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SESSION 2013/2014
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Programme Director: Dr Ella Chmielewsa
Name of Stue!t" Claire ROCHET
Le#tu$e$" Dr. Ella Chmielewska
T%t&e of 'ou$(e)o$* Research Skills and Methods, Cultural Studies MSc
Due ate("
'u&tu$e a! '$%t%#%(m I Tuesday 17
Decemer !"1#
Re(ea$#+%!, 'u&tu$e( Thursday 1!
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'u&tu$e a! '$%t%#%(m II Tuesday !!nd $%ril !"1&
Re(ea$#+ S*%&&( a! -et+o( Thursday !&
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D%((e$tat%o! 'riday !!nd $u(ust !"1&
Fo$ Off%#%a& U(e o!&.
Date o) Sumission to O))ice*
Date +assed to ,ecturer*
'I consider the elucidation of the first dawn of History in my country as no mean or frivolous employment adapted to
the plodding Antiquarian only, but the Historian and the Patriot'.
David teuart Erskine
!ounder of the ociety of Antiquaries of cotland
"uote given at the 'cottish #aterial $ulture% #useums and &b'ects the cottish #aterial' class, on April ()
*he cottish Identity at the -ational #useum of cotland
In preparation for the referendum, cotland is currently at the centre of many discussions, the main one
concerning the sub'ect of cotland as a nation.
ince there is no doubt that the country possesses a distinct identity, we will try and focus more particularly on
the representation of its national identity within the museum.
Indeed, for centuries, the museum constituted a tool to service the tate by demonstrating its power. Although
the intervention of the tate on the content is now avoided, the museum should still be considered as one of its
associates, especially in the case of -ational #useums as they permit to establish and present the country's identity
through the collection of ob'ects seen as representative of it, and constitute an economic force as they are a source of
attraction and tourism, which is why the presentation must be as authentic as possible but also emphasise certain
values, which are decided in advance.
*his study will concentrate on the cottish -ational #useum and the ways in which it illustrates, participates in
and anticipates the construction of a cottish Identity. Although a museum is now supposed to be neutral politically,
we will question this assumption and put our analysis in light with the actual events as I argue that they probably have
an impact on the consideration and presentation of the cottish Identity, the e0istence of a cottish identity
representing one of the main arguments for those who wish for an independent cotland.
1ith the study being sub'ected to some restrictions in terms of length, I would li2e to focus on one particular
aspect of the cottish Identity or a specific part of the #useum, such as one aspect of the e0hibition which can be a
set of ob'ects or section of the building, or an apparatus around the e0hibition such as a guided visit.
As demonstrated through the choice of my topic, the main academic field I will invest will be the one of
museology. However, as an interdisciplinary field, it will involve the recourse to many disciplines which will play a
definite role in my study. If I needed to list them from what I believe will be the less important to the more important,
those fields would be%
History and Politics, which will allow me to understand the situation in cotland but also what brought them to
their current situation4 ociology, which will bring me to the issue regarding national identity and its importance for
the construction of a country, and $ommunication in the sense that I will study one specific element of the museum
and see how it represents the notion of identity.
I intend to use a wide range of sources as each set of sources will play a specific role in the development of
my dissertation.
I will first use a series of secondary sources, mainly boo2s and te0ts, in order to increase my understanding
around the issues which can be involved in the cottish -ational Identity. However, I will not go too much into details
as my study will not be on the cottish Identity but on its representation.
*o complete this, I will also refer to the material provided by the museum itself such as their educational
content which will be represented by the 2nowledge produced and provided at the museum through the e0hibition
and a regular class that I am currently following, 'cottish #aterial $ulture% #useums and &b'ects the cottish
#aterial', and the communication and presentation around this 2nowledge.
I will also try and create a list of primary sources, which I thin2 will be crucial and will even help my study in
the sense that it will allow me to evaluate the gap between what is officially stated and my analysis of the
representation. #y main source will be my observations of the museum material that I would li2e to put into
perspective with several interviews. Indeed, I would li2e to question people who wor2 in the museum but also
e0ternal people, such as professors at the 5niversity who are specialised in cottish Identity. In the latter case, I would
li2e to have their opinion on the representation provided by the museum. *his will be difficult however, as I have
discovered after my initial investigations, that a lot of people who are specialised in cottish history and culture were
involved in the conception of the museum.
&ne of the problems I may encounter could be that this particular sub'ect and methodology can lead to the over
interpretation of some of the aspects of the museum. Instead, I would li2e to use, as a starting point, the aspects
which are the most evident as I believe that most of the visitors who are going to that museum do not 2now much
about the cottish identity outside the usual stereotypes. Indeed, as a ma'or tourist attraction, it is plausible that the
representation offered by the museum reaches more foreigners who do not necessarily have 2nowledge on this issue,
and are see2ing in the museum a place to educate themselves on the matter, than locals.
However, an interpretative study will not be completely e0cluded as I would li2e to complete my initial analysis
with a more personal perspective, which will be based on my own thoughts and 2nowledge.
Although many studies have been conducted regarding the role of national museums, including the cottish
-ational #useum, I thin2 that my study will bring something new as it will include the current circumstances,
illustrating that I consider the museum to be a modern and moving institution that adapts to its environment, but also
as an institution led by specific ob'ectives and opinions.
#,A- A-D #,*H&D
I believe that the achievement of my goal will be facilitated by the fact that the -ational #useum is an institution
whose main mission is to educate, which indicates that they will help me, if necessary, when it comes to advising on
locating source material 7many of their employees also hold a lin2 with the 5niversity8.
#y main speculation would be that the museum probably ta2es into account the current situation around the
consideration of the cottish Identity as well as holding certain views on it.
*he fact that the e0hibition closes on a quote 'cotland small : &ur multiform, our infinite cotland, small :' which
was made by the cottish poet Hugh #acDiarmid, who was 2nown for his involvement in the cottish -ational Party,
even helping to found it, ma2es me thin2 that the institution is trying to voice an opinion without being too direct.
$&#P,*,-$, $+AI#
*he courses I studied in !rance both incorporated a specialisation in museology which ma2es me qualified for this
research. Additionally, I have already conducted a case study in a museum for my #aster's level one dissertation in
which the outcome was successful. *he fact that I am foreigner could also be an advantage in this case as I do not have
prior e0perience or beliefs related to the cottish Identity, meaning that there are fewer ris2s of my assumptions
tarnishing my view.
I thin2 that this study could be relevant as it will question and reassess the role and importance of the museum as
an institution which is no longer perceived as a political instrument, in the sense that it contributes to the formation
of, but is also based on consideration to, the nation. Indeed, in regards to its territorial attachment, we often limit the
museum to its impact in terms of tourism and local or national economy. However, I believe that the museum still
contributes to the concept of national identity, not only in the purpose of preserving its material heritage, even if it is
not officially stated.
I am planning on reading te0ts covering different sub'ects such as the construction of the cottish -ation, the
cottish Identity today, the representation of identity in museums and the role of ob'ects in museums
#arr, Andrew, 'Introduction to the (;<= ,dition', in The Battle for Scotland, 7Penguin, (;<=8, pp.)>(?.
Devine @ +ogue, *om @ Paddy, Being Scottish 7,dinburgh% Polygon, (;;(8.
6ordon, /obert, Heritage and museums : shaping national identity 7,dinburgh% /outledge, <)))8.
Herman, Arthur, The Scottish Enlightenment, the Scots' Invention of the Modern orld 7+ondon% Harper Perennial, (;;A8.
.a2er, Bimberly, '#useums and the $onstruction of $ommunity Identity% A $ase tudy of the .ritannia hipyards,
-ational Historic ite of $anada', The International !ournal of the Inclusive Museum, A 7(;<C8, (D>ED.
.echhofer @ #c$rone, !ran2 @ David, '$laiming -ational Identity', ,thnic and /acial tudies, ==.A 7(;<;8, )(<>)C?.
$haumier, erge, &b'et de #usFe, Ghttp%HHwww.di'on.frHappe0tHmvbHtout>garder>tout>'eter>et>reinventerHob'etI(;de
I(;musI$=IA)e.pdfJ Kaccessed in April (;<CL.
Ichi'o, Atsu2o, ',ntrenchment of unionist nationalism% devolution and the discourse of
national identity in cotland', "ational Identities, <C.< 7(;<(8, (=>=D.
#c+ean, !. and $oo2e, ., '$onstructing the Identity of a -ation% *he tourist gaMe at
the #useum of cotland', Tourism, #ulture and #ommunication, C 7(;;=8, <E=><A(.
#c+ean, !. and $oo2e, ., '*he -ational #useum of cotland% A symbol for a new
cotland:', Scottish $ffairs, CE 7(;;=8, <<<><(D.

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