The Clear Play Bonus System

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Clear Play Bonus System

[Overview of the bonus system offered to players at Gold Luck and

Cyber Club online casinos]

he Clear Play bonus system splits a player!s casino account into two separate wallets" a
cash balance and a bonus balance. his #ives players the freedom to either use or discard
their bonus as they see fit$ his is an ideal option for the casual player as it #ives them a
cash out option without penalty and it is #ood for us as it encoura#es player deposits whilst
lessenin# the impact of the bonus$
Player!s cash balance can always be withdrawn" even without meetin# the bonus
wa#erin# re%uirements$

&ny slot #ame is eli#ible for the bonus accordin# to certain restrictions$

&vailable for both Gold Luck and Cyber Club casino$

'or e(ample" if you make a )*++ first deposit at the casino" you can claim a )*++ ,elcome
Bonus$ he )*++ that you deposited #oes into your cash account" and is available for
withdrawal at any time$
he advanta#e of this system is that you can decide to withdraw if you have a bi# win early
on without havin# to worry about completin# the wa#erin# re%uirement$ Otherwise you can
#o for completin# the wa#erin# re%uirement" enablin# the bonus to be withdrawn$ -ou
Play hrou#h /e%uirements0
So what e(actly is a wa#erin# re%uirement1
& wa#erin# re%uirement is a number that represents the number of times you have to play
throu#h either the bonus or the bonus 2 the deposit at an online casino before you are
eli#ible to cash out$ he number that represents the amount of play throu#h re%uired for a
bonus is typically assi#ned by the risk mana#ement team representin# the casino$ Generally
the more #enerous the bonus" or if it3s too #ood to be true it3s likely that they will have
imposed a lar#er wa#erin# re%uirement for the bonus$ Play throu#h re%uirements can ran#e
between *4( for the less strict bonuses and up to 5+( for the more strict bonuses$ Gold Luck
casino play throu#h re%uirements are 64($
So the wa#erin# re%uirement is 64( and the bonus bein# offered is a *++8 match bonus up
to )*++ free at Gold Luck casino and let3s say that for the sake of this e(ample the player
takes advanta#e of the full )*++ bonus and so has deposited )9++$ )*++ of this is the
player!s cash account and the other )*++ is :locked! in the players bonus account$ &lso
let3s say that the Play throu#h is 64( your deposit$
Calculation0 )*++ ( 64 ; )64++
So in the above e(ample you will have to play throu#h )64++ worth of bets before you3d
meet the wa#erin# re%uirements for the bonus and be eli#ible to cash out$
&re there different wa#erin# < Play throu#h re%uirements for different #ames1
his is where thin#s #et a bit more complicated$ Often casinos will place different
percenta#es on specific #ames that account for the contribution to meet the wa#erin#
re%uirements$ ypically slots wa#ers will count for *++8 of their bet value towards the play
throu#h re%uirement but other #ames like black=ack > roulette may not count at all or count
for very little towards meetin# the re%uirement$ he percenta#es of the contributions for
various #ames at casinos for their bonuses will often times vary and it is not overly
consistent in the industry$ ?sin# the :Clear Play Bonus System! will establish standards that
will be consistent across all casinos in the estate$
Let3s say the player receives a bonus of )*++ with a 64( wa#erin# < play throu#h
re%uirement at Gold Luck casino$
he player then proceeds to bet the followin# amounts on the followin# #ames )6+ on Slots"
)9+ on @ideo Poker" )9+ on Black=ack and )9+ on /oulette$
he total amount of the contribution for the wa#erin# re%uirement would be as follows Anote0
that this is =ust an e(ampleB
Contributions0 *++8 of )6+ ASlotsB 2 C+8 of )9+ A@ideo PokerB 2 *+8 of )9+ ABlack=ackB 2
948 of )9+ A/ouletteB
So )6+ 2 )*D 2 )9 2 )4 ; )46 has been wa#ered towards meetin# the )64++ wa#erin#

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