imum
signal transmission at center fre#. /f 1* 8=>.
&. Then obser$e the signal at 5and Pass filter 2 out it should be ma%imum
signal transmission at center fre#. /f 2* 8=>.
1*. Then obser$e signal at the out post of summation block as shown in
wa$eform .
11. 3onnect the output of +nalog 5uffer post /CT to post TD AB.
12. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=56?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
13. Bow rotate the optical power control pot P3 in kit anticlockwise
direction. This ensures minimum current flow through '().
14. -lightly unscrew the cap of ,D2 P=/T/ )A/)( sfh25*?post on
/scilloscope by ad;usting optical power control pot P3.
15. 3onnect the output of detector post +B+'/@ /CT to post AB of 0)9
16. /bser$e the demultiple%ed !demodulated signal at 3=1 !3=2 output
posts of 0)9 ,ecei$er2 fine tune carrier fre#uency of modulator so as it
will gi$e clear reproduction of input signal as shown in fig.
1. 3onnect 3=1!3=2 post to AB post of filter 1!2 respecti$ely.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 3"
1". /bser$e the signal at /CT post of filter 1!filter 2 as a reproduction of
original signal.
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap. Bow
tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is *1
4*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 3&

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 4*
1. :hat is multiple%ingEdemultiple%ingG
2. 3ompare 0)9ET)9.
3. :hat are the disad$antages of 0)9G
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 41
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM:- Study of characteristics of fiber optic LED.
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords.
An optical fiber communication system2 electrical signal is first
con$erted into optical signal with the help of (E/ con$ersion as '().
+fter this optical signal is transmitted through optical fiber2 it is retrie$ed in
its original electrical from with the help /E( con$ersion de$ice as photo
)ata sheets for '()Ls usually specify electrical and optical
characteristics2 out of which are important peak wa$elength of emission2
con$ersion efficiency2 optical rise and fall times which put the limitation on
operating fre#uency2 ma%imum forward current through '() and typical
forward $oltage across '().
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 42
Photo detectors usually come in $ariety of forms like
photoconducti$e2 photo$oltaic2 transistor type output and diode type output.
=ere also characteristics to be taken into account are response time of the
detector2 which puts the limitation on the operating fre#uency2 wa$elength
sensiti$ity and responsi$ity.
3onfirm that the power switch is in /00 position.
1. 9ake the ;umper setting as shown in the ;umper diagram.
2. Then short +9P /EP post to TD AEP post with help of patch chord.
3. Ansert the ;umper connecting wires in <P2 and <P3 at positions
shown in the diagram.
4. 3onnect the ammeter and $oltmeter with the ;umper wires
connected to <P2 and<P3 as shown in the diagram.
5. -witch on the power supply. 8eep the potentiometer Pr6 in its
ma%imum position. P6 is used to control current flowing through
the '() to get the A? characteristics of '()2 rotate P6 slowly and
measure forward current and corresponding forward $oltage2 Take
number of such readings for $arious current $alues and plot A?
characteristics graph for the '().
6. 0or each reading taken abo$e2 find out the power2 which is the
product of A!?. this is the electrical power supplied to the '().
)ata sheets for the '() specify optical power coupled into plastic
fiber when forward current was 1* m+ as 2**:. this means that
the electrical power at 1*m+2 current is con$erted into 2**: of
optical energy. =ence the efficiency of the '() comes out to be
appro%. 1.15M.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 43
. :ith the efficiency assumed find out optical power coupled into
plastic optical fiber for each of the readings in step . Plot the
graph of forward current $erses output optical power of the '().
". ,epeat the abo$e procedure by -0= 45*?.
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap. Bow
tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is *1
4*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 44
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 45
1. what is the basic principle of '+-(, !'()G
2. @i$e the name of different type of lasersG
3. :rite down the application of '() ! '+-(,G
4. :hat are the characteristics of '()G
5. )istinction between -pontaneous ! stimulated emission
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 46
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: 1 The ob;ecti$e of this e%periment is to study +mplitude
modulation ! demodulation through fiber optic analog link.
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords.
An amplitude modulation2 the modulating $oltage2 whose fre#uency is
in$ariably lower than that of the carrier2 $aries the amplitude of a carrier
signal. The amplitude of the carrier is made proportional to the instantaneous
amplitude of the modulating $oltage.
'et carrier $oltage1 ec J (c cos 6ct K7
and modulating $oltage 1 em J (m cos mt
The instantaneous amplitude of the modulated wa$e can be e%pressed as2
e J 6 (c K 8 em7 cos ct
J 6 (c K 8 em cos mt7 cosct
J (c cos ct K (cm cos mt . cos ct
(c cos ct K m(cE2 % cos 6fcKfm7t K m(cE2 % cos 6fc1fm7t
9odulation Ande%4
9odulation inde% m J (mE(c
9odulation inde% is also e%pressed in terms of ma%imum ! minimum
amplitude of the modulated carrier wa$e.
ma% 1 (min
J 11111111111111111
ma% K (min
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 4
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 4"
Prce6ure: -
1. 9ake the connection as shown in fig.
2. 8eep all the switch faults in off position. 3onnect the power supply.
3. 3onnect 0.@. to 03'1*1 kit
4. 8eep the ;umpers <P12 <P22 <P3!<P4 on 03'1*1 as shown in fig.
5. 8eep the ;umpers <P12 <P2 on 03'1*2as shown in fig.
6. 8eep -1 at 16 8=> position on 03'1*1.
. 8eep -2 in TD AB position on 03'1*1.
". 3onnect the 1 8=>2 2?pp signal from 0.@. as a constant signal to the
AB post of +9 section on 03'1*1.
&. 3onnect the sine out of 0.@. to post carrier AB of +mplitude modulator
section. /n 03'1*1.
1*. 3onnect the output of +mplitude 9odulator section post +9 /CT to
post AB of +nalog 5uffer.
11. 3onnect the output of +nalog 5uffer post /CT to post TD AB.
12. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=56?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
13. -lightly unscrew the cap of '() -0=25*?. )o not remo$e the cap
from the connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the
cap. Bow tighten the cap by screwing it back.
14. 8eep -:2 in +B+'/@ /CT position on 03'1*2
15. 3onnect the out put of photo diode detector post out to post AB of +9
)emodulator section.
16. /bser$e the output in 03'1*2I we will recei$e the same sine wa$e at
the output.
1. /bser$e the effect of $arying signal fre#uency.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 4&
0re#uency of ,0 oscillator J 1111111111111111111111 8=>.
9odulation 0re#uency Anput (m (ma% (min
Precauti!": -
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap. Bow
tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is *1
4*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 5*
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 51
1. The modulation inde% m
2. :a$eform J
1. (%plain where am used in daily life.
2. =ow many types of am are there.
3. (%plain low le$el and high le$el am modulation.
4. )efine modulation inde% or depth of modulation.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 52
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional
Management & Technology, Raipur
Su%&ect Name & #o'e ( ptical !i%er #ommunication "a%
/ranch( ET&T Semester( +

AIM: - The ob;ecti$e of this e%periment is to connect the ,- . 232 of two
computers using /ptical 0iber )igital 'ink.
0iber optic trainer kit2 3,/2 0unction generator2 Patch cords.

The computer communicates from serial com port which is at ,-232
le$el i.e. at 12$. transcei$er 9+D232 performs the function of con$erting
,-232 signals to TT' le$els ! $ice $ersa.
?ery important ad$antage of serial mode of data transfer is that it is
ine%pensi$e. +lso the data is accurately transferred and recei$ed in the link.
Cncorrupted data transfer is greatest ad$antage of serial mode2 and e%actly
this is the reason behind the fact that serial mode is preferred in many
1. 8eep all the switch faults in off position.
2. 9ake connections as shown in fig.
3. 3onnect 3/9 1 post in ,-1232 section to AB post of )igital 5uffer
4. 3onnect the output of )igital 5uffer post /CT to post TD AB.5.
-lightly unscrew the cap of ,D1 Photo transistor with TT' logic output
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 53
-0=551?. )o not remo$e the cap from the connector. /nce the cap is
loosened2 insert the fiber. into the cap. Bow tighten the cap by
screwing it back.
6. -lightly unscrew the cap of ,D1 Photo transistor with TT' logic
output -0=551?. )o not remo$e the cap from the connector. /nce
the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap. Bow tighten the cap by
screwing it back.
. 3onnect the output of detector post TT' /CT to post 3/9 2 in ,-1
232 section.
". 3onnect one end of the & to & pin cable to 3omputer 3/9 1 port and
other end to 3B2 connector on 03'1 *3 then connect second & to & pin
cable one end to second 3omputer 3/91 port and other end to 3B3
connector on 03'1*3.
&. -witch on the computers.
1*. +fter putting /B one of the P32 go to -T+,T 9(BC2 P,/@,+9-2
+33(--/,A(-2 3/99CBA3+TA/B and then 3lick on =FP(,
11. + new :indow will open2 where in you double 3lick on
=FP(,T,92 Two :indows will open 2 one at the background
and another 6small
window7 with title 3onnection )escription which will be +cti$e.
12. (nter the name in the bo% by which you would like to store your
13. Then specify connect using by selecting )irect to 3/9 1 or port
where your cable is connected and then click on /8. Bow :indow
with Title 3/9 1 Properties will appear2 where Port -etting
should be done as shown below and click on /8.

5its Per -econd Cp to 1152**
)ata 5its "
Parity Bone
-top 5its 1
0low 3ontrol DonEDoff
14. +fter the abo$e -ettings you click /8. The 5ackground window will
become +cti$e.
15. 3lick on file2 -a$e +s2 and sa$e it in )irectory2 which you want.
16. Perform the same procedure from 1* to 15 on the computer to with
whom you want to communicate.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 54
1. To start communicating between the two P3s click on the Transfer
9enu and click on -end file.
1". -elect 5rowse for the file2 which you would like to send to P3
connected2 select the file and click on /P(B2 the file name and
address will be displayed in the small window. Then select the 8ermit
1&. To recei$e the file on the P3 click on the Transfer 9enu and again
click on ,ecei$e 0ile. + window will be prompted ha$ing title
,ecei$e 0ile with 'ocation at which you want to store the ,ecei$ed
file and ,ecei$ing Protocol.
2*. -elect 5rowse for the location where you would like to store the
recei$ed file2 select the folder and click /82 the folder name and
address will be displayed in the small window. Protocol to be selected
should be 8ermit and same as file transmitting P3.
21. /n the P3 from which the selected file to be transmitted2 click on
-(B). + window will open showing file transfer status. Ammediately
at the ,ecei$ing P3 3lick ,ecei$e. Fou will see a window showing
file is being recei$ed in the form of packets.
22. +fter file is transferred both the windows in the 6transmitting !
recei$ing P3s7 will close. 3heck for the recei$ed file in the folder
where the file is stored.
1. -lightly unscrew the cap of '(). )o not remo$e the cap from the
connector. /nce the cap is loosened2 insert the fiber into the cap. Bow
tighten the cap by screwing it back.
2. Fou ha$e to prepare each end of the fiber cable $ery carefully so it
transmits light effecti$ely.
3. 3ut of the ends of the cable with a single1edge ra>or blade or sharp
knife. Try to obtain a precise &* degree angle.
4. Permissible ambient temperature range for 3,/ during operation is *1
4*c the ?entilation holes should not be co$ered.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 55
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 56
1. (%plain the functional description of ,-1232G
2. )ifference between /-A ! T3PE AP modelG
3. (%plain the types of )ata transmission modeG
4. )efine point to point and multipoint communication.
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Page 5

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