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How To Meditate

by SueAdams, 2013
This series of short posts on meditation introduces you to some yet undiscovered parts of your brain
that may take you deeper into the mysteries of your own hidden mind.
What s !editation"
!editation is a nature #iven brain function that, unfortunate$y, many peop$e have never
e%perienced. &ow to meditate can be $earned from various sources. A forma$ initiation ceremony
conducted by a '(uru), comp$ete with an assi#ned mantra, re$a%in# music and cand$e $i#ht, may
open the #ates to meditation. &owever, such #urus are usua$$y associated with re$i#ion which we
may not necessari$y choose to be ac*uainted with. !editation can a$so be detached from re$i#ious
or cu$tura$ do#mas and $earned as a pure$y physio$o#ica$ and sensory techni*ue to discover the $ink
between the brain and the mind.
So what actua$$y S the mind"
What Is The Mind?
The difference between the brain and the mind is that whi$e the brain is a physica$ or#an, +ust $ike
the heart, $un#s, kidney or $iver, the brain or#an has a faci$ity to connect with the non,physica$ part
of $ife, sometimes incorrect$y referred to as spiritua$ity. -onnectin# with the mind does not
necessari$y connect with spirits.
The mind is not tan#ib$e, it cannot be cut out of the body and dissected. A simp$e thou#ht, or the
very words you are readin# ri#ht now, transmitted from this author.s mind to yours, is the mind.
Thus one mind can connect with any other mind and share e%periences. The mind then must be the
/01/2/3-/ of brain activity. n meditation, the mind can take on a mysterious, en$i#htenin#
+ourney into the subconscious. 4ind out about Scientific 1roof of !editation 1henomena here5
Scientific Proof Of Meditation Phenomena

!editation is often $inked to re$i#ion, new a#e, yo#a, or the spiritua$ or supernatura$ wor$d. Airy
fairy" That need not be the case. Scientific research has come up with the fo$$owin# proven
meditation phenomena5
6 The deeper the meditation, the sha$$ower becomes breathin#.
6 &eart beat s$ows down.
6 7$ood pressure decreases.
6 A sense of peacefu$, time$ess detachment from the here and now occurs.
6 Abstract ima#es and stories are seen in the mind.s eye.
6 A usefu$ $esson may be $earned from a meditation session.
!editation is a norma$, often dormant brain function that is capab$e of connectin# an individua$
with the 'super natura$). &owever, the term 'super natura$) is incorrect because the e%periences
encountered durin# meditation are *uite common and natura$.
So how do you meditate?
8earn how to meditate by fo$$owin# The Seven Sta#es of !editation , A Simp$e !editation
Techni*ue That Works 4or A$$.
1. !antra or 3o !antra
2. -ra9y ma#ery
3. The 7$ue -irc$e or !ind 1u$se
:. The White &o$e
;. The 8esson Story
<. nterpretation of the 8esson Story
=. 2e,awakenin# > 7ack to 3orma$
Seven Stages of Meditation - 1 - Mantra Or No Mantra
A mantra is a teachin# aid for be#inners in meditation. As the primary focus is to not focus, i.e. to
#et rid of norma$ thinkin#, concentratin# on a mantra ?s$ow$y visua$i9in# a word or ima#e@ is a bit
$ike countin# sheep. he$ps the be#inner return to that crucia$ p$ace in the mind where ordinary
thinkin# is switched off. Ance the be#inner has $earned to reco#nise and find that p$ace with a
mantra, the mantra is soon abandoned. 4or now, if you are a be#inner, use your chosen mantra dai$y
for severa$ weeks to point you in the ri#ht direction and to #et you hooked on the benefits ?see
be$ow@ of meditation.
/n$ar#e the picture to #et the meanin# of the mantra BAm !ani 1adme &umB.
The mantra may take you deeper into the secrets of your mind with a who$e bunch of cra9y
ima#ery. What are they a$$ about" 4ind out here5
Seven Stages of Meditation - - !ra"y Imagery
Ance the mantra has $ifted the curtain to the wonderfu$ scenery of your inner mind, the be#innin# of
a meditation is often fu$$ of abstract co$ored patterns, faces, mouths, teeth and eyes, and a$$ sorts of
weird creatures bombardin# the inner vision behind the c$osed eye$ids. 8et the ima#es stream free$y
unti$ they ca$m down to make room for the steadi$y pu$satin# wave of a $ar#e b$ue circ$e.
4ind out more about the pu$satin# b$ue circ$es here5
Seven Stages of Meditation - # - The $%ue !irc%es Or Mind Pu%se
Ance a$$ the cra9y patterns have receded, there may appear $ar#e b$ue circ$e on a deep b$ack
back#round. To the now sha$$ow, re#u$ar beat of the breath, the b$ue circ$e shrinks into the distance
to make room for a second circ$e a$so shrinkin#, creatin# a series of pu$satin# concentric b$ue
circ$es a$$ $eadin# towards the center, eventua$$y creatin# a sma$$ bri#ht white ho$e.
4ind out more about the white ho$e here5
Seven Stages of Meditation - & - The White Ho%e
Ance the concentric b$ue circ$es are pu$satin# nice$y, you may see a white ho$e in the centre. When
concentratin# deeper towards it, the white ho$e becomes a $itt$e $ar#er. t is as if the entire
meditation e%perience so far is bein# sucked into that bri#ht white ho$e. 8ike a &oover suckin# up
thou#hts, ima#es and the very pu$se of the mind ?the b$ue circ$es@ into eternity, a constant, time$ess
now. Ance the mind has thus been fu$$y c$eansed, it is time for a very short story, the $esson to be
$earned from this particu$ar meditation session.
Seven Stages of Meditation - ' - The (esson Story
The $esson story is the most p$easant, interestin#, and beneficia$ sta#e of meditation. &ere we are
watchin# a movie comp$ete with scenery, characters, sound, co$or and action. The story of a
meditation is not un$ike dreamin#, e%cept that you are fu$$y a$ert and ab$e to fu$$y memori9e the
story for future use in 'norma$) $ife. /ven thou#h some of the ima#es and concepts often cannot be
verba$i9ed ?trans$ated into words@, they make perfect sense on the visua$ and a$$ other sensory
&ere is an e%amp$e of a $esson story in meditation5
Seven Stages of Meditation - ) - Inter*retation Of The (esson Story
-The +nome ,nd The Stic-
This is +ust one of the many short stories encountered durin# meditation5
The (nome And The Stick.
A #nome ho$din# a stick is hoppin# down a mountain side on a sprin# day. &e seems *uite happy
unti$ the stick accidenta$$y hits a stone. The #nome stumb$es, makes a doub$e forward somersau$t
and $ands on his feet. &e takes a deep breath, smi$es, and happi$y continues skippin# a$on# as if
nothin# had happened.
1ossib$e nterpretation of the above 8esson Story5
When the sCCt hits the fan, be stron# and a#i$e, no se$f,pity, $ife #oes on, don.t worry, be happy.
This is so true. Worryin# about unp$easant incidents is not he$pfu$. 8ife #oes on.
Seven Stages of Meditation - . - /e-awa-ening 0 $ac- to norma%
When satisfied with your meditation period, which cou$d be anythin# from between 10 minutes and
an hour or more, the re$uctant 'back to rea$ity) procedure is simp$e.
6 (et back into your body by wri##$in# toes and fin#ers.
6 Take a deep fresh breath.
6 2o$$ over to the side in to a yo#a chi$d pose.
6 Apen the eyes.
6 (et up fresh, revita$i9ed and ready for another day of +oyfu$ $ife.
$enefits Of Meditation
The benefits of meditation are manifo$d. &ere are +ust a few of them.
6 &e$ps the body re$a%
6 8owers b$ood pressure
6 2educes an%iety and depression
6 -$ears out brain c$utter
6 2e,eva$uates priorities
6 ncreases brain capacity and power
6 !akes you a Cbetter person
Cmportant 3ote5 !editation does 3AT make you a better person than anyone e$se. Ane of the
#reatest virtues we $earn from mediation is humi$ity. 8istin# D!akes you a better person. as one of
the many benefits of meditation means that every meditation session makes you a better person than
the person you were before that session.

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