Church Transcript

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Church interview

Louise shot 1


So tell us your story for when you started going to church?

I started coming to church when I was 14 to this one, when I was at school and I
had a connection PA, cause I was naughty at school and she came to this church
as well, and when the carer I was living with at 14 died she started talking about
church and I was like come on were going to god quad camp and so then I went
to Detling, it was like the summer conference and then after Detling when I met
all the people and all the nice youth people I came here the Sunday after and I
just havent stopped coming, and I stayed here until a few years ago.

How does it feel coming back now?

I quite like coming because this is like where my whole like Christian journey
started and where meeting my church family started. So I do feel quite like
coming back, so Im always very happy coming back.

Whats your first day here compared to today?

My first day, I was a bit scared cause I walked in and it was like quite busy on a
Sunday morning, and theres was quite a lot of people, and I was really scared,
and then we were sitting over the youth bit used to be over there so all the youth
used to sit together and the young people, and youd always felt they were
watching you because you was young, that you werent doing something you
shouldnt be doing or, so I was quite shy and I wouldnt talk to anyone. And I
would have a face on, like my face would be like do not come near me, but now I
love walking in and seeing people that I know and chatting away.

Louise shot 2

Clip 384_0319

So tell us your story for when you started going to church?

I started to come to church when I as 14, I was still at school, and the carer that I
was living with at the time he died, so I saw a connections PA, who at the time I
didnt know came to church, who started talking about a conference that St
Lukes run, and I was a bit like I dont really want to go to god squad camp. So I
went a told all my friends that I was going to god squad camp, and then I went
and it was actually quite fun to meet young people my age, and to sleep in a tent
although that part wasnt fun. And then the Sunday after that finished they were
all coming to church and I was like Ill come, Ill come, and it was actually really
good, people were, people were trying to be friendly but I had a face that said
dont come near me cause I was quite shy and didnt want to talk to people.

How does it feel to come back now?

I love coming back, I like coming back because whenever I come back its always
now for happy occasions like if someone I know is getting baptized or someone I
know is getting married here, so that is all for happy occasions and then you kind
of sit here and your like, oh I met my church family here and I met this person
whos still in my life now since I was 14, so I get really excited when I come back.

Whats your first day here compared to today?

When I first came it was a Sunday morning, and I walked in it was full of people,
and I was like oh my gosh, and I was really shy and I would sit like this ad
wouldnt look at people or sing, or do anything so I would be a bit closed off to
everything, but now I walk in and I chat to everyone, especially when I come
back to visit obviously there is still people that come here that used to come here
so I chat to everyone and I even started sitting at the front row which is amazing.

Louise touring church

Clip 384_0321

So when I first used to come, I used to, there was a youth section cause it was full
off young people at the time, and we used to sit over there, which you now can
see is a children area, but then when they decided that young people needed to
sit with the rest of the congregation, I sat over on that side, which wasnt really
much different. And then up there where the alter is, that was where we d used
to go for the communion and you kneel for the alter and thats where you had the
worship band and then obviously the decorative thing and all the design team do
at different times of the year its all decorated differently.

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