Lumko Msuthu

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Poetry Series

Lumko Msuthu
- 4 poems -
Publication Date:
May 2014
PoemHunter.Com - The World's Poetry Archive
Poems are the property of their respective owners. This e-book was created by Lumko Msuthu on For the procedures of publishing, duplicating, distributing and listing of the poems
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the legal publishing rights of the poems. - The World's Poetry Archive 2
Beneath the Mask
Its not the fear of falling but that of never rising,
Because I ran out of resets due to past attempts.
Its a journey you cant always come back from let alone forgetting your way home,
And though it never hurts to try its not worth a broken a heart.
I have helped wipe away tears from different eyes for different reasons,
And swore I would reserve mine but never for love.
Called in a mechanic to desensitize all fooling feelings and demanded he meld me
For such a climb always has one sliding back down.
I asked that in his deductions he leaves no rooms for exceptions, even emotions.
To avoid condemnation to painful, pointless heartaches,
And sweet dialogues that momentarily turns to arguments.
He left me with the ability to see but not feel,
Because such scars never really heal.
There are no warning labels or pamphlets with written instructions
Dictating my actions in the right direction. And if Im lucky enough to realise
That Im running at full seed with blinded eyes headed to a cliff with my demise,
I can alter the storys ending to something less frightening
And acknowledge that Im worth much more breathing than lying still in my grave.
The beauty of the stage is that tomorrow you get to do it all over again,
But sadly in life I have to dwell in my sorrow and endure the pain.
I let down my guard and dealt my cards driven by past successes,
Accelerating with no breaks and losing a bet with high stakes,
And I lost you.
Lumko Msuthu - The World's Poetry Archive 3
Beds of black roses,
Memorials of the lurking trouble the broken pieces pose.
Fractures of a dismantled locket,
Part of a scrapbook with an unkown truth dubbed in dirt.
Ornaments cremated aling with the past,
Like dried leaves succumbing to gravity.
Internal infernos with healing scars,
With a glitch in time causing a rift in reality.
Worn out photographs with petrified moments,
Barely hanging on the walls, dull and grey.
Recklessly paging through yesterday
Searching for the presence of a voodoo that may be delaying my breakaway.
Wondering through an internal maze,
With sketches of a life I mistakenly thought to be a phase, and erased.
Lumko Msuthu - The World's Poetry Archive 4
Does it get Better
Maybe if I could learn not to care then maybe the sight of you will be easy to bear. But
how can I when I am constantly reminded of the things you said? It is hard to forget
how you told me that you resent every minute you spent in my presence, that what
you did was declared unfit for a sound mind to engage in without being taken
advantage of, and I was found guilty.
We cant be in the same room without feeling the urge to leave; we change our routes
whenever we approach each other and put on our force fields, without the need. I cant
even greet you because I fear that being misinterpreted as clinging onto you, or
somehow reaching out to one another, what we promised not to do.
I dont know whether I am making you feel uncomfortable, but I am forever miserable
because it seems odd that I have to keep making excuses as to why theres friction
between you and I.
I have been depleted of the strength to conjure more lies and fake smiles, but if you
may and I hope that you can find it within you, to relieve me off this strain, and maybe
then I will be able to look the other way, like you do effortlessly, everyday.
Lumko Msuthu - The World's Poetry Archive 5
Fractured but Whole
I know this isnt hard for you, but dont play with my emotions
Every time you feel conflicted.
It might have been easy for you to leave when you felt the need,
And I without strength lay defeated.
I could conjure lies, fake smiles to hide my leaking eyes,
Pretend not to care though depleted.
If only I could gather the courage to numb my heart and not feel,
But how can I when my spirit has wilted?
I guess the dreams I bought when you sold your thoughts
Inflated false hope only to have it shuttered.
Lumko Msuthu

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